
Management and Production Engineering Review Volume 8 Number 4 December 2017 pp. 64–73 DOI: 10.1515/mper-2017-0037 BUILDING VIRTUAL REALITY APPLICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING WITH KNOWLEDGE-BASED APPROACH Filip Górski Poznan University of Technology, Chair of Management and Production Engineering, Poland Corresponding author: Filip Górski Poznan University of Technology Chair of Management and Production Engineerings Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznan, Poland phone: (+48) 61 665 2708 e-mail: fi[email protected] Received: 24 October 2017 Abstract Accepted: 10 December 2017 The paper presents a novel methodology of building industrial Virtual Reality applications with use of a knowledge-based approach. Virtual Reality is becoming more and more wide- spread in engineering applications. However, most solutions are immediate and not flexible, especially in maintenance. Traditional way of programming VR applications makes all the knowledge about a product or a process hard-coded, effectively losing access to it from the outside of the programming software. Besides, making new solutions without any method- ology whatsoever makes the process longer and less effective. The author proposes to use general rules of available Knowledge Engineering methodologies in order to make the process of building VR applications more effective and to ensure their flexibility and access to stored knowledge, even after an application is deployed. The presented methodology is supported with practical case studies. Keywords Virtual Reality, Knowledge Engineering, design. Introduction Virtual Reality (VR) systems allow their users to explore and interact with elements of artificially cre- ated, three-dimensional worlds in real time [1]. Dur- ing the last decade, the VR applications improved their level noticeably, from simple applications with non-complex graphics to graphically advanced and logically complex environments, allowing trainings, design aid or decision making in scope of engineer- ing work [2]. It is now possible to obtain a good level of immersion, which is a feeling of being a part of a virtual world [3]. This phenomenon is induced both by use of stereoscopic display systems (e.g. Head- Mounted Display devices) and by use of natural methods of interaction (e.g. gesture recognition). In the recent few years, low-cost (consumer) VR solu- tions have emerged, which makes availability of hard- ware such as gesture recognition systems or HMD goggles much higher than several years ago. The soft- ware for preparation of Virtual Environments has al- so undergone rapid development in terms of ease of use, price and capabilities. As a consequence, in au- thor’s opinion, building an effectively working VR system for professional use is today easier than ever. Nowadays VR is mostly used in engineering – for extended, CAD-based virtual design [4, 5], industri- al training [6, 7], simulation of machine operation or manufacturing processes [8] and many other appli- cations. One of the industry branches using the VR benefits to a great degree is the automotive branch [9]. The VR has also plenty of applications in medi- cine and biomedical engineering [10, 11] and general education [12]. VR, as well as Augmented Reality (AR), plays an important role in Factories of the Fu- ture, within the Industry 4.0 concept [13, 14]. Despite great advance in development of VR so- lutions, in author’s opinion, there is still a problem of implementing the VR applications in industrial com- panies. The main hindrance stopping VR from being commonly applied is that most solutions are imme- diate, created just for the current context purpose, 64

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Management and Production Engineering Review

Volume 8 • Number 4 • December 2017 • pp. 64–73DOI: 10.1515/mper-2017-0037



Filip Górski

Poznan University of Technology, Chair of Management and Production Engineering, Poland

Corresponding author:

Filip Górski

Poznan University of Technology

Chair of Management and Production Engineerings

Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznan, Poland

phone: (+48) 61 665 2708

e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 24 October 2017 Abstract

Accepted: 10 December 2017 The paper presents a novel methodology of building industrial Virtual Reality applicationswith use of a knowledge-based approach. Virtual Reality is becoming more and more wide-spread in engineering applications. However, most solutions are immediate and not flexible,especially in maintenance. Traditional way of programming VR applications makes all theknowledge about a product or a process hard-coded, effectively losing access to it from theoutside of the programming software. Besides, making new solutions without any method-ology whatsoever makes the process longer and less effective. The author proposes to usegeneral rules of available Knowledge Engineering methodologies in order to make the processof building VR applications more effective and to ensure their flexibility and access to storedknowledge, even after an application is deployed. The presented methodology is supportedwith practical case studies.


Virtual Reality, Knowledge Engineering, design.


