beth israel-the west temple...

Beth Israel- The West Temple BULLETIN President's Message In the recent newsletter, Just for You, issued by the Small Congregations Department of the UAHC, I read an interesting message. The message was written by Rabbi Allen S. Kaplan, who is the new director of the Small Congregations Department. Rabbi Kaplan talks of the extensive travel he does to numerous small congregations. He states that the "universal feature" he has discovered among small congregations is "the depth and qUality of commit- ment of the average member of the small syna- gogue." Rabbi Kaplan believes that in the majority of cases, the membership is willing to share the burdens that are weighing heavily on the congregational leader- ship. I believe it is incumbent upon all of us as members of this "haymish" community to insure the success and continuity of our congregation. It goes without saying that many of us lead extremely hectic lives. The message here though is that we must all share the burdens as well as the joys that contribute to making this congregation the stronghold that it is in our lives. Best wishes for a happy Pesach from my family to each of yours! Hag Sameah, Judy Friedman-President TABLE OF CONTENTS Calendar ••.•..••.•••.•••...•• ......... ................ ...... ••• 9 In. the Picture .• ........... •••...• ...... ••••...••• .... ......... 6 New Library Acquisitions ............................. 6 Ritual Committee Report .• ..... ••••••.••.•••••.•.•...• 4 Service & Participation Schedule •••.••.•...•..•. 8 Yahrzeiten .•••••••••••••..•.•.••.•••.••..•••••..••••••••..•••••.. 3 1 FROM THE RABBI'S DESK Passover When the festival of Passover began. it was a reli- gious celebration in the home. Guests were invited to come and join in the eating of a sheep from the flock. This was a home based ritual situated in an agricul- tural village environment. Later, when the entire religious life of Israel was being reformed and restored under the leadership of king Hosiah of Judah (622 BCE), the celebration of Passover was moved to Jerusalem. The sheep were slaughtered in the Temple and the festal meals were eaten throughout the environs of Jerusalem. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE by the Romans, there was no longer a Temple in Jerusalem. In fact within a few years Jews were not allowed to live in or even visit the rebuilt Jerusalem. Thus the celebration of Pass- over then returned to the home, where it has re- mained. On April 22, at Beth Israel, we will be conducting a communal second Seder. This Seder is not intended to replace the first Seder of April 21 (the first night of Passover), but rather to give the members of the congregation the opportunity to celebrate this reli- gious, cultural, and social holiday together. This is a way of combining both traditions of celebrating the Passover: I) celebration at home on the first night ,and 2) celebrating communally on the second night at the Temple. Rabbi Ariel Walsh

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Beth Israel- The West Temple

BULLETIN President's Message In the recent newsletter, Just for You, issued by the Small Congregations Department of the UAHC, I read an interesting message. The message was written by Rabbi Allen S. Kaplan, who is the new director of the Small Congregations Department. Rabbi Kaplan talks of the extensive travel he does to numerous small congregations. He states that the "universal feature" he has discovered among small congregations is "the depth and qUality of commit­ment of the average member of the small syna­gogue."

Rabbi Kaplan believes that in the majority of cases, the membership is willing to share the burdens that are weighing heavily on the congregational leader­ship. I believe it is incumbent upon all of us as members of this "haymish" community to insure the success and continuity of our congregation. It goes without saying that many of us lead extremely hectic lives. The message here though is that we must all share the burdens as well as the joys that contribute to making this congregation the stronghold that it is in our lives.

Best wishes for a happy Pesach from my family to each of yours!

Hag Sameah, Judy Friedman-President

TABLE OF CONTENTS Calendar ••.•..••.•••.•••...••.........•................•......••• 9 In. the Picture .•...........•••...•......••••...•••....•......... 6 New Library Acquisitions ............................. 6 Ritual Committee Report .•.....••••••.••.•••••.•.•...• 4 Service & Participation Schedule •••.••.•...•..•. 8 Yahrzeiten .•••••••••••••..•.•.••.•••.••..•••••..••••••••..•••••.. 3



Passover When the festival of Passover began. it was a reli­gious celebration in the home. Guests were invited to come and join in the eating of a sheep from the flock. This was a home based ritual situated in an agricul­tural village environment. Later, when the entire religious life of Israel was being reformed and restored under the leadership of king Hosiah of Judah (622 BCE), the celebration of Passover was moved to Jerusalem. The sheep were slaughtered in the Temple and the festal meals were eaten throughout the environs of Jerusalem. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE by the Romans, there was no longer a Temple in Jerusalem. In fact within a few years Jews were not allowed to live in or even visit the rebuilt Jerusalem. Thus the celebration of Pass­over then returned to the home, where it has re­mained.

