by: keziah hui drew francis aiden rubeniuk shane allan elizabeth gama

GENESIS BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Page 1: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama


Keziah HuiDrew Francis

Aiden RubeniukShane Allan

Elizabeth Gama

Page 2: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

God Created the WorldDay One: He created light. God separated light

from darkness.Day Two: God made the sky and separated the

water with the sky.Day three: God made land, seas and

vegetation. Also trees, plants and fruits.Day four: He made the day, night and the stars.Day Five: God made creatures in the sea and all

the birdsDay six: He made all the land animals and man.

Page 3: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama


Page 4: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama


Page 5: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

Cain and AbelAdam and eve had two sons named Cain and Abel.

Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd tending sheep. Cain and Abel gave sacrifices to God. Cain would give some of his crops and Abel would give his best sheep to God. God liked Abel’s sacrifices but Cain’s were not from his heart, so God did not accept them. Cain was very angry with God and became jealous of his brother. One day when they were alone in the field Cain killed Abel. God asked Cain where his brother was. Cain replied I don’t know. Then God punished him by sending him away saying crops will not grow for you and He put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him.

Page 6: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

Noah and the ArkNoah was a man that loved God. One day God

told Noah to build a ark. God told Noah that the world was full of sin. Noah took two of each animal, male and female. Noah also took his family with him. The ark was 450 feet long and 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. You are to take every kind of food that is eaten and store it away for the animals. Noah followed Gods command. he said seven days from now I will send rain to the earth for forty days and forty nights and I will wipe out every living creature I have made

Page 7: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

Abraham and SarahAbraham was named Abram in the beginning.

God told Him that his wife would have a child. They did not believe him at all. His wife laughed when he said it. So when the child was born they named him Isaac. Which means laughter. God promised that he would be the father of all nations. I will make your name great and will make you a great nation. Whoever curses you they will be cursed. They will be blessed through you.

Page 8: BY: Keziah Hui Drew Francis Aiden Rubeniuk Shane Allan Elizabeth Gama

Jacob and EsauJacob was younger than Esau. Jacob tricked his

father to believe that he was Esau with the help of his mother. After that Esau got very mad and Jacob ran away . Jacob works for a man in order to marry a woman that he loves. After a long time the man gives him his older daughter Leah. Jacob did not love him so he worked for another long time and finally got Rachel. Leah was not loved by Jacob so by God. She got a child. Rachel got jealous of his sister and told Jacob to give him his children or die. Jacob said it is not my fault.