business plan template for internet business

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  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Business Plan

    January 1, 2009

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Business Plan

    Table of Contents

    1.Introduction.............................................................................................................................42.Executive Summary................................................................................................................4.!ission, Strate"ies, etc. #$om%any, Strate"y and !ana"ement &eam'.................................(

    .1.)ision...............................................................................................................................(.2.!ission.............................................................................................................................(..*+ectives-oa/s..............................................................................................................(.4.eys to Success................................................................................................................(.(.Stren"ts, ea3nesses, *%%ortunities and &reats #S*&s'...........................................Strate"ies..........................................................................................................................5

    4.6roducts and Services.............................................................................................................7

    (.8evenue Sources.....................................................................................................................7(.1.6aid 6er $/ic3 dvertisin" : oo"/e dSense................................................................7(.2.;;i/iate 6ro"ram :;;i/iate 6ro"ram : ............................................................................9

    .=uture rot *%%ortunities................................................................................................10.1.?ive *n/ine &eacers.....................................................................................................10.2.$/assroom ?essons.........................................................................................................10..)ideo ?essons................................................................................................................10.4.Boo3s : Sort Stories.....................................................................................................10.(.6rinted ?esson !ateria/s................................................................................................10

    5.!ar3etin" 6/an......................................................................................................................10

    5.1.!ar3et na/ysis.............................................................................................................115.2.$om%etition....................................................................................................................115..$ustomer 6ro;i/e............................................................................................................115.4.!ar3et Sie, Sa/es @ Sare 6roections........................................................................125.(.Strate"ies ;or reacin" or exceedin" your tar"eted sa/es /eve/s....................................125..Sa/es Strate"y.................................................................................................................15.5....................................................................................................................15.7....................................................................................................................15.9....................................................................................................................15.10.dvertisin" and 6u+/ic 8e/ations.................................................................................1

    7.*%erations 6/an.....................................................................................................................14


    9.!ana"ement @ dministration #*r"aniation 6/an'............................................................149.1.$om%any *nersi%.....................................................................................................1(9.2.!ana"eria/ Sty/e............................................................................................................1(9..!ana"ement...................................................................................................................1(9.4.dministration...............................................................................................................1

    10.=inancia/ 6/an......................................................................................................................15

    6a"e 2

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Business Plan

    10.1.6roected $as =/o....................................................................................................1510.2.StartAu% and *%eratin" Bud"ets...................................................................................15

    10..*%eratin" Bud"et.........................................................................................................1710.4.ccountin" and Inventory $ontro/ System..................................................................1710.(.$as =/o 6roections.................................................................................................1710..=undin" 8euirements.................................................................................................20


  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    1. Introduction

    Introduce your +usiness ere and %rovide a i" /eve/ overvie. ConDt "et into too mucdetai/, rater tin3 o; tis section as an e/evator %itc. nser uestions suc as +usiness

    name, %ur%ose, tar"et mar3et, revenue source#s', structure #cor%oration ty%e, ??$, etc.',%ysica/ /ocation and onersi%. &is section sou/d +e a ;e %ara"ra%s #a+out a/; a%a"e'.

    &e %ur%ose o;is to esta+/is content +ased e+sites ;or te %ur%oseo; "eneratin" revenues trou" advertisin". &ese e+sites i// deve/o% a community o;users +y o;;erin" va/ueA+ased content ;ree o; car"e. $ontent i// vary accordin" to tee+site /an"ua"e /essons, artic/es, %otos, i//ustrations, o%en source a%%/ications, oAtoartic/es, and oter yet to +e determined content.

    Initia//y, i// esta+/is te ;o//oin" e+sitesF

    site ic o;;ers ;ree $inese /an"ua"e /essons. site ic i// o;;er an o%en source

    a/on" it re/ated document tem%/ates.

    site ic i// o;;er document


    &e +usiness is a su+ca%ter S $or%oration, ic as incor%orated on . &ecor%oration as one sareo/der, . as %rinci%a/s, eac sarin" eua/ interest in te cor%oration. &ey are, , and .is te 6resident, is te Secretary and

    &reasurer, is te )ice 6resident. sares o; stoc3 ereinitia//y issues, it eac %rinci%a/ receivin" sares.

    is %ysica//y /ocated at, and o%erated ;rom .

