building materials & technology promotion council letter bmtpc/newsletter-june … · a...

Ê Ç Ê É Ê xÉàÉÉ Ç hÉ ºÉÉÉ Ê ®BÉEÉ Hkkx 1 Hkkx 1 Hkkx 1 Hkkx 1 Hkkx 1, vad 1 vad 1 vad 1 vad 1 vad 1, twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008, UkbZ fnYyh UkbZ fnYyh UkbZ fnYyh UkbZ fnYyh UkbZ fnYyh Vol.1, Issue 1, June 2008, New Delhi fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks |kSfxdh la o)Zu ifj"kn~ fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks |kSfxdh la o)Zu ifj"kn~ fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks |kSfxdh la o)Zu ifj"kn~ fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks |kSfxdh la o)Zu ifj"kn~ fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks |kSfxdh la o)Zu ifj"kn~ BUILDING MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION COUNCIL Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India vkokl vkokl vkokl vkokl vkokl ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea =ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea =ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea =ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea =ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea =ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj HIGHLIGHTS Vulnerability Atlas of India Seismic Strengthening of Lifeline Buildings Model Demonstration Housing Projects BMTPC’s Role under JNNURM Forthcoming India-Africa Technical Cooperation Programme BMTPC’s Participation in Important Events Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme Activities in the North Eastern Region New Technologies Forthcoming Events International Exhibition cum Seminar in Africa From the Desk of the Executive Director VISION BMTPC to be world class knowledge and demonstration hub for providing solutions to all with special focus on common man in the area of sustainable building materials, appropriate construction technologies & systems including disaster resistant construction. MISSION To work towards a comprehensive and integrated approach for promotion and transfer of potential, cost-effective, environment-friendly, disaster resistant building materials and technologies including locally available materials from lab to land for sustainable development of housing. Published by: Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi A Newsletter of BMTPC On the occasion of 18 th foundation day i.e. 29 th June, 2008 of BMTPC, it gives me immense gratification and pride to release the inaugural issue of BMTPC newsletter Nirman Sarika. It would be a quarterly newsletter through which we would reach out to the common people of the nation and endeavour to provide latest technological innovations in the field of housing for sustainable development. In today’s fast changing technological world, it is of paramount importance that we keep ourselves abreast with the updated knowhow and constantly look for solutions to do away with the housing problem of our country and serve the nation. This was exactly in my mind, when I thought of starting the BMTPC newsletter. Through this letter, we will not only apprise the stakeholders of our latest activities but also collate information of budding building materials & construction technologies of the world. I hope, I will succeed in my step and the newsletter will go a long way in sensitizing construction industry to adopt cost-effective technologies and alternate building materials in harmony with nature. It will not be appropriate for me, if I do not dwell upon disaster resistant technologies. The vulnerability of Indian subcontinent to natural hazards has prompted BMTPC to work in the area of disaster mitigation and management. It is my firm belief that our construction sector should gear up to incorporate disaster resistant technologies even in normal construction work. BMTPC has been striving to create pool of experts in the field of disaster resistant technologies through capacity building programmes, training to artisans and on-site demonstrations. Our newsletter will also have a special section on natural hazards and related interventions so as to minimize the risk. BMTPC is a unique organization which is serving the nation since 1990 and has distinction of bringing the alternate building materials & cost-effective construction technologies at the grass-root level through upscaling, machine development, training and publications. I invite all the stakeholders though our newsletter to join hands with us in any of the area which may contribute towards Affordable Housing for All. I place on record my deep appreciation to our Hon’ble Minister Kumari Selja ji for her constant encouragement and giving meaningful guidance to us from time to time. Thanks to our mentors, Dr. Harjit S. Anand, Secretary and Shri S.K. Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation for their moral support and able maneuvering. At last but not the least, I congratulate the BMTPC family for working positively towards the growth of the organization and taking it to such great heights in past 18 years. I expect the same cooperation and team spirit in years to follow. (Dr. Shailesh Kr. Agrawal) “Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All”

