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All what you need for your success! Try our online tools for your business. Every online marketer needs online business tools. Our philosophy is that we offer products that are EASY to use for everybody. -


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Table of Contents


































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Welcome and hello

at FutureNet

We invite you to become a member of our successful, globally

operating Futurenet Multimedia Network Club. Futurenet oers

the most fascinating and at the same time the most brilliant

opportunity to develop your own online business.


If we have a closer look on

what is going on in the inter-

net, we can observe an ex-

treme growth of the MULTI-

MEDIA sector. And this is what

our extensive Futurenet prod-

uct portfolio is about:

Video clips, movies, apps,

e-books, e-learning tools,

pics, footages, games, tuto-

rials, ash apps, music clips,music, sounds, templates for

websites, print templates,

cartoons, birthday cards and

many more.

You decide if you use our

oer just as a consumer or if

you prefer to upload your own

portfolio and make additional

money with these oers.

The greatest advantage is

that you develop a permanent

income - although you sim-

ply need to invest ONCE

between 10 and 1,685 $. If

you want, we will pay out your

commission on a daily basis.

By means of optional system-

atic upgrade, you have the

option to start with a small

amount and use your revenuesfor upgrading your position.

Futurenet now oers you the

chance to develop your own

Business in an easy way. Share

these fantastic opportunities

with other people! Our oer

will certainly be also interest-

ing for others. These people

will then become your person-

al Futurenet friends. Doing the

same thing as you do, they will

develop their own business

together with you.

The Futurenet oer is valid

anywhere in the world, start-

ing from day one. Thus, you

will face no restrictions of any

kind regarding your personal

friends and team partners. Of

course, the no-restriction-rulealso applies to your potential

Futurenet income.

And at this point we say:

Welcome in the Futurenet

Multimedia Club

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Your start

If you are interested in starting a new business, two questions will

be of critical importance at the beginning.

1. How much does it cost, i.e. how much will I have to invest in

order to start?

2. How much money will I have to invest every month?


The answers to both of these

questions are quite easy and

you will enjoy hearing them.

The start into your successful

future requires just 10 $!

If you do not have another

choice, you can choose to start

your Futurenet Business al-

ready with this sum.

However, you have more op-


We do not want to conceal that

it makes more sense to invest

more than 10 $ into your kick-


Precisely spoken, you have the

following options:

10, 35, 85, 185, 685 or 1,685$.

The second question regard-

ing the monthly costs is just

as easy to answer: there are

none. You really invest only

once into your Futurenet Busi-

ness. Nonetheless, you and

particularly your partners will

generate permanent revenues.

This means that you will build

a long-term income based on

successive revenues without

the need to ever invest your

own money again.

The higher your starting

amount is, the more Media

Points you get. More Media

Points mean more fantastic

product oers, which you may

choose from.

Furthermore, a higher starting

amount grants access to a big-

ger income potential for you.

On the following pages, you

nd the most important de-

tails about our marketing plan.

Moreover, you will also be able

to watch our video clips on this

issue. You will immediately

grasp the outstanding oppor-

tunities of the Futurenet mar-

keting plan!

Regardless of your starting

amount, you may choose to

upgrade your position at any

point, if you need more MediaPoints for our multimedia oer

or if you just grasp how bril-

liant our system really is.

If you prefer, you may start with

a smaller amount and then use

your Futurenet revenues for

upgrades to higher positions.

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The Internet

Nowadays, the internet gives

and oers us chances and op-

portunities unknown so far.

Practically, you have access

to the whole world from your


You can communicate, in the

simplest way possible, across

the borders without any lan-

guage barriers. Thanks to in-

troduction of smartphones and

tablets into the market the de-

velopment has gained a critical

momentum in the recent years.

And how it is with you? What

for are you using the Internet


How have you been using the

internet for ve, ten or fteen

years? You can certainly see

a change in the way you have

used the internet.

The internet oers increasing-

ly more opportunities to earn

money. The sales that have

been generated over the inter-

net today are gigantic but the

experts still predict their sig-

nicant growth in the years to


Do you already use the inter-

net to earn money? Does your

computer already work for

you? If the answer is YES, then

you know that wonderful feel-

ing. If the answer is NO, then

we can assure you that it is

fantastic when you switch your

computer on and see in your

business backoce that you

have earned money again.

