basic sales process

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  • 8/4/2019 Basic Sales Process


    Basic Sales Process

    Additional Documents and Functionalities of Sales

    The sales process involves the quotation, order, delivery note, and A/R

    invoice documents.

    Quotations, orders, and delivery notes are optional, but if you do not refer to

    a delivery note when you post an A/R invoice, the A/R invoice affects your


    1.) When you create an order theAvailable quantity is reduced and the

    Committedquantity is increased by the sales order quantity.

    2.) When you create a delivery the In Stockquantity and the Committed

    quantity is reduced.

    3.) When you create an invoice the In Stockquantity is reduced if you did notcreate a delivery note beforehand.

    When you create a document, you can always refer to one or more

    documents that you created earlier (except for quotations). When you create

    a document with a reference to an existing document, only documents that

    are still open are displayed. All documents, for which you have not created a

    follow-on document have open status.

    Open documents remain open until you have transferred all the items to a

    follow-on document, or until you manually close or reverse them.

    You cannot make any changes to base documents that you have already

    copied completely to a follow-on document.

    Copy rules:

    Reference to just one base document:

    The system copies all the header and row data to the target document.

    Reference to several base documents:

    The system distributes the total discount from the header data of the

    base document to the rows and copies it to the rows in the targetdocument.

    1.) The A/R invoice is the only document that has to be created in the system.

    Quotations, orders and deliveries are optional.

    2.) A quotation and an order can be changed or cancelled after they have

    been created.

  • 8/4/2019 Basic Sales Process


    You could disable the possibility to make changes to sales orders: choose

    Administration System Initialization Document Settings, on thePer Documenttab page for the DocumentSales Order deselectAllow

    Changes to Existing Orders.

    You can not change deliveries or A/R invoices after they have been added.

    3.) If you need to correct a delivery, you have to do that by creating a return.

    If you need to correct a A/R invoice, you have to do that by creating a A/R

    credit memo.

    4.) When you create an order, you could do that by referencing a quotation.

    You can create a delivery by referencing a quotation, an order, or a A/R



    You can create an A/R invoice by referencing a quotation, an order, or a


    5.) When you create a delivery, the goods issue is posts as well. The In Stock

    quantity is reduced.

    When you create an A/R invoice without reference to a delivery, the

    goods issue is posted as well.

    The In Stockquantity is reduced.

    6.) The values of the general ledger are posted by the goods issue of the

    delivery and the A/R invoice.

    When you sell inventory items, the system creates the following journal


    The delivery creates a journal entry that posts the value of the

    delivered goods to the debit side of a cost account (cost of goods sold

    or COGS) and to the credit side of the stock account. The stock account

    and the cost account are retrieved from the Stock Accountfield and

    the Cost Accountfield on the Inventorytab of the item master record.

    The A/R invoice creates a journal entry that posts the invoicedamount to the debit side of the customer account and to the credit

    side of a revenues account. The revenues account is retrieved from the

    Inventorytab of the item master record.

    If the customer is located in the same country, the account from

    the Revenues Accountfield is used.

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    If the customer is located in a European Union (EU) country, the

    account from the Sales Revenue - EU field is used.

    If the customer is located in a non-EU foreign country, the

    account from the Foreign Revenues Accountfield is used.

    If you skipped the delivery before posting the A/R invoice, the system adds

    the stock posting to the A/R invoice posting.

    To post an order, choose Sales A/R Order. To post a delivery, chooseSales A/R Delivery. To post an A/R invoice, choose Sales A/R A/RInvoice.

    This graphic does not cover tax postings or postings of additional revenues

    and expenses. The order document is not relevant for accounting.

    When you sell items that you do not manage as inventory items (for example,

    services that you created as items), the system does not trigger a posting for

    the delivery. Actually, you can skip the delivery altogether.

    The A/R invoice is posted the same way as it is posted for inventory items.

    Although the item is not an inventory item, the Inventorytab does not

    disappear from the item master record because the system needs it for the

    G/L account determination.

    The revenues account is retrieved from the default warehouse on the

    Inventorytab of the item master record.

    If the customer is located in the same country, the account from the

    Revenues Accountfield is used.

    If the customer is located in an EU country, the account from the Sales

    Revenue - EU field is used.

    If the customer is located in a non-EU foreign country, the account

    from the Foreign Revenues Accountfield is used.

    This graphic does not cover tax postings or postings of additional revenues

    and expenses.

    You use Pick and Pack manager to enter the selection criteria to create Pick

    lists. You can keep track of the items at different stages of the picking

    process, starting from the status open, then releasing the items, and finally

    creating the pick list to pick the items.

  • 8/4/2019 Basic Sales Process


    The Pick&Pack Manager enables you to release partial or all of the items,

    perform a partial pick for the items, or to pick all the items. You can also

    create a delivery note at any stage of the picking process.