On April 22, at Beth Israel, we will be conducting a communal second Seder. This Seder is not intended to replace the first Seder of April 21 (the first night of Passover), but rather to give the members of the congregation the opportunity to celebrate this reli­gious, cultural, and social holiday together. This is a way of combining both traditions of celebrating the Passover: I) celebration at home on the first night ,and 2) celebrating communally on the second night at the Temple.

Rabbi Ariel Walsh

= ....... · · · v 0 ·u· ·r· · · · · · · · · · ~. EDUC~T~a~~;;:~o meet my family

, t in Hebrew we call it mishpacha. •. • • • A , • -from "The Jewish Family Song" D. Syme

: , vB me: All the teaching and learning that takes place in our • • classrooms is wonderfuL. and made even better when : He re , · reinforced by the family and in the home. Our • • ~. : families had the opportunity to display their mitzvah : • activities at "Mitzvot L'Mishpachot - Mitzvot for • Advertising in the monthly Bulletin is: • Families," partially funded through a grant from the • • Effective (Our reach is far and wide!) : Congregational Enrichment Fund through the JECC. : • Reasonable (Call for rates!) : 'The various mitzvot included: collecting 255 poUnds : • Easy (We'll even design an ad for you!) • of food for the West Park Community Cupboard, • • • • • sending toys and games to less fortunate children, • For rates and information call: : teaching about and celebrating Shabbat, learning and : Maryellen Kohn, editor, 835-9672 • teaching the motzi (blessing over the bread), making • or the temple office 941-8882 : havdalah, donating books to the temple library. : SUPPORT THE BULLET/NAND BETH ISRAEl!. collecting tzedakah for environmental, community, : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : and medical organizations, caring for animals. What

CONTRIBUTIONS General Fund Seymour C. Himmel (computer for temple office)

Library Donna Jacobson Don & Marilyn Bogart In honor of Don Bogart's 75th Birthday

Ann Rubin Harold & Ruth Friedman Sheila & Bernard Eckstein Len & Lenore Singer Olga & Richard Retsch

In memory of Julie Kassel Harold & Ruth Friedman Rosen Family Ruth Schochet

Dan & Carole Litt in memory of Rene Metz Judd & Rhea Seldin in memory of Bertha Leb

Rabbinic Discretionary Fund Donald N. Krosin, Esq. with thanks for the Taste of Judaism lectures

BULLETIN Published 12 times a year by Beth Israel-The West

Temple, 14308 Triskett Road. Cleveland, OH 44111. Phone (216) 941-8882; Fax (216) 251-8444.

Rabbi: Ariel Walsh President: Judy Friedman

Educational Director: Charlotte Feldman Family Education Director: Enid C. Lader

Office Coordinator: Genon C. Carr Editor: M8I)'ellen Kohn

Production Coordinator: Doris Rieff Production Assistants: Lester & Leona Ackennan,

Braanda Schwartz DEADLINE FOR MAY ISSUE:APRIL 10, 1997


was so special about this fair was that all the activi­ties were initiated at home - with the family ... truly "Mi~vot L'Mishpachot."

It's spring and time to tum our thoughts to Pesach: April 6 Special Pesach classes through Adult Education: 10:30-11: 15 a.m. - MAKING THE SEDER CHILD FRIENDLY with Judy Schiller, Family Educator and graduate of the Cleveland Fellows Program. Tips and suggestions for engaging children of all ages in the preparation for Pesach and participation in the Seder.

11 :30 a.m.-12: 15 p.m. - ASK ANOTHER QUES­TION with Rabbi Ariel Walsh Join Rabbi Walsh in an exploration of Pesach cus­toms and traditions from a variety of cultures and traditions. Questions are most welcome! .

April 20 MATZAH TREK - "To Boldly Go Where Our AncestOrs Have Gone Before" . 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - For students in grades Pre-K/K through 5/6 and their parents. Join us as we trek through the Haggadah, cross the Sea of Reeds, and welcome Elijah.

