brochure 2405 test2

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  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


    A virtual nation inthe state of Mind

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


    While our thoughts progressed for thevir tual nat ion, we fe l t the need for somerunning commentar ies and ad hoc inser t ions .This paved the way for 33.3 IM Readio, thef i rs t ever Radio on pr int . Al l off a sudden wewere provided with a f ree format to switch or in t r ude with a sni ppet , joke or song.

    As Ghos t Wri te rs we s ta r ted assumingavatars as Readio Jokeys(RJ) and we were ona product ion spree and managed to produceand s t i t ch conten ts in a format tha t i s reader f r iendly. In10se conversat ions that normal lyend up in a verba l squabble or persona l i ty

    c lash , ga ined new l i fe in th i s new for mat .

    We are an emerging media company foundedby an In te rna t iona l Consor t ium of Free lanceth inkers who are hous ing our thoughts wi th ina phantom s tory l ine wi th f ic t i t ious charac te r tha t enable us to th ink uncondi t iona l ly under the pre tex t o f forming a new na t ion in asurreal realm and sourcing for newer values tobui ld a bet ter fu ture . The co ncept g ives us thel iber ty to handle our worr ies in l i fe , devoidof our perso nal and socia l s ta tus . This gave usa un ique medium for f reedom of thought and express ion, paving way for In1 0se thi nki ng. Weapt ly named our company In10ci ty, which isa l so the name of the Invented Vi r tua l Nat ion .

    33.3 IM Readio

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


    gamy war This recracker of a discussion is ano shoot of the separa on discussion in which we discussthe social ins tu on of marriage induced divorce andsepara on and completely dissect it. Our excava on takes

    a more profound turn now as we delve deeper into therules and legali es surrounding marriage.

    Why has society imposed upon usthis legally binding union, sellingto us the idea that the pinnacle of true love is marriage? Whom doesthis union really bene t? It wouldbe highly idealis c to say thatmarriage is all about love when itis highly possible to love withoutentering marriage.RJ Melanchole a

    You have no experience inmarriage as yet but you arein a state of a preposterousassump on about marriage.What is your stand onabuses happening inmonogamy now? Why is thesociety not discon nuing itlike polygamy?RJ Fox

    If both par es consent topolygamy and are ne withopen rela onships, I do notthink that they should usethe word marriage toname their legal contractat all. They ruin the wholetrue meaning of it.RJ Rose


    habit Human beings are a race of species that thrive and havesurvived by carrying out certain rituals and prac ces over the years fromgenera on to genera on. These rituals, prac ces and methodologyare based on the age old habit. This thread was based on an abstractques on on the origin of habits and their consequences on humanity asa whole on both a macro and micro scale. A simple yet complex ques onwas asked: Do we have the habit of forming habits that last a life me. Weconcluded from our discussions that the most di cult habit to break is

    the habit of forming habits. The experience of discovering the opinions of the various RJs on the origin and cause of habits was also rather thoughtprovoking.

    I think that most habitseventually overlap intoaddic ons over me. Theyoccur so subconsciously inour systems that we fail toactually see them althoughwe want toRJ Symphony

    In my opinion, it is allabout programming. Weprogram ourselves tobehave in certain ways

    and to seek pleasure incertain deedsRJ Melanchole a

    The good thing about anOUTBURST or WAR is thatpeople will be FORCED to thinkoutside the box and discoverbe er solu ons to a problem orsitua on. An a er-war scenarioshuns passivity and mediocrity.RJ Sassychloe

    Excerpts:ISBN: 978-981-08-5761-5

    ISBN: 978-981-08-5764-6

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


    separa on This is personally the most intellectuallyaggressive discussion I have ever engaged in. A debate is an excellentmedium through which both sides of an argument can be presented. Itwas an epic war of the words between tradi on and true libera on and

    RJ Rose and I were the gladiators defending our perspec ves on thefundamentals of marriage. Though heated, this discussion provided greatinsight into the personali es of both RJ Rose and I. All in all I feel that thisdiscussion of ours showcases the myriad of personali es that are on boardthe in10city bound vessel. This discussion shows readers that we are nota one note anarchist publica on and that we are merely a mouthpiece forself expression as long as it is open to debate and interpreta on.

