bellamia: issue 10, may 2016


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BellaMia magazine is a Woman's Empowerment magazine that support women in all area's of their life. We specialize in Self Love, Body Love, Sexual Wellness, Mindset along with other areas that delight your mind and soul. Join Us!


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$24 for a full year of BELLAmia fabulousness!

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BellaMia TODAY!

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The mission is to change the lives of every person open to discovering their souls purpose and living a life they didn't know was possible for

them on an individual level.

At BellaMia, we believe every woman is beautiful.

This publication is published bi-monthlyFor advertising please contact BellaMia magazine

[email protected]

BellaMia is a publication of BellaMia [email protected]

Editor-in-Chief: Mia Saenz Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Amanda Rhymers

Art Director: Charlotte Hayes Creative Consultant: Dana Canneto

Creative Project Manager: Victoria Gonzales Editor : Amanda Rhymers

Me Director: Dr. Mary PritchardLifestyles Director: Sharon Otness

Fashion Editor: Linnea Duvall

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Dear BellaMia Readers,

Fabulous! All women are Fabulous and we are celebrating you. We have spotlighted some beauties who are over 50.

In this issue we have two very cool showcasings. The first is Fabulous and the second is Laura Hollick, renowned artist. With so many woman looking Fabulous these days, people have noticed women are not like our grandmothers. This issue is supporting all women of all ages. We love and support women younger than 50. We love and support the middle ages of women. And we love, and support the older woman. Our belief is “Every Woman is Beautiful”.

Laura Hollick is very beautiful on the Fabulous cover, in addition to being featured an Editorial. Discover more about her, our other Fabulous woman, and about Soul Art Day.

Our SuperFood this month is Turmeric, the miracle spice. It can be used in a number of ways and the benefits include helping eliminate inflammation. Turmeric in BellaMia features tumeric in several recipes, a facial mask in our beauty section, as well as a tooth whitening product. Hail to Turmeric!

We are also graced with the lovely actress Holly Fulger. Holly has a new series called the Hollywood Beauty Detective. Holly is up to amazing work empowering women and bringing back a feeling of safety and confidence.

Enjoy all that BellaMia has to share.

Blessings and Love,

Mia Mia Saenz, Editor and Chief [email protected]

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Saving the World at 60


Embracing Age with Intention


Artist Q&ALaura Hollick


Beauty Marks&

Battle Scars


On the Cover

Laura Hollick: Ceremonial Body


Photographed By: Stephanie Belle

May 2016

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The Beauty of Diversity


Half-Life Celebration


at 50+

Best Spring Trends!


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Recently, I was helping a client who was hiring a well-known, high-end matchmaker. You have certainly seen their ads in popular magazines. My client is a seventy-nine-year-old man and they assured him that there are plenty of women in his income bracket looking for love. They mentioned, just off handedly, that they do not take women over sixty as clients.

Stunned, I protested to them in outrage. They simply shrugged me off saying, “It’s not us, it’s society.” Then they said, “You don’t have to worry, it will be years until you have to face that fact.” What they didn’t know was that I am sixty-three. The fact that I don’t look sixty is irrelevant; just knowing my age would have elim-inated me from obtaining their services is unacceptable. This level of discrimination told me that in their eyes I wasn’t worthy of love, companionship, sex, or respect. It

meant, according to their view of what men wanted, I was worthless and held no value.

But, my client was jubilant, he had found a way to find love again. As I listened to him talk about how empty his life was without the warmth and love of a women, I wondered of all the women over sixty that were lost to him. I knew my client didn’t want to live if he couldn’t have a women to love and be loved by.

What about all the women over sixty; don’t we deserve love? There are so many more women over sixty than men, what does that mean to our chances for love? I want to answer that







rtSaving The

World at


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questions directly: It doesn’t mean a thing. We do not have to play into a culture that diminishes us. No one can keep us from love, unless we decide we don’t deserve it.

“Woman over sixty,” when you think of that concept, what pops into your mind? Some people are very old at sixty, and some are very young at eighty. Do you see wrinkles, fat, and age? Or do you see grace, wisdom, and beauty regardless of the number of wrinkles? What about women like me, who are well over sixty, and who are driving forces in society and in business? Would you instantly devalue me if I shared that I am sixty-three? Would you look me in the face and tell me I don’t deserve to be loved, despite my success?

Separating ourselves for others based on age says more about us than the people we discriminate against. Tall men are more likely to be successful then short men, regardless of their aptitude. Beautiful women are most likely to be thought less intelligent than “average looking women,” regardless of their abilities. When you and I fail to see the person inside the shell we call a body, we perpetrate immense

I realized, as I faced my fears,

that we too often trivialize love,

harm. Let me be even clearer: when we tell a woman—through these judgments— that she worthless because of her age, we hurt her, her family, her friends, and society. We strip her of her human dignity and wound her, sometimes beyond repair.

I myself have been rejected by a man who was very much in “like” and “lust” with me. When he found out my age he used that excuse to withdraw and end the relationship. I know the helplessness of this, and I know the pain of rejection based on the number of candles on my birthday cake. Our failing world needs the grace of wise women. We, as women, who fear rejec-tion must stop lying about our age and demand respect regardless of the number of candles on our birthday cakes.

The grace and wisdom that we as women over sixty bring to the table is beautiful. Beauty, grace, wisdom, esteem, power, intellect born of knowledge and experience—the world needs these traits. It needs us. Hold on to that fact. The world needs us. Younger women need us, because we have paved the way and can show them how to jump the hurdles of life’s pitfalls. And men need us to stand strong and support them when they get frightened that they will be disenfranchised from life because of their age.

The world needs us, and that is a great thing. We need to recognize just how much we are needed and then we will stop apologizing for the number of candles on our birthday cakes and realize that we are the ones who might very well save the world.

~ Kimberley

Separating ourselves for others based on age says more about

us than the people we discriminate against.

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r. M




rd It used to be that when I looked

in the mirror, I saw nothing but wrinkles, blackheads, acne, and scars marring my otherwise unmarked skin. Flaws on nature’s design. To be told: I wasn’t too fond of any of them.

But a couple of years ago a simple conversation with my boyfriend led me to a powerful reminder: My scars tell my story, but they don’t define who I am.

Like the lines upon my face, the scars on my belly are more battle scars than defects. They symbolize my strength, my perseverance, and my ultimate triumph over my endometriosis. They represent not a loss of the ability to bear a child, but the gift of getting my

Beauty Marks & Battle Scars

“All of these lines across my face tell you the story of who I am. So many stories of where I’ve been and how I got to where I am.”

- Brandi Carlile

Visit the cosmetic section of any supermarket and you’ll find yourself immersed in an aisle of “anti-aging” products. Wrinkle repair cream, lotions that firm and lift, redness soothing creams, and creams that make your scars less visible.

I know because I’ve shopped for those products. At 42, I’m caught between looking for products that treat my oily skin to prevent adult-onset acne and fighting my wrinkles caused by the dry climate in which I live. If that weren’t enough, I also have scars on my belly that are a constant reminder of my 8 surgeries - 6 for the ‘treat-ment’ of endometriosis.

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menstrual cycles back after entering meno-pause for 9 years at the age of 26, the gift of my feminine nature, and the incredibly powerful ability of my body to heal itself. Now I consider them beauty marks instead of battle scars.

Most importantly, my wrinkles and my scars remind me to take care of myself.

This realization led me back to one of my ‘bibles’ of women’s wisdom: Sara Avant Stover‘s The Way of the Happy Woman. In it, she encourages all women to make an Absolute Yes list and an Absolute No list. On your Absolute Yes list you should put everything that makes you a stronger, better person. Things you truly don’t want to live without. Things that make you feel fabulous. The Absolute No list contains things that weaken, irritate, and lead you away from who you know you really are.

For example, my Absolute Yes list contains things like: sleep at least 8 hours each night; eat nourishing, home-cooked food every day;

do yoga every day; meditate twice a day; take at least one whole day off each week to play and have fun; and start and end my day in gratitude.

My Absolute No list says: no checking email until after 8am; no putting me at the last of my list; and no checking email more than a few times a day or zoning out on my iPad or internet for more than 30 min at a time.

I made these lists almost three years ago. My life was very different back then, yet my Absolute Yeses and Nos really haven’t changed that much. I still struggle with items on both lists, but I think having them visible helps keep them in the forefront. Time to print them out and hang them up! Or better yet, let my wrinkles and scars serve as a reminder that I am worth honoring my Absolute Yes and Absolute No lists. That when I don’t, I only end up creating more ‘scars.’ Valuable lessons learned.

What stories do your scars and wrinkles tell? And how are they connected to ignoring your Absolute Yes and Absolute No lists?

By Dr. Mary



...make an Absolute Yes list and an Absolute

No list.

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Their leadership was derived from their radiance and

magnetism: they shined from


The Key to Shine Your Ageless Beauty

Beauty means so many things to so many people across the ages and cultures. What was revered in one time or place is disdained in another. For example, during many eras, being curvy and a bit plump was enviable and a sign of wealth and privilege. Even more recently, Marilyn Monroe at 5’5 and 118 lbs. was a size 12-16. Today she would be in the “plus-size model” class.

The fact that her size is even a conversation is worthy of contemplation.

Yet most women today have grown up dieting, with images of an elusive ideal. We are bombarded with messages about youth and thinness. No matter what that is, we never fit the mold, we never mea-sure up.

There’s an idea of a perfected external beauty to the exclusion of all else. Fortunes are made and spent on the nipping, tucking, high-lighting and bronzing of self. It can be fun to play with our look—and how we feel can be impacted posi-tively too. But it can be an attempt to fit in, to hide out. Beauty can be a mask of who you truly are.

Fortunately, we are in an age when the status quo of both perfec-tion and beauty are changing. The many colors, shapes, sizes and ages of women are recognized for the unique glory we each truly are.



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What if instead you could drop the façade—release the striving for perfection and be acknowledged for the beauty you really are?

But how does that happen? It means turning from focusing so much on the outer—wrin-kle-free skin or perfect hair—to address the inner. So your radiance and light shines. Beauty is not superficial folly, but rather a deeper current.

Looking to iconic women from the past, we see those revered as beauties had a special aura about them. Marilyn Monroe, acknowledged as being “a little plump,” had a certain something about her. Her essence was palpable. Cleopatra of Egypt and Helen of Troy were known for their legendary beauty. Their leadership was derived from their radiance and magnetism: they shined from within.

And similarly, I see this with Mary Magdalene. Since writing The Magdalene Path, women from all walks of life and around the globe have shared with me how they are com-pelled by Her unnamable presence and mystery. That’s authentic magnetism.

In a passage from The Magdalene Path, Light from Within, addresses this,

“There is another aspect to beauty that does not rely solely on the outer manifestation of form. Draw on the light and life from within. The inspiration of beauty for women at any age is a key component to reclaim the Divine in feminine form.…

Many women, if not most, do not see or value their own beauty, other than what they believe is true about their outer form. What women believe about their beauty depends 100% on what the culture at large has taught them about their own value and worth, physically…

Yet you each bear beauty beyond measure! In repressing and denying this, you suffer. You reject yourselves as beings of light and power.