Enid C. Lader - Family Education Director



SECOND SEDER Tuesday, April 22, 1997

6:00 p.m. at the temple

Temple members: $15.00 per person $10.00 children (5-10 yrs.)

Non-members $18.00 per person $12.00 children (5-10 yrs.)

Children under 5, Free

The Seder will be led by Rabbi Walsh and our High School students.

All reservations MUST be received by April 18,accompanied by a check made out to Beth Israel--The West Temple, and sent to Paula Jacobson, 27102 Russell Rd. Bay Village, OH 44140. Late reservations will not be accepted. You will be asked to bring items for the Seder. Please call Paula for details, 899-8037.

Please send to: Paula Jacobson, 27102 Russell Rd., Bay Village, OH 44140

Name ----------------------~---------------------------------------------

Address ------------------------------------------------------------------Number of adults attending __ __ Number of children

Phone number Amount enclosed ---------- ----

YAHRZEITEN Civil dates correspond to Hebrew calendar, unless fol/owed by·""·.

Saturday, April 5 6 Ada Ludwig Moyer 8 Katie Blecker

Elly Beral Mary Jacenty···*

9 Evelyn Gaylon 10 Gerald A. Schoen 11 Kenneth Bogart

Sarah Lewis Saturday, Apri112 12 Samuel Mull 15 David Gitlin

Leo Rindsberg 16 Merle Schwartz 18 Boris Goldberg Saturday, April 19 19 Max Briskman

Bertha Rosenthal 21 Abraham Gordon

Samuel Meisboff 22 Harold Feldman

Edna Smilgoff 23 Eva Gartner

Charlie Gluck Harriet Goldlberg Irwin L. Newman John Nussbaum

Saturday, April 26 26 Harold Altus

Emma Caron Kate David Anna Mark Leonard M. Reingold

29 Louis Carr 30 Sandra Schwanz 5/1 Alfredo Flores

Abraham Melnick 5(1. Faye Schwebel Saturday, May 3 5 Henry Stone 6 Morris Altshuler

Sally Figler Saturday, May 10 12 Lucille Deren

Samuel Hemple Jerome Rosen

13 Gussie Liebennan 14 Michael Fendrich

Miriam Rosenblum 16 Ruth Goldman

Henry M. Rand Helene Weber

. 3

The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the family of Susan Grey Wagner

on the death of her grandmother Estelle Edman Grey

who died on March 15 at age 100.

Student Birthdays 12 Deborah Mason 14 SarnuelJacobson 22 Sarah Brehm 24 Rachel Kaplan 25 Sean Kleve 28 Michael Robinson 29 Joseph Spiro

Daniel Wagner 30 Matan Zohar

Wedding Anniversaries 3 Dan & Carole Litt

Craig & Roberta Newman 6 Lou & Linda Goldman 7 Martin & Susan Asztalos 10 Willy & Phyllis Sapell 15 Roben & Shellie Sedlak

Refuah Sh'leimah The Congregation sends its hopes for a speedy recovery to: Edith Benes, Don Bogart, Marilyn Bogan, Blanche Caron, Saragene Davis, Janet Feigenbaum

Mazal Tov To Paul Schwin who scored in the top ten in the country on the June seating of the CMA exam.



H1tlOOwtOe MUluallnSll.nct ComPMIY 6 Affilwted ComPln1es Home Office; One HltlOl'lwidt 911:.1 COkKnbul. Ott 02t6

RITUAL COMMITTEE REPORT PLEASE NOTE: SERVICE CHANGE FOR FRIDAY, APRIL 4 On Friday, April 4, Erev Shabbat services will NOT be held at Beth Israel Instead, congregants are encouraged to attend service at Temple Emanu. EI on Green Road. We will join other area congregatIOns as part of the regional meeting of the Northeast Lakes Council/UAHC. Rabbi Lawrence Raphael, Director of UAHC Adult Jewish Growth will give a sennon on "How Learning Transfonns Our Lives." If you need transportation to Temple Emanu EI, call the temple office at 941-8882. REGULAR SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES WILL BE HELD AT BETH ISRAEL ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5.

