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Open Access Transmission Tariff – Business Practice Transmission Planning Transmission Planning Page 1 of 13 August 5, 2012 TRANSMISSION PLANNING In this Section Overview Purpose and Description of Planning Process Background and Involvement Economic Planning Studies Transmission Plan Development Cost Allocation, Funding, and Dispute Resolution 1 OVERVIEW Pursuant to Attachment K of BC Hydro’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), BC Hydro will undertake transmission planning in a manner that supports open and non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System. Attachment K and this business practice do not preclude further public and First Nations consultation in relation to planning, as appropriate or required. None of the transmission Planning Activities described in this business practice guarantees Transmission Service. A Transmission Service request must be made separately by an Eligible Customer under the relevant provisions of the OATT. Attachment K and this business practice do not place obligations on BC Hydro to construct upgrades or facilities identified in any transmission planning study or in its Transmission Plan. BC Hydro's construction-related obligations and its Point-to-Point Transmission Service, Network Integration Transmission Service and Interconnection Service requests are governed by and studied in accordance with other portions of the OATT. Where possible, these study processes will be coordinated with the transmission Planning Activities described in this business practice. The OATT business practices, including this transmission planning business practice, provide clarification of the rules, standards and practices used by BC Hydro to implement its OATT. While the terms of BC Hydro’s OATT and the OATT business practices govern the interactions with BC Hydro’s customers, these customers should also refer to the North American Energy Standards Board Wholesale Electric Quadrant (NAESB WEQ) business standards and WECC regional standards. BC Hydro has followed both NAESB WEQ and WECC standards in most, but not all respects of this business practice. BC Hydro also complies with the mandatory reliability standards adopted by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC). 1.1 Definitions Confidential Information: means commercially valuable information that is not in the public domain, and is communicated to others as part of any Planning Activity in confidence. Economic Planning Studies: means studies undertaken by the Transmission Provider with respect of economic upgrades such as congestion reduction or the integration of new resources.

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Open Access Transmission Tariff – Business Practice Transmission Planning

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In this Section

Overview Purpose and Description of Planning Process Background and Involvement Economic Planning Studies Transmission Plan Development Cost Allocation, Funding, and Dispute Resolution


Pursuant to Attachment K of BC Hydro’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), BC Hydro will undertake transmission planning in a manner that supports open and non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System. Attachment K and this business practice do not preclude further public and First Nations consultation in relation to planning, as appropriate or required. None of the transmission Planning Activities described in this business practice guarantees Transmission Service. A Transmission Service request must be made separately by an Eligible Customer under the relevant provisions of the OATT. Attachment K and this business practice do not place obligations on BC Hydro to construct upgrades or facilities identified in any transmission planning study or in its Transmission Plan. BC Hydro's construction-related obligations and its Point-to-Point Transmission Service, Network Integration Transmission Service and Interconnection Service requests are governed by and studied in accordance with other portions of the OATT. Where possible, these study processes will be coordinated with the transmission Planning Activities described in this business practice. The OATT business practices, including this transmission planning business practice, provide clarification of the rules, standards and practices used by BC Hydro to implement its OATT. While the terms of BC Hydro’s OATT and the OATT business practices govern the interactions with BC Hydro’s customers, these customers should also refer to the North American Energy Standards Board Wholesale Electric Quadrant (NAESB WEQ) business standards and WECC regional standards. BC Hydro has followed both NAESB WEQ and WECC standards in most, but not all respects of this business practice. BC Hydro also complies with the mandatory reliability standards adopted by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC).

1.1 Definitions

Confidential Information: means commercially valuable information that is not in the public domain, and is communicated to others as part of any Planning Activity in confidence. Economic Planning Studies: means studies undertaken by the Transmission Provider with respect of economic upgrades such as congestion reduction or the integration of new resources.

