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BIOM 1006/1906 Biochemistry and Cell Biology DR JANE SHERWOOD – CELL BIOLOGY H1.18 [email protected] IN DMU MON-WED MORNINGS

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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BIOM 1006/1906Biochemistry and Cell BiologyDR JAN !"R#OOD $ C%% BIO%O&'"1(1)JM!*DM+(AC(+,IN DM+ MON-#D MORNIN&! 1/Introd.ction and Cell !tr.ct.reCell Biology $ #hat 0ill I st.dy 1e2ore 3mas4Introd.ction to cellsOrganelles I5he N.cle.s6 ndo7lasmic retic.l.m 8R96 &olgi a77arat.sOrganelles IIMitochondria6 %ysosomes6 7ero:isomes and inherited disorders associated 0ith organelles5he Cytos;eletonDNA str.ct.reChromosome and ;aryoty7e analysisDNA re7licationAn introd.ction to Mendelian &enetics5he Cell Cycle and MitosisMitosis and meiosis"o0 0ill yo. learn4%ect.resBac;gro.nd readingBoo;sRecommended 0e1 sitesCA% 8Com7.ter-aided learning9ironment9Access#hy4Anno.ncements $ cancellations and room notes 80ith and 0itho.t ga7s9Reading lists5e:t 1oo;sssential Cell Biology $ Al1erts et al $?th

dition 8@01?9All the 7ict.res and mo>ies 2rom the lect.res are 2rom this 1oo; $ yo. need access to it5he @nd and Ard editions in the li1rary are also acce7ta1le to .se and are also in the li1rary(Molec.lar Biology o2 the Cell 8MBOC9 1y Al1erts is the 2.ll >ersion o2 this 1oo; $ lots o2 co7ies in the li1rary $ 1.t yo. donBt need to 1.y thisC "el7 along the 0ay%oo; this .7 and read 2.rtherDeDnition $ learn this#rite this do0nE.estionIntrod.ction to cells+nity and di>ersity o2 cellsCells .nder the microsco7eersity o2 cellsCells $ small mem1rane enclosed .nits Dlled 0ith a concentrated aF.eo.s sol.tion o2 chemicals and ca7a1le o2 re7rod.ction at some stage in their li2e cycleAn organism may consist o2 one cell eg( 1acteria6 some 2.ngiora collection o2 cells eg( 7lants6 animals6 some 2.ngi%i>ing cells all ha>e a similar 1asic chemistryCells are the 2.ndamental .nit o2 li2e5he >ariety o2 the cell.lar 0orld+nicell.lar and m.lticell.lar organismsCell Di>ersity Size Lactobacillus 8cheese9 $ a 2e0 micrometers 8Hm9 longIrogBs egg- diameter o2 a 2e0 millimetres Ner>e cell $ 7rotr.sions 10 000 times longer than the thic;ness o2 the cellO.ter a77earance Paramecium $ 1000s o2 cilia co>ering the s.r2ace Bdellovibrio 1acteri.m $ rotating cor;scre0-li;e a77endageCell 0all >ers.s Jimsy mem1rane >ers.s o.ter slime layer5he di>ersity o2 7rotoKoaIig 1(A1Characteristics common to all cellsBo.nded 1y a mem1rane ironmentContain DNA 8at some stage o2 their li2e cycle9Contain 1iochemicalsCar1ohydrates6 li7ids6 7roteins6 n.cleic acids+nderta;e meta1olic reactions 8eg glycolysis9Are a1le to re7rod.ce 8at some stage in their li2e cycle9All 7resent day cells ha>e a77arently e>ol>ed 2rom a common ancestorCell re7rod.ctionD.7licate DNA then di>ide in t0o&enetic instr.ctions 8DNA9 7assed to da.ghter cellsDNA not al0ays 7er2ectly co7ied $ m.tations1( Change the organism 2or the 0orse@( Ne.tral changeA( Change 2or the 1etter.!tr.ggle 2or s.r>i>aleliminates 1(6 tolerates @( and 2a> A(&enetic change and selection - e>ol.tionCells .nder the microsco7eMost cells are too small to 1e seen 1y the na;ed eye#ith the de>elo7ment o2 the glass lens "oo;e loo;ed at cor; 8166L9 $ called the cham1ers he sa0 cells16M? $ %ee.0enhoe; descri1es 7rotoKoa and later 1acterial cells1)A) $ !ch0ann and !chleiden 7ro7ose cell theory( Cells are the 1.ilding 1loc;s o2 7lants and animals1)LM $ ,Nlli;er descri1es mitochondria1)9) $ &olgi descri1es the &olgi a77arat.s 1y .sing a sil>er stain19L@ $ is.alise the cytos;eleton(19LM $ Ro1ertson descri1es the li7id 1ilayer 8M9196L $ de D.>e .ses cell 2ractionation to se7arate mitochondria6 lysosomes and 7ero:isomes %ight microsco7e%ight microsco7e 8inter2erence-contrast o7tics9 and con2ocal J.orescence microsco7ylectron microsco7e!ee e a n.cle.s4 85he n.cle.s is an internal com7artment 0here the DNA is ho.sed(9No P