When a woman is in full, radiant contact with her beauty, from the inside out, she con-veys a light that is magnificent for all to see. Women desperately need to connect with this sacred inner beauty, to see how this expresses into form as outer beauty.”

Cultivate your inner light. This is your radiance, which shines as your true inner beauty. We can use this awareness as a practice when going through a phase of feeling small and invisible.

Address that belief, and start projecting your essence energy into the world, so that when you go out in public, you show up. Your magnetism can bring people and opportunities to you. Radiant and alive, you’ll attract people and situations that you have a Divine destiny to meet.

As I began using this practice in my life, I noticed that people responded and reacted to me differently. I learned to own and manage my radiance—choosing situations and circumstances wisely.

Release the need be perfect and be yourself. Allow yourself to be visible and shine. That’s where the magic of your sacred feminine power lives.

-Claire Sierra,

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I never thought I’d say this but life DOES get better with age!

At 43, I feel my healthiest, happiest and way more fulfilled than I did in my 20’s and 30’s.

For me, it’s been about embracing my womanhood. The older I get, the wiser I get and the more grounded I get in my truth and beingness. However, I didn’t always feel this way especially in my late 20’s and early 30’s when I was knee deep in body drama and self-hate. It was one afternoon approximately 7 years ago with a wake up call that led me towards making the bold decision to create a better life for myself.

Embracing Age with Intention By Dana Canneto

So now a life once lived from fear is now a life lived from freedom.

As I always say, life is a journey and when we are going through the early stages of that journey, as much as we think we know it “all” there is still so much to learn and grow into as well as shed and release from what no longer serves us.

I believe that is really what life is about. It’s about re-learning who we are as we release old conditioning ways and step deeper into our truth, purpose and authentic beauty. As young women, we can often worry so much about the external things in our life, the things that “complete” us, so we think. Yet as we age, we realize, it’s what is within us that completes us as long as we pay

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attention to our needs and desires and fulfill those needs from an internal space. I know from my own experiences that only “I” can fulfill my needs and desires, not someone or something else as previously thought.

As young women, we are also so pres-sured by society when we are in our more impressionable years to be a certain way, to respond in a certain way, to dress a certain way and so on. The “shackles of shoulds” as I call them, we get sucked into. As we age and embrace ourselves in an entirely new way we have experiences that lead to us to dropping the shoulds and recogniz-ing we have full control of our lives.

The key to all of this however is “inten-tion”. How do you want to live the rest of your life? My intention is to continue to expand into the highest version of myself and to make the next years the most fulfilling years of my life. Therefore I am going to take appropriate actions in doing just that which involves taking care of my physical body, my skin, my mental and emotional body and continuing to immerse myself in deep spiritual practices that keep me aligned with the divinity of who I am and this ever expansive Universe.

Yet if we don’t set clear intentions for ourselves and we continue to get stuck in old stories and patterns, we may never get to that place of embracing our self at any age. We might hold onto resentment on the very things we wish we did that never got accomplished or that we lived a healthier lifestyle or that we carried out different

goals for ourselves. We can pity ourselves over and over for NOT doing the very things we wanted to do and blame others yet if you get really clear and intentional on what you want out of life as you grow and evolve, you cannot be steered wrong.

Whatever it is, take a good look at where you are now, no matter what age you are at and set clear intentions for yourself. “How do I want to feel when I’m ____?” (set an age) and keep going!

I intend to be MORE vibrant, MORE lumi-nous and even MORE embodied into this feminine powerful body of mine who exudes light and love to those around me. I intend to live with balance, sensuality and pleasure in all aspects of life and fulfill my innermost dreams and desires that I set out for myself. I intend to love myself more fully and shine my light on those that I am here to serve, inspire and guide towards a more loving and authentic life with themselves. I intend to be a pillar of confidence so that I can not only lead by example for others but so that I can be free of any destructive thoughts, behaviors and intentions by others and stay true to myself as I stand in my power. Lastly, I intend to live and fulfill my purpose with tenacity, grace and ease so that my vital life force energy is not just sustained but intensified as the years go by. This or something even better for the highest good of all concerned.

What is your intention?

~ By Dana

Embracing Age with Intention By Dana Canneto

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In most articles you always hear turning 50 is a milestone. It is a time of transition with numerous challenges of perhaps children in college, or challenges with jobs and relation-ships, and additional life stressors. Your body isn’t as resilient as it once used to be. But it is never too late to get in touch with your mind and body and take the time to reexamine life-style habits.

Tips to getting on the road to keep-ing fit and fab after 50!

Adequate sleep. Getting enough sleep plays a vital role in good health and can help protect your physical and mental health.

Power of positive thinking. Live a pur-poseful life and take the time to understand what it is you want out of life. Positivity is infectious so start spreading the joy to others.

Meditation. Setting aside some time every day to focus on you for self-renewal can help. Read or do something that inspires you.

Getting an annual checkup and health screenings. You need blood pressure, cho-lesterol, glucose, and thyroid tested. Also, talk to your healthcare provider about any symptoms of depression (ex. sadness, loss of interest in activities once pleasurable, insomnia, fatigue, appetite loss or overeating),

Get Fit and Fab after 50 & Focus on You!

By Susan Jacob-Kokura

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which can be common for women over 50. The following health screenings are very important to women over 50: Heart disease screening, bone health with a bone density scan, sexual health, breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening, annual mammograms, and pap smears. Make sure your vaccinations and immunizations are up to date.

Exercise is good for the mind and body! Get plenty of aerobic exercise (like walking) to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Take up a yoga class to enhance flexibility which gives you better balance to avoid falling and risk of fractures.

Have some fun! Do what makes you happy. Feeling youthful comes by acting how you feel. Go dancing or rock climbing or painting, gardening or any other enjoy-able hobby to find a creative outlet and stimulate your brain.

Healthy eating habits and picking colorful foods. It is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat heart healthy foods, whole grains, and lean protein. Speak with a nutritionist or your health care provider to get ideas on healthy food choices.

Making sensible choices with alcohol. Drink in moderation. For all women, not just woman over 50, one alcoholic drink a night is plenty.

Declutter your home and life. Eliminate clutter. Fill your living space and life with great music, books, and friends. Your living space should be your oasis where you can recharge.

Surround yourself with positive focused people. Positive people can enhance your energy and help support you in pursuing the best that life has to offer.

For women over 50, now is the time to focus on you! With children out of the house or older children not needing as much attention, you can take `the time and do things for yourself. And if you have a significant other, it is the time to enjoy traveling and other hobbies with them or if you are single, it is the time to get out and have some fun. Do what makes you happy and live in the moment and enjoy your fabulous 50’s.

~ Susan Jacob-Kokura

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FabulousWe are celebrating all women

in this Fabulous issue. Although we at BellaMia

believe “All Women are Beautiful” This issue features women over 50 and how fabulous

they are and look.

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We are not our Grandmothers!

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A native Californian, this 68 year-old grandmother has made forever-young practices, habits, and thinking her daily ritual. A certified holisitic nutrition and Ayurveda health coach, Kat Maeda walks her talk. Since health, wellbeing, feeling young, and having a youthful glow is related to the health of our cells, she sticks to a clean, plant-based diet 80 to 90% of the time. She eats the foods that support her bio-individuaity, makes or uses organic beauty products, gets 7-9 hours of sleep, walks and runs barefoot on the beach, brushes her skin, practices yoga and meditation, and laughs and loves

a lot!

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A native Californian, this 68 year-old grandmother has made forever-young practices, habits, and thinking her daily ritual. A certified holisitic nutrition and Ayurveda health coach, Kat Maeda walks her talk. Since health, wellbeing, feeling young, and having a youthful glow is related to the health of our cells, she sticks to a clean, plant-based diet 80 to 90% of the time. She eats the foods that support her bio-individuaity, makes or uses organic beauty products, gets 7-9 hours of sleep, walks and runs barefoot on the beach, brushes her skin, practices yoga and meditation, and laughs and loves

a lot!

Kat Maeda

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Body Liberator, Creator of Sex Butter & Founder of Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs. Over the past 25 years Bonnie has been an acting CFO, business manager, edu-cating entrepreneurs and business owners on how to run their businesses efficiently and effectively so they can be profitable and pay themselves. At the age of 41, Bonnie’s body changes from early onset menopause resulted in losing her libido & her love life. On a mission to heal herself, Bonnie worked with a microbiologist to create Sex Butter, an organic libido-enhancing lubri-cant. Today, Bonnie helps people overcome money and sexual challenges.

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Body Liberator, Creator of Sex Butter & Founder of Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs. Over the past 25 years Bonnie has been an acting CFO, business manager, edu-cating entrepreneurs and business owners on how to run their businesses efficiently and effectively so they can be profitable and pay themselves. At the age of 41, Bonnie’s body changes from early onset menopause resulted in losing her libido & her love life. On a mission to heal herself, Bonnie worked with a microbiologist to create Sex Butter, an organic libido-enhancing lubri-cant. Today, Bonnie helps people overcome money and sexual challenges.

Bonnie Gayle

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Celebrity Psychic Medium & Award Winning Interior Designer Anna Maria Kinberg communicates with Spirit Guides, Angels, and those who have passed to receive messages that will assist her client’s in the pathway towards fulfilling their life purpose and growing as a soul. Combining the messages received  from spirit, and  her gifts as a Psychic Interior Designer,  Color, and Space Clearing becomes the blueprint to bring harmony and remove any energy imprints or paranormal activ-ity that may be affecting our space.  Anna Maria and her team have appeared on ABC TV, DYI Network, ABC Radio, among others. Her book Spirit Messages - Healing Spaces will be released Jan, 2016.

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Celebrity Psychic Medium & Award Winning Interior Designer Anna Maria Kinberg communicates with Spirit Guides, Angels, and those who have passed to receive messages that will assist her client’s in the pathway towards fulfilling their life purpose and growing as a soul. Combining the messages received  from spirit, and  her gifts as a Psychic Interior Designer,  Color, and Space Clearing becomes the blueprint to bring harmony and remove any energy imprints or paranormal activ-ity that may be affecting our space.  Anna Maria and her team have appeared on ABC TV, DYI Network, ABC Radio, among others. Her book Spirit Messages - Healing Spaces will be released Jan, 2016.

Anna Maria Kinberg

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The founder of Live Life Years Younger Naturally and affectionately called The Gut Lady. She is a fermentation experimenter, Holistic Wellness Mentor and traditional nutri-ent-dense whole food activist that is passion-ately teaching everyone about the possibility that lies in each of us to heal our bodies from sickness and disease and to also be proactive about our health as well as our families health. Why settle for living a life of mediocrity when you can live a life of abundance and vitality, natu-rally! Let’s journey this life together.