Join us in the following theexciting future. Use the In-

ternet from now on to make



With the membership in the

Futurenet Multimedia Network

Club, we oer you a fantastic

chance to turn your computer,

laptop, tablet or smartphone

into a money- making machine.


In the recent years, the Internet has gained an increasingly

greater inuence on our lives. All experts are unanimous in

stating that this development progresses more and more.

The Internet will have a still stronger inuence on human lives in

the years to come.

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The internet and

the multimediaThe internet is in permanent development with millions

of oers owing into it every day. If we look more

closely into the developments of the most recent years,

we can see two areas of extreme growth: the SOCIALMEDIA and the MULTI MEDIA.


To be more exact, more growth

will still be observed in the two

areas in the future, since they

both are already now at the

forefront with use of the inter-


Below are a few gures, data

and facts concerning use of

the internet:

Internet users spend nearlyone quarter (23 percent) of

their total time spent on-line in

the social networks like Face-

book, Google+ or Xing, while,

for example a year before it

was only 14 percent. This is

what BITKOM, German federal

association of high-tech com-

panies, has reported to us on

the basis of a survey carried

out by the “comScore” market

research company.

“The on-line social networks

are among the central starting

points in the web which com-

bine dierent uses and con-

tents in a single platform, said

Bernhard Rohleder BITCOM’s


The music, photo and videoweb sites come only second,

with their users spending there

nearly 9 percent of the time

they spend on the internet

(compared to 7 percent last


The social media is the num-

ber 1 area, with the mutlimedia

coming only second in terms of

use, of the internet.

Therefore, what could be more

natural than to combine the

two most used areas of the in-

ternet by employing the most

sensible marketing method,

which is the network market-


This is exactly what we have

done at Futurenet.  And nowYOU have an opportunity to

build, over the coming years,

your own on-line business for

yourself that will be generating

for you earnings that you can

daily turn into cash.

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On 1st November 2014, after two

years of preparations, Futurenet will

be available in six languages. The

company is supported by experts in

such areas as marketing, business

consultancy and the internet.


The company oers every man in the

world an opportunity to build one’s

own business. We have intentional-

ly decided to take advantage of the

network marketing as the distribution

format because the network market-

ing gives every man the chance to

immediately benet from the boom in

the social media and multimedia sec-


The marketing, and rst of all also the

marketing planning are among the

most modern tools that the internet

can oer now.

You can now make payments on-line

through dierent web portals. You

can also make a bank transfer in a

very simple way. We have a partner

at Western Union who enables every

man in the world to make a ONE OFF

payment, and with the bitcoins we

oer you the most modern payment

method. You can encash your comis-

sion fee every day. Futurenet will keep

you informed of the most recent de-

velopments through VIDEO-NEWS-


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The Futurenet


Network Club

The Futurenet Multimedia NetworkClub already at the start oers a

multi-language library containing

thousands of oers in dierent

product categories:


Videos, movies, apps, e-books,

e-learning, photographs, footages,

games, tutorials, ash applications,

music videos, music, sounds, website

templates, print templates, cartoons,

birthday cards and many more.

The supply of the multimedia prod-

ucts is being broadened every day.

We have set ourselves the target tobuild the largest multi-language on-

line multimedia library.

You are welcome to join us.

Obviously, on the one side you can

take advantage of all the oers by

yourself, but you also have an op-

portunity to sell your own personal

multimedia oer through the platform

of the club. In this way, in pace with

building your business you can x a

second income for yourself.

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6 MARKETINGPLANSWe at Futurenet work with the same marketing plan in 6 versions.

Our 6 marketing plans dier just with regard to the $ amounts:

10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 $.


Conditions, qualications, re-

munerations and calculations

function in all 6 marketing plans

according to the same princi-

ple. If you would like to devel-

op your own Futurenet business,

you can opt to start right away in

all 6 marketing plans. However,

you may also start with smaller

amounts or even with the small-

est oered opportunity of just10 $.

Important to understand: you

may only participate in the 25

$ marketing plan if you are

also part of the 10 $ plan. This

rule applies to all mentioned

amounts. If you want to start in

the 1,000 $ marketing plan, you

will also have to participate with

the other 5 amounts.