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Inter-Regional Planning: means those planning efforts performed between BC Hydro and other Transmission Providers. Transmission Providers may be either internal or external to the province of BC. Interested Party List: means BC Hydro’s complete list of all groups or individuals who have notified BC Hydro of their interest in being an Interested Party for transmission Planning Activities. Via this list, BC Hydro will provide email notifications of relevant information, schedule milestones, and all other developments related to its Transmission Planning Process. Notifications of any upcoming opportunities for participation in Planning Activities will also be provided to individuals and groups on the Interested Party List. Details on how to be added to BC Hydro Transmission Planning Interested Party List are available on BC Hydro’s public website.

Long Term Integrated Resource Plan (IRP): means BC Hydro’s 20-year plan that describes how it proposes to meet future growth in demand for electricity through energy conservation and generation resources. In addition to developing a 20-year plan to meet future domestic electricity requirements, the IRP includes an assessment of transmission requirements looking 30 years out. Planning Activity: means any transmission planning activity initiated by BC Hydro. All Planning Activities will be undertaken in a manner that supports open and non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System, consistent with Attachment K of BC Hydro’s OATT. A Planning Activity may be initiated under any of the three forms of transmission planning: – Long Term Integrated Resource Planning; Transmission Capital Planning or Inter-Regional Planning. Transmission Capital Planning: means BC Hydro’s planning activities that result in the identification of Transmission System requirements, and the funding and construction of Transmission System capital projects to meet these requirements. Other terms used herein have the same meaning as in BC Hydro’s OATT, including Attachment K, Attachment M-1 and Attachment P.


2.1 Attachment K Objective and Overview

The process described in this business practice will be followed for each of BC Hydro’s three forms of transmission Planning Activities as described in Attachment K to BC Hydro’s OATT as follows;

1. Long Term Integrated Resource Planning; 2. Transmission Capital Planning; and 3. Inter-Regional Planning.

These three Planning Activities, along with the Economic Studies that BC Hydro agrees to undertake, will inform the creation of the Transmission Plan. A high level planning schedule and relevant information pertaining to both the previous and current planning cycles as well as opportunities to submit Economic Study Requests will be provided. The scope of the three Planning Activities and the Economic Planning Studies will be developed in an open and transparent manner and lead to the establishment of a set of Projects comprising the Transmission Plan. The application of the planning

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process described in this business practice will vary depending on the needs and objectives of the specific Planning Activity being undertaken.

2.2 Three BC Hydro Planning Activities

There are three forms of transmission Planning Activities that BC Hydro undertakes as required:

2.2.1 Long Term Integrated Resource Planning

Long Term Integrated Resource Planning results in the development of the IRP planning document. This document outlines how BC Hydro will meet its customers’ future needs with a wide range of demand-side, generation and transmission resource options. The assessment of Transmission System requirements is generally focused at the bulk level and regional transmission requirements needed to connect clusters of new generation resources to the bulk system. 1. Currently, Long Term Integrated Resource Planning is undertaken with a 20 year

planning horizon for generation and demand-side resources and a 30 year planning horizon assessment of transmission requirements for all potential transmission users.

2. Long Term Integrated Resource Planning is ongoing with a revised IRP prepared at least once every five years.

3. Each Long Term Integrated Resource Planning Activity provides opportunities for participation and engagement. These opportunities will be identified on BC Hydro’s IRP public website.

A key objective of the IRP is to describe BC Hydro’s infrastructure and capacity needs for electricity transmission over a 30 year planning horizon, and it is considerably broader in scope than Transmission Capital Planning. The IRP typically comprises:

BC Hydro’s 10-year Action Plan containing Recommended Actions to ensure BC Hydro can reliably supply its customers’ load requirements during expected demand scenarios and contingency demand scenarios. The Recommended Actions describe the next steps to advance the specific project or initiative, including the expected costs associated with undertaking these steps. The projects proposed in the Recommended Actions will be incorporated in the Transmission Plan. The IRP provides the long-term planning context for future regulatory processes or applications. The recommended actions do not commit BC Hydro to any specific capital projects. Recommended actions will be subject to subsequent approval and consultation requirements.