    In SAP Business One, the sales order or the reserve invoice serve as the pick


    Choose Inventory Pick and Pack Pick Pack Manager

    1.) Status Open: This window displays all the items that are still open. They

    have not been released, picked or delivered yet.

    QuantityAvailable to Release = In Stock Released Picked

    In this window you select the orders and quantities to be released.

    2.) Status Released: This window displays all the pick lists in status released.

    You can display the data in two views Detailedand Summary.

    QuantityAvailable to Pick= In Stock Picked

    3.) To get the pick list, click in the list of the released orders into the orange

    arrow link next to the pick no. or choose Inventory Pick and PackPick List.

    Enter the picked quantity.

    4.) Status Picked: This window displays the items that are already picked butare not delivered yet.

    5.) In the list of the picked items choose the Deliverbuttonto create the


    You can create the deliveries also from the open or released list.

    In SAP Business One, the delivery or A/R invoice serve as the pack document.

    1.) In the delivery choose Goto Packaging or right mouse click to get tothe Define Packages window.

    2.) Existing Packages: Enter the packages that you want to use for packing

    the items of the delivery.

    You can define Package Types inAdministration Setup

    Inventory Define Package Types.

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    Available Items: List of the items and their quantities that you can pack into

    the packages.

    3.) Select the items and enter the quantities that you want to assign to the

    package selected in the Existing Packages list above.

    Package Content: Shows the content of the package that is selected in the

    Existing Packages list above.

    The Document Generation Wizard in SAP Business One is a simple process

    used for gathering rows from base documents to target documents, based

    on several user defined parameters. The system takes you through the

    individual steps required to define the parameters for the summary.

    Examples of the parameters that exist are target document type, posting

    date, document date, items or service and many more.

    This wizard can be used for example, to produce a summarized A/R Invoicefor a customer, containing all delivery notes that were created for the

    customer over the past week. It is a simple yet effective method of

    summarizing data to reduce data input. All deliveries can be placed into one

    invoice per customer. It is important to note at this stage that once the

    Document Generation Wizard has run the process, it is irreversible.

    Note that the wizard does not handle customers defined as multi-currency.

    This wizard will guide you step-by-step through the definition of parameters

    required to generate the target document.

    Step 1 Document Generation Options: Choose to define a new set of

    parameters or use an existing set.

    Step 2 Target Documents: Set the type and characteristics of the

    target documents.

    Step 3 Base Documents: Select the base documents to be processed

    by choosing the required document types and selection criteria.

    Step 4 Consolidation Options: This step was added in release 2005 A.

    Set the grouping criteria by which the base documents will be

    consolidated to the target document.

    Step 5 Customers: Select customers for whom you would like to

    perform the summary.

    Step 6 Messages and Alerts: Set the systems response to missing

    data such as missing exchange rate and inventory or bookkeeping

    alerts such as deviation from credit line.

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    Step 7 Save and Execute Options: Starting in release 2005 A, it is

    possible not only to execute the wizard but to save the parameter set

    before the execution or just to save the parameters and exit.

    Step 8 Summary Report: This report displays the summary of target

    documents created per customers as well as error and warningmessages.

    SAP Business One provides the A/R Invoice + Payment transaction for sales to

    one-time customers.


    The customer pays the entire amount at once (for example, in a


    The customer does not need documents such as an order or

    delivery note document.

    Settings in the System

    You maintain a representative master record for one-time

    customers in the system (Administration Setup Financials G/L Account Determination, choose the Salestab page, then choose Default Customer for A/R Invoice +


    The system automatically calls up this customer when you enter

    the invoice. You cannot change the customer number in the

    document. You can, however, change the customer's name and

    address in the fields provided.

    Using the default values in the user parameters, you can also

    assign a separate customer master record to each user for the

    A/R Invoice + Paymenttransaction.

    Exception: The customer only makes a partial payment

    In this case, you should create a separate customer master record for

    this customer so that you can monitor the incoming payments.

    The system offers different functions for the sales process. Not all of them

    work in every sales document.

    1.) You can do a credit limit check in a sales order, delivery, and A/R invoice

    but not in a quotation.

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    2.) You can display the Gross profitand Last prices reportfor each document

    in sales.

    To display the gross profit in a document choose Goto Gross Profitorselect the icon in the menu bar or choose right mouse click.

    To display the Last Prices Reportin a document put the cursor in the price

    field and choose Goto Last Prices or select Ctrl + Tab or choose rightmouse-click.

    3.) You have a link to the transaction journal from the A/R invoice. If you have

    a continuous warehouse validation, you have the link to the transaction

    journal also in a delivery. To display the Transaction Journal Reportin a

    document select the icon in the menu bar or choose right mouse click.

