besst legal register_june_2012

Developing and Maintaining a Legal Register Paul Nelms Group Environmental Manager

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Developing and Maintaining a Legal Register

Paul NelmsGroup Environmental Manager

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Why have a Legal Register?

• BS EN ISO 14001 : 2004– “The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a

procedure(s)• To identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other

requirements to which the organization subscribes …”

• Audits– System compliance audits + customer audits + Aspects & Impacts register

• Regulatory visits– Environment Agency, Local Environmental Health Dept., Trading Standards,

HSE, Sewerage Undertaker, Fire Service.

• Get it wrong and you go to court…

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Structure of Register

• Air

• General Environmental

• Waste

• Water

• Guidance Notes

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Register IndexAir


Ref No. Section AIR Issue No Date

AR 1 E Clean Air Act 1993 1 24/03/2009

AR 2 E Environment Act 1995 Pt.IV 1 24/03/2009

AR 3 E Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporation Condensers Regulations SI 1992/2225 1 24/03/2009

AR 4 E Air Quality Standards Regulations SI 2007/64 Revoked 1 24/03/2009

AR 5 E Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2007/3538 - Part 1 Spent 1 20/05/2009

AR 6 E Regulation (EC) 2037/2000 (OJ:L244/1/2000) on Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer Revoked 2 13/11/2009

AR 7 E Environmental Protection (Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances) Regulations SI 2002/528 Revoked 1 13/10/2009

AR 8 E Ozone Depleting Substances (Qualifications) Regulations SI 2009/216 1 13/10/2009

AR 9 E Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations SI 2009/261 3 01/04/2011

AR 10 E Regulation (EC) 1005/2009 (OJ:L286/1/2009) on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1 04/05/2010

AR 11 E Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2007/991 1 31/03/2011

AR 12 E Environmental Protection (Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances) Regulations SI 2011/1543 1 24/08/2011

AR 13 E Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2010/675 - part 3 schedule 14 1 13/02/2012

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Air Legislation

• Notification of wet cooling towers or evaporative condensers– Have to be registered with local environmental health department

• Ozone-depleting substances – Qualifications– Engineers/technicians must be qualified to a minimum standard

• Fluorinated greenhouse gases– Companies that install and maintain equipment must hold a “Stationary

Equipment Qualification Certificate” issued by a DECC appointed body

• Substances that deplete the ozone layer– Minimum inspection periods are set for equipment containing 3kg>, 30kg> and


• Energy performance of buildings– Air conditioning (comfort cooling) combined rating of 12kW output must be

inspected by an qualified energy assessor

• Equipment containing R22 – banned as of 31st December 2014

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Register IndexEnvironmental


Ref No. Section ENVIRONMENTAL Issue No Date

EN 1 B Control of Pollution Act 1974 1 15/05/2009

EN 2 B Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 1 20/04/2009

EN 3 B Environmental Protection Act 1990 Pt.III (As Amended) Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 1 20/04/2009

EN 4 B Town and Country Planning Act 1990 1 20/04/2009

EN 5 B Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 1 16/05/2009

EN 6 B Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 1 18/05/2009

EN 7 B Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations SI 1994/2716 Revoked 1 20/04/2009

EN 8 B Control of Major Accidents Hazards Regulations SI 1999/743 1 20/04/2009

EN 9 B Contaminated Land (England) Regulations SI 2006/1380 1 18/05/2009

EN 10 B Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations SI 2006/2989 1 18/05/2009

EN 11 B Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulations (EC) 1907/2006 1 20/04/2009

EN 12 B Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations SI 2007/175 1 20/05/2009

EN 13 B Climate Change Levy (General)(Agreement) Regulations SI 2007/2903 1 20/04/2009

EN 14 B Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations SI 2009/153 1 20/05/2009

EN 15 B Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations SI 2009/995 1 08/07/2009

EN 16 B Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme Order SI 2010/768 2 13/02/2012

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Environmental Legislation

• Town and country planning– If you have a storage/shipping container on site – you need to apply for

planning permission

• Clean neighbourhoods– Not allowed to display advertisements on public land without the appropriate

planning permission from local authority

• REArCH– Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals: new

prescriptive MSDS sheets due to be published soon

• CRC energy efficiency– Phase 2 coming in shortly , implications to businesses that have more than 25%

of their total energy use covered by a CCA

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Register IndexWaste


Ref No. Section WASTE Issue No Date

WS 1 C Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers & Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations SI 1991/1624 Revoked 1 16/05/2009

WS 2 C Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations SI 1991/2839 Revoked 1 20/04/2009

WS 3 C Controlled Waste Regulations 1992 (as amended). SI 1992/588 Revoked 2 13/02/2012

WS 4 C Waste Management Licencing Regulations SI 1994/1056 Revoked 1 20/04/2009

WS 5 C Environmental Protection (Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Other Dangerous Substances)(England and Wales) Regulations SI 2000/1043