BC Hydro’s 20-year Base Resource Plan (BRP) which describes a set of actions to meet an expected load forecast;

BC Hydro’s Contingency Resource Plans which include contingency actions to address load growth uncertainty and resource uncertainty. The CRPs informs the Transmission Contingency Plans (TCP);

BC Hydro’s Transmission Contingency Plans (TCP) which manages uncertainties associated with the delivery of transmission resources. The BRP and CRPs constitute BC Hydro’s 20 year forecast of network loads and resources prepared as part of its NITS requirements pursuant to the Tariff.

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The IRP is consistent with good utility practice and:

provides a vehicle for consultation related to BC Hydro’s long-term plans;

supports BC Hydro’s obligations to: o supply customers’ requirements; o meet reliability criteria; o minimize ratepayer costs; and o minimize environmental impacts/ footprint. Planning Considerations

The IRP may consider, but is not limited to, any or all of the following:

opportunities for demand side management as an alternative to increased generation and transmission;

opportunities for major Projects to meet future demand;

the mix of generation resources;

the bulk transmission reinforcements required to support the above; and

how BC Hydro should best achieve balance among competing objectives Opportunities for Participation

The development of the IRP includes extensive consultation throughout British Columbia. As the IRP Planning Activity progresses, BC Hydro will update its IRP planning public website with updated planning information and opportunities for participation as it becomes available. Economic Planning Studies

BC Hydro will undertake the Economic Planning studies as described in Section 4.

2.2.2 Transmission Capital Planning

Transmission Capital Planning is driven by customer needs as reflected in

BC Hydro’s Long Term IRP;

Network Integrated Transmission Service (NITS) Requirements (system/station load and generation forecasts);

Point-to-Point transmission requirements ;

Economic Study Requests; and

Load and Generation interconnection requests.

Transmission Capital Planning routinely assesses the Transmission System requirements over both a long term and short term time horizon. From this assessment, asset and system needs are identified, reinforcement solutions (Projects) are developed, capital funding investments are justified, and ultimately the required reinforcements to the Transmission System are built. These reinforcements occur at all transmission voltage levels.

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The following describes the typical timelines, impact on BC Hydro, and where additional information on the Transmission Capital Planning process can be found. 1. Transmission Capital Planning has a 10 to 30 year planning horizon. 2. A Revenue Requirement Application (RRA), that outlines the capital requirements, is

filed with the BCUC on a periodic basis and Transmission Capital Planning is a key input to the RRA.

3. BC Hydro maintains a public website that further describes the Transmission Capital Planning Process. Planning Objectives

Transmission Capital planning is a continuous Planning Activity undertaken by BC Hydro to resolve specific asset and system needs. Transmission Capital Planning Activities have a considerably more detailed focus than IRP Planning Activities. This more detailed focus works to define the scope of a system reinforcement, justify capital funding requirements to implement the reinforcement, and ultimately results in the construction of the transmission system reinforcement. These efforts are aligned with BC Hydro’s obligations to:

serve load;

interconnect generation and transmission load customers;

meet quality of service requirements (e.g. reliability criteria; system performance criteria, security of supply etc);

meet North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) mandatory reliability standards; and

invest appropriately in BC Hydro’s transmission system. Planning Activities

Transmission Capital Planning Activities are initiated as system and asset needs are determined. With asset and system needs being identified throughout the year, there is no specific planning cycle that can be referred to when defining the Planning Activities in Transmission Capital Planning. However, the process to prepare an updated Transmission Plan will follow a defined cycle. This cycle will begin with the posting of the Transmission Plan from the previous cycle and include Planning Activities undertaken up to the point the Transmission Plan is refreshed. BC Hydro will provide a schedule for the Planning Activities relating to the refresh of the Transmission Plan, with major milestones and designated Point of Contact(s) identified for Interested Parties. This Schedule and Point of Contact information will be posted on BC Hydro’s public Transmission Planning website and emailed to Interested Parties. BC Hydro will refresh the Transmission Plan approximately every two years although the frequency of refresh may vary depending on business needs (for example to inform and ensure consistency with RRA submissions). Planning Considerations

Transmission Capital Planning may consider, but is not limited to, any or all of the following:

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transmission requirements at all transmission voltages required to support existing and future NITS load (at both the system and station level) and resources, local and inter-regional operational requirements, reliability standards, identified market opportunities and Point-to-Point Transmission Service;

environmental and social factors; and

non-wires solutions (e.g. demand side management) as an alternative to increased transmission. Opportunities for Participation

Transmission Capital Planning Activities include opportunities for participation by Interested Parties through the submission of requests for Economic Planning Studies. Further opportunities will be provided where appropriate and may include: 1. Transmission Planning Meetings; 2. Comment Periods; and 3. Focus Groups. Economic Planning Studies

BC Hydro will undertake the Economic Planning studies as described in Section 4.