    4.) The serial number and batch management is working within the sales

    order, the delivery, and the A/R invoice. For sales orders it can be configured

    under Administration.

    5.) You can create activities from every sales document, and you can assign

    activities to every sales document.

    6.) Drafts can be created for every sales document.

    1.) You can define alternative items by choosing Inventory ItemManagement Alternative Items.

    Alternative items are defined per item and you can build a hierarchy of

    alternative items by defining alternatives to the alternatives.

    Remarks: Enter any free text as a remark for the alternative item.

    Match Factor: Enter the value to specify the matching degree in points.

    Higher value represents higher match.

    Item A00012 has two alternative items B04711 and F00771. The

    matching factor defined for item B04711 is 100 and for item F00771

    80. If there is no item A00012 in the warehouse, item B04711 can

    replace it because it has the highest matching factor.

    Reverse Link: Select the alternative item and choose Reverse Linktocreate a reverse relationship between the alternative item and the

    original item. This means that both items are defined as alternative

    items for each other.

    2.) You can select alternative items while you create documents in sales or

    purchasing. You can display the list of alternative items and replace an item.

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    Choose Goto Alternative Item or use the right mouse click in the itemline.

    1.) You can activate an automatic availability check for sales orders. You do

    this inAdministration System Initialization Document Settingson the Per Documenttab page choose the DocumentSales Order and selectthe checkbox forActivate Automatic Availability Check..

    2.) When you create a sales order and enter a quantity for an item, which is

    greater than the available quantity for this item, the Item Availability Check

    window comes up automatically.

    If the automatic availability check for sales orders is not activated

    through the document settings, you can also always get to the Item

    Availability Checkwindow by choosing Goto Item AvailabilityCheckor with a right mouse click in the item line.

    3.) Item Availability CheckWindow:

    Quantity Ordered: The quantity from the item line of the sales order

    per sales unit of measure.

    Quantity Available: The quantity that is available per inventory unit of


    Select Actions:

    Continue: You accept the information and go on.

    Change to Available Quantity: You reduce the order quantity to

    the available quantity.

    Display Quantities in other Warehouses: You can check and

    possibly select the quantities from another warehouse.

    Display Alternative Items: You can check and possibly select the

    quantities from an alternative item.

    Delete Line: You can delete the line from the sales order.

    For legal reasons, you cannot change or delete deliveries and customer

    invoices that have already been entered in the system. To correct these, you

    need to use a clearing document.

    If a delivery is returned before you create the A/R invoice for the customer,

    you can post the return delivery in the system. The system then updates both

    the quantities and associated values.

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    When you create the returns with reference to the delivery note, the system

    corrects the stock postings in the delivery note.

    If a delivery is damaged or of poor quality, the customer returns it to you. You

    post the return in the system and the system creates a journal entry that

    posts the value of the returned goods to the debit side of a sales returnsaccount and to the credit side of the cost account. The value of the returned

    goods is not posted back to the original stock account to keep it separate

    from the value of the undamaged goods. The sales returns account and the

    cost account are retrieved from the Sales Returns field and the Cost Account

    field on the Inventorytab of the item master record.

    If you also want to manage the inventory of the damaged goods separately

    from the undamaged goods, you should define a special warehouse for the

    damaged goods and enter this warehouse in the return document.

    To post a return, choose Sales A/R Returns.

    You always post an A/R credit memo if you can refer to an A/R invoice that

    has already been created. The A/R credit memo ensures that the system

    posts both the quantities and associated values.

    When you create an A/R credit memo with reference to the A/R invoice, the

    system corrects both the quantities and values in the A/R invoice.

    The system increases the stocks of the credited items.

    The system credits the credit memo value to the customer's account in

    the general ledger and corrects the revenue by the same amount

    When a customer returns items that do not refer to a specific delivery, you

    can post this quantity directly to the warehouse without referencing a

    preceding document. The stock and stock value increase as a result.

    An A/R credit memo with reference to the returns delivery ensures that

    system credits the values to the customer.

    You use A/R reserve invoices to create a pro forma invoice. Unlike standard

    invoices, reserved invoices do not change the warehouse stock.

    1.) TheAvailable quantity is reduced by the sales order quantity.

    2.) You post an A/R reserve invoice before you create a delivery note. The

    Available quantity is reduced if you did not create a sales order beforehand.

    3.) You post the delivery afterwards with reference to the A/R reserve invoice.

    This reduces the In Stockquantity.

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    A/R reserve invoices create value-based postings.

    You can use the report Inventory Status to analyze the inventory situation for

    one or more selected items. Choose Inventory Inventory Reports Inventory Status.

    You can also see the inventory status in the item master on the Inventory

    Data tab page.

    In Stock: The current stock level of the item.

    Committed: The item stock reserved for customers and for internal use

    displays here. The stock reserved for internal use is the quantity of the

    item used in a finished product based on the BOMs for existing

    production instructions and work orders.