    2. Executive Summary

    rite tis section /ast as it is a i" /eve/ summary o; your entire +usiness %/an. &issection is read +y i" /eve/ executives o ave a need to 3no a+out your +usiness +utdonDt necessari/y ave te time to read a// te s%eci;ics. I; tey need s%eci;ics on any%articu/ar to%ic, tey i// "o to tat section o; te +usiness %/an.

    State te %ur%ose o; your +usiness.

    Identi;y *nersi%

    &ar"et !ar3et

    Gniue Se//in" 6ro%osition

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    rot 6/ans

    3. Mission, Strategies, etc. (Company, Strategy and

    Management Team)

    3.1. Vision

    vision statement is ere you %resent a c/ear and de;ined descri%tion o; te desiredoutcome o; your +usiness. &e ;irst sentence o; your vision statement sou/d +e asort, yet %oer;u/, sentence ic ca%tures te overa// s%irit o; te +usiness. &evision statement can +e one %ara"ra%, or severa/ %ara"ra%s.

    Ds vision is to +e an autoritative source o; ;ree in;ormation,%roducts and services on te e+. e i// earn our customersD trust, and ;o//oin",

    +y o;;erin" on/y te i"est ua/ity in;ormation, %roducts and services : a// ;ree o;car"e. i//

    3.2. Mission

    &e mission statement is a sort statement o; te %ur%ose o; te +usiness.

    &o deve/o% e+sites ere %eo%/e can come ;or ;ree %roducts and services ic i//e/% tem to advance in teir %ro;essiona/ and %ersona/ /ives.

    3.3. Objectives/Goals

    &e +usiness o+ectives are statements de;inin" te tan"i+/e de/ivera+/es o; te+usiness and at tey are ex%ected to acieve. &e o+ectives sou/d +e concise/yritten so tey can +e eva/uated at a /ater date to see eter tey ere acieved andto te extent tey ere acieved. en ritin" te o+ectives +e sure tat tey ares%eci;ic, measura+/e, attaina+/e, rea/istic and time +ound. Start out +y statin" teoverreacin" o+ective o; te +usiness #te %rimary reason ;or carterin" te %roect',ten ;o//o it u% it te more s%eci;ic detai/ed o+ectives o; te +usiness.

    Hou sou/d a/so inc/ude any o+ectives ic are exc/uded ;rom te +usiness. =orexam%/e, someone may ex%ect tat +y de%/oyin" a ne e/%des3 system tat te%roductivity o; te %eo%/e or3in" te e/%des3 i// increase, en in actua/ity it

    i// not.

    3.4. Keys to Success

    In tis section you need to identi;y te 3eys to success ;or your +usiness. ati// ma3e your +usiness more /i3e/y to succeed tan oter com%ara+/e+usinesses at ma3es your +usiness s%ecia/

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    eys to success ;or areF

    High Quality Content. // e+sites i// em%asise content ic is o; te

    i"est ua/ity to te tar"et audience.

    Value. 6eo%/e i// on/y "o to e+sites ic o;;er sometin" o; va/ue. //o; our e+sites i// em%asise va/ue in te content and services %rovided.

    Community. &e success o; tis +usiness de%ends "reat/y on te +ui/din" o;

    communities on te e+. Because te revenue sources are ;rom advertisin"maximiin" tra;;ic on te e+sites is critica/ to its success. By +ui/din"communities around tese to%ic s%eci;ic e+sites te sites i// "enerate tra;;icand /in3s ;rom oter sites.

    Credibility. Since te e+sites +ein" deve/o%ed are in s%ecia/ied ;ie/ds and

    tar"eted toards %ro;essiona/s and students, credi+i/ity is a 3ey success ;actor.

    Reputation. &e e+sites need to "enerate or"anic tra;;ic on te Internet

    trou" re;erra/s and ord o; mout. Esta+/isin" a re%utation as su+ectmatter ex%erts and %rovidin" i" ua/ity services and %roducts is 3ey to tesuccess o; tis +usiness.