CONGREGATIONAL SEDER Come, come, one and all to our Congregational Seder, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, at Beth Israel. Celebrate the Seder with Temple friends. Brennan's Party Center will provide a menu of matzo ball soup, chicken with mushrooms, tzimmes, broccoli, and fresh fruit for dessert. The charge for members is $15 for adults and $10 for children ages 5-10. For non~ members the charge is $18 for adults and $12 for children ages 5-10. There is no charge for children under age 5. All reservations must be received by April f8 accompanied by a check made out to Beth Israel - The West Temple. Watch the mail for the announcement and reservation fonn. Call Paula

Jacobson at 899-8037 for details. We can accommo­date a maximum of 110 people, so make your reservations soon!

SHABBAT SHALOM DINNER A'SUCCESSI Orchids to Michael and Beryl Palnik and their son Mitchell for making 90 some people. happy and full at our first Shabbat Shalom dinner. Those who attended were surveyed about their response to the idea, and 70 percent would like to have a monthly Shabbat dinner. Thanks to your strong, positive response, the Shabbat Shalom dinner will precede Shareq Shabbat services on the second Friday of each month. See you there!

SHABBAT SERVICE SCHEDULE IN THE MAIL You will receive your quarterly Shabbat Service Schedule this month. The purpose of the schedule is to accommodate you. It lists all the service partici­pants for the months of May through August Please read through the schedule, note your participation dates, and kindly keep the schedule in a prominent place. If you have any schedule conflicts, please take the time to arrange swap as far in advance as possible.

Shalom, Stephanie Gordon - Ritual Chair

Neal M. Kaufman, D.D.S. Specialist in Child & Adult Orthodontics

, ! " "";

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. . ',' .,' .. ' .'.

The Atrium, 30400 Detroit Rd. #303 • Westlake • 871-1173 215 Miller Rd., Across from Aquamarine • Avon Lake • 933-9555

6909 Royalton Rd. Suite 202 • Brecksville • 838-1194 or 475-1194

871-1173 or 933-9555

Here In the U.S., we are being given the opportunity to vote In an election which could change the course of Reform Judaism In Israel. This election could also change the course of the peace process throughout the Middle East. It Is the election of delegates that America will send to the 33rd World Zionist Congress. Every qualified American Jew can vote In the election.

You are qualified to vote If: 1) You are Jewish 2) You were born on or before June 30, 1979 3) You are a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. 4) You accept the Jerusalem Program

THE JERUSALEM PROGRAM states that the alms of Zionism are:

The unity of the Jewish people and the centrality of Israel In Jewish life;

The Ingathering of the Jewish people In Its historic homeland, Eretz Israel, through allyah from all countries;

The strengthening of the State of Israel which Is based on the prophetic vision of Justice and peace;

The preservation of the Identity of the Jewish people through the fostering of Jewish, Hebrew, and Zionist education and of Jewish spiritual and cultural values; ..

The protection of Jewish rights everywhere.

To be able to cast your vote, fill out the Voter Registration Form, below. Each Individual registrant must fill out his/her own form. You may photocopy this form, but youcan register only once. With each registration form, enclose a check In the amount of $2.00 payable to to American Zionist Elections. Bring or mall the Regis­tration Form and your check to the temple office so that they are received no later than May 1, 1997.

If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Walsh at the temple office.


Every item must be completed in full and legibly printed.

Last six digits of your social security number: X X X - __ - ___ _

First Name ___________ Last Name __________ .!.....

Home Address (No business addresses.) _______________ _

City _________ ~~ ____ State __ -.:....._Zip

Signature-::-:--________________________ _

(Your signature affirms that you meet the four qualifications stated above.)



ABOVE: Enjoying the first Shabbat Shalom Dinner w~re I to r, Len Singer, Martha Bruckman, Lenore SInger, Beryl Palnik (Social Co-Chair), and Barbara Gordon. .

RIGHT: Jane Walsh kindled the lights of Shabbat for the Shabbat Shalom Dinner.


by Ruth Friedman

ADULT NONFICfION 100 BLESSINGS EVERY DAY by Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky. Daily twelve-step recovery affinnations and exercises for personal growth and renewal reflecting seasons of the Jewish year. .

