assignment /clas… · mother bird took care...


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    Discover beyond ordinary…

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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject: ENGLISH

    Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow –

    Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an aeroplane! Bees can fly because they have

    wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to

    the flowers!

    Bees can have three colours. They can be yellow, red, and orange. All bees are black in some places.

    Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They

    also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen. Bees live in many places. They live

    in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why

    they don‟t live in Antarctica. It‟s too cold! Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have

    fun watching the bees this summer.

    i) What are bees?

    a)Mammals b)Birds c)Reptiles d)Insects

    ii) How do bees fly?

    a)They use their legs b) They use their heads c) They use their wings d) None of these

    iii) How many legs do bees have?

    a)Two b)Four c)Six d) Eight

    iv) What is the stinger used for?

    a) To eat food b) To defend against enemies c)Both A and B d) None of these

    v) Where do bees live?

    a) North America b) Asia c) Antarctica d) Both A and B

    Seen Passage There once lived a bird and her two new-born babies in a forest. They had a nest in a tall, shady tree and there the

    mother bird took care of her little ones day and night. One day, there was a big storm. There was thunder, lightning and rain, and the wind blew down many trees. The tall tree in which the birds lived also came down. A big, heavy branch hit the nest and killed the bird. Fortunately for the baby birds, the strong wind blew them away to the other side of the forest. One of them came down near a cave where a gang of robbers lived. The other landed outside a rishi’s ashram a little distance away.

    Days passed and the baby birds became big birds. One day, the king of the country came to the forest to hunt. He saw a deer and rode after it. It ran deep into the forest followed by the king. Soon the king lost his way and didn’t know where he was. He rode on for a long time till he came to the other side of the forest. Very tired by now, he got off his horse and sat down under a tree that stood near a cave. Suddenly he heard a voice cry out, “Quick! Hurry up! There’s someone under the tree. Come and take his jewels and his horse. Hurry, or else he’ll slip away.” The king was amazed. He looked up and saw a big, brown bird on the tree under which he was sitting. He also heard faint noises issuing from the cave. He quickly got on to his horse and rode away as fast as he could.

    i) How the mother bird died? _________________________________________________________________________________________________



    Discover beyond ordinary…

    2 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    ii) Who came to the forest? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    iii) How the birds got separated? ________________________________________________________________________________________________


    iv) Where did each bird find home? ________________________________________________________________________________________________


    v) Whom the bird was calling and why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________


    vi) Find the synonym of ‘luckily’ in the above paragraph. ________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Q1- Identify the kind of each of the following sentences.

    i) Stop it! ______________________

    ii) May you always be happy together _______________________

    iii) He does not like sports. ______________________

    iv) Please pass me the salt. ______________________

    v) How dare she talk to me that! ______________________

    vi) Can‟t you wait for me sometime? ___________________

    vii) I saw her waiting for the bus. ___________________

    Q2- Write the negative form for the given affirmative sentences. Follow the example.

    i) He missed the bus.

    He did not miss the bus.

    ii) The bell has not rung.


    iii) Vehicles are making a lot of noise in the traffic jam.


    iv) Ronak runs very fast.


    v) Maid sweeps the floor.



    Discover beyond ordinary…

    3 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    v) They live in the slums near to our colony.


    vi) Suresh has broken the windowpane.


    Q3- Complete these phrases with collective nouns.

    i) a ____________ of fish

    ii) a ____________ of players

    iii) a ____________ of drawers

    iv) a ____________ of thieves

    v) a ____________ of puppies

    vi) a ____________ of cards

    Q4. Form abstract nouns by adding –ity,-ness, -ship and –ence at the end of the words given below.

    i) kind ____________ v) useful ______________

    ii) intelligent ____________ vi) member ______________

    iii) generous ____________ vii) depend ______________

    iv)friend ____________ viii) bitter ______________

    Q5. Tick the correct word in these sentences.

    i) The roof /rooves of these buildings need repair.

    ii) Every community has its own beleifs/believes.

    iii) I bought two boxes/boxs of sweets for my friends.

    iv) He worked for hours/houres to improve his marks in English.

    v) I bought a couple of sandwichs/ sandwiches for lunch.

    vi) The bullock cart was pulled by two oxes/oxen.

