bridgewater school prospectus

“Working together for the best start in life” ‘Childcare, education & community services for all’ Information for Parents

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Bridgewater School prospectus


Page 1: Bridgewater School Prospectus

“Working together for the best start in life”

‘Childcare, education & community services for all’

Information for Parents

Page 2: Bridgewater School Prospectus

Information for Parents

School Address

Bridgewater School, Delaval Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 6NL

Telephone 0191 274 5290

HeadTeacher Mrs Samantha Robson

Chair of Governors Mrs Lynn Stephenson

If you need this booklet in a different format or translated into another language, please contact the HeadTeacher.

Further information can also be found on our website,

‘The grounds provide large play areas, safety surfaces for climbing equipment, trim trails and well developed outdoor curriculum areas including an allotment, orchard and wildlife area for our forest school.


Page 3: Bridgewater School Prospectus

General Information

Bridgewater is an inner city primary school. The school was formed when a variety of settings in the local area, including Delaval Community School, Valley View Nursery School and Armstrong Road Community Nursery merged in September 2006 to form Bridgewater Centre. Bridgewater caters for children from birth to 11 and their families. Children in the 0-3 provision are a mixture of fee paying and supported places.

There are a growing proportion of pupils with English as an additional language and currently these children speak a range of languages but mainly Polish, Czech or Slovakian as their home language. We have a growing number of other languages too.

Bridgewater has a range of community facilities which consist of a family learning suite which also houses wrap around provision; specialist teaching areas such as a music room, art and technology room, a sensory room and a multimedia suite. A crèche is available on request. These facilities enable us to deliver a range of activities some of which are specialised.

Our 3 mini buses support curriculum activities and our Breakfast Club.

The grounds provide large play areas, safety surfaces for climbing equipment, trim trails and well developed outdoor curriculum areas including an allotment, orchard and wildlife area for our forest school.

The immediate area surrounding the school is almost entirely residential; homes are rented from Your Homes Newcastle or from private landlords. This area is part of Newcastle’s inner city re-generation project with ‘The Rise’ offering private and affordable houses.

The school is growing and from September 2015 is two form entry from Nursery to Year 2, 1.5 form entry in lower key stage two and 1 form in upper key stage two. We also have provision for 50 places in our 0 – 3 setting.

In 2013 the school had 2 very successful OFSTED Inspections, in which every area was judged Outstanding.


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Arrangements For School Admissions

We are happy to admit children into school at any time during the school year, as long as we have a place for them. We follow Newcastle Local Authority’s agreed admission arrangements.

Nursery children are admitted a few at a time during the month of September, to give time for children and Teachers to get to know each other. Reception children are admitted on the first day of the September term.

0-3Parents can purchase a place in our 0-3 childcare at any point in the year. Children who are 3 years old before the 31st December and then again before 31st March can access a free 15 hour place from the beginning of the following term. We also offer free places to children who are 2 years old and meet the Local Authority criteria. Please ask to see our separate brochure.

The Nursery ClassChildren are admitted to the Nursery in the September following their third birthday or during the year as vacancies occur.

The Reception ClassChildren are admitted to the Reception Class in the September following their fourth birthday. One Teacher and one full time Early Years Practitioner staff each Reception Class.

You are welcome to visit the school before your child joins us. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.

There are coffee mornings and open days for parents in the Summer Term before their child first comes to school, when parents can meet each other and their child’s Teacher. You are encouraged to bring your child into the classroom when they first start school and stay with them at the start of the day until they are settled.


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The organisation of the school may vary according to the number of children in each year group and the number of staff we have to teach them. From September 2016 we will have the following classes: two Nursery, two Reception, two Year 1, two Year 2, two Year 3, two Year 4, one Year 5 and one Year 6. From September 2017 there will be an additional Year 5 class and then an additional Year 6 class from September 2018. Some classes may contain mixed age groups. The children are always taught according to their individual needs and National Curriculum requirements. In addition we also have a class for children with special educational needs - an Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC). This class is for the assessment of young children with a range of needs. Children from all over the city have access to places in this special class.

The ARC has two Teaching Assistants who support the Teacher, the Nursery and Reception classes have Early Years Practitioners working alongside the Teachers and there is a Teaching Assistant in all other classes in the main school. We also have a full complement of Midday Assistants, a Receptionist, an Admin & Finance Officer, a School Business Manager, an Extended Services Manager, a Family Support Worker and a Wellbeing Officer.

