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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 B_L_Listen!



    Class size: Small group and classroom variations

    Level: Ideal for beginners to lower intermediate5

    Age: 4 to 12

    Materials: None required, some optional ideas for props


    1. How to Play

    This game is excellent for practising new vocabulary, or for

    revising large amounts of known words.


    A. Small Group Variation:

    Stand in a space with the children all around you and close to

    you. The children should either be touching you with an

    outstretched hand, or you can tie scarves around you and each20

    child holds onto the end of a scarf. The younger children love

    this kind of prop, but it is optional. Another optional prop

    is to stand on a square of coloured paper. The children must

    all have one foot on that square.

  • 8/13/2019 B_L_Listen!



    The children must stay touching you, or holding the scarf until

    you say a specific word. When you say that word you can try

    and catch one of the children and they have to escape before

    you do.


    As I have said before, with the very young children it can be

    necessary never to catch them as it can make them cry.

    So for example start by telling the children the magic word, it

    could be "summer". You now start to say words such as spring,35

    winter, autumn, sun, rain, etc. When you say, summer, the

    children must run off and you try and catch one of them. You

    do not necessarily have to chase after the children, you can

    just try and touch one of them before he or she has let go of

    you, without you actually moving from the spot. If you like you40

    can make a rule where you are allowed to take one step only.

    You can add great variety to this game by changing the way you

    say the words. Sometimes you can use a flat monotone for

    several words and then suddenly say a word with great45

    enthusiasm. This alone can make some children let go of you

    even though you did not say the magic word.

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    You can also add variety by changing the set up. For example

    you may have the children seated around you on the floor. When50

    they hear the magic word they must get up and move away to

    safety. You can also use ideas such as having the children

    balance on one leg while they listen out for the magic word and

    then clap and run away when they hear it. If a child

    cannot balance, or forgets to clap before running away he or55

    she is out.

    Instead of having children who are out sit around getting bored

    and restless, let them just sit down for one turn and then join

    back in again, or have them do a forfeit. There are plenty of60

    fun forfeit ideas in my e-book of games.

    If you have a strong group member you can let them take your

    role in the game.


    B. Classroom Variation:

    To use this idea in a classroom situation where you have desks

    and chairs plus too many students to play the small group

    version you can adapt the game as follows: Use the magic word70

    idea as described above but this time the children must clap

    when they hear the magic word and the last one to clap is out.

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    Or the class sit down on hearing the magic word, and last one

    seated is out. Use any action you fancy that suits your

    classroom situation.75

    2. Language ideas to use with this game

    This game lends itself to any vocabulary. You may also use

    short sentences by way of revision, or in preparation for80

    introducing those phrases properly later in the lesson, or in

    the next lesson. For example you could have the word train as

    the magic word and say, I like buses, I like cars, I like

    planes, I like trains! Replace the phrase I like with more or

    less anything that you would like to practise. For example if85

    you want to teach the past continuous then the magic word can

    be reading and you say sentences such as I was driving, I was

    walking, I was reading!

    If your children are too naughty then use a quiet version of90

    the classroom game and have a rule where any noise and the

    child is out, or loses a point for his or her team.

    I hope you enjoy using this game with your pupils soon.


    Kind regards

  • 8/13/2019 B_L_Listen!


    Shelley Vernon

    P.S. From Anthony Bennet in South Korea, who has these games100

    and the preschool games and stories:

    "Your resources are already saving me heaps of

    time and lessening the anxiety from having such a hectic and

    mixed teaching schedule. I'm teaching 4 kindy, 15 elementary105

    and 50 middle school students."

    P.P.S. Make the most of these games while they are still such a

    bargain. You'll never be short of ideas for fun teaching


    http://www.teachingenglishgames.com/index4.htm for info

    Shelley Vernon, Les Anemones, Val d'Isere, Savoie 73150, France
