bct news winter 2014


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Winter 2014 edition of Breast Clinical Trials Newsletter from the Epping Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Unit at St. Margaret's Hospital.






    South Africa Cyclists

    The PrincessAlexandra Hospital NHS Trust

    Breast Cancer Charity

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Seasons greetings and thank you for supporting the Breast Cancer Charity at the St. Margarets Hospital, Epping and Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. With your support and generosity, we have raised over 1.9 million. In 10 years of fundraising and over 30 years of working as a breast surgeon, I have never

    been more excited about what we are achieving for

    our patients. It is great to have you all onboard as

    part of this experience.

    The money raised has helped us purchase specialist

    equipment, introduce new initiatives and fund further

    research into the disease itself. We continue to raise

    money so we can improve our understanding and

    help find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat

    different kinds of breast cancer.

    We have been involved in over 30 breast cancer clinical trials. Some of the drugs that were trialled in our unit include: Herceptin, Lapatinib, Pertuzumab, Everolimus and Exemestane, long before they were approved by the regulatory bodies. We are

    also currently conducting a trial which is looking

    into administration of Herceptin as subcutaneous injection. We continue to bid nationally to be one

    of the main centres for conducting breast cancer

    trials. For the patients in the local area, this means

    that they have access to investigational medicines that

    were, previously, only available when participating in

    clinical trials in hospitals based in central London. All of our clinical trials are approved by the Research and Development Committee of The Princess Alexandra Hospitals NHS Trust.

    Another project that the charity is involved with is a

    beauty parlour for patients receiving treatment for

    cancer. The psychological aspects of the patients

    changing appearance can be detrimental to their

    overall wellbeing. By offering pamper days with make-

    up and styling advice, we help patients maintain their

    self-esteem while undergoing treatment, which can

    improve their overall quality of life. This programme,

    called Fabulous & Beautiful, takes place on the first Monday of every month at St Margarets Hospital.

    The FAB Programme is run by a group of ladies, led

    by patients, who have a great understanding of the

    effects of breast cancer on an individual. The session

    is very informal and friendly.

    In 2013, the charity also set up a six-week course

    called Pathway MBV (Mind Body Vitality). This is most suited to those who have finished their treatment

    and want to start rebuilding and maintaining a healthy

    lifestyle. It addresses nutrition, fitness, mindfulness,

    relaxation and styling and gives patients the tools to

    move on from their diagnosis of cancer.

    Thank you to all my team members, both clinical and charity, who work tirelessly for the benefit of patients.

    Once again thank you for your support of our charity and best wishes for the New Year.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mr Ashraf PatelAssociate Specialist: Breast Surgery


  • I have been a patient for one year now at St Margarets Hospital Epping having been diagnosed with

    breast cancer in 2010 at the age of 42. I started on my journey of treatment with Dr J Singer and surgeries by Mr Patel and just as I was coming to what I thought was the end in January 2013 I was told it had returned and was unfortunately not curable but hopefully treatable.

    As you can imagine I felt my world had been ripped apart and as I have a young son I just wanted to be here for him and watch him grow and so far, thanks to being accepted on a trial, my wish has been granted.

    I was very fortunate that a new super drugs trial called TDM1 had just been opened to St. Margarets in January and my oncologist, Dr Julian Singer put me forward for a place, of which I was accepted, and had started by end of January 2013.

    Being on the trial has given me a huge lifeline and if you see me you would be unaware that anything was wrong with me, as again, I am fortunate and have very little side-effects from TDM1.

    I am so grateful beyond words to PAH breast cancer trials team headed by the amazing Mr Patel who work tirelessly raising awareness and the much needed funds to be able to offer these trials to people like myself.

    The passion Mr Patel and his team have for finding a cure is beyond words and without their dedication and commitment people like me would not be so lucky.

    I cannot imagine the amount of organising, time and patience that this team give to the charity all of which we do not see, so again I cant express my gratitude enough.

    Thank you for listening to my story.

    Jackie Crawley

    My Life Supported By PAH Breast Cancer Clinical Trial Charity

    Dear,PAH Breast Cancer Clinical Trial Charity,

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    South Africa Cycle by Viv Edwards

    What a great trip we all had cycling the south coast of South Africa along the garden route into Cape Town and heres how we got there...

    It all started two years ago when six of us ran the New York Marathon for the Breast Cancer Clinical

    Trials. The marathon was cancelled though, just as

    our plane landed, due to Hurricane Sandy and all the

    devastation it caused.

