benefit of hybrid systems

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  • 7/29/2019 Benefit of Hybrid Systems


    Benefits of Hybrid Systems





    Table of Contents


    Greater System Flexibility

    Extended System LongevityAvailable Instrumentation Buses

    Relevant NI Products and Whitepapers


    When you design a test system, you have various factors to consider, one of which is the instrumentat ion bus or platform used. While many instrument manufacturers promote one bus over othe

    when designing a system, it is often beneficial to combine multiple instrumentat ion buses and platforms to design a hybrid system. Hybrid test systems combine components from multiple ATE

    platforms including , VXI, USB, LAN and GPIB. Each of these buses has its own benefits that might make it more useful for a particular measurement need. No bus, however, is perfect for aPXI

    needs and applications. With the variety of instrumentation buses available, hybrid systems allow you to select the appropriate instruments for your specific needs based on factors including

    measurement functiona lity, bandwidth, latency, performance, and connectivity. By using components from multiple platforms to build a hybrid system, you gain flexibility for the system and exten

    the longevity of your test system.

    Figure 1. Example hybrid system combines components from various buses and platforms.

    Greater System Flexibility

    Because a variety of buses are available, each with its own strengths, hybrid systems are a good option for test systems since they provide greater system flexib ility. When you choose only one

    bus or platform for a system, you are limited to the instrumentation available for that bus. This might prevent you from using another instrument that is better suited to your system needs. When

    selecting instruments, you want to choose instruments based on specifications like performance, accuracy, and measurement availability. By removing the restriction of using only one bus for th

    system, you open up the possibilities for instrumentation. Some buses and platforms provide highly specialized instrumentation while others provide instruments at a better price and performanc

    combination. Thus, a hybrid system enables you to combine instruments from different buses and platforms to take advantage of these strengths.

    Successfully implement ing a hybrid system requires a modular system architecture. This ensures that you are able to combine disparate buses into one seamless system. The architecture

    enables interconnect ivity between the buses as well as software integration. One of the major of benefits in addition to the ability to integrate buses is the ability to add more instruments and bus

    in the future without re-architecting the system. For instance, if you had a that connected to a GPIB stand-alone instrument, you could easily add more PXI instruments to the chassisPXI system

    stand-alone instruments through the PXI connectivity to other buses including USB, LAN, and GPIB. Then, only specific test programs that require the use of these new instruments would need

    be added to the system. This provides you with a test system that is able to adjust to your changing needs and requirements.

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    : YesNI Supported

    : Jun 28, 2012Publish Date,ssnav:dzn,ssnav:dzn
  • 7/29/2019 Benefit of Hybrid Systems


    Figure 2. Modular test system architecture enables the combining of multiple platforms into one system

    Extended System Longevity

    A common challenge with managing test systems is balancing performance, scalability, cost, and system longevity. In some cases, the desired test system lifecycle is longer than the lifecycles o

    the test components used. To extend system life, you can keep a stock of these test components, pay a premium for end-of-life test components, or redesign the whole test system in an effort to

    fight obsolescence. While these processes help extend system life, they are not only cumbersome and expensive, but they also force you to trade longevity for scalability, flexibili ty, and possibly

    cost or performance. Instead, you can maximize the longevity of your system by using hybrid test systems. Hybrid systems simplify technology refreshment by easing the process of combing

    existing equipment with newer technologies. This way you maximize use out of both existing hardware and software but can still take advantage of other technologies. Because hybrid systems

    give you the freedom to use a variety of buses and platforms together, you are not limited to stay with the particular bus of your older equipment.

    With a hybrid test system, you can replace or upgrade instruments with limited changes in a few layers instead of completely redesigning a system or sifting through the whole test program to

    change code. This is possible through the measurement and control services layer which contains the tools that bridge hardware and software and provide support for a variety of bus technologie

    through a configuration manager, driver engines, and flexible high-level application programming interfaces (APIs). Through instrument drivers you can easily interact with the instruments throug

    a high-level API to simplify programming. In addition, LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI Plug and Play instrument drivers or Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (IVI) drivers provide bus and control

    interchangeabil ity or instrument interchangeability. This minimizes your maintenance and upgrade impact. When developing a hybrid system, you can choose from many connectivity options

    available through the controller hardware and drivers to support various connectivity needs. Select the control method for the different platforms carefully because your choice affects your ease in

    expanding and scaling your system for future needs.