ADULT FICflON THE FAMILY MARKOWITZ by Allegra Goodman. In this book the author writes with wit and compas­sion of three generations of Markowitzes making their way in America. Through the rituals of family

m -w lID II) life, weddings, hospital vigils, holiday dinners, she writes about the family from the inside, bringing each character to life. A great book.

AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS SHVITZ! MY YIDDISH WORKOUT (VHS fonnat). Veteran actress of the Yiddish stage, Shifra Lerer explains and demonstrates exercises for beginners. Betty Silvennan and Yekhiel Geller-Katz exercise along with you, demonstrating variations for the advanced exercise buff. Enjoy this humorous video with background music as you exercise! (Yiddish with English subtitles!) W


ANNE FRANK The Legacy ... The Promise

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Diary of A Young Girl (commonly known as The Diary of Anne Frank). The Oeveland Play House and The National Conference present Anne Frank: The Legacy ... The Promise. This jOint project consists of the stage production of The Diary of Anne Frank and an international touring exhibit, Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945. In addition. a series of community events are planned in Cleveland and Akron. including a candlelight vigil. a speaker series. and school programs.

The play. The Diary of Anne Frank, will be presented April I-May 17 in the Bolton Theatre of The Oeve­land Play House. For ticket information call (216) 795-7000 ext. 235. The exhibit. Anne Frank in the World. will be shown in the Studio One Theatre in The Oeveland Play House. It includes over 600 photographs and two award-winning videos depict­ing life in the secret annex where the Frank family hid from the Nazis in World War II. The exhibit was developed by the Anne Frank Foundation in Amsterdam. It has reached over 100 cities and more than three million visitors in the past 10 years. Temple members Rhoda Rosen arid Evy Rosenblum will serve as tour guides during the exhibit. which can be seen April I-May 23 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. every day and one hour prior to curtain time. To arrange for a tour or to volunteer to serve as a guide" call (216) 752-0690.

In addition to the play and exhibit. a number of special events will be presented: 'fuesday, April I, 2-3:30 p.rn. - Hannah Pick­Goslar: Childhood Friend of Anne Frank will speak from at the Panna Regional Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, 7335 Ridge Road. Hannah Pick-Goslar comes from Jerusalem to speak of her childhood friendship with Anne Frank, their shared experience at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. and her life after the Holocaust. For more informa­tion, call (216) 885-5362.

Wednesday, April 2, 8:30 p.m. - The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, WVIZ-TV 25.

Sunday, April 6, 6:30-8 p.m. - The Anne Frank Interfaith Candlelight Vigil will start at Liberty Hill Auditorium. 8206 Euclid Ave. and end at The Oeveland Play House at East 85th Street and Euclid. The vigil commemorates Anne Frank and other victims of the Holocaust For more information call (216) 421-~560.

. 7

Thursday, April 10, 7:30 p.rn - Through the Eyes of a Friend, an interactive theatre experience. will be presented at the North Olmsted Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library. :An actress portrays Anne Frank's fictional best friend in this compelling. 30-minute multimedia presentation. A poignant portrait of friendship and survival, the performance is appropriate for adults and students over age 12. A question and answer session will follow. For more information call (216) 777-6211.

Thursday, April 17, 7:30 p.rn. - The Anne Frank Special, WVIZ-TV 25. The program is intended for young students and their parents, presenting theatri­cal renderings and discussions with Anne Frank's childhood friends. The show will be rebroadcast on Sunday. April 20, at 7 p.m.

Sunday May 4, 7:30 p.rn - Yom Hashoa V'Hagvura Holocaust Commemoration will be held at B 'nai Jeshurun Synagogue, 27501 Fairmount Blvd .• Pepper Pike. The annual Holocaust and Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Commemoration will feature the Three Generation Candle Lightin~ ceremony in memory of the six million Jews whO -died in the Holocaust.

All events are free and open to the public. In addition to these events, the Anne Frank Speaker Series will be presented throughout April and May, with the theme What Will I Do Differently Tomorrow? For details on the series, call (216) 752-3000.

Robert and Eileen Kaplan cordially invite the entire congregation to rejoice in worship with them as their daughter Rachel Faye is called to the Torah as a Bet Mitzvah on Saturday, April 19, at 10:30 a.m. Please join us for a kiddush and light lunch in Rachel's honor

following the service.

