basic clinical radiobiology - clinical radiobiology fourth edition edited by michael...


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Page 1: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel
Page 2: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Basic ClinicalRadiobiology







Edited byMichael Joiner

Professor of RadiobiologyWayne State University


Albert van der KogelProfessor of Radiobiology

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreThe Netherlands

Page 3: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

First published in Great Britain in 1993 by Edward Arnold.Second edition published in Great Britain in 1997 by Arnold.Third edition published in Great Britain in 2002 by Hodder Arnold.This fourth edition published in Great Britain in 2009 by Hodder Arnold,an imprint of Hodder Education, an Hachette UK Company, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH.

© 2009 Edward Arnold

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Page 4: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Colour plates appear between pages 216 and 217

List of contributors v

Preface vii

1 Introduction: the significance of radiobiology and radiotherapy for cancer treatment 1MC Joiner, AJ van der Kogel and GG Steel

2 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response 11BG Wouters and AC Begg

3 Cell death after irradiation: how, when and why cells die 27BG Wouters

4 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival 41MC Joiner

5 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy 56SM Bentzen

6 Linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness 68MC Joiner

7 Tumour growth and response to radiation 78D Zips

8 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach 102MC Joiner and SM Bentzen

9 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice 120SM Bentzen and MC Joiner

10 Modified fractionation 135M Baumann and V Grégoire

11 Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiation 149W Dörr

12 The dose-rate effect 158AJ van der Kogel

13 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects 169W Dörr


Page 5: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

iv Contents

14 The volume effect in radiotherapy 191W Dörr and AJ van der Kogel

15 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy 207MR Horsman, BG Wouters, MC Joiner and J Overgaard

16 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses 217BG Wouters and M Koritzinsky

17 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia 233MR Horsman and AJ van der Kogel

18 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy 246V Grégoire and M Baumann

19 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues 259W Dörr and FA Stewart

20 Molecular image-guided radiotherapy with positron emission tomography 271V Grégoire, K Haustermans and J Lee

21 Molecular-targeted agents for enhancing tumour response 287M Baumann and V Grégoire

22 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues 301W Dörr

23 Molecular targeting and patient individualization 316AC Begg

24 Protons and other ions in radiotherapy 332W Dörr and MC Joiner

25 Second cancers after radiotherapy 339KR Trott

Glossary of terms in radiation biology 353

Index 361

Page 6: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

M BaumannDepartment of Radiation Oncology and OncoRay Centerfor Radiation Research in OncologyMedical Faculty and University Hospital Carl GustavCarusTechnical University DresdenDresdenGermany

AC BeggDivision of Experimental TherapyNetherlands Cancer InstituteAmsterdamThe Netherlands

SM BentzenDepartments of Human Oncology, Medical Physics,Biostatistics and Medical InformaticsUniversity of Wisconsin School of Medicine and PublicHealthMadison, WisconsinUSA

W DörrDepartment of Radiation OncologyMedical Faculty and University Hospital Carl GustavCarusTechnical University DresdenDresdenGermany

V GrégoireDepartment of Radiation Oncology and Centre forMolecular Imaging and Experimental RadiotherapyUniversité Catholique de Louvain, St. Luc UniversityHospitalBrusselsBelgium


K HaustermansDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Leuven CancerInstituteUniversity Hospital GasthuisbergLeuvenBelgium

MR HorsmanDepartment of Experimental Clinical OncologyAarhus University HospitalAarhusDenmark

MC JoinerDepartment of Radiation Oncology and KarmanosCancer InstituteWayne State University School of MedicineDetroit, MichiganUSA

M KoritzinskyDepartment of Radiation Oncology, University ofTorontoPrincess Margaret Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute,University Health NetworkToronto, OntarioCanada

J LeeCentre for Molecular Imaging and ExperimentalRadiotherapyUniversité Catholique de Louvain, St. Luc UniversityHospitalBrusselsBelgium

Page 7: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

vi Contributors

J OvergaardDepartment of Experimental Clinical OncologyAarhus University HospitalAarhusDenmark

GG SteelInstitute of Cancer ResearchRoyal Marsden HospitalSutton, SurreyUK

FA StewartDivision of Experimental TherapyNetherlands Cancer InstituteAmsterdamThe Netherlands

KR TrottDepartment of OncologyUniversity CollegeLondonUK

AJ van der KogelDepartment of Radiation OncologyRadboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreNijmegenThe Netherlands

BG WoutersDepartments of Radiation Oncology and MedicalBiophysics, University of TorontoPrincess Margaret Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute,University Health NetworkToronto, OntarioCanada

D ZipsDepartment of Radiation OncologyMedical Faculty and University Hospital Carl GustavCarusTechnical University DresdenDresdenGermany

Page 8: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

This is the fourth edition of Basic ClinicalRadiobiology, which was first published in 1993. Itis a teaching book which is directed at an interna-tional audience but has arisen and evolved largelyfrom courses organized by the European Societyfor Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology(ESTRO) for students of radiotherapy, radiationphysics and radiobiology. In this new edition, aspreviously, we have included as contributorsmany of the radiation oncologists and biologistsfrom both Europe and North America who cur-rently teach this material for those ESTRO coursesthat continue to take place now typically twice ayear and attract students from all over the world.

The first three editions of this book were underthe editorship of Gordon Steel, but in this newedition Gordon has passed the editing pen to histwo senior co-teachers, who have both beeninvolved in these international courses since theirinception in 1990. We acknowledge and thankGordon for his tremendous effort and expertstewardship over the first three editions, and wehope very much that, in this new edition, we havemanaged to maintain the high standard of con-tent, presentation and accessibility that has alwaysbeen an integral part of this project.

This new edition is the most extensive revisionto Basic Clinical Radiobiology yet. New chaptershave been added which review image-guidedradiotherapy, biological response modifiers, thetumour microenvironment, and radiation-induced second cancers. Substantial additionshave been made to the description of the patho-genesis of normal tissue side-effects, the molecu-lar description of the DNA damage response, cell

death, and molecular targeting and individualiza-tion. With clinical trials demonstrating thattumour-targeted molecules can improve the ther-apeutic ratio, these topics have become importantin teaching radiation biology and questions onthese subject areas are appearing in board exami-nations for radiation oncology and medicalphysics.

At the same time, we continue to provide in-depth coverage of the more established subjectsof dose responses and fractionation including thelinear-quadratic framework, time factors anddose-rate effects, volume effects and retreatmenttolerance, tumour radiobiology, combined radio-therapy and chemotherapy, and the oxygen effect.Also well-covered are high-linear energy transfer(LET) effects, but now with additional presenta-tion of the status of clinical usage of light ions andprotons, which centres are starting to adopt intheir radiotherapy practices.

Thus, with including the essential core materialwhile adequately covering the rapidly expandingfield of molecular radiobiology, both necessary fora full understanding of clinical radiotherapy, thisnew edition of the book is larger than the previouseditions. Yet, we believe we have achieved the samehigh level of accessibility and ease of reading thathave always been the hallmarks of this book andwhich we hope will once again make Basic ClinicalRadiobiology a valuable companion to all peopleinvolved in radiation oncology, whatever theircontribution and level of expertise.

Michael JoinerAlbert van der Kogel


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Page 10: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Introduction: the significance of radiobiologyand radiotherapy for cancer treatmentMICHAEL C. JOINER, ALBERT J. VAN DER KOGEL AND G. GORDON STEEL

1.1 The role of radiotherapy in the management of cancer 1

1.2 The role of radiation biology 41.3 The time-scale of effects in radiation biology 41.4 Response of normal and malignant tissues

to radiation exposure 51.5 Response curves, dose–response curves and

isoeffect relationships 6

1.6 The concept of therapeutic index 71.7 The importance of radiation biology for the

future development of radiotherapy 8Key points 10Bibliography 10Further reading 10



Radiotherapy has consistently remained one of thetwo most effective treatments for cancer, with morethan half of all patients estimated to receive radio-therapy at some point during their management(Tobias, 1996; Delaney et al., 2005). Surgery, whichhas the longer history, is also the primary form oftreatment in many tumour types and leads to goodtherapeutic results in a range of early non-metastatictumours. Radiotherapy is a good alternative to sur-gery for the long-term control of many tumours ofthe head and neck, lung, cervix, bladder, prostateand skin, in which it often achieves a reasonableprobability of tumour control with good cosmeticresults. In addition to these examples of the cura-tive role of radiation therapy, many patients gainvaluable palliation by radiation. Chemotherapy isthe third most important treatment modality at thepresent time. Following the early use of nitrogenmustard during the 1920s it has emerged to thepoint where a large choice of drugs is available forthe management of cancer, although no more than10–20 agents are in common use. Many patients

receive chemotherapy at some point in their man-agement and useful symptom relief and diseasearrest are often obtained. Last, targeted agents (alsocalled small or smart molecules) are being intro-duced into clinical practice, and some [e.g. epithe-lial growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors] havebeen associated with radiotherapy and shownpromising clinical results.

Table 1.1, adapted from Delaney et al. (2005),illustrates the proportions of patients who shouldoptimally receive radiotherapy for cancers in dif-ferent sites, derived from evidence-based guide-lines. The following is a brief outline examplingthe role of radiotherapy in different disease sites:

● Breast – early breast cancers, not known to havemetastasized, are usually treated by surgery (e.g.lumpectomy or tumourectomy) and this has atumour control rate in the region of 50–70 percent. Postoperative radiotherapy given to thebreast and regional lymph nodes increases con-trol by up to 20 per cent and improves long-term survival. Hormonal therapy andchemotherapy also have significant impact onpatient survival. In patients who have evidence

Page 11: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

2 Introduction: the significance for cancer treatment

of metastatic spread at the time of diagnosis theoutlook is poor.

● Lung – most locally advanced lung tumours areinoperable and, in these, the 5-year survival ratefor radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy isin the region of 5 per cent. However, studies haveshown high local tumour control after high-doseradiotherapy for early disease in patients not suit-able for surgery.

● Prostate – surgery and radiotherapy have a simi-lar level of effectiveness, with excellent long-term outcome. Early-stage disease is oftentreated with radiotherapy alone, either by exter-nal beam or by brachytherapy, with 5-year disease-specific control rates more than 95 percent. Locally, more advanced tumours mayrequire an association between anti-hormonal

treatment and external radiotherapy. Chemo-therapy makes a limited contribution to localtumour control.

● Cervix – disease that has developed beyond the in situ stage is often treated by a combination ofintracavitary and external-beam radiotherapy; inmore advanced stages radiotherapy is frequentlycombined with chemotherapy. The control ratevaries widely with the stage of the disease, fromaround 70 per cent in stage I to perhaps 7 per centin stage IV.

● Head and neck – early-stage disease can be curedwith either surgery or radiotherapy (external-beam and/or brachytherapy). For more advanceddisease, radiotherapy is typically delivered withalternative fractionation (e.g. accelerated treat-ment or hyperfractionation), or with concomitant

Table 1.1 Optimal radiotherapy utilization rate by cancer type*

Proportion of all Proportion of patients receiving Patients receiving radiotherapyTumour type cancers (%) radiotherapy (%) (% of all cancers)

Breast 13 83 10.8Lung 10 76 7.6Melanoma 11 23 2.5Prostate 12 60 7.2Gynaecological 5 35 1.8Colon 9 14 1.3Rectum 5 61 3.1Head and neck 4 78 3.1Gall bladder 1 13 0.1Liver 1 0 0.0Oesophageal 1 80 0.8Stomach 2 68 1.4Pancreas 2 57 1.1Lymphoma 4 65 2.6Leukaemia 3 4 0.1Myeloma 1 38 0.4Central nervous system 2 92 1.8Renal 3 27 0.8Bladder 3 58 1.7Testis 1 49 0.5Thyroid 1 10 0.1Unknown primary 4 61 2.4Other 2 50 1.0Total 100 – 52.3

*From Delaney et al. (2005), with permission.

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Radiotherapy in the management of cancer 3

chemoradiotherapy. More recently concomitantassociation of EGFR inhibitors (e.g. cetuximab)and radiotherapy has also been validated. Post-operative radiotherapy or concomitant chemo-radiotherapy is also often used after primarysurgery for locally advanced diseases.

● Lymphoma – in early-disease Hodgkin’s lym-phoma, radiotherapy alone achieves a controlrate of around 80–90 per cent, but now is moreoften associated with chemotherapy allowing forsmaller irradiated volumes and lower doses ofradiation.

● Bladder – the success of surgery or radiotherapyvaries widely with stage of the disease; bothapproaches give 5-year survival rates in excessof 50 per cent. For early-stage bladder cancer,organ-preserving (partial) bladder irradiationis a good alternative to surgery with compara-ble local control rates.

● Other tumour sites – radiotherapy alone or com-bined with chemotherapy is also frequently usedas a postoperative modality in brain tumours,pancreatic tumours or sarcomas, or as a preoper-ative modality in oesophageal, rectal or gastrictumours.

Substantial numbers of patients with commoncancers achieve long-term tumour control largelyby the use of radiation therapy. Informed debate on the funding of national cancer programmesrequires data on the relative roles of the main treat-ment modalities. Broad estimates by DeVita et al.(1979) and Souhami and Tobias (1986) suggestedthat local treatment, which includes surgery and/orradiotherapy, could be expected to be successful inapproximately 40 per cent of these cases; in perhaps15 per cent of all cancers radiotherapy would be theprincipal form of treatment. In contrast, manypatients do receive chemotherapy but their contri-bution to the overall cure rate of cancer may beonly around 2 per cent, with some prolongation oflife in perhaps another 10 per cent. This is becausethe diseases in which chemotherapy alone does wellare rare. If these figures are correct, it may be thataround seven times as many patients currently arecured by radiotherapy as by chemotherapy. This isnot to undervalue the important benefits ofchemotherapy in a number of chemosensitive dis-eases and as an adjuvant treatment, but to stress the

greater role of radiotherapy as a curative agent(Tubiana, 1992).

Considerable efforts are being devoted at thepresent time to the improvement of radiotherapyand chemotherapy. Wide publicity is given to thenewer areas of drug development such as lym-phokines, growth factors, anti-oncogenes and genetherapy. But if we were to imagine aiming toincrease the cure rate of cancer by, say, 2 per cent,it would seem on a realistic estimation that thiswould be more likely to be achieved by increasingthe results of radiotherapy from say 15 per cent to17 per cent than by doubling the results achievedby chemotherapy.

There are four main ways in which such animprovement in radiotherapy might be obtained:

1. by raising the standards of radiation dose pre-scription and delivery to those currently in usein the best radiotherapy centres;

2. by improving radiation dose distributionsbeyond those that have been conventionallyachieved, either using techniques of conformalradiotherapy and intensity modulation withphotons or by the use of proton or carbon-ionbeams;

3. by integrating image-guidance into daily treat-ment delivery;

4. by exploiting radiobiological initiatives.

The proportion of radiotherapists world-widewho work in academic centres is probably less than5 per cent. They are the clinicians who may haveaccess to new treatment technology, for exampleion beam therapy and image guidance, or to newradiosensitizers or to new agents for targeted ther-apy. Chapters of this book allude to these excitingdevelopments which may well have a significantimpact on treatment success in the future. How-ever, it should not be thought that the improve-ment of radiation therapy lies exclusively withclinical research in the specialist academic centres.It has widely been recognized that by far the mosteffective way of improving cure rates on a nationalor international scale is by quality assurance in theprescription and delivery of radiation treatment.Chapters 8–10 of this book deal with the principleson which fractionation schedules should be opti-mized, including how to respond to unavoidablegaps in treatment. For many radiotherapists this

Page 13: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

4 Introduction: the significance for cancer treatment

will be the most important part of this book, foreven in the smallest department it is possible, evenwithout access to greatly increased funding, tomove closer to optimum fractionation practices.


Experimental and theoretical studies in radiationbiology contribute to the development of radio-therapy at three different levels, moving in turnfrom the most general to the more specific:

● Ideas – providing a conceptual basis for radio-therapy, identifying mechanisms and processesthat underlie the response of tumours and nor-mal tissues to irradiation and which help toexplain observed phenomena. Examples areknowledge about hypoxia, reoxygenation,tumour cell repopulation or mechanisms ofrepair of DNA damage.

● Treatment strategy – development of specificnew approaches in radiotherapy. Examples arehypoxic cell sensitizers, targeted agents, high-linear energy transfer (LET) radiotherapy, accel-erated radiotherapy and hyperfractionation.

● Protocols – advice on the choice of schedules forclinical radiotherapy. For example, conversionformulae for changes in fractionation or doserate, or advice on whether to use chemotherapyconcurrently or sequentially with radiation. Wemay also include under this heading methodsfor predicting the best treatment for the indi-vidual patient (individualized radiotherapy).

There is no doubt that radiobiology has beenvery fruitful in the generation of new ideas and inthe identification of potentially exploitable mech-anisms. A variety of new treatment strategies havebeen produced but, unfortunately, few of thesehave so far led to demonstrable clinical gains. Inregard to the third of the levels listed above, thenewer conversion formulae based on the linear-quadratic (LQ) equation seem to be successful.However, beyond this, the ability of laboratoryscience to guide the radiotherapist in the choice ofspecific protocols is limited by the inadequacy ofthe theoretical and experimental models: it willalways be necessary to rely on clinical trials for thefinal choice of a protocol.


Irradiation of any biological system generates asuccession of processes that differ enormously intime-scale. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.1 in whichthese processes are divided into three phases(Boag, 1975), described below.

Physical phase

The physical phase consists of interactions betweencharged particles and the atoms of which the tissueis composed. A high-speed electron takes about10�18s to traverse the DNA molecule and about10�14s to pass across a mammalian cell. As it doesso it interacts mainly with orbital electrons, ejecting



Human lifespan




Enzyme reactions

Repair processes

Cell proliferation

Early effects

Late effects






103 106

10310�610�1210�18 106 109




Figure 1.1 Time-scale of the effects of radiation exposure on biological systems.

Page 14: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Response of tissues to radiation exposure 5

some of them from atoms (ionization) and raisingothers to higher energy levels within an atom ormolecule (excitation). If sufficiently energetic,these secondary electrons may excite or ionizeother atoms near which they pass, giving rise to acascade of ionization events. For 1 Gy of absorbedradiation dose, there are in excess of 105 ionizationswithin the volume of every cell of diameter 10 μm.

Chemical phase

The chemical phase describes the period in whichthese damaged atoms and molecules react withother cellular components in rapid chemical reac-tions. Ionization and excitation lead to the breakageof chemical bonds and the formation of brokenmolecules known as ‘free radicals’. These are highlyreactive and they engage in a succession of reac-tions that lead eventually to the restoration of elec-tronic charge equilibrium. Free-radical reactionsare complete within approximately 1 ms of radia-tion exposure. An important characteristic of thechemical phase is the competition between scav-enging reactions, for example with sulphydrylcompounds that inactivate the free radicals, andfixation reactions that lead to stable chemicalchanges in biologically important molecules.

Biological phase

The biological phase includes all subsequent pro-cesses. These begin with enzymatic reactions that acton the residual chemical damage. The vast majorityof lesions, for example in DNA, are successfullyrepaired. Some rare lesions fail to repair and it isthese that lead eventually to cell death. Cells taketime to die; indeed after small doses of radiationthey may undergo a number of mitotic divisionsbefore dying. It is the killing of stem cells and thesubsequent loss of the cells that they would havegiven rise to that causes the early manifestations ofnormal-tissue damage during the first weeks andmonths after radiation exposure. Examples arebreakdown of the skin or mucosa, denudation of theintestine and haemopoietic damage (see Chapter 13,Section 13.2). A secondary effect of cell killing iscompensatory cell proliferation, which occurs bothin normal tissues and in tumours.At later times after

the irradiation of normal tissues the so-called ‘latereactions’ appear. These include fibrosis and telang-iectasia of the skin, spinal cord damage and bloodvessel damage. An even later manifestation of radia-tion damage is the appearance of second tumours(i.e. radiation carcinogenesis). The time-scale of theobservable effects of ionizing radiation may thusextend up to many years after exposure.


Much of the text of this book will focus on theeffects of radiation exposure that become apparentto the clinician or the patient during the weeks,months and years after radiotherapy. These effectsare seen both in the tumour and in the normal tis-sues that are unavoidably included within thetreatment plan and exposed to radiation. The pri-mary tasks of radiation biology, as applied toradiotherapy, are to explain observed phenomena,and to suggest improvements to existing therapies(as outlined in Section 1.2).

The response of a tumour is seen by regression,often followed by regrowth (or recurrence), but per-haps with failure to regrow during the normal lifespan of the patient (which we term cure or, more correctly, local control). These italicizedterms describe the tumour responses that we seek tounderstand. The cellular basis of tumour response,including tumour control, is dealt with in Chapter 7.

The responses of normal tissues to therapeuticradiation exposure range from those that causemild discomfort to others that are life-threatening.The speed at which a response develops varieswidely from one tissue to another and oftendepends on the dose of radiation that the tissuereceives. Generally speaking, the haemopoietic andepithelial tissues manifest radiation damage withinweeks of radiation exposure, while damage to con-nective tissues becomes important at later times. Amajor development in the radiobiology of normaltissues during the 1980s was the realization thatearly and late normal-tissue responses are differ-ently modified by a change in dose fractionationand this gave rise to the current interest in hyper-fractionation (see Chapter 10, Section 10.3).

Page 15: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

6 Introduction: the significance for cancer treatment

The first task of a radiobiologist is to measure atissue response accurately and reliably. The termassay is used to describe such a system of measure-ment. Assays for tumour response are described inChapter 7, Section 7.2. For normal tissues, the fol-lowing three general types of assay are available:

● Scoring of gross tissue effects – it is possible tograde the severity of damage to a tissue using an arbitrary scale as is done, for example, in Figs 13.7 and 13.9. In superficial tissues thisapproach has been remarkably successful inallowing isoeffect relationships to be determined.

● Assays of tissue function – for certain tissues,functional assays are available that allow radia-tion effects to be documented. Examples are theuse of breathing rate as a measure of lung func-tion in mice, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA) clearance as a measure of kidney dam-age (Fig. 8.4), or blood counts as an indicator ofbone marrow function.

● Clonogenic assays – in some tumours and somenormal tissues it has been possible to developmethods by which the colony of cells that derive

from a single irradiated cell can be observed. Intumours this is particularly important becauseof the fact that regrowth of a tumour after sub-curative treatment is caused by the proliferationof a small number of tumour cells that retaincolony-forming ability. This important area ofradiation biology is introduced in Chapter 4.


The damage that is observed in an irradiated tissueincreases, reaches a peak, and then may decline (Fig. 1.2a). How should we quantify the magnitudeof this response? We could use the measuredresponse at some chosen time after irradiation, suchas the time of maximum response, but the timing ofthe peak may change with radiation dose and thiswould lead to some uncertainty in the interpreta-tion of the results.A common method is to calculatethe cumulative response by integrating this curvefrom left to right (Fig. 1.2b). Some normal tissue

Time after irradiation(a)




Time after irradiation





e Cumulativeresponse




Radiation dose(c)





Number of fractions(d)


l dos


Tumour response

Figure 1.2 Four types of chart leading to the construction of an isoeffect plot. (a) Time-course of development ofradiation damage in a normal tissue. (b) The cumulative response. (c) A dose–response relationship, constructed bymeasuring the response (R) for various radiation doses (D); acceptable clinical tolerance (T ) of most tissues is towardsthe low end of the dose–response relationship. (d) Isoeffect plot for a fixed level of normal-tissue damage (also asimilar plot for tumour response).

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Concept of therapeutic index 7

responses give a cumulative curve that rises to aplateau, and the height of the plateau is a goodmeasure of the total effect of that dose of radiationon the tissue. Other normal-tissue responses, inparticular the late responses seen in connective andvascular tissues, are progressive and the cumulativeresponse curve will continue to rise (Figs 13.7 and13.8). The quantification of clinical normal-tissuereactions is dealt with in Chapter 13, Section 13.4.

The next stage in a study of the radiationresponse of a tissue will be to vary the radiation doseand thus to investigate the dose–response relation-ship (Fig. 1.2c). Many examples of such curves aregiven throughout this book, for example Figs 5.6,14.3 and 19.8. Cell survival curves (see Chapter 4,Section 4.3) are further examples of dose–responsecurves that are widely used in radiobiology. Theposition of the curve on the dose scale indicates thesensitivity of the tissue to radiation; its steepnessalso gives a direct indication of the change inresponse that will accompany an increase ordecrease in radiation dose. These aspects of dose–response curves are dealt with in detail in Chapter 5.

The foregoing paragraphs have, for simplicity,referred to ‘dose’ as though we are concerned only with single radiation exposures. It is a well-established fact in radiation oncology that multipleradiation doses given over a period of a few weeksgive a better curative response than can be achievedwith a single dose. Diagrams similar to Fig. 1.2a–ccan also be constructed for fractionated radiationtreatment, although the results are easiest to inter-pret when the fractions are given over a time that isshort compared with the time-scale of developmentof the response. If we change the schedule of dosefractionation, for example by giving a differentnumber of fractions, changing the fraction size orchanging radiation dose rate, we can then investi-gate the therapeutic effect in terms of an isoeffectplot (Fig. 1.2d). Experimentally this is done by per-forming multiple studies at different doses for eachchosen schedule and calculating a dose–responsecurve. We then select some particular level of effect(R in Fig. 1.2c) and read off the total radiation dosethat gives this effect. For effects on normal tissuesthe isoeffect will often be some upper limit of toler-ance of the tissue, perhaps expressed as a probabilityof tissue failure (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, andChapter 14, Section 14.2) and perhaps choosing a

lower level of effect (T in Fig. 1.2c) will be moreappropriate. The isoeffect plot shows how the totalradiation dose for the chosen level of effect varieswith dose schedule: examples are given in Figs 8.2and 10.3, and recommendations for tolerance cal-culations are set out in Chapters 8 and 9. Thedashed line in Fig. 1.2d illustrates how therapeuticconclusions may be drawn from isoeffect curves. Ifthe curve for tumour response is flatter than fornormal-tissue tolerance, then there is a therapeuticadvantage in using a large number of fractions: atolerance dose given using a small number of frac-tions will be far short of the tumour-effective dose,whereas for large fraction numbers it may be closerto an effective dose.


Any discussion of the possible benefit of a changein treatment strategy must always consider simul-taneously the effects on tumour response and onnormal-tissue damage. A wide range of factorsenter into this assessment. In the clinic, in additionto quantifiable aspects of tumour response andtoxicity, there may be a range of poorly quantifiablefactors such as new forms of toxicity or risks to thepatient, or practicality and convenience to hospitalstaff; there are also cost implications. These must allbe balanced in the clinical setting. The role of radi-ation biology is to address the quantifiable biologi-cal aspects of a change in treatment.

In the research setting, this can be done by con-sidering dose–response curves. As radiation dose isincreased, there will be a tendency for tumourresponse to increase, and the same is also true ofdamage to normal tissues. If, for example, we meas-ure tumour response by determining the proportionof tumours that are controlled, then we expect a sig-moid relationship to dose (for fractionated radiationtreatment we could consider the total dose or anyother measure of treatment intensity). This is illus-trated in the upper part of Fig. 1.3. If we quantifydamage to normal tissues in some way for the sametreatment schedule, there will also be a rising curveof toxicity (lower panel). The shape of this curve isunlikely to be the same as that for tumour responseand we probably will not wish to determine more

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8 Introduction: the significance for cancer treatment

than the initial part of this curve since a high fre-quency of severe damage is unacceptable. By anal-ogy with what must be done in the clinic, we canthen fix a notional upper limit of tolerance (seeChapter 14, Section 14.2). This fixes, for that treat-ment schedule, the upper limit of radiation dosethat can be tolerated, for which the tumour responseis indicated by the point in Fig. 1.3 labelled A.

Consider now the effect of adding treatmentwith a cytotoxic drug. We plan that this willincrease the tumour response for any radiationdose and this will be seen as a movement to theleft of the curve for tumour control (Fig. 1.3).However, there will probably also be an increase indamage to normal tissues which again will consistof a leftward movement of the toxicity curve. Therelative displacement of the curves for the tumourand normal tissues will usually be different andthis fact makes the amount of benefit from thechemotherapy very difficult to assess. How do weknow whether there has been a real therapeutic

gain? For studies on laboratory animals there is astraightforward way of asking whether the com-bined treatment is better than radiation alone: forthe same tolerance level of normal-tissue damage(the broken line) the maximum radiation dose(with drug) will be lower and the correspondinglevel of tumour control is indicated by point B inFig. 1.3. If B is higher than A then the combina-tion is better than radiation alone and represents atherapeutic gain, because it gives a greater level oftumour control for the same level of morbidity.

This example illustrates the radiobiological con-cept of therapeutic index: it is the tumour responsefor a fixed level of normal-tissue damage (seeChapter 5, Section 5.6). The term therapeutic win-dow describes the (possible) difference between thetumour control dose and the tolerance dose. Theconcept can, in principle, be applied to any thera-peutic situation or to any appropriate measures oftumour response or toxicity. Its application in theclinic is, however, not a straightforward matter, asindicated in Chapter 18, Section 18.1. Therapeuticindex also carries the notion of ‘cost–benefit’ analy-sis. It is impossible to reliably discuss the potentialbenefit of a new treatment without reference to itseffect on therapeutic index.


Radiation oncology, more than any of the othermodalities for cancer treatment, is, to a largeextent, a technical discipline. Improvements in thetreatment of cancer with radiotherapy over recentdecades have resulted mainly from improvementsin technology, combining new methods of preci-sion in dose delivery with new imaging tools. Amajor recent development has been the introduc-tion of intensity modulation in combination withvarious functional imaging modalities such asfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)and positron emission tomography(PET)/com-puted tomography (CT). This has led to new con-cepts such as ‘biological target volume’, ‘dosepainting’ and ‘theragnostic imaging’ (see Chapter20). These developments will undoubtedly lead tofurther improvements in tumour control ratesand reductions in morbidity.

With drug





l tum




Max. toleratedlevel

Radiation dose







Figure 1.3 The procedure by which an improvement intherapeutic index might be identified, as a result ofadding chemotherapy to radiotherapy (see text, Section 1.6).

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Importance of radiation biology for future development 9

In parallel with these technological advances,new developments have taken place in radiobiol-ogy, encompassing the understanding of cancerbiology in general, and the radiation response inparticular. These fundamental and preclinicalresearch efforts in biology hold great promise, justas the technical innovations, for improving theradiotherapy of cancer. It is even likely that theexpected improvements from technical innova-tions will reach a limit, and the next break-throughs will come from biological innovations,such as the application of molecularly targeteddrugs (see Chapters 21 and 22) in combinationwith high-precision methods to deliver radiation.

It is interesting to note that the recent rapidprogress in knowledge of the biology of cancer isitself also partly due to technological innovations,especially in high-throughput methods to studythe genetics of the whole cell. There are now sev-eral methods to look at the genes (DNA) andexpression of those genes (RNA and protein) inhigh numbers (tens of thousands) all at once. Thetrend here is away from the study of single genesor parameters towards genome-wide studies. Themany different potential causes of failure, or ofsevere normal-tissue reactions, necessitates suchmultiparameter/multigene studies. Methods toselectively manipulate gene expression representanother revolution in biology, allowing one toquickly assess the importance of any given gene byreducing or eliminating its expression (RNAinterference and microRNA methods). Radiationbiologists are now exploiting these techniques tobetter understand the molecular pathways thatdetermine how cells respond to damage. Thisshould lead to identification not only of new tar-gets, but of targets that are specifically deregulatedin tumours, providing the all-important tumourspecificity of therapy. This should also lead to thedevelopment of more robust and accurate predic-tors of which tumours or normal tissues willrespond well to standard radiotherapy and whichwill not, which could significantly improve indi-vidualized radiotherapy (see Chapter 23).

Over the last decade we have seen a change from‘classic radiobiology’, which has often focused onfractionation, the LQ model, and the phenomenol-ogy of repair in terms of ‘sublethal’ and ‘potentiallylethal’ damage. However, fractionation remains an important core subject for the application of

radiation therapy, and the development of the LQmodel, together with elucidation of the importanceof repopulation, has been central in understandingfractionation, leading to new and better clinicalfractionation schemes and the ability to predict theresponse of normal tissue and tumours to non-standard schedules (see Chapters 8–12). It is of greatinterest to see a change developing in the establishedconcept of high α/β values for tumours and acutelyresponding tissues, and low α/β values for late-responding tissues. This ‘dogma’ has now evolvedinto a more differentiated view, indicating thatsome tumours may have a lower α/β ratio than sur-rounding normal tissues, requiring a very differentapproach to the design of treatment schedules. Thisnew knowledge is now being applied to the designof hypofractionated schedules, such as for the treat-ment of prostate tumours, which is a dramatic devi-ation from clinical practice in the last decades.

In a similar manner, simple descriptions ofrepair and recovery have been supplemented byincreasing knowledge and understanding of themolecular pathways involved in various types ofrepair, including those for base damage, single-strand DNA breaks and double-strand breaks. Thisis leading to new ways to target deregulated repairpathways, with the promise of improving radio-therapy (see Chapter 23). In recent years, a link hasbeen established between the EGFR pathway andDNA double-strand break repair. This is highly rel-evant to radiotherapy as blocking the EGFR hasbeen shown to improve the effect of radiotherapyin head and neck cancer (see Chapter 21).

Hypoxia has always been a focus in radiationresearch, given its large influence on radiosensitivity(see Chapter 15). However, here again, phenome-nology has now been replaced by a huge plethora ofmolecular studies illuminating how cells respond tohypoxia of different degrees and fluctuating overtime (see Chapter 16). Hypoxia is also an importantissue for other disciplines apart from cancer, and soan enormous amount of fundamental informationhas been contributed by these different areas, whichradiation biologists can also exploit. This has led toseveral novel ways to either attack or exploit tumourhypoxia clinically (see Chapter 17).

Indirectly related to hypoxia is the tumour vas-culature and blood supply, and this component ofthe tumour microenvironment has been a target fortherapy for many years now. One approach is to

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10 Introduction: the significance for cancer treatment

block one of the most important growth factorsinvolved in new vessel formation and the mainte-nance of blood vessels, vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF). Another approach is to modify thefunction of mature blood vessels. Since radiationtherapy is a balancing act between damage totumours and normal tissues, sparing the latter hasalways attracted the attention of radiation scientists.The trends in radiation studies of normal tissues, asabove, are to elucidate the molecular pathwaysdetermining response, and by an increased under-standing to both predict and ameliorate severe side-effects (see Chapter 22).

Radiation oncology has always been at the inter-face of physics, biology and medicine, and, with newdevelopments in the technology of high-precisionbeam delivery with functional and molecular imag-ing, these are exciting times. Clearly, today’s radia-tion oncologists and clinical physicists need toobtain a solid understanding of both radiation biology and the new developments in molecularradiation oncology: that is the purpose of this book.


Boag JW (1975). The time scale in radiobiology. 12thFailla memorial lecture. In: Nygaard OF, Adler HI,Sinclair WK (eds) Radiation research. Proceedings ofthe 5th International Congress of Radiation Research.New York: Academic Press, 9–29.

Delaney G, Jacob S, Featherstone C, Barton M (2005). Therole of radiotherapy in cancer treatment: estimatingoptimal utilization from a review of evidence-basedclinical guidelines. Cancer 104: 1129–37.

DeVita VT, Oliverio VT, Muggia FM et al. (1979). Thedrug development and clinical trials programs of thedivision of cancer treatment, National CancerInstitute. Cancer Clin Trials 2: 195–216.

Souhami RL, Tobias JS (1986). Cancer and itsmanagement. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.

Tobias JS (1996). The role of radiotherapy in themanagement of cancer – an overview. Ann AcadMed Singapore 25: 371–9.

Tubiana M (1992). The role of local treatment in thecure of cancer. Eur J Cancer 28A: 2061–9.


Bentzen SM, Thames HD (1995). A 100-year Nordicperspective on the dose-time problem inradiobiology. Acta Oncol 34: 1031–40.

Feinendegen L, Hahnfeldt P, Schadt EE, Stumpf M, VoitEO (2008). Systems biology and its potential role inradiobiology. Radiat Environ Biophys 47: 5–23.

Salminen E, Izewska J, Andreo P (2005). IAEA’s role inthe global management of cancer – focus onupgrading radiotherapy services. Acta Oncol 44:816–24.

Willers H, Beck-Bornholdt HP (1996). Origins ofradiotherapy and radiobiology: separation of theinfluence of dose per fraction and overall treatmenttime on normal tissue damage by Reisner andMiescher in the 1930s. Radiother Oncol 38: 171–3.

Key points

1. Radiotherapy is a very important curativeand palliative modality in the treatment ofcancer, with more than half of all patientsestimated to receive radiotherapy at somepoint during their management.

2. The effects of radiation on mammalian tis-sues should be viewed as a succession ofprocesses extending from microseconds tomonths and years after exposure. In choos-ing one endpoint of effect, it is importantnot to overlook the rest of this process.

3. Therapeutic index is always ‘the name of thegame’ in curative cancer therapy.

4. Significant gains are still to be made by theoptimization of biological and physical fac-tors, particularly in the domain of ‘biologicallybased treatment planning’ and image-guidedtherapy.

5. Further gains will also accrue from theincreasing knowledge of the molecularmechanisms underlying radiation responses,enabling tumour-specific targeting ofradiosensitization.

Page 20: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Irradiation-induced damage and the DNAdamage responseBRADLY G. WOUTERS AND ADRIAN C. BEGG

2.1 DNA damage by ionizing radiation (and other sources) 11

2.2 The DNA damage response 142.3 Sensors of damage 142.4 Signalling to effector pathways 162.5 Programmed cell death – apoptosis 17

2.6 Checkpoint activation 172.7 DNA DSB repair 202.8 Other DNA repair pathways 24Key points 26Bibliography 26Further reading 26



Ionizing radiation (IR) consisting of electromag-netic radiation, or photons, is the type of radiationmost commonly used for the treatment of patientswith radiotherapy. Typical energies of the photonsproduced by 4–25 MV linear accelerators found inradiotherapy departments range from less than100 keV to several MeV (the maximum energy ofthe machine being used). From its name, the princi-pal damaging effects of this type of radiation arisefrom its ability to ionize, or eject electrons, frommolecules within cells. Almost all the photons pro-duced by linear accelerators have sufficient energyto cause such ionizations. Most biological damage,however, is done by the ejected electrons them-selves, which go on to cause further ionizations inmolecules they collide with, progressively slowingdown as they go. At the end of electron tracks, inter-actions with other molecules become more fre-quent, giving rise to clusters of ionizations(Goodhead, 2006). The pattern and density of ion-izations and their relationship with the size of theDNA double helix is shown in Fig. 2.1. The clusters

are such that many ionizations can occur within afew base pairs of the DNA. These clusters are aunique characteristic of IR, in contrast to otherforms of radiation such as UV or DNA-damagingdrugs such as topoisomerase inhibitors. Only a fewper cent of the damage is clustered, but when theseclusters occur in DNA, the cell has particular diffi-culty coping with the damage.

Ionized molecules are highly reactive andundergo a rapid cascade of chemical changes, whichcan lead to the breaking of chemical bonds. This candisrupt the structure of macromolecules such asDNA, leading to severe consequences if not repairedadequately or in time. Ionizing radiation deposits itsenergy randomly, thus causing damage to all mole-cules in the cell. However, there are multiple copiesof most molecules (e.g. water, mRNA, proteins andothers) and most undergo a continuous rapidturnover, limiting the consequences of damagingjust a few molecules of one type. In contrast, DNA ispresent in only two copies, has very limitedturnover, is the largest molecule thus providing thebiggest target, and is central to all cellular functions.The consequence of permanent damage to DNAcan therefore be serious and often lethal for the cell.

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12 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

There is also compelling experimental evidencethat the DNA is the principal target for radiation-induced cell killing. Elegant experiments havebeen carried out irradiating individual cells withsmall polonium needles producing short-range α-particles (Warters and Hofer, 1977). High dosescould be given to plasma membranes and cyto-plasm without causing cell death. However, assoon as the needle was placed so that the nucleusreceived even one or two α-particles, cell deathresulted. Other experiments used radioactivelylabelled compounds to irradiate principally the

plasma membrane (125I-concanavalin), or princi-pally the DNA (3H-labelled thymidine), and com-pared this with homogeneous cell irradiation withX-rays. Cell death closely correlated only with doseto the nucleus, and not with either the plasmamembrane or the cytoplasm (Table 2.1).

Because of the importance of DNA, cells andorganisms have developed a complex series ofprocesses and pathways for ensuring that the DNAremains intact and unaltered in the face of continu-ous attack from within (e.g. oxidation and alkyla-tion owing to metabolism) and from the outside(e.g. ingested chemicals, UV and ionizing radiation)(Harper and Elledge, 2007). These include differentforms of DNA repair to cope with the differentforms of DNA damage induced by different agents.

Specialized repair systems have therefore evolvedfor detecting and repairing damage to bases [baseexcision repair (BER)], single-strand breaks [single-strand break repair (SSBR), closely related to BER],and double-strand breaks [homologous recombi-nation (HR) and non-homologous end-joining(NHEJ)]. All these lesions are produced by ionizingradiation, and each of these repair pathways isdescribed in more detail in Sections 2.7 and 2.8.There are also other DNA repair pathways, such asthose for correcting mismatches of bases in DNAwhich can occur during replication, such as mis-match repair (MMR), and for repairing bulkylesions or DNA adducts such as those formed by UVlight and some drugs such as cisplatin [nucleotideexcision repair (NER)]. However, neither MMR norNER appears to be important for ionizing radiation,since cells with mutations or deletions in genes on



























S 3






2.3 nm

(a) (b)Range in water (nm)

Figure 2.1 (a) Computer-simulated tracks of 1 keVelectrons. Note the scale in relation to the 2.3 nmdiameter of the DNA double helix (adapted fromChapman and Gillespie, 1981). (b) Illustrating theconcept of a local multiply-damaged site produced by a cluster of ionizations impinging on DNA.

Table 2.1 Toxicity of radioisotopes depends upon their subcellular distribution

Radiation dose to part of the cell* (Gy)

Radiation source/type Nucleus Cytoplasm Membranes

X-rays 3.3 3.3 3.33H-Thymidine 3.8 0.27 0.01125I-Concanavalin 4.1 24.7 516.7

*For each of these three treatments a dose has been chosen that gives 50 per cent cell killing inChinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The absorbed radiation doses to the nucleus, cytoplasm ormembranes have then been calculated. 3H-Thymidine is bound to DNA and 125I-concanavalin to cellmembranes. It is the nuclear dose that is constant and thus correlates with cell killing, not thecytoplasmic or membrane doses. From Warters et al. (1977) with permission.

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DNA damage by ionizing radiation (and other sources) 13

these pathways are not more sensitive to IR. In con-trast, mutations or deletions in BER, SSBR, HR orNHEJ genes can all, under certain circumstances,lead to increased radiosensitivity.

To give an idea of the scale of damage, 1 Gy ofirradiation will cause in each cell approximately105 ionizations, � 1000 damages to DNA bases,around 1000 single-strand DNA breaks (SSBs)and around 20–40 double-strand DNA breaks(DSBs). To put this into further perspective, 1 Gywill kill only about 30 per cent of cells for a typicalmammalian cell line, including human. This rela-tively limited cytotoxicity, despite large numbersof induced lesions per cell, is the consequence ofefficient DNA repair.

Cellular DNA comprises two opposing strandslinked by hydrogen bonds and forming a doublehelical structure. Each strand is a linear chain of the four bases – adenine (A), cytosine (C),guanine (G) and thymine (T) – connected by sugarmolecules and a phosphate group, the so-calledsugar–phosphate backbone (Fig. 2.2). The order

of the bases is the code determining not onlywhich protein is made but whether a gene is active(transcribed) or not. In turn, this double helix iswound at regular intervals around a complex of aspecific class of proteins (histones), forming nucle-osomes, resembling beads on a string. Many otherproteins are also associated with the DNA; thesecontrol DNA metabolism, including transcription,replication and repair. The DNA plus its associatedproteins is called chromatin. There are further lev-els of folding and looping, finally making up thecompact structure of the chromosomes.

This structure poses various challenges to the cellfor repairing DNA damage. First, specialized pro-teins have to be sufficiently abundant and mobile todetect damage within seconds or minutes of itoccurring. Second, the chromatin usually needs tobe remodelled (e.g. the structure opened up) toallow access of repair proteins (van Attikum andGasser, 2005). This may entail removal of nucleo-somes close to the break, among other changes. Thecorrect repair, accessory and signalling proteins















3� End

5� End

5� Linkage

3� Linkage















Figure 2.2 The structure of DNA, in which the four bases (G, C, T and A) are linked through sugar groups to thesugar–phosphate backbone.

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14 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

response (Fig. 2.3). The sensors consist of a groupof proteins that actively survey the genome for thepresence of damage. These proteins then signal thisdamage to three main effector pathways thattogether determine the outcome for the cell. Theseeffector pathways include (1) programmed celldeath pathways that kill damaged cells, (2) DNArepair pathways that physically repair DNA breaksand (3) pathways that cause temporary (or perma-nent) blocks in the progress of cells through the cellcycle – the damage checkpoints.


Foci formation

The initial cellular response to DSBs is character-ized by the physical recruitment of a large numberof different proteins to the sites of DNA damage.This clustering or recruitment of various proteinscan be visualized microscopically as small regionsor speckles in the nucleus after DNA damage fol-lowing staining with antibodies to these proteins(Fig. 2.4). These subnuclear regions are com-monly referred to as ionizing radiation induced‘foci’ (IRIF). A large number of the proteinsinvolved in the DDR have been shown to formIRIF at or very near to the actual sites of DSBs.Consequently, it is thought that each focus repre-sents a platform from which DNA repair and sig-nalling to the other effectors of the DDR occurs.

One of the earliest events known to occur in theDDR is the phosphorylation of a protein calledhistone H2AX (Stucki and Jackson, 2006). This is avariant of histone H2A, a component of the corenucleosome structure around which DNA is pack-aged. H2AX is distributed throughout the entirenucleus and makes up about 10–15 per cent oftotal cellular histone H2A. Starting within a fewminutes of DSB formation, H2AX becomes phos-phorylated in a region that extends over an exten-sive region around the site of the unrepaired DSBs.This phosphorylated form, known as γH2AX, isnecessary for the recruitment of many of the otherproteins involved in the DDR and the resultingformation of IRIF. Cells that have been engineeredto lack H2AX show substantial defects in IRIF formation and are radiosensitive. In recent years,


DNA repairCell deathCheckpoints


γ H2AXMDC153BP1BRCA1,2RAD51p53p21BAXChk1/2CDC25A/C

Effector pathways

DNA damage sensors







Damage signalling


Figure 2.3 The DNA damage response can be divided intosensors and effectors. The sensors consist of proteincomplexes which recognize DNA damage and includeMRN–ATM, Ku–DNA-PKcs, and ATRIP–ATR (see text). Theseproteins signal to many other proteins which activate threeimportant effector pathways: checkpoints, DNA repair andcell death. Examples of some of the proteins which signalfrom the sensors to the effector pathways are listed.

then need to be recruited, often mediated by histonemodifications, and tightly coordinated. Thisincludes stopping various processes such as tran-scription and cell-cycle progression to concentrateon repair. Repair progress needs to be continuallymonitored so that the chromatin will be reset to itsoriginal state after completion of repair, and thennormal cellular processes resumed.


The DNA damage response (DDR) is a highly com-plex and coordinated system that determines thecellular outcome of DNA damage caused by radia-tion. The DDR is not a single pathway, but rather agroup of highly interrelated signalling pathways,each of which controls different effects on the cell.This system can be divided into two parts, the sen-sors of DNA damage and the effectors of damage

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Sensors of damage 15

the presence of γH2AX foci, which can be detectedusing microscopy, has become a highly sensitivemethod for detecting the presence and/or repair ofindividual DSBs in irradiated cells.

The sensors of DSBs

Phosphorylation of H2AX at and around the sitesof DSBs is one of the earliest events in the DDR,occurring within 5–30 min after DSB induction.This indicates that one or more kinases, enzymeswhich phosphorylate other proteins, are activatedat the sites of DSBs. Three related kinases havebeen shown to be able to phosphorylate H2AX atsites of DSBs (Falck et al., 2005).


The phosphorylation of H2AX at sites of DSBs pro-duced by radiation occurs primarily by the ataxiatelangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein. The genethat encodes this protein is mutated in the auto-somal recessive syndrome ataxia telangiectasia(AT), which presents clinically as oculocutaneoustelangiectasia and progressive cerebellar ataxia(O’Driscoll and Jeggo, 2006). These patients are

frequently found to be highly radiosensitive andhave an increased risk of developing cancer. Cellsfrom AT patients or normal cells in which the ATMprotein is inhibited are extremely radiosensitive,and are defective in H2AX phosphorylation, IRIFformation and many other aspects of the DDR.

Although there is still some debate about theexact sequence of events that occurs immediatelyafter a DSB is created, it is now recognized that ATMrequires at least one additional protein complex inorder to ‘find’ the DSB and become activated.Recruitment of ATM to the DSB requires a proteincomplex known as MRN. This complex containsthree proteins, MRE11, RAD50 and NBS1. TheNBS1 protein is the product of the gene that ismutated in Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS).This syndrome is highly similar to AT and patientsare also radiosensitive. Cells that lack NBS1 showsimilar defects in H2AX phosphorylation, IRIF for-mation and other aspects of the DDR. One of thekey functions of NBS1 is to directly bind to ATM,and bring it to the sites of damage. Thus, when NBS1is defective, ATM is unable to relocate to DSBs and istherefore unable to phosphorylate H2AX and initi-ate the DDR. This provides a molecular basis for thesimilarities between NBS and AT clinical syndromes.


γH2AX 53BP1 Merge


Time after 2 Gy (hours)NIR 0.5 4 24








i per





y 30

Figure 2.4 Examples of ionizing radiation-induced nuclear foci. Unirradiated and irradiated (2 Gy) cells have beenfixed and stained with antibodies that recognize γH2AX and 53BP1, two proteins that interact at sites of DNA damageto form foci after induction of DNA double-strand breaks. These foci form rapidly and then resolve, consistent with thekinetics of DNA double-strand break rejoining. Photographs courtesy of Farid Jallai and Rob Bristow, Princess MargaretHospital. See colour plate section for full colour images.

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16 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

Several lines of evidence indicate that MRN isthe functional sensor of DSBs induced by radia-tion (Stucki and Jackson, 2006). First, the RAD50protein has been shown to directly bind to DNA;second, NBS1 is required for recruitment of ATMto the break; third, MRN assembles at sites of DSBsfaster than any other known protein; and fourth,MRN is the only known DNA repair complex thatdoes not depend on any other protein to form fociat DSBs. MRN is a multifunctional complex. Notonly does it sense the DSB, bind DNA and recruitATM, it is also important for the ‘processing’ ofthe DSB. For example, it has exonuclease activityand can digest the ends of the DNA break whichmay not be compatible for ligation.

Thus, the earliest events in the DDR are consid-ered to be the recruitment of MRN and ATM toDSBs. ATM is normally present in the cell, but inan inactive form. Activation of ATM occurs once itbecomes associated with a DSB resulting in phos-phorylation of H2AX at the site of the DSB. H2AXphosphorylation then spreads over relatively largechromatin regions (megabases) in both directions,an event that is regulated by an additional proteincalled MDC1. This protein acts as an adaptor/mediator by directly binding to both ATM andphosphorylated H2AX, and in this way is able tospread ATM phosphorylation of H2AX in bothdirections of the break. The spreading of this sig-nal significantly alters the chromatin structurearound the DSB and is thought to be important forassisting access of other DNA repair proteins to thebreak. The spreading also acts to ‘amplify’ the DSBsignal. The presence of large areas of H2AX phos-phorylation around a single DSB explains the rela-tively large foci that are observed microscopically.


In cells that completely lack the ATM protein,phosphorylation of H2AX and IRIF formation canstill occur through an alternative mechanism butwith somewhat delayed kinetics. In these cells,H2AX phosphorylation is mediated by the catalyticsubunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase(DNA-PKcs). DNA-PKcs is a kinase that is struc-turally related to ATM and which is very importantin the non-homologous end joining pathway ofDNA repair (see Section 2.7, NHEJ). In normalcells or in cells treated with an ATM inhibitor

(which blocks the activity of the ATM protein),DNA-PKcs is unable to phosphorylate H2AX. Thus,in addition to its early role in activating componentsof the DDR, the ATM protein also appears toactively exclude DNA-PKcs at sites of DSBs.

The mechanism through which DNA-PKcsfinds DSBs is very similar to that of ATM. LikeATM, DNA-PKcs is unable to act as a sensor ofdamage itself. This sensor function is carried outby the Ku70–Ku80 complex, which directly bindsto the ends of DSBs. Binding of Ku70–Ku80 toDSBs then recruits DNA-PKcs allowing phospho-rylation of H2AX.


The third kinase capable of phosphorylating H2AXis ATR, which stands for AT-related kinase. Thisenzyme does not appear to play any substantial rolein the initial recognition of DSBs produced by radi-ation. Instead, it phosphorylates H2AX in responseto other types of DNA damage and abnormalitiessuch as single-stranded DNA and stalled or brokenreplication forks. It is thus very important for thetypes of damage that occur during normal DNAreplication. The recruitment of ATR to sites of DNAdamage requires another protein called ATRIP (ATRinteracting protein). Thus, just like ATM and DNA-PKcs, ATR is recruited to sites of damage by a differ-ent protein that acts as the sensor of DNA damage.

Although ATR is not important in the initialdetection of DSBs, it does play a role in this path-way after ATM is activated. As discussed above, theATM–MRN complex leads to processing of theDNA at sites of DSBs. This processing can createstretches of single-stranded DNA, which will thenactivate ATR. Thus, ATR can be activated ‘down-stream’ of ATM activation. Although highly relatedto ATM, ATR phosphorylates a distinct set of pro-teins that participate in the DDR. Consequently,components of the DDR effector pathways (DNArepair, checkpoints and cell death) are alsodependent on ATR after radiation treatment.


Activation of ATM, DNA-PKcs and ATR leads to thephosphorylation not only of H2AX, but also ofmany other cellular proteins. Amazingly, recent

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Checkpoint activation 17

studies have shown that as many as 700 proteins are substrates for the ATM and ATR kinases inresponse to DNA damage (Matsuoka et al., 2007).Phosphorylation of these other proteins act as the‘signals’ to activate the various different downstreameffectors of the DDR (apoptosis, cell-cycle check-points and DNA repair). The ATM protein plays per-haps the most important role in transmitting thesesignals in response to radiation-induced DSBs and isthus considered to be a master regulator of the DDR.


Two of the important proteins which are phos-phorylated following activation of ATM are p53and MDM2. p53 is one of the most commonlymutated tumour suppressors whose function is toregulate genes that control both cell-cycle check-points (see below) and programmed cell deaththrough a programme known as apoptosis (seeChapter 3 for details). Consequently, activation ofp53 after irradiation can lead either to a block inproliferation or directly to cell death (Fig. 2.5).

The p53 gene is regulated at the protein level bybinding to its partner MDM2. This associationleads to rapid ubiquitination and destruction ofp53 through the proteasome pathway. Thus, inunstressed normal cells, p53 is made continuouslybut is degraded and is thus non-functional.Following DNA damage, ATM phosphorylatesboth p53 and MDM2. These events destabilize thep53–MDM2 interaction, and as a result the p53protein is no longer degraded. In addition to thisstabilization, direct phosphorylation of p53 byATM leads to its activation as a transcription factorand thus the upregulation of its many target genes.These target genes include the pro-apoptotic genesBAX and PUMA, which in certain cells can be suf-ficient to induce cell death. Thus, in some cells, acti-vation of the DDR itself can lead to rapid inductionof cell death through apoptosis. The purpose of thisDDR effector is likely to be similar to the functionof p53 itself, namely tumour suppression. BecauseDNA damage can lead to dangerous mutations, itmay be more beneficial to the organism to elimi-nate the cell rather than trying to repair the dam-age. This would be predicted to be especiallyimportant in rapidly proliferating tissues, and

indeed these tissues tend to display radiation-induced apoptosis (see Chapter 3 for more details).


The second major effector pathway of the DDR isthe activation of cell-cycle checkpoints. Treatmentof cells with ionizing radiation causes delays in themovement of cells through the G1, S and G2phases of the cell cycle (Table 2.2) (Kastan andBartek, 2004). This occurs through the activationof DNA damage checkpoints, which are specificpoints in the cell cycle at which progression of thecell into the next phase can be blocked or slowed.The DDR activates four distinct checkpoints inresponse to irradiation that take place at differentpoints within the cell cycle. Initially, these check-points were described as delays that would allowcells more time to repair DNA damage. Thisdescription is likely true to some extent, especiallyin terms of the importance of checkpoints in pre-venting mutations that might otherwise arise

S-phase genes



G1 cyclin/CDK

G1 arrestp21


Early apoptosisp53MDM2






Figure 2.5 Cells irradiated in the G1 phase areinfluenced by the action of p53. Ataxia telangiectasiamutated (ATM) protein is activated by double-strandDNA breaks (DSBs) and phosphorylates both MDM2 andp53. This leads to stabilization and activation of p53,which then induces genes that can promote apoptosis(Bax, Puma) and induce checkpoints. Induction of p21inhibits the action of cyclin–cyclin-dependent kinase(CDK) complexes that are necessary for the entry into S phase. Consequently cells are blocked at the G1/Sborder. In many cancer cells, p53 or other components ofthis checkpoint are mutated and so it is non-functional.

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18 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

because of misrepair. However, there is little evi-dence to support a general role for checkpoints ininfluencing the overall radiosensitivity (cell sur-vival) following single doses of radiation.

All movement through the cell cycle, be it in theG1, S, G2 or M phases, is driven by cyclin-depend-ent kinases (CDKs). The CDKs phosphorylate otherproteins to initiate the processes required for pro-gression thorough the cell cycle. A CDK is activeonly when associated with a cyclin partner (hencetheir name) and different cyclin–CDK complexesare active at different points within the cell cycle. Forexample, cyclinD–CDK4 is active in G1 andcyclinB–CDK1 is active in mitosis. Checkpoint acti-vation requires inhibition of the cyclin–CDK com-plexes and for radiation this occurs through twomain mechanisms. The first is by activation of otherproteins that directly inhibit the cyclin–CDK com-plex; these are the cyclin-dependent kinaseinhibitors (CDKIs). The second is by affecting phos-phorylation and activity of the CDK enzyme itself.The activity of any given CDK is frequently affectedby its phosphorylation status, and may be active ineither the phosphorylated or dephosphorylatedstate depending on the specific CDK in question.

G1 arrest

Cells contain a checkpoint at the transition betweenthe G1 and S phases that plays an important normalrole in the decision of the cell to initiate cell division.This checkpoint is thus sensitive to growth fac-tors, nutrients and other conditions that favourproliferation. The transition from G1 to S phase iscontrolled by the activation of the E2F transcriptionfactor. This factor is important for regulating many

of the genes necessary to initiate DNA replication inS phase and in G1 is kept inactive by binding to theretinoblastoma protein (Rb). As cells normally move from G1 into S, the Rb protein becomes phos-phorylated by G1 cyclin–CDKs includingcyclinD–CDK4 and cyclinE–CDK2. This phos-phorylation causes release of Rb from E2F, allow-ing E2F to function as a transcription factor andinitiate S phase.

As discussed above, irradiation leads to anATM-dependent stabilization and activation ofp53. One of the genes that is upregulated by p53 isthe CDKI p21 (CDKN1A). p21 inhibits the G1cyclin–CDK complexes thereby preventing phos-phorylation of Rb and entry into S phase. As aresult, cells that are irradiated while in the G1phase will exhibit a delay prior to entry into Sphase that is dependent on both p53 and p21.

S-phase checkpoint

The remaining radiation-induced checkpoints arecontrolled by two highly related proteins known asChk1 and Chk2 (Fig. 2.6) (Bartek et al., 2004). Chk1and Chk2 are activated by phosphorylation and aredirect targets of ATR and ATM respectively. Cellsthat are in S phase at the time of irradiation demon-strate a dose-dependent reduction in the rate ofDNA synthesis and, as a result, the overall length oftime that cells need to replicate their DNA substan-tially increases. The target for preventing S-phaseprogression is the CDK2 kinase, which must be in adephosphorylated form to be active. The dephos-phorylation of CDK2 is maintained by the phos-phatases CDC25A and CDC25C. When Chk1 andChk2 are activated, they phosphorylate CDC25A

Table 2.2 Radiation-induced cell-cycle checkpoints and their characteristics

Applies to cellsPosition Primary signalling proteins irradiated in Features

G1 ATM, p53, p21 G1 Prevents entry into SS ATM, Chk1/Chk12, CDC25A/ S Slows progression through S

CDC25C, BRCA1, BRCA2G2-early ATM, Chk1/Chk12, CDC25A/ G2 Prevents entry into mitosis

CDC25C, BRCA1, BRCA2G2-late ATR, Chk1, CDC25A/CDC25C All phases Accumulation of cells in G2

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Checkpoint activation 19

and CDC25CC leading to their destruction or inactivation. As a result, Chk1 and Chk2 activationby ATR and ATM results in an increase in theamount of phosphorylated CDK2 and thus slowedprogression through S phase.

Although, ATM–Chk2 and ATR–Chk1 activa-tion and inhibition of CDC25A/C is the mainmechanism for initiation of the S-phase checkpoint,several other proteins in the DDR can also influencethis response. This includes the BRCA1 and BRCA2proteins, whose main function is in the homolo-gous recombination branch of DNA repair (seeSection 2.7). This suggests a complex relationshipbetween checkpoint activation and DNA repair.

G2 early checkpoint

There are two additional checkpoints in G2,both of which operate along similar lines to that

in S phase. The early G2 checkpoint is alsoATM–Chk2–Cdc25A/C dependent and applies tocells that are irradiated while in G2. The check-point is activated by relatively low doses of radia-tion (1 Gy is enough) and results in a block ofcell-cycle progression at the end of G2. The targetof ATM–Chk2–Cdc25A/C signalling in this case isthe mitotic cyclinB–CDK1 complex which, likeCDK2 in S phase, must be dephosphorylated onspecific sites to become active. It is called the earlyG2 checkpoint because it applies to cells that areirradiated while in G2 phase and rapidly blockstheir movement into mitosis. As a result, there is adrop in the number cells within mitosis at shorttimes after irradiation.

G2 late checkpoint

The late G2 checkpoint describes a long G2 delaythat is observed after irradiation and is applicableto cells that have been previously irradiated whilein the G1 or S phases. These cells may experiencetransient G1- and S-phase checkpoints, but whenthey arrive in the G2 phase many hours later theyexperience a second delay before entry into mitosis. Unlike the early G2 checkpoint, this delayis strongly dose-dependent, and can last manyhours after high doses of radiation. In addition,unlike all the other damage checkpoints this lateG2 checkpoint is independent of ATM. Instead,the principal signalling axis occurs from ATR toChk1 to CDC25A/CDC25C. The late G2 check-point is thus mechanistically similar to the S andearly G2 checkpoints, but likely arises from a fun-damentally different type of DNA damage.Instead of being activated directly by DSBs, thischeckpoint likely reflects a type of damage thatpersists after other DNA repair processes haveoccurred and which is sufficient to activate ATR.

Checkpoints, cancer andradiosensitivity

In a large proportion of tumour cells, one or moreof the G1/S, S phase and early G2 checkpoints aredisabled because of genetic changes that occurduring tumourigenesis. In recent years, thesecheckpoint responses have been linked to a



Cell-cycle progression

Active Inactive

cdc25 cdc25






Figure 2.6 The S, early G2 and late G2 checkpoints areall activated by a similar mechanism. Ataxiatelangiectasia mutated protein (ATM) and/or AT-relatedkinase (ATR) are activated by double-strand DNA breaks(DSBs) and phosphorylate the Chk1/2 kinases (see text).These kinases then phosphorylate and inactivateCDC25A/CDC25C. CDC25A/CDC25C are required forprogression through S phase and into mitosis becausethey activate the required cyclin–cyclin-dependentkinase (CDK) complexes in both parts of the cell cycle.Thus when Chk1/2 are phosphorylated by ATM, cell-cycle checkpoints in both S and G2 are activated.

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20 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

tumour suppressor function that must be dis-rupted to allow oncogene-induced proliferation.This is thought to occur following activation ofgrowth-promoting oncogenes which induce‘inappropriate replication’ and DNA damage fromreplication stress. When functional, the check-points block further proliferation of these cellsand can thus actively suppress cancer develop-ment. This idea is supported by the finding thatmany early cancer lesions show widespread acti-vation of checkpoint activity.

Mutations in genes such as p53, BRCA1 or othercomponents of the DDR that influence checkpointactivation will result in the failure to delay cell-cycleprogression in response to irradiation. This mayhave an important consequence for genetic insta-bility after irradiation and tumour progression, butthere is little evidence to suggest that lack of thesecheckpoints influences overall cellular radiosensi-tivity. Thus, although the G1/S, S and early G2checkpoints are often described as providingextended time for repair, this extra time seems to bemore important for the quality of repair ratherthan the amount of repair that takes place.

The late G2 checkpoint, which unlike all othersis ATR rather than ATM dependent, is the onlyexception since evidence exists to support it ashaving a role in determining radiosensitivity. Forexample, inhibitors of ATR that prevent thischeckpoint cause radiosensitization. Thus, forreasons that are still unclear, premature entry intomitosis of cells that are in the late G2 checkpointresults in increased cell death.

Although the G1/S, S and early G2 checkpointsmay not affect the radiosensitivity of cells to singledoses of radiation, they may affect the response tomultiple (fractionated) doses. The presence of thecheckpoints in normal cells, and absence in manytumour cells, will affect the redistribution of cellsat time-points after irradiation and therefore indi-rectly the sensitivity of cells to subsequent doses ofradiation. For example, consider two populationsof cells that are identical with exception of the abil-ity to block at the G1 checkpoint. Twenty-fourhours after irradiation cells that lack this check-point may show reduced numbers of cells in G1phase and more cells in S phase compared withcells that have an intact checkpoint. Sinceradiosensitivity is different in G1 and S phase, the

two populations of cells may respond differently tosubsequent irradiation at that time. Consequently,all checkpoints can potentially affect responses toradiotherapy given in multiple fractions.


As discussed above, DSBs are detected by special-ized proteins which signal to the cell that damagehas occurred, thereby initiating the DNA damageresponse. This response effectively focuses thecell’s attention on the damage, stopping otherprocesses such as transcription and cell-cycle pro-gression, and, importantly, initiating repair. ForDSBs, there are two main repair pathways, HR andNHEJ. These are quite different in the genesinvolved, the position in the cell cycle where theyprimarily act and in the speed and accuracy ofrepair. These processes are described in more detailbelow. Both affect the radiosensitivity of a cell.


As the name implies, HR uses homologous undam-aged DNA (that with an identical sequence) as thetemplate to repair the DNA with the DSBs in it(West, 2003). By using DNA with the samesequence as a basis for repair, the process is errorfree. The general scheme is illustrated in Fig. 2.7.Briefly, single-strand regions are created aroundeach side of the break, followed by their coatingwith specialized proteins. These single-strandednucleoprotein filaments then invade undamageddouble-stranded DNA on the neighbouring sisterchromatid, forming a crossover, or bubble, struc-ture. These bubbles are then expanded with spe-cialized enzymes called helicases. The object of thisprocess is to provide an undamaged DNA templateof the same base sequence around the break site, sothat DNA polymerases can then synthesize acrossthe missing regions, thereby accurately repairingthe break. The crossover structure then has to bereversed to reset the chromatin to its original con-figuration. This is done with specialized nucleaseswhich cut, or resolve, the junctions, followed finallyby connecting up, or ligating, adjacent ends with aligase. The whole process takes several hours (up to

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DNA DSB repair 21

6 hours or more) to complete. Some details of thegenes involved in the process are given below.

The first step is to cut back one strand on eachside of the break with an exonuclease, making a 3�overhang, in order to create single-stranded regionswhich are necessary for subsequent strand invasion.The proteins involved in end resection include theMRN complex (described above under sensors ofdamage), MRE11 being the active component. Thesingle-stranded DNA is immediately coated withRPA (replication protein A), a single-strand bindingprotein, which is a universal response of the cell toany single-stranded regions of DNA. This RPA isthen displaced by a central protein in HR, namelyRAD51. This results in the formation of a nucleo-protein filament of DNA coated with RAD51, whichthen undergoes the search for homologous DNAand strand invasion. Several RAD51 paralogues(genes arising from duplication of the parent genebut with modified sequence and function) help withthese processes, including RAD51B, RAD51C,RAD51D, XRCC2 and XRCC3. Deletion or muta-tion of any of these genes can severely impair HR.

Helicases, including BLM and other members ofthe RecQ family, possibly with the help of RAD54,

then enlarge the subsequent ‘bubble’ structure(branch migration). The necessary DNA synthesisis carried out with DNA polymerases, the identityof which is still uncertain. One of the replicativepolymerases is the likely candidate, however, sinceHR is mostly an error-free process, like replication,although some of the less accurate translesion syn-thesis polymerases have also been implicated in thisprocess. The bubble structure then needs to beresolved by cutting the DNA at the crossoverpoints, carried out by enzymes called resolvases. Inbacteria and yeast, the identity of resolvases isknown, but not in mammalian cells despite intenseresearch. It is known that BLM exists in a complexwith TopIIIa (a topoisomerase capable of untan-gling DNA) and a helper protein called BLAP75.There is now evidence that BLM pushes the twosides of the bubble towards each other via its heli-case activity, leaving only a small crossover region,and that TopIIIa then untangles the DNA at thispoint, via its cutting and re-ligation activity that iscommon to topoisomerases, resulting in two sepa-rated sister chromatids. Finally, DNA ends are lig-ated probably with ligase 1, since eliminating theLIG1 gene reduces repair by HR.

With crossoverWithout crossover



Strand invasion


DNA polymerase





MRN complex RAD51 RPA




Figure 2.7 Schematic of double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination (HR). The principalgenes known to be involved are shown, although there are others not shown which are also involved in HR.Chromatin remodelling genes are not shown. The main feature is the use of an undamaged sister chromatid sequence(light coloured lines) as template for repair. The groups of genes (right and bottom centre) are involved with theprocesses indicated by the horizontal arrows.

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22 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

In addition to those mentioned above, two othergene families are involved, well known for causinghuman repair deficiency syndromes, namely BRCAgenes 1 and 2 and the Fanconi anaemia family(Zhang and Powell, 2005). Mutations or deletions inone or more of these genes compromises HR.BRCA2 has perhaps the most clearly defined func-tion in regulating the binding of RAD51 to RPA-coated single-stranded DNA, a key step in HR. TheFanconi (FANC) genes also play a significant role inHR, although knocking out these genes has a mildereffect than, for example, knocking out BRCA2 orRAD51 which can lead to cell and embryonic lethal-ity. Cells with FANC gene mutations all showincreased sensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents,repair of which depends on HR. However, mild orlittle increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation hasbeen found in FANC mutant cells, althoughincreased radiosensitivity under hypoxia has beenreported, which may be a consequence of theincreased crosslinks formed under hypoxic irradia-tion, again requiring HR repair. The 13 Fanconigenes can be divided into three groups: eight in acore complex (A, B, C, E, F, G, L and M), two sub-strates which are ubiquitinylated by the core com-plex (D2 and I) and three downstream targets (D1,J and N). DNA damage leads to ubiquitinylation ofthe D2–I complex, which binds and regulatesBRCA2 (also known as FANCD1).

The role of BRCA1 is broader, although it clearlyplays a role in HR. Together with its partnerBARD1 it can ubiquitinylate other proteins (it is anE3 ubiquitin ligase), thus modifying their proteininteracting properties, and thus their function.BRCA1–BARD1 appear in several complexes withother proteins, each playing a different role, includ-ing with BACH1 and TOPBP1 and others in repli-cation inhibition (part of the intra-S checkpoint),with the MRN complex in NHEJ, with RAD52–BRCA2 in homologous recombination and withRNA polymerase II in transcription. Its ubiquitiny-lating function is necessary for each role.


As its name implies, NHEJ joins two DNA DSBends together without requiring homologousDNA sequences (Lieber, 2008). This is a more

rapid process than HR but less accurate, withsmall deletions or insertions often resulting at therepaired break site. Although this can lead tomutations, it allows the cell to survive. An unre-paired DSB is often lethal through loss of a pieceof chromosome at the next mitosis, with thepotential loss of tens or hundreds of genes. Inaddition, only a minor fraction (a few per cent) ofgenomic DNA comprises gene coding or regula-tory regions, so the chance of a break occurring insuch regions is low, and these may also be silent(not expressed) and/or non-essential. AlthoughNHEJ is ‘quick and dirty’, it is a good repair path-way for the cell to maximize its chance of survival.

The general scheme of NHEJ is shown in Fig. 2.8. The main steps in NHEJ, after sensing theDSB, involve nucleases to remove damaged DNA,polymerases to help repair and ligases to restore thecontinuity of the DNA chain. The first event in thesequence is binding of a Ku heterodimer (two dif-ferent but related proteins: Ku70 and Ku80) to theDNA ends. This occurs within seconds of the break

Often with small deletions or insertions


Recruitment and ligation


Gap filling by polymerase

End binding








Holding ends,signalling,processing

End processingMN


Figure 2.8 Schematic of double-strand DNA break(DSB) repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ).The principal genes known to be involved are shown,although there are others not shown which are alsoinvolved in NHEJ. Chromatin remodelling genes are notshown. For clarity, processes such as end-binding havebeen shown on one side of the break only.

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DNA DSB repair 23

being formed because of high abundance of the Kudimer and its high affinity for ends. The bindingserves both to protect ends from degradation byexonucleases and to recruit the DNA-dependentprotein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs; offi-cially called PRKDC), the second step in NHEJ.

Activation of PRKDC as a kinase occurs onlywhen it is bound to the Ku complex at break sites. Ithas several substrates and several functions. It is a large protein and forms a physical bridgebetween the two ends, helping to keep them inclose proximity for subsequent repair events. Inaddition, it phosphorylates a number of target pro-teins involved in checkpoints and repair. One of itstargets is itself (autophosphorylation). There are anumber of sites on the PRKDC protein which canbe phosphorylated, some of which are autophos-phorylated, while others are phosphorylated byATM. Phosphorylation has been shown to be nec-essary for efficient repair by NHEJ since mutationsat these sites make cells considerably moreradiosensitive. Phosphorylation stimulates dissoci-ation of the protein from DNA, or a change in con-formation, allowing other repair factors access tothe site, so that phosphorylation-mutant proteinsremain at the site, blocking it for further repair.

PRKDC also exists in a complex with Artemis,which is recruited to DNA ends together withPRKDC. Artemis has endonuclease activity and itsfunction is to clean up, or process, the DNA endsso they are suitable for ligation (Jeggo andLobrich, 2005). The activation of PRKDC on end-binding leads not only to autophosphorylationbut also to phosphorylation of Artemis, stimulatingits nuclease activity. Break sites often show smalldeletions as a result. Artemis is apparently necessaryfor the repair of a minor fraction of DSBs. Anotherprotein involved in end-processing in the NHEJpathway is polynucleotide kinase (PNK), which iscapable of trimming ‘dirty’ ends (e.g. those with theremnants of a sugar group instead of a ‘clean’ basewith a 3� phosphate). This action renders the endsligatable with a ligase (see below).

Radiation often produces an overhang, or non-blunt, end, either directly or after end-processing.Such gaps can be filled by a polymerase to produceblunt-ended DNA ready for ligation. The transle-sion synthesis polymerases λ and μ have beenshown to be capable of this and have been

implicated in NHEJ. Polμ and another polymerasecalled terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)can also add a few nucleotides to a blunt end. DNAsequencing of breaks repaired by NHEJ thereforeoften shows small insertions. Whether replicativepolymerases are also involved in these synthesisactivities is not clear. The final step in repair is liga-tion of adjoining ends, which is carried out by ligaseIV, aided by two other proteins, XRRC4 and XLF.

Making the choice between HR andNHEJ

Several factors determine which pathway is usedto repair a damage-induced DSB. DNA damagedetection proteins such as MRN and the Ku com-plex will compete for DNA ends and partiallydetermine which pathway is subsequently used(Brugmans et al., 2007). This is called passivecompetition, and there is evidence supportingsuch a model. However, there are other factors,one of the most obvious being template availabil-ity. Homologous recombination requires theavailability of an homologous stretch of DNA,which the sister chromatid provides in S and G2.Although there is no sister chromatid in G1, thereis an homologous chromosome, but this is oftenfar away in molecular terms, making it a very dif-ficult task for the HR machinery to find and use.Therefore HR is rare or absent in G1. A furtherillustration of the importance and use of HR isthat cells often show increased radioresistance asthey progress through S phase, being most resist-ant in late S, a time at which almost all DNA has apaired chromatid available for HR. Knocking outor reducing HR genes eliminates this late-S resist-ance (Tamulevicius et al., 2007).

There are also active regulators of HR. Asdescribed above, end-resection at the break site,producing single-stranded DNA, is necessary forHR. End resection does not occur in G1, probablysince it depends on specific CDKs, which are notactive until late in G1. This further favours theNHEJ pathway in this phase. There are also anti-recombination genes in yeast with homologues inmammalian cells, with the job of preventingunwanted recombination, which can lead togenetic instability.

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24 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response

Finally, a comment on clinical relevance. SinceHR is a pathway specific to S- and G2-phase cells,it occurs only in dividing cells. Conversely, NHEJoccurs in all phases of the cell cycle, and is thusneither phase specific nor cycle specific. The rele-vance for radiotherapy is that NHEJ is used by allcells and tissues, including those that are slowlydividing or non-dividing. This includes the dose-limiting late-reacting tissues such as spinal cordand stromal tissue, which give rise to fibrosis andtelangiectasia. In attempting to find DNA-repair-inhibiting drugs to improve radiotherapy, target-ing NHEJ is therefore likely to be a more riskystrategy than inhibiting HR.

The link between SSBs and DSBs

Single-strand breaks can lead to the formation ofDSBs in two main ways. First, ionizing radiationdamage often occurs in clusters, such that someSSBs will also have damage to DNA bases in theirnear vicinity. During repair of the base damage byBER, SSBs are formed temporarily (see Section2.8). It has been shown that, if base damage occurson the opposite strand to a radiation-inducedSSB, the temporary nick formed during BER cancombine with the radiation break on the oppositestrand causing a DSB. Second, if a SSB encountersa replication fork during S phase, this leads to collapse of the fork and a single-ended DSB. Thecell attempts to repair these S-phase DSBs by HR.In this case NHEJ is not an option, since there isonly one double-stranded end and not two, and sothere is no adjacent end for the end-joiningprocess. Thus HR provides a backup repair path-way for unrepaired SSBs.

The latter mechanism has clinical relevance,since it has been shown that drugs which inhibitpoly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a SSBdetector protein, are particularly effective intumours with HR deficiencies, such as breasttumours with BCRA1 or BRCA2 deficiencies. Themechanism is probably that the PARP inhibitorssuppress SSB repair, resulting in greater numbersof unrepaired SSBs, which therefore have a greaterchance of hitting a replication fork. Under normalcircumstances the resulting DSB would berepaired by HR, so the absence or reduction of

this backup pathway leads to a substantial increasein DSBs and thus cellular lethality.


Base excision repair and single-strandbreak repair (SSBR)

As mentioned in Section 2.1, DSBs, although themost lethal lesion induced by ionizing radiation, arenot the most common. Base damage and SSBs faroutweigh DSBs in number, being up to 50 timesmore frequent. Base damage and SSBs also occurwithout irradiation as a consequence of normalmetabolism. It has been estimated that 100 000 suchdamages occur each day in every cell in the body. Therepair pathways – BER and SSBR – have thereforeevolved to repair such damage efficiently and main-tain genome integrity (Fortini and Dogliotti, 2007).

An outline of the related BER and SSBR path-ways is shown in Fig. 2.9. Briefly, in BER, most ofthe damaged bases in the DNA will be detectedand removed by specialized proteins called glyco-sylases. There are several such enzymes, each spe-cific for a particular type of base damage. They cutout the damaged base without cutting the DNAbackbone, resulting in an abasic site. This will berecognized by another class of enzyme, APendonuclease, which will cut the DNA backboneleaving a nick, or SSB. Subsequent repair followsone of two pathways: short patch or long patch. Astheir names imply, short patch repair involvesreplacing the damaged base only, while in longpatch repair up to 10 nucleotides are cut out andreplaced. Each requires DNA synthesis to replacethe missing bases, carried out by DNA polymeraseβ for short patch repair and mainly DNA poly-merases δ and ε (replicative enzymes) for longpatch repair. As always, ligases complete the job:ligase 3 for short patch and ligase 1 for long patch.Repair of SSB is similar, although radiation itselfcauses the break rather than being a repair inter-mediate. Since these breaks are often ‘dirty’, withends not recognized by ligases, there is an extraend-processing step, mainly by the enzyme PNK.Once a clean nick is produced, short or long patchrepair can then follow, as for BER. This short sum-mary does not include all proteins involved in the

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Other DNA repair pathways 25

pathway. Two mentioned here briefly because oftheir importance are PARP-1, which efficientlyand rapidly detects SSBs, and XRCC1, which is ahelper protein for both PNK (damage processing)and ligase 3. Mutation, deletion or inhibition ofeither of these can lead to reduced repair andradiosensitization. Inhibition of PARP is particu-larly effective in HR-deficient tumours (seeabove), illustrating the relevance of the BER/SSBRpathways for possible clinical exploitation.