Also involved with the school on a day to day basis, are the Facilities Manager, Cleaners, the Cook and Kitchen Assistants.

The staff at Bridgewater are hardworking, welcoming and extremely supportive. Great emphasis is placed on working together as a team. There are regular staff meetings, meetings to plan work for the different age groups and training days, when staff learn and improve their skills and knowledge.

‘The staff at Bridgewater are hard working, welcoming and extremely



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Contact With Parents

We recognise the importance of the partnership between Home and School and we are aware that the best education for children is one which involves their families as well.

When your child starts Bridgewater we ask you to sign a home school agreement, together with your child and their Teacher. This sets out what we can expect from each other and how we will work together to give your child the best start possible.

Parental help in school is welcome. Please ask your child’s Teacher if you would like to come in and help with cooking, craftwork, reading – or anything else! Please let us know if you have a special skill or interest you would be prepared to share with us.

Parents have easy access to Teachers at the beginning and end of each school day. If you want to talk in private or at some length, please make an appointment with the Teacher for another time.

The school has three formal parent consultations afternoons during the year. Parents are invited to attend these to discuss their child’s progress. These parent afternoons take place in October/November, February/March and July.

If you are worried about some aspect of your child’s life at school, Teachers will be happy to give you time to talk about it. If, after speaking to the Teacher you are still concerned, please arrange to see the HeadTeacher. She will see you without an appointment if she can, but please understand that all members of staff have other commitments and you may have to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Our aim is to work with you to provide your children with the best possible education. Together we can make a real difference to their future and the future of the community. Thank you for your support.


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Punctuality And Attendance

School starts at 8.55 am when the school bell sounds and the Teachers go to the playground. This is the signal for the children to line up with their classes and walk into school. Your child should be in the yard a few minutes before this so that they have time to greet their friends and settle down before lessons begin. The ARC, Nursery and Reception children have a separate entrance. Everyone else should be in the yard.

At 3.10 pm the school day is over. Please wait in the designated area for the Teacher to bring your children out to you. There is not room in the building for parents to come in when classes are trying to go out. The result is that everyone ends up going nowhere and the Teachers cannot keep track of the children.

It is important that we know who will collect your child. Please let us know if someone different is going to pick up your child(ren), or if there is someone whom you do NOT want to collect your child(ren). If you need to take a child out of school earlier than 3.10pm, you must go to the school office to get a release form signed by the HeadTeacher. We are not allowed to let children out of school by themselves. Please arrange doctors’ and dentists’ appointments out of school hours. If this is impossible then you must bring the appointment card with you to get your child out of school early.

If your child is absent or late for any reason, please contact school and tell us why. If you do not contact school we will ring or text you. If we are unable to contact you a member of staff will visit you at home. Persistent absences will result in a visit from the School Attendance Officer.

If you are going to be late collecting your children form school for any reason, please get in touch. The school telephone number is 0191 274 5290 – please write it down and keep it with you.


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In common with many Primary Schools we have a school uniform.

BoysNursery - Year 5 Year 6

Winter and Summer Winter and Summer

Black or grey trousers Black or grey trousers

Yellow polo shirt White polo shirt

Blue sweatshirt Dark grey jumper

Black shoes or trainers Black shoes or trainers

Summer Alternative Summer Alternative

Black or grey shorts Black or grey shorts

GirlsNursery - Year 5 Year 6

Winter And Summer Summer Alternative

Black or grey skirt, culottes, pinafore or trousers

Black or grey skirt, culottes, pinafore or trousers

Yellow polo shirt White polo shirt

Blue sweatshirt Dark grey jumper or cardigan

Black shoes or trainers Black shoes or trainers

Summer Alternative Summer Alternative

Blue & white or lemon & white dress

Blue & white or lemon & white dress

In addition waterproof coats and fleeces with the school logo on can be purchased from the school office.

We want our Uniform Policy to include everyone and have arranged for a choice of clothing within a limited colour range. We want the children to feel comfortable and smart and to know that they are part of our school. We will get the best price we can for embroidered clothing ordered through the school, but you are not obliged to buy clothes from us. Local supermarkets sell all of the items at low prices.

Most of the activities young children enjoy will be messy at times. We do provide overalls but it is sensible to send your child in clothes which are easy to wash.

