book marketing using social media

Book Marketing Using Social Media

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Book Marketing Using Social Media

After your book is published, you need to market your book in order for it to get the attention and recognition it deserves. Social media is a valuable book marketing tool that can help you target and engage your readership and generate buzz about your book.

Here are some tips for promoting your book on social media…

Find which social media platform works best for you and is the most effective at reaching your audience. A common social site used by authors is Twitter because it allows you to post short bursts of information frequently.

Find what platform works best for you

On your social media sites, you want to develop a following of people who are interested in your posts. To maintain your audience's interest, it's best to post 1-2 times a day on Twitter and 2-4 times on Facebook. By posting too infrequently, you won’t be able to develop a strong following. Posting too often can come off as

bothersome or too salesy and can cause you to lose followers.

Post often, but don’t overdo it

While the primarily purpose of your social media efforts is to promote your book, you don’t want to overtly promote. Your posts should provide a happy medium of promotion and engagement. Be sure to deliver interesting posts that are valuable to your followers.

Find a balance between promotion and engagement

Most social media platforms use hash-tags (#) as a way to track key words. When you put a hash-tag in front of a word, you are ranking that word for searches. Therefore, when people search for that word, your post will appear. Be sure to not overuse the hash-tag.

Use Hash-Tags (#)

You won’t receive 1,000 followers or likes within a day or week, so don’t get discouraged. Accumulating a following takes time. Just by posting on social media, you are reaching more people than if you didn't post at all.

Keep at it

For more assistance with using social media to market your book, contact Smith Publicity, the top book marketing and author promoting agency.

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