The mismatch repair pathway corrects mispairednucleotides (e.g. C with T). As with all repair path-ways it comprises a recognition step, an excisionand resynthesis step and ligation. Most studies withknockout cells for one or more mismatch repairgenes have not found any increase in radiosensitiv-ity. The details of the pathway will therefore not bedescribed in detail here. However, this pathwayclearly has relevance for cancer treatment, sinceMMR-deficient cells have altered sensitivity to somechemotherapy agents (e.g. cisplatin). In addition,

radiosensitization by thymidine analogues such asIUdR is enhanced in MMR-deficient cells becauseof inability to remove the modified base. TheMMR status of cells is therefore of importance foroutcome, not for radiotherapy alone, but for com-binations of radiotherapy with some chemother-apy or radiosensitizing agents.

Nucleotide excision repair copes with bulkylesions, such as those caused by UV light (thyminedimers), and DNA adducts induced by cisplatin.However, as with MMR, knocking out NER geneshas, in general, little effect on sensitivity to ionizingradiation, and so no detailed discussion of NERwill be included here. There is one situation, how-ever, where NER genes can affect the radiationresponse. Irradiation under hypoxia produces agreater number of DNA crosslinks than under oxicconditions. Such crosslinks require, among otherfactors, the excision activity of two NER genes,ERCC1 and XPF. Defects in either of these genescan lead to modest increases in radiosensitivity ofhypoxic cells. The status of the NER pathway istherefore relevant to radiotherapy in combinationwith certain chemotherapy agents, and possibly tohypoxic tumours treated with radiotherapy alone.






Glycosylase removesdamaged base

Break detected by PARP

X-ray-induced‘dirty’ break


PNK ‘cleans’ ends







APE1 makes nick (SSB)





Ligation by ligase1

Replicative pols replace2–10 bases

POLδ/ TGGCommonintermediate

Pol beta inserts singlecorrect base

Ligation by ligase3





Figure 2.9 Schematic of the related pathways of base excision repair (BER) and single-strand break repair (SSBR). TheX (top left) represents a damaged base. Different base damages are recognized and removed by different glycosylasesas the first step in BER. Both pathways result in a common nicked intermediate, which is processed by one of twosubpathways (short or long patch repair). APE1 apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease-1; PARP, poly (ADP-ribose)polymerase; PNK, polynucleotide kinase; POL, polymerase.

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Matsuoka S, Ballif BA, Smogorzewska A et al. (2007).ATM and ATR substrate analysis reveals extensiveprotein networks responsive to DNA damage.Science 316: 1160–6.

O’Driscoll M, Jeggo PA (2006). The role of double-strandbreak repair – insights from human genetics. NatRev Genet 7: 45–54.

Stucki M, Jackson SP (2006). gammaH2AX and MDC1:anchoring the DNA-damage-response machinery to broken chromosomes. DNA Repair (Amst) 5:534–43.

Tamulevicius P, Wang M, Iliakis G (2007). Homology-directed repair is required for the development ofradioresistance during S phase: interplay betweendouble-strand break repair and checkpoint response.Radiat Res 167: 1–11.

van Attikum H, Gasser SM (2005). The histone code atDNA breaks: a guide to repair? Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol6: 757–65.

Warters RL, Hofer KG (1977). Radionuclide toxicity incultured mammalian cells. Elucidation of theprimary site for radiation-induced division delay.Radiat Res 69: 348–58.

Warters RL, Hofer KG, Harris CR, Smith JM (1997).Radionuclide toxicity in cultured mammalian cells: elucidation of the primary site of radiationdamage. Curr Top Radiat Res 12: 389–407.

West SC (2003). Molecular views of recombinationproteins and their control. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 4:435–45.

Zhang J, Powell SN (2005). The role of the BRCA1 tumorsuppressor in DNA double-strand break repair. MolCancer Res 3: 531–9.


Caldecott KW (2007). Mammalian single-strand breakrepair: mechanisms and links with chromatin. DNARepair (Amst) 6: 443–53.

Löbrich M, Jeggo PA (2007). The impact of a negligentG2/M checkpoint on genomic instability and cancerinduction. Nat Rev Cancer 7: 861–9.

26 Irradiation-induced damage and the DNA damage response


Bartek J, Lukas C, Lukas J (2004). Checking on DNAdamage in S phase. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5:792–804.

Brugmans L, Kanaar R, Essers J (2007). Analysis of DNAdouble-strand break repair pathways in mice. MutatRes 614: 95–108.

Chapman JD, Gillespie CJ (1981). Radiation-inducedevents and their time-scale in mammalian cells. AdvRadiat Biol 9: 143–98.

Falck J, Coates J, Jackson SP (2005). Conserved modesof recruitment of ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs to sitesof DNA damage. Nature 434: 605–11.

Fortini P, Dogliotti E (2007). Base damage and single-strand break repair: mechanisms and functionalsignificance of short- and long-patch repairsubpathways. DNA Repair (Amst) 6: 398–409.

Goodhead DT (2006). Energy deposition stochastics andtrack structure: what about the target? Radiat ProtDosimetry 122: 3–15.

Harper JW, Elledge SJ (2007). The DNA damageresponse: ten years after. Mol Cell 28: 739–45.

Jeggo PA, Lobrich M (2005). Artemis links ATM todouble strand break rejoining. Cell Cycle 4: 359–62.

Kastan MB, Bartek J (2004). Cell-cycle checkpoints andcancer. Nature 432: 316–23.

Lieber MR (2008). The mechanism of humannonhomologous DNA end joining. J Biol Chem 283:1–5.

Key points

1. DNA is the critical target for radiation-induced cell killing.

2. Cells activate a DNA-damage response thatconsists of sensors and effectors.

3. Effector pathways include apoptosis, cell-cycle checkpoints and DNA repair.

4. DNA DSBs are the most important and dif-ficult lesion to repair.

5. DSBs are repaired by both HR and NHEJ.

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Cell death after irradiation: how, when and why cells dieBRADLY G. WOUTERS

3.1 Definitions of cell death 273.2 How cells die: programmed cell death

and mitotic catastrophe 283.3 When and why cells die after irradiation 33

Key points 39Bibliography 39Further reading 40



The successful use of radiation to treat cancerresults primarily from its ability to cause the deathof individual tumour cells. As discussed inChapter 2, the biological consequences of irradia-tion, including cell death, are highly influenced by pathways within the DNA damage response(DDR) system. The DDR determines not only thesensitivity of cells to die following irradiation, butalso the type of cell death that occurs, and the tim-ing of cell death. Because the DDR differs amongdifferent types of normal and tumour cells (andperhaps even within different populations oftumour cells), the manifestation of cell death canalso differ widely among different cell types.

It is important to define what is meant by celldeath in the context of radiobiology and cancertherapy. For many years, little attention was paidtowards differences in the mechanisms or types ofcell death after irradiation or other cancer treat-ments. This was in part because many of the path-ways that influence cell death were unknown andbecause cell death is typically very hard to assess.Quantification is complicated by the fact that cellsdie at various times after irradiation, often after

one or two trips around the cell cycle, and amongsurviving cells that continue to proliferate.Instead, researchers have focused on assessingclonogenic survival, which is defined as the abilityof a cell to proliferate indefinitely after irradiation.This is a much more robust and relevant parame-ter to assess radiation effect since any cell thatretains proliferative capacity can cause failure tolocally control the tumour (discussed in moredetail in Chapters 4 and 5). Consequently, celldeath in the context of radiobiology is generallyequated with any process that leads to the perma-nent loss of clonogenic capacity. This is a ratherwide inclusion criterion for cell death, and obvi-ously does not have meaning when applied to terminally differentiated cell types that do notproliferate, such as nerve and muscle cells. Forthese types of cells, it makes more sense to con-sider the specific types of cell death that lead todestruction of the cell, or to evaluate how radia-tion alters the function of these cells. Nonetheless,loss of reproductive capacity is a widely applicabledefinition for cell death in radiobiology and ishighly relevant for the proliferating cells, includ-ing those in tumours and in many of the normaltissues of relevance for radiotherapy.

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28 Cell death after irradiation


It is now clear that cells can die by many differentmechanisms following irradiation. Increased atten-tion to the mechanisms of cell death occurred fol-lowing the discovery of a genetically ‘programmed’form of cell death known as apoptosis. This form ofcell death results in rapid and normally completedestruction and removal of the cell, and is consid-ered as a ‘choice’ made by the cell itself often as aconsequence of damage, stress or as a barrieragainst tumourigenesis. Furthermore, this pathwaycan be activated directly by the DDR, and is thus astrong determinant of radiation-induced cell deathfor certain cell types. Since the discovery of apopto-sis, several other pathways under genetic controlhave been identified that can contribute to loss ofreproductive capacity after irradiation, includingautophagy, senescence, and even necrosis (Okadaand Mak, 2004). Each of these pathways can be dis-tinguished at the molecular and morphologicallevel (see Table 3.1) and each can potentially con-tribute to radiosensitivity in certain cell types andcontexts. Importantly, the pathways that controlthese programmed forms of cell death are differen-tially activated in different tissue types, and are fre-quently altered in cancer. Consequently, differentialactivation of cell death pathways constitutes a maincontributor to variation in radiation responseamong different cells, tumours, and tissues.

In addition to these genetically controlled pro-grammes, a long-recognized contributor to celldeath after irradiation is mitotic catastrophe inwhich cells fail to complete mitosis correctly.Applying our definitions above, mitotic catastro-phe can be considered a form of cell death of itsown, the so-called mitotic death, when it is severeenough to prevent mitosis completely or alter cellfunction sufficiently to prevent further prolifera-tion. Mitotic catastrophe may also result in fur-ther chromosomal and DNA damage sufficient toactivate the other forms of cell death.


Apoptosis is a highly regulated form of cell deaththat can be initiated either as a result of conditions

occurring within the cell itself (such as those afterDNA damage) or from signals generated exter-nally such as those from a surrounding tissue orimmune cell (Taylor et al., 2008). Apoptosis is anessential and normal part of many physiologicalprocesses including embryonic development, theimmune system, and maintenance of tissuehomeostasis. Consequently, alterations in the con-trol of apoptosis contribute to several human dis-eases, including cancer.

Apoptosis is both morphologically and molec-ularly distinct from other forms of cell death (seeTable 3.1). Morphologically, it is characterized bymembrane blebbing, condensation, and digestionof the DNA into small fragments. During thisprocess, cellular contents are also fragmented intomany membrane-enclosed apoptotic bodies,which, in vivo, are taken up by phagocytes. Thisprevents leakage of potentially damaging cellularproteins and destruction of tissue architecturethat is a familiar feature of necrosis.

The molecular participants in the apoptoticpathway can be divided into two groups: the sen-sors and effectors. The sensor molecules areinvolved in making the decision to initiate apop-tosis whereas the effectors are responsible for car-rying out that decision. Apoptotic cell death ischaracterized by the sequential activation of sev-eral different enzymes known as caspases. Theseproteins are initially expressed in an inactive form(procaspase) and are also kept in check by a fam-ily of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) proteins.Apoptosis begins following the activation of a‘sensor’ caspase such as caspase 8 or 9, which gen-erates the initial signal to induce apoptosis. Thesecaspases subsequently activate a common set ofother ‘effector’ caspases (e.g. caspase 3), whichthen cleave a large set of cellular proteins leadingto the ultimate destruction of the cell.

Apoptosis that initiates from caspase 8 activationis termed the ‘extrinsic’ pathway because it is nor-mally activated upon the binding of an extracellularligand and subsequent activation of a death receptorpresent in the cellular membrane. Examples of thesedeath-inducing ligands include tumuor necrosisfactor (TNF), TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), and FAS ligand, which bind to theTNF receptor, TRAIL receptor and FAS receptorrespectively. This extrinsic pathway of apoptosis is

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Table 3.1 The characteristics of different types of cell death*

Morphological changes

Type of cell death Nucleus Cell membrane Cytoplasm Biochemical features Common detection methods

Apoptosis Chromatin condensation; nuclear Blebbing Fragmentation Caspase-dependent Electron microscopy; TUNELfragmentation; DNA laddering (formation of staining; annexin staining;

apoptotic bodies) caspase-activity assays; DNA-fragmentation assays;detection of increased number of cells in sub-G1/G0; detectionof changes in mitochondrial membrane potential

Autophagy Partial chromatin condensation; Blebbing Increased number Caspase-independent; Electron microscopy; protein-no DNA laddering of autophagic increased lysosomal degradation assays; assays for

vesicles activity marker–protein translocation toautophagic membranes

Necrosis Clumping and random Swelling; Increased vacuolation; – Electron microscopy; nucleardegradation of nuclear DNA rupture organelle degeneration; staining (usually negative);

mitochondrial swelling detection of inflammation anddamage in surrounding tissues

Senescence Distinct heterochromatic – Flattening and SA-β-gal activity Electron microscopy; SA-β-galstructure (senescence-associated increased granularity staining; growth-arrest assaysheterochromatic foci)

Mitotic catastrophe Multiple micronuclei; nuclear – – Caspase-independent Electron microscopy; assays forfragmentation; dicentric (at early stage) mitotic markers (MPM2); TUNELchromosomes abnormal CDK1/cyclin staining

B activation

CDK1, cyclin-dependent kinase 1; SA-β-gal, senescence-associated galactose; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling.

*Adapted from Okada and Mak (2004). Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

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30 Cell death after irradiation

not induced by radiation to any significant degree,but is a candidate target for combining novel drugswith radiation (see Chapters 21 and 23).

Apoptosis that initiates from caspase 9 is termedthe ‘intrinsic’ pathway because it is activated withinthe cell in response to various forms of cell damage.The activation of caspase 9 is controlled in largepart by the balance of pro- and anti-apoptotic pro-teins that reside in or near the mitochondria. Undernormal conditions this balance is in favour of theanti-apoptotic factors (such as BCL2), and activa-tion of caspase 9 is prevented. Conditions that alterthis balance lead to release of cytochrome c andother molecules from the mitochondria into thecytoplasm resulting in formation of a structureknown as the apoptosome, and subsequently acti-vation of caspase 9. After irradiation, this balancecan be tipped in favour of apoptosis owing, in part,to p53 activation and induction of pro-apoptoticproteins such as BAX and PUMA.

Activation of apoptosis is highly dependent onthe balance of the pro and anti-apoptotic proteinsand this balance varies widely among different celltypes and tumours. This explains why irradiationcauses apoptosis only in certain normal tissues,despite the fact that p53 is activated in response toDNA damage in nearly all normal cells. For exam-ple, fibroblast cells almost never undergo apopto-sis despite demonstrating p53 and BAX induction.In these cells, induction of BAX is not sufficient toinitiate release of cytochrome c and thus activationof caspase 9. These cells may have a larger propor-tion of anti-apoptotic molecules like those fromthe BCL2 family, or they may have higher levels ofthe IAP proteins, which block caspase activation.Consequently, apoptosis plays little or no role inthe radiosensitivity of these cell types. In contrastother normal cells, such as lymphocytes and thy-mocytes, readily undergo apoptosis following irra-diation. In these cells, p53 induction of BAX issufficient to cause cytochrome c release from themitochondria and induction of apoptosis. Thus,the importance of apoptosis and the genes con-trolling it such as p53 is highly context dependent.

In tumours, an additional mechanism for varia-tion in apoptosis sensitivity arises from the fact thatmany of the genes that regulate apoptosis are frequently altered in cancer. For example, manytumours show loss of p53 function, and are thus

unable to initiate apoptosis through this pathway.Apoptosis is an important cellular defence againstcancer development and loss of apoptotic sensitiv-ity is recognized as an essential hallmark of cancer.Consequently, apoptotic sensitivity is often reducedin cancer compared with normal tissues although itcan vary significantly among different tumours.Since radiation and other anticancer agents arecapable of activating apoptosis, it has been widelysuggested that apoptotic sensitivity is also an impor-tant contributor to radiosensitivity. However, thismay or may not be correct, depending upon the rel-ative importance of other forms of cell death.


Autophagy is a term that literally means ‘self-eating’ and describes a process in which cells digestparts of their own cytoplasm in order to generatesmall macromolecules and energy. The molecularbasis of autophagy and its relationship to cell sur-vival mechanisms is an active area of currentresearch. Autophagy is controlled by more than 20known gene products (Atg proteins) which initiatethe formation of a double-membrane boundstructure that grows and engulfs cytoplasmic com-ponents forming cytoplasm-filled vacuoles calledautophagasomes (Klionsky, 2007). These fuse withlysosomes to initiate the degradation of theenclosed material into primary components andenergy that can be used to fuel metabolism.

Autophagy is activated in response to several dif-ferent situations, the best characterized of whichoccurs in response to growth factor or nutrientremoval (starvation). This process is regulated bythe mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)kinase, which is a general sensor of nutrient statusintegrating upstream signalling pathways that senseenergy levels, oxygen and growth factor signalling.In this situation, autophagy is thought to sustainoverall survival during times of low nutrient envi-ronment by causing the limited digestion of cyto-plasmic elements to sustain metabolic processes. Assuch, one would expect that autophagy promotescell survival, rather than cell death.

However, in contrast to this pro-survival role,activation of autophagy can also lead to a distinctform of programmed cell death, sometimes

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How cells die 31

referred to as type II death (type I being apopto-sis). Some aspects of this form of death are mor-phologically similar to apoptosis, although nocaspase activation or DNA cleavage occurs.Autophagy also appears to function as a tumoursuppressor, in much the same way that apoptosisdoes. The Beclin 1 gene is part of a complexrequired to initiate autophagy, and its loss leads toenhanced cancer development in mice. This geneis also altered in some human cancers, as are sev-eral tumour suppressors recently linked toautophagy including p53 and PTEN. These datasuggest that autophagy acts in some way as a bar-rier to cancer formation, likely in part through itsability to promote cell death in transformed cells.

Autophagy has also been observed followingtreatment with many anti-cancer agents includingradiation, suggesting that it may be an importantmechanism of cell killing by these agents(Rubinsztein et al., 2007). However, it is not yetclear whether the observed autophagy representsan attempt by the cell for survival or is an inducedform of cell death. There also appears to be somerelationship between autophagy and apoptosis,because autophagy is more readily observed incells with defects in apoptosis. Consequently, sim-ilar to what has been discussed for apoptosis, thecontribution of autophagy to cell death is alsoexpected to be highly cell specific.


It has been said that if apoptosis represents ‘deathby suicide’, then necrosis is ‘death by injury’.Necrosis has historically been considered to be aninappropriate or accidental death that occursunder conditions that are extremely unfavourable,such as those incompatible with a critical normalphysiological process. Examples of conditions thatcan activate necrosis include extreme changes inpH, energy loss and ion imbalance. Consequently,necrosis is generally thought of as an uncontrol-lable, irreversible and chaotic form of cell death. Itis characterized by cellular swelling, membranedeformation, organelle breakdown and the releaseof lysosomal enzymes which attack the cell. Theseconditions can occur following infection, inflam-mation or ischaemia. Necrosis is also frequently

observed in human tumours and can be inducedfollowing treatment with certain DNA-damagingagents, including radiation.

More recently, a number of studies have sug-gested that necrosis is also a regulated process thatcan be modulated. For example, induction ofnecrosis seems to be dependent on cellular energystores, such as NAD, and ATP. Furthermore, cellstress and cell signalling including oxidative stress,calcium levels and p53 activation have beenshown to influence lysosomal membrane perme-ability. Permeabilization leads to intracellularacidification and release of various enzymes thatcan promote necrosis. Although it is not clear howthe cell controls necrosis following irradiation, thefrequency with which this is observed does varyamong different cell types. This suggests that, justas for all the other forms of cell death, cellularpathways control the sensitivity of its activation.


Cellular senescence is the term given to the obser-vation that over time normal cells permanently losetheir ability to divide. These cells remain present,metabolically intact and may or may not displayfunctional changes. Senescence was first describedby Leonard Hayflick in cultured primary cells thatexhibit an initial period of exponential growth, fol-lowed by a permanent arrest termed replicativesenescence or the Hayflick limit (Hayflick, 1965).Replicative senescence is associated with the agingprocess and correlates with the gradual shorteningof telomeres at the ends of chromosomes duringthe exponential growth period.

In addition to this replicative form of senescence,‘premature’ senescence can also be elicited by vari-ous cellular stresses such as those caused by onco-gene activation or by radiation-induced DNAdamage (Campisi and d’Adda di Fagagna, 2007). Inboth situations, the cells enter a permanent cell-cycle arrest characterized morphologically by a flat-tened cytoplasm and increased granularity orbiochemically by an increase in senescence-associated β-galactosidase expression. Senescence-inducing stresses typically do not induce shorteningof the telomeres, but instead are controlled by anumber of molecular pathways that are only

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32 Cell death after irradiation

partially understood. As is the case for replicativesenescence, cells that undergo senescence after irra-diation are not metabolically ‘dead’, but becausethey have permanently ceased proliferation they areunable to contribute to tissue or tumour recovery.

The best understood part of accelerated senes-cence induction involves the activation of cell-cycle inhibitor proteins such as those activated bythe DDR system after radiation. In some cell types,a transient G1 checkpoint activation owing to p53induction of the p21 cyclin-dependent kinaseinhibitor (CDKI) can lead to a secondary perma-nent arrest in G0 that is mediated by the CDKI p16and the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor pro-tein RB. This arrest may also be associated withchromatin changes and widespread gene silencinggiving rise to senescent cells characterized by hav-ing increased areas of heterochromatin.

In much the same way as apoptosis, the propen-sity of different cell types and different tumours toundergo senescence is highly variable. Prematuresenescence occurs frequently in fibroblast cells afterirradiation (which do not undergo apoptosis) andlikely contributes in part to radiation-induced skinfibrosis. Both premature and replicative senescencealso act as potential barriers to cancer developmentand consequently the pathways that control thisprocess are frequently altered in cancer. However, itwould appear that the pathways that controlreplicative and premature senescence are at leastpartly distinct since some tumour cells can beinduced to undergo radiation-induced senescencealthough they have clearly acquired mechanisms toprevent replicative senescence. Nonetheless, the twopathways share some common features that may bealtered during carcinogenesis. Consequently, thereis a wide variation in the ability of cancer cells to ini-tiate senescence after irradiation, depending uponthe genetic changes within that individual cancer.

Mitotic catastrophe

Mitotic catastrophe is a term that has evolved overrecent years to encompass the type of cell deaththat results from, or follows, aberrant mitosis. Thisis morphologically associated with the accumula-tion of multinucleated, giant cells containinguncondensed chromosomes and with the presence

of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei. Thisprocess is thought to occur when cells proceedthrough mitosis in an inappropriate mannerowing to entry of cells into mitosis with un-repaired or misrepaired DNA damage. This is fre-quently the case in cells following irradiation,which often display a host of different types ofchromosome aberrations when they enter mitosis.Death, as defined here by the loss of replicativepotential, can occur simply from a physical inabil-ity to replicate and separate the genetic materialcorrectly, or to the loss of genetic material associ-ated with this process. This is determined in largepart by the types of chromosome aberrations thatmay be present in irradiated cells.

In addition to acting as a mechanism of celldeath, mitotic catastrophe can also serve as a trig-ger for other cell death pathways, independentlyof the initial damage cause by irradiation. Thus,mitotic catastrophe which results in cell fusion,polyploidy, or failure to perform cytokinesis maysubsequently lead to cell death by apoptosis,senescence, autophagy or necrosis. In this case, theattempt to undergo mitosis leads to the activationof the cell death programme, and not the initialDNA damage that was present prior to mitosis(Chu et al., 2004). The important distinction isthat cell death is caused by the mitotic catastro-phe, rather than as a direct cellular response to theinitial DNA damage itself.

Several checkpoints in G2 and throughout mito-sis exist to prevent mitotic catastrophe. Theseinclude two genetically distinct G2 checkpoints thatare activated by the DDR following radiation-induced DNA damage (discussed in Chapter 2).Cells that show defects in checkpoint activationenter into mitosis prematurely and die throughmitotic catastrophe. The failure to prevent entryinto mitosis is thought to account for much of theenhanced radiosensitivity observed in ATM-deficient cells. Bypass of these checkpoints permitspremature entry into mitosis even if the DNA hasnot been fully replicated or repaired, leading to anenhancement of mitotic catastrophe. Additionalmitotic checkpoints ensure proper spindle assemblyand attachment prior to cytokinesis. The spindlecheckpoint is regulated by a number of differentkinases, including the aurora kinases (A, B and C),polo kinases (PLK1, 2 and 3) as well as the

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When and why cells die after irradiation 33

BUB1 and BUBR1 spindle checkpoint kinases.Deregulation of these kinases has been shown tolead to enhanced mitotic catastrophe. Many of thegenes involved in the DDR and mitotic checkpointsare altered during cancer and, consequently, thepropensity to undergo mitotic catastrophe can alsovary significantly among different tumours.


The relative importance of the different forms of celldeath after irradiation is often debated and is ofimportance when considering approaches to pre-dicting radiation response (see Chapter 23) or whencombining radiation with molecularly targetedagents (see Chapter 21).As outlined above, radiationhas been demonstrated, in different cell types andcircumstances, to induce all of the different knownforms of cell death. Unfortunately, it is not possibleto infer the importance of any particular cell deathpathway simply by monitoring how a particular celldies after being irradiated. Multiple cell death path-ways may be activated within the same cell, butbecause a cell can die just once, the type of cell deaththat is observed will be that which occurs most rap-idly and not necessarily that which is most sensitiveto activation. For example, just because a cell dies byapoptosis after some given dose of radiation does

not imply that it would not have died by some otherpathway if apoptosis had been disabled. In thisregard, it is perhaps less important to consider howcells die after irradiation, but rather why cells dieafter irradiation. For this consideration it is possibleto broadly classify cell death mechanisms into twoclasses: those that occur relatively soon after irradia-tion and before cell division, and those that occurcomparatively late or after division (Fig. 3.1).

Early cell death: pre-mitotic

In a small minority of cell types, cell death occursrapidly, within several hours after irradiation (Fig. 3.2) (Endlich et al., 2000). This type of death,sometimes referred to as interphase death, is lim-ited primarily to thymocytes, lymphocytes, sper-matogonia, and other cells in rapidly proliferatingtissues such as those in hair follicles, the smallintestine, and in developing embryos. Early celldeath is also observed in some types of cancers thatarise from these cell types, including lymphomas,and may explain the unexpected effectiveness ofradiotherapy protocols used in the treatment ofthis disease (e.g. two fractions of 2 Gy). In solidtumours, this type of cell death is rarely observed.

Early cell death results primarily from activationof pathways in response to the initial cellular dam-age caused by irradiation. The best example of this

Early cell death

Mitotic Catastrophe



(apoptosis, senescenceautophagy, necrosis)

Late cell death(apoptosis, senescenceautophagy, necrosis)

DNA damageresponse

Figure 3.1 Schematic of cell death following irradiation. DNA damage induced by irradiation elicits activation of theDNA damage response (DDR – see Chapter 2), which leads to induction of cell-cycle checkpoints and DNA repair. Incertain rare cells this response also induces apoptosis or other forms of cell death. However, in most cases cells die onlyafter attempting mitosis. Remaining or improperly repaired DNA damage causes mitotic catastrophe, which subsequentlyleads to cell death. Mitotic catastrophe and cell death can take place after the first attempt at cell division, or afterseveral rounds of proliferation. Consequently, this form of cell death is considered late cell death.

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34 Cell death after irradiation

is the induction of apoptosis that is initiated as partof the DDR. The DDR is activated within minutesof irradiation, and this leads to p53 activation andto the upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins. Ofcourse, the DDR also induces pro-survival path-ways at the same time, including DNA repair path-ways and cell-cycle checkpoints. However, in thiscase these pro-survival pathways are largely irrele-vant because apoptosis is initiated regardless ofwhether repair takes place or not. In this case, acti-vation of apoptosis is a direct result of the initiallevels of damage put into the cell. Consequently, forthis early form of apoptosis, the genes that regulatethis process can significantly influence radiosensi-tivity. Loss of p53, for example, leads to a defect inapoptosis, loss of the early form of cell death, andan increase in radioresistance.

Early activation of cell death pathways can alsooccur in certain cell types as a result of damagecaused to cellular structures other than the DNA.In endothelial cells that make up blood vessels,relatively high radiation doses (above 15 Gy) havebeen reported to induce apoptosis as a result ofdamage to the cellular membrane and the activa-tion of an enzyme known as ceramide synthase(Garcia-Barros et al., 2003). Endothelial cells

contain very high amounts of this enzyme, and as aresult after irradiation can produce large amountsof ceramide. As is the case for apoptosis inducedby the DDR, ceramide-induced apoptosis resultsfrom pathways activated in response to initialdamage caused by irradiation and is not sensitiveto DNA repair and checkpoint pathways. Thus, forthis form of cell death, the gene products that par-ticipate in the activation of apoptosis are impor-tant determinants of cellular radiosensitivity.

Late cell death: post-mitotic

The vast majority of proliferating normal andtumour cells die at a relatively long time after irradiation, usually after attempting mitosis one or more times (Fig. 3.2). Time-lapse videomicroscopy has clearly demonstrated that follow-ing a transient delay (owing to activation ofcheckpoints) most cells resume proliferation andprogress through the cell cycle one, two or moretimes before eventually permanently ceasing pro-liferation (Forrester et al., 1999). This has beenknown for more than 30 years and gave rise to theinitial characterization of radiation-induced cell






00 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time post-irradiation (hours)






ge o

f cel






of a



Duration of process (membraneblebbing to cell collapse)

Duration of process (time fromentering division to cell collapse)

ST4Apoptosis ininterphase








Figure 3.2 Data from Endlich et al. (2000) demonstrating early and late forms of cell death. The ST4 lymphoid cells die rapidly by apoptosis before mitosis. L5178Y-S cells also die by apoptosis following irradiation, but only afterattempting to complete mitosis. In this case the initial DNA damage response is not sufficient to induce cell death andthe cells die because of problems that occur during mitosis.

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When and why cells die after irradiation 35

death as reproductive or mitotic cell death. In thiscase, cell death does not occur until after the cellattempts to divide.

In cells that die at long irradiation times, theDDR activates both cell-cycle checkpoints and DNArepair systems that aid in the survival of the irradi-ated cells. In these cell types, the DDR is unable toinduce apoptosis despite the fact that p53 or otherpro-death pathways may be induced. Instead, DNArepair is allowed to take place and can have a largeinfluence on the outcome and radiosensitivity ofthe cell. Consequently, most proliferating cells fromanimal models and patients with defects in DNADSB repair show uniformly large increases in sensi-tivity to radiation-induced cell death.

Although DNA repair and checkpoint path-ways play important roles in determining cell sur-vival, cell death takes place at long times afterirradiation takes place at times when the check-points are no longer active and when DNA repairprocesses have largely completed. The halftime forrepair is approximately 2–4 hours for end-joiningand perhaps somewhat longer from homologousrecombination. Thus, only a very small fraction of

the initial DNA damage can be detected at timeswhere cell death occurs. The signal for cell deathin this case does not arise from the radiation-induced damage itself, but rather from the conse-quences of failure to properly complete mitosis.Mitotic catastrophe is therefore considered to beresponsible for the majority of cell death in irradi-ated proliferating cells.

Why does irradiation cause proliferating cells toundergo mitotic catastrophe and cell death? Thisappears to result from the fact that, although DDRpathways remove much of the initial damagecaused by irradiation, they are unable to preventsome cells with DNA breaks or DNA rearrange-ments from entering mitosis. The consequences ofincomplete or improper DNA repair becomereadily visible as chromosomes condense inmetaphase as a series of different types of chro-mosome aberrations. The fate of cells harbouringchromosome aberrations is largely determined bythe nature of the chromosome aberration itself(Fig. 3.3) (Brown and Attardi, 2005). Studies havedemonstrated approximately equal numbers ofreciprocal translocations and non-reciprocal


50%DNA damage response









Mitotic catastrophecell death

Dicentric �Acentric fragment

Reciprocal translocation


Time after irradiation

Figure 3.3 This figure, adapted from Brown and Attardi (2005), demonstrates the stochastic nature of cell death afterirradiation. The DNA repair processes frequently lead to events in which chromosomes are not repaired correctly. It hasbeen shown that irradiated cells produce approximately equal amounts of reciprocal translocations and dicentrics. Thebroken chromosomes in these cases are ligated to each other in a random or stochastic manner. Formation of adicentric chromosome prevents proper mitosis and leads to cell death, whereas a reciprocal translocation that does notinvolve an important region of the genome is stable (sometimes for many decades). Thus, a population of irradiatedcells will have approximately equal numbers of both types of aberrations and over time the cells with dicentrics will belost owing to mitotic catastrophe-induced death. The initial amount of DNA damage and activation of the DNAdamage response is the same in both types of cells but the outcome is very different. The outcome in this case isdetermined by the ability of the cells to avoid mitotic catastrophe. Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

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36 Cell death after irradiation

translocations (a dicentric chromosome � acentricfragment) are formed after irradiation. Both ofthese types of aberrations result from misrepair inwhich chromosome ends are incorrectly ligatedtogether in a largely stochastic process. However,whereas cells with dicentric and acentric fragmentsall die, those with reciprocal translocations often

survive. The presence of two centromeres in dicen-tric chromosomes prevents their separation atmetaphase, and consequently leads to mitotic catas-trophe and eventually cell death. Some cells withdicentric chromosomes may manage to completemitosis; however, loss of genetic material present inthe acentric fragment (which forms a so-called






ic fr





ic fr









ng fr






0 24 48 72 96 120 1440 24 48 72 96 1200.0 0.0

Time (hours) Time (hours)

100 100









0 0 3 12Dose (Gy)

9610 20 30 40 50









Etoposide (μg/mL)

Figure 3.4 This figure, adapted from Wouters et al. (1997), demonstrates the discordance between assays of cell deathand cell survival. The two cell lines differ only in the expression of the p21 cyclin-dependent kinase gene (CDKN1A).The p21 knockout cells show increased apoptosis after etoposide or irradiation (top panels) compared with the p21wild-type cells. However, when assessed by clonogenic survival the p21 knockouts show a similar sensitivity toetoposide and a slight resistance to irradiation compared with the p21 wild-type cells. Here, apoptosis takes placeafter mitotic catastrophe and is just one mode of cell death that contributes to the loss of clonogenicity. Adapted withpermission of American Association for Cancer Research.

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When and why cells die after irradiation 37

micronuclei) in subsequent mitosis may lead tosubsequent death later. This explains the good cor-relation that has been observed between the for-mation of dicentric chromosomes or micronucleiformation and cell survival. Reciprocal transloca-tions do not cause problems at metaphase, and thusdo not cause mitotic catastrophe or cell death. Infact, these types of aberrations can be found in cellsfrom people exposed to irradiation many years later.

As mentioned previously, cells that experiencemitotic catastrophe may ultimately undergo a

secondary form of programmed cell death such asapoptosis, autophagy, necrosis or senescence. Inthis case this secondary form of death is not thecause, but simply the method through which cellsdie. This has led to a great deal of confusion aboutthe importance of various forms of cell death,such as apoptosis, as determinants of radiosensi-tivity. Whereas activation of apoptosis and otherprogrammed cell death programmes are responsi-ble for why cells die at early times after irradiation,they are not similarly responsible for why cells dieat long times after irradiation. As a result, alter-ation of a particular gene may dramatically alterthe levels of radiation-induced apoptosis, withoutaltering the overall ability of the cell to survive(Wouters et al., 1997). In this case, cells are dyingas the result of undergoing mitotic catastropheand will die regardless of whether apoptosis issubsequently induced (Fig. 3.4).

Although apoptosis or other programmed celldeath pathways may not affect overall survivalafter irradiation, they can dramatically influencethe rate at which cells die and thus the earlyresponse of tumours to treatment (Brown andWouters, 1999). Because apoptosis leads to rapidand complete destruction of the cell, tumourscontaining cells capable of undergoing apoptosisafter mitotic catastrophe may shrink much fasterthan a similar tumour consisting of cells with thesame overall radiosensitivity that do not similarlyundergo apoptosis. For this reason, it is dangerousto draw any conclusions about tumour radiosen-sitivity from initial changes in tumour size aftertreatment (Fig. 3.5).

Time-lapse microscopy studies have demon-strated that, in cells which experience mitotic catas-trophe, both the timing and nature of cell death ishighly variable (Fig. 3.6) (Endlich et al., 2000). Asdiscussed earlier, a surviving cell is considered asone that can proliferate indefinitely. In tissue culturethis is quantified by the ability to form a colony of acertain size after irradiation (usually 50 cells).Conversely, cell death in this context means thateventually all progeny of an irradiated cell will die.An irradiated cell that is destined to die (not pro-duce a colony) may, however, still proceed throughmitosis many times. The resulting daughter cells candie at very different times after irradiation. Forexample, following the first mitosis, one of the cellsmay die and the other may proceed through DNA

p53�/� 0 Gyp53�/� 15 Gyp53�/� 0 Gyp53�/� 15 Gy


0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Time after treatment (days)




e tu


r vo



Figure 3.5 Although the mode of cell death may notaffect the overall number of cells that die, it candramatically affect the timing of their death. In thistumour regrowth experiment (from Brown and Wouters,1999), tumours composed of p53 wild-type andknockout cells are irradiated and followed as a functionof time. The unirradiated tumours grow at a similarrate. However, the p53 wild-type tumours undergorapid apoptosis after irradiation and the tumours thusalso shrink rapidly in size. The p53 knockout tumours donot undergo apoptosis and thus are considerably largerafter irradiation during this first week. However, thetotal regrowth delay (measured when tumours reachtwice their starting size) is identical for the two tumourtypes. This indicates that the total number of cells killedby irradiation is the same in both tumour types. In thiscase apoptosis alters the speed at which the cells die,but does not affect the total number of initiallyirradiated cells that will eventually die. Adapted withpermission of American Association for Cancer Research.

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38 Cell death after irradiation

replication and mitosis to produce two more cells.Eventually, these cells will also die, although theymay or may not attempt mitosis many times.Furthermore, the type of cell death that each daugh-ter cell undergoes can be different. Consequently, asingle irradiated cell can actually die through multi-ple modes of cell death! A similar situation alsoexists for irradiated cells that are destined to survive.These cells may also produce daughter cells withdifferent survival potential. One daughter may die,

while the other continues to proliferate and thusconfers the status of ‘survived’ on the initially irradi-ated cell. Consequently, irradiated cells that die fol-lowing cell division produce a pedigree of cells withdifferent types that can only be tracked by time-lapse microscopy (Forrester et al., 1999). Examplesof cells destined for survival or death are shown inFig. 3.6. This figure highlights the many problemsassociated with trying to quantify or ascribe a par-ticular form of cell death after irradiation and the





? ?? ??????




? ???




(a) Clonogenic unirradiated cell



? ???






? ??




(b) Clonogenic irradiated cell – increased post-mitotic apoptosis


?? ? ?



? ? ??



? ??




(c) Clonogenic irradiated cell – increased post-mitotic senescence

(d) Non-clonogenic irradiated cell – pre-mitotic apoptosis

(e) Non-clonogenic irradiated cell – post-mitotic apoptosis


(f) Non-clonogenic irradiated cell – post-mitotic senescence

Figure 3.6 This figure, adapted from Forrester et al. (1999), tracks the fate of several irradiated cells as a function of time (left to right) following exposure to radiation. (a) An unirradiated cell is shown as an example. Each celldivision is indicated by a split of one line into two. After six or seven divisions enough cell progeny have been createdto produce a colony that can be scored as a survivor. The initial cell is thus said to be clonogenic. Two cells that survive irradiation and eventually form colonies are shown in (b) and (c). In (b), the first division produces twodaughter cells that both progress to mitosis and divide producing four cells. One of these four cells dies by apoptosis.Another one undergoes several more divisions but produces progeny that all eventually die. The other two cells bothproduce many surviving progeny that contribute to the long-term clonogenic potential of the initially irradiated cell.Note, that many of the progeny die in this case even though the initial cell has ‘survived’. In (c) the irradiated cell isalso clonogenic. In this case, one of the first two daughter cells produces cells which all eventually undergosenescence. Irradiated cells that are non-clonogenic are shown in (d), (e) and (f). In (d), a cell dies by apoptosis beforemitosis. In (e) cells die by apoptosis after completing two divisions and in (e) cells undergo senescence afterundergoing one or more mitoses. Adapted with permission of American Association for Cancer Research.

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Bibliography 39

importance of the clonogenic survival assay fordetermining the ultimate response of individuallyirradiated cells.

‘Bystander’ death

A much less understood type of cell death that hasbeen described in response to irradiation isknown as bystander-induced death (Mothersilland Seymour, 2004). A number of experimentshave challenged the widely held view that radia-tion kills cells exclusively by direct damage. Thebystander effect describes a phenomenon inwhich cell death can occur in cells owing to irradi-ation of neighbouring cells. Evidence for thiseffect has come from studies using high linearenergy transfer (LET) α-particles in which alarger fraction of cells die than are estimated tohave been traversed. Supportive data have alsobeen generated using microbeam irradiation, inwhich select cells or nuclei can be irradiated withparticles (both α-particles and protons have beenused) or soft X-rays. In these experiments, irradi-ation of a select group of cells leads to increasedcell death in the unirradiated cells. In addition tocell death, bystander effects have also beenobserved for other known biological effects ofirradiation, including DNA damage, chromoso-mal aberrations, mutation, transformation andgene expression.

The precise mechanism or importance ofbystander effects has not yet been determined. Somestudies have shown that transfer of media from irra-diated cells to unirradiated cells can also cause thebystander effect. This would suggest that irradiatedcells secrete factors that can be damaging to unirra-diated cells. Other experiments have shown thatbystander effects are more easily observed when cellsare physically connected to irradiated cells by gap-junctions. This allows communication (transfer ormolecules) directly between the cells. For example,irradiation may result in increased levels of long-lived reactive oxygen species that could be sharedamong irradiated and unirradiated cells. Thebystander effect is probably most important at lowdoses of radiation which cause damage to only asmall number of cells, and may thus be of most rel-evance to risk estimation.


Brown JM, Attardi LD (2005). The role of apoptosis incancer development and treatment response. NatRev Cancer 5: 231–7.

Brown JM, Wouters BG (1999). Apoptosis, p53, andtumor cell sensitivity to anticancer agents. CancerRes 59: 1391–9.

Campisi J, d’Adda di Fagagna F (2007). Cellularsenescence: when bad things happen to good cells.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8: 729–40.

Chu K, Teele N, Dewey MW, Albright N, Dewey WC(2004). Computerized video time lapse study of cellcycle delay and arrest, mitotic catastrophe,apoptosis and clonogenic survival in irradiated14–3-3sigma and CDKN1A (p21) knockout cell lines.Radiat Res 162: 270–86.

Endlich B, Radford IR, Forrester HB, Dewey WC (2000).Computerized video time-lapse microscopy studiesof ionizing radiation-induced rapid-interphase andmitosis-related apoptosis in lymphoid cells. RadiatRes 153: 36–48.

Forrester HB, Vidair CA, Albright N, Ling CC, Dewey WC(1999). Using computerized video time lapse forquantifying cell death of X-irradiated rat embryocells transfected with c-myc or c-Ha-ras. Cancer Res59: 931–9.

Garcia-Barros M, Paris F, Cordon-Cardo C et al. (2003).Tumor response to radiotherapy regulated byendothelial cell apoptosis. Science 300: 1155–9.

Key points

1. Most cell death is controlled or programmedin some way.

2. Major death pathways include apoptosis,senescence, autophagy and necrosis.

3. Measuring one form of cell death (e.g.apoptosis) will not necessarily correlatewith how many cells die.

4. The form of cell death may influence therate at which cells die and thus tumourregression.

5. Most cell death after radiation occurs late inresponse to mitotic catastrophe and notfrom the initial response to damage.

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40 Cell death after irradiation

Hayflick L (1965). The limited in vitro lifetime of humandiploid cell strains. Exp Cell Res 37: 614–36.

Klionsky DJ (2007). Autophagy: from phenomenology tomolecular understanding in less than a decade. NatRev Mol Cell Biol 8: 931–7.

Mothersill C, Seymour CB (2004). Radiation-inducedbystander effects – implications for cancer. Nat RevCancer 4: 158–64.

Okada H, Mak TW (2004). Pathways of apoptotic andnon-apoptotic death in tumour cells. Nat Rev Cancer4: 592–603.

Rubinsztein DC, Gestwicki JE, Murphy LO, Klionsky DJ(2007). Potential therapeutic applications ofautophagy. Nat Rev Drug Discov 6: 304–12.

Taylor RC, Cullen SP, Martin SJ (2008). Apoptosis:controlled demolition at the cellular level. Nat RevMol Cell Biol 9: 231–41.

Wouters BG, Giaccia AJ, Denko NC, Brown JM (1997).Loss of p21Waf1/Cip1 sensitizes tumors to radiationby an apoptosis-independent mechanism. CancerRes 57: 4703–6.


Steel GG (2001). The case against apoptosis. Acta Oncol40: 968–75.

Page 50: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Quantifying cell kill and cell survivalMICHAEL C. JOINER

4.1 Concept of clonogenic cells 414.2 Clonogenic assays 424.3 Cell survival curves 434.4 Assays for the survival of clonogenic cells 444.5 Comparison of assays 464.6 Describing relationships between cell

survival and radiation dose 474.7 A note on radiation response at the

molecular level 474.8 Target theory 47

4.9 The problem with targets 484.10 The linear-quadratic model 494.11 The lethal–potentially lethal (LPL)

damage model 504.12 Repair saturation models 514.13 The linear-quadratic-cubic model 524.14 Low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity 53Key points 54Bibliography 54Further reading 55



As explained in Chapter 13, Section 13.2, themaintenance of tissue size and therefore of tissuefunction in the normal renewal tissues of the bodydepends upon the existence of a small number ofprimitive ‘stem cells’ – cells that have the capacityto maintain their numbers while at the same timeproducing cells that can differentiate and prolifer-ate to replace the rest of the functional cell popu-lation. Stem cells are at the base of the hierarchy ofcells that make up the epithelial and haemopoietictissues.

Carcinomas are derived from such hierarchicaltissues, and our ability to recognize this in histo-logical sections derives from the fact that thesetumours often maintain many of the features ofdifferentiation of the tissue within which theyarose. Well-differentiated tumours do this to agreater extent than anaplastic tumours. It followsthat not all the cells in a tumour are neoplasticstem cells: some have embarked on an irreversibleprocess of differentiation. In addition, carcinomascontain many cells that make up the stroma

(fibroblasts, endothelial cells, macrophages, etc.).Stem cells thus may constitute only a small pro-portion of the cells within a tumour.

When a tumour regrows after non-curativetreatment, it does so because some neoplasticstem cells were not killed. Radiobiologists havetherefore recognized that the key to understand-ing tumour response is to ask: How many stemcells are left? (if we can eradicate the last neoplas-tic stem cell then the tumour cannot regrow). It isalmost impossible to recognize tumour stem cellsin situ, and therefore assays have been developedthat allow them to be detected after removal fromthe tumour. These assays generally detect stemcells by their ability to form a colony within somegrowth environment. We therefore call these‘clonogenic’ or ‘colony-forming’ cells – cells thatform colonies exceeding about 50 cells within adefined growth environment. The number 50 rep-resents five or six generations of proliferation. It ischosen in order to exclude cells that have a limitedgrowth potential as a result of having embarkedon differentiation, or having been sublethallydamaged by therapeutic treatment.

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42 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

After exposure to radiation, damaged cells donot die immediately and they may produce a mod-est family of descendants. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.1. The growth of single mouse L-cells wasobserved under the microscope and one selectedcolony was irradiated with 200 röntgens of X-rays atthe four-cell stage (Trott, 1972). The röntgen is anold radiation unit, roughly equivalent to 1 cGy.Subsequent growth was carefully recorded and inthe figure each vertical line indicates the lifetime ofa cell from birth at mitosis to its subsequent divi-sion. The two irradiated cells on the left and theright of this figure produced continuously expand-ing colonies, although some daughter cells had longintermitotic times. The other two irradiated cellsfared badly: they underwent a number of irregulardivisions, including a tripolar mitosis. But note thatat the end of the experiment cells are present fromeach of the original four cells: the difference is thattwo produced expanding colonies and the other twodid not. The first two were ‘surviving clonogeniccells’ and the other two are usually described as‘killed’ by radiation, since their regrowth is probablyunimportant for clinical outcome. It would be moreprecise to say that two of the cells lost their prolifer-ative ability as a result of irradiation.

Some cells fail to undergo even one divisionafter irradiation. Interphase cell death occurs inmany cell types at very high radiation doses, andat conventional therapeutic dose levels it is char-acteristic of lymphoid cells and some cells in theintestinal crypts. Although interphase cell deathand apoptosis are related concepts (see Chapter 3,Section 3.3) they are not synonymous for thesame process. But the conventional radiobiologi-cal view is that it is loss of reproductive integritythat is the critical response to irradiation (either

in tumour or normal-tissue cells): this occurswithin a few hours of irradiation through damageto the genome, and the subsequent metabolic anddeath processes are ‘downstream’ of this event.


Clonogenic assays have formed the basis of cellu-lar response studies in tumours, and in some nor-mal tissues. The basic idea is to remove cells fromthe tumour, place them in a defined growth envi-ronment and test for their ability to produce asizeable colony of descendants. Many types ofassay have been described; we illustrate the princi-ple by a simple assay in tissue culture that is anal-ogous to a microbiological assay.

A single-cell suspension of tumour cells is pre-pared and divided into two parts. One part is irra-diated, the other kept as an unirradiated control.The two suspensions are then plated out in tissueculture under identical conditions, except thatsince we anticipate that radiation has killed somecells we will have to plate a larger number of theirradiated cells. We here envisage plating 100 con-trol cells and 400 irradiated cells. After a suitableperiod of incubation the colonies are scored (Fig. 4.2). There are 20 control colonies, and wetherefore say that the plating efficiency was20/100 � 0.2. The plating efficiency of the treatedcells is lower: 8/400 � 0.02. We calculate a surviving fraction as the ratio of these plating efficiencies:

Surviving fractionPE

PE� �treated


0 02




20 1�

200 R

Figure 4.1 Pedigree of a clone of mouse L-cellsirradiated with a dose of 200 R (i.e. röntgens) at thefour-cell stage, illustrating the concept of surviving andnon-surviving clonogenic cells. From Trott (1972), withpermission.

Control Treated

Figure 4.2 Illustrating the principle of measuring a cellsurviving fraction.

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Cell survival curves 43

thus correcting for the efficiency with whichundamaged clonogenic cells are detected and forthe different numbers of cells plated. Survivingfraction is often given as a percentage (10 per centin this case).

The above description started with a suspen-sion of tumour cells. In order to measure in vivocell survival we take two groups of experimentaltumours (often subcutaneously implanted tumoursin mice), irradiate one and keep the other as acontrol; then, some time after irradiation, wemake cell suspensions from both groups and platethem out under identical conditions as before.The difference here is that the cells are irradiatedunder in vivo conditions.

Although colony assays have formed a centralplace in tumour radiobiology they are not with-out artefacts. Bearing in mind that the numbers ofcells plated will often differ between control andtreated cultures, a key question is whether colonycounts increase linearly with the number of cellsplated. If they do not, then this will lead to errorsin cell survival. The colonies in Fig. 4.2 have beendrawn to illustrate a feature of colony assays thatwas mentioned in the previous section. Irradiation

not only reduces the colony numbers, it alsoincreases the number of small colonies. Some ofthese small colonies may represent clones thateventually die out; others may arise from cells thathave suffered non-lethal injury that reduces colonygrowth rate. Unless they reach the accepted cut-off of 50 cells they will not be counted, althoughtheir implications for the evaluation of radiationeffects on tumours may be worthy of greaterattention (Seymour and Mothersill, 1989).


A cell survival curve is a plot of surviving fractionagainst dose (of radiation, cytotoxic drug or othercell-killing agent). Figure 4.3a shows that whenplotted on linear scales the survival curve for cellsirradiated in tissue culture is often sigmoid: thereis a shoulder followed by a curve that asymptoti-cally approaches zero survival. To indicate the sen-sitivity of the cells to radiation we could just readoff the dose that kills say 50 per cent of the cells.This is sometimes called the ED50 (i.e. effect dose50 per cent). Sometimes ED90 is used. In doing

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Radiation dose (Gy)(a) (b)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Radiation dose (Gy)








ng fr



Figure 4.3 A typical cell survival curve for cells irradiated in tissue culture, plotted (a) on a linear survival scale. (b) The same data plotted on a logarithmic scale.

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44 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

this we need make no assumptions about theshape of the curve.

There are two reasons why cell survival curvesare more usually plotted on a logarithmic scale ofsurvival:

1. If cell killing is random then survival will be anexponential function of dose, and this will be astraight line on a semi-log plot. Section 4.8explains this in detail.

2. A logarithmic scale more easily allows us to seeand compare the very low cell survivals requiredto obtain a significant reduction in tumoursize, or local tumour control.

Such a plot is illustrated in Fig. 4.3b. The shapesof radiation survival curves and ways of describingtheir steepness are dealt with later in this chapter.

Note that, for the data shown in Fig. 4.3, radia-tion doses above 5 Gy reduce the survival of clono-genic cells to below 10 per cent. Measurement ofradiosensitivity in terms of the parameter D0 (seeSection 4.8) is made on the exponential part of thesurvival curve, which in this case is above 5 Gy.These measurements are therefore made in a doserange where the surviving fraction is very low. SuchD0 values are relevant to the problem of extermi-nating the last few clonogenic cells, but if the cellpopulation contains cells of differing radiosensitiv-ity these values may not be typical of the radiosen-sitivity of the bulk of the tumour cell population.


Many techniques have been described for detectingcolony formation by tumour cells and thus formeasuring cell survival. They almost all requirefirst the production of single-cell suspensions. Thisis usually not straightforward, because tumour tis-sues differ widely in the ease with which they can bedisaggregated. Enzymes such as trypsin, collage-nase and pronase are often used and some tissuescan be disaggregated mechanically.

Such techniques can also be used for the assayof colony-forming cells in normal tissues, espe-cially the haemopoietic tissues that can easily besampled and made into cell suspensions. In addi-tion, a variety of in situ assays for normal-tissue

stem cells have been described (Potten, 1983). Thefollowing are some of the principal assays thathave been used for tumour cells.

In vitro colony assays

Some tumour cells grow well attached to plastictissue culture dishes or flasks. Others can be encour-aged to do so by first laying down a feeder layer oflethally irradiated connective-tissue or tumourcells. For cells that have been established as an invitro cell line this often works well but for studieson tumour samples taken directly from patientsor animals it is commonly observed that normal-tissue fibroblasts grow better than the tumourcells and overgrow the cultures.

An alternative is to thicken the growth mediumwith agar or methylcellulose. This inhibits thegrowth of anchorage-requiring cell types, butmany epithelial cells will still grow. A widely usedassay of this type is that of Courtenay and Mills(1978) for human tumour cells. Agar cultures aregrown in 15-mL plastic tubes overlaid with liquidmedium that can regularly be replenished. Theaddition of rat red blood cells to the agar wasfound to promote the growth of a number ofhuman tumour cell types. An important feature ofthe Courtenay–Mills assay was the use of a lowoxygen tension (a gas phase of 90 per cent nitro-gen, 5 per cent oxygen and 5 per cent carbon diox-ide), which enhanced the plating efficiency ofhuman tumour cells.

Spleen colony assay

Till and McCulloch (1961) showed that, whenmouse bone marrow cells were injected intra-venously into syngeneic recipients that hadreceived sufficient whole-body irradiation to sup-press endogenous haemopoiesis, colonies wereproduced in the spleen which derived from thestem cells in the graft. The colonies varied in mor-phology (erythroid, granulocyte or mixed) andthese stem cells are therefore termed pluripotent.Their precise identity was not known and they aretherefore often called colony-forming units (CFUs).Using this assay, Till and McCulloch obtained the

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Assays for the survival of clonogenic cells 45

first survival curve for bone marrow cells andfound it to be very steep. The spleen colony assayhas also been used for some types of mouse lym-phoma cells.

Lung colony assay

This is analogous to the spleen colony assay and isapplicable to any transplanted mouse tumour thatreadily forms colonies in the lung following intra-venous injection of a single-cell suspension. Thecloning efficiency can often be increased by mixingthe test cells with an excess (c. 106 per injection) oflethally irradiated tumour cells or plastic micro-spheres, which perhaps act by increasing the trap-ping of injected tumour cells in the lung. Not allthe tumour cells grow: a few colonies per thousandtumour cells injected would be regarded as satis-factory. Although colonies are formed throughoutthe lung, they are usually scored only on the lungsurface. The method was developed by Hill andStanley (1975) on two experimental tumours andthey give further experimental details.

Limiting-dilution assay

This is a non-cloning assay that was used in earlyradiation cell survival studies and which for someexperimental tumours has the advantage of highsensitivity. The principle of the method is to pre-pare a suspension of tumour cells and to make alarge number of subcutaneous implants into syn-geneic animals, covering a range of inoculum sizesand if possible spanning the level of 50 per centtumour takes. The animals, usually mice, are thenobserved for a long enough period to recordnearly every tumour that can grow from a single-cell implant. Take-rate is plotted against inoculumsize and the point of 50 per cent takes is interpo-lated; this is usually called the ‘TD50’ cell number.The experiment is performed simultaneously ontreated cells and control cells and the survivingfraction is given by the ratio of the TD50 values.The addition of an excess of lethally irradiatedcells improves the take-rate; using this manoeuvreSteel and Adams (1975) found a TD50 of 1–3 cellsfor the Lewis lung tumour and were thus able to

measure cell survival down to 10�6. The methodonly works well in the absence of an immuneresponse against the tumour grafts, which is a rel-atively uncommon situation especially with chem-ically and virally induced tumours.

Short-term in vitro assays

The need to develop in vitro assays that yield aquicker result than a true clonogenic assay arisesfrom the interest in prediction of tumour responseto treatment (see Chapter 23). A variety of assayshave been proposed but their reliability andreproducibility have often been a limit to theirclinical usefulness. Three common pitfalls are:

1. Biopsy samples of human tumours containboth tumour cells and normal connective tis-sue cells; both may grow under the assay condi-tions and it may be difficult to distinguishcolony formation by tumour cells.

2. If the method requires the production of sin-gle-cell suspensions, great care must be takento exclude cell clumps, as these may preferen-tially give rise to scorable colonies.

3. Radiation-killed cells take time to die (e.g. Fig.4.1) and in a short-term assay they may be con-fused with genuine surviving tumour cells;therefore, the method may not easily distin-guish between radiosensitive cells and cells thatdie rapidly after irradiation.

Many basic principles underlying the predic-tion of tumour response are dealt with in the bookedited by Chapman et al. (1989). Non-clonogenicassays for tumour cells include the following.


Tumour cells are cultured in the presence ofcytochalasin-B, which blocks cytokinesis, createsbinucleate cells, and thus allows nuclei that haveundergone one post-treatment division to beidentified. Micronuclei can be scored as smallextranuclear bodies. Their frequency increaseswith radiation dose and gives a measure of radia-tion sensitivity (Streffer et al., 1986). The reliabil-ity of the method is limited by the fact that

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46 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

diploid, polyploid and aneuploid cells may differin their tolerance of genetic loss and therefore ofmicronucleus formation.


A variety of methods have been used to measure thegrowth of cultures derived from treated and controltumour specimens, and thus to derive a measureof radiosensitivity or chemosensitivity. Incorpora-tion of radioisotopes such as 3H-thymidine has been widely used. A tetrazolium salt, 3-(4,5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazoliumbromide (MTT), is used to stain cell cultures andthus by a colorimetric assay to estimate the extentof growth (Carmichael et al., 1987; Wassermanand Twentyman, 1988). It can be used to evaluategrowth in microtitre plates and with careful atten-tion to technical factors it can yield a measure ofradiosensitivity. The reagent 3-(4,5-dimethylthia-zol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) is a develop-ment of MTT and forms soluble formazans uponbioreduction by the cells. This has the advantagethat it eliminates the error-prone solubilizationstep which is required for the microculture tetra-zolium assays which employ MTT (Goodwin et al.,1995). Such methods are vulnerable to the vari-able growth of fibroblasts, and for studies onleukaemic cells it may be preferable to stain thecells differentially and analyse the cultures micro-scopically (Bosanquet, 1991).


It is possible to measure DNA damage directly byantibody detection of foci of phosphorylated his-tone H2AX (γH2AX) in the cell nucleus, usingimage cytometry or flow cytometry. It has beenfound that the rate of γH2AX loss (a measure ofDNA repair) correlates with cellular radiosensitiv-ity measured with a clonogenic assay, although therelationship is by no means perfect (MacPhail et al.,2003). Moreover, the percentage of tumour cellsthat retain γH2AX foci 24 hours after single orfractionated doses of radiation appears to be anindicator of cellular radiosensitivity that might beuseful in the clinic (Klokov et al., 2006).

Methods using precise cell counting

The methods described so far involve the platingof an aliquot of a cell suspension that on averagewill contain a known number of cells. The actualnumber of cells will vary according to Poisson sta-tistics. For studies of the effects of low radiationdoses (where the effects are small) greater statisti-cal precision can be achieved by knowing exactlyhow many cells have been plated. This has beendone using two main methods (see Section 4.14).A fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) allowscounted numbers of cells to be plated into culturedishes (Durand, 1986). An alternative is to use amicroscopic live cell recognition system (Marplesand Joiner, 1993), which allows the spatial coordi-nates of plated cells to be recorded; subsequentlythe colony formation by each individual cell canbe examined. Both of these methods give highprecision in the initial region of a cell survivalcurve and their use led to the identification of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS) (seeSection 4.14).


Intercomparison of the results of assays of cellsurvival can provide an important check on theirvalidity. This information can be valuable at botha practical and a fundamental level. At the practi-cal level, it is logical to check a rapid short-termassay against the results of a more laborious butmore reliable clonogenic assay. The more generalquestion is whether assay of cell survival in twodifferent growth environments does actually iden-tify the same population of surviving tumourcells. It is usually cell survival in situ in the patientor in the experimental animal that we seek todetermine, and to subject tumour cells to extrac-tion procedures and to artificial growth environ-ments might well produce artefacts. It is thereforereassuring that some careful comparisons betweenclonogenic assays in vitro, in the mouse lung andby subcutaneous transplantation have demon-strated good agreement for mouse tumours (Steeland Stephens, 1983).

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Target theory 47


Research in experimental radiobiology covers stud-ies at the cellular, animal and human levels. It dealsat the fundamental level with the molecular, bio-chemical and biophysical nature of radiation dam-age. Descriptive models are a necessary part ofradiobiology research: they provide a framework inwhich to analyse and compare data and ultimatelyto assist in building up consistent theories of radia-tion action both in vitro and in vivo. Models andmathematics are also sometimes necessary to relateexperimental studies to clinical cancer treatmentwith the aim of improving therapy. In the followingsections, we explain the most important modelsthat are used to describe and analyse the relation-ship between cell survival and radiation dose.


Radiation kills cells by producing secondarycharged particles and free radicals in the nucleuswhich in turn produce a variety of types of damagein DNA. Evidence that damage to DNA is the pri-mary cause of cell killing and mutation by radia-tion is set out in Chapter 2, Section 2.1. Each 1 Gydose of low-linear energy transfer (LET) radiationproduces over 1000 base damages, about 1000 ini-tial single-strand breaks and approximately 20–40initial double-strand breaks (DSBs). Some lesionsare more important than others and radiationlethality correlates most significantly with thenumber of residual, unrepaired DSBs several hoursafter irradiation. If cell kill is modified by changingLET, oxygen level, thiol concentration or tempera-ture, then for a fixed radiation dose only the num-ber of DSBs reliably correlates with the change incell kill. Single-strand breaks, base damage andDNA–protein crosslinks do not reflect the changein cell kill for all of these modifiers. The DNA DSBis therefore thought to be the most important typeof cellular damage. Just one residual DSB (or ‘hit’)in a vital section of DNA may be sufficient to

produce a significant chromosome aberration andthus to sterilize the cell.


A simple way of picturing how radiation mightkill cells is the idea that there may be specificregions of the DNA that are important to main-tain the reproductive ability of cells. These sensi-tive regions could be thought of as specific targetsfor radiation damage so that the survival of a cellafter radiation exposure would be related to thenumber of targets inactivated. There are two ver-sions of this idea that have commonly been used.The first version of the theory proposed that justone hit by radiation on a single sensitive targetwould lead to death of the cell. This is called single-target single-hit inactivation, and it leads to theform of survival curve shown in Fig. 4.4a. The sur-vival curve is exponential (i.e. a straight line in asemi-logarithmic plot of cell survival againstdose). To derive an equation for this survivalcurve, Poisson statistics can be applied. The pre-sumption is that during irradiation there are avery large number of hits on different cells takingplace, but the probability (p) of the next hit occur-ring in a given cell is very small. Thus for each cell,

where D0 is defined as the dose that gives an averageof one hit per target. A dose of D0 Gy reduces sur-vival from 1 to 0.37 (i.e. to e�1), or from 0.1 to0.037, etc. D/D0 is the average number of hits pertarget (and in this case per cell). This is the reasonwhy (as in Fig. 4.7, later) a scale of cell survival issometimes labelled �ln(S): this is a scale of the nat-ural logarithm of surviving fraction and it is alsothe equivalent number of ‘lethal lesions’ per cell.

In this example (Fig. 4.4a) D0 � 1.6 Gy.Straight survival curves of this sort are usuallyfound for the inactivation of viruses and bacteria.They may also be appropriate in describing theradiation response of some very sensitive humancells (normal and malignant) and also the radia-tion response at very low dose rates (see Chapter12, Section 12.3) and response to high LET radia-tions (see Chapter 6, Section 6.3). This type of

p p D D( )survival (0 hits) exp( / )� � � 0

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48 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

‘single-target single-hit’ survival curve model istherefore actually valid outside of the ‘target the-ory’ framework. It describes the simple situationwhere if an individual cell receives an amount ofradiation greater than D0 then it will die, other-wise it will survive.

For mammalian cells in general, their responseto radiation is usually described by ‘shouldered’survival curves. In an attempt to model this typeof response, a more general version of target the-ory was proposed called multitarget single-hitinactivation. In this extended target idea, just onehit by radiation on each of n sensitive targets inthe cell is required for death of the cell. The shapeof this survival curve is shown in Fig. 4.4b. Again,the argument can be developed using Poisson statistics,


As there are n targets in the cell,

p n D D(all targets inactivated) (1 exp( / ))� � � 0nn

p D D(specific target inactivated) exp( / )� � �1 0

p D D(0 hits on a specific target) exp( / )� � 0



Figure 4.4b shows that multitarget single-hitsurvival curves have a shoulder whose size can beindicated by the quasi-threshold dose (Dq). This isrelated to n and D0 by the relation:


For the example in Fig. 4.4b, we have chosenn � 30 and D0 � 1.6 Gy, giving Dq � 5.4 Gy. Suchmultitarget survival curves have proved useful fordescribing the radiation response of mammaliancells at high doses, ‘off the shoulder’. They do notdescribe the survival response well at lower moreclinically relevant doses.


The derivation of simple cell survival relationshipsin terms of targets and hits, particularly the straightsurvival curve shown in Fig. 4.4a, is an intellectuallyattractive idea and it dominated radiobiologicalthinking for a long time. The term ‘D0’ is still in com-mon usage. The key difficulty with this concept is

D D nq e� 0 log

p p(survival) (not all targets inactivated)�

� 11 1 0� � �( exp( / ))D D n

0 4 8 12 16

Dose (Gy)(a) (b)






0 4 8 12 16

Dose (Gy)








ng fr






D0 D0


Figure 4.4 The twomost common types of target theory. (a)Single-targetinactivation; (b)multitarget inactivation.

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The linear-quadratic model 49

that so far the specific radiation targets have not beenidentified for mammalian cells, despite considerableeffort to search for them. Rather, what has emerged isthe key role of DNA strand breaks and their repair,with sites for such DNA damage being generally dis-persed throughout the cell nucleus (see Chapter 2).An obvious shortcoming of the multitarget model isthat, as shown in Fig. 4.4b, it predicts a response thatis flat for very low radiation doses. This is not sup-ported by experimental data: there is overwhelmingevidence for significant cell killing at low doses andfor cell survival curves that have a finite initial slope.To take account of this, the multitarget model wasadjusted by adding an additional single-target com-ponent. The resulting equation for the survival curveis called the two-component model:


This type of survival curve is illustrated in Fig.4.5a. In addition to the parameters n, D0 and Dq, thiscurve also has a parameter D1, which fixes an initial

p D D


(survival) exp( / )

( exp( (1/ /

� �

� � � �1

01 1 1( 11)))n )

slope (i.e. the dose required in the low-dose region toreduce survival from 1 to 0.37). In this example,n � 30 and D0 � 1.6 Gy, and D1 � 4.6 Gy. This typeof curve now correctly predicts finite cell killing inthe low-dose region but it still has the drawback thatthe change in cell survival over the range 0 to Dq

occurs almost linearly. This implies that no sparingof damage should occur as dose per fraction isreduced below 2 Gy, which is usually not found to bethe case either experimentally or in clinical radio-therapy (see Chapter 8, Figs 8.1 and 8.2; Chapter 10,Section 10.3). A way of overcoming this limitationwould be to use a multitarget instead of single-targetcomponent as the initial slope. However, this wouldmake the model far too complicated to be of muchuse in comparing survival responses. It wouldrequire at least four parameters, and would be of lit-tle value in helping to understand the fundamentalmechanisms determining radiation effect.


The continually downward bending form of a cellsurvival can simply be fitted by a second-order

High LET

High LET

0 4 8 12 16












ng fr



Radiation dose (Gy)(a) (b)


0 4 8 12 160.001






Radiation dose (Gy)




Figure 4.5 Models with non-exponential cell killing but a finite initial slope. (a) The two-component model and (b) the linear-quadratic model.

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50 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

polynomial, with a zero constant term to ensurethat SF � 1 at zero dose. This is exactly the formu-lation that is termed the linear-quadratic (LQ)model. Although we can regard this as based onpure mathematics (i.e. the simplest formulawhich describes a curve), it has also been possibleto attach radiobiological mechanisms to thismodel. The formula for cell survival is:


and the cell survival curve is drawn in Fig. 4.5b.Although the shapes of the LQ model and thecomplicated two-component model are superfi-cially similar (compare Fig. 4.5a with Fig. 4.5b),the simple LQ formula gives a better descriptionof radiation response in the low-dose region(0–3 Gy): LQ survival curves are continuouslybending with no straight portion either at low orhigh radiation doses. The shape (or ‘bendiness’) isdetermined by the ratio α/β.

Since the dimensions of the parameters for αare Gy�1 and for β are Gy�2, the dimensions ofα/β are Gy; as shown in Fig. 4.5b, this is the doseat which the linear contribution to damage (αDon the logarithmic scale) equals the quadraticcontribution (βD2). The response of cells todensely-ionizing radiations such as neutrons orα-particles is usually a steep and almost exponen-tial survival curve (see Fig. 6.2). As shown in Fig.4.5, this would be explained in the two-compo-nent model by the ratio D1/D0 being near to 1.0,or in the LQ model by a very high α/β ratio.

As shown in Fig. 4.5, the LQ model does nothave a D0 because the survival curve continuouslybends downwards with increasing dose and so it isnever completely straight. However, it is some-times useful to be able to roughly convert betweenα, β and D0; for example, if comparing two sets ofresearch findings which have each been describedwith the different models. The precise mathemat-ical description of D0 is that it is the inverse of thefirst-order differential of �ln(S) with respect todose. Applying this definition to the LQ modelgives D0 � 1/(α � 2βD). This formula showsthat, in the LQ model, the effective D0 is not con-stant, but decreases with increasing dose.

p D D(survival) exp( )� � �α β 2

� � �ln( )S D Dα β 2

The LQ model is now in widespread use inboth experimental and clinical radiobiology andgenerally works well in describing responses toradiation in vitro and in vivo. What could be itsmechanistic justification? One simple idea is thatthe linear component [exp(�αD)] might resultfrom single-track events while the quadratic com-ponent [exp(�βD2)] might arise from two-trackevents. This interpretation is supported by studiesof the dose-rate effect (see Chapter 12, Section12.3), which shows that as dose rate is reduced cellsurvival curves become straight and tend toextrapolate the initial slope of the high dose-ratecurve: the quadratic component of cell killing disappears, leaving only the linear component.This would be expected, since at low dose rate sin-gle-track events will occur far apart in time and theprobability of interaction between them will below. Although this interpretation of the LQ equa-tion seems reasonable, the nature of the interac-tions between separate tracks is still a matter ofsome debate. Chadwick and Leenhouts (1973)postulated that separate tracks might hit oppositestrands of the DNA double helix and thus form aDSB. We now know that this is unlikely in view ofthe very low probability of two tracks interactingwithin the dimensions of the DNA molecule(diameter c. 2.5 nm) at a dose of a few grays.Interaction between more widely spaced regions ofthe complex DNA structure, or between DNA indifferent chromosomes, is a more plausible mech-anism (see Chapter 2, Section 2.7).


Curtis (1986) proposed the LPL model as a ‘uni-fied repair model’ of cell killing. Ionizing radia-tion is considered to produce two different typesof lesion: repairable (i.e. potentially lethal) lesionsand non-repairable (i.e. lethal) lesions. The non-repairable lesions produce single-hit lethal effectsand therefore give rise to a linear component ofcell killing [�exp(�αD)]. The eventual effect ofthe repairable lesions depends on competingprocesses of repair and binary misrepair. It is thislatter process that leads to a quadratic componentin cell killing. As shown in Fig. 4.6, the model has

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Repair saturation models 51

two sensitivity parameters (ηL determines thenumber of non-repairable lesions produced perunit dose, and ηPL the number of repairablelesions). There are also two rate constants (PL

determines the rate of repair of repairable lesions,and 2PL the rate at which they undergo interac-tion and thus misrepair).

This model produces almost identical cell sur-vival curves to the LQ equation, down to a sur-vival level of perhaps 10�2. It can therefore betaken to provide one possible mechanistic inter-pretation of the LQ equation. It predicts that, asdose rate is reduced, the probability of binaryinteraction of potentially lethal lesions will falland parameter values can be found that allow themodel accurately to simulate cell survival data onhuman and animal cells irradiated at various doserates (see Chapter 12, Sections 12.3 and 12.5).


Curtis’ LPL model is an example of a lesion-inter-action model which also incorporates repairprocesses. Figure 4.7a shows how this producesthe downward-bending cell survival curve: thedashed curve indicates the component of cellkilling that is due to single-track non-repairablelesions. It is the extra lethal lesions produced by

the binary interaction of potentially lethal lesionswhich give the downward-bending curve.

Another class of models are the repair satura-tion models, which propose that the shape of thesurvival curve depends only on a dose-dependentrate of repair. Figure 4.7b,c demonstrates this idea.Only one type of lesion and single-hit killing arepostulated, and in the absence of any repair theselesions produce the steep dashed survival curve inFig. 4.7b. The final survival curve (solid line) resultsfrom repair of some of these lesions; however, if therepair enzymes become saturated (Fig. 4.7c), there

Lethal lesions(cell death)





Viable cells(no lesions)

Potentially lethal(i.e. repairable)


Correct repair

Binary misrepair

Lesionsproducedby irradiation

Figure 4.6 The ‘lethal–potentially lethal’ (LPL) damagemodel of radiation action.

Totally unsaturated

Partially saturated

Totally saturated



of r



Amount of damage(c)

Radiation dose


Single-track lesions

�loge S

(number oflesions)

�loge S(number of


Fewer lesionsdue to repair

Radiation dose(a)


Additional lesionsowing to interactionor accumulationof sublesions

Figure 4.7 The contrast between lesion-interactionmodels and repair-saturation models. (a) The‘lethal–potentially lethal’ (LPL) model; (b) the effect ofrepair becoming less effective at higher radiation doses;(c) the basic concept of repair saturation. Adapted fromGoodhead (1985), with permission.

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52 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

is not enough repair enzyme to bind to all damagedsites simultaneously and so the reaction velocity ofrepair no longer increases with increasing damage.Therefore at higher doses (more lesions), there isproportionally less repair during the time availablebefore damage becomes fixed; this will lead to moreresidual damage and to greater cell kill. The mech-anisms of fixation of non-repaired damage are notunderstood but they may be associated with theentry of cells carrying such damage into DNA syn-thesis or mitosis. It should be noted that an alterna-tive ‘saturation’ hypothesis, leading to the sameconsequence, is that the pool of repair enzymes isused up during repair, so that at higher doses therepair system is depleted and is less able to repair allthe induced damage.

Table 4.1 illustrates how the basic conceptualdifference between the lesion accumulation/inter-action models such as Curtis’ LPL and the dose-dependent repair models affects the interpretationof some radiobiological phenomena (Goodhead,1985). Both types of model predict linear-quadraticcell survival curves in the clinically relevant doseregion. They also provide good explanations ofsplit-dose recovery (see Chapter 7, Section 7.3),changing effectiveness with LET (see Chapter 6,Section 6.3) and the dose-rate effect (see Chapter 12, Section 12.2). At present, radiation sci-entists are uncertain whether lesion interaction orrepair saturation really exist in cells but it may wellbe that molecular and microdosimetric studieswill eventually determine which explanation(maybe both!) is correct.


The LQ model describes the cellular response toionizing radiation extremely well at doses lessthan about 5–6 Gy and is the preferred model touse in this dose range. However, at higher dosesthe survival response of cells is often found tomore closely resemble a linear relationshipbetween �ln(S) and dose, as described by themodels based on target theory.

A simple way of adjusting the LQ model toaccount for the more linear response at higherdoses is to add an additional term proportional tothe cube of the dose, but opposite in sign to thelinear and quadratic terms. This is termed the linear-quadratic-cubic, or LQC model:


A comparison of the LQ and LQC models isshown in Fig. 4.8. By taking the second-order dif-ferential of �ln(S) with respect to dose, it can beshown that the survival curve can be straightenedat dose DL by choosing γ � β/(3DL). In the exam-ple of Fig. 4.8, the LQC curve becomes a straightline at a dose, DL, of 18 Gy.

As with the two-component model, a disad-vantage of the LQC model is the addition of athird parameter, but because the LQC model is a

p D D D(survival) exp( )� � � �α β γ2 3

� � � �ln( )S D D Dα β γ2 3

Table 4.1 Different interpretations of radiobiological phenomena by lesion-interaction and saturable-repair models

Observation Explanation Lesion interaction Repair saturation

Curved dose–effect relationship Interaction of sublesions Saturation of capacity to repair sublesionsSplit-dose recovery Repair of sublesions (sublethal Recovery of capacity to repair sublesions

damage repair)RBE increase with LET More non-repairable lesions High-LET lesions are less repairable

at high LETLow dose rate is less effective Repair of sublesions during Repair system not saturating


LET, linear energy transfer; RBE, relative biological effectiveneness.

Adapted from Goodhead (1985), with permission.

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Low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity 53

Dose (Gy)

0 5 10 15 2010�9














ng fr



Figure 4.8 Cell survival modelled with the linear-quadratic (LQ) or linear-quadratic-cubic (LQC)equations. In this example both equations model a cell-survival response with surviving fraction at 2 Gy (SF2)equal to 0.5, and an α/β ratio of 3 Gy. The value of γ inthe LQC model is given by γ � β/(3DL), where DL is thedose at which the curve becomes straight; here thisdose has been chosen to be 18 Gy.










0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Dose/ (Gy)



ng fr





Figure 4.9 Survival of asynchronous T98G humanglioma cells irradiated with 240 kVp X-rays, measuredusing a cell-sorter protocol (Short et al., 1999). Eachdatum point represents 10–12 measurements. The solidline and dashed line show the fits of the induced-repair(IndRep) model and linear-quadratic (LQ) models,respectively. At doses below 1 Gy the LQ model, using aninitial slope αr, substantially underestimates the effectof irradiation and this domain is better described by theIndRep model using a much steeper initial slope αs.Reprinted with permission of Taylor & Francis Group.

simple polynomial it is nevertheless still moremathematically manageable than the target the-ory models. The LQC model is actually just athird-order polynomial approximation to Curtis’LPL model, which also demonstrates a more lin-ear relationship between –ln(S) and dose thanpredicted by the LQ model, at surviving fractionsless than about 10�2.