2.2.3 Inter-Regional Planning

Inter-Regional Planning includes consideration of other transmission owners that have an interest in transmission development undertaken within British Columbia. BC Hydro participates in inter-regional planning as required.

1. Within B.C., the British Columbia Coordinated Planning Group (BCCPG) enables

coordination, and where appropriate, integration of the transmission planning functions of its members. BC Hydro is a member of BCCPG.

2. Outside of British Columbia, the BCCPG represents the interests of its members through participation in Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) planning groups, committees and subcommittees

3. The BCCPG maintains a public website.

As a member of BCCPG, BC Hydro will participate in inter-regional planning launched under the purview of BCCPG. Planning Objectives

Inter-regional planning is undertaken on an as-needed basis. Inter-regional planning focuses on the definition of the requirements to interconnect and operate the transmission systems of different Transmission Providers. These efforts are aligned with BC Hydro and other Transmission Providers’ obligations to:

serve load;

provide transmission service to existing and future customers;

connect generation and transmission load customers;

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meet quality of service requirements (e.g. reliability criteria; system performance criteria, security of supply etc.);

meet NERC mandatory reliability standards; and

invest in the interconnected transmission system. Planning Considerations

Inter-regional planning considerations will be specific to the nature of the planning but may consider:

the transmission requirements at any transmission voltages required to support the requirements of the interconnected Transmission Providers;

the operational reliability of the interconnected transmission system; and

opportunities for non-wires solutions (e.g. demand side management) as an alternative to increased transmission. Opportunities for Participation

Where BC Hydro is involved in a Planning Activity of the BCCPG, BC Hydro will post links to the BCCPG public website with any opportunities for participation by Interested Parties including: 1. Transmission Planning Meetings; 2. Comment Periods; and 3. Focus Groups. Economic Planning Studies

BC Hydro will undertake the Economic Planning studies as described in Section 4.


3.1 History of OATT and Attachment K

On February 16, 2007, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) amended its pro-forma Open Access Transmission Tariff originally outlined in Order Numbers 888 and 889 by issuing FERC Order No. 890. Order No. 890 was intended to resolve deficiencies in previous versions of the pro-forma OATT that could prevent the efficient functioning of competitive wholesale energy markets. Previous to FERC Order 890, regulatory rules incentivized established Transmission Providers to unduly discriminate against third-party transmission customers. In FERC Order No. 890, the Commission required that the planning process for utilities satisfy the following nine principles, specifically:

1. Coordination; 2. Openness; 3. Transparency; 4. Information Exchange;

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5. Comparability; 6. Dispute Resolution; 7. Regional Participation; 8. Economic Planning Studies; and 9. Cost Allocation for New Projects.

These nine principles form the basis for BC Hydro’s transmission planning in accordance with BC Hydro’s approved Attachment K and this business practice document.

3.2 Participation

Participation in BC Hydro’s transmission planning process is open to all interested parties. This includes but is not limited to:

Transmission Customers;

Interconnection Customers; and

Neighbouring Transmission Providers.

BC Hydro will post on an ongoing basis the following on its public website:

1. Instructions on how to access BC Hydro’s guidelines for providing planning information. These guidelines define how and when customer planning information can be submitted, including the format, schedule and procedure for the submission of such planning information.

2. Instructions on how to access BC Hydro’s guidelines for making requests for Economic Planning Studies. These guidelines define how and when requests for Economic Planning Studies are to be submitted and how Economic Planning Studies are to be evaluated.