You will nd detailed explana-

tions in the video clips about

the marketing plan and in our

dedicated marketing plan leaf-


Professionals and all those who

grasp the brilliant opportunities

of the Futurenet business will

surely start with 1,685 $ right

away. By means of a start withthis amount, you get the maxi-

mum number of 168,500 Media

Points, which you can use for all

multimedia oers of our club.

Needless to say that you also

have the biggest potential in-

come opportunities right from

the start.

If 1,685 $ are too much for

you to begin with, you may of

course alternatively choose to

start with an amount of just

685$. This option still brings

you 68,500 Media Points for our

multimedia oers. And with 685

$ you participate in the rst 5

marketing plans as of day one.

Are 685 $ still too much for

you? Or would you rather like

to “test” if and how it all works?

OK, then you may start in the

rst 4 marketing plans and in-vest 185 $.

To invest 185 $ into the kick-o

of your own business should be

doable for anyone, who is seri-

ous about it.

Of course you can also opt for

a start with one of the three

smallest sums: 10, 35 or 85 $.

If you prefer to do so, you may

start modestly and then contin-

uously upgrade your position.

However, please consider that

your income is directly linked to


In our business, please keep

that in mind, people copy the

behavior which YOU show them.

Your friends will ask, „Which

sum did you start with? “

And you will quite frequently

see that your friends will do the

same as you did.

OK, so are there any arguments

against a professional busi-

ness launch with 1,685 $ or

685 $? There are no arguments

AGAINST, but quite a few IN FA-


We wish you good lu ck to take

the right decision for your fu-


Therefore, you have the following 6 starting options:

10$ = 10$

10$ + 25$ = 35$

10$ + 25$ + 50$ = 85$

10$ + 25$ + 50$ + 100$ = 185$

10$ + 25$ + 50$ + 100$ + 500$ = 685$

10$ + 25$ + 50$ + 100$ + 500$ + 1,000$ = 1,685$

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Friends bonusThe centerpiece and rst source of income in our marketing plan

is the Friends Bonus. It works as follows: all members are placed

in a 3x3x3 system above you. Therefore, every member has only 3

partners in his upline in level 1.

If your sponsor for instance

has already 3 partners in his

1st level and YOU are one of

them, the following scenario is

possible: your sponsor gains

more members and they will be

placed in the 2nd level – this

means above YOU!!!

Thus, you have received one

or several sales partners as a


With immediate eect, you

start to earn from their reve-

nues according to the market-

ing plan.

However, more important is the

fact that you have one or sever-

al sales partners in your upline.

If they actively start to develop

their business, this will gener-

ate revenues in your Friends

Tree. You will earn from these

revenues in the same way, as

if they had been generated by

your own partners.

This feature makes the Friends

Tree System of Futurenet very

attractive. However, you should

never sit back and rely on

presents of this kind. It makes

much more sense to be active

as of day one and convince as

many partners as possible to

 join the business.

On the following pages, you will

hear about the 100$ Matching

Bonus. This will help you to un-

derstand how smart it is to be

active yourself.

With the Friends Tree Bonus,

you participate in the product

revenues generated in the 5

levels above you.

You receive the following re-


Level 1 above you 5%

Level 2 above you 5%

Level 3 above you 10%

Level 4 above you 10%

Level 5 above you 15%

The Friends Bonus alone oers

you already gigantic income


As we mentioned already sev-

eral times, at Futurenet you

need to invest only ONCE. De-

spite that, you develop a per-

manent passive income based

on recurring revenues.

How does that work?

You will nd the answer to-

gether with a description of the

New Position Bonus below.

One of the most brilliant oppor-

tunities of the network market-

ing industry is passive income

based on permanent revenues.

However, usually permanent

revenues are linked to the ob-

ligation for sales partners, to

invest repeatedly.

In reality, in the majority of

companies on the market you

are charged with monthly pay-

ment obligations. And this is

exactly why many people de-

cide to refrain from joining the


The main reason for people in

various companies to lose in-

terest and drop out is that they

are not ready to invest their

own money every month.

We at Futurenet have devel-

oped a fantastic solution. Nev-

er again will you need to invest

money from your own pocket.

But despite of that, you and

particularly your sales part-

ners will generate continuous


How exactly does that work?

On the one hand, you gener-

ate revenues from a very small

part of your income. And on the

other hand, you make money

from the New Position Bonus.