2 13/02/2012

WS 6 C Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations SI 2003/1941 1 20/04/2009

WS 7 C Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2005/894 1 20/04/2009

WS 8 C List of Wastes (England) Regulations SI 2005/895 1 20/04/2009

WS 9 C List of Wastes (Wales) Regulations SI 2005/1820 1 17/06/2009

WS 10 C Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations SI 2006/3289 1 20/04/2009

WS 11 C Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations SI 2007/871 1 20/04/2009

WS 12 C Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2007/3538 Spent 1 20/04/2009

WS 13 C Site Waste Management Plans Regulations SI 2008/314 1 20/04/2009

WS 14 C Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations SI 2009/890 1 07/07/2009

WS 15 C Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) (No2) Regulations SI 2009/3381 Spent 1 04/05/2010

WS 16 C Waste (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2011/988 2 06/06/2012

WS 17 C Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2010/675 - Part 3 schedules 9, 10, 13 1 13/02/2012

WS 18 C Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2012/811 1 01/05/2012

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Waste Legislation• Duty of Care

– You own the waste from the moment you create it through to the point of final disposal

• Waste transfer notes, waste consignment notes– Normal waste (inc. recycling) notes have to be retained for 2 years, hazardous waste notes have to

be retained for 3 years – legal documents– 2003 / 2007 SIC codes + Part E section consignment notes

• Packaging waste– Qualify if you have a turnover over £2 million and handle 50 tonnes per calendar year

• WEEE waste– Keep separate from normal waste and dry

• Site waste management plans– Construction projects over £300K require plan before work commences - £500K> more in-depth

• Waste batteries and accumulators– Require segregation and disposal via an authorised facility

• Waste hierarchy– You are now signing to say that you are applying these principles

• Waste carriers licences– Use ‘Public Registers’ page on EA website to periodically check validity

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Register IndexWater


Ref No. Section WATER

Issue No Date

WT 1 D Water Industry Act 1991 1 20/04/2009

WT 2 D Water Resources Act 1991 1 20/04/2009

WT 3 D Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations SI 1989/1156 1 20/04/2009

WT 4 D Surface Waters (Fishlife)(Classification) Regulations SI 1997/1331 1 20/04/2009

WT 5 D Surface Waters (Dangerous Substances)(Classification) Regulations SI 1997/2560 1 20/04/2009

WT 6 D Ground Water Regulations SI 1998/2746 Revoked 1 20/04/2009

WT 7 D Anti Pollution Works Regulations SI 1999/1006 1 20/04/2009

WT 8 D Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations SI 1999/1148 1 15/05/2009

WT 9 D Control of Pollution (Oil Storage)(England) Regulations SI 2001/2954 1 20/04/2009

WT 10 D Groundwater (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2009/2902 Revoked 1 10/12/2009

WT 11 D Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2010/675 - Part 3 schedules 21, 22 1 13/02/2012

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Water Legislation• Crown Court

– If you pollute a watercourse you will be prosecuted through the Crown Court

• Water supply fittings• If you supply your workforce with a hosepipe for general use, it must be fitted with

a non-return valve

• Oil storage– This applies to ≥200ltrs ~ it does not apply to waste oil– Bunding should be able to hold 110% of the largest container or 25% of the

aggregate storage capacity

• Vehicle washing– If you wash your own vehicles, using a cleaning substance, unless you have a

properly bunded area, you are polluting the watercourse

• Discharge consents– If you are discharging water to drains from your process or activities, check to

see if you need a consent

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Register IndexGuidance Notes


Ref No. Section Guidance Note TitleIssue No Date

PPG 1 General Guide to the Prevention of Pollution 1 01/02/2010

PPG 2 Above Ground Oil Storage Tanks 2 01/08/2011

PPG 5 Works and Maintenance in or Near Water 1 01/02/2010

PPG 7 Refuelling Facilities 2 01/08/2011

PPG 8 Safe Storage and Disposal of Used Oils 1 01/02/2010

PPG 13 Vehicle Washing and Cleaning 1 01/02/2010

PPG 18 Managing Fire Water and Major Spillages 1 01/02/2010

PPG 21 Pollution Incident Response Planning 1 01/02/2010

PPG 22 Incident Response Dealing with Spills 2 13/06/2011

PPG 26 Storage and Handling of Drums and Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) 2 01/05/2011

GN 1 Adblue 1 01/02/2010

GN 2 Is Your Site Right 1 01/02/2010

GN 3 Pollution Prevention Pays 1 01/02/2010

T 4 Preparatory Treatments - Baling 1 04/05/2010

T 15 Treatment of Waste Aerosol Cans 1 04/05/2010

S 2 Storage of Waste in a Secure Place 1 04/05/2010

WG 1 Waste Hierarchy Guidance 1 13/06/2011

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Where to go

• Barbour Index:

• Business Sustain:



• Legislation UK:

• Netregs: