bioprospecting environmental metagenomes

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  • 5/28/2018 Bioprospecting Environmental Metagenomes


    Bioprospecting Environmental metagenomes - BTech Honours report

    1.0 Abstract

    Microorganisms dominate the biosphere, yet current methods of culture reveal less than1% of the microbial diversity. This hidden diversity contains a vast array of novelenymes and antimicrobials. !e" enymes could potentially be useful to manyindustrial applications, and ne" antimicrobial drugs are becoming increasinglyimportant.

    Techni#ues such as those detailed in this proposal, present one "ay of accessing orbioprospecting this hidden unculturable diversity. The essence behind these methods isto e$tract the !& from a given environment 'activated sludge "as used here(. Theninsert a fragment of this !& into an e$pression plasmid, creating a )metagenomic)

    library. Then to functionally assay the e$pressed !& for a multitude of activities'lipase, cellulase, protease, hemicellulase, and antimicrobial activities "ere planned(

    *nsufficient time ho"ever, did not allo" completion of this pro+ect. roblems "ereencountered "ith plasmid amplification and obtaining good #uality high molecular"eight !& from the activated sludge samples. olutions and suggestions for these

    problems are discussed.

    2.0 Acknowledgements

    * "ould lie to than my supervisors avid aul and usan Turner for their support andguidance throughout the course of this pro+ect.

    Than you to /herida Trott, 0im-y /hhour, hingo Miyauchi, and &ndre" 2errie"ho "elcomed me into the lab and sho"ed me the ropes, and ans"ered my 3o "hereis the 43 and 3Ho" do you 43 #uestions.

    3.0 Contents





    4.1Bioprospecting and the Metagenome

    4.2i!ersit" and the #$nculturables#

    4.3%re!ious &ork

  • 5/28/2018 Bioprospecting Environmental Metagenomes




    4.'.1Multiple( Cloning

    4.'.1.1)ample Collection

    4.'.1.2*A +(traction

    4.'.1.3Insert *A %reparation

    4.'.1.4,he p+, -ector )"stem



    4.'.2+(pression )creening

    4.'.2.1"drol"tic +n"me Assa"s

    4.'.2.2Antimicrobial Assa"s

    4.'.2.3Combinational Assa"s

    4.'.3Insert Characterisation

    4.'.3.1%lasmid eco!er"

    4.'.3.2)euencing o Insert

    4./)igniicance o 5utcomes





    '.1%lasmid Ampliication

    '.2*A +(traction

    '.3*A igestion

    '.4igation and ,ransormation

  • 5/28/2018 Bioprospecting Environmental Metagenomes



    /.1%lasmid Ampliication iiculties

    /.2igh 6ualit" *A +(traction iiculties

    /.2.1Bead7Beater +(traction

    /.2.2igestion o Metagenomic *A

    /.2.38)hort %rotocols8 Bacterial9 :enomic *A +(traction

    /.2.4igh Molecular &eight *A +(traction rom )oil ;%orteous et al.0eerences


    ?.1,erms and Appendices


    ?.2.1*A +(traction Methods

    ?.2.1.1Bead7beater *A +(traction Method

    ?.2.1.28)hort %rotocols8 Bacterial :enomic *A +(traction

    ?.2.1.3igh Molecular &eight *A +(traction rom )oil ;%orteous et al147/.

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    ,ebbeF C. C.F and &. -ahen 1??3. Intererence o humic acids and *A e(tracted

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    ;%ersonal Communication