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A Newsletter of BMTPC



Hkkx 1Hkkx 1Hkkx 1Hkkx 1Hkkx 1, vad 1 vad 1 vad 1 vad 1 vad 1, twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008 twu 2008, UkbZ fnYyhUkbZ fnYyhUkbZ fnYyhUkbZ fnYyhUkbZ fnYyh Vol.1, Issue 1, June 2008, New Delhi

fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks|kSfxdh lao)Zu ifj"kn~fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks|kSfxdh lao)Zu ifj"kn~fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks|kSfxdh lao)Zu ifj"kn~fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks|kSfxdh lao)Zu ifj"kn~fuekZ.k lkexzh ,oa izks|kSfxdh lao)Zu ifj"kn~

BUILDING MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION COUNCILMinistry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India

vkokl vkokl vkokl vkokl vkokl ,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj,oa ’kgjh xjhch mi’keu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj


Vulnerability Atlas of India•

Seismic Strengthening of LifelineBuildings

•Model Demonstration Housing


BMTPC’s Role under JNNURM•

Forthcoming India-Africa TechnicalCooperation Programme

•BMTPC’s Participation in Important


Performance Appraisal CertificationScheme

•Activities in the North Eastern


New Technologies•

Forthcoming Events•

International Exhibition cum Seminarin Africa

From the Desk of the

Executive Director


BMTPC to be world class knowledgeand demonstration hub for providingsolutions to all with special focus oncommon man in the area ofsustainable building materials,appropriate construction technologies& systems including disaster resistantconstruction.


To work towards a comprehensive andintegrated approach for promotion andtransfer of potential, cost-effective,environment-friendly, disasterresistant building materials andtechnologies including locally availablematerials from lab to land forsustainable development of housing.

Published by:

Building Materials & TechnologyPromotion Council, New Delhi

www.bmtpc.orgA Newsletter of BMTPC

On the occasion of 18th foundation day i.e. 29th June,2008 of BMTPC, it gives me immense gratification andpride to release the inaugural issue of BMTPC newsletterNirman Sarika. It would be a quarterly newsletterthrough which we would reach out to the commonpeople of the nation and endeavour to provide latest technological innovations in thefield of housing for sustainable development. In today’s fast changing technologicalworld, it is of paramount importance that we keep ourselves abreast with the updatedknowhow and constantly look for solutions to do away with the housing problem ofour country and serve the nation. This was exactly in my mind, when I thought ofstarting the BMTPC newsletter. Through this letter, we will not only apprise thestakeholders of our latest activities but also collate information of budding buildingmaterials & construction technologies of the world. I hope, I will succeed in my stepand the newsletter will go a long way in sensitizing construction industry to adoptcost-effective technologies and alternate building materials in harmony with nature. Itwill not be appropriate for me, if I do not dwell upon disaster resistant technologies.The vulnerability of Indian subcontinent to natural hazards has prompted BMTPC towork in the area of disaster mitigation and management. It is my firm belief that ourconstruction sector should gear up to incorporate disaster resistant technologies evenin normal construction work. BMTPC has been striving to create pool of experts in thefield of disaster resistant technologies through capacity building programmes, trainingto artisans and on-site demonstrations. Our newsletter will also have a special sectionon natural hazards and related interventions so as to minimize the risk.

BMTPC is a unique organization which is serving the nation since 1990 and hasdistinction of bringing the alternate building materials & cost-effective constructiontechnologies at the grass-root level through upscaling, machine development, trainingand publications. I invite all the stakeholders though our newsletter to join hands withus in any of the area which may contribute towards Affordable Housing for All.

I place on record my deep appreciation to our Hon’ble Minister Kumari Selja ji for herconstant encouragement and giving meaningful guidance to us from time to time.Thanks to our mentors, Dr. Harjit S. Anand, Secretary and Shri S.K. Singh, Joint Secretary,Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation for their moral support and ablemaneuvering.

At last but not the least, I congratulate the BMTPC family for working positively towardsthe growth of the organization and taking it to such great heights in past 18 years. Iexpect the same cooperation and team spirit in years to follow.