    But we decided to run it anyway to warrant all the

    sponsorships and donations we had raised. A member

    of the public had observed us running in our charity

    tops and came to talk to us when we had finished as

    he wanted to know why we had still bothered to run

    the 26.2 miles in Central Park! It turns out he was a

    professional runner and once we had explained the

    charity we were supporting and all our aches and

    pains we were now feeling, he informed us that so

    much running generates saggy areas, particularly the

    jowls and more so in females!

    So the discussions of riding bikes started! And after

    spending a bit of time in the following spring on my

    bike, I looked into the the idea of another challenge

    where we could start to raise money again.

    The South Africa bike ride arrangements got underway

    so we just then needed to recruit enough people to

    make it happen.

    A year later on the 7th November, 21 of us plus Karin our GP and Ashraf the charity surgeon, boarded our flight to Johannesburg from Heathrow all feeling a little excited but of course apprehensive.

    Our route was taking us from Port Elizabeth on the South Coast along the Garden Route for 470km into Cape Town over six days.

    Our first night after travelling on two flights and a coach ride found us in a nice lodge in Tsitsikamma where we organised ourselves with our hired bikes, helmets and cycling gear before sitting down to a three course meal and getting to know each other in

    the South African evening sunset.

  • An early start, after a lot of bike checks, took us along some flat and smooth roads for a couple of hours with us all feeling refreshed and relieved how easy and enjoyable the ride was feeling.

    But of course it was to change and the challenge started with our first 3km steep uphill climb which, if it wasnt hard enough, we had the strong sun on our backs as well as the need to keep our eyes open for any baboons that often crossed the road in front of us. But with great relief we then had to go downhill where we joined together for a lovely picnic lunch

    on the banks of a stunning estuary called Nature Bay and a stroll on a long sand-duned beach. But the relaxation was soon over and we got back on our saddles for more hills and kilometres to finish up at our next nights destination in Plettenberg Bay.

    We spent the end of our first cycling day discussing all the hills in great detail and how we were to get through the next five days in the same saddle before retiring to our apartments where we needed to sleep well before another early start.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Feeling refreshed, we left Plettenberg Bay to make our way this time off-road through the hills finishing

    nine hours and 85km later in the pretty seaside town

    of Knysna. But, oh, what a difference a day makes!

    The weather had changed and where it had started

    cold and cloudy, it soon was to turn to rain. We

    cycled up and down hills through the lusciously green

    countryside on bright orange mud-coloured, stoney

    tracks which as the rain continued to fall caused us

    to be completely soaked in the orange mud from our

    helmets down! There wasnt a dry part left on our

    juddered bodies from the stoney tracks!

    But Ashraf managed to knock on a farmers door who

    allowed all 25 of us, including the crew, to enter his

    house to warm up and have a much needed cup of tea.

    Im still not sure if he really understood what the mad

    English people on their bikes were doing in his remote

    part of the countryside. The last stretch of smooth road

    down hill into Knysna was a refreshing change to the

    muddy and wet tracks we had experienced all day.

    Not only our bikes but our bodys needed to be hosed

    down, but thankfully a lovely hotel with large double

    beds each awaited our weary bodies.

    Although the next morning our trainers were still

    damp, the fact the sun was shining again was a great

    mood lifter and we set off along the coastal road

    admiring the views before heading inland and up

    more hills. As a group you could see we were finding

    the hills much easier and feeling in better shape at the

    top of each hill than we had earlier in the week. We

    cycled another 78km to a town called Wilderness

    where wed seen some stunning far reaching sights to

    admire along the way.

  • At Wilderness Bay we again stayed in very comfortable accommodation, where we ate in a

    clifftop restaurant with the most amazing views of the

    Indian Ocean at sunset. Unfortunately though, the

    rain returned when we woke the next day and after

    leaving the bay and cycling up a 5km hill, we all

    needed to be rescued into the two support vehicles

    as the strength of the rain was causing flash flooding.

    Too dangerous to be cycling in. But we kept each

    others spirits up and waited to then get back on our

    bikes, wet through again, to complete the rest of the

    days route. It was amazing as we cycled through a

    wide river, and by a game reserve where we saw

    zebras, ostriches and even an elephant! To finally

    finish in Mossel Bay early evening.

    In the morning we took the route to South Africas most

    southerly point - Agulhas, where it was much more

    of a flat road but, of course, windy as as we cycled

    next to the sea and its crashing waves offering some

    memorable sights. We had many pictures taken here

    as its where the Indian ocean meets the Atlantic which

    is marked by a monument. We then stayed in some

    chalets and dined in the most southern pub of the

    African continent with some friendly locals - just what

    we needed!