    Ordered: This field shows the quantity of the item ordered from the

    vendor. This figure consists of the quantity ordered from external

    vendors plus the quantity that is currently being produced and that will

    enter the warehouse by a certain date.

    Available: The available quantity of an item displays. This figure


    In Stock - Committed + Ordered

    If the available stock for an item is negative, the value displays in red.

    To display the details for the inventory situation of an item regarding open

    sales orders, purchase orders, and production orders, select the row for that

    item in the report. The system opens the Stock Situation sub-window.

    Select the checkbox of the Purchase Orders field on the Logistics tap of the

    sales order to automatically create purchase orders for the items of the sales


    After adding the sales order the Purchase Order Confirmation window opens

    and you can choose the items and quantities from the sales order for the

    purchase orders.

    The system will add purchase orders automatically and will establish a link

    between the sales order and the purchase orders.

    Purchase Order Confirmation window

    On the left side all of the line items from the sales order are

    summarized according to the selection chosen in the sales order. If a

    vendor and a warehouse ware selected, then each vendor line will

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    have a drill down displaying the warehouse. Each warehouse will have

    its own drill down to display the items included in the sub-grouping.

    The system proposes as default value the vendor (default vendor from

    the item master data), the price (according the vendors pricelist), and

    the quantity (from the order). You may change the proposed values.

    On the right side, the line items are presented by purchase orders

    organized by the user after transferring the line items from the left


    When you add a purchase order that contains more than one warehouse, the

    system will prompt you to create child purchase orders. If you OK the

    message, SAP Business One creates separate child purchase orders for each

    warehouse. ChooseAdministration -> System Initialization

    ->Document Settings , Per Documenttab page. Choose Purchase Order

    and select Split PO.

    In the drop ship process the stock does not arrive and exit from the

    company. The company serves only as an agent and receives a commission

    on the process.

    You mark a certain warehouse as drop ship and choose relevant stock

    accounts for the warehouse.

    ChooseAdministration Setup Inventory Warehouses.Select the checkbox of the field Drop Ship to define the warehouse as

    a drop ship warehouse.

    When adding a sales order you can choose the drop ship warehouse in the

    item line. After adding the sales order the Purchase Order Confirmation

    window will open only for the lines where the drop ship warehouse was


    Commissions are calculated for sales employees, items, or customers. The

    system calculates the commission when you create a sales document and

    enter it in each row in the document. This information is shown in the row

    details. You can change the percentage value in the row details for the sales


    If you want the system to calculate the commission automatically, you have

    to set the relevant indicator in the general settings under System

    Initialization (Administration System Initialization GeneralSettings, thenchoose the BP tab page). When you activate the commission

    here, the fields for assigning the commission for sales persons, items, or

    customers are visible and active.

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    To calculate commissions for individual sales employees, you define

    commission groups and assign them to your sales employees. To calculate

    commissions for individual items or customers, you specify the commission

    groups in the item or customer master record.

    Once you have defined a commission for a sales employee, the systemapplies it and displays the percentage commission in the document rows.

    The system copies the sales employee from the customer's master record to

    the sales document. You can also assign a sales employee to each user in the

    standard settings for the user master record. The system then uses this

    employee if a sales employee has not been entered in the business partner

    master record. If you have not defined a sales employee in either the

    business partner or user master record, the system proposes the standard

    sales employee.

    The standard system query SP Commission by Invoices calculates theemployee's commission share based on the invoices he or she created in a

    specific period, and on the defined percentage commission.

    Using sales analyses, you can quickly identify weak points in your sales and

    product portfolio. You can then use this information to optimize your sales


    The Customer Receivables Aging report contains information about the

    number of open receivables for a customer, as well as how old the receivable

    is. It analyzes receivables owed to you by your customers.

    For the Open Items Listchoose Sales - A/R Sales Reports Open

    Items List

    This report allows the user to view open sales and purchasing documents.

    Using this report gives you an accurate picture regarding the status of

    documents in the system, only documents with status Open appears in this

    report. Documents that were partially copied to target documents also

    appear in this report. You can also display the documents from the report.

    This window displays the open sales or purchasing document according to

    the users choice.

    Choose from the drop down menu the required document (for

    example, open orders, open deliveries, ) to display. If you choose, for

    example, the option Open Sales Quotations, the table below this field

    updates and displays all the open sales quotations recorded in SAP

    Business One.

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    After you close this window, the last open document choice is saved,

    and next time you open the window it will appear by default.

  • 8/4/2019 Basic Sales Process


    Activities refer to sales or service activities such as phone calls, meetings,

    tasks, notes or other types of sales activities. Tracking these interactions

    enables analysis of the interactions with the customers, both open activities

    and historical (closed) activities.

