bucon traning and development main project

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  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project




  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project




    Human Res0urce Management is c0ncerned with human beings, wh0

    are energetic elements 0f management. The success 0f an enterprise will

    depend up0n the ability, strength and m0tivati0n 0f pers0ns w0rking in

    it. Human Res0urce Management refers t0 systematic appr0ach t0

    pr0blems in any 0rganizati0n. Human Res0urce Management is

    c0ncerned with all aspects 0f managing the human res0urces 0f an


    Acc0rding t0ikert, !!"very aspect 0f firm!s activities is determined

    by the c0mpetence, m0tivati0n and general effectiveness 0f its human

    0rganizati0n. 0f all the tasks 0f management , managing the human

    c0mp0nent is the central and m0st imp0rtant task because all depends

    up0n h0w well it is d0ne.! This #u0tati0n sums up the imp0rtance 0f

    human c0mp0nent in an 0rganizati0n and need f0r managing it


    Human Res0urces are the m0st imp0rtant assets 0f an 0rganizati0n.

    $ts 0b%ective is the maintenance 0f better human relati0ns in the

    0rganizati0n by the devel0pment, applicati0n and evaluati0n 0f

    p0licies, pr0cedures and pr0grammes relating t0 human res0urces t0

    0ptimize their c0ntributi0n t0wards the realizati0n 0f 0rganizati0nal

    0b%ectives. $t is c0ncerned with getting better results with the

    c0llab0rati0n 0f pe0ple.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    Human Res0urce Management has been defined by vari0us eminent

    auth0rs. '0me 0f them are menti0ned bel0w()

    !The p0licies and practices needed t0 carry 0ut the pe0ple 0r human

    res0urces aspects 0f a management p0siti0n including recruiting,

    rewarding, training, screening and appraising.!!

    *icti0nary 0f Human Res0urce Management and +ers0nnel


    !Human Res0urce Management is that part 0f the management!s

    pr0cess which is primarily c0ncerned with the human c0nstituents 0f an




  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    $0TR*23T$0 - TH" T+$3

    One 0f the m0st talked sub%ects in c0rp0rate circles, in recent times is

    h0w t0 0ptimize the c0ntributi0ns 0f human res0urces in achieving

    0rganizati0nal g0als. An efficient and satisfied w0rkf0rce is the m0st

    significant fact0r in marginal e4cellence and organizati0nal

    effectiveness. ut e4periences in business and service 0rganizati0ns

    h0wever indicate that management, c0mparatively speaking, best0w

    m0re time and attenti0n t0p0licies and systems relating t0pr0ducti0n,

    techn0l0gy, investment, invent0ry, marketing, etc than t0 human


    30mpulsi0n 0f m0dern business envir0nment is h0wever pr0m0ting

    c0rp0rate managements t0systematically review their current attitudes,

    beliefs and p0licies t0wards human res0urces f0r they c0ntribute m0st

    significantly t0 the survival and gr0wth 0f 0rganizati0n. "nlightened

    and pr0gressive managements have theref0re c0me t0 believe that

    pe0ple are n0t pr0blems but 0pp0rtunities. Training and *evel0pment

    activities are imp0rtant part 0f e4pl0ring these 0pp0rtunities.

    Training and *evel0pment activities are designed t0 impart specific

    skills, abilities and kn0wledge t0empl0yees. Training is a planned eff0rt

    by an 0rganizati0n t0 facilitate empl0yee!s learning 0f %0b related

    kn0wledge and skills f0r the purp0se 0f impr0ving perf0rmance.

    *evel0pment refers t0 learning 0pp0rtunities designed t0 help

    empl0yees gr0w and ev0lve a visi0n f0r future.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project




  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project



    *"7"O+M"0T TRA$0$08

    1.*evel0pment means gr0wth 0f

    an empl0yees in all respects.

    1.Training means learning skills and

    kn0wledge f0r d0ing a specific


    &.$t seeks t0devel0p c0mpetence

    and skills f0r future perf0rmance.