    There were tears of frustration along the way, much laughter and fantastic camaraderie and support throughout the group sharing experiences that have made some strong and lasting friendships.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    The next morning, the sun was shining and our last day of cycling took us to Boulders beach where we

    stopped and watched the South African penguins

    in their natural habitat on the beach, then cycled

    along the winding coastal path to Cape Point and

    up many hills to our final destination at the Cape of

    Good Hope. Unfortunately, our challenge ended in

    heavy hailstones just as we approached Cape of

    Good Hope, so the photos in our group t-shirts were

    somewhat spoilt by the weather but we had achieved

    what we all went out there to do.

    In Cape Town that evening we enjoyed our final

    group dinner in an African style restaurant for our

    celebration meal.

    After this amazing journey and 470km our thighs and

    backsides were glad to be at the end of this challenge,

    but what an amazing place to have cycled through

    for six days, seeing some beautiful views and sights.

    Two of our group came off their bikes, Suzanne on

    day two and Claire on day four but luckily bad grazes

    and no broken bones which they were able to laugh

    off and get back on their bikes through their own

    determination and the encouragement of the group.

    It was in Cape Town that we also learnt our total

    fundraising after costs had reached the high amount

    of 75,000 making every pedal push all worth it. Thats enough to pay for.

    November 2016 is Angel Falls in Venezula which includes a day of canoeing. Who would like to sign up? Please contact the Charity office for further information on this and other challenges available listed in this newsletter that all help to keep raising these much needed funds.

    So after completing this The New York Marathon, Base Camp Everest and Machu Picchu, what will be next...

  • Cheque Donation

    Jackie Crawley and her cousin, Jodie Dupey, have raised a staggering 2,500 this year for Breast Cancer Clinical Trials.

    Jackie, a patient for three years at St Margarets Hospital, was joined by Jodie, whose aunt and grandmother both had breast cancer, in her various fundraising events. Between them they took part in two runs, abseiling, went down the longest zip wire in the country (eek) and rounded it off with a charity disco. Jodie Dupey, Jackie Crawley and her son

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Clinical Trials

    What are Clinical Trials?Clinical trials are medical research studies involving people. The money we raise funds breast cancer clinical trials at the Princess Alexandra and St. Margarets hospitals in Harlow and Epping. Of the 350 people being diagnosed with breast cancer at these hospitals, approximately 10% will be placed on a clinical trial with our current funding.

    Clinical trial studies assess a variety of factors:

    Risks and causes of breast cancer eg. genetics, lifestyle and other factors can impact peoples risk of cancer

    Diagnosing breast cancer finding new tests and scans to detect cancer

    Treatments new drugs, new ways of giving treatment, new types of treatment

    Controlling symptoms or side-effects new drugs with less side-effects, complimentary therapies to reduce side-effects

    Preventing breast cancer using drugs or diet to reduce risks of cancer reoccurring

    Listed here are a few of the trials that we support.

    SafeHerThe aim of this trial is to compare the standard way of administering the drug Herceptin into a vein (intravenous) with administering it into tissue (subcutaneous). This new method is much quicker, taking only five minutes to administer. It is potentially safer because it is not

    intravenous. There is hope that in the future, patients may be able to administer this themselves, resulting not only in lower costs for the NHS, but also fewer journeys for the patient.

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Ruth McCrea, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    Triple Negative Trial (known as the TNT trial)The aim of this study is to compare a different type of chemotherapy with the standard chemotherapy. This is aimed at patients whose cancer is more challenging to treat due to being triple negative (this means non-hormonal and non HER-2+ breast cancer).

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Ruth McCrea, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    EPHOS-BThe aim of the study is to administer the drugs, Herceptin and/or Lapatinib (known as targeted therapy), to patients prior to their surgery. At the moment, Herceptin is administered to patients for one year after surgery. The trial is seeking to establish whether this has more long-term survival benefits, as well as assessing long-term risk factors.

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Ruth McCrea, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

  • KamilaThe aim of this trial is to assess the safety and efficacy of a novel therapy known as T-DM1. This therapy takes the treatment directly to the cancer cell before its released, thereby reducing the usual toxic side-effects of chemotherapy. As a result of studying this drug, it is now licensed for use in America and Europe.

