bug box

Bug Box

Upload: sarahamott

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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  • 1. This power point aims to train you about bug boxes and selecting the right products for a bug box It does not aim to train you about the products within the bug box please take Bayers training to learn more regarding this Please ensure you view this as a slide show to ensure all links work

2. What is a Bug Box? 3. What is a Bug Box? YourVets Bug Box is a discounted way of buying all your parasite needs for 6 months It works as a bulk deal if you buy in bulk (minimum 6 months supply) then you receive a discount These products are then packaged in a lovely YourVets branded box the BUG BOX 4. Why? Traditionally most pet owners only buy the smaller amounts of flea / worm treatments (as they cost the least) They believe they will come back in as they run out to get more However when they run out they tend to forget to come in............. They then only remember when they notice their pet has fleas! 5. As then you dont have to treat the house, deal with the rash etc etc And thats just for the fleas........ 6. Other Issues Fleas are just one of many possible parasites Advocate also prevents Lungworm a potentially deadly worm we want to prevent this as sometimes waiting until the pet has this can be too late Toxocara is a type of worm which can infect people (especially children) waiting until they have a problem is too late as it can cause blindness in children Sarcoptes is a mite that causes intense itching. This is very distressing for the pet and the owner 7. We recommend monthly roundworm and ectoparasite (flea / mite) treatment all year round. 8. Why? A Bug Box offers clients bulk saving They save up to 10% on the normal prices (which are affordable even before this discount!) They are convenient Once they have a Bug Box they wont have to come back for quite a long time They can be confident their pet is covered. We will make sure they have no risk of common parasites if they take our recommendations in a Bug Box. Many other complete wormers will not cover everything 9. What are the Rules? They must take a minimum of 6 months supply of advocate They must take a minimum of one worming Drontal or Profender (or for small dogs only one Milbemax) They can take any other Bayer parasite products on top of that at the discounted price There is no maximum amount!!! 10. Advantix Seresto Collars Advocate Drontal Profender 11. Bayer Products Bayer are our preferred antiparasite supplier (as we believe their range provides the best control) Our good relationship with them enable us to give this discount on their products We are not able to do so with other companies hence the Bug Box is only for Bayer products (except tiny dogs who have Milbemax puppy / small dog) 12. We aim to give personal recommendations so we can give the right products for each pets lifestyle Therefore we need to ask a few questions before we can select the best products 13. Is he / she indoor or outdoor? Does he / she hunt? Is he / she inquisitive / getting his nose in to everything? (slug / snail risk) Do they tend to mix with other pets / walked where other pets go? Do you live close to a farm? Has he / she ever had a tick? Do you holiday in high tick risk areas (new forest etc) Are there many stray cats in your area? Do you have many slugs / snails in your garden? 14. Flea Risk All pets are quite high risk for fleas Things which make higher risk include Multi animal household (especially cats as tend to wander and pick up fleas) Large amounts of cats in neighbourhood (especially strays) don't need to be friendly just sharing same roaming areas Large amount of foxes Warm moist summers and mild winters increase flea numbers 15. Worm Risk Things that increase the risk for worms are Some are spread by fleas so things which increase risk of fleas Being near farms (especially if able to freely access as may scavenge) HUNTING especially in cats Access to slugs and snails (lungworm risk) Most common in young inquisitive animals rarely see eating one but often do as they sniff and explore every bush etc Toys left outside as they tend to get on them 16. Tick Risk Ticks are more likely if Live near a farm (livestock tend to spread) Live in certain parts of the country New forest Lake district Also increased risk near other areas of high density vegetation Parks Forests Near wildlife hedgehogs, badgers, foxes 17. Travelling Pets Should seek Vet advise Generally increased risk of Ticks (foreign ticks can carry much more dangerous diseases) Worms (are more dangerous worms on the continent) Sand fly (different parasite which can be controlled by advantix) 18. Decide What they Need? EVERY PET WILL NEED BASIC WORM AND FLEA CONTROL High risk pets may need extra worm control i.e. Avidly hunting cats may need monthly tapeworm control If at risk of ticks will need tick control May just be seasonal need(holiday in high risk area but rest of year fine) 19. What is Basic level? Basic control is Monthly advocate provides flea and roundworm (including lungworm) control Tapeworm control Dogs one tablet every 6 months Cats one tablet / profender every 3 months (if fully indoor then one every 6 months but ensure garden not considered indoor!!) 