    Thus, it has a l0ng-term


    &.$t is c0ncerned with maintaining

    and impr0ving current %0b

    perf0rmance. Thus, it hassh0rt-


    /.$t is career-centeredin nature. /.$t isj0b-centeredin nature.

    5.The e4ecutives has t0be

    m0tivated internally f0r self


    5.R0le 0f trainer is very imp0rtant.

    TRA$0$08 A0* *"7"+M"0T


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    M"A0$08 - TRA$0$08 A0* *"7"+M"0T()

    $n simple terms, training and devel0pment refer t0 imparting specific

    skills, abilities and kn0wledge t0an empl0yee.

    A f0rmal definiti0n 0f training and devel0pment is()

    :$t is the attempt t0impr0ve future ;r current empl0yee perf0rmance

    by increasing an empl0yee!s ability t0 perf0rm thr0ugh learning,


    by changing the empl0yee!s attitude 0r increasing his skills and

    kn0wledge. 'tandard perf;rmance ? Actual


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    Acc0rding t0Edwin B. Flipp0, :Training is the act 0f increasing the

    kn0wledge And skills 0f an empl0yee f0r d0ing a particular j0b.

    Training inv0lves the devel0pment 0f skills that are usually necessary

    t0 perf0rm a specific %0b. $ts purp0se is t0 achieve a change in the

    behavi0r 0f th0se trained and t0enable them t0d0their %0bs better. $t

    makes newly app0inted w0rkers fully pr0ductive in the minimum 0f

    time. $t is e#ually imp0rtant f0r the 0ld empl0yees due t0 fre#uent

    changes in techn0l0gy.


    Training is imp0rtant n0t 0nly fr0m the p0int 0f view 0f 0rganizati0n @

    but als0 f0r the empl0yees. Training is valuable t0 the empl0yees

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    because it will give them greater %0b security and 0pp0rtunity f0r


    The need 0f training arises in an enterprise due t0f0ll0wing reas0ns()

    CA!"#!" TEC!O$O"%()Techn0l0gy is changing at a fast pace.

    The w0rkers must learn new techni#ues t0 make use 0f advanced

    techn0l0gy. Thus, training sh0uld be treated as a c0ntinu0us pr0cess

    t0update the empl0yees in new meth0ds and pr0cedures.

    &'A$#T% CO!(C#O'( C'(TO)E*(()3ust0mers have bec0me #uality

    c0nsci0us and their re#uirements keep 0n changing. T0 satisfy the

    cust0mers, #uality 0f pr0ducts must be c0ntinu0usly impr0ved thr0ugh

    training 0f w0rkers.

    "*EATE* +*O,'CT##T%()$t is essential t0increase pr0ductivity and

    Reduce c0st 0f pr0ducti0n f0r meeting c0mpetiti0n in the market.

    "ffective training can help increase pr0ductivity 0f w0rkers.

    (TAB$E O*/+$ACE()Training createsa feeling 0f c0nfidence in the

    minds 0f the w0rkers. $t gives them a security at the w0rk)place. As a

    result, lab0r turn0ver and absenteeism rates are reduced.


    Training 0b%ectives are f0rmed keeping in view c0mpany!s g0als

    and 0b%ectives.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    T0prepare the empl0yee Cb0th new and 0ldD t0meet the present

    as well as changing re#uirements 0f %0b and 0rganizati0n.

    T0 impart t0 the new entrants the basic kn0wledge and skill

    needed f0r the perf0rmance 0f a definite %0b.

    T0assist empl0yees t0functi0n m0re effectively in their present

    p0siti0ns by e4p0sing them t0 latest c0ncepts, inf0rmati0n and

    techni#ues and devel0ping the skill sets that may need further.

    T0devel0p the p0tentialities 0f pe0ple f0r the ne4t level 0f %0b.

    T0ensure sm00th and efficient w0rking 0f department.

    T0 bridge the gap between :e0isting perf0rmance ability< and

    :desired perf0rmance.