    Q6. In these sentences, change the nouns in bold into their singular form. Make other necessary changes also.

    i) The bananas are on the table.


    ii) The kids collected the stamps.


    iii) She bought chips, cakes and juices.


    iv) The old men were walking with sticks in their hands.


    v) Flies can spread diseases.



    Discover beyond ordinary…

    4 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q7. Write an application to the Principal of your school for leave to attend your brother‟s wedding.






















    Discover beyond ordinary…

    5 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q8. Write an application to the Headmistress of your school, asking for permission to be excused from the games period as

    you have not been keeping well.





















    Project Work

    Make a Mini book for summarizing the first four chapters given in supplementary book in your own language.

    You can also draw pictures of characters to make it look creative and attractive.


    Note: Learn all the syllabus given for PA-1


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    6 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject : Hindi 1.पठित गदययांश को पढ़कर नीच ेठदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए – चने जोय गयभ औय अनायदाने का चणूण! हाॉ, चने जोय गयभ की ऩड़ुिमा जो तफ थी, वह अफ बी नजय आती है। ऩयुाने कागजों से फनाई हुई इस ऩड़ुिमा भें ननया हाथ का कभार है। नीच ेसे नतयछी रऩेटते हुए ऊऩय से इतनी चौिी कक चने आसानी से हथेरी ऩय ऩहुॉच जाएॉ। एक वक्त था जफ किल्भ का गाना-चना जोय गयभ फाफ ूभैं रामा भजेदाय, चना जोय गयभ-मह गाना उन ददनों स्कूर के हय फच्च ेको आता था। कुछ फच्च ेऩड़ुिमा ऩय तेज भसारा फयुकवाते। ऩयूा गगयजा भदैान घभूने तक मह ऩड़ुिमा चरती। एक-एक चना-ऩाऩिी भुॉह भें डारने औय कदभ उठाने भें एक खास ही रम-यपताय थी। 1. ऱेखिकय को अपने बचपन की कौन-सी बयतें आि भी ययद आती हैं? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. पड़ुियय ककस चीि से बनयई ियती थी? __________________________________________________________________ 3. पड़ुियय की क्यय विशषेतय थी? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. किल्म कय कौन-सय गयनय बच्चों में ऱोकवप्रय हो गयय थय? __________________________________________________________________ 5. परूय गगरिय मदैयन घमूने पर भी क्यय ित्म नहीां होती थी? _________________________________________________________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    7 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    2. अपठित गदययांश को पढ़कर नीच ेठदए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखिए – गाॊधीजी ने दक्षऺण अफ्रीका भें प्रवासी बायतीमों को भानव-भात्र की सभानता औय स्वतॊत्रता के प्रनत जागरुक फनाने का प्रमत्न ककमा। इसी के साथ उन्होंने बायतीमों के ननैतक ऩऺ को जगाने औय ससुॊस्कृत फनाने के प्रमत्न बी ककए। गाॊधी जी ने ऐसा क्मों ककमा ? इसलरए कक वे भानव-भानव के फीच कारे-गोये , मा ऊॉ च-नीच का बेद ही लभटाना प्रमाप्त नहीॊ सभझते थे , वयन उनके फीच एक भानवीम स्वबाववक स्नेह औय हाददणक सहमोग का सॊफॊध बी स्थावऩत कयना चाहते थे। इसके फाद जफ वे बायत आए , तफ उन्होंने इस प्रमोग को एक फिा औय व्माऩक रुऩ ददमा ववदेशी शासन के अन्माम-अनीनत के ववयोध भें उन्होंने जजतना फिा साभदूहक प्रनतयोध सॊगदठत ककमा , उसकी लभसार सॊसाय के इनतहास भें अन्मत्र नहीॊ लभरती। ऩय इसभें उन्होंने सफसे फिा ध्मान इस फात का यखा कक इस प्रनतयोध भें कहीॊ बी कटुता , प्रनतशोध की बावना अथवा कोई बी ऐसी अननैतक फात न हो जजसके लरए ववश्व-भॊच ऩय बायत का भाथा नीचा हो। ऐसा गाॊधी जी ने इसलरए ककमा क्मोंकक वे भानते थे कक फॊधतु्व, भतै्री, सदबावना , स्नेह-सौहादण आदद गुण भानवता रूऩ टहनी के ऐसे ऩषु्ऩ हैं जो सवणदा सगुॊगधत यहते हैं।

    1. अफ्रीका भें प्रवासी बायतीमों के ऩीड़ित होने का क्मा कायण था?


