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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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NAMA : SHARVNI A/ ARUMUGAMKUMPULAN: PISMP SEM 1 TESLNO. KAD PENGENALAN : 930125-02-5588________________________________________________________________REFLECTION There is a saying Experience is the best teacher. I totally agree with it as my first Program Bina Insan Guru (BIG) taught me a lot. My whole batch went for a camping in Pulau Tuba, Pulau Langkawi, Kedah. We stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. 59 students and 13 lecturers went to the island for the camping. The island was beautiful as the sea view is very scenic and breathtaking. In the beginning, I was not looking forward to go for the camping as I hated the hot weather and camping means you need to adjust a lot. After going through the camping I realized it was not that bad as I learned many things. Although I went to international camping during school time, college camping was very different. The environment and the experiences were different and it maybe because we are young adults.Firstly, the main thing I learned is cooperation and understanding my batch mates better. There is a saying united we stand, divided we fall. I agree totally with it. When we work as a team, there are so many things could be accomplished. If we try to be selfish and not do our share, we would end up torturing and adding workloads to other people. Is that the right attitude? Through this BIG I saw what teamwork could accomplish and what happens when there is no teamwork. For example, when we are boarding the ferry, all of us helped each there to shift and transfer the bags without being selfish and taking only our bags. We had marked everyones bags with ribbons so we just need to carry the bags with the ribbons. Due to this, the journey went smoothly and the work was done fast. Next, when it was cooking time, everyone lent a hand and the process went well as well. There are certain groups who did not help and just kept to themselves, but after being reprimanded by our commandent leader, they changed their attitude and started helping around.Next would be survival skills. I learned how to cook for big groups. It was my first experience helping around and adjusting to cooking style cooking. You cant expect everything to be there and just had to adjust to the little things at the camping site. It was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot through the activities. The canoeing was very tiring and hard et I pushed myself to finish i. I learned a skill that is how to canoe. I was glad because my partner was strong and we managed to sycronize and work together well. He gently encouraged me to keep on going when he noticed I was tired and said he could handle it. I felt guilty as it is not fair for him to be paddling alone so I forced myself. It was a personal victory when I managed to accomplish it and reach to the destination place. The hiking experience was very interesting. The on top view was simply amazing as we could see the whole island from on top. Getting down using the rope was a bit scary, but it teaches us to trust ourselves and our instinct. Always tell ourselves that we could do it rather than say we cannot do it. I did not slip and fall during the hiking luckily. The fine weather helped the journey to go smoothly and without any injuries. I had fun hiking and reaching the top as I am an outdoor person.All in all, BIG camp was not like what I expected. I thought I will have a miserable time and forced to do many things. Instead, it was fun and interesting. A lot of things could be learned and taken as a lesson. It also helped me to know everyone more closer,especially the other batch class. We rarely saw each other or communicated. BIG did bring us a bit closer than before. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my lecturers and trainers who were willing to spend their time with us so that we could learn something beneficial as a future teacher. They taught us a lot. So thank you!