biology unit 5 - possible questions

7/28/2019 Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions 1/4 On the last line of paragraph 52 on page 8 of the Scientific Article, there is a statement about the number of women dying because of HIV/AIDS. Explain how the disease caused by HIV has a sequence of symptoms that may result in death. On paragraph 3 of page 1 of the article, there's a statement: "Obesity is defined as a surplus of body fat which is detrimental to health. This fat, or white adipose tissue (WAT), is located underneath the skin and around the internal organs and stores excess energy in the form of triglycerides." Describe the structure of a typical fat molecule. Support your answer with a diagram of the fat molecule. On paragraph 3 of page 1 of the article, there's a statement: "WAT located around the abdomen (giving rise to the ‘apple’ body shape) is considered more dangerous than fat stored around the hips and thighs as it is strongly correlated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer." - Explain what is meant by a correlation - Explain the difference between a correlation and causal relationship - Explain why WAT located around the abdomens is dangerous for the heart - Describe and explain what may lead to obesity On paragraph 8 of page 1 of the Scientific Article, there's this statement: "Neuroscientists at Brigham Young University in Utah examined subconscious feelings about body image through fMRI analysis of the brains of healthy men and women who were assessed psychometrically as being confident with their bodies." - Describe and explain how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans can be used to investigate brain structure and function. - There's another imaging technique called Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Describe and explain how Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can be used to investigate brain structure and function. Compare MRI and fMRI scans. Could I run some of my ideas of what may come up by any of you to see if you agree? These ones are the ones that are a little bit more hidden in the article. -Inflammatory response (paragraph 18, p.4) -Stem cells (paragraph 41, p.7) -Animal research (mention of rodents and primates in paragraph 19, p.4) -Saturated and unsaturated fats (leading on from mention of triglycerides in paragraph 3, p.2)

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Page 1: Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions

7/28/2019 Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions 1/4

On the last line of paragraph 52 on page 8 of the Scientific Article, there is a statement about the

number of women dying because of HIV/AIDS. Explain how the disease caused by HIV has a

sequence of symptoms that may result in death.

On paragraph 3 of page 1 of the article, there's a statement: "Obesity is defined as a surplus of body

fat which is detrimental to health. This fat, or white adipose tissue (WAT), is located underneath the

skin and around the internal organs and stores excess energy in the form of triglycerides."

Describe the structure of a typical fat molecule. Support your answer with a diagram of the fat


On paragraph 3 of page 1 of the article, there's a statement: "WAT located around the abdomen

(giving rise to the ‘apple’ body shape) is considered more dangerous than fat stored around the hips

and thighs as it is strongly correlated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of 


- Explain what is meant by a correlation

- Explain the difference between a correlation and causal relationship

- Explain why WAT located around the abdomens is dangerous for the heart

- Describe and explain what may lead to obesity

On paragraph 8 of page 1 of the Scientific Article, there's this statement: "Neuroscientists at Brigham

Young University in Utah examined subconscious feelings about body image through fMRI analysis of 

the brains of healthy men and women who were assessed psychometrically as being confident with

their bodies."

- Describe and explain how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans can be used to

investigate brain structure and function.

- There's another imaging technique called Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Describe and explain how Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can be used to investigate brain

structure and function.

Compare MRI and fMRI scans.

Could I run some of my ideas of what may come up by any of you to see if you agree? These ones are

the ones that are a little bit more hidden in the article.

-Inflammatory response (paragraph 18, p.4)

-Stem cells (paragraph 41, p.7)

-Animal research (mention of rodents and primates in paragraph 19, p.4)

-Saturated and unsaturated fats (leading on from mention of triglycerides in paragraph 3, p.2)

Page 2: Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions

7/28/2019 Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions 2/4

What causes brown adipose tissue to be activated by the cold? (Para 1)

What causes obesity? (Para 2)

Correlation vs Causation.. (Para 3)

WAT is strongly correlated but what other factors cause heart disease and cancers? (Para 3)

What part of the brain is linked with eating disorders? (Para 6-8)

How is a fMRI carried out and what does it show? (Para 8)

How are the PFC and amygdala "significantly activated"? (Para 12)

What effect does the media have on visual perception? (Para 15)

Exposure to high levels of cortisol can mean higher blood pressure, how does this affect formation of 

atheromas/atherosclerosis occuring? (Para 18)

Suggest reasons why some people believe animal testing is wrong (Para 19)

BAT contains lipids, draw the structure of the fatty acid triglyceride (Para 28)

Explain why long distance runners would have more brown fat cells (Para 28)

Compare the Nervous system with the hormonal system within humans (Para 29)

Explain how the sympathetic nervous system responds to cold temperatures (homeostasis) (Para 29)

Explain the clinical trial steps leading up to drugs being available for administration to make sure

there are no severe side effects(Para 36)

Explain how a gene is expressed (Para 40)

Suggest ethical reasons against the use of embryonic stem cells (Para 41)

Explain how stem cells differentiate to become specialised cells (Para 41)

How are proteins synthesised? (Para 45)

Describe how individuals are more susceptible to diseases due to genetics? (Para 46)

Describe how HIV/AIDs develops when heterosexually contracted (Para 52)

Possible question on media bias...