3. BC Hydro’s Planning Manual which explains the planning criteria, technical standards, planning methodology, and overall considerations of BC Hydro to identify and assess upcoming asset and system constraints/performance violations.

4. BC Hydro’s most recent Transmission Plan. 5. The status of network upgrades for Projects in progress. 6. Confidentiality Guidelines

All posted documentation will be updated as required and can be considered to be part of this business practice.


4.1 Overview

As mentioned previously, requests for Economic Planning Studies, that BC Hydro agrees to undertake, will be directed to one of BC Hydro’s three forms of Planning Activities; Long Term Integrated Resource Planning, Transmission Capital Planning, or Inter-Regional Planning. As these three forms of planning have different objectives and may follow different planning cycles (with different opportunities for engagement with Interested Parties), the following section describes a common process for how requests for Economic Planning Studies will be handled by BC Hydro and

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some of the typical activities and exchanges that may occur between BC Hydro and the Interested Party participating in the Economic Planning Study. The outcomes of each Planning Activity will be reflected in the Transmission Plan and will follow the principles of Attachment K in support of open and non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System.

A process map describing BC Hydro’s Planning Activities, their interaction with Economic Study Requests, and the overall cycle BC Hydro will follow to refresh of the Transmission Plan, are included in Appendix A.

4.2 Initiation

Interested Parties may submit requests for Economic Planning Studies at any time using the appropriate form. BC Hydro will review each such request received and may refer it to the appropriate Planning Activity as determined by BC Hydro. Requests for Economic Planning Studies will be considered on their merits and BC Hydro is under no obligation to undertake each study requested. BC Hydro may include suggested time windows when Interested Parties are encouraged to submit requests for Economic Planning Studies so that they may be reasonably considered in the appropriate Planning Activity and/or the cycle to refresh the Transmission Plan. Requests for Economic Planning studies that are submitted outside of this time window may be referred or to the next planning cycle as BC Hydro determines is appropriate.

4.3 Initial Information Requirements

Certain initial information is required from an Interested Party when submitting an Economic Study Request to BC Hydro. This information is outlined in the Request for Economic Study form contained on the public website, and does not replace other information requirement processes dealing with Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) Customers on Network Loads and Resources, specific Point-to-Point transmission service, and generation interconnections which are studied pursuant to existing pro forma Tariff processes. The typical information requested from an Interested Party submitting an Economic Study Request includes identification of requestor, description of the study request, required In-Service Date, capacity size (e.g. capacity of generation, load, transmission requirements, etc), locational information for study and point of interconnection, etc.

4.4 Evaluation Criteria

BC Hydro will follow an evaluation process to determine which Economic Study Requests it will undertake in the current planning cycle to refresh the Transmission Plan. This evaluation process will consider the value and synergistic opportunities for BC Hydro to incorporate the opportunities identified by an Interested Party to meet BC Hydro’s already identified asset and system needs. Typically, the Economic Study Requests that BC Hydro will perform include the following considerations, but are not limited to:

Requests that could potentially result in significant reduction of overall costs for those projects identified in the Transmission Plan

Requests that could potentially improve reliability performance when serving load, generation, or transmission customers

Requests that aligned with the existing BC Hydro transmission plans, BC Hydro regional and inter-regional practices, and BC Hydro planning criteria

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Requests that are similar to other Interested Parties requests, and other BC Hydro stakeholders needs

After evaluation of an Economic Study Request, BC Hydro will notify the Interested Party making the request via email as to whether or not the request will be included for study in the current planning cycle. Those economic study requests not chosen for inclusion in the current planning cycle, may be considered in a future cycles refresh of the Transmission Plan.

4.5 Draft Scope Development

BC Hydro’s review and evaluation of Economic Study Requests determines the preliminary scope of the Economic Planning Studies BC Hydro plans on performing in the current planning cycle to refresh the Transmission Plan. This preliminary scope of Economic Planning Studies will be provided to all Interested Parties via email and through BC Hydro’s public website. This information will typically include:

1. A list of planning studies and their study scope which meets BC Hydro’s needs and opportunities.

2. Which Economic Planning Studies can be combined, if any. 3. Which Economic Planning Studies have been accepted for study including their description

and study timelines. 4. Identification of the appropriate Planning Activity and planning personnel for each Economic

Planning Study. 5. Coordination opportunities between accepted Economic Planning Studies and BC Hydro’s

Planning Activities that have already started or will be starting. 6. Duration of opportunities for Interested Parties/Focus Groups to provide their input.