(Dr. Shailesh Kr. Agrawal)

“Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All”



Vulnerability Atlas of IndiaVulnerability Atlas of India waspublished first in 1997 by BMTPCas a part of Report by an ExpertGroup set up by the then Ministryof Urban Development, Govt. ofIndia with following broadobjectives:• Need to identify vulnerability

area with reference to natural hazards suchas earthquakes, cyclones, flood etc. havinga potential of damaging housing stock andrelated infrastructure.

• Preparation of vulnerability Atlas showingareas vulnerable to natural disaster anddetermination of risk levels of houses.

• Formulation of a strategy for setting upTechno-legal regimes for enforcing disasterresistant construction and planning practicesin natural hazard prone human settlements.

Since then, it has served as a useful tool for pro-active, pre-disaster management planning in thecountry.

The Atlas was again revised bringing all the latesthazard maps related to earthquakes, cyclones andflood including districtwise – tables on the basis ofcensus 2001 Data.

Special features in Revised Atlas• Digitization of all data sets in the various

maps including boundaries of the States andDistricts according to the Survey of IndiaMaps as well as the boundaries of the varioushazard zones, thus improving their accuracy.

• The Vulnerability and Risk Tables of HousingData in each district is now based on walltypes and roof types as per 2001 census data.The district names and reference numbers aretaken according to 2001 census for ease ofcross reference.

• Inclusion of a note on Tsunami wave effectsin coastal regions of the country.

• Inclusion of Landslide Hazard Zones.

State Atlases are now being prepared to give dataupto Taluka Level with Actionable points fordisaster Mitigation and management.

Seismic Strengthening ofLifeline BuildingsThe recent past earth-quakes in the countryhas exposed the vulnera-bility of our construc-tions including lifelinebuildings, such asschools, hospitals, etc. Inorder to make them safeagainst future earth-quakes, it is essential tocarry out vulnerabilityassessment of buildingsat first instance and thenperform seismic streng-thening throughtechnological interven-tions, for whichsufficient know-how isavailable in the country.

BMTPC in its endeavourof disaster mitigationand management hastaken several initiativesto showcase thepragmatic retrofitting techniques by seismicstrengthening of a few structures.

The Council has carried out seismic retrofitting ofKupwara Sub-Divisional Hospital in J&K. In thecapital, the Council has planned to demonstratethe retrofitting techniques in 12 zones of MCD bycarrying out assessment and retrofitting of MCDschools. So far five schools have been retrofitted.Work has been initiated in two more schools.

It is hoped that these demonstrations will help localauthorities to initiate retrofitting of lifeline buildingson larger scale.


A Newsletter of BMTPC



Model DemonstrationHousing ProjectsUnder Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY)(Now subsumed in IHSDP under JNNURM)

The Building Materials & Technology PromotionCouncil has been actively involved in promotion,development and dissemination of environment-friendly, innovative building materials and disasterresistant construction technologies for low costhousing. In its endavour to demonstrate field levelapplication of these technologies in the masshousing projects, the Council implemented its firstsuch model demonstration housing project atLaggarie, Bangalore, wherein 252 houses wereconstructed involving use of cost effectivetechnologies under the erstwhile scheme ofVAMBAY of M/o HUPA. Subsequent to itssuccessful implementation, M/o HUPA entrustedBMTPC with the construction of ModelDemonstration Housing Projects in Nagpur,Maharashtra (70 nos.), Dehradun, Uttrakhand (100nos.), Bilaspur, Chhatisgarh (100 nos.), Kudalu,Karnataka (70 nos.) and Trichy, Tamil Nadu (100nos.).

The project in the States of Uttrakhand andMaharasthra has already been completed, while theprojects in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are nearlycompletion as the finishing work is in the final stage.The project in Chhatisgarh is expected to becompleted by August 2008.

Demonstration Houses at Dehradun, Uttarakhand

The salient features of these Model DemonstrationHousing Projects are as under:

Location Unit covered Cost perarea (sft.) Unit (Rs.)

