blended learning and flipped classroom in nursing 2014

Increasing Student Engagement BLENDED LEARNING AND THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM : College of Southern Maryland June 2014

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See how one nursing program has successfully developed a nursing program using the blended learning and flipped classroom models.


  • 1.Increasing Student Engagement BLENDED LEARNING AND THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM: College of Southern Maryland June 2014

2. Dr. Cynthia Francis Bechtel, PhD, RN, CNE, CSHE, CEN Associate Professor Coordinator MSN Program Dr. Susan Mullaney, EdD, RN, CNE Professor Department Chair Nursing WHO ARE WE? 3. Discuss the innovative teaching modalities of blended learning and the flipped classroom Examine student experiences with blended learning and flipped classroom courses Illustrate creative online course modules EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 4. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS CLASSROOM? 5. If you are teaching the way you were taught, you are preparing students for a healthcare system that no longer exists. Visions of Students Today HEARD AT NLN EDUCATION SUMMIT 2013 6. What is your impression of blended learning? Is it A. An online enhancement to a face-to- face learning environment B. A face-to-face enhancement to an online learning environment, or C. Something else entirely A POP QUIZ 7. Do you currently use blended learning/hybrid format for any of the courses that you teach? A. Yes B. No POP QUIZ 8. Hybrid and Blended Education designed to integrate face-to- face and online activities that reinforce, complement, and enhance one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom University of Wisconsin IS IT HYBRID OR BLENDED? 9. OUR STUDENTS IN A FACE-TO-FACE CLASSROOM 10. The Sloan Consortium (a professional organization dedicated to postsecondary online learning) defines blended learning as a course where 30%-70% of the instruction is delivered online. BLENDED LEARNING 11. Web-based learning activities are introduced to complement face-to-face work "seat time" is reduced, though not eliminated altogether the Web-based and face-to-face components of the course are designed to interact pedagogically to take advantage of the best features of each. From KEY CHARACTERISTICS 12. As I reflect on my undergraduate education, I can honestly say I was a passive learner. All of my undergraduate classes were the usual lecture format. The professor was the sole provider of the information, spoon feeding us what we needed to know. I was one of the students in the lecture hall feverishly taking notes on what seemed like endless number of PowerPoint slides the professor prepared on the subject. The amount of collaboration between student and professor was usually limited to we need to get through this information, people. STUDENT VIEW OF BLENDED LEARNING 13. What is driving the pedagogical change at our institution? WHY BLENDED LEARNING? 14. OUR STUDENTS 15. WHY BLENDED LEARNING? The nature of our student body Use of a cohort model Research that espouses active learning An approach that allows for deep processing and application of concepts 16. Does a blended course create a better student learning experience? Courtesy of BENEFITS OF BLENDED LEARNING 17. Students prefer blended learning environments Dahlstrom, E., Walker, C.. & Dziuban (2013). ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology ECAR (EDUCAUSE) RESEARCH HUB 18. I had been a bit anxious about the online portion of the classes. All my previous classes had been face-to-face and e-learning seemed like it would be impersonal and solitary. Im so glad I was so wrong. The hybrid nature of this program appears to combine the best of both worlds. Face-to-face classes allow visual, tactile, real-time interaction, and the ability to get to know classmates in a more personal way. The online portion allows greater flexibility, reflection, and time to research things more fully. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 19. Their 2009 meta-analysis showed that blended instruction combining elements of online and face-to-face instruction had a larger advantage relative to purely face-to- face instruction or instruction conducted wholly online. 06262009.html U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STUDY 20. WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? Blended learning has been received positively by students Asynchronous online discussions increase student satisfaction in introductory nursing research courses (Lyons & Evans, 2013; Smyth, Houghton, Cooney, & Casey, 2012) 21. WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? Blended learning assists the health professional to learn in a manner that is adaptable to their workplace and promotes life-long learning Components of blended learning include novel teaching strategies, connecting practical activities, and e-learning activities to maintain engagement (Jonas & Burns, 2010; Sidebotham, Jomeen, & Gamble, 2014) 22. Even though technology enables greater learner control and autonomy, learners generally value social contact and faculty guidance, especially when entering a new field or course of study (de Laat, 2006). In fact, some might argue that student interaction with faculty and with other students in the context of learning is an expression of a basic human need. de Laat, M. (2006). Networked learning. Retrieved from http://www.e- WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? 23. Some benefits of the hybrid format are the self- directed learning modules that can be completed during times that work best for the learner, less time involved in travelling to classes, and no tests with this program. BENEFITS OF BLENDED LEARNING 24. How do we combine blended learning format with a flipped classroom methodology? WHAT ABOUT FLIPPED CLASSROOMS? 