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The founder of Live Life Years Younger Naturally and affectionately called The Gut Lady. She is a fermentation experimenter, Holistic Wellness Mentor and traditional nutri-ent-dense whole food activist that is passion-ately teaching everyone about the possibility that lies in each of us to heal our bodies from sickness and disease and to also be proactive about our health as well as our families health. Why settle for living a life of mediocrity when you can live a life of abundance and vitality, natu-rally! Let’s journey this life together.

Kellie Valenti

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I am a 60 years old woman, loving life and dedicated to making the best of every experi-ence that comes my way! Gratitude, forgiveness and love have taken me to the greatest heights and saw me through tough storms. I am pas-sionate about nutrition, I am a Chef, amongst other things, I presently work with children in all aspects of development, including teaching languages! I love life and respect it in all forms! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow does not exist, now is all I focus on!

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I am a 60 years old woman, loving life and dedicated to making the best of every experi-ence that comes my way! Gratitude, forgiveness and love have taken me to the greatest heights and saw me through tough storms. I am pas-sionate about nutrition, I am a Chef, amongst other things, I presently work with children in all aspects of development, including teaching languages! I love life and respect it in all forms! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow does not exist, now is all I focus on!

Laurence Yhullo

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I love the power of clothes, and self esteem, and always wanted to be a part of any-thing that could provide that much personal power. I also had a passion for healing.I was an Editor at Vogue and Glamour Magazine, where I created and conducted Fashion and Self Esteem workshops. I am now a Marriage Family Therapist, deeply involved in working with humans and self esteem. I find that self esteem is a critical factor to our health and well being. It is my joy to see a person fall in love with themselves, and a true honor to be a part of that process, whether in person as a therapist, or with the articles I write as

Fashion Editor of BellaMia.

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I love the power of clothes, and self esteem, and always wanted to be a part of any-thing that could provide that much personal power. I also had a passion for healing.I was an Editor at Vogue and Glamour Magazine, where I created and conducted Fashion and Self Esteem workshops. I am now a Marriage Family Therapist, deeply involved in working with humans and self esteem. I find that self esteem is a critical factor to our health and well being. It is my joy to see a person fall in love with themselves, and a true honor to be a part of that process, whether in person as a therapist, or with the articles I write as

Fashion Editor of BellaMia.

Linnea M. Duvall

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Growing up, I faced horrendous challenges; parental abuse, teen pregnancy, depression and anorexia. These challenges ignited my desperate need to dig deeper. At seventeen I began my search for the meaning of life; later becoming certified in spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and earning a MS degree in holistic nutrition.Forty years of experience in metaphysical-spirituality is reflected in my first book, I Dreamed I Was Human; my second book, to be released this summer, and my monthly articles in BellaMia and Sedona Journal of Emergence magazines. My services include: dream interpretation, intuitive counseling and soul path plans.

Carolyn Gervais

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Growing up, I faced horrendous challenges; parental abuse, teen pregnancy, depression and anorexia. These challenges ignited my desperate need to dig deeper. At seventeen I began my search for the meaning of life; later becoming certified in spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and earning a MS degree in holistic nutrition.Forty years of experience in metaphysical-spirituality is reflected in my first book, I Dreamed I Was Human; my second book, to be released this summer, and my monthly articles in BellaMia and Sedona Journal of Emergence magazines. My services include: dream interpretation, intuitive counseling and soul path plans.

Carolyn Gervais

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Kimberley Heart is a gypsy at heart, being a world class Fortune 100 leadership con-sultant, award-winning speaker, and author allows her the freedom to indulge her travel lust. Kimberley’s expertise on two topics rarely com-bined, love and greatness, propelled her to “top in her field”. Smart, savvy, and loving Kimberley has shared her wisdom as a dynamic radio host, guest-expert for national television, and as a recognized seminar leader. Kimberley is often described as the “teller of truth,” and is as authentic as they come. She agrees with Helen Keller, “Live is a daring adven-

ture or nothing at all.”

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Kimberley Heart is a gypsy at heart, being a world class Fortune 100 leadership con-sultant, award-winning speaker, and author allows her the freedom to indulge her travel lust. Kimberley’s expertise on two topics rarely com-bined, love and greatness, propelled her to “top in her field”. Smart, savvy, and loving Kimberley has shared her wisdom as a dynamic radio host, guest-expert for national television, and as a recognized seminar leader. Kimberley is often described as the “teller of truth,” and is as authentic as they come. She agrees with Helen Keller, “Live is a daring adven-

ture or nothing at all.”

Kimberley Heart

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BellaMia: You are an amazing artist. When did you first know you were an artist?

Laura: I’ve always known I was an artist. To me, being an artist is a way of experiencing the world. I’ve always experienced the world through a creative lens with an imaginary flair. I was always that kid who was dreaming up worlds in my imagination and transform-ing them into reality by making things to rep-resent those imaginary worlds. I am the same today, although the things I create are much more elaborate, with full sets, costumes, and team. I am an artist to the core and it breathes through every moment of my life.

BellaMia: Your work is about making the most fantastic ideas come to life. When did you decide you would be the subject of art?

Laura: In my teens I developed acne and felt extremely ugly. This brought great sadness and pain to my heart. At the same time this experience birthed an epic desire to be beautiful. I started to photograph myself in search of my beauty. I did hundreds of photos in private, this is before the cell phone camera existed. I would set up the timer on my film camera and then bring the roll of film in to be developed at the local photo-lab. I was always so embarrassed when the photo-lab technicians would comment on all the pictures I had taken of myself.




Q&A with

Magenta Crown: (above)Laura Hollick photographed by Kevin Thom

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It took me years before I would actually share my images publicly. Truly it took years to make peace with seeing myself. Which, ironically, is what I’ve discovered beauty to be, the willingness and ability to see through the eyes of spirit.

BellaMia: Will you share with us International Soul Art® Day?

Laura: Yes! International Soul Art Day is one of my favorite events of the year. Each year my studio hosts this special day where thousands of people from across the globe connect virtually to create art together for the day. This year will mark our 5th Annual International Soul Art Day. On the big day I guide people through a Soul Art journey to unleash their creativity and awaken their capacity for higher vision and intuition. People of all different skill levels participate in the day, from master level artists, to people who are intimidated to draw a stick figure. The heart of Soul Art Day is about honoring our Inner Artist within the context of our Global Soul Family.

International Soul Art Day is happening on May 11th, 2016

You can get all the details and sign up for International Soul Art Day here:

Red Tree:Laura Hollick photographed by Kevin Thom

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BellaMia: You have extensive pro-grams you teach. Will you share with us your school?

Laura: I teach the creative processes and embodiment practices I’ve devel-oped over the past 20 years. My main program is the Soul Art Certification. Soul Art is a unique art form that is not technique based.

Artist: Laura Hollick photographer, Stephanie Bell

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It is founded on the principles that our creative energy gives us access to our spiritual wisdom when we express ourselves creatively. Soul Art is used for deep healing and transformation, as well as tapping into higher levels of vision and intuition. We now have Certified Soul Art Guides in every continent (accept Antarctica) and they are leading creative, spiritual journeys around the world using the Soul Art methods.

Tree WhispersLaura Hollick

photographed by Kevin Thom

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I also lead an advanced program called nü Icon, which is for people who want to master their personal expression and embody their uniqueness in their life and career.

I’m continuously developing new creative processes and practices to unearth deeper layers of spiritual awareness and the ability to express and embody these insights in the world. I truly view my whole life as art, and I’m an ongoing work in progress.

To learn more about my programs and journeys:

BellaMia: As an evolved conscious woman, what would you like us to know?

Laura: I would like for everyone to know that they are creative. Everyone has the ability to connect with their spirit and express what is unique about them. Of course this doesn’t mean everyone will express their creativity through traditional art mediums or using themselves as art like I do, but it does mean that life force energy moves through them. Life force energy is creative energy.

For anyone who wants to cultivate their creativity and feel more cou-rageously alive when it comes to their personal expression I’d love to offer some guidance and insight through a simple quiz I created called: What kind of Creative Spirit are you?

This quiz can help to clarify the unique way creative energy moves through you and the role creativity wants to play in your life and career. Discover what kind of creative spirit you are with my free quiz here:

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Laura Hollick photographed by Kevin Thom

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Holly Fulger

BellaMia: How old were you when realized you wanted to be an Actor?

Holly: It wasn’t until I got to college and was talked into doing a play, that I found acting was a way for me to express myself…and that I loved it.

BellaMia: Growing up did you have issues with body image or your looks?

Holly: Yes, I was incredibly shy and awkward. I was tall, thin, and had terrible eyesight, resulting in Coke-bottle glasses that made me look like an astonished bug. I was teased and bullied. I have carried that with me my entire life.

BellaMia: What made you start your own show, “The Hollywood Beauty Detective”.

Holly: I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to explore other versions of beauty and present them to women. I wanted to honor those versions and help change a consciousness that has been manipulated for far too long.

BellaMia: As an Actor, what was your favorite roll?

Holly: Ahhhhh….a play called Road I did years ago in Chicago with the theatre company I was with, The Remains Theatre Ensemble. I played various roles in the play but my favorite was that of a young girl named, Carol, who ends up having a cathartic monologue at the end of the play, raging against being slut-shamed, being used, and being imprisoned by poverty.

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BellaMia: What are your plans for your body image work?

Holly: Again…honor other versions of beauty. Show women that it is their essence that makes them beautiful…their individuality….their soul. Those things have nothing to do with the shape of one’s body.Photoshop!

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Bella Reclaim your Goddess Through the Sacred Art of

Belly Dancing By Suzanne Taylor

There is no denying that our female figure is perfect and beautiful in every way. As we learn to accept, nurture and embrace our emotional body we experience a love deep within our heart that can and will ignite ‘you’ with your inner goddess.

Raks Sharki a sacred art more commonly known as its western nickname: belly dance. It is said to be the oldest form of dance recorded within our history books, but how can you really benefit from belly dancing as a female?

As a spiritual dancer and energy healer, I personally love this form of dancing. Belly dance will improve your fitness, your co-ordi-nation, your focus, whilst burning at least 300 calories per workout. It will beautifully sculpt your legs, and tone your abdominal muscles. It is also said to support digestion as it helps food to move along the digestive system, and last but not least belly dance will give your body a sen-sational stretch assisting the removal of lactic acid build-up which will minimize injury and pain within our joints and muscles.

Make sure you choose the right music to support your belly dance. This is important as you will begin to slowly reduce the amount of thoughts that enter your mind, while you

support your memory to spark creativity as you focus on your graceful hip drops, and sensual belly rolls.

Are you ready to feel invigorated ladies?

Firstly we will start with the shimmy, a classic and powerful movement that will draw the energy up from the earth. Standing with your knees slightly bent and keeping both feet flat on the ground (gently start to shake your hips). Use your knees to help you shake your hips from side to side, and when you feel comfortable, start to shake faster keeping your focus strongly on your balance. You may step up onto your tip toes and add some snake-like arm movements. You are now in full shimmy. You may walk, run or a 360 degree turn with your shimmy. Think of moving into a positive mindset as you experiment with the shimmy… feel its flammable energy.