    Usability. 6rovidin" %roducts and services %eo%/e ant, even i; itDs ;ree, on/y

    or3s i; te users can easi/y ;ind at teyDre /oo3in" ;or. Ensurin" teusa+i/ity o; te e+sites adds to te /i3e/iood o; success in te +usiness.

    3.5. Strengths !ea"nesses O##ortunities an$ %hreats&S!O%s'

    =or many o; us entre%reneurs itDs di;;icu/t to identi;y teir stren"ts andea3nesses es%ecia//y our ea3nesses. e /i3e to tin3 tat e are ca%a+/e o;most anytin" e %ut our minds to and tat eDre ex%erts on most everytin".oever, success;u/ entre%reneurs ave a common caracter ere tey are a+/eto o+ective/y identi;y teir ea3nesses and see3 outside e/% accordin"/y. Byidenti;yin" our ea3nesses e determine ere e need to im%rove ourse/ves,+ut most im%ortant/y ;or at areas e sou/d /oo3 to outsource to someone moreua/i;ied. 8etros%ective/y, +y identi;yin" our stren"ts e ten 3no at can+e /evera"ed to +ui/d te +usiness and ensure success.


    6rinci%a/s ave a com+ined tota/ o; 9 years o; ex%erience in e+site

    deve/o%ment and "eneratin" tra;;ic #&!? $odin", e+site Cesi"n,SE*, ?in3 Bui/din" and rtic/e ritin" and Cistri+ution'.

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Ex%erience and 3no/ed"e in te su+ect matters on ic te e+sites

    i// +e deve/o%ed. &ese su+ect matters are ,and .

    &e 6rinci%a/s o/d te ;o//oin" certi;ications ,

    , and .


    =undin" is /imited ;or tis startAu%.


    &ere are a /imited num+er o; e+sites ic ave simi/ar content.

    $ontent +ased e+sites is sti// at its in;ancy, tis is a "roin" ;ie/d in

    %ro;itin" ;rom te Internet.


    ?ar"er and +etter ;unded com%anies can du%/icate our %roducts and

    services easi/y.

    3.(. Strategies

    &e strate"ies section is ere you sit don and deve/o% a i" /eve/ ma% o; oyouDre "oin" to +ui/d your +usiness. &e strate"ies sou/d +e deve/o%ed ;rom a1(,000 ;oot vie. HouD// use tis section as your roadma% to +ui/din" te+usiness.

    In order ;ocus te deve/o%ment o; te +usiness, te ;o//oin" strate"ies i// +e;o//oed.

    Ceve/o% e+sites it 3ey searc terms in te G8?.

    Ceve/o% content ;or e+sites. ?evera"e ;ree/ancers trou" sites suc as

    .e/ance.comto deve/o% content.

    Bui/d /in3s trou" reci%roca/ /in3s, /in3+ui/din" cam%ai"ns, artic/e

    distri+ution, nes/etters and +/o" advertisin". *ne ay in+ound /in3in"cam%ai"ns i// +e sourced out trou" .e/ B/o" /in3s i// +edeve/o%ed trou" sites suc as rtic/es ic e donDtrite ourse/ves i// +e outsourced trou" .e/ance.comand i// +e

    circu/ated trou" various artic/e distri+ution e+sites and nes/etters.

    Bui/d o%tAin emai/ su+scri%tion /ists trou" enro/ments on eac o; te

    e+sites and distri+ute mont/y or uarter/y nes/etters.

    $ontinua//y add ne content.

    $ontinua//y add ne services, ;eatures and %roducts.
  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    . !roducts and Services

    Every +usiness %roduces some sort o; %roduct or service. In tis section you i// identi;yand descri+e te %roduct and-or service your +usiness i// %rovide.