It is important that children can recognise their own clothes and all clothes should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Your child should wear clothes, which they can take off and put on themselves, especially those which they need to remove to go to the toilet.

Children are supplied with a school PE kit which is kept at school in a named bag. Children in Year 4 will also need to bring a swimming costume and towel once a week for their swimming lesson.

If it is necessary for your child to borrow clothing or towels from school, please wash and return these promptly.

Items of jewellery are worn at the child’s own risk and no responsibility can be accepted for their safekeeping. The Governors do not accept any responsibility for items of personal property brought to school. We do not encourage children to bring toys from home except on special occasions as they may get lost, broken or taken. Toy guns and similar weapons must not be brought to school.


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Behaviour In School

All parents get a copy of our Behaviour Booklet to read with their children. We hope that you will talk to them about it and what it means.

Our school aims to encourage the children to develop fully intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and morally. We believe that this is best achieved in a safe, happy, caring environment based on mutual trust. Children have the right to learn in this atmosphere and should not be disrupted by others’ bad behaviour. Our emphasis is on a positive approach. We actively encourage and reward good behaviour with praise, applause, stickers and certificates. There are times, however, when children do not behave as they should and we have various sanctions to discourage this.

There is a connection between action and consequence. A small misdemeanour brings a minor sanction. A great or repeated misdemeanour brings a more serious sanction. Discipline in school is firm, but fair and consistent.

We take the view that children MUST NOT hurt each other on purpose for any reason, even in play. We hope that the children will learn to give as well as take; to respect the rights of others and play fair. We try to foster self-control, self-respect and concern and respect for the needs of others.

As adults we must show the children that we respect each other regardless of gender, race, class or cultural differences in our way of life. We are supported in this by our own Equal Opportunities policy, Newcastle’s Equal Opportunities policy and National Legislation.

Child Protection StatementWe recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support and protection

If you would like to see a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy please contact the school office.

‘Our school aims to encourage the

children to develop fully intellectually,

emotionally, spiritually and

morally. We believe that this is best

achieved in a safe, happy, caring

environment based on mutual trust. ’


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The Curriculum is the name we give to everything that a child is taught in school. We sometimes talk about the Hidden Curriculum, meaning all the things which children learn by coming to school, which are not taught in the lessons.

At Bridgewater, we teach English and Maths separately. Other subjects may be taught separately or through a topic or related theme which we call the Creative Curriculum. This means that all the different subject areas are taught together by working on a theme or topic. Children learn through experience and when we relate their learning to a central theme and what they already know we make their learning more meaningful.

Following the 1988 Education Reform Act, most schools have to teach the National Curriculum. This consists of Religious Education and a daily Act of Worship as well as:

Core Subjects• English

• Mathematics

• Science

Creative Curriculum• ICT

• Physical Education

• Personal, Social and Health Education

• Design Technology

• History

• Geography

• Art

• Music

• Modern Foreign Languages

Please ask at school if you would like more information about any aspect of the curriculum. Each year groups’ curriculum map is available on our website or ask for a copy at the office. Each term your child will bring home a parent pamphlet which explains what they will be learning that term.


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School Dinners

When your child is settled in school, they may stay during school dinner times. Dinner times are staggered between 11.30am and 1pm. Your child may stay for a cooked two-course meal, they may bring a packed lunch or they may go home.

The current price of a school lunch is £1 (this is subsidised by the school with the actual cost being £2).

If you think you may be entitled to free school meals please ask at the school office for a form. Once you have completed the form return it to the office and they will forward it to the Civic Centre for processing. From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free school meal.

All dinner money for the week must come to school on Mondays in a named container or envelope. We need to know on a Monday whether your child will have school dinners or packed lunches for the rest of the week. Dinner is eaten in the school hall in separate sittings with the youngest children eating first.

FruitWe try to encourage our children to eat healthily. Reception and Key Stage 1 children are entitled to a free piece of fruit every day under the School Fruit Scheme. Key Stage 2 children are also provided with a FREE piece of fruit every day, with the cost being covered by the school. No sweets are allowed in school, except for something very special, like a birthday. If you do send in a treat for the children, please make sure that there is enough for every child in the class.

MilkMilk is provided FREE to all of our children. A carton of milk is given daily to each child. The cost is covered by the school.