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Our second dance movement is called the hip lift - another strong favorite of mine - that will awaken a little goddess energy within you. Stand with your feet flat on the ground with your arms slightly bend out to the side (they do not have to be parallel with your shoulders, but slightly bend your arms) now hold your chest slightly forward, and bend your knees (the closer to the ground the easier this movement will be for you) starting with the right hip, only straighten your right leg so that the hip bone shoots up to the rib cage, and then back down into neutral position. You are straightening the leg (hip up) and then bending the knee (hip back down). Repeat this movement on the opposite side. When you feel comfortable with this move-ment you should speed up the hip lifts.

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Our third dance movement is the belly roll, and I ask you to be patient with this movement as it can be difficult to grasp, but once you master it, you will love it. In standing position both feet flat on the ground with your knees bent, and chest lifted arms out to the sides; you are going to contract your upper abdominal muscles, and then contract your lower abdominal muscles (your belly should be really tight at this point) now push out the upper abdominal muscles, and release the lower abdominal muscles (repeat this exercise numerous times.) Working within this movement we are aiming to have a smoother belly roll. Have fun with it. Remember and breathe; now speed up your movement until you perfect your roll.

Well done goddesses I would love you to spend a few more moments with me as I share with you my golden trian-gle technique supporting a positive self-image.

Stand with your feet hip width apart and keep your tailbone facing downwards, lengthen your spine and take a few deep breaths as you visualize the cosmic breath naturally flowing through every inch of your body. Using your thumb and index finger on each hand make a triangle shape, and hold it over your forehead area (just above the eyebrows) now visualize a sunbeam of energy penetrating down through your triangle, through your forehead allowing the energy to flow down through your spine

all the way down to your sacrum (you may slightly move your hips) when you feel the build-up of energy keeping your triangle shape turn it upside down and place it over your womb area, and hold. Bringing your focus to your downward triangle visualize the sun beam of energy flow out of the triangle this time from the inside outwards. Feel any density within you disperse, and enjoy the experience.

~ Suzanne [email protected]

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Manifest a lifestyle that reflects your heart through the art and craft of interior design, and feng shui movements.

Scottish, Featured writer ~ Bellascope, Cosmic ordering coach

Month of May 50% off Claim your complimentary coaching call

[email protected]

Design your Destiny with a feng shui mindset

Coach Suzanne Taylor

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It’s May!! And the perennial trends for Spring are always Florals and Pastels…but which ones?

This year’s top colors are pale pink and soft warm blue. The technical Pantone names? Rose Quartz and Serenity. Take florals you already own and add a long soft scarf that incorporates the pale pink or soft blue of the season. Wear it with the florals you already own, or with your white or ivory dresses and tops. Update your wardrobe with touches of Spring 2016’s signature colors. Think pink for tops for your jeans, or pink socks, or pink sneakers for that matter!! Think soft blue, as well, like blue chambray shirts with your jeans…such a cool but crisp and classic look. And a terrific place to find pastel scarves? Your

By Linnea M. Duvall

Best Spring Trends!

museum gift store. They always have a delicious selection of rich and beautifully colored scarves to choose from. I just found one at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens with exactly the pink and blue for this season! Score!

But there are also the brights that cheer us when they flash by. 2016”s winning brights are jazzy and fresh; bright coral orange and bright crisp green. Pantone names…Fiesta, and Green Flash. You may just feel like a super heroine wearing that Green Flash!

There is also a razor sharp trend of geometric black and white. Stripes or geometric prints are highly desirable this year; in dresses, tops and pants! Knot a bright orange or bright green scarf round your neck and head out. Given jaunty neck scarves, or long skinny scarves tied at your neck are a trend for this Spring, what a terrific way to bring a sharp touch of color to your black and white palette.

With a Surprise!

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But let me share with you what will always be the best Spring trend you can ever follow, (frankly the best Life trend you can ever follow). I learned it from a Master.

It was May. I was a Senior in High School in a small town in Pennsylvania. And I had been awarded the privilege to be backstage, and then front row for a Bill Blass Fashion Show, which was about the biggest thing this little town had ever seen! I was beside myself with excitement, for my dream was to work in the Fashion Industry, first and foremost as a model, but IN the industry was also highly desirable! To be at this show was beyond description exciting. It was a view into the world I aspired to. Because the power of clothes, and image had already made a profound impression on me. And I wanted to be a part of anything that could have that much effect on your every day life, and provide that much personal power.

So there I was, mesmerized by the whole thing. Mr. Blass, elegance personified, was attending in person, commentating the show. He described color with a lip smacking delight. He waxed eloquent about the fabrics he chose and why. And then…he took my breath away. At the finale of the show, as all the models came out for their final catwalk, in the most eye popping gorgeous clothes and colors and sheer swirling fabrics I had ever seen, Mr Blass said, with gusto, “It’s May, it’s May, the lusty month of May”. I honestly gasped. It was so shocking to hear some-one say the word lusty in public, with such freedom, and enjoyment, and obvious invitation to delight in it.

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This was a small provincial town in Pennsylvania, and I had been raised in a quite conservative religious community. Lust…lusty, the very words were verboten, let alone indulging in the “actions” they suggested. There were sermons preached against it. And you were instructed to avoid it, and anything that could cause it.

But Mr. Blass, (forever thank you!), had torn the lid off that provincial way of thinking with his simple statement.

For what is Spring about if not lustiness? And what a healthy joyous part of life it is!!

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary provides these definitions.

Lusty: full of strength and energy. Merry, Joyous, Hearty, Enthusiastic, Healthy, Vigorous!


Lust: Pleasure, Delight, Enthusiasm, Eagerness. A strong desire for something.

How about Life? How about a strong desire for Life, and all the health and vigor and joy that desire brings with it? BE lusty for Life. DRESS lusty for Life. Indulge in all the panoply of color and taste and scent that Spring ushers in. Choose clothes and colors that make you

feel beautiful and energized, and yes, desirable. What styles make you walk with confidence, (and when on a date, with just that little bit of swish)? What fragrances make you feel your most powerful yet feminine? Spritz them on, they are part of your ensemble! What colors, especially what colors that are this year’s trends, make your skin glow and make you feel alive? Wear them, revel in them, and let them all be a powerful factor in your delight in YOUR life.

What is your best trend for Spring? Your own Lust for Life.

Let your desire for energy, delight, and joy be evident. Let every color you choose, every floral or geometric you pull out of your closet, every fragrance you spritz, every scarf you knot, be a reflection, a representa-tion of the wonderful tumult of life that is bubbling within you and all around you.

It’s May, it’s May…the lusty month of May. Dress accordingly.

~Linnea M.

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Good for the Earth. Good for Women. GOOD FOR YOU!


Sophisticated, elegant, unique upcycled designs with a great ethos for women and the world.

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, it’s possibleYesWhat if you fell deeply wildly

in love with your body?

the skin you’re in?

LoveAre you ready to

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“Women are goddesses

by nature, and they

should be cherished and


A lejandro

FerradasReal Estate



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The first warm days of spring have me dreaming of the beach and the pool. But who is ready to put on that bathing suit and head out? After months of eating comfort food (e.g. Christmas cookies and Valentine’s Day chocolate) and wearing bulky sweaters, the thought of bearing a little skin can be somewhat intimi-dating. Luckily, the warmer weather makes it easier to get outside and get moving!

Exercise is important year round. It not only helps our bodies burn calories, but according to this infor-mation from the Mayo Clinic, [] it can also help prevent a wide range of health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, depression and arthritis. And a fun little bonus - exercise can improve your sex life! For women it helps enhance arousal, while men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction.


a K


ie S



Just in time for us to get ready for bathing suit season, the weather warms up and we can do our favorite activities outside. Here are a few sugges-tions to get you moving:

Take a walk. This one’s easy and my favorite. After a long stressful day at work, I love coming home, lacing up my favorite athletic shoes and walking around my neighbor-hood. I do a 5-mile walk, but a brisk 1 mile walk is a fabulous start! It’s a great way to get some fresh air and clear your mind of the day’s challenges.

Sign up for a 5K Run/Walk. There’s nothing like the goal of a looming race to get you moving. If you’ve always wanted something to help you be more active, go ahead

Feeling Good About Looking Good This Summer

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and sign up for that race, and then start training. There are 5Ks everywhere, and many of them use the money from your registration fee to support worthy causes. One I love is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, [] which supports breast cancer research. Check out the Couch to 5K [] for a great training regimen.

Back to the bathing suit dilemma. My solution is another essential summer item that rarely gets any press: the bathing suit cover up. I say essential because few women who are past their 30’s wouldn’t be caught dead without one. Teenagers and 20-some-things might be fine strutting around in just a bathing suit from the car to the pool or over to the snack bar. But as for me, I feel a little more comfortable with a little more material covering my body when I’m not right beside a body of water!

Ride a Bike. Remember that feeling of exhilaration you had as a kid, riding your bike through the neighborhood, wind rushing through your hair? Riding a bike can be just as much fun as an adult! Check out [] for great advice on getting the right gear and getting started, safely.

Bring it Inside. There are plenty of ways to get active inside also, especially for those of you who suffer from spring allergies. Sign up for a Zumba class, join the local Y, start swimming, or look for a karate class for adults where you can get in shape and learn a little self-defense at the same time. The whole point is to get active for a healthier you. And we all know that feeling good is a huge part of feeling sexy! My team at Go Free® Pants is all about feeling sexy!

Who is ready to

put on that bathing suit

and head out?

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There are three things that are important when choosing a cover up.

First, it should be easy to get on and off. A quick tie around the waist or something that slips easily over the head is key. There’s nothing worse than getting to your chair by the pool and then feeling like you’re making a spectacle of yourself just getting out of your cover up.

Second, it should be easy to care for. No delicate hand wash or dry clean only mate-rials here! After all, these garments are worn around chlorine and saltwater, so you need to be able to wash it and keep it fresh with little worry.

Third, it needs to look nice enough to take me from the pool to a quick stop at the grocery store, pumping gas, or even a quick drink with friends before heading home. My cover up is something I’m proud to wear even when not at the pool or the beach!

Summer is around the corner! I’m not crazy about the annual dreaded event of trying on bathing suits, but knowing I’ve got a great cover up makes the process much more fun, and most of all, makes me feel good about looking good this summer! ~Tina Ketchie Stearns


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ere Psychic Super Powers Meet the

Ancient Wisdom of The Tarot

A New Dream Is Delivered Every Monday, On the Air.THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: IN THE HEART OF LOVE

We Are Your Forbidden Fruit!

Click to register for the next Mash-Up.

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As a wellness advocate I run seasonal detox and clean eating programs for women. We work on eating clean unprocessed foods free of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. Perhaps you have done one yourself. Cleaning your diet up with food is a fantastic first start. But food alone can’t take care of the toxic load we are carrying around. What about the other toxins in your life? Did you know that we are bombarded by the chemicals in the everyday products we use we might just take for granted? While we can’t necessarily control all of the toxins used in our world from the chemicals in the outside air there are so many ways we can control our own personal environments. We can control what we put on or in our bodies, what cleaning prod-ucts we use and how we keep our

homes fresh and smelling great. (Be sure to check out the article I wrote in the March issue on the house plants that remove chemical toxins from your home).

Could chemical and synthetic fragrances be making you sick? Do you get frequent headaches, sniffles that just won’t go away or a queasy feeling? Thirty three million Americans suffer from sinusitis, ten million have asthma and headaches cost us billions in lost productivity.

In the Bay Area, I was doing Home Staging for real estate. If the home was still being lived in, the first process was removing all of the homeowners extra items before I could re-arrange furnishings and add in fresh new accessories. I used to wonder why so many people had tissue boxes everywhere. The


on O


sCould the Fragrances in your Home

be making you sick?

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"Living Life on a Natural High"

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absorbed into the bloodstream directly thru the skin. The EWG (environmen-tal working group) found that more than 75% of products using the word “fragrance” contain phthalates which have been shown to disrupt hormone activity, reduce sperm counts, cause reproductive malformation and have been linked to liver and breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity. That “fragrance” can pack quite a punch.

We still want our homes to look and smell clean and fresh. So, what do we do instead? Study the labels of your products. Avoid anything that uses the word “fragrance”. There are so many more choices in commercial products with more natural cleaning ingredi-ents. And of course you can make your own. It is amazing how inexpensive and easy it is not to mention less costly. Vinegar, baking soda, lemons and oranges, castile soap, borax, salt, hydrogen peroxide and essential oils are easy ingredients to have on hand. If you would like to know more, I would love to connect! And be sure to check out the easy to make reed diffusers I provided the recipe for in this issue.


fact that these same homeowners had multiple plugin and stick on type air fresheners all thru-out their houses escaped me at the time, but now I realize they were most likely having reactions to the synthetic fragrances in these seemingly innocent little packages.

Do you use these in your home? How about candles, spray room fresheners, and fabric softeners? “Fragrances” are also found in laun-dry detergent, dishwashing soaps, and almost all of your cleaning supplies. The bottom line is we love things to smell nice in this country but all of that fragrance may be harming our health. 95% of the chemicals in most commercial fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum and natural gas, known as petrochemicals. In the US manufacturers are not made to disclose the hundreds of synthetic chemicals in their products as they can hide behind the word “fragrance” as being a “trade secret”. The ingredients in “fragrance” are

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How to Make Reed Diffusers

Gather supplies:

• Bottles of choice (look for bottles with a narrow neck)

• Fractionated coconut oil

• Reed sticks (or bamboo skewers)

• Essential oils (I use doTerra)

Place about a ¼ cup of fractionated coconut oil to your bottle. Add about

10-15 drops of your essential oils of choice ( I use doTerra) and swirl to mix with the fractionated coconut oil. Place

sticks in the oil. Continue to flip the sticks every day for a few days and then

as needed to refresh.

with E

ssential OilsBy










Here are some blends to get you started: wild orange + lemon, lavender + lemon, peppermint

+ wild orange, spearmint + rosemary.

You will have a toxin free and

beautiful way to scent any room in

your home.

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The Goldmine of Superfoods

When you discover the benefits of turmeric, you’ll think you struck gold! This amazing super food is native to southwest India and has an earthy, pungent, slightly bitter smell and taste, with a kick of a peppery flavor. It was first valued for it’s gorgeous yellow color and used as a dye thousands of years ago. But it’s turmeric’s medicinal properties that will blow you away.

The truth of the matter is: food has been our medicine for thousands of years and some foods, such as turmeric, may be just as effective as pharmaceutical drugs without the side effects. A little, bright orange rhizome (an underground stem) called turmeric can have such a dramatic effect on reducing inflammation in the joints. And it’s natural! What’s really exciting is that turmeric has many more benefits beyond helping alleviate joint pain caused by inflammation.

Benefits of turmeric

Considered precious and holy, turmeric is used as part of the religious ceremo-nies in India and has been traditionally

recommended in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to treat more than chronic inflammation, such as:

• Calming indigestion

• Treating throat infections and colds

• Cleansing wounds and skin sores

• Supporting and protecting the liver from oxidative stress

• Reducing high cholesterol

• Alleviating the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

• Treating inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis

• Treating symptoms associated with diabetes and kidney disease

By Kat Maeda

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In addition to the benefits listed above and turmeric’s amazing anti-inflammatory power, I especially love turmeric for these five reasons:

1. Turmeric is a brain food – it is supports memory function, is healing to the brain, and improves the oxygen flow – when the brain functions at optimally, serotonin and melatonin levels are also improved.

2. The curcumin has been proven in clinical studies to be highly effective with people who suffer depression – and without the side effects of prescription drugs1

3. More and more studies suggest that turmeric may indeed protect against neurological degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.2,3;

4. It’s also an anti-cancer food! Growing research shows that turmeric is highly effective in the treatment and prevention of cancers because curcumin “displays antitumor properties”4. It has been shown to kill cancer cells in cancers such as lung, bladder, and prostrate, the second leading cause of cancer death among men.

5. It’s a secret ingredient to beautiful skin! Because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, eating turmeric regularly supports health skin. Get beau-tiful skin from the inside and out - it’s a great defoliant.


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So what’s in turmeric that makes it medicinal?

Turmeric is loaded with compounds called cur-cuminoids. The most important and the main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. It is imperative to pair it with black pepper so you can absorb it - research shows that the piperine in black pepper enhances the absorption of curcumin by some 2000%.

Are there contraindications?

To get high benefits for targeted medicinal support, please consult with your medical practitioner for supplement usage. If you are pregnant or nursing, always check with your doctor before adding turmeric or curcumin supplements to your diet. People who suffer with gallstones or bile duct dysfunction should avoid turmeric. And, according to some studies, there is evidence that turmeric may interfere with a chemotherapy agent used to fight breast cancer (if you’re on chemotherapy, check with your oncologist before adding supplements to your regimen).

Cooking with turmeric

Fresh turmeric is available at farmer’s markets and in the produce section of most grocery stores –it’s usually near the fresh ginger and Jerusalem artichokes. It also comes ground (not to be confused with curry, which is a blend of spices including turmeric). I use a lot of both fresh and ground turmeric - my best and most fresh source is also organic and I found it on Amazon. Store your fresh tur-meric in the fridge and be sure to keep your ground turmeric in a tightly covered jar in a cool pantry or cupboard.

You can add fresh turmeric to tonics, juices, sautés, soups, or dips. For tonics and juices, simply scrub the turmeric lightly with a brush. I peel it with a potato peeler when adding to sautés, dips or soups. Add a tea-spoon of turmeric to rice or quinoa dishes for a beautiful golden side dish. Remember to always add black pepper. I especially love turmeric milk at night before I go to bed using almond milk or a blend of almond and coconut milks. Find your favorite ways to consume turmeric and stay young, healthy, and happy!

~ Kat Maeda, INHC,

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Soothing Bedtime Warm Turmeric Milk

Serves 1


1 cup almond milk1 cup light coconut milk1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract1 teaspoon ghee or coconut oil½ teaspoon ground cinnamon¼ teaspoon ground ginger1 ½ tablespoon ground turmeric (or finely grated fresh turmeric*)1 big pinch fine ground pepperpinch cardamom1 tablespoon raw honey


In small saucepan, heat milks until warm but not hot.

Using a wire whisk, rapidly stir in remaining ingredients to completely blend.


*wear plastic gloves to grate to avoid yellow finger tips and nails

~ Kat Maeda, INHC,

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Ingredients:• 1 ½- 2 cups filtered water

• 1 large green or Fuji apple

• 1 pear (if pears are not in season, use 2 apples)

• 1 small banana

• juice of 1 lemon

• 3-4 fresh turmeric

• 2 Persian cucumbers

• 4 ribs celery

• ½ bunch parsley, with stems

• 1 bunch baby spinach with stems or ½ bunch kale, stems removed

• 1 bunch dandelion greens

• ½ head romaine lettuce

• 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

• additional water, if needed

Golden Glow Green SmoothieMakes 4 servings

Use your Vitamix (or other high speed blender) for this amazing green smoothie that will have your skin glowing in no time. I like to drink this twice a day sometimes – and it’s a great way to also get your fruit and veggie servings.

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Directions:• To your Vitamix, add water,

fruits, lemon juice, turmeric, cucumbers, celery and parsley and blend quickly on high.

• Then add remaining ingredients one at a time, quickly blending between to reduce volume.

• Finally, stir in black pepper and additional water if thin if needed.

• Store in tightly covered jars in refrigerator up to 2 days.

~ Kat Maeda, INHC,

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Ingredients:• 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil

• 2 medium leeks, sliced and rinsed

• 2 large yellow onions

• 1 pound carrots

• 1 pound celery

• 4 cloves of garlic, crushed

• 1 head broccoli, chopped

• ½ a small bunch kale or chard (or a mixture of leafy greens), remove stems and use leaves only

• ½ cup fresh mushrooms

• 1 handful fresh flat leaf parsley

• 1 large piece of Kombu (seaweed)

• 1 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, skin removed and grated

• 1 2-inch piece of fresh turmeric, skin removed, grated (or ½ teaspoon ground if fresh is not available)

• Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

• Filtered water to cover veggies, about 3 inches

Restorative Detoxifying Veggie BrothMakes 6 cups

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Directions:Coarsely chop the vegetables into even sized pieces.

Heat the olive oil in a big soup pot and add veggies one at a time, from the onions to the fresh herbs, stirring in between.

Add parsley, bay leaf, kombu, ginger, turmeric and salt and pepper.

Let veggies cook for about 5 minutes. Add enough water to cover by 2-3 inches.

Bring soup to a boil and then reduce heat and barely simmer on low for up to 2 hours, but not less than 90 minutes.

For a strained broth: Strain through a fine mesh strainer (set vegetables aside). Salt to taste. Let cool to room tempera-ture before refrigerating or freezing.

For a velvety soup: Place the strained vegetables and about 1 cup of the veggie broth together into a blender. Add a bit of olive oil and season to taste with additional salt and pepper if needed. Blend on high until liquefied.

Store broth and soup up to a week in glass jars in the fridge or freeze for up to three months.

~ Kat Maeda, INHC,

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Turmeric Exfoliant MaskA beautiful treatment for glowing skin! I recommend doing this treatment at night as part of your evening skin care regimen.


• 2 tablespoons gluten free oats*

• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric

• ½ teaspoon raw honey

• 2 tablespoons plain organic yogurt from grass fed cows

• 1 drop lavender essential oil

• 1 drop geranium essential oil

• Coconut or olive oil – for step two

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Directions:TO MAKE:

Add oats to blender; turn on high 10-15 seconds to make an oat flour

In small bowl, mix ground oats, tur-meric, honey, yogurt, and essential oils to make a thick paste


Apply to face in a thin coat, avoiding eye area and top of nose where skin is thin.

Let dry 5 minutes – no longer to avoid orange skin!

With a warm (dark colored) washcloth, gently wipe mask from face, rinsing well.


Using your choice of coconut or extra virgin olive oil, apply a small amount into your face, gently massaging in small circles.

Gently lay a hot washcloth over your face, using your fingers and hands to hold tight around the edges to create a light steam to the face. Let washcloth cool and then gently wipe clean.

Spray a skin freshener like rose water on your face.

Apply your favorite nighttime moistur-izer or moisturizing oils.

*if you have oily skin, try barley flour instead of oats

~ Kat Maeda, INHC,

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Ingredients • 2 tablespoons ground


• 1 tablespoon coconut oil

• ½ tablespoon baking soda

• 3 drops pure peppermint essential oil

Directions:• Mix all ingredients together with a fork

to combine to a thick paste.

• Use a small amount (about ½ teaspoon) on toothbrush and brush 2 minutes.

• Use only once a day (I recommend at night) up to 2-3 times a week.

• Floss your teeth – the turmeric will color any food residue caught in your teeth so flossing will be easy.

• Follow by brushing again with your favorite healthy toothpaste (no fluoride, sugars, artificial anything).

• Scrap your tongue; rinse well.

Notes:• Your toothbrush will become yellow;

color will fade away between turmeric paste applications.

• If you have sensitive teeth or gums, this toothpaste may be too abrasive for you.

• Do not use more often than recommended.

• Store in small tightly covered jar in your bathroom. Those little jars you get with honey in them from restaurants are perfect.

Teeth Whitening Turmeric Toothpaste

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getting married, having babies and taking care of their families. There wasn’t much encouragement to live outside the stereotypical box. Much less to have a voice and express deep inner desires of the heart and to go after those desires and dreams. What does this look like for you? Can you reflect on all that works and all that needs work? What stays and what goes? What’s made you stronger and the powerful woman you are today?

Interestingly enough, women in their fifties today are much more different than their mothers. As much as I love and adore my mother and grandmother, I’m not them and I don’t believe that women today are. We are much more confident with who we are as women and often encouraged to be the powerhouse we were created to be in all areas of our lives. We take care of our families and we’ve raised our children to be strong independent

I believe that women in mid-life should rejoice and have a half-life celebration and create more bliss in our lives.

This might look like a reflection of celebrating who you are and where you’ve been and a great time to look forward and carve out a path of what the future holds with the intention of bliss and happiness.

Now that I’m in my fifties, I feel like I’ve really hit my stride. I’m much more confident with who I am. I’m more accepting, I’m more at peace in my own skin, I’m healthier and the women I am attracted to, adore and spend time with, are much the same. As women in their twenties, thirties and forties, we sometimes are still trying to figure it all out, balancing careers, nurturing relationships or raising children.

As part of the reflection, when we look back at an earlier time, women were taught that a women’s place was in the home, which meant

How to Rejoice with a Blissful

Half-Life Celebration

By Kellie Valenti

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thinkers and dreamers who achieve their goals and to actually live a happy, healthy and balanced life.

So in honor of our half-life celebra-tion and looking forward, part of what we should spend time focusing on is our health and wellbeing. Interestingly enough this is when we are much more accepting of our bodies and celebrate all that our bodies do for us. As an example, what if we actually thanked our arms for the ability to give and receive hugs, and our lips for giving and receiving kisses and our hands for caressing our skin and our legs for taking us on magnificent adventures in nature and our heart and lungs for helping to let life flow through our veins and our pelvis for grounding our lives and our brain for praising and adoring all that is and is possible for the now and the future.

When we are grounded and at peace, we have less stress, we manage

our diets better, we feel the need to nourish our mind, bodies and souls as a whole being rather than just giving ourselves a quick fix. Celebrating you also includes scheduling regular testing to make sure your body is serving you as well as it should and taking the necessary steps to be always be proactive and not reactive. We spend time in medi-tation, in nature, in nurturing relationships and not so much time in drama and high anxiety situations.

In the end, reflecting and celebrating is para-mount. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. You are created to be magnificent with a light that shines so brightly and that leads others to you because you have a magnetic personality and a voice that isn’t afraid to hide anymore. You are confident, strong, intelligent, beautiful, nurturing and most of all, you are a women living in this time and place for a very specific purpose.

Go after your dreams, live your life at full throttle, enjoy good belly laughs with your best girlfriends, look through rose colored glasses like a child and realize that you were born to be you and no one else.

I adore you and I believe in the power of you…isn’t it time you did the same?To your health,


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New Paradigm

Cups of Consciousness

By Aleya Dao

The first four months of 2016 were a time to rest, release, and reflection. May is the month of momentum.

The first two weeks of May are a perfect time to do last minute organizing, streamlining, and final de-cluttering. Get ready to be pulsed forward. In the middle of May you will feel an energetic wind begin to blow you forward. Whatever you are focused on is where you will go. This is a potent time. Focus on moving forward in your life in a positive and empowering way.

Let’s take a moment to get ready for the change and align your compass in the direction you intend to go.

» Take a deep breath in and pull your awareness into your core using your breath, intent, and imagination.

» Imagine an inner river of light flowing up and down the front of your spine.

» Imagine holding your awareness in this inner river.

» Take a moment to think about the qualities you want in your life. Greater support, love, connection, purpose, fulfillment?

» Invite the energetic aspect of you (your Higher Self) to activate those qualities in your inner river of light.

» For example: If you want more support, love, joy, and connection in your life imagine those qualities flowing like a current in your inner river of light/divine line.

» Intend and imagine that connecting with these qualities internally is setting your inner energetic compass to head in that direction in your life.

» Imagine a path in front of you that holds those qualities as well.

» Intend that the energetic wind (that will begin to blow onto the planet in the middle of May) will push you forward on this path that holds these intended vibrations.

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This month’s cup is a double shot and will help you point yourself in the your desired direction, get grounded, and centered so that when the winds blow you will sail in the direction you intend.

1st CupCatch the Wave


Use this first cup to locate and align to an energetic wave that can move your forward in your life. Allow for the old energies from the past arise and release. Align and position yourself to catch a beautiful, strong, wave of energy that can help propel you in the direction that you intend as opposed to the past.

» Pull your awareness into your divine line.

» Invite the Higher Self of you, your body deva, and Team to energetically locate and orient your direction for the current/stream/wave of light that is beginning to come onto the planet that can propel you in an empowered direction.

» Move into position to catch this energetic wave in the most empowered and joyful wave.

» Tones and light language to help you catch this wave.

» Imagine a wave of energy coming in from behind you and you are in position to be propelled, supported, inspired, and moved forward by this wave of light, love, joy, and empowerment.

May you catch the wave in a way that inspires and supports you.

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2nd Cup Expand your base chakra. Anchor in your intentions, get traction and move forward.

This second cup will help you get your feet back on the ground while simultaneously being able to bring in high vibrations. It will enable you to increase the support and empowerment as you move forward into new energetic terrain. You have a greater capacity for manifesting the more grounded you are.

» Energetically locate your lower energy centers.

» Clear your base chakra with tones.

» Activate the base chakra with tones and the vibration of the essence of you and your body deva.

» Create an energetic grid that holds the pulse, flow, movement to help you get traction and manifest your intentions and move into right action.

» Pulse the flow of inspiration, motivation, and flow.

May you feel the grounded pulse from Earth supporting you as you move forward.

For greater support with the energetic weather go to: Dao

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Nourished ?Download your free BodyLovin Goddess Guide to essential oils

Would you like to feel

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‘True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass; being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.’

~ Ellen DeGeneres

The first time a dear friend referred to me as a crone, I felt insulted. I was only in my late 50’s and did not see myself as an old hag, which is typically associated with the word “crone.” The more we spoke, I began to realize that she was acknowledging my years of experi-ence, wisdom, and spirituality.

True meaning of the Crone: A woman of age who is venerated as a model for empowerment, wise, self-defined through the fulfillment of female life experience. Lo


ne C


New Beginnings in

The Golden Years

We become seasoned and mature from life experiences that reveal ourselves to ourselves. During times of contemplation I have asked myself, “If I could turn back the clock, would I? And if so, why? What would I want to change? If I accept that everything I have experienced has shaped me to become this amazing crone that I am, why would I wish to change the past?” And yet, there can be this wondering, what if?

Many of the most challenging experiences bring our greatest accomplishments and gifts. They can help us to discover that all the things that we may judge as broken, flawed, and unlovable within our-selves are what make us the most beautiful. And in that discovery, to embrace ourselves with love and compassion for our humanness and reconnect us with our Divinity, which is our true source of power.

New Beginnings in

The Golden Years

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Here are three questions that invite you to look more closely at who you have become and what you really want to fulfill your calling and destiny in your golden years (or at any time in your life!):

1. What makes you feel the most vital, alive, and inspired that aligns with your spirit and your deepest desires? Whatever energizes and lights you up, brings out your playful inner child, and feels joyful makes life your oyster. Do plenty of that!

2. What insights and gifts have you received from your life experiences that have been of the greatest value to your growth that you also wish to share with others? Every person and experience serves us to grow and contributes to the person we become. There are no real mistakes and nothing is wasted. The key is how you use those opportunities to awaken your true self and show up in the world.

3. What is your soul calling you to do or be in your next life chapter? Everyone has a calling that can be found in natural talents that become gifts, passions, joys, and things we love. Sometimes a life purpose is meant to be shared in quiet ways and sometimes in louder, bigger ways. Perhaps there is a longing you have denied in the past that you are ready to say YES to!

Every day is a new beginning. As we let go of the old, which can feel like small or large deaths, what emerges is always something more magnificent.

While outer beauty can be pleasing to the eye, it is our inner beauty that captivates and connects us heart to heart, soul to soul. Our inner beauty

is eternal, timeless, ageless, and ever expand-ing. These years are not a time to bemoan for nothing of value is truly lost. Instead, we arrive at a time of celebration and new opportunities.

For in honoring who we have become, a new chapter begins in which we can choose to teach, speak, and quietly inspire one another, all women, and all peoples who wish to embrace the totality of life and our con-nection with all beings. As we awaken the ancient crone within ourselves, and we learn to trust the power of our feminine inner knowing.

You may look at the golden years as a signal to slow down; to enjoy more time with family, travel, pursue interests you have put aside or see this as an opportunity to dive deeply into a new path and platform to express your life calling.

Personally, I just celebrated my 66th birthday. I feel like I am just getting started to really live!

What next juicy chapter are you ready to live that allows your beautiful self to shine more brightly? The possibilities are limitless! The best is yet to come!

Lorraine Cohen

Our inner beauty is eternal, timeless, ageless, and ever


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Those of you who have been searching for a very long time as to who and what you are as life essence, want to know why and for what purpose you serve on a planet filled with so much divisiveness, separateness, fear and hate; when all you really want is to express love and peace in ways that are soothingly harmonious in a world full of disruption.

Because our earthly existence is a duality, everything has an extreme opposite, like up and down, suffering and joy or love and hate. It appears that more people in today’s world are attracted to the extremes of sensationalism. We come by our inborn dualistic traits naturally after all it was and still is the Creative Force within us that created our manifested macrocosm, our physical bodies, minds and all of life everywhere we can imagine. So it’s not surprising that which created all, is dualistic as well with ‘Its’ opposite poles of feminine

and masculine, which are exhibited by such phenomena as the North and South poles of any planet. Everything the Creative Force creates has a feminine pole and a masculine polar opposite. Polar opposites are naturally drawn to one another because in essence they are one and the same energy.

For Example: It has been noted that many identical twins that are separated at birth through adoption, often have dreams and strong feelings that part of them is missing; they sense a twin which they are determined to find. When my identical twin and I were less than two

years old, I developed pneumonia. My twin soon followed and we were hospitalized. We were put into separate rooms, and cribs surrounded with plastic that we couldn’t see through; finding out years later, we were in oxygen tents.

The Beauty of Diversity





everything has an extreme opposite, like up and down,

suffering and joy or love and hate.

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That long separation totally traumatized us. I came home first and was laid in my crib feeling sad, lost and lifeless. I remember that feeling today and know now I had no will to live without my twin. That feeling still remains, so even though my twin and I aren’t always on speaking terms, I can’t imagine my life without her in the world with me. Identical twins at conception are one embryo until it splits in half to form two embryos that have the exact same DNA. Though the one egg becomes two people, the energetic memory of being one creates a bond that I compare to a mother and her child.

This is what the Creative Force has done, physically split into two polarities but yet that energy is and always will be, one masquerading as the many.

We are continually learning what will destroy and what will help us to survive as humans. The Creative Force from which we are made, expresses through all its creations with many variations. Endless color variations exist in the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms and we marvel at the beauty and diversity of their many colors and shapes. We rejoice in how they contribute to the balance of the world. Why do so many then withhold their love from the diversity in people; their color, shapes and how that diversity adds and enhances who we become as we utilize one another’s knowledge, talents, lessons and view of life? The human kingdom, supposedly the most intelligent, has been creating so much wasteful and needless destruction that the most vicious of man eating animals and deadly diseases seem tame in comparison.

Here are the words from a song I wrote called “Deeper” from my music CD, Face In the Mirror, that I feel is a way to heal our differences and balance the world:

We’re picking up the pieces again, we’re starting all over again; maybe it’s time for sure we can be friends.

I know that life can really seem tough, and what we’ve been though seems rough, but here we are together once more our paths have crossed again.

We have to look a little deeper into love, try a little harder it won’t take much, push away the past it’s only a crutch and live in the now and see what we can do.

Let’s try to make the best of it now, let’s see if we can work it on out, all our differences it now or it will never be. You say we’re just reliving the past, we’re pushing too hard too fast, but don’t you see the chance to finally work it out at last.

We have to look a little deeper into love, try a little harder it won’t take much, push away the past it’s only a crutch and live in the now let’s see what we can do, can do, can do.

Carolyn Gervais

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I rise in the early morning. As the sun tips over the horizon, I survey the landscape of who I have been. What emerges, if memory serves at all, is a tired, broken woman laboring beneath the dense contents of an over-stuffed burlap bag.

In her own estimation, she has never found shelter. But I can see the hand of her sanctuary casting a shadow beneath a sweltering sky. I am reluctant to regard this, furtive, traveling abode as anything more than an apparition. But since I have been observing it, it has never lost sight of its task, not even for a moment. As a result, I have grown vaguely tired of distrusting it.

At this moment, I am standing in a disquieting purgatory space custom-made to harbor me like the fugitive I presently am. I am between worlds. No longer recognizable in one and not yet fully schooled in the ways of the other, I stand in no-man’s land.

This place is oddly character-ized by what is missing: move-ment. Or perhaps I should say, forward motion.

No matter how many steps I take in one direction, they are undone in another. I am in the cantankerous, irredeemable still-point.

I am not who I was and I have not yet emerged as the woman I will be. Nor am I being asked to do anything so progressive or ardent as becoming.

In this place, I am tasked only with the work of weaving. The subject matter of my loom is a peculiar one. My soul rests upon it.

Row after row of plump black threads, jet black like a moon-starved night, flank silken threads of light. Were it not for





Weaving Hope

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the skill of my weft facing weave, you would be keenly aware of the warp. But as it stands, I have created the illusion that light and dark have come together in a kind of spontaneous coitus.

From this joining a silvery twilight bursts from the threads and then contracts again into a flat, inanimate, textile. If you watch for long enough, you get the sense that, in one moment, the fabric is breathing and that it is alive just as in the next, it is dead as a doornail.

In this work of weaving, I am being asked to leave behind something that was once very precious to me. All of my life, I have defined myself in opposi-tion to something. I have been the revolutionary set against the hand of the oppressor since I can remember. I have also been the outsider standing firm against inclusion. I have been as suspicious of those on the inside of anything as I have been of that ghostly hand sheltering the journey-woman.

So, here I stand at this loom, thread by thread, surrendering my identity to the warp tension that holds the tender fabric of my new identity. Hidden in the ebb and flow of darkness and light is my secret ingredient. I am weaving the contrary threads of my soul: Pitch black weft slinks over two strands of hope, then under one. Repeat. Glistening light dives beneath my hope then climbs over two strands...

My hope!

As I near the end of the weaving, I am daring to posses hope and all the mer-curial, fledgling magic it contains. In some sense this feels like a treasonous act. To seize hope is to eventually leave behind the familiar, overbearing weight of the ill-suited, but sturdy burlap bag (and with it the burden I have always carried). It feels as though I was betrothed to disappointment so young

that I scarcely know who I will be without its sharp compan-ionship and its ironic form of protection.

But the time is nigh! The jilting of my sadistic lover is upon me. There can be no turning back.

In fact, just as I have been recounting this tale, I have also placed the last two strands. Now I am down to the

last warp and woof of the very last row.

As I take the scissors in my hands, and begin to cut the strands from the frame, I realize that hope always implies a dream. It insists upon some-thing for which it is worth the effort of hoping. Otherwise what’s the point?!

The sun is slinking over the horizon now and in the fading light of this day’s labor, a new dream appears.

Fabulous. ~ Rebecka Eggers


I am being asked to

leave behind something

that was once very precious

to me.

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Take a moment and picture your next doctor’s exam. You are probably thinking about waiting in the front room, sifting through older copies of magazines, trying not to eavesdrop on conversations around you while you flip through your emails on your phone. Then you are called into the examination room.

As usual, your doctor asks how you’ve been feeling, checks your eyes, ears and throat, then blood pressure. While doing so, you get asked questions like, “how is

Happiness Through Social RelationshipsBy Jennifer Jimbere

your exercise, diet and work?” Then the doctor does something completely unexpected and asks how happy, optimistic, and satisfied you are. Wait, what? I am in my doctor’s office right?

An emerging body of research in Positive Psychology suggests that probing into your happiness is one of the most important things your doctor can do to predict your health and longevity, yet few doctors do discuss this now.

Ample evidence now indicates that happiness is an important factor in your health. I believe that your doctor asking you about your happiness would assist if he or she wants to keep you physically and mentally healthy.

In scientific studies of happy people, those who were satisfied with their lives and have an optimistic outlook, tend to report fewer symptoms of illness, and actually get sick less often when measured objectively.

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I’ve read a lot of books on the subject of Positive Psychology and there is compelling evidence that happiness influences health in a variety of ways.

Imagine that you are left alone on this planet, you are in charge, no one else is here.

At first, a world without traffic, no lines on your favorite ride, and no waiting in line at the bank -- seems perfect! No one around to stop you from taking a private tour at Oprah’s house!

The possibilities are endless.

You might chose to spend days visiting the homes of your favorite celebrities and drink the most expensive wines available.

6 months later, you are lonely beyond belief and bored to tears. You own the world and have no restrictions, but you have no one to share the experiences with, and no one to call when you have conquered a fear that you were not able to face before. There is no one to toast and enjoy that beautiful wine with. Every day you might wake up dreading the isolation. The new challenges you face today, like learning French are useless as you have no one to talk to.

Now why is it with this scenario - one with so much adventure, creativity and freedom

- could ultimately end up horribly? Why would a world without other people in it be like hell on earth?

Life is only meaning-ful if we have people who care about us, people who show affec-tion to us and people to share experiences with. Perhaps, even people who annoy us, actually add to the interest life has. Common sense tells us that social rela-tionships are vital to our ability to flourish and provide us a sense of ful-fillment. Simply put, we need others to flourish.

Family relationships and close friend-ships are important to happiness. Many studies show that happy people are also more blessed with good families, friends and supportive relationships than are people with low life satisfaction.

I will give you a real life example. In my work as a coach and consultant I work alone as a solopreneur and use a tool called the circle of personal perspective. Inspiring individuals, teams and organizations to unleash their strengths and maximize performance, there are many people that I support. The tool measures satisfaction in all areas of life including financial, work, love, friendships, spirituality and health. I recently noticed a spike in my own results.

Family relationships

and close friendships are important to happiness.

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An improvement in the friendships and work quadrant of the tool.

This is because, in addition to all of the other work I do and all of the blessed friendships I have, I am now working as a co-founder of the Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club with two amazing women from 2 different parts of the world. We are 3 women working in partnership to build an online community. As experts in Spiritual Psychology, Positive Psychology and Health and Wellness we have a mis-sion: Empowering Women World Wide to take their Personal Growth to Heart.

Their is a visionary new understanding of happiness and wellbeing, and I am living proof that happiness increases through social relationships and my vision is that our doctors in the medical field will begin to ask you at your annual checkup, “ How happy, optimistic and satisfied are you?”

We can find a route to increased happi-ness through social relationships.

Jennifer Jimbere

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Jimbere Coaching and Consulting uses proven, action oriented, research based applications in the areas of coaching, change

management and positive psychology to help move you


Sign up for your free video series on Coaching Myths & Tips

Change Management TipsPositive Psychology Practice Tips

How would you like to unleash your strengths to maximize your personal &

business performance?

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“Connie, we have decided that we are going to wrap your office door with yellow caution tape and attach a bottle of Lysol to the door. So every time you go in and out of your office you get sprayed with Lysol!” My co-worker made this comment half jokingly because I would get severely sick about twice a month. On average, I was ill every other week and I had convinced myself that this was going to be my life, forever.

After I stopped working at that job, I decided to start creating a career that I loved to do. This didn’t happen overnight. On the road to living my dream career I worked at a few terrible jobs that made me miserable. It took over two years for me to really be on the path I knew was truly my own.

After discovering best-selling author, Alan Cohen, my life’s purpose became crystal clear to me. I am a Transformational Coach, Published Writer & International

Speaker. I decided to read every book I could find about personal development, attend every seminar that peaked my interest, and immerse myself in the self-help and new age world.