    2. गाॊधी जी अफ्रीकावालसमों औय बायतीम प्रवालसमों के भध्म क्मा स्थावऩत कयना चाहते थे? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. बायत भें गाॊधीजी का ववदेशी शासन का प्रनतयोध ककस ऩय आधारयत था? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    8 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    4. फॊधतु्व, भतै्री आदद गुणों की ऩषु्ऩों के साथ तुरना आधारयत है – ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. गदमाॊश का उऩमकु्त शीषणक क्मा होगा? __________________________________________________________________

    4. ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के ववरोभ शब्द माद कयके लरखखए –

    क) अऺभ - ______________ ख) आम - _______________

    ग) उदमभी - ______________ घ) आयोह - _______________

    ङ) उन्ननत - ______________ च) ननॊदा - _______________

    छ) अल्ऩाम ु- ______________ ज) कू्रय - ______________

    झ) उष्ण - ______________ ञ) कीनतण - ______________

    ट) अभतृ - ______________ ठ) अलबभान - ______________

    ड) कोभर - _______________ ढ) स्वीकृनत - ______________

    ण) अऩव्मम - _______________ त) कृतग्ज्ऻ - ______________

    5. ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के तीन-तीन ऩमाणमवाची शब्द माद कयके लरखखए –

    क) आनॊद - _____________ ______________ __________________

    ख) आॉख - _____________ ______________ __________________

    ग) ननभणर - _____________ ______________ __________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    9 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    घ) गॊगा - _____________ _______________ _________________

    ङ) ऩवणत - _____________ _______________ _________________

    च) नौका - _____________ _______________ __________________

    छ) गणेश - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ज) अभतृ - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    झ) ऩतु्र - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ञ) ककनाया - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ट) प्रात् - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    6. अशदु्ध शब्दों ऩय गोरा रगाकय उनके शदु्ध रूऩ लरखखए –

    क) हभें अऩने फिों का आलशवाणद चादहए |

    ख) कृप्मा अऩना कामण स्वमॊ कयें |

    ग) ऩथृवी गोर है |

    घ) बायत का ऩनु् ननयभान की तैमायी कयनी चादहए |

    7. कोष्ठक भें से उऩमुणक्त शब्दों को चनुकय खारी जगह बरयए –

    (क) याभ ने ________________ रगामा | ( इतय / इत्र )


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    10 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    (ख) हभें अऩना सभम _____________नहीॊ कयना चादहए | ( ज़ामा / जामा )

    (ग) आभेय का ______________ फहुत फिा है | ( ककरा / कीरा )

    (घ) हभें व्मामाभ कयने का ____________ होना चादहए | ( आदद / आदी )

    (ङ) तुरसी दास ने अऩने काव्म भें ____________ बाषा का प्रमोग ककमा है | (अवधी /


    8. यचनात्भक रेखन (दहन्दी व्माकयण ऩजुस्तका भें कामण कयना हैं)

    क) मदद हभाये जीवन भें जर का कोई साधन नहीॊ होता, तो हभाया जीवन कैसा होता ? क्मा प्रकृनत हभ ऩय अऩनी दमा ददखाती ? अऩनी बावनाएॉ ननफॊध की शरैी भें 250 शब्दों भें व्मक्त कीजजए |

    ख) “प्रात्कार की सयै” ववषम ऩय 250 शब्दों भें एक ननफॊध लरखखए |

    9. कक्रमात्भक गनतववगध ( कामण स्के्रऩफकु भें कयना है )

    ककन्ही ऩाॉच शे्रष्ठ उत्ऩादों के लरए एक-एक ववऻाऩन तैमाय कयके उन ऩय स्रोगन बी लरखखए |

    10. ऩाठ - ‘वह गचड़िमा जो’ के आधाय ऩय फेकाय चीजों से एक छोटा एवॊ उत्तभ प्रनतरूऩ

    ( भाडर ) तैमाय कीजजए |


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    11 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject - Maths

    Q1. Answer the following:

    (i) How many one-digit numbers are there? (vi) How many two-digit numbers are there?