Virtual Reality (VR) systems allow their users toexplore and interact with elements of artificially cre-ated, three-dimensional worlds in real time [1]. Dur-ing the last decade, the VR applications improvedtheir level noticeably, from simple applications withnon-complex graphics to graphically advanced andlogically complex environments, allowing trainings,design aid or decision making in scope of engineer-ing work [2]. It is now possible to obtain a good levelof immersion, which is a feeling of being a part of avirtual world [3]. This phenomenon is induced bothby use of stereoscopic display systems (e.g. Head-Mounted Display devices) and by use of naturalmethods of interaction (e.g. gesture recognition). Inthe recent few years, low-cost (consumer) VR solu-tions have emerged, which makes availability of hard-ware such as gesture recognition systems or HMDgoggles much higher than several years ago. The soft-ware for preparation of Virtual Environments has al-

so undergone rapid development in terms of ease ofuse, price and capabilities. As a consequence, in au-thor’s opinion, building an effectively working VRsystem for professional use is today easier than ever.

Nowadays VR is mostly used in engineering – forextended, CAD-based virtual design [4, 5], industri-al training [6, 7], simulation of machine operation ormanufacturing processes [8] and many other appli-cations. One of the industry branches using the VRbenefits to a great degree is the automotive branch[9]. The VR has also plenty of applications in medi-cine and biomedical engineering [10, 11] and generaleducation [12]. VR, as well as Augmented Reality(AR), plays an important role in Factories of the Fu-ture, within the Industry 4.0 concept [13, 14].

Despite great advance in development of VR so-lutions, in author’s opinion, there is still a problem ofimplementing the VR applications in industrial com-panies. The main hindrance stopping VR from beingcommonly applied is that most solutions are imme-diate, created just for the current context purpose,


Management and Production Engineering Review

without use of any methodology that could make thebuilding process faster and obtain more effective re-sults. There is no known dedicated methodologiesof planning, building and implementing educationalVR solutions in medicine. As each solution is imme-diate, the time and costs are high, with a frequentnumber of mistakes and corrections. Another prob-lem is that the VR solutions created in such a wayare not suitable for long-time maintenance and theyquickly cease being up-to-date. As the industrial VRprogramming is frequently outsourced, maintainingthe application means extra costs, that are not de-sirable.The author proposes a novel concept of

knowledge-based approach to building VR applica-tions, on the basis of his experience in building VRsystems for various industrial companies. This ap-proach, presented in the paper, helps making VRimplementations faster and makes them manageablewithin the company, without need of getting back tothe source code. The paper presents basic informa-tion on how this approach works, along with somecase studies.

Virtual Reality systems in engineering

Industrial VR applications

The basics of a knowledge-based approach to in-dustrial VR applications is to classify them by type ofcontained and presented knowledge about the prod-uct or the process. Such a classification, proposed bythe author, is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Levels of knowledge of industrial VR applications

In general, there are two main purposes of use ofVR techniques in a modern production company:• virtual design and prototyping – creation of virtu-al models of products and processes in a compa-ny, especially when introducing new ones, allow-ing easy configuration and checking of features of

particular design in an immersive visual environ-ment [15],

• virtual training – using the aforementioned vir-tual models for quick and safe learning of skillsand procedural knowledge by employees of a giv-en company [16].The virtual design and prototyping applications

usually belong to level 1, sometimes 2, according tothe Fig. 1. The virtual training solutions usually be-long to level 2 or 3. This means higher requirementstowards interaction techniques, fidelity of visualiza-tion and also means more complex logic of a simula-tion.The most frequent type of application from lev-

el 1 are product configurators. There are numerousof successful implementations of such applications,including configurators of cars [17], public transportvehicles [18], furniture [19] and other products.In terms of virtual training , there are plenty of

various solutions, based on immersive training [20,21] – these usually belong to level 2. Applicationsof level 3 often make use of tactile interaction tech-niques, such as haptic devices [22] and tangible userinterfaces (TUI) [23]. Examples of various engineer-ing VR solutions are presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Examples of industrial VR solutions [17, 20].

Research problem – requirements and current

ways of building VR applications

For a Virtual Reality application to continuouslyfunction in a specific company, regardless of natureof the problem solved by the application and its tar-

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get user group, there is a certain number of require-ments that need to be fulfilled, similar to require-ments towards other IT systems in a company, usedfor gathering product or process knowledge, especial-ly in visual terms. They can be generally formulatedas following [24]:

• graphics quality,• easiness of operation,• use of known peripheral devices,• data import formats,• manageability of structure and functions of theapplication,

• price of implementation and maintenance.

