brief report of lao langur trachypithecus laotum …...brief report of lao langur trachypithecus...

Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh Phiapalath, PhD Report to : Provincial Division for Protected Area Management, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR Primate Conservation Inc., USA Russel E. Train Education for Nature (EFN)/EFN Alumni Grant Conservation Leadership Program, World Wildlife Fund, USA Lao Langur, is endemic to only Lao PDR. It is a sub-species to Francois’ Leaf Monkeys (Trachypithecus francoisi sensu lato) which was classified by IUCN as a vulnerable species in 2010. Lao Langur’s short scientific name is laotum reflecting the name of the country that it inhabits. It lives in a small geographical range (ca 3,000 km 2 ) with low abundance and small group size (5.5). It faces high pressure from the human population (>30,000 people, 109 villages in 5 districts) living in and adjacent to the species’ main habitat “Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area in Central Laos. Hunting of the species is encouraged by wildlife trade market demand. For example, purchasing primate bones for medicinal purposes is reported and seen in the area. Due to a lack of ecology research and detailed surveys of its abundance, there is insufficient information on the species today for conservation planning. Because Lao people are not well aware of the uniqueness of the species and there is no conservation action in place, there are concerns that the species will go extinct in the future. Lao WCA Lao Wildlife Conservation Association (Lao WCA), Vientiane, Lao PDR December 2010 ບດົລາຍງານຫຍກຽວ ກບັການສາໍຫວດ ໂຄງ ລາວ ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງ ຊາດ ພູຫນ ປູນ, ແຂວງຄາໍມວນ

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Page 1: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh Phiapalath, PhD Report to : Provincial Division for Protected Area Management, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office,

Khammouane Province, Lao PDR Primate Conservation Inc., USA

Russel E. Train Education for Nature (EFN)/EFN Alumni Grant Conservation Leadership Program, World Wildlife Fund, USA

Lao Langur, is endemic to only Lao PDR. It is a sub-species to Francois’ Leaf Monkeys (Trachypithecus francoisi sensu lato) which was classified by IUCN as a vulnerable species in 2010. Lao Langur’s short scientific name is laotum reflecting the name of the country that it inhabits. It lives in a small geographical range (ca 3,000 km2) with low abundance and small group size (5.5). It faces high pressure from the human population (>30,000 people, 109 villages in 5 districts) living in and adjacent to the species’ main habitat “Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area in Central Laos. Hunting of the species is encouraged by wildlife trade market demand. For example, purchasing primate bones for medicinal purposes is reported and seen in the area. Due to a lack of ecology research and detailed surveys of its abundance, there is insufficient information on the species today for conservation planning. Because Lao people are not well aware of the uniqueness of the species and there is no conservation action in place, there are concerns that the species will go extinct in the future.


Lao Wildlife Conservation Association (Lao WCA), Vientiane, Lao PDR

December 2010

ບດລາຍງານຫຍ ກຽວ ກບການສາຫວດ ໂຄງລາວ ປາສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ, ແຂວງຄາມວນ

Page 2: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

ອງຕາມ ບນຊ ແດງ ຂອງອງການ IUCN ຄາງ ຟງຊວ (ໂຄງ) T. francoisi ເປນ ສດທມຄວາມສຽງ ຕການສນພນ (VU) ເຊງມທງ ໝດ 5 ຊະນດ ສາຮອງ ພບ ຢພາກໃຕ ຂອງ ສປ ຈນ , ຫວຽດນາມ ແລະ ສປປ ລາວ ແຕລາຍລະອຽດ ທາງດານ ການກະຈາຍ, ປະຊາກອນ ແລະ ໄພຂມຂ ຂອງ ບນດາ ຊະນດພນເຫາ ນ ໂດຍສະເພາະປະຊາກອນ ຢໃນ ສປປ ລາວ ແລະ ການພວພນ ຂອງບນດາ ຊະນດພນສາຮອງ ດງກາວ ແມນຍງ ບທນມ. ບນຫາ ການຂາດຂມນ ສະໜບສະໜນ ແລະ ການຈດແບງຂອງພວກມນຍງບທນລະອຽດ ຊະນດພນເຫາ ນ ຍງ ບທນໄດແຍກການປະເມນຄວາມ ສຽງ ຕາມ ລະບບຂອງບນຊ ແດງ IUCN ສະເພາະໃຜມນ. ໃນຄວາມເປນ ຈງແລວ, ບາງຊະນດພນສາຮອງນ ແມນຕກຢໃນຄວາມສຽງ ສງ ຕການສນພນ ເພາະວາພນ ທການກະຈາຍຂອງມນທມຢແມນນອຍ ຫາຍ . ດງນນ, ຈງ ມຄວາມຈາເປນ ຕອງ ໄດມການສາຫວດ ໂດຍສະເພາະ ໂຄງລາວ ເຊງມ ຄວາມກງວນ ວາສດປະເພດນ ອາດມຄວາມສຽງ ສງຕການສນພນ ເພາະພວກມນພບຢໃນພນ ແຄບ ແລະ ມສະ ເພາະ ຢໃນ ສປປ ລາວ.

ການຈດແບງໃນເມອ ກອນ ໄດຈດແບງໂຄງລາວ ຂນກບສະກນ semnopithecus, ຈາກນນ ແມນກມ Presbytis ແລະ ສດທາຍ ແມນກມ Trachypithecus. ສະນນ ມນຈງ ມຊ ເຕມ ທາງວທະຍາ ສາດ ແມນ Trachypithecus francoisi laotum (T. f. laotum). ຄາວາ laotum ເປນ ການຕງຊ ຕາມຊ ຂອງປະ

ເທດລາວ ແລະ ສະທອນ ໃຫເຫນ ວາ ສດຊະນດ ນ ມຢພຽງແຕປະເທດລາວ. ບນຫາ ການຈດແບງ ຂອງສດກມ ຟງຊວ ແມນໄດມການຖກຖຽງກນຫາຍ ແລະ ໄດການດ ອອກເປນ 4 ກມ ເຊນ : ກມ T. f.

leucocephalus, T. f. ebenus, T. f. hatinhensis ແລະ ໂຄງລາວ T. f. laotum ເຊງ ໂຄງຊະນດສາຮອງ ທງໝດ ແມນນອນໃນກມຟງຊວ T (f) sensu lato.

ໂດຍອງຕາມການລາຍ ພາກສະໜາມ ໃນຊມປ 1998 ໄດຮພນ ທການກະຈາຍຂອງໂຄງລາວ ຢປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ແລະ ນາກະດງ ເທາ ນນ. ແຕຍງບທນໄດຮຂອ ບເຂດການກະຈາຍ ທລະອຽດ ແມນແຕຢໃນປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດພຫນ ປນ. ເພອ ໃຫມຂມນສະໜບສະໜນ ໃນການວາງແຜນອະນລກ ກຽວ ກບໂຄງຟງຊວ ໂດຍສະເພາະໂຄງລາວ ຈງ ໄດລງສາຫວດ ແຕເດອນ ມນາ ຫາ ເດອນ ທນວາ ປ 2010 ໂດຍການມສວນ ຮວມ ຂອງພະນກງານ ພະແນກກະສກາ ແລະ ປາ ໄມແຂວງຄາມວນ , ຫອງການ ກະສກາ ແລະ ປາ ໄມເມອງຫນ ບນ, ເມອງຍ ມມະລາດ ແລະ ຊາວບານທ ກຽວຂອງ .

