building yui 3 custom modules

Building YUI 3 Custom Modules Caridy Patino Frontend Engineer at Yahoo! YUI Contributor Bubbling Library Creator

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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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Learn how to leverage the YUI 3.x infrastructure to create custom code that can be loaded easily and efficiently onto any page. Also discover how these mashups can combine YUI widgets and utilities with your own code and how to reuse code between different YUI instances. Caridy is a Senior Frontend Engineer and JavaScript Nerd at Yahoo! and an active YUI contributor. He's also the creator of the Bubbling Library YUI Extension.


Page 1: Building YUI 3 Custom Modules

Building YUI 3 Custom Modules

Caridy Patino Frontend Engineer at Yahoo!

YUI Contributor

Bubbling Library Creator

Page 2: Building YUI 3 Custom Modules


- YUI 3 and Modules

- Using Custom Modules in YUI 3

- Extending and Building Custom Modules

- Supporting Legacy Code

- Best Practices / Techniques

Page 3: Building YUI 3 Custom Modules

What is a module in YUI 3?

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YUI 3 Modules

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Using a module

YUI().use(‘node’, function (Y) { (‘div.status’).setContent (‘ready!’);


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Using multiple modules

YUI().use(‘node’,‘anim’,function(Y) { (‘div.status’).setContent (‘ready!’);

new Y.Anim({ node: '#demo', to: {opacity: 0} });


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Sandboxing modules

var Y = new YUI();Y.use(‘node’, ‘anim’, function (Y) { (‘div.status’).setContent (‘ready!’);

new Y.Anim({ node: '#demo', to: {opacity: 0} });


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Sandboxing modules

( new YUI ).use(‘node’, ‘anim’, function (Y) { (‘div.status’).setContent (‘ready!’);

new Y.Anim({ node: '#demo', to: {opacity: 0} });


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Sandboxing modules

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Different sets of modules

YUI 3 Modules

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Different sets of modules

YUI 3 Modules

Community modules


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Different sets of modules

YUI 3 Modules

Community modules


Project modules project-*

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Community modules

Time Picker

Accordion / Node Accordion


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Project modules

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How to use Custom Modules in YUI 3?

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Custom Module Registration

- By seed (YUI Loader) YUI().use …

- By inclusion register then YUI().use …

- By configuration YUI( /* config */ ).use …

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Registration by seed

<script src=”http://yui.yahooapis.../yui-min.js”></script>

<script>YUI().use (‘node’, ‘anim’, function (Y) {

new Y.Anim({ node: '#demo', to: {opacity: 0} }); (‘div.status’).setContent (‘ready!’);


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Registration by inclusion

<script src=”http://yui.yahooapis.../yui-min.js”></script>

<script src=” http://yui.yahooapi.../build/gallery-yql/gallery-yql.js”></script>


YUI().use (‘gallery-yql’, function(Y) {

new Y.yql('select * from where (id=”caridy")', function(r) { r.query; // The result });


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Registration by configuration

<script src=”http://yui.yahooapis.../yui-min.js”></script><script>YUI({ modules: { 'gallery-yql': { fullpath: 'http://yui.yahooapi.../build/gallery-yql/gallery-yql.js', requires: ["get","event-custom"] } }}).use (‘gallery-yql’, function(Y) { new Y.yql('select * from where (id=”caridy")', function(r) { r.query; // The result });});</script>

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Organizing configuration

- Global object called “YUI_config” (YAHOO_config in YUI 2.x)

- Multiple config objectsYUI( c1, c2, c3, .., c5 ).use

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Organizing configuration (cont.)

YUI_config = { modules: {

‘foo’: { fullpath: ‘/js/foo.js’, requires: [‘node’] },‘bar’: { fullpath: ‘/js/bar.js’, requires: [‘anim’, ‘foo’] }


YUI().use (‘foo’, function (Y) { /* … */});

YUI( MY_YUI_config, { /* c2 */ } ).use (‘bar’, ‘c2-mod’, function (Y) { /* … */});

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How to build a Custom Modules?