Service & Participation Schedule U=Ushers, C=Candlelighter, A=Aliyah, H=Hagbah, Saturday, April 19 - Mezorah, Lev. 14:1-15:33 G=Gali1ah, O=Oneg Hosts 9:30 a.m. Torah Study; 10:30 a.m. Rachel Kaplan Bat

Friday, April 4 - Erev Shabbat Service, 8:15 p.m. AT TEMPLE EMANU EL. NO SERVICE AT BETH ISRAEL. Call temple office for infonnation or to arrange transportation.

Saturday, April 5 - Shemini, Lev. 9:-11:47 . 9:30 a.m. Thrah Study, 10:30 a.m. Thrah ServIce. U: Sarah Chait, Daniel Horvath, A: Cecil Bruckman, H: Richard Keller, G: Mort Epstein

Friday, April 11- Shared Shabbat Service, 8 p.m. U: Sarah Chait, Eric Eilberg, C: Linda Buchsbaum, 0: Philip & Carole Mason, Michael & Beryl Palnik



Tuesday, April 22 - Community Seder, 6 p.m.

Friday, April 25 - Erev Shabbat Service, 8 p.m. U: Jonathan Stout, Yotam Zohar, C:Alice Mark, 0: Theodore & Roberta Provder, George & Barbara Rolleston

Saturday, April 26 - Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Pesach, Ex. 33:12-34:26 9:30 a.m. Torah Study, 10:30 a.m. Torah Service. U: Jacob Bedrossian, Robyn Girson, A: Chester Gordon, H: Craig Newman, G: Sue Nussbaum

Saturday, April 12 - Tazria, Lev. 12:1-13:59. Monday, April 28 _ Yizkor Service, 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Thrah Study, 10:30 a.m. Thrah Service. U: Rachel Kaplan, Benjamin Camper, A: Marilyn Bogart, H: David Kohn, G: Phyllis Sapell

Friday, April 18 - Erev Shabbat Service, 8 p.m. U: Maggie Malyn, Nadav Zohar, C: Eileen Korey, 0: Jan & Reid Morse, Myrna & John Pendery

Shapiro Funeral Services Orange Village

498-1993 Natalie Shapiro-Funeral Director

Local Ownership Means Better Service & Lower Cost


April 1997 Sun Mon

.--:::::::=::::::::-- Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

6 9:55 AM School

10:30 AM ADULT ED: Passover Prep

-NElJUAHC Regional Mtg

13 9:55 AM School

20 9:55 AM Matza Trek

27 PESAo{



8 7:45 PM 6:00 PM Hebrew MlDRASHA@ Rosh Chodesh Fairmount Temple Nisan

14 15 6:00 PM Hebrew

21 22 First Seder 6:00PM

PESACH Community Seder


28 29 7:30 PM Yizkor 6:00 PM Hebrew Service


2 3

9 10 7:30 PM Board BUT J.ETIN M ee tI D g I>EADIJNE

16 17



Beth Israel - The West Temple •

4 5 8:15 PM Shabbat 9:30 AM Torah Service @ Temple Study EmanuEl 10:45 AM Shabbat ···NEljUAHC Morning Service Regional Mtg Shabbat Hachodes

···NElJUAHC Regional Mtg

11 12 6:30 PM Shabbat 9:30 AM Torah Shalom Dinner Study

8:00 PM Shared 10:45 AM Shabbat Erev Shabbat Morning Service Service

18 19 8:00 PM Erev 9:30 AM Torah Shabba~ice Study

25 8:00PM Erev Shabbat Service


10:30 AM Rachel Kaplan Bat Mitzvah

Shabbat Hagadol

26 9:30 AM Torah Study

10:45 AM Shabbat Morning Service


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Get into the spirit of Shabbat at the monthly

Shabbat Shalom Dinner Friday, April 11

Ratner Hall Bring your family, relax, and enjoy a delicious catered meal

followed by a beautiful Shared Shabbat service.

\ D.ll1ler: 6:30 p.m. • Service: 8 p.m.

RSVP by April 7 to Michael Palnik (291-8877, days) or Beryl Palnik, (899-9088 eves.).

-MENU-Sliced Top Round of Beef

Rice Pilaf - Glazed Carrots - Garden Salad

(~ij Pl£ASE=~~~:E;~~~!rAFU9. \(~

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