The LQ model and its mechanistic interpretations(Curtis’ LPL and repair saturation) adequatelydescribe cellular response to radiation aboveabout 1 Gy. It has been difficult to make accuratemeasurements of cell killing by radiation belowthis dose, but this problem has been partiallyovercome by methods that determine exactly thenumber of cells ‘at risk’ in a colony-forming assay

(see Section 4.4). This can be achieved using aFACS to plate an exact number of cells or micro-scopic scanning to identify an exact number ofcells after plating. Using such techniques, it can beshown that many mammalian cell lines actuallyexhibit the type of radiation response shown inFig. 4.9 at doses less than 1 Gy. Below about 10 cGy, the cells show HRS, which can be charac-terized by a slope (αs) that is considerably steeperthan the slope expected by extrapolating back theresponse from high-dose measurements (αr). Thetransition (over about 20–80 cGy) from a sensitiveto resistant response has been termed a region ofincreased radioresistance (IRR). This phenome-non was originally discovered in mammalian cellsby Marples and Joiner (1993) using V79 hamster

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54 Quantifying cell kill and cell survival

fibroblasts and is thought to be caused by anincrease in the extent of DNA repair of the cells inthe IRR region (Joiner et al., 2001). This happensbecause a rapid cell-cycle arrest of cells, irradiatedin the G2 phase of the cell cycle, only occurs whenthere are enough DNA DSBs to trigger phospho-rylation of the ATM damage-recognition protein.This typically starts to happen only when the aver-age dose exceeds about 10 cGy (Marples et al.,2003).

The LQ model can be modified to take accountof this process and the result is called the inducedrepair (IndRep) model:


In this equation, Dc is around 0.2 Gy anddescribes the dose at which the transition fromthe HRS response through the IRR response startsto occur. At very high doses (D �� Dc), equation4.6 tends to a LQ model with active parameters αr

and β. At very low doses (D Dc), equation 4.6tends to a LQ model with active parameters αs andβ. The IndRep model thus comprises two LQmodels with different α sensitivities dependent onthe dose given, merged into a single equation.

It has been proposed that this HRS phenome-non might be exploitable clinically, if it is practi-cable to deliver radiotherapy as a very largenumber of dose fractions each less than 0.5 Gy.The aim would be to take advantage of the extraradiosensitivity in the HRS region, which couldimprove the response of tumours that are knownto be resistant to radiotherapy at doses of 2 Gy perfraction.




exp( (1 ( / )exp( / ))� � � � �α α αr s r c1 ��βD2)

2. Evaluation of the survival of clonogenic cellsfollowing treatment is an important aspectof experimental cancer therapy. In experi-mental situations this is relatively simple toperform, but for cells removed directly fromhuman tumours great care is necessary inthe selection and performance of the assays.

3. A number of different mathematical modelsadequately simulate the shape of cell-survivalcurves for mammalian cells.

4. Target theory proposes that a specific numberof targets or DNA sites must be inactivated ordamaged to kill the cell. This approach issatisfactory only if a component of single-hitkilling is also introduced. To date, it has notbeen possible to identify the location of thesevital ‘targets’ within the cell nucleus.

5. Lesion-interaction models explain downward-bending cell-survival curves by postulatingtwo classes of lesion. One class is directlylethal, but the other type is only potentiallylethal and may be repaired enzymatically ormay interact with other potentially lethallesions to form lethal lesions.

6. Repair-saturation models also provide a plau-sible explanation of cell survival phenomena.

7. Linear-quadratic equations model the shapeof the cell survival curve very well at dosesless than approximately 5–6 Gy. At higherdoses, it may be necessary to use linear-quadratic-cubic equations to model themore linear relationship between –log (sur-viving fraction) and dose which is often seen.

8. The phenomenon of hyper-radiosensitivityat very low radiation doses illustrates thatreactive molecular signalling and repairprocesses determine the balance betweenradiation cell killing and cell survival, andmodels that treat the cell only as a set of pas-sive targets will be unlikely to describe thefull spectrum of radiation response.

Key points

1. Tumour recurrence after treatment dependsupon the survival of clonogenic cells, whichmay constitute only a small proportion ofthe total cells within the tumour.


Bosanquet AG (1991). Correlations between therapeuticresponse of leukaemias and in-vitro drug-sensitivityassay. Lancet 337: 711–4.

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Further reading 55

Carmichael J, DeGraff WG, Gazdar AF, Minna JD,Mitchell JB (1987). Evaluation of a tetrazolium-based semiautomated colorimetric assay: assessmentof radiosensitivity. Cancer Res 47: 943–6.

Chadwick KH, Leenhouts HP (1973). A molecular theoryof cell survival. Phys Med Biol 18: 78–87.

Chapman JD, Peters LJ, Withers HR (eds) (1989). Predictionof tumor treatment response. New York: Pergamon.

Courtenay VD, Mills J (1978). An in vitro colony assayfor human tumours grown in immune-suppressedmice and treated in vivo with cytotoxic agents. Br JCancer 37: 261–8.

Curtis SB (1986). Lethal and potentially lethal lesionsinduced by radiation – a unified repair model. RadiatRes 106: 252–70.

Durand RE (1986). Use of a cell sorter for assays of cellclonogenicity. Cancer Res 46: 2775–8.

Goodhead DT (1985). Saturable repair models ofradiation action in mammalian cells. Radiat ResSuppl 8: S58–67.

Goodwin CJ, Holt SJ, Downes S, Marshall NJ (1995).Microculture tetrazolium assays: a comparisonbetween two new tetrazolium salts, XTT and MTS. J Immunol Methods 179: 95–103.

Hill RP, Stanley JA (1975). The lung-colony assay:extension to the Lewis lung tumour and the B16melanoma – radiosensitivity of B16 melanoma cells.Int J Radiat Biol 27: 377–87.

Joiner MC, Marples B, Lambin P, Short SC, Turesson I(2001). Low-dose hypersensitivity: current statusand possible mechanisms. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 49: 379–89.

Klokov D, MacPhail SM, Banath JP, Byrne JP, Olive PL(2006). Phosphorylated histone H2AX in relation tocell survival in tumor cells and xenografts exposedto single and fractionated doses of X-rays. RadiotherOncol 80: 223–9.

MacPhail SH, Banath JP, Yu TY, Chu EH, Lambur H, Olive PL (2003). Expression of phosphorylatedhistone H2AX in cultured cell lines followingexposure to X-rays. Int J Radiat Biol 79: 351–8.

Marples B, Joiner MC (1993). The response of Chinesehamster V79 cells to low radiation doses: evidenceof enhanced sensitivity of the whole cell population.Radiat Res 133: 41–51.

Marples B, Wouters BG, Joiner MC (2003). An associationbetween the radiation-induced arrest of G2-phasecells and low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity: a plausibleunderlying mechanism? Radiat Res 160: 38–45.

Potten CS (ed.) (1983). Stem cells: their identification andcharacterization. Edinburgh: Churchill-Livingstone.

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Wasserman TH, Twentyman P (1988). Use of acolorimetric microtiter (MTT) assay in determiningthe radiosensitivity of cells from murine solidtumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 15: 699–702.


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Douglas BG, Fowler JF (1976). The effect of multiplesmall doses of X rays on skin reactions in the mouseand a basic interpretation. Radiat Res 66: 401–26.

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Page 65: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Dose–response relationships inradiotherapySØREN M. BENTZEN

5.1 Introduction 565.2 Shape of the dose–response curve 575.3 Position of the dose–response curve 595.4 Quantifying the steepness of

dose–response curves 605.5 Clinical estimates of the steepness of

dose–response curves 615.6 The therapeutic window 63

5.7 Methodological problems in estimatingdose–response relationships from clinical data 64

5.8 Clinical implications: modifying the steepness of dose–response curves 64

5.9 Normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models 65

Key points 66Bibliography 66



Clinical radiobiology is concerned with the rela-tionship between a given physical absorbed doseand the resulting biological response and with thefactors that influence this relationship. Althoughthe term tolerance is frequently (mis-)used whendiscussing radiotherapy toxicity, it is important torealize that there is no dose below which the com-plication rate is zero: there is no clear-cut limit oftolerance. What is seen in clinical practice is abroad range of doses where the risk of a specificradiation reaction increases from 0 per centtowards 100 per cent with increasing dose (i.e. adose–response relationship).

An endpoint is a specific event that may or maynot have occurred at a given time after irradiation.The idea of dose–response is almost built into ourdefinition of a radiation endpoint: to classify a bio-logical phenomenon as a radiation effect we wouldrequire that this phenomenon be never or rarelyseen after zero dose and seen in nearly all casesafter very high doses. Various ways to characterizenormal-tissue endpoints are discussed more fully

in Chapter 13 and tumour-related end-points aredescribed in Chapter 7.

With increasing radiation dose, radiationeffects may increase in severity (i.e. grade), in frequency (i.e. incidence) or both. A plot of, say,stimulated growth hormone secretion after gradeddoses of cranial irradiation in children may revealan example of severity increasing with dose. Herewe will concentrate on the other type of dose–response relationship: dose–incidence curves. Inthe same example we can obtain a dose–incidencecurve by plotting the proportion of children withgrowth hormone secretion below a certain thresh-old as a function of dose. Thus, the dependentvariable in a dose–response plot is an incidence ora probability of response as a function of dose(Fig. 5.1).

In this chapter we will introduce some key con-cepts in the quantitative description of dose–response relationships. Many of these ideas areimportant in understanding the general principlesof radiotherapy. Furthermore, they form the basisof most of the more theoretical considerations inradiotherapy. We will keep the mathematics to a

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Shape of the dose–response curve 57

minimum but a few formulae are needed to sub-stantiate the presentation.

Empirical attempts to establish dose–responserelationships in the clinic date back to the firstdecade of radiotherapy. In 1936 the great clinicalscientist Holthusen was the first to present a theo-retical analysis of dose–response relationships andthis has had a major impact on the conceptualdevelopment of radiotherapy optimization.Holthusen demonstrated the sigmoid shape ofdose–response curves both for normal-tissuereactions (i.e. skin telangiectasia) and local con-trol of skin cancer. He noted the resemblancebetween these curves and the cumulative distribu-tion functions known from statistics, and this ledhim to the idea that the dose–response curve sim-ply reflected the variability in clinical radio-responsiveness of individual patients. Thisremains one of the main hypotheses on the originof dose–response relationships and this has had arenaissance in recent years with the growing inter-est in patient-to-patient variability in response toradiotherapy.


Radiation dose–response curves have a sigmoid(i.e. ‘S’) shape, with the incidence of radiationeffects tending to zero as dose tends to zero andtending to 100 per cent at very large doses. Manymathematical functions could be devised withthese properties, but three standard formulationsare used: the Poisson, the logistic and the probitdose–response models (Bentzen and Tucker,1997). The first two are most frequently used andwe will concentrate on these. In principle, it is anempirical problem to decide whether one modelfits observed data better than the other. In reality,both clinical and experimental dose–responsedata are too noisy to allow statistical discrimina-tion between these models and in most cases theywill give very similar fits to a dataset. The situationwhere major discrepancies may arise is when thesemodels are used for extrapolation of experienceover a wide range of dose.

The Poisson dose–response model

Munro and Gilbert (1961) published a landmarkpaper in which they formulated the target-cellhypothesis of tumour control: ‘The object oftreating a tumour by radiotherapy is to damageevery single potentially malignant cell to such anextent that it cannot continue to proliferate’. Fromthis idea and the random nature of cell killing byradiation they derived a mathematical formula forthe probability of tumour cure after irradiation of‘a number of tumours each composed of N iden-tical cells’. More precisely, they showed that thisprobability depends only on the average numberof clonogens surviving per tumour.

Figure 5.2 shows a Monte Carlo (i.e. randomnumber) simulation of the number of survivingclonogens per tumour in a hypothetical sample of100 tumours with an average number of 0.5 sur-viving clonogens per tumour. In Fig. 5.2a eachtumour is represented by one of the squares inwhich the figure indicates the actual number ofsurviving clonogens, these numbers having beengenerated at random. The cured tumours arethose with zero surviving clonogens. In this


80 AssumingRBE � 1





e of






ia (



015 25 35 45

Dose in 22-fractions (Gy)

55 65 75

Electron Photon

Figure 5.1 Examples of dose–response relationships inclinical radiotherapy. Data are shown on the incidenceof severe telangiectasia following electron or photonirradiation. RBE, relative biological effectiveness. FromBentzen and Overgaard (1991), with permission.

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58 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy

simulation, there were 62 cured tumours. The relative frequencies of tumours with 0, 1, 2, . . .surviving clonogens follow closely a statistical dis-tribution known as the Poisson distribution, asshown in Fig. 5.2b. Many processes involving thecounting of random events are (approximately)Poisson distributed, for example the number ofdecaying atoms per second in a radioactive sampleor the number of tumour cells forming coloniesin a Petri dish.

When describing tumour cure probability(TCP) it is the probability of zero surviving clono-gens in a tumour that is of interest. This is thezero-order term of the Poisson distribution and ifλ denotes the average number of clonogens pertumour after irradiation this is simply:

TCP � e�λ (5.1)

Munro and Gilbert went one step further: theyassumed that the average number of survivingclonogenic cells per tumour was a (negative)exponential function of dose. Under theseassumptions they obtained the characteristic sig-moid dose–response curve (Fig. 5.3). Thus the shape of this curve could be explained solelyfrom the random nature of cell killing (or clonogen

survival) after irradiation: there was no need toassume variability of sensitivity between tumours.

The Poisson dose–response model derived byMunro and Gilbert has had a strong influence on

0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2

1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0

0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0









of ‘t


rs’ (




00 1 2

Number of clonogens

3 4

‘Observed’ Predicted

(a) (b)

Figure 5.2 Simulation of a Poisson distribution. (a) The number of clonogens surviving per tumour in a hypotheticalsample of 100 tumours. The average number was 0.5 surviving clonogens per tumour. (b) Histogram shows theproportion of tumours with a given number of surviving clonogens (black bars) and this is compared with theprediction from a Poisson distribution with the same average number of surviving clonogens (grey bars).






γn ΔDD

� 0.01

Figure 5.3 Geometrical interpretation of γ. A 1 percent dose increment (ΔD) from a reference dose Dyields an increase in response equal to γ percentagepoints. From Bentzen (1994), with permission.

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Position of the dose–response curve 59

theoretical radiobiology. The simple exponentialdose–survival curve was later replaced by the linear-quadratic (LQ) model (see Chapters 4.10and 8.4) and thus we arrive at what could be calledthe standard model of local tumour control:


Here, N0 is the number of clonogens pertumour before irradiation and the second expo-nential is simply the surviving fraction after a doseD given with dose per fraction d according to theLQ model. Thus when we multiply these twoquantities we obtain the (average) number of sur-viving clonogens per tumour and this is insertedinto the Poisson expression in equation 5.1. N0

can easily be expressed as a function of tumourvolume and the clonogenic cell density (i.e.clonogens/cm3 of tumour tissue) and similarly itis easy to introduce exponential growth, with orwithout a lag time before accelerated repopula-tion, in this model. The immediate attraction ofthe Poisson model is that the model parametersappear to have a biological or mechanistic inter-pretation. This, however, is much less of a theoret-ical advantage than it appeared to be just 20 yearsago. There are at least two reasons for this. First, itturns out that the model parameter estimates willbe influenced by biological and dosimetric het-erogeneity and therefore cannot usually beregarded as realistic measures of some intrinsicbiological property of the tumour (Bentzen et al.,1991; Bentzen, 1992). Second, the model parame-ters have no simple interpretation in case of nor-mal-tissue effects where the radiation pathogenesisis more complex than suggested by the simple tar-get cell model (Bentzen, 2006).

The logistic dose–response model

The logistic model is often introduced and usedwith more pragmatism than the Poisson model.This model has no simple mechanistic back-ground and consequently the estimated parame-ters have no simple biological interpretation. Yet itis a convenient and flexible tool for estimatingresponse probabilities after various exposures andis widely used in areas of biology other than

TCP exp[ exp( )]� � � �N D dD0 α β

radiobiology. The idea of the model is to write theprobability of an event (P) as:


where, when analysing data from fractionatedradiotherapy, u has the form:


Here, D is total dose and d is dose per fraction, andthe representation of the effect of dose fractiona-tion in this way is of course reflecting the assump-tion of a LQ relationship between dose and effect.Additional terms, representing other patient ortreatment characteristics, may be included in themodel to see if they have a significant influence onthe probability of effect. The coefficients a0, a1, . . .are estimated by logistic regression, a method thatis available in many standard statistical softwarepackages. The parameters a1 and a2 play a rolesimilar to the coefficients α and β of the linear-quadratic model. But note that the mechanisticinterpretation is not valid: a1 is not an estimate ofα and a2 is not an estimate of β. What is preservedis the ratio a1/a2, which is an estimate of α/β.

Rearrangement of equation 5.3 yields theexpression:


The ratio of P to (1 � P) is called the odds of aresponse, and the natural logarithm of this iscalled the logit of P. Therefore, logistic regressionis sometimes called logit analysis.


Several descriptors are used for the position of thedose–response curve on the radiation dose scale.They all have the unit of dose (Gy) and they spec-ify the dose required for a given level of tumourcontrol or normal-tissue complications. Fortumours, the most frequently used positionparameter is the TCD50 (i.e. the radiation dose for







u a a D a D d� � � �0 1 2⋅ ⋅ ⋅ �



exp( )

exp( )1

Page 69: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

60 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy

50 per cent tumour control). For normal-tissuereactions, the analogous parameter is the radiationdose for 50 per cent response (RD50) or in the caseof rare (severe) complications RD5, that is, the doseproducing a 5 per cent incidence of complications.


The most convenient way to quantify the steep-ness of the dose–response curve is by means of the‘γ-value’ or, more precisely, the normalizeddose–response gradient (Brahme, 1984; Bentzenand Tucker, 1997). This measure has a very simpleinterpretation, namely the increase in response inpercentage points for a 1 per cent increase in dose.(Note: an increase in response from, say, 10 percent to 15 per cent is an increase of 5 percentagepoints, but a 50 per cent relative increase). Figure5.3 illustrates the definition of γ geometrically.

A more precise definition of γ requires a littlemathematics. Let P(D) denote the response as afunction of dose, D, and ΔD a small increment indose, then the ‘loose definition’ above may bewritten:


The second term on the right-hand side is rec-ognized as a difference-quotient, and in the limitwhere ΔD tends to zero, we arrive at the formaldefinition of γ:


where P�(D) is the derivative of P(D) with respectto dose.

If we look at the right-hand side of equation5.6, we arrive at the approximate relationship:


In other words, γ is a multiplier that converts arelative change in dose into an (absolute) change



D� γ ⋅

γ � �D P D⋅ ( )

γ � P D D P D



( ) ( )

/ )

� �

�� �


Δ( %


( ) (⋅








� ⋅

in response probability. Most often we insert therelative change in dose in per cent and in that caseP is the (approximate) change in response rate inpercentage points. This relationship is very usefulin practical calculations (see Chapter 9, Section9.10). For example, increasing the dose from 64 to66 Gy in a schedule employing 2 Gy dose per frac-tion corresponds to a 3.1 per cent increase in dose.If we assume that the γ-value is 1.8, this yields an estimated improvement in local control of1.8 � 3.1 � 5.6 percentage points.

Mathematically, equation 5.8 corresponds toapproximating the S-shaped dose–response curveby a straight line (the tangent of the dose–responsecurve). As discussed briefly below, this will only bea good approximation over a relatively narrowrange of doses; exactly how narrow depends onthe response level and the steepness of thedose–response curve.

Clearly, the value of γ depends on the responselevel at which it is evaluated: at the bottom or top ofthe dose–response curve a 1 per cent increase indose will produce a smaller increment in responsethan on the steep part of the curve. This local valueof γ is typically written with an index indicating theresponse level, for example γ50 refers to the γ-valueat a 50 per cent response level. A compact and con-venient way to report the steepness of adose–response curve is by stating the γ-value at thelevel of response where the curve attains its maxi-mum steepness: at the 37 per cent response level forthe Poisson curve and at the 50 per cent responselevel for the logistic model. From this single valueand a measure of the position of the dose–responsecurve, the whole mathematical form of thedose–response relationship is specified (Bentzenand Tucker, 1997). In particular, the steepness atany other dose or response level can be calculated.Table 5.1 shows how the γ-value varies with theresponse level for logistic dose–response curves ofvarying steepness. Using Table 5.1, it is possible toestimate the relevant γ-value at, say, a 20 per centresponse level for a curve where the γ50 is specified.Table 5.1 also provides a useful impression of therange of response (or dose) where the simple linearapproximation in equation 5.8 will be reasonablyaccurate. Clearly, if we extrapolate between tworesponse levels where the γ-value has changedmarkedly, the approximation of assuming a fixedvalue for γ will not be very precise.

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Clinical estimates of the steepness of dose–response curves 61


Several clinical studies have found evidence for asignificant dose–response relationship and haveprovided data allowing an estimation of the steep-ness of clinical dose–response curves. Clinicaldose–response curves generally originate fromstudies where the dose has been changed whilekeeping either the dose per fraction or the numberof fractions fixed. A further advantage of tabulat-ing the γ-value at the steepest point of thedose–response curve is that it is independent of the

dose-fractionation details in the case of adose–response curve generated using a fixed doseper fraction (Brahme, 1984). Figure 5.4 shows estimates of γ37 for head and neck tumours underthe assumption of a fixed dose per fraction(Bentzen, 1994). Typical values range from1.5–2.5. This means that, around the midpoint ofthe dose– response curve, for each per cent incre-ment in dose, the probability of controlling a headand neck tumour will increase by 2 percentagepoints. Steepness estimates from dose–responsecurves for other tumour histologies have beenreviewed by Okunieff et al. (1995), but it should benoted that data for other histologies are generally

Table 5.1 γ values as a function of the response level for logistic dose-response curves of varying steepness

Response level (%)

γ50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

1 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.62 0.5 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.5 0.93 0.9 1.7 2.3 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.1 1.34 1.2 2.3 3.2 3.7 4.0 3.9 3.5 2.8 1.65 1.6 3.0 4.0 4.7 5.0 4.9 4.4 3.4 2.0










































LarynxHead and neck


Neck nodes





γ 37

Figure 5.4 Estimated γ37 values from a number of studies on dose-response relationships for squamous cellcarcinoma in various sites of the head and neck. From Bentzen (1994), where the original references may be found.Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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62 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy

more sparse than for the head and neck tumours.Also, some estimated values are obviously outliersthat cannot be taken as serious estimates of thesteepness of the clinical dose–response curve.These extreme values must be explained by patientselection bias or errors in dosimetry.

In the absence of other sources of variation, themaximum steepness of a tumour-control curve isdetermined only by the Poisson statistics of sur-vival of clonogenic cells (Fig. 5.2), and this shouldroughly give rise to a value of γ37 � 7 (Suit et al.,1992). However, values as high as this are notachieved even in transplantable mouse tumourmodels under highly controlled experimentalconditions (Khalil et al., 1997). The principal rea-son why dose–response curves in the laboratoryand in the clinic are shallower than this theoreticallimit is dosimetric and biological heterogeneity.The tendency for vocal cord tumours to have γ37

values at the upper end of the interval seen forother head and neck subsites probably reflects therelatively lower heterogeneity among laryngealcarcinomas treated with radiotherapy. Otherpatient and treatment characteristics will influ-ence both the position and the steepness of thedose–response curve. It can be shown (Brahme,

Fixed number of fractions (22)Fixed dose per fraction



l oed



en s















, lat



to s











γ 50

Head and necktumours

Figure 5.5 Estimated γ50 values for various late normal-tissue endpoints. Estimates are shown for treatment with afixed dose per fraction and a fixed number of fractions. The shaded horizontal band corresponds to the typical γ-valuesat the point of maximum steepness for dose-response curves in head and neck tumours. Compare with Fig. 5.4. Datafrom Bentzen (1994) and Bentzen and Overgaard (1996), where the original references may be found.

1984) that the γ37 of a Poisson dose–responsecurve for a fixed dose per fraction depends onlyon the number of clonogens that have to be sterilized to cure the tumour. As mentioned inSection 5.2, many tumour and treatment vari-ables, for example tumour volume and overalltreatment time, are thought to affect the (effec-tive) number of clonogens to be sterilized.Therefore, in a multivariate analysis, γ37 will dependon all the significant patient and treatment characteristics.

Figure 5.5 shows a selection of γ50 values fornormal-tissue endpoints. Estimates are given bothfor treatment with a fixed dose per fraction and,where possible, also for treatment in a fixed num-ber of fractions, in this case 22. The estimates inthe latter situation are considerably higher, whichis as expected from the LQ model. The explanationis that, when treating with a fixed number of frac-tions, increasing the dose leads to a simultaneousincrease in dose per fraction, and this is associatedwith an increased biological effect per gray. This isanother manifestation of the ‘double trouble’ phe-nomenon discussed in Chapter 9, Section 9.11. LetγN denote the steepness of the dose–responsecurve for a fixed fraction number, and γd the

Page 72: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The therapeutic window 63

steepness for a fixed dose per fraction, then it canbe shown that at a dose per fraction of dr:


As both α/β and dr are positive numbers, γN isalways larger than γd. In the limit of very large doseper fraction, γN has a limiting value of 2 � γd. Inthe limit of dose per fraction tending to zero, γN

tends to γd. For more discussion of equation 5.9and its significance for dosimetric precisionrequirements in radiotherapy, see Bentzen (2005).

Figure 5.5 shows a spectrum of γ50 values for thevarious endpoints. The dose–response curves formany late endpoints are steeper than for head andneck cancer. An exception is rectosigmoid complica-tions after combined external-beam and intracavi-tary brachytherapy where a large dose–volumeheterogeneity is present because of the steep gradi-ents in the dose distribution from the intracavitarysources. Also, the lung data arise from a treatmenttechnique where the dose to the lung tissue was het-erogeneous. Thus it is likely that dosimetric ratherthan intrinsic biological factors are the main cause ofthe relatively low steepness seen for these endpoints.


As with any other medical procedure, prescriptionof a course of radiotherapy must represent a bal-ance between risks and benefits. The relative posi-tion and shape of the dose–response curves fortumour control and a given radiotherapy compli-cation determine the possibility of delivering a suf-ficient dose with an acceptable level of side-effects.This was nicely illustrated by Holthusen, who plot-ted dose–response curves for tumour control andcomplications in the same coordinate system fortwo hypothetical situations: one favourable, that iswith a wide therapeutic window between the twocurves, and the other one less favourable. Figure5.6 shows an example of how changing treatmentparameters may affect the therapeutic window.For split-course treatment (Fig. 5.6a) the tumourand oedema curves are closer together than for con-ventional treatment (Fig. 5.6b) and the therapeuticwindow is therefore narrower. In practice, there will

γ γα β

α βN ��




( / )

( / )⋅

⋅2 d


be several sequelae of clinical concern and each ofthese will have its characteristic dose–responsecurve and will respond differently to treatmentmodifications. This complicates the simple strategyfor optimization suggested by Fig. 5.6.

Several parameters are found in the literaturefor quantifying the effect of treatment modifica-tions on the therapeutic window. Holthusen’sproposal was to calculate the probability ofuncomplicated cure, and this is still used fre-quently in the literature. The difficulty with thismeasure is that it gives equal weight to the compli-cation in question and to tumour recurrence,which may often be fatal, and this is against com-mon sense. A simple alternative, which is easy tointerpret but not necessarily easy to estimate froman actual dataset, is to specify the tumour controlprobability at isotoxicity with respect to a specificend-point, as illustrated in Fig. 1.3.






030 40 50 60 70 80 90

Split-course treatment(10 weeks overall time)


Late oedema

Radiation dose (Gy)



e (%








030 40 50 60 70 80 90

Conventional treatment(6 weeks overall time)


Late oedema

Radiation dose (Gy)



e (%



Figure 5.6 Dose–response curves for local control oflaryngeal carcinoma (solid lines) and late laryngealoedema as estimated from the data by Overgaard et al.(1988). Protraction of overall treatment time narrowedthe therapeutic window. From Bentzen and Overgaard(1996), with permission.

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64 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy


An increasing number of publications are con-cerned with the quantitative analysis of clinicalradiobiological data. Many methodological prob-lems must be addressed in such studies and theseproblems may roughly be grouped as clinical,dosimetric and statistical.

● Clinical aspects – these include the evaluation of well-defined endpoints for tumour and nor-mal-tissue effects. Endpoints requiring prolongedobservation of the patients, such as local tumourcontrol or late complications, should be analysedusing actuarial statistical methods. Special con-cerns exist for evaluation, grading and reportingof injury to normal tissue and these are discussedin Chapter 13, Section 13.4. For dose–responsedata obtained from non-randomized studies, thereasons for variability in dose should be carefullyconsidered. Subsets of patients treated withlow/high doses may not be comparable in termsof other patient characteristics influencing theoutcome. An example is where patients receive alower total dose than prescribed because of theirpoor general condition, perhaps in combinationwith severe early reactions, or because of progres-sive disease during treatment.

● Dosimetric aspects – these involve a detailedaccount of treatment technique and qualityassurance procedures employed. Furthermore,the identification of biologically relevant dosi-metric reference points and a proper evaluationof the doses to these points are required.Modern radiation therapy techniques often giverise to a highly non-uniform dose distributionin the relevant normal tissues. This distributionwill have to be converted into an equivalentdose, or similar quantity.

● Statistical aspects – these include the choice ofvalid statistical methods that are appropriatefor the data type in question and which use theavailable information in an optimal way.Statistical tests for significance or, preferably,confidence limits on estimated parametersshould be specified. When negative findings arereported, an assessment of the statistical power

of the study should be given. Finally, the cen-soring (i.e. incomplete follow-up) and latencyshould be allowed for.

For an overview of the quantitative analysis ofclinical data, see Bentzen (1993) and Bentzen et al.(2003).


The γ-value is not only useful as a multiplier inconverting from a dose change to a change inresponse but may also be used as a multiplier forconverting an uncertainty in dose into an uncer-tainty in response. If the standard deviation of theabsorbed-dose distribution in a population ofpatients is �5 per cent, a γ-value of 3 would yieldan estimated �15 per cent standard deviation onthe response-probability distribution. Note that inthis situation it is generally the γ for a fixed num-ber of fractions that applies. Figure 5.5 shows thatthe high γ-values at the maximum steepness of thedose–response curve for normal tissues wouldyield a large variability in response probability fora �5 per cent variability in absorbed dose. Thisprovides an indication of the precision required intreatment planning and delivery in radiotherapy.

Another field where the steepness of thedose–response curves for tumours and normal-tissue reactions plays a crucial role is in the designof clinical trials. For a discussion of this topic seeBentzen (1994).

A final issue in this chapter is the prospect for modifying the steepness of the clinicaldose–response curve. Several modelling studieshave shown that patient-to-patient variability intumour biological parameters could stronglyaffect the steepness of the dose–response curve(Bentzen et al., 1990; Bentzen, 1992; Suit et al.,1992; Webb and Nahum, 1993). Compelling sup-port for this idea also comes from experimentalstudies (Khalil et al., 1997). A direct illustration ofthe effect of interpatient variability is obtainedfrom an analysis of local tumour control inpatients with oropharyngeal cancers (Bentzen,1992). Analysing the data with the Poisson modelyielded γ37 � 1.8. An analysis taking an assumed

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Normal tissue complication probablility (NTCP) models 65

variability in tumour cell radiosensitivity intoaccount allowed the dose–response curve to bebroken down into a series of very steep curves,each of which would apply to a subpopulation ofpatients stratified according to intrinsic radiosen-sitivity (Fig. 5.7). Clinical data on pathologicalresponse after radiotherapy analysed by Levegrünet al. (2002) showed how the dose–incidence curvegot steeper when stratifying patients according toclinico-pathological risk group. Also, for normal-tissue effects, adjustment for patient-related riskfactors leads to a steeper dose–response curve(Honore et al., 2002).

This interpatient variability also has a majorinfluence on the parameter estimates in thePoisson model (Bentzen, 1992). Fenwick (1998)proposed a closed form expression of the Poissondose–response model that takes patient-to-patientvariability explicitly into account, but this approachhas only been used in a few analyses so far. For a detailed discussion of interpatient variability

and dose–response analysis, see Roberts andHendry (2007).

Viewing these curves in relation to Fig. 5.6, it isclear that some of these subgroups could beexpected to have a greater therapeutic windowthan others. If, by means of a reliable predictiveassay, these subgroups could be identified beforestarting therapy, a substantial therapeutic benefitcould be realized.


Several dose–volume models for normal tissueshave been proposed in the literature [see therecent reviews by Yorke (2001) and Kong et al.(2007)]. The most widely used of these is theLyman model (Lyman, 1985). This model givesthe normal tissue complication probability(NTCP), as a function of the absorbed dose, D, ina partial organ volume, V:


where the dependence of dose and volume is inthe upper limit of the integral:


The volume dependence of the D50 is assumedto follow the relationship:


A closer inspection of these three equationsshows that there are two independent variables, Dand V, and three model parameters, m, D50(1) andn. D50(1) is the uniform total dose producing a 50per cent incidence of the specific endpoint if thewhole organ is receiving this dose. The volumeexponent, n, is always between zero and 1 and thelarger the value, the more pronounced is the vol-ume effect. The third parameter, m, is inverselyrelated to the steepness of the dose–response curve(i.e. smaller values of m correspond to steeper


V n5050 1

( )( )

u D VD D V

m D V( , )

( )

( )�

� 50


NTCP( , ) exp( )( , )

D V x dxu D V

� ��





π⋅ ⋅∫





40 60 80 100



10% 20% 50% 80%90%

Biological dose (Gy)


l con




Figure 5.7 Local control of oropharyngeal carcinomaas a function of the biological dose in 2-Gy fractions.Dotted lines are theoretical dose–response curves afterstratification for intrinsic radiosensitivity. Theserepresent dose–response relationships from fivehomogeneous patient populations with radiosensitivityequal to selected percentiles of the radiosensitivitydistribution in the total population. From Bentzen(1994), with permission.

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66 Dose–response relationships in radiotherapy

dose–response curves). The Lyman model has nosimple mechanistic background but should be seenas a flexible empirical model for fitting dose–vol-ume datasets. Attempts have been made to developmore mechanistic models but it is questionablewhether the biological complexity of dose–volumeeffects can be encompassed in a reasonably simplemathematical model and most often these modelsare applied in a pragmatic way as a simple means ofcapturing the main effects of dose and volume.

Lyman’s model only applies to fractional vol-umes receiving uniform doses. In practice, this israrely (read: never!) the case. The most commonway of summarizing information on a non-uni-form dose distribution in an organ is the dose–vol-ume histogram (DVH). In order to estimate theNTCP from a DVH using the Lyman model, it isnecessary to reduce the DVH into a single point indose–volume space. The most frequently usedmethod for doing this is the effective volumemethod (Kutcher and Burman, 1989) whereby theDVH is transformed into an equivalent fractionalvolume receiving the maximum dose in the DVH.The basic assumption of this method is that eachfractional volume will follow the same dose–volume relationship (described by the Lymanmodel) as the whole organ. The partial volume in aspecific bin on the dose axis is then converted intoa (smaller) volume placed at the bin correspon-ding to the maximum absorbed dose in the DVH.

Some caveats should be noted regarding theuse of NTCP models in clinical radiotherapy.Studies have shown that models fitted to one clin-ical dataset may have low predictive power whenapplied to an independent data series (Bradley et al., 2007). Also, patients receiving cytotoxicchemotherapy may require tighter dose–volumeconstraints in order to have a risk similar to that ofpatients treated with radiation alone (Bradley et al., 2004). Finally, it should be noted that mostmodels used so far have been based on analysis ofthe DVH alone; in other words, they do not con-sider the actual spatial distribution of dose in theorgan at risk. One example where this analyticstrategy seems to break down is the lung, wherethere are quite good data suggesting that the func-tional importance of damage to a subvolume ofa given size depends on its location within thelung (Travis et al., 1997; Bradley et al., 2007).

Therefore, NTCP models should at present not beused in clinical decision-making and in dose-planning outside a research setting.

Key points

1. There is no well-defined ‘tolerance dose’ forradiation complications or ‘tumouricidaldose’ for local tumour control: rather, theprobability of a biological effect rises from 0per cent to 100 per cent over a range of doses.

2. The steepness of a dose–response curve at aresponse level of n per cent may be quanti-fied by the value γn, that is the increase inresponse in percentage points for a 1 percent increase in dose.

3. Dose–response curves for late normal-tis-sue endpoints tend to be steeper (typical γ50

between 2 and 6) than the dose–responsecurves for local control of squamous cellcarcinoma of the head and neck (typical γ50

between 1.5 and 2.5).4. The steepness of a dose–response curve is

higher if the data are generated by varyingthe dose while keeping the number of frac-tions constant (‘double trouble’) than if thedose per fraction is fixed.

5. Dosimetric and biological heterogeneitycause the population dose–response curveto be more shallow.

6. Normal-tissue complication probabilitymodels, incorporating dose fractionation aswell as irradiated volume, have not been val-idated in any clinical setting and should notbe routinely used outside a research protocol.


Bentzen SM (1992). Steepness of the clinical dose-control curve and variation in the in vitroradiosensitivity of head and neck squamous cellcarcinoma. Int J Radiat Biol 61: 417–23.

Bentzen SM (1993). Quantitative clinical radiobiology.Acta Oncol 32: 259–75.

Bentzen SM (1994). Radiobiological considerations in thedesign of clinical trials. Radiother Oncol 32: 1–11.

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Bibliography 67

Bentzen SM (2005). Steepness of the radiationdose–response curve for dose-per-fractionescalation keeping the number of fractions fixed.Acta Oncol 44: 825–8.

Bentzen SM (2006). Preventing or reducing late sideeffects of radiation therapy: radiobiology meetsmolecular pathology. Nat Rev Cancer 6: 702–13.

Bentzen SM, Overgaard M (1991). Relationship betweenearly and late normal-tissue injury afterpostmastectomy radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 20:159–65.

Bentzen SM, Overgaard J (1996). Clinical normal tissueradiobiology. In: Tobias JS, Thomas PRM(eds) Currentradiation oncology. London: Arnold, 37–67.

Bentzen SM, Tucker SL (1997). Quantifying the positionand steepness of radiation dose–response curves. IntJ Radiat Biol 71: 531–42.

Bentzen SM, Thames HD, Overgaard J (1990). Doesvariation in the in vitro cellular radiosensitivityexplain the shallow clinical dose-control curve formalignant melanoma? Int J Radiat Biol 57: 117–26.

Bentzen SM, Johansen LV, Overgaard J, Thames HD(1991). Clinical radiobiology of squamous cellcarcinoma of the oropharynx. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 20: 1197–206.

Bentzen SM, Dorr W, Anscher MS et al. (2003). Normaltissue effects: reporting and analysis. Semin RadiatOncol 13: 189–202.

Bradley J, Deasy JO, Bentzen S, El-Naqa I (2004).Dosimetric correlates for acute esophagitis inpatients treated with radiotherapy for lungcarcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 58: 1106–13.

Bradley JD, Hope A, El Naqa I et al. (2007). A nomogramto predict radiation pneumonitis, derived from acombined analysis of RTOG 9311 and institutionaldata. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 69: 985–92.

Brahme A (1984). Dosimetric precision requirements inradiation therapy. Acta Radiol Oncol 23: 379–91.

Fenwick JD (1998). Predicting the radiation controlprobability of heterogeneous tumour ensembles:data analysis and parameter estimation using aclosed-form expression. Phys Med Biol 43: 2159–78.

Honore HB, Bentzen SM, Moller K, Grau C (2002).Sensori-neural hearing loss after radiotherapy fornasopharyngeal carcinoma: individualized riskestimation. Radiother Oncol 65: 9–16.

Khalil AA, Bentzen SM, Overgaard J (1997). Steepness ofthe dose–response curve as a function of volume inan experimental tumor irradiated under ambient or

hypoxic conditions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 39:797–802.

Kong FM, Pan C, Eisbruch A, Ten Haken RK (2007).Physical models and simpler dosimetric descriptorsof radiation late toxicity. Semin Radiat Oncol 17:108–20.

Kutcher GJ, Burman C (1989). Calculation ofcomplication probability factors for non-uniformnormal tissue irradiation: the effective volumemethod. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 16:1623–30.

Levegrün S, Jackson A, Zelefsky MJ et al. (2002). Riskgroup dependence of dose–response for biopsyoutcome after three-dimensional conformalradiation therapy of prostate cancer. RadiotherOncol 63: 11–26.

Lyman JT (1985). Complication probability as assessedfrom dose–volume histograms. Radiat Res Suppl 8:S13–9.

Munro TR, Gilbert CW (1961). The relation betweentumour lethal doses and the radiosensitivity oftumour cells. Br J Radiol 34: 246–51.

Okunieff P, Morgan D, Niemierko A, Suit HD (1995).Radiation dose–response of human tumors. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 32: 1227–37.

Overgaard J, Hjelm-Hansen M, Johansen LV, AndersenAP (1988). Comparison of conventional and split-course radiotherapy as primary treatment incarcinoma of the larynx. Acta Oncol 27: 147–52.

Roberts SA, Hendry JH (2007). Inter-tumourheterogeneity and tumour control. In: Dale R, Jones B(eds) Radiobiological modelling in radiation oncology.London: British Institute of Radiology, 169–95.

Suit H, Skates S, Taghian A, Okunieff P, Efird JT (1992).Clinical implications of heterogeneity of tumorresponse to radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol 25:251–60.

Travis EL, Liao ZX, Tucker SL (1997). Spatialheterogeneity of the volume effect for radiationpneumonitis in mouse lung. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 38: 1045–54.

Webb S, Nahum AE (1993). A model for calculatingtumour control probability in radiotherapy includingthe effects of inhomogeneous distributions of doseand clonogenic cell density. Phys Med Biol 38:653–66.

Yorke ED (2001). Modeling the effects ofinhomogeneous dose distributions in normal tissues.Semin Radiat Oncol 11: 197–209.

Page 77: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Linear energy transfer and relative biologicaleffectivenessMICHAEL C. JOINER

6.1 Introduction 686.2 Microdosimetry 686.3 Biological effects depend upon LET 696.4 Relative biological effectiveness

depends on dose 716.5 The biological basis for high-LET

radiotherapy 72

6.6 The physical basis for charged-particle therapy 74

Key points 76Bibliography 77Further reading 77



Modern radiotherapy is usually given by linearaccelerators producing X-rays with high-energy of4–25 MV which have generally superseded ther-apy with lower energy 60Co or 137Cs γ-rays. X-raysand γ-rays are uncharged electromagnetic radia-tions, physically similar in nature to radio wavesor visible light except that their wavelength is lessthan 10 picometres (10�12 m) so that the individ-ual photons (‘packets’ of energy) are energeticenough to ionize molecules in tissues that theypenetrate. It is this ionization that results in thebiological effects seen in radiotherapy. These X- and γ-rays all have roughly the same biologicaleffect per unit dose, although there is a smalldependence on the energy with lower energiesbeing slightly more effective. Electron beams arequantum-mechanically similar to X-rays and pro-duce similar biological effects. Two other classes ofradiations that are being increasingly adopted inradiotherapy are often referred to as:

● Light particles – e.g. protons, neutrons and α-particles.

● Heavy particles – e.g. fully stripped carbon,neon, silicon or argon ions.

These light and heavy particles may have agreater biological effect per unit dose than con-ventional X- and γ-rays. The charged particleshave, in addition, very different depth–doseabsorption profiles compared with unchargedparticles (i.e. neutrons) or conventional electro-magnetic radiations (X- and γ-rays) and thisenables more precise dose distributions to beachieved in radiotherapy (see Chapter 24). Thischapter explains the basic physics and radiobiol-ogy of these different types of radiation used incancer therapy.


It is possible to build up a picture of the sub-microscopic pattern of ionizations produced byradiation within a cell nucleus using special tech-niques for measuring ionization in very small vol-umes, together with computer simulations: this isthe field of microdosimetry. Figure 6.1 shows

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Biological effects depend upon LET 69

examples of microdosimetric calculations of ion-ization tracks from γ-rays or α-particles passingthrough a cell nucleus (Goodhead, 1988). At thescale of the cell nucleus, the γ-rays deposit muchof their energy as single isolated ionizations orexcitations and much of the resulting DNA dam-age is efficiently repaired by enzymes within thenucleus (see Chapter 2). About 1000 of thesesparse tracks are produced per gray of absorbedradiation dose. The α-particles produce fewertracks but the intense ionization within each trackleads to more severe damage where the trackintersects vital structures such as DNA. Theresulting DNA damage may involve several adja-cent base pairs and will be much more difficult oreven impossible to repair; this is the reason whythese radiations produce steeper cell survivalcurves and allow less cellular recovery than X-rays. At the low doses of α-particle irradiationthat are encountered in environmental exposures,only some cells will be traversed by a particle andmany cells will be unexposed.

Linear energy transfer (LET) is the term used todescribe the density of ionization in particle tracks.LET is the average energy (in keV) given up by a charged particle traversing a distance of 1 μm.In Fig. 6.1, the γ-rays have an LET of about0.3 keV/μm and are described as low-LET radiation.The α-particles have an LET of about 100 keV/μmand are an example of high-LET radiation.

Why are neutrons described as high-LET radi-ation when they are uncharged particles? Neutronsdo not interact with the orbital electrons in the tissues through which they pass and they do notdirectly produce ionization. They do, however, inter-act with atomic nuclei from which they eject slow,

densely ionizing protons. It is this secondary pro-duction of knock-on protons that confers high LET.


As LET increases, radiation produces more cellkilling per gray. Figure 6.2 shows the survival ofhuman T1g kidney cells plotted against dose foreight different radiations, with LET varying from 2 keV/μm (250 kVp X-rays) to 165 keV/μm(2.5 MeV α-particles). As LET increases, the

High-LET tracksin cell nucleus,

e.g. alpha particles

A dose of 1 Gycorresponds toapprox. 4 tracks ∼1 μm

Low-LET tracksin cell nucleus

e.g. from X-rays

A dose of 1 Gycorresponds to

approx. 1000 tracks

Figure 6.1 The structure of particle tracks for low-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation (left) and α-particles (right).The circles indicate the typical size of mammalian cell nuclei. Note the tortuous tracks of low-energy secondaryelectrons, greatly magnified in this illustration. From Goodhead (1988), with permission.


0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)



of s





8 10 12 14





2.5 MeV α-particles 165 keV/μ

5.1 MeV α-particles 88 keV/μ8.3 MeV α-particles 61 keV/μ26 MeV α-particles 25 keV/μ3 MeV α-deuterons 20 keV/μ14.9 MeV deuterons

4 MeV α-particles 110 keV/μ

250 kVp X-rays5.6 keV/μ

Figure 6.2 Survival of human kidney cells exposed in vitro to radiations of different linear energy transfer.From Barendsen (1968), with permission.

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70 Linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness

survival curves become steeper; they also becomestraighter with less shoulder, which indicates eithera higher ratio of lethal to potentially lethal lesions(in lesion-interaction models; Chapter 4, Section4.11) or that high-LET radiation damage is lesslikely to be repaired correctly (in repair saturationmodels; Chapter 4, Section 4.12). In the linear-quadratic (LQ) description, these straighter cell-survival curves have a higher α/β ratio, thus higherLET radiations usually give responses with higherα/β. For particles of identical atomic composition,LET generally increases with decreasing particleenergy. However, notice that 2.5 MeV α-particlesare less efficient than 4.0 MeV α-particles eventhough they have a higher LET; this is because ofthe phenomenon of overkill shown in Fig. 6.3.

The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of aradiation under test (e.g. a high-LET radiation) isdefined as:


to give the same biological effect. The referencelow-LET radiation is commonly 250 kVp X-rays or60Co γ-rays since these radiations are usually avail-able whenever RBE is being evaluated. Figure 6.3

RBEdose of reference radiation

dose of test�


shows RBE values for the T1g cells featured in Fig. 6.2. RBE has been calculated at cell survivallevels of 0.8, 0.1 and 0.01, illustrating the fact thatRBE is not constant but depends on the level ofbiological damage and hence on the dose level. TheRBE also depends on LET, and rises to a maximumat an LET of about 100 keV/μm, then falls forhigher values of LET because of overkill. For a cellto be killed, enough energy must be deposited inthe DNA to produce a sufficient number of dou-ble-strand breaks (see Chapter 4, Section 4.8).Sparsely ionizing, low-LET radiation is inefficientbecause more than one particle may have to passthrough the cell to produce enough DNA double-strand breaks. Densely ionizing, very high-LETradiation is also inefficient because it depositsmore energy per cell, and hence produces moreDNA double-strand breaks than are actuallyneeded to kill the cell. These cells are ‘overkilled’,and per gray there is then less likelihood that othercells will be killed, leading to a reduced biologicaleffect. Radiation of optimal LET deposits the rightamount of energy per cell, which produces justenough DNA double-strand breaks to kill the cell.This optimum LET is usually around 100 keV/μmbut does vary between different cell types anddepends on the spectrum of LET values in theradiation beam as well as the mean LET.

Less efficientcell killing



SF � 0.1

SF � 0.01

SF � 0.8

0.1 101 100 1000

Linear energy transfer (keV/μm)












Figure 6.3 Dependence of relative biologicaleffectiveness (RBE) on linear energy transfer (LET) andthe phenomenon of overkill by very high LET radiations.The RBE has been calculated from Fig. 6.2 at cellsurviving fraction (SF) levels of 0.8, 0.1 and 0.01. FromBarendsen (1968), with permission.





1.01 10 100 1000

LET (keV/μm)

Figure 6.4 The oxygen enhancement ratio (OER)decreases with increasing linear energy transfer (LET).Closed circles refer to monoenergetic α-particles anddeuterons and the open triangle to 250 kVp X-rays.From Barendsen (1968), with permission.

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Relative biological effectiveness depends on dose 71

As LET increases, the oxygen enhancementratio (OER; Chapter 15, Section 15.1) decreases.The measurements shown as an example in Fig. 6.4 were also made with cultured T1g cells ofhuman origin (Barendsen, 1968). The sharpreduction in OER occurs over the same range ofLET as the sharp increase in RBE (Fig. 6.3).


As indicated in Fig. 6.3, the RBE is higher if meas-ured at lower radiation doses, corresponding tohigher levels of cell survival (less effect). Figure 6.5shows in more detail the RBE for test doses of4 MeV α-particles plotted against a reference doseof 250 kVp X-rays, for the T1g human cells irradi-ated in vitro. The data points were derived from Fig. 6.2 by reading off from the α-particle survivalcurve the dose required to achieve the same cellsurvival as obtained for each X-ray dose evaluated.The RBE for the 4.0 MeV α-particles increases withdecreasing dose because the low-LET X-ray sur-vival response is more curved and has a biggershoulder than the high-LET survival response. IfLQ equations are used to model both the low-LET(reference) and the high-LET (test) responses, RBEcan be predicted mathematically as a function ofthe reference dose (dR) or the test dose (dT) usingformulae containing the α/β ratios and the ratioαT/αR (Joiner, 1988). The formulae are:



where K � αT/αR, V � α/β for the reference radi-ation and C � α/β for the test radiation.

In Fig. 6.5, the solid line shows the predictionof equation 6.2, which gives RBE as a function ofthe reference dose, in this case X-rays.

The RBE can also be measured in vivo. In nor-mal tissues this may be done by comparing the rela-tionships between damage and dose for both high-and low-LET radiations. This may be done for anyendpoint of damage, including tissue breakdown

RBE( / )

�� � � �V V VKd d C


2 4 1

2T T


RBE(1 / )/

( / )R R


�� � �

K K Kd d V C

d V

2 4

2 1

or loss of tissue function. As an example, Fig. 6.6ashows the results of an experiment to study the lossof renal function in mice after external-beamradiotherapy. This was done by measuring theincreased retention of 51Cr-radiolabelled ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the plasma 1hour after injection; normally functioning kidneyscompletely clear this substance from the bodywithin this time. For neutrons (in this example pro-duced by bombarding beryllium with 4 MeVdeuterons, designated d(4)-Be), fractionationmakes almost no difference to the tolerance dosebut for X-rays a much higher total dose is requiredto produce renal damage when the treatment issplit into two, five or ten fractions. This differencein the fractionation response for high- and low-LET radiations in vivo reflects the shape of the sur-vival curves for the putative target cells in the tissue:almost straight for neutrons with a high α/β ratio,and downwards bending for X-rays (Fig. 6.2) witha low α/β ratio. In this in vivo situation, RBE is cal-culated from the ratio of X-ray to neutron totaldoses required to produce the same biologicaleffect in the same number of fractions. This is plot-ted against X-ray dose per fraction in Fig. 6.6b. Itcan be seen that, in vivo, RBE increases withdecreasing dose per fraction in exactly the sameway as RBE increases with decreasing single dosefor the cells in vitro shown in Fig. 6.5. In vivo, RBEversus dose can also be modelled using equations





X-ray dose (Gy)4 8 12



Figure 6.5 Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of4 MeV α-particles increases with decreasing dose forcell lines irradiated in vitro. RBE values were calculatedfrom the cell survival data shown in Fig. 6.2. The fullline is calculated as described in the text.

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72 Linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness

6.2 and 6.3. The solid line in Fig. 6.6b shows themathematical fit of equation 6.2 to the data, fromwhich it is possible to obtain αNeutrons/αXrays, andα/β for X-rays and for neutrons, directly from theseRBE versus dose data.


We have seen (Fig. 6.4) that the differentialradiosensitivity between poorly oxygenated (moreresistant) and well-oxygenated (more sensitive)cells is reduced with high-LET radiations.Therefore, tumour sites in which hypoxia is aproblem in radiotherapy (some head and necktumours and prostate cancer, for example) mightbenefit from high-LET radiotherapy in the sameway as from chemical hypoxic-cell sensitizers (seeChapter 17, Section 17.3).

The effect of low-LET radiation on cells isstrongly influenced by their position in the cellcycle, with cells in S-phase being more radioresis-tant than cells in G2 or mitosis (see Chapter 7,Section 7.3). Cells in stationary (i.e. plateau) phasealso tend to be more radioresistant than cells inactive proliferation. Both of these factors act toincrease the effect of fractionated radiotherapy on

more rapidly cycling cells compared with thosecycling slowly or not at all, because the rapidlycycling cells that survive the first few fractions arestatistically more likely to be caught later in a sen-sitive phase and so be killed by a subsequent dose –a process termed ‘cell-cycle resensitization’. Thisdifferential radiosensitivity due to cell-cycle posi-tion is considerably reduced with high-LET radia-tion (Chapman, 1980) and is a reason why we might expect high-LET radiotherapy to be ben-eficial in some slowly growing, X-ray-resistanttumours.

A third biological rationale for high-LET ther-apy is based on the observation that the range ofradiation response of different cell types is reducedwith high-LET radiation compared with X-rays.This is shown in Fig. 6.7, which summarizes the in vitro response of 20 human cell lines to photonand neutron irradiation (Britten et al., 1992). Thisreduced range of response affects the benefitexpected, which is the balance between tumourand normal-tissue responses. Thus, if tumour cellsare already more radiosensitive to X-rays than thecritical normal-cell population, high-LET radiationshould not be used since this would reduce analready favourable differential. Possible examples areseminomas, lymphomas and Hodgkin’s disease.However, if the tumour cells are more resistant to











20 40 5030



Neutrons X-rays



Total radiation dose (Gy)



t inj


d ac















2 4 6 8 10 15 20X-ray dose per fraction (Gy)

10 fractions

5 fractions

2 fractions

1 fractions

Figure 6.6 The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for kidney damage increases with decreasing dose per fraction. The RBE values are derived from graphs similar to (a), which shows dose–effect curves for 51Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) clearance following irradiation with 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 fractions of neutrons or 1,2, 5 and 10 fractions of X-rays. The RBE values in (b) were obtained with various renal-damage endpoints: isotopeclearance (circles); reduction in haematocrit (squares); and increase in urine output (triangles). From Joiner and Johns(1987), with permission.

Page 82: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The biological basis for high-LET radiotherapy 73

X-rays than the critical normal cells, high-LETradiation might reduce this difference in radiosen-sitivity and thus would effectively ‘sensitize’ thetumour cell population relative to a fixed level of

damage to normal tissue; high-LET radiationwould be advantageous in this case.

In Chapter 24, we summarize the clinical expe-rience with high-LET radiations.


0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1





Neutrons SF0.68 (d)(c)






























0 1 2 3 4 0 0.2 0.4 10.6 0.8 1.2 1.4

Photons Neutrons

Dose (Gy)(a) Dose (Gy)(b)



ng fr





ng fr





ng fr



Figure 6.7 Response of 20 human tumour cell lines to (a) 4 MVp photons or (b) p(62.5)-Be neutrons. The vertical linesshow the photon (2 Gy) and neutron (0.68 Gy) doses that give the same median cell survival; the average relativebiological effectiveness (RBE) is therefore 2/0.68 � 2.94. (c) The range of cell survival at the reference neutron dose of0.68 Gy (SF0.68) is less than the range of survival at a photon dose of 2 Gy (SF2). In 9/20 of the cell lines neutrons gavelower cell survival than photons at these doses (d).

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74 Linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness


With conventional X-ray therapy, absorbed doseincreases very rapidly within the short distance inwhich electronic equilibrium (‘build-up’) occurs,

and then decreases exponentially with increasingpenetration. Figure 6.8a shows central-axis depthdoses from 60Co γ-rays and from X-rays generatedby a 6-MV linear accelerator (Fowler, 1981).Neutrons are also uncharged and theirdepth–dose characteristics are similar: modern

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16






e do

se (

%) 6 MVp X-rays

60Co γ -rays

8 9 10 11 12 13

54 2




Depth in water (cm) Depth in water (cm)(a) (b)

Figure 6.8 The different depth–dose characteristics of (a) photons and (b) proton beams of different intensities andranges, achieved by passing a primary beam (1) through plastic absorbers (see text).



100 90













50 9060















250 kV X-rays 6 fields 18 MV X-rays 4 fields

He ions C ions

40 50




40 10






Figure 6.9 Comparison of treatment plans for the radiotherapy of a case of pancreas carcinoma using chargedparticle beams or photons. From Bewley (1989), with permission.

Page 84: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The physical basis for charged-particle therapy 75

high-energy neutron therapy beams have a pene-tration that is comparable to 4 MV X-rays. Theonly rationale for neutron therapy is thereforeradiobiological, as discussed in Section 6.5.

In contrast, ion beams (i.e. incident beams ofcharged particles) increase their rate of energydeposition as they slow down with increasing pen-etration, finally stopping and releasing an intenseburst of ionization called the Bragg peak. As anexample, curve 1 in Fig. 6.8b shows the depth–dosedistribution of a primary beam of 160 MeV pro-tons. The broad peak is obtained by superimpos-ing on curve 1 four other beams of different

intensities and ranges (curves 2, 3, 4 and 5),achieved by passing the primary beam through arotating wheel with sectors of different thicknessof plastic sheet. This spread-out peak (Sum) can beadjusted to cover the tumour volume and there-fore increase the ratio of tumour-to-normal-tissuedose compared with conventional photon therapy(Raju, 1980). In modern beam delivery systems,this same scanning of the Bragg peak over a rangeof depths is achieved by directly modulating theparticle energy in variable-energy accelerators.

Figure 6.9 shows some possible treatmentplans with heavy-ion beams of helium and carbon


















0 4 8 12 16 20 4 8 28


















242012 16


Carbon Carbon













RBE � Dose



Depth in water (cm)



e do


approx. 14 cm range4 cm spread peak

approx. 24 cm range10 cm spread peak

Figure 6.10 The biologicaleffect of charged particlebeams is increased further inthe Bragg peak. Depth–dosecurves are shown for threetypes of ion beam, each with a4-cm or 10-cm spread peak.Full lines show the dosedistribution; upper brokenlines (full symbols) show thebiologically effective dose (i.e.dose � relative biologicaleffectiveness, RBE). The lowerbroken lines (open symbols)show the reduction in oxygenenhancement ratio (OER)within the spread peak. FromBlakely (1982), withpermission.

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76 Linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness

nuclei, using carcinoma of the pancreas as anexample. The improvement given by the He ionsover 18 MV X-rays is as dramatic as the compari-son between 18 MV and 250 kVp X-rays. Themean doses to the spinal cord and kidney arealmost zero for He ions, 50 per cent for 18 MV X-rays and 70 per cent for 250 kVp X-rays.Uniformity over the tumour is 2–3 per cent, 5 percent and 15 per cent, respectively.

Carbon ions give a similar dose distribution toHe ions but in addition they have a higher LETand RBE in the Bragg peak, which in suitabletumours (see above) might confer an additionalradiobiological advantage. The LET of a chargedparticle is proportional to the square of its chargedivided by the square of its velocity. Therefore, inthe Bragg peak, where the particles are slowingdown rapidly, heavy ions such as carbon, neonand argon have very high LET, with the potentialfor a greatly increased biological effect. To illus-trate this, Fig. 6.10 shows depth–dose curves forbeams of heavy ions accelerated to two differentenergies giving maximum penetrations in tissueof about 14 or 24 cm. In each case the solid linerepresents the pattern of dose produced by a ridgefilter designed to spread out the Bragg peak tocover imaginary tumours of 4 or 10 cm, respec-tively. This is a similar ‘peak-spreading’ techniqueto that described in Fig. 6.8b. However, the dottedline shows the distribution of biologically effectivedose, which is physical dose multiplied by RBE.The RBE values are those for Chinese hamstercells corresponding to an X-ray dose of about2 Gy. This demonstrates that for heavy ions (nothigh-energy protons or helium ions) the physicaladvantage of better dose distribution in thespread-out Bragg peak can be further enhanced by the radiobiological advantage from the higherLET.

Figure 6.11 conveniently summarizes the rela-tive physical and radiobiological properties ofdifferent radiations and charged particles (Fowler,1981). Protons have excellent depth–dose distri-butions and have radiobiological properties simi-lar to orthovoltage X-rays: it is highly probablethat light-ion beams of protons and perhapshelium will play a key role in better radiotherapyduring the next 20 years. Neutrons have no dosedistribution advantage over megavoltage X-rays




Quality of dose distribution



X raysMegavoltage

X rays




Pions C



Figure 6.11 The radiations available for radiationtherapy differ in the quality of beam that they produce,also in relative biological effectiveness (RBE). LET, linearenergy transfer. Based on Fowler (1981).

Key points

1. Both X-rays and γ-rays are sparsely ionizingradiations with a low LET. Some particleradiations (e.g. neutrons, α-particles orheavy ions) have a high LET.

2. High-LET radiations are biologically moreeffective per gray than low-LET radiations.This is measured by the RBE. For mosthigh-LET radiations at therapeutic doselevels, RBE is in the range of 2–10.

3. RBE increases as the LET increases up toabout 100 keV/μm, above which RBEdecreases because of cellular overkill. TheOER also decreases rapidly over the samerange of LET.

but may be useful because of their high LET. Theheavy ions give better dose distributions than X-rays and a higher LET, depending on the particle.Argon ions have a high LET but in practice theybreak up so readily that only limited penetrationcan be obtained. Carbon, neon and silicon ionsare the most promising of the heavy ions at thepresent time and where heavy-ion therapy isadopted it will probably be with these particles(Castro, 1995).

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Further reading 77


Barendsen GW (1968). Responses of cultured cells,tumours and normal tissues to radiations ofdifferent linear energy transfer. Curr Topics RadiatRes Q 4: 293–356.

Bewley DK (1989). The physics and radiobiology of fastneutron beams. Bristol: Adam Hilger.

Blakely EA (1982). Biology of bevalac beams: cellularstudies. In: Skarsgard LD (ed.) Pion and heavy ionradiotherapy: pre-clinical and clinical studies.Amsterdam: Elsevier, 229–250.

Britten RA, Warenius HM, Parkins C, Peacock JH (1992).The inherent cellular sensitivity to 62.5 MeV(p-Be)neutrons of human cells differing in photonsensitivity. Int J Radiat Biol 61: 805–12.

Castro JR (1995). Results of heavy ion radiotherapy.Radiat Environ Biophys 34: 45–8.

Chapman JD (1980). Biophysical models of mammaliancell inactivation by radiation. In: Meyn RE, WithersHR (eds) Radiation biology in cancer research.New York: Raven Press, 21–32.

Fowler JF (1981). Nuclear particles in cancer treatment.Bristol: Adam Hilger.

Goodhead DT (1988). Spatial and temporal distributionof energy. Health Phys 55: 231–40.

Joiner MC (1988). A comparison of the effects of p(62)-Be and d(16)-Be neutrons in the mousekidney. Radiother Oncol 13: 211–24.

Joiner MC, Johns H (1987). Renal damage in the mouse:the effect of d(4)-Be neutrons. Radiat Res 109:456–68.

Raju MR (1980). Heavy particle radiotherapy. New York:Academic Press.


Alpen EL (1998). Radiation biophysics, 2nd edn. SanDiego: Academic Press.

Conference Proceedings (1994). Nordic conference on neutrons in research and cancer therapy.Linkoping, April 29–30, 1993. Acta Oncol 33:225–327.

Engenhart-Cabillic R, Wambersie A (eds) (1998). Fastneutrons and high-LET particles in cancer therapy.Recent results in cancer research, Vol. 150. NewYork: Springer-Verlag.

Goodhead DT (1989). The initial physical damageproduced by ionizing radiations. Int J Radiat Biol 56:623–34.

Noda K, Furukawa T, Fujisawa T et al. (2007). Newaccelerator facility for carbon-ion cancer-therapy. J Radiat Res (Tokyo) 48(Suppl A): A43–54.

Wambersie A, Richard F, Breteau N (1994).Development of fast neutron therapy worldwide.Radiobiological, clinical and technical aspects. ActaOncol 33: 261–74.

Wambersie A, Auberger T, Gahbauer RA, Jones DT, Potter R (1999). A challenge for high-precisionradiation therapy: the case for hadrons. StrahlentherOnkol 175(Suppl 2): 122–8.

Withers HR, Thames HD Jr, Peters LJ (1982). Biologicalbases for high RBE values for late effects of neutron irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8:2071–6.

4. RBE increases as the dose is reduced in vitro,or the dose per fraction is reduced in vivo. Inlate-responding tissues, this increase occursmore rapidly than in early-responding tissues.

6. Heavy particles such as He, C and Ne ionshave a high-LET and in addition they haveimproved physical depth–dose distributions.

7. Proton beams provide the best improve-ment in dose distribution for the lowest cost;their RBE is similar to low-energy photons.

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Tumour growth and response to radiationDANIEL ZIPS

7.1 Tumour growth 787.2 Tumour response to radiation 837.3 Factors influencing local tumour control 92Acknowledgement 97

Key points 97Bibliography 98Further reading 101




The growth of primary and metastatic tumoursdetermines the clinical course of malignant dis-ease. Tumour growth results from a disturbed tis-sue homeostasis, driven by functional capabilitiesacquired during tumourigenesis. These acquiredcapabilities include self-sufficiency in growth sig-nals, insensitivity to anti-growth signals, limitlessproliferative potential, evading apoptosis, and sus-tained angiogenesis (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2000).The speed of growth, or the growth rate, varies con-siderably between different tumours because of dif-ferences in cell proliferation and cell loss.

Measuring the size and growth rate of tumours

Under experimental conditions, such as withtransplanted tumour models, the size of the tum-our can be precisely and repeatedly measuredusing simple callipers. In the clinical situation,precision and feasibility of tumour size measure-ment depend on the anatomical site and the

imaging technology. For example, only lesions of5–10 mm or larger in diameter can be detected inthe lung on chest radiographs. Advanced spiralcomputed tomography (CT) allows detection ofnodules as small as 3 mm in diameter. From thedimensions of the lesion, the tumour volume (V)can be calculated:

For experimental tumour models, a calibrationcurve can be obtained by plotting V against theweight of excised tumours (Steel, 1977). This pro-cedure allows for uncertainties of external tumourvolume determination resulting from, for exam-ple, irregular volumes and skin thickness.

The tumour burden and tumour growth ratecan also be estimated by determination of bio-chemical tumour markers such as prostate specificantigen (PSA) in patients with prostate cancer(Schmid et al., 1993). Serial measurement of thetumour volume permits estimation of the growthrate. The tumour volume doubling time (VDT),for example, can be calculated by the time requiredfor the tumour to double its volume. In untreatedexperimental tumours, volume doubling timeshave been found to be in the same range as the

V length width height� � � �π6

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Tumour growth 79

doubling times of tumour cell number and clono-genic tumour cell number (Jung et al., 1990).

Exponential and non-exponentialgrowth

Starting from one cell, each cell division producestwo offspring resulting in 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.cells after subsequent cycles of cell division.Accordingly this results in an exponential increasein cell number and volume with time, which canbe expressed as:

Figure 7.1 illustrates that the majority of cell dou-blings take place before a tumour becomesdetectable, which, in most clinical situations, iswhen the cell number approaches about 109. Thiscell number is equivalent to a tumour weight ofabout 1 g and a volume of about 1 cm3. Exponentialgrowth implies that, under constant conditions,the logarithm of tumour volume increases linearly







with time. This can be seen easily from tumourgrowth curves if volume or weight is plotted on alogarithmic scale and therefore tumour growth isconventionally plotted in this way. Consequently,deviations from exponential growth, variability inthe growth rate among different tumours andeffects of treatment can be easily visualized. Incontrast, plotting tumour volume on a linear scalemight lead to the erroneous impression that growthaccelerates with increasing volume (Fig. 7.2).Instead, the VDT actually tends to decrease withincreasing volume. This effect in large tumours iscaused by impairment in oxygen and nutrientsupply resulting in a lower proportion of cyclingcells, a prolongation of cell cycle, and/or a highercell death rate. Such progressively slowing tumourgrowth has often been described by the Gompertzequation:

Here V0 is the volume at the arbitrary time zeroand A and B are parameters that determine thegrowth rate. At very early time intervals (tsmall) theequation becomes exponential:

V � V0 exp(A.t)


Be Bt� � �

0 1exp ( )⎡




phase‘Silent’ interval



10�9 g







5 10 15 20


25 30 35 40





Figure 7.1 Relationship between the number ofdoublings from a single cell and the number of resultingcells in a tumour. To calculate the tumour weight, a cellnumber of 109 per gram was assumed. The clinicallyobservable phase represents a minor part in the historyof the tumour. Tumour weight is plotted on alogarithmic scale. If the doubling time is constant, astraight line indicates exponential tumour growth.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40







ght (


‘Silent’ interval



Figure 7.2 The same data as used for Fig. 7.1 buttumour weight is plotted on a linear scale. This maylead to the erroneous impression that tumour growthaccelerates during the clinically observable phase.

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80 Tumour growth and response to radiation

At long time intervals exp(�B.t) becomes smallcompared with 1.0 and the volume tends to a max-imum value of V0 exp(A/B). The Gompertz equa-tion is not a unique description of such growthcurves. For a fuller discussion see Steel (1977).

The volume doubling time of human tumoursshows a considerable variability between tumoursof different histology as well as between primaryand metastatic lesions (Steel, 1977) (Table 7.1).For example, primary lung tumours double theirvolume every 2–6 months whereas colorectal car-cinomas have been found to grow at a muchslower rate with a mean VDT of about 2 years. Ingeneral, metastatic lesions tend to grow faster thanprimary tumours. In contrast to tumours inpatients, model tumours in experimental animalsusually grow much faster with doubling times inthe order of days.

The growth fraction and cell cycletime in tumours

The net growth rate, or the VDT, of tumours resultsfrom the balance of cell production and cell loss.Cell production is determined by the proportion ofcells in the compartment of actively dividing cells(growth fraction, GF) and the time required tocomplete the cell cycle (cell-cycle time, TC). Cellsfrom the GF compartment move through the cellcycle and are distinguished from cells outside thecell cycle. Cells outside the cell cycle (in G0 phase)may enter the cell cycle (recruitment of temporarilyresting cells) or remain permanently in the G0 phase(sterile or differentiated cells). Taking these param-eters together, tumours grow fast if the growth frac-tion is high, the cell-cycle time is short, or the cellloss is low.

Table 7.1 Volume doubling times (VDTs) for human tumours taken from a review of early dataon the growth rate of human tumours

Number of tumours Mean VDT* ConfidenceSite and histology measured (days) limits (days)

Lung metastasesColon–rectum, adenocarcinoma 56 95 84–107Breast, adenocarcinoma 44 74 56–98Kidney, adenocarcinoma 14 60 37–98Thyroid, adenocarcinoma 16 67 44–103Uterus, adenocarcinoma 15 78 55–111Head and neck, squamous cell

carcinoma 27 57 43–75Fibrosarcoma 28 65 46–93Osteosarcoma 34 30 24–38Teratoma 80 30 25–36

Superficial metastasesBreast carcinoma 66 19 16–24

Primary tumoursLung, adenocarcinoma 64 148 121–181Lung, squamous cell carcinoma 85 85 75–95Lung, undifferentiated 55 79 67–93Colon–rectum 19 632 426–938Breast 17 96 68–134

*Geometric mean.

Data from Steel (1977).

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Tumour growth 81

The GF can be measured in tumour biopsies, forexample by immunohistochemistry, using a mono-clonal antibody against the cell-cycle-specific pro-tein Ki67. Human tumours vary considerably intheir Ki67 labelling index (i.e. the ratio of cellswith positive staining for the Ki67 protein dividedby the total cell number; Table 7.2). Clinical stud-ies indicate a prognostic value for Ki67-labellingin some tumour types including breast cancer,soft-tissue tumours and lung cancer (Brown andGatter, 2002). Antibodies against different cell-cycle-specific proteins also allow determination ofthe fractions of cells within the various phases ofthe cell cycle.

Determination of cell-cycle kinetics in tissuesis more difficult than measuring the GF. In thepast, pulsed or continuous infusion of tritiatedthymidine, a radiolabelled nucleoside incorpo-rated into the DNA during the S phase, has beenwidely used to estimate the duration of the cellcycle (TC) by the per cent labelled mitosis method(Potten et al., 1985). With this method the TC forcarcinomas was found to be widely scattered butaveraged around 2 days (Table 7.3).

It is now possible to rapidly determine the S-phase fraction and the duration of the S phasefrom a single biopsy using a technique developedby Begg et al. (1985). In this method, thymidine

analogues iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) or bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) are injected into a patientand are subsequently incorporated into the newlysynthesized DNA in S-phase cells. A few hoursafter injection, a tumour biopsy is taken fromwhich a single-cell suspension is prepared. This isstained with both a DNA-specific dye and a fluo-rescent-labelled antibody against BrdUrd or IdUrd.Using flow cytometry, the fraction of cells in S phase (labelling index, LI) and the duration ofthe S phase (TS) can be determined. Typical values

Table 7.2 Growth fractions determined by Ki67 labelling for different human tumour types

Mean/Median Ki67 LITumour type and site Ki67 LI (%) (% range) Reference

Prostate 8.5 1–28.4 Taftachi et al. (2005)Central nervous system:

Meningeoma 4.4 0–58 Roser et al. (2004)Astrocytoma 21.5 0–47.3 Rautiainen et al. (1998)

Head and neck 27.8 8.2–80.8 Roland et al. (1994)Colorectal 37.2 18.9–71.4 Lanza et al. (1990)Breast 31.6 0–99 Thor et al. (1999)Lung (non-small cell) 36.7 0–93 Hommura et al. (2000)Pancreas 29.7 0.5–82.1 Linder et al. (1997)Soft-tissue sarcoma 12 1–85 Jensen et al. (1998)Renal cell carcinoma 11 0–43 Haitel et al. (1997)Bladder 35 3–55 Hoskin et al. (2004)Oesophagus 33 6–95 Sarbia et al. (1996)

LI, labelling index.

Table 7.3 Cell cycle time (TC) for different humantumours determined by the per cent labelled mitosismethod

Number oftumours Mean TC*

Histology measured (hours) Range

Squamous cell 7 43.5 14–217carcinoma

Adenocarcinoma 5 34.9 25–45Melanoma 4 102 76–144

*Geometric mean.

Data taken from Malaise et al. (1973).

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82 Tumour growth and response to radiation

for LI and TS are shown in Table 7.4. While in mosttumours the S-phase duration is about 12 hours,or approximately 25 per cent of TC, the fraction ofcells in the S phase varies widely between the dif-ferent tumours.

Developments in molecular imaging, such aswith radiolabelled fluorothymidine (18F-FLT), mayallow non-invasive assessment of tumour prolif-eration in vivo. This radiolabel is not incorporatedinto the DNA but it is phosphorylated by thymi-dine kinases (TK). While TK2 is expressed consti-tutively, TK1 activity is specifically regulated duringthe S phase. As a result, metabolites of radiolabelled18F-FLT (mono-, di- and tri-phosphates) are foundpreferentially in S-phase cells. The 18F tracer activ-ity can then be detected by positron emissiontomography (PET).

The potential doubling time (Tpot)

The potential doubling time (Tpot) of a tumour isdefined as the cell doubling time without any cellloss (Steel, 1977). The Tpot is determined by thegrowth fraction (GF) and the cell-cycle time (TC):

Tpot � TC/GF

Using thymidine analogues and flow cytometry,the Tpot can be estimated by the duration of the S phase (TS) and by the fraction of cells within thatphase (LI) (Begg et al., 1985; Terry et al., 1991):

Tpot � λTS/LI

where λ is a parameter that corrects for the non-rectangular age distribution of growing cell popu-lations. This parameter usually lies between 0.7and 1.0. Using this method, Tpot for humantumours from different sites was found to varybetween 4 days and 34 days (Table 7.4). The differ-ences in Tpot are mainly attributed to the variabil-ity in LI between tumours whereas TS appears tobe relatively similar between tumours, with avalue averaging about 12 hours.

To test the hypothesis that pretreatment Tpot

reflects the effective doubling time during frac-tionated radiotherapy and thereby correlates withthe repopulation rate of clonogenic tumour cells,treatment response of 476 patients with head andneck cancer was correlated with Tpot and LI (Begget al., 1999). However, multivariate analysisrevealed that neither Tpot, nor LI, nor TS were sta-tistically significant determinants of local tumourcontrol. Thus, in this large multicentre study, pre-treatment cell kinetic parameters measured by

Table 7.4 Cell kinetic parameters of human tumours derived from in vivo labelling with iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) orbromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and measured by flow cytometry

Site Number of patients LI (%) TS (hours) Tpot (days)

Head and neck 712 9.6 (6.8–20.0) 11.9 (8.8–16.1) 4.5 (1.8–5.9)Central nervous system 193 2.6 (2.1–3.0) 10.1 (4.5–16.7) 34.3 (5.4–63.2)Upper intestinal 183 10.5 (4.9–19.0) 13.5 (9.8–17.2) 5.8 (4.3–9.8)Colorectal 345 13.1 (9.0–21.0) 15.3 (13.1–20.0) 4.0 (3.3–4.5)Breast 159 3.7 (3.2–4.2) 10.4 (8.7–12.0) 10.4 (8.2–12.5)Ovarian 55 6.7 14.7 12.5Cervix 159 9.8 12.8 4.8 (4.0–5.5)Melanoma 24 4.2 10.7 7.2Haematological 106 13.3 (6.1–27.7) 14.6 (12.1–16.2) 9.6 (2.3–18.1)Bladder 19 2.5 6.2 17.1Renal cell carcinoma 2 4.3 9.5 11.3Prostate 5 1.4 11.7 28.0

Fraction of cells in S phase (LI), duration of S phase (TS) and potential doubling time (Tpot) were taken from Haustermans et al. (1997)and Rew and Wilson (2000). Ranges (in parenthesis) represent variations in median values between studies; ranges for individualtumours are considerably larger.

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Tumour response to radiation 83

thymidine analogues and flow cytometry failed topredict outcome after radiotherapy.

Cell loss in tumours

Taking typical values for human tumours (e.g. aGF of 40 per cent and a TC of 2 days) results in Tpot

of 5 days. This time is obviously much shorterthan the observed VDT of human tumours, whichis usually in the order of months. The differencebetween VDT and Tpot is explained by the highrate of cell loss in malignant tumours. The cell lossfactor (CLF) can be calculated from:

Taking a VDT of 3 months and a Tpot of 5 days,the cell loss factor would be 94 per cent. Examplesof cell loss factors for human tumours are listed inTable 7.5. The high cell loss factors indicate thatthe vast majority of newly produced cells are lostfrom the growth fraction, thus explaining the slowgrowth rate of many tumours. Cells are lost fromthe proliferative compartment when they enterthe non-proliferative compartment (G0), forexample by differentiation. The same occurs when


pot� �1


they physically disappear from the viable tumourcompartment by necrosis, apoptosis, metastasis,and exfoliation or shedding. In solid tumours,necrotic cell loss, because of insufficient oxygenand nutrient supply by the pathological tumourvasculature, appears to represent a major factor.