ພນ ທການສາຫວດ , ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ໄດສາງ ຕງຂນ ໃນປ 1993 ຕາມດາລດ 164 ຂອງນາຍກລດຖະມນຕ ມເນອ ທທງ ໝດ 150,000 ຮຕ ຕງຢພາກກາງຂອງປະເທດ ທແຂວງຄາມວນ ເຊງຫ າງຈາກ ເທດສະບານແຂວງ ທເມອງ ທາແຂກ ພຽງ 14 ກມ. ພອມນນ, ມທາງ ເຂາ ຫາໄດຫາຍ ເສນ . ປາ ສະຫງວນດງກາວ ກວມເອາ 5 ເມອງ , 109 ບານ (ມປະມານ 30,000 ຄນ ຕາມຂມນ ປ 1998), ໃນນນ, ມ 69 ບານ ຕງຢໃນ ແລະ ຕດກບຊາຍແດນປາ ສະຫງວນ. ພນ ທສວນ ໃຫຍແມນເປນ ຜາຫນ ແລະ ໄມຟມຈອມ ຜາ (51.8%), ປາດງ ດບ ແລະ ປາ ຟມ (31%), ປາດງ ດບປະສມ (10.8%) ແລະ ປາ ປະເພດອນໆ . ປາ ໄມສວນ ຫາຍ ຢລະດບກາງໆຜາລງມາຫາຕນຜາ ແລະ ປາ ໄມທຕບໜາ ດ ແມນຢເຂດຮາບພຽງ ແລະ ເຂດຕນພ.

ຖາການຈດແບງສດກມຟງຊວ ໂດຍອງຕາມຮບປະພນທາງການຍະພາບ, ຜານ ການສາຫວດ ແລະ ການທບທວນຂມນທຜານ ມາ ສາມາດສງລວມ ໄດກຽວ ກບຊະນດ ສາຮອງ ທພບຢ ໃນ ສປປ ລາວ ທບທນເປນ ທາງການ ເຊງ ຮໄດພນທການ ກະຈາຍ ຂອງພວກມນດງນ:

Page 3: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

ໂຄງລາວ T. f. laotum (ໂຕສດາ ຫາງ ຍາວ ມຂນຫວ ເປນ ສຂາວ ແຕສວນ ເທງ ສດຂອງຫວຍງເປນສດາ ), ພບຢຕອນ ກາງ ແລະ ຕອນເໜອ ຂອງ ປາ ສະຫງວນ ແຫງຊາດພຫນ ປນ, ເຂດເຊອມ ຕກບ ຫ ຕອນ ໃຕປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດນາກະດງ.

ໂຄງດາ T. f. ebenus (ໂຕສດາ ທງໝດ ຫາງຍາວ ລວມທງສວນຫວ ), ພບຢ ໃນ ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ຫນ ໜາມໜ, ຕອນໃຕຂອງ ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ແລະ ພນ ທສວນ ໃຫຍຂອງເມອງ ບວລະພາ , ມາຫາໄຊ, ໄຊບວທອງ ແລະ ຍມມະລາດ ຂອງແຂວງຄາມວນ .

ໂຄງແຂບແກມຂາວ T. f. hatinhensis (ໂຕສດາ ຫາງຍາວ ແກມມແຂບຂາວ ), ພບຢປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ນາກາຍ-ນາເທນ ແລະ ອາດລວມທງເຂດເຊອມ ຕນາ ກາຍ-ນາເທນ ຕອນ ເໜອ .

ໂຄງຫຂາວ T. f. hatinhensis ? (ໂຕສດາ ຫາງຍາວ ຫດານ ເທງເປນ ສຂາວ ), ພບຢປາ ສະຫງວນ ແຫງຊາດ ຫນ ໜາມໜ, ຕອນໃຕຂອງ ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ, ເມອງ ວລະ ບລ, ປາສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຊາງ ແຮ ແຂວງສະຫວນນະເຂດ. ມຖນທຢ ອາໄສດຽວກບກບ ໂຄງດາ T. f. ebenus.

ຄາງ ຫ ໂຄງຟງຊວ ຍງມການລາຍງານການພບຢແຂວງພາກເໜອ ເຊນ : ແຂວງຜງສາລ, ຫວພນ , ຊຽງຂວາງ ແລະ ໄຊຍະບລ. ຊະນດພນນ ຍງ ບທນຮໄດ ວາ ອາດເປນ ຊະນດໃດໜງ ທ ກາວ ມາຂາງ ເທງ ຫ ເປນ ອກຊະນດສາຮອງ ໜງ ຕາງຫາກ ກເປນໄດ .

ການສາຫວດ ໂຄງລາວ ຢໃນປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ແມນໄດດາເນນ ດວຍຮບແບບການສາພາດຊາວບານ ແລະ ລງສາຫວດຕວ ຈງ ໃນພາກສະໜາມ ເຊງ ໄດການດ ເປນ 6 ເຂດສາຫວດ ແລະ ມ 3 ທມຍອຍຮບຜດຊອບ , ມ 30 ບານ ທໄດສາພາດ ແລະ 21 ຈດການສາຫວດ . ການສາພາດຊາວບານ ສວນ ຫາຍ ແມນເພອ ຮວາໂຄງຊະນດໃດຢເຂດບານ ດງກາວ ມ ຫ ບ. ຈາກນນ, ຈງ ເຮດ ການສາຫວດພາກ ສະໜາມ ເພອ ບນທກ ສຽງຮອງ ຈາກຈດນອນ ຂອງມນໃນຕອນເຊາ , ຊອກຫາໂຕ ຕາມແລວທາງຍາງ ສາຫວດ ແລະ ສງເກດດານທໂຄງຍງໃຊ. ການສາຫວດນ ພວກເຮາ ໄດການດ ຈດຕງແຄມສາຫວດ ໃຫຫາງ ກນ ໄລຍະ 2 ກມ ຂນເມອ ເພອ ຫກ ລຽງ ການບນທກຂ ມນສດກມເກາ . ພວກເຮາ ໄດໃຊເວລາພຽງ 1 ຄນ ໃນແຕລະ ແຄມ ເພອ ບນທກ ຫກ ຖານຂອງໂຄງໃນຕອນເຊາ ຈາກສຽງຮອງ ຈາກດານນອນຂອງໂຄງ, ສາຫວດຫາ ໂຕ ຕາມແລວທາງຍາງ ຈາກການຄາດຄະເນ ແລະ ການນບຈານວນ ຖາທໂຄງຍງ ນາໃຊ. ການບນທ ກສຽງຮອງ ແມນ ໃຊເວລາພຽງ 30 ນາ ໃນຕອນເຊາ 6.00-6.30 ໂມງ ເຊງ ເປນຊວງ ທໂຄງມກ ຮອງ ຕອບໂຕກນກອນ ຍາຍ ອອກຈາກດານເພອ ໄປຫາກນ. ພອມ ນນ, ໂດຍອງຕາມປະສບການນກລາ ຊາວບານທເຂາ ຮວການ ສາຫວດສາມາດ ຊວຍ ໄດຫາຍ ໃນການຈາແນກ ດານທໂຄງລາວ ຫ ໂຄງດາ ທມກໃຊ ຈາກທເຂາ ເຈາເຄຍໄດພບເຫນທ ຜານ ມາ.