    T0 impr0ve 0rganizati0nal climate since an endless chain 0f

    p0sitive reacti0ns can result fr0m a well planned training



    Training plays an imp0rtant r0le in human res0urce department. $t is



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    useful and pr0ducti1e f0r all categ0ries 0f w0rkers and supervis0ry


    The imp0rtance 0f training and devel0pment in an enterprise are()

    O+T#)') 'T#$#2AT#O! OF TE *E(O'*CE(()Training and

    devel0pment helps in 0ptimizing the utilizati0n 0f human

    res0urces that further helps the empl0yees t0 achieve the

    0rganizati0nal as well as their individual g0als.

    ,EE$O+#!" (/#$$( OF E)+$O%EE(() Training and


    helps in increasing the %0b kn0wledge and skills 0f empl0yees at

    each level.

    $t helps t0e4pand the h0riz0ns 0f human intellect and an 0verall


    0f the empl0yees.

    +*O,'CT##T%()Training and devel0pment helps in increasing

    pr0ductivity 0f

    the empl0yees that helps 0rganizati0n t0 achieve its l0ng)term



  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    TEA) (+#*#T()Training and devel0pment helps in inculcating the

    sense 0f

    team)w0rk, team spirit, and inter)team c0llab0rati0ns.

    &'A$#T%()Training and devel0pment helps inimpr0ving up0n

    #uality 0f w0rk and w0rk)life.


    On the basis 0f purp0se, several types 0f training pr0grammes are

    0ffered t0empl0yees. The imp0rtant types 0f training pr0grammes are

    as f0ll0ws(


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    #!,'CT#3! T*A#!#!"()$nducti0n is c0ncerned with intr0ducing a

    new empl0yee t0 the 0rganizati0n and its pr0cedures, rules and

    regulati0ns. Fhen a new empl0yee rep0rts f0r w0rk, he must be helped

    t0get ac#uainted with the w0rk envir0nment and fell0w empl0yees.$t

    is better t0give him a friendly welc0me when he %0ins the 0rganizati0n,

    get him intr0duced t0 the 0rganizati0n and help him t0get a general

    idea ab0ut rules and regulati0ns, w0rking c0nditi0ns, etc 0f the


    43B T*A#!#!"()G0b training relates t0specific %0b which w0rkers has

    t0 handle. $t gives inf0rmati0n ab0ut machines, pr0cess 0f pr0ducti0n,

    instructi0ns t0be f0ll0wed, meth0ds t0be used and s00n. $t devel0ps

    skills and c0nfidence am0ng the w0rkers and enables them t0perf0rm

    the %0b efficiently. $t is the m0st c0mm0n 0f f0rmal in)plant trainingpr0grammes.$t helps in creating interest0f the empl0yees in their %0bs.

    A++*E!T#CE(#+ T*A#!#!"() Apprenticeship training pr0grammes

    tend m0re t0wards educati0n than merely 0n v0cati0nal training. 2nder

    this, b0th skills and kn0wledge in d0ing a %0b 0r a series 0f related %0bs

    are inv0lved. The g0vernment 0f vari0us c0untries have passed laws

    which make it 0bligat0ry 0n certain classes 0f empl0yers t0 pr0vide

    apprenticeship training t0 y0ung pe0ple. The usual apprenticeship


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    pr0grammes c0mbine 0n the %0b training and e4perience with class

    r00m instructi0ns in s;me particular sub%ects. This type ;f training is

    desirable in industries where the re#uirement is a c0nstant fl0w 0f new

    empl0yees e4pected t0 bec0me all r0und craftsmen. $t is very much

    prevalent in printing trades, building and c0nstructi0n and crafts like

    welders mechanics, electricians etc.

    #!TE*!(#+ T*A#!#!"()2nder this meth0d, the educati0nal and

    v0cati0nal institute enters int0arrangement with an industrial enterprise

    f0r pr0viding practical kn0wledge t0its students. This training is usually

    meant f0r such v0cati0ns where advanced the0retical kn0wledge is t0

    be backed up by practical e4perience 0n the %0b. -0r instance,

    engineering students are sent t0big industrial enterprises f0r gaining

    practical w0rk e4perience and medical students are sent t0h0spitals t0

    get practical kn0wledge. The peri0d 0f such training varies fr0m si4

    m0nths t0tw0years.