Then one day it hit me. I hadn’t been sick in months! How could this be? How could a girl who was chronically ill

with bronchitis, viruses, colds, flu, and even illnesses that my doctor had to look up, was no longer sick? The answer was simple. On my path of spiritual enlighten-ment I learned to have purpose, immense gratitude and self-love. When I was not living my purpose, I was constantly sick because my body was serving as my guide and telling me, “No, this isn’t working for

By Connie Costa

I hadn’t been sick in

months! How could

this be?

How I

Cured Myself from

Chronic Illness

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you. This is not what you are meant to do!” The problem was that I wasn’t getting the message.

The famous question I always ask people is, “Are you living your life’s purpose?” Unfortunately, the truth is that most people are not. Each one of us has been imbued with a specific purpose before we incarnate in this world. We are each here to serve humanity in our own unique way. In his life changing book, How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven, author Dr. John Demartini says, “You were born with a magnif-icent purpose to fulfill in this world; buried deep in your heart, it’s your reason for being. When you awaken to your purpose, you’re inspired.”

Another unfortunate problem is most people don’t notice all the blessings in their life. They only notice what they don’t have, or what they think is missing. When you can be truly grateful for everything you have, “good or bad”, you will see a dramatic change in your life. I know what you are thinking. “How can I be grateful for the ‘bad’ in my life?” The truth is things we label as “bad” are actually blessings in disguise. They are our greatest teachers. Think back to your life and recall any neg-ative event that occurred. Now write down all the blessings that came from that “neg-ative” event. There are always blessings and the secret is to train our brain to recognize

how this event is actually helping us in our life. When we can be grateful for our lives, and realize that everything is already in perfect order, we have reached nirvana.

Before going to sleep, I recall my day and thank God for every single event and every person in my day. If anything negative crossed my path, I see the positive lesson it brought to me. If I don’t immediately see the positive lesson, I thank God anyway. I am

sure I will see it eventually. I highly recommend doing this before you go to sleep at night.

Self-love is also crucial to the equation of eternal health and happiness. The more we love ourselves, the better our life works. Period. Dr. Demartini states, “The more respect and love you have for yourself, the greater and more financially rewarded your life

will be.” The more you love yourself, the higher your self-worth. In his book, The Breakthrough Experience, Dr. Demartini says, “Gratitude is the key to fulfillment. Gratitude and self-worth come hand in hand, and great worth comes from grate-fully fulfilling our dreams.”

When people ask me why I am always so happy, my heart knows it’s because I am committed to my purpose, to gratitude and self-love. I never see myself retiring from my work. I look forward to it constantly evolving along with me until the day I leave this Earth. Dr. Demartini dismisses the idea

“You were born with a magnificent

purpose to fulfill in this world; buried deep in

your heart”

By Connie Costa

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that we should retire at a certain age. He claims that when we are no longer serving a purpose, our body starts to shut down, “…anyone or anything that doesn’t fulfill its purpose automatically decays.”

It makes perfect sense to me. If you have purpose, gratitude and self-love you have discovered the fountain of youth. Your body and soul want that reason to live, reason to thrive. Without it there is no point.

This is how I plan to stay young and fabulous forever. I have noticed that people who have a purpose, mission, gratitude, and love themselves, are healthy and happy. Those without it are ungrateful, lack self-worth, are more prone to chronic illness, and are generally unhappy. The Universe isn’t punishing us. It wants us to wake up and be on our own destiny’s path. It’s up to us to take notice, be interested, and get moving!

As you can imagine, these days I am rarely sick. That’s not to say I have mastered everything I have mentioned. I definitely have my days. However, I know that the more I commit to my purpose, service, gratitude, and self-love, the more success, happiness and health I have. Life is so beautifully designed.

Are you ready to:


A purpose

Be grateful


Love yourself


Up and



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Fabulous FusionWhy Should You Wait Even One Second Longer?

Book Your 3-Hour Cream Your CreativityPassion Integration Session Today.

Enter CREAM 50 at checkout for

50% off of all sessions purchased during the month of May.

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Designs for yourDreams

FROM REAL TO SURREAL: photography, photo-manipulation/enhancement, graphic design, logo illustration, layout design, BellaMia art director, and general visual art creating addict!



Designed for Rebecka Eggers

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It’s spring time!

The flowers are filling the walkways and the fields. Their colors and bril-liance bring a sense of inspiration and happiness to everyone who passes by.

But you aren’t reading this to talk about pretty flowers.

You want to know how you can start to be seen and to live your life in full bloom. You are ready to live in color with your own radiance and purpose permeating the earth.

The moment you start to live this way and share your message you will feel

the vibrancy and boldness of your being return, as if blooming after a long, cold winter.

Imagine walking in a field of flowers - the peace and the joy that brings to you. Now imagine that the people around you tell you how just by being in your presence, they feel uplifted, inspired and happy.

It’s the season for you to start living on purpose, to be seen and for everyone around you will see you in full bloom. A


a A


It’s the Season to Be Seen & Live in Full Bloom

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1) You Need to

Nurture the Nature: Even nature needs a little bit of nurturing. Do know that you have everything you need already in your little seed to blossom, though sometimes planting a seed in rich soil, watering it often, allowing it sunshine and protecting it from the creatures, help protect it and nurture it to it’s fullest potential.

Likewise, you need to plant your seed in an environment where you feel supported and nourished. Coaches, mentors, masterminds, are helpful. Also you need to protect yourself from those who are going to tell you that you can’t live your purpose, who make you feel bad for trying to launch your message in the world, and those who don’t believe in you.

You also need to keep watering your dreams and your goals and shine lots and lots of knowledge, positive thoughts and kind words during the process.

2) Stop Trying to Look Like the Other Flowers:

Just because the tulips are gorgeous, doesn’t mean the lilacs aren’t. Just because someone loves roses the best doesn’t mean another strolling by might choose the delicate daffodil as their favorite.

Don’t try to be something you’re not, or feel like you have to copy. Don’t feel like everyone has to choose you as their favorite either. Just be YOU.

The first step is that you need to know who you are, then clarify your message and as you do your message will get brighter and even more brilliant!

Here are the 4 steps to shift

into a season to be seen & live in full bloom!

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3) Let your Flower Root:One of the most common reasons a flower doesn’t bloom is their roots don’t take root and can then be easily uprooted. Likewise it is essential that your purpose and your message have the time to take root. If you keep pulling up the roots of one idea before it has even taken root then of course it can’t bloom.

Have Patience in the process! Nurture and pour on all the ingredients you have into your purpose, into the strategies and don’t give up. Keep with it, preserve and stop pulling the roots up and dig a little deeper right where you are.

- Andrea Allen

4) Let Go, Grow and Be Seen:

When we try to have too much control in the process we are going against the greatest power of nature. This is when we just need to let go and let the course of our life guide us. Trust the Process.

The storms are going to come, but remember that from these storms our roots go deeper and we learn to stand stronger. Then when the sun is out you will show your beautiful bold colors and your uniqueness will shine for the world to see!

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Aries 21 March – 20 April

A talkative month ahead with a lot of interesting conversations that are

not all linked within a particular subject. Dress to impress around the 12th as you shine from the inside out; as a meeting

may lead to a romantic gesture on a soul vibration. For those of you single Arians

expect your diary to be fully booked. Remember and let others engage in


Virgo 24 August – 23 Sept

Are you in need of some TLC Virgo?

Remember and take time out to pamper, and honour you. Rome certainly wasn’t built in a day, so keep this in mind

concerning a personal goal. You are on the right track, and are being divinely guided at this moment in time. When we believe we receive- have faith in your work, and

your beautiful self. By the 16th of the month- I feel peace and harmony

for you!


22 Dec – 20 Jan Love is in the air Capricorn as my

mind shifts into a daydreaming state that reflects my desire for sensory stimulation. Allow the sensual energy to flow freely by

focusing on you at this present time reducing worry concerning work, and family life.

Allow your-self to be free and manifest all that your heart desires!

Sagittarius 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Forgetfulness and clumsiness

regarding minor tasks is expected to last until the 10th as your spiritual energy

heightens an awakening is on the cards for most. Make sure you keep yourself

guarded, and connected to Earth during this unsettling phase. As I step into your vibration I sense a boost in your energy, and I feel keen to work out more often

than usual. Enjoy the ride and be sure to keep a dream diary!

Leo 24 July – 23 August

May will be tough on your emotions this month Leo as I clearly see the scales out

of balance. You may struggle as your mood dips around the 7th and not easing off until

the 16th of the month. Spend this dense period working on releasing your inner fears, and doubts as you will be grateful

around the 23rd when you enter the magical energy aligning with our

cosmos. Your wish has been granted!

Taurus 21st April – 21 May

A promising cash flow during May

Taurus as you feel inspired to indulge in tasks that have been placed on the shelf, gathering dust, for a while now. As you

have entered a zone that will be very lucky for you embrace the energy with friends, or a community project with like-minded

people sharing ideas- the universe is sending you many useful connections.

Synchronicity is strong at the moment!

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Pisces 20 Feb – 20 March

Financially things are going to

start moving again for you Pisces but remember to spend your money

wisely, and put a little away for a rainy day. Moving into the money vibration spend time

appreciating all that you have as this will automatically boost the gold coins inside your piggy bank. Clear out the old and

bring in the new!

Scorpio24 Oct – 22 Nov

SDuring May you will encounter

some difficulty cutting old ties; you understand when all is set free you can begin writing a new chapter- one that

reflects your desire. Painful memories will fade by the 17th leaving you for good; an

emotional breakthrough is on the cards for you Scorpio- embrace the love of the divine

allowing all goodness to radiate through your love life. Expect a rise in your


Libra24 Sept – 23 Oct

As I enter your vibration Libra I am

feeling full of energy and a lot of laughter for May. Well done on your achievements; so much to celebrate, and with good friends

who have supported you through the developmental transition. Thoughts about study will enter your mind around the 8th

of the month and I feel that by the 18th you may open a door that will bring

about changes in 2017. Grab this opportunity with both


Aquarius 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Expect to tie up a few loose ends at

the beginning of the month Aquarius. As I step into your vibration I feel a little agitated and extremely bored, but by the 9th the feeling will dissolve as you have

awareness relating to the awkward emotions. Only you can make that call. The change is

yours; are you ready to accept?

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

In the mood for dancing Cancer as

your expressive energy is certainly on a mission this month. All good though,

as you find the strength to release certain things from your heart, in a non-dramatic

way. As the month progresses you may find old patterns, and habits fizzle out

due to the shift within your relationship zone. A perfect time to embrace new


Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You will be glad to hear that your

energy is finally balancing beautifully after a few hectic months feeling a little

crazy. Yes a month ahead full of slow paced happy days leaving you feeling contented, and in control. Your hard work however is paying off for you as a mysterious man

concerning love or business puts a massive smile on your face- a weight will be

lifted. Well done!

By Suzanne T

aylor ~ A

ngel Channel ~


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