Nagpur 181 40,000Dehradun 181 45,000Kudalu 201 60,000Trichy 172 40,000Bilaspur 181 40,000

Technology Options Used:

Foundation• Under-reamed piles for foundation• RR masonry in foundation and plinth• Step footing in concrete blocksWalling• Solid/Hollow blocks using flyash/gypsum for

Masonry• Flyash Bricks for wallingRoof/Floor• Filler slab• Precast RCC planks and joists• Precast RCC Beam and curved planks• IPS flooringDoors/Windows• Precast RCC door frames• Door shutters from wood substitutesOthers• RCC plinth, lintel and roof bands for earthquake

resistance• Precast elements like Chajjas, shelves etc.• Ferrocement Stair Case.

Demonstration Houses at Kudalu, Karnataka

Demonstration Houses at Trichy, Tamil NaduDemonstration Houses at Nagpur, Maharashtra



BMTPC’s Role underJNNURMJawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission(JNNURM) is an important initiative of theGovernment of India for fast track urban renewalof various categories of cities, all across the country.The Mission has two sub-components whichinclude Urban Infrastructure & Governance as onepart. The other part has two sub-components viz.Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP) andIntegrated Housing and Slum DevelopmentProgramme (IHSDP). The second sub-componentis being implemented by the Ministry of HUPA.

BMTPC has been designated as the AppraisingAgency for the BSUP projects by the M/o HUPA.Its role is largely related to appraisal of the projectsreceived from various States under BSUP. TheCouncil has appraised 92 such projects amountingto Rs. 5,83,982.00 lakhs till date.

BMTPC has also beenactively associatedwith the variousCapacity BuildingProgrammes organi-zed by M/o HUPA atvarious locationsacross the country.Under these CapacityBuilding Progra-mmes, detailedpresentations outlin-ing the intricacies involved in the preparation ofDetailed Project Reports, Project Management andthe options for Housing Design, CommunityCentres, Informal Markets, etc. were made for themunicipal functionaries, engineers, architects,policy-makers of ULBs.

Ministry of HUPA has also selected BMTPC forundertaking Monitoring of implementation of BSUPand IHSDP projects. An agreement between M/oHUPA & BMTPC has been signed. This agreemententails a detailed comprehensive monitoring ofimplementation of BSUP and IHSDP projects.BMTPC is in the process of the establishing ProjectMonitoring Cell for monitoring of these projects.

Informal Market Layout

ForthcomingIndia Africa TechnicalCooperation ProgrammeTo strengthen the South-South cooperation, aProject Proposal for India Africa TechnicalCooperation Programme in the field of Housing andHuman Settlements was prepared and submittedto Ministry of External Affairs by Ministry of HUPA.

The Cabinet has approved the proposal forimplementation. The five years project is envisagedto be the initiating point for the implementation ofa wider programme designated as HumanSettlements Programme addressing the shelterneeds of the lower income group of the Africanregion having prime focus towards low costhousing, technology promotion, dissemination andtransfer of technology from India. The majorcomponents of the project are:

• Establishment of Human Settlement Centresin Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Ethiopiaand Namibia.

• Establishment of Technology Demonstrationand Diffusion Centres in Mozambique,Botswana, Zambia, Ethiopia and Namibia.

• Adaptation of technologies, R&D foradaptation, testing, certification, prototypedevelopment and batch production

• Facilitation for technology transfer includingsupport to the professionals, students,delegations for training

• Organisation of Seminars/Exhibitions acrossthe region including public privatepartnership

• Construction of 40 demonstration houseseach at five locations

• Construction of 400 houses each at fivelocations with the funding support of Govt.of India’s contribution of 10% and 90% bythe host country

• Training of engineers, skilled & semi-skilledworkers, small entrepreneurs, projectmanagers both in India and host country.


A Newsletter of BMTPC



BMTPC’s Participation inImportant EventsInternational

• Participated in 6th

World Alliance of Citiesagainst Poverty, 26-28th

March, 2008 as amember of the IndianDelegation led byHon’ble Minister ofState (I/C) for M/oHUPA to Greece,Athens.

• Participated and coordinated the CLGF IndiaConference on Inclusive City : UrbanStrategies to Promote Social Cohesion andInclusiveness, on 16th April, 2008 at NewDelhi.