    *EF*E(E* T*A#!#!"()As the name implies, the refresher training is

    meant f0r the 0ld empl0yees 0f the enterprise. The basic purp0se 0f this

    training is t0ac#uaint the e4isting w0rk)f0rce with the latest meth0ds 0f

    perf0rming their %0bs and impr0ve their efficiency further. $n the w0rds

    0f ,ale %0der, :Retraining pr0grammes are designed t0 av0id

    pers0nnel 0bs0lescence.< The skills with the e4isting empl0yees


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    bec0me 0bs0lete because 0f techn0l0gical changes and 0f the human

    tendency t0f0rget.

    T*A#!#!" FO* +*O)OT#O!()The talented empl0yees may be given

    ade#uate training t0make them eligible f0r pr0m0ti0n t0higher %0bs in

    the 0rganizati0n. +r0m0ti0n means a significant change in the

    Resp0nsibilities and duties. Theref0re, it is essential that empl0yees are

    pr0vided sufficient training t0learn new skills t0 perf0rm their %0bs

    m0re efficiently. The purp0se 0f training f0r pr0m0ti0n is t0devel0p

    the e4isting empl0yees t0make them fit f0r undertaking higher %0b

    resp0nsibilities. This serves as a m0ti1atingf0rce t0the empl0yees


    The vari0us meth0ds 0f training may be classified int0 the f0ll0wing


    0n-the-j0b training


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    estibule training

    0ff-the-j0b training

    O!-TE-4OB T*A#!#!"()0n)the)%0b training is c0nsidered t0 be the

    m0st effective meth0d 0f training the 0perative pers0nnel.2nder this

    meth0d, the w0rker is given training at the w0rk place by his immediate

    supervis0r. $n 0ther w0rds, the w0rker learns in actual w0rk

    envir0nment and is based 0n :learning by d0ing< principle.

    There are f0ur meth0ds 0f 0n)the)%0b training described bel0w()

    COAC#!"()2nder this meth0d, the supervis0r imparts %0b kn0wledge

    and skills t0his sub0rdinate.The emphasis in c0aching the sub0rdinate

    is 0n learning by d0ing.This meth0d is very effective if the superi0r has

    sufficient time t0pr0vide c0aching t0his sub0rdinates.

    20*"R 'T2*()The superi0r gives training t0 a sub0rdinate as his

    assistant. The sub0rdinate learns thr0ugh e4perience and 0bservati0n.$t

    prepares the sub0rdinate t0assume the resp0nsibilities 0f the superi0r!s

    %0b in case the superi0r leaves the 0rganizati0n. The purp0se 0f

    understudy is t0 prepare s0me0ne t0fill the vacancy caused by death,

    retirement, transfer, 0r pr0m0ti0n 0f the superi0r.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    +O'$T$O0 ROTAT$O0( The purp0se 0f p0siti0n r0tati0n i s t0

    br0aden the backgr0und 0f the trainee in vari0us p0siti0ns. The trainee

    is peri0dically r0tated fr0m %0b t0 %0b instead 0f sticking t00ne %0b

    s0that he ac#uires a general backgr0und 0f different %0bs. H0wever,

    r0tati0n 0f an empl0yee fr0m 0ne %0b t0an0ther sh0uld n0t be d0ne

    fre#uently. He sh0uld be all0wed t0stay 0n a %0b f0r sufficient peri0d

    s0that he may ac#uire the full kn0wledge 0f the %0b.

    GO ROTAT$O0()G0b r0tati0n is used by many firms t0 devel0p all-

    r0undw0rkers. The empl0yees learn new skills and gain e4perience in

    handling different kinds 0f %0bs. They als0 c0me t0 kn0w

    interrelati0nshipbetween different %0bs. $t is als0used t0place w0rkers

    0n the right %0bs and prepare them t0handle 0ther %0bs in case 0f need.

    7"'T$2" TRA$0$08)

    The term vestibule training! is used t0designate training in a class)r00m

    f0r semi)skilled w0rkers. $t is m0re suitable where a large number 0f

    empl0yees must be trained at the same time f0r the same kind 0f w0rk.

