breaking the habit of being yourself workshop for quantum...

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Workshop for Quantum University

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Workshop for Quantum University

2 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.







3 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.







4 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.







5 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

1. Neur-o-plas-tic-ity:

• Our brain’s ability to change its synaptic wiring by learning information and by recording experiences... and to maintain a modified state of being.

• Plasticity allows us to evolve our actions/modify our behavior so that we do a better job in life.

2. Neur-o-rig-id-it-y: • Only using our brain’s pre-wired synaptic connections (memories) without

making any new connections. Never learning from experience. • Rigidity is to process the same thoughts and to perform the same

actions…and expect a different result.

3. Neur-o-plas-tic-ity (brain changes): Upgrading or evolving the brain’s hardware and software through a conscious interaction with the environment so that new systems can adapt to new demands.

Neur-o-rig-id-i-ty (brain never changes): Using the brain’s same hardware and software by unconsciously processing the same thoughts through different interactions in the environment.

4. Neur-o-rig-id-i-ty: (thinking in the box) Living life from past memories without learning new things and having new experiences. Keeping the brain firing in the same pattern and combinations. Neur-o-plas-tic-ity: (thinking out of the box) Learning new things, creating new experiences…making new memories. Making the brain fire in new patterns and combinations.

5. Neur-on: nerve cell, brain cell The simplest functional unit of the nervous system. They possess the unique ability to store and communicate information between each other.

6 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

6. Learning:

Creating or making new synaptic connections.

7. Remembering: Maintaining or sustaining synaptic connections.

8. The two ways we make synaptic connections:

Semantic memories: Learning information, knowledge, and philosophy. Episodic memories: Having novel experiences, embracing new events in life.

9. Hebbian learning:

Nerve cells that fire together….wire together.

7 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

10. Law of Association:

Using the brain’s stored information to learn new information; building new circuits by using existing circuits; using what is familiar to understand the unfamiliar.

Using old memories to form new memories; using knowns to understand unknowns; using existing synaptic connections to make new connections; using the past to predict the future.

Example: Neuron is like a leafless oak tree; receptor sites are like lotus flowers sitting on a pond; the malleus bone of the inner ear looks like a hammer.

11. Law of Repetition:

Repeating a thought, action, or skill over and over again until it becomes: easy, familiar, common, natural, automatic, routine, habitual, effortless, second nature, subconscious, unconscious, implicit.

Neural Growth Factor: The chemical glue or miracle grow that makes new synaptic connections stick, become more enhanced and flourish, i.e. neurotrophics.


8 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

12. Law of Association: How we learn

Law of Repetition: How we remember

13. Neural network, i.e. neural net: Neural nets are formed by combining: the law of association (learning) along with

the law of repetition (remembering) to create a new level of mind (firing in new ways). They are the automatic hardwired programs that we unconsciously and

automatically use every day. Gangs of neurons that have fired and wired together to form a community of neuro-

synaptic connections that are related to a concept, idea, thought process, memory, skill, behavior, action.

i.e., Learning new things and remembering them until they become second nature.

9 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

14. Neuroplasticity (revisited):

To fire a series of many diverse neural nets in different combinations, sequences, and orders to produce a new level of mind…and to be able to repeat the same frame of mind at will…and make it look natural and easy.

15. Frontal lobe: (home of “the you” and “the me”) The seat of our freewill, learning, intention, invention, attention, speculation, decision

making, behavior control, and focused concentration. It restrains our impulsive emotional reactions.

The newest and most evolved part of the human brain and nervous system. It is the most neuroplastic part of our entire brain.

Frontal lobe:

It allows us to make thought as real as anything else. It has connections to all other parts of the brain and when it is in full

operation According to functional brain scans, it

quiets down all other circuits in the brain so that nothing else is being processed but a single concept. It is the brain’s symphony leader.

It is the brain’s “volume control” to our sensory/motor feedback from the body, our sensory awareness of the environment and our concept of time.

When we are examining new outcomes or when we are thinking about modifying our behavior, the frontal lobe can access all the diverse neural networks and can organize them in different combinations, orders, and sequences to make a new level of mind and create new possibilities.

It coordinates how the rest of the brain works. It changes the mind. It reorganizes how we process the data bank of stored knowledge and

experiences and it seamlessly pieces them together in a nonlinear way to make a new plan.

It allows us to observe our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings, i.e., metacognition.

10 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

16. Mental Rehearsal creates new neural networks

When we become so involved in the imaging process that the brain does not know the difference between the internal and the external world, it tracks thoughts as an experience itself. As a new mindful neural network is created just by thinking, the old mindless neural network is pruned away because the glue that holds the old circuits together is now used for sealing and forming new synaptic connections. In evolving the brain, new memories must replace the old memories.

17. Hebbian learning (revisited)

“Nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together.”

It’s the Universal Law. You don’t use it, you lose it.

Throwing out the mental trash!

18. The Science of Changing Your Mind

11 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.

Our senses and our feelings should be the last to experience what mind has created.

The Ultimate Question

Can you believe in a future that you cannot see or experience with your senses but you have thought about enough times in

your mind ….that it is now wired in your brain?

And can you emotionally embrace a future potential before the actual experience so many times that you emotionally condition

your body to reflect that new mind by signaling new genes in new ways?

If so, then your brain and body are physically changed ahead of

the actual experience and you just moved from living in your past to living in your future. In fact, you are living ahead of time.

When you successfully apply this new paradigm, your brain and body are no longer a record of the past but a map to your new


To live by this law is to live by the quantum law.

Quantum Law

Our environment is an extension of our mind.

When we change our mind, our life changes......

12 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.







13 © Copyright Dr Joe Dispenza. June 2013. All rights reserved.