    The fields displayed in the General tab of theActivities window depend on the

    chosen activity. For example, ifMeeting is chosen,Address and Time fields

    are displayed. IfTaskis chosen, a Status field is displayed.

    To display the activities window, choose Business Partners Activity.The window can also be opened from the sales opportunities and service

    modules, and other places throughout the system.

    To delete activities, choose Data or right-mouse click Remove.

    1a.) To link activities to documents, you can access this function directly from

    many applications and functions. When you enter a posting, purchase order,

    or a delivery for example, the system allows you to go directly to the screen

    for activity management via Goto New Activityor Goto RelatedActivities. If you enter an activity in this way, it automatically links to the

    original document. The document appears on the Linked Documenttab of the

    Activity with its Document Type and Document Number.

    1b.) You can also link an activity to a document from the activity itselfes.Choose

    Business Partners Activity, enter the Document Type and Document Numberon the Linked Documenttab.

    1c.) You can also create activities from sales opportunities. Choose Sales

    Opportunities Sales Opportunity, on the Stages tab choose the orange arrowin theActivities column. This sales opportunity will display on the Linked Document

    tab page of the Activity as the Source Object.The source object can be a sales

    opportunity or a service call.

    2.) You can enter the content directly in the activity, or attach it as a

    document (for example a Microsoft Word document).

    3.) The Activities Overview Report provides a report of the activities

    throughout the system. Examples of reports include a manager's summary of

    all his/her employees' activities, or a report for a sales employee to view all

    his/her customers' activities. To generate the reports, choose Business

    Partners Business Partners Reports Activities Overview or MyActivities, or select the reports in the Reports module.

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    4.) You can link activities to business partner or material master records.

    5.) You can also plan an activity (for example, a future meeting) and have the

    system remind you. Scheduled activities only appear in your inbox if you

    have defined the appropriate administration settings by choosing: System

    Initialization General Settings Services. The time based activities (phone calls, meetings and others) are

    automatically entered in the calendar.

    The calendar allows you to display, schedule and update activities by dates

    and users.

    To display the calendar you choose the Calendaricon on the right hand side

    of the toolbar.

    Each activity displays with the appropriate activity symbol.

    To add a new activity from the calendar, select the desirable time slot and

    the activity window opens to enter the details.

    You can customize the calendar by choosing the Form Settings icon from the

    toolbar. You can customize the colors, working hours, and display other

    users activities in other colors in the calendar (group view with a maximum

    of seven users).

    You can use sales opportunities to record, track and analyze every step in

    your business potentials with a customer or prospect.

    Sales opportunities activities occur before a sale has been closed, either won

    or lost. In the sales opportunity module, the potential sales volumes and

    other related information is monitored and updated.

    The Sales Opportunity can be updated according to the progress of the sales

    activities and negotiations. Data is entered at each sales stage, to permit

    analysis throughout the sales process, and after the opportunity has been


    You can create the stages in the cycle according to your needs and maintain

    a closing percentage (success probability) for each stage. The system

    calculates a Weighted Amountfor each stage based on the Potential Amount

    you predicted for the opportunity. You can change the closing percentage in

    every opportunity for every stage.

    In the opportunity you can use as many stages as you want, in any order.

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    To display or maintain data in the sales opportunity window choose Sales

    Opportunities Sales Opportunity.

    The general area of the sales opportunity window is located in the upper

    portion of the window. It is used to insert the basic customer or lead

    information, and provide general information about the specific salesopportunity.

    In the opportunity you can create as many stages as you want, in any order.

    By selecting the icon in the DocumentType column, you can link a document

    (for example, a sales quotation or a sales order ) to each stage. Use the

    RelatedDocuments button to get a list of all documents linked to the


    You can also link an activity (by choosing theActivityicon in theActivity

    column) to each stage. By choosing the Related Activities button, you call upa list of planned activities linked to the opportunity.

    The Business Partner Territoryin the header of the sales opportunity is

    defaulted from the business partner. You can change it. You can use it as a

    parameter to be chosen to filter the display for sales opportunities reporting.

    You can delete a sales opportunity as long as its status is open. (You can not

    delete other sales documents such as sales quotations or sales orders from

    the system).

    Use Territories to manage a geographic location, brand, or item category andits hierarchy.

    To define territories chooseAdministration Setup General


    Territories can be added as either independent, which set the territory as a

    parent, or as a child or a sibling.

    To delete a territory, make sure the territory is not linked to another

    function, for example, to a sales opportunity.

    To define territories chooseAdministration Setup General


    You can assign a territory to the business partner in the business partner

    master data on the General tab in the field Territory.

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    Once you have assigned a territory to the business partner master data, it

    will be defaulted to the field Business Partner Territoryin a sales opportunity

    when you create one.

    For the sales opportunities reporting you can use the territory as a parameter

    to be chosen to filter the display according to the required options.