ໃນຄະນະລງສາຫວດ ໃນການພບປະ ແລະ ສາພາດຂ ມນ ໄດມການສສານ ຂມນຄວາມສາຄນ ຂອງໂຄງລາວ ແລະ ຄວາມຕອງການ ໃນການອະນລກ ໃຫຊາວບານ , ພະນກງານ ແລະ ອານາດ ການປກຄອງທອງ ຖນ ລວມທງທ ມງານເຂາ ຮວມ ການສາຫວດ . ຜນໄດຮບຕນຕ ຈາກ ການສາຫວດດງກາວ ມ ດງລມນ:

• ໂຄງລາວພບຢຕອນກາງ ແລະ ຕອນເໜອ ຂອງປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ. ຕອນໃຕປາສະຫງວນ ນາກະດງ ໂດຍສະເພາະເຂດບານ ນາພງ ແລະ ຄນເງນ, ເຂດເຊອມ ຕກບປາ

Page 4: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດນາກາຍ-ນາເທນ ໂດຍສະເພາະເຂດ ປາ ສະຫງວນນາສະນາມ, ເຂດນາໄຮ ແລະ ມການລາຍງານຢເຂດບານ ປງ (18°13’23’’ 104°47’36’’) ໃກກບເຂດຫກ ຊາວ ເມອງ ຄາເກດ.

• ໂຄງລາວ ໄດມຖນທຢ ອາໄສທເຊອມ ກນກບໂຄງດາ ເຊງ ເລ ມແຕ ບານ ດອຍຜາແຫມ ແລະ ບານ ຕອງ (17°34’43’’ 104°49’23’’) ຂອງເມອງ ທາແຂກ ເຊງພວກ ເຮາ ໂຄງທງສອງຊະນດສາຮອງ ຍາວໄປຫາ ບານ ໂພນສ (17°39’07’’ 104°57’25’’) ຂອງ ເຂດວຽງຫວງ ເມອງ ຍມມະລາດ ແລວຂາມ ໄປຫາ ບານ ເມອງ ຫວງ (17°42’22’’ 104°59’37’’) ຂອງເມອງ ນາກາຍ-ນາເທນ . ໃນນນ, ຍງພບວາມປະຊາກອນຂອງສອງຊະນດນພບຢບານ ຄອນແກວ ເມອງ ຫນ ບນ. ໂຄງລາວໄດພບຢ ໃນທກໆ 6 ເຂດການສາຫວດ ໃນປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ, ໃນນນ, ມ 3 ເຂດທມ ໂຄງດາ ເປນ ສວນ ຫາຍ ແລະ ມເຂດແດນຮວມ ກນ ຂອງໂຄງລາວ ລວມມ ເຂດ 2 ວຽງຫວງ , ເຂດ 3 ຜາແຫມ ແລະ ເຂດ 6 ເມອງ ຫວງ .

ຈາກການນບຈດຂອງສຽງຮອງ ໃນຕອນເຊາ ຕແຄມ ແລະ ຈານວນ ກມທພບຕວນ ແມນສງ ຢເຂດ ສາຫວດທ 5 ກອງລ, ເຂດ 1. ນາຄ ແລະ ເຂດ 6 ເມອງ ຫວງ . ຕວຢາງ ໃນເຂດສາຫວດທ 5 ໄດພບ ສຽງ ຮອງ 4 ຈດ ໃນເຊາ ໜງ ແລະ ພບປະມານ 3 ກມຕວນ. ແຕແນວ ໃດກ

ດ, ພນທ (ກວານ) ທຮບຮ ໂດຍຊາວບານ ລາຍງານ ແລະ ບາງຈດໄດຢງຢນຈາກ ການສາຫວດ ວາຍງມຄວາມອດມສມບນ ລວມທງ ປະຊາກອນຂອງໂຄງລາວ ທພບຫາຍ ຢໃນປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ແມນ ຈດຜາສງ ເຂດ 5 ກອງລ, ກວານຫວາ, ກວານສາມ ໃນເຂດ 6 ເມອງ ຫວງ , ກວານຮຍ ແລະ ຖາເຈຍ ໃນເຂດ 1. ນາຄ, ກວານກະຈາ ແລະ ບມລ ໃນເຂດ 4 ບແໜງ ແລະ ກວານສງກາ ໃນເຂດ 3 ຜາແຫມ . ພນ ທເຫາ ນ ຖ ວາມຄວາມສາຄນ ໃນການອະນລກຊວະ ນາພນກຄໂຄງລາວ ໃນປາ ສະຫງວນດງກາວ . ໂດຍອງຕາມຂມນການບນທກ ກມ ແລະຈານວນ ໂຕໃນກມ ເຫນ ວາ ໂຄງລາວມຂະໜາດກມທນອຍ (ມພຽງ 5.5 ໂຕຕກມ, ຂະໜາດກມ 4-8 ໂຕ N = 26). ເຖງວາ ໂຄງລາວ ໄດມການກະຈາຍຢ ນອກເຂດປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ, ສະຫບ ແລວພນ ທການກະຈາຍ ຂອງໂຄງລາວ ແມນມນອຍຫາຍ - ອາດປະມານ 3,000

ກມ2 ຢໃນ ສປປ ລາວ. ສດປາ ປະເພດນ ແມນມຖນອາໄສທທບຊອນ ກນ ລະຫວາງ ຊະນດ ໂຄງດາ T. f. ebenus ແລະ ໂຄງຫຂາວ T. f. hatinhensis ເຊງ ໄດພບຢ ຕອນໃຕ ຂອງ ປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ແລະ ຫນ ໜາມໜ ແລະ ຄາດວາລວມທງຂງເຂດຂອງຜາຫນປນ ເມອງ ບວລະພາ , ຍມມະລາດ, ມະຫາໄຊ. ໂຄງທງ 2 ຊະນດ, ໂຄງດາ T. f. ebenus ແລະ ໂຄງຫຂາວ T. f. hatinhensis ແມນມຖນທຢ ອາໄສ ອນດຽວກນ ແຕພວກມນມ ໜຂອງໃຜມນ.

