busting myths about weight reduction surgery

Busting Myths about Weight Reduction Surgery

Upload: sagarikad73

Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Busting Myths about Weight Reduction Surgery

Busting Myths about Weight Reduction


Page 2: Busting Myths about Weight Reduction Surgery

The term ‘weight reduction surgery’ has been a misinformed nomenclature for most of the common men. People nowadays think that the aforesaid term is a kind of miracle which makes a dramatic difference in a person within a matter of hours.

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Yes, advertisements do play a big role in misleading people, but precision & diligence are the perspectives which one has to look into before falling into this trap. With the passage of time, there are various myths which people have started to believe in.

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Here are some of the most common myths which one needs to distinguish from the

actual facts

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Myth 1– Weight Loss Surgery is a one day program

The human body is not designed to adapt sudden changes. A loss of 10 kilograms within a day can be fatal to a patient. The whole procedure of weight loss has to be planned and pre-surgery and post-surgery precautions are implied. One has to take precautions in the form of maintaining a liquid diet, exercising regularly, etc., before the actual surgery takes place. Similarly, after the surgery the guidelines of the surgeon need to be followed.

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Myth 2– Obesity Surgery leaves behind scars

Many of your friends, relatives or colleagues would have told you that obesity surgery leaves behind a hideous scar. However, with the availability of modern day tools, laparoscopy surgery helps you to get scar-less surgery. The whole surgery is executed with the help of small incisions and the procedure is said to be more accurate than other primitive methods.

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Myth 3– Weight Reduction Surgery is not always successful

People often feel that it was a waste of time, money and effort to undergo a weight reduction surgery as they have failed to achieve desired results. However, when it comes to a reality check, one can clearly find there were lack of communication between the surgeon and the patient along with failure to comply with the listed precautions.

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One has to acknowledge the fact that weight loss is a matter of teamwork. A patient has to contribute equally to the challenge as the surgeon himself and with the right balance weight loss becomes an easy objective to achieve.

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To know More Busting Myths about Weight Reduction Surgery


www. ilsbariatricsurgery.com