In general, industrial companies require their ap-plications to be maintained through the lifecycle ofa product or a process, to which they pertain to. Themaintenance is required to be easy and possibly doneinside the company, without need of hiring externalspecialists. Moreover, applications must be flexible –for example, if a new product variant is designed bythe design engineers, its features should be incorpo-rated in its corresponding VR configurator as quick-ly as possible and, if possible, by internal means ofthe company. If the process changes, its VR trainingapplication should be also able to be easily updat-ed with new workplace arrangement, new tools etc.The flexibility also concerns used hardware – if cur-rently used hardware is discontinued, the applicationshould be adaptable to any new hardware that canbe introduced in the future (this pertains mostly toHead Mounted Devices and interaction devices, suchas motion controllers and joysticks).

The above mentioned capabilities should be, ide-ally, available to be achieved within a company, with-out need of external, time-consuming programmingprocesses, but instead by a work of company em-ployees trained in use of a given VR system. Such anapproach is not generally practiced in building typi-cal VR applications. There are special industrial VRplatforms, such as VRed [25], fulfilling this criterion,except the price (they are very expensive). However,they have a limited range of programming function-alities.

Traditionally built VR applications (using en-gines such as Unity, EON Studio or Unreal En-gine) have a closed form and any changes withinthe visualization structure are not available withouta set of programming tools and an appropriate, de-tailed knowledge about the programming languageand specifics of the solution itself. This contradictsa requirement of flexibility and manageability, as wellas external data import. For example, a traditionallymade VR product configurator requires going back

to the source code when a new set of physical or visu-al features of a product (such as new colors, texturesor parts) must be added. This is a major hindranceand – in author’s opinion – one of the main reasonswhy industry is reluctant in mass implementation ofVR solutions.Current, informally used methodologies of build-

ing VR applications for industry do not assume anychanges in knowledge contained inside the appli-cation from the outside, except going back to thesource code. In terms of knowledge about the prod-uct or process, it means that immediate access to itsbase form is lost once the application is deployed. Inthe further part of the paper, the author proposesa framework methodology and some ideas on how toovercome this problem.

Methodology of KE-aided building

of VR applications

Concept of knowledge-based Virtual Reality


As mentioned before, the biggest fault of today’sVR applications, from the viewpoint of industrial im-plementation and maintenance, is lack of open accessto the knowledge contained within an application af-ter it is deployed, requiring getting back to the codein order to introduce even the slightest changes. Thismeans that, for instance, a simple change such asextending a range of available shell colors in a carconfigurator, requires a VR programmer to be in-volved, which generates unnecessary costs and logis-tic problems. Moreover, the applications are usual-ly made without following any specific methodologywhatsoever, making the process far less effective thanit could possibly be.The author proposes an innovative approach

to this problem, on the basis of a range of real-ized projects and implementations of VR solutionsin industrial companies – a knowledge-based ap-proach. There is a number of Knowledge Engineeringmethodologies, helping to build Knowledge-BasedEngineering solutions (KBE) [26]. VR applicationscan be built by following certain guidelines fromsome of these methodologies. The most importantchange from the traditional approach is focusing onrecording the product/process knowledge in an ap-plication in a formal way and storing it outside theapplication, for later easy access both by humansand in-built algorithms. The key idea is presentedin Fig. 3 and key differences between the traditionaland the new approach proposed by the author areshown in Table 1.

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Fig. 3. Traditional (a) and new (b) process of buildingVR applications for engineering.

Table 1

Key differences between the traditional and knowledge-basedapproach.


Traditional Knowledge-based


Hard-codedinside application

Formalized, storedoutsideapplication


Source codeediting

Use of externalstandard editorsfor text, image,audio and 3D files


Standard Extended –knowledge importmechanismsrequired

Expandingknowledgebase effort

Labor consuming– back to sourcecode

Short– no programminginvolved


Only VRprogrammers


Knowledge Engineering technologies

Knowledge Engineering (KE) is a discipline thatdeals with problems of acquisition, representationand application of knowledge in computer systems. Itis a discipline related to creation of knowledge basesand use of semantic technologies to process knowl-edge by computer systems [27]. It is comprised of:

• identification of knowledge sources,

• acquisition (obtaining) of knowledge,• representation of knowledge,• analysis of identified knowledge,• creation of bases and repositories of knowledge,• searching, accessing and sharing knowledge.