    Since te +usiness mode/ is to "enerate advertisin" revenue ;rom e+sites, i// %rovide %roducts ;or ;ree. In order ;or tese ;ree %roducts to attract tra;;ic tote e+site tey must +e o; te i"est ua/ity. &e %roducts te +usiness i// %rovideareF

    #o$ument Templates. i" ua/ity tem%/ates ;or ide/y anted documents

    ic are easi/y understood and a%%/ied to te visitors needs and circumstances.&e document tem%/ates i// inc/ude instructions and ex%/anations, standardver+ia"e and rea/A/i;e exam%/es.

    %anguage %essons. *ne o; te e+sites i// %rovide on/ine $inese /essons.

    &e /essons i// inc/ude +ot audio and ritten versions, %rinta+/e ;/as cards,on/ine %ractice %ro"ram and detai/ed +rea3don and ex%/anations o; te $inesecaracters. &e uniue a%%roac to tese /essons i// +e to "ive te student +otinsi"t into te /an"ua"e and te too/s tey need to /earn it.

    &rti$les. rtic/es ic o;;er advice and "uidance to users in re/evant to%ics.

    &ese artic/es i// +e /ocated on te e+sites and distri+uted trou" means sucas nes/etters and artic/e distri+ution sites.

    Produ$t Re'ie(s. 8evies o; %roducts suc as +oo3s, too/s and oter

    %roducts i// +e %rovided on te e+sites.

    ". #evenue Sources

    &e %rimary reason to start a +usiness is to ma3e money. In tis section you i// identi;yo your +usiness i// "enerate revenues.

    i// "enerate revenues trou" advertisements on te e+sites and innes/etters. &is section identi;ies te advertisin" sources a/on" it an estimate o; teannua/ revenues "enerated +y eac advertisin" source.

    Based on te tree %rimary e+sites identi;ied in tis +usiness %/an, te tota/ ex%ectedannua/ revenues startin" a;ter te ;irst year is K1(5,000. &is %roection is a rou"estimate and i// de%end "reat/y on te e;;ectiveness o; +ui/din" tra;;ic to te treee+sites. dditiona/ revenue can +e "enerated in te ;uture as oter services and%roducts are deve/o%ed ic /evera"e te e+sites.

    5.1. )ai$ )er *lic" +$vertising , Google +$Sense

    6ayA%erAc/ic3 advertisin" trou" oo"/e dSense is ex%ected to "enerate a+outK127,000 %er year in revenues. 8e/evant ads are "enerated +y dSense +ased on

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    te content o; te e+site. &e +ids ;or re/evant ads vary accordin" to te to%ic.e ave +ased te ;o//oin" revenue estimates +ased on a %i/ot o; eac o; tetree e+sites and determinin" overa// tra;;ic on simi/ar e+sites. &eca/cu/ations ;or $6! are +ased ;rom actua/ e;;ective $ost 6er &ousand earnin"sas measured trou" test %a"es it simi/ar content to at te /ive e+sites i//


    6a"e )ies %er CayF 22,000E;;ective $6!F K2.(0&nnual Re'enue: )*+,+++

    6a"e )ies %er CayF 4,000E;;ective $6!F K27.5(&nnual Re'enue: )-*,+++

    6a"e )ies %er CayF 10,000E;;ective $6!F K17.21&nnual Re'enue: ),+++

    5.2. +--iliate )rogra ,

    maon is o;ten re;erred to as te ;ounder o; te on/ine a;;i/iate %ro"ram. &eydeve/o%ed and %er;ected it at a time en on/ine retai/ as at its in;ancy. *neac o; te tree e+sites e i// inc/ude a +oo3s section ere e i// %rovide+oo3 revies a/on" it te o%%ortunity ;or %eo%/e to %urcase te +oo3s ;rom


    s e didnDt ave a metod to create a %i/ot to determine %roected revenues ;ormaon, e +ased our estimates on at oter %eo%/e ave measured ;rom teire+sites. *n avera"e, actua/ revenues ere a;;i/iate %ro"ramearns a+out 1-( o; oo"/e dSense. Based on tis e %roect maon revenuesto +e a%%roximate/y K2(,000.