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Caroline Turner, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    POETIC (Perioperative Endocrine Therapy-Individualising Care)This trial is for post-menopausal women with breast cancer. It looks at whether having hormone therapy for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery helps improve outcomes. Patients are now in follow-up.

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Kate Foster, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    4EverUK4EverUK is a phase IV, multi-centre, open-label study of post-menopausal women with oestrogen receptor positive, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer, treated with Everolimus (RAD001) in combination with exemestane, with exploratory epigenetic marker analysis.

    If you would like to find out more information about this trial, contact Allison Herd, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    JACSA cohort study of joint and muscle aches, pains and stiffness in women with primary breast cancer.

    If you would like to find out more information about

    this trial, contact Allison Herd, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    Questionnaire Studies:

    Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer: Improving Outcomes for Older WomenThe aim of this questionnaire study is to gather the views and opinions of women over the age of 75 who have had treatment for breast cancer in the last five years. The information from this study will support older women in the future, who are given a choice of treatment.

    If you would like to find out more information about this study, contact Ruth McCrea, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    Fertility Issues in Young Women with Breast CancerThe aim of this study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes of both patients and health professionals surrounding fertility issues in young women with breast cancer. Increased funding means we can carry out a wider variety of trials and place more patients on them.

    This, in turn will support nationwide research, leading to new and more effective drugs being used in the NHS.

    If you would like to find out more information about this study, contact Kate Foster, Breast Research Nurse on 01279 827396.

    If you would like to make a donation to Breast Cancer Charity, please email [email protected] or telephone the Charity office on 01279 827857.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Staff Spolight

    It was supposed to be a one-day-a-week job, but since starting work for the breast cancer clinical trials unit, Hayley Sweet has helped raise thousands of pounds.

  • Mum-of-two Hayley Sweet, of Flitch Green, Dunmow, has worked as executive assistant at the unit at St Margarets Hospital, Epping, for almost three years now, and loves her job now Monday to Friday.

    Its the people, I love the people. And no day is the same, you never know who youre going to talk to and Im always bowled over by how generous people are to the charity and the difference we make, its amazing. I think I only worked one day a week the first week, now its every day!explained Hayley.

    Hayley, 38, loves to get involved in the fundraising,

    as well as supporting other fundraisers. Hayley

    joined the water tower abseil in May, ran the

    Royal Parks half marathon in October 2012,

    raising more than 1,000, and has signed up to join the Grand Canyon trek in 2015.

    Ive seen all our fabulous supporters taking on these big treks and thought Id take the plunge, despite the scorpions and heights! My family think Im mad!

    Hayley, who invited her friends over for a

    fundraising coffee morning to celebrate her 39th

    birthday in October, said:

    I needed to raise 5,000 and get fit and its a lot of work. It has made me realise how amazing the people are that support us. But when I see patients enjoying their lives and time with their families and leaving FAB looking beautiful and feeling great, I realise what a difference fundraising makes.

    She said sons Finley, 9, and Riley, 7, enjoyed

    making cookies and pink cupcakes to sell for her

    coffee morning. Theyre desperate to help raise money for the charity and cant wait to be old enough to join the abseil!

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Spotlight on Fundraisers

    Teresa wants to give something back

    Mum-of-two Teresa Warren pounded the streets once again, training to join the iconic Royal Parks half marathon in aid of the unit that treated her so well when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • And this year, Teresa, 53, of Old Road, Old Harlow, wasnt alone husband Steve, 53, and

    daughter Caroline, 26, have also signed up to

    fundraise for the clinical trials unit.

    I had such good treatment from the unit I wanted to give something back to the NHS. The medical team are so dedicated and work really hard to care for you,explained Teresa.

    Our other daughter Laura took part in the water tower abseil fundraising for the unit last year, but Caroline and I dont have heads for heights so we did this instead.

    Teresa, who works in admin at the Rivers Hospital,

    High Wych, was diagnosed with breast cancer

    on January 2nd 2009. She had a mastectomy,

    then chemotherapy and radiotherapy and is on

    Tamoxifen for 10 years.

    In 2012, as a novice runner she completed the

    13.1 mile run through four of Londons Royal

    Parks - Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, St Jamess

    Park and Green Park in just under three hours.

    Last year she had to pull out, with white goods

    engineer Steve taking her place. She successfully

    completed it in 2014 along with Steve and


    Teresa also held another fundraising coffee morning at home following last years success.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Oh! What a Curry OnOur Bollywood-themed ball at High Wychs Manor of Groves, took place on Friday 10th October. The fun nights entertainment included a stunning Indian dance display by Jhoom and an auction with many fantastic prizes such as a three-night stay at Kenzi Menara in Marrakesh, a Wingwalking experience and a table at the Curry Awards. The evening raised 25,000.