4.6 Study Scope Finalization

BC Hydro will indicate the timeline and comment period for Interested Parties to provide their input on this draft scope. BC Hydro will consider this input and may at its discretion, update the scope documentation relating to the Transmission Plan studies. The final scope of the Transmission Plan studies will be posted on BC Hydro’s public website with a notification email sent to all interested parties.

4.7 Completion of Studies

In order for BC Hydro to conduct the selected Economic Planning Studies within the planning scope, often additional information will be required from the Economic Planning Study proponent.

4.7.1 Detailed Information Requirements

BC Hydro may request the proponent to supply information that is reasonably necessary for BC Hydro to conduct the selected Economic Planning Studies. Such information may include cost information for additions and/or changes to transmission and generation assets, as well as forecasts for near term and long term demand, performance requirements, technical specifications, etc. Any information so provided will not be considered confidential unless it is claimed as such. BC Hydro will have no obligation to proceed with an Economic Planning

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Study if BC Hydro does not receive the information reasonably necessary to conduct the Economic Planning Study. Subject to confidentiality and security restrictions, any information received from Interested Parties may be used by BC Hydro without restriction in any of its Planning Activities.

4.7.2 Technical and Economic Analysis

With the scope of the Transmission Plan studies finalized (as per Section 4.6), and additional necessary information gathered, BC Hydro will begin the technical and financial analysis. As with all transmission planning, there is a major iterative aspect in the evolution and maturation of the planning study. Economic Planning Studies will follow this iterative process, and as such, this phase in the Planning Activity marks when the majority of the working relationship and collaborative efforts will occur between BC Hydro and the Interested Parties. Further communications, meetings, additional information gathering may happen as necessary. Generally this phase in the Planning Activity could include but is not limited to:

1. emerging policies and themes; 2. the needs of BC Hydro; 3. the needs of the Interested Parties/Focus Groups; 4. planning assumptions, criteria, methodologies; 5. technical data additions and review; 6. determination of technical planning tools and appropriate applications; 7. application of planning tools to identify planning criteria violations; 8. solution development; 9. reviews of initial technical and financial results; 10. preliminary alternative analysis; and 11. adjustments to alternatives.

The technical studies performed will first identify violations of the system planning criteria outlined in BC Hydro’s Planning Manual. Various reinforcement alternatives will be developed and studied to resolve these constraints. The alternatives will be measured and compared from technical, economic, and strategic perspectives including environmental/social impacts. The results of this analysis will inform the preliminary set of reinforcement Projects. Each Project will include other reinforcement alternatives, to assist in the development of a business case if the Project were to proceed further. Some of the typical information that should be gathered in the study phase includes but is not limited to:

1. capital costs; 2. reliability impacts; 3. system performance changes (benefits/drawbacks); 4. strategic alignment; 5. asset benefits (integrated planning); 6. price/capacity added; 7. environmental, social and safety impacts; and

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8. deferral risk (impact of not doing the Project – the “do nothing alternative”) Information that is relevant to evaluate a proposed Project should be gathered in this step, with the premise that a future justification would be needed to obtain capital funding approval and implement the Project.

4.8 Preliminary Set of Projects

The initial outcome of the technical and economic analysis is the creation of a preliminary set of Projects. These Projects, along with the study results, will be posted for review on BC Hydro’s public website. An email notification will also be sent to Interested Parties that will provide a schedule for opportunities to provide input. The Projects identified and being discussed, along with the input received from Interested Parties, will form the basis for the creation of the Transmission Plan.