Transplanted tumours in experimental animalsgrow much faster than tumours in human patients.While TS is comparable with tumours in patients,experimental tumour models often exhibit a higherLI, shorter Tpot, and a lower cell loss factor. Cellkinetic data obtained using these model systemsmust therefore be interpreted with caution interms of their clinical relevance.



Radiation effects on tumours under clinical as wellas experimental conditions can be measured by dif-ferent endpoints, including local tumour control,tumour regrowth delay and tumour regression.Local tumour control is the aim of curative radio-therapy. Improvements in local tumour controlafter radiotherapy have been shown, in many

Table 7.5 Calculation of cell loss factors (CLFs) for human tumours based on labelling withradiolabelled thymidine or thymidine analogues and volume doubling times (VDTs) in separate series

Site LI (%) Tpot (days) VDT (days) CLF (%)

Undifferentiated bronchus carcinoma*,1 19.0 2.5 90 97Sarcoma*,1 2.0 23.3 39 40Childhood tumours*,1 13.0 3.6 20 82Lymphoma*,1 3.0 15.6 22 29Head and neck**,2 9.6 4.1 45 91Colorectal**,2 13.1 3.9 90 96Melanoma**,2 4.2 8.5 52 84Breast**,2,3 3.7 9.4 82 89Prostate**2,4 1.4 28.0 1100 97

*,**Labelling with radiolabelled thymidine or thymidine analogues, respectively.1From Steel (1977), calculations assume TS � 14 hours, λ � 0.8.2Fraction of cells in S phase (LI) and potential doubling time (Tpot) from Haustermans et al. (1997) and Rew andWilson (2000); calculations assume λ � 0.8 (Steel, 1977).3VDT values for pulmonary metastases from Spratt et al. (1996).4VDT from PSA doubling times from Schmid et al. (1993), Fowler et al. (1994) and Lee et al. (1995).

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84 Tumour growth and response to radiation

clinical trials, to translate into the prolonged sur-vival of cancer patients. Thus, local tumour controlis conceptually the preferable endpoint for bothclinical and experimental investigations onimproving radiotherapy. A tumour is locally con-trolled when all of its clonogenic cells (i.e. cells withthe capacity to proliferate and to cause recurrenceafter radiotherapy) have been inactivated. Theprobability of achieving local tumour control isradiation dose dependent and directly related tothe number of surviving clonogenic tumour cells(see Chapter 5, Section 5.2). Tumour regression is anon-specific endpoint to assay radiation response.The tumour regrowth delay assay is widely used inradiobiological experiments. Tumour regrowthdelay increases with radiation dose but, because ofinherent methodological limitations, it is difficultor impossible to accurately estimate cell kill.

Clonogenic cell survival afterirradiation

Radiotherapy is highly effective in killing clono-genic tumour cells. The quantitative relationshipbetween radiation dose, inactivation of clonogeniccells and local tumour control is well establishedunder clinical as well as experimental conditions(Munro and Gilbert, 1961; Wheldon et al., 1977;Trott et al., 1984; Rofstad et al., 1986; Suit et al.,1987; Hill and Milas, 1989; Baumann et al., 1990;

Gerweck et al., 1994; Krause et al., 2006). In frac-tionated radiotherapy, it has been demonstratedthat the logarithm of surviving clonogenic tumourcells decreases linearly with total radiation dose. Ifthe radiation dose is high enough to sterilize all cellscapable of causing a recurrence, then local tumourcontrol is achieved. This relationship is illustrated inFig. 7.3, which shows a theoretical clonogenic sur-vival curve for the fractionated irradiation of amodel tumour. This tumour has a diameter ofabout 3 cm, consisting of 1010 tumour cells with aclonogenic fraction of 10 per cent (i.e. the tumourconsists of 109 clonogenic tumour cells). Assumingan intermediate radiation sensitivity, each fractionof 2 Gy inactivates 50 per cent of the clonogeniccells. In other words, after a dose of 2 Gy 50 per centof the clonogenic cells survive, after 4 Gy 25 percent, after 6 Gy 12.5 per cent, and so on. This resultsin a linear decrease of the logarithm of survivingclonogen fraction as the dose increases and isdepicted by the straight line in the log-linear plot inFig. 7.3. For this example, at doses higher than 60 Gythe number of surviving cells per tumour is lessthan one and local tumour control can be achieved.Clearly, this is a simplification because it neglects,for example, the possibility of changing radiosensi-tivity (maybe owing to changes in tumour oxygena-tion) and of repopulation during fractionatedradiotherapy (see Chapters 10 and 15). However,it demonstrates that response parameters such aspartial or complete response, which are often used

Local tumour control

0 10 20 30Radiation dose

40 50 60 70 80







of s





ic c





Figure 7.3 Relationship between clonogenic cell survival, radiation dose and different endpoints to assay tumourresponse, assuming a tumour consisting of 109 clonogenic cells and a surviving fraction after 2 Gy of 50 per cent.

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Tumour response to radiation 85

as clinical descriptors, are not robust endpoints forevaluating curative radiotherapy. It is obvious that apartial response is a complete failure of the treat-ment because the vast majority of clonogenic cellsare presumably still alive. Even if we are unable todetect the tumour with clinical imaging (in a com-plete response) a large number of clonogenictumour cells may have survived the treatment andmay lead to a recurrence. Thus, in studies both onpatients and on experimental animals, only by fol-lowing up treatment for long enough to detect allregrowing tumours can it be precisely determinedwhether the given treatment was effective in steriliz-ing all clonogenic tumour cells.

Local tumour control

If not a single tumour but a group of tumours (orpatients) is considered, the local tumour controlprobability (TCP) as a function of radiation dosecan be described statistically by a Poisson distribu-tion of the number of surviving clonogenic tumourcells (Munro and Gilbert, 1961). It describes therandom distribution of radiation-induced cell killwithin a population of clonogenic cells (see Chapter 5). As an illustration, one might imaginethat a given radiation dose causes a certainamount of ‘lethal hits’ randomly distributedwithin the cell population. Some cells will receiveone ‘lethal hit’ and will subsequently die. Othercells will receive two or more ‘lethal hits’ and willalso die. However, some cells will not be hit, willtherefore survive and subsequently cause a localfailure. According to Poisson statistics, a radiationdose sufficient to inflict on average one ‘lethal hit’to each clonogenic cell in a tumour (number of‘lethal hits’ per cell, m, � 1) will result in 37 percent surviving clonogenic cells. The survivingfraction (SF) can be expressed as:

SF � exp(�m)

and the number of surviving clonogenic tumourcells (N) is:

N � N0 � SF

where N0 represents the initial number of clono-gens. The TCP depends on the number of surviv-ing clonogenic cells (N) and can be calculated as:

TCP � exp(�N) � exp(�N0SF)

To illustrate the relationship between radiationdose, number of surviving clonogenic cells and TCPdescribed by Poisson statistics, a model tumourconsisting of 36 clonogenic cells is ‘treated’ (Fig. 7.4,Table 7.6). If the TCP is plotted as a function of dose(Fig. 7.5) the resulting curve shows the typical sig-moid shape. The sigmoid shape of dose–responsecurves for local tumour control is supported byclinical observations and has been demonstrated innumerous experiments. Application of Poisson sta-tistics implies that, in a group of tumours with, onaverage, one surviving clonogenic cell per tumour,the local TCP equals 37 per cent. A TCP of 50 percent results if, on average, 0.7 clonogenic tumourcells survive irradiation. Statistical models otherthan the Poisson equation, such as the logistic andprobit equations, have also been used to describedose–response relationships for local tumour con-trol empirically (see Chapter 5, Section 5.2).


2 3 1

1 1












1 2

Figure 7.4 A model tumour consisting of 36clonogenic tumour cells (each square represents oneclonogenic cell) after irradiation with a dose sufficientto inflict an average of one ‘lethal hit’ per clonogeniccell. Owing to random distribution of the ‘lethal hits’among the tumour, some clonogenic cells received one(1), two (2), three (3) or four (4) lethal hits. These cellssubsequently die (grey shadow). According to Poissonstatistics (SF � exp (�m), see text) 37 per cent of theclonogenic cells (i.e. a total of 13 cells (received no‘lethal hit’ and survived white background). The tumourcontrol probability (TCP) after this ‘treatment’ can becalculated as TCP � exp (�13) � 2.3 � 10�7. Thismeans that only 1 out of 23 million tumours will belocally controlled in this situation. In Table 7.6 and Fig. 7.5, the dose effects on surviving cell fraction (SF)and TCP are illustrated.

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86 Tumour growth and response to radiation

The quantitative relationship between radia-tion dose, surviving fraction of clonogenic tumourcells and TCP forms the biological basis of localtumour control as a functional assay of clonogenictumour cell survival after irradiation (Munro andGilbert, 1961; Wheldon et al., 1977; Trott et al.,1984; Rofstad et al., 1986; Suit et al., 1987; Hill andMilas, 1989; Baumann et al., 1990; Gerweck et al.,1994). In such studies, groups of transplantedtumours are irradiated with varying doses andduring follow-up it is recorded whether a tumourhas regrown (recurrence) or not (local control). Incontrast to tumour volume measurement, whichrequires considerable training and is susceptible tointerobserver variability, the scoring of local

recurrence or local control is simple and makes thetumour control assay very robust (for comparisonwith other assays see Table 7.7). The rates of localtumour control at each dose level (number of con-trolled tumours divided by number of totaltumours) are obtained and further analysed to cal-culate characteristic points on the dose–responsecurve. In the main, the TCD50 (i.e. the radiationdose required to control 50 per cent of thetumours) is reported (the local tumour controlassay is therefore often called a TCD50 assay).Results from a typical experiment are shown inFig. 7.6 and Table 7.8 in which FaDu human squa-mous cell carcinomas were transplanted into nudemice and irradiated with 30 fractions over 6 weeks.

Table 7.6 Relationship between radiation dose, fraction of surviving clonogenic tumour cells (SF) and local tumourcontrol probability (TCP) according to Poisson statistics for the ‘treatment’ of a model tumour consisting of 36clonogenic tumour cells.

Number of survivingRadiation dose Number of ‘lethal hits’ clonogenic tumour cells(relative units) per clonogenic cell (m) SF � exp(�m) (%) (N � SF � 36) TCP � exp(�N) (%)

1 36/36 � 1 37 13 0.00012 72/36 � 2 14 5 13 108/36 � 3 5 2 174 144/36 � 4 1.8 0.7 525 180/36 � 5 0.7 0.2 786 216/36 � 6 0.25 0.09 917 252/36 � 7 0.09 0.03 978 288/36 � 8 0.03 0.01 99

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 00






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Dose (relative units)(a) Dose (relative units)(b)









of s







P (


Figure 7.5 Illustration of the ‘treatment effects’ on the model tumour consisting of 36 clonogenic cells (compare Fig. 7.4 and Table 7.6). Values for the number of surviving clonogens and tumour control probability (TCP) were takenfrom Table 7.6.

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Table 7.7 Comparison of different experimental assays to measure radiation effects on tumours

Assay Advantages Disadvantages Comment

Local tumour Depends only on inactivation Labour intensive and Most important assaycontrol assay of clonogenic cells costly for curative(TCD50 assay) All clonogenic cells are assayed Sensitive to residual Effects of radiotherapy

Response evaluated in situ immune response of(i.e. in the original environment) the host

TCD50 values can be easily obtained for comparisonswith other tumour models or different treatments

Data good for radiobiological modelling

Endpoint scoring very simple

Excision assays Direct measurement of clonogen Response not measured in Standardized methodssurvival the original environment to assay clonogenic

Not sensitive to host immune Sensitive to effects from survival but morereaction (in vivo/in vitro assay) single-cell preparation limitations than the TCD50

less costly and labour intensive Cannot assess clonogen assaythan TCD50 assay survival at low levels of

surviving fractions (lungcolony, in vitro/in vivo)

Effects of prolongedtreatments difficult orimpossible to assess

Tumour regrowth Response evaluated in situ Reflects cell kill of the Standardized butdelay assay (i.e. in the original environment) mass of non-clonogenic non-specific endpoint,

Less costly and labour-intensive and clonogenic cells, limited value forthan TCD50 assay proliferation, stromal investigations of

Specific tumour growth delay reaction, inflammatory curative effects ofand the use of multiple radiation response. Measures the radiotherapydose levels may allow conclusions effect only in a smallon clonogenic cell kill and range of tumour cell comparisons between different numberstumour models Does not necessarily

reflect inactivation of clonogenic tumour cells

Sensitive to experimentalmanoeuvres without effects on tumour cell kill

Tumour regression Response is evaluated in Reflects cell kill, Highly unspecificsitu (i.e. in the original proliferation, resorption of endpoint, not suitableenvironment) necrosis, stromal reaction, for investigations

Less costly and labour intensive inflammatory response, of curative effects ofthan other assays oedema radiotherapy

Measures the effect onlyin a small range of tumourcell numbers. Sensitive toexperimental manoeuvreswithout effects on tumourcell kill

TCD50, dose required to control 50 per cent of the tumours.

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88 Tumour growth and response to radiation

Total doses ranged from 30 to 100 Gy (dose perfraction ranged from 1.0 to 3.3 Gy) and six to eighttumours per dose level were treated. Local tumourcontrol rates were determined 120 days after theend of treatment. This follow-up period is suffi-cient for this tumour model to detect virtually allregrowing tumours. Careful observation in previousexperiments, where animals were followed up untildeath (lifespan is about 2 years), revealed that 95per cent of all recurrent FaDu tumours occurwithin 60 days and 99 per cent within 90 days afterend of irradiation. The radiation dose–responsecurve for local tumour control exhibits a sigmoidshape with a threshold value. Below total doses ofabout 50 Gy no tumours are controlled, presum-ably because of the large number of clonogeniccells that survived the treatment. Above thisthreshold dose, local TCP increases steeply withincreasing dose. The data can be fitted using aPoisson-based statistical model and the TCD50 iscalculated according to:

TCD50 � D0 � (ln N0 � ln(ln 2))

where D0 reflects the intrinsic radiosensitivity ofclonogenic cells (see Chapter 4, Section 4.8) andN0 is the number of clonogens before irradiation.The TCD50 value can be used to compare resultsobtained from different tumour models (Fig. 7.7).







20 40 60 80 100

Dose (Gy)

120 140 160

TCD50 � 85.2 Gy


P (


Figure 7.6 Dose–response curve for local tumourcontrol of FaDu human squamous cell carcinomagrowing in nude mice. Tumours were treated with 30fractions over 6 weeks. Total doses ranged from 30 to100 Gy. Treatment started for all tumours at the sametumour volume. Each symbol represents the fraction oftumours locally controlled at a given dose level (seeTable 7.7). The data were fitted using a Poisson-basedmodel and the TCD50 (the dose required to control 50per cent of the tumours locally) was calculated. In theexperiment shown, the TCD50 is 85.2 Gy. The error barrepresents the 95 per cent confidence limit of theTCD50. TCP, tumour control probability. Data fromYaromina et al. (2006).

Table 7.8 Results from a typical TCD50 (dose required to control 50 per cent of the tumours) experiment

Number of censoredTotal dose Number of Number of locally animals (censoring Observed local TCP(Gy) irradiated tumours controlled tumours interval in days) control rates (%) (%)

30 11 0 0 0 13.4 � 10�6

40 11 0 0 0 12.6 � 10�3

50 11 0 0 0 0.660 12 0 1 (99) 8.3 5.672.5 11 2 1 (119) 27.3 24.185 12 2 2 (55–77) 33.3 49.6

100 13 7 4 (51–116) 83.9 74.1

Human squamous cell carcinoma FaDu was transplanted subcutaneously into nude mice. At a diameter of about 7 mm, the tumourswere irradiated with 30 fractions over 6 weeks. Total radiation doses ranged from 30 to 100 Gy. Local tumour control was evaluated120 days after end of treatment. From the observed local control rates the tumour control probability (TCP) was calculated using thePoisson model. The TCD50 is 85.2 Gy (95 per cent confidence limits 77–96 Gy).

For calculations of TCP, censored animals were taken into account according to the method described by Walker and Suit (1983).

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Tumour response to radiation 89

The TCD50 assay has been used widely to inves-tigate and quantify modifications in radiationsensitivity or number of clonogenic tumour cells(an example of a typical experiment is given in Fig. 7.8) and the data evaluation and reporting ofresults are well established and standardized. Theeffect of treatment modifications on local TCP canbe quantified by calculation of a dose-modifyingfactor (DMF):

The DMF represents the relative reduction inradiation dose by a given treatment modificationto achieve a certain level of TCP (isoeffect) com-pared with radiation without modification. Inother words, DMF values larger than 1 indicate

DMFTCD (without modification)

TCD (with� 50

50 modification)

that the modification, for example by a new drugbeing tested, resulted in a greater sensitivity toradiation treatment.

Compared with other in vivo assays discussedbelow, however, the TCD50 assay is time-consumingand expensive. To design, perform and evaluateexperiments using this local tumour-control end-point requires considerable technical knowledgeand experience. Intercurrent death of animals mayhamper adequate follow up, which needs to be suf-ficiently long to detect virtually all recurrences (i.e.mostly 4–6 months, depending on the tumourline). Small variations in the number of surviving







20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160Dose (Gy)


P (





Figure 7.7 Dose-response curves for local tumourcontrol of three different human squamous cellcarcinomas growing in nude mice. Tumours were treatedwith 30 fractions over 6 weeks with total doses from 30to 160 Gy. Treatment started for all tumours at the sametumour volume. The data were fitted using a Poisson-based model and the TCD50 (the dose required to control50 per cent of the tumours locally) values as well as theirconfidence limits were calculated. The three carcinomasshow clear-cut differences in radiation sensitivity withUT-SCC-14 being the most sensitive, FaDu withintermediate sensitivity and UT-SCC-5 being the mostresistant. The differences in radiation sensitivity can bequantified by comparing the TCD50 values: 52.1 Gy (46;59) for UT-SCC-14, 85.2 Gy (77; 96) for FaDu, and129.8 Gy (104; 207) for UT-SCC-5. TCP, tumour controlprobability. Data from Yaromina et al. (2006).

Figure 7.8 FaDu human squamous cell carcinoma wastransplanted either into unirradiated subcutaneoustissues or into pre-irradiated tissues of nude mice. Pre-irradiation of the transplantation site was performed toinduce radiation damage to the supplying host tissues(tumour bed effect, TBE) as an experimental model ofimpaired tumour angiogenesis. At a tumour diameter ofabout 6 mm, tumours of both groups (with TBE andwithout TBE/control) were treated with 30 fractionsover 6 weeks with total doses from 30 to 100 Gy. Localtumour control rates were determined 120 days afterthe end of fractionated irradiation. The TCD50 (doserequired to control 50 per cent of the tumours locally)values were 56.6 Gy for the TBE group and 78.7 Gy forthe control group. The effect of the pre-irradiation ofthe transplantation site on local tumour control afterfractionated irradiation is given by the dose-modifyingfactor (DMF) of 1.4 (TCD50,control/TCD50,TBE). This indicatesthat the TBE improved local tumour control afterfractionated irradiation (at the effect level 50 per cent)by a factor of 1.4. Data from Zips et al. (2001).







40 60 80 100 120

Dose (Gy)

without TBE

with TBE



P (


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90 Tumour growth and response to radiation

clonogenic cells after irradiation may cause dra-matic differences in local TCP. Therefore the TCD50

assay, particularly in xenograft models, is very sensi-tive to the host’s immune reaction (Rofstad, 1989).Whether a tumour model evokes an immuneresponse by the host must be therefore testedbefore local tumour control experiments areundertaken. Nevertheless despite these drawbacks,the local tumour control assay remains the mostrelevant experimental method to determine sur-vival of clonogenic tumour cells after irradiationin their environment of treatment. Very impor-tantly, the TCD50 assay is well standardized and theexperimental endpoint is identical to the clinicalendpoint used in curative radiotherapy.

Excision assays

Alternative experimental methods to determineclonogenic survival after irradiation include the in vivo/in vitro assay, the endpoint dilution assayand the lung colony assay. These assays, introducedin Chapter 4, Section 4.4, all require surgical exci-sion of the tumours after irradiation in situ and thepreparation of a single-cell suspension from theexcised tumour using tryptic enzymes to disaggre-gate the tissue. For the in vivo/in vitro assay, differ-ent numbers of cells are seeded in culture flasks(Hill, 1987). After an incubation time of typically7–21 days the number of colonies is counted. Acolony consists of at least 50 cells and is consideredto derive from a single surviving clonogenictumour cell. As in the classical in vitro colony form-ing assay (see Chapter 4, Section 4.2), the survivingfraction is calculated from the ratio of coloniescounted to the number of cells seeded. For the lungcolony assay, different numbers of cells derivedfrom a tumour irradiated in situ are injected intra-venously (typically via a tail vein) into groups ofrecipient mice. Usually around 10 days later, thenumber of tumour-cell colonies in the lungs iscounted and the surviving fraction is calculated bycomparison with lung colonies that grew from cellsderived from unirradiated tumours. For the end-point dilution assay (TD50 assay) different numbersof cells from an irradiated tumour are inoculatedinto recipient animals and the frequency of tumourtake (tumour growth) is scored.

Excision assays are less resource-consuming andgive more rapid results than local tumour controlassays. In the in vivo/in vitro assay, potential effectsof the host immune system are also ruled out.However, a disadvantage of excision assays is thatclonogen survival is not determined in the origi-nal environment of treatment. Furthermore, resultsmay be affected by the disaggregation methodused for single-cell preparation (i.e. the influenceof timing, chemicals, enzymes and mechanicalstress). For colony assays (in vivo/in vitro assay andlung colony assay) extensive background informa-tion is necessary before the experiment can start:whether the cells form colonies, how many cells ata given radiation dose need to be plated orinjected and how long to incubate before countingcolonies. The maximum number of cells that canbe plated in Petri dishes or injected intravenouslyis restricted, making it difficult to detect survivingfractions accurately below about 10�4. Thus, smallbut resistant subpopulations of clonogenic cellsmay be systematically overlooked particularly bycolony assays. Furthermore, effects of prolongedtreatment such as fractionated irradiations aredifficult to assess by excision assays (Hill, 1987).


To determine tumour regression, the volumes oftreated and untreated tumours at a given time-point are compared and the ratios for treated versuscontrol tumours (T/C ratios) are reported. Themagnitude of tumour regression depends uponradiation effects on the entire cell population in atumour, including malignant and non-malignantcells, for example endothelial cells, fibroblasts andinflammatory cells. In addition, other factors suchas oedema, resorption of dead cells and prolifera-tion of surviving cells contribute to the tumour vol-ume after radiation. These factors differconsiderably between different tumours. Whereastumour cell kill is radiation-dose dependent,resorption, oedema and proliferation may not be.From the notion that regression increases with radi-ation dose one can argue that for a given tumourmodel the magnitude of regression reflects the radi-ation dose-dependent tumour cell kill. Tumour vol-ume measurements under experimental conditions

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Tumour response to radiation 91

are roughly limited to a range of 1.5 �107–1.5 � 109 tumour cells (assuming 109 cells/gtumour; compare Fig. 7.1). Thus even for a giventumour model, volume measurements only assaythe radiation response of a very limited proportionof all tumour cells and the response of small andpossibly resistant tumour cell populations cannotbe detected. In summary, tumour regression is ahighly non-specific parameter and of very limitedvalue in describing and quantifying the effect ofradiation on tumours.

Tumour regrowth delay

This is a widely used assay that rapidly provides theresearcher with data and can be applied in the lab-oratory or the clinic. The endpoint is the time toreach a certain tumour volume. Therefore, precisedetermination of tumour volume (e.g. by callipersfor subcutaneously growing tumours or by imag-ing methods) is essential. In experimental studies,groups of tumours are irradiated and one group oftumours is left unirradiated (control group). Then,the volume of each individual tumour is recordedover time and a growth curve is plotted (Fig. 7.9).From this growth curve different parameters maybe read, such as the time it takes for a tumour togrow (tumour growth time, TGT) to five times thetreatment volume (TGTV5). From the TGT valuesfor individual tumours the average values for eachtreatment group (TGTtreated) and of the controlgroup (TGTcontrol) are calculated. Tumour growthdelay (TGD) is then calculated from:

TGD � TGTtreated � TGTcontrol

The specific growth delay (SGD) takes thegrowth rate of the tumour model into accountand allows comparison between different tumourmodels or different treatments. The SGD is calcu-lated from:

SGD � (TGTtreated � TGTcontrol)/TGTcontrol


SGD � TGT/VDTcontrol

Tumour regrowth following irradiation dependsupon the effect treatment has had on malignant and

non-malignant cells. Radiation-induced damage tothe host vascular connective tissues surrounding thetumour may result in a slower growth rate of irradi-ated tumours; this is called the tumour bed effect.As a consequence, SGD apparently increases withincreasing tumour volume (Fig. 7.9). To correct forthe tumour bed effect, the parameter net growthdelay (NGD) has been suggested (Beck-Bornholdtet al., 1987). Net growth delay is defined as the timebetween when the regrowing tumour has reachedtwice its minimal volume (nadir) after treatmentand the time at which the tumour had the same vol-ume before treatment. An alternative would be tochoose the endpoint size as low as possible.

The TGD increases with radiation dose, reflect-ing the dose-dependency of cell kill (Fig. 7.10).

�20 0 20 40 60 80







e tu


r vo



Days after start of irradiation






Figure 7.9 Growth curve of an individual FaDu tumourtreated with 15 fractions of 2 Gy. Tumour volume was calculated using the formula for a rotationalellipsoid (V�[π/6]*a*b2) where a is the longest tumouraxis and b is the axis perpendicular to a. The parametersa and b were measured every second day using callipers.The volume is plotted as relative to the volume at thestart of treatment. During the initial phase of irradiationthe volume increased and later decreased to reach thelowest relative volume (nadir) on day 30 after the startof treatment. After this regression the tumour regrew at a slower rate than before radiation (the regrowthcurve is shallower than the growth curve beforeradiotherapy) indicating the tumour bed effect. Fromthe growth curve, different parameters of the regrowthassay can be read: tumour growth time to reach twice,five times, and ten times the starting volume (TGT2,TGT5, TGT10). See text for explanation of NGD (netgrowth delay).

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92 Tumour growth and response to radiation

The relationships found between radiation dose,the logarithm of surviving clonogenic tumourcells and the TGD suggest that the TGD is a surro-gate parameter for clonogenic cell kill. However,there are several limitations. First, quantitativetransplantation experiments revealed that thetumour growth rate decreases with decreasingnumbers of inoculated cells (Urano and Kahn,1987). This suggests that, at low levels of cell sur-vival, TGD may not correlate well with the surviv-ing number of clonogenic cells. Second, TGDdepends a great deal on the radiation effect on themass of non-clonogenic tumour cells. As a conse-quence, small variations in the population ofclonogenic cells (number and/or sensitivity) maynot be detected by the TGD assay. Third, the TGDreflects not only cell kill but also the growth rate ofthe regrowing tumour. Therefore, this assay ishighly sensitive to variations in the proliferationrate, including pharmacological manipulations.Thus, a longer TGD does not always mean a highercell kill. The limitations of the TGD to preciselyreflect clonogenic cell kill are underlined by theobservation that results from TGD assays mightnot correlate with results obtained from localtumour control assays (Overgaard et al., 1987;Baumann et al., 2003; Krause et al., 2004; Zips et al.,2005). This important caveat must be considered,

for example, when the TGD assay is used to evalu-ate radiation modifiers (see Chapter 21). Solutionsto this problem include performing confirmatorylocal tumour control experiments or possiblyobtaining TGD at different radiation dose levels(dose–response relationship) as well as calculatingthe growth delay per gray (i.e. the steepness of thedose–response curve; Krause et al., 2006).

To quantify and report the magnitude of effectcaused by radiation modifiers on TGD, the DMF orthe enhancement ratio (ER) have been used. TheDMF is calculated as the ratio of radiation dosewith and without modifier giving the same TGD(i.e. the ratio of isoeffective radiation doses). Thus,calculation of the DMF requires the investigationof multiple radiation dose levels and the construc-tion of dose–response curves (Fig. 7.10). Often,only one radiation dose level is investigated. In suchsituations the ER has been used instead of DMF to describe the effect of the modifier. The ER is the ratio of TGD with/without modifier at a given radiation dose level. Both ER and DMF depend on the position and steepness of the dose–effectcurves. The ER might depend on the radiation doseand DMF might depend on the level of effect. Ingeneral, the interpretation of TGD, ER and DMF,and their relevance for clonogenic tumour cellinactivation, is complicated. Despite its apparentsimplicity, the inherent methodological problemsof the TGD assay (described above), the lack ofconsensus about data evaluation and arbitrary pro-cedural details limit its value in reliably quantifyingthe radiation response of clonogenic cells. It istherefore recommended to always test the conclu-sions from TGD assays by undertaking localtumour control studies, before introducing noveltreatments into clinical radiotherapy.



A number of factors can contribute to the proba-bility of local tumour control after fractionatedradiotherapy. These factors have been summa-rized by Withers (1975) as the four Rs of radio-therapy: recovery from sublethal damage, cell-cycle


Radiation plusmodifier

Radiation only

Radiation dose (Gy)








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




th d




Figure 7.10 Tumour growth delay after treatment atdifferent radiation doses with and without a treatmentmodifier. The modifier results in a longer tumour growthdelay (TGD) per radiation dose. The effect of themodifier can be quantified as the dose-modifying factor(DMF).

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Factors influencing local tumour control 93

redistribution, cellular repopulation and tumourreoxygenation. Steel and colleagues have sug-gested intrinsic cellular radiosensitivity as a fifth‘R’ to account for the different tolerance of tissuesto fractionated irradiation (Steel et al., 1989).

Recovery from sublethal damage

Most of the damage induced in cells by radiation issatisfactorily repaired. Evidence for this comesfrom studies of strand breaks in DNA, the vastmajority of which disappear during the first fewhours after irradiation (see Chapter 2, Sections 2.7and 2.8). Further evidence for repair comes fromthe wide variety of recovery experiments that havebeen done, both on in vitro cell lines and on normaland tumour tissues in vivo. It is useful to draw a dis-tinction between these two sources of evidence:

● Repair – refers to the process by which the func-tion of macromolecules is restored. Rejoiningof DNA strand breaks provides some evidence

for this, although the rejoining of a break doesnot necessarily mean that gene function isrestored. Rejoining can leave a genetic defect(i.e. a mutation) and specific tests of repairfidelity are needed to detect this. The word‘repair’ is often loosely used as an synonym forcellular or tissue recovery.

● Recovery – refers to the increase in cell survival orreduction in the extent of radiation damage to atissue, when time is allowed for this to occur.

There are a number of experimental sources ofevidence for recovery, including the following.

● Split-dose experiments – the effect of a given doseof radiation is less if it is split into two fractions,delivered a few hours apart. This effect has beentermed ‘recovery from sublethal damage’ (SLD),or ‘Elkind recovery’ (Elkind and Sutton, 1960).The SLD recovery can be observed using variousexperimental endpoints: for example, using cellsurvival (Fig. 7.11a), tumour growth delay (Fig.7.11c) or mouse lethality after irradiating a vital

0 2 4 6 8 10



ng fr







Hours after irradiation Radiation dose (Gy)

Radiation dose (Gy)

(b) (d)

(a) (c)Hours between doses


se s






th d




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 140.0






Single dose

Single dose

Split dose

Split doseCycling cells

0 2 4 6 8 10 001





2 4 6 8 10

Figure 7.11 Illustrating four ways of measuring recovery from radiation damage (see text). (a, c, d) Three types ofsplit-dose experiment; (b) the result of a ‘delayed-plating experiment’. The arrows indicate the measurement of (D2–D1)values.

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94 Tumour growth and response to radiation

normal tissue (Fig. 7.11d). The typical timingof split-dose recovery is shown in Fig. 7.11a.Considerable recovery occurs within 15 min to1 hour, and recovery often seems to be com-plete by roughly 6 hours but can be slower thanthis in some normal tissues such as the spinalcord (Table 9.2). When the split-dose techniqueis applied to cycling cells (Fig. 7.11a) there isusually a wave in the data caused by cell-cycleprogression effects (see below).

● Delayed-plating experiments – if cells are irradi-ated in a non-growing state and left for increas-ing periods of time before assaying for survival,an increase in survival is often observed (Fig.7.11b). During this delay the cells are recover-ing the ability to divide when called upon to doso. This has been termed ‘recovery from poten-tially lethal damage’ (PLD). The kinetics of PLDrecovery and SLD recovery are similar.

● Dose-rate effect – reduction in radiation dam-age as dose rate is reduced to around 1 Gy/houris primarily caused by cellular recovery (seeChapter 12).

● Fractionation – the sparing effect of fractionat-ing radiation treatment within a relatively shortoverall time is primarily due to recovery. This istherefore the main reason why isoeffect curvesslope upwards as the fraction number isincreased (see Chapter 8, Figs 8.1 and 8.2).

What is the relationship between all these vari-ous ways of detecting recovery? The damageinduced in cells by ionizing radiation is complex,as are the enzymatic processes that immediatelybegin to repair it. The various types of ‘recoveryexperiment’ listed above evaluate this complexrepair process in slightly different ways. For exam-ple, the evaluation based on giving a second dose(i.e. SLD recovery) may be different from thatobtained by ‘asking’ irradiated non-dividing cellsto divide (i.e. PLD recovery).

Variation of cell killing through thecell cycle, cell-cycle delay andredistribution

The radiosensitivity of cells varies considerably asthey pass through the cell cycle. This has been stud-ied in a large number of cell lines, using cell

synchronization techniques and fluorescence-acti-vated cell sorting (FACS) to obtain cell populationsin each cell-cycle phase. There is a general tendencyfor cells in the S phase (in particular the latter partof the S phase) to be the most resistant and for cellsin very late G2 and mitosis to be the most sensitive.The reason for the resistance in S phase is thoughtto be homologous recombination, which isincreased as a result of the greater availability of theundamaged sister template through the S phase,together with conformational changes in DNAfacilitating the easier access of repair complexesduring replication. Sensitivity very late in G2 andinto mitosis probably results from the fact thatthose cells have passed a final checkpoint in G2which occurs within minutes of radiation exposureand allows cells in early G2 to repair their damageprobably using homologous recombination (seeChapter 2, Section 2.7). The classic results ofSinclair and Morton (1965) are illustrated in Fig.7.12. They synchronized Chinese hamster cells atfive different points in the cell cycle and performedcell survival experiments. The survival curvesshowed that it was mainly the shoulder of the curvethat changed: there was little shoulder for cells inmitosis and the shoulder was greatest for cells in S phase.

The effect of this phenomenon on an asynchro-nous cell population is that it creates a degree of

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400Dose (rad)














M � 2.5


G1, G2






Figure 7.12 Variation of radiosensitivity through thecell cycle of Chinese hamster cells. Adapted fromSinclair and Morton (1965), with permission.

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Factors influencing local tumour control 95

synchrony in the cells that survive irradiation.Immediately after a dose of X-rays, all the cells willstill be at precisely the same point in the cell cycle asthey were before irradiation, but some will have losttheir reproductive integrity and it is the numberthat retains this which will tend to be greatest in theS phase. With increasing time after irradiation thesurviving clonogenic cells will show the same dis-tribution over the cell cycle as before irradiation.This phenomenon is called redistribution. In the1970s there was much interest in synchronizationtherapy. This was an attempt to exploit cell-cycleprogression phenomena by treating with a secondagent (usually a cytotoxic drug) at the optimumtime interval after a priming treatment with drugor radiation. Although this approach to improvingtumour therapy was thoroughly researched itproved in most cases to be disappointing. One pos-sible reason for this is that tumours tend to be veryheterogeneous from a kinetic point of view: cellsmove at very different speeds through the phases ofthe cell cycle and induced cell synchrony is there-fore quickly lost (Steel, 1977).


This important factor influencing local tumourcontrol is described in Chapter 15. The clinicalimplications for modified fractionation are dis-cussed in Chapters 16 and 17.


Each fraction during a course of fractionatedradiotherapy reduces the total population ofclonogenic tumour cells in a tumour (i.e. causes adepopulation of the clonogenic tumour cell com-partment; Fig. 7.3). In general, clonogenic cells thatsurvive radiation can repopulate the tumour byproliferation and/or reduced cell loss. Repopulationof clonogenic tumour cells might occur duringthe course of fractionated radiotherapy andthereby reduce the efficacy of treatment. If atumour has the capacity to repopulate, any pro-longation of the overall treatment time results in ahigher number of clonogenic tumour cells thatneed to be inactivated and thereby requires ahigher radiation dose to achieve local tumour

control. The so-called time factor of fractionatedradiotherapy (see Chapter 10) has been largelyattributed to repopulation of clonogenic tumourcells during treatment (Kummermehr et al., 1992; Thames et al., 1996; Petersen et al., 2001;Hessel et al., 2004). Accelerated repopulationdescribes a phenomenon that the net clonogendoubling time during or shortly after irradiationexceeds the clonogen doubling time in untreatedtumours. Repopulation of clonogenic tumourcells during fractionated radiotherapy has beenshown in a large variety of different experimentaland clinical studies, as described in Chapter 10and reviewed by Baumann et al. (2003). Theresults are most consistent for squamous cell car-cinomas, but for other tumour types evidence fora time factor is also accumulating. The rate, kinet-ics and underlying radiobiological mechanisms ofrepopulation vary substantially between tumourtypes as well as between different tumour lines ofthe same tumour type. For example, FaDu humansquamous cell carcinoma transplanted into nudemice repopulates rapidly with a dose of about1 Gy recovered per day during fractionated irradi-ation (Baumann et al., 1994).

The kinetics and radiobiological mechanisms ofrepopulation have been studied in an extensiveseries of experiments with fractionated irradiationgiven to human tumour xenografts either underclamp hypoxia or under normal blood flow condi-tions (Petersen et al., 2001).A switch to rapid repop-ulation was observed after about 3 weeks offractionated irradiation, with the clonogen dou-bling time decreasing from 9.8 days during the first3 weeks to 3.4 days thereafter (Fig. 7.13). In thisstudy, acceleration of repopulation was preceded bya decrease in tumour hypoxia after 2 weeks of frac-tionated irradiation, suggesting that improvedtumour oxygenation might trigger repopulation intumours either by facilitating more proliferationand/or by reducing cell loss. Increased labellingindices for BrdUrd (S-phase fraction) and Ki67(growth fraction) during fractionated irradiationindicate that increased proliferation contributesdirectly to repopulation (Petersen et al., 2003).Repopulation rate was found to be lower in tumours with increased cell loss, indirectlyimplying that decreased cell loss might also enhance repopulation (Hessel et al., 2003). This latter

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96 Tumour growth and response to radiation

concept – that clonogens always proliferate at theirmaximum rate (‘potential clonogen doubling time’)but, owing to the limited supply of nutrients andoxygen, clonogens are pushed towards necrosis bythe proliferative pressure from the cell layers close tosupporting blood vessels – was originally postulatedby Fowler (1991). Once radiotherapy has killed offenough well-oxygenated tumour cells, the oxygenand nutrient supply improves and the spontaneouscell loss decreases. The effective doubling time ofclonogens therefore becomes shorter and shorterduring treatment and eventually the Tpot of clono-gens is ‘unmasked’.

In contrast to this concept it has been sug-gested, particularly for well-differentiated tumours,that an actively regulated regenerative response ofsurviving clonogens reminiscent of a normalepithelium represents the major mechanism ofclonogen repopulation (Trott and Kummermehr,1991; Kummermehr et al., 1992; Dorr, 1997;Hansen et al., 1997). Signalling via the epidermalgrowth factor receptor (EGFR) has been proposedas a potential molecular mechanism of this

regulated regenerative response underlying repop-ulation (Schmidt-Ullrich et al., 1999; Petersen etal., 2003; Bentzen et al., 2005; Eriksen et al., 2005;Krause et al., 2005), as described in Chapter 21.

Tumour volume

Large tumours are more difficult to cure thansmall tumours. This has been known since theearly years of radiotherapy (Miescher, 1929).There are several explanations for this observa-tion. First, tumour volume is proportional to thenumber of clonogens per tumour. Second,hypoxia is more pronounced in large tumoursthan in small tumours. Third, in the clinical situa-tion large tumours can often not be irradiated tocurative doses because of the larger irradiated vol-ume and limited tolerance of the adjacent normaltissues. Assuming a linear relationship betweenthe number of clonogens and tumour volume,and other parameters such as density, radiosensi-tivity and hypoxic fraction of clonogenic tumourcells all being equal, the relationship between thetumour control probability (TCP2) and the rela-tive tumour volume (Vrel) can be describedaccording to Dubben et al. (1998) as:

where TCP1 represents the reference TCP when therelative tumour volume (Vrel) equals 1. If, forexample, a TCP1 of 50 per cent is chosen then therelationship between relative tumour volume andTCP can be described with the function TCP2 �50Vrel (Fig. 7.14). Over a wide range, the TCPdecreases roughly linearly with the logarithm oftumour volume (or the number of clonogens),whereas at very low and very high TCPs the impactof tumour volume is less pronounced. Both exper-imental and clinical data lend support to this sim-ple theory, indicating that tumour volume isindeed an important factor influencing localtumour control after radiotherapy (Baumann et al., 1990; Bentzen and Thames, 1996; Dubben et al., 1998). However, analysis of clinical data hasalso revealed that the effect of tumour volume onTCP is less than expected from Fig. 7.14 (Bentzenand Thames, 1996). This is not surprising as the

TCP TCP2 1rel�





Tclon � 9.8 days [0;21]




Tclon � 3.4 days[1.7;5]

1 2 3 4

Weeks after start of fractionated radiotherapy

Radiobiological hypoxia

day 22 [13;30]

Figure 7.13 Rate, kinetics and underlying mechanismof repopulation of clonogenic tumour cells in FaDusquamous cell carcinoma growing in nude mice(data from Petersen et al., 2001). As the result ofrepopulation, the tumour control dose (TCD50) increaseswith time. Clonogenic FaDu tumour cells repopulate ata low rate during the first 3 weeks with an estimatedclonogen doubling time (Tclon) of 9.8 days. After aswitch around day 22, repopulation accelerates to aTclon of 3.4 days. In this tumour model the switch inrepopulation is preceded by a decrease inradiobiological hypoxia.

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Acknowledgement 97

above-mentioned assumption that all other factorsthan volume are equal is not realistic in the clinicalsituation. Instead, patient-to-patient heterogeneityin a large variety of known and unknown determi-nants of local tumour control may interfere withthe simple proportionality of TCP and tumourvolume. However, as for other known prognosticfactors in radiotherapy, such as stage, age, histol-ogy, etc., tumour volume should be routinelymeasured and reported in clinical trials as well asincluded into data analyses.


The author gratefully acknowledges the help ofA. Begg and G. Steel for allowing parts of theirchapter from the previous edition of this textbookto be used.






00.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Relative tumour volume


P (


Figure 7.14 Theoretical relationship of tumour controlprobability (TCP) and relative tumour volume accordingto Dubben et al. (1998). A TCP of 50 per cent isarbitrarily chosen to correspond to a relative tumourvolume of 1. The relationship is based on theassumption of a linear relationship between the numberof clonogens and tumour volume and that all otherparameters (e.g. density, radiosensitivity and hypoxicfraction of clonogenic tumour cells) are invariant.Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

Key points

1. Volume of growing tumours increasesexponentially with time. Therefore, tumourvolume should always be plotted on a

logarithmic scale to facilitate evaluation ofgrowth curves, comparison of growth ratesamong different tumours, and judgement oftreatment effects.

2. Growth rates vary among different tumours.Primary tumours tend to grow more slowlythan metastatic lesions. A volume doublingtime of 3 months is typical for many pri-mary tumours.

3. Tumour growth rate is determined by the fraction of cycling cells (growth frac-tion, GF), the cell cycle time (TC) and thecell loss rate. Typical values for humantumours are 40 per cent, 2 days, and 90 percent, respectively. However, these parame-ters vary considerably between tumoursand even among tumours of the same histo-logical type.

4. Potential doubling time (Tpot) is the theo-retical volume doubling time in the absenceof cell loss. Therefore, the difference betweenthe observed volume doubling time and theTpot is explained by cell loss in tumours,which exceeds 90 per cent in many histolog-ical types.

5. The faster growth of experimental tumourscompared with tumours in patients resultsfrom a higher GF, shorter Tpot and a lowercell loss factor.

6. Response of tumours to radiation can beassayed using different endpoints, includinglocal tumour control, tumour regrowthdelay and regression.

7. Local tumour control is the aim of curativeradiotherapy and therefore conceptually themost relevant endpoint to assay radiationresponse.

8. Local tumour control is achieved when allclonogenic tumour cells (i.e. cells with thecapacity to proliferate and to cause a localrecurrence) are inactivated.

9. Ionizing irradiation is highly effective ininactivating clonogenic tumour cells. Thelogarithm of the number of survivingclonogenic tumour cells decreases linearlywith total radiation dose during fraction-ated radiotherapy.

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98 Tumour growth and response to radiation


Baumann M, Dubois W, Suit HD (1990). Response of human squamous cell carcinoma xenografts of different sizes to irradiation: relationship ofclonogenic cells, cellular radiation sensitivity in vivo, and tumor rescuing units. Radiat Res 123:325–30.

Baumann M, Liertz C, Baisch H, Wiegel T, Lorenzen J,Arps H (1994). Impact of overall treatment time offractionated irradiation on local control of humanFaDu squamous cell carcinoma in nude mice.Radiother Oncol 32: 137–43.

Baumann M, Krause M, Zips D et al. (2003). Selectiveinhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptortyrosine kinase by BIBX1382BS and theimprovement of growth delay, but not local control,after fractionated irradiation in human FaDusquamous cell carcinoma in the nude mouse. Int JRadiat Biol 79: 547–59.

Beck-Bornholdt HP, Wurschmidt F, Vogler H (1987). Netgrowth delay: a novel parameter derived from tumorgrowth curves. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 13:773–7.

Begg AC, McNally NJ, Shrieve DC, Karcher H (1985). Amethod to measure the duration of DNA synthesisand the potential doubling time from a singlesample. Cytometry 6: 620–6.

Begg AC, Haustermans K, Hart AA et al. (1999). Thevalue of pretreatment cell kinetic parameters aspredictors for radiotherapy outcome in head andneck cancer: a multicenter analysis. Radiother Oncol50: 13–23.

Bentzen SM, Thames HD (1996). Tumor volume andlocal control probability: clinical data andradiobiological interpretations. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 36: 247–51.

Bentzen SM, Atasoy BM, Daley FM et al. (2005).Epidermal growth factor receptor expression inpretreatment biopsies from head and neck squamouscell carcinoma as a predictive factor for a benefitfrom accelerated radiation therapy in a randomizedcontrolled trial. J Clin Oncol 23: 5560–7.

Brown DC, Gatter KC (2002). Ki67 protein: theimmaculate deception? Histopathology 40: 2–11.

Dorr W (1997). Three As of repopulation duringfractionated irradiation of squamous epithelia:Asymmetry loss, Acceleration of stem-cell divisionsand Abortive divisions. Int J Radiat Biol 72: 635–43.

Dubben HH, Thames HD, Beck-Bornholdt HP (1998).Tumor volume: a basic and specific responsepredictor in radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 47:167–74.

Elkind MM, Sutton H (1960). Radiation response ofmammalian cells grown in culture. 1. Repair of X-raydamage in surviving Chinese hamster cells. RadiatRes 13: 556–93.

Eriksen JG, Steiniche T, Overgaard J (2005). Theinfluence of epidermal growth factor receptor andtumor differentiation on the response to acceleratedradiotherapy of squamous cell carcinomas of thehead and neck in the randomized DAHANCA 6 and 7study. Radiother Oncol 74: 93–100.

Fowler JF (1991). Rapid repopulation in radiotherapy: adebate on mechanism. The phantom of tumortreatment – continually rapid proliferationunmasked. Radiother Oncol 22: 156–8.

Fowler JE, Pandey P, Braswell NT, Seaver L (1994).Prostate specific antigen progression rates after

10. Response criteria such as partial responseor complete response are not appropriateto describe the radiation response ofclonogenic tumour cells.

11. Tumour regression is a non-specific param-eter of very limited value to describe andquantify radiation effects in tumours.

12. The tumour regrowth delay assay is widely used in experimental radiotherapy.Methodological problems limit the valueof this assay to accurately measure the sur-vival of clonogenic tumour cells. Thus,confirmatory local tumour control exper-iments are recommended.

13. Different factors influence the probabilityof local tumour control (five Rs of frac-tionated radiotherapy).

14. Repopulation of clonogenic tumour cellsrepresents a major cause of resistance tofractionated irradiation in certain tumourtypes. The rate, kinetics and underlyingradiobiological mechanisms vary widelyamong different tumours.

15. Tumour volume is an important determi-nant of local tumour control.

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Bibliography 99

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Further reading 101

quantitate proliferation in breast cancer. J Clin Oncol17: 470–7.

Trott KR, Kummermehr J (1991). Rapid repopulation inradiotherapy: a debate on mechanism. Acceleratedrepopulation in tumours and normal tissues.Radiother Oncol 22: 159–60.

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Zips D, Eicheler W, Bruchner K et al. (2001). Impact ofthe tumour bed effect on microenvironment,radiobiological hypoxia and the outcome offractionated radiotherapy of human FaDusquamous-cell carcinoma growing in the nudemouse. Int J Radiat Biol 77: 1185–93.

Zips D, Hessel F, Krause M et al. (2005). Impact ofadjuvant inhibition of vascular endothelial growthfactor receptor tyrosine kinases on tumor growthdelay and local tumor control after fractionatedirradiation in human squamous cell carcinomas in nude mice. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61:908–14.


Kallman RF (1987). Rodent tumor models inexperimental cancer therapy. New York: PergamonPress.

Steel GG (1977). The growth kinetics of tumours. Oxford:Oxford University Press.

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Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approachMICHAEL C. JOINER AND SØREN M. BENTZEN

8.1 Introduction 1028.2 Historical background: LQ versus

power-law models 1038.3 Cell-survival basis of the LQ model 1048.4 The LQ model in detail 1058.5 The value of α/β 1068.6 Hypofractionation and hyperfractionation 1088.7 Equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions (EQD2) 1098.8 Incomplete repair 1098.9 Should a time factor be included? 112

8.10 Alternative isoeffect formulae basedon the LQ model 114

8.11 Limits of applicability of the simpleLQ model, alternative models 116

8.12 Beyond the target cell hypothesis 116Key points 117Bibliography 117Further reading 118Appendix: summary of formulae 118



Major developments in radiotherapy fractiona-tion have taken place during the past threedecades and these have grown out of understand-ing in radiation biology. The relationshipsbetween total dose and dose per fraction for late-responding tissues, acutely responding tissues andtumours provide the basic information requiredto optimize radiotherapy according to the doseper fraction and number of fractions.

A milestone in this subject was the publicationby Thames et al. (1982) of a survey of isoeffectcurves for various normal tissues, mainly in mice.Their summary is shown in Fig. 8.1. Each of theinvestigations contributing to this chart was astudy of the response of a normal tissue to frac-tionated radiation treatment using a range ofdoses per fraction. In order to minimize the effectsof repopulation, the survey was restricted to stud-ies in which the overall time was kept short by the

use of multiple treatments per day, or ‘where aneffect of regeneration of target cells was shown tobe unlikely’. This summary thus represents theinfluence of dose per fraction on response andmostly excludes the influence of overall treatmenttime. It was possible in each study, and for eachchosen dose per fraction, to determine the totalradiation dose that produced some defined levelof damage to the normal tissue. These endpointsof tolerance differed from one normal tissue orexperimental study to another. Each line in Fig. 8.1is an isoeffect curve determined in this way. Thedashed lines show isoeffect curves for acutelyresponding tissues and the full lines are for late-responding tissues. Note that fraction numberincreases from left to right along the abscissa andtherefore the dose per fraction scale decreasesfrom left to right. The results of this survey showthat the isoeffective total dose increases more rap-idly with decreasing dose per fraction for lateeffects than for acute effects. If the vertical axis is

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Historical background 103

regarded as a tissue tolerance dose, it can bededuced immediately from this plot that usinglower doses per fraction (towards the right-handend of the abscissa) will tend to spare late reac-tions if the total dose is adjusted to keep the acutereactions constant.

The linear-quadratic (LQ) cell survival model,introduced in Chapter 4, can be used to describethis relationship between total isoeffective doseand the dose per fraction in fractionated radio-therapy. The LQ model can thus form a robustquantitative environment for considering the bal-ance between acute and late reactions (and effecton the tumour) as dose per fraction and total doseare changed. This is one of the most importantdevelopments in radiobiology applied to therapy.In this chapter, we present the theoretical back-ground and supporting data that have led to thewide adoption of the LQ approach to describingfractionation and we show the basic frameworkfrom which calculations can be made using thismodel. Examples of such calculations in a clinicalsetting are demonstrated practically in Chapter 9.


Two specific examples of isoeffect plots for radia-tion damage to normal tissues in the mouse areshown in Fig. 8.2: skin is an early-responding tis-sue and kidney a late-responding tissue. In eachcase the total radiation dose to give a fixed level ofdamage is plotted against dose per fraction andfraction number on a double log plot. Note thatthe curve for kidney is steeper than that for skin.

The solid lines in Fig. 8.2 are calculated by anequation based on the LQ model:


where d is the dose per fraction (see Section 8.4for for the derivation of this equation). The steep-ness and curvature of these lines are both deter-mined by one parameter: the �/� ratio. For theskin data (Fig. 8.2a), the �/� ratio is about 10. Theunits of �/� are grays, so the �/� ratio in this caseis 10 Gy. For the kidney data �/� is about 3 Gy.

The LQ model fits these data very well and pro-duces curves in this type of log–log plot.Also shownin Fig. 8.2 are broken lines showing the fit of Ellis’‘Nominal Standard Dose’ (NSD) model (Ellis,1969) to both datasets. This is an example of a sim-ple power-law relationship between total dose andnumber of fractions, and it and its derivatives suchas TDF (time–dose–fractionation) were in clinicaluse for many years. The equation for NSD is:

Total dose � NSD �N0.24�T 0.11

In these animal studies the overall treatment time(T) was constant. Power-law models such as NSDand TDF give straight lines in this type of plot andfit the skin data well from 4 to 32 fractions, but thedata points fall below the broken line for bothsmall and large doses per fraction. The discrep-ancy for doses per fraction of 1–2 Gy is importantin relation to hyperfractionation (see Section 8.6).For late reactions, as illustrated by the kidney datain Fig. 8.2b, the NSD formula again does not fit aswell as the LQ formula, even though the N expo-nent has been raised from 0.24 to 0.35 in order to

Total doseconstant

( / )�

�1 d / α β







l dos

e (G



us is







8 6 4Dose/fraction (Gy)


Bone marrow

Vertebra growth






Skin (late)

Skin (acute)Skin (late)


1 0.8 0.6


Figure 8.1 Relationship between total dose and doseper fraction for a variety of normal tissues inexperimental animals. The results for late-respondingtissues (unbroken lines) are systematically steeper thanthose for early-responding tissues (broken lines). FromThames et al. (1982), with permission.

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104 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

allow for the greater slope. A similar modification,but not necessarily by the same amount, must bemade for all late-responding tissues if the NSDformulation is to be even approximately correct.

A crucial therapeutic conclusion is illustratedby these two sets of data. At both ends of the scale,in the region of large and small dose per fraction,power-law equations overestimate the actual tol-erance dose (as shown by the experimental andclinical data). This means that the power-lawmodels are unsafe in these regions, a conclusionthat is well supported by clinical experience. Atthe present time it is strongly recommended thatthe LQ model should always be used, with a cor-rectly chosen α/β ratio, to describe isoeffect doserelationships at least over the range of doses perfraction between 1 and 5 Gy. The LQ model is sim-ple to use in clinical calculations and compar-isons, and does not require the use of ‘look-uptables’. Sections 8.4–8.8 and Chapter 9 provide astraightforward guide to LQ calculations.


What is the explanation for the difference between the fractionation response of early- and

late-responding tissues which is shown in Figs 8.1and 8.2? Figure 8.3 shows hypothetical single-dose(one-fraction) survival curves for the target cellsin early- and late-responding tissues, drawnaccording to the LQ equation (see Chapter 4, Fig.4.5b). E represents the reduction in cell survival(on a logarithmic scale) that is equivalent to tissuetolerance. The total dose that would need to begiven in two fractions is obtained by drawing astraight line from the origin through the survivalcurve at E/2 and measuring the intersection of thisline with the dose axis. As shown by the dashedline labelled 2 in Fig. 8.3a, a dose of around 11 Gytakes the effect down to E/2 and (with assumedconstant effect per fraction) a second 11 Gy givesthe isoeffect E: the total isoeffect dose is approxi-mately 22 Gy. This compares with a single dose ofapproximately 14 Gy to give the same isoeffect E,shown by the solid line. The total dose for threefractions is obtained in the same way by drawing aline through E/3 on the survival curve, and simi-larly for the other fraction numbers. Because the late-responding survival curve (Fig. 8.3b) ismore ‘bendy’ (it has a lower α/β ratio), the isoef-fective total dose increases more rapidly withincreasing number of fractions than the early-responding tissue in which the survival curvebends less sharply.

Dose per fraction (Gy) Dose per fraction (Gy)

(a) (b)

1 2








16 10 6 3.5 2.0 1.0

4 8 16

Number of fractions


l dos

e (G










l dos

e (G


32 64 128 256 1 2

12 10 5.9 3.4 1.9 1.0

4 8 16Number of fractions

32 64 128 256

Figure 8.2 Relationship between total dose to achieve an isoeffect and number of fractions. (a) Acute reactions inmouse skin (Douglas and Fowler, 1976), with permission. (b) Late injury in mouse kidney (Stewart et al., 1984), withpermission. Note that the relationship for kidney is steeper than that for skin. The broken lines are nominal standarddose (NSD) formulae fitted to the central part of each dataset. The solid lines show the linear-quadratic (LQ) model,from which the guide to the dose per fraction has been calculated.

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The LQ model in detail 105


The surviving fraction (SFd) of target cells after adose per fraction d is given in Chapter 4, Section4.10, as:

SFd � exp(�αd�βd2)

Radiobiological studies have shown that eachsuccessive fraction in a multidose schedule isequally effective, so the effect (E) of n fractionscan be expressed as:

E � �loge(SFd)n � �n loge(SFd)

� n(αd � βd2)

� αD �βdD

where the total radiation dose D � nd. This equa-tion may be rearranged into the following forms:

1/D � (α/E) � (β/E)d (8.2)

1/n � (α/E)d � (β/E)d2 (8.3)

D � (E/α)/[1 � d/(α/β)] (8.4)

The practical working of these equations may beillustrated by the results of careful fractionationexperiments on the mouse kidney (Stewart et al.,1984). In these experiments, functional damage tothe kidneys was measured by ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) clearance up to 48 weeksafter irradiation with 1–64 fractions. Figure 8.4shows the response measured as a function of total

radiation dose for each fraction number. To applythe LQ model to this example, we first measure offfrom the graph the total doses at a fixed level ofeffect (shown by the arrow) and then plot thereciprocal of these total doses against the corre-sponding dose per fraction. Equation 8.2 showsthat this should give a straight line whose slope isβ/E and whose intercept on the vertical axis is α/E.That this is true is shown in Fig. 8.5a: the pointsfit a straight line well. This line cuts the x-axis





ng fr









20 30

Dose (arbitrary units)

40 50 60 10 20 30

Dose (arbitrary units)

40 50 60

8532Fract. No. � 125105321�


Figure 8.3 Schematic survival curves for target cells in (a) acutely responding and (b) late-responding normal tissues.The abscissa is radiation dose on an arbitrary scale. From Thames and Hendry (1987), with permission.


5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64



40 60 80

Total radiation dose (Gy)


r E


% p

er m

L bl


Figure 8.4 Dose–response curves for late damage to the mouse kidney with fractionated radiationexposure. Damage is indicated by a reduction inethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) clearance,curves determined for 1–64 dose fractions, illustratingthe sparing effect of increased fractionation. FromStewart et al. (1984), with permission.

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106 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

at �3 Gy; it can be seen from equation 8.2 thatthis is equal to �α/β, thus providing a measure ofthe α/β ratio for these data. The relative contribu-tions of α and β to the α/β ratio can be judged bycomparing the reciprocal total dose intercept(α/E) and the slope of the line (β/E).

An alternative way of deriving parameter valuesfrom these data is to plot the reciprocal of thenumber of fractions against the dose per fraction,as suggested by equation 8.3. Figure 8.5b showsthat this gives the shape of the putative target-cellsurvival curve with the y-axis proportional to �loge(SFd). (Statistical note: this method com-bined with non-linear least-squares curve fitting ispreferred over the linear-regression methodshown in Fig. 8.5a for determining α/β, becausethe 1/n and the dose-per-fraction axes are inde-pendent.) Equation 8.4 shows the LQ model in theform used already to describe the relationshipbetween total dose and dose per fraction (Fig. 8.2).

A common clinical question is: ‘What changein total radiation dose is required when we changethe dose per fraction?’. This can be dealt with verysimply using the LQ approach. Rearranging equation 8.4:

E/α � D[1 � d/(α/β)]

For isoeffect in a selected tissue, E and α are con-stant. The first schedule employs a dose perfraction d1 and the isoeffective total dose is D1; we

change to a dose per fraction d2 and the new(unknown) total dose is D2. D2 is related to D1 bythe equation:


This simple LQ isoeffect equation was first pro-posed by Withers et al. (1983). It has widely beenfound to be successful in clinical calculations.

8.5 THE VALUE OF α/β

Many detailed fractionation studies of the typeanalysed in Figs 8.2 and 8.4 have been made inanimals. Table 8.1 summarizes the α/β valuesobtained from many of these experiments. Foracutely responding tissues which express theirdamage within a period of days to weeks afterirradiation, the α/β ratio is in the range 7–20 Gy,while for late-responding tissues, which expresstheir damage months to years after irradiation,α/β generally ranges from 0.5 to 6 Gy. It is impor-tant to recognize that the α/β ratio is not constantand its value should be chosen carefully to matchthe specific tissue under consideration.

Values of the α/β ratio for a range of human nor-mal tissues and tumours are given in Tables 9.1 and13.2. The fractionation responses of well-oxygenated









( / )

( / )

α βα β

�5 0














5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20Dose per fraction (Gy) Dose per fraction (Gy)(a) (b)



cal t



e (G

y�1 )




of fu

ll ef


ab � 3Gy

Figure 8.5 The data of Fig. 8.4 after two different transformations. (a) A reciprocal-dose plot according to equation 8.2.(b) Transformation according to equation 8.3 with the same data plotted as a proportion of full effect.

Page 116: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Table 8.1 Values for the α/β ratio for a variety of early- and late-responding normal tissues in experimental animals

Early reactions α/β References Late reactions α/β References

Skin Spinal cordDesquamation 9.1–12.5 Douglas and Fowler (1976) Cervical 1.8–2.7 van der Kogel (1979)

8.6–10.6 Joiner et al. (1983) Cervical 1.6–1.9 White and Hornsey (1978)9–12 Moulder and Fischer (1976) Cervical 1.5–2.0 Ang et al. (1983)

Cervical 2.2–3.0 Thames et al. (1988)Jejunum Lumbar 3.7–4.5 van der Kogel (1979)Clones 6.0–8.3 Withers et al. (1976) Lumbar 4.1–4.9 White and Hornsey (1978)

6.6–10.7 Thames et al. (1981) 3.8–4.1 Leith et al. (1981)2.3–2.9 Amols, Yuhas (quoted by

Leith et al. 1981)ColonWeight loss 9–13 Terry and Denekamp (1984) ColonClones 8–9 Tucker et al. (1983) Weight loss 3.1–5.0 Terry and Denekamp (1984)

Testis KidneyClones 12–13 Thames and Withers (1980) Rabbit 1.7–2.0 Caldwell (1975)

Pig 1.7–2.0 Hopewell and Wiernik (1977)Mouse lethality Rats 0.5–3.8 van Rongen et al. (1988)30 days 7–10 Kaplan and Brown (1952) Mouse 1.0–3.5 Williams and Denekamp (1984a,b)30 days 13–17 Mole (1957) Mouse 0.9–1.8 Stewart et al. (1984a)30 days 11–26 Paterson et al. (1952) Mouse 1.4–4.3 Thames et al. (1988)

Tumour bed Lung45 days 5.6–6.8 Begg and Terry (1984) LD50 4.4–6.3 Wara et al. (1973)

LD50 2.8–4.8 Field et al. (1976)LD50 2.0–4.2 Travis et al. (1983)Breathing rate 1.9–3.1 Parkins and Fowler (1985)

BladderFrequency, 5–10 Stewart et al. (1984b)capacity

α/β values are in grays. LD50, dose lethal to 50 per cent.

From Fowler (1989), with permission; for references, see the original.

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108 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

carcinomas of head and neck, and lung, arethought to be similar to that of early-respondingnormal tissues, sometimes with an even higher α/βratio. However, there is evidence that some humantumour types such as melanoma and sarcomasexhibit low α/β ratios, and this is also suggested forearly-stage prostate and breast cancer, perhaps withα/β ratios even lower than for late normal-tissuereactions. The tumour α/β values shown in Fig. 8.6were compiled by Williams et al. (1985). Values cal-culated from data obtained in experiments on ratand mouse tumours under fully radiosensitizedconditions (marked ‘miso’ and ‘oxic’ in the Fig. 8.6)are plotted directly, and values calculated fromfractionation responses under hypoxic conditions(marked ‘clamp’, ‘anoxic’ and ‘hyp’) are plottedafter dividing by an assumed oxygen enhancementratio (OER) of 2.7, because the α/β ratios for cellsand tissues under anoxic and oxic conditions are inthe same proportion as the OER. Error bars areestimates of the 95 per cent confidence interval oneach value. Such experiments assayed the effect ofradiation in situ either by regrowth delay or localtumour control or by excising the tumour from theanimal and measuring the survival of cells in vitro(see Chapter 4, Section 4.4).


Figure 8.7a shows the form of equation 8.5. Curvesare shown for two ranges of α/β values: 1–4 Gyand 8–15 Gy, which, respectively, apply to most

late- and acute-responding tissues. It can be seenthat when dose per fraction is increased above areference level of 2 Gy, the isoeffective dose fallsmore rapidly for the late-responding tissues thanfor the early responses. Similarly, when dose perfraction is reduced below 2 Gy, the isoeffectivedose increases more rapidly in the late-respondingtissues. Late-responding tissues are more sensitiveto a change in dose per fraction and this can bethought to reflect the greater curvature of theunderlying target-cell survival curve (Section 8.3).

Since the change in total dose is greater for thelower α/β values, so is the potential for error if awrong α/β value is used. The α/β values shouldtherefore be selected carefully and always conserv-atively when doing calculations involving chang-ing dose per fraction. Examples of the conservativechoice of α/β values and other radiobiologicalparameters are given in Chapter 9, Sections 9.3(Example 1), 9.5 (Example 3) and 9.12 (Example 9).

An increase in dose per fraction relative to 2 Gyis termed hypofractionation and a decrease ishyperfractionation (this use of terms may seemcontradictory but it indicates that hypofractiona-tion involves fewer dose fractions and hyperfrac-tionation requires more fractions). We cancalculate a therapeutic gain factor (TGF) for a newdose per fraction from the ratio of the relative iso-effect doses for tumour and normal tissue. Anexample is shown in Fig. 8.7b where the tumour istaken to have an α/β ratio of 10 Gy. Rememberthat we are assuming here that the new regimen isgiven in the same overall time as the 2 Gy regimenand that treatment is always limited by the late

In situ assay Excision assay



miso � oxic clamp miso anoxic oxic hyp0







io (


Figure 8.6 Values of α/β for experimental tumours, determined under a variety of conditions of oxygenation (seetext). The stippled areas indicate the range of values for early- and late-responding normal tissues. From Williamset al. (1985), with permission.

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Incomplete repair 109

reactions. It can be seen from Fig. 8.7 that hyper-fractionation is predicted to give a therapeuticgain, and hypofractionation a therapeutic loss.Note, however, that hypofractionation may beused as a convenient way of accelerating treatment(i.e. shortening the overall treatment time). Atleast in some tumour types, this can lead to shortintensive schedules that compare favourably withmore protracted schedules in terms of both tumourcontrol and late normal-tissue effects. Note, also,that the theoretical advantage of low dose perfraction would be nullified, or even reversed, forspecific tumours that have low �/� ratios. If anunacceptable increase in acute normal-tissuereactions prevented the total dose from beingincreased to the full tolerance of the late-respondingtissues, the therapeutic gain for hyperfractionationwould also be less than shown in Fig. 8.7b.


The LQ approach leads to various formulae forcalculating isoeffect relationships for radiother-apy, all based on similar underlying assumptions.These formulae seek to describe a range of frac-tionation schedules that are isoeffective. The sim-plest method of comparing the effectiveness ofschedules consisting of different total doses anddoses per fraction is to convert each schedule intoan equivalent schedule in 2-Gy fractions whichwould give the same biological effect. This is theapproach that we recommend as the method of

choice and can be achieved using a specific ver-sion of equation 8.5:


where EQD2 is the dose in 2-Gy fractions that isbiologically equivalent to a total dose D given witha fraction size of d Gy. Values of EQD2 may benumerically added for separate parts of a treat-ment schedule. They have the advantage that since2 Gy is a commonly used dose per fraction clini-cally, EQD2 values will be recognized by radio-therapists as being of a familiar size. The EQD2 isidentical to the normalized total dose (NTD) pro-posed by Withers et al. (1983); see also Maciejewskiet al. (1986).


The simple LQ model described by equations8.1–8.6 assumes that sufficient time is allowedbetween fractions for complete repair of sublethaldamage to take place after each dose. This full-repair interval is at least 6 hours but in some cases(e.g. spinal cord) may be as long as 1 day (seeChapter 9, Section 9.4). If the interfraction intervalis reduced below this value, for example when mul-tiple fractions per day are used, the overall damagefrom the whole treatment is increased because therepair (or more correctly, recovery) of damagecaused by one radiation dose may not be complete

EQD( / )

( / )2 ��


d α βα β2








2 3 4 5 6


Dose per fraction (Gy)(a) (b) Dose per fraction (Gy)


io o

f tot

al is


ct d


a/b ratio a/b ratio





n fa








0.71 2 3 4 5 6







Figure 8.7 (a) Theoretical isoeffect curves based on the linear-quadratic (LQ) model for various α/β ratios. Theoutlined areas enclose curves corresponding to early-responding and late-responding normal tissues. (b) Therapeuticgain factors for various α/β ratios of normal tissue, assuming an α/β ratio of 10 Gy for tumours.

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110 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

before the next fraction is given, and there is theninteraction between residual unrepaired damagefrom one fraction and the damage from the nextfraction. As an example of this process, Fig. 8.8shows data from mouse jejunum irradiated withfive X-ray fractions in which the number of surviv-ing crypts per gut circumference is plotted againsttotal dose. Much less dose is needed to produce thesame effects when the interfraction interval isreduced from 6 hours to 1 hour or 0.5 hour. Thisprocess is called incomplete repair.

The influence of incomplete repair is deter-mined by the repair halftime (T 1/2) in the tissue.This is the time required between fractions, orduring low dose-rate treatment, for half the max-imum possible repair to take place. Incompleterepair will tend to reduce the isoeffective dose andcorrections have to be made for the consequentloss of tolerance. This can be accomplished by theuse of the incomplete repair model as introducedby Thames (1985). In this model, the amount ofunrepaired damage is expressed by a function Hm

which depends upon the number of equallyspaced fractions (m), the time interval betweenthem and the repair halftime. For the purpose of

tolerance calculations the extra Hm term is addedto the basic EQD2 formula thus:

(8.7; fractionated)

Once again, d is the dose per fraction and D thetotal dose. If repair from one day to the next isassumed to be complete, m is the number of frac-tions per day.Values of Hm are given in Table 8.2 forrepair halftimes up to 5 hours and for two or threefractions per day given with interfraction intervalsdown to 3 hours. Other values can be calculatedusing the formulae given in the Appendix. Someclinical datasets have suggested even longer repairhalf-times for late reactions (Bentzen et al., 1999).In that case, repair cannot be assumed to be com-plete in the interval between the last fraction in aday and the first fraction the following day, and amore general version of the incomplete-repair LQmodel will have to be used (Guttenberger et al.,1992). Table 8.4 shows values of T1/2 for some nor-mal tissues in laboratory animals and the availablevalues for human normal-tissue endpoints aresummarized in Table 9.2. [Advanced note: in sev-eral cases, experiments have indicated that repairhas fast and slow components. The EQD2 equationabove [and biologically effective dose (BED) andtotal effect (TE) formulae] have to be reformulatedin a more complex form to take account of thesecases (Millar and Canney, 1993).]

Figure 8.9 demonstrates the fit of the incom-plete repair LQ model to data for pneumonitis inmice following fractionated thoracic irradiationwith intervals of 3 hours between doses (Thameset al., 1984). The endpoint was mortality, expressedas the LD50 (radiation dose to produce lethality in50 per cent of subjects). In these reciprocal-doseplots, incomplete repair makes the data bowupwards away from the straight line (dashed),which shows the pure LQ relationship that wouldbe obtained when there is complete repair betweensuccessive doses, as would be the case with longtime-intervals between fractions. An estimate ofthe repair halftime can be found by fitting data ofthe type shown in Figs 8.8 and 8.9 with the incom-plete repair LQ model and seeking the T1/2 valuethat gives the best fit.

EQD(1 ) ( / )

( / )2 �� �


d Hm α βα β2

0.5 hour



Total radiation dose (Gy)





14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



ng c







Figure 8.8 Effect of interfraction interval on intestinalradiation damage in mice. The total dose required infive fractions for a given level of effect is less for shortintervals, illustrating incomplete repair betweenfractions. From Thames et al. (1984), with permission.

Page 120: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Table 8.2 Incomplete repair factors: fractionated irradiation (Hm factors)

Repair Interval for m � 2 fractions per day Interval for m � 3 fractions per dayhalftime 3 4 5 6 8 10 3 4 5 6 8(hours)

0.50 0.016 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.021 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.0000.75 0.063 0.025 0.010 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.086 0.034 0.013 0.005 0.0011.00 0.125 0.063 0.031 0.016 0.004 0.000 0.177 0.086 0.042 0.021 0.0051.25 0.190 0.109 0.063 0.036 0.012 0.004 0.277 0.153 0.086 0.049 0.0161.50 0.250 0.158 0.099 0.063 0.025 0.010 0.375 0.227 0.139 0.086 0.0342.00 0.354 0.250 0.177 0.125 0.063 0.031 0.555 0.375 0.257 0.177 0.0862.50 0.435 0.330 0.250 0.190 0.109 0.063 0.707 0.512 0.375 0.277 0.1533.00 0.500 0.397 0.315 0.250 0.158 0.099 0.833 0.634 0.486 0.375 0.2274.00 0.595 0.500 0.420 0.354 0.250 0.177 1.029 0.833 0.678 0.555 0.3755.00 0.660 0.574 0.500 0.435 0.330 0.250 1.170 0.986 0.833 0.707 0.512

Shaded cells in the table: the approximation of complete overnight repair is less precise here and this affects the precision of biological dose estimates.

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112 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

Continuous irradiation

Another common situation in which incompleterepair occurs in clinical radiotherapy is during continuous irradiation. As described in Chapter 12,irradiation must be given at a very low dose rate(below about 5 cGy/hour) for full repair to occurduring irradiation. At the other extreme, a singleirradiation at high dose rate may not allow any sig-nificant repair to occur during exposure. As the doserate is reduced below the high dose-rate range usedin external-beam radiotherapy, the duration of irra-diation becomes longer and the induction of DNAdamage is counteracted by repair, leading to anincrease in the isoeffective dose. The correspondingEQD2 formula for continuous irradiation incorpo-rates a factor g to allow for incomplete repair:

(8.8; contiuous low dose rate)

where D is the total dose (� dose rate � time). Theparameter d is retained, as in the equation for frac-tionated radiotherapy, in order to deal with frac-tionated low dose-rate exposures. For a single

EQD( / )

( / )2 2�


dg α βα β

continuous exposure d � D. This equation assumesthat there is full recovery between the low dose-rateexposures; if not, the Hm factor must also be added(see Appendix). Table 8.3 gives values of the g factorfor exposure times between 1 hour and 4 days.

The simple LQ model has also been applied to,for example, permanent interstitial implants andto biologically targeted radionuclide therapy. Theinterested reader is referred to the book by Daleand Jones (2007) listed under Further reading.


If the overall duration of fractionated radiotherapyis increased there will usually be greater repopula-tion of the irradiated tissues, both in the tumour andin early-reacting normal tissues. So far, we have notdiscussed the change in total dose necessary to com-pensate for changes in the overall duration of treat-ment. Overall time was included in the now-obsoleteNSD and TDF models but is not put into the basicLQ approach described above. The reason for this isbecause the time factor in radiotherapy is now per-ceived to be more complex than had previously beensupposed. For example, Fig. 8.10 shows that the extradose needed to counteract proliferation in mouseskin does not become significant until about 2 weeksafter the start of daily fractionation. In this and othersituations, the time factor in the old NSD formula(Fig. 8.10; broken line: total dose � T 0.11) gives a false picture because it predicts a large amount ofsparing if the overall time was increased from 1 to 12days. These wrong time factors also underestimatethe dose required to compensate for planned orunplanned gaps in treatment. Thus a T 0.11 factorpredicts only an 8 per cent increase in total dose fora doubling of overall time, for example from 3.5 to 7weeks. This would correspond to a 5.6 Gy increase inthe total dose for a schedule delivering, say, 70 Gy toa squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Clinical data summarized in Chapter 9 suggest thatin this tumour type an additional dose of 16 Gy willbe required to compensate for a 3.5-week prolonga-tion of treatment time.

The use of the LQ model in clinical practicewith no time factor at all is probably the best strat-egy for late-reacting tissues because any extra dose

Complete repair

Incomplete repair

Dose per fraction (Gy)






2 4 6 8 10 12 14



cal o

f LD

50 (


1 )

Figure 8.9 Reciprocal dose plot (compare Fig. 8.5a) ofdata for pneumonitis in mice produced by fractionatedirradiation; the points derive from experiments withdifferent dose per fraction (and therefore differentfraction numbers), always with 3 hours between doses.The upward bend in the data illustrates lack of sparingbecause of incomplete repair. From Thames et al.(1984), with permission.

Page 122: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Table 8.3 Incomplete repair factors: continuous irradiation (g factors)

Repair Exposure time (hours) Exposure time (days)halftime 1 2 3 4 8 12 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4(hours)

0.50 0.662 0.477 0.367 0.296 0.164 0.113 0.058 0.039 0.030 0.024 0.020 0.017 0.0150.75 0.752 0.589 0.477 0.398 0.234 0.164 0.086 0.058 0.044 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.0221.00 0.804 0.662 0.557 0.477 0.296 0.212 0.113 0.077 0.058 0.047 0.039 0.034 0.0301.25 0.838 0.714 0.616 0.539 0.350 0.255 0.139 0.095 0.072 0.058 0.049 0.042 0.0371.50 0.862 0.752 0.662 0.589 0.398 0.296 0.164 0.113 0.086 0.070 0.058 0.050 0.0442.00 0.894 0.804 0.728 0.662 0.477 0.367 0.212 0.147 0.113 0.092 0.077 0.066 0.0582.50 0.914 0.838 0.772 0.714 0.539 0.427 0.255 0.180 0.139 0.113 0.095 0.082 0.0723.00 0.927 0.862 0.804 0.752 0.589 0.477 0.296 0.212 0.164 0.134 0.113 0.098 0.0864.00 0.945 0.894 0.847 0.804 0.662 0.557 0.367 0.269 0.212 0.174 0.147 0.128 0.1135.00 0.955 0.914 0.875 0.838 0.714 0.616 0.427 0.321 0.255 0.212 0.180 0.157 0.139

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114 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

the different effects of overall time in early- andlate-responding tissues. Attempts have been madeto include time factors in the LQ model for early-responding normal tissues and tumours, but suchfactors depend in a complex way on the dose perfraction and interfraction interval as well as on thetissue type, and have to take account of any delayin onset of proliferation which may depend insome way on these factors also. We therefore rec-ommend considering the influence of changingoverall time on radiotherapy as a separate prob-lem from the effect of changing the dose per frac-tion, which can be done in a straightforward wayusing the LQ model as described here. The practi-cal approaches to handling changes in overall timeare described in Chapters 9–11.


Two other formulations that can be used for com-paring schedules with differing doses per fractionare the concepts of extrapolated tolerance dose(ETD) introduced by Barendsen (1982) and ‘totaleffect’ (TE) described by Thames and Hendry(1987). Both of these methods are mathematically(and biologically) equivalent to the EQD2 con-cept, but are mentioned here because they havefound some use in the literature.