25. Didactic material online Face-to-face class time for interactive assignments and discussions that build upon online material no formal lectures Course design will vary with the educational environment THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM 26. Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. FLIPPED LEARNING NETWORK 27. According to the Flipped Learning Network (2012), there's no scientific research base to indicate exactly how well flipped classrooms work. But some preliminary nonscientific data suggest that flipping the classroom may produce benefits. CURRENT RESEARCH ON FLIPPING 28. In one survey of 453 teachers who flipped their classrooms, 67% reported increased test scores, with particular benefits for students in advanced placement classes and students with special needs; 80% reported improved student attitudes 99% said they would flip their classrooms again next year (Flipped Learning Network, 2012) RESEARCH ON FLIPPING 29. What weve observed: Students are able to apply what they have learned from the didactic content in the online modules to the classroom activities BENEFITS OF FLIPPING 30. Students are more engaged with the content reflect deeply to make connections between the concepts taught and their personal and professional experiences work collaboratively to assist each other to progress and meet the course and program outcomes WHAT HAVE WE OBSERVED? 31. The hybrid class has allowed for a higher level of learning and teaching. I felt that I learned more from these two classes than almost any Ive taken in the past. Benefits of Blended Learning 32. HOW DO WE GET STARTED? 33. What are the characteristics of successful blended and flipped courses? BEST PRACTICES 34. Define what blended learning looks like for your course Set Rules of Engagement for communications Use Quality Matters standards ic BEST PRACTICES 35. A set of 8 general standards and 41 specific standards used to evaluate the design of online and blended courses Concept of alignment: Learning Objectives, Assessment, Instructional Materials, Learner Interaction and Engagement, and Course Technology work together to ensure students achieve desired learning outcomes. QUALITY MATTERS 36. As you consider designing a blended learning course, what kinds of interactions can you envision occurring face-to-face, and how might you use the online environment for interactions? What opportunities are there for you to explore different instructional strategies in the blended course than you have in the past? QUESTIONS TO PONDER 37. The hybrid course design incorporates diverse learning styles. The online modular topics, readings, assignments, videos, links, and resources gave me alone time to experience the subject in a multidimensional true-life learning process. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 38. Integrate the best aspects of both face- to-face and online instruction. Classroom time can be used to engage students in advanced interactive experiences. The online portion of the course can provide students with multimedia-rich content at any time of day, anywhere the student has internet access. COURSE DESIGN STRATEGIES 39. Select and incorporate appropriate instructional technologies to meet learning goals and deliver online experiences. The focus should be first on the learning, and second on the technologies that will support that learning TECHNOLOGY 40. Nursing Management Module: Team Building (Management course) MODULE EXAMPLE 41. Role of instructor Interaction among students Blended learning lends itself to learner- centered, teacher- guided, interactive, and student-collaborative learning WHAT IS BEST MIX? 42. Course Learning Outcomes Learning Interaction/Activities Resources, Materials, Technologies Assessment and Measurements Faculty Action/Prep MAPPING A COURSE 43. Module outcomes need to align with course outcomes Think about what you want students to take away from this module Assignments and activities flow from outcomes OUTCOMES 44. Aligned with module outcomes Based upon didactic content Reinforce application of principles and concepts Lead to better patient outcomes and safe and effective high quality care LEARNING ACTIVITIES 45. Online modules may be completed at the students own pace Allow students to enter more deeply into the material or an idea. Especially important for ELL students ASYNCHRONOUS ACTIVITIES 46. As for the on-line portion of our class, I thought that that would be a cakewalk. Answer a few questions, post, and no big deal, right? Wrong - I find the discussion boards to be so thought provoking and as I am reading for the modules, I find myself looking for more information. This class has made me more inquisitive. THE STUDENTS CHALLENGES 47. Technology module in Advanced Technology and Nursing Informatics course MODULE EXAMPLE 48. From module on Societal and Global Influences in Healthcare: Megatrends in Global Health Care by Karen Dillon and Steve Prokesch From module on Pediatric Issues & Special Education: Click *here* for a 3 minute YouTube video intended to show you how an autistic adult experiences sensory overload in simulation. Interesting perspective! EXAMPLES OF STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES 49. What is your BMI? Check it out by clicking this link: Body Mass Index calculator calculator/bmi_calculator.html Time for a Clip! Click here to watch a short YouTube video on Invisible Illness Awareness. EXAMPLES OF STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES 50. Balance video & discussion Always, It Depends, Never in a Million Years Peer review & editing of term papers (Pair-Share-Compare) Role play conversations with students Identify Facebook sites patients are using EXAMPLES OF STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES 51. Live events These are synchronous, instructor-led events. Traditional lectures, video conferences, and synchronous chat sessions such as Blackboard Collaborate or Adobe Connect are example. EXAMPLES OF STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES 52. The more ways you can present a concept (auditory, tactile, visual, activity) the more likely it will be captured by students Step out from behind the screen full of slides and engage students in (realistic) learning experiences to enhance learning. (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, & Day, 2010, p. 14) ACTIVE LEARNING 53. I am finding that I am more of an active learner with hybrid classes. I am more likely to research the discussion board questions and actually put an effort into them. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 54. When class prep and lecture take place outside of the classroom, the classroom becomes a stage for experiential learning Students need guided study you get to shape this when the classroom goes beyond the traditional lecture ACTIVE LEARNING 55. In a traditional class design for example, students get a lecture, do some assigned reading in the text and associated articles, and take an exam and/or write a paper. In contrast ACTIVE LEARNING 56. In flipped classrooms, students engage with a module which involves information sharing, video clips, blogs, short stories, editorials, and articles; does the assigned readings; engages in a recap or summary in the classroom, then thinks more deeply via classroom activities, classroom discussion and/or participation in a discussion board, and/or written reflective journals or other assessments. ACTIVE LEARNING 57. I knew I didnt want to take online courses as I imagined it would be impersonal. I thoroughly enjoy reading the modules, viewing the videos, reviewing the articles, and writing a discussion board on the subject. I also very much enjoy the Wednesday evenings together, the spirited conversations, the networking, collaborating, and group projects. A STUDENTS VIEW 58. Example: SBAR Your CAR (courtesy of Dr. Tim Bristol, 1. Find a partner and discuss the following - 2. Situation: what type of car do you have right now 3. Background: how did you get it & precipitating factors 4. Assessment: what is the current state of your car 5. Recommendation: what are the next steps in your cars journey ACTIVE LEARNING 59. Learners communicate and create with professors and classmates. E-mail, threaded discussions, group activities, blog, journal, podcast, vodcast, and wikis are all examples. Faculty feedback is vital. ONLINE COMMUNITY 60. Student-to-student interaction has become more of a focus in todays classrooms, where the teacher becomes more of a guide or facilitator in the learning process. ONLINE COMMUNITY 61. E, I always look forward to your discussions about school nursing and your challenges at not having a traditional hierarchical system for management or leadership. Although I cant fully comprehend the circumstances in which you practice, your position within the community setting provides me another viewpoint to contemplate and forces me to think beyond the traditional means for problem-solving in regards to leadership. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 62. M, As a leader in any domain, modeling the way is the best way to show your conviction toward a change or an outcome. It is important that leaders gain the respect and trust of those they are trying to lead. Dickenson-Hazard (2006) writes that leaders must lead from what they believe in order to gain commitment from others. You exemplified that when dealing with the different constituents within your department. You didn't go in and tell them what you felt needed to change, you fostered a solution through communication and teamwork. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 63. What are the challenges of a blended class? WHAT ARE OUR CHALLENGES? 64. Material development is a time- and labor-intensive process The need for resources to create the online materials for the courses. CHALLENGES 65. How can you ensure that students experience your course as one consistent whole rather than as two loosely connected learning environments? if pursued with the module structure common in online teaching, blended courses can bring about higher levels of student engagement and more effective face-to-face time management. CHALLENGES 66. Managing student expectations of blended courses Blended concept Time management Classroom vs home CHALLENGES 67. Students work online must be relevant to the in-class activities Students can be critical of blended instruction if they feel the face-to- face and time-out-of-class components of the course are not well integrated. CHALLENGES 68. In order to be successful in a hybrid course, one must be dedicated and self- disciplined. Like the conventional face- to-face classes, e-learning requires that the student complete assignments and course work by a deadline, but without the constraints of being in a classroom setting. STUDENT VIEWPOINT 69. Questions? Comments? JUST ASK 70. Beesley, A., & Apthorp, H. (Eds.). (2010). Classroom instruction that works, second edition: Research report. Denver, CO: McRel. Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Washington, DC: ISTE; and Alexandria, VA: ASCD. RESOURCES 71. Flipped Learning Network. (2012). Improve student learning and teacher satisfaction with one flip of the classroom. Retrieved from author at sroomwindowinfographic7-12.pdf RESOURCES 72. Screencastomatic 20 fun free tools for interactive classroom collaboration /05/20-excellent-free-tools-for- interactive-collaboration-experiences-in- the-classroom/ Soapbox RESOURCES 73. Flipped classroom resources label/flipped%20classroom 20 video project ideas to engage students 0-video-project-ideas-to-engage-students/ The 10 best web tools for flipped classrooms flipped-classrooms/ RESOURCES 74. Nurse Educator Listserv d Wordle word clouds Eyejot Online video messaging Skype Jing Capture images and videos RESOURCES 75. Wikispaces for teachers cher Google Docs Rubrics Free tool to help create rubrics Sophia Flipped Classroom Certification classroom-certification RESOURCES 76. THANKS FOR INVITING US! Dr. Cynthia Bechtel [email protected] Dr. Susan Mullaney [email protected]