    (ii) How many three-digit numbers are there? (vii) Which is the lowest one-digit number?

    (iii)Which is the lowest two-digit number? (vii) Which is the lowest three-digit number?

    (iv) Which is the highest one-digit number? (viii) Which is the highest two-digit number?

    (v) Which is the highest three-digit number? (x) How many digits are there in 1000?

    Q2. Find the difference between the place values of the two nines in 79520986.

    Q3.How many 7-digit numbers are there in all?

    Q4. How many thousands make a crore?

    Q5. Write all 3-digit numbers using 2, 3, 4, taking each digit only once.

    Q6. Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

    5032786, 23794206, 5032790, 23756819, 987876

    Q7. Define: (i) factor (ii) multiple. Give five examples of each.

    Q8. What are prime numbers? Give ten examples.

    Q9. (i) Write the smallest prime number.

    (ii) List all even prime numbers.

    (iii) Write the smallest odd prime number.

    Q9. Make a list of seven consecutive numbers, none of which is prime.

    Q10. (i) Is there any counting number having no factor at all?

    (ii) Find all the numbers having exactly one factor.

    (iii) Find numbers between 1 and 100 having exactly three factors.

    Q11. Express each of the following numbers as the sum of two odd primes:

    (i) 36 (ii) 42 (iii) 84 (iv) 98

    Q12. Express each of the following numbers as the sum of twin primes:

    (i) 36 (ii) 84 (iii) 120 (iv) 144

    Q13. In each of the following numbers, replace * by the smallest number to make it divisible by 11:

    (i) 26*5 (ii) 39*43 (iii) 86*72 (iv) 467*91

    Q14. Give the prime factorization of each of the following numbers:

    i. 8712 ii. 1035

    Q15. Find the HCF of the numbers in each of the following, using the prime factorization method:

    504, 980

    Q16. Write the number which are greater than and smaller than the given number:

    (i) Greater than 245 and smaller than 250

    (ii) Greater than 323 and smaller than 328

    (iii) Greater than 539 and smaller than 544


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    12 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q17. Fill in the blanks:

    (i) 1, 2,3,4,5....... numbers are called as...............................

    (ii) 0, 1,2,3,4 ....... numbers are known as...............................

    (iii) ... -4,-3,-2,-1,0, +1, +2,+3,+4 ..... are known as .......................

    (iv) Zero is neither .................or .........................

    (v) One million four hundred and eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-seven............

    (vi) Seventy lakh, eighty three thousand seven hundred and nine. ......................................

    (vii) The place value of a digit depends on its ........................... in the number in relation to other numbers.

    (viii) The face value is of a digit in a number is the ..........................itself.

    (ix) If a numbers face value and face value are same it is in the....................... place.

    Q18. Solve the given word problems:

    (i) Population of Agra and Aligarh districts in the year 2001 was 36,20, 436 and 29,92,286, respectively. What was the total population of the two districts in that year?

    (ii) In one state, the number of bicycles sold in the year 2002-2003 was 7,43,000. In the year 2003- 2004, the number of bicycles sold was 8, 00,100. In which year were more

    bicycles sold? and how many more?

    (iii) The town newspaper is published every day. One copy has 12 pages. Everyday

    copies are printed. How many total pages are printed every day?

    (iv) The number of sheets of paper available for making notebooks is 75,000. Each sheet makes 8 pages of a notebook. Each notebook contains 200 pages. How many notebooks can be made from the

    paper available?

    Q19. Estimate and solve to the

    Nearest tens: (i) 24 + 58 (ii) 88 – 29 (iii) 95 ÷ 9 (iv) 114 ÷ 14

    Nearest hundreds: (i) 319 + 178 (ii) 587 – 222 (iii) 623 ÷ 199 (iv) 156 × 450

    Nearest thousands: (i) 5786 + 2126 (ii) 7123 – 3678 (iii) 9116 × 2716 (iv) 15214 ÷ 3317

    Q20. Find the HCF of the numbers in each of the following, using the division method:

    391, 425, 527

    Q21. Three different containers contain 403 L, 434 L and 465 L of milk respectively. Find the capacity of a

    container which can measure the milk of all the containers in an exact number of times.