    Do men have thepropensity to beirresponsible whentheir women arevery responsible?RJ Phoenix

    More than physical abuse,there is predominance of Intellectual Abuse or SoulRape that is never takenregard in the society.RJ Fox

    Marriage is required when both personsare in love with each other and plan orwant to be together forever. A marriage is topronounce them as husband and wife legallylike an item. The legal bond holds them even

    ghter because they cannot just leave eachother as easilyRJ Rose


    I seriously think that its notthe habit you should hate butthe things. We have a saying inHindi Bure karmon walon senahi balki Bure karm se nafratkarni chahiye, which meansDont hate the person whodoes evil, but hate the Evil.RJ Chirpee

    We cannot stop the media fromglamorizing cigare es becausethe media is a corpora on-runcapitalist propaganda machine.RJ Melanchole a

    The an -smoking lobbysuddenly seems to havegained ownership of theworld. They have no clue asto what their des na on orinten on is and how far theywould go to make smokersgive up smokingRJ Fox


    ISBN: 978-981-08-5760-8

    ISBN: 978-981-08-5765-3

    smoking What starts out as a thread highligh ng and ques oningthe oppression and judging of smokers by society and government policiessoon diverts into the hypocrisy of the government and its sincerity in the taskof be ering society. As with all other topics, we ques oned and completelycapsized societal norms in this topic. Certain informa on contradic ngin-faux-ma on we have been force fed all our lives came to light as wellwhich was highly enriching and forced us to reevaluate our thoughts andperspec ves, especially mine. The beauty of topics such as this one is that it

    inspires us to rip open the veneers that those who govern us have swaddledus in.

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


    std vs itr The mass appeal of religion can be likened tothat of a diseases or what we call a pious plague. The power thatreligion wields over the masses is extremely massive in the sensethat millions of people worldwide live their lives based on religious

    doctrines and prac ces. In this dogma destroying discussion, weuncover the underlying workings of religion and compare it to that of sexually transmi ed diseases. We ques on if it is fair to draw parallelsbetween the two or if the STD is indeed a mere physical illustra on of the Intellectually Transmi ed Religion.

    ISBN: 978-981-08-5763-9

    Prac cing somethingrequires ones ownac ons, and decision toprac ce it, in essence,the exercising their ownfree will to prac ce andfreely take on a religion.RJ Phoenix

    The reason for theseverity of this intellectuallytransmi ed religion isthe fact that it drains theindividuals of their intellectand replaces it with its own.RJ Melanchole a

    Yes, we do have the liberty to discardreligious teachings if we choose to,but, because it is so ingrained into oursystems from such a young age, we ndourselves con icted with our modernviews and what has been passed downto us through genera onsRJ Symphony


    To many parents, kids are ademonstra on piece. I do not knowwhy they love making tape recordingsout of their kids and making the kidrecite the same thing without anya achment to what the child is reci ng.This is the robo c programming, whichthe society has to outgrowRJ Fox

    While physical abuse hasa direct impact only on thebody, psychological abusecan have a dangerousimpact. Even a childcould get a ected just byoverhearing conversa ons.RJ Rose

    We all grew up feelinguncomfortable around theopposite sex, and this reallyturned us into secre ve,introverted adults later onRJ Phlox


    ISBN: 978-981-08-5766-0

    troubled paren ng The appearance and blooming of a ower is in uenced by the methods through which it is nourished. This is thesame for paren ng as well. In this discussion we unraveled the vulnerabili esof the RJs by scraping away at their present in order to uncover their past,speci cally their childhood. We established unanimously that there is a threadthat binds childhood to adulthood and that who we are now is in uencedgreatly by who we were as children. The in mate details of our lives werespla ered upon a canvas in this discussion and exhibited for all to view anddissect. Insigh ul self analysis was also conducted by the RJs regarding theirparents and the way they were raised. The revela ons and analysis proved

    to be rather therapeu c for all of us. As far as insigh ulness goes, this wasperhaps the thread that addressed and brought a en on to our core issues.

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure 2405 TEST2


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