    Shopkeeper Don Patel, who runs The Tuck Shop in Bell Street, Sawbridgeworth, helped organise the ball along with Pauly Chaplin, Victoria Gerlis, Hayley Sweet, Natalie Knife, Johanne Bischoff, Grace Wignall and Grace Sullivan.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Peters and May

    Peters & May Go PinkPeters & May, the worlds leading global boat transport company, has announced an exciting new initiative to extend its support of the Breast Cancer Clinical Trials (BCCT) Charity.

    Boat owners using Peters & May will be offered the option

    of having lashing straps in the distinctive pink colour

    of the BCCT charity when their boat is secured for transportation.

    A donation of 5 for each strap will be charged to the owner whilst Peters & May will match this to provide a total donation of 10 to the charity for each strap used. The BCCT pink lashing straps have been specially manufactured for the initiative.

    The BCCT is the chosen charity of Peters & May who organise a number of events each year to raise money for the charity. Earlier this year the company

    organised a clay pigeon shoot raising more than 10,000 for the charity. The Pink Lashings initiative will be a long-term plan to provide even more support. The number of straps required for a yacht is calculated by the weight and length. On average an 80 foot yacht would use 50 lashings and raise 600 for the charity. Although there is no guarantee that each owner will choose to contribute, the company aims to raise in excess of 25,000 for the charity. The money donated will provide significant support for the charity, whilst the visual effect of the pink lashings will be a strong reminder of the charitys excellent work.

    Dave Holley, CEO of the Peters & May Group commented, Breast Cancer Clinical Trials is a charity close to many peoples hearts, especially mine, having lost my mother to this terrible disease. The work they carry out has already led to some great achievements in this field. We are excited to have come up with this innovative new idea and are confident that our clients will appreciate this opportunity to donate to such a great cause.

    As well as the satisfaction they will feel from supporting the charity, the boat owners choosing Pink Lashings will receive a photograph of the loading and a letter of thanks from the charity.

    Victoria Gerlis of the Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Charity said: BCCT are delighted that Peters & May have chosen to support our charity with this initiative. The use of the charitys colour for the lashing straps will help to raise awareness, and the donations will help us to continue to make a difference with our important work.

  • Fabulous & Beautiful Celebrates 5th Anniversary

    In November 2014 Fabulous & Beautiful (FAB) celebrated five wonderful years at St Margarets Hospital, Epping. The programme offers complimentary treatments and pampering to patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

    Qualified beauticians help patients regain self-confidence during what can sometimes be a worrying and stressful period in their lives. Our fashion stylist offers on-trend styling tips and like-minded people can chat over a cup of coffee and biscuits. Quite often meaningful friendships are made here.

    Bars Bullen, Lead organiser said, Were very proud that we have helped hundreds of ladies

    diagnosed with cancer attend a programme designed especially to boost their confidence. A huge thanks to those who so generously give up their time to volunteer once a month and to all those who have kindly donated and attended fundraising events to allow FAB to continue.

    Our next FAB fundraising event will be on 12th June 2014 Summer on the Water boat party, Ware/Hertford. For tickets and further information, please call Helena on 01279 827857.

    If you would like information and dates regarding FAB sessions, please also call the charity office on the number above.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon 2014On Sunday 12th October, 50 runners took on the iconic Royal Parks Half Marathon, including three doctors from the breast unit and a patient who only finished her treatment three months ago.

    Sundays run saw consultant oncologist Julian Singer, surgical registrar Konstantinous Stergios and associate specialist Ashraf Patel donning their trainers to join other fundraisers on the 13.1 mile course through four of Londons Royal Parks Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, St Jamess Park and Green Park.

    Former patient, Elaine Taylor, 40, a fitness instructor from Old Harlow, ran with her son Louis, 16, a pupil at Bishops Stortford College, partner Derek Glover, 60, a coins and antiquities dealer, and eight women that she trains at Harlows Virgin Active Health Club. She was diagnosed less than a year ago and completed treatment in the summer.

    I ran with some great people and Im truly proud of them all and so pleased I did it too, said Elaine. It was a great goal for me to aim for. The cancer treatment took a lot out of me and I dont mind admitting that I struggled, but I didnt want having cancer to be the only big event in my 40th year.