ໄພຂ ມຂຕປະຊາກອນໂຄງລາວ ໂດຍລວມແລວ ແມນມ ການລາເພອບລ ໂພກ ຫາຍ ກວາຈດປະສງຂອງການຄາ. ໂຄງໄດຖກລາ ໃນເວລາທມນລງມານອນຢດານ ແລະ ລງຫາກນໝາກໄມຕາມຕນຜາ. ບາງເຂດຍງມການລາຍງານການລາໂຄງລາວ ແລະ ຂາຍ ກະດກພວກລງ ໂດຍມແມຄາ ຊາວເພອນ ບານ ເຂາ ມາຫາເລາະ ສງຊຕາມບານ ໂດຍສະເພາະຢເຂດ 2 ວຽງຫວງ , ເຂດ 6 ເມອງ ຫວງ ແລະ ເຂດ 1 ນາຄ. ນເປນ ການກະຕກຊກຍ ໃຫມການລາສດປາ ເພມຂນ . ໃນບາງບານ ນກ ລາບາງຄນ ສາມາດ ລາໂຄງໄດຮອດ 50 ກວາໂຕ ໃນທຜານ ມາ ເຊນ : ຜນາ ທາງຂອງການສາຫວດຄງ ນ ເປນ ໜງ ໃນນກລາສດປາ ທເກງ . ໃນປະຈບນ ລາວອາຍ 43 ປ ຢ ບານ ນາ ຄ ເຊງລາວ ຍອມຮບວາລາວເປນ ຜລາ

Page 5: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

ສດປາ ຫາຍ . ຕາມການລາຍງານ ມຈານວນນກ ລາສດ ສດປາ ທເກງ ປະມານ 10 ຄນ ຢບານ ນາຄ ແລະ ລາຍງານວາ ບານ ທາໝ ຍງມ ຈານວນ ຫາຍ ກວາ.

ໃນໄລຍະການສາຫວດ ການລາໂຄງ ຍງມ ການລາຍງານ ແລະ ພບເຫນ ຫກ ຖານການລາ ຢໃນບາງບານ ເຊນ : ບານ ຜາແຫມ , ບານ ໂພນສ. ບນຫາ ຖນທຢ ອາໄສ ຖກທາລາຍ ຈາກ ການລກລອບຕດໄມຂະໜາດນອຍ ທຜດ ກດໝາຍ ແລະ ການລບກວນ ກແມນໄພຂມຂ ອນໜງ . ການລກລອບ ຕດໄມຂາຍ ໃນລະດບນອຍນນ ແມນຊາວບານ ທງພາຍໃນ ແລະ ພາຍນອກ ແລະ ນາໃຊລດຈກ ຂນສງ ອອກ. ເຖງແມນວາບນຫາ ຖນທຢ ອາໄສຂອງມນ ບໄດມຜນກະທບໃນປະຈບນ ອາດ ມໃນຕໜາ ຖາ ຫາກຕນໄມທສະໜອງອາຫານໃຫມນເລ ມຫາຍາກ ເພາະພນ ທໆ ມຖນອາໄສເໝາະສມ ແມນມຢບາງເຂດ ໃນປາສະຫງວນດງກາວ . ເຖງແມນວາຜາຫນ ສາມາດປອງ ກນພວກມນສວນ ໃດໜງ ແຕບນຫາ ການລາແບບບມ ການຄອບຄມສາມາດເຮດໃຫສດເຫາ ນສນພນໄດ.

ໃນທຜານ ມາ ໄດມການຕພມກຽວ ກບການຈາແນກຊະນດສາຮອງ ລະຫວາງ ໂຄງລາວ ກບໂຄງດາ ຂອງຂາງ ຈະແຈງ ແລະໄດມການ ຢນຢນ ອກຄງ ຈາກຜນການວໄຈທາງກາມະພນ ຢປະເທດເຢຍລະມນ ຂອງຕວຢາງ ການເກບຂນໂຄງລາວ ແລະ ໂຄງດາ ຈາກປາ ສະຫງວນແຫງຊາດ ພຫນ ປນ ໃນເດອນ ສງຫາ ປ 2010. ແຕ ທງທອງ ຖນ ແລະ ໃນລະດບຊາດ ກ ບໄດຮກຽວ ກບ ໂຄງລາວ ດງກາວ ວາມນເປນ ສດປາ ທຕາງ ຈາກໂຄງດາທາມະດາ ແລະ ພບສະເພາະຢໃນ ສປປ ລາວ. ອາດເປນ ຄງທາອດທໄດມ ການວາດພາບໂຄງລາວ ທໄດຈດ ພມ ໃນປມຄມສດລຽງ ລກດວນ ນມ ຂອງ ລາວ ໂດຍຈອນປາ.

ປະຈບນການລເລ ມອະນລກໂຄງລາວຍງຈາກດ . ພວກໂຄງຟງຊວ T (f) sensu lato ແມນໄດການດ ເປນ ສດປາ ທຫວງຫາມ ຂອງ ສປປ ລາວ ຕາມກດໝານສດນາ-ສດປາ ປ 2007, ແລະ ເປນ ສດທຈດຢໃນຄວາມສຽງຕການ ສນພນ ຕາມບນຊ ແດງ ຂອງ ອງການ IUCN (2010). ເຖງແນວໃດກດ, ການລາສດດງກາວ ແມນຍງປະກດມ ໃນຂະນະທການນາໃຊມາດຕະການ ທາງກດໝາຍ ຕການອະນລກສດ ດງກາວ ແມນຍງບທນໄດດ.

ໂຄງລາວເປນ ສດທພບຢສະເພາະ ປະເທດ ສປປ ລາວ. ສະນນ ຄວາມ ພະຍາຍາມ ໃນການອະນລກສດຊະນດນ ແມນມຄວາມຈາເປນ ຫາຍ ແລະ ມຄວາມໝາຍສາລບ ຜນປະໂຫຍດທາງດານເສດຖະກດ ໃນໄລຍະຍາວ ຂອງປະເທດ. ມຄວາມຈາເປນ ຕອງ ໄດສາງ ຄວາມສນໃຈ, ລງໂຄສະນາເຜຍແຜ ໃຫພະນກງານ , ອານາດ ການປກຄອງ ທອງ ຖນ ແລະ ການນາ ພາຍໃນແຂວງ ໄດຮບຮຂມນ, ເຂາ

ໃຈຄວາມໝາຍຄວາມສາຄນ ໃນການອະນລກສດດງກາວ ແລະ ຄວາມສາຄນທາງ ດານ ເສດຖະກດ ໃນອະນາຄດ ເຊນ : ດານ ການທອງທຽວ . ຕອງ ໄດມການອອກແບບອປະກອນການໂຄສະນາການອະນລກໂຄງລາວ ທປະຈກຕາ ເພອແຈກ ຢາຍທວ ເຂດທມໂຄງລາວ ເຊງ ອາດສາງ ເປນ ພາບໂຄສະນາ ແລະ ແຜນພບ. ຍກໃຫເຫນ ໂຄງລາວແມນສດປາ ທໂດດເດນ ຕາງ ຈາກໂຄງດາທາ ມະດາ. ພອມ ນນ, ການເພມ ທະວ ບງຄບ ໃຊມາດຕະການທາງກດໝາຍ ໃນການອະນລກສດດງກາວ ໃຫດຂນ. ຜນສາ ເລດ ໃນການອະນລກ ສດປາ ຊະນດນ ເປນ ການຮກສາ ຄວາມຫາກ ຫາຍ ຂອງພວກຄາງ ລງ ຂອງລາວ ກຄໃນໂລກ.

