business-economic perspective on popdev - dr. ernesto pernia

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  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia



    Population and Development

    Economic Perspective

    Ernesto M. PerniaUP School of Economics

    Mulat Pinoy

    28 August 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia



    Introduction Negative externalities of rapidpopulation growth

    Macro perspective Micro perspective

    Food & fuel shortages

    Tale of diverging twins Conclusion: Daunting challenges for P-



  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Population issue remainscontentious

    Majority of Filipinos regard rapid populationgrowth as hindrance to development,requiring policy intervention.

    But government appears immobilized owingto opposition from Catholic Church hierarchyand other conservative groups.

    Yet the influence of the Church on fate ofpolitical leaders seems overrated.

    Hard Churchand soft Stateat the root of RPsinability to achieve demographic transitioncumeconomic development.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Population issue remains

    Reality is that a well-organized, single-

    issue vocal opposition is tamping thesilent majority.

    Filipinos typically dont want to talk

    openly about sex which intimatelyrelates to the population issue.

    Thus, parents try to maintain reticent

    dignityvis-a-vis their kids sexualityeven if they dont want them involvedin pre-marital pregnancy, so they can

    finish their education!

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Population issue remains

    The squeaky wheel phenomenon.

    Isnt the State to blame, even more sothan the Church, for not addressing thepopulation issue?

    In other Catholic countries, the Statehas not allowed itself to be kepthostage by the Church.

    Little wonder, RP has a hardpopulationand a softeconomy!

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Negative externalities of rapidpopulation growth (RPG)

    Economic growth: RPG constrainsinvestments in physical and human capital

    low productivity, hence, social cost of sloweconomic growth & poverty reduction.

    Environment: RPG strains the environment,incl. sources (forests, water) and sinks (air

    thats polluted) climate change, thoughdeveloped countries contribute much more toglobal climate change.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Negative externalities (contd)

    Poverty and inequality: RPG raises supply

    of labor relative to land and physical capital lower wages (esp. for less skilled), hence,greater inequality and poverty.

    In RP, poorest quintile increases close todouble the overall average growth rate.

    Inequality adversely affects economic growthdirectly.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Macro perspective: population,economic growth, and poverty

    In 1970s-80s, population growth of 2%+ in poorcountries was already considered high & hindrance toeconomic growth via low human capital investment,

    unfavorable saving and capital-shallowing effects, etc. Echoed by a recent studies (e.g., Mapa 2006) that

    highlights the demographic dividend fromdemographic transition, with work force rising fasterthan dependents.

    Demographic transition must be early and quick toresult in significant dividends (higher saving rate, HRD,productivity, etc.) an opportunity RP has sadlymissed.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Population Poverty


    rate (%)





    % below poverty line

    ca. 2004% share of

    the poorest

    quintile in


    income or








    Bangladesh 1.3 2.9 40.0 536.3 5

    8.6 5

    Indonesia 1.1 2.2 16.6 7 7.7 2 8.4 2

    Malaysia 2.0 2.7 5.1 2 0.0 6.1

    Nepal 2.2 3.4 30.9 24.7 3 6.0

    Pakistan 2.0 3.6 23.9 9.8 9.2

    Philippines 2.1 1 3.3 33.0 6 13.2 3 5.5 3

    Thailand 0.7 1.8 9.8 2 0.0 2 6.4 2

    Vietnam 2.0 2.2 19.5 8.4 7.2

    Table B: Population and Poverty StatisticsSelected Asian Countries

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Micro PerspectiveFertility and poverty

    Consistent and tight link between fertility andpoverty.

    Family size also directly related to likelihoodof falling into poverty owing to exogenous

    shocks (e.g., typhoons, droughts, inflation). Mean per capita income, expenditure and

    savings fall monotonically as family size rises.

    Likewise, mean education spending perstudent and mean health spending per capita.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Family Size and Poverty

    Large family sizeclosely associated

    with higherpoverty; be itincidence, gap orseverity.

    This has notchanged in the last21 years; if at allincidence amongthose with smaller

    family size hasgone down whilefor those withlarge family sizehas gone up.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Family size and provisions for current andfuture needs

    As family size rises, families

    are not able to maintainper capita income, percapita expenditure, percapita savings, per capitahealth expenditure, and perstudent education


    Less able to provide forcurrent needs

    Less able to protect

    against income shocksLess able to invest inhuman capital or poorerincome prospects for theirchildren.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Family size and hunger

    Strong association between family size(FS) and poverty further substantiatedby link beween FS and hunger (Mangahas

    2009). Hunger rates tend to rise monotonically

    with number of family members,especially for severe hunger.

    Average hunger incidence for RP

    is about the rate for families of 5-6


  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Table E. Hunger Incidence by Number of Family Members

    Family members Total hungry Moderately hungry Severely hungry

    (number) (%) (%) (%)

    Philippines 18.4 15.2 3.2

    1-2 10.0 8.0 2.0

    3-4 17.6 15.5 2.1

    5-6 18.5 15.4 3.1

    7-8 23.9 18.5 5.4

    9+ 25.2 17.9 7.3

    Source: Mangahas (2009) based on SWS September 2008 Survey.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Food-fuel shortages

    Both a supply-side and a demand-side problem.

    Agricultural production neglected foryears (irrigation, farm-to-market roads,technology, post-harvest facilities, etc.).

    Slow moves in oil & gas exploration(e.g., Malampaya & Galoc) & alternativefuels (consider Brazils foresight!)

    No demand-side management(population policy and FP programs).


  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Bigger bang per buck

    In 60s & 70s, studies showing thatinvestment in FP to avert (unwanted)pregnancies gives higher return

    higher income per capita vis--visinvestment in physical infrastructure.

    Many LDCs, including RP, took the

    message to heart. RP among the first to initiate population

    policy and FP in 1969.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    RPs policy failure

    Unfortunately, RP failed to sustain whatit started.

    By contrast, Thailand followed RPs leadlater in the 70s and sustained the effortwith vigor.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    A tale of diverging twins

    In 1970, RPs population was 36.7mand Thailands about the same.

    Population growth rate also about 3%

    per annum for both twins. By 2008, RPs growth rate reported as

    2.04%, while Thailands at 0.7%.

    In 2010, Filipinos number 94m, whileThais about 67m the difference aboutMalaysias population!

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    RPs rice shortage

    If RP had sustained its population policy

    and FP programs as did Thailand,annual rice consumption only about13m metric tons instead of 18m m.t.

    At 16m m.t. domestic production, RP anet exporter of 3m m.t.

    A conservative estimate because

    savings from lower spending on publicservices could have been used to boostproductivity.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Income and poverty

    Moreover, at Thailands populationgrowth trajectory, RPs income p.c.would have been markedly higher,

    poverty & unemployment rates lower.Again, pure demographic effects.

    Does not allow for favorable feedback

    effects in terms of higher saving,investment and productivity.

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia



    Daunting challenges for P-Noy

    Sustained political stability Improved governance curb corruption

    Fiscal responsibility Better investment climate infrastructure

    and regulatory system Higher investments in human capital

    (education, health & nutrition) Raise investment in S&T (from 0.15% to1.0% of GDP)

  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    RPs daunting challenges

    Review labor export policy seriouspolicy reforms to strengthen economy

    Food security

    Energy sufficiency Eco-tourism (open skies policy) Reduce population growth rate

    demand management unambiguouspopulation policy

    Poverty reduction quality of life


  • 8/8/2019 Business-Economic Perspective on Popdev - Dr. Ernesto Pernia


    Thank you!