    5.3. +--iliate )rogra , 0+--iliate ae

    as a "enerous a;;i/iate %ro"ram it 0 day coo3ies and 10L

    commissions on movies. $ommission ;or oter %roducts vary oever, $inese/an"ua"e C)CDs are at e i// +e %romotin". 8eadin" various +/o"s on/inetere are some %eo%/e o c/aim tat tis is teir to% earnin" a;;i/iate %ro"ramoever, e donDt ave a +asis ;or an actua/ estimate. or3in" it aconservative estimate e ca/cu/ated an avera"e sa/e o; 40 C)CDs %er ee3 at anavera"e cost o; K20 eac. it a 10L commission tis %roects K4,000 in annua/revenue ;or te $inese /an"ua"e e+site.

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    $. %uture &ro't pportunities

    e entre%reneurs 3no tat +usiness is dynamic and in order to succeed e need to +ea+/e to ma3e can"es to te +usiness accordin" to mar3et demands. &is sectionidenti;ied areas ic te +usiness can ex%and into.

    (.1. ive Online %eachers

    6rovidin" on/ine /ive teacers ;or one on one sessions. &e "oin" %rice ;or on/ine/ive teacers is K10 to K1( %er our ereas, te "oin" rate in te States is K40%er our. &eacers ou/d +e /ocated overseas in order to ta3e advanta"e o; te/oer sa/aries. $oncern is it time ones, as I need to ave teacers avai/a+/edurin" merican and Euro%ean daytime and ee3end ours.

    (.2. *lassroo essons

    ?evera"e te teacers ;rom te /ive on/ine /essons to %rovide c/assroom /essons tosma// "rou%s o; students. $/assrooms ou/d +e /ocated in te country o; tat/an"ua"e and ou/d o;;er an immersion ex%erience. 6ossi+/y inc/ude touristactivities and-or trave//in".

    (.3. Vi$eo essons

    $reate C)CDs ;or /esson "rou%s #i.e. ?esson 1 trou" 10'. Eac C)C ou/d +ea+out 0 minutes. C)CDs cou/d se// on/ine and a/so +e distri+uted to stores. &isou/d reuire a /ar"e u%;ront %roduction cost.

    (.4. oo"s , Short Stories

    Boo3s o; /esson materia/ can +e created a/on" it sort story +oo3s ;or +e"innerreaders. &ere are no "ood +oo3s on te mar3et ;or +e"inner readers oter tanci/drenDs +oo3s. *ne exam%/e o; suc a "ood +e"innerDs +oo3 is, Mraded$inese 8eader 1. &is +oo3 inc/udes around 2000 ords +ased on te 10ords o; ?eve/ and some o; ?eve/ B ;rom te S out/ine. *ur +oo3s ou/dstart it sort stories it ords ;rom te ;irst 10 /essons and advance +y +/oc3so; 10 /essons at a time.

    (.5. )rinte$ esson Materials

    Boo3s o; /esson materia/ can +e created a/on" it i" ua/ity "/ossy ;/ascards. &e +oo3s ou/d inc/ude more "ra%ics and content tan te on/ine/essons.

    *. Mar+eting !an

    !ar3etin" is 3ey to te success o; tis +usiness. &e com%anyDs o%erations i// centeraround te mar3etin" and ima"e %/ans. &rou" our mar3etin", e i// strive to +e

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    visi+/e. &is i// +e accom%/ised +y investin" in our ima"e and +ui/din" euity in it.&e com%any i// set standards ic i// +e adered to, trou" tese standards tecom%any i// +ecome credi+/e. Becomin" visi+/e and credi+/e are te to main "oa/s o;our mar3etin" %/an.

    .1. Mar"et +nalysis

    mar3et ana/ysis as not +een %er;ormed, tis is not reuired initia//y since ei// +e se//in" %roducts ic are a/ready on te mar3et. e i// %er;orm mar3etana/ysis ;or ne %roduct /ines ic e i// +e deve/o%in". !ar3et ana/ysis ;ortese %roducts i// inc/ude surveyin" stores in our area, surveyin" consumers, andresearcin" demand ;or items trou" oter sources.