Efficient use of knowledge in the design processrequires its appropriate acquisition and properrecording in a knowledge base. Methods of knowledgegathering are also dependent on the sources, whichcan be of variable quantity and form. The most im-portant knowledge sources are:

• personal notes,• technical documentation (drawings, schemes),• information from previous projects,• study results (e.g. from simulation or operationstudies),

• libraries of documents, books, papers,• standards and catalogs,• remarks from research centers and patent offices,• remarks from customers and suppliers.

Using the gathered knowledge in a computersystem requires building a Knowledge-Based Engi-neering (KBE) solution, also known as the Knowl-edge Based System. Over the past two decades,many methodologies have appeared, aiding the de-velopment of Knowledge Based Systems of generalpurpose, such as the CommonKADS methodology(Common Knowledge Acquisition and Documenta-tion Structuring) [27]. On the basis of the Com-monKADS, MOKA was created and is now common-ly used in engineering systems [28]. MOKA, beinga result of interdisciplinary work of scientific teamsand representatives of aeronautical and automotiveindustry, was prepared to achieve the following maingoals [28]:

• reduction of risk, time and cost of development ofKBE applications by 20–25%,

• ensuring development and maintenance of KBEapplications,

• preparation of tools supporting application of themethod,

• introduction of international KBE standard.

This paper proposes to use the basics of the MO-KA as a fundamental methodology of building ofVR applications for engineering, effectively makingthe VR apps the Knowledge Based Engineering so-lutions.

Methodology of building KB VR applications

Creators of the MOKA divided the work of build-ing a KBE system into six distinct stages:

• identification – determination of purpose andrange of building of the KBE system,

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• justification – approximation of resources, costsand business risk,

• acquisition – gathering the knowledge from select-ed sources,

• formalization – formal recording of the gatheredknowledge,

• application – implementation of knowledge incomputer software,

• implementation – launching of the KBE sys-tem [28].

In the beginning, the aim of building the systemneeds to be determined, available resources must beestimated, a plan of the project should be preparedand the need of its building must be justified. Next,out of the indicated sources, the knowledge must becollected and recorded in a way to ensure possibilityof its implementation in the chosen computer soft-ware. Stages related to identification and justifica-tion apply to organizational and economical aspectsof building a KBE system, and in reality are omittedin MOKA, as are the two final stages – applicationand implementation – which concern developmentof an application, its installation, use and testing.MOKA focuses on stages of acquisition and formal-ization, which apply to methods of collecting andconverting knowledge into language understandablefor a computer application.

The author of this paper proposes to use the sixstages determined in MOKA and, similarly as in MO-KA, the most important stages are knowledge gath-ering and formalization (Fig. 4). The implementationis also very important to realize properly, as certainknowledge import mechanisms must be created (seeFig. 3). The next part of the paper describes thesestages in greater detail.

Fig. 4. Scheme of proposed methodology of building VRapplications.

Identification and justification

Every VR application starts with definition ofneed (expectations) and purpose. At the conceptualstage, two basic questions need to be answered:• Who will be using the application? Possible an-swers: shop floor workers, engineers, salesmen, in-experienced clients, professional clients etc.

• What is the purpose of the application? Possibleanswers: obtain new basic knowledge, obtain spe-cialized knowledge and/or basic skills, obtain newknowledge and advanced practical skills.On the basis of the answers to the questions

above, an application can be further classified to oneof three levels of knowledge presentation, as shownin Fig. 1.Each level of applications has its own set of fea-

tures and requirements, such as necessary types ofdata, means of interaction and expected behavior ofpresented virtual objects. These features correspondwith specific software and hardware components ofa VR system and allow to make a decision on howto build it, which is a problem tackled in many oth-er elaborations [24, 29], so it will be not covered ingreater details here.