20. Extra Worm Control Can give tapeworm control as often as once a month For cats who hunt then MONTHLY worming should be recommended. If owner thinks very occasional hunter then every 2-3 months likely sufficient (ask how often If dogs are regularly flea treated then they are unlikely to ever need additional tapeworm treatment as Advocate covers roundworms and the tapeworm they get tends to come from fleas. 21. Bob 3 year old JRT 6kg Only pet in house Urban life style no known access to wildlife Very inquisitive gets nose into everything 22. Bob What products would you recommend for Bob? Advocate medium dog 6 pack, Drontal dog one dose Advocate medium dog 3 pack, Drontal dog one dose Advocate medium dog 6 pack, Drontal dog 6 doses Advocate medium dog 6 pack, Drontal dog one dose and seresto collar 23. While this is suitable for this dog as only 3 advocates are being given out it is not a bug box and hence not eligible for the discount. If the client wants the discount they would need to buy a 6 pack or 2 x 3 packs. If however they did not want this then we can happily give them this combination just they would have to pay normal price. Click here to go back 24. The 6 pack of advocate is correct While the inquisitive nature of this young dog means you have correctly identified he is higher risk for worms, the increased risk is for roundworms (specifically lungworm) which the advocate covers. Drontal is used alongside advocate as a tapewormer this dog is not at increased risk of tapeworms hence 1 drontal dose would be enough. Click here to go back 25. This combination is a good mix and would control every possible parasite. The history given did not show this dog as a high tick risk so he may not have needed the Seresto collar, however it would not be a wrong thing to talk about it to the owner to see if it is something they would like. Click here for next case 26. This is probably the ideal answer as it covers the parasites the dog is most at risk of. There is no cover for ticks in this combination but this dog is low risk for ticks, however it might be worth mentioning this to the owner from what you have told me it sounds like he is very low risk for ticks so there is probably no need for that, however if you holiday in a tick area or he mixes with local wildlife let us know and we can get you something to cover for them 27. Meg and Mog 2 DSH 3 year old cats. Meg weighs 3.7kg, Mog weighs 4.3kg Meg is a big hunter, Mog much prefers home. Their owner wants to treat for fleas and worms (she doesn't feel ticks are an issue to them) but is a bit short of cash 28. Meg and Mog Which option do you think would be best for them? Advocate large cat 6 pack and 2 Drontal tablets (one each normal for Meg, xl for Mog). Advocate large cat 3 pack and small cat 3 pack, 4 drontal tablets (3 normal for Meg and 1 xl for Mog) Advocate large cat 6 pack and small cat 6 pack and 4 worming tablets (2 each 2 normal and 2 xl) 29. This is not a good choice The Advocate large cat is fine for Mog (as he weighs over 4kg) but is an overdose for Meg. While we are unlikely to cause harm by doing this we should NEVER give out the wrong pack size. A 6 pack of Advocate would provide 3 months treatment for each cat, therefore one wormer each would be the basic level of worming (one every 3 months) However Meg is a big hunter she therefore needs to be wormed monthly. Therefore for 3 months they would need a minimum of 4 worming tablets one for Mog and 3 for Meg Click here to go back 30. This is not a bad choice but we could do better..... The owner has said she is a bit short of cash if she can afford 2 x 6 packs this is fine (and actually better value in the long term)but so long as she takes 6 pipettes in total she is fine to have the bug box discount, therefore we could give her 2 x 3 packs which would cost her less in one go Meg is a hunter she needs to be wormed monthly. Mog is not therefore only needs to be wormed every 3 months. Therefore you have not given enough wormers for the 6 month supply of advocate you have given Click here for next case 31. This is a really good choice You have got enough wormers for both cats for the 3 months supply of flea treatment. You have recognised the different cats have different worming requirements You have listened to the owners worry over cost and given a smaller supply to ensure both cats are treated. Do remember that for some owners although it costs more in one go it is better to take 6 packs as the cost per pipette is less 32. Meg and Mog Key Points It is fine to use a combination of smaller products to make up a bug box there just must be a minimum of 6 advocate pipettes and 1(dogs) 2(cats) worming tablets / Profenders (even if this makes it only 3 months supply per cat) If cats are hunters we should recommend monthly worming as they are prone to picking up tapeworm 33. A Note on Cat Wormers Drontal normal tablets do up to 4 kg Drontal XL tablets treat 6kg Therefore if a cat is over 4kg but under 6kg you could choose to give one and a half normal tablets or one xl tablet. This is really the owners preference (maybe on how easy the cat is to pill!!) Profender is always an option if they are bad to pill 34. Basil 9 Year old 61kg Great Dane Lives at stables no ticks ever noted on him / horses so low risk Getting to the vets is a hassle so please sort him out with enough to do until next year 35. Basil Which option do you think would be best for him? 2 x 6 pack of extra large advocate (12 pipettes) plus 4 Drontal extra large tablets One 6 pack of extra large and one 6 pack of Large Advocate plus 2 Drontal extra large tablets Two 6 packs of extra large and two 6 packs of large Advocate plus 4 Drontal extra large tablets 36. Although Basil is an extra large dog Advocate extra large actually only treats dogs who are 25-40kg. Therefore if you have a dog who is over 40kg you have to think of them as XXL! You must choose the combination of advocates to best suit their size. Therefore 40-44kg xl plus small 44-50kg xl plus medium 50-65kg xl plus large 65- 80kg two xl Basil needs 2 Drontal XL tablets every 6 months so the 4 you chose would last him the full year Click here to continue 37. This is the correct choices regarding size for both Advocate and Drontal However you have only given a 6 month supply. Basils owner asked for enough so they did not need to come back. Although it seems expensive to buy in one go it can save owners considerable time, effort and energy to get a full years supply. Click here to continue 38. This is a great choice This is the correct size for Basil for both Advocate and Drontal and you have selected enough to give a years supply with monthly advocate and 6 monthly Drontal 39. Basil Key Points You can give MORE than 6 pipettes fine to give up to a years supply per animal Large dogs have to use a combination of advocate sizes and drontal tabs to cover their weight. The cost is likely to be high don't judge the owners pocket but check they are ok before they reach reception! Ensure they know they are saving on the normal price 40. Polly Obviously is not really a tiger! however she acts like one every time her owners try to give her a pill She is 4.6kg She doesn't really hunt maybe bringing something home every 1- 2 months 41. Which option do you think would be best for her? Advocate Large cat 6 pack, Profender Medium 6 pipettes Advocate Large cat 6 pack, Profender Medium 3 pipettes Advocate large cat 6 pack, Profender Medium 2 pipettes 42. How Many Profender for a cat who hunts only a small amount? There is not really a correct answer These cats are most at risk of Tapeworm as the Advocate covers them for roundwom Every 3 months is the basic level, monthly is the hunting cat level so probably go somewhere between (i.e. Every 2 months) 43. Polly Key Points Profender can be used instead of Drontal it does cost a tiny bit more but for many owners this is worth it! If they hunt a bit but not that much you can go in- between the basic level of every 3 months the monthly for hunters i.e. Every 2 months 44. Jess and Tinker 3 year old DSH and 2 year old Dachshund Jess is not really a hunter. Both are low risk for ticks Money is tight can they share a bug box? Yes No 45. Jess and Tinker Key Points Although the pricing on the computer is for a cat bug box and a dog bug box they can share Just let reception know as you print the labels so they don't either think you have not given enough products or give out 2 outer boxes (the outer boxes are quite expensive to us!) 46. Sally 11 week old Springer Pup Weighs 5.9kg Seems low risk for ticks How would you best deal with this growing puppy? 47. They cant have a bug box until their weight stabilises a little Give 3 months at their current weight (i.e. 3 pack of advocate medium and 3 pack of advocate large) Price out for a bug box of their anticipated adult (or adolescent (9 month) for very large breeds) and get them to come in for monthly weigh ins to get the correct sized product. 48. Although the standard bug boxes are for animals with stable weights we can make a growing pet bug box Click here to go back 49. This is not the best option For young pets we do not know how fast / slow they are going to grow If we guess by making up a box like this then we may under or overdose them for periods of time Click here to go back 50. This is the correct option For growing pets price up a bug box for their anticipated adult weight. (if dealing with a giant breed i.e. A Great Dane who might not reach adult weight until 18 months then you can guess regarding their weight in about 6 months time!) Only give them one months supply ask them to come back monthly to be weighed and we can then give them the correct size as they grow Once they reach their mature weight we can stop seeing them monthly and give them any remaining products to take away If they go over the weight you guessed at then we will honour the price for any remaining products in that box. 51. Sally - Key Points Many young pets only need bug boxes starting after Puppy Bundle (as they get advocate and drontal in the puppy pack) Price for their anticipated adult weight (Hills ideal weight chart useful in guessing this) They come in for monthly weigh ins so we can give them the correct sized advocate Once they hit their adult size we can give them the rest of the box contents if any are left. Make sure for each weigh in you write what you have given them and how much they have remaining on the clinical notes 52. Golden Rules If you are unsure of anything (how high their risk is, what combination would be best etc) ASK If they have not been given Drontal or advocate before a vet needs to check them to ensure they are suitable (very quick check) If their weight has changed since their last dose of Drontal or Advocate a vet or VN should check to ensure you have suggested the right sized products