• Participated in the 2nd

Asia Pacific MinistersConference onHousing & UrbanDevelopment from 12to 14th May, 2008 atTehran, Iran. Thedelegation was led byHon’ble Minister ofState (I/C) for M/oHUPA.


• BMTPC in collabora-tion with Entrepreneur-ship DevelopmentInstitute, Lucknoworganized two weeksE n t r e p r e n e u r s h i pDevelopment TrainingProgramme in the fieldof low cost housingtechnologies at Gorakh-pur, U.P. w.e.f 10th March, 2008.

• Organised a Residential Training Programmeon Modern Bamboo Structures and Housingwith Cane & Bamboo Technology Centre

Performance AppraisalCertification Scheme(An Effective Tool for Transfer of InnovativeTechnologies)

Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme(PACS), being operated by BMTPC, is a third partyvoluntary scheme for providing PerformanceAppraisal Certificate (PAC) to manufacturers orinstallers of a product which includes buildingmaterials, products, components, elements andsystem etc. after due process of assessment.

Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme helpsconstruction industry in bringing innovation andnew development to field application with a senseof confidence in the minds of all concerned. Itpromotes use of newly developed materials for costreduction, faster construction, improved quality andenvironmental protection. It also encourages R&Defforts, promotes transfer of technology from Labto Field, and generates necessary data forstandardization. The third party assessment with theinvolvement of experts from different organizationshelps the common user to make informed choices.

(CBTC), Guwahati atKaziranga, Assam, from6-8th March, 2008.About 45 participantsattended the TrainingProgramme.

• Training Programme on “Disaster Resistantand Quality Construction Practices” formasons was organized with KesarjanBuilding Centre, Ahmedabad from 8-12th

March, 2008 in village Kerala, DistrictAhmedabad, Gujarat. 18 Masons weretrained during the programme.

• Training Course on“Seismic ResistantDesign & Rehabili-tation of Structures” atRoorkee from 22-25th

April, 2008 organised with Institution ofEngineers (I), Roorkee Centre and CBRI,Roorkee. The Executive Director, BMTPCwas facilitated with a citation on theoccasion.



Activities in the NorthEastern RegionBamboo Mat Production CentresThe Council has completedestablishment of BambooMat Production Centres atKowaifung (Tripura), Sairangand Bualpui (Mizoram)while the Centre atSohkarnongtluh, Meghalayais in advanced stage of establishment.

The Council also initiated a project for establishmentof Bamboo Mat Production Centre in ArunachalPradesh. State Government has already identified thesite.

Construction of Demonstration StructuresThe Council completedconstruction of 6 demonstra-tion structures using bamboobased technologies inTripura and handed over tothe State Government. Inaddition, the Council has completed construction of4 more structures in Agartala, Ambasa and KailaShahar, Tripura.

The Council has alsocompleted construction oftwo demonstration structuresusing bamboo basedtechnologies in Kohima,Nagaland through NagalandBamboo DevelopmentAgency, Government of Nagaland.

A Technology Demonstration cum Production Centrein Agartala is in advanced stages of establishment.

Demonstration School Building at Agartala, Tripura

New TechnologiesTwo storey Bamboo Housing SystemDevelopment oftechnology forconstruction of twostorey bamboohousing system hasbeen completed. Ad e m o n s t r a t i o nhouse has beenconstructed at the campus of IPIRTI Bangalore.At each stage of house construction, variouselements were tested and models of suchelements were made before the actualconstruction was carried out.

Pre-fabricated Modular Housing System usingBambooDesign and Deve-lopment of pre-fabricated modularhousing systemusing bamboo andbamboo based com-posites has also beencompleted. A model design of pre-fab doublewalled bamboo composite house with attachedbath and kitchen having size 20’ x 24’ x 8’ wasdeveloped. This system will enable applicationof bamboo composite building materials in pre-fabricated houses. These types of houses can beconstructed quite quickly for immediate andlong term rehabilitation for post disaster relief.

Bamboo Mat Ridge CapThe technology for production of Bamboo MatRidge Cap usingbamboo has beendeveloped at IPIRTIBangalore. Dies tobe fixed to aHydraulic hot presshas also beendeveloped. Withthe success of development of ridge cap atlaboratory level, further work on upscaling ofthe process for commercialization has beeninitiated.


