big war ahead

Big War Ahead! The current battle between the West and Islam -- especially between America and radical Islam - - is essentially the timeless and permanent battle of Good vs. Evil. But as the 21st century dawns, this war has become more grave. Historically, the "green menace" of the post-1964 "Civil Rights" era has now largely displaced the old "red menace" of the 1917-1991 Soviet Union era. The great exception to this, of course, is the appalling 1/5th of humankind currently enslaved in atomic bomb-protected China. But this communist-style tyranny, after the 1989 liberation of Eastern Europe, seems to be slowly but surely evolving away from its current nefarious, failed, and anachronistic socio-economic system. Because of our highly inconsistent and compromised liberal ideology, the West and America barely muddled thru to victory in the Cold War against Russia and its Eastern European allies.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Big war ahead

Big War Ahead!

The current battle between the West and Islam -- especially between America and radical Islam -

- is essentially the timeless and permanent battle of Good vs. Evil. But as the 21st century dawns,

this war has become more grave.

Historically, the "green menace" of the post-1964 "Civil Rights" era has now largely displaced

the old "red menace" of the 1917-1991 Soviet Union era. The great exception to this, of course,

is the appalling 1/5th of humankind currently enslaved in atomic bomb-protected China. But this

communist-style tyranny, after the 1989 liberation of Eastern Europe, seems to be slowly but

surely evolving away from its current nefarious, failed, and anachronistic socio-economic


Because of our highly inconsistent and compromised liberal ideology, the West and America

barely muddled thru to victory in the Cold War against Russia and its Eastern European allies.

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We showed great ineptitude during this protracted indirect fight and faced multitudinous serious

threats -- including nuclear ones. We're poised to repeat this with Islam.

And yet, at the turn of the millennium, the West and U.S. are somewhat more powerful

ideologically than we were during the final stages of the previous large-scale confrontation. And

we're ever-so-slowly ascending. The cardinal Western liberal values of reason in philosophy,

individualism in morality, and freedom in politics, are all generally growing somewhat stronger.

So there's real hope for the future.

Unfortunately, at the current juncture the West and its American leader are far from being

ideologically perfect, self-consistent, or solidly liberal. Thus the current battle isn't truly between

pure good and pure evil, but rather between mostly good and mostly evil. The West and U.S.

may be roundly superior, but we're still plenty contradictory, unsteadfast, hypocritical, corrupt,

and even scummy in our philosophy and culture. And the whole world knows it.

This is so even tho' the West and America usually foolishly fancy that the rest of the planet is

largely unaware of our failures and deep-seated fundamental inconsistencies. We naively

imagine that the rest of the peoples of the world have, at best, basically only false and

illegitimate notions of our limitations and weaknesses. None of these suppositions is correct.

The principle error and grand moral failing of the West and the U.S. in the postwar era is the

routine propping-up of, and support for, Islamic dictatorships around the world. If they're even

quasi-"friendly" to us, we basically shower them with rewards like diplomatic recognition,

cultural exchanges, free trade, technology transfers, and even military assistance. (All this to

better enslave the peons!) We also grant these totalitarian regimes an all-important over-all moral

sanction. And if the Islamic dictatorships are "unfriendly" to us, we then embargo the nation,

which only increases the agony of the people while leaving the responsible dictators almost

entirely unaffected. This is all profoundly evil. And the world notices.

The Western states justify this destructionism and depravity largely by the bland, vapid, noxious

ideals of "stability" and "peace." We almost singularly neglect to uphold the proper ideals of

"liberty and justice for all." Perhaps we secretly regard these uncivilized third-worlders as semi-

animals and thus unworthy.

Fundamentally, our present philosophy and doctrine regarding all dictators is still that of the

Cold War: "He may be a son of a bitch -- but he's our son of a bitch." And yet the correct

ideology and approach is: "He may be our son of a bitch -- but he's still a son of a bitch." So we

reject him utterly. Regrettably, the present day behavior and policy of the West and America is

far from this desideratum. So our ill-thought-out, amoral, unprincipled foreign policy earns us a

plethora of enemies -- and on many levels.

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The Islamic of today really and truly hate out guts -- much more than practically anyone in our

part of the world realizes. And they do in large part because of the errors, corruption, and

hypocrisy outlined above.

But mostly they despise us because their values are so different from, and inferior to, our values.

We busy, self-involved, indifferent, ignorant Westerners with our relatively rich full lives seldom

realize just how evil, illiberal, false, and failed their Islamic ideology really is.

So the Moslem peoples fundamentally loathe us because we're good and great. They revile,

oppose, and fight us due to our virtues, not our vices. And they're wildly jealous and deeply

ashamed. Especially when they remember their glorious past -- as they often do. From about 750

to 1250 A.D. the Islamic nation was itself good and great. At that time, they constituted the

biggest, strongest, richest, finest nation on earth.

To fully win the current mostly low level war, the West and America must first withdraw all

support and sanction to the various Islamic dictatorships around the world. We then need to

profoundly apologize to all the Moslem peoples for the terrible sin of propping up and

supporting all their evil slave-master governments for upwards of half a century. We should

make clear that we're sincerely sorry for having been so ignorant of, and indifferent to, the plight

of the deeply suffering Moslem people.

Next, we need to get great revenge upon the many Islamic tyrannies for all the evil they've done

both to us and to their own people. The Western states need to carefully but viciously bomb the

hell out of all of their government, military, party, and religious institutions. All the evil Islamic

leaders thereof should be taken down and out. This is so, even if it involves a somewhat large

amount of "collateral damage" and a fairly substantial number of "innocent bystander" deaths.

It's all worth it. It will be a problem solved -- or a hundred. And it's important to note that most

true "innocent bystanders" -- as opposed to implicit supporters of governmental evil -- will

naturally tend to greatly distance themselves from the targeted evil institutions and leaders.

After the onslaught, the West and America should then fully liberate and assist the Islamic

peoples -- for a price. We might charge them, say, 50% of oil revenues for the next 50 years for

their freedom, plus granting them protectorate or colonial status. Then the West and America

could engage in deferential "nation-building" -- but intelligently and virtuously, for once. This

last is important because primitive nations, like young children, need to grow up slowly, and

should not be given full freedom and independence immediately. They can't handle either and, if

left alone, would almost certainly redescend into tyranny forthwith. This societal nurturing and

development may well take generations. But helping the neglected backward Islamics in the

above fashion is genuinely noble and properly "the white man's burden."

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The key to understanding and winning the war between the West and Islam is to recognize that

it's almost entirely philosophical and cultural. So after we've conquered and occupied them, we

still need to brutally attack them ideologically. The West and America still need to convince the

Islamic peoples of the clear and massive superiority of our values and lifestyle -- and thus "win

their hearts and minds." Then they'll be Western too and likely our permanent close friends. We

did all this to Germany and Japan in W.W.II -- and we can do it again.

Of course, it won't be nearly so easy this time around, because Islamic values and lifestyles are

so notoriously strange and low. But if we work hard on needed self-improvement too, and add to

our own cultural strength -- if we significantly clarify and purify out liberal ideology -- then in

this fierce and important battle the West and America can gloriously triumph once again.