automovet · bredgade 43 dk-1260 copenhagen k phone.: +45 7231 7800 fax: +45 7231 7801 e-mail:...

Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovaon projects Danish Agency for Higher Education Bredgade 43 DK-1260 Copenhagen K Phone.: +45 7231 7800 Fax: +45 7231 7801 E-mail: [email protected] AutoMOVET Automobility Modules for Vocational Education and Training in Europe AutoMOVET – Automobility Modules for Vocaonal Educaon and Training in Europe Project number: 2013-1-DK1-LEO05-06940 Naonal ID: LEO05-2013-011 Project duraon: 01.11.2013 - 31.10.2015 Project Coordinator: DK: SDE College Odense –Vejle Contact: Jørgen Seeberg E-mail: [email protected] UK: Bridgwater College Contact: Jon Harding E-mail: [email protected] FI: Savo College Contact: Jaana Räsänen E-mail: DE: Technische Universität Deutschland Contact: Markus Müller E-mail: [email protected] Partners: LT: SRC Kaunas Contact: Aida Illona Gruinskiene E-mail: [email protected] ES: Centro San Viator Contact: Alfredo Garmendia E-mail: [email protected] NL: ID College Contact: Bert Schuiling E-mail: [email protected] Project Coordinator: SDE College Odense – Vejle This project is financed by the Leonardo da Vinci programme. The programme aims to support the European Union’s vocational education and training policy under the Lifelong Learning Programme. The Danish Agency for Higher Education administers EU’s educational programmes.

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Page 1: AutoMOVET · Bredgade 43 DK-1260 Copenhagen K Phone.: +45 7231 7800 Fax: +45 7231 7801 E-mail: AutoMOVET Automobility Modules for Vocational Education and Training in Europe

Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation projects

Danish Agency for Higher EducationBredgade 43DK-1260 Copenhagen KPhone.: +45 7231 7800Fax: +45 7231 7801E-mail: [email protected]


Automobility Modulesfor Vocational Education and Training in Europe

AutoMOVET– Automobility Modules for Vocational Education and Training in Europe

Project number: 2013-1-DK1-LEO05-06940National ID: LEO05-2013-011Project duration: 01.11.2013 - 31.10.2015

Project Coordinator:

DK: SDE College Odense –VejleContact: Jørgen SeebergE-mail: [email protected]

UK: Bridgwater CollegeContact: Jon HardingE-mail: [email protected]

FI: Savo CollegeContact: Jaana RäsänenE-mail: [email protected]

DE: Technische Universität DeutschlandContact: Markus MüllerE-mail: [email protected]


LT: SRC KaunasContact: Aida Illona GruinskieneE-mail: [email protected]

ES: Centro San ViatorContact: Alfredo GarmendiaE-mail: [email protected]

NL: ID CollegeContact: Bert SchuilingE-mail: [email protected]

Project Coordinator:

SDE College Odense – Vejle

This project is financed by the Leonardo da Vinci programme. The programme aims to support the European Union’s vocational education and training policy under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education administers EU’s educational programmes.

Page 2: AutoMOVET · Bredgade 43 DK-1260 Copenhagen K Phone.: +45 7231 7800 Fax: +45 7231 7801 E-mail: AutoMOVET Automobility Modules for Vocational Education and Training in Europe

AimThe aim of the AutoMOVET-project is also to give an example of how to build a common terminology for comparing the automotive educations in the six countries. This will result in a common competence matrix which covers competence areas, progression levels and content areas of the automotive education in all partner countries. The aim is that this com-petence matrix can be used as a guide and an inspiration for other VET-schools and networks to describe Units of Learning Outcomes and international modules for mobility.

As a natural consequence of making a common competence matrix and taxonomy table, the AutoMOVET-project will describe six automotive modules on the basis of the com-petence matrix. The modules will be tested in the last phase of the project where a number of students from all partner countries will choose a module in another country and go abroad to test the module and complete a work placement in a company. The pilot of the modules will test the quality of the module descriptions, the competence matrix and the accreditation process and thus test the principles of the ECVET–system.

Target groups• VET-schools and VET-teachers in the automotive educations

in Europe. The results of the project can be transferred to other VET-areas also.

Expected results• An overview of the automotive education from each partner

country. • A competence matrix with competences, levels and content

areas of the automotive education. • Ataxonomytable.• Sixautomotivemodules.• Template for module descriptions based on the competence

matrix.• Templateformodulecertificate.• Evaluationofthepilotofthesixmobilitymodules.• Processguide–howtobuildupreliablenetworksand

compare educations.•• AFacebookgroup“Automovet”.

ChallengeEven though there has been a focus on mobility for VET-students for many years, it is still difficult to increase the number of VET-students who go abroad as part of their voca-tional education. There are various explanations for this. One is that VET-schools and VET-teachers find it difficult to build sustainable and reliable networks with other VET-schools that can continue year after year and form a solid basis for student mobility and accreditation of achieved results.

It seems to be difficult for VET-schools and VET-teachers to see through the different national programmes and levels, as well as understanding the content, methods and evalua-tion systems in other countries. In short, it is difficult for European VET-schools and VET-teachers to understand the different educations, competence areas and learning goals of others. As a consequence, it is also challenging to accredit the achievements and results that students ought to have gained after an international mobility.

The AutoMOVET-project sets out to target this problem and focuses on the VET-programme automotive engineering (mechanic). The project is a transfer project build on the experiences made by the two award-winning ECVET-projects MOVET and MOVET II.

ObjectiveThe AutoMOVET-project will target the problem described above by trying to compare the six partner countries’ VET-programmes within the automotive education using inspira-tion from the results of the MOVET-projects. The project will set an example of how to start the difficult process of com-paring programmes in terms of levels, content areas, compe-tence goals/learning goals and performance standards. This process will result in an AutoMOVET-overview, an example of an automotive common reference for the partner coun-tries based on the EQF. Objectives are:

• TogiveVET-schoolsandVET-teachersworkingintheauto-motive programmes guidance and inspiration for building reliable and sustainable networks with other European VET-schools.

• Toexemplifyhowtocompareeducationalprogrammesand accredit mobility activities in other countries.