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Defining a module

YUI.add(‘foo’, function (Y) {

// Add the code for your module here. // Here Y is the YUI instance this module // was added to.

}, ‘0.0.1’, { requires: [‘node’] });

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Different types of implementations


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Different types of implementations

Utilities Classes


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Different types of implementations

Utilities Classes



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Different types of implementations

Utilities Classes


Mashups &


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YUI.add(‘gallery-youtube’, function (Y) { = { play: function (node, vid) { /* … */

} };

}, ‘0.0.1’, { requires: [‘node’] });

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Classes (cont.)

YUI.add(‘project-counter’, function (Y) {

function Counter ( config ) {Counter.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

} Counter.NAME = "counter"; // used as prefix for events Counter.ATTRS = { timestamp: { /* config */ } };

Y.extend(Counter, Y.Base, {initializer : function( cfg ) { /* */ },destructor : function() { /* */ }


Y.Counter = Counter; // injecting the new class into the sandbox

}, ‘0.0.1’, { requires: [‘base’, ‘node’] });

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Classes (cont.)

YUI().use(’project-counter', function (Y) {

var counter = new Y.Counter({ timestamp: ‘123467890’



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How to use and build plugins in YUI 3?

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Plugins: YUI Node

YUI().use('anim', ’gallery-node-accordion', function (Y) {

var node = Y.get("#myaccordion");node.plug( Y.Plugin.NodeAccordion, {

anim: Y.Easing.backIn }); });

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Plugins (cont.)

var counter = new Y.Counter({ timestamp: ‘123467890’

});counter.plug(Y.Plugin.AnimCounter, {

effect: Y.Easing.backIn });

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Plugins (cont.)

YUI.add('gallery-node-accordion', function(Y) { function NodeAccordion (config) { NodeAccordion.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NodeAccordion.NS = "NodeAccordion” NodeAccordion.ATTRS = {}; Y.extend(NodeAccordion, Y.Plugin.Base, {

initializer : function( cfg ) { /* */ },destructor : function() { /* */ }

}); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.NodeAccordion = NodeAccordion;

}, ’0.0.1' ,{requires:["plugin"]});

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How to work with mashups and legacy code in YUI 3?

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- Using multiple modules

- Include external dependencies (swfobj.js)

- Enhance the DOM structure

- Defining some listeners

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YUI().use (‘event’, ‘gallery-node-accordion’, ‘project-counter’, function (Y) {

/* mashup these modules to enhance the LHS of a page */


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Mashups (cont.)

YUI().use (‘project-layout-lhs’, function (Y) {

Y.lhs.doit ({page: ‘products’



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- YUI 2.x Tabview- Custom Survey System

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Legacy (cont.)

Why to wrap the code?

- Benefit from YUI 3 lazy loading process

- Support incremental migration

- Unique repository per project

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Legacy (cont.)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis…/build/tabview/assets/skins/sam/tabview.css”><script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis…/build/utilities/utilities.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src=“http://yui.yahooapis…/build/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {

var t = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("demo");

/* mashup these modules to initialize the tabview and handle the surveys */

}); </script>

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Legacy (cont.)

YUI().use (‘node’, ‘yui2-tabview’, function (Y) {

Y.on("domready", function() { var t = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("demo");

/* mashup these modules to initialize the tabview and handle the surveys */

}); });

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Legacy (cont.)

YUI().use (‘node’, ‘yui2-tabview’, ‘project-legacy-survey’, function (Y) {

// and now, survey is a YUI 3 Custom Module


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- Check “Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture” presentation by Nicholas Zakas

- Do a little bit of analysis and design for your modules

- Decide ahead what type of implementation to use

- Consider plugins for advanced functionalities

- Organize your web app as a module repository

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- Granularity is good for web applications

- Apps based on modules are easy to debug and test

- Try and share code thru YUI 3 Gallery

- Legacy code can be driven thru Custom Modules

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Caridy Patino