Extrapolated total dose or biologicallyeffective dose

Both the ETD and the biologically effective dose(BED) are mathematically identical concepts.Fowler (1989) preferred the term BED because itcan logically be understood to refer to levels ofeffect that are below normal-tissue tolerance,whereas the term ETD implies the full toleranceeffect. First, we must define a particular effect, orendpoint. Although the validity of the LQapproach to fractionation depends principally onits ability to predict isoeffective schedules success-fully, there is an implicit assumption that the isoef-fect has a direct relationship with a certain level ofcell inactivation [or final cell survival (SFd)n].

14 � 3 Gy






5 10

Time after first fraction (days)

15 20 25 30 35

1.3 Gy/day

T 0.11


ra d





Figure 8.10 Extra dose required to counteractproliferation in mouse skin. Test doses of radiation weregiven at various intervals after a priming treatmentwith fractionated radiation. Proliferation begins about12 days after the start of irradiation and is thenequivalent to an extra dose of approximately 1.3 Gy/day.The broken line shows the prediction of the nominalstandard dose (NSD) equation. Data from Denekamp(1973).






10 20 30Days after start of irradiation


ra d





40 50 60 70

Early reaction(mouse skin)

Late reaction(rat spinal cord )

Figure 8.11 Schematic diagram showing that the extradose required to counteract proliferation does notbecome significant until much later for late-respondingnormal tissues, such as spinal cord, beyond the 6-weekduration of conventional radiotherapy. From Fowler(1984), with permission.

needed to counteract proliferation does notbecome significant until beyond the overall timeof treatment, even up to 6 weeks. This is illus-trated schematically in Fig. 8.11, which compares

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Alternative isoeffect formulae based on the LQ model 115

Generally, the fraction of surviving cells associatedwith an isoeffect is unknown and it is customary towork in terms of a level of tissue effect, which wedenote as E. From equation 8.4:

E/α � D[1 � d/(α/β)] � BED

BED is a measure of the effect (E) of a course offractionated or continuous irradiation; whendivided by α it has the units of dose and is usuallyexpressed in grays. Note that as the dose per frac-tion (d) is reduced towards zero, BED becomes

D � nd (i.e. the total radiation dose). Thus, BEDis the theoretical total dose that would be requiredto produce the isoeffect E using an infinitely largenumber of infinitesimally small dose fractions. Itis therefore also the total dose required for a singleexposure at very low dose rate (see Chapter 12,Section 12.5). As with the simpler concept ofEQD2, values of BED from separate parts of acourse of treatment may be added in order to cal-culate the overall BED value. A disadvantage ofBED as a measure of treatment intensity is that it

Table 8.4 Halftimes for recovery from radiation damage in normal tissues of laboratory animals

Tissue Species Dose delivery T1/2 (hours) Source

Haemopoietic Mouse CLDR 0.3 Thames et al. (1984)

Spermatogonia Mouse CLDR 0.3–0.4 Delic et al. (1987)

Jejunum Mouse F 0.45 Thames et al. (1984)Mouse CLDR 0.2–0.7 Dale et al. (1988)

Colon (acute injury) Mouse F 0.8 Thames et al. (1984)Rat F 1.5 Sassy et al. (1988)

Lip mucosa Mouse F 0.8 Ang et al. (1985)Mouse CLDR 0.8 Scalliet et al. (1987)Mouse FLDR 0.6 Stüben et al. (1991)

Tongue epithelium Mouse F 0.75 Dörr et al. (1993)

Skin (acute injury) Mouse F 1.5 Rojas et al. (1991)Mouse CLDR 1.0 Joiner et al.

(unpublished)Pig F 0.4 � 1.2* van den Aardweg

and Hopewell (1992)Pig F 0.2 � 6.6* Millar et al. (1996)

Lung Mouse F 0.4 � 4.0* van Rongen et al. (1993)Mouse CLDR 0.85 Down et al. (1986)Rat FLDR 1.0 van Rongen (1989)

Spinal cord Rat F 0.7 � 3.8* Ang et al. (1992)Rat CLDR 1.4 Scalliet et al. (1989)Rat CLDR 1.43 Pop et al. (1996)

Kidney Mouse F 1.3 Joiner et al. (1993)Mouse F 0.2 � 5.0 Millar et al. (1994)Rat F 1.6–2.1 van Rongen et al. (1990)

Rectum (late injury) Rat CLDR 1.2 Kiszel et al. (1985)

Heart Rat F �3 Schultz-Hector et al. (1992)

Dose delivery: F, acute dose fractions, FLDR, fractionated low dose rate; CLDR, continuous low dose rate.

*Two components of repair with different halftimes.

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116 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

is numerically much greater than any prescribableradiation dose of fractionated radiotherapy and istherefore difficult to relate to everyday clinicalpractice, which is the main reason why we recom-mend the use of EQD2 in this book.

Total effect

The total effect (TE) formulation is conceptuallysimilar to BED and has also been used in the liter-ature. In this case, we divide E by β rather than α,to get

E/β � D[(α/β) � d] � TE

The units of TE are Gy2, which again means that theTE values have no simple interpretation. The TE iso-effect formulae are similar to the EQD2 formulaeexcept that the denominator (2 � α/β) is omitted.This has the computational advantage that divisionby this factor is done only for the final TE value andnot for any intermediate calculations. However, ithas the disadvantage that these intermediate resultsare not recognizable doses, and we recommend theEQD2 method instead as a means of making it easierto detect numerical errors in the calculation process.


Uncritical application of the LQ model in clinicalsituations could potentially compromise thesafety of a patient. Extrapolation of experiencefrom a standard regimen to a regimen using aconsiderably changed overall treatment time ordose per fraction should only be attempted withgreat care. This is partly because of a limited pre-cision in the radiobiological parameters of the LQmodel which will be ‘blown up’ when extrapola-tion between very diverse schedules is performed.But even if the parameters of the model wereknown with high precision, some limitations tothe use of the LQ model are suggested by labora-tory experiments.

At a dose per fraction of less than 1.0 Gy, thephenomenon of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity(HRS; see Chapter 4, Section 4.14) – provided that

it exists in the critical normal tissues and tumoursin humans – would mean that using the standardLQ model could considerably underestimate thebiological effect of a given total dose. This couldpotentially affect the estimated biological effect ofsome intensity-modulated radiation therapy(IMRT) dose distributions where a relatively largenormal-tissue volume may be irradiated with adose per fraction in the HRS range (Honore andBentzen, 2006). A modified form of the LQ formulahas been derived (Chapter 4, equation 4.6) but themodel parameters are not yet known with any use-ful precision for human tissues and tumours.

Also, at very high dose per fraction the mathe-matical form of the LQ model is unlikely to be cor-rect. While the LQ survival curve represents acontinuously bending parabola in a plot of the log-arithm of surviving fraction versus dose, a numberof in vitro and in vivo datasets suggest that theempirical survival curve asymptotically approachesa straight line. Several attempts have been made toextend the LQ model to high doses per fraction aswell, all of them leading to the inclusion of at leastone additional parameter in the model, as describedin Chapter 4, Section 4.13 (Lind et al., 2003;Guerrero and Li, 2004). None of these models havefound wider applications in the analysis of clinicaldata, at least so far, the obvious limitation being thatmost clinical datasets have insufficient resolution toallow the estimation of three model parameters. It isdifficult to give a specific dose per fraction beyondwhich the simple LQ model should not be used, butextrapolations beyond 5–6 Gy per fraction are likelyto lack clinically useful precision.


The target cell hypothesis dominated much ofradiobiological thinking for almost half a century.As described above, this hypothesis played a keyrole in formulating the LQ formulae. Morerecently, the importance of damage processingand tissue remodelling in the pathogenesis of lateeffects have been recognized (see Chapter 13 andreview by Bentzen, 2006). In addition, basic radio-biology studies have revealed non-targeted effectsof ionizing radiation, such as the ‘bystander’

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Bibliography 117

response induced in cells in the vicinity of a cellhit by ionizing radiation (Prise et al., 2005). All ofthis has not restricted the clinical utility of the LQformula. Equation 8.5 can usefully be viewed as anoperational definition of α/β and a formulaallowing practical correction for the change inbiological effect as a function of dose per fraction.The application of this formula does not dependon the biological reality of target cells. Chapter 9will pursue this more pragmatic or ‘data-driven’approach to the LQ model in the clinic.


Barendsen GW (1982). Dose fractionation, dose rate andiso-effect relationships for normal tissue responses.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8: 1981–97.

Bentzen SM (2006). Preventing or reducing late sideeffects of radiation therapy: radiobiology meetsmolecular pathology. Nat Rev Cancer 6: 702–13.

Bentzen SM, Saunders MI, Dische S (1999). Repairhalftimes estimated from observations of treatment-related morbidity after CHART or conventionalradiotherapy in head and neck cancer. RadiotherOncol 53: 219–26.

Denekamp J (1973). Changes in the rate of repopulationduring multifraction irradiation of mouse skin. Br J Radiol 46: 381–7.

Douglas BG, Fowler JF (1976). The effect of multiplesmall doses of X rays on skin reactions in the mouseand a basic interpretation. Radiat Res 66: 401–26.

Ellis F (1969). Dose, time and fractionation: a clinicalhypothesis. Clin Radiol 20: 1–7.

Fowler JF (1984). The first James Kirk memorial lecture.What next in fractionated radiotherapy? Br J Cancer49 (Suppl 6): 285–300.

Fowler JF (1989). The linear-quadratic formula andprogress in fractionated radiotherapy. Br J Radiol 62:679–94.

Guerrero M, Li XA (2004). Extending the linear-quadratic model for large fraction doses pertinent tostereotactic radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol 49:4825–35.

Guttenberger R, Thames HD, Ang KK (1992). Is theexperience with CHART compatible with experimental

Key points

1. The LQ model satisfactorily describes the rela-tionship between total isoeffective dose anddose per fraction over the range of dose perfraction from 1 Gy up to 5–6 Gy. In contrast,power-law formulae can only be made to fitdata over a limited range of dose per fraction.

2. The α/β ratio describes the shape of thefractionation response: a low α/β (0.5–6 Gy)is usually characteristic of late-respondingnormal tissues and indicates a rapid increaseof total dose, with decreasing dose per frac-tion and a survival curve for the putative tar-get cells that is significantly curved.

3. A higher α/β ratio (7–20 Gy) is usuallycharacteristic of early-responding normaltissues and rapidly-proliferating carcino-mas; it indicates a less significant increase intotal dose with decreasing dose per fractionand a less curved cell-survival response forthe putative target cells.

4. The EQD2 formulae provide a simple andconvenient way of calculating isoeffectiveradiotherapy schedules, based on the LQmodel. Tolerance calculations always requirean estimate of the α/β ratio to be included.

5. For short interfraction intervals, a correc-tion may be necessary for incomplete repair.When using the EQD2 formulae to calculateschedules with multiple fractions per day orcontinuous low dose rate, an estimate of therepair halftime must also be included.

6. The basic LQ model is appropriate for cal-culating the change in total dose for an

altered dose per fraction, assuming the newand old treatments are given in the sameoverall time. For late reactions it is usuallyunnecessary to modify total dose inresponse to a change in overall time, but forearly reactions (and for tumour response) acorrection for overall treatment time shouldbe included. Although the effect of time onbiological effect is complex, simple linearcorrections have been shown to be of somevalue (see Chapters 10 and 11).

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118 Fractionation: the linear-quadratic approach

Withers HR, Thames HD, Jr, Peters LJ (1983). A newisoeffect curve for change in dose per fraction.Radiother Oncol 1: 187–91.


Dale RG, Jones B (eds) (2007). Radiobiological modelingin radiation oncology. London: British Institute ofRadiology.

Joiner MC (1989). The dependence of radiation responseon the dose per fraction. In: McNally NJ (ed.) Thescientific basis for modern radiotherapy (BIR report19). London: British Institute of Radiology, 20–6.

Thames HD, Bentzen SM, Turesson I, Overgaard M, vanden Bogaert W (1990). Time-dose factors inradiotherapy: a review of the human data. RadiotherOncol 19: 219–35.


Basic equations:

For schedules having the same E (i.e. isoeffectiveschedules),


Low dose rate:



� �

� � �

logrepair halftime

[ exp


e 2

2 1

1 21 2T


g t (( )]/( )exposure duration




μ μ


t tt




// )

( / )

βα β2 �

EQD( / )

( / )2 ��


d α βα β2





ref ( / )

( / )�

α βα β

E n d d D d


� � � �

( ) ( )

dose per fractio

α β α β2

nntotal dosenumber of fra


�� cctions

SF exp( ) exp[ ( ) ]� � � � �E d Dα β

data? A new model of repair kinetics and computersimulations. Radiother Oncol 25: 280–6.

Honore HB, Bentzen SM (2006). A modelling study ofthe potential influence of low dose hypersensitivityon radiation treatment planning. Radiother Oncol79: 115–21.

Lind BK, Persson LM, Edgren MR, Hedlof I, Brahme A(2003). Repairable–conditionally repairable damagemodel based on dual Poisson processes. Radiat Res160: 366–75.

Maciejewski B, Taylor JM, Withers HR (1986).Alpha/beta value and the importance of size of doseper fraction for late complications in thesupraglottic larynx. Radiother Oncol 7: 323–6.

Millar WT, Canney PA (1993). Derivation and applicationof equations describing the effects of fractionatedprotracted irradiation, based on multiple andincomplete repair processes. Part I. Derivation ofequations. Int J Radiat Biol 64: 275–91.

Nilsson P, Thames HD, Joiner MC (1990). A generalizedformulation of the ‘incomplete-repair’ model for cell survival and tissue response to fractionated low dose-rate irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol 57:127–42.

Prise KM, Schettino G, Folkard M, Held KD (2005). Newinsights on cell death from radiation exposure.Lancet Oncol 6: 520–8.

Stewart FA, Soranson JA, Alpen EL, Williams MV,Denekamp J (1984). Radiation-induced renaldamage: the effects of hyperfractionation. RadiatRes 98: 407–20.

Thames HD (1985). An ‘incomplete-repair’ model forsurvival after fractionated and continuousirradiations. Int J Radiat Biol 47: 319–39.

Thames HD, Hendry JH (1987). Fractionation inradiotherapy. London: Taylor & Francis.

Thames HD, Withers HR, Peters LJ, Fletcher GH (1982).Changes in early and late radiation responses withaltered dose fractionation: implications for dose-survival relationships. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys8: 219–26.

Thames HD, Withers HR, Peters LJ (1984). Tissue repair capacity and repair kinetics deduced frommultifractionated or continuous irradiation regimenswith incomplete repair. Br J Cancer 49(Suppl 6): 263–9.

Williams MV, Denekamp J, Fowler JF (1985). A review ofalpha/beta ratios for experimental tumors:implications for clinical studies of alteredfractionation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 11: 87–96.

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Appendix: Summary of formulae 119

Incomplete repair correction:

Incomplete repair between low dose-rate fractions:

φ μ� � �

exp( ( ))interval between fraction

t TT

ΔΔ ss

exposure duration per fractiont �

φ μ� ��

exp( )interval between fractions



Hm ���








⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟ ⋅⎛


⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟ ⋅⎛φ




m � number of fractions per day

EQQD( ) ( / )

( / )2



� �


d Hm α βα β

For a full derivation of these equations, seeNilsson et al. (1990).

EQD( / )

( / )2 2�


dC α βα β

g t t t


� � � �


2 1



2[ exp( )]/( )μ μ μ

φ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟ ⋅ φφ



⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟ ⋅⎛









numbeer of fractions per day

cosh( )

( )C g


t� �


1μμ 22 ⋅ Hm

Page 129: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practiceSØREN M. BENTZEN AND MICHAEL C. JOINER

9.1 Introduction: biological effect estimates adjusting for dose–time fractionation 120

9.2 Quantitative clinical radiobiology: the LQ framework 121

9.3 Changing the dose per fraction 1219.4 Changing the time-interval between

dose fractions 1239.5 Continuous irradiation 1239.6 Changing the overall treatment time 1259.7 Unplanned gaps in treatment 1279.8 Errors in dose delivery 127

9.9 Re-irradiation 1299.10 From change in dose to change in

response rate 1309.11 Double trouble 1309.12 The uncertainty in biological

effect estimates 1319.13 Some current issues in the clinical

application of the LQ model 132Key points 133Bibliography 133Further reading 134



Since the early years of radiation therapy it hasbeen appreciated that the biological effect of agiven physical absorbed dose of ionizing radiationdepends on how this dose is distributed over time.For many years, the differential response oftumours and normal tissues to changes indose–time fractionation appeared to be the mostimportant means of improving the therapeuticratio. Mathematical models – often referred to asbioeffect models – were first introduced in the1920s with the aim of quantifying the biologicaleffect of dose-fractionation schedules on tumourcontrol and normal-tissue side-effects. As discussedin Chapter 8, the linear-quadratic (LQ) model wasintroduced around 1980 and has gradually become

the model of choice for bioeffect estimation inradiotherapy. In the beginning, the use of the LQmodel was conceptually linked to the target-cellhypothesis. However, there is increasing evidencethat many late effects, and even some early effects,of radiation therapy are not directly related to sim-ple killing of a defined population of target cells(see Chapter 13, and Bentzen, 2006). The mostprevalent current view is that the LQ approachrepresents an approximate, pragmatic method forconverting dose–time fractionation schedules intoa biologically effective dose. The LQ model has alimited range of applicability, and extrapolationsoutside the range of available data should only beperformed with the greatest care. Model parame-ters should be estimated from clinical observationsand their statistical precision should be taken intoaccount when used to estimate the biological effectof a given schedule.

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Changing the dose per fraction 121

While awareness has grown regarding the limitations to the LQ model and the dangersinvolved in using it uncritically, the application of this approach has also increased. There are sev-eral reasons for this. Intensity-modulated radio-therapy (IMRT) represents a convenient way ofdelivering radiation therapy with varying dose perfraction to multiple target volumes in a single ses-sion. At the same time, IMRT and conformalradiotherapy generally leads to non-uniform dosedistributions in normal tissues and organs, deliv-ering dose with a varying dose per fraction to var-ious subvolumes – in contrast to parallel opposingfield techniques that typically lead to partial organirradiation with a dose per fraction close to thefraction size prescribed to the target volume.Finally, the realization that the fractionation sen-sitivities of at least some human tumours are inthe same range as that typical of late normal-tis-sue effects (in contrast to what was widelyassumed when the LQ model was introduced inthe 1980s) has renewed the interest in the use ofhypofractionation, that is, prescriptions with frac-tion sizes larger than 2 Gy.


Several, mathematically equivalent, methods havebeen devised for performing bioeffect calculationswith the LQ model as discussed in Chapter 8. Themethod presented in this chapter converts allphases of a treatment into the equivalent dose in2-Gy fractions (EQD2). This has the advantagethat these doses are clinically relevant and they aremeasured on the scale where much of the clinicalexperience on dose–response relationships isavailable. The EQD2 values from various parts of afractionation schedule may be added directly. TheEQD2 is identical to the ‘normalized total dose’(NTD) proposed by Withers and colleagues(1983) (see also Chapter 8).

Large fractionation studies in the laboratory,mainly conducted in rodents in the 1980s, showedthe ability of the LQ model to provide a closequantitative relationship between the isoeffective

doses for schedules applying varying dose perfraction. These studies also produced a number ofα/β ratio estimates for various normal-tissue end-points (see Table 8.1). In parallel with these exper-imental studies, a number of clinical studies haveproduced α/β estimates for human endpoints andthese are summarized in Table 9.1.

Bioeffect calculations should be used only asguidance for clinical decision-making. All of theformulae applied here have a limited field of appli-cability; the model assumptions may be violated insome circumstances, relevant parameters may notbe known for human tissues and tumours and theuncertainty in parameter estimates, even whenthese are available, may give rise to considerableuncertainty in the biological effect estimates.A (self-)critical and cautious attitude is recom-mended and the health and safety of patientsshould not be compromised by reliance on theresult of calculations of the type described in thischapter. We advocate the use of clinical parameterestimates whenever possible. If no clinical estimatesare available we suggest using the values fromexperimental animal studies as a guide, but be wellaware of the fact that these may not be valid for theclinical endpoints of interest. The use of ‘generic’values, say, 3 Gy for late effects and 10 Gy fortumours, should be seen as the least evidence-basedapproach. There is less and less reason to believethat these values can be generalized across a widerrange of human normal-tissue endpoints andtumour histologies. Therefore, calculations usingthese values may be seen as simply exploring thebehaviour of the model – an exercise detachedfrom the clinical reality that we should be studying.That said, a numerical estimate is often very usefulwhen considering various therapeutic options andit is often possible to get an impression of how reli-able such an estimate is, just by doing a simple cal-culation as illustrated in this chapter.


The simplest case we will consider is when thedose per fraction is changed without change in theoverall treatment time and when incomplete

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Table 9.1 Fractionation sensitivity of human normal tissues and tumours

Tissue/organ Endpoint α/β (Gy) 95% CL (Gy) Source

Early reactionsSkin Erythema 8.8 6.9; 11.6 Turesson and Thames (1989)

Erythema 12.3 1.8; 22.8 Bentzen et al. (1988)Dry desquamation �8 N/A Chogule and Supe (1993)Desquamation 11.2 8.5; 17.6 Turesson and Thames (1989)

Oral mucosa Mucositis 9.3 5.8; 17.9 Denham et al. (1995)Mucositis 15 �15; 45 Rezvani et al. (1991)Mucositis �8 N/A Chogule and Supe (1993)

Late reactionsSkin/vasculature Telangiectasia 2.8 1.7; 3.8 Turesson and Thames (1989)

Telangiectasia 2.6 2.2; 3.3 Bentzen et al. (1990)Telangiectasia 2.8 �0.1; 8.1 Bentzen and Overgaard (1991)

Subcutis Fibrosis 1.7 0.6; 2.6 Bentzen and Overgaard (1991)Breast Cosmetic change 3.4 2.3; 4.5 START Trialists Group (2008)

in appearanceInduration (fibrosis) 3.1 1.8; 4.4 Yarnold et al. (2005)

Muscle/vasculature/ Impaired shoulder 3.5 0.7; 6.2 Bentzen et al. (1989)cartilage movement

Nerve Brachial plexopathy 3.5* N/A Olsen et al. (1990)Brachial plexopathy �2 N/A Powell et al. (1990)Optic neuropathy 1.6 �7; 10 Jiang et al. (1994)

Spinal cord Myelopathy 3.3 N/A Dische et al. (1981)Eye Corneal injury 2.9 �4; 10 Jiang et al. (1994)Bowel Stricture/perforation 3.9 2.5; 5.3 Deore et al. (1993)Bowel Various late effects 4.3 2.2; 9.6 Dische et al. (1999)Lung Pneumonitis 4.0 2.2; 5.8 Bentzen et al. (2000)

Lung fibrosis 3.1 �0.2; 8.5 Dubray et al. (1995)(radiological)

Head and neck Various late effects 3.5 1.1; 5.9 Rezvani et al. (1991)Head and neck Various late effects 4.0 3.3; 5.0 Stuschke and Thames (1999)Supraglottic larynx Various late effects 3.8 0.8; 14 Maciejewski et al. (1986)Oral cavity � oropharynx Various late effects 0.8 �0.6; 2.5 Maciejewski et al. (1990)TumoursHead and neckVarious 10.5 6.5; 29 Stuschke and Thames (1999)Larynx 14.5* 4.9; 24 Rezvani et al. (1993)Vocal cord �13 ‘wide’ Robertson et al. (1993)Buccal mucosa 6.6 2.9; Maciejewski et al. (1989)Tonsil 7.2 3.6; Maciejewski et al. (1989)Nasopharynx 16 �11; 43 Lee et al. (1995)

Skin 8.5* 4.5; 11.3 Trott et al. (1984)Prostate† 1.1 �3.3; 5.6 Bentzen and Ritter (2005)Breast 4.6 1.1; 8.1 START Trialists Group (2008)Oesophagus 4.9 1.5; 17 Geh et al. (2006)Melanoma 0.6 �1.1; 2.5 Bentzen et al. (1989)Liposarcoma 0.4 �1.4; 5.4 Thames and Suit (1986)

CL, confidence limit.*Re-analysis of original published data.†Several more estimates are available from comparisons of outcome after brachytherapy versus external-beam therapy.Reference details are available from Søren Bentzen. See also Thames et al. (1990) and Table 13.2.

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Continuous irradiation 123

repair between dose fractions is negligible. We usethe Withers formula to convert a total dose Ddelivered with dose per fraction d into the isoef-fective dose in 2-Gy fractions:


Note, that the only parameter in this formula isthe α/β ratio, which is a characteristic of the end-point of interest. Any biological dose calculationwill therefore start with the identification of thetumour or normal-tissue endpoint of concern inthe clinical situation. For a given fractionationschedule we may, for example, be interested inEQD2 for a squamous cell carcinoma of the lungand for lung fibrosis and we would then start by

EQDGy2 2




( )

( )


selecting appropriate α/β ratios from Tables 8.1,9.1 or 13.2.


Multiple fractions per day schedules are associatedwith an increase in biological effect unless theinterval between fractions is sufficiently long toallow full recovery between fractions. There aredata to suggest that the characteristic halftime ofrecovery is in the order of 4–5 hours for somehuman late endpoints (Bentzen et al., 1999) andpossibly even longer for spinal cord and brain(Dische and Saunders, 1989; Lee et al., 1999). Thismeans that recovery will not be complete evenwith a 6- to 8-hour interval between fractions. Inthis situation it is necessary to modify the simpleLQ model as described in Chapter 8. Equation 8.7can be used under the assumption that repair iscomplete in the long overnight interval (i.e.between the last fraction delivered in one day andthe first fraction on the following day). Even thisassumption starts to be problematic with repairhalftimes of 4–5 hours. Guttenberger et al. (1992)derived a formula where unrepaired damage isallowed to accumulate throughout the fractiona-tion course. Unfortunately, this formula is not easyto tabulate as it depends not only on the repairhalftime and the dose per fraction but also on theexact arrangement of dose fractions over time.


In brachytherapy, repair takes place not only afterirradiation but also during the application. In thiscase, the apparent dose per fraction is modified bya function of the exposure time and the repair orrecovery halftime, T1/2 (see Chapter 8, Section8.8). Depending on the detailed dose rates, theisoeffective dose may depend strongly on T1/2 fora given endpoint. As these halftimes are usuallynot known with any useful precision from clinicaldata, great care should be taken when interpretingthe results of isoeffect calculations for continuousirradiations.

Example 1. Converting a dose intothe isoeffective dose in 2-Gyfractions

A patient with metastatic bone pain located tothe 5th thoracic vertebra is considered for pal-liative radiotherapy using 4 � 5 Gy.

Problem: What is the isoeffective dose in 2-Gyfractions for spinal cord?

Solution: First, we need to choose the value ofα/β. From Table 9.1 it is seen that the upperbound on α/β from human data is 3.5 Gy.Experimental animal studies (see Table 8.1)have produced estimates around 2 Gy. Wechoose α/β � 2 Gy, insert the values for totaldose, 20 Gy, and dose per fraction, 5 Gy, inequation 9.1 and get:

Thus, 20 Gy delivered in 5-Gy fractions is bio-logically equivalent to 35 Gy in 2-Gy fractionsfor an endpoint with α/β � 2.0 Gy.

EQD2 ��


5 2

2 235Gy

Gy Gy

Gy GyGy⋅

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124 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

Example 2. Incomplete repair with multiple fractions per day

A patient with head and neck squamous cell car-cinoma (HNSCC) is prescribed 70 Gy in 2-Gyfractions over 7 weeks. After 50 Gy, he has anintercurrent pneumonia and cannot attendradiotherapy for 1 week. In order to finish treat-ment on time, it is decided to give the last 20 Gy as2 � 2 Gy per day on the last five treatment days.

Problem: What is the isoeffective dose in 2-Gyfractions for subcutaneous fibrosis for a 6-hourinterval and an 8-hour interval?

Solution: First, we need to choose the values of α/β and T1/2. From Table 9.1 it is seen thatα/β � 1.7 Gy and from Table 9.2 we getT1/2 � 4.4 hours. We now use equation 8.7:

In this case, m � 2 and we use Table 8.2 to lookup the values of H2. For an interfraction intervalof 6 hours, we see that H2 is between 0.35(T1/2 � 4.0 hours) and 0.44 (T1/2 � 5.0 hours).Interpolation between these values yields

H2 � 0.39 for T1/2 � 4.4 hours and therefore:

For an 8-hour interval the value of H2 is between0.25 (T1/2 � 4.0 h) and 0.33 (T1/2 � 5.0 hours).Interpolation between these values yieldsH2 � 0.28 for T1/2 � 4.4 hours and therefore:

Thus, about 1.2 Gy will be spared from increas-ing inter-fraction intervals from 6 to 8 hours.

As mentioned above, this calculation assumesthat the overnight interval is sufficiently long toassure complete repair of sublethal damage. Thisassumption starts to break down when T1/2 is 4.4 hours. A calculation using the formula ofGuttenberger et al. (1992) gives an EQD2 for thelast week of twice daily treatment of 25.2 Gy(rather than 24.2 Gy as calculated in the exam-ple) for the 6-hour interval and 24.2 Gy (ratherthan 23.0 Gy) for the 8-hour interval.

EQD ( hours) Gy

Gy[ ]Gy G

2 8 50

202 1 0 28 1 7

Δt � �

�� �

⋅. . yy

Gy GyGy

2 1 773 0



EQD ( hours) Gy

Gy[ ]Gy G

2 6 50

202 1 0 39 1 7

Δt � �

�� �

⋅. . yy

Gy GyGy

2 1 774 2



EQD[1 ( ; )] ( )

Gy ( )2/�

� �


d H T Tm⋅⋅ 1 2


Δ α βα β



Table 9.2 Repair halftime (T1/2) for human normal-tissue endpoints

Endpoint Dose delivery* T1/2 (hours) 95% CL (hours) Source

Erythema, skin MFD 0.35 and 1.2† ? Turesson and Thames (1989)Mucositis, head and neck MFD 2–4 ? Bentzen et al. (1996)

FLDR 0.3–0.7 ? Denham et al. (1995)Laryngeal oedema MFD 4.9 3.2; 6.4 Bentzen et al. (1999)Radiation myelopathy MFD � 5 ? Dische and Saunders (1989)Skin telangiectasia MFD 0.4 and 3.5† ? Turesson and Thames (1989)

MFD 3.8 2.5; 4.6 Bentzen et al. (1999)Subcutaneous fibrosis MFD 4.4 3.8; 4.9 Bentzen et al. (1999)Temporal lobe necrosis MFD � 4 ? Lee et al. (1999)Various pelvic complications HDR/LDR 1.5–2.5 ? Fowler (1997)

CL, confidence limit.

*MFD, multiple fractions per day; FLDR, fractionated low dose-rate irradiation; HDR/LDR, high dose-rate/low dose-rate comparison.

†Evidence of two components of repair with different halftimes.

Reference details are available from Søren Bentzen.

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Changing the overall treatment time 125

Example 3 shows, what we would also expectintuitively, that the effect of protracting the deliv-ery of a dose fraction is reduced when the recov-ery halftime is longer (i.e. less recovery will takeplace during the irradiation). A 5-Gy fractiondelivered with acute dose rate, that is assuming norecovery at all during delivery, would correspondto an EQD2 of 7.9 Gy for α/β � 3.1 Gy.


Very often, two fractionation schedules will differin overall treatment time. There are good reasonsto believe that overall treatment time has very little,if any, influence on late radiation effects (Bentzenand Overgaard, 1995). However, for most tumourtypes and for early endpoints, the biological effectof a specific dose-fractionation will decrease ifoverall treatment time is increased. In other words,

an extra dose will be needed to obtain the samelevel of effect in a longer schedule. This has tradi-tionally been interpreted as the result of prolifera-tion of target cells in the irradiated tissue ortumour, and many attempts have been made toinclude this effect in the LQ model. Experimentalanimal studies have shown that this is a non-lineareffect as a function of time; in other words, the doserecovered per unit time will change as a function ofthe time since the initial trauma. At present, there isno mathematical model describing this recoveryover extended intervals. Instead, the most cautiousapproach is to use a simple linear relationship in afairly narrow interval around the overall time of theschedule from which it has been estimated. Themagnitude of the time effect is most convenientlyquantified by Dprolif, which is the dose recovered perday due to proliferation. However, the exact mech-anism behind this recovery is not critical for thispragmatic correction. For minor changes in overalltime, say, a 4-day protraction of a schedule, the

Example 3. Brachytherapy

There has been some interest in intraluminalbrachytherapy combined with external-beamradiotherapy for endobronchial cancer. Fuwa et al. (2000) delivered external-beam radiotherapycombined with intraluminal brachytherapy: typi-cally two or three fractions of 5 Gy in 2.5 hoursdelivered using a thin catheter with a 192Ir wire,combined with an external-beam dose of 52 Gy.

Problem: What is the equivalent dose in 2-Gyfractions, of 5 Gy in 2.5 hours for lung fibrosisassuming two different recovery half-times, T1/2,of 1.5 hours and 5 hours?

Solution. From Table 9.1 we find the point esti-mate of α/β for lung fibrosis to be 3.1 Gy. Weshow here the calculation for T1/2 � 5 hours. Wefirst calculate μt, where t is the duration of oneapplication:

that is μt becomes (0.139/hour) � 2.5 hours �0.348. Next, we calculate g (see equation 12.2):

This value is inserted into equation 8.8 (notethat the total dose, D, in this case is equal to thedose per fraction, d; i.e. the dose delivered in asingle application of the brachytherapy):

For T1/2 � 1.5 hours, we get g � 0.70 andEQD2 � 6.5 Gy, that is, roughly a 12 per centlower equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions than wecalculated for T1/2 � 5 hours.

EQD( )

( )

GyGy Gy


2 2

55 0 893 3 1



�� �

Ddg αβ


⋅. .

33 17 4



gt t


� � �

�� � �

2 1

2 0 348 1 0 34


[ exp( )]

( )[ exp(

μ μμ

. . 88

0 3480 893




μ �log



e 2 0 693

50 139

1 2T� �.


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126 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

simple estimate would then be that the EQD2 has tobe reduced by 4 � Dprolif. Using this method, theisoeffective doses in 2-Gy fractions delivered overtwo different times, t and T, will be related as:

EQD2,T � EQD2,t � (T � t)Dprolif (9.2)

Note, that if T � t then EQD2,T EQD2,t. There is no simple rule specifying the maximum differ-ence between the two times, T and t, where this lin-ear correction is reasonable. For a 1-week differencethis approximation would probably be reasonablewhereas for a 3- to 4-week difference this would notbe a safe assumption. Another concern is that Dprolif

may depend on the intensity of the schedule; in

other words, a very short intensive schedule maygive rise to an increased value of Dprolif. A seriouswarning is that little is known about the value ofDprolif for various tumours and normal-tissue end-points and that most of the published values onlyapply towards the end of a standard 6- to 8-weekschedule. For tumours, the majority of availableestimates are for squamous cell carcinoma of thehead and neck (Table 9.3). As mentioned above, itappears safe to assume that Dprolif is zero for lateendpoints at least for overall treatment times up to6–8 weeks. For early reactions, a linear correction isalso applicable over a limited range of treatmenttimes, see Bentzen et al. (2001).

Table 9.3 Values for the dose recovered per day owing to proliferation (Dprolif) from clinical studies

Tissue Endpoint Dprolif (Gy/day) 95% CL (Gy/day) Tk† (days) Source

Early reactionsSkin Erythema 0.12 �0.12; 0.22 12 Bentzen et al. (2001)Mucosa Mucositis 0.8 0.7; 1.1 12 Bentzen et al. (2001)Lung Pneumonitis 0.54 0.13; 0.95 Bentzen et al. (2000)*TumoursHead and neckLarynx 0.74 0.30; 1.2 Robertson et al. (1998)Tonsils 0.73 30 Withers et al. (1995)Various 0.8 0.5; 1.1 21 Robers et al. (1994)Various 0.64 0.42; 0.86 Hendry et al. (1996)*

Esophagus 0.59 0.18; 0.99 Geh et al. (2005)Non-small cell 0.45 N/A Koukourakis et al. (1996)

lung cancerMedulloblastoma 0.52 0.29; 0.75 0 or 21 Hinata et al. (2001)

CL, confidence limit.

*Pooled estimate from a review of studies in the literature.

†Tk is the assumed time for the onset of accelerated proliferation.

Reference details are available from Søren Bentzen.

Example 4. Correcting for overall treatment time

The Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group(DAHANCA) conducted a randomized con-trolled trial of 66–68 Gy in 33–34 fractions ran-domizing between five and six fractions perweek (Overgaard et al., 2003). This trial,DAHANCA 6/7, comprised 1476 patients withHNSCC receiving definitive radiotherapy with-out chemotherapy.

Problem: What is the expected difference in bio-logically effective dose for HNSCC between thetwo arms of the trial?

Solution: Starting treatment on a Monday, 33fractions delivered at five fractions per week willtake 6 full weeks plus 3 additional treatment days (a total of 45 days). With six fractions

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Errors in dose delivery 127


A problem frequently encountered in radiother-apy practice is the management of unscheduledtreatment interruptions. Studies have shown thatup until 1990 about a third of all patients withHNSCC experienced one or more unplanned gapsin treatment leading to a protraction of overalltreatment time of more than 6 days. These inter-ruptions were typically caused by patient-relatedfactors (intercurrent disease, severe radiationreactions) or logistic factors (public holidays,treatment machine downtime, transport difficul-ties). The management of treatment gaps has beenconsidered in some detail by a working party ofthe UK Royal College of Radiologists (Hendry et al., 1996). The recommendation to avoid gapsor actively modify treatment after a gap is basedon the clinical evidence for a negative therapeuticeffect of gaps in radiotherapy schedules. This evi-dence is strongest for squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) of the head and neck, non-small cell lungcancer and cancer of the uterine cervix, and it istherefore recommended that the remaining partof the treatment be modified in order to adjust forthe unscheduled interruption. There is also somesupport for the importance of overall treatmenttime in SCC of the skin and vagina and in medul-loblastoma. Less evidence exists for other radicaltreatments and there is no reason to believe thatoverall treatment time is a significant factor inpalliative radiotherapy.

Treatment schedules may be adjusted by accel-erating radiotherapy after the gap. In a plannedschedule delivering one fraction per day, 5 daysper week, this can be accomplished by giving morethan five fractions per week, either as two frac-tions per day, as in Example 2 above, or preferablyby treating on Saturday and/or Sunday. The idea isto deliver the planned total dose, with the pre-scribed dose per fraction, in as near the plannedoverall time as possible. If two fractions per dayare delivered, these should be separated by themaximum practical interval (at least 6 hours andpreferably more). Note that with long repair half-times, incomplete repair between the dose frac-tions may require a dose reduction if the chance oflate complications is kept fixed. Alternatively,delivering the remaining part of the treatmentwith hypofractionation may be considered.Whether this type of adjustment will lead toincreased late sequelae or decreased tumour con-trol depends on the exact values of α/β for the rel-evant late normal-tissue endpoints and thetumour type in question.


Dosimetric errors in delivering the prescribeddose per fraction made early in a treatment can becorrected by modifying the dose per fraction andtotal dose given subsequent to discovery of theerror, using the LQ model to calculate the correct-ing doses, which should be completed within the

per week the overall treatment time becomes 5full weeks plus 3 additional treatment days (atotal of 38 days). From Table 9.3 we see thatDprolif for HNSCC is about 0.7 Gy/day. There isno demonstrable difference in Dprolif among thevarious subsites of the head and neck region. Weinsert these values in equation 9.2 and get:

EQD2,38 � EQD2,45 � (38 � 45) days� 0.7 Gy/day

� 66 Gy � 4.9 Gy � 70.9 Gy

Thus, 66 Gy delivered over 38 days is biologi-cally equivalent to 70.9 Gy in 2-Gy fractionsdelivered over 45 days for HNSCC. This time dif-ference will be the same for a patient receiving68 Gy in 34 fractions with five or six fractions per week.

If the two schedules in Example 4 hademployed doses per fraction that were differentfrom 2 Gy, we would first have calculated theequivalent EQD2 values before doing the timecorrection.

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128 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

Example 5. Change in fraction size, gap correction

A patient with colorectal cancer is planned toreceive preoperative radiotherapy with five times5 Gy from Monday to Friday (Kapiteijn et al.,2001). The first two fractions are given as plannedon Monday and Tuesday, but owing to a machinebreakdown, no treatment could be given onWednesday. In order to finish as planned onFriday, delivering the isoeffective tumour dose byincreasing the size of the two fractions to be givenon Thursday and Friday is considered. We assumethat α/β � 10 Gy for colorectal cancer.

Problem: What is the required dose per fractionfor the last two fractions? What is the accompa-nying change in the risk of rectal complicationsfrom this modified fractionation schedule?

Solution: The tumour EQD2 for the final threefractions originally planned is:

We want to estimate the dose per fraction, x, sothat delivering two fractions of this size gives anEQD2 of 18.75 Gy to the tumour:

In the following, we remember that x willhave the physical units of gray and start solvingthis quadratic equation:

The solution to a quadratic equation of the formax � bx � c � 0 is

(Note that only the positive root produces aphysically meaningful dose.) In the present case,

we get:

Remember the unit: gray. In other words, wewould have to give fractions of 6.7 Gy onThursday and Friday, a total of 13.4 Gy, to achievethe same tumour effect. This is of course less thanthe 3 � 5 Gy originally planned for Wednesday toFriday, and the reason for this is the larger effectper gray deriving from the increased dose perfraction in the modified schedule.

How will this affect the risk of bowel damage?From Table 9.1, we find α/β of 4 Gy. The EQD2 ofthe modified schedule to the bowel is now:

This value does not take the very short overalltreatment time of 5 days into consideration and itis possible that such short schedules could involvean increased risk of consequential late reactions.Here, we focus only on the change in biologicaldose deriving from the change in dose fractiona-tion and we note that the overall treatment timeis unchanged in the two schedules comparedhere. The originally planned � 5 Gy correspondsto an EQD2 for bowel of about 37.5 Gy.Therefore, the risk of late bowel morbidity will beincreased if this modification is implemented.

Clinically, one would be concerned aboutincreasing dose per fraction from 5 to 6.7 Gy.Biologically, it may be questioned whether the useof the LQ model is safe anyway at these largedoses per fraction (see Chapter 8, Section 8.11). Itshould also be noted that, if we use a lower α/β,for example the 1.7 Gy estimated for fibrosis, thechange in EQD2 for this endpoint is expected tobe from 45 Gy to 48.5 Gy. It could be consideredkeeping to 5 Gy per fraction and simply acceptinga 3-day protraction (i.e. finishing on Monday) orto give the fifth fraction on Saturday.


Gy Gy

GyGy Gy

2 105 4

2 42

6 76 7 4


� ��


� ��


GGy GyGy


438 9.

x �� � � � � �

�� � �

�� �

20 20 4 2 225

2 2

20 400 1800


20 4

2 ( )

66 9

46 7


xb b ac


� � �2 4


18 75 210

2 10

18 75 12 2 20

2 20





� ��

� �

� �


x x

x x

⋅ ⇔

2225 0�


Gy Gy2 210

2 10� �




Gy GyGy2 15

5 10

2 1018 75� �

�� .

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Re-irradiation 129

same overall time as originally prescribed. If theinitial error was giving a larger dose per fractionthan planned (a hypofractionated error), then therest of the treatment should be hyperfractionatedto compensate. If the initial error was giving alower dose per fraction than planned (hyperfrac-tionated), then the rest of the treatment should behypofractionated to compensate.

Joiner (2004) showed how to calculate the doseper fraction used to bring the treatment backexactly to planned tolerance simultaneously for alltissues and tumour involved, following eitherhyperfractionated or hypofractionated errorsmade initially, without the need to know any α/βratios. Defining planned treatment as p Gy per

fraction to a total dose of P Gy, suppose the initialerror is e Gy per fraction given to a total of E Gy.Using the LQ model to describe all isoeffect rela-tionships between total dose and dose per fractionfor the tumour and the normal tissues, then thecompensating dose per fraction of d Gy to a totaldose of D Gy are given by the simple formulae:

D � P � E (9.3)


Notably, it can be seen that the total dose for thecomplete treatment (error plus compensation)remains as originally prescribed.

dP E

P Ep e


Example 6. Error in the delivered dose per fraction at the beginning of treatment

A patient is intended to receive 35 � 2 Gy perfraction, with five fractions per week to an overalltime of 7 weeks. By error, the treatments on eachof the first 2 days are given as 4 Gy per fraction.

Problem: What is the dose per fraction thatshould be given in the remainder of the treat-ment, to exactly compensate for the initial error?

Solution: The total error dose (E) is 8 Gy; there-fore from equation 9.3, the total compensatingdose (D) is:

70 Gy � 8 Gy � 62 Gy

The dose per fraction used for the compensa-tion, given by equation 9.4, should be:


This gives 62/1.74 � 35.6 fractions for the com-pensating 62 Gy. Since an integral number offractions must be given, the nearest compensat-ing treatment is 36 � 1.72 Gy.

In this example, there are 33 weekday treat-ment days left to use in the original plannedoverall time, so three of the 1.72 Gy doses mustbe given on Saturdays, or using two fractions perday on three of the Fridays, in order not toextend overall treatment time. It must be notedthat equations 9.3 and 9.4 are valid only in theabsence of incomplete repair; therefore com-pensating treatments should not be scheduled ina way that would introduce significant incom-plete repair. This favours using Saturdays todeliver the additional doses, or leaving the max-imum possible time between two doses given onFridays, but at least 6 hours.

70 2 8 4

70 81 74

Gy Gy Gy Gy

Gy GyGy

⋅ ⋅�

�� .


A specific problem in clinical practice is the radio-therapeutic management of patients with a newprimary tumour or a loco-regional recurrence inan anatomical site that necessitates re-irradiationof a previously irradiated tissue or organ.Experimental animal data demonstrate that various

endpoints differ markedly in their capacity forlong-term recovery of radiation tolerance (seeChapter 19). Quantitative clinical data are sparseand it may not be safe to assume any particularvalue of the recovery in a clinical setting. Themost reasonable approach is probably to use theLQ model to estimate the EQD2 values for thenormal-tissue endpoints of concern without any

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130 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

explicit recovery assumed, and then to apply aclinical assessment of the re-irradiation tolerancebased in part on the experience from animalexperiments. Obviously, such an assessmentwould also include other clinical aspects such asthe life expectancy of the patient in relation to thelatent period of late damage, and the prospects forlong-term benefit from the re-treatment.


Early papers on the use of the LQ model in biolog-ical dose calculations were all concerned with esti-mation of isoeffective doses. In practice, twodose-fractionation schedules will most often notproduce exactly the same biological effect, andeven if they are isoeffective with respect to a

specific endpoint they will typically not be so withrespect to other endpoints. In these situations, itis necessary to consider the steepness of thedose–response curve in order to estimate the asso-ciated change in the incidence of a clinical end-point in going from one schedule to the other.

In the following, response rate refers to either atumour control probability or a normal-tissuecomplication probability. If the response rate is Rafter a dose D, the change in response rate, in per-centage points, after an increment in dose,ΔD, isapproximately:


where γn is the local value of the normalizeddose–response gradient (see Chapter 5). The useof this formula is illustrated by the followingexample.



D� � �100% γn

Example 7. Converting from change in dose into change in response rate

For the DAHANCA 6/7 trial, we calculated inExample 4 that the acceleration in the six frac-tions per week arm corresponded to an effective4.9-Gy dose increment. Assume that the localtumour control probability (T-position alone)in the five fractions per week arm is 64 per cent(this is the actual observed control probability inthis arm of the trial).

Problem: What is the expected increase intumour control probability from the treatmentacceleration?

Solution: First, we need to choose the value of γ.From Figs 5.4 and 5.5 (Chapter 5), we find thatγ50 is around 1.8 for head and neck cancer witha trend towards higher values for vocal cord

tumours. At the 64 per cent level, this value isstill valid (see Table 5.1). Using this value of γallows us to calculate the expected change inresponse:

Thus, the local tumour control probability isexpected to increase by 13 per cent. Theobserved local tumour control rates in the trialwere 64 per cent and 76 per cent in the five- andsix-fraction per week arms, respectively(Overgaard et al., 2003). This means that thetumour control rate increased by 12 per cent, invery good agreement with the expected increasecalculated here.

ΔR � � � �4 9

66100 1 8 13

.% . %




Dosimetric hot spots receive not only a higher totaldose but also a higher dose per fraction. RodneyWithers (see, for example, Lee et al., 1995) has calledthis phenomenon ‘double trouble’. A hot spot could

arise as a result of internal and external inhomo-geneities or because of the radiation field arrange-ment. A special case is in the match zone betweentwo abutted fields where, depending on the geomet-rical matching technique used, a small tissue vol-ume could be markedly overdosed or underdosed.

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The uncertainty in biological effect estimates 131


An impression of the uncertainty in biologicaleffect estimates may be obtained simply by vary-ing the value of α/β or Dprolif or γ50. The idea is toinsert the lower and upper 95 per cent confidencelimits of the parameter in question and use theseas 95 per cent confidence limits for the biological

effect estimate. This technique is only straightfor-ward if we are concerned with uncertainty in asingle parameter, say, uncertainty in α/β. If wewant to evaluate the effect of uncertainty in twoparameters, for example Dprolif and γ50, it is neces-sary to use more advanced methods. It is not agood approximation simply to insert the lowerand upper confidence limits for both parametersin the calculation.

Example 8. Double trouble

The peak absorbed dose in the match zonebetween two abutted photon fields is measuredby film dosimetry to be 118 per cent of the doseon the central axis of one of the abutting fields.A total dose of 50 Gy is delivered in 25 fractions.The peak physical absorbed dose per fraction inthe match zone is 2.36 Gy and the correspondingtotal dose is 25 � 2.36 Gy � 59.0 Gy.

Problem: What is the peak biologically isoeffec-tive dose in 2-Gy fractions in the match zone fora late normal-tissue endpoint with α/β � 2 Gyand for a tumour with α/β � 10 Gy?

Solution: This is a straightforward applicationof Withers’ formula (equation 9.1). For the lateendpoint we get:

And for the tumour:

It is seen that the greater fractionation sensitiv-ity of the late endpoint relative to the tumours inthis example means that the biological effect of ahot spot is relatively more important for the lateendpoint.

Historically, match zone overdosage of thebrachial plexus has been associated with anunacceptable incidence of radiation plexopathiesin patients receiving postoperative radiotherapyfor breast cancer (Bentzen and Dische, 2000).These problems can largely be avoided by using amore optimal treatment technique.

Clearly, volume effects should be consideredin relation to the double-trouble phenomenon.


Gy GyGy2 59

2 36 10

2 1060 8� �




Gy GyGy2 � �


2 36 2

2 264 3


Example 9. Estimating uncertainty

We will repeat the calculation in Example 8, butthis time we will use the α/β ratio for subcuta-neous fibrosis from Table 9.1. In other words, wewant to estimate the EQD2 for subcutaneous fibro-sis for a schedule delivering 59 Gy in 25 fractions(i.e. employing a dose per fraction of 2.36 Gy).

Problem: What is the isoeffective dose in 2-Gyfractions for subcutaneous fibrosis and the asso-ciated 95 per cent confidence limits?

Solution: Table 9.1 gives α/β � 1.7 Gy with 95 percent confidence limits 0.6 Gy and 2.6 Gy. Thus,

Similarly, for α/β � 2.6 Gy, the lower 95 per centconfidence limit for EQD2 becomes 63.6 Gy.Using α/β � 0.6 Gy, the upper 95 per cent confi-dence limit becomes 67.2 Gy. Thus, our best esti-mate of EQD2 for subcutaneous fibrosis is64.7 Gy with 95 per cent confidence limits63.6 Gy and 67.2 Gy.

The confidence interval in this example isatypically narrow. Most α/β values for humannormal-tissue endpoints and tumours are knownwith poorer precision than the value for subcuta-neous fibrosis. Also, when the LQ formula is usedto extrapolate to doses that are further away from2 Gy than the 2.36 Gy considered in the example,uncertainty in α/β becomes more important.


Gy GyGy2 � �


2 36 1 7

2 1 764 7

. .


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132 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

Another useful approach is to identify the mainclinical concern. In Examples 8 and 9, the mainconcern is the added risk of complications associ-ated with the overdosage in the match zone. InExample 5, the main concern is the possibleincrease of late effects after hypofractionation. Inthese cases, it is of course cautious to assume a lowvalue for α/β. If, on the other hand, we want toestimate the sparing from hyperfractionation in agiven patient, it would be conservative (i.e. wewould not be overestimating the benefit) if weassumed a relatively high value of α/β.

A final observation is that the confidence inter-val for α/β derived from animal studies is gener-ally narrower than for the corresponding humanendpoint. This probably reflects that the numberof subjects is often larger in the experimentalstudies and that dose and dose per fraction is var-ied more systematically and over a wider range ofvalues. As mentioned above, we would suggestthat the full calculation, including the estimationof confidence limits, is done using the parameterestimates from the human data whenever possi-ble, and that an independent calculation is doneusing the animal data.


The question whether the LQ approach has beenvalidated can only be addressed on an endpoint-by-endpoint basis. The LQ model has beenapplied to datasets from quite a few clinical stud-ies, and there has in many cases been good agree-ment between the predicted and observed studyoutcome. This gives some confidence in using themodel to estimate the effects of changed dosefractionation in situations where there are clinicalparameter estimates. Roughly, the dose per frac-tion, where use of the LQ model is supported bydata, ranges from about 1.0 Gy to 5 Gy or so. Asmentioned in the introduction to this chapter,even then there is often a lack of appropriateparameter estimates, or the available estimateshave wide 95 per cent confidence limits.Parameter estimates for clinical endpoints remainrelatively scarce. Some papers derive parameter

values based on fixing one or more other parame-ters in the estimation. Clearly, these estimatesbecome circular to some extent. While the clinicalimportance of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivityremains controversial, there is little empirical sup-port from clinical studies for the use of the LQmodel at dose per fraction of 1.0 Gy. This is animportant issue as many IMRT techniques involveirradiation of large normal-tissue volumes withdose fractions in this range. At the other end of thespectrum, techniques such as extracranial stereo-tactic body radiotherapy, or intraoperative radio-therapy or high dose-rate brachytherapy maydeliver dose fractions of 10 Gy or more. Again,there is little empirical evidence behind the use ofthe simple LQ model, or any of the proposedmodifications of this model, in this high-doserange. In most cases, the dose fractionation issueis intertwined with the volume effect, and in practice it is difficult to separate these effects fromclinical studies where patients receive roughlysimilar dose distributions (see also Chapter 14).

It should also be mentioned that a number ofelegant formulations of the LQ model have beendeveloped, for example for internal emitters or per-manent implants. Other formulations include rela-tive biological effectiveness (RBE) or oxygenenhancement ratio (OER) corrections, etc. Theinterested reader is referred to a recent book editedby Dale and Jones (2007 – see Further reading) foran overview of many of these applications andrefinements of the LQ model. From the perspectiveof clinical radiobiology, many of these models areover-parameterized in the sense that clinicaldatasets typically will not have sufficient structuralresolution to allow estimation of all relevant modelparameters, not to mention validating the modelassumptions.

Do some tumours have low α/β ratios?Parameter estimates for malignant melanoma andliposarcoma from the late 1980s suggested thatthis might be the case, but this hypothesis hasattracted considerable interest after Brenner andHall (1999) derived low α/β estimates for prostatecancer from a comparison between external-beamand brachytherapy outcomes. Later studies com-paring external-beam only fractionation effectshave provided further support for this idea(Bentzen and Ritter, 2005; Lukka et al., 2005). A

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Bibliography 133

number of trials are in progress that should pro-duce valuable data allowing a rigorous test of thishypothesis (Bentzen and Ritter, 2005; Miles andLee, 2008). There is also emerging evidence thatα/β for subclinical breast cancer may be consider-ably less than the often assumed 10 Gy; see thereport from the UK START Trialists Group(Bentzen et al., 2008). A cautious attitude at pres-ent is that fractionation schedules designed toexploit these presumptive low α/β values for somecancer types should be tested in prospective clini-cal trials, as they could lead to major deviationsfrom the established practice in a particular centre.

The final note here is that the move towardsincreasing use of combined modality therapy inmany tumour types represents a further issueregarding the applicability of standard LQ model-ling. The approach often taken is to perform bio-effect calculations for the radiation therapy partin isolation. This may produce valid results as longas the chemotherapy is strictly identical in theschedules being compared. However, thisapproach is also challenged by data suggestingthat some cytotoxic and molecular targeted drugsactually modulate the dose–time fractionationresponse (Bentzen et al., 2007). In this case, radio-biological parameters derived from radiation-alone studies may no longer be valid.

While the LQ approach 10 years ago appearedto be rather well established, a number of newdevelopments – mainly driven by clinical andtechnology advances – have made bioeffect mod-elling an exciting and important area of clinicaland experimental radiation research again.


Bentzen SM (2006). Preventing or reducing late sideeffects of radiation therapy: radiobiology meetsmolecular pathology. Nat Rev Cancer 6: 702–13.

Bentzen SM, Dische S (2000). Morbidity related toaxillary irradiation in the treatment of breast cancer.Acta Oncol 39: 337–47.

Bentzen SM, Overgaard J (1995). Clinical normal-tissueradiobiology. In: Tobias JS, Thomas PR (eds) Currentradiation oncology, Vol. 2, London: Arnold, 37–67.

Bentzen SM, Ritter MA (2005). The alpha/beta ratio forprostate cancer: what is it, really? Radiother Oncol76: 1–3.

Bentzen SM, Saunders MI, Dische S (1999). Repairhalftimes estimated from observations of treatment-related morbidity after CHART orconventional radiotherapy in head and neck cancer.Radiother Oncol 53: 219–26.

Bentzen SM, Saunders MI, Dische S, Bond SJ (2001).Radiotherapy-related early morbidity in head and neckcancer: quantitative clinical radiobiology as deducedfrom the CHART trial. Radiother Oncol 60: 123–35.

Bentzen SM, Harari PM, Bernier J (2007). Exploitablemechanisms for combining drugs with radiation:concepts, achievements and future directions. NatClin Pract Oncol 4: 172–80.

Bentzen SM, Agrawal RK, Aird EG et al. (2008). The UKStandardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) TrialA of radiotherapy hypofractionation for treatment ofearly breast cancer: a randomised trial. Lancet Oncol9: 331–41.

Key points

1. The LQ approach is the model of choice forbioeffect estimation in radiotherapy andcan be used for a wide range of calculations.

2. The dose range where the LQ model is well supported by data is roughly 1–5 Gyper fraction. Extrapolations made outsidethis range should be done with extremecaution.

3. Clinical parameter estimates should be usedin calculations whenever possible. If no clini-cal estimates are available, values from animalstudies may be used as guidance but cautionshould be exercised in applying the results ofsuch calculations to the clinical situation.

4. Estimates of uncertainty in LQ calculationsshould always be made, based on the uncer-tainty in the values of the parameters usedin the calculation.

5. In combined modality therapy, it may notbe valid to use parameters derived fromstudies using radiation alone.

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134 The linear-quadratic approach in clinical practice

Brenner DJ, Hall EJ (1999). Fractionation andprotraction for radiotherapy of prostate carcinoma.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 43: 1095–101.

Dische S, Saunders MI (1989). Continuous,hyperfractionated, accelerated radiotherapy(CHART): an interim report upon late morbidity.Radiother Oncol 16: 65–72.

Fuwa N, Ito Y, Matsumoto A, Morita K (2000). Thetreatment results of 40 patients with localizedendobronchial cancer with external beam irradiationand intraluminal irradiation using low dose rate(192)Ir thin wires with a new catheter. RadiotherOncol 56: 189–95.

Guttenberger R, Thames HD, Ang KK (1992). Is theexperience with CHART compatible withexperimental data? A new model of repair kineticsand computer simulations. Radiother Oncol 25:280–6.

Hendry JH, Bentzen SM, Dale RG et al. (1996). Amodelled comparison of the effects of usingdifferent ways to compensate for missed treatmentdays in radiotherapy. Clin Oncol 8: 297–307.

Joiner MC (2004). A simple alpha/beta-independentmethod to derive fully isoeffective schedulesfollowing changes in dose per fraction. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 58: 871–5.

Kapiteijn E, Marijnen CA, Nagtegaal ID et al. (2001).Preoperative radiotherapy combined with totalmesorectal excision for resectable rectal cancer. NEngl J Med 345: 638–46.

Lee AW, Sze WM, Fowler JF, Chappell R, Leung SF, Teo P(1999). Caution on the use of altered fractionationfor nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Radiother Oncol 52:207–11.

Lee SP, Leu MY, Smathers JB, McBride WH, Parker RG,Withers HR (1995). Biologically effective dosedistribution based on the linear quadratic model andits clinical relevance. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 33:375–89.

Lukka H, Hayter C, Julian JA et al. (2005). Randomizedtrial comparing two fractionation schedules forpatients with localized prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol23: 6132–8.

Miles EF, Lee WR (2008). Hypofractionation for prostatecancer: a critical review. Semin Radiat Oncol 18:41–7.

Overgaard J, Hansen HS, Specht L et al. (2003). Fivecompared with six fractions per week ofconventional radiotherapy of squamous-cellcarcinoma of head and neck: DAHANCA 6 and 7randomised controlled trial. Lancet 362: 933–40.

Thames HD, Bentzen SM, Turesson I, Overgaard M, vanden Bogaert W (1990). Time-dose factors inradiotherapy: a review of the human data. RadiotherOncol 19: 219–35.

Withers HR, Thames HD, Jr, Peters L J (1983). A newisoeffect curve for change in dose per fraction.Radiother Oncol 1: 187–91.


Dale RG, Jones B (ed.) (2007). Radiobiological modelingin radiation oncology. London: British Institute ofRadiology.

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10.1 Introduction 13510.2 Conventional fractionation 13510.3 Modification of dose per fraction 13610.4 The time factor for fractionated

radiotherapy in tumours 13810.5 Clinical evaluation of accelerated

radiotherapy 14010.6 Comparison between hyperfractionation

and accelerated fractionation 144

10.7 Split-course radiotherapy 14410.8 Reasons for increased late normal-tissue

damage after modified fractionation 14510.9 Is the same modified fractionation

schedule optimal for all patients? 145Key points 146Bibliography 147Further reading 148



The clinical evaluation and implementation ofmodified fractionation schedules based on bio-logical rationales is an important focus of ‘trans-lational research’ in radiation oncology.Throughout the history of radiotherapy, the opti-mal distribution of dose over time has been amajor issue but important progress has beenmade in this area over the past two decades. Therelationships uncovered between total dose andfraction number for late-responding normal tis-sues, early-responding normal tissues andtumours provide the basic information requiredto optimize the dose per fraction in radiotherapy.Work still needs to be done to determine the exacttime of onset, the rate and the mechanisms ofrepopulation in tumours and normal tissues dur-ing radiotherapy, but enough is now known abouttime factors to support the important conclusionsthat: (1) the overall duration of fractionatedradiotherapy should not be allowed to extendbeyond the originally prescribed time; (2) a

reduced overall treatment time should be consid-ered in a number of clinical situations; and (3)inter-fraction time intervals should be made aslong as possible in order to gain the full benefitfrom fractionation schedules employing multiplefractions per day.

This chapter summarizes the current status ofmodified fractionation in clinical radiotherapy.


Conventional fractionation is the application ofdaily doses of 1.8–2 Gy and five fractions per week(Monday to Friday) with a dose per week of9–10 Gy. Depending on tumour histology,tumour size and localization, total doses rangingfrom 40 Gy to 70 Gy are given for macroscopicdisease and lower doses when treating micro-scopic disease. These conventional fractionationschedules were developed on an empirical basis(Fletcher, 1988) and have been the mainstay of

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136 Modified fractionation

curative radiotherapy over the last decades inmost institutions in Europe and the USA.

Radiosensitive tumours such as lymphomasand seminomas can be controlled with low dosesof 45 Gy or even less and in this situation there is alow incidence of collateral normal-tissue damage.By contrast, glioblastoma multiforme is a veryresistant tumour that is not controlled even afterdoses as high as 70 Gy. Most tumour types, includ-ing squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcino-mas, are of intermediate sensitivity. Smalltumours, for example T1 or T2 carcinomas of thehead and neck, are well controlled with acceptablenormal-tissue damage using conventional frac-tionation and total doses between 60 Gy and70 Gy. However, local tumour control rates rap-idly decline for larger and more advancedtumours. As local tumour control increases withthe total dose of radiotherapy, the question maybe asked whether improved management of largertumours could be gained by increasing the totaldose of conventional fractionation above 70 Gy,say to doses between 80 Gy and 100 Gy. Such doseescalation is currently being tested for non-smallcell lung cancer and for carcinoma of the prostate.One constraint is that not only tumour controlrates but also the incidence and severity of nor-mal-tissue damage increase with increasing totaldoses (see Chapter 5). This was recognized as earlyas 1936 when Holthusen pointed out that theuncomplicated local tumour control rate initiallyincreases with increasing dose but then falls againbecause of the steep increase in the incidence ofnormal-tissue damage. Figure 10.1 is redrawnfrom one of Holthusen’s papers: the frequency of‘uncomplicated tumour control’ follows a bell-shaped curve. Once the optimum dose is estab-lished, further improvements in uncomplicatedtumour control can only be achieved by eithermoving the dose–effect curve for local tumourcontrol to lower doses or the curve for normal-tis-sue damage to higher doses; the latter is the objec-tive of hyperfractionated schedules (see Section10.3). Conformal radiotherapy is another optioncurrently used in dose escalation protocols, reduc-ing the volume of normal tissue irradiated to highdose and therefore also the probability of late nor-mal-tissue damage (see Chapters 14 and 20). Asdose escalation using conventional fractionation

is always associated with the prolongation of over-all treatment time, some of the potential gain maybe lost as a consequence of tumour-cell repopula-tion and this is considered in Section 10.4.

Radiotherapy is highly effective in dealing witha small number of cancer cells, as in the treatmentof microscopic disease. Thus, lower doses of irra-diation are also used postoperatively after com-plete resection of breast or head and neck cancer.



Hyperfractionation is the term used to describeradiotherapy with doses per fraction less than the1.8–2.0 Gy given in conventional fractionation.The total number of fractions must be increased,hence the prefix ‘hyper-’; usually two fractions areadministered per day. The biological rationale ofhyperfractionation is to exploit the differencebetween the small effect of dose per fraction ontumour control versus the larger effect of dose perfraction on the incidence and severity of late nor-mal-tissue damage. As pointed out in Chapter 8,this differential between tumours and late-responding normal tissues is thought to be caused









e ra


Tumour control

Complication-freecontrol of disease


Radiation dose (Gy)

Figure 10.1 Dose–response curves for tumour controland normal-tissue damage. The uncomplicated localtumour control rate initially increases with increasingdose after which it falls again because of a steepincrease in the incidence of damage to normal tissue.Adapted from Holthusen (1936).

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Modification of dose per fraction 137

by a different capacity of target cells in these tis-sues to recover from sublethal radiation damagebetween fractions.

In clinical practice hyperfractionation is usu-ally applied to escalate the total dose comparedwith conventional fractionation, thereby aimingat improved tumour control rates without increas-ing the risk of late complications (see Fig. 8.7).Dose-escalated hyperfractionation has been testedin two large multicentre randomized clinical trialson head and neck squamous cell carcinoma[European Organisation for Cancer Research(EORTC) No. 22791 and Radiation TherapyOncology Group (RTOG) No. 9003]. The resultsof the EORTC trial are shown in Fig. 10.2. In Fig. 10.2b it can be seen that hyperfractionatedtreatment with 70 fractions of 1.15 Gy (two frac-tions per day with a 4- to 6-hour interval; totaldose 80.5 Gy) produced a similar incidence ofpooled grades 2 and 3 late tissue damage to a conventional schedule of 35 fractions of 2 Gy(70 Gy given in the same overall time of 7 weeks).However, the larger total dose in the hyperfrac-tionated treatment produced an increase of about19 per cent in long-term local tumour control(Fig. 10.2a). Survival appeared higher after hyper-fractionation but this difference did not reach statistical significance. In the RTOG trial (Fu et al.,2000), local tumour control was increased by 8per cent after hyperfractionation (68 fractions of

1.2 Gy, two fractions per day, 6 hours apart, totaldose 81.6 Gy) compared with conventional frac-tionation using 2-Gy fractions to 70 Gy in thesame overall time of 7 weeks. Overall survival wasnot significantly improved but the prevalence ofgrade 3 late effects was significantly increasedafter hyperfractionation. Both these clinical trialsthus confirm the radiobiological expectation thatlocal tumour control can be increased by dose-escalated hyperfractionation, thereby supportinga high average α/β ratio for squamous cell carci-noma of the head and neck (Table 9.1). However,while the EORTC trial supports the view thathyperfractionation allows the total dose to beincreased without a simultaneous increase in latecomplications, the RTOG trial indicates that thisis not always the case. The potential therapeuticgain from hyperfractionation is debated by Beck-Bornholdt et al. (1997), Baumann et al. (1998)and Bentzen et al. (1999). Factors that contributeto an increased risk of late normal-tissue damagewhen multiple fractions are applied per day arediscussed in Section 10.5.


This is the use of doses per fraction higher than2.0 Gy; the total number of fractions is reduced,hence the prefix ‘hypo-’. As explained in Chapter 8,

Local tumour control100












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Duration of trial (years)







Absence of late effects100










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Duration of trial (years)





(a) (b)

Figure 10.2 Results of the EORTC (22791) trial of dose-escalated hyperfractionation. (a) Loco-regional tumour control(log-rank p � 0.02); (b) patients free of late radiation effects, grade 2 or worse (log-rank p � 0.72). From Horiot et al.(1992), with permission.

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138 Modified fractionation

Section 8.6, the radiobiological expectation is thathypofractionation will lower the therapeutic ratiobetween tumours and late-responding normal tis-sues, compared with conventional fractionationgiven in the same overall time. This expectationdepends on the α/β ratio for the tumour beingconsiderably higher than for late-responding nor-mal tissues; exceptions could therefore occur fortumours that have low α/β ratios, for examplesome melanomas, liposarcomas and potentiallyearly-stage prostate and breast cancer (see Table9.1). In these cases hypofractionation may be asgood or even better than conventional fractiona-tion. For example a randomized clinical trial(Owen et al., 2006), including 1410 women withinvasive breast cancer who had local tumour exci-sion, compared 50 Gy in 25 fractions, 39 Gy in 13fractions and 42.9 Gy in 13 fractions, all given over5 weeks. The risk of ipsilateral tumour relapse after10 years was 12.1 per cent in the 50 Gy group, 14.8per cent in the 39 Gy group, and 9.6 per cent in the429 Gy group (difference between 39 Gy and42.9 Gy groups, p � 0.027). The α/β ratio of breastcancer was estimated from these data to be 4.0 Gy[95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 1.0–7.8], sim-ilar to that estimated for the late adverse effects inhealthy tissue from breast radiotherapy.

Single-dose irradiation or hypofractionationwith only few large fractions are widely applied inpalliative radiotherapy. These schedules use lowertotal doses than those applied in curative radiother-apy. For this reason, and because the patients have alimited life expectancy, late normal-tissue damage isof only minor concern. A number of randomizedclinical trials have shown that symptom controlafter palliative hypofractionated schedules is com-parable to that achieved with more highly fraction-ated schedules. Hypofractionated schedules havethe advantage of being more convenient for thepatient and they help spare resources.

For stereotactic radiotherapy of small tumours(e.g. in lung, where very steep dose gradients canbe achieved and hence only very small volumes ofsurrounding normal tissue are at risk of radiationdamage) single doses or hypofractionation withfew large fractions are also frequently applied inclinical practice.

Moderate hypofractionation with doses perfraction up to approximately 3.5 Gy is routinely

used for curative radiation therapy in many cen-tres worldwide. To reduce the risk of late normal-tissue damage in these schedules, slightly lowertotal doses are applied than for conventional frac-tionation. For tumours with a high α/β ratio thisdecrease in total dose may well lead to a reductionin tumour control probability. However, some orall of this negative effect may be compensated bythe shorter overall treatment times often used forthis moderate hypofractionation (see Section10.4). There is growing interest in the use of mod-erate hypofractionation to escalate total doses inthe context of clinical trials of conformal radia-tion therapy. For example, using a field-in-fieldtechnique or intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT), a higher dose per fraction can be appliedfor boosting the macroscopic tumour whilepotential microscopic tumour extensions aretreated at conventional doses per fraction. Suchhypofractionated approaches for dose escalationavoid the necessity to prolong the overall treat-ment time and conserve treatment resources.However, these advantages have to be carefullyweighed against the increased risk of late normal-tissue injury, and clinical trials are therefore necessary to fully evaluate the therapeutic gaincompared with standard approaches.


In the 1960s and 1970s the prevailing view amongradiation oncologists had been that prolongedoverall treatment times of fractionated irradiationdid not impair local tumour control. Contrary to this general view, studies on experimentaltumours were beginning to find that clonogeniccells proliferate rapidly after irradiation (seeChapter 7) so predicting that the ability of clinicalradiotherapy to achieve local tumour controlwould actually decrease with increasing overalltreatment time. Several experimental studies indi-cate that repopulation of clonogenic tumour cellsaccelerates at some point during fractionatedradiotherapy (see Chapters 8 and 9). It should alsobe noted that other mechanisms such as longrepair halftimes or increasing radiobiological

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The time factor for fractionated radiotherapy 139

hypoxia during treatment might contribute to adetrimental effect of long overall treatment timeson tumour control.

The possible existence of a tumour time-factorin clinical radiotherapy became more widelyacknowledged following a publication by Witherset al. (1988) entitled ‘The hazard of acceleratedtumour clonogen repopulation during radiother-apy’. This review examined the correlationbetween tumour control and overall treatmenttime for squamous cell carcinomas of the head andneck and led to the diagram shown in Fig. 10.3a:this shows the dose required to achieve tumourcontrol in 50 per cent of cases (i.e. TCD50 values)plotted against the overall treatment time. Since avariety of doses per fraction were used in the vari-ous original studies summarized in this plot, thelinear-quadratic (LQ) model was used with an α/βratio of 25 Gy to convert from the actual doses perfraction used into equivalent doses using 2 Gy perfraction (EQD2, see Chapter 8, Section 8.7). Thevarious studies also achieved different tumourcontrol rates and it was therefore necessary tointerpolate or extrapolate to the 50 per cent con-trol level. This required an assumed value for thesteepness of the dose–response relationship for the

tumours; it was assumed that the dose to increasecontrol from 40 per cent to 60 per cent was 2.9 Gy.As can be seen from Fig. 10.3a, this retrospectivereview of head and neck cancer data found a cleartrend: as overall time increased, a greater totalradiation dose had been required to control thesetumours. The other important conclusion was thatthere seemed to be an initial flat portion to thisrelationship (the so-called ‘dog-leg’). This impliedthat, for treatment times shorter than 3–4 weeks,tumour proliferation had little effect and that, asshown for experimental tumours, it also takes timefor accelerated repopulation to be ‘switched on’ inhuman tumours. Withers et al. (1988) concludedthat for treatment times longer than 4 weeks, theeffect of proliferation was equivalent to a loss ofradiation dose of about 0.6 Gy/day.

This publication gave rise to considerabledebate. Subsequent analyses of the same clinicaldata carried out by Bentzen and Thames (1991)and by Dubben (1994) are shown in Figs 10.3band 10.4. The analysis of Bentzen and Thamesmade a different assumption about the steepnessof dose–response curves for tumour control: thedose to increase control from 40 per cent to 60 percent was taken to be 10.5 rather than 2.9 Gy, which





400 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Overall treatment time (days)















60 70 80








Overall treatment time (days)


(a) (b)

Figure 10.3 Tumour control dose (TCD50 – dose required to control 50 per cent of the tumours) in head and neckcancer as a function of overall treatment time, normalized to a dose per fraction of 2 Gy. The same large set of clinicalstudies has been retrospectively summarized by (a) Withers et al. (1988) and (b) Bentzen et al. (1991). In (b) each pointindicates the result of a particular trial, the size of the symbol indicating the size of the trial. There is a trend for thecurative radiation dose to increase with overall treatment time, although the details of this association differ betweenthe two studies.

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140 Modified fractionation

was thought to be more clinically realistic. Inaddition, the data points in Fig. 10.3b were drawnto indicate the size of the patient sample fromwhich the estimate of TCD50 had been made.Figure 10.3b suggests that the ‘lag’ period beforecommencement of repopulation may have beensomewhat exaggerated by the plot shown in Fig. 10.3a, although this issue is still actively dis-cussed. Furthermore, the analysis by Dubben usedthe same radiobiological assumptions as thereview by Withers et al. (1988) and showed thatthe actual local tumour control rates could bereplaced by random numbers without changingthe conclusion of Fig. 10.3a. As shown in Fig. 10.4,the reason for this completely unexpected findingwas a highly significant correlation betweenTCD50 and the prescribed total dose (normalizedto 2-Gy fractions). Dubben’s conclusion was thatthe increase of TCD50 with increasing treatmentduration in Fig. 10.3a reflects only dose–time pre-scriptions and that these data neither confirm norexclude a time factor of fractionated radiotherapy.The comparison among these three analyses ofthe same dataset is a good example of how diffi-cult it is to draw reliable conclusions based on ret-rospective analyses of clinical data.

If we accept the data summarized in Fig. 10.3b,the slope of the line indicates that 0.48 Gy per day isrecovered during fractionated radiotherapy of headand neck squamous cell carcinoma. If we furtheraccept that this effect is caused by repopulation andassume reasonable estimates of tumour cellradiosensitivity, we can deduce a clonogen dou-bling time of less than 1 week, similar to the valuesof pretreatment potential doubling times measuredin human tumours (see Tables 7.4 and 7.5). Thepotential doubling time (Tpot) is a cell kineticparameter that indicates the rate at which cells areproliferating in an untreated tumour. Althoughthere is much uncertainty about this, it has beensuggested that during treatment the rate at whichclonogenic cells within the tumour repopulate mayalso resemble the Tpot value. Thus, accelerated frac-tionation, which uses a reduced overall treatmenttime below the conventional 6–7 weeks, shouldincrease tumour cure rates by restricting the timeavailable for tumour cell proliferation. From Fig.10.3b, for example, the dose in a 5-week schedulewould be effectively larger than that in a 7-weekschedule by a factor 0.48 � (7 � 5) � 6.7 Gy, ornearly 10 per cent of a 70-Gy treatment.


Through the joint activities of radiation biologistsand clinicians, accelerated fractionation scheduleshave been developed that aim to counteract therapid repopulation of clonogenic cells during ther-apy, as deduced in Section 10.4. Accelerated frac-tionation is defined as a shortening of the overalltreatment time or, more precisely, as an increase ofthe average dose per week above the 10 Gy given inconventional fractionation. Early normal-tissuereactions are expected to increase using acceleratedradiotherapy (see Chapter 11). In contrast, ifrecovery from sublethal radiation damage betweenfractions is complete (see Chapter 8), late normal-tissue damage is expected to remain constant foraccelerated fractionation schedules using 1.8- to 2-Gy fractions and total doses comparable to con-ventional fractionation. If the total dose and/or thedose per fraction is reduced (sometimes termed







Normalized total dose (Gy)





Figure 10.4 The clinical data shown in (a) and (b) ofFig. 10.3 as reanalysed by Dubben (1994). The tumourcontrol dose (TCD) is plotted against the prescribedtotal dose, normalized to a dose per fraction of 2 Gy.The positive trend in these data indicates a possibleprescription bias. Reprinted with permission fromElsevier.

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Clinical evaluation of accelerated radiotherapy 141

accelerated hyperfractionation) late normal-tissuedamage could even decrease.

To test these ideas, many clinical trials of accel-erated radiotherapy have been set up. As of 2008,15 trials have been reported, some of these only asabstracts. Twelve of these trials (9/11 in head andneck squamous cell carcinoma, 2/3 in non-smallcell lung cancer, 1/1 in small-cell lung cancer)indicate that, for a given total dose, acceleratedfractionation schedules are more effective inobtaining local tumour control than conventionalfractionation schedules, or that the results are atleast identical to conventional fractionationdespite administering a reduced total dose in theaccelerated arm. Overall, these studies on morethan 7000 patients provide strong support for theexistence of a significant time factor for tumours.The following paragraphs describe some of thesetrials of accelerated radiotherapy in more detail.