    The territory of the business partner will also default to customer equipment

    cards (service transaction).

    You can display sales opportunities reports by choosing Sales

    Opportunities Sales Opportunities Reports, or from the Reportsmodule.

    You use the opportunities reports for analysis of opportunities and for

    optimizing your sales process.

    Reports can be based on all parameters, or can be filtered according to

    certain parameters. Choosing a parameter often opens one or more windows

    where the different options can be selected. Certain reports can display in

    graph or table formats.

    The Opportunities Forecast Report presents a projection of the potential sales

    opportunities, based on the predicted dates of all open opportunities.

    The Opportunities Forecast Over Time Report presents a forecast of the open

    and closed opportunities grouped according to the selected time period.

    The Opportunities Statistic Report presents the number of open and closed

    opportunities, and the data can be sorted to display according to various

    combinations of options and grouping.

    The Stage Analysis provides an overview of the success rate of the sales

    activities. It contains data of how many sales opportunities were concluded in

    a specific stage, or for how long sales opportunities remained in each stage

    of the sales process.

    The Source Distribution Over Time Report presents sales opportunities

    according to their source, and can be grouped to display in specific time

    periods (e.g. days, weeks, or months).

    The Won Opportunities Report displays information about the sales

    opportunities that have succeeded.

    The Lost Opportunities Report can be used to analyze opportunities that did

    not succeed.

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    The My Open / Closed Opportunities Report displays the opportunities related

    to the user who is currently logged on to SAP Business One.

    To generate the Opportunities Pipeline Reportchoose: Sales Opportunities

    Sales Opportunities Reports Opportunities Pipeline, or theReports module

    The pipeline analysis provides you with an overview of all the opportunities

    that are currently open. It also indicates the sales potential, sales stage, sales

    employee responsible, and so on.

    By selecting each element, you can call up a detailed report for each stage.

    Using the Context menu (choose Goto Dynamic Opportunity Analysis)in the opportunities pipeline, you can call up the Dynamic Opportunity

    Analysis, which shows the 10 to 30 most important opportunities (open or

    closed), together with all the details from the point where they were createduntil they were closed.

    You can use this report for analysis of the open opportunities in the sales

    pipeline. From this report it is easier to identify the opportunities that are

    most likely to succeed.

    The list of sales opportunities can be displayed in a row of the table or as a

    segment in the graphic. Either double-click a row in the table or a segment in

    the graphic. SAP Business One displays an additional window with the list of

    the open sales opportunities for each sales stage.

    Data Synchronization

    You can synchronize the following types of data in SAP Business One and

    Microsoft Outlook:

    - Calendar appointments

    - Contacts

    - Tasks


    You can create snapshots of SAP Business One information and associate

    them with contacts in Microsoft Outlook.


    You can import quotations from SAP Business One into Microsoft Outlook and

    then display, edit, and send them as e-mails. You can also create new

    quotations in Microsoft Outlook and then save them in SAP Business One.

    E-Mail Integration

    The Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on allows you to:

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    - Save a Microsoft Outlook e-mail as an activity in SAP Business One

    - Save the original e-mail as an attachment and the original file attachments

    as an attachment to an activity in SAP Business One

    - Make follow-up with reminder settings for an activity

    Connection to Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel

    The Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on allows you to connect to SAP

    Business One from Microsoft Word and save a Microsoft Word document as

    an activity in SAP Business One. The same function is available for Microsoft

    Excel: Workbooks can be saved as activities with a business partner or

    contact person in SAP Business One.

    You can establish connections between SAP Business One and the following

    Microsoft Office products:

    Microsoft Outlook

    Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Excel

    As a prerequisite you must have installed SAP Business One and the Microsoft

    Outlook Integration add-on.

    In Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel choose SAP

    Business OneLog On.

    (The SAP Business One menu entry appears in the Microsoft toolbar once the

    add-on is installed.)

    You must establish a connection between Microsoft Outlook and SAP Business

    One before you can:

    Associate an item with data previously saved in SAP Business One

    Save an e-mail as a SAP Business One activity

    Synchronize items

    Open a quotation

    To log off from SAP Business One, in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, or

    Microsoft Excel choose SAP Business One Log Off.

    To enable data synchronization, you must first associate an existing calendar

    appointment in Microsoft Outlook with business partners, contact persons,

    and corresponding linked documents previously saved in SAP Business One.

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    You open or create an appointment in Microsoft Outlook and then choose

    SAP Business One Associate with .

    To associate the appointment with a business partner and contact person,

    you enter the necessary data and make the necessary selections on the

    Business Partnertab.

    To associate the appointment with a document, you enter the necessary data

    and make the necessary selections on the Documenttab.

    On the Companytab, the system displays the logon information for the

    current SAP Business One session.