    .2. *o#etition

    n ana/ysis o; te com%etition as not +een %er;ormed. Curin" te initia/ startAu%o; te +usiness, an ana/ysis o; te com%etition i// +e %er;ormed. In;ormation toinc/ude in te ana/ysis inc/udes

    Identi;y te ;ive nearest direct com%etitors.

    o do tey advertise

    at are teir stren"ts and ea3nesses

    o does teir %roduct di;;er ;rom ours

    e i// maintain a ;i/e on eac o; te ;ive com%etitors. In tis ;i/e e i// 3ee%co%ies o; teir advertisin" and %romotiona/ materia/s, teir %ricin" strate"y, andany oter in;ormation ic can +e co//ected.

    .3. *ustoer )ro-ile

    Eac o; te tree e+sites i// tar"et a di;;erent customer it no over/a%%in" o;customers +eteen te sites. ere e %rovide a i" /eve/ %ro;i/e o; tecustomers ;or eac o; te e+sites.

    /(ebsite 01&is e+site tar"ets tose o ant to /earn $inese. &e tar"et customer isF

    &dultso are not students current/y enro//ed in scoo/ suc as i" scoo/ orco//e"e

    Business Peopleo do +usiness in $ina or it $inese s%ea3in" %eo%/e

    Tra'ellers%/annin" a tri% to $ina

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    /(ebsite 01

    &is e+site tar"ets %roect mana"ers. &e tar"et customer isF

    Pro2e$t 3anagerso are mana"in" %roects accordin" to te 6!I 6!B*


    P3P Certified%roect mana"ers

    Professionalsose o+ reuires tem to deve/o% a %roect %/an and are /oo3in";or a startin" %oint to deve/o% te %roect documents

    /(ebsite 41

    &is e+site tar"ets sma// to medium sied +usiness %ersons and mana"ers. &etar"et customer isF

    Start5up Business "(nerso are %/annin" to start a ne +usiness

    6stablished Business "(nerso on and o%erate sma// to medium sied+usinesses

    3anagers+ot o; +usinesses and cor%orations

    .4. Mar"et Sie Sales 6 Share )rojections

    Cescri+e te sie o; te mar3et in ic your +usiness i// +e com%etin". &a/3a+out sa/es and mar3et sare %roections ;or your com%any.

    &e mar3et sie ;or ome %roducts suc as %ictures and oter sma// ;urnisin"s is

    virtua//y un/imited. In dea/in" it items ic most %eo%/e ave in teir omes,e are a//oin" ;or /ar"e "rot over time. *ur mar3et sare "rot i// +e/imited +y to ;actors mar3et demand, and our a+i/ity to %rovide a i" /eve/ o;service to our customers.

    .5. Strategies -or reaching or e7cee$ing your targete$ saleslevels

    *ur %rimary metod o; "ainin" ne customers ;or o/esa/e sa/es i// +e trou"

    trade sos. Secondary metods to "ain ne customers is trou" ma"ainec/assi;ied advertisin", netor3in", ord o; mout, carity associations, and /oca/cam+er o; commerce. &e %rimary metod to "ain ne retai/ customers i// +etrou" te Internet usin" retai/ sites suc as maon, Haoo, and eBay, a/on"it usin" searc en"ines /eadin" %otentia/ customers +ac3 to our e+ site.

    8e%eat o/esa/e +usiness i// +e earned +y %rovidin" our customers itexce//ent service, re%eated direct contact +eteen us and tem, and direct

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    mar3etin". &o our existin" customers e i// continue to %/u" our name usin"%romotiona/ items suc as %osters, ca/endars, and tAsirts, a// it our com%anyname and /o"o.

    8e%eat retai/ +usiness i// +e earned %rovidin" our customers it exce//ent

    service, discount o;;ers, and direct mar3etin" #cata/o"s, +rocures, ;/iers, sa/e/etters'.

    .(. Sales Strategy

    Sa/es Strate"y is ere e discuss at metods e are "oin" to use to reacc/ients, at resources e ave avai/a+/e and i// use, and our com%etitive ed"eover te com%etition. =or some it may +e di;;icu/t to tin3 o; a sa/es strate"y in acontent +ased e+ service ere te +usiness mode/ is to %rovide ;ree content.oever, to ensure success o; tis +usiness e must tin3 o; o eDre "oin" tose// %eo%/e on our ;ree content.

