bishapur, shapur's city

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): Thank you! Bishapur is an ancient city situated on the ancient road between Persis and Elam founded in 266 by Shapur I (241-272), who was the second Sassanid king. He restored the borders of the empire to where they had been in the Achaemenid Persian period and inflicting a triple defeat on the Romans. In his native province of Fars, he built a new capital that would measure up to his ambitions: Bishapur, Shapur's City.


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Bishapur is an ancient city situated on the ancient road between Persis and Elam. The road linked the Sassanid capitals Istakhr (very close to Persepolis) and Ctesiphon. Bishapur was built near a river crossing and at the same site there is also a fort with rock-cut reservoirs and a river valley with six Sassanid rock reliefs.According to an inscription, the city itself was founded in 266 by Shapur I (241-272), who was the second Sassanid king, restored the borders of the empire to where they had been in the Achaemenid Persian period, inflicting a triple defeat on the Romans. In his native province of Fars, he built a new capital that would measure up to his ambitions: Bishapur, Shapur's City.

Bishapur era un oraş antic situat pe drumul dintre Persis şi Elam, cel care lega capitala sassanidă Istakhr (foarte aproape de Persepolis) cu Ctesiphon. Bishapur a fost construit aproape de trecătoarea unui râu şi în acelaşi loc există, de asemenea, un fort cu rezervoare săpate în stâncă şi şase reliefuri Sassanide sculptate în piatră.Potrivit unei inscriptii, oraşul a fost fondat în anul 266 de Shapur I (241-272), care a fost al doilea rege Sassanid, cel care a restaurat graniţele imperiului unde au fost în perioada ahemenidă şi i-a înfrânt de trei ori pe romani. În provincia sa natală, Fars, el a construit o nouă capitală, pe măsura ambiţiei sale: Bishapur, oraşul lui Shapur.

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The city, as the remarkable dam bridge in Shushtar, was built by Roman soldiers who had been captured after Valerian I's defeat in 260. Valerian was the only Roman Emperor who was captured as a prisoner of war, resulting in wide-ranging instability across the Empire.However, it was not a completely new settlement: archaeologists have found remains from the Parthian and Elamite ages.The city remained important until the Arabian invasions and the rise of Islam in the second quarter of the 7th century. There were still people living there in the 10th century.

Oraşul, ca şi barajul remarcabil din Shushtar, a fost construit de către soldaţii romani, care au fost capturaţi după înfrângerea împăratului Valerian I, în anul 260. (Valerian a fost singurul împărat roman care a fost capturat ca prizonier de război, provocând instabilitatea în Imperiu).Totuşi Bishapur nu a fost o aşezare cu totul nouă: arheologii au descoperit urme de viaţă din epocile anterioare. Oraşul a rămas important până la invazia arabă din secolului al şaptelea şi au existat încă locuitori acolo şi în secolul X.

The core of the city is the old castle, situated in a steep rock, which is in itself one of the most interesting geological features of the southern Zagros. The city, surrounded by walls that stood ten meters high, was inhabited by some 50,000 to 80,000 people. The main monuments have been excavated between 1935 and 1941. Still, most of the city is still buried, and incidentally, teams of archaeologists returned to the site (e.g., in 2009). Perhaps they will focus on the living quarters of the ordinary people of Bishapur.

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Mive (derahte konor) cedar

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The Temple of Anahita in the ancient city of Bishapur from the 2nd century AD.

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Anahita is the Zoroastrian goddess of water and fertility, and accordingly, unlike the better known Zoroastrain fire temples, this is a water temple. The small openings on each side of the square under the doorways are water outlets, and allowed the central area of the square to be flooded with water coming from the Shapur River. The doorways give acces to the underground hallway that runs around the square, matching the layout of Bishapur's Central Hall.The triangle shaped wall might suggest a lost roof, but the temple centre court was in fact open. Two Achaemenid inspired Bull Capitals graced to top of the wall.

Anahita, sau Nahid, a fost o zeiţă importantă în Iranul pre-islamic. Ea era zeiţa-mamă, protectoarea apei şi zeiţa frumuseţii, fertilităţii şi fecundităţii. La Bishapur i s-a construit acest templu al apei. Deschizăturile mici pe fiecare parte, în cadrul porţilor, sunt guri de canal care permiteau inundarea zonei centrale cu apă provenind din râul Shapur.

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The Shapur River feeds water directly to the Anahita Temple via a long underground water channel or qanat.

Templul Anahita era alimentat cu apă direct din râul Shapur printr-un qanat (canal lung subteran).

Access to the water conduit

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Imitation Achaemenid style lintel from the "temple"

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The heart of the Royal Palace of Bishapur in Iran is a cross-shaped space with eight large square exedrae decorated with 64 alcoves. At the top of each alcove there was a picture of women naked under their transparent veils: courtesans, musicians, dancers, women twisting garlands, together with a few richly attired noble ladies.

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Mosaics have been found in several rooms, and we can be certain that they were not made by Iranian artists. The Dionysiac mask, for example, does not fit into the Iranian tradition, if only because it has a laurel wreath, a Roman symbol not known in Sasanian Persia. Almost certainly, the makers of the mosaic were from Antioch, which was well-known for its mosaic makers and was captured by Shapur in 253 and 260.

Mai multe încăperi au fost decorate cu mozaic, care cu siguranţă nu a fost executat de meşteri persani. Executanţii trebuie să fi făcut parte dintre prizonierii romani capturaţi de regele Shapur

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The floor in the central hall of King Shapur's Royal Sassanid Palace in Bishapur featured a mosaic band along the edges of the cruciform shaped hall.



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The heart of the Royal Palace of Bishapur in Iran is a cross-shaped space with eight large square exedrae decorated with 64 alcoves. To the west lies a courtyard decorated with mosaics; În inima oraşului regal acest palat în formă de cruce, cu 8 spaţii laterale decorate cu 64 de nişe

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Anahita temple

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In 259 AD a campaign against the Persians culminating in the Battle of Edessa was fought. The Romans suffered a humiliating defeat. Valerian was taken prisoner and the entire 70,000-strong Roman force being slain or captured. Valerian languished for nine years in captivity, his unnatural son making no effort for his liberation. Valerian died in captivity at Bishapur.

În anul 259 AD campania romană împotriva perşilor a culminat cu bătălia de la Edessa unde romanii au suferit o înfrângere umilitoare. Împăratul Valerian a fost luat prizonier şi întreaga armată romană (70.000 de ostaşi) au fost ucişi sau capturaţi.Valerian a rămas timp de nouă ani în captivitate, fiul lui adoptiv nefăcând nici un efort pentru eliberarea lui. Valerian a murit în captivitate, la Bishapur. Arheologii francezi au „identificat” închisoarea lui la Bishapur

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Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu


This page: Sasanian head horse - Louvre

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Hossein Alizadeh – Soug