    Q22. The HCF of two numbers is 145 and their LCM is 2175. If one of the numbers is 725, find the other.

    Q23. The traffic lights at three different road crossings change after every 48 seconds, 72 seconds and 108

    seconds. If they start changing simultaneously at 8 a.m., after how much time will they change again



    Discover beyond ordinary…

    13 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q24. Find the sum: (1546 + 498) + 3589.

    Also, find the sum: 1546 + (498 + 3589).

    Are the two sums equal?

    State the property satisfied.

    Q25. State the property used in each of the following statements:

    (i) 19 × 17 = 17 × 19

    (ii) (16 × 32) is a whole number

    (iii) (29 × 36) × 18 = 29 × (36 × 18)

    (iv) 1480 × 1 = 1480

    (v) 1732 × 0 = 0

    (vi) 72 × 98 + 72 × 2 = 72 × (98 + 2)

    (vii) 63 × 126 − 63 × 26 = 63 × (126 − 26)



    (i) Polygon Capture Draw and cut various polygons in different sizes and colors to make your own art piece

    (ii) Make a chart on any of the given topic: 1. Place value chart of Indian and International system. 2. All divisibility tests 3. Properties of operation on whole numbers 4. Kinds of angles 5. representing Point, line, collinear points, concurrent lines


    (i) To verify that addition is commutative for whole numbers, by paper cutting and pasting. (ii) To determine the number of lines of symmetry of following shapes by paper folding:

    a. Equivalent triangle b. Rectangle c. Isosceles triangle d. Square


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    14 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject:- Science

    1. Fill in the blanks.

    i. In case of kheer, the food ingredients are _____________ and ______________.

    ii. Sugar is obtained from the _____________ of ______________ .

    iii. Curd is an _______________ product.

    iv. Proteins are needed for ___________ and maintenance of the body.

    v. The food eaten at a particular time of the day is called __________.

    vi. ___________ leads to a condition called obesity.

    vii. Deficiency of _________ makes a person lose stamina and get tired easily.

    viii. _____________ are made up of yarn and yarns in turn are made of ____________.

    ix. ______________ is obtained from silkworm.

    x. The process of making a piece of fabric from a single yarn is called ____________ .

    xi. In _____________, two sets of yarn are woven.

    xii. _____________ is the world‟s cheapest natural fibre.

    xiii. ______________ and _____________ are animal fibre.

    2. Unscramble each of the following to form a word or a term

    i. ARVOCNIER _____________________

    ii. ROEDUPCR _____________________

    iii. ERHVOBIRE _____________________

    iv. NIMVOSORE _____________________

    v. DIGREINSTNE _____________________

    vi. OODF _____________________

    vii. ULDL _____________________

    viii. AAPEPECNAR _____________________

    ix. ELSLOU _____________________


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    3. Give one word for each of the following.

    i. Animals that eat only plants. __________________

    ii. Animals that eat both plants and animals. __________________

    iii. An edible root. __________________

    iv. An edible leaf. __________________

    v. Germinated seeds. __________________

    4. Complete the Table:

    Deficiency Disease Nutrient Source of nutrient


    Vitamin C



    5. Grow a Herb and a Tree, provide it with water and nutrients, observe its growth and make a

    record of it by clicking its picture and pasting it in your notebook.

    6.What is Global Warming? How you are responsible for it? Write down the things you did

    this summer‟s to control it.


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject – S.S.T (History) Answer the following questions.

    1. What are manuscripts?



    2. List four cereals that you eat.



    3. What are microliths?



    4. Write two uses of stone tools.



    5. Name the first animal to be tamed by men?



    6. Name two Neolithic sites.



    7. What type of pots were used by early humans?





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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    8. List one major difference between manuscripts and inscriptions.






    9. Why did the hunter-gatherers travel from place to place? Any three points.






    10. List three ways in which hunter gatherers used fire. Would you use fire for any of these purposes today?






    11. List three ways in which lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter –






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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)


    Answer the following questions.

    1. Name two festivals celebrated by the Hindus.



    2. Name any two foods that are eaten by the people of North India.



    3. What is racial prejudice?



    4. Which planet is known as the „Earth Twin‟?



    5. Which star indicates north direction?



    6. Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?