    Fhere this meth0d is used, there sh0uld be well #ualified instruct0rs in

    charge 0f training pr0grammes.Here the emphasis tends t0 be 0n


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    learning rather than pr0ducti0n. $t is fre#uently used t0 train clerks,

    machine 0perat0rs, typists, etc.

    7estibule training is adapted t0the general type 0f training pr0blem

    that is faced by 0n)the)%0b training. An attempt is made t0duplicate, as

    nearly as p0ssible, the materials, e#uipments and c0nditi0ns f0und in

    real w0rk place. The human res0urces department makes arrangements

    f0r vestibule training when the training w0rk e4ceeds the capacity 0f the

    line supervis0rs. Thus, in vestibule training, the w0rkers are trained 0n

    specific %0bs as they w0uld be e4pected t0perf0rm at their w0rk place.

    7estibule training has certain demerits als0. The artificial training

    atm0sphere may create ad%ustment pr0blem f0r the trainees when they

    are sent t0their actual w0rk place. $t is relatively e0pensi1eas there is

    duplicati0n 0f materials, e#uipments and c0nditi0ns f0und in the real

    w0rk place.

    O--)TH")GO TRA$0$08()$t re#uires the w0rkers t0underg0training

    f0r a specific peri0d away fr0m the w0rk place. 0ff)the)%0b meth0dsare c0ncerned with b0th kn0wledge and skills in d0ing certain %0bs. The

    w0rkers are free 0f tensi0n 0f w0rk when they are learning.

    There are several 0ff)the)%0b meth0ds 0f training as described bel0w()

    '+"3$A "3T2R" 32M *$'32''$O0()Training thr0ugh special

    lectures is als0 kn0wn as :class)r00m training

  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    with imparting kn0wledge than skills. The special lectures may be

    delivered by s0me e4ecutives 0f the 0rganizati0n 0r specialists fr0m

    v0cati0nal and pr0fessi0nal institutes. Many firms als0 f0ll0w the

    practice 0f inviting e4perts f0r special lectures f0r the staff 0n matters

    like health, safety, pr0ductivity, #uality, etc.

    3O0-"R"03" TRA$0$08()A c0nference is a gr0up meeting

    c0nducted Acc0rding t0an 0rganised plan in which the members seek

    t0devel0p In0wledge and understanding by 0ral participati0n. $t is an

    effective training device f0r pers0ns in the p0siti0ns 0f b0th

    c0nference member and c0nference leader. As a member, a pers0n can

    learn fr0m 0thers by c0mparing his 0pini0ns with th0se 0f 0thers. He

    learns t0respect the viewp0ints 0f 0thers and als0realizes that there is

    m0re than 0ne w0rkable appr0ach t0any pr0blem.

    3A'" 'T2*()The case meth0d is a means 0f stimulating e4perience in

    the classr00m. 2nder this meth0d, the trainee are given a pr0blem 0r

    case which is m0re 0r less related t0the c0ncepts and principles already

    taught. They analyze the pr0blem and suggest s0luti0ns which are

    discussed in the class. The instruct0r helps them reach a c0mm0n

    s0luti0n t0the pr0blem. This meth0d gives the trainee an 0pp0rtunity

    t0apply his kn0wledge t0the s0luti0n 0f realistic pr0blems.


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    23O0, a specialized c0nstructi0n agency has strict adherence t0timeand #uality parameters thr0ugh devel0pment 0f highly #ualified andm0tivated technical and management pers0nnel catering t0the ever

    gr0wing needs 0f discerning clients.

    The c0mpany has 0btained a rec0gniti0n t0its c0mmitment and hasstead fastedly held 0n and shall strive t0h0ld 0n the c0mmitment. $tstarted in way back 1B9E, by ate .I adhwar a science graduate fr0m+ilani.

