betting strategy & psychology

Betting Strategy & Psychology

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Betting Strategy & Psychology


Page 1: Betting strategy & psychology

Betting Strategy & Psychology

Page 2: Betting strategy & psychology

Using the 1X2 market to produce Draw No Bet oddsIf you feel constrained by traditional three way 1X2

markets when you really want a simple binomial option – two choices – then there is an easy and effective way to create the option yourself. Read on to find out how to utilize 1X2 to Draw No Bet odds.

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How to calculate probability, odds & payoutsOdds are only a representation of something more

important - probability. Getting a handle on how to derive decimal odds from probability is the first step in developing your own assessments of betting value.

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What home set-up is best for in-play betting?In-play betting requires traders to have a detailed setup

to achieve maximum success. This article examines a typical set-up that traders have, and what can be done to avoid disasters in the markets.

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Why use 1X2 market to place bets as Double ChanceThis article explains how Pinnacle Sports bettors can

use the 1X2 market to place bets as Double Chance, providing a better alternative to traditional bookmakers and Exchanges.

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How Bayesian analysis can help your bettingThis article discusses how Bayesian Analysis – the

theory of an 18th Century English Presbyterian Minister named Thomas Bayes – can help sports bettors gauge the outcome of an event.

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How we offer an alternative to laying on ExchangesPinnacle Sports have a reputation for offering the best

odds even when compared to Exchanges. This superior value can extend to alternatives to laying bets that is often cited as a unique selling point of the exchange model. Read on to understand how.

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Why your staking method is important Whether betting on gut instinct or backed by data-

logged spreadsheets, bettors’ primarily focus on who to back. According to one prominent mathematician, however, if they want better returns, they should be more concerned with what they bet.

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Why we offer more value than an ExchangePinnacle Sports pride itself on offering the best value

odds – including exchanges. Bettors often challenge this claim because they aren’t clear on how exchanges function or how to make a direct comparison given the distinctive model.

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Predictive skills - Are you a Fox or Hedgehog?One man’s crusade to measure predictive ability and

relate to the Fox-Hedgehog dichotomy led him to insights that gamblers should find eye-opening.

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How to measure Expected Value in bettingExpected Value is a great a way to measure whether a

bet is potentially profitable. In fact, one mathematician even used EV to guarantee multiple lottery jackpot wins. Despite its usefulness, however, many bettors are unfamiliar with the technique.

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