ຄວນມການລເລ ມການອະນລກໂຄງລາວໃນພນ ທໃດໜງທ ເຫນ ວາມທາ ແຮງ ແລະ ໃຫມການເຊອມ ຍງກບການພດທະນາ ການທອງທຽວ . ພນ ທໆ ມທາແຮງ ແລະ ສາມາດເບງ ໂຄງລາວໄດມເຂດກອງລ, ນາຄ, ນາທານ ແລະ ຈດບານ ນາ ພງ. ຕວຢາງ ເຂດຜາຕງໃກກບບານກອງລມເປນ ທາແຮງສງເຊນ

ກນ. ໃນປະຈບນ ນກ ທອງ ທຽວ ຍງ ບທນໄດຮບຮຄວາມພເສດຂອງສດຊະນດທມຢພຽງແຕລາວ ສະນນ, ການໂຄສະນາ ຊອກຫາຕະຫາດ ນກທອງ ທຽວ ໃນຂະນະມຄວາມພອມໃນການບລການ ການທອງທຽວ

Page 6: Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum …...Brief Report of Lao Langur Trachypithecus laotum Survey Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area, Khammouane Province. By Phaivanh

ດງກາວ ຈະ ເປນ ການເພມ ຄນຄາຂອງການບລການ ທອງທຽວ ພາຍໃນແຂວງ ແລະ ເປນ ໂອກາດຂອງລາຍໄດ. ຖາມການໂຄສະນາໃຫເຫນ ຄວາມເປນ ພເສດ ສະເພາະຖນຂອງມນ ຈະສາມາດສາງ ເປນ ທສນໃຈຂອງນກທອງ ທຽວ ໄດດ ຄາຍຄ ຫ ອາດ ຈະເດນກວາ ສດລຊ ດງໂຕ ຂະຍໄດ. ແນວໃດກຕາມ , ຜນສາ ເລດ ໃນໄລຍະຍາວ ຕອງ ໃຫແນໃຈວາ ການກສາງ ຄວາມເປນ ເຈາການຂອງທອງຖນ ໂດຍການກສາງ ຄວາມອາດສາມາດ ຂອງຊາວບານ . ໃຫເອາ ໃຈໃສ ໃຫມລະບບການແບງ ເປນ ຜນທແທດເໝາະ ລະຫວາງຜມສວນ ຮວມ ແລະ ຊາວບານ . ພອມ ກນນນ, ສງ ສາຄນ ຄການແບງປນ ລາຍໄດກບຄນມາ ພນ ທ ເພອ

ການອະນລກສດ ດງກາວ . ໂດຍເອາ ແນວທາງຕະຫາດການທອງ ທຽວເປນ ຫກ ຈະສາມາດສາງ ໃຫການ ນາ ຫນມາໃຫຄວາມສາຄນ ໃນການອະນລກສດດງກາວ ໃຫຫາຍຂນ ຫາກ ເຫນ ໄດຜນຮບທເປນ ເງນໂດຍກງ ຈາກທລະກດດງກາວ . ພອມກນ ນນ, ຄວນມການ ສະເໜທບ ທວນການຈດລະດບຄວາມສາຄນ ຂອງໂຄງລາວ ຕາມບນຊ ແດງ ຂອງອງການ IUCN ໃຫເໝາະສມ. ຈາກຂມນການສາຫວດ ສດດງກາວ ອາດເປນສດທໃກຈະສນພນ ເພາະມພນ ທການການກະຈາຍນອຍ ຫາຍ ແລະ ລະດບຄວາມໜາແໜນຍງªÔ.

ສະຫບແລວ ໂຄງລາວເປນສດທມຄວາມສາຄນ ບພຽງແຕໃນລະດບຊາດ ແຕລະດບໂລກນາອກ. ຜນສາ ເລດ ໃນການອະນລກ ສດຊະນດນ ເປນ ການຮກສາ ຄວາມຫາກ ຫາ ຍຂອງພວກຄາງ ລງ ຂອງລາວ ກຄການອະນລກຂອງໂລກ ແລະ ເຊນ ດຽວກນກບຜນປະໂຫຍດ ທາງດານ ເສດຖະກດທລາວຈະໄດຮບ ໃນອະນາຄດ. ແນວໃດກຕາມ , ຄວາມກດດນຕປະຊາກອນຂອງໂຄງລາວ ມທາອຽງທ ຈະສງຂນ ໃນເວລາອນໃກ ຈາກ ບນຫາ ທພນທມປະຊາຊນອາໄສຢຫາຍ , ທງຢໃກກບ ຕວເມອງ . ມທາ ແຮງເພມ ຂນຂອງຕະຫາດສດປາ ເຊງບາງ ເຂດມການພວພນ ກຽວ ກບການຂາຍກະດກພວກລງ. ໃນຂະນະ ການພະຍາຍາມໃນການອະນລກ ຍງອອນ ນອຍ ແລະ ບໄດມມາດຕະການສະເພາະເພອ ການອະນລກ ໂຄງລາວ ຢໃນພນ ທດງກາວ . ພອມ ນນ, ພນ ທການກະຈາຍຂອງມນແມນນອຍ ຫາຍ ເຊງ ເຂດເໜອ ສດຄເຂດບານ ຄນເງນ ແລະ ໃຕສດຄເຂດ ວຽງຫວງ . ມເນອທການກະຈາຍປະມານ 3,000 ກມ2, ຍງມຄວາມໜາແໜນªÔ ແລະ

ຂະໜາດຂອງກມນອຍ. ດງນນ, ການຢລອດຂອງໂຄງລາວແມນຂນກບ ການ ເອາ ໃຈໃສຂອງພາກສວນກຽວຂອງ ທ ຈະເຮດ ວຽກຮວມ ກບອານາດ ການປກຄອງ ທອງ ຖ ນ ເພອລເລ ມ ການອະນລກສດ ດງກາວ ໃນພນ ທ. ການສາຫວດນ ໄດປະຕບດ ໃນນາມສະມາຄມອະນລກ ສດປາ ລາວ (Lao WCA) ແລະ ທນ ສະນບສະໜນ ໂດຍ Primate Conservation Inc and WWF/EFN Alumni Grant for Conservation Leadership, USA.