    *uring the ne4t five decades the 0rganizati0n has gr0wn manif0ld bydrawing it!s strength fr0m the successfully c0mplete civil and structuralengineering w0rks in pr0%ects pertaining t0sugar industry, c00per


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    industry, carb0n black plants, cement plants, te4tiles industry, tarpr0ducts fact0ries, and 0ver head R.3.3 Reserv0irs etc. at places like2ttar +radesh, Ra%asthan, Maharashtra, Iarnataka , Himachal +radesh


    The 0rganizati0n has diversified int0c0nstructi0n activities c0mprising0f c0mmercial building, public utility buildings, and residential flats indelhi and ncr since 1BE. As a part 0f the e4pansi0n plan, uc0n hasundertaken and successfully c0mpleted civil w0rks f0r Asia!s biggesthall) :A Meditati0n r0und hall< and 0ther instituti0nal and h0stel

    buildings at Maharishi nagar, 00ida. J 2.+K .Fith the c0mmencement 0f gr0up h0using activities in dwarka, new

    delhi, during the last few years the 0rganizati0n has been entrusted withthe c0nstructi0n 0f m0re than 19EE residential flats in multi)st0redbuildings , c0mpleted with civil sanitary, water supply, drainage,electrical and all devel0pment w0rks etc. And m0st 0f the w0rk has

    been handed 0ver t0clients. As a team 0f y0ung, enthusiastic, f0cusedand highly m0tivated pe0ple, we are united with a clear c0mm0n visi0nand missi0n. The entire uc0n team is pr0fessi0nally trained andc0mmitted f0r a c0nsistent #uality perf0rmance. 0ard 0ver)view ,sharing 0f ideas and grasping t0learn and e4perience lead us t0the

    perfecti0n and every0ne en%0ys w0rking t0gether t0achieve c0mm0nmutual g0al with passi0n and t0feel pr0ud t0be a part 0f the winningteam.


    Mr. Gagdish Iumar adhwar

    Mr. +aras adhwar

    Mrs. Tripta adhwar Mrs. Man%u adhwar


    A clear visi0n t0be 0ne 0f the t0p m0st c0nstructi0n c0mpany, withinternati0nal standards f0r #uality, service and w0rk envir0nment t0


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    achieve m0re t0wards the mutual c0mm0n g0al f0ll0wing the s0cialenvir0nmental supp0rtive system.


    30llective eff0rts t0meet 0r e4ceed the defined 0r stipulated needs 0f0ur cust0mers thr0ugh c0ntinual gr0wth in techn0l0gy and inn0vati0n."4cellent w0rking c0nditi0ns , #uality manp0wer t0be f0ll0wed withself) enhancement pr0grammes f0r 0ptimum utilizati0n 0f / M!s) Men,M0ney and Machine.



    A. $ndustrial +r0%ects)1B9E)1BE) 3ivil and structural w0rks 0f industrial pr0%ects f0r(

    1 'ugar -act0ries At 80lag0karan 0ath J2.+K

    & Hindustan 30pper td. At khetri nagar JRagasthanK/ *uncan!s 3arb0n black plants at 8haziabad J2.+K5 -ertiliser plant under engineers india td. At panipat.

    6 MLs. 8raphite india td. At angal0re JIarnatakaK9 MLs. 3arb0n 30rp0rati0n 0f india, 0asik JMaharashtraK= MLs. *haruhera 3hemicals, *haruhera JHaryanaK

    MLs. A.3.3 td. Fadi JIarnatakaK

    B MLs. Aut0meters td. allabhgarh JHaryanaK1E MLs. A.3.3 3ement +lant which is at 8agal. JHimachal

    +radeshK0 m0re.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    . $nstituti0nal +r0%ects)

    1BE)1B6 c0nstructi0n 0f vari0us utility buildings have beenc0mpleted.

    1 Ra%gharia 7ishram 'adan, 0pp0site A$$M', 0ewdelhi

    & Maintenance uliding f0r A$R -RA03" at $ndira8andhi $nternati0nal Airp0rt, 0ew delhi.

    1BB&)1BB5 c0nstructi0n 0f instituti0nal building!s and h0stel bl0cks

    at Maharishi 0agar ,00ida J2.+K including)

    1 Aisa!s biggest hall) A r0und meditati0n hall .& H0stel uildings and Recepti0n l0cks./ 'piritual "ducati0n 3enter!s.

    C. Residential Pr0jects-

    1BE 0nwards)1 15E -lats f0r 0ridnance 3.8.H.' ltd. at

    7ikaspuri, 0ew delhi.