A Newsletter of BMTPC



Monolithic Concrete Construction

In Monolithic Concrete Construction technologywalls and slabs are constructed together giving thestructure a box (cubicle) shape. Cement concreteis poured directly in lightweight form work systemwhile using nominal reinforcement bars for neededstrength. The method may be one of the alternativesfor multistoried construction. Flyash may also beutilized in concrete. Monolithic ConcreteConstruction technology is being used by manyagencies for mass housing.

Technology though has the advantage of bringingspeed and quality in construction, pre-planning ofservices are essential for effective functional utility.Post construction alterations are not possible in thestructure. Being 100 mm thick walling system,orientation and other architectural design arerequired to be judicially planned to have goodthermal behaviour in hot climate.

Delhi State Industrial and InfrastructureDevelopment Corporation (DSIIDC) , Delhi,Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabadand Pimpiri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,Pune are constructing houses using this technology.The technology is being evaluated by BMTPC withthe help of experts.

Large Panel Construction Technologies usingPhosphogypsum and Micro Strand Glass Rovings

Rashtirya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. (RCF) andthe Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd.(FACT), both Government of India enterprisesengaged in the manufacture of chemical fertilizersand industrial chemical, produce phosphogypsumas by-product from their Phosphoric Acid Plant.These organizations have joined with an Australianfirm for production of large load bearing panelsmanufactured using phosphogypsum and microstrand glass rovings with special emulsion andchemicals.

As reported, phosphogypsum of both RCF and

FACT were extensivelytested in Australia toestablish their suitabilityfor the product.

The panel with Modularcavities is designed as perthe loading requirements.Materials have beensubjected to extensivetesting by StructuralEngineering Researchcentre (a CSIR lab),Chennai and Indian institute of TechnologyChennai including against earthquake forces.Design manuals have also been prepared by IITChennai.

This technology brings out high-speed ofconstruction. Being factory made, quality can alsobe controlled well. Depending upon the availabilityof panels from the plants, which are being set up,this technology, can be a viable alternative for masshousing. Huge stock of wastes (phosphogypsum)lying with fertilizer companies will also have gainfulutilization. The technology is being evaluated byBMTPC for its performance and cost-effectiveness.

Forthcoming Events• Workshop on Field level Application of Appropriate

Building Materials and Construction Technologies atTMM Nirmithi Kendra, Rohtas – 15-17 July, 2008

• Quarterly Round Table Meet with PWDs, CPWD andother related agencies on Use of Innovative BuildingMaterials and Technologies at New Delhi – 29 July,2008

• Foundation Laying of Demonstration Housing Projectat Amethi, Distt. Sultanpur, UP – July, 2008

• Signing of MoU between BMTPC and OrdinanceFactory Institute of Learning (OFIL), Ministry of Defencefor cooperation in the field of training and capacitybuilding of construction professionals and Inaugurationof BMTPC’s Permanent Display Centre at OFIL premises– August, 2008

• International Workshop on Emerging Technologies atNew Delhi – 6-7 August, 2008

• International Summit on Emerging Trends inConstruction Technologies at Bodh Gaya – 27-28August, 2008.

• One day Conclave on Building Centres at New Delhi– August, 2008.



Executive DirectorBUILDING MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION COUNCILMinistry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of IndiaCore 5 A, Ist Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003Phone: +91-11- 24638096, 24636705; Fax: +91-11-24642849E-mail: [email protected], Website:

For further details, please contact:

International Exhibition cum Seminaron Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies for Sustainable Housing in Africa

BMTPC under the guidance of the M/oHUPA, organized “International Exhibition cum Seminar onInnovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies for Sustainable Housing in Africa” inMozambique, Zambia, Botswana and Ethiopia in the month of April 2008. These events receivedoverwhelming response towards adopting Indian technologies for construction of cost effective housingin their respective countries.

Maputo, Mozambique – 3 April, 2008 Lusaka, Zambia – 9-10 April, 2008

Gaborone, Botswana – 14 April, 2008 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 15-16 April, 2008