    Available Instrumentation Buses

    A variety of instrumentation buses are available for stand-alone instruments including GPIB, USB, LAN including LXI, and serial. The various instrumentation buses have differing strengths maki

    some more suitable for certain applications than others. With GPIB, users benefit from a proven instrumentation bus technology and a wide variety of available instrumentation. USB provides yo

    with the benefits of the wide availability , easy connectivity, and high throughput. With LAN/LXI, users are able to support distributed needs and address distance needs. Providing 80 MB/s

    maximum shared bandwidth, the modular VMEbus has served military/aerospace applications well with specialized instrumentation. The widespread modular PCI bus, an internal PC bus, benef

    from PC ubiquity and provides low latency and high bandwidth at 132 MB/s. PCI Express, an evolution of PCI, meets growing bandwidth needs while still providing complete software compat ibil

    with PCI. PCI Express provides dedicated bandwidth, unlike PCI, to each device through a basic communication lane of 250 Mbytes/s in each direction up to 4 Gbytes/s.

    The open VXI platform builds on the VMEbus by providing additional timing and synchronizat ion lines. In a similar way, the open PXI platform builds on the PCI bus by adding modular Eurocard

    packaging, specialized synchronizat ion buses, and key software features. PXI is both a high-performance and low-cost platform for test and measurement applications. In addition, PXI integrate

    PCI Express in the backplane with PXI Express, increasing the available bandwidth from 132 MB/s to 6 GB/s for a more than 45X improvement. Already heavily used as a platform for modular

    instrumentation, PXI, with this enhanced performance, can reach into many new application areas, many of which were previously only served by expensive and proprietary hardware.

    Standalone instruments can be beneficial in that they might provide specialized functionality or performance. These instruments, however, are vendor-defined, proprietary instruments. As a res

    developers will face limited integration and expandability and are forced to work with a proprietary software model. With modular instrumentation buses, developers can take advantage of open,multi-vendor standards and software flexibility to create a user-defined solution for their specific application needs. Modular instrumentation buses provide higher throughput and lower latency in

    comparison to stand-alone instrumentation buses. This allows users to meet many application needs including high-speed data streaming or high channel count. By taking advantage of an open

    software model and PC processing power, users can extract all measurements needed from the data provided by modular instruments. This gives users the flexibility to design a system with the

    specific components requi red and to scale the application when needed. As a result, when designing hybrid systems, it is often appropriate to use PXI as the computing center due to its timing a

    synchronizat ion capabilities and low latency to measurement devices. In addition, it also has a high Windows native slot count, which allows you to add buses and access them from the PC with

    the need for special drivers.

  • 7/29/2019 Benefit of Hybrid Systems


    Figure 3. Bandwidth and latency comparison of various buses.

    In conclusion, with the wealth of buses and platforms available, hybrid systems allow you to combine them to suit your specific needs. Hybrid systems provide increased flexibility by allowing yo

    to select the specific instruments for your system regardless of the bus and to expand the system as system requirements change. In addition, hybrid systems help you to extend test system

    longevity by enabling you to use older equipment with newer technology and minimizing the impact of maintenance and upgrades. As a result, hybrid systems are a beneficial approach to

    designing test systems.

    Relevant NI Products and Whitepapers

    National Instruments, a leader in automated test, is committed to providing the hardware and software products engineers need to create these next generation test systems.


    NI TestStand Test Management Framework

    LabVIEW Graphical Programming Environment

    Signal Express Interactive Measurement Software


    Modular Instruments (Oscilloscopes, Multimeters, RF, Switching, and more)

    Data Acquisition

    PXI System Components (Chassis and Controllers)

    Instrument Control (GPIB, USB, and LAN)

    Test System Development Resource Library

    National Instruments has developed a rich collection of technical guides to assist you with all elements of your test system design. The content for these guides is based on best practices sharedby industry-leading test engineering teams that participate in NI customer advisory boards and the expertise of the NI test engineering and product research and development teams. Ultimately,

    these resources teach you test engineering best practices in a practical and reusable manner. Download guides from the Test System Development Resource Library.


    This tutorial (this "tutorial") was developed by National Instruments ("NI"). Although technical support of this tutorial may be made available by National Instruments, the content in this tutorial ma

    not be completely tested and verified, and NI does not guarantee its quality in any way or that NI will continue to support this content with each new revision of related products and drivers. THIS