Here comes the explanation of

how you and any of your part-

ners can transform a small

part of your income into new

revenues and new positions in

the worldwide Friends Tree.

Your rst income in the levels

3, 4 and 5 above you, will be in-

vested into new revenues and

new positions each.

Let’s have a look at a concrete

example for the 100$ Friends


Once you have earned the

rst 100$ in the levels 3-5,

this money will be invested

into a new position for you.

Furthermore, every Friends

Tree oers you the opportuni-

ty to get 3 new positions FOR

FREE. How to obtain them?

Have a look at the explanation


ALL new positions grant the

following advantages:

- Every new position brings

new Media Points

- Your new position is placed at

the lowest free spot within the

global Friends Tree – the most

attractive place

- New positions open up new

income opportunities

Since the systems works iden-

tically for all sales partners,

you will certainly obtain sales

partners within your Friends

Tree who were not sponsored

by you or one of your sales


You might have been spon-

sored by an international net-

work marketing super star.

Now, you are part of his team

and his Friends Tree.

Nevertheless, this very same

super star might be part of

your team in a future Friends

Tree. And then you will earn

money from his revenues.

With every new Friends Tree,

your income opportunities


The same rule applies to all

of your sales partners. On the

following pages, you will learn

about the 100% Matching Bo-

nus. You will see how you can

gain multiple prots from the

new positions.


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Matching bonusDear friends and prospective members of the Futurenet

Multimedia Club! At this point, we would like to draw your

attention to the most brilliant invention since the invention of

network marketing itself: the 100% Matching Bonus.

Network marketing is about

supporting others to become

successful. The reward for this

support is the income, which

you earn thanks to the reve-

nues of others.

With the Matching Bonus, Fu-

turenet oers you the ulti-

mate reward for your support

of your partners to make them

successful and earn money.

The Matching Bonus brings

you between 20% and 100%

based on the revenues that

your personal partners earn

from the Friends Bonus.

Matching Bonus overview:

Frontline Partner Matching Bonus

  1 20%

  3 40%

  5 60%

  6 80%

  8 100%

If you have just one personal

partner who earns money from

the Friends Bonus, you get 20

% of this sum.

Let’s assume your personal

partner makes just 200$ from

the Friends Bonus this week.

You get 20%, therefore you

earn 40$ Matching Bonus – in

addition to your own Friends


20% are a good start, but we

would like to help you to obtain

more Matching Bonus income.

If you sponsor 3 personal part-

ners, you double your Match-

ing Bonus.

Let’s have a look at another

example. You have 3 person-

al partners. This week, each

of them earns 200 $ from the

Friends Bonus. Altogether, we

they earn 600$. Your MatchingBonus amounts to 40%, which

makes already 240$. Not too

bad – if we calculate your in-

come for a whole month, we

are talking about 960$, just

from your Matching Bonus.

In the chart above, you can see

that 5 personal partners bring

60% and 6 personal partners

80% Matching Bonus.

Nevertheless, we would like to

pay you 100% Matching Bo-


What you need are 8 personal


100% Matching Bonus is a

more than protable deal. Let’s

use the same example here.

You have 8 personal partners.

Each of them earns just 200$

from the Friends Bonus. Alto-

gether, this makes an income

of 1,600$. And this means

1,600$ Matching Bonus for


Come on, calculate what this

means for a full month: the re-

sult is 6,400$ Matching Bonus

for you.

In this example, we have as-

sumed an income of 800$ of

your partners. However, the

Futurenet system oers much

bigger income opportunities

to you and your partners than

 just 800$ per month.

Please calculate on your own

what happens, if you and your

partners will be active in the

500$ and 1,000 $ marketing

plans. Needless to say that the


generated income will be much


Go and calculate what hap-

pens, if you will work hard and

develop your organization. At

some point “X” in a few months

or years, you will have 10, 20,

50 or even more personal part-

ners. Calculate your Bonus for

the case that these partners

earn money in each of the 6

marketing plans in several

Friends Trees.

You get 100% Matching Bo-

nus in each case!!!

This is worth to start with full

speed and attract more and

more personal partners.


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Unilevel bonus

Modern marketing plans combine several bonus systems. Apart

from the Friends Bonus and the Matching Bonus, we have

prepared another highlight for you: the UNILEVEL BONUS.

Depending on your qualication, you will receive income from the

6th up to the 10th level.


Unlike in case of the Friends

Bonus, the Unilevel Bonus de-

pends on the partners, which

emerge in your levels 6-10 due

to the natural structuring pro-


What does that mean? As

simply as that – the number

of people to be placed in the

rst level of your Friends Tree

is restricted to 3. Thus, you will

have personal partners who

are placed in the levels 2 or 3

even higher above you in the

Friends Tree.

If it comes to the UNILEV-

EL BONUS, it doesn’t matter

where a partner is placed in

the Friends Tree. For the pur-

pose of the bonus, all your per-

sonally sponsored partners are

placed in your rst level.

If you have 5, 10, 20 or more

personal partners, ALL of them

will be placed in your rst level.

People, who will be later spon-

sored by your personal part-

ners, are placed in level 2 and

so on.

Upon developing your orga-

nization, you will see that the

number of partner quite quick-

ly duplicates up to the levels

6-10 above you. The revenues

of these people generate your

Unilevel Bonus income.

Your qualication for the Uni-

level Bonus depends on the

number of personal partners,

whom you have sponsored inyour respective marketing plan

(10 – 1,000 $).

Let’s concentrate on the 100 $

marketing plan for the follow-

ing example.

If you have 6 personal partners

here, you are qualied for the

Unilevel Bonus in the 6th level.

Thus, you get 2 % on all reve-

nues generated in level 6.

With 7 personal partners, you

participate with 3 % in the rev-

enues generated in level 7.

In case of 8 personal frontlin-

ers, you get 4 % in level 8; 9

personal partners generate 4

% bonus in level 9 and if you

manage to gain 10 personal

partner, your Unilevel Bonus

reaches 6 % in level 10!

The Unilevel Bonus allows youto develop a stable income

throughout the structure of

 your organization. Again, we

as a company have increased

the percentages from level to

level in your favor. From level

to level, you will generate po-

tentially more and more part-

ners, which brings you more


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New position bonusYou have heard it already many times: with Futurenet, you really

have to invest your own money only once. Despite that, you

develop a passive income based on continuously generated

product revenues. How does that work?

You have seen the principle

on the occasion of the Friends

Bonus. Upon the rst 100 $ in-

come in the 100 $ marketing

plan, every partner automati-

cally purchases a new position.

And this new position gener-

ates new income.

On the other hand, the system

guarantees continually new

positions FOR FREE!

Every new position oers fan-

tastic new income sources.

Please remember: this applies



At this point, we would like

to remind you of the 100%Matching Bonus.

With every new position, the in-

come potential of your partner

increases. Moreover, you have

the chance to earn the 100%

Matching Bonus!

When exactly do you continu-

ally get new positions for free?

Due to the concept of the sys-

tem, you get new positions and

subsequently new Media Points

for free, whenever new incomes

are generated due to newcom-

ers in the levels 4 and 5 of your

Friends Tree. This rule applies

to your rst Friends Tree and

to all following trees.

What kind of performance is

required from you?

You get a new position for free,

whenever 50 new members

including respective revenues

have been created in level 4

above you.

Theoretically, level 4 above

you provides space for 81

new members. The rst free

gratis position is yours, whenyou reach a number of 50 new


This new position is located at

the lowest free spot within the

global system – the most at-

tractive spot.

Two further positions for free

will be yours thanks to new

members and their revenues in

level 5 above you.

You get a new position, as soon

as 75 new members occur in

your 5th level.

The next gratis position fol-

lows upon the next 75 new

members, i.e. upon an overall

number of 150 new members

in your level 5.

As you can see, the New Posi-

tion Bonus oers you contin-

ually new Media Points, which

may be used for our multime-

dia oers. Needless to say that

the Bonus also grants you re-

peatedly new income sources.

Worth to mention: your new

positions are always placed at

the most favorable spot with-

in the worldwide Friends Tree.

Thus, you obtain new partners

in your various Friends Trees

who were not sponsored byyourself or your personal team.

Apart from many other facts,

this system makes Futurenet

the best Online Business avail-

able on the market.


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Webinar speaker bonusThe latest option to present your business are live-online

presentations, also known as WEBINARS. Experienced leaders

oer webinars in dierent languages, several times a week or

even on a daily basis. This is the place for you as a potential

partner to get information. If our oer sounds interesting and

convincing, you can use our webinars by inviting other interested

people to have a look at it.

We oer webinars as business

presentations for potential

newcomers as well as in the

form of trainings, instructions

and events.

Futurenet realizes webinars in

dierent languages. This pro-

vides you with the opportunity

to develop your business inter-

nationally, based on dierent


For the future, we plan to ex-

tend the webinar portfolio and

the language oer.

YOU are cordially invited to be-

come part of this development

and benet from our WEBINAR


Do you have experience in

speaking at live-meetings or

webinars? Or are you interest-

ed in becoming a trained webi-

nar speaker?

Welcome at Futurenet!

The Webinar Speaker Bonus

oers a sort of “xed salary”.

It may guarantee you up to

5,000 $ per month.

Needless to say that this in-

come goes additionally to your

sales revenues.

If you would like to apply as

a webinar speaker and for the

Webinar Bonus, please send us

an e-mail in English:

[email protected]

Please nd an overview of all

Webinars on our website:


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How you can make money?You have launched your business. Now, you want to expand

successfully and make money ASAP. How can you accomplish

that and what steps should be taken? Read the last part of this

magazine to nd answers to these questions

The basis for your income is

the Futurenet marketing plan.

It is designed in a way to give

anybody the chance to obtain

a permanent fantastic income.

What are the characteristics

of the remuneration plan?

Well, there are several features

which make our marketing plan

a genuine highlight.

Firstly, it is very easy. You can

read the explanation on the

following pages and in our 4

marketing plan video clips.

The Futurenet marketing plan

redistributes a total of 90% of

the product revenues among

the sales partners. This makes

our system one of the most lu-

crative oers within the entiremarketing industry.

As mentioned earlier, there are

no monthly qualications or

other subsequent costs which

you have to cover with your

personal money. Despite of

that, you and your partner will

obtain permanent revenues.

Subsequently, this brilliant

system brings you a perma-

nent income!

As part of the Futurenet mar-

keting plan, you may also gen-

erate income based on clients

and sales teams, which were

not invited to join Futurenet by

you or your sales partners.

Maybe you were sponsored

by an international super star

here at Futurenet. Due to the

design of our system, this very

same super star might be part

of your team at any point later,

and this means income for you

based on his revenues.

Futurenet rewards own activity

with the 100% Matching Bo-

nus in a perfect way.

We will show you on the follow-

ing pages how that works.

Lean back and enjoy the fol-

lowing sentence: “The 100%

Matching Bonus brings you

again the same sum, which all

of your sponsored sales part-

ners together earn from the

Friends Bonus!!!”

If you have 8 personal members

at Futurenet and each of them

makes just 1,000 $ Friends



8,000 $!!!

Please read the entire maga-

zine carefully. You hold the clue

in your hands – this could be

the begin of a positive change

in your life.

Share this information with

anyone you know. You will see

that many of your friends will

be just as enthusiastic!

The next step is the online and

oine promotion of your Fu-

turenet business. Once more

you will see that many people

will be excited about the con-

cept and join as active partners

to develop their business.


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Benets of membership

with Futurenet?

First of all, the membership

gives you access to fantas-

tic multimedia oers. Like you

have already read, the oer is

being constantly broadened.

You may also always use a new


You can and will have a lot of

fun as a member of the Club.

Having fun is great, but when

you start a business you want

to and rst of all you must earn


When you follow the system

and share the products and

business opportunities withother people, then certainly

there will be people who will

join you. If this happens, you

will generate your rst income.

Also your personal partner

and those who will become the

partners by way of recommen-

dation may and will follow this

simple construction principle.

This means the growth of your

team, and growth generates

further income for you.

Thanks to regular new posi-

tions you will increase your in-

come-generating potential and

this will bring you closer and

closer to the dream of earning

passive income coming true.

Passive income (i.e. earn-

ing money without much

time or eort) is what every

man dreams of, and YOU can

achieve this as a member in

the Futurenet Multimedia Net-

work Club. Now, imagine how

great it is when the FuturenetApp goes “bing“ more times

per hour in your smartphone.

A “bing” that means that you

have earned money.

Can you imagine how simple

it will be to win new personal

partners with a smartphone

that constantly goes “bing”?