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Francois’ Langur Trachypithecus francoisi (IUCN VU) has five sub-species found in southern China, Vietnam and Lao PDR. However, details of these sub-species’ distributions, populations (especially in Laos), threats and the inter-relationships of these sub-species are not well documented. Until now, the lack of data and unclear taxonomy of these sub-species have made proper classification in the IUCN Red List difficult. In reality, some sub-species or taxa are probably highly threatened with extinction because of their small geographical ranges and small populations. Therefore, it is a priority to investigate particularly the status and distribution of Lao Langur, due its small range, endemic to Laos. Previous classification of Lao Langur sub-species as firstly its genus as semnopithecus, then to Presbytis and finally Trachypithecus. Therefore, a full scientific name of this species is Trachypithecus francoisi laotum (T. f. laotum). The word laotum was named after the country and it well reflects that the species is found only in Laos. About the taxonomy, it has been suggested that T. francoisi could be four separate taxa as T. f. leucocephalus ("White-headed Black Langur"), T. f. ebenus ("Black Langur"), T. f. hatinhensis ("Francois/White-cheeked band Langur") and T. f. laotum ("Lao Langur"). These sub-species are now proposed to be the group of Francois’ Leaf Monkeys Trachypithecus francoisi sensu lato. With reference to the field report in 1998 the known locations of Lao Langur in Lao PDR are in Phou Hin Poun and Nam Kading NPAs. Still, unclear distribution pattern of the species in Phou Hin Poun NPA, even though. In order to get better information on the Francois’ Langur in Laos, particularly the Lao Langur for conservation planning, a survey was periodically conducted from March to December 2010 with participants from Khammouane PAFO, and Hin Boun, Gnommalat DAFOs and concerned villagers (see Table 3, Fig. 7). The survey area, Phou Hin Poun NPA was established in 1993 according to the Prime Minister’s Decree 164. The area estimated 150,000 ha, located in central Lao, Khammouane Province and just about 14 km from the Thakhek District – the Provincial capital and with many access roads (see Fig. 3). Five districts, 109 villages (30,000 people in 1998) involved in the area, of which 69 villages are located inside and adjacent to the protected area. The area is mainly dominant with rocks and shrub (51.8%), Evergreen and shrub (31%), Evergreen Mixed (10%) etc. Forests are found in valleys from below mid-level of limestone hills, basically healthy forests are on flat ground/foothills (see Fig. 1 & 2). In Lao PDR, according to morphology below are the list of sub-species in the Francois’ Langur group in Laos with their unofficial names, locations reported from field surveys and recent reviews (see Fig. 4).

Lao Langur T. f. laotum (black body with long tail, white-head but not on a nape), found in central and northern Phoun Hin Poun NPA, also corridor with or southern Nam Kading NPA.

Black Langur T. f. ebenus (all black including head, with also long tail), found in Hin Namno NPA, southern Phou Hin Poun NPA, mainly in Gnommalat District. Other sites including a limestone habitat range of Bualaphan, Mahaxay, Gnommalat and Xaybouathong Districts of Khammouane Province.

White-cheeked band Langur T. f. hatinhensis (black body with long tail, white-cheeked band), found in Nakai-Nam Theun NPA and probably including northern Nakai-Nam Theun extension.

"White-eared Black Langur" (T. f. hatinhensis ?) (black body with long tail, a white spot on a top ear), found in Hin Namno NPA, southern Phou Hin Poun NPA, also in Savannakhet Province, Vilabouri District and probably Phou Xang He NPA. The habitat is almost the same as of that T. f. ebenus.

Francois’ Langur also reported in the northern provinces including Phongsaly, Huaphan, Xieng Kuang

and Sayabouri Provinces. It would be any forms above or another form is unknown. The survey of Lao Langur in Phou Hin Poun NPA was conducted through village interviews and direct field observations, divided into six survey zones and conducted by three sub-teams. The survey covered 30 villages involved and 21 survey camps as per night-camp (see Table 1 & 2). The village interview basically gained reports on presence and absence of the animal then field surveys were conducted to record calls from roosting sites, direct sightings from estimated animals and number of roosting sites that the animal still

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uses were also recorded (see Fig. 5 & 8). In this regard, we designed the survey camps 2 km apart from each other as to avoid counting the same groups. We spent one night per camp to record the animal in morning from roosting site calling and following direct observations. We recorded the calls in a period of 30-minutes in morning from 6.00-6.30 which the active time that different groups of the animals made well communication to each other before moving out of their roosting sites for feeding. In addition, local hunters who joined the surveys also helped identify roosting sites based on their experiences and that they have seen those sites were used by Lao Langur or Black Langur. During the village interviews, and meetings with local officials, and during the surveys with survey teams, key information about the conservation significance of the Lao Langur was communicated. It was the first communication on the animal reached some groups of local authorities and officials. The findings from the Lao Langur surveys are summarized below:

Lao Langur was reported and direct sighting in central and northern Phou Hin Poun NPA. It is still confirmed its occurrence in southern Nam Kading NPA particularly the area close to Ban Nam Phong and Khoun Ngeun, Namsanam, corridor with Namkai-Namtheun NPA or Nam Hai area. The animal was also reported in Ban Pong (18°13’23’’ 104°47’36’’) close to Laksao, Khamkeut District.

• Lao Langur has an overlap habitat and in distribution with Black Langur T. f. hatinhensis/ f. ebenus that starts from Ban Doi Phalem and Ban Tong of Thakhek District where we saw both sub-species (17°34’43’’ 104°49’23’’), crossing to northeast at Ban Phonsi (17°39’07’’ 104°57’25’’) of Vieng Luang in Gnommalat District then to Ban Muang Luang (17°42’22’’ 104°59’37’’) of Nakai District. Lao Langur. Also, these sub-species reported in Ban Khonkeo, Hin Poun District. This distribution pattern has been confirmed by reporting and also direct sightings in all zones identified in Phou Hin Poun NPA (see Table 1 & 2), of which three zones are dominated by Black Langurs and with Lao Langur’s habitat range overlap including Zone 2 Vieng Luang, Zone 3 Phalem and Zone 6 Muang Luang (see Fig. 8).

From calls recorded in morning per survey camp and group encounters of Lao Langur in the survey camp showed high population in Zone 5 Konglor, Zone 1 Nakhu and Zone 6 Muang Luang (see Fig. 8). The Zone 5 for example, we found about three groups per day and four locations of calls in one morning. However, the areas recognized by villagers and also confirmed from recent observations as high biodiversity and also the population of Lao Langur in Phou Hin Poun NPA were Pha Sung in Zone 5 Konglor, Kuane Wa and Kuane Sam in Zone 6. Muang Luang, Kuane Houi and Thamchia in Zone 1 Nakhu, Kuane Kaja and Bomloo in Zone 4 Boneng and Kuane Sangka in Zone 3 Phalem. These areas are important for biodiversity conservation as well as Lao Langur population. Based on the group and animal counted a group size of Lao Langurs is small (only 5.5, ranging from 4 to 8 animals N = 26). Although, the Lao Langur distribution extends beyond the Phou Hin Poun NPA, we conclude that the Lao Langur's world geographic range is small, probably about 3,000 km2, all in Lao PDR (see Fig. 3).