    To associate the appointment and then synchronize it with the current data in

    SAP Business One, you choose Synchronize This. Or you synchronize it later

    with the Data Synchronization feature.

    According to your selections, the Microsoft Outlook appointment is associated

    with the SAP Business One business partner or contact person and/or

    corresponding linked documents.

    After the appointment has been successfully synchronized, the system

    displays information about the associated appointment.

    To view the associated appointment at any other time, activate the

    appointment and then choose SAP Business One AssociatedAppointment.

    You can associate tasks in Microsoft Outlook with corresponding business

    partners, contact persons, and corresponding linked documents previously

    saved in SAP Business One prior to data synchronization.

    You open or create a task in Microsoft Outlook and then choose SAP

    Business One Associate with .

    To associate the task with a business partner and contact person, you enter

    the necessary data and make the necessary selections on the Business


    To associate the task with a document, you enter the necessary data and

    make the necessary selections on the Documenttab.

    On the Companytab, the system displays the logon information for the

    current SAP Business One session.

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    To associate the task and then synchronize it with the current data in SAP

    Business One, you choose Synchronize This. Or you synchronize it later with

    the Data Synchronization feature.

    According to your selections, the Microsoft Outlook task is associated with the

    SAP Business One business partner or contact person and/or correspondinglinked documents.

    After the task has been successfully synchronized, the system displays

    information about the associated task.

    To view the associated task at any other time, activate the task and then

    choose SAP Business One Associated Task.

    You can associate contacts in Microsoft Outlook with business partners

    previously saved in SAP Business One prior to data synchronization.

    You open or create a contact in Microsoft Outlook and then choose SAP

    Business One Associate with .

    To associate the contact with a business partner, you enter the necessary

    data and make the necessary selections on the Business Partnertab.

    On the Companytab, the system displays the logon information for the

    current SAP Business One session.

    To associate the contact and then synchronize it with the current data in SAP

    Business One, you choose Synchronize This. Or you synchronize it later with

    the Data Synchronization feature.

    According to your selections, the Microsoft Outlook contact is associated with

    the SAP Business One business partner.

    After the contact has been successfully synchronized, the system displays

    information about the associated contact.

    To view the associated contact at any other time, activate the contact and

    then choose SAP Business One Associated Contact.

    Data synchronization between SAP Business One and Microsoft Outlook

    comprises the synchronizing of the following items:

    MS Outlook Calendar appointments SAP Business One Activities

    (Meetings / Phone Calls)

    MS Outlook Tasks SAP Business One Activity


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    MS Outlook Contacts SAP Business One Business

    Partner / Contact Person

    To define which of these are synchronized, you choose from specific criteria

    for each of these items. These criteria (default settings) are grouped into the

    following categories:

    General settings, for example, what kind of item (appointments,

    contacts, and/or tasks) will be synchronized.

    Calendar-specific settings, for example, the date range of the

    appointments that will be synchronized.

    Contact-specific settings, for example, only the contacts belonging to a

    specific business partner will be synchronized.

    Task-specific settings, for example, only open tasks will be


    Scheduling settings, for example, you can schedule an automatic data

    synchronization every time you log on to SAP Business One

    Conflict resolution settings, for example, when two different system

    copies exist for the same appointment (one in SAP Business One and

    one in Microsoft Outlook), you decide which system data is written to

    the other system.

    A snapshot is a user-defined collection of information (queries) from SAP

    Business One about a particular business partner or contact person. These

    queries can, for example, include all account transactions, delivery notes,

    service calls or activities related to that business partner/contact person.

    A snapshot is created as a Microsoft Excel workbook or as plain text.

    When you associate and synchronize a contact in Microsoft Outlook with a

    business partner/contact person in SAP Business One, you can also create a

    snapshot. To create the snapshot, you select a snapshot template that you

    have previously defined within SAP Business One.

    The snapshot template defines which queries from SAP Business One aredownloaded to the associated Microsoft Outlook contact.

    Ten default templates are delivered with the Microsoft Outlook Integration


    Executive Customer (by Business Partner)

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    Executive Customer (by Contact Person)

    Executive Vendor (by Business Partner)

    Executive Vendor (by Contact Person)

    Sales (by Business Partner)

    Sales (by Contact Person)

    Service (by Business Partner)

    Service (by Contact Person)

    Purchase (by Business Partner)

    Purchase (by Contact Person)

    You create a snapshot a user-defined collection of information from SAP

    Business One about a particular business partner or contact person for the

    Microsoft Outlook contact. The snapshot is created according to a template.

    The contents of the snapshot are saved in the Notes section of the Contact


    To create a snapshot for a business partner you open or create a contact in

    Microsoft Outlook and choose SAP Business One Associate with .

    To associate the contact with a business partner, you enter the necessary

    data and make the necessary selections on the Business Partnertab.

