biok notes for ig - 2f respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration Respiration (2f) Learning outcomes (Students will be assessed on their ability to): 2.33 understand that the process of respiration releases energy in living organisms 2.34 describe the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration 2.35 write the word equation and the balanced chemical symbol equation for aerobic respiration in living organisms 2.36 write the word equation for anaerobic respiration in plants and in animals 2.37 describe experiments to investigate the evolution of carbon dioxide and heat from respiring seeds or other suitable living organisms. N.B. The workbook is strucutured in two parts. The first outlines activities that will help you develop notes that can be used later for revision. The second is a set of summary questions designed to help you test your understanding. (Chris Paine)

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Bioknowledgy student notes IGCSE Edexcel Biology


Page 1: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

Respiration (2f)

Learning outcomes (Students will be assessed on their ability to):

2.33 understand that the process of respiration releases energy in living organisms

2.34 describe the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

2.35 write the word equation and the balanced chemical symbol equation for aerobic respiration in living organisms

2.36 write the word equation for anaerobic respiration in plants and in animals

2.37 describe experiments to investigate the evolution of carbon dioxide and heat from respiring seeds or other suitable living organisms.

N.B. The workbook is strucutured in two parts. The first outlines activities that will help you develop notes that can be used later for revision. The second is a set of summary questions designed to help you test your understanding. (Chris Paine)

Page 2: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

Note development

2.33 understand that the process of respiration releases energy in living organisms

1. Define (using the Bioknowledgy key term flashcards) the following key terms: Respiration -

Breathing -

Ventilation -

n.b. It is important to realise that (cell) respiration is an essential process that happens in ALL cells ALL the time. Breathing and ventilation are separate and different processes that only happen in the lungs.

2. Review MRS H GREN (topic 1a). Respiration is part of the characteristics of living things. Which of the remaining characteristics require the energy released by respiration?

n.b. The energy within food is stored in the chemical bonds that exist in compounds of for example glucose. When released some of the energy is used usefully the rest is released as heat. Some organisms (endotherms such as mammals) use the heat to keep their body temperatures at a constant level above that of the surrounding environment. (Chris Paine)

Page 3: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

2.34 describe the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

3. Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration by completing the below table:

Aerobic AnaerobicOccurs where in cells?Uses/Input (which compounds does the energy come from?)

Oxygen required?

Energy produced?

All organisms Yeast/Plants Animals

Waste products

2.35 write the word equation and the balanced chemical symbol equation for aerobic respiration in living organisms AND 2.36 write the word equation for anaerobic respiration in plants and in animals


Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

4. Test your understanding by constructing word equations for anaerobic respiration using the above word eqution for an example and the table comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration:

In yeast and plants:

In animals: (Chris Paine)

Page 4: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

2.37 describe experiments to investigate the evolution of carbon dioxide and heat from respiring seeds or other suitable living organisms.

5. Sort the statement below into a useable method

Order Step

Connect an angled glass tube to the rubber bungUse a clamp to hold the large test tube in positionUse a second clamp to position the test tube containing the hydrogen carbonate indicator so that the end of the angled glass tube is immersed in the solution.

Place a number of germinating seeds are put in a large test tubeUse the rubber bung to seal the large test tubeWait several hours, preferably a day then observe and record the colour changes in the indicator solution.Half fill a test tube with hydrogen carbonate indicator (or lime water).

6. Complete the results table

Colour of the Indicator Level of Carbon Dioxide

At the start of the experiment

After 24 Hours

7. What advantages does using hydrogen carbonate indicator have over limewater? (Chris Paine)

Page 5: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

8. Draw and label a 2D diagram to show the experimental setup (if you setup and carry out the experiment then take a photo of the setup, label it and paste it below)

9. Identify and explain three weaknesses/limitations with either the method or the equipment.




10.When cellular respiration occurs it gives off heat. Suggest a changes to the equipment setup that would allow you to detect and measure the heat given off: (Chris Paine)

Page 6: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

Summary questions:

1. What is the name of the process which takes place in living cells in your body and which releases energy from oxygen and glucose? (1)

2. Name the two products of aerobic respiration: (2)

3. Complete the word equation for the process of aerobic respiration. (2)

Glucose + ______________________ carbon dioxide + ______________________

4. Which organ removes (excretes) carbon dioxide from your body? (1)

5. The graph shows the amount of oxygen used by animal P at different air temperatures.

a. Describe the relationship between the amount of oxygen used and temperature. (2) (Chris Paine)

Page 7: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

b. Explain why most oxygen is used at the lowest air temperature. (3)

6. The air you breathe in and the air you breathe out are different. Use the names of gases from this box to complete the three spaces.

argon carbon dioxide nitrogen oxygen water vapour

Compared to the air you breathe in, the air you breathe out contains: (3)

more .....................................................................................................................

more .....................................................................................................................

less ........................................................................................................................

7. During races, athletes get energy from both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. The table shows the percentage of energy from aerobic and anaerobic respiration in races of different length.

a. What percentage of energy is provided by anaerobic respiration in a 10 000 m race? (1)

b. In how many of the races does aerobic respiration provide the greater percentage of energy? (1)

c. Use words from the box to complete the passage. (4)

carbon dioxide energy glucose lactic acid oxygen water

Aerobic respiration uses ____________________________ and ____________________________ to produce a

lot of energy. The two waste products are ____________________________ and

____________________________ (Chris Paine)

Page 8: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

8. The drawing shows a herbivore being killed by a snake. The snake kills the herbivore by stopping it breathing. Explain why the herbivore dies if it cannot breathe. (3)

9. Use names from the box to complete the two spaces in the passage. (2)

carbon dioxide lactic acid nitrogen oxygen water

Anaerobic respiration can occur when an athlete does vigorous exercise. This is because there is

not enough ____________________________ in the body. The product of anaerobic respiration is


10. An athlete sprints a 100 metre race in 10 seconds, then rests. Respiration in leg muscles during a sprint race is mostly anaerobic.

a. What is meant by the term anaerobic respiration? (1)

b. Explain why lactic acid concentration in the blood of the athletei. rises during the race (1)

ii. falls after the race (3) (Chris Paine)

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Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

11. The athlete is taking part in vigorous exercise.

a. Complete the two spaces in the passage: (2)

The cells in our muscles respire anaerobically during

vigorous exercise. This results in ____________________________

debt and the production of ____________________________ acid.

b. Explain, as fully as you can, why respiration has to take place more rapidly during exercise. (3)

12. This apparatus was used to measure the effect of temperature on the respiration rate of mealworms.

a. Name the gas absorbed by sodium hydroxide solution. (1)

b. Show on the diagram the direction of movement of the water drop. (1)

c. Give one difference between the apparatus shown and a suitable control apparatus. (1) (Chris Paine)

Page 10: BioK notes for IG - 2f Respiration

Exexel IG Bio 2f Respiration

13. The rate of respiration was measured at intervals from 20 °C to 50 °C. The graph shows the results of the investigation.

a. What was the rate of respiration at 37 °C? (1)

b. Describe the results shown on the graph. (2)

c. Explain the results shown on the graph. (2)

d. Suggest what would happen if temperatures above 50 °C were used. Give a reason for your answer. (2) (Chris Paine)