    Sa/es strate"y is te %/annin" o; sa/es activitiesF metods o; reacin" c/ients,com%etitive di;;erences and resources avai/a+/e. &actics invo/ves te dayAtoAdayse//in"F %ros%ectin", sa/es %rocess, and ;o//oAu%.

    ..0!ebsite 1

    &is e+site i// "enerate te maority o; its customers trou" e+searces. oever, it i// a/so inc/ude tar"eted advertisin" on e+sitesit simi/ar content.

    .8.0!ebsite 2

    &is e+site i// "enerate te maority o; its customers trou" e+searces. oever, it i// a/so inc/ude tar"eted advertisin" on e+sitesit simi/ar content.

    .9.0!ebsite 3

    &is e+site i// "enerate te maority o; its customers trou" e+searces. dditiona//y, it i// tar"et customers trou" industry re/atedadvertisements #trade ourna/s' and advertisin" on e+sites it simi/arcontent and interest "rou%s.

    .1:. +$vertising an$ )ublic ;elations

    &e advertisin" +ud"et i// +e e// ;unded. dvertisin" i// consist o; on/inere"istration it searc en"ines, emai/ and direct mai/ to esta+/ised customers,trade ma"aine advertisements,

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    -. perations !an

    i// o%erate out o; te ouse o; to o; te %rinci%a/s o; tecor%oration. &is +ase o; o%erations is /ocated at . Since tis is an on/ine+usiness, tis ;aci/ity i// ouse on/y te com%uter eui%ment needed to reac te

    Internet and te com%any records.

    8.1. ocation

    Initia//y te +usiness i// +e /ocated at . It i// +e /ocated inte residence o; te %rimary %rinci%a/, tus minimiin" te startu% costs.

    s te +usiness "ros, tere is no "eo"ra%ic advanta"e to /ocatin" it at one/ocation over anoter. &is is +ecause te +usiness is a com%/ete/y on/ine+usiness it no reuirements to +e tied to a s%eci;ic %ysica/ /ocation. s suc,it can +e mana"ed and o%erated ;rom any "/o+a/ /ocation.

    8.2. )ro$uction

    Ex%/ain o you i// %roduce te %roduct or service your +usiness is %rovidin".

    In order to conserve ;unds, ere %ossi+/e e i// +e %roducin" our %roducts inAouse. In areas ere e ave /imited s3i//s, or ere it can +e %er;ormed moree;;icient/y e/seere e i// outsource to ;ree/ancers.

    ebsite #e'elopment and Updates. &!? +ased e+sites i// +e

    deve/o%ed inAouse, 66 +ased e+sites i// +e outsourced trou" E/ance. &e$inese /an"ua"e e+site i// +e 66 +ased ereas, te oter to e+sites

    i// +e coded in &!?.

    Sear$h 6ngine "ptimi7ation 8S6"9. // SE* activities i// +e %er;ormed

    inAouse exce%t ;or /in3 +ui/din". ?in3 +ui/din" i// +e outsourced trou"E/ance at a cost o; K200 %er (0 in+ound oneAay /in3s.

    Chinese %esson #e'elopment. &e deve/o%ment o; te $inese /an"ua"e

    /essons i// +e outsourced at te cost o; K2,000 %er 10 /essons. &is inc/udes tecom%/ete /esson a/on" it an audio version. ?essons i// +e deve/o%ed at a rateo; ;ive /essons %er mont.

    #o$ument Templates. // document tem%/ates i// +e deve/o%ed inAouse.

    &rti$les. // artic/es i// +e deve/o%ed inAouse.

    . Management / 0dministration (rganiation !an)

    &is section covers te onersi% and mana"ement structure o; te com%any. It is o3ayto ave te same %erson ;i// mu/ti%/e ro/es as tis is common it many sma// +usinesses.