Another new personal partners

will then increase your passive

income in the short, middle

and long run.

Now, as a member of the Fu-

turenet Multimedia Club you

have an opportunity to become

trained as a real on-line mar-

keting professional. Join us in

the following of the exciting

future, and you can be proud

very fast of what you have built

and of your achievements.


While you are reading this information and concurrently you

watch the videos, you certainly ask yourself a question: how am

I going to benet from membership in the Futurenet Multimedia

Network Club?

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In our magazine and the video clips, you have received a great

deal of information on our fantastic Futurenet oer. If you happen

to be an experienced sales professional, you will perfectly know

what to do in order to develop your own successful business.

However, our aim is also to show to newcomers in the sales

industry how to start an own successful Futurenet business.


Nowadays, information rule.

We have already provided you

with all necessary information

on how to develop your on suc-

cessful online business in the

multimedia sector.

What do you think – could this

information be of interest for

other people?

For sure it is!

Now, it is your job to pass this

information on to other people.

How to do that? Easy ques-

tion: in the same way, as yoursponsor did it in your case. In-

vite your friends, acquaintanc-

es, family members, business

partners and anyone you know

to have a look at your person-

alized website with our short

video clip and then our com-

plete multimedia magazine.

Moreover, you can use the WE-

BINARS in dierent languages

and invite your friends to watch

what the business is about.

Apart from the people you

know, you can also promote

your website online and oine.

Take the chance and benet

from all possible opportunities

to recruit new potential part-

ners. We will show you suc-

cessful promotion channels in

dierent training courses. For

some countries, we will also

provide you with contact ad-

dresses, website visitors and

real potential partners.

Are you able to invite people

to have a look at the website,

view one of the clips and read

our multimedia magazine?

Of course you are. EVERBODY

can do that. We all do it on a

daily basis, when we invite oth-

ers to click on websites. Do the

same thing now, with the aim

to develop your own business.

We see: everybody can do it.

Never before has it been easier

to start an own business and

make a success story out of it.

Use all available opportunities

to train yourself – benet from

chances oered by your spon-

sor, your upline, other leaders

and our company directly.

Our aim is to train you as a real

professional in online market-

ing issues.

We hope you will take the

right decision and become

part of Futurenet. And we wish

you many new partners, who

will do the same and start with

full speed and develop a suc-

cessful business within a few

months and years.

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People business

The network marketing in-

dustry exists already for over

50 years. The pioneers had to

work without mobile phones,

internet and fax.

In the early years, network

marketing concentrated pri-

marily on contacts between

people. In order to develop a

successful network, the pro-

tagonists had to make phone

calls and arrange personal


Guess, what works best to

this day? Still today, in the era

of the worldwide web, social

media and other modern com-munication technologies, per-

sonal conversations and phone

calls are the most eective

method for success and high


The clue to success in network

marketing are personal rela-

tionships and in the best case

real friendships with other

people. Nothing can replace a

personal face-to-face conver-


Due to the introduction and

development of modern com-

munication technologies like

the internet, e-mails, social

media, google translator, we-

binars, etc., sales industry

has changed completely. Now,

there are incredible opportuni-

ties to communicate on a glob-

al scale and without language

barriers. These technical op-

portunities enable you to de-

velop a team with hundreds or

even thousands of sales part-

ners – much faster, than thiswas ever possible with the tra-

ditional way of doing business.


The internet oers unlimited

opportunities for global net-

working.  And this is the mo-

ment, where our statements

above come in: your network

marketing business is and re-

mains a business between

people. Use the internet and

take advantage of all available

methods to make new con-

tacts. However, the next step

should be a prompt phone

call or, if possible, a personal


All information concerning the

technical aspects and details

about your Futurenet business

are available for you and your

sales partners via video clips,

this multimedia magazine, pre-

sentations, trainings and we-

binars. Check it and work your

way through!

If possible, motivate your salespartners in personal conver-

sations or during phone calls

to choose a professional ap-

proach to the business. Use

the opportunities to build per-

sonal relationships with your

partners! Gather a team of

people around you, who are

ready to go through thick and

thin with you!


We invite you to become a member of our successful, globally

operating Futurenet Multimedia Network Club. Futurenet oers

the most fascinating and at the same time the most brilliant

opportunity to develop your own online business.

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