The strategy known as CHART (continuoushyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy) is anexample of strongly accelerated fractionation. Thisprotocol applies 36 fractions over 12 consecutivedays (starting on a Monday and including the fol-lowing weekend), using three fractions per daywith an interval of 6 hours between the fractionswithin each day. Dose per fraction is 1.5 Gy to a

total of 54 Gy. Total dose is therefore reduced com-pared with conventional therapy, in order toremain within the tolerance of acutely respondingepithelial tissues. Dische et al. (1997) have reportedthe results of a phase III clinical trial of CHART in918 patients with head and neck cancer. Patientswere randomized between CHART and conven-tional fractionation in 2-Gy fractions to 66 Gy.Figure 10.5a shows that loco-regional tumour con-trol was identical in both treatment arms. CHARTused 12 Gy less than conventional therapy in anoverall time reduced by 33 days. If this dose reduc-tion is thought to just offset repopulation, thiswould correspond to 0.36 Gy per day lost throughtumour cell proliferation, which is somewhatlower than the 0.48 Gy per day from the data inFig. 10.3b. This could be interpreted to mean thatthe lag period before onset of accelerated repopu-lation in head and neck carcinoma is longer thanthe 12-day duration of a course of CHART, butfurther data are required to confirm this. Overallpatient survival was identical in both treatmentarms (Fig. 10.5b). As expected for acceleratedradiotherapy, radiation mucositis was more severewith CHART; it occurred earlier but settled soonerand was in nearly all cases healed by 8 weeks inboth arms. Unexpectedly, skin reactions were less











0.00 12 24 36 48 60

Events TotalCHART 286 552

Conv. 194 366

Patients at riskCHARTConv.


















0.00 12 24 36 48 60

Events TotalCHART 294 552

Conv. 192 366

Patients at riskCHARTConv.








(a) (b)

Figure 10.5 Results of a phase III randomized trial of CHART (continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy)in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. (a) Probability of loco-regional tumour control; (b) probability ofoverall survival of patients treated by CHART (bold line) and by conventional radiotherapy (solid line). From Dische et al. (1997), with permission.

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142 Modified fractionation

severe and settled more quickly in the CHART-treated patients. Life-table analysis showed evi-dence of reduced severity in a number of latemorbidities in favour of CHART but the magni-tude of these differences in late reactions wouldnot allow a substantial increase in the total dose ofCHART without increasing the risk of late damageover the rate observed for conventional fractiona-tion. The overall conclusion is that CHARTimproved the therapeutic ratio in head and neckcancer by a small margin.

Saunders et al. (1997, 1999) reported theresults of the CHART–Bronchus trial. A total of563 patients with non-small cell lung cancer wererandomized between CHART (as describedabove) and conventional fractionation to 60 Gy in2-Gy fractions. Despite the lower total dose, sur-vival after 2 years was significantly increased by 9per cent, from 21 per cent in the conventional armto 30 per cent in the CHART arm (Fig. 10.6a).Exploratory analysis revealed that this was a con-sequence of improved local tumour control (Fig.10.6b) and, in squamous cell carcinoma, a reducedincidence of distant metastases. Oesophagitisoccurred earlier and reached higher scores inCHART patients, but symptoms also settled earlierand were of no major concern on longer follow-up.Pneumonitis was not decreased in the CHART

arm. The overall conclusion of this study was that,compared with conventional fractionation with60 Gy, CHART offers a significant therapeutic ben-efit for patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

The Danish Head and Neck Cancer StudyGroup (DAHANCA) trial 6 and 7 (Overgaard etal., 2003) provides a typical example of weaklyaccelerated radiotherapy. This study was aimed atfinding out whether shortening of treatment timeby only 1 week by using six instead of five radio-therapy fractions per week improved the tumourresponse in squamous cell carcinoma of the headand neck. A total of 1476 eligible patients wererandomly assigned to five (n � 726) or six(n � 750) fractions per week at the same total doseand fraction number (66–68 Gy in 33–34 fractionsto all tumour sites except well-differentiated T1glottic tumours, which were treated with 62 Gy).All patients, except those with glottic cancers, alsoreceived the hypoxic radiosensitizer nimorazole(see Chapter 17). Overall 5-year loco-regional con-trol rates were improved by 10 per cent from 60per cent to 70 per cent by accelerated fractionation(p � 0.0005). It is interesting to note that thewhole benefit of shortening of treatment time was seen for primary tumour control but was non-significant for neck-node control. Disease-specific survival improved (73 vs 66 per cent for



HR � 0.78 95% CI (0.65, 0.94) P � 0.008 HR � 0.79 95% CI (0.63, 0.98) P � 0.033


l tum



rol (










0.00 12 24 36 48

(a) (b)













12 24 36 48

MonthsPatients at risk



l (%








MonthsPatients at riskCHARTConv






269 338204 225

Events TotalChartConv

285 338196 225

Events Total

Figure 10.6 Results of a phase III randomized trial of CHART (continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy)in non-small cell lung cancer. (a) Overall survival; (b) local tumour control of patients treated by CHART or byconventional radiotherapy (CHART results are indicated by the heavier line). HR, hazard ratio. From Saunders et al.(1999), with permission.

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Clinical evaluation of accelerated radiotherapy 143

six and five fractions; p � 0.01) but not overallsurvival. Acute morbidity was significantly morefrequent with six than with five fractions, but wastransient. The overall conclusion of this study isthat shortening of overall treatment time byincreasing the weekly number of fractions is bene-ficial in patients with head and neck cancer. Veryimportantly, the DAHANCA trial as well as someother clinical studies clearly shows that not onlylarge differences in overall treatment time but alsoa comparably small difference of only 1 week influ-ences substantially the probability of achievinglocal tumour control.

In the EORTC trial No. 22851 (Horiot et al.,1997) 512 patients with head and neck cancer wererandomized to receive their treatment either con-ventionally in a median overall time of 54 days(using 1.8–2 Gy per fraction each day, total 35–40fractions, treatment on 5 days per week) or accel-erated in a median of 33 days (using 1.6 Gy perfraction three times per day with 4 hours mini-mum inter-fraction interval, total 45 fractions,treatment on 5 days per week, overall time allo-cated to 8 days radiotherapy, 12–14 days gap and17 days radiotherapy). The report of this EORTCtrial indicates that patients who received the accel-erated treatment showed a 13 per cent increase inloco-regional tumour control from 46 per cent to

59 per cent at five years (Fig. 10.7a); there was noincrease in survival compared with patients receiv-ing conventional treatment. Early radiation effects,particularly mucositis, were much more pro-nounced in the accelerated arm. Thirty-eight percent of patients had to be hospitalized for acutetoxicity compared with only 7 per cent of thepatients in the conventional arm. Fig. 10.7b showsthat grades 3 and 4 late damage (according to theEORTC/RTOG scale) also occurred significantlymore frequently after the accelerated fractionationthan after conventional fractionation (p 0.001).The probability of being free of severe late damageat 3 years was 85 per cent in the conventional armbut only 63 per cent in the accelerated arm. Withincreasing follow-up this difference is even greater.Most of the difference in late effects has beenattributable to late damage to connective tissuesand mucosal sequelae.

In summary, accelerated fractionation hasbeen shown in randomized clinical trials to coun-teract the time factor in head and neck and lungcancer. Some of the trials indicate an improvedtherapeutic ratio compared with conventionalfractionation. However, one of the most intrigu-ing biological observations from the clinical trialson accelerated fractionation is that sparing oflate normal-tissue morbidity compared with

Number of patients at risk:O N













(a) (b)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9














Number of patients at risk:O N












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9














Figure 10.7 Results of the European Organisation for Cancer Research (EORTC No. 22851) trial of acceleratedfractionation. (a) Loco-regional tumour control (log-rank p � 0.02); (b) patients free of severe radiation effects, grade 3 and 4 (log-rank p 0.001). From Horiot et al. (1997), with permission.

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144 Modified fractionation

conventional fractionation was much less thananticipated. In fact, late damage in the EORTCtrial was even higher than after conventional frac-tionation. Possible reasons for these unexpectedfindings are discussed below.


Bourhis et al. (2006) have reported a meta-analysisof hyperfractionation and accelerated radiother-apy in patients with head and neck tumours. Thisanalysis included 15 randomized trials with a totalof 6515 patients. In all of these trials, patients hadbeen randomized between conventional radio-therapy and hyperfractionated or acceleratedradiotherapy. The majority of patients had stageIII or IV oropharyngeal or laryngeal squamous cellcarcinoma and were monitored with a median fol-low-up of 6 years. When all the trials were puttogether, a 3–4 per cent significant increase inoverall survival (hazard ratio 0.92, 95 per cent CI0.86–0.97; p � 0.003) was found. There was a sig-nificant benefit for loco-regional control in favourof altered fractionation (6.4 per cent at 5 years,p 0.0001), which was particularly important forlocal control (Table 10.1). No effect was observedwith altered fractionation on distant metastasis.The survival advantage was more pronouncedwith hyperfractionation (8 per cent at 5 years)than with accelerated fractionation (2 per cent for

regimens without dose reduction and 1.7 per centfor regimens with dose reduction). Interestingly,the survival advantage observed with altered frac-tionation regimens is of the same order of magni-tude seen with concomitant chemo-radiotherapyregimens (see Chapter 18), indicating that thedebate on the relative merits of these two strategiesis likely to continue.


Intentional gaps in radiation therapy have some-times been introduced in order to allow recoveryof early-responding normal tissues. However ifsuch gaps prolong the overall treatment time thenlocal tumour control rates are expected todecrease. As discussed for the DAHANCA 6 and 7trial (see Section 10.5) not only differences in theoverall treatment time by several weeks but alsofor only 1 week may significantly change thechance for local tumour control. These data implythat even small prolongations of overall treatmenttimes in the order of one or few days should beavoided. If this is not possible, appropriate com-pensation has to be applied. Studies on experi-mental tumours suggest that, for a given overalltreatment time, the magnitude of the time factoris the same for continuous fractionation or forfractionation protocols including gaps (Baumannet al., 2001). This supports the current clinicalguidelines for the compensation of unscheduledtreatment gaps that are discussed in Chapter 9.

Table 10.1 Hazard ratio of altered fractionated radiotherapy versus conventional radiotherapy on overall populationand by type of radiotherapy for loco-regional, local, regional and metastatic control

Accelerated Acceleratedradiotherapy radiotherapy

Hyperfractionation (no dose reduction) (dose reduction) Overall p

Loco-regional 0.76 (0.66–0.89)* 0.79 (0.72–0.87) 0.90 (0.80–1.02) 0.82 (0.77–0.88) 0.0001Local 0.75 (0.63–0.89) 0.74 (0.67–0.83) 0.83 (0.71–0.96) 0.77 (0.71–0.83) 0.0001Regional 0.83 (0.66–1.03) 0.90 (0.77–1.04) 0.87 (0.72–1.06) 0.87 (0.79–0.97) 0.01Metastatic 1.09 (0.76–1.58) 0.93 (0.74–1.19) 0.95 (0.68–1.32) 0.97 (0.82–1.15) 0.75

Number of patients, n � 7073.

*The 95 per cent confidence intervals are given in parenthesis.

Reproduced from Bourhis et al. (2006), with permission.

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Is the same modified fractionation schedule optimal for all? 145


Hyperfractionation and accelerated radiotherapyboth require multiple radiation treatments perday. In the case of hyperfractionation this isbecause in order to give an adequate number ofsmall fractions, one per day, the overall treatmenttime would have to be very long. In the EORTCand RTOG trials mentioned above the fractionnumber was increased to 68–70, which wouldrequire once-daily treatment over 14 weeks; thiswould be unacceptable in view of the time factorfor tumour-cell repopulation. In the case of accel-erated radiotherapy, shortening the overall timebut still giving one fraction per day would requirean increase in dose per fraction; this would beexpected to lead to an increase in late effectsalthough hypofractionation is clinically accept-able in some situations (see Section 10.3).

A radiobiological constraint in giving multiplefractions per day is that these should not be giventoo close together because of incomplete repair(see Chapter 8). As indicated in Chapter 7, Section7.3, the damage inflicted by radiation is verylargely repaired in most cell types, both normaland malignant. The repair of normal-tissue stemcells is vital for their tolerance to radiation therapyand if fractions are given so close together thatrepair is incomplete, tissue tolerance will bereduced. Repair halftimes for many tumours andnormal tissues are in the region of 0.5–2 hours(Table 9.2). Assuming exponential decay of radia-tion damage, it takes six halftimes for the damageto decay to 1/64 (i.e. 1–2 per cent of its initialvalue). The problem is that, as shown in Table 9.2,some late-responding normal tissues appear tohave long repair halftimes. These tissues will there-fore be especially disadvantaged by radiotherapygiven with multiple fractions at a short inter-frac-tion interval: the therapeutic index will beimpaired and the total radiation dose will have tobe lowered in order to remain within tolerance.Most current schedules with multiple fractions perday employ inter-fraction times of at least 6 hours;in some situations even this gap may be too short.

Evidence on the clinical impact of incompleterepair comes from an analysis by Bentzen et al.

(1999) of data from the CHART head and necktrial. As noted above, several late-damage end-points were significantly reduced after CHART,compared with conventional treatment. Thereduction was much less than expected on thebasis of LQ calculations and analysis of these datayielded repair halftimes in the range of 4–5 hoursfor the three late morbidities investigated: laryn-geal oedema, skin telangiectasia and subcutaneousfibrosis. Even the lower ends of the confidenceintervals were around 3 hours. This suggests thateven 6 hours between dose fractions in multiple-fractions-per-day-schedules may be too short forcomplete repair in some situations. Long repairhalftimes for late effects in human normal tissuestherefore pose a significant problem for the devel-opment of novel fractionation schedules.

Consequential late effects (see Chapter 13) mayalso contribute to greater than expected late mor-bidity after modified fractionation. Comparedwith conventional fractionation the dose per weekis increased, both in accelerated radiotherapy andin hyperfractionation. This is expected to producean increase in early normal-tissue damage such asmucositis and more severe or more prolongedearly damage may then lead to more pronouncedconsequential late effects.


Figure 10.8 summarizes the results of experimentstesting different modified fractionation schedulesin two experimental squamous cell carcinomaxenografts (FaDu and GL) in mice. For a constantnumber of 30 fractions in FaDu tumours, theTCD50 increased by roughly 0.6 Gy for each day ofprolongation for overall treatment times up to 40days but more steeply for longer times (Fig. 10.8a);this effect was much less pronounced (0.28 Gy/day)in GL squamous cell carcinomas. In contrast, whenthe number of fractions was increased from 12 to60 in a constant overall treatment time of 6 weeks(Fig. 10.8b), the TCD50 in FaDu tumours appeared to be constant while in GL tumours the TCD50

increased with increasing fraction number. Bothdose-escalated hyperfractionation and accelerated

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146 Modified fractionation

fractionation (using constant or reduced totaldoses) would be advantageous in human tumoursthat behave like FaDu. In contrast, for tumours likeGL, dose-escalated hyperfractionation would at bestyield identical control rates, while after acceleratedfractionation with reduced total dose such tumourswould do worse than with conventional radiother-apy. These results show that the response of experi-mental tumours to modified fractionation may bevariable and it may well be that such heterogeneityalso exists between tumours in patients. There is aclear need for research on how to best select patientsfor modified fractionation schedules.

Results from clinical studies always reflect theaverage effect of a treatment modification. Forexample, after the accelerated CHART treatmentthe local control rates of head and neck cancerwere identical to those obtained after conventionalfractionation with a 12-Gy higher total dose (see Section 10.5). Under the assumption of inter-tumour heterogeneity this would mean that sometumours with a small time-factor that would havebeen controlled after conventional treatment to66 Gy recurred after CHART treatment because ofthe reduction in total dose. This negative effectmay have been compensated by additional localcontrol achieved in tumours that showed greaterrepopulation and a more pronounced time factor(i.e. tumours in which the dose recovered per day

was higher than the average value of 0.36 Gy). Tofurther improve the results of modified fractiona-tion we need to identify subgroups of patients whoare likely to benefit from a particular modification,and thus to individualize treatment. Considerableefforts have been made to develop predictive tests,for example for the rate of tumour-cell repopula-tion; so far these investigations have not identifiedstrong predictors that could be employed in clini-cal practice.








(a) (b)10 20 2030 40 4050 60 6070 80 80

Overall treatment time (days)


















Number of fractions

Figure 10.8 Tumour control dose (TCD) in two experimental squamous cell carcinoma xenografts (FaDu, GL) as afunction of overall treatment time for irradiation with 30 fractions (a) or as a function of number of fractions in aconstant overall treatment time of 6 weeks (b). There are considerable differences in the response of these tumours tomodification of the fractionation schedule. See Baumann et al. (2001) for sources.

Key points

1. Hyperfractionation is the use of a reduceddose per fraction over a conventional over-all treatment time, employing multiple frac-tions per day. A therapeutic advantage isthought to derive from the more rapidincrease in tolerance with decreasing doseper fraction for late-responding normal tis-sues than for tumours.

2. Accelerated radiotherapy is the use of areduced overall treatment time with a con-ventional dose per fraction, achieved usingmultiple fractions per day. The aim is toreduce the protective effect of tumour-cellrepopulation during radiotherapy.

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Bibliography 147


Baumann M, Bentzen SM, Ang KK (1998).Hyperfractionated radiotherapy in head and neckcancer: a second look at the clinical data. RadiotherOncol 46: 127–30.

Baumann M, Petersen C, Wolf J, Schreiber A, Zips D(2001). No evidence for a different magnitude of thetime factor for continuously fractionated irradiationand protocols including gaps in two humansquamous cell carcinoma in nude mice. RadiotherOncol 59: 187–94.

Beck-Bornholdt HP, Dubben HH, Liertz-Petersen C,Willers H (1997). Hyperfractionation: where do westand? Radiother Oncol 43: 1–21.

Bentzen SM, Thames HD (1991). Clinical evidence fortumor clonogen regeneration: interpretations of thedata. Radiother Oncol 22: 161–6.

Bentzen SM, Saunders MI, Dische S (1999). Repairhalftimes estimated from observations of treatment-related morbidity after CHART or conventionalradiotherapy in head and neck cancer. RadiotherOncol 53: 219–26.

Bourhis J, Overgaard J, Audry H et al. (2006).Hyperfractionated or accelerated radiotherapy inhead and neck cancer: a meta-analysis. Lancet 368:843–54.

Dische S, Saunders M, Barrett A, Harvey A, Gibson D,Parmar M (1997). A randomised multicentre trial ofCHART versus conventional radiotherapy in headand neck cancer. Radiother Oncol 44: 123–36.

Dubben HH (1994). Local control, TCD50 and dose–timeprescription habits in radiotherapy of head and necktumours. Radiother Oncol 32: 197–200.

Fletcher GH (1988). Regaud Lecture: perspectives on thehistory of radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 12: 253–71.

Fu KK, Pajak TF, Trotti A et al. (2000). A RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) phase IIIrandomized study to compare hyperfractionationand two variants of accelerated fractionation tostandard fractionation radiotherapy for head andneck squamous cell carcinomas: first report of RTOG9003. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 7–16.

Holthusen H (1936). Erfahrungen über dieverträglichkeitsgrenze für röntgenstrahlen und derennutzanwendung zur verhütung von schäden.Strahlenther Onkol 57: 254–69.

Horiot JC, Le Fur R, N’Guyen T et al. (1992).Hyperfractionation versus conventionalfractionation in oropharyngeal carcinoma: finalanalysis of a randomized trial of the EORTCcooperative group of radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol25: 231–41.

Horiot JC, Bontemps P, van den Bogaert W et al.(1997). Accelerated fractionation (AF) compared to conventional fractionation (CF) improves loco-regional control in the radiotherapy ofadvanced head and neck cancers: results of theEORTC 22851 randomized trial. Radiother Oncol44: 111–21.

Overgaard J, Hansen HS, Specht L et al. (2003). Fivecompared with six fractions per week ofconventional radiotherapy of squamous-cellcarcinoma of head and neck: DAHANCA 6 and 7randomised controlled trial. Lancet 362: 933–40.

Owen JR, Ashton A, Bliss JM et al. (2006). Effect ofradiotherapy fraction size on tumour control inpatients with early-stage breast cancer after localtumour excision: long-term results of a randomisedtrial. Lancet Oncol 7: 467–71.

Saunders M, Dische S, Barrett A, Harvey A, Gibson D,Parmar M (1997). Continuous hyperfractionatedaccelerated radiotherapy (CHART) versusconventional radiotherapy in non-small-cell lungcancer: a randomised multicentre trial. CHARTSteering Committee. Lancet 350: 161–5.

Saunders M, Dische S, Barrett A, Harvey A, Griffiths G,Palmar M (1999). Continuous, hyperfractionated,accelerated radiotherapy (CHART) versusconventional radiotherapy in non-small cell lungcancer: mature data from the randomisedmulticentre trial. CHART Steering committee.Radiother Oncol 52: 137–48.

3. Hypofractionation is the use of doses perfraction higher than 2.0 Gy, which willincrease late-responding normal tissuedamage compared with conventional frac-tionation. Hypofractionation is routinelyapplied for palliation, but for certain cura-tive situations hypofractionation may alsobe an option.

4. Multiple fractions per day should be givenas far apart as possible and certainly notcloser than 6 hours.

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148 Modified fractionation

Withers HR, Taylor JM, Maciejewski B (1988). Thehazard of accelerated tumor clonogen repopulationduring radiotherapy. Acta Oncol 27: 131–46.


Baumann M, Bentzen SM, Dörr W et al. (2001). Thetranslational research chain: is it delivering thegoods? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 49: 345–51.

Thames HD, Withers HR, Peters LJ, Fletcher GH (1982).Changes in early and late radiation responses withaltered dose fractionation: implications for dose-survival relationships. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8:219–26.

Thames HD, Peters LJ, Withers HR, Fletcher GH (1983).Accelerated fractionation vs hyperfractionation:rationales for several treatments per day. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 9: 127–38.

Withers HR, Maciejewski B, Taylor JMG (1989). Biologyof options in dose fractionation. In: McNally NJ (ed.)The scientific basis of modern radiotherapy. London:The British Institute of Radiology, 27–36.

Page 158: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiationWOLFGANG DÖRR

11.1 Introduction 14911.2 Clinical observations 14911.3 Experimental observations 15011.4 Mechanisms of repopulation 15111.5 Regulation of repopulation 154

11.6 Consequential late effects 15511.7 Conclusions 155Key points 155Bibliography 155Further reading 157



The radiation exposure of normal tissues must beconsidered over a wide range of overall treatmentdurations (Fig. 11.1). First, on a short scale of min-utes to hours, incomplete recovery of sublethaldamage may reduce the radiation tolerance of atissue. Second, over a range of days to weeks (i.e.during a course of fractionated radiotherapy withvarying overall treatment times) radiation-inducedtissue regeneration (‘repopulation’) may modu-late radiation tolerance. This radiation-inducedregeneration response is seen in early-respondingtissues. Third, over a range of months to years,long-term restoration can occur in some tissues,which renders them more resistant to re-irradia-tion. Also, long-term progression of the damagecan occur in other tissues, which causes decreasedre-irradiation tolerance.

The impact of incomplete recovery withinshort time-intervals is covered in the chapters on fractionation and the linear-quadratic (LQ)approach (see Chapters 8 and 9). The changes inradiation tolerance that may occur in intervalsthat are clearly longer than the general duration ofa radiotherapy course are discussed in Chapter 19on retreatment tolerance. Therefore, this chapter

describes the impact of repopulation processes onearly radiation effects.

Repopulation is the term used to describe theregeneration response of early-reacting tissues tofractionated irradiation, which results in an increasein radiation tolerance with increasing overalltreatment time. The biological basis of repopula-tion is a complex restructuring of the proliferativeorganization of the tissue. A number of clinicaland experimental observations can assist in illu-minating the biological mechanisms underlyingthe repopulation processes. The majority of inves-tigations have been performed in oral mucosa asthe dose-limiting early side-effect in head andneck cancer radiotherapy, and hence this tissuewill be mainly used as a model for the descriptionof radiation-induced repopulation in early-responding normal tissues.


A number of clinical studies with acceleratedradiotherapy protocols (i.e. with a shortenedoverall treatment time) have resulted in an aggra-vation of early radiation side-effects. The mostprominent example is the CHART (continuous

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150 Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiation

hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy)head and neck trial, where a total dose of 54 Gywas administered in 36 fractions in only 12 days,compared with 66 Gy given in 33 fractions in 6.5 weeks in the control arm (Dische et al., 1997).A significant shift of oral mucosal effects towardsmore severe, confluent reactions was observed,resulting in an incidence of 73 per cent withCHART versus 43 per cent with the conventionalfractionation. Similarly, the EORTC 22851 trial,comparing 72 Gy in 5 weeks with 70 Gy given con-ventionally in 7 weeks, resulted in a clear increasein the rate of confluent mucositis during as well as6 weeks after the end of radiotherapy in the accel-erated arm (Horiot et al., 1997).

Oral mucositis heals in a much higher propor-tion of patients during the last treatment weekscompared with earlier times, when doses below2 Gy are administered (Fletcher et al., 1962). Thisindicates a time delay before repopulation becomeseffective. Furthermore, these data show that the

repopulation capacity is limited by the daily orweekly radiation dose. Oral mucositis has alsobeen studied in split-course regimens (Maciejewskiet al., 1991). In a first radiotherapy series with32 Gy in 12 days, 90 per cent of the patients devel-oped confluent reactions. After a split of 9–13days, which was introduced to allow for healing ofmucositis, a second series of radiotherapy(34–38 Gy/12–14 days) was administered. None of the same patients developed confluent mucosalreactions in the second series, despite the higherdose. This again indicates that the onset of repop-ulation occurs within the first weeks after the startof radiotherapy.


Changes in radiation tolerance with increasingoverall treatment time have been studied in anumber of early-responding tissues, such as








Recovery kinetics RepopulationLong-termrestoration

Spinal cord

Oral mucosa









0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10010

Time interval (days)

Figure 11.1 Changes in normal tissue tolerance with time. The figure compiles data for mouse oral mucosa (Dörr andKummermehr, 1990; Dörr et al., 1993) and for rat spinal cord (Ruifrok et al., 1992; Landuyt et al., 1997). From theoriginal data, isoeffective doses in 3-Gy fractions have been calculated using α/β ratios of 2 Gy for spinal cord and11 Gy for oral mucosa. Note the log scale of the abscissa. At short durations of radiation exposure (1 day), increasingcompleteness of recovery from sublethal damage increases tissue tolerance. At intermediate intervals from 1 day toseveral weeks (i.e. the duration of radiotherapy) tolerance increases by repopulation in early-responding tissues such asoral mucosa but not in late-responding tissues such as spinal cord. For long intervals clearly beyond the overalltreatment time in radiotherapy, an increase in radiation tolerance by long term restoration is seen in some (e.g. spinalcord), but not all, late-responding tissues.

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Mechanisms of repopulation 151

mouse epidermis, rat epidermis, pig epidermis,mouse lip mucosa and mouse tongue mucosa(Dörr, 2003a; Hopewell et al., 2003). One exampleis illustrated in Fig. 11.2 in which oral mucosa wasirradiated with 5 � 3 Gy/week over 1, 2 or 3 weeks(Dörr and Kummermehr, 1990). Irradiation over1 week clearly decreased the ED50 (dose, at whicha response, i.e. ulceration, is expected in 50% ofthe animals) for the terminating test irradiation,which reflects residual tissue tolerance. However,despite ongoing irradiation in weeks 2 and 3, nofurther reduction in the test ED50 was found.

A similar pattern of the time-course of thechanges in radiation tolerance during radiother-apy was found in most other tissues studied (Fig.11.3). Tolerance remained constant within the ini-tial treatment period, and subsequently increasedalmost linearly. The time of onset of this increasewas tissue dependent at 5–7 days in mouse oralmucosa and skin, and 20–30 days in rat and pigskin (Hopewell et al., 2003). The initial drop atshort treatment intervals can be related to changes in

the capacity for recovery of sublethal damage, whichhave been reported for these early-responding tissues (Dörr et al., 2000).

The capacity for repopulation, once these com-pensatory processes have started, was estimated by(Dörr, 2003a) in terms of the dose (number of2-Gy fractions) compensated per day. In humanoral mucosa, 0.5–1.0 fractions are counteractedper day, thus confirming the clinical results onmucositis healing despite ongoing radiotherapy(see above). These experimental data indicate sim-ilar numbers – close to one fraction of 2 Gy/day –for most tissues, with a few possible exceptions(e.g. mouse epidermis; Denekamp, 1973), whichcould be related to experimental design. In someexperiments, where various weekly doses wereapplied, a dependence of the repopulation rate onthe dose intensity (Gy/week) was observed.

In oral mucosa, the functional measurementsof radiation tolerance have been supplemented bydetailed histological assessments of changes inmucosal cell density and proliferation (Dörr andKummermehr, 1990; Dörr, 1997). A reduction incell number to approximately 70 per cent occurredduring the first week of daily fractionated treat-ment. Subsequently, constant to increasing cellnumbers were found, despite continuing irradia-tion at the same dose intensity. In good agreementwith this, mucosal proliferation was significantlysuppressed during the first week, but subse-quently returned to subnormal to near-normalvalues (Dörr, 1997). Similar observations havebeen made in other tissues (Shirazi et al., 1995). Inhuman oral mucosa, a reduction of cell produc-tion and consequently a steep decline in cell num-bers were observed over the initial week ofradiotherapy (Dörr et al., 2002). Subsequently,proliferation rates were partly restored and celldepletion was significantly slower.


Three important observations have been made inboth clinical and experimental studies:

1. dose is compensated with increasing overalltreatment time once repopulation has becomeeffective;










01 2 3

Treatment weeks



r to





(Gy) Top-up dose only

Figure 11.2 Changes in mucosal radiation tolerancewith overall treatment time. Mouse tongue mucosa wasirradiated with 5 � 3 Gy/week over 1, 2 or 3 weeks,followed by graded test doses (Dörr and Kummermehr,1990). Irradiation over 1 week decreased the ED50 (doseat which mucosal ulceration occurs in 50 per cent of theanimals) from about 15 Gy in control animals to 9.3 Gy,the difference reflecting the biological effect of 5 � 3 Gy.Despite administration of a further 15 Gy per week, theED50 after 2 weeks was only slightly lower (7.7 Gy) andno further reduction was found after the third treatmentweek (ED50 � 7.6 Gy). Error bars indicate 95% confidenceintervals. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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152 Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiation

2. the rate at which this compensation occurs is in the range of 5 � 2 Gy/week;

3. the loss of cells is counteracted after the lagphase before repopulation starts, resulting inmore or less constant cell numbers.

In general, the mechanisms of repopulation thatcan explain these observations can be describedby the following three As: asymmetry loss, accel-eration, and abortive divisions (Dörr, 1997).

Asymmetry loss

According to the stem cell concept (see Chapter13), the radiation tolerance of a tissue is definedby the number of tissue stem cells and theirintrinsic radiosensitivity. Hence, radiation toler-ance must decrease during fractionated irradiation

according to the daily stem cell kill. This is clearlyseen during the time lag before the onset ofrepopulation. However, after repopulation hasstarted, the effect of at least part of the radiationdose is counteracted. This indicates that new stemcells must be produced to replace those sterilizedby the irradiation.

In unperturbed tissues, stem cells divide onaverage into one new stem cell and one differentiat-ing cell (see Chapter 13). These divisions are calledasymmetrical because two different cells are gener-ated. In this setting, the number of stem cells ineach cell generation remains constant, independentof the proliferation rate. For additional productionof new stem cells, as postulated on the basis of dosecompensation during repopulation, stem cell div-isions must result in two stem cell daughters, a pat-tern that is depicted as symmetrical division.

250 140







250 300








0 20

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

5 10 15 0 205 10 15



4 5










Rat epidermis Pig epidermis

Overall treatment time (days)

Mouse oral mucosa Mouse skin



e is



e do

se (

% o

f sin





Figure 11.3 Time-course ofrepopulation: experimental results.From reports in the literature ofstudies with variations in overalltreatment time, the isoeffective EQD2

(equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions) hasbeen calculated for the individualoverall treatment times using an α/βratio of 10 Gy. Note the different timescales of the abscissae. Treatmentprotocols and references are: 1, 2F(Ang et al., 1985); 2, 2 � 5F (Ang et al.,1985); 3, 10F (Ang et al., 1985); 4, 13 Gy � 1F (Dörr and Kummermehr,1990); 5, 10 Gy � 1F (Dörr andKummermehr, 1990); 6, 8 Gy � 1F(Dörr and Spekl, unpublished); 7,5 � 3 Gy/week (Dörr and Kummermehr,1990); 8, 5 � 3 Gy/wk (Shirazi et al.,1995); 9, 5 � 3 Gy/week (Denekamp,1973); 10, 2F (Ang et al., 1984); 11,5 � 3 Gy/week (van Rongen and Kal,1984); 12, 10F (Moulder and Fischer,1976); 13, 3F/week (Moulder andFischer, 1976); 14, 5F/week (Moulderand Fischer, 1976); 15, 2F (van denAardweg et al., 1988).

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Mechanisms of repopulation 153

Therefore, an asymmetry loss of stem cell divisionsis one essential mechanism underlying repopula-tion in normal tissues. This loss can be complete,with two stem cell daughters from each division, orincomplete, with, on average, less than two, butmore than one, stem cell generated per stem celldivision. A fraction of these divisions, presumablyof cells with gross radiation-induced chromosomaldamage, are abortive and can be observed histolog-ically as abnormal mitotic figures (Dörr, 1997).These result in binucleate or multinucleate cells.

Acceleration of stem cell proliferation

As illustrated earlier, human oral mucosa andother tissues are able to compensate weekly dosesof about five times 0.5–1.0 fractions of 2 Gy. Forthis to occur, assuming the surviving fraction ofthe stem cells after each radiation fraction to beabout 0.5, five symmetrical divisions are neededwithin 7 days. This requires an average cell-cycletime of 1.4 days. Compared with cell-cycle timesof at least 3.5 days in unperturbed tissue (Dörr,1997), this indicates clear acceleration of stem cellproliferation as the second mechanism of repopu-lation. Cell-cycle times must be even shorter if theasymmetry loss is incomplete, or if higher doses(more stem cell kill) are compensated. The detailedinterrelation between surviving fraction, numberof symmetrical divisions between fractions andthe proportion of symmetrical divisions is dis-cussed in Dörr (1997).

The degree to which the stem cell proliferation isaccelerated is highly dependent on the radiationdose administered (i.e. on the daily or weekly stemcell kill; Dörr, 2003a). For example, in oral mucosairradiated with 5 � 3.5 Gy/week, this dose was com-pletely counteracted by repopulation in weeks 2 and3 (Dörr and Kummermehr, 1990). However, duringtreatment with 5 � 2.5 Gy/week, repopulation wasexactly adjusted to compensate this lower dose,despite the clearly higher regenerative capacity.

In the vast majority of tissues, no specific markeryet exists that would allow for the specific identifi-cation of stem cells. Therefore, cell kinetic studiescan only assess proliferation of the entire cell pop-ulation. After the lag phase of repopulation, stemcells constitute only a minor fraction of the general

population, and hence such studies are not suit-able to identify the acceleration at the stem celllevel. However, in the intestinal crypts, which havewell-defined localization of the stem cell popula-tion, a significant shortening of the stem cell-cycletime after irradiation has indeed been described(Withers, 1970), which reflects accelerated repop-ulation, albeit after single doses.

Abortive divisions

After the onset of repopulation, the overall cellnumber in the tissue remains at a near-constant,although reduced level. In contrast, it has beenshown that differentiation and cell loss (e.g. at thesurface of mucosal tissues) continue at a normal,physiological rate (Dörr et al., 1996). Also, cellproduction, which can be directly measured, con-tinues, which is indirectly reflected by the lack ofchange in cell numbers (Dörr et al., 1994). Hencethe question arises of whether this cell productioncan be based only on the surviving stem cells.

In unperturbed mucosa, with a relative stem cellnumber of 100 per cent, the cells proliferate with acell cycle time of at least 3.5 days (Dörr et al., 1994).A dose of 5 � 2 Gy during the first treatment week,before repopulation sets in, reduces the stem cellnumber to clearly below 10 per cent. Hence, toresult in the same number of cells as in controls, theremaining stem cells would have to proliferate witha cycle time of only a few hours (Dörr et al., 1994;Dörr, 1997). This is extremely unlikely on the basisof epithelial biology, which indicates a minimumcell-cycle time of 10–12 hours. Therefore, cells mustbe produced from other sources.

It has been shown in vitro (see Chapter 3) that‘sterilized’ cells can undergo a limited number ofdivisions even after high doses of radiation. It cantherefore be assumed, and indirectly concludedfrom experimental studies (Dörr et al., 1996), thatsimilar, so-called abortive, divisions of sterilized ordoomed cells can also occur in vivo. This limitedproliferative activity results in cells that undergonear-normal differentiation, and hence counteractthe ongoing cell loss. Quantitatively, in oralmucosa, the radiation-sterilized cells on averagehave to undergo two or three abortive divisionseach to account for the cell production measured.

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154 Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiation


The time at which repopulation processes becomeeffective, is tissue-specific (Fig. 11.3) and we mayassume that it correlates with the turnover time of the tissue, and therefore the rate at which cellsare lost. Reduced cell numbers may result inchanges in intercellular communication or alteredcell–matrix interactions (see Chapter 13). Thiscorrelation between tissue turnover and lag timeof repopulation, however, is only weak (Dörr,2003a), so other factors must also be important.

It has been demonstrated that the lag timebefore repopulation begins is shorter, if the radi-ation dose is higher (Dörr and Kummermehr,1990; Dörr, 2003a). This suggests that the rate atwhich stem cells are depleted may regulate theonset of repopulation. Autoregulatory processeswithin the stem cell compartment have also beensuggested for intestinal crypts (Paulus et al., 1992).The reduction in stem cell numbers can result in(still unidentified) intercellular signalling, whicheventually prevents the daughter cells of the stemcell divisions from undergoing differentiation.

The regulation of the asymmetry loss is a veryprecise and rapidly responding mechanism. During

short treatment breaks, even during weekends, theoverall cell production clearly increases (Dörr et al., 1994). However, the radiation tolerance ofthe tissue during these breaks remains almostconstant, indicating that the cells that are pro-duced are not stem cells (Dörr, 2003a). Hence,despite stimulated symmetrical stem cell divisionsduring the daily fractionated treatment, the stemcells quickly return to asymmetrical divisions ifone radiation fraction is missing.

Acceleration of stem cell divisions may becaused by overall cell depletion and by impair-ment of the epithelial barrier function (Dörr et al.,1994; Shirazi et al., 1995), which may increase thenormal signals that physiologically regulate prolif-eration. This hypothesis is supported by increasedproliferation rates after chemical ablation ofsuperficial mucosal material, which has beenobserved in mice and humans, or after mechanicalablation (‘tape stripping’) in rodents. However,this increased proliferation rate is not associatedwith increased tolerance to single-dose irradiation(i.e. increased stem cell numbers). This indicatesthat acceleration has occurred independently ofthe asymmetry loss. It must be assumed that ster-ilized cells initially continue to proliferate at

Stem celldepletion


Stem cellsasymmetry loss

Stem cellsacceleration

Damaged cellsabortive divisions


Compensationof cell loss

Figure 11.4 Regulation of repopulation. Stem cell depletion, via autoregulatory processes, results in the loss of thedivision asymmetry of the stem cells. Tissue hypoplasia controls the acceleration of stem cell division and presumablyalso the rate of abortive division, which is indirectly also defined by the proliferation rate of the stem cells. Asymmetryloss and acceleration of stem cell division account for compensation of dose, while abortive divisions of sterilized cellscounteract the overall cell loss to maintain tissue function.

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Bibliography 155

nearly the rate of the stem cell divisions beforechromosomal damage accumulates and decreasesthe proliferation rate.

In combination with the asymmetry loss ( fractionated irradiation) artificially increasedstem cell proliferation rates may shorten the lagtime before repopulation becomes effective. Thishas been demonstrated for chemical ablation inoral mucosa (Maciejewski et al., 1991). A similarmechanism has been suggested for the increase inmucosal radiation tolerance after administrationof keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, palifermin) inpreclinical and clinical studies as reviewed in Dörr(2003b), and summarized in Chapter 22.

In conclusion (Fig. 11.4), the asymmetry lossin the stem cell compartment is regulated inde-pendently of the acceleration of proliferation, pre-sumably by autoregulatory processes on the basisof stem cell depletion. Acceleration of the stemcell divisions is controlled by tissue hypoplasia.The stem cell proliferation rate then translatesinto the initial rate of abortive divisions of steril-ized cells. However, the doomed cells may alsodirectly respond to paracrine signals releasedowing to tissue hypoplasia.


Consequential late effects are chronic normal-tissue complications, which are influenced by theextent (i.e. severity and/or duration, of the earlyresponse in the same tissue or organ; Dörr andHendry, 2001), as explained in Chapter 13. As theearly response depends on the overall treatmenttime on the basis of repopulation processes, thesame is therefore true for the corresponding con-sequential late effects. This has been demon-strated in experimental studies for intestinalfibrosis, and in clinical studies for skin telangiec-tasia, and for late (mucosa related) side-effectsafter head and neck irradiation, as reviewed inDörr and Hendry (2001).


Repopulation processes that occur in early-responding normal tissues follow a very complex

biology. The major mechanisms are asymmetryloss and acceleration of stem cell division, as well asabortive divisions of sterilized cells. A number ofparameters that modulate the repopulationresponse, such as dose intensity (weekly dose), havebeen identified. However, the precise regulatorymechanisms of tissue repopulation during frac-tionated radiotherapy still remain largely unclear.These regulatory signals would be attractive targetsfor biologically based modulation of radiationeffects in early-responding normal tissues.

Taking into consideration all the underlyingbiology of repopulation indicates that a time fac-tor, in the sense of compensated dose, should beincluded in mathematical models of normal-tissuecomplications only with great care and caution, asthese models currently do not include the domi-nating repopulation-modifying factors.

Key points

1. The radiation tolerance of early-respondingnormal tissues increases with increasingoverall treatment time.

2. This phenomenon is depicted as repopulation.

3. Repopulation starts after a tissue-specificlag time.

4. The biological basis is a complex restructur-ing of the proliferative tissue organization.

5. This includes asymmetry loss and acceler-ation of stem cell proliferation.

6. Abortive divisions of doomed cells signifi-cantly contribute to cell production.

7. Tissue hypoplasia controls stem cell acceler-ation and abortive divisions, while the asym-metry loss is regulated by stem cell depletion.


Ang KK, Landuyt W, Rijnders A, van der Schueren E(1984). Differences in repopulation kinetics in mouseskin during split course multiple fractions per day(MFD) or daily fractionated irradiations. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 10: 95–9.

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156 Time factors in normal-tissue responses to irradiation

Ang KK, Xu FX, Vanuytsel L, van der Schueren E (1985).Repopulation kinetics in irradiated mouse lipmucosa: the relative importance of treatmentprotraction and time distribution of irradiations.Radiat Res 101: 162–9.

Denekamp J (1973). Changes in the rate of repopulationduring multifraction irradiation of mouse skin. Br JRadiol 46: 381–7.

Dische S, Saunders M, Barrett A, Harvey A, Gibson D,Parmar M (1997). A randomised multicentre trial ofCHART versus conventional radiotherapy in headand neck cancer. Radiother Oncol 44: 123–36.

Dörr W (1997). Three As of repopulation duringfractionated irradiation of squamous epithelia:asymmetry loss, acceleration of stem-cell divisions and abortive divisions. Int J Radiat Biol 72:635–43.

Dörr W (2003a). Modulation of repopulation processesin oral mucosa: experimental results. Int J RadiatBiol 79: 531–7.

Dörr W (2003b). Oral mucosa: response modification bykeratinocyte growth factor. In: Nieder C, Milas L,Ang KK (eds) Modification of radiation response:cytokines, growth factors and other biologicaltargets. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 113–22.

Dörr W, Hendry JH (2001). Consequential late effects innormal tissues. Radiother Oncol 61: 223–31.

Dörr W, Kummermehr J (1990). Acceleratedrepopulation of mouse tongue epithelium duringfractionated irradiations or following single doses.Radiother Oncol 17: 249–59.

Dörr W, Breitner A, Kummermehr J (1993). Capacity andkinetics of SLD repair in mouse tongue epithelium.Radiother Oncol 27: 36–45.

Dörr W, Emmendorfer H, Haide E, Kummermehr J(1994). Proliferation equivalent of ‘acceleratedrepopulation’ in mouse oral mucosa. Int J Radiat Biol66: 157–67.

Dörr W, Emmendorfer H, Weber-Frisch M (1996). Tissue kinetics in mouse tongue mucosa during daily fractionated radiotherapy. Cell Prolif 29:495–504.

Dörr W, Brankovic K, Hartmann B (2000). Repopulationin mouse oral mucosa: changes in the effect of dosefractionation. Int J Radiat Biol 76: 383–90.

Dörr W, Hamilton CS, Boyd T, Reed B, Denham JW(2002). Radiation-induced changes in cellularity andproliferation in human oral mucosa. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 52: 911–7.

Fletcher GH, MacComb WS, Shalek RJ (1962). Radiation therapy in the management of cancer ofthe oral cavity and oropharynx. Springfield: CharlesThomas.

Hopewell JW, Nyman J, Turesson I (2003). Time factorfor acute tissue reactions following fractionatedirradiation: a balance between repopulation andenhanced radiosensitivity. Int J Radiat Biol 79:513–24.

Horiot JC, Bontemps P, van den Bogaert W et al.(1997). Accelerated fractionation (AF) compared to conventional fractionation (CF) improves loco-regional control in the radiotherapy ofadvanced head and neck cancers: results of theEORTC 22851 randomized trial. Radiother Oncol44: 111–21.

Landuyt W, Fowler J, Ruifrok A, Stuben G, van der KogelA, van der Schueren E (1997). Kinetics of repair inthe spinal cord of the rat. Radiother Oncol 45:55–62.

Maciejewski B, Zajusz A, Pilecki B et al. (1991). Acutemucositis in the stimulated oral mucosa of patientsduring radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.Radiother Oncol 22: 7–11.

Moulder JE, Fischer JJ (1976). Radiation reaction of ratskin. The role of the number of fractions and theoverall treatment time. Cancer 37: 2762–7.

Paulus U, Potten CS, Loeffler M (1992). A model of thecontrol of cellular regeneration in the intestinalcrypt after perturbation based solely on local stemcell regulation. Cell Prolif 25: 559–78.

Ruifrok AC, Kleiboer BJ, van der Kogel AJ (1992).Reirradiation tolerance of the immature rat spinalcord. Radiother Oncol 23: 249–56.

Shirazi A, Liu K, Trott KR (1995). Epidermal morphology,cell proliferation and repopulation in mouse skinduring daily fractionated irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol68: 215–21.

van den Aardweg GJ, Hopewell JW, Simmonds RH(1988). Repair and recovery in the epithelial andvascular connective tissues of pig skin afterirradiation. Radiother Oncol 11: 73–82.

van Rongen E, Kal HB (1984). Acute reactions in rat feetexposed to multiple fractions of X-rays per day.Radiother Oncol 2: 141–50.

Withers HR (1970). Cellular kinetics of intestinalmucosa after irradiation. In: Burdette WJ (ed.)Carcinoma of the colon and antecedent epithelium.Springfield: Charles Thomas, 243–57.

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Further reading 157


Bentzen SM (1994). Radiobiological considerations inthe design of clinical trials. Radiother Oncol 32:1–11.

Denekamp J (1975). Changes in the rate of proliferationin normal tissues after irradiation. In: Nygaard OF,Adler HI, Sinclair WK (eds) Radiation research.Biomedical, chemical and physical perspectives. NewYork: Academic Press, 810–25.

Denham JW, Walker QJ, Lamb DS et al. (1996). Mucosalregeneration during radiotherapy. Trans TasmanRadiation Oncology Group (TROG). Radiother Oncol41: 109–18.

Trott KR, Kummermehr J (1993). The time factor andrepopulation in tumors and normal tissues. SeminRadiat Oncol 3: 115–25.

Page 167: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The dose-rate effectALBERT J. VAN DER KOGEL

12.1 Introduction 15812.2 Mechanisms underlying the dose-rate effect 15812.3 Effect of dose rate on cell survival 15912.4 Dose-rate effect in normal tissues 16012.5 Isoeffect relationships between

fractionated and continuous low dose-rate irradiation 162

12.6 Radiobiological aspects of brachytherapy 164Key points 167Bibliography 167Further reading 168



Low dose-rate irradiation is the ultimate form offractionation, equivalent to multiple infinitelysmall fractions being given without radiation-freeintervals, and thereby damage induction andrepair take place at the same time. In clinicalradiotherapy, continuous low dose-rate (CLDR)is widely used in brachytherapy either by perman-ent or temporary implantation of radioactivesources (e.g. 125I, 103Pd) into tumours. By utilizingremote afterloading of medium or high dose-ratesources, notably 192Ir, various combinations ofdose-rate and fractionation can also be chosen,such as pulsed dose-rate (PDR) and high dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy. With external-beamtreatments using intensity-modulated radiother-apy (IMRT), the dose-rate effect may also havesome impact as the longer treatment times persession, which can be needed in more complexplans, may lead to a reduction in effectiveness.


The dose rates used for most radiobiological stud-ies on cells and tissues tend to be in the range

1–5 Gy/min, as are dose rates used clinically forexternal-beam radiotherapy. Exposure times for adose of, for example, 2 Gy are therefore no morethan a couple of minutes. Within this time, theinitial chemical (i.e. free radical) processes that aregenerated by radiation can take place but suchexposure times are not long enough for the repairof DNA damage or for any other biologicalprocesses to occur significantly. As the dose rate islowered, the time taken to deliver a particularradiation dose increases; it then becomes possiblefor a number of biological processes to take placeduring irradiation and to modify the observedradiation response. These processes have classic-ally been described by the four Rs of radiobiology:recovery (or repair), redistribution in the cellcycle, repopulation (proliferation), and reoxy-genation (see Chapter 7, Section 7.3).

Figure 12.1 illustrates the operation of theseprocesses in producing the dose-rate effect. Therange of dose rates over which each process has aneffect depends upon its speed. Intracellular repairis the fastest of these processes (half-time <1hour) and when the exposure duration is of theorder of 1 hour considerable repair will take place.Calculations show that repair at this speed willmodify radiation effects over the dose-rate rangefrom around 1 Gy/min down to about 0.1 cGy/min

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Effect of dose rate on cell survival 159

(Figs 12.2 and 12.3). Even in the range of clinicalexternal-beam dose rates, small effects on toler-ance may arise from changes in dose rate. In con-trast, repopulation is a much slower process.Doubling times for repopulation in human

tumours or normal tissues cannot be less than 1 day; the range is probably very wide – from a fewdays to weeks (Table 7.1). Only when the exposureduration exceeds about a day will significantrepopulation occur during a single radiation expo-sure. Repopulation, in either tumours or normaltissues, will therefore influence cellular responseover a much lower range of dose rates, below say2 cGy/min, depending upon the cell proliferationrate. Redistribution (i.e. cell-cycle progression)will modify response over an intermediate range ofdose rates, as will reoxygenation in tumours. Thekinetics of reoxygenation are variable amongtumour types and may involve various mechan-isms (see Chapter 15, Section 15.5, and Table 15.3);this could, nevertheless, be a significant factorreducing the effectiveness of brachytherapy givenover a short overall time.


As the radiation dose rate is lowered in the range1 Gy/min down to 1 cGy/min, the radiosensitivity


100 hours 10 hours 1hour 10 min 1 min

0.1 1 10 100 1000Dose rate (cGy/min)





Time to give 2 Gy

Figure 12.1 The range of dose rates over which repair,reassortment and repopulation modify radiosensitivitydepends upon the speed of these processes. From Steelet al. (1986), with permission.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Radiation dose (Gy)

150 cGy/min0.001









ng fr



Figure 12.2 Cell-survival curves for a human melanomacell line irradiated at dose rates of 150, 7.6 or 1.6 cGy/min.The data are fitted by the ‘lethal–potentially lethal’ (LPL)model, from which the lines A and B are derived (see text).From Steel et al. (1987), with permission.









2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Radiation dose (Gy)



ng fr



Figure 12.3 Cell-survival curves for three humantumour cell lines irradiated at the low dose-rate of1.6 cGy/min. HX143, neuroblastoma; GCT27, germ-celltumour of the testis; HX34, melanoma. From Steel(1991), with permission.

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160 The dose-rate effect

of cells decreases and the shouldered cell-survivalcurves which are observed at high dose-rates grad-ually become straighter. This is illustrated in Fig.12.2. At 150 cGy/min, the survival curve has amarked curvature; at 1.6 cGy/min it is almoststraight (on the semi-log plot) and seems to extrap-olate the initial slope of the high dose-rate curve.The amount of sparing associated with the dose-rate reduction can be expressed by reading off theradiation doses that give a fixed surviving fraction,for example 0.01: these values are 7.7 Gy at150 cGy/min and 12.8 Gy at 1.6 cGy/min. The ratioof these doses (12.8/7.7 � 1.6) is called the dose-recovery factor (DRF). The data at all three doserates in Fig. 12.2 have been simultaneously fitted byCurtis’ ‘lethal–potentially lethal’ (LPL) model (seeChapter 4, Section 4.11), a model that is particu-larly useful for describing the dose-rate effect. Thisallows an estimate to be made of the halftime forcellular recovery (0.16 hours) and it also predictscell survival under conditions of no repair (line A)or full repair (line B). Three further examples oflow dose-rate survival curves in human tumour celllines are shown in Fig. 12.3: they well illustrate thelinearity of low dose-rate survival curves.

For four selected human tumour cell lines (Fig.12.4), cell-survival curves are shown at two doserates (150 cGy/min and 1.6 cGy/min). These foursets of data have been chosen to illustrate the dose-rate effect and the range of radiosensitivities seenamong human tumour cells (Steel et al., 1987). Athigh dose-rate there is a range of approximately 3 in the radiation dose that gives a survival of 0.01,the D0.01. At low dose-rate the curves fan out andbecome straight or nearly so: the range of D0.01 val-ues is now roughly 7. This illustrates an importantcharacteristic of low dose-rate irradiation: it dis-criminates better than high dose-rate irradiationbetween cell lines of differing radiosensitivity.


Most normal tissues show considerable sparing asthe dose rate is reduced. An example is shown inFig. 12.5. The thorax of conscious mice was irradi-ated with 60Co γ-rays and damage to the lung wasmeasured using a breathing-rate assay (Down

et al., 1986). The radiation dose that producedearly pneumonitis in 50 per cent of the mice (i.e.the ED50) was 13.3 Gy at 100 cGy/min but itincreased to 34.2 Gy at the lowest dose-rate of












0.00010 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16



ng fr










ng fr



Radiation dose (Gy)

Radiation dose (Gy)



Figure 12.4 Cell-survival curve for four representativehuman tumour cell lines irradiated (a) at high dose-rate(150 cGy/min) or (b) at low dose-rate (1.6 cGy/min).HX142, neuroblastoma; HX58, pancreas; HX156, cervix;RT112, bladder carcinoma. From Steel (1991), withpermission.

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Dose-rate effect in normal tissues 161

2 cGy/min (DRF � 2.6). Note that a similar degreeof sparing could be achieved (in studies of otherinvestigators) by fractionated high dose-rate irra-diation using 2 Gy per fraction, and even moresparing at 1 Gy per fraction. Note also that at2 cGy/min the curve is still rising rapidly. It was notpossible in these experiments to go down to doserates below 2 cGy/min because of the difficulty ofimmobilizing the mice for long periods of time.

The data in Fig. 12.5 have been fitted by theincomplete repair model (Thames, 1985) asexplained in Chapter 8.8. This model simulatesthe effect of recovery (repair) on tissue sensitivity;it does not take account of cell proliferation dur-ing irradiation. The model fits the data well and italso allows extrapolation down to low dose-rates.It predicts, in this example, that dose-sparing dueto recovery will continue to increase down toabout 0.01 cGy/min at which the ED50 is 59 Gyand the recovery factor (i.e. DRF value) is 4.4.Proliferation of putative stem cells in the lung maylead to even greater sparing at very low dose-rates.

The comparison between a single low dose-rateexposure (2 cGy/min) and fractionated high dose-rate irradiation (2 Gy per fraction) allows animportant conclusion to be drawn. If the fractionsare delivered once per day then the overall time todeliver an ED50 dose of 34 Gy is 17 days. The sameeffect is produced by a single low dose-rate treatment in 28 hours. Continuous low dose-rate

exposure is thus the most efficient way of allowingmaximum tissue recovery in the shortest overalltime. It minimizes the effects of cell proliferation,which is an advantage in terms of damage totumour cells but a disadvantage for the tolerance ofthose early-responding normal tissues that relymore on proliferation than (intra)cellular recovery.

Figure 12.6 shows some examples of otherstudies of the dose-rate effect on normal tissues in



0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Fraction

Dose rate (cGy/min)


50 Prediction of theincomplete repair model







50 (


Figure 12.5 The dose-rate effect for pneumonitis in mice. The full line fitted to the data was calculated on the basisof the incomplete repair model; the broken line shows its extrapolation to very low dose-rates. The boxes on the rightshow the ED50 (effect dose–50 per cent) values for fractionated irradiation. From Down et al. (1986), with permission.










1 10 100

Rat lungSpinal cordLip mucosaMouse lungBone marrow-long termBone marrow (LD50)


Dose rate (cGy/min)


50 (


Figure 12.6 The dose-rate effect in various rodentnormal tissues: lung, spinal cord, lip mucosa and bone marrow.

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162 The dose-rate effect

rodents: lip mucosa, lung, spinal cord and bone-marrow. When comparing two typical late-responding tissues (lung and spinal cord) with anearly-responding tissue (lip mucosa in the mouse)the patterns of recovery are very similar, with thelargest sparing in the spinal cord. This is to beexpected for the central nervous system as this tis-sue shows the largest increase in tolerance whendecreasing the fraction size (low α/β ratio). Forearly-responding epithelial tissues such as the lipmucosa the dose-rate effect is less pronounced,but for overall times longer than 1–2 days prolifer-ation adds to a rapid increase in tolerance, in con-trast to late-responding tissues.

The two bone marrow endpoints, lethalityowing to bone marrow syndrome and long-termrepopulation of haemopoietic stem cells, showonly a minimal recovery for dose rates as low as1 cGy/min. This is predominantly due to the highsensitivity of the bone marrow, as a LD50 (radi-ation producing lethality in 50 per cent of a popu-lation) dose in the range of 6–9 Gy is even at1 cGy/min delivered in a total time of only 10–15hours. It is of interest to note that a slow prolifer-ating haemopoietic stem cell population showed asignificant recovery when lowering the dose rateto approximately 0.5 cGy/min, in agreement witha low α/β ratio (van Os et al., 1993).


A variety of theoretical descriptions of the dose-rate effect have been made but for clinical applica-tion the most widely used is the incomplete repairmodel of Thames (1985). The calculations of Daleand Deehan (2007) make the same basic assump-tions, although the formulation is slightly differ-ent. The basic equation of the incomplete repairmodel for continuous irradiation is:

E � αD � βD2g (12.1)

where E is the level of effect, α and β are param-eters of the linear-quadratic equation, D is the totaldose and g is a function of the duration of contin-uous exposure. Note that the time-dependent

recovery factor modifies only the quadratic termin the linear-quadratic (LQ) equation, a featurethat is supported by experimental data (Steel et al, 1987; Fig. 12.2). Note also that repop-ulation is ignored in these calculations.

The value of g depends upon the halftime forrecovery (T1/2) and the duration of continuousexposure (t) according to the relation:

g � 2[μt � 1 � exp(�μt)]/(μt)2 (12.2)

where μ � 0.693/T1/2. Values of g for a wide rangeof T1/2 and t are given in Table 8.3.

This model allows isoeffect relationships to becalculated and, as shown in Fig. 12.5, it is success-ful in describing experimental data over a range ofdose rates. Further examples of calculated curvesare shown in Fig. 12.7. The purely fractionatedcase is shown in Fig. 12.7a, with high dose-rateirradiation, described by the LQ model. The linein this chart corresponds to equation 8.5 (Chapter8) with D1 � 60 Gy, d1 � 2 Gy and α/β � 10 Gy.The inter-fraction intervals have here beenassumed to be long enough to allow completerecovery between fractions. Figure 12.7b showsisoeffect curves for a single continuous exposureat any dose rate, calculated using equation 12.1and with values of the halftime for recovery of1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 hours. The three curves are slightlydifferent and this illustrates the dependence of theisoeffect curve for continuous exposure on thespeed of recovery: the curve shifts laterally tolower dose rates as the halftime is prolonged.Unfortunately, recovery halftime is not wellknown in clinical situations, which limits thevalue of calculations of this sort.

The curves in Fig. 12.7a–c are mutually isoef-fective. They are calculated for the same effectlevel and for the same values of α and β (the α/βratio is 10 Gy), chosen to give an extrapolated doseof 72 Gy at infinitely small doses per fraction orinfinitely low dose-rate, which corresponds to anequivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions (EQD2) of60 Gy. This example illustrates the equivalencethat is predicted by the mathematical modelsbetween a particular continuous dose rate and acorresponding dose per fraction. For the param-eters assumed here (as shown by the verticalarrows), a dose rate of around 1–2 cGy/min(roughly 1 Gy/hour) is equivalent to fractionated

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Isoeffect relationships 163

treatment with approximately 2 Gy per fraction,for both of which the isoeffective dose is 60 Gy.

A further important conclusion can be drawnfrom calculations of the type shown in Fig. 12.7.In Chapter 8, Section 8.6 (see Fig. 8.7), we haveseen how the use of large fraction sizes leads to atherapeutic disadvantage in tumours with a highα/β ratio, relative to late normal-tissue injury. Thesame is true for high continuous dose rate treat-ments. By drawing further horizontal linesbetween Fig. 12.7a and Fig. 12.7b it can be seenthat a dose rate of 5 cGy/min is equivalent toaround 6–8 Gy per fraction and 10 cGy/min toover 10 Gy per fraction.

Figure 12.7c shows the results of model calcu-lations for fractionated low dose-rate irradiation.Once again using the incomplete repair modelisoeffect curves were calculated for treatment with2–50 fractions, each given at the dose rate shownon the abscissa and with full recovery betweenfractions. Again, repopulation is ignored. Thisdiagram indicates the basic feature of fractionatedlow dose-rate exposure: as we increase the num-ber of fractions the dose-rate effect is reduced (i.e.the curves become flatter), and as we lower thedose rate the effect of fractionation is reduced (asseen by the vertical spread between the curves).This results from a simple principle. As we pro-tract irradiation it is cellular recovery that pro-duces all these effects and there is a limit to howmuch recovery the cells can accomplish. If we

allow recovery between fractions then there is less to be recovered during each fraction, and viceversa.

An alternative approach to the description ofthe dose-rate effect is the LPL model of Curtis(1986). This is a mechanistic model that isdescribed in Chapter 4, Section 4.11. It has theor-etical advantages for studies that seek to describethe cellular mechanisms of radiation cell killingbut is less appropriate for clinical calculationsthan the empirical equations of Thames and Dalereferred to above.

Effect of cell proliferation

The effect of proliferation at very low dose-rates isgraphically illustrated in Fig. 12.8. These calcula-tions are made for a hypothetical cell populationwith an α/β ratio of 3.7 Gy and a repair halftime of0.85 hour. Cell proliferation is assumed to occurwith the doubling times shown in the figure and noaccount has been taken of radiation effects on therate of proliferation (if this occurred it wouldreduce the effect of proliferation at the higher dose-rates). For these parameter values there is no effectof proliferation at dose rates above 1 cGy/min butas the dose rate is lowered to 0.1 cGy/min the isoef-fective dose rises very steeply. The implication forbrachytherapy is that above 1 cGy/min repopula-tion effects can be ignored, but below this dose rate










2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.1 1 10 100Dose per fraction (Gy)(a) (b) (c)


l dos

e (G












Dose rate (cGy/min)


Halftime �1.0 hours







1.5 hours2.0 hours

0.1 1 10 1000


20Fraction number







Dose rate (cGy/min)

Fractionated LDR

Figure 12.7 Isoeffect curves calculated with the incomplete repair model (Thames, 1985) for fractionated, continuous,or fractionated low dose-rate radiation exposure (a–c are mutually isoeffective). Repopulation is ignored. The α/β ratiois 10 Gy and the EQD2 (equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions) is 60 Gy. Adapted from Steel (1991) and Steel et al. (1989),with permission.

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164 The dose-rate effect

they will be substantial, both in tumours and inearly-responding normal tissues.

The inverse dose-rate effect

Although in situations affecting clinical practice itis a general rule that cellular sensitivity decreaseswith decreasing dose rate, exceptions to this rulehave been noted. Mitchell and Bedford in earlystudies of cell killing in mammalian cell lines occa-sionally found a slight inversion which they attrib-uted to a lower dose rate allowing cells to progressthough the cell cycle into more sensitive phases,thus suffering greater damage. The mechanism of the inverse dose-rate effect has been elucidatedfurther in more recent experimental work relatedto the ‘low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity’ (HRS)process discovered by Joiner and colleagues (seeChapter 4, Section 4.14). In cell lines showing apronounced HRS response below doses of 0.4 Gy, areversal of the usual sparing at low dose-rates canalso be observed at dose rates below 1.5 cGy/min.An example of this HRS-driven inverse dose rateeffect is shown in Fig. 12.9 (Mitchell et al., 2002). Itis possible that this phenomenon could be a factorpromoting the effectiveness of low dose-rate per-manent125 implants, for example in the treatmentof prostate cancer and glioblastoma, where expo-sure rates over much of the target volume are gen-erally less than 1 cGy/min.


The principal reasons for choosing interstitial orintracavitary radiotherapy in preference to exter-nal-beam treatment relate to dose delivery anddose distribution rather than to radiobiology.Irradiation from an implanted source within atumour carries a distinct geometrical advantagefor sparing the surrounding normal tissues thatwill inevitably tend to receive a lower radiationdose. Brachytherapy thus exploits the volumeeffect in normal tissues (see Chapter 14). Normal




0.0010 5 10 15 20

Dose (Gy)










e cl





Figure 12.9 Survival curves obtained after exposure ofasynchronously growing T98G glioblastoma cells to lowdose-rate 60Co γ radiation. Curve labels indicate the doserate of radiation exposure in cGy/hour. Relative clonogensper flask was calculated by multiplying the survivingfraction by the relative cell yield following irradiation.Each datum point is plotted as the mean � SEM. Theacute dose rate was 33 Gy/hour. This cell line is anexample of those which demonstrate an inverse dose-rateeffect on cell survival at dose rates below 100 cGy/hour,whereby a decrease in dose rate results in an increase incell killing per unit dose. Analysis of the cell cycleindicates that these inverse dose-rate effects are notcaused by accumulation of cells in G2/M phase or byother cell-cycle perturbations, but result from the processof low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity (see Chapter 4, Section4.14). From Mitchell et al. (2002), with permission.









00.01 0.1 1 10 100

Dose rate (cGy/min)

10 days

20 days

50 days

5 daysDoubling time :

No proliferationIsoe






Figure 12.8 Illustrating the effect of cell proliferationas a function of dose rate. Isoeffect curves are shownfor no proliferation or with the doubling timesindicated. The calculations are based on a simple modelof exponential growth, ignoring radiation effects on therate of cell proliferation.

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Radiobiological aspects of brachytherapy 165

tissues will also often be exposed to a lower dose-rate, which gives the additional advantage of ‘neg-ative double trouble’ (i.e. ‘double benefit’, seeChapter 9, Section 9.11).

Variation in cell killing around animplanted radioactive source

The non-uniformity of the radiation field aroundan implanted source has important radiobiologi-cal consequences. Close to the source the dose rateis high and the amount of cell killing will be closeto that indicated by the acute-radiation survivalcurve. As we move away from the source, twochanges take place: cells will be less sensitive at thelower dose-rates, and within a given period ofimplantation the accumulated dose will also beless. These two factors lead to a very rapid changein cell killing with distance from the source.Within tissues (tumour or normal) that are closeto the source the level of cell killing will be so highthat cells of virtually any radiosensitivity will bekilled. Further out, the effects will be so low thateven the most radiosensitive cells will survive.Between these extremes there is a critical zone inwhich differential cell killing will occur. As shownby Steel et al. (1989), for cells of any given level ofradiosensitivity model calculations imply thatthere will be cliff-like change from high to lowlocal cure probability, taking place over a radialdistance of a few millimetres (Fig. 12.10). The dis-tance of the ‘cliff ’ from the source is determinedby the radiosensitivity of the cells at low dose-rate –nearer for radioresistant cells and further away forradiosensitive cells (Steel, 1991).

Is there a radiobiological advantage inlow dose-rate radiotherapy?

The question of whether low dose-rate irradiationitself carries a therapeutic advantage is an inter-esting one. There is a considerable volume of liter-ature on the dose-rate effect, both in tumours andin normal tissues, on the basis of which it wouldbe difficult to claim that under all circumstanceslow dose-rate treatment would have the besttherapeutic index. As shown in Fig. 12.4, cells that

are the least sensitive to radiation and have thelargest shoulder on the cell-survival curve willshow the greatest degree of dose-sparing. Theseare not necessarily cell lines of low α/β ratio, forPeacock et al. (1992) have shown that a range ofhuman tumour cell lines, including those shownin Fig. 12.4, have similar α/β ratios: radioresistanttumour cells tend to have both a lower α and alower β than more sensitive cells. In a particulartherapeutic situation we could make a calculationcomparing the relative DRF between tumour andcritical normal tissues. This would tell us whetherthe normal tissues might be spared more or lessthan the tumour cells if we were to lower the doserate. However, this does not answer the therapeu-tic question, because to treat with one large high









5 10 15 20 25



ng fr



Radiation dose (Gy)






00 1 2 3 4 5

Distance from source (cm)


e pr





Figure 12.10 The likelihood of local tumour controlvaries steeply with distance from a point radiationsource. The radius at which failure occurs depends uponthe steepness of the survival curve at low dose-rate (a).From Steel et al. (1989), with permission.

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166 The dose-rate effect

dose-rate fraction has for a long time not been aclinical option. However, with the advances infunctional imaging and combination of positronemission tomography (PET)/computed tomogra-phy (CT) with high-precision IMRT, hypofrac-tionation and even large single doses fortreatment of metastases are now coming back intothe realm of modern radiation oncology. This issimilar to comparing hypofractionation with theuse of conventional or reduced dose per fraction(see Fig. 10.2). The appropriate clinical question iswhether a single continuous low dose-rate treat-ment is better than using a conventional fraction-ation schedule.

As illustrated in Fig. 12.7, there is, on the basisof the incomplete repair model, an equivalencebetween dose per fraction in fractionated radio-therapy and dose rate for a single continuousexposure. Roughly speaking, for a given level ofcell killing the total dose required at a continuousdose-rate of 1 Gy/hour is similar to that requiredby acute fractionated treatment with 2 Gy perfraction. This equivalence depends upon the half-time for recovery but it is relatively independentof the α/β ratio (Fowler, 1989). In radiobiologicalterms, these two treatments should be equallyeffective. Lowering the (fractionated) dose perfraction will spare late-responding normal tissueswhose α/β ratio is low, as will lowering the doserate (continuous) below 1 Gy/hour.

The success of intracavitary therapy may resultfrom two factors: (1) the lower volume of normaltissue irradiated to a dose that discriminatesbetween tissue sensitivities; and (2) the practicaland radiobiological benefits of short treatmenttimes. The clearest advantage for low dose-rateirradiation is that for a given level of cell killing,and without hazarding late-responding normaltissues, this treatment will be complete within theshortest overall time (see Section 12.4). Tumourcell repopulation will therefore be minimized. Thiscould confer a therapeutic advantage for the treat-ment of rapidly repopulating tumours.

A potential disadvantage of low dose-rate irra-diation is that because of the short overall treat-ment time there may be inadequate time availablefor the reoxygenation of hypoxic tumour cells andtherefore greater radioresistance because ofhypoxia.

Pulsed brachytherapy

The availability of computer-controlled high dose-rate afterloading systems provides the opportunityto deliver interstitial or intracavitary radiotherapyin a series of pulses (PDR). The gaps betweenpulses allow greater freedom for the patient andincreased safety for nursing staff, as well as tech-nical advantages, for example in allowing correc-tions for the decay of the radioactive source thatminimize effects on the quality of treatment.

In principle, any move away from continuousexposure towards treatment with gaps carries aradiobiological disadvantage. This is because thedose rate within each pulse is higher and thisallows less opportunity for repair of radiationdamage. Slowly-repairing tissues will therefore bedisadvantaged and, as argued in Chapter 10,Section 10.8, there will be a loss of therapeuticindex between tumour tissues that repair quicklyand those late-responding normal tissues thatrepair more slowly. The magnitude of this effectwas considered by Brenner and Hall (1991), whoconcluded that for gaps between pulses of up to 60 min the radiobiological deficit may be anacceptable trade-off for the increase in dosimetriclocalization to the target volume. During theensuing years there has been much theoretical dis-cussion of the guidelines for safe treatment withpulsed brachytherapy. Extensive laboratory stud-ies comparing PDR and CLDR with cells in vitrohave been carried out in Oslo by the group ofPettersen (Hanisch et al., 2007). They concludedthat in some cell lines PDR had a greater than pre-dicted effect. This could not be explained by theinverse dose-rate effect (see Section 12.5). Celllines that showed an inverse dose-rate effect did sosimilarly under both CLDR and PDR conditions.

Theoretical studies have examined the effect ofhalftimes for repair in normal and tumour tissues,including the evidence for multiple halftime com-ponents within each tissue (Fowler and vanLimbergen, 1997). Brachytherapy studies on labora-tory animals are technically difficult, not leastbecause of the differences in scale between rats andhumans, but detailed studies of effects in the ratspinal cord have been carried out (Pop et al., 2000).

Clinical experience in the use of pulsedbrachytherapy is increasing and the availability of

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Bibliography 167

equipment that allows a single high-intensitysource to be ‘stepped’ through the treatment fieldprovides an important degree of control. Themethod does, however, need to be applied withcare because there are penalties in terms of thequality of treatment when pulse sizes are allowedto be too large or when time between pulses isincreased much above 1 hour. High dose-rateafterloading systems create the temptation toshorten the overall time and, as indicated above,this could lead to increased early reactions toradiotherapy and greater tumour radioresistanceowing to inadequate reoxygenation. A prospectiveclinical trial comparing CLDR and PDR for cervi-cal cancer was carried out in the Princess MargaretHospital in Toronto (Bachtiary et al., 2005). Nostatistical difference was observed in survival orlate toxicity, and the authors concluded that PDRhas the advantage of a better dose optimization.The use of PDR as a boost in combination withIMRT might yield the best options for dose escal-ation, as high doses are obtained within the targetvolume (Pieters et al., 2008).

IMRT and dose rate

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy, one of thehighest precision implementations of external-beam radiotherapy, is generally accepted as thebest tool to allow dose-escalation with conven-tional photons in the target volume while sparingthe surrounding normal tissues. This higher preci-sion is achieved by a more complex technology,including a high number of separate segments andthereby often longer delivery times of the completedose fraction of up to 30 min. Thus, part of theescalated dose may be biologically lost by repairduring the treatment. Various investigators haveaddressed this question by in vitro cell cultureexperiments. A recent series of experiments, alongwith a review of the literature, concluded that ingeneral the effectiveness in terms of cell killdecreases by up to 20 per cent for treatment timesof 20–30 min (Bewes et al., 2008). An importantobservation is that these figures differ for variouscell lines, and are more dependent on the rate ofrepair than the α/β ratio, as also predicted by the‘incomplete repair’ or the LPL model (see

Chapters 4 and 8). To date, no indications of areduced effectiveness of IMRT treatments havebeen reported, and it should be realized that theoutcome of therapy is not determined only by theintrinsic sensitivity of tumour cells. Of interest inthis respect is an experimental study comparing invitro radiosensitivity with in vivo tumour responsein the same cell line (Tomita et al., 2008), whichshowed that the loss of effect due to lower cell killwas compensated in vivo by rapid reoxygenation.

Key points

1. Low dose-rate irradiation is the ultimateform of fractionation which allows themaximal amount of recovery in the shortestoverall treatment time.

2. The dose-rate effect results primarily fromrepair of sublethal damage, while repopula-tion may play a role for treatment timeslonger than 1–2 days.

3. Cell-survival curves become straighter atlow dose-rates and approach the initialslope of the survival curve.

4. An inverse dose-rate effect, the reversal ofsparing at dose rates less than c. 1 cGy/min,is observed in cell lines showing the phe-nomenon of low-dose HRS.

5. PDR provides the same radiobiologicaladvantage as continuous low dose-rate withthe added benefit of optimized dose distri-butions and patient logistics.

6. IMRT given in 20–30 min per fraction maybe intrinsically less effective owing to lowercell kill, but this may be compensated intumours by rapid reoxygenation.


Bachtiary B, Dewitt A, Pintilie M et al. (2005).Comparison of late toxicity between continuouslow-dose-rate and pulsed-dose-rate brachytherapyin cervical cancer patients. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 63: 1077–82.

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168 The dose-rate effect

Bewes JM, Suchowerska N, Jackson M, Zhang M,McKenzie DR (2008). The radiobiological effect ofintra-fraction dose-rate modulation in intensitymodulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Phys Med Biol53: 3567–78.

Brenner DJ, Hall EJ (1991). Fractionated high dose rateversus low dose rate regimens for intracavitarybrachytherapy of the cervix. I. General considerationsbased on radiobiology. Br J Radiol 64: 133–41.

Curtis SB (1986). Lethal and potentially lethal lesionsinduced by radiation – a unified repair model. RadiatRes 106: 252–70.

Dale RG, Deehan C (2007). Brachytherapy. In: Dale RG,Jones B (eds) Radiobiological modelling in radiationoncology. London: The British Institute of Radiology,113–37.

Down JD, Easton DF, Steel GG (1986). Repair in themouse lung during low dose-rate irradiation.Radiother Oncol 6: 29–42.

Fowler JF (1989). Dose rate effects in normal tissues. In:Mould RF (ed.) Brachytherapy 2, proceedings of the5th International Selectron Users’ Meeting 1988 .Leersum: Nucletron International BV, 26–40.

Fowler JF, van Limbergen EF (1997). Biological effect ofpulsed dose rate brachytherapy with steppingsources if short half-times of repair are present intissues. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 37: 877–83.

Hanisch PH, Furre T, Olsen DR, Pettersen EO (2007).Radiobiological responses for two cell linesfollowing continuous low dose-rate (CLDR) andpulsed dose rate (PDR) brachytherapy. Acta Oncol46: 602–11.

Mitchell CR, Folkard M, Joiner MC (2002). Effects ofexposure to low-dose-rate 60Co gamma rays onhuman tumor cells in vitro. Radiat Res 158: 311–18.

Peacock JH, Eady JJ, Edwards SM, McMillan TJ, Steel GG(1992). The intrinsic alpha/beta ratio for humantumour cells: is it a constant? Int J Radiat Biol61: 479–87.

Pieters BR, van de Kamer JB, van Herten YR et al.(2008). Comparison of biologically equivalent dose-volume parameters for the treatment of prostatecancer with concomitant boost IMRT versus IMRT

combined with brachytherapy. Radiother Oncol88: 46–52.

Pop LA, Millar WT, van der Plas M, van der Kogel AJ(2000). Radiation tolerance of rat spinal cord topulsed dose rate (PDR-) brachytherapy: the impactof differences in temporal dose distribution.Radiother Oncol 55: 301–15.

Steel GG (1991). The ESTRO Breur lecture. Cellularsensitivity to low dose-rate irradiation focuses theproblem of tumour radioresistance. Radiother Oncol20: 71–83.

Steel GG, Down JD, Peacock JH, Stephens TC (1986).Dose-rate effects and the repair of radiationdamage. Radiother Oncol 5: 321–31.

Steel GG, Deacon JM, Duchesne GM, Horwich A, KellandLR, Peacock JH (1987). The dose-rate effect inhuman tumour cells. Radiother Oncol 9: 299–310.

Steel GG, Kelland LR, Peacock JH (1989). Theradiobiological basis for low dose-rate radiotherapy.In: Mould RF (ed.) Brachytherapy 2, Proceedings ofthe 5th International Selectron Users’ Meeting 1988.Leersum: Nucletron International BV, 15–25.

Thames HD (1985). An ‘incomplete-repair’ model for survival after fractionated and continuousirradiations. Int J Radiat Biol 47: 319–39.

Tomita N, Shibamoto Y, Ito M et al. (2008). Biologicaleffect of intermittent radiation exposure in vivo:recovery from sublethal damage versusreoxygenation. Radiother Oncol 86: 369–74.

van Os R, Thames HD, Konings AW, Down JD (1993).Radiation dose-fractionation and dose-raterelationships for long-term repopulatinghemopoietic stem cells in a murine bone marrowtransplant model. Radiat Res 136: 118–25.