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    &e mana"ement team consists o; te to %artners o; te +usiness and. &e mana"ement team ma3es u% te entire sta;; ;or te com%any. Cue to tenature o; te com%any, irin" additiona/ sta;; i// not +e necessary.

    Curin" te initia/ startAu% %eriod ;or te com%any te oners i// not receive sa/aries or

    +ene;its. Sa/aries i// +e determined +ased on cas %ro;ita+i/ity and at no time i//sa/aries exceed ;i;ty %ercent o; te com%anyDs %ro;it. &e remainder o; te %ro;it i// +ereinvested into te com%any and used to %ay o;; any outstandin" de+t. Sa/aries i// +eeua/ ;or a// o;;icers o; te com%any. Bene;its i// +e eva/uated a;ter te com%any+ecomes %ro;ita+/e, tis i// /i3e/y +e outsourced to an uman 8esource ty%e com%any.

    9.1. *o#any O

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Business 6/an %eriodica//y to con;irm tat te %/an is current, sti// a%%/ies to tecom%anyDs needs, and tat te com%any is ;o//oin" te %/an.

    &e Cirector o; =inance is res%onsi+/e ;or maintainin" a// ;inancia/ records,ensurin" tat te com%any com%/ies it a// tax /as and %rovides ;inancia/

    re%orts to mana"ement.

    &e Cirector o; !ar3etin" is res%onsi+/e ;or te mar3etin" o; te com%any, itDs%roducts. !ar3etin" inc/udes %roduct deve/o%ment, creatin" and distri+utin"nes/etters, /in3 +ui/din" and any oter mar3etin" needs tat arise.

    Cirector o; In;ormation &ecno/o"y #I&' is res%onsi+/e ;or deve/o%in" andmaintainin" a// I& systems inc/udin" e+site, des3to%-/a%to% com%uters,a%%/ications and searc en"ine o%timisation #SE*'.

    &e Cirector o; *%erations is res%onsi+/e ;or te day to day o%erations o; te+usiness. &is inc/udes ensurin" tat inuiries are ansered, content is

    maintained on te e+sites and te overa// o%erations o; te +usiness continues inan or"anied and %ro;icient manner.


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  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    Item $ate"ory *ne &ime $ost 8ecurrin" $ost#%er mo.'

    Business Incor%oration =i/in" ?e"a/ K200

    8e"ister Internet Comain Names #2years'

    !ar3etin" K50 K

    Ouic3Boo3s ccountin" So;tare So;tare K200

    $or%orate Sea/ and Stoc3 $erts. ?e"a/ K100

    e+ ostin" e+ ostin" K400 K400

    e+site Cesi"n Services e+ ostin" K00 K0

    $ontent ;or A =irst 10/essons - ( /essons every six ee3s;o//oin"

    $ontent K2,000 K5

    ?in3 Bui/din" !ar3etin" K00

    6ro"rammin" #$inese e+site' I& K2,400

    &ota/ K(,950 K1,5

    ;igure 0+.0Start-up Budget

    1:.3. O#erating u$get

    &e mont/y o%eratin" +ud"et is +ased on 3non o%eratin" ex%enses on amont/y +asis. &e costs associated it runnin" te +usiness is /isted+e/o in =i"ure 10., !ont/y *%eratin" Bud"et.

    1:.4. +ccounting an$ ?nventory *ontrol Syste

    e i// use Ouic3Boo3s 6ro;essiona/ accountin" so;tare to maintain ouraccountin" and inventory records.

    1:.5. *ash =lo< )rojections

    $as ;/o %roections %resented ere are +ased on 3non startAu% and on"oin"ex%enses. &e cas ;/o %roections does not %roect sa/es and te cost o; temercandise so/d, rater it sos te ;inancia/ o%erationa/ ea/t o; te com%any.Ex%ected cas ;/o %roections are %resented in "ra%ica/ ;ormat in =i"ure 10.4,$as =/o 6roections.

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business


    12 Mont( %inancia, !roection







    Startup 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr



    Cash Balance

    ;igure 0+.- 12 Month Cash Flow ro!e"tion

  • 8/12/2019 Business Plan Template for Internet Business