Informal and formal knowledge acquisition

Knowledge acquisition and formalization is a keystage, on which the MOKA is focused [28]. In theconcept presented by the author it is also the mostimportant stage of preparation of a VR applica-tion. In general, knowledge about the product or theprocess can be stored in the following forms:• text (descriptions, definitions, labels, numericaldata etc.),

• 2D graphics (schemes, drawings, photographs, di-agrams, illustrations, infographics etc.),

• audio (sounds of operation, notifications, speech),• 3D models (CAD models and artist models),• animations (often contained inside 3D models,sometimes universal – change of position of par-ticular objects over time)Apart from the knowledge mentioned above, the

following logical relations between objects (depend-ing on application type) should be defined:• 3D and 2D object hierarchy and joints,• definition of a sequence of operation with objectlinks (what user will do, step by step, and whatwill be visible during realization of each step – forinstance, in configurators – screens of configura-tion, in learning apps – tasks and their contents),

• definition of logical connections between objects(in configurators – options, values and logicallinks, in learning apps – physics and mutual be-haviors of objects at a given time moment).

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The basic knowledge must be gathered prior tostarting any programming work in VR. Informalknowledge is gathered “as is” – it means getting allthe necessary knowledge from the basic knowledgesources, such as databases of the company and in-terviews with its employees. At this stage, certainforms can be used, such as ICARE (Illustration, Con-straints, Activities, Rules, Entities) [28–30], it mayhelp organizing the knowledge.

In a traditional approach to making the VR ap-plications, the informal knowledge is then hard codedinside the application, with no access to it from theoutside after the application is released. Most pro-gramming environments for making the VR applica-tions (such as Unity 3D or EON Studio) have in-builtimport mechanisms, for conversion of the standardimage, text or audio files. Building the application(releasing it for a target platform) means encapsu-lating all the files to a single file package, after thatoperation all external access to knowledge within islost, unless a VR developer decides to go back to thesource code.

Formalization is the crucial stage in the proposedmethodology, as its proper realization ensures flexi-bility of the created VR application and open ac-cess to the stored knowledge even after deploymentof the app on a target platform, in a desired workspace. The knowledge formalized by the guidelinesof the proposed methodology should have a form un-derstandable both by the computer algorithm and ahuman being. It should be also stored in a way en-abling its future expansion outside the programmingenvironment. In practice, in authors’ experience, itmeans preparing a library of files containing partic-ular knowledge entities, with a defined conventionof naming, properties and internal structure of thesefiles. Figure 5 presents an example of informal andformal storing of knowledge in an educational appli-cation (definition of a particular block in a theoret-ical, interactive 3D lesson). The informal knowledgeis stored in forms, containing all the data types, com-plemented by specific files. The formal knowledge isstored in a text file of specific name, of specific struc-ture, the other files (image, audio, 3D) also have spe-cific naming convention and location.

It is worth mentioning, that in the proposed ap-proach, the knowledge can be formally prepared in atotal or partial way. In particular, it is usually verydifficult to make 3D models available for edit outsidethe VR programming environment (not many com-mercially available software allows it directly). Thereis also a problem when complex logic is involved –formalization then usually means storing it in formof diagrams, using languages such as the UML (Uni-

versal Markup Language), which helps in buildingthe application, but does not allow to edit the logicfrom the outside.

Fig. 5. Informal (top) versus formal (bottom) knowledgerecording example.

That is why, in many cases, the formalization re-gards only application from level 1, sometimes 2 (seeFig. 1) and often the knowledge-based approach canbe successfully applied only to text, 2D and audiodata. This limitation is dependent on programmingpossibilities of a specific VR software, in the firstplace, but also current necessities and time frame ofthe realized project – the more urgent is a demandof implementing the application (e.g. due to shortproduct lifecycle or losses due to untrained staff),the lesser focus will be put into full formalization.

Implementation and application

The stages of development of the VR applica-tions, after knowledge is gathered and formalized,should be as follows:

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1) Selection and obtaining of specific software andhardware components.

2) Preparing a visualization with full user navi-gation – a so-called virtual walk.

3) Programming interaction and behaviors of ob-jects.

4) Building a graphical user interface and ensur-ing final user communication methods.

5) Internal verification and publication for use bya sample of end users.

The stages are similar to stages that can be foundin the process of building any VR application. De-tailed guidelines of building realistic VR applicationshave been a subject of numerous research in previousyears [1, 2, 5, 6, 19, 24, 29] and are beyond the scopeof this paper. Only the most important stages of theprocess from the viewpoint of the knowledge-basedapproach – 2 and 3 – will be mentioned here.