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7/28/2019 Biology Unit 5 - Possible Questions 3/4

1. What criteria might have been used to assess obesity, to arrive at the estimate that almost

two thirds of adults and one third of children are obese?

2. Obesity has been linked with heart disease. Suggest a sequence of events that could causally

link obesity with and increased risk of heart disease.

3. What is meant by the prevalence of a disease or condition? P6

4. Why is mortality for anorexia expressed as a rate,( in %, or deaths per 100,000), rather than

in numbers of deaths? P6

5. Explain how fMRI was able to show that activity increases in the prefrontal cortex in subjects

engaged in self-reflection. P9

6. The pre-frontal cortex is part of the frontal lobe of the brain. Describe some of the functions

of this part of the brain, and compare it with the function of the medulla.

7. What evidence is given in the text that what is perceived at the ideal body shape for a

woman is a cultural construct, rather than from a genetically determined way of identifying a

healthy potential mate?

8. Describe the inflammatory process P18

9. Suggest what cells may be reduced in number when cortisol produces ‘impaired immunity’ 

10. Explain how the ‘contrast effect’ might occur in the retina of the eye, with the stimulus of 

‘luminescence’ p25 

11. Describe the processes taking place in mitochondria, when ATP production is not uncoupled

from the respiration process p28

12. Using your knowledge of chemiosmosis suggest a mechanism by which an uncoupling

protein might work.

13. BAT is activated by both the SNS and thyroid hormones. Compare and contrast the way in

which these two methods of communication operate.

14. Strictly speaking it is absurd to suggest that a baby has a large body surface, as compared

with an adult (p30). Express this relationship in an appropriate way to explain why a baby wouldhave a higher rate of heat loss than an adult.

15. What is meant by a metabolically active tissue p31, and give examples of tissue that might

be described as such.

16. Describe the mechanisms by which glucose may be taken up by cells.

17. Describe the responses by the body that might help to prevent death by uncontrollable heat

production as described in para 37

18. It is reported no studies for fucoxanthin have been carried out on humans (p38). Outline theprotocols that would be carried out before it can be said that the treatment is effective.

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19. Outline the role of transcription factors which lead to a higher expression of PRDM16 in BAT,

compared to WAT p40

20. Describe the procedures that might be used to genetically modify the mice to produce high

levels of PRDM16.

21. Give the characteristics of stem cells that can differentiate into BAT and muscle tissue.

1.  Describe the steps by which mice could be engineered to produce high levels of PRDM16


a.  A drug could stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by mimicing the

neurotransmitter by having a similar molecular shape, causing the drug to bind to its

complimentary receptor and stimulate action potentials by making the postsynaptic

neurone more permeable to Na+ ions, causing depolarisation.

b. c.  A GMO is created by the following procedure:

d.  * A vector such as a virus is used and is genetically modified to insert the PRDM16


e.  * This is inserted into the mice by an injection and binds to complementary

receptors on the cells, releasing the GM DNA into the cell.

f.  * New DNA then enters the nucleus and is integrated into the host cell genome.

g.  * Transcription, translation etc then occurs, producing high levels of PRDM16.

2.  What's the difference between the functions of mPFC and amygdala?

a.  mPFC is a part of brain which gets activated when the person involves in self 

reflection or self thoughts about himself. Amygdala is a part of brain which

interprets and conceives fear, anxiety threat and other emotional responses.

3.  What does UCP-1 do?

a.  UCP allows H+ ions to leak back into the matrix, so less H+ ions are in the

intermembrane space, so less go through ATP synthase hence less ATP produced.

4.  Oxygen debt and explain its importance in anaerobic respiration?a.  lack of oxygen available in the body to act as a final electron acceptor.

b.  it's important to convert the lactate built up into pyruvate which can then be

oxidised and the stages of aerobic respiration can take place.

c.  Also, lactic acid is acidic so it inhibits enzymes and neutralises the negative charge

on the active site of enzymes so substrate enzyme complexes can't form.