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We ask parents to enter into an agreement to hear their children read at home for 5–10 minutes, two or three times a week. Parents will be asked to attend a meeting soon after their child starts school to find out about our Home School Reading Policy and the methods we use to help children learn to read, as well as other important information which is written in a parent pamphlet. Please encourage your children to return their reading books to school regularly. You will also be asked to supervise and help with other kinds of homework. Your child’s Teacher will arrange this with you.

Transfer To Secondary School

In the September after they are eleven, the children transfer to secondary school. We want to make this as smooth and easy for them as possible. Visits are arranged so that the children can meet their new Teachers and find their way around their new school. Parents can choose whichever secondary school they want for their children, but all our children are guaranteed a place at Excelsior Academy. We often take part in joint projects with the Academy and other Secondary Schools to make transfer as positive as possible for the children.


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Assemblies are held every day and are non-denominational. They may take place in the classroom or school hall. There is a Key Stage assembly every week and a whole school assembly every week. They play an important role in developing a community feeling. They are concerned mainly with the development of attitudes and relationships and the rights and responsibilities of being a member of society. We sometimes have visitors in our assemblies who share important messages.

Once every week, one or two children from every class receive a Certificate of Achievement at our Achievers Assembly. These are presented for good work, good behaviour or sustained effort. Each class presents a Class Assembly once a year. Parents, carers, brothers, sisters and friends are welcome to attend all these assemblies. We have an annual attendance and achievement assembly to celebrate these areas, which Governors and Parents attend. We also have a leavers assembly for our Year 6 children.

If parents wish, their children can be excused from religious education at school. They should write to the HeadTeacher with this request and with any request for their child to be absent from school during the day to receive particular religious instruction.

Sex Education

Until the final year here, there are no formal sex education lessons. Parents are informed of the content of these at the time. In the early years, Teachers use their discretion to answer children’s questions honestly. If you wish to inspect our policy on sex education, please speak to the HeadTeacher.

‘Once every week, one or two children from every class receive a Certificate of Achievement at our

Achievers Assembly.’


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Educational Visits

It is our policy to encourage children to observe and investigate the local natural and man-made environment. When children are admitted to school, parents are asked to sign a consent form which gives permission for members of staff to take their children off school premises for short visits. We take all reasonable care of the children on these visits and have as many adults as possible to supervise the children.

If we go further afield, parents will be notified in advance. While parents must not be charged for activities, which take place during school hours, we do ask you to contribute towards the cost. We look for the cheapest and safest way to travel and parents may make contributions in instalments if they find this easier. No child is excluded from taking part in any activity because their parents do not pay, but we get no additional money to pay for trips and if we do not receive enough contributions to pay for them, then it is not possible for these activities to take place.

Some of the trips and visits which your child may have the opportunity to go on include:

• London (Key Stage 2)

• Beamish

• Local farms

• Castle Keep

• Hadrian’s Wall

• Lightwater Valley (Year 6)

• Outdoor Activity Centre (Year 6)

• Plus many, many more!

‘It is our policy to encourage children to observe and investigate the local natural and man-made environment.’


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While your child is at school, the Medical Officer of Health arranges the following Health inspections:

1. Routine health and hygiene checks by the School Nurse

2. Dental checks

3. Eye, hearing and speech check

4. Full medical examination by a doctor, which you will be invited to attend.

The School Nurse no longer comes in to inspect the children for head lice. If head lice or nits are noticed, then all the children in the class will get a letter asking parents to check their children’s hair and treat any lice which they find. We will have a private word with the parents / carers of the child concerned and discuss treatment options. We will also check when the children return to school to help stop lice spreading.

If your child is ill you should let the school know as soon as possible.

We can arrange for your child to take medicine at school if it has been prescribed to be taken during the school day by a doctor (with a meal or 4 or more times a day).

We can keep emergency treatment for children with chronic conditions. This will be documented in a health plan which will be written in school with you as the carer and a member of staff.

It is essential that you keep us informed of your current address and telephone number so that we can get in touch with you if your child becomes ill or has an accident at school. We will also need the address and telephone number of a friend or relative to contact if you are not available.


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This booklet has been written to provide you with information about the school. If you are unclear about anything or if you want to know anything more, please just ask your child’s Teacher or come to the school office.

Further information can also be found on our website,

Bridgewater School

Delaval Road

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE15 6NL

Tel: 0191 274 5290

‘In 2013 the school had 2 very successful OFSTED

Inspections, in which every area was judged