The Transmission Plan development is an independent cyclical activity that will consolidate the results of transmission planning from any of BC Hydro’s three forms of transmission Planning Activities (as described in section 2.2). These Planning Activities’ results will enable a refresh of the previous cycle’s Transmission Plan, and the creation of a new Transmission Plan. This activity is referred to as the “Transmission Plan refresh cycle”. The Transmission Plan refresh cycle will begin with the posting of an updated version of the previous Transmission Plan. This updated version of the previous Transmission Plan may be necessary as new Planning Activities are likely to have occurred in the time since the posting of the previous cycle’s Transmission Plan. These new Planning Activities will be included in the updated version of the previous cycle’s Transmission Plan. BC Hydro will refresh the Transmission Plan approximately every two years, although the frequency of refresh may vary depending on business needs (for example to inform and ensure consistency with RRA submissions).

5.1 Draft Transmission Plan

After considering input received from Interested Parties, BC Hydro will develop a draft Transmission Plan during the transmission plan refresh cycle. This Transmission Plan is in effect a “snapshot” of the best information to date on the many different transmission Projects either under development or being planned for development by BC Hydro. These Projects will vary in level of definition, timing, and origination. The Projects can either be the result of the normal Planning Activities in the day to day work of BC Hydro, or from Economic Planning Study requests received through this process described herein. The Transmission Plan will provide an overview of the Projects that BC Hydro has identified to address its objectives and considerations as described for each of the three forms of Planning Activities as discussed in Section 2.2. The state of development of Projects in the Transmission Plan will vary depending on whether they are addressing longer term strategic development or emerging issues related to the bulk system requirements; the requirements of the interconnected electrical system; regional system requirements; or specific equipment requirements. Projects included in the draft Transmission Plan will include:

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1. Projects that have been recommended to meet BC Hydro’s needs and opportunities as identified in any of the three forms of Planning Activities;

2. Projects that are in progress; 3. Projects that meet the requirements of Transmission Service requests and Interconnection

Service requests; 4. Projects that have been developed sufficiently for BC Hydro to seek approval from its board

or executive; and 5. Projects for which no approval will be sought in the current planning cycle.

The draft Transmission Plan will be posted on BC Hydro’s public website towards the end of the Transmission Plan refresh cycle, and a notification email will be sent to Interested Parties. The notice will also include scheduled opportunities for Interested Parties to provide input on the draft Transmission Plan.

5.2 Final Transmission Plan

BC Hydro will consider input received from Interested Parties and may update the Transmission Plan as appropriate. Once these updates are completed, BC Hydro will post the final Transmission Plan on its public website. This marks the end of the Transmission Plan refresh cycle. The inclusion of a Project in this Transmission Plan does not mean a decision has been reached by BC Hydro to proceed with a Project.


6.1 Cost Allocation

BC Hydro will recover the costs of Projects required for meeting service requests and system improvements in accordance with the provisions of the OATT. BC Hydro is not obligated to expand the Transmission System based on the results of Economic Planning Studies. Where BC Hydro decides to construct facilities based on the results of one or more Economic Planning Studies, it will do so in accordance with any transmission expansion, congestion or other similar policy developed by BC Hydro. In these cases, the appropriate BC Hydro cost allocation principles will be applied, subject to Commission approval.

6.2 No Participant Funding

Interested Parties may participate in the activities associated with the transmission planning process described herein at their own cost. BC Hydro will consider cost-effective means of participation for both itself and Interested Parties.

6.3 Dispute Resolution

The dispute resolution procedures described in Section 12 of the OATT are not applicable to disputes arising from the transmission planning processes described in this Business Practice. Interested Parties may bring to the attention of the Point of Contact any issue arising from the planning activities outlined in this Business Practice and the Transmission Provider will work with Interested Parties to attempt to resolve the issue.

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Transmission Plan Development

Inter-Regional – Planning Activity

Transmission Capital – Planning Activity

IRP - Planning Activity

Economic Planning StudiesL


g T









e P






d P





s G






n C















Creation of Transmission Plan – Summary Level


al T







Economic Study Request to IRP

Economic Study Request to

Transmission Capital Planning

Economic Study Request to

Inter-Regional Planning

IRP Projects

Transmission Capital

Planning Projects


Planning Projects


ft T







Economic Study Requests

Input From

Interested Parties/

Focus Group