Habitat overlap of these sub-species is found between T. f. ebenus and T. f. hatinhensis in southern Phou Hin Poun and the whole Hin Namno NPAs, including the whole range of limestone habitat in Bualapha, Gnommalat and Mahaxay Districts. T. f. ebenus and hatinhensis were seen in the same habitat but they have each their own groups. The main threat to Lao Langurs is hunting for household consumption rather than for commercial purpose. The animals were hunted at roosting sites and when descending to feed around foothills. Some parts of the area reported on hunting Lao Langur and selling primate bones, and that Vietnamese traders occasionally coming to purchase wildlife products in villages such as Zone 2 Vieng Luang, Zone 6 Muang Luang and Zone 1 Nakhu. This is encouraging to hunt more wildlife. Some hunters in some villages have so far killed as many as 50 Lao Langurs; for example, the village guide who joined us the survey was one of hunting experts, 43 years old in Ban Nakhu. About 10 hunting experts in Ban Nakheu and also more number of hunting experts in Ban Thamee. However, some villages just only several people who are considered as hunting experts. During the survey, Lao Langur hunting was reported in several villages, including Ban Doi Phalem and Ban Phonsi. Habitat loss from a small-scale illegal logging and human disturbance is another issue. The small-scale illegal logging activity was carried out by both inside and outside villagers and using

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motorbikes for transportation sawn wood from the area (see Fig. 6). Although it is not a major impact today on the species, it could be in the long-term when food sources become scarce because there are some propotion with suitable habitats for ths species in the NPA. Although, terrain limestone protects the animals some degree, free hunting can make the species lost one day. Recognition of difference between Lao Langur and Black Langur is well documented by scientists as it is currently confirmed in Germany on the difference from DNA analysis of samples collected from Phou Hin Poun NPA in August 2010 (Lao Langur and Black Langur – the white eared form). But, local and national authorities have not been aware of distinct Lao Langur from Black Langur, and of its endemic to the country. It is probably the first illustration of Lao Langur made in current publication of a handbook to mammals of Lao PDR by John Parr. Conservation attention to Lao Langur has therefore been very limited. As Francois’ Leaf Monkey T (f) sensu lato the group is a protected species of Lao PDR according to Lao Wildlife and Aquatic Law (2007), and a "Vulnerable" species according to the IUCN Red List (2010). Nevertheless, hunting of this animal continues, due to limited enforcement and conservation education for protecting it. Effort for the species conservation is urgently needed. This will have meaningful long-term benefit for the country since this animal cannot be found nowhere else in the world. It is a priority to increase attention on the species, including communicating messages to local authorities and decision-makers in the province regarding the species' conservation significance and potential economic importance as an attraction for ecotourism. Information about the Lao Langur should be well designed in visual aids, to be widely disseminated in the area, e.g posters and pamphlets. It needs to make clear that the Lao Langur is different from the Black Langur. As well as, enhancing law enforcement to protect the species is important. Success in conservation of this sub-species helps maintain a primate diversity of the country as well as global conservation. A site-based project for conservation of the species should be initiated from a small scale where potential, with links if appropriate to ecotourism development. A potential site for spotting the animal by tourists is in Konglor zone, Nakhu, Nathan and also Ban Nam Phong. However, it has to be ensured that the tourism site would not be in an ecologically sensitive site; it should be in a controlled use or buffer zones. For example, the escarpment just next to Ban Konglor is highly potential. Right now, tourists are not aware of this species as special animal to only the country so a part of tourist marketing promotion through outreach program, meanwhile tourism facilities for spotting this animal available there would add value to tourism service in the province and of course income opportunity. If well awareness raising on the species of being endemic it can be comparable or even surpassing to the well-known Kha Nyou in the province in terms of tourist attraction. Whatsoever, for long-term success, building a local ownership through enhancing local capacity building is needed, taking an account of benefit sharing mechanism among stakeholders/villagers, and to ensure of paying back to the area for the species conservation. As tourism market-based approach, direct income from such business can convince decision-makers to pay more attention on the species conservation. In addition, Lao Langur should be reclassified in IUCN Red List for its appropriate category. From the information gained and due to its small range and low abundance it may be "Endangered". In conclusion, due to high human population in Phou Hin Poun NPA the pressures on the survival of Lao Langur population would be high in the near future. A potential increase in wildlife market demands will also be high as some zones in the area have already involved in selling primate bones. Meanwhile, an inadequate conservation effort and no specific measures put in place for Lao Langur conservation in the area. Also, the species lives in a small geographic range as the northernmost boundary is Northern Ban Khoun Ngeun area to the southernmost boundary in Vieng Luang. It is just about 3,000 km2, with low encounters and small group size. Therefore, the survival of this species can be based-upon relevant government sectors to respond and work with local authorities to take initiative site-base conservation. This survey work was conducted as part of Lao Wildlife Conservation Association (Lao WCA) and funded by Primate Conservation Inc and WWF/EFN Alumni Grant for Conservation Leadership, USA.

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References Brandon-Jones, D. (1995). A revision of the Asian pied leaf monkeys (mammalian:

Cercopithecidae: superspecies semnopithecus auratus, with a description of a new sub-species. Raffles Bull. Zool. 43: 3-43.

Corbet, G. B. and J. E. Hill. (1992). Mammals of the Indo-Malayan Region: A Systematic Review. Nat. Hist. Mus. Pub., London, and Oxford University Press, Oxford U.K.

Duckworth, J. W., Boonratana, R., Robichaud, W. G. and Timmins, R. J. (2010). In press. A Review of François’ Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus francoisi (sensu lato) in Lao PDR. Primate Conservation 25: 1-19.

Duckworth, J. W., Salter, R. E. and Khounboline, K. (1999). Wildlife in Lao PDR. 1999 Status report. IUCN – The World Conservation Union, Vientiane.

Groves, C. P. (2005). Order Primates. In: Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, D. E. Wilson and D. M. Redder (eds.), Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

Groves, C. P. (2004). Taxonomy and Biogeography of Primates in Vietnam and neighbouring regions. In: Conservation of Primates in Vietnam, T. Nadler, U. Streicher and Ha Thang Long (eds), Frankfurt Zoological Society, Hanoi.

Groves, C. P. (2001). Primate Taxonomy. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC. IUCN 2010 Red List of Threatened Species website: visited on 24

December, 2010. MAF, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (2000). Phou Hin Poun National Biodiversity

Conservation Area (NBCA). Management Plan Vol 1. Summary Management Plan. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Nadler, T. (2009). Observations of Lao Langurs Trachypithecus [Laotum] laotum and Black Langur Trachypithecus hatinhensis morph ebenus) in Khammouane Province, Laos and remarks to their systematic position. Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 1(3):9-15

Steinmetz. R. (1998). A participatory biodiversity assessment of Khammouane Limestone National Biodiversity Conservation Area, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. WWF, Bangkok.

Timmins, R. J. (1997). Notes on wildlife and habitats in Khammouane Limestone National Biodiversity Conservation Area, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. CPAWM.WCS, Vientiane.

Timmins, R. J and Boonratana, R. (2008). Trachypithecus laotum. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Website: visited on December 24, 2010.

Timmins, R. J. and Khounboline, K. (1996). A preliminary wildlife and habitat survey of Hin Namno National Biodiversity Conservaiton Area, Khammouane Province, lao PDR. CPAWM.WCA, Vientiane.