    Childhood friends Karen Thompson, 48, from Duton Hill, near Dunmow, and Elsenham Primary School teacher Fiona Caton, from Aythorpe Roding, both ran for the third consecutive year, with insurance broker Rob Newman, 56, from Hawthorn Close, Takeley, joining for the second time.

    Fiona thanked everyone for their generous sponsorship: Its a fantastic experience and you feel like a million dollars when its done.

    To join next years Royal Parks Half Marathon or find out more about other fundraising events, call 01279 827857 or email [email protected]

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Charity Tennis Day

    Tennis Day - Hutton & Shenfield Union Church Lawn Tennis Club serves up 740

    28 keen tennis players arrived at 9am on Saturday 2nd August at Hutton and Shenfield Union Church Lawn Tennis Club to play in an American tennis tournament.

    Johanne Bischoff, Secretary for the Junior Members at the club, arranged and ran the tournament. The competitors and local supporters enjoyed a wonderful morning followed by tea, coffee and beautiful cakes, most kindly donated by supporters of the charity.

    The players were made up from club members, players from local clubs and supporters of the charity.The winning lady was Barbera Holford with Paula Steptoe and Pauline Russell joint runners-up and the winning gent was Christian Allen with Charlie Bischoff as the runner-up.

    The 740 donated to the unit goes towards funding leading edge clinical trials for newer treatments for breast cancer. The unit treats over 2000 women each year and gives local women access to drugs they could not otherwise afford.

    The morning was a great success and could not have succeeded without the support and generosity of the members and guests not to mention the people who helped on the day.

  • Prudential Ride London - Surrey 100

    100 mile cycling ride raises 15,000We are extremely proud of our 18 brave cyclists who defied the torrential rain and high winds that lashed down on them whilst riding for us, back on August 10th this year.

    Over 20,000 amateur cyclists took part in this race, making it the biggest ever cycling sport ever held here in the UK.

    Professional womens cyclists, Laura Trott, Marianne Vos and Dame Sarah Storey, led the way starting from the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London, travelling through the beautiful Surrey countryside and finishing back on the historic Mall in Central London.

    Due to extreme weather conditions on the day, the 100 mile course was shortened slightly by the organizers, cutting out the potentially dangerous Surrey climbs of Box Hill and Leiths Hill, thereby making the race 86 miles instead.

    We were delighted to greet all of our fantastic riders whose faces were dripping, not only with sweat, but rain and who were splattered with mud, but who all still managed to smile! This is a huge achievement, as sadly, there were many in the race who did not make it to the end of the route.

    In total, this event has raised in excess of 15,000 for our charity.

    We would also like to thank one of our supporting charities, The Kerry Fitz-John Memorial Trust, who also had three amazing riders in the race raising 3,000 between them. We will be entering this event again next year, which will be on 2nd August 2015. We still have a few places left. If you are interested, please contact Helena Williams in the charity office on 01279 827857.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Mont Blanc Four Day Challenge

    12 Take On This Physically Demanding Four Day Challenge

    Boasting one of the worlds most renowned trekking circuits, a small group of just 12 decided to join this physically demanding four day challenge.

    The rewards can only be described as spectacular and included views of snow-capped mountains, glaciers and gushing waterfalls. The beautiful summit of Mont Blanc our constant companion. There were many steep climbs, dense forests and tough descents to conquer and in true mountain style the weather conditions were really diverse.

    The fourth and final day was spent trekking across the Swiss border to the picturesque village of Bourg St Pierre, which lies on the ancient road over the infamous St Bernard Pass. The same route has been trodden by pilgrims, traders and travellers for centuries. The hospice where we spent the night is famous for the St Bernard mountain rescue dogs and there were some in residence which we were lucky enough to see.

    After a hard day walking with a final steep ascent to the hospice we were exhausted and happy to be greeted by Brother John who made us very welcome with a pot of tea! This was a truly unique and atmospheric place to spend our last night.

    We would like to thank all those who sponsored and of course came on the trek and those who are still fundraising of course!

  • Fun Run Walk 5K / 10K

    Fun Run/Walk Raises 2,300 At Connaught WatersOn a sunny October morning in North Chingford, the challenge of a 5k/10k fun run (or walk) all seemed so easy. The runners and walkers took to the beautiful Epping Forest, Connaught Waters where Matt Blewett of Loughton Boot Camp gave the most amazing pre-start warm-up.

    Plenty of beautiful pink outfits were on show, with many children taking part for the first time; the youngest being Anastasia (eight weeks old). Her mum Lisa said she wanted her to start fundraising for breast cancer this young.