Dale RG, Deehan C (2007). Brachytherapy. In: Dale RG,Jones B (eds) Radiobiological modelling in radiationoncology. London: The British Institute of Radiology,113–37.

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Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effectsWOLFGANG DÖRR

13.1 Introduction 16913.2 Early radiation effects 17013.3 Chronic radiation effects 17413.4 Documentation and assessment of

normal-tissue effects 176

13.5 Radiation effects in specific tissues and organs 178

Key points 189Bibliography 189Further reading 190



Despite optimum conformation of the treatmentfields to the tumour and precise treatment plan-ning and application, the target volume in curativeradiotherapy necessarily includes a substantialamount of normal tissue, for several reasons.First, malignant tumours infiltrate microscopi-cally into normal structures, which hence must beincluded into the high-dose volume as a tumourmargin. Second, normal tissues within thetumour, such as soft tissue and blood vessels, areexposed to the full tumour dose. Third, normalstructures in the entrance and exit channels of theradiation beam may be exposed to clinically rele-vant doses. Therefore, effective curative radiother-apy is unavoidably associated with an acceptedrisk for early and late radiation side-effects(‘adverse events’) in order to achieve adequatetumour cure rates.

The optimum radiation dose in curative radio-therapy is defined as the dose that is associatedwith a certain low incidence of sequelae of adefined severity in cured patients (‘complication-free healing’). The manifestation of side-effects ishence an indicator for optimum treatment andmaximum tumour cure probability; side-effects

cannot, a priori, be considered as a consequenceof incorrect treatment.

Early (acute) side-effects are observed duringor shortly after a course of radiotherapy. In con-trast, late (chronic) side-effects become clinicallymanifest after latent times of months to manyyears. The cut-off time to distinguish early fromlate effects has arbitrarily been set to 90 days afterthe onset of radiotherapy. This classification isbased exclusively on the time-course (i.e. the timeof first diagnosis of the pathological changes).However, early and late effects have specific(radio)biological features which distinguish them.

Early effects are usually found in tissues with ahigh proliferative activity that counteracts a per-manent cell loss (turnover tissues), such as bonemarrow, epidermis or mucosae of the upper andlower intestinal tract. The acute symptoms arebased on radiation-induced impairment of cellproduction in the face of ongoing cell loss, whichis usually independent of the treatment. The con-sequence is progressive cell depletion. This responseis regularly accompanied by inflammatory changes,which either can be directly induced by the radia-tion exposure or secondary to the changes in theturnover compartment of the tissue. Healing, whichis usually complete, is based on the proliferation

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170 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

of surviving tissue stem cells within the irradiatedvolume or migration of stem cells in from unirra-diated tissue.

Late radiation side-effects are basically found inall organs. In contrast to the development of earlyside-effects, which are characterized by cell deple-tion as a leading mechanism, the pathogeneticpathways of chronic side-effects are more com-plex. The dominating processes occur in theparenchyma of the organs (i.e. in the tissue-specificcompartments) but also in the connective and vas-cular tissues. Regularly, the immune system(macrophages, mast cells) contributes to the tissuereaction. Late radiation effects hence represent amultifaceted, orchestrated response with variouscomponents (Dörr et al., 2005b; Bentzen, 2006).

Late radiation sequelae, in contrast to earlyeffects, with few exceptions, are irreversible andprogressive, with increasing severity occurring withlonger follow-up times. Therefore, the longer thesurvival times of the patients (i.e. the better theradiation therapy) the higher is the number ofpatients at risk for late reactions. A risk for themanifestation of a chronic reaction remainsthroughout the life of the patient (Jung et al., 2001).

Early and late radiation effects are independentwith regard to their pathogenesis and, in general,conclusions from the severity of early reactions onthe risk of late effects cannot be drawn. However, inparticular situations, interactions between acuteand chronic reactions can occur within one organ,resulting in consequential late effects (CLE). This isthe case when the early-responding tissue compart-ments (e.g. epithelia) have a protective functionagainst mechanical and/or chemical exposure. Thisbarrier function is impaired during the acute radia-tion reaction because of cell depletion. In conse-quence, secondary traumata can impact on thetarget structures of the late sequelae (connectivetissue, vasculature) in addition to the direct effectsof radiation, which can then aggravate the lateradiation response (Dörr and Hendry, 2001).Consequential late effects have been demonstratedfor intestine, urinary tract, oral mucosa and partic-ularly stressed skin localizations (Dörr and Hendry,2001), as well as for lung (Dörr et al., 2005a).

In this chapter, after a description of the generalpathogenesis of early and late radiation effects,specific effects in clinically relevant organs and

tissues will be described. This latter part alsoincludes side-effects that follow an atypical patho-genesis, such as late cardiovascular changes orradiation cataract induction. This chapter does notinclude systemic sequelae such as fatigue or nauseaand emesis. Moreover, responses to high singledoses or a few large fractions, as administered instereotactic radiotherapy, which may be based ondifferent pathogenetic pathways, are excluded.


Radiation effects in skin and epidermis were dose-limiting during the orthovoltage era, with peakdoses occurring near the entrance sites of thebeam. In contrast, with modern treatment tech-niques, distributions of high doses within thebody can, in general, be achieved without severeepidermal toxicity.

However, early radiation effects are still rele-vant even in face of the progress in the physicalapplication of radiotherapy. Early reactions sig-nificantly affect the quality of life of the patients.Some early responses are dose-limiting, such asoral mucositis in radiotherapy of advanced headand neck tumours, and hence reduce the chancefor tumour cure. Moreover, early reactions canresult in consequential late effects (Dörr andHendry, 2001). In addition, the costs of support-ive care are an important socio-economic factor.

Additional traumas can significantly aggravateearly radiation responses. Chemotherapy is oneprominent example. Moreover, in epithelial tis-sues, mechanical stress can influence early com-plications, such as epidermal irritation by clothingor in skin folds, or oral mucosal trauma throughdental prostheses or sharp-edged food compo-nents. Similarly, chemical exposure, such as smok-ing, alcohol or spicy diet in oral mucosa, canintensify the response. Such exacerbating factorsshould be avoided during radiotherapy.

Precise knowledge of the pathogenesis andradiobiology of acute radiation effects forms theessential basis for the development of selective, biol-ogy-based interventions. One example is radiation-induced leukopenia after bone marrow irradiation,which can be treated by haematopoietic growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating

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Early radiation effects 171

factor (G-CSF) or granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) (see Chapter 22).

Phases of early radiation reactions

Different pathogenetic phases and componentscan be distinguished for early radiation responsesin normal tissues (Sonis, 2004; Dörr et al., 2005b),as illustrated schematically in Fig. 13.1. Regularlya ‘humoral’ response is observed, based on therelease of paracrine active substances, for exampleby vascular endothelial cells and macrophages,but also by fibroblasts or parenchymal cells suchas epithelial keratinocytes. The associated changesin the functions of the target cells are accompa-nied by inflammatory changes. This phase usuallyprecedes the clinically dominating reaction (i.e.the reduction in the number of functional cells).This hypoplasia is seen, for example, as epidermalor mucosal epitheliolysis or as leukopenia. Basedon the breakdown of epithelial structures, whichnormally constitute a protective barrier function,secondary infections are frequently seen, whichcan even progress into septicaemia. Eventually,with the exception of very severe reactions, heal-ing occurs, based on surviving stem cells withinthe irradiated volume or on migrating stem cells,

for example bone marrow stem cells from the cir-culation or epidermal/mucosal stem cells migrat-ing from the margins into the irradiated area.


Early after the onset of radiotherapy, after the firstor the first few fractions, increased protein expres-sion is observed (e.g. in endothelial cells, vascularsmooth muscle cells or macrophages). These pro-teins are predominantly pro-inflammatory, suchas interleukin-1a (IL-1a) and other interleukins,tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), or cyclooxy-genase-2 (COX-2). Similarly, the activity ofinducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is increased(e.g. Rubin et al., 1995; Sonis, 2004). These are onlya few examples.

The paracrine, intercellular communication ismodified by the induction of cytokines, theirreceptors, adhesion molecules and components ofthe cell–matrix interaction (Dörr et al., 2005b).For example, keratinocytes of the epidermis andoral mucosa show an increased expression of epi-dermal growth factor (EGF), its receptor (EGFR)or the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1).The EGFR is subsequently internalized andtranslocated into the nucleus, and can act as atranscription factor and modulate DNA repair(Dittmann et al., 2005).

Initiation and regulation of these processes –because of their early onset – cannot exclusively beattributed to the release of mediators during the dis-integration of damaged cells or to tissue hypoplasia.However, the signals underlying these very earlychanges in cellular function are unclear and are thefocus of current research projects. Their relevancefor the pathophysiology of the early radiation effectsis similarly indistinct. An impact on the clinicalsymptoms, such as pain, is obvious, and modifica-tion of the tissue response (e.g. of the regenerationprocesses – repopulation, see Chapter 11) is likely.The available data, however, do not yet allow us todistinguish which of the intracellular, paracrine orhumoral aspects are causally involved in the patho-genesis, and which are epiphenomena.


The cellular depletion phase, like leukopenia after bone marrow irradiation or epitheliolysis in


(infection)Hypoplasia Healing




Figure 13.1 Components of early radiation effects.Early radiation effects usually start with vascularchanges, clinically visible as erythema, accompanied by inflammatory changes. The depletion of functionalcells, based on insufficient cellular supply in the face of ongoing differentiation and cell loss, is thedominating response to irradiation. The interaction ofthis phase with the vascular response is unclear.Progressive hypoplasia promotes secondary reactions(e.g. infections owing to oral mucositis, moist skindesquamation or leukopenia). Eventually healing occurs,based on surviving stem cells within the irradiatedvolume or stem cells migrating in from outside theirradiated volume.

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172 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

epidermis and mucosa, is the clinically most rele-vant component of early radiation responses. Asmentioned above, these changes are found inturnover tissues, with a precisely regulated equi-librium between permanent cell loss from thefunctional compartment and cell production inthe germinal compartment. The hierarchical pro-liferative organization of these tissues is illustratedin Fig. 13.2.

The entire cell production takes place in thegerminal components of the tissue (e.g. the basaland suprabasal layers of epithelia, intestinalcrypts, or bone marrow sinuses). The basis are tis-sue stem cells. With very few exceptions, no cellu-lar markers, such as surface antigens, have so farbeen identified that would allow for differentia-tion between stem cells and other proliferatingcells. Therefore, the stem cell concept must beregarded as strictly functional: the stem cell popu-lation consists of cells that can completely andcorrectly restore the integrity and structure of atissue after an insult. Hence, the radiation toler-ance of a tissue is defined by the number and theintrinsic radiosensitivity of the stem cells.

The equilibrium between cell production andcell loss is based on the division pattern of thestem cells. On average, each stem cell divisionresults in one cell that remains in the stem cellpool, and one cell which eventually differentiates(Dörr, 1997). This pattern, with two differentdaughter cells, is called asymmetrical division.

Daughter cells which are not stem cells (transit orprecursor cells) can undergo a limited number(e.g. up to 10 in bone marrow) of transit divisions,which substantially increases the yield of cells perstem cell division. The regulation of theseprocesses remains unclear. The number of func-tional cells seems to feed back on the general pro-liferation activity. However, the number of stemcells itself seems to modulate stem cell prolifera-tion, indicating an (additional) autoregulationwithin this compartment (see also Chapter 11).

In most turnover tissues, transit cells by fardominate the proliferative cell population; therelationship between the numbers of transit andstem cells depends on the number of transit divi-sions. Hence, studies into the proliferative activity,such as S-phase labelling with BrdUrd, Ki67-labelling or mitotic counts, are dominated by transit-cell proliferation and cannot accuratelyassess the proliferation parameters in the stem-cellcompartment. The post-mitotic cells arising fromthe last transit division usually undergo severalsteps of maturation before they reach a terminaldifferentiation state and are eventually lost. Theirlifespan is tissue-specific, but can vary markedlybetween different tissues, from a few days in theepithelia of the upper and lower alimentary tractto several months in the urothelium of the urinarybladder. The overall turnover time (i.e. the time inwhich all cells are renewed once) defines the time-course of the early radiation response (Fig. 13.3).



n th generation


n th generation

Transitcells first

generation Cel

l los





, fun


nal c


Figure 13.2 Proliferative organization of turnover tissues. Typical early reactions occur in turnover tissues. The entirecell production is based on tissue stem cells, which generate, on average, one stem cell and one transit cell inasymmetrical divisions (see also Fig. 13.3). Transit cells can undergo a limited number of divisions, which increase thecell yield per stem cell division. The cells undergo maturation and differentiation and are eventually lost. The turnovertime from the initial stem cell division to cell loss is tissue specific.

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Early radiation effects 173

The radiosensitivity of the cells decreases duringtheir differentiation process. Therefore, radiationdoses administered in radiotherapy are predomi-nantly lethal for stem cells, while transit cells areonly minimally affected, and no effect is seen onpost-mitotic cells. Some studies in experimentalmodels have demonstrated with specific assays thatthe stem cell inactivation by radiation follows adose–effect relationship, which corresponds in itsshape to a typical cell survival curve in vitro (seeChapter 4). Such studies have been performed withmicro- or macro-colony-forming assays in intes-tinal epithelium and skin (Withers and Elkind,1970), or with spleen colony assays for survivingbone marrow stem cells (Potten and Hendry, 1983).However, despite qualitative similarities in cell

survival, there are significant quantitative differ-ences between the in vivo and the in vitro situations.

The reduction of proliferation in the stem cellcompartment results in a lack of support to thetransit population, with the consequence of adecline in overall cell production. Furthermore,depending on the dose, direct effects on transit pro-liferation are also possible, which further affect theamplifying function of the transit compartment.Hence, increasing radiation doses result in a pro-gressive decline in the number of precursor cellsavailable for differentiation into post-mitotic cells.In contrast, despite the radiation exposure, differ-entiation and cell loss continue almost physiologi-cally in qualitative and quantitative terms (Dörr,1997). The radiation-induced imbalance betweencell production and cell loss results in progressivehypoplasia, which becomes clinically manifest aftera threshold cell depletion is reached (Fig. 13.3).Different grades of severity of an early reaction,such dry and moist desquamation in skin, arebased on different degrees of cell depletion, as illus-trated by different threshold levels in Fig. 13.3. Asthe cell loss rate depends on the turnover time ofthe tissue, and is independent of the treatment, thelatent time until a clinical response is reached is tissue-dependent but independent of dose.

Usually, the turnover times are shorter than thelatent time to complete cell depletion. For exam-ple, the turnover time in human and murine oralmucosa is in the range of 5 days (Dörr, 1997), butit takes about 10 days for ulceration to develop inmouse mucosa after single dose of irradiation (Dörrand Kummermehr, 1991) and about 9 days after a(fractionated) dose of 20 Gy in human mucosa(van der Schueren et al., 1990). This prolongationis due to the residual proliferative capacity (abortivedivisions) of sterilized cells even after high doses(see also Chapter 11).

In epithelial tissues, the progressive cell deple-tion is associated with an exudative response,which results in the formation of a pseudomem-brane consisting of fibrin and cellular remnants,which covers the ulcerative lesion. Healing ofacute radiation effects is based on stem cells sur-viving within the irradiated volume or migratingin from outside. For the restoration of the stemcell population, symmetrical divisions, with thegeneration of two stem cell daughters, are

a b c d

Time to healing,dose c

Effect 1

Effect 2

Time to healing, dose d


Time after exposure



e ce

ll nu





Figure 13.3 Radiation-induced cell depletion andclinical manifestation of early radiation effects.Radiation exposure of turnover tissues results in animpairment of cell production, while cell loss continuesindependent of the treatment. The rate at which cellsare lost is determined by the tissue turnover time (TT). Ifthe residual proliferation of sterilized cells (abortivedivisions) is not taken into consideration, then acomplete loss of cells would be observed after oneturnover time. A defined clinical effect 1, which isassociated with a specific reduction of the cell number,can occur dependent on the dose (dose level b, c or d),and is not observed at lower radiation doses (dose level a).The latent time to clinical manifestation, however, isindependent of dose. A more severe effect level 2 isbased on a higher reduction in cell numbers, and henceis observed only at higher doses (c and d). Comparedwith effect 1, the latent time is longer, but is alsoindependent of dose. In contrast, the time to clinicalhealing is longer with higher doses (d versus c).

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174 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

required (see also Chapter 11). It is likely that thisprocess is regulated via the local environment,which does not provide the signals that allow thedaughter cells to differentiate. This is depicted as adifferentiation block, which results in the recruit-ment of both daughter cells into the stem cell pool.The generation of transit cells through asymmet-rical divisions recurs only when a sufficient num-ber of stem cells have been produced.

The higher the dose, the fewer stem cells survivethe treatment. Therefore, the clinically manifestresponse persists over a longer time with higherdoses. This is illustrated by the EORTC (EuropeanOrganization for Research and Treatment ofCancer) 22851 study in head and neck tumours(Horiot et al., 2006), where accelerated fractiona-tion (and hence a biologically more effective treat-ment) resulted in clearly increased oral mucositisrates even at 6 weeks after the treatment (seeChapter 11). Also, complete restoration of cellnumbers and tissue architecture takes longer withhigher doses (Fig. 13.3), which should be consid-ered if treatment breaks are introduced in clinicalprotocols for healing of early effects.


Tissue organization models have been developedthat define late-responding tissues as flexible or F-type tissues. In these tissues, in contrast to early-responding hierarchical tissues (see Section 13.2),no clear separation can be made between prolifer-ating and functional cells. Proliferating cells arerecruited into the functional population ondemand, and vice versa. It is assumed that theclinical manifestation of late radiation effects isbased on a defined, critical depletion of functionalcells (such as for early reactions). The compensa-tory proliferation of the surviving parenchymalcells, which were originally functional cells, resultsin mitotic death and hence accelerates cell loss andtherefore shortens the time to the loss of organfunction. The higher the initial cell depletion (i.e.the higher the dose) the more relevant this mech-anism becomes. Hence, this model predicts adose-dependent shortening of the latent time tothe clinical manifestation of the effect, which isindeed a general clinical observation.

An alternative model (Withers et al., 1988)assumes that, in late-responding tissues, structureswith stem cell-like characteristics, so-called tissuerescuing units (TRU) or functional subunits (FSU)exist. Their radiation-induced inactivation resultsin the clinical radiation responses seen. For sometissues or organs, relatively independent structurescan be defined, such as nephrons in the kidney, orbronchioli in the lung, which may represent TRU.

Undoubtedly, parenchymal cells in any organare inactivated by radiation exposure. However, itis also accepted that, in addition to the parenchymaof the organs and the organ-specific cells, furthertissue structures and cell populations are involvedin the pathogenesis of late effects (Fig. 13.4).These are predominantly vascular endothelialcells, mainly in small blood vessels and capillaries,and connective tissue fibroblasts. Endothelial celldeath, by apoptosis or as delayed mitotic death, isinduced by radiation exposure. In contrast,mitotic fibroblasts are triggered into differentia-tion to post-mitotic fibrocytes, with the conse-quence of a drastically increased collagen synthesisand deposition (Rodemann and Bamberg, 1995).Moreover macrophages, irradiated or recruitedinto the tissue after irradiation, are also known tocontribute to the pathogenesis of late radiationreactions. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species,

Induction Progression Manifestation



Loss offunction



Figure 13.4 Pathogenesis of late radiation effects.Chronic radiation effects are based on complexpathophysiological processes. These involve radiation-induced changes in organ-specific parenchymal cells (cell death), fibroblasts (differentiation) and vascularendothelial cells (loss of capillaries). All these cells, as wellas macrophages, interact through a variety of cytokinesand growth factors. This orchestrated response results inprogressive parenchymal damage and eventually in loss offunction within the irradiated volume. The clinicalconsequences depend on the architecture of the organand the volume irradiated (see Chapter 14).

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Chronic radiation effects 175

chronically produced by various cell populations,in combination with chronic hypoxia, and a per-petual cascade of cytokines (Rubin et al., 1995;Dörr and Herrmann, 2003), seem to play an essen-tial role in the pathogenesis of chronic radiationsequelae (Bentzen, 2006). The interactive responseof the individual components of late radiationreactions results in progressive parenchymal dam-age and eventually in loss of function within theirradiated volume (Fig. 13.4). The clinical conse-quences depend on the architecture of the organand the volume irradiated (see Chapter 14).

Each of the participating cellular componentsof a late effect responds to radiation exposurewith a specific dose-dependence, which, in anorchestrated response, then defines the overalldose–response for the different clinical endpointsof the entire tissue. Hence, it is unlikely that theradiation sensitivity of one single cellular compo-nent can be used as a predictor of the sensitivity ofthe whole organ. For different organs, the rele-vance of the different pathogenetic componentscan differ (see Section 13.5). For example in theliver, the radiation response of the parenchymalcells (hepatocytes) is less important for the clinicalsymptoms (i.e. veno-occlusive disease; Dörr et al.,2005b). In the lung, type II pneumocytes (a slowturnover H-type tissue), endothelial cells andfibroblasts seem to contribute similarly to radia-tion-induced fibrosis (Dörr and Herrmann,2003). In contrast, late fibrotic changes in thebladder are secondary to the functional impair-ment, which is predominantly based on urothelialand endothelial changes, and is not primarilyradiation-induced (Dörr et al., 2005b).

Vasculature and endothelial cells

Irradiation causes changes in the function of theendothelial cells (Schultz-Hector, 1992; Dörr et al.,2005b). Endothelial cell vacuolization and foci ofendothelial detachment are regularly seen. Also,transudation of serum components into the vesselwall and subendothelial oedema have beenobserved, and formation of thrombi and occlu-sion of capillaries have been reported (Fajardo et al.,2001). Leukocyte adhesion and infiltration intothe vessel wall is regularly observed. Based on all

these changes, irradiation eventually results in aprogressive loss of capillaries, associated with a‘sausage-like’ appearance of the arterioles, indicat-ing substantial impairment of perfusion. Thedetailed interrelation of the individual changesdescribed above with the eventual capillary lossremains unclear. Delayed mitotic death, based onthe long turnover times of the endothelium, maycontribute. The role of radiation-induced endothe-lial apoptosis, which occurs at early times afterirradiation, is currently being discussed. As aresult of the insufficient supply of oxygen andnutrients, atrophy of the downstream parenchymadevelops. The morphological and functional con-sequences of this atrophy differ between theorgans.

Telangiectasia (i.e. pathologically dilated capil-laries) are observed in all irradiated tissues andorgans. The pathogenesis is unclear but it isassumed that endothelial cell damage is involved.The loss of smooth muscle cells surroundinglarger capillaries and veins may also contribute tothe development of telangiectasia. In the intestine,the urinary system or the central nervous system(CNS), telangiectasia can be clinically relevantbecause of the tendency for capillary haemor-rhage. In the skin, telangiectasia can be a cosmeticproblem, but has also been used as a quantitativeendpoint for radiobiological studies (see Section13.5). In arterioles, progressive sclerosis of thetunica media is observed, which also results inimpaired supply of the downstream parenchyma.The bases are presumably direct radiation effectson the cells in the media layer, in combinationwith endothelial changes.

Studies on the pathogenesis of late radiationeffects have been performed in various experimen-tal animal models, and predominantly with highsingle doses or few large fractions. Hence, no clearconclusions on the correlation of the individualchanges described above and their time-course afterfractionated radiotherapy can be drawn, although itcan be assumed that similar changes occur.


In living organisms, a balance between mitoticfibroblasts and post-mitotic fibrocytes exists.

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176 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

Irradiation results in stimulation of the differenti-ation of fibroblasts into fibrocytes, with the conse-quence of substantially increased collagen synthesisand deposition (Rodemann and Bamberg, 1995),which affects organ function. This process is mod-ulated by the synthesis and release of transform-ing growth factor-β (TGF-β) from various cellpopulations, which further triggers fibroblast dif-ferentiation (Hakenjos et al., 2000). Increasedexpression of TGF-β at the mRNA and proteinlevel can be observed over long time intervals invarious cell populations (Bentzen, 2006).

Latent times

The latent time for chronic radiation effects, aswell as the rate at which the severity of the clinicalchanges progresses, is inversely dependent ondose (Fig. 13.5). This dose-dependence resultsfrom several processes: with higher doses, moreendothelial cells are damaged and the progressionof the loss of capillaries is faster. Therefore, lesstime is required until tissue function is lost.Similarly, higher doses trigger more fibroblastsinto differentiation, which results in a higher synthesis rate of collagen, and the collagen level

associated with loss of tissue function is reachedearlier. Parenchymal radiation effects contributeto these processes in an organ-specific manner. Asa consequence of the dose-dependence of latenttime and progression rate, with increasing follow-up time responses are also seen at lower dose lev-els (Fig. 13.5). Hence, the isoeffective doses for adefined clinical response decrease with increasingfollow-up time. In consequence, the definition oftolerance doses for late effects always requiresinformation about the follow-up time on whichthe estimate is based.


Two aspects must be considered for the documen-tation and quantification of normal tissue com-plications: the frequency of assessment and thescoring system used. Early reactions can undergoconsiderable changes in their clinical manifesta-tion in short periods. For example, oral mucositiscan change from a slight erythema response toconfluent epithelial denudation over just a fewdays, particularly if additional damage is inflicted

High dose

Defined clinical effect


Time after irradiation



de o

f res






s (%







Figure 13.5 Time-course and dose dependence of late radiation sequelae. Late radiation effects are progressive innature. The latent time for a specific clinical effect as well as the progression rate are dependent on dose (a). Inconsequence, an increasing number of individuals presenting with the effect (responders) is found in the individualdose groups with prolongation of the follow-up time, i.e. from follow-up 1 (FU1) to follow-up 2 (FU2). Therefore, ashift of the dose–effect curve to lower doses is found with increasing follow-up (b).

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Documentation and assessment of normal-tissue effects 177

by spicy food, etc. In contrast, chronic radiationsequelae develop slowly and, more importantly,are usually irreversible. In conclusion, detailedassessment of early reactions requires scoring atleast on a weekly basis during and for some weeksafter radiotherapy. For studies on oral mucositis,even more frequent assessment is recommended.Late effects should be scored at intervals of severalmonths after the end of radiotherapy, in order toassess the dynamics of their development, andmay, at later time points, be documented atannual intervals. It must be emphasized that, forsome chronic reactions, such as in the heart or theurinary bladder (see Section 13.5), the time toclinical manifestation of the reaction, particularlyafter low radiation doses (see Section 13.3), can bein the range of decades. Hence, life-long follow-upof patients is recommended.

Standardized classification systems have beenestablished for documentation of normal-tissuereactions suitable for comparison between inves-tigators, institutions and studies. In general, com-plications are graded from 0 (no response) to 5(lethal), as shown in Table 13.1:

● Grade 1 reactions (mild) are reversible and healspontaneously without any specific therapeuticintervention or interruption of the oncologicaltreatment.

● Grade 2 reactions (moderate/clear) can be treatedon an outpatient basis and do not require a radi-ation dose reduction or treatment interruption.

● Grade 3 effects (severe, pronounced) frequentlyrequire hospitalization and intense supportivecare, and often necessitate interruption of thetreatment and/or dose modifications.

● Grade 4 reactions are life-threatening, requireimmediate hospitalization and intense therapeu-tic interventions, plus cessation of radiotherapy.

The most widely used classification systems inradiation oncology (see the references in theFurther reading section) are:

● RTOG/EORTC classification, jointly developedby the Radiation Therapy and Oncology Groupand the European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer;

● CTCAE v3, the Common Terminology Criteriafor Adverse Events, version 3, developed by theNational Cancer Institute (NCI);

● WHO (World Health Organization) classifica-tion;

● LENT/SOMA system (Late Effects in NormalTissue/Subjective Objective ManagementAnalytic) was developed specifically for scoringlate sequelae resulting from oncological treatment.

Table 13.1 Systems for documentation of side-effects, with examples for oral mucositis


0 No change No change No change No change1 Mild Erythema, mild soreness, Erythema; normal diet Soreness, erythema

painless erosions2 Moderate/clear Painful erythema, oedema Patchy ulceration; can eat Erythema, ulcers; can eat

or ulcers; can eat and swallow modified diet solids3 Severe/significant Painful erythema, oedema Confluent ulcerations, Ulcers; requires liquid

or ulcers; cannot eat bleeding with minor trauma; diet onlyunable to adequately alimentor hydrate orally

4 Life-threatening Requires parenteral or Tissue necrosis; significant Alimentation notenteral support spontaneous bleeding possible

5 Death owing to Death owing to Death owing to Death owing toside-effects side-effects side-effects side-effects

RTOG/EORTC, Radiation Therapy and Oncology Group and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; CTCAE v3,the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 3; WHO, World Health Organization.

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178 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

In principle, all these classification systems arecomparable, and the scores from one system maybe translated into the scores for another protocol(Table 13.1), but with exceptions. This translationis definitely precluded if sum scores are calculated,as has been suggested for LENT/SOMA, where theinformation on individual symptoms is lost; thismethod cannot, therefore, be recommended.

In addition to these scores, more detailed proto-cols, or systems specifically designed for side-effectsin certain organs, for example OMAS (OralMucositis Assessment Scale), have been suggested.For clinical reports on side-effects, the scoringprotocol applied must be described in detail, par-ticularly if modified versions of the original pro-tocols are applied.


In this section the response and tolerance of someclinically important dose-limiting normal tissueswill be summarized. In general, an overview ofclinical symptoms and consequences for the vari-ous radiation sequelae can be found in the classi-fication protocols (see Section 13.4). As a guidelinefor clinical treatment planning, Table 13.2 pro-vides estimated tolerance dose levels for variousendpoints, and corresponding α/β values. However,the numbers in this table should be used withconsiderable caution, as they are influenced by anumber of factors, particularly the irradiated vol-ume (see Chapter 14).


The sequence of events in skin during radiother-apy is illustrated in Fig. 13.6 (page 182). Skin ery-thema is closely related to radiation effects invessels, with intermittent phases of vasodilation. Incontrast, epidermal changes are based on the radi-ation-induced impairment of cell production, asdescribed in Section 13.2. The clinical manifesta-tion is dry desquamation (radiodermatitis sicca),followed by moist desquamation. According to theturnover time of human epidermis of 20–45 days,this phase is usually seen at 2–3 weeks after theonset of radiotherapy. The skin reaction displays a

significant area effect (see Chapter 14, Section14.5). Any variation in overall treatment time canhave a large influence on skin tolerance: as anapproximation, skin tolerance doses decrease byabout 3–4 Gy/week when treatment duration isshortened from the standard 6–8 weeks.

Chronic subcutaneous fibrosis, clinically mani-fest as induration, is based on an increase in colla-gen fibres and a reduction of fatty tissue (seeSection 13.3). The development of skin telangiecta-sia (Fig. 13.7, page 182) illustrates the progressionof vascular injury in the dermis. The correspondinglatent time distribution and the cumulative inci-dence for various grades of the response are shownin Fig. 13.8 (page 182). With high-energy X-rays, incontrast to orthovoltage radiotherapy, the maxi-mum dose is deposited below the surface and latedamage may therefore occur without precedingearly reactions.

Skin appendices

After a cumulative dose of 12 Gy, a loss in the func-tion of sebaceous glands is observed, and at slightlyhigher doses the perspiratory glands also respond,both resulting in a typical dry skin. In hair follicles,single doses of 4 Gy or 10 Gy result in transient orpermanent hair loss. In fractionated protocols, sig-nificantly higher doses up to 40 Gy still allow hairregrowth within 1 year, but regrowth is frequentlyassociated with discoloration.

Oral mucosa and oesophagus

Oral mucositis is the most severe and frequentlydose-limiting early side-effect of radio(chemo)ther-apy for head and neck tumours. Erythema, focaland confluent mucositis/ulceration are the leadsymptoms (Table 13.1). Almost all patients withcurative radiotherapy in this region develop someform of mucositis, with usually more than 50 percent confluent reactions (depending of the defini-tion of ‘confluency’). The latter typically developduring the third to fourth week of a conventionallyfractionated protocol with 5 � 2 Gy/week. Oralmucosa is most sensitive to changes in dose inten-sity (i.e. weekly dose) and overall treatment time.Accelerated protocols regularly result in earlieronset, an aggravation of the response, and/or an

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Table 13.2 Tolerance doses and fractionation response (α/β ratio) for acute and late organ damage in humans

Time to manifestation α/β ratio Tolerance dose forOrgan Endpoint during/after irradiation (Gy) total volume (Gy) Comments

Cartilage, growing Growth arrest Next growth spurt 6 20Cartilage, adult Necrosis Months–years 70 Associated with vascular

damageBone, adult Osteoradionecrosis Years–decades 60 Mandible: 40–50 Vascular damage and traumaConnective tissue Fibrosis 9 months–years 2 60 Most frequent late reactionCapillaries Capillary changes/loss 6 months–years 3 60 Contribute to a variety of

(late) radiation effectsLarge vessels Wall changes, stenosis Years 70 Resembles atherosclerotic

changesHeart ECG-changes, arrhythmia During RT 20 Reversible

Cardiomyopathy (pericarditis) Months–years 3 40 Late myocardial infarctionSkin Erythema During RT 9–10

Dry radiodermatitis During RT 10 40 (100 cm2) Varies with localization(additionalmechanical/chemical stress)

Moist radiodermatitis During RT 10 60 (100 cm2)Gangrene, ulcer 3 55 (100 cm2) Vasculature!

Hair follicles Hair loss During RT (4th week) 7 40 Discoloration!Sebaceous glands Dry skin During RT (2nd week) 12 Transient loss of functionPerspiratory glands Dry skin, loss of transpiration During RT (4th week) 30–40 Long-lasting or permanent

loss of functionOral mucosa Ulcerative mucositis During RT 10 20

(2nd to 3rd weeks)Atrophy/fibrosis 60–70

Salivary glands Transient loss of During RT (2nd week) 10–20function – xerostomiaPermanent loss of Continuous development 3 25 One-third capacity isfunction – xerostomia from the early response sufficient for saliva

productionOesophagus Dysphagia 40–45 Early mucositis

Ulcer–fistula During RT–months 55Stomach Atony During RT 20 ‘Radiation sickness’

Ulcer Months 4 50Small intestine Malabsorption During RT 8 30 Reduced tolerance due to

fixation of intestinalloops, e.g. postoperative

Ulcer/obstruction Months 4 40(Continued )

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Table 13.2 (Continued)

Time to manifestation α/β ratio Tolerance dose forOrgan Endpoint during/after irradiation (Gy) total volume (Gy) Comments

Large intestine Diarrhoea, pain During–post RT 10–20Ulcer/obstruction Months–years 45 Ileus symptoms possible

Rectum Proctitis During RT 50Chronic inflammation, Months–years 5 60 Partial irradiation of theulcer circumference increases

toleranceLiver Veno-occlusive disease 2–3 weeks 30 Lethal after total organ

(VOD) irradiation. Hence lateeffects only after partialorgan irradiation

Fibrosis Months–years 1Biliary tract Stenosis/stricture Months–yearsPancreas Fibrosis Months–years 50–60 No early symptoms known,

included in ‘radiationsickness’?

Kidney Nephropathy 9 months–years 2 20Ureter Stricture 2 years 60–70 Vascular effects, potential

interaction with surgeryUrinary bladder Cystitis During RT 10 20–35 Uncommon pathophysiology,

no urothelial depletionShrinkage, ulceration Years–decades 5–10 50 Strong consecutive component

Urethra Stricture Months–years 60-70 Reduced tolerance aftertransurethral resection of theprostate (TURP)

Larynx Oedema During RT 45Chronic oedema, necrosis Months 2–4 70 Permanent changes in voice

quality, necrosis after decadesLung Pneumonitis 2–6 weeks 5 12–14 Single-dose irradiation

Pneumonitis 4–6 weeks 5 45Fibrosis 6 months–2 years 4

Testis Permanent sterility Weeks–months 1.5 Negative fractionation effectOvary Permanent sterility Weeks–months 2.5 Strong inverse age

dependenceUterus Atrophy Months–years 100Vagina Mucositis During RT 30

Ulcer, fibrosis Months–years 50Breast, child Growth arrest At puberty 10

Page 190: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Breast, adult Fibrosis/atrophy Years 2–3 60Adrenal glands Loss of function Months–years 90Pituitary gland/ Growth hormone Months–years 18–24 Growth retardationdiencephalon (children) deficit

Cerebrum, child Somnolence syndrome During–post RT 24 Specific response in childrenCerebrum, adult Necrosis Months–years 55Spinal cord Lhermitte syndrome Weeks–months 35 ReversibleCervical/thoracic Radiation myelopathy 6 months–2 years 2 55Thoracic/lumbar Radiation myelopathy 6 months–2 years 2 55Peripheral nerves Functional impairment Months–years 60 Frequently associated with

connective tissue fibrosisEye lens1 Cataract Months–years 1–21 51 Surgical managementLachrymal system Dry eye, ulceration Weeks–months 3 40 Most critical radiation effect

in the eyeRetina Retinopathy Weeks–months 45Optic nerve Neuropathy Months–years 2 55Chiasma opticum Loss of vision Months–years 2 55Conjunctiva Kerato-conjunctivitis During–post RT 50 ReversibleEar Serous otitis During–post RT 30

Inner ear injury During RT 30 Slight hearing loss (15 dB)plus; months frequently not recognized by

patients; overlap with ageeffects

Taste Taste impairment, During RT 30 Reversibleloss plus; months

Lymph nodes Permanent atrophy Months–years 70Lymphatic vessels Sclerosis Months–years 90 Frequently associated with

connective tissue fibrosisBone marrow Transient hypoplasia During RT 10 2 Total body irradiation

Lethal aplasia (1 year) 5 4 Total body irradiationPermanent aplasia During–post RT Compensation by unirradiated

parts; post-irradiation homingof circulating stem cellspossible

1Tolerance doses for the eye lens are currently under discussion and may be significantly lower (1/10th) than usually estimated.Time to manifestation: relative to irradiation with 5 � 2 Gy/week. Times after the treatment relate to the last fraction.α/β value: see also Chapters 8 and 9. Missing values indicate that no valid estimates are possible. RT, radiotherapy.Tolerance dose total organ relates to irradiation of large volumes that include the entire organ or, for ubiquitous tissues (connective tissue, capillaries, etc.), to larger volumes. For partial organ irradiation, see Chapter 14. Early reaction/late reaction, see Section 13.1.Adapted from Herrmann et al. (2006), with permission.

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182 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

increase in the frequency of patients with severereactions (Fig. 13.9, page 183). Repopulationprocesses have been most intensely studied in thistissue (see Chapter 11).

Chronic effects of radiotherapy include mucosalatrophy and ulceration, and telangiectasia, whichrender the epithelium vulnerable. Any additionaltrauma may secondarily result in osteonecrosis.The early radiation response of the oesophagus

Dry skin, epilation

ErythemaDry desquamation


Moist desquamation


Hair regrowth

Radiotherapy, 5 � 2 Gy/week

Subcutaneous fibrosis


Atrophy, dyskeratosis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 5 7 910

Time (years)Time (weeks)

Figure 13.6 Sequence of radiationeffects in skin and appendices. Shownare the time-courses of early and lateskin reactions induced by conventionalradiotherapy with 5 � 2 Gy per weekover 6 weeks, if the same skin area isexposed to the maximum dose of 2 Gyat each dose fraction. The duration ofradiotherapy is indicated on top of theabscissa.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Follow-up (months)










ia s


5 � 1.8 Gy/week, N � 35

Figure 13.7 Clinical manifestation of skin telangiectasia.Progression of skin telangiectasia in individual patientstreated with five fractions of 1.8 Gy per week to a total of35 fractions. Note the pronounced differences betweenpatients and the continuous increase in severity even upto 8 years. From Turesson (1990), with permission.





0 5 10 15

0 5 10 15

Observation time (years)

Observation time (years)






Grade � 1

Grade � 2

Grade � 3


b. d


ty fu


n (/





of te








Figure 13.8 Time-course of telangiectasia. (a) Thelatent time distribution for any grade of telangiectasiaas observed in 174 treatment fields with anintermediate probability of developing any response.The probability density function may be interpreted asthe fraction of patients who developed the responsewithin a specific year after irradiation. (b) Thecumulative incidence of telangiectasia as a function oftime for various grades, after radiotherapy with 44.4 Gyin 25 fractions. The model calculations are based onobservations in 401 treatment fields. From Bentzen et al. (1990), with permission.

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mirrors that of the oral mucosa and in the chronicphase, strictures may develop.


Radiation caries, with a very fast manifestation, is afrequent complication of radiotherapy in adults.The response is based on both direct radiationeffects at the dentine–enamel border zone, and indi-rectly on radiation effects in the salivary glands(xerostomia, see below) and the associated changesin the oral micromilieu. Rigorous pretreatment den-tal restoration or extractions are of major impor-tance, because of the risk of osteoradionecrosis, ifextractions are required after radiotherapy. In orderto avoid dose peaks in the mucosa around metallicdental implants, mucosal retractors should be usedto displace the mucosa by about 3 mm.

Salivary glands

Salivary glands are sensitive to radiation exposure:after the first week of therapy (accumulated doseof 10–15 Gy) saliva production is significantlyreduced, frequently after a transient phase ofhypersalivation. After total doses in excess of

40 Gy to both parotid glands, saliva productionpractically stops after about 4 weeks and does notrecover at all after doses over 60 Gy. Volume effectsare very pronounced, and sparing of partial vol-umes usually leads to recovery of function.

Chronic xerostomia has a major impact on thequality of life of the patients. It depends not onlyon reduced serous fluid production in the parotidglands, but also on the reduced amount of mucinfrom the submandibular glands, and reducedfunction of the small salivary glands. The sub-mandibular glands produce most of the mucinouscomponents of the saliva; by their water-bindingcapacity they keep the mucous membraneshydrated and have a barrier function.


Functional impairment, with a prolongation ofthe time for gastric emptying, and a reduction inHCl secretion are frequently seen. The symptomsare equivalent to those of gastritis. Ulceration,mainly based on vascular effects, can develop as alate effect at doses of 25–40 Gy.


‘Fixed’ intestinal loops (e.g. through postoperativeadhesions) are particularly at risk as these may bepermanently located within a high-dose volume,in contrast to mobile loops. The same is true forthe rectum.

The sequence of radiation-induced events inthe intestine includes:

● initial increase in motility, followed by anatonic phase

● loss of epithelium and villi owing to prolifera-tive impairment in the crypts, with the conse-quence of:– water electrolyte and protein loss into the

lumen, resulting in diarrhoea– changed resorption (including increased

resorption of some substances, which must beconsidered if drugs are administered orally)

● risk of sepsis.

Late effects include chronic ulcers, based on an orchestrated response of all intestinal wall







2 4 6 8 10 12Week number



t muc


s (%


Figure 13.9 Prevalence of confluent mucositis. Thepercentage of patients presenting with confluentmucositis within a given treatment week after onset ofradiotherapy was plotted for accelerated radiotherapy:CHART (continuous hyperfractionated acceleratedradiotherapy; filled circles) or conventional radiotherapy(open circles). From Bentzen et al. (2001), with permission.

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184 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

components, plus mechanical/chemical stress fromfaeces, as well as infections. Fibrotic remodellingmay result in stenosis and ileus. Frequently, telang-iectasia are found, which may result in bleeding.

It has been demonstrated experimentally byinhibition of pancreatic secretion by somatostatinanalogues that pancreatic enzymes contribute tothe manifestation of the early effect. Interestingly,this treatment also reduces late fibrosis, underlin-ing the consequential nature of chronic changes inthe intestine.


The liver is radiosensitive, with a tolerance dose ofaround 30 Gy in 2-Gy fractions. However, liver tol-erance is only dose-limiting when the whole organis irradiated (see Chapter 14, Section 14.5). Anexample is total-body irradiation preceding bonemarrow transplantation. In this situation, the lungis well known as a dose-limiting organ, but liverand kidney are also at risk, especially after regimesequivalent to single doses of 10 Gy or higher.

Two phases of radiation hepatopathy are recognized, with acute radiation hepatitis beingthe more dominant. This acute phase developsapproximately 2–6 weeks after irradiation, withsigns of liver enlargement and ascites. Liver func-tion tests during this period are abnormal. Acutehepatitis usually presents as veno-occlusive dis-ease (VOD), characterized by central vein throm-bosis whereby occlusion of the centrilobular veinscauses atrophy and loss of the surrounding hepa-tocytes. Total liver VOD is usually lethal.

Chronic hepatopathy, which obviously candevelop only after partial organ irradiation, has avariable latency ranging from 6 months to morethan a year post-irradiation, and shows progres-sive fibrotic changes in both centrilobular andperiportal areas. These alterations are accompa-nied by blood-flow redistribution throughrecanalization or newly formed veins, and regen-erative proliferation of hepatocytes and bile ducts.

Upper respiratory tract

The mucosa of nose, paranasal sinuses and trachearespond to irradiation similarly to oral epithelium,but appear to be slightly more radioresistant.

Early changes in the larynx are oedema andperichondritis. Doses above 50 Gy may result in along-lasting impairment of the quality of thevoice, which must be considered in patientsdepending on their voice in their professional life.


In the lung, two separate radiation syndromes canbe distinguished clinically: early pneumonitis,usually observed at 4–6 weeks after the end ofradiotherapy, and fibrosis, which develops slowlyover a period of several months to years. The lungis among the most sensitive of late-respondingorgans, but with a pronounced volume effect (seeChapter 14). In addition to a reduction in irradi-ated volume, reduced doses per fraction are mosteffective in avoiding severe (clinically manifest)lung reactions.

Clinical signs or symptoms of radiation pneu-monitis are reduced pulmonary compliance, pro-gressive dyspnoea, decreased gas exchange anddry cough. When there is insufficient functionalreserve, cardiorespiratory failure may occurwithin a short time. The development of chronicradiation pneumopathy (i.e. lung fibrosis) followsthe general pathways described in Section 13.3.The complexity of the signalling cascades is illus-trated in Fig. 13.10. Local fibrotic responses mustbe expected in all patients with early reactions,indicating a strong consequential component ofthe late reaction (Dörr et al., 2005a). Higher ageand tamoxifen treatment significantly increase theincidence of early pneumopathy.


The kidney is among the most sensitive of thelate-responding critical organs. Radiation damagedevelops very slowly and may take years to be rec-ognized. Radiation nephropathy usually manifestsas proteinuria, hypertension and impairment inurine concentration. Anaemia is usually present,and has been attributed both to haemolysis and toa decreased production of erythropoietin. A mildform of nephritis, presenting only as a sustainedproteinuria, may be observed over a period ofmany years. Parts of one or both kidneys can

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Radiation effects in specific tissues and organs 185

receive much higher doses without affecting excre-tory function. However, after partial kidney irra-diation hypertension may develop after a latentperiod of up to or beyond 10 years.

The fractionation sensitivity of the kidney ishigh (i.e. the α/β ratio is low). The dose toleratedby the kidney does not increase with increasingtime after radiotherapy, but declines because of acontinuous progression of damage, after doseswell below the threshold for induction of func-tional deficit, which usually precludes re-irradia-tion (see Chapter 19, Section 19.3).

The pathogenesis of radiation nephropathy iscomplex. Most studies suggest glomerular endothe-lial injury as the start of a cascade leading toglomerular sclerosis and later tubulo-interstitialfibrosis. Several experimental studies have shownthe importance of the renin–angiotensin systemin the induction of glomerular sclerosis via upreg-ulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and enhanced fibrin deposition. Owing to lossof tubular epithelial cells, fibrin may then leakinto the interstitium causing the onset of tubulo-interstitial fibrosis.

Urinary bladder

In patients, two phases of radiation-inducedchanges in the urinary bladder are observed, withboth a reduction in bladder storage capacity and aconsequential increase in micturition frequency.An early phase occurs 2–6 weeks after the start of

fractionated irradiation, which is characterizedmorphologically by hyperaemia and mucosaloedema. Experimentally, in mice, two waves ofearly injury have been observed. Mechanistically,the first phase seems to be related to direct radia-tion-induced changes of the prostaglandinmetabolism (which regulates the tone of the blad-der wall), as suggested by the beneficial effect ofaspirin when administered during this phase. Thesecond early phase is associated with changes inurothelial barrier function, but without epithelialcell depletion (which is not expected at this timebecause of the very long turnover time of theurothelium). Infection may complicate this earlyresponse, which then may progress to desquama-tion and ulceration.

A chronic phase develops with latent times thatare inversely dose-dependent and can range up to10 years or longer. The morphological correlate inthe initial late phase is a progressive mucosal break-down, ranging from superficial denudation toulceration and even the formation of fistulae. Theurothelial changes are accompanied by urothelialareas of compensatory hyperproliferation. Vascularchanges and signs of local ischaemia have beendescribed. These processes progress into secondaryfibrosis of the bladder wall. Telangiectasia canresult in severe bleeding episodes.

The early changes clearly correlate with thechronic radiation sequelae, illustrating a strong con-sequential component. A schematic illustration ofthe sequence of events leading to late fibrosis, as con-cluded from animal studies, is given in Fig. 13.11.

Terminally differentiated fibrocyte(PMFVI): enhanced collagen synthesis

Later events

Early events

Cell death

Celldeath TGF�1


Various cytokines

Alveolartype II cell



Cell death

Cell death

Cell death









Endothelial cell

Induced terminal



Figure 13.10 Possible cellularinteractions and events afterirradiation of lung tissue. IGF,insulin-like growth factor; IL-1,interleukin 1; MGDF, megakaryocytegrowth and development factor;PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor;TNF, tumour necrosis factor. Modifiedfrom Rodemann and Bamberg(1995), with permission.

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186 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

Nervous system

The nervous system is less sensitive to radiationinjury than some other late-responding tissuessuch as the lung or kidney. However, damage tothis organ results in severe consequences such asparalysis: although tolerance doses are oftenquoted at the 5 per cent complication level (TD5)they generally are chosen to include a wide marginof safety.

A schematic outline of the development of var-ious delayed lesions in the CNS as studied in ani-mals is given in Fig. 13.12.


The most important radiation syndromes in theCNS develop a few months to several years aftertherapy. The often-used separation into early orlate delayed injury is not very useful, as differenttypes of lesions with overlapping time-distribu-tions occur. Some reactions occurring within thefirst 6 months comprise transient demyelination(‘somnolence syndrome’) or the much more severeleukoencephalopathy. The more typical radiationnecrosis may also occur by 6 months, but evenafter as long as 2–3 years. Histopathologically,changes that occur within the first year are mostly

restricted to the white matter. For times beyond6–12 months, the grey matter usually also showschanges along with more pronounced vascularlesions (telangiectasia and focal haemorrhages).Radionecrosis of the brain with latent timesbetween 1 and 2 years usually shows a mixture ofhistological characteristics.

The brain of children is more sensitive than inadults. Functional deficits, such as a reduction inIQ, can at least partly be attributed to radiotherapy.


Radiation-induced changes in the spinal cord aresimilar to those in the brain in terms of latentperiod, histology and tolerance dose. Among therelatively early syndromes, the Lhermitte sign is afrequently occurring, usually reversible type ofdemyelinating reaction, which develops severalmonths after completion of treatment and lastsfor a few months to more than a year. It may occurat doses as low as 35 Gy in 2-Gy fractions, wellbelow tolerance for permanent radiation myelopa-thy, when long segments of cord are irradiated,and does not predict for later development of per-manent myelopathy.

As in the brain, the later types of myelopathyinclude two main syndromes. The first, occurring


Damagedurothelial barrier:

UP-III,urothelial cell


Urothelialrestoration:Ki67, EGFR


Vascular damage:

Late vasodilatationirregular shape



Hypoxia?Chronic stress?


Acute phase Late phase





Figure 13.11 Pathogenesis of radiation effects in the urinary bladder. The individual processes have been studied inmouse urinary bladder after single dose irradiation. Morphological changes were related to functional impairment asassessed by transurethral cystometry. COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; EFGR, epidermal growth factor receptor; ICAM-1,intercellular adhesion molecule-1; UP-III, uroplakin III. Modified with permission from Jall (2006).

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Radiation effects in specific tissues and organs 187

from about 6–18 months, is mostly limited todemyelination and necrosis of the white matter,whereas the second (with a latency of usually 1 to�4 years) is mostly a vasculopathy. The tolerancedose of the spinal cord largely depends on the sizeof the dose per fraction: variations in overall treat-ment time up to 10–12 weeks have a negligibleeffect in conventional schedules using one frac-tion per day (see Chapter 11). For longer times orintervals, substantial recovery occurs which hasimportant implications for retreatment (seeChapter 19, Section 19.3).


Radiation effects in peripheral nerves, mainlyplexuses and nerve roots, are probably more common than effects in the spinal cord but areless well documented. Peripheral nerves are oftenquoted as being more resistant to radiation thanthe cord or the brain, but this view is not well sup-ported by clinical data. As is the case for all nerv-ous tissues, a dose of 60 Gy in 2-Gy fractions isassociated with a less than 5 per cent probability

of injury, but this probability rises steeply withincreasing radiation dose.

The brachial plexus is often included in treat-ments of the axillary and supraclavicular nodes inbreast cancer patients. Clinically, plexopathy ischaracterized by mixed sensory and motor deficits,developing after a latent period ranging from 6months to several years. The pathogenesis involvesprogressive vascular degeneration, fibrosis anddemyelination with loss of nerve fibres.


In the heart, low doses can result in reversiblefunctional changes in electrocardiogram (ECG),which are not predictive for late radiation seque-lae. At higher doses, morphological changes canbe observed. The most common type of radiation-induced heart effect is pericarditis with a variabledegree of pericardial effusion. This complicationhas a relatively early onset (about 50 per centoccurrence within the first 6 months, remainderwithin 2 years). It is asymptomatic and clearsspontaneously in the majority of patients.


White matternecrosis


�2 years

6–12 months

1–3 months

1–10 years


Vasculature Myelinated nerve fibers



White cell adhesion








O-2A progenitorOligodendrocyteAstrocyteVascular


Artery/vein Capillary

Smoothmuscle cell


Early (24h)


Figure 13.12 Schematic outline of tissue components and cell types and their potential role in the pathophysiology ofradiation-induced lesions in the central nervous system. From van der Kogel (1991), with permission.

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188 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

Radiation-induced cardiomyopathy is anotherform of complication that presents either asreduced ventricular ejection or conduction blocksand develops slowly over a period of 10–20 years.Current estimates of doses giving a 50 per centcomplication probability are approximately 50 Gyin 2-Gy fractions. With long-term follow-up ofpatients treated for Hodgkin’s disease or breastcancer, the enhanced risk of ischaemic heart dis-ease after periods in excess of 10 years has increas-ingly been reported. The large variation in riskestimates reported in different studies suggeststhat volume effects are important, but also thatsensitive substructures are present. In this respectthe heart auricles and the proximal parts of thecoronary arteries have been suggested to be par-ticularly sensitive to radiation damage.

Histopathologically, late damage to themyocardium is characterized predominantly bydiffuse interstitial and perivascular fibrosis, andloss of cardiomyocytes. Vascular radiation effectsalso contribute significantly to myocardial infarc-tion after radiation exposure of the heart. However,the (molecular) pathophysiology of these effectsat present remains unclear.

Cartilage and bone

Growing cartilage (epiphysial plate) is extremelyradiosensitive; single doses of 4–7 Gy are sufficientto induce changes in chondrocytes within a fewdays, with a loss of the columnar structure and areduction in cellular density. The reduced cellproduction translates into (bone) growth impair-ment, which is more pronounced at earlier age. Incontrast, adult cartilage (e.g. in joints, larynx ortrachea), as well as adult bone, is relatively radia-tion resistant. However, late effects in these struc-tures, including osteoradionecrosis, must beconsidered as an interaction with vascular radia-tion effects.

Sense organs


Inclusion of the eye into the high-dose volumeresults in keratoconjunctivitis, which, however,

resolves soon after the end of radiotherapy. In theeye lens, epithelial degeneration in the equatorzone, where proliferation occurs physiologically, isobserved after low radiation doses. The damagedfibres develop vacuolization and partly retaintheir nuclei. Eventually, a usually posterior sub-capsular radiation cataract develops in varyingdegrees. The latent times are inversely related todose, and range from 6 months to several decades(hence frequently preventing evaluation by theradiation oncologist). The tolerance doses usuallyreported are in the range of 4–5 Gy for fraction-ated irradiation and around 1 Gy for single-doseexposure. However, more recent epidemiologicalstudies indicate a clearly lower tolerance. A frac-tionation effect seems to be pronounced for theeye lens, but no long-term restoration can beexpected.

As cataracts can readily be treated with modern surgical techniques (although with sig-nificant postoperative complication rates), lateeffects in the lachrymal glands (loss of function)and consequently in the cornea, depicted as ‘dry eye’, are becoming more important and dose-limiting. After moderate radiation doses, thesecan result in chronic corneal ulceration and loss ofthe eye.


The most frequent early radiation effect in the earis a serous inflammation (otitis media), whichaffects hearing function. In addition, doses�30 Gy result in direct effects in the inner ear,with the consequence of permanent hearingimpairment.


Radiation effects on taste acuity are a multifactor-ial process, including direct changes (cell loss) intaste buds, xerostomia with reduced cleansing ofthe buds and changes in smelling ability. Tasteimpairment is usually observed after doses ofaround 30 Gy. Usually, the changes in the individ-ual taste qualities resolve after radiotherapy, inintervals up to 1 year, but a general increase inthreshold concentration may remain.

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Bibliography 189

Dörr W, Hendry JH (2001). Consequential late effects innormal tissues. Radiother Oncol 61: 223–31.

Dörr W, Herrmann T (2003). Pathogenetic mechanismsof lung fibrosis. In: Nieder C, Milas L, Ang KK (eds)Biological modification of radiation response. Berlin:Springer, 29–36.

Dörr W, Kummermehr J (1991). Proliferation kinetics ofmouse tongue epithelium under normal conditionsand following single dose irradiation. Virchows ArchB Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol 60: 287–94.

Dörr W, Bertmann S, Herrmann T (2005a). Radiationinduced lung reactions in breast cancer therapy.Modulating factors and consequential effects.Strahlenther Onkol 181: 567–73.

Dörr W, Herrmann T, Riesenbeck D (eds) (2005b).Prävention und therapie von nebenwirkungen in derstrahlentherapie. Bremen: UNI-MED Science.

Fajardo LF, Berthrong M, Anderson RE (2001). Radiationpathology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hakenjos L, Bamberg M, Rodemann HP (2000). TGF-beta1-mediated alterations of rat lung fibroblastdifferentiation resulting in the radiation-inducedfibrotic phenotype. Int J Radiat Biol 76: 503–9.

Herrmann T, Baumann M, Dörr W (2006). Klinischestrahlenbiologie – kurz und bündig, 4th edn. Munich:Elsevier.

Horiot JC, Bontemps P, van den Bogaert W et al. (2006).Accelerated Fractionation (AF) compared toConventional Fractionation (CF) improves loco-regional control in the radio therapy of advancedhead and neck cancers: results of the EORTC 22851randomized trial. Radiother Oncol 44: 111–21.

Jaal J (2006). Radiation effects in the urinary bladder(mouse): histopathologic features and modificationby recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor,Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden.

Jung H, Beck-Bornholdt HP, Svoboda V, Alberti W,Herrmann T (2001). Quantification of latecomplications after radiation therapy. RadiotherOncol 61: 233–46.

Potten CS, Hendry JH (eds) (1983). Cytotoxic insults totissues: effects on cell lineages. Edinburgh:Churchill-Livingstone.

Rodemann HP, Bamberg M (1995). Cellular basis ofradiation-induced fibrosis. Radiother Oncol 35: 83–90.

Rubin P, Johnston CJ, Williams JP, McDonald S,Finkelstein JN (1995). A perpetual cascade ofcytokines postirradiation leads to pulmonary fibrosis.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 33: 99–109.

Key points

1. Early radiation effects, developing inturnover tissues, are dominated by tissuehypoplasia.

2. The latent time of early effects is largelyindependent of dose, while severity andduration are dose dependent.

3. Additional trauma aggravates early reactions.4. Healing of early responses, based on surviv-

ing stem cells, is usually complete.5. Late radiation sequelae, observed after

months to years after therapy, are progres-sive and irreversible.

6. Late effects are based on an interactiveresponse of parenchymal cells, vascularendothelium and fibroblasts, with a contri-bution of macrophages and other cells.

7. The latent time of chronic reactions isinversely dependent on dose.


Bentzen SM (2006). Preventing or reducing late sideeffects of radiation therapy: radiobiology meetsmolecular pathology. Nat Rev Cancer 6: 702–13.

Bentzen SM, Turesson I, Thames HD (1990).Fractionation sensitivity and latency oftelangiectasia after postmastectomy radiotherapy: a graded-response analysis. Radiother Oncol 18:95–106.

Bentzen SM, Saunders MI, Dische S, Bond SJ (2001).Radiotherapy-related early morbidity in head andneck cancer: quantitative clinical radiobiology asdeduced from the CHART trial. Radiother Oncol 60:123–35.

Dittmann K, Mayer C, Rodemann HP (2005). Inhibitionof radiation-induced EGFR nuclear import by C225(Cetuximab) suppresses DNA-PK activity. RadiotherOncol 76: 157–61.

Dörr W (1997). Three As of repopulation duringfractionated irradiation of squamous epithelia:Asymmetry loss, Acceleration of stem-cell divisions and Abortive divisions. Int J Radiat Biol 72:635–43.

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190 Pathogenesis of normal-tissue side-effects

Schultz-Hector S (1992). Radiation-induced heartdisease: review of experimental data on doseresponse and pathogenesis. Int J Radiat Biol 61:149–60.

Sonis ST (2004). A biological approach to mucositis. J Support Oncol 2: 21–32.

Turesson I (1990). Individual variation and dosedependency in the progression rate of skintelangiectasia. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 19:1569–74.

van der Kogel AJ (1991). Central nervous systemradiation injury in small animal models. In: GutinPH, Leibel SA, Sheline GE (eds) Radiation injury tothe nervous system. New York: Raven Press, 91–111.

van der Schueren E, van den Bogaert W, Vanuytsel L,van Limbergen E (1990). Radiotherapy by multiplefractions per day (MFD) in head and neck cancer:acute reactions of skin and mucosa. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 19: 301–11.

Withers HR, Elkind MM (1970). Microcolony survivalassay for cells of mouse intestinal mucosa exposedto radiation. Int J Radiat Biol 17: 261–7.

Withers HR, Taylor JM, Maciejewski B (1988). Treatmentvolume and tissue tolerance. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 14: 751–9.


Bentzen SM, Dörr W, Anscher MS et al. (2003). Normaltissue effects: reporting and analysis. Semin RadiatOncol 13: 189–202.

Brown JM, Mehta MP, Nieder C (eds) (2006).Multimodal concepts for integration of cytotoxicdrugs and radiation therapy. Berlin: Springer.

Dörr W (ed.) (2001). Growth factors in the pathogenesisof radiation effects in normal tissues. Munich: Urbanand Vogel.

Dörr W (2006). Skin and other reactions to radiotherapy – clinical presentation andradiobiology of skin reactions. Front Radiat TherOncol 39: 96–101.

Grötz KA, Riesenbeck D, Brahm R et al. (2001). Chronicradiation effects on dental hard tissue (radiationcaries). Classification and therapeutic strategies.Strahlenther Onkol 177: 96–104.

National Cancer Institute, Washington DC, USA (2006). Common terminology criteria for adverseevents v3.0 (CTCAE).

Pavy JJ, Denekamp J, Letschert J et al. (1995). EORTC Late Effects Working Group. Late effectstoxicity scoring: the SOMA scale. RadiotherOncol 35: 11–5.

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The volume effect in radiotherapyWOLFGANG DÖRR AND ALBERT J. VAN DER KOGEL

14.1 Introduction 19114.2 Tolerance dose in relation to tissue

architecture 19214.3 Mathematical modelling of volume

effects 19314.4 Effect of tissue stem cells outside the

treatment volume 195

14.5 Experimental and clinical data for volumeeffects in individual organs 195

Key points 204Bibliography 204Further reading 206



Volume specifications in radiotherapy (Fig. 14.1)are described in publications 50 and 62 of theInternational Commission on Radiation Unitsand Measurements (ICRU, 1999). Even the small-est volume, the gross tumour volume (GTV), con-tains normal tissue elements (e.g. blood vesselsand normal connective tissue) within the tumour.In addition, the clinical target volume (CTV)encompasses a relevant number of normalparenchymal cells of the respective organ, inter-mingled between the suspected tumour cells. Thevolume difference between the CTV and thetreated volume (TV) – the volume enclosed by asurface of the clinically effective isodose – is exclu-sively composed of normal tissue. In all these nor-mal cells and structures, radiation side-effectsmay be induced. However, all the normal tissueswithin the TV are unavoidably exposed to theentire tumour dose, which therefore may be lim-ited by the normal tissue volume, depending onthe size of the TV.

In contrast, the irradiated volume (IV), whichreceives a dose that is considered significant with

regard to normal tissue tolerance, is dependent onthe physical parameters of the radiation delivery, forexample the type and quality of the radiation (pho-tons, electrons, protons, energy), mode of radio-therapy (brachytherapy, conformal teletherapy,intensity-modulated radiotherapy) and treatmentplanning (number of fields, etc.). Technologicalimprovements in the physical administration ofradiotherapy have led to increasing conformation ofthe TV with the planning target volume (PTV) andof the IV with the TV. In this process of improve-ment of the quality of radiotherapy, the volumes oforgans at risk exposed to significant doses has sig-nificantly decreased, resulting in increased inhomo-geneities in the dose distributions within theseorgans. This has increased the importance of identi-fying volume effects in normal tissues.

The volume of tissue irradiated can be animportant determinant of clinical tolerance with-out having any influence on tissue sensitivity perunit volume. An example of this is skin or mucosalulceration. If this occurs over a large area, the ulcerwill lead to pain and will heal only slowly. A smallarea of ulceration, by contrast, may lead only tominor discomfort and will heal more rapidly. In

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192 The volume effect in radiotherapy

this situation the clinical tolerance is stronglydependent on irradiated volume although struc-tural tolerance is not. There is very little evidencefor any increase in cellular radiosensitivity whenthe irradiated volume is increased, either in skin orin other tissues. However, the pathology underly-ing the same clinical changes may change withdose, as has been demonstrated for lung(Novakova-Jiresova et al., 2007).


Withers et al. (1988) originally introduced theconcept of tissue radiation tolerance based onfunctional subunits (FSUs), which may be consid-ered as anatomical structures such as bronchioli,or simply as tissue stem cells. Per definition, a FSUis the largest tissue volume, or unit of cells, that canbe regenerated from a single surviving clonogeniccell. Functional subunits are sterilized independ-ently by irradiation. This results in structural

damage within the exposed volume. The numberof FSUs that are sterilized, and hence the severityof the damage, depends on their intrinsicradiosensitivity, and on dose and other radiobio-logical parameters, such as fractionation (seeChapter 5) or overall treatment time (see Chapter11). With suitable procedures (e.g. radiologicalimaging) the changes can be diagnosed.

However, the clinical consequences aredependent on the arrangement of the FSU withinthe exposed organ (Fig. 14.2). Similar to the con-nection of elements in an electrical circuit, theFSU can be arranged either in parallel or in series.In organs with a parallel structure (Fig. 14.2a),FSUs function independently. Hence, a clinicalradiation effect is observed only if the number ofsurviving FSUs is too low to sustain the physiolog-ical organ function. Hence, a threshold volumemust be considered in treatment planning, whichmust not be exceeded but within which largedoses may be administered. The risk of complica-tions depends on the distribution of the total dosewithin the organ rather than on individual ‘hotspots’. Examples of organs with a (predominantly)parallel architecture are lung, kidney, and liver.

(a) (b)

Figure 14.2 (a) Parallel and (b) serial organization offunctional subunits (FSUs) in normal tissues. In parallelorganized tissues (a), a critical number of functionalsubunits must be damaged before a clinical response(i.e. loss of function) becomes manifest (thresholdvolume), although structural damage may be diagnosedin individual FSUs. In contrast, in serial organs (b),failure of only one FSU results in a loss of function ofthe entire organ. Adapted from Withers et al. (1988),with permission from Elsevier.






Figure 14.1 Volume definitions in radiotherapyaccording to the International Commission on RadiationUnits and Measurements (ICRU, 1999) Report 62 (ICRU,1999). GTV, gross tumour volume (detectable tumourvolume); CTV, clinical target volume (GTV plus volumeswith expected subclinical spread); PTV, planning targetvolume (CTV plus safety margin for movements ordeformations of CTV, technical uncertainties, etc.); TV,treatment volume (receiving the prescribed dose); IV,irradiated volume (that is exposed to significant doseswith regard to normal tissue tolerance).

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Mathematical modelling of volume effects 193

In contrast, in organs with a serial (or ‘tubu-lar’) architecture (Fig. 14.2b), the function of theentire organ depends on the function of eachindividual FSU; inactivation of only one FSUresults in clinical side-effects in a binary response.In these organs, the risk of complications is highlydependent on ‘hot spots’, while the dose distribu-tion within the entire organ is less relevant.Examples of (mainly) serially structured organsare spinal cord, intestine and oesophagus.

The purely parallel or serial organization of anorgan, however, represents the extreme cases. Inreality, no organ is organized simply as a chain of FSUs. Moreover, as described in Chapter 13,Section 13.3, one component of late radiationeffects is the response of the (micro)vasculature,and individual small vessels may be considered asserially arranged, which introduces a serial factorinto parallel arranged tissues. This has led to theconcept of a variable seriality factor of organs,which has been incorporated into the mathemati-cal modelling of volume effects (Källman et al.,1992). The modelling of volume effects on thebasis of their serial or parallel organization is use-ful and explains the apparent paradox that rela-tively radiosensitive organs, such as kidney andlung, can sustain the loss of more than half theirtotal mass without significant loss of function,whereas relatively radioresistant tissues such asspinal cord can be functionally inactivated by theirradiation of only a small volume.

The relative seriality model, as well as othermodels for the definition of normal-tissue com-plication probabilities (NTCP), does not take intoaccount the influence of cellular migration andregeneration from outside the irradiated area(Section 14.3) or other factors such as regionaldifferences in radiation sensitivity within oneorgan, which have been demonstrated in lung,urinary bladder or parotid gland. Therefore, thesemodels should be used with caution.

Many organs, such as the brain, are betterdescribed by an intermediate type of organiza-tional structure which is neither serial/tubular norparallel. Specific areas of the brain perform spe-cific functions. The clinical tolerance of brain tis-sue is therefore much more dependent on whicharea of brain is irradiated than the total volumeirradiated. Damage to even a small area may lead

to permanent loss of the particular function con-trolled by that area, since the undamaged parts ofthe brain are unable to take over these functions,although other brain functions may be unaf-fected. Similarly, the eye is an organ with manyvery different tissues and structures, and hencedisplays volume characteristics similar to those ofthe brain.


Theoretical models have been developed to esti-mate NTCP for partial-volume irradiations andinhomogeneous dose distributions. Models usingpower-law functions were the earliest and werefollowed by models with a more biophysical basis.

In the model of Lyman (1985), a power-lawrelationship was assumed between the tolerancedose for uniform whole- or partial-organ irradia-tion, where the parameter n (the exponent of thepartial volume) describes the volume dependenceof the tolerance dose. When n : 1.0 then the vol-ume effect is large and the tolerance dose increasessteeply with decreasing volume, and when n : 0then the volume effect is small. The Lyman modelhas been extended to inhomogeneous irradiationby converting the original dose–volume histogram(DVH) into an equivalent DVH for uniform irra-diation, usually by the effective-volume method(Kutcher and Burman, 1989). The resulting so-called Lyman–Kutcher–Burman (LKB) modelis currently one of the most commonly used mod-els for predicting normal-tissue complicationprobability.

Intermediate between the purely empirical andmore biophysically based models is the relativeseriality model of Källman et al. (1992). In thismodel, an extra parameter, s (the ‘degree of serial-ity’), is introduced to describe the functionalorganization of a tissue (Section 14.2). A near-zero value of s represents a parallel structure andan s value close to unity represents an organ witha serial organization.

The first model, which assumed that an organcan be divided into physiologically discrete com-partments or FSUs, was the integral responsemodel (Withers et al., 1988). This model allows

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for the spatial distribution of FSUs in the tissue tobe non-uniform. The radiation response of eachindependent FSU is determined by Poisson statis-tics and the functional architecture of FSUs deter-mines the organ’s response to partial volumeirradiation (see Section 14.2).

In the concept of the equivalent uniform dose(EUD), inhomogeneous dose distributions withinone organ are converted to a homogeneous dose,which would result in the same cell survival.Hence, the concept is dependent on survivalparameters of tissue stem cells, clonogenic cells, ortissue-rescuing units. This might be applicable forearly radiation effects. However, late radiationeffects are based on a variety of target cells (seeChapter 13, Section 13.3), and the estimates ofEUD must hence be considered to be empiricalrather than biology-based.

Clinical application of dose–volumemodels

Modern developments in the high-precisiondelivery of radiation, particularly intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and tomother-apy, or administration of protons or heavy ions,have stimulated clinical trials on dose escalation,notably in lung and prostate. Data are now avail-able for tolerance to partial-organ irradiation atdoses well above the levels that were previouslyestablished. The new data obtained from prospec-tive dose-escalation studies, combined with pre-cise knowledge of dose-distributions anddose–volume histograms, should in the futureallow the derivation of more realistic parametersand a validation of mathematical models used fordescribing volume effects. However, there aremany limitations and uncertainties in currentmultiparameter models and it seems unlikely thatthe biologically based models will quickly replacethe relatively simple empirical models such as theLKB probability model.

With the rapid implementation of conformalthree-dimensional radiation therapy (3D-RT),dose–volume histograms have proved useful as atool for the evaluation and comparison of treat-ment plans. However, despite ample clinical datafor some organs, it remains unclear which of the

DVH-derived parameters is optimal for the pre-diction of NTCP, as has recently been demon-strated for lung by Rodrigues et al. (2004).Moreover, the loss of information on the spatialdose-distribution in a DVH is a serious constraintin determining the relationship between local tis-sue damage and overall morbidity. A high-doseregion in the histogram may represent a singlehot-spot in the volume of interest or a number ofsmaller hot-spots from contiguous regions orfrom different regions. These could have quite dif-ferent implications for tissue tolerance. Dose–volume histograms also do not differentiatebetween functionally or anatomically differentsubregions or compartments within an organ, suchas in brain or eye (Section 14.2). This becomesparticularly relevant if variations in radiosensitiv-ity and/or functional consequences within theorgan are evident, such as in lung, kidney, urinarybladder, parotid gland, or particularly in the eyeand the brain.

The models are based on tissue-specific toler-ance doses and fractionation parameters, such asthe α/β ratio or even halftimes for recovery ofsublethal damage. For tolerance doses the compi-lation by Emami et al. (1991) is frequently used;However, the numbers in this paper are notwholly based on clinical or even experimentaldata, but on ‘opinions and experience of the clini-cians from four universities’, and hence even nowrequire validation in clinical studies. The fraction-ation parameters for various endpoints in humantissues, as well as for experimental endpoints (seeChapters 8 and 9), usually have been defined withbroad confidence intervals (i.e. with a significantuncertainty), which is not considered in the mod-els. If a parameter for the overall treatment time isincluded, this does not take into account the com-plexity of the underlying processes and their consequences (see Chapter 11), for example thedose-dependence of dose compensation, and thetime to onset of repopulation and its dynamics.Moreover, none of the models yet considers out-of-field effects.

Importantly, the NTCP models also do notaccount for the functional status of the unirradi-ated organ volume. For example, lung function inheavy smokers can be substantially impaired, andthe usually accepted tolerance limits should thus

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Experimental and clinical data for volume effects 195

be significantly lowered. Similar effects can occurwith impaired liver function, or with haemor-rhoids that may influence the radiation toleranceof the rectum. In general, previous or additionalchemotherapy also has a potential to impair thefunction of the unirradiated organ volume.Consideration of the impact of functional impair-ment of unirradiated tissue on the tolerance limitsfor radiotherapy must be subject to the experienceand expert knowledge of the responsible radiationoncologist. Similar to functionally inoperablepatients, ‘functionally unirradiatable’ patients canbe identified.

The available models, which are even beingintegrated into some treatment-planning systems,should therefore be used with great caution andwith a clear understanding of all their pitfalls anddrawbacks. They should be regarded as an aid tothe evaluation and comparison of clinical datausing different treatment set-ups, rather than giv-ing accurate predictions of clinical outcome.


An important factor in the influence of irradiatedvolume on radiation effects is the migration ofunirradiated clonogenic cells. The most promi-nent example is the bone marrow. After completesterilization of the stem and precursor cells in afraction of active marrow, this volume – providedthat the supportive structures are regenerated –can be repopulated by haematopoietic stem cellsthat are present in the circulation, or recruitedfrom unirradiated bone marrow. Other examplesare epithelial tissues with a high cellular migratorycapacity, such as skin, oral mucosa or intestinalepithelium, which exhibit a steep increase in toler-ance as the irradiated field-size decreases to smallareas (see Section 14.5). This type of volume effectis also seen in some other tissues with a relativelylinear or tubular structural organization (e.g.spinal cord). However, none of the existing NTCPmodels incorporates such effects and hence iscapable of adequately describing the volume effectdata, the spinal cord being a good example.

Repopulation from neighbouring subunits ismuch less likely in tissues with a parallel type of

arrangement of the FSUs with long migratory dis-tances between FSUs, and has not been demon-strated in kidney or lung.


In this section, volume effects will be described forselected organs: lung, spinal cord, kidney, liver,intestinal tract, parotid gland and skin. Preclinicalstudies of the volume effect, if available, will besummarized for these organs. The literature onclinical dose–volume effects is expanding rapidlyand examples of relevant clinical data will be citedwhere possible.


The influence of irradiated lung volume on struc-tural and functional damage has been investigatedexperimentally in mice, rats, dogs and pigs. Mostof these studies have focused on pneumonitis asthe endpoint, and hence the data may not bewholly applicable to lung fibrosis. All studiesdemonstrate a pronounced volume effect for totallung function, with little or no symptomaticpneumonitis for partial irradiated volumes below50 per cent. These volume effects depend on thecompensatory capacity of the unirradiated tissue,which enables overall function to be maintaineddespite destruction of a substantial part of onelung (Herrmann et al., 1997). In contrast, localstructural lung damage, assessed by radiography,histology or collagen content, is independent of the volume irradiated (Fig. 14.3). This indicatesthat cellular radiosensitivity is not influenced bythe size of the irradiated volume, although theconsequence of cell death for lung function isstrongly dependent on volume.

Several prospective clinical studies havedescribed the influence of a change in irradiatedlung volume on local lung damage and on NTCP(reviewed in Mehta, 2005). Local structural and functional lung damage can be quantifiedusing computed tomography (CT)-based lung-density distributions and single-photon emission

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196 The volume effect in radiotherapy

computed tomography (SPECT) ventilation andperfusion distributions. By matching pre- andpost-treatment SPECT scans to the 3D dose dis-tributions in the lung, changes in perfusion andventilation can be quantified in relation to thelocally delivered radiation dose (Fig. 14.4). Forpatients with malignant lymphoma and breastcancer, well-defined dose–response relationshipshave been determined for local changes in lungfunction per SPECT voxel (6 mm3 volume) in theirradiated areas, relative to the low-dose or un-irradiated regions (Fig. 14.5). These and otherstudies demonstrate that the magnitude of local,structural pulmonary changes is independent ofthe irradiated volume but does depend onpatient-related factors such as concurrentchemotherapy, smoking and age.

In an extension of these studies, the observedincidence of radiation-induced pneumonitis canbe related to the DVH for the irradiated lung. Forthis analysis, the complex 3D physical dose distri-bution is converted into a mean biological dose tothe whole lung, after a normalization procedureusing the linear-quadratic (LQ) model with α/βratios of 2.5–3 Gy. This parameter, the ‘mean nor-malized total lung dose’, which does not includeany critical-volume parameter, correlates wellwith the incidence of pneumonitis, as for exampleshown in a large series of 540 patients treated formalignant lymphoma, lung or breast cancer. Resultson pneumonitis in 264 patients treated for lym-phoma, lung and breast cancer from one instituteare displayed in Fig. 14.6. Further studies havefocused on other, simple parameters such as the










20 40 0 20 40




0 20 400 20

(a) (b)

(c) (d)




e of





Total dose (Gy)

Figure 14.3 Dose–response curves for radiation-induced lung damage in pigs after irradiation with five fractions,given to half of the right lung (open circles) or to the whole right lung (filled circles). Damage was assessed fromradiographic (X-ray) changes (a), histological evidence of fibrosis (b), elevated hydroxyproline (collagen) levels (c), orincreased breathing rate (d). Only the functional endpoint demonstrated a volume effect. From Herrmann et al. (1997),with permission.