Parr, J. (2008). Handbook to Mammals of Lao PDR. WWF Lao, Vientiane. Phiapalath, P. (2009). Distribution, Behavior, and Threat of Red-shanked Douc Langur

Pygathrix Nemaeus in Hin Namno National Protected Area, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. School of Biology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand. 144 p.

Walston, J. L. Vinton, M. D. (1999). A Wildlife and Habitat Survey of Hin Namno National Biodiversity Conservation Area and Adjacent Areas, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. Vientiane: WWF Lao Project Office and WCS Lao Program.

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Figure 1. Landscape of Phou Hin Poun NPA

2b. Dry wood/dipterocarp

Figure 2. Forest types and wildlife habitats in Phou Hin Poun NPA

2a. Evergreen/Mixed Deciduous

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Nam Theun 2 Reservoir



Mekong River

Dam Site





Lak xao

Hin Boun


Vieng Kham



Kon keo Rapids

Khoun Kongleng Lake

Tham HeupTham Konglor

Khoun Kae Lake

VangdaoNam Hai



Sanam Waterfall


B. Thong Ka






B. Natan

Nam Theun 2 Reservoir



Mekong River

Dam Site





Lak xao

Hin Boun


Vieng Kham



Kon keo Rapids

Khoun Kongleng Lake

Tham HeupTham Konglor

Khoun Kae Lake

VangdaoNam Hai



Sanam Waterfall


B. Thong Ka






B. Natan

Figure 3. Map of Lao Langur distribution in Phou Hin Poun NPA

4c. White-eared Black Langur 4a. Lao Langur

Figure 4. Photos of three different forms of langurs from Phou Hin Poun NPA.

Black Langur

4b. Black Langur













































LL = Lao Langur (ຄງ, ໂຄງລາວ )

BL = Black Langur (ໂຄງ, ໂຄງດາ)








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Figure 5. Roosting site of langurs at Zone 1. Kuane Khean

Figure 6. Using motorbikes for transporting timbers from the protected area

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Figure 8. Map of survey zones and villages in Phou Hin Poun NPA

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 6


Zone 1

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 5

Zone 6

Zone 2

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Table 1. Encounters from site and hunter confirmation on presence and absence of the langur

Zone Camp Encounter Species/animal

counted in the field Type Confirmed by

hunters 1 C1 5 Calls 1 LL (2) Seen 1 LL (6) Seen 4 RS LL C2 2 Calls 1 LL (4) Seen 3 RS LL C3 4 Calls 1 LL (5) Seen 3 RT LL

2 C4 2 Calls 1 LL (3) Seen 1 BL (4) Seen 1 RS BL? C5 1 Calls 1 BL (6) Seen 2 RS LL C6 1 Calls 1 RS LL

3 C7 2 Calls 1 LL (6) Seen 3 RS LL C8 2 Calls 1 BL (8) Seen 2 RS C9 1 Calls 1 LL (4) Seen 2 RS LL C10 2 Calls 1 RS LL C11 1 Calls 1 LL (6) Seen 1 RS LL C12 1 Calls 1 BL (5) Seen 2 RS LL C13 2 Calls 1 LL (6) Seen 1 RS LL

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C14 1 Calls 1 RS LL

4 C15 2 Calls 1 LL (8) Seen 2 RS LL C16 2 Calls 1 LL (5) Seen 1 LL (7) Seen 3 RS LL C17 1 Calls 1 LL (6) Seen 1 RS LL C18 1 Calls 1 LL (5) Seen 2 RS LL

5 C19 3 Calls 1 LL (6) Seen 1 LL (7) Seen 1 LL (8) Seen 3 RS LL C20 4 Calls 1 LL (7) Seen 1 LL (5) Seen 1 LL (6) Seen 3 RS LL

6 C21 3 Calls 1 LL (3) Seen 1 LL (5) Seen 1 LL (7) Seen 5 RS LL

Remarks: RS = roosting site, cave, cliff where langurs use for sleeping.

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Table 2. Village reports of the species presence (Lao Langur or Black Langur)

Zone Key village Coordinates Species Latitude Longitude

1 Ban Na Khu 17°38’31’’ 104°47’58’’ LL Ban Thamee LL

2 Ban Phin 17°27’26’’ 104°57’21’’ BL

Ban Phon khaen 17°31’48’’ 105°08’59’’ BL

Ban Phit 17°31’12’’ 105°06’55’’ BL

Ban Vieng Luang 17°36’06’’ 104°50’48’’ BL

Ban Ponphoun 17°37’52’’ 104°58’00’’ LL/BL

Ban Phonsi 17°39’07’’ 104°57’25’’ LL/BL

3 Ban Naniyom 17°29’25’’ 104°50’12’’ BL

Ban Nase 17°30’54’’ 104°52’16’’ LL/BL

Ban Phalem 17°33’25’’ 104°49’27’’ LL/BL

Ban Tong 17°34’43’’ 104°49’23’’ LL/BL

Ban Na 17°32’25’’ 104°53’01’’ BL

4 Ban Nasa LL

Ban Boneng 17°57’18’’ 104°34’54’’ LL

Ban Bong 17°54’00’’ 104°35’55’’ LL

Ban Nathan 17°45’41’’ 104°39’44’’ LL

Ban Khonkeo 17°41’19’’ 104°32’07’’ LL/BL

5 Ban Konglor 17°57’44’’ 104°44’48’’ LL

Ban Kang 18°01’26’’ 104°40’26’’ LL Ban Nahin LL

Ban Nam Phong 18°10’04’’ 104°23’29’’ LL

Ban Khoun Ngeun 18°08’45’’ 104°28’10’’ LL

Ban Namchet 18°08’48’’ 104°22’39’’ LL

6 Ban M. Luang 17°42’22’’ 104°59’37’’ LL/BL Ban Thachon BL Ban Vang eim BL

Ban Vanghin 17°47’00’’ 104°54’18’’ LL

Ban Nathon 17°53’13’’ 104°52’09’’ LL

Ban Phonkham 17°56’22’’ 104°48’38’’ LL Remarks: LL = Lao langur, BL = Black langur

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Table 3. List of participants No Name and family name Organisation 1 Mr. Sisomphone Southichak Provincial Division for Protected Area Management 2 Mr. Davone Phou Hin Poun NPA 3 Mr. Chansamouth Provincial Division for Protected Area Management 4 Mr. Khounvilay Hin Boun DAFO 5 Mr. Khonkolat Hin Boun DAFO 6 Mr. Bounthavi Gnommalat DAFO 7 Mr. Sivilay Village militia, Ban Nakhu 8 Mr. Kham Theung Village militia, Ban Phonsi 9 Mr. Khamki Villager, Ban Phonsi 10 Mr. Loun Village militia, Ban Phalem 11 Mr. Say Village militia, Ban Phalem 12 Mr. Bounlom Village militia, Ban Tong 13 Mr. Tieo Village militia, Ban Tong 14 Mr. Oun Village militia, Ban Tong 15 Mr. That Village militia, Ban Don 16 Mr. Hit Village militia, Ban Don 17 Mr. Phomma Village militia, Ban Konglor 18 Mr. Loung ki Village militia, Ban Konglor