    An enjoyable, alfresco breakfast was provided, after the event, by Symone White, Yvonne Martin and Grace Wignall (from the charity office).

    The Fun Run/Walk raised 2,300, with support from Trad Scaffolding, Aitch Group and The Chefs Deli. We would like to thank our helpers on the day: Susan Dyson, Victoria Ciccarelli, Lina Ciccarelli and Sophie Ciccarelli.

    The feedback has been overwhelming: an amazing morning, so enjoyable and can we book in for next year. Our answer: Yes! Next years date has been set Sunday 27th September 2015. Contact Yvonne Martin in the charity office to register your interest.

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    October Awareness Month 2014A huge thank you to all our fabulous fundraisers who put so much effort into raising money for us during the month of October.

    Events ranged from coffee mornings, afternoon teas, an art gallery exhibition, cake sales and collection boxes in local businesses and schools, bucket collections at Asda supermarket in Harlow, loom band and bracelet sales.

    Many of our volunteers also gave up their time to help with the events at Asda, shaking their buckets whilst dressed in our pink tee-shirts. This included a fireman wearing a pink dress, who needless to say, produced the heaviest bucket and was quite popular with the ladies!

    We hope that October Awareness Month will inspire others to host their own event, however large or small. It all adds up. So book a date in your diary for next year and get involved.

    To get involved with October Awareness 2015, call the charity office now for a fundraising pack to get started.

  • Partner Charities

    Together in West Essex has had a busy year, we held our 2nd annual May Fair at The Three Horseshoes, Duton Hill. The day was a fun-packed one for all the family starting with a childrens float, led by a vintage Rolls Royce, Harley Davidsons and a selection of classic cars. There were numerous game stalls, a homemade cake stall, a dog show, childrens fancy dress competition and talent show. The event raised just under 3,000 and we plan to hold the event again on the last Bank Holiday weekend in May 2015.

    In August, we were nominated Thorley Sainsburys Charity of the Year, hence we have held several events at the store, such as a car wash, donation days and we will be Christmas shopping bag packing at the store on 20th and 21st December. Do come along and say hello and we will carefully pack your Xmas goodies. Nanny June has been busy making jams and chutneys all year and kindly donated 660, so if you have any jars, please save them for us and pass on to Symone in the charity office.

    Thank you also to the 3 Crazy Mares from Saffron Walden who raised over 6,800 between them by running and riding (horse and bicycle) the Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex coast line.

    On 7th November, Symone and Karen, along with 18 others, biked across South Africa for the charity. This was our fifth adventurous challenge for the charity and we thoroughly enjoyed it. It was tough, but as a team, we raised lots of money and met some fabulous people that all have a shared interest.

    On 27th November, we held our annual Pamper Evening & Xmas Fair. This was the sixth year that we have held the event, many thanks to all those that have previously supported it.

    Last year, approximately 5,105 was raised and a local insurance company, QBE, kindly fund-matched it. However, this year we topped that figure and an incredible 7,465 was raised. Lee Russell, Karens brother, works for QBE and, as Lee organised it (along with a work colleague), the amount will generously be match-funded by QBE. A HUGE THANK YOU TO QBE for their continued support.

    We plan to hold our seventh annual Ladies Pamper Evening on Thursday 26th November next year, so put that date in your diary and come along to a lovely evening. We would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends and family that support the charity and help to make all our events a success.

    Together In West Essex

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Charity

    Partner Charities

    Maria Falco Memorial Trust

    Our partner charity, the Maria Falco Memorial Trust held its annual golfing day on 16th May 2014 at the prestigious Chigwell Golf Club in Essex. 76 golfers helped make the day a huge success and, luckily, we were blessed with glorious sunshine all day. The dinner in the evening was excellent as always and was followed by the prizegiving and a charity raffle. The event raised a total of 5,000. Charity trustee, Mike Falco said We are so grateful to the teams who support us every year and hope they continue to do so. Next year it will be held on Friday 15th May 2015. For enquiries, please call Mike Falco on 07715 758260.

    Annual Golfing Day - 16th May 2014

    Eighty guests attended the fabulous Adriatico restaurant in Woodford Green for a truly memorable evening of Italian food and entertainment. A delicious three-course meal was served, whilst guests were entertained by the wonderful Tony Thompson. A raffle and silent auction, which

    Italian Evening - 17th October 2014

    included a limited edition jacket by Kate Moss, a pink SMEG fridge and a private dining experience with a personal chef, helped raise 6,000. A huge thank you to the owner of the Adriatico, Sue Musiu, who helped make the event a success. Sue, a former research nurse at the hospital, said, It is always a pleasure to support this worthy cause which is close to my heart.

