books that made a difference to samantha usina. 12/17/13 “reading all day everyday, you can catch...

oks that Made a Difference t Samantha Usina. 12/17/13 ding all day everyday, You can catch with a book in my hand everyday.” amantha Usina.

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Books that Made a Difference to Samantha Usina.


“Reading all day everyday, You can catch me with a book in my hand everyday.” - Samantha Usina.

Reading Means to Me:When I was a young girl I was always caught some place reading whatever book

caught my attention. It didn’t just come natural, I would read books while playing house or even school. I feel like in any given situation if you have a book that you can’t put down then it’s your companion. There has been many books in my childhood that I’ve devoured and they still replay in my head to this day. Back in the third grade was the year I read the most books during any given school year. So as you can see it’s a very enjoyed task I like to take on. Anything from romantic, to drama, to horror is the few genres I prefer to read. When someone assigns an assignment with a book of their own choice and not your own really upsets me and takes away my interest.

The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks.

Summary: Ronnie’s sent to live with her dad because she’s been caught stealing. When she’s at her dads she meets Will who is the man of her dreams where they fall in love and become inseparable. The two of them stay on the beach together to keep an eye on the turtles and that brings them even closer. As for her dad he doesn’t trust the two of them out their alone. After so long of them being together others in the town tell Ronnie secrets about Will were she won’t talk to him and breaking them up for only so little of time. Towards the end of the book Ronnie comes to realize how her dad was never out to hurt her. When he’s lying their in the hospital bed not only is Will and Ronnie supporting one another but her little brother is comforted by them two.

The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks.

Explanation: When I read this book it had me at the edge of my seat wanting to know so much more and never stop. I never expected this type of book to be so wonderful. Not long after devouring the book I was screaming for the movie to come out and sure enough it was just as exciting.

Black and White By: Paul Volponi.

Summary: Andre and Eddie started getting involved in stick-ups to get money to pay for sneakers and senior dues. These stick-ups landed Eddie and Andre a big ball of trouble from basketball games, parents, school, and even time in jail.

Explanation: I personally would suggest someone who likes reading books about someone having everything and messing it all up with one mistake. Leaving you begging for more and seeing a twist of an athlete to a jail mate all in only one book.

All of Dr. Seuss’ Books.Summary: Dr. Seuss books are very inspiring they’ve

never once let me down. From cover to cover he has a true

meaning and purpose for each story. Green Eggs and Ham and Where’s My Mother are just a few to name that have that true moral.

Explanation: As a young reader he would have to be that one person who would make me want to become an author and inspire me to continue with my goals and dreams. I’ve enjoyed Dr. Seuss and very happy that he’s written the stories he has.