    & 1& -lats f0r 7in0ba 3.8.H.' at r0hini,0ew *elhi.

    / &EE -lats f0r awyers 3.8.H.' td. atMayur 7ihar , 0ew *elhi.

    5 & -lats f 0r 0.+. "mpl0yees 3.8.H.'td. At vikas pur 0ew delhi.

    6 1B -lats f0r veerpuru 3.8.H.' td. atR0hini , 0ew delhi.

    9 =6 -lats f 0r *iesel 'hed 3.8.H.' td. at*warka , 0ew delhi.

    = 1E -lats f0r 3hinar 3.8.H.' td. at*warka, 0ew delhi.

    1E19 -lats, at Gaypee JAMA0K 'ect0r

    161, 00ida.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    B 1E -lats f0r adhwar 3.8.H.' at*warka , 0ew delhi.

    1E 1E6 -lats, at ank vihar 3.8.H.' at

    *warka , 0ew delhi.

    0 m0re.

    *. 3urrent +r0%ects)1 MLs. "4peri0n *evel0pers +vt.

    td h0using residential pr0%ectsect0r 1E, +0cket ?3 8urga0n.

    & Rudra uildwell +r0%ects +vt. tdh0using Residential pr0%ect +l0t

    00. 8H)E& , 'ect0r ? E1 00ida

    "4tensi0n./ MLs 3iviltech uildwell +vt. tdh0using residential pr0%ects 00ida"4tensi0n.

    5 MLs Gaiprakash Ass0siati0n td.h0using residential +r0%ectJ-inishing w0rkK 'ect0r)161,



    $0*$A0 A0I)Fe en%0y e4cellent banking relati0ns with 0ne lead bank which enablingus c0mf0rtable creditLlimit facilities and allied facilities acc0rdingsm00th e4ecuti0n 0f pr0%ect.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project





  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    TRA$0$08 A0* *"7"+M"0T AT 230 $0-RAT"3T +7T.T*.

    The visi0n ) A clear visi0n t0 be 0ne 0f the t0p m0st c0nstructi0n


    Training is the pr0cess 0f increasing the kn0wledge and skills f0r d0ing

    a particular %0b. $t is 0rganized pr0cedure by which pe0ple learn

    kn0wledge and skill f0r a definite purp0se. The purp0se 0f training is

    basically t0 bridge the gap between %0bs basically t0 bridge the gap

    between %0b re#uirement and present c0mpetence 0f an empl0yee.

    Training is cl0sely related with the educati0n and devel0pment.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    TH" TRA$0$08 +R8RAM)

    The training pr0gram is given at uc0n every m0nth acc0rding t0 the

    training calendar is being schedule..

    $n the beginning 0f this pr0gram, the empl0yee is re#uired t0 fill a

    particular f0rm. This f0rm c0ntains his basic inf0rmati0n. The inducti0n

    pr0gram f0r the empl0yee is designed after studying this f0rm, taking

    int0 c0nsiderati0n his backgr0und, areas 0f strengths, weaknesses,

    interest etc.

    "mpl0yees are trained at the 0ffice. T0begin with the inducti0n the

    very first thing is t0 devel0p am0ngst these empl0yees, a feeling 0f

    t0getherness. -0r this, these empl0yees are given classr00m training .

    7ari0us departments c0me t0the class r00m t0deliver lecture. *uring

    these classr00ms training the empl0yees get familiar friendly with

    each 0ther. T0strengthen the feeling 0f t0getherness devel0p a sense

    0f bel0nging gr0ups are f0rmed in the classr00m. These gr0ups are

    given vari0us tasks and intergr0up c0mpetiti0ns are c0nducted. Thus

    they are kept busy all the time.

    $n the evening these empl0yees are taken f0r plant visits. 0uting is als0

    planned t0frame pe0ple in the area. *uring this training e4aminati0ns,

    business games, presentati0ns are taken.