    High Tea was served at Cocos in Wanstead, who have been a great supporter of the Trust for the past four years. Shoppers were treated to heavenly homemade cakes and tea or a glass of wine whilst browsing the latest Autumn/Winter clothing collections. 700 was raised in total for our charity. Sandra, who has beaten breast cancer herself, said, It feels good to give something back after being ill myself .

    Ladies Shopping Day & Afternoon Tea at Cocos Boutique, Wanstead1st October 2014

  • The Kerrie Fitz-John Memorial TrustSince The Kerrie Fitz-John Memorial Trust was founded in 2011 we have held various events throughout the year to raise awareness and funding for The Breast Cancer Clinical Research Trials, to carry on Kerries legacy of fundraising for a cause which she truly believed in.

    Partner Charities

    Another successful Annual Christmas Ball was held on the 29th November 2014 at The Hilton Hotel Stansted. Over 200 guests attended this event which included a three-course meal with entertainment and dancing until 1am.

    The continued support for this event has been overwhelming with almost all tickets sold immediately they went on sale. This year the charity had additional support from Barclays Bank who provided sponsorship and participated in the evening.

    Due to popular demand we have already started organising next years Christmas Ball to be held at The Hilton Stansted on the 29th November 2015.

    Kerrie Fitz-John

  • W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Breast Cancer Chairty

    Future EventsBorneo Presentation

    21st January 2015

    St Margarets Hospital, Epping

    Contact: Yvonne Martin @

    Charity Office

    Self Defence Workshop

    23rd January 2015

    Kazen Kai Martial Arts Centre,


    Tickets: 25

    Contact: Victoria Gerlis on

    07778 123961

    Bingo Night

    31st January 2015

    Shenfield Parish Hall

    Tickets: 10

    Contact Charity Office and

    Jo Bischoff on 07525


    Escambray Mountain

    Trek Presentation

    11th February 2015

    St Margarets Hospital, Epping

    Contact: Helena Williams @

    Charity Office

    Tennis Day

    22nd February 2015

    Tickets: 20

    Virgin Active, Clearview

    Contact: Jo Bischoff @

    Charity Office

    Cuban Fiesta

    14 March 2015

    Manor of Groves Hotel,


    Tickets: 65

    Contact: Charity Office

    Cheese and Wine


    19th March 2015

    The Town House, Hertford

    Tickets: 30

    Contact: Charity Office and

    Victoria Gerlis on 07778


    Tennis Weekend

    Warriors in La Manga

    19th22nd March 2015

    Hyatt 5* Hotel

    Contact: Charity Office and

    Yvonne Martin/Jo Bichoff

    07811 149579/

    07525 332718

    Contact Charity Office on 01279 827857 [email protected] us on facebook: www.facebook.com/PAHBreastTrials

  • Contact Charity Office on 01279 827857 [email protected] us on facebook: www.facebook.com/PAHBreastTrials

    Rugby Family Day

    Barking Rugby Club

    19th April 2015

    Contact Yvonne Martin @

    Charity Office

    Grand Canyon Trek

    23rd April to 2nd May 2015

    Contact: Symone White @

    Charity Office

    Golf Day at

    The Hertfordshire

    Country Club

    8th May 2015

    Hertfordshire Golf Club

    Tickets: 100/

    Team of four 400

    Contact: Charity Office and

    Yvonne Martin on 07811


    Clay Pigeon

    Shooting Day

    15th May 2015

    The Royal Berkshire Shooting


    Tickets: 1,200 per team

    (4 guns)

    Contact: Charity Office and

    Victoria Gerlis on 07778


    Potters Resort Luxury


    23rd26th May 2015

    Potters Leisure Resort, Norfolk

    Cost: 334 per adult/

    244 per child (915)/

    224 per child (28)

    Contact: Potters on dedicated

    line 03333 207411

    Contact: Jo Bischoff & Victoria

    Gerlis @ Charity Office

    Sound of Music


    28th May 2015

    Rhodes Centre Bishops


    Tickets: 15

    Contact: Symone White @

    Charity Office and Rhodes

    Centre 01279 651746



    Breast Cancer CharityM A G A Z I N E

    The PrincessAlexandra Hospital NHS Trust