    To create a snapshot, you choose on the Snapshottab the Category,

    Language, Snapshot Template, Plain Textor Microsoft Excel Formatand the

    Time for the snapshot download.

    To associate the contact, synchronize it with the current data in SAP Business

    One, and create the snapshot you choose Synchronize This.

    When the contact has been synchronized, a snapshot is created for the

    Microsoft Outlook contact. The contents of the snapshot are saved in the

    Notes section of the Microsoft Outlook contact.

    The quotation function of the Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on enables

    you to:

    Display and edit existing quotations from SAP Business One in

    Microsoft Outlook

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    Create new quotations in Microsoft Outlook that you can store in SAP

    Business One

    Send a quotation as an e-mail with Microsoft Outlook

    To send a quotation as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Outlook, click your

    Quotations folder.

    A list of all quotations that you imported from SAP Business One is displayed.

    Double-click the quotation you want to send as an e-mail attachment.

    The Quotations dialog box appears.

    Choose Send.

    The quotation is created as a Microsoft Word document and is included

    automatically as an attachment to the e-mail that appears.

    The e-mail address of the contact person in the quotation defaults in the e-


    You can import quotations from SAP Business One to Microsoft Outlook and

    then display, edit, or send them as e-mails. Your selections for filter criteria

    define which quotations will be imported from SAP Business One to Microsoft

    Outlook. These criteria including the following:

    Owner of quotation

    Status of quotation

    Posting date of quotation

    To import the new quotations based on your filter criteria, in Microsoft

    Outlook, choose SAP Business OneQuotations Refresh.

    The Quotations folder in your Microsoft Outlook folder list is filled with the

    relevant quotations.

    To create or change quotations in Microsoft Outlook, you must have

    established a connection between SAP Business One and Microsoft Outlook.

    To create a quotation in Microsoft Outlook, click on the Quotations folder.

    In the Microsoft Outlook menu bar, choose SAP Business One NewQuotation.

    The Quotations template appears.

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    Enter the required data.

    Choose Update to save the new quotation in SAP Business One.

    The new quotation is stored in SAP Business One.

    The new quotation is added to your Quotations folder only when it matches

    your current filter criteria.

    E-mail integration comprises the real-time (transactional) integration

    between SAP Business One and Microsoft Outlook. You can save e-mails that

    you receive, send, or forward in Microsoft Outlook as activities in SAP

    Business One.

    Synchronization of e-mail between SAP Business One and Microsoft Outlook is

    not supported.

    To save an e-mail that you receive, send, or forward in Microsoft Outlook asan activity in SAP Business One, you have the following options:

    Save E-Mail as Activity Default Settings

    If you choose this menu option, you can make default settings for

    follow-ups and attachments for the activity.

    Quick Save E-mail as Activity

    If you choose this menu option, and depending upon whether you are

    the sender or receiver of the e-mail the system matches either the e-

    mail address of the recipient, or the sender of the e-mail, with that of

    the corresponding business partner or contact person in SAP Business

    One. If there are more than two parties involved in the e-mail

    exchange, you are prompted to choose the primary e-mail address to

    be used to locate a single business partner or contact person in SAP

    Business One.

    As soon as the match is made, an activity is created automatically for

    the business partner or contact person in SAP Business One.

    Depending on your settings, you also can save the original e-mail and

    any file attachments as attachments to the activity in SAP Business


    Save E-mail as Activity

    If you choose this menu option, the Save E-Mail as Activitydialog box

    appears. You then determine the relevant business partner or contact

    person manually and make follow-up and attachment settings for the


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    With the Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on, you also can save data from

    Microsoft Word in SAP Business One.

    Once you are logged on to SAP Business One from one of the following

    programs, you can use the other programs without having to log on


    Microsoft Outlook

    Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Excel

    You can save a Microsoft Word document as an activity in SAP Business One.

    You can select the business partner or contact person in SAP Business One

    with which a Microsoft Word document is saved as an activity.

    You can associate other types of documents in SAP Business One with the

    new activity.

    You can instruct the system to remind you to perform a follow-up to the new

    activity in SAP Business One.

    The Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on works in the same way for saving

    data from Microsoft Excel in SAP Business One as it does for Microsoft Word.

    With the Microsoft Outlook Integration add-on, you can save data from

    Microsoft Excel in SAP Business One.

    Once you are logged on to SAP Business One from one of the following

    programs, you can use the other programs without having to log on


    Microsoft Outlook

    Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Excel

    You can save a Microsoft Excel workbook as an activity in SAP Business One.

    You can select the business partner or contact person in SAP Business One

    with which a Microsoft Excel document is saved as an activity.

    You can associate other types of documents in SAP Business One with the

    new activity.

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    You can instruct the system to remind you to perform a follow-up to the new

    activity in SAP Business One.