Traditionally, preparing the visualization meansimporting 3D geometry, assigning materials and tex-tures and composing the scene with lighting, shad-ows and reflections. In the full-fledged knowledge-based approach, the virtual scene is empty at theruntime beginning (except some static, constant ele-ments, characteristic for a given application) and allthe 3D and 2D components are instantiated duringthe run-time, on the basis of formalized knowledgeabout how the current scene should look like. Theinstantiation means run-time loading of 3D data, as-signing materials and textures to it and placing itinside the scene at a given position, orientation andwith a given scale. In the traditional approach, for in-stance, building a configurator of 30 vehicles requiresbuilding 30 separate scenes, with hard-coded visual-ization. In the proposed, new approach, it requiresbuilding only one scene, with a logic for run-timeobject instantiation. This is much more flexible interms of further expanding of any VR application,but also has certain limitations – for example, usingso-called prebaked lighting is not fully possible, it al-so makes the application more demanding in termsof computing power.

In terms of the stage 3 – the object behaviorprogramming – this process again can benefit fromknowledge formalization. Certain logical connectionsbetween objects can be recorded to external text files(or schemes, UML diagrams etc.) and then read dur-ing the runtime, building logic dynamically. An ex-ample may be a logic of options in a configurator – forexample, exclusions and enforcements (i.e. what op-tions must be switched on or off when another optionis selected) can be stored externally and modified atwill, without need of getting back to the code whena need of logic changing arises.

Methodology summary

It is worth noting, that building VR applicationsaccording to the described methodology is muchmore difficult and, initially, time consuming thanthe traditional process. It requires a number of con-siderations and decisions – which parts of a certainproduct/process knowledge should be formalized andwhich should not, what shape should a knowledge li-brary have, what should be the file structure etc. Asthe approach is new, there are no strict guidelineshere – they will probably be created in the upcom-ing years, as more of such solutions will be createdand implemented.

One important consideration is that a VR appli-cation built with a full knowledge-based approach isno longer a typical, traditionally understood VR app,but becomes a framework Knowledge Based Systeminstead. See examples below – the Virtual DesignStudio was created as a city bus configurator, but itsflexible structure allows it to be any product configu-rator, so it became a framework solution for buildinginteractive VR configurators. Similarly with the Vir-tual Skill Teacher – it can be used to build any typeof educational applications for technical skills. Af-ter initial building of the application, adding morecontent is no longer performed in the programmingenvironment, meaning that it can be done by vir-tually anyone inside the company. This makes thisapproach very powerful and allows fulfilling require-ments towards manageability, stated by the produc-tion companies.

Examples of KB VR applications

Virtual Design Studio

The Virtual Design Studio (VDS) is a frameworksolution for VR configuration of vehicles. This tool isbased on the EON Studio software and it aids com-munication between a company and a client, allowingto avoid problems and mistakes related to selectionof product variants in a traditional way, without dy-namic visualization on each stage of feature selection.The VDS system allows storing visual and logical,properly structured knowledge about a given prod-uct (vehicle), as well as its processing, sharing andsupplementing by the system users in order to aidthe engineering activities in a company. On the otherside, it is a typical “VR in design” solution, allow-ing interaction in 3D with a product model, placedin a specific environment. The system allows, amongother things, to fully configure visual features of a ve-hicle (more than 100 options), display multimediaand technical information (explore a given vehicle),

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as well as easily export and import saved variants,for accelerated generation of product documentationand archiving contracts.The system allows work in two stages (Fig. 6)

– the main configuration is performed using a touchscreen interface and large-screen 3D projection, whilethe immersive configuration is performed in an HMDand allows virtual walk and inspection of a createdvariant (Fig. 7). Both stages are synchronized in realtime.

Fig. 6. Scheme of Virtual Design Studio.

Fig. 7. Working in the Virtual Design Studio.