    7. What is a galaxy?




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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    8. Name the only natural satellite of the Earth.



    9. Name different type o prejudices ?



    10. What does the constitution say with regard to equality ?why do you think it is important for all people to

    be equal ? any three points






    11. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life ?







    Note * R No- 1 -10 Create an Ad for the seven wonders of the world. Write something about each location.

    * R No 11 -20 Make a Treasure map of ancient Civilizations. Include some good cities like Babylon,

    Athens, or even Rome.

    * R.No. 21 – 37 make a model of the solar system.

    Revise all syllabus of PA -1


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject – G.K. (Week 1 From 29April to 3 May)

    Note : To make Newspaper reading part of daily routine. School has taken initiative to make students read

    newspaper by giving worksheets based on current affairs for G.K. To solve this you need to go through the

    newspaper for finding their correct answer.

    1. On 29 April 2019 which created a new record in Indian aviation history by becoming the first to fly a plane

    without additional fuel?

    2. World‟s first malaria vaccine named RTS,S trade name Mosquirix was launched in which country on

    occasion of World Malaria Day observed on 25 april?

    3. On 1 May 2019, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) listed Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief

    Masood Azhar as a designated global terrorist, thus giving India a huge diplomatic victory. What is the

    name of the UNSC Committee that gave this listing to Masood Azhar?

    4. Naruhito became the new Emperor of Japan as he succeeded to the Chrysanthemum Throne on 1 May

    2019, following the abdication of his father, Akihito, on 30 April 2019. He is overall the ………member of

    the Japanese dynasty.

    5. The US oil sanctions on which two countries came into effect from 2 May 2019 that is expected to push oil

    prices globally?

    6. Cyclone Fani is gaining strength over southeast Bay of Bengal, the name of this cyclone was suggested by

    which country?

    7. India‟s second mission on moon Chandrayaan-2 will be launched by this year in july. What is the name of a

    rover that will be landed on moon‟s surface?

    8. What is the name of the screenwriter and comedian who won the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential elections as

    he out-staged the incumbent Petro Poroshenko on 21 April 2019?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    9. Which iconic anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre was observed during April 2019?

    10. What is the name of Nepal‟s first satellite that was launched on 18 April 2019?

    11. Which global IT behemoth hit the trillion-dollar valuation mark for the first time ever on 25 April 2019?

    12. Which team won football‟s Santosh Trophy for 2018-19 after winning the final on 21 April 2019?

    Subject – G.K. (Week 2 From 6 May to 10 May)

    13. What is the name given to the extremely severe cyclonic storm that made landfall in eastern India on 3 May

    2019 and affected the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal?

    14. INS Vela, which is launched under Indian Navy‟s Project-75, is the joint venture of India and which of the following countries?

    15. Bandana, who set a new Guinness World Record on „Longest Dancing Marathon by an

    Individual‟, is from which country?

    16. Which country is the current chair of the 2019 G-7 summit?

    17. Who is the newly appointed Prime Minister of Mali?

    18. Who has been elected as the new President of Panama?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    19. The book “Game Changer” is the autobiography of which of the following cricketers?

    20. What is the theme of the 2019 World Asthma Day (WAD)?

    21. What is the theme of the 2019 edition of World Red Cross Day (WRCD)?

    22. Which country‟s privately developed rocket „Momo-3‟ reached outer space?

    Subject – G.K. (Week 3 From 13 May to 17 May)

    1. Who has been appointed as the first female match referee by ICC?

    2. Who has become the world’s first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in a Light Sports Aircraft (LSA)?

    3. Teresa Island is located in which of the following union territories of India?

    4. Which of the bowlers has been adjudged as 2019 CEAT International Bowler of the Year?

    5. Who of the following spinners has become the world’s most successful women’s ODI spinner?

    6. Yuvika 2019, which is in news recently, is associated to which of the organizations?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    7. Which Indian cricketer has been featured in the world’s first exclusive women’s cricket magazine


    8. What is the theme of the 2019 edition of International Nurses Day (IND)?

    9. Apache Guardian helicopters, sometimes seen in news, is associated to which of the following countries?

    10. Who has been sworn-in as the new Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court?