    At the end 0f the inducti0n a feedback has t0 be submitted by the



  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project



    The pr0cedure f0r imparting training based 0n 0rganizati0nal needs t0

    empl0yees in uc0n are as f0ll0ws()

    Organizati0nal training needs() Training needs based 0n 0rganizati0nal

    needs will be identified by the manager using training needs

    identificati0n f0rm. The base f0r such training is 0rganizati0nal

    re#uirements, change in system, pr0cedure.

    +lanning and 0rganizing Training pr0grammes () The HR* will make

    plan f0r training pr0gramme based 0n needs 0f the firm. This may

    include training related t0 pr0duct image, pr0cess change, fire and

    safety, envir0nmental change, etc.

    'pecific Training 0eeds Thr0ugh Respective *epartmental Heads()

    ased 0n Training plan, training pr0grammes will be 0rganized in)h0use

    0r 0utside -aculty. +articipant may als0 be sent f0r 0utside training

    pr0grammes f0r 'pecific training needs thr0ugh respective departmental

    head. -0r the +urp0se 0f 0rganizing in)h0use training pr0gramme, the

    department can Maintain a list 0f faculties available in the c0mpany. This

    list will serve as a 8uideline d0cuments. Rec0rds 0f training

    pr0grammes c0nducted will be Maintained.

    "valuati0n 0f Training pr0grammes() The HR* will m0nit0r pr0gress

    0n training needs c0llected with respect t0plan. The evaluati0n will be

    d0ne and rec0rd will be maintained f0r each empl0yee t0 wh0m

    training has been imparted.


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    Measure 0f "ffectiveness() The measure 0f effectiveness 0f training

    pr0grammes is d0ne in f0ll0wing ways( 0verall impr0vement 0f

    individual. -ulfillment 0f firm!s g0als. In0wledge "nrichment.

    "nhancement in "mpl0yee 'atisfacti0n $nde4. -eedback 0btained fr0m

    the empl0yees.



  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project



    R"'"AR3H M"TH*8

    Research in c0mm0n parlance refers t0the search f0r kn0wledge. $t canbe als0 defined as a scientific and systematic search f0r pertinent

    inf0rmati0n 0n specific t0pic. $nfact, search is an art 0f scientific

    investigati0n. $n simple terms, research means, a careful in1estigati0n

    0r en5uiry especially thr0ugh search f0r new facts in any branch 0f


    8$3A -F - R"'"AR3H $' A' -F'

    $dentificati;n ;f pr;blem

    Research ;b%ective

    ';urces ;f data


  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    *ata c;llecti;n


    'ample 'ize

    *ata interpretati;n

    *ata analysis

    -inding and ;bservati;n



    R"'"AR3H *"'$80

    Research design can be th0ught 0f as the structure 0f research. $t is the

    gluethat h0lds all the elements in a research pr0%ect t0gether. Research

    design is a vital part 0f the research study. $t is the l0gical and systematic

    planning and directing 0f piece 0f research. $t is the master planand blue

    print0f the entire study.

    '2R3"' - *ATA

    The s0urces 0f the data are as f0ll0ws()

    +R$MAR *ATA()

    $nternal data ab0ut w0rking 0f HR department gathered fr0m





  • 8/10/2019 Bucon Traning and Development Main Project


    'ufficient data c0llected thr0ugh feedback f0rms by the



    '"3 O0*RA *ATA()

    Magazines, %0urnals, br0chures, etc.

    Febsite 0f the c0mpany. Cwww.irsl.c0mD.


    "arlier researches 0n similar t0pic.


    Fe always have t0w0rk with a sample 0f sub%ects rather than the full

    p0pulati0n. ut pe0ple are interested in the p0pulati0n, n0t the sample.

    T0generalize fr0m the sample t0the p0pulati0n, the sample has t0berepresentative 0f the p0pulati0n. The safest way t0ensure that it is the

    representative is t0use a*and0m selecti0n pr0cedure.

    M"THO* O- 'AM+$08 2'"*( : RA0*OM 'AM+$08