The knowledge in the system is fully formalized,and creation of the system was a premise of prepar-ing the methodology presented in this paper. Almostanything regarding the contents of the system can bechanged from the outside of the programming envi-ronment, using a special, easy management tool cre-ated by the authors. Thus, the application can befreely expanded without need of any programmingwhatsoever. However, there are plenty of knowledgetypes that need to be prepared, starting from 3Dmodels, materials, textures etc., through configura-tion scope definition, to logic of the whole configura-tion process.The initial build of the system took 2 years of

work of a 7-person team of programmers, engineersand graphics designers and it contained fully config-urable models of two vehicles. The system was im-plemented in an industrial company – a large citybus manufacturer and it is successfully used there. Ithas been tested by the author on two separate cases,that adding another, completely different product tothe system, with full configuration and presentationfeatures, is a work of 3 months for a single, inexperi-

enced engineer. The massive reduction of time of cre-ating another “configurator” type application, com-paring to the initial build, is achieved thanks to theknowledge-based approach introduced by the teamof creators of the system.

Virtual Skill Teacher

The Virtual Skill Teacher (VST) is a VR plat-form for learning practical, technical skills, usuallyrelated with operating working vehicles (such as theforklifts, which are the main case), machines, realiz-ing tasks in a certain production process, etc. Thekey ideas are as following:

1. the course is the main entity, it is divided intolessons and exercises, which are further dividedinto blocks,

2. lessons are theoretical and contain a number ofgraphical, text, audio and interactive 3D info pre-sented in immersive space (Fig. 8),

3. exercises are sets of practical tasks – they requirecertain actions in a specified time in order to bepassed,

4. each course has a set of questions, the exam modeis in-built and also performed in immersive space.

Fig. 8. Virtual Skill Teacher – lesson mode.

The knowledge stored in the application is for-malized and the whole platform was created accord-ing to the methodology presented in this paper. Thetext, audio and 2D data, as well as some minor log-ic (lose and win conditions in exercise blocks) canbe freely edited and expanded from the outside ofthe programming software (Unity engine was used tobuild the whole platform). The interactive 3D mod-els (so-called prefabs) are created inside the Unityplatform, so the formalization, so far, is only par-tial. However, assigning prefabs to lesson or exerciseblocks is also possible from the outside of the pro-gramming software. There is also a mechanism ofcomposing pre-defined logic (certain behaviors, like“click-to-animate” or “click-to-show”) with 3D mod-els during the runtime, so theoretically any prefab

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can be created just by a formal definition of logic be-hind it. However, 3D models cannot be loaded fromthe outside, so the authors will prepare a large libraryof sample models, for future edition and expansionof the available range of courses.

The Virtual Skill Teacher is still in the develop-ment phase, its first prototypes were implementedin a company performing industrial trainings. Theknowledge-based approach was proven to be very ef-fective – the first prototype of the system was pro-grammed in 3 months by three VR programmers,containing 3 lessons and 1 exercise. Adding anoth-er 6 lessons and 3 exercises took less than 3 weeksof work of only one VR programmer. The vast timereduction was achieved thanks to formalization andknowledge import mechanisms – the only task to per-form while expanding the lesson library was to pre-pare the knowledge in an appropriate format.


The new approach to building VR applicationsfor industry, presented in the paper, was proven tobe effective in practice. It requires changing some oftraditional views on particular stages of developmentof VR applications, but in exchange allows build-ing flexible, manageable and easily extendable solu-tions. These solutions can be effectively implement-ed in production companies, with a decreased riskof discontinued use of application after initial periodof implementation, which is a frequent case regard-ing traditionally built applications with hard-codedknowledge.

The proposed knowledge-based approach requiressignificantly more work in the programming stage, soit is advisable to put the presented ideas into prac-tice only when the requirements towards applicationsdirectly indicate a need of further vast knowledgebase expansion during a prolonged time after initiallaunch of the application. If the product is short-lived and only a simple visualization is required, ora certain process to be simulated remains relativelyunchanged for a number of years, this approach mayunnecessarily delay initial implementation and thusreduce benefits of use of the Virtual Reality technol-ogy. The key to proper implementation of industrialVR is always performing of identification and justi-fication stages, that should answer the question ofwhat type of application is needed and in what con-text.

To sum up, it can be stated that use of Knowl-edge Engineering methodologies such as the MOKAcan be justified in building of any computer systemfor engineering purpose, regardless of the technology.

Development of one of the presented case stud-

ies was financed by Polish National Centre for Re-

search and Development, INNOTECH program. An-

other case study development was financed indirectly

by Operational Program Knowledge Education Devel-

opment, realized by Polish Ministry of Development.


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