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Experimental and clinical data for volume effects 197

percentage of total lung volume irradiated withdefined doses (i.e. 20 Gy or 30 Gy), which henceincorporate a critical-volume component. Theseparameters can be used to predict the probabilityof radiation pneumonitis. In a comprehensive

review, Rodrigues et al. (2004) demonstrated thatthe ideal parameter for estimation of the NTCPfor pneumonitis from DVH, despite ample dataand studies, has not yet been identified. This raises






20 30 40 50 60


l SP


T v


s (%








14 22 30 38 46 �52Dose (Gy)(b)





Figure 14.4 Dose–effect relationship for local lung perfusion (solid line) and ventilation (dashed line) at 3–4 monthsafter irradiation, as a percentage of the pretreatment value, in a patient treated for malignant lymphoma (a). Thecorresponding dose–volume histogram of the three-dimensional dose distribution to the lung of this patient is shownin (b). From Boersma et al. (1994), with permission.

0 20 40 60 80�10






Normalized total dose (Gy)



n pe

r vo

xel (


Local perfusion

Figure 14.5 Dose–effect relationships for the averagechange in local lung function (i.e. perfusion) as afunction of the normalized total dose. Data are shownfrom functional studies carried out at Duke University(circles) and The Netherlands Cancer Institute (squares).From Theuws et al. (1998) and including data fromMarks et al. (1997), with permission from Elsevier.







10 20 30






e (%


Mean normalized total dose (Gy)

Figure 14.6 Incidence of radiation pneumonitis as afunction of mean normalized total dose to the wholelung. Pooled data are shown from a group of 264patients with lung cancer, breast cancer or malignantlymphoma, treated in five different centres. Theabsolute number of patients contributing to each doselevel is indicated. From Kwa et al. (1998), withpermission from Elsevier.

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198 The volume effect in radiotherapy

serious doubts of whether further studies onpatients treated with a range of different dose dis-tributions will ever be sufficient to determine thebest approach.

A few studies have investigated regional differ-ences in radiation sensitivity of the lung. Experi-ments in mice demonstrate that functionaldamage is more prevalent after irradiation of thebase of the lung than an equivalent volume irradi-ation of the apex (Travis et al., 1997). This mayindicate that functional subunits are not homoge-neously distributed, but are concentrated in basalareas. Cytokine release from partial liver irradia-tion, included in the basal lung field, may alsocontribute to these field localization effects.However, studies in pigs have not demonstrateddifferences in cellular damage in apical versusbasal parts of the lung. Data from clinical studiesare controversial.

In summarizing the clinical data available(Bentzen et al., 2000), tolerance limits for unaf-fected lung may be defined by the ratio of total vol-ume of both lungs (Vtot) to the volume exposed todoses >25 Gy (V25). If this ratio, V25:Vtot is greaterthan 50 per cent, then pneumonitis can be doselimiting, or pneumonitis is not relevant. The meanlung dose for a 5 per cent incidence of pneumoni-tis is in the order of 15 Gy. No conclusive data areavailable for fibrotic reactions.

Spinal cord


A marked volume effect for irradiation of veryshort lengths of spinal cord (1 cm), and less pro-nounced or no volume effects for cord lengths2 cm, have been demonstrated in rats, pigs,monkeys and dogs. This suggests migration oftissue-restoring cells, with only a limited migra-tion distance, from outside the irradiated volume(Section 14.4).

In rat spinal cord, a very steep rise in ED50 (i.e.the radiation dose at which white-matter necrosisand myelopathy are expected in 50 per cent oftreated animals) was observed when the irradiatedcord length was reduced below 10 mm (Fig. 14.7).For irradiation of cord lengths between 10 and

30 mm, little change in ED50 was found. Thisobservation has been confirmed by more detailedstudies, exploiting a high-precision proton beamfor irradiation (Bijl et al., 2003): rats were irradi-ated with either a single field of 8 mm or two fieldsof 4 mm, separated by an unirradiated length ofcord of 8 mm or 12 mm (Fig. 14.8). The ED50 formyelopathy with 2 � 4 mm fields was 42–45 Gy,which is less than 54 Gy for a single field of 4 mm,but considerably greater than the ED50 for1 � 8 mm (25 Gy).

Single radiation doses given to 2.5-, 5- and 10-cm lengths of pig spinal cord showed only asmall (c. 1 Gy) decrease in ED50 for induction ofwhite-matter necrosis with increasing field size. Atlow probabilities of injury, which are clinically rele-vant, this difference was no longer significant (vanden Aardweg et al., 1995), similar to the results inthe kidney (see below). The irradiated cord length







5 10 15 20

Cord length (mm)E




Split field2 � 4 mm

Figure 14.7 The influence of field size on biologicalresponse in rat spinal cord after single-dose irradiationwith small fields. A steep rise in ED50 occurs as field sizeis reduced below 10 mm, with very little change in ED50

for larger field-sizes. The single fields were centredaround C4, the two concomitant 4-mm fields were atC1/C2 and C7/T1, separated by approximately 10 mm.Data show the ED50 for induction of white-matternecrosis. From Hopewell and Trott (2000) and Bijl et al.(2002, 2006), with permission.

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Experimental and clinical data for volume effects 199

also influenced the incidence of myelopathy inmonkeys given fractionated irradiation (Schultheisset al., 1994). The incidence of myelopathy after atotal dose of 70.2 Gy (2.2 Gy per fraction) increasedfrom 15 per cent, to 20 per cent to 37.5 per cent forfield sizes of 4, 8 and 16 cm, respectively.

In an extensive study in dogs (Powers et al.,1998), irradiation of 4- and 20-cm lengths ofspinal cord were compared using a fractionatedschedule of 4 Gy per fraction. For functional, neu-rological symptoms, such as thoracic pain or pare-sis, a large increase in ED50 from 54 Gy for thelarge field to 78 Gy for the small field was found.In contrast, a much less pronounced increase wasobserved for morphological, necrotic lesions (Fig. 14.9). This again indicates the relevance ofthe endpoint studied for volume effects.


The marked volume effect for irradiation of onlyvery short lengths of spinal cord is clearly

compromised when a small dose is given to thesurrounding tissue. This has been demonstratedfor rat spinal cord in ‘bath-and-shower’ experi-ments (Bijl et al., 2003), where graded subtoler-ance doses (‘bath’) were given to a large segment(20 mm) of spinal cord and a high dose (‘shower’)was given to small segments of 2–8 mm in the cen-tre of the low-dose volume. The ED50 for a 4-mmfield given 53 Gy alone was reduced to 39 Gy witha bath dose of only 4 Gy. For a 2-mm high-dosesegment, the ED50 was reduced from 88 Gy to61 Gy. Paralysis was based on necrotic lesions inthe high-dose region whereas no histologicalchanges were seen in the bath volume. Thehypothesis to describe these observations was thatmigration of presumptive stem cells into the high-dose region was compromised by the bath dose.

In further experiments with the same model(Bijl et al., 2003), the shower dose was placed at theedge rather than the centre of the low-dose seg-ment. Assuming migration phenomena, the toler-ance in this setup should be similar to that withhigh-dose irradiation alone (88 Gy) for a 2-mmshower segment. However, the observed ED50

was intermediate, at 69 Gy, indicating additional








Shower volume (mm)

8 20


50 (


No bath

4 Gy bath

18 Gy bath

Figure 14.8 The influence of a surrounding low doseon the tolerance of a small high-dose volume (‘bath andshower’ irradiations) in the rat cervical spinal cord. Thehigh-dose volumes of 2, 4 or 8 mm (‘shower’) werecentred at C5, while the remainder of the 20-mmcervical cord was irradiated with a ‘bath’ dose of 4 Gyor 18 Gy. From Bijl et al. (2003, 2006), with permissionfrom Elsevier.






40 60 80 100

Total dose (Gy)



e of





Figure 14.9 Influence of change in field size on spinalcord damage in dogs. Increasing the field size from4 cm (circles) to 20 cm (squares) had a more markedinfluence on the development of neurological signs ofinjury (dotted lines) than on the occurrence of severepathological lesions (solid lines). Redrawn from Powerset al. (1998), with permission.

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200 The volume effect in radiotherapy

mechanisms underlying the volume effect forsmall cord lengths. It is important to note thatnone of the existing NTCP models take these non-local effects into account.


With conformal radiotherapy, variations not onlyin the length of spinal cord irradiated but also inthe lateral distribution of the dose can occur. Theseeffects have also been studied in rats irradiated withhigh-precision proton beams (Bijl et al., 2005). Theleft lateral half of the spinal cord was irradiatedwith a penumbra (20–80 per cent isodose) of1.1 mm or 0.8 mm, or the midline of the cord witha penumbra of 0.8 mm. The irradiated length ofspinal cord was 20 mm in all experiments. Theresulting ED50 values for paralysis were 29 Gy and33 Gy for lateral irradiation, respectively, and 72 Gyfor midline irradiation; the corresponding homo-geneous irradiation of a 20-mm cord segmentresulted in an ED50 of 20 Gy. Hence, the grey matteris highly resistant to radiation as no lesions observ-able by light microscopy were induced, even after asingle dose as high as 80 Gy; all lesions wererestricted to white matter structures.

In a recent analysis of clinical data from single-dose radiosurgery of 230 vertebral column metas-tases in 177 patients (Ryu et al., 2007), an averagedose of 9.8 � 1.5 Gy to 10 per cent of the spinalcord volume, given in single-dose radiosurgery,was associated with only one spinal cord injury in86 patients surviving more than 1 year.

In summary, there is a clear volume effect forsevere lesions in the spinal cord which lead to irreversible signs of myelopathy; this is most pro-nounced at high levels of injury. At low probabili-ties of injury (< 5 per cent), which usually defineclinical tolerance doses, a volume effect may notbe detectable and should have minimal impact onthe clinical practice of maintaining spinal corddose below 55 Gy. However, when clinical condi-tions require the choice of higher dose levelscloser to tolerance, such as in a re-irradiation situ-ation, the existence of a volume effect might betaken into consideration. The volume effect in thespinal cord is complex, with an impact of the sur-rounding dose as well as of the lateral dose distri-bution across the tissue. It must be emphasized

that none of the existing NTCP models take thiscomplexity into account.


Volume effects in the irradiated kidney are stronglyinfluenced by the duality of this organ and by itsparallel organization, with a large reserve capacity.Unirradiated parts of one kidney and the con-tralateral kidney are able to undergo drastic post-irradiation hypertrophy and increase theirperformance to compensate for functional impair-ment within another part of the organ and thusmaintain renal function.

Experiments in pigs (Robbins and Hopewell,1988) have demonstrated that the individual func-tion of a kidney after unilateral irradiation canactually be poorer than after irradiation of bothkidneys with the same dose. Total renal function is,however, much less reduced after irradiation ofonly one kidney (Fig. 14.10). Interestingly, if theunirradiated kidney is removed after unilateralirradiation, the previously non-functional, irradi-ated kidney may be capable of partial restoration ofglomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasmaflow to maintain a viable level of total renal func-tion. These experiments demonstrate that the func-tional response of a unilaterally irradiated kidneydepends on the compensatory response in theunirradiated, contralateral organ. The presence andincreased function of the unirradiated kidney mayactually promote functional impairment, or inhibitfunctional recovery, in the irradiated kidney.

A pronounced volume effect was also observedin scintigraphic studies in 91 patients who receivedabdominal irradiation with various doses and tovarying volumes (Köst et al., 2002), but only athigher incidence levels for the loss of kidney func-tion. The dose for a 5 per cent incidence was in therange of 3–6 Gy, independent of volume, owing touncertainties in the dose–effect analysis. However,the doses estimated for a 50 per cent incidenceclearly increased with decreasing kidney volume,from approximately 8 Gy for 100 per cent to 27 Gyfor 10 per cent of the volume.

In a study in 44 patients receiving radio-chemotherapy for gastric cancer (Jansen et al.,2007), where the left kidney was included in the

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Experimental and clinical data for volume effects 201

high-dose radiotherapy volume, the V20 (leftkidney) and mean left kidney dose were identifiedas parameters associated with decreased kidneyfunction.


The liver is usually regarded as a prime example ofa parallel-type organ, with liver acini as FSUs.Similar to lung, structural damage (i.e. loss offunction within the irradiated volume) can bedemonstrated with scintigraphy and other meth-ods. Whole-liver irradiation with doses around30 Gy (2 Gy per fraction) is generally associated

with the induction of 5–10 per cent hepatitis. Untilthe introduction of 3D treatment planning, therelationship between tolerance dose and partialvolume irradiation was very conservatively inter-preted. However, extensive clinical data on livertolerance to partial organ irradiation has now beenaccumulated at the University of Michigan formore than 200 patients (Dawson and Ten Haken,2005). LKB–NTCP analyses resulted in a large volume–effect parameter (the n-exponent in thepower law function) of 0.97, demonstrating thatthe liver indeed behaves as a parallel-type organwith a large reserve capacity. No cases of radiation-induced liver disease grade 3 according toRTOG/EORTC (Radiation Therapy and OncologyGroup and the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer) were observedwhen the mean liver dose was 31 Gy. Estimates oftolerance doses associated with 5 per cent risk ofliver disease after uniform irradiation to partialvolumes were 47 Gy for two-thirds and �90 Gy forone-third of the total volume. A negligible compli-cation risk, regardless of dose, is associated withirradiation of a partial volume of �25 per cent.A recent analysis by Kim et al. (2007) in 105patients with hepatocellular carcinoma revealedthat the total liver volume receiving �30 Gy alsoappears to be a useful dose–volumetric parameterfor predicting the risk of hepatic toxicity andshould be limited to �60 per cent.

The tolerance of patients with primary livercancer is lower than that of patients with livermetastases or without liver tumours (Dawson andTen Haken, 2005). However, the functionality ofthe unirradiated liver volume, which may beimpaired by chemotherapy, alcohol consumptionor other trauma, has to be taken into considera-tion. The presence of liver cirrhosis is known to bethe predominant risk factor for hepatic toxicityfollowing radiotherapy.

Intestinal tract

The results of several trials have been publishedfor treatment of prostate, rectal or cervical cancer,relating the bowel volume irradiated, i.e. variousDVH parameters, to the incidence of complica-tions. Restricting dose conformation to the PTV





8 16 24







8 16 24

Time after irradiation (weeks)


l kid






al k


y fu



Figure 14.10 Time-related changes in glomerularfiltration rate in pigs in which one (open circles) or both(filled circles) kidneys were irradiated with a single doseof 12.6 Gy. (a) The change in individual kidney function,as a percentage of control values; (b) the total renalfunction in the same pigs. Redrawn from Robbins andHopewell (1988), with permission from Elsevier.

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202 The volume effect in radiotherapy

can substantially decrease the normal tissue vol-umes exposed to significant doses. For example, astudy from the Royal Marsden Hospital in Londonshowed that the volume of small bowel irradiatedto �90 per cent of the prescribed dose could bereduced from 24 per cent using conventionalfields to 18 per cent for 3D conformal therapy and5–8 per cent for IMRT, depending on the numberof fields used. For the rectum, the high-dose irra-diated volumes could be reduced from 89 per centto 51 per cent and 6–16 per cent, respectively(Nutting et al., 2000). It should be noted that earlycomplications in the intestine result in anincreased incidence of late effects, thus represent-ing a consequential component (see Chapter 13).Therefore, volume–effect studies on late compli-cations may be affected by a varying influence ofearly effects.


The clinical consequences of oral mucositis areclosely related to the localization where the reac-tion occurs. For example, complications can besignificantly reduced if the lips are excluded fromthe irradiated volume. Also, changes in taste acu-ity can be prevented by a reduction of the tonguevolume included in the high-dose volume.


A study on 215 patients treated for non-small celllung cancer (Wei et al., 2006) revealed that acuteoesophageal symptoms were dominated by DVHparameters, such as the mean dose, or the relativevolume treated to doses above 20 Gy (rV20), butwere independent of clinical factors.


The mobility of the small intestine largely pre-vents irradiation of the same segment or loopduring subsequent fractions. Hence, the dose toindividual loops can vary over wide ranges, andusually is lower than the dose to the target vol-ume. However, previous surgery, related or inde-pendent of the oncological disease, as well asinflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity,can compromise mobility and hence significantly

increase the dose to bowel segments fixed in thehigh-dose volume. These uncertainties appear tobe one of the reasons for the conflicting data for acorrelation of dose and volume with the incidenceof small bowel symptoms.

Volume effects for small bowel obstructionhave been demonstrated in patients treated withextended field radiotherapy (bowel volumes�800 cm3), as reviewed by Letschert et al. (1994).No volume effects for bowel obstruction wereobserved in patients receiving postoperative radio-therapy for rectal carcinoma. In these patients, theincidence of chronic diarrhoea was 31 per cent forvolumes 77 cm3, compared with 42 per cent forvolumes �328 cm3. The type of surgery was astrong influence on the incidence of chronic diar-rhoea and malabsorption.


The incidence of late rectal bleeding and otherchronic changes has generally been found to corre-late with irradiated volume exposed to high doses,as quantified by DVH parameters. Some studieshave demonstrated a significant dose–volume rela-tionship for late rectal bleeding using a single cut-off value for the rectal volume irradiated to certaindoses (Fig. 14.11). Other studies describe a morecomplex relationship with several cut-off levelswhich significantly discriminated between a high orlow risk of severe rectal bleeding, or a continuousrelationship between rectal bleeding and dose–volume parameters. A study on rectal mucosalchanges assessed by rectoscopy using a specific scorein 35 patients receiving external–beam radiotherapyand high dose-rate brachytherapy for carcinoma ofthe cervix revealed ED50 values for irradiated vol-umes of 2 cm3, 1 cm3 or 0.1 cm3 of 68 Gy, 73 Gy and84 Gy (Fig. 14.12). The corresponding doses forchanges according to LENT/SOMA were 73 Gy,78 Gy and 97 Gy.

One aspect to be considered for highly confor-mal radiotherapy, particularly for the rectum, is thedose distribution through the cross-section of theorgan. Gross clinical symptoms are observed only ifa larger part or the entire circumference is exposedto significant doses. In rats, it was demonstratedthat shielding of half the circumference completelyprevented late bowel obstruction, which occurred

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Experimental and clinical data for volume effects 203

with increasing dose in animals with irradiation ofthe entire rectal wall. The incidence (but not thearea) of mucosal ulceration was similar in bothgroups. Similarly, an intrarectal balloon can be

applied for displacement of the posterior rectal walland hence for a reduction in dose to this part,which results in a decrease in side-effects. In con-trast, emptying of the rectum before irradiationincreases dose homogeneity and reduces variationsof DVH parameters for the PTV, but may increasethe risk of rectal complications.

As with other organs, such as the lung (seeabove), the functional status of the rectum caninfluence the volume tolerance. Huang et al. (2002)demonstrated that an individual history of haem-orrhoids clearly correlated with the incidence ofrectal bleeding at a given volume irradiated.

Parotid gland

The parotid glands are important dose-limitingorgans in treatment of the head and neck withconventional radiation techniques, as they oftencannot be spared. Doses above 40–50 Gy lead topermanent loss of function contributing to xeros-tomia (parotid glands produce c. 60 per cent ofthe saliva) and impairment of quality of life. Oneof the major advantages of the introduction of3D-conformal techniques in the head and neckarea is the possibility of limiting the irradiatedvolume to parts of the parotids and this hasresulted in a reduction of permanent xerostomia.A DVH-based prospective trial showed completerecovery of salivary flow at 1 year after mean dosesto the parotid of around 26 Gy (Eisbruch et al.,1999). The anatomical organization in acini asFSUs was clearly reflected in the outcome ofmodelling the partial-volume data, as derived fromthe DVH. The LKB model showed the volume-effect parameter n to be close to 1.0, which indi-cates a nearly parallel behaviour, whereby the meandose determines NTCP. In these studies partial-volume thresholds were (approximately) 45 Gyfor 25 per cent, 30 Gy for 50 per cent and 15 Gy for67 per cent of the total volume.

Rat studies (Konings et al., 2006) have demon-strated significant regional variations in radiationsensitivity in the parotid gland. The dose effect forlate changes in saliva production, but not for earlychanges, was different for the cranial and caudalpart of the glands, with a substantially higherradiosensitivity of the cranial part. The reduction

V90 � 57%

V90 57 Gy

P 0.03






10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time after treatment (months)



e of



tal b




Figure 14.11 Actuarial incidence of rectal bleeding inpatients with rectal volumes (V90) irradiated to at least90 per cent of the isodose (approximately 60 Gy) ofgreater than 57 per cent or less than 57 per cent. FromWachter et al. (2001), with permission from Elsevier.

VRS � 3

2.0 1.0 0.10






Rectal volume irradiated (cm3)


50 (


Figure 14.12 The ED50 values for rectoscopic mucosalchanges [Vienna Rectoscopy Score (VRS) �3] inpatients receiving teletherapy and brachytherapy forcervical cancer in rectal volumes of 2 cm3, 1 cm3 or0.1 cm3. Data from Georg et al. (unpublished), withpermission of the authors.

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204 The volume effect in radiotherapy

in saliva output after a single dose of 30 Gy was 65per cent for irradiation of the cranial and 25 percent for irradiation of the caudal 50 per cent vol-ume of the gland, and 100 per cent after irradiationof the entire organ. Histological studies showedthat irradiation of the cranial 50 per cent volumealso caused late development of secondary damagein the shielded caudal part at late time-points.


The skin shows an ‘area’ effect similar to oralmucosa. In studies in pig skin (Hopewell et al.,1986), no effect of the irradiated area was observedfor acute epidermal changes when the field diam-eter was larger than 20 mm, and for late effectswhen the diameter was larger than 10 mm. Atsmaller diameters, a steep rise in isoeffective doseswas found (Fig. 14.13). In the orthovoltage era,this area effect of small fields used to be exploitedby using a ‘sieve technique’, where part of the skinwas shielded with the bridges of a lead sieve, andhence tolerable reactions occurred only in thesmall irradiated fields, but did not achieve conflu-ency. This allowed for curative tumour dosesdespite the unfavourable depth-dose distributionof these low-energy X-rays.


Bentzen SM, Skoczylas JZ, Bernier J (2000).Quantitative clinical radiobiology of early and latelung reactions. Int J Radiat Biol 76: 453–62.

Bijl HP, van Luijk P, Coppes RP, Schippers JM, KoningsAW, van der Kogel AJ (2002). Dose-volume effects inthe rat cervical spinal cord after proton irradiation.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 52: 205–11.






10 20 30




Source diameter (mm)


50 s





Figure 14.13 The influence of field-diameter on thedose required to induce acute and late skin reactions in50 per cent of pigs after single-dose irradiation withsmall fields. A steep rise in ED50 is seen below adiameter of 20 mm for early reactions and 10 mm forlate sequelae, respectively. At larger field-sizes, the ED50

is independent of the area exposed. From Hopewell andTrott (2000), with permission.

Key points

1. Structural tissue tolerance depends on cellu-lar radiation sensitivity and is independentof volume irradiated. Functional tolerancedepends on tissue organization and func-tional reserve capacity.

2. Tissues with a parallel organization (e.g.lung) have a large reserve capacity and showa pronounced volume effect, with a thresh-old volume below which functional damagedoes not occur. The risk of developing acomplication depends on dose distributionthroughout the whole organ rather than themaximum dose to a small area.

3. Tissues with a serial organization (e.g. spinalcord) have little or no functional reserveand the risk of developing a complication isless dependent on volume irradiated thanfor tissues with a parallel organization. Therisk of complication is strongly influencedby high-dose regions and hot-spots.

4. Migration of surviving clonogenic cells intothe edge of irradiated fields can lead to asteep increase in tissue tolerance for fielddiameters up to 20 mm in some tissues (e.g.spinal cord, intestine, skin).

5. Theoretical models have been developed toestimate NTCP for partial-volume irradia-tions and inhomogeneous dose distribu-tions. Simple power-law and probabilitymodels have been expanded to incorporateparameters relating to tissue architectureand reserve capacity. These models need tobe validated against clinical data emergingfrom conformal treatment schedules.

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Bibliography 205

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Bijl HP, van Luijk P, Coppes RP, Schippers JM, KoningsAW, van Der Kogel AJ (2005). Regional differences inradiosensitivity across the rat cervical spinal cord.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61: 543–51.

Bijl HP, van Luijk P, Coppes RP, Schippers JM, KoningsAW, van der Kogel AJ (2006). Influence of adjacentlow-dose fields on tolerance to high doses ofprotons in rat cervical spinal cord. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 64: 1204–10.

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an optimized intensity-modulated pelvicradiotherapy technique in patients with prostatecancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 649–56.

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Page 216: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The oxygen effect and fractionatedradiotherapyMICHAEL R. HORSMAN, BRADLY G. WOUTERS, MICHAEL C. JOINER AND JENS OVERGAARD

15.1 The importance of oxygen 20715.2 The tumour microenvironment 20915.3 Hypoxia in experimental tumours 21015.4 Hypoxia in human tumours 21115.5 Reoxygenation 212

15.6 Drug resistance 215Key points 215Bibliography 215Further reading 216



The response of cells to ionizing radiation isstrongly dependent upon oxygen (Gray et al., 1953;Wright and Howard-Flanders, 1957). This is illus-trated in Fig. 15.1 for mammalian cells irradiated inculture. Cell surviving fraction is shown as a func-tion of radiation dose administered either undernormal aerated conditions or under hypoxia,which can generally be achieved by flowing nitro-gen gas over the surface of the cell suspensions for aperiod of 30 min or more. The enhancement ofradiation damage by oxygen is dose-modifying (i.e.the radiation dose that gives a particular level of cellsurvival is reduced by approximately the same fac-tor at all levels of survival). This allows us to calcu-late an oxygen enhancement ratio (OER):

for the same level of biological effect. For most celltypes, the OER for X-rays is around 3.0. However,some studies suggest that at radiation doses of

Oxygen enhancement ratio

Radiation dosein


Radiationdose in air






0 5 10 2015 25 30

Radiation dose (Gy)

OER � 2.8

Oxic Hypoxic



ng fr



Figure 15.1 Survival curves for cultured mammaliancells exposed to X-rays under oxic or hypoxicconditions, illustrating the radiation dose-modifyingeffect of oxygen. Note that the broken lines extrapolateback to the same point on the survival axis (n � 6).OER, oxygen enhancement ratio.

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208 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy

3 Gy or less the OER can be reduced (Palcic andSkarsgard, 1984). This is an important findingbecause this is the dose range for clinical fraction-ation treatments.

It has been demonstrated from rapid-mixstudies that the oxygen effect occurs only if oxy-gen is present either during irradiation or within afew milliseconds thereafter (Howard-Flandersand Moore, 1958; Michael et al., 1973). Thedependence of the degree of sensitization on oxy-gen tension is shown in Fig. 15.2. By definition,the OER under anoxic conditions is 1.0. As theoxygen tension increases there is a steep increasein radiosensitivity (and thus in the OER) whichFig. 15.2a shows against a linear scale of oxygentension. In Fig. 15.2b, oxygen tension is scaled log-arithmically to demonstrate that cells below0.15 mmHg (0.02 per cent) are maximally resist-ant to radiation and the OER starts to rise signifi-cantly above 1.0 only when the oxygen tensionexceeds this level and then the greatest changeoccurs from about 0.5 to 20 mmHg. A furtherincrease in oxygen concentration, up to that seenin air (155 mmHg) or even to 100 per cent oxygen(760 mmHg), produces a much smaller thoughdefinite increase in radiosensitivity. Also shown inFig. 15.2a are the oxygen partial pressures typi-cally found in arterial and venous blood. Thus

from a radiobiological standpoint most normaltissues can be considered to be well oxygenated,although it is now recognized that moderatehypoxia is a feature of some normal tissues such ascartilage and skin.

The mechanism responsible for the enhance-ment of radiation damage by oxygen is generallyreferred to as the oxygen-fixation hypothesis andis illustrated in Fig. 15.3. When radiation isabsorbed in a biological material, free radicals areproduced. These radicals are highly reactive mole-cules and it is these radicals that break chemicalbonds, produce chemical changes and initiate thechain of events that result in biological damage.They can be produced either directly in the targetmolecule (usually DNA) or indirectly in other cel-lular molecules and diffuse far enough to reachand damage critical targets. Most of the indirecteffects occur by free radicals produced in water,since this makes up 70–80 per cent of mammaliancells. It is the fate of the free radicals ultimatelyproduced in the critical target, designated as R• inFig. 15.3, that is important. These R• molecules areunstable and will react rapidly with oxygen, ifpresent, to produce RO2

•, which then undergoesfurther reaction ultimately to yield ROOH in the target molecule. Thus we have a stable change inthe chemical composition of the target and the

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Partial pressure of oxygen (mmHg)

Venous Arterial




200 400 600 800






Air Pure oxygen

(Curve B)

(Curve A)


Partial pressure of oxygen (mmHg)

0.1 1 10 100






Intermediate O2 levels




Figure 15.2 Variation of oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) with oxygen partial pressure scaled linearly in (a) andlogarithmically in (b). In (a), the horizontal arrows indicate the range of physiological blood oxygen tensions on thelower scale (to convert mmHg to kPa, multiply by 0.133). (b) Published OER values at different oxygen partial pressuresadapted from Koch et al. (1984) (closed circles) and Whillans and Hunt (1982) (open circles). (a) Adapted fromDenekamp (1989), with permission; (b) from Wouters and Brown (1997), with permission.

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The tumour microenvironment 209

damage is said to be chemically ‘fixed’.Subsequently, this damage is recognized by bio-logical pathways that participate in the DNA dam-age response (DDR) to invoke enzymaticprocessing of the lesions and perhaps their suc-cessful repair (see Chapter 2). In the absence ofoxygen, or in the presence of reducing species, theunstable R• molecules have a longer half-life andcan react with H�, thus chemically restoring itsoriginal form without the need for biological andenzymatic intervention.


For most solid tumours to grow they need todevelop their own blood supply. This new vascu-lature is formed from the already established nor-mal-tissue vessels by a process which is referred toas angiogenesis. However, the formation of theneo-vasculature usually lags behind the more rap-idly increasing number of neoplastic cells; thetumours are said to ‘outgrow’ their blood supply.As a result, the neo-vasculature is unable to meetthe increasing nutrient demands of the expandingtumour mass. The vasculature that is formed isalso very primitive in nature and, like the cancer-ous tissue it supplies, is morphologically and

functionally abnormal. All these factors combineto result in the development of microregionalareas within tumours that are nutrient deprived,acidic and oxygen deficient, yet the hypoxic cellsexisting in these areas may still be viable, at leastfor a limited time (see also Chapter 16).

The first clear indication that hypoxia may bepresent in tumours was made by Thomlinson andGray (1955) from their observations on histologi-cal sections of fresh specimens from human carci-noma of the bronchus; this is summarizedschematically in Fig. 15.4. They observed viabletumour regions surrounded by vascular stromafrom which the tumour cells obtained their nutri-ent and oxygen requirements. As these regionsexpanded, areas of necrosis appeared at the centre.The thickness of the resulting cylindrical shell ofviable tissue (100–180 μm) was found to be simi-lar to the calculated diffusion distance of oxygenin respiring tissues; it was thus hypothesized thatas oxygen diffused from the stroma it was con-sumed by the cells and, while those cells beyondthe diffusion distance were unable to survive, cellsimmediately bordering on the necrosis might beviable yet hypoxic.

Tannock (1968) made similar observations inmouse mammary tumours. The extent of necrosisin these tumours was much greater and eachpatent blood-vessel was surrounded by a cord ofviable tumour cells outside which was necrosis.This ‘corded’ structure is also seen in other solid

Oxygen fixes damage:

OH•H Indirect action

Direct action

R• � O2 → RO2• → ROOH



2 nm

4 nm

Figure 15.3 The oxygen fixation hypothesis. Freeradicals produced in DNA by either a direct or indirectaction of radiation can be repaired under hypoxia butfixed in the presence of oxygen. Adapted from Hall(1988), with permission.







100–180 μm

Increasing time

Figure 15.4 Simplified description of the developmentof microscopic regions of necrosis in tumours.Conclusions by Thomlinson and Gray from studies onhistological sections of human bronchial carcinomashowing the development of necrosis beyond a limitingdistance from the vascular stroma. Adapted from Hall(1988), with permission.

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210 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy

tumours and is illustrated in Fig. 15.5. Cells at theedge of the cords are thought to be hypoxic andare often called ‘chronically hypoxic cells’.Tannock showed, however, that since the cell pop-ulation of the cord is in a dynamic state of cellturnover these hypoxic cells will have a short life-span, being continually replaced as other cells aredisplaced away from the blood vessel and in turnbecome hypoxic. More recently it was shown thatsome tumour blood vessels may periodically openand close, leading to transient or acute hypoxia(Fig. 15.5). The mechanisms responsible for inter-mittent blood flow in tumours are not entirelyclear. They might include: the plugging of vesselsby blood cells or by circulating tumour cells; tem-porary collapse of vessels in regions of hightumour interstitial pressure; or spontaneous vaso-motion in incorporated host arterioles affectingblood flow in downstream capillaries.


Since hypoxic cells are resistant to radiation, theirpresence in tumours can be critical in determin-ing the response of tumours to treatment, espe-cially with large doses of radiation. The presenceof such treatment limiting cells in experimentaltumours can easily be demonstrated, as shown inFig. 15.6. This shows the cell survival response of

KHT mouse sarcomas, irradiated in situ in air-breathing mice, or in nitrogen-asphyxiated (i.e.hypoxic) mice; or as a single-cell suspension invitro under fully oxic conditions. The studies inair-breathing mice were made under both normaland anaemic conditions. Cell survival was esti-mated immediately after irradiation using a lungcolony assay (see Chapter 7, Section 7.2). The sur-vival curves for tumours irradiated in air-breath-ing mice are biphasic. At low radiation doses theresponse is dominated by death of the aerobiccells and the curves are close to the response ofcells under well-oxygenated conditions. At largerradiation doses the presence of hypoxic cellsbegins to influence the response and the survivalcurve eventually becomes parallel to the responseof cells under hypoxic conditions. At this level allof the aerobic cells have been killed and thus theresponse is determined solely by the initial frac-tion of hypoxic cells. The proportion of hypoxic

Diffusion-limitedchronic hypoxia

Functionalblood vessel

Transientlyoccludedblood vessel

Perfusion-limitedacute hypoxia

Figure 15.5 Representation of diffusion-limitedchronic hypoxia and perfusion-limited acute hypoxiawithin tumour cords. From Horsman (1998), withpermission.






Radiation dose (Gy)

20 30 40



Low HbHigh Hb





ng fr



Figure 15.6 Cell survival curves for KHT mousesarcoma cells irradiated under aerobic or hypoxicconditions. The hypoxic data were obtained by killingthe mice shortly before irradiation. Two sets of data fortumours in air-breathing mice are shown, with high andlow haemoglobin levels. The oxic curve represents thesurvival of aerobic cells irradiated in vitro. From Hill etal. (1971), with permission.

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Hypoxia in human tumours 211

cells (the hypoxic fraction) can thus be calculatedfrom the vertical separation between the hypoxicand air-breathing survival curves in the regionwhere they are parallel. In this mouse sarcoma thehypoxic fraction was calculated to be 0.06 in mice with a high haemoglobin level (c. 16.5 g percent) and 0.12 in anaemic mice (haemoglobinlevel c. 9.5 g per cent). These data thus illustratenot only the presence of hypoxic cells in thesetumours but also the influence of oxygen transport.

Two other techniques are routinely used toestimate hypoxia in animal tumours. These arethe so-called ‘clamped tumour growth-delayassay’, which involves measuring the time takenfor tumours to grow to a specific size after irradi-ation, and the ‘clamped tumour-control assay’, inwhich the percentage of animals showing localtumour control at a certain time after treatment isrecorded. For both techniques it is necessary toproduce full radiation dose–response curvesunder normal and clamped conditions and thehypoxic fractions can then be calculated from thedisplacement of these curves. It is important torecognize that these techniques assay the fractionof viable radiation-resistant hypoxic cells. This iscommonly referred to as the radiobiologicalhypoxic fraction and can be very different fromthe fraction of hypoxic cells measured using othermethods (described in Section 15.4). The radio-biological hypoxic fraction is a very relevant valuefor radiotherapy since it directly measures cellsthat can contribute to treatment failure. Usingthese assays, and the paired survival-curve assaydescribed above, it has been demonstrated thatmost experimental solid tumours contain radia-tion-resistant hypoxic cells, with estimates of theradiobiological hypoxic fractions ranging frombelow 1 per cent to well over 50 per cent of thetotal viable cell population.


Attempts to estimate the level of hypoxia inhuman tumours have proven more difficult. Amajor reason is that the experimental proceduresthat have just been described are not directlyapplicable to the human situation. Instead, it is

necessary to rely on more indirect approaches, aslisted in Table 15.1. The endpoints have included:

● measurements of tumour vascularizationbecause the oxygenation status of tumours isstrongly dependent on vascular supply;

● haemoglobin–oxygen saturation, because thiscontrols oxygen delivery to tumours;

● tumour metabolic activity, which changesunder hypoxic conditions;

● estimating the degree of DNA damage, sincehypoxic cells are likely to show less DNA dam-age than aerobic cells for a given radiation dose;

Table 15.1 Potential methods for measuring theoxygenation status of human tumours

Tumour vascularizationIntercapillary distanceVascular densityDistance from tumour cells to nearest vessel

Haemoglobin–oxygen saturationCryospectroscopyNear-infrared spectroscopy

Tumour metabolic activityBiochemical/HPLC analysisBioluminescenceNMR/PET

DNA damageComet assayAlkaline elution

Hypoxic markersImmunohistochemistry (e.g. PIMO/EF5)18F-Fluoromisonidazole123I-Iodoazomycin arabinoside

Oxygen partial pressure distributionsPolarographic oxygen electrodes19F-NMR spectroscopy

MiscellaneousESR spectroscopyTumour interstitial pressurePhosphorescence imagingHypoxic stress proteins

ESR, electron spin resonance; EF5, a fluorinated derivative ofetanidazole; HPLC, high-pressure liquid chromatography; NMR,nuclear magnetic resonance; PET, positron emissiontomography; PIMO, pimonidazole.

From Horsman et al. (1998) with permission.

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212 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy

● hypoxic markers, based on the observationsthat certain nitro-aromatic compounds arereduced, under hypoxic conditions, to reactivespecies that subsequently bind to hypoxic cellsand then can be identified;

● estimates of tumour oxygen partial pressure(PO2) distributions.

A technique that has received considerableattention has been the use of polarographic oxygenelectrodes for measuring tumour PO2. The popu-larity of this approach came about with the devel-opment of the Eppendorf histograph. This differedfrom older oxygen electrodes in employing morerobust and re-usable electrodes plus an automaticstepping motor, thus making it possible to obtainlarge numbers of oxygen measurements along sev-eral tracks within a short period. Using thismachine a direct relationship between electrodeestimates of tumour oxygenation and the actualpercentage of hypoxic clonogenic (i.e. viable) cellswas found. This is illustrated in Fig. 15.7 in whichthe radiobiological hypoxic fraction, determinedusing a clamped tumour-control assay, was alteredin a C3H mouse mammary carcinoma by allowingthe mice to breathe different gas mixtures. A strongcorrelation was found between radiobiologicalhypoxic fraction and the percentage of measuredPO2 values that were equal to or less than 5 mmHg.

Note, however, that these measurements are withina single-tumour model and thus do not demon-strate that the relationship between oxygen elec-trode measurements and radiobiological hypoxiawill be the same in all tumours. For example, cellsfrom one tumour may be less tolerant to hypoxiathan those from another tumour and thus havereduced viability. In this case, the amount ofhypoxia measured by oxygen electrodes could bethe same in two tumours, whereas the amount ofradiobiological hypoxia could be different (sinceone tumour is less tolerant of hypoxia). The toler-ance of cells to hypoxia is determined by severaloxygen-sensitive biological pathways that are dis-cussed further in Chapter 16. However, oxygenelectrodes have been used to measure PO2 distri-butions in human tumours and in at least two sites(cervical cancers and tumours of the head andneck region) the PO2 measurements have beenrelated to outcome after radiation therapy (Table15.2). In general, good correlations between treat-ment outcome and pretreatment PO2 measure-ments were observed for both tumour types, withthe less well-oxygenated tumours showing thepoorest results.

Evidence that hypoxia exists in human tumoursand can influence radiation response also comesfrom clinical trials in which some form of hypoxicmodification has been attempted and found toimprove tumour response. Using hyperbaric oxy-gen, chemical radiation sensitizers or techniques toimprove oxygen supply, a significant improvementin local tumour control has been seen, particularlyin head and neck cancers (see Chapter 17). This isalso illustrated in Fig. 15.8, in which local–regionalcontrol of tumours is expressed as a function ofpretreatment haemoglobin concentration in maleor female patients treated with radiotherapy forsquamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and phar-ynx. Local tumour control was lower in thosepatients with reduced haemoglobin concentra-tions. Such a reduction in haemoglobin wouldmake less oxygen available to the tumour and thusincrease the level of tumour hypoxia.


The time-course of changes in the radiobiologicalhypoxic fraction of a tumour before and after







Hypoxic fraction (%)

1 10010

CO (220 ppm)

CO (660 ppm)

CO (75 ppm)






t PO

2 va



ow 5



Figure 15.7 Relationship between partial pressure ofoxygen (PO2) electrode measurements and the hypoxicfraction in a C3H mouse mammary carcinoma. Resultswere obtained from normal air-breathing mice, inclamped tumours, and in mice allowed to breathe oxygen,carbogen or various concentrations of carbon monoxide(CO). From Horsman et al. (1993), with permission.

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Reoxygenation 213

irradiation is illustrated in Fig. 15.9. Tumours lessthan 1 mm in diameter have been found to be fullyoxygenated (Stanley et al., 1977). Above this sizethey usually become partially hypoxic. If tumours

are irradiated with a large single dose of radiation,most of the radiosensitive aerobic cells in thetumour will be killed. The cells that survive willpredominantly be hypoxic and therefore the radio-biological hypoxic fraction immediately after irra-diation will be close to 100 per cent (note that theoxygenation status of cells in the tumour has not

Table 15.2 Clinical studies in which Eppendorf estimates of pretreatment partial pressure of oxygen have been relatedto radiotherapy outcome

Study (source) Number of patients Influence of hypoxia

Head and neck cancerAdam et al. (Laryngoscope, 1998) 25 NoBrizel et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1998) 43 Yes

(Radiother Oncol, 1999) 63 YesEschewege et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1997) 35 NoNordsmark et al. (Radiother Oncol, 1996) 35 Yes(Radiother Oncol, 2000) 66 YesRudat et al. (Radiother Oncol, 2001) 41 YesStradler et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1997) 59 Yes

Cancer of the uterine cervixFyles et al. (Radiother Oncol, 1998) 74 YesHoeckel et al. (Cancer Res, 1996) 89* YesKnocke et al. (Radiother Oncol, 1999) 51 YesSundfor et al. (Radiother Oncol, 2000) 40 Yes

*Forty-seven patients received surgery as the primary treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiation.

From M. Nordsmark (unpublished data).

Haemoglobin concentration (mmol/l)5 6 7 8 9 10 11











al c


ol (




Figure 15.8 Local–regional tumour control as afunction of gender and pretreatment haemoglobinvalue in 1112 patients treated with radiotherapy forsquamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and pharynx.From Overgaard (1988), with permission.







Life history of a tumour







Figure 15.9 The time-course of changes in the hypoxicfraction during the life history of a tumour. Smalllesions are well oxygenated but as the tumour growsthe hypoxic fraction rises perhaps in excess of 10 percent. A large, single dose of radiation kills oxic cells andraises the hypoxic fraction. The subsequent fall istermed reoxygenation.

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214 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy

been changed at this point: selective abolition ofcolony-forming ability has led to survivors havinga raised hypoxic fraction). Subsequently, the radio-biological hypoxic fraction falls and approaches itsinitial starting value. This phenomenon is termedreoxygenation and refers specifically to changes inthe hypoxic status of the remaining viable cells (i.e.radiobiological hypoxic fraction). The process ofreoxygenation has been reported to occur in a vari-ety of tumour systems, although the speed ofreoxygenation varies widely, occurring within afew hours in some tumours and taking several daysin others. Furthermore, the final level of hypoxiaafter reoxygenation can also be higher or lowerthan its value before irradiation.

The mechanisms underlying reoxygenation intumours are not fully understood. A number ofcontributing processes are listed in Table 15.3. Ifreoxygenation occurs rapidly then it may becaused by either recirculation of blood throughvessels that were temporarily closed or decreasedcellular respiration (which will increase the oxy-gen diffusion distance). Reoxygenation occurringat longer intervals is probably the result of celldeath leading to tumour shrinkage and a reduc-tion in intercapillary distances, thus allowing oxy-gen to reach hypoxic cells.

Reoxygenation has important implications forsuccessful clinical fractionated radiotherapy.Figure 15.10 illustrates the hypothetical situationin a tumour following fractionated radiationtreatments. In this example (Wouters and Brown,1997), 90 per cent of the viable tumour cells are

considered well oxygenated and 10 per cent areinitially hypoxic. The responses of oxic andhypoxic cells to repeated dose fractions of 2 Gy areillustrated. In this example model, SF2 (survivingfraction at 2 Gy) of 0.47 for the oxic cells has beenassumed with an OER of 2.8 relative to fullyhypoxic cells. If no reoxygenation occurs, theneach successive dose of radiation would beexpected to kill fewer and fewer cells with increas-ing total dose, because the surviving cell populationbecomes dominated by hypoxic cells after onlyabout six fractions. At the end of a 60-Gy treat-ment, the tumour response, measured by �ln(SF),is only about one-third of the response that would

Table 15.3 Mechanisms and time-scales of tumourreoxygenation

Mechanism Time

Recirculation through temporarily Minutesclosed vessels

Reduced respiration rate in Minutes to hoursdamaged cells

Ischaemic death of cells without Hoursreplacement

Mitotic death of irradiated cells HoursCord shrinkage as dead cells Daysare resorbed

No hypoxic cells

Full reoxygenation

No reoxygenation











0 10 20 30 40 50 6010�10

Total dose (2-Gy fractions)



ng fr



Figure 15.10 Calculated cell survival curves followingrepeated 2-Gy fractions of radiotherapy for tumoursinitially containing 90 per cent well-oxygenated cellsand 10 per cent hypoxic cells (upper and middle lines)compared with no hypoxic cells (lower line). The upperline shows the progressive depletion of oxic andhypoxic cells in the absence of reoxygenation. Themiddle line assumes that, after each dose fraction, fullreoxygenation restores the hypoxic fraction to its pre-treatment level. A surviving fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) of0.47 for oxic cells has been assumed with an OER of 2.8 relative to fully hypoxic cells.

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Bibliography 215

be obtained in the absence of hypoxic cells.However, if reoxygenation occurs between frac-tions then the radiation killing of initially hypoxiccells will be greater and the hypoxic cells then haveless impact on response. In the model shown inFig. 15.10, if full reoxygenation takes place so thatthe radiobiological hypoxic fraction returns to 10 per cent before each 2-Gy fraction, the tumourresponse achieved, measured by �ln(SF), exceeds90 per cent of the response that would be obtainedin the absence of hypoxic cells. The existence ofextensive reoxygenation during clinical radiother-apy is supported by the fact that local control canbe achieved in a variety of tumours given fraction-ated radiotherapy with 30–35 fractions of 2 Gy.However, the study of Wouters and Brown (1997)has shown that cells at intermediate levels of oxy-genation (i.e. those with an intermediate OER) canalso cause significant radioresistance during frac-tionated radiotherapy despite extensive reoxy-genation. These cells do not influence the responseto large single doses, which is determined solely bythe most resistant fraction of hypoxic cells.However, they do contribute significantly to theresponse to clinically relevant doses and thereforemay play an additional important role in deter-mining the outcome of fractionated treatment.


The presence of hypoxic cells in tumours not onlyhas a significant impact on radiation therapy,there are also strong indications that these samecells may be responsible for tumour resistance tocertain types of chemotherapy. Evidence fromanimal studies has shown that drugs such asbleomycin, 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate and cis-platinum are less effective at killing tumour cellswhen they are hypoxic than when they are welloxygenated (Grau and Overgaard, 1992). Whetherthis is a consequence of hypoxia per se or becausehypoxic cells are normally distant from blood vessels, thus creating problems for drug delivery,or because such cells are typically non-cycling andexist in areas of low pH (both of which can influ-ence drug activity) has never been fully estab-lished. It is likely that all of these mechanismscontribute to resistance in vivo.


Denekamp J (1989). Physiological hypoxia and itsinfluence on radiotherapy. In: Steel GG, Adams GE,Horwich A (eds) The biological basis of radiotherapy,2nd edn. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 115–34.

Grau C, Overgaard J (1992). Effect of etoposide,carmustine, vincristine, 5-fluorouracil, ormethotrexate on radiobiologically oxic and hypoxiccells in a C3H mouse mammary carcinoma in situ.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 30: 277–80.

Gray LH, Conger AD, Ebert M, Hornsey S, Scott OC(1953). The concentration of oxygen dissolved intissues at the time of irradiation as a factor inradiotherapy. Br J Radiol 26: 638–48.

Hall EJ (1988). Radiobiology for the radiologist, 3rd edn.Philadelphia: Lippincott.

Hill RP, Bush RS, Yeung P (1971). The effect of anaemiaon the fraction of hypoxic cells in an experimentaltumour. Br J Radiol 44: 299–304.

Horsman MR (1998). Measurement of tumoroxygenation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 42: 701–4.

Key points

1. Hypoxic cells are much less sensitive toradiation than well-oxygenated cells.

2. Hypoxic cells occur in most animal andhuman tumours; they are believed to be animportant cause of treatment failure afterradiotherapy, especially using a small num-ber of large-dose fractions.

3. Hypoxia in tumours can be chronic oracute, for which the underlying mecha-nisms differ. Attempts to eliminate radio-resistant tumour cells require treatmentsthat are effective against each of these typesof hypoxia.

4. Reoxygenation has been shown to occur inanimal tumours; some tumours reoxy-genate rapidly, others more slowly. The evi-dence for reoxygenation in human tumoursis less direct.

5. Hypoxic cells in tumours are also known tobe resistant to certain chemotherapeuticagents.

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216 The oxygen effect and fractionated radiotherapy

Horsman MR, Khalil AA, Nordsmark M, Grau C,Overgaard J (1993). Relationship betweenradiobiological hypoxia and direct estimates oftumour oxygenation in a mouse tumour model.Radiother Oncol 28: 69–71.

Horsman MR, Nordsmark M, Overgaard J (1998).Techniques to assess the oxygenation of humantumors – state of the art. Strahlenther Onkol174(Suppl 4): 2–5.

Howard-Flanders P, Moore D (1958). The time intervalafter pulsed irradiation within which injury tobacteria can be modified by dissolved oxygen. I. Asearch for an effect of oxygen 0.02 second afterpulsed irradiation. Radiat Res 9: 422–37.

Koch CJ, Stobbe CC, Bump EA (1984). The effect on theKm for radiosensitization at 0°C of thiol depletion bydiethylmaleate pretreatment: quantitativedifferences found using the radiation sensitizingagent misonidazole or oxygen. Radiat Res 98:141–53.

Michael BD, Adams GE, Hewitt HB, Jones WB, Watts ME(1973). A posteffect of oxygen in irradiated bacteria:a submillisecond fast mixing study. Radiat Res 54:239–51.

Overgaard J (1988). The influence of haemoglobinconcentration on the response to radiotherapy.Scand J Clin Lab Invest 48(Suppl 189): 49–53.

Palcic B, Skarsgard LD (1984). Reduced oxygenenhancement ratio at low doses of ionizingradiation. Radiat Res 100: 328–39.

Stanley JA, Shipley WU, Steel GG (1977). Influence oftumour size on hypoxic fraction and therapeuticsensitivity of Lewis lung tumour. Br J Cancer 36:105–13.

Tannock IF (1968). The relation between cellproliferation and the vascular system in atransplanted mouse mammary tumour. Br J Cancer22: 258–73.

Thomlinson RH, Gray LH (1955). The histologicalstructure of some human lung cancers and thepossible implications for radiotherapy. Br J Cancer 9:539–49.

Whillans DW, Hunt JW (1982). A rapid-mixingcomparison of the mechanisms of radiosensitizationby oxygen and misonidazole in CHO cells. Radiat Res90: 126–41.

Wouters BG, Brown JM (1997). Cells at intermediateoxygen levels can be more important than the‘hypoxic fraction’ in determining tumor response tofractionated radiotherapy. Radiat Res 147: 541–50.

Wright EA, Howard-Flanders P (1957). The influence ofoxygen on the radiosensitivity of mammaliantissues. Acta Radiol 48: 26–32.


Brown JM (1979). Evidence for acutely hypoxic cells inmouse tumours, and a possible mechanism ofreoxygenation. Br J Radiol 52: 650–6.

Bussink J, Kaanders JH, van der Kogel AJ (2003). Tumorhypoxia at the micro-regional level: clinicalrelevance and predictive value of exogenous andendogenous hypoxic cell markers. Radiother Oncol67: 3–15.

Chaplin DJ, Durand RE, Olive PL (1986). Acute hypoxiain tumors: implications for modifiers of radiationeffects. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 12: 1279–82.

Chapman JD (1984). The detection and measurement ofhypoxic cells in solid tumors. Cancer 54: 2441–9.

Horsman MR, Bohm L, Margison GP et al. (2006). Tumorradiosensitizers – current status of development ofvarious approaches: report of an InternationalAtomic Energy Agency meeting. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 64: 551–61.

Kallman RF, Rockwell S (1977). Effects of radiation onanimal tumor models. In: Becker FF (eds) Cancer: acomprehensive treatise, Vol. 6. New York: PlenumPress, 225–79,

Moulder JE, Rockwell S (1984). Hypoxic fractions ofsolid tumors: experimental techniques, methods ofanalysis, and a survey of existing data. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 10: 695–712.

Overgaard J (1989). Sensitization of hypoxic tumourcells – clinical experience. Int J Radiat Biol 56:801–11.

Vaupel P, Kallinowski F, Okunieff P (1989). Blood flow,oxygen and nutrient supply, and metabolicmicroenvironment of human tumors: a review.Cancer Res 49: 6449–65.

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γH2AX 53BP1 Merge


Time after 2 Gy (hours)NIR 0.5 4 24








i per





y 30

Figure 2.4 Examples of ionizing radiation-induced nuclear foci. Unirradiated and irradiated (2 Gy) cells have beenfixed and stained with antibodies that recognize γH2AX and 53BP1, two proteins that interact at sites of DNA damageto form foci after induction of DNA double-strand breaks. These foci form rapidly and then resolve, consistent with thekinetics of DNA double-strand break rejoining. Photographs courtesy of Farid Jallai and Rob Bristow, Princess MargaretHospital.

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Figure 16.2 (a) Multimarker grey-scale image of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma MEC82 grown as xenograft,with vasculature (white), Hoechst 33342 (blue) staining nuclei of cells adjacent to perfused vessel, first hypoxia marker(pimonidazole, green), and second hypoxia marker (CCI-103F, red). Spatial co-localization of both markers (red andgreen) appears as yellow. At an injection interval of 2 hours, most of the hypoxic cells were labelled by both the firstand second hypoxia markers. Acute (or transient) hypoxia is illustrated as an area that was not hypoxic at the time ofthe injection of the first marker but had become hypoxic at the time of the second hypoxia marker injection (red only).From Ljungkvist et al. (2007). (b) Grayscale image of C38 murine colon carcinoma, showing vessels (red) and hypoxiastained by pimonidazole (green). From van Laarhoven et al. (2004).

Figure 16.4 Composite binary image of a larger tumour area of the same tumour shown in Fig. 16.1a.

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(g) (h)

SCCNij 51 SCCNij 58

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Raw image


Image segmentation

Figure 16.11 Different expression of hypoxia markers in two human squamous cell carcinoma xenograft models(SCCNij51 and SCCNij58). The images show the differences in localization of the exogenous marker pimonidazole(a and b) compared with three endogenous hypoxic markers: CAIX (c, d), GLUT-1 (e, f) and GLUT-3 (g, h) (all in green),relative to the vasculature (in red). From Rademakers et al. (2008 in press).

Figure 20.3 Comparison between a threshold-based and a gradient-based method for the automatic segmentation of a head and neck tumour during radiotherapy. The image is intrinsically noisier because of peritumoural radiation-induced mucositis. The gradient-based method led to a more specific tumour segmentation.

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P P152152

Figure 20.4 Patient with a T4-N0-M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx. The patient was treated using asimultaneous integrated boost approach delivering a dose of 55.5 Gy (30 fractions of 1.85 Gy) to the prophylacticplanning target volume (PTV; delineated in dark blue) and a dose of 69 Gy (30 fractions of 2.3 Gy) to the therapeuticPTV (delineated in dark green). Comparison between a pretreatment computed tomography (CT)-based plan (left) andadaptive fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)-based plan (right). On both plans, only the CT-based PTVs are depicted. A FDG-PET examination was performed before treatment and at 16 Gy, 24 Gy, 34 Gy and44 Gy. The dose distribution was adapted to the progressive reduction of the FDG-PET gross tumour volume (GTV).

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 20.5 This example illustrates the role of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) fordelineating the volume of a lung cancer. The images represent saggital (a) and axial (c) slices of a patient with a lungcancer located in the left hilar region, with retro-obstructive atelectasis of the entire left lung, associated with a majorpleural effusion. The metabolic information provided by FDG-PET (b, d) shows that the tumour tissue is strictly located tothe hilum. The delineation of the tumour margins is easier and more accurate with the help of FDG-PET, allowing for asignificant modification of the target volume.

Page 233: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

The tumour microenvironment and cellularhypoxia responsesBRADLY G. WOUTERS AND MARIANNE KORITZINSKY

16.1 Oxygenation patterns of tumours 21716.2 The heterogeneity of tumour hypoxia 21816.3 Hypoxia and its association with the

malignant phenotype 22416.4 Hypoxia and tumour malignancy 22516.5 Hypoxia response pathways 22616.6 Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF): the

master transcriptional regulator of hypoxic responses 227

16.7 Hypoxia and protein synthesis 229Key points 231Bibliography 231Further reading 232



The steady-state oxygen concentration in tissues isdetermined by the balance between oxygen supplyand demand. Oxygen is supplied from the blood,mainly in a form that is bound to haemoglobin inred blood cells and is consumed by cells primarilythrough a process called oxidative phosphoryla-tion. In this process, mitochondria use oxygen asthe terminal electron acceptor in a cascade ofreactions called the electron transport chain.Here, nutrients are oxidized to produce the cellu-lar energy currency ATP (adenosine triphos-phate). Oxidative phosphorylation plays a veryimportant role in energy production by extractingthe maximum amount of energy from cellularnutrients. For example, a molecule of glucose canproduce as much as 38 molecules of ATP underconditions where oxygen is present (oxidative res-piration) but only two molecules of ATP whenoxygen is absent (anaerobic glycolysis). The con-sumption of oxygen in this process gives rise to a

limited ability of oxygen to diffuse through unvas-cularized tissues. Estimates of the oxygen diffu-sion distance ranges from 75 to 200 μm dependingon the actual respiration rate (oxygen consump-tion rate) of the tissue in question.

The oxygen concentration of most normal tis-sues is stably maintained at around 5–7 per cent.When oxygen concentrations drop to 3 per cent orbelow, the tissue is considered hypoxic. Below thisvalue, oxygen deprivation then leads to the activa-tion of several different biological pathways thatserve to alter the behaviour or ‘phenotype’ of thecell. Many of these pathways are activated to allowadaptation of the cell or the tissue to the stressassociated with oxygen deprivation. For example,these pathways can increase the capacity foranaerobic glycolysis (to maintain energy produc-tion), mediate changes in blood flow, and stimu-late angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth) toincrease the oxygen supply to the tissue. For themost part, these pathways operate both in normaltissues and in tumours. Numerous studies havedemonstrated the presence of hypoxic cells in

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218 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses

human tumours and, furthermore, show that oxy-genation patterns are highly heterogeneous(Magagnin et al., 2006).

Two distinct mechanisms causetumour hypoxia

The rapid and uncontrolled proliferation of tumourcells often results in a demand for oxygen thatexceeds the capacity of the vascular network.Although the resulting hypoxia may stimulatetumour angiogenesis (through mechanismsdescribed below), the developing vessels are oftenstill unable to provide adequate oxygenation for therapidly proliferating tumour. Thus, although angio-genesis becomes a ‘hallmark’ of cancer, hypoxictumour areas remain a common feature through-out the lifetime of the tumour. The lack of sufficientnumbers of tumour blood vessels gives rise to oneof the two main causes of hypoxia in humantumours known as ‘chronic’ or ‘diffusion-limited’hypoxia. In this type of hypoxia, individual perfusedvessels are characterized by a gradient of oxygena-tion surrounding them. Diffusion-limited hypoxiain tumours was first documented in 1955(Thomlinson and Gray, 1955; see Chapter 15) andits presence indicates the existence of cells at all pos-sible oxygen concentrations ranging from anoxia atdistal locations to normal values next to the vessels.

In some situations, hypoxic cells can also befound much closer to blood vessels than would beexpected from diffusion limitations. This observa-tion reflects the poor functionality of tumour vas-culature, which is characterized by being highlytortuous and poorly organized (Fig. 16.1). Tumourvessels are often immature, leaky, lack smoothmuscle cells, and have structural abnormalitiesincluding blind ends and arterial–venous shuntsthat together result in unstable blood flow, thecause of what is termed ‘acute’or ‘perfusion-limited’hypoxia. Perfusion-limited hypoxia is character-ized by rapidly changing oxygen concentrations inareas where blood flow through the vessel is unsta-ble (Lanzen et al., 2006). As a result, cells may beexposed to oxygen concentrations that vary tran-siently between normal (well perfused) and anoxia(complete vessel blockage) and anywhere inbetween. Examples of perfusion (acute) and

diffusion (chronic) hypoxia observed in experi-mental tumour models are shown in Fig. 16.2.


Heterogeneity in severity (oxygenconcentration)

Limitations in diffusion and in perfusion give riseto tumour cells at widely different oxygen levels.As cells are pushed away from blood vessels by theproliferation of cells close to the vessel, they expe-rience a steady decline in oxygen availability.Eventually, these cells may reach distances wherethe oxygen concentration drops to zero and theycan then die and contribute to the necrotic areasin the tumour. Diffusion-limited hypoxia, there-fore, is characterized by an oxygen gradient wherecells exist at all possible oxygen concentrationsfrom normoxic to anoxic. Similarly, the limita-tions in perfusion that give rise to acute hypoxiacan be complete or partial, resulting in surround-ing tumour cells at varying oxygen tensions. As aresult, both mechanisms of tumour hypoxia areexpected to produce cells at a wide range of oxy-gen concentrations. Consistent with this predic-tion, direct measurements made in patients usingpolarographic oxygen electrodes have demon-strated the presence of a large range of oxygenconcentrations. Vaupel and Hoeckel were amongthe first to use this technique in the clinic and anexample of their data from a series of breast can-cers and normal tissues is shown in Fig. 16.3.Immunohistological staining of tumour sectionsalso reveals variable degrees of staining intensities that reflect the presence of cells at awide range of oxygen concentrations (Fig. 16.2).

The fact that tumours contain cells at manydifferent oxygen concentrations is an importantfactor to consider when assessing the conse-quences of tumour hypoxia. In fact, the term‘hypoxia’ is rather ill-defined and can refer to dif-ferent cell populations in different contexts. Asdiscussed in Chapter 15, hypoxia-associatedradioresistance results from the participation ofoxygen in radiochemical events that take placeimmediately after irradiation. Thus, we can think

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The heterogeneity of tumour hypoxia 219

of ‘radiobiological hypoxia’ as oxygen concentra-tions below those causing maximum resistance toradiation, about 0.02 per cent. However, oxygenalso influences a number of biological responsesthat are controlled by several distinct molecularpathways. The sensitivity of these molecular pathways to oxygen deprivation can be very differ-ent from the relationship between oxygen concentration and radiosensitivity. For example,

activation of some molecular pathways reaches amaximum at much more moderate hypoxia(around 1–2 per cent O2). These biologicalresponses may in turn affect many tumour prop-erties that are important for treatment outcome,including the response to radiation. Therefore, therelevant fraction of hypoxic cells may be consider-ably different from the radiobiological hypoxicfraction.







Figure 16.1 Scanning electron micrographs of vascular corrosion casts of murine carcinomas (CaX and CaNT) andsarcoma (SaS) grown subcutaneously in mice. Photomicrographs on the left represent low magnifications (bars �

500 μm) and photomicrographs on the right represent high magnifications (bars � 100 μm). From Konerding et al.(1999), with permission. See colour plate section for full colour images.

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The heterogeneity of tumour hypoxia 221

defined the radiobiological hypoxic fraction as the fraction of viable radiation-resistant hypoxiccells. For assessments made by oxygen electrodes,the hypoxic fraction is usually defined as the frac-tion of measurements below some arbitrary lowvalue of oxygen partial pressure, often 5 or10 mmHg. For immunohistochemical detectionwith hypoxic markers (e.g. the nitroimidazoles),the hypoxic fraction is typically calculated as thefraction of cells that reach a certain threshold ofstaining intensity. In either case, the values arrivedat are typically interpreted as a surrogate for theradiobiological hypoxic fraction. It is importantto realize that because these thresholds are arbi-trary and do not distinguish clonogenic fromnon-clonogenic cells, these two techniques willnot necessarily give similar results and may noteven correlate with each other. Furthermore whenused in this way, both of these methods ignorepotentially important hypoxic cells that lie abovethe threshold and, perhaps even more impor-tantly, the variation in oxygen concentrationsfound within the tumour.

Heterogeneity in space

Hypoxia arising from either diffusion or perfusionlimitations also gives rise to substantial intra-tumour heterogeneity in space. This spatial hetero-geneity exists at the cellular level and is beautifullyillustrated in immunologically stained tumoursections that cover a large area of the tumour (seeFig. 16.2, 16.4 and 16.11). This staining demon-strates the existence of steep oxygen gradients overdistances of only a few cell diameters, contrastingwith the common misconception that hypoxia isfound mainly in the ‘cores’ of large tumours. Inreality, hypoxia has the potential to exist aroundevery blood vessel in the tumour and thus has no

Figure 16.2 (a) Multimarker greyscale image of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma MEC82 grown as xenograft, withvasculature (white), Hoechst 33342 (blue) staining nuclei of cells adjacent to perfused vessel, first hypoxia marker(pimonidazole, green), and second hypoxia marker (CCI-103F, red). Spatial co-localization of both markers (red andgreen) appears as yellow. At an injection interval of 2 hours, most of the hypoxic cells were labelled by both the firstand second hypoxia markers. Acute (or transient) hypoxia is illustrated as an area that was not hypoxic at the time ofthe injection of the first marker but had become hypoxic at the time of the second hypoxia marker injection (red only).From Ljungkvist et al. (2007), with permission. (b) Grayscale image of C38 murine colon carcinoma, showing vessels(red) and hypoxia stained by pimonidazole (green). From van Laarhoven et al. (2004), with permission from Elsevier. See colour plate section for full colour images.






00 20 40 60 80 100

0 20 40 60 80 100





Oxygen partial pressure (mmHg)

(T 1�4)

N � 16



e fr






e fr




N � 15n � 1068

Median PO2 � 30 mmHg

n � 1009Median PO2 � 65 mmHg



Figure 16.3 Frequency distributions of oxygen partialpressures for normal breast tissue (a) and breastcancers (b). Measurements were performed with apolarographic O2-sensitive needle electrode withmultiple recordings along three tracks for each patient.N, number of patients; n, number of measurements.From Vaupel et al. (1991), with permission.

Despite this confusion about the definition ofhypoxia, it has become commonplace in clinicalsituations to try to define the level of tumourhypoxia by a single number, the so-called hypoxicfraction. In Chapter 15, we emphasized theimportance of considering cell viability and we

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222 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses

association with tumour size. The misconceptionof ‘central tumour hypoxia’ may stem from thecommon observation of central necrotic regions in human tumour xenografts grown in mice.However, in human tumours, hypoxia typicallyexists throughout the tumour volume, albeit atgreater levels in certain tumour regions.

The extent of spatial oxygen heterogeneity alsohas implications for the way in which tumourhypoxia is evaluated in the clinic. It is important to obtain a sufficient number of measurements indifferent parts of the tumour in order to get a pic-ture of the overall level of hypoxia and its variation,a task that is difficult with immunohistochemicaltechniques that are often limited to small biopsies.In this situation, one is forced to assume that thebiopsy is representative of the overall tumour. Thismay often not be the case, as demonstrated by non-invasive imaging of positron emission tomography(PET) labelled hypoxia probes (e.g. misonidazole)that are able to assess the entire tumour volume.These PET images often show macroscopic ‘hotspots’ where hypoxia is more common.

Measurements in the clinic using oxygen probesare performed along more than one track in thetumour, with several samplings along each track.This gives rise to a frequency histogram that shouldreasonably reflect the overall distribution of oxygen

values. However, a word of caution is appropriatehere since not only does this technique lose all spa-tial information, but each measurement made bythe oxygen electrode represents an average concen-tration over a volume that contains severalhundred cells. It is likely that oxygen gradients existeven within these volumes. Consequently, theactual cellular oxygen concentration will not be thesame as that measured by the electrode. This ‘aver-aging’ problem is even greater with non-invasivetechniques to image hypoxia. In this case, eachimaging voxel can contain thousands or millions ofcells. The limitations of all methods to reflect thetrue spatial heterogeneity (microscopic or macro-scopic) is something that needs to be considered inthe ongoing efforts to target radiotherapy specifi-cally to hypoxic areas in tumours. Although areaswith a larger proportion of hypoxic cells can receivehigher doses, it will never be possible to specificallytarget all hypoxic tumour cells.

Heterogeneity in time

The biological consequences of hypoxia are influenced not only by the severity of oxygen deprivation, but also by the length of time thatcells are exposed to this stress. If we consider diffusion-limited hypoxia, the oxygen concentra-tion is expected to decrease as a function of dis-tance away from the vessel. Owing to cellularproliferation in well-oxygenated areas close to thevessel, individual cells within a diffusion-limitedgradient experience a slow decline in oxygen con-centration over time as they are gradually pushedaway from the vessel. The rate at which cells movethrough this gradient, and thus the length ofexposure to various oxygen concentrations, isdetermined by the rate of cell proliferation. Thiscan vary dramatically from one tumour toanother, and even within different regions of thesame tumour. Consequently, the lifetime ofhypoxic tumour cells ranges from hours to days.

Much more rapid and dramatic oxygen fluctu-ations can occur as a result of limited perfusion asa vessel shuts down or reopens. Transient hypoxiahas been convincingly demonstrated using severaldifferent methods in experimental tumours. Forexample, serial administration of two different

Figure 16.4 Composite binary image of a largertumour area of the same tumour shown in Fig. 16.2a.See colour plate section for full colour image.

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The heterogeneity of tumour hypoxia 223

hypoxia-specific markers analysed by immunohis-tochemistry identifies cells that stain for only oneof the two markers (Fig 16.2 and Fig 16.4). Thisindicates that these cells were sufficiently hypoxicat one of the times to stain for hypoxia, but not atthe other. Similarly, if a hypoxia marker is admin-istered in a short pulse (1 hour), a much smallernumber of cells are labelled than when it is givenfor a longer period of time (Fig. 16.5). This is dueto the fact that many cells are only transientlyhypoxic during this period. Continuous record-ings from spatially fixed oxygen probes have alsodirectly demonstrated temporal fluctuations inoxygenation (Lanzen et al., 2006). The results fromthese studies indicate that a substantial proportionof tumour cells experience transient periods ofhypoxia lasting less than 1 hour.

The potentially rapid changes in oxygenationassociated with perfusion-limited hypoxia presentan additional problem associated with attempts tomeasure oxygenation in patient tumours. Suchmeasurements are typically made only once, andit is unclear how representative they are of theactual oxygenation during treatment.

Heterogeneity amongst patients

Although there is large intratumour spatial andtemporal heterogeneity, the variability in oxygena-tion between different tumours is even greater.Tumours with similar clinical characteristics candisplay very different patterns and overall levels ofhypoxia at any given time. Figure 16.6 illustratesthis fact using data obtained from a group of cervi-cal tumours whose oxygenation status was deter-mined using an oxygen electrode (Nordsmark et al.,2006). In these cases, the hypoxic fraction within atumour was defined as the percentage of oxygenreadings which were less than 5 mmHg. Definedin this way, the hypoxic fraction of individualtumours ranged from 0 to 100 per cent across 105cervical cancers. About half of the tumours hadhypoxic fractions above 50 per cent.

The heterogeneity in oxygenation among differ-ent patients is one of the features of tumourhypoxia that makes it so interesting to study.Because oxygenation differs markedly amongpatients, it can be used as a factor to categorize oth-erwise similarly presenting patients into different





0 2 4 6 8



t pim



d ce


Time (hours)

Figure 16.5 Percentage of SiHa tumour cells (humancervical squamous carcinoma) labelled with pimonidazole(pimo) as a function of labelling time. Tumours weregrown subcutaneously in mice which were administeredpimo by i.p. injection hourly before tumour excision.Tumours were processed to a single-cell suspension andthe pimonidazole signal detected by flow cytometry.From Bennewith and Durand (2004), with permission.












Hypoxia by Eppendorf electrodes







Figure 16.6 Cumulative frequency of tumouroxygenation in 105 patients with primary uterinecervical cancer. Measurements were performed with apolarographic O2-sensitive needle electrode withmultiple recordings along three tracks for each patient.The percentage of measurements �5 mmHg (HP5) wasused as a parameter for tumour oxygenation status.Adapted from Nordsmark et al. (2006), with permission.

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224 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses

prognostic subgroups that may receive differenttreatment. Indeed, a recent multicentre meta-analysis identified the hypoxic fraction measuredby oxygen electrodes as the most significant nega-tive prognostic factor in radiotherapy-treated headand neck cancer (Fig. 16.7).






00 1 2 3

Less hypoxic

More hypoxicOve






Follow-up (years)

Figure 16.7 Overall survival rate for 397 patients withprimary head and neck cancers. Measurements wereperformed with polarographic O2-sensitive needleelectrodes with multiple recordings along �5 tracksfor each patient. Thin and bold lines represent patientswith less or more hypoxic tumours, respectively. Morehypoxia was defined as a patient having more than 19 per cent of measurements yielding less than 2.5 mmHgO2. From Nordsmark et al. (2005), with permission.


Log-rank p � 0.0107

PO2 � 10 mmHgn � 22

PO2 10 mmHgn � 25






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Time (months)








Figure 16.8 Overall survival probabilityfor 47 patients with uterine cervixcancer treated with primary surgery.Measurements were performed withpolarographic O2-sensitive needleelectrodes with multiple recordingsalong two tracks for each patient. Full orbroken lines represent patients withmedian partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)higher or lower than 10 mmHgrespectively. From Hoeckel et al. (1996),with permission.


The long-standing interest in tumour hypoxiawithin the radiation oncology community stemsprimarily from its association with radioresis-tance (see Chapter 15) and this aspect certainlyremains an important contributor to patientresponse in the clinic (Tatum et al., 2006).However, clinical studies also support a role forhypoxia that is unrelated to treatment sensitivity.For example, in a study of uterine cervix cancerstreated with surgery alone, patients with morehypoxic tumours had poorer disease-free andoverall survival and more frequent parametrialspread as well as lymph–vascular space involve-ment (Fig. 16.8). This study, albeit small, indicatedthat hypoxic tumours are somehow biologicallydifferent from well-oxygenated tumours.Similarly, several clinical studies have demon-strated that hypoxia is a strong predictor for thepresence of distant metastasis (e.g. Brizel et al.,1996).

Although a correlation between hypoxia andtumour progression, infiltration and metastasis hasbeen established, these correlative studies cannotaddress whether this is a cause-and-effect relation-ship. In other words, is the increased malignancy aresult of tumour hypoxia or is tumour hypoxia a

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Hypoxia and tumour malignancy 225

consequence of a more malignant tumour? This isnot an easy question to answer and there is evi-dence supporting both of these possibilities.


Data from the laboratory and experimental tumourmodels indicate that hypoxia influences malignancythrough at least three distinct mechanisms. The firstis through the activation of physiological responsesthat facilitate adaptation to low oxygen, for exampleby increasing the rates of anaerobic glycolysis andangiogenesis. The second occurs by providing anadverse environment that allows the selection andoutgrowth of cells that have increased tolerance tohypoxia and possibly other forms of stress. Finally,hypoxia has been shown to alter DNA repair capac-ity and to promote genomic instability in ways thatcan accelerate tumourigenesis.

Hypoxia-driven adaptation

During evolution, organisms have developed anumber of different pathways whose function isto allow adaptation to low oxygen availability(Harris, 2002). Adaptation occurs at the cellular,tissue and whole-animal level. For example,hypoxia associated with high altitude causesincreased production of erythropoietin (EPO),which stimulates uptake of oxygen by promotingthe differentiation of red blood cells and synthesisof the oxygen carrier haemoglobin as well asendothelial cell proliferation. Similarly, duringheavy exercise, oxygen consumption may exceedsupply in muscle and cause hypoxia. The musclecells respond to hypoxia by increasing their capac-ity to carry out anaerobic metabolism in order toproduce sufficient ATP. The byproduct of anaero-bic metabolism is lactate which causes pain in themuscles, a signal that exercise should be reduced.Hypoxia is also a powerful regulator of angiogen-esis in both tumours and normal tissues. In fact,cellular responses to hypoxia play a fundamentalrole in controlling normal development of ourvascular system.

Increased red blood cell and haemoglobin pro-duction, anaerobic metabolism and angiogenesis

are adaptive processes that act to improve cellularoxygen supply and maintain energy homeostasis.Cancer cells use these same physiological responsepathways to support the growth and spread oftumours. They switch to glycolysis for energy pro-duction and stimulate angiogenesis to improve oxy-genation. In many cases, cancer cells have evenundergone genetic alterations that allow them tohijack physiological responses to hypoxia, and theyexhibit high rates of anaerobic metabolism andangiogenesis even during well-oxygenated condi-tions. This can occur through mutations in genesthat regulate the hypoxic molecular response path-ways to render them constitutively ‘on’ even duringaerobic conditions. As noted above, however,tumour hypoxia persists despite high tumour vas-cularization, owing to poor organization and func-tionality of these vessels.

Hypoxia-driven selection ofmalignant cells

Despite adaptation, oxygen deficiency ultimatelybecomes toxic and results in cell death if it is severeand long-lasting. In a normal organism, this toxic-ity is often dealt with in a controlled manner by theinduction of a highly regulated death processtermed apoptosis. In this regard, the adverse clini-cal effect of tumour hypoxia may seem surprising,since one might expect hypoxia itself to be toxic tothe tumour cells. Unfortunately, tumour cells aregenerally tolerant to hypoxia. This is partlybecause they often have mutations in genes thatregulate apoptosis. In fact, hypoxia itself can evokeselection pressure against apoptosis-susceptiblecells and thereby also promote the overall malig-nant potential of the tumour.

This principle of hypoxia-mediated selectionhas been elegantly illustrated in an experimentwhere rare cells that lack the tumour suppressorgene p53 (p53 knockout cells) are mixed withidentical cells where p53 is functional and thenexposed to periods of hypoxia (Graeber et al.,1996). p53 is required for the induction of apop-tosis in response to many stimuli, includinghypoxia, and the knockout cells are thereforeresistant to apoptosis. In the mixing experiment,the cells with functional p53 die during oxygen

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226 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses

deficiency, while the p53 knockout cells survive.The p53 knockout cells thus rapidly outgrow theircounterparts and eventually dominate the cellpopulation (Fig. 16.9). One can easily envisagethis selection process occurring in a geneticallyunstable tumour. Single cells with random muta-tions that cause tolerance to hypoxia will have agrowth advantage and expand relative to the othercells. Thus, hypoxia can act as a strong selectiveforce during tumour development.

The selection of cells with increased hypoxiatolerance can occur through a number of differentways affecting various molecular pathways.Importantly, the genetic alterations selected for byhypoxia may also render the cells resistant to otherforms of stress. Consequently a high level oftumour hypoxia may indicate that the tumourcells not only have a unique ability to surviveagainst hypoxic exposure, but also an increasedability to survive during radiotherapy or otherforms of cancer treatment. In other words,hypoxia can co-select highly resistant or highlymalignant cells.

Hypoxia and genetic instability

Tumour progression is linked to the acquisition ofa series of genetic changes and development ofcancer is often accelerated by genetic instability(Bristow and Hill, 2008). Increased genetic insta-bility can occur through mutations in genes thatare responsible for the correct repair of damagedDNA, but may also occur during conditions of cellstress including hypoxia. Reporter gene andgenomic minisatellite assays have shown that cells

have increased mutation frequency and geneticinstability when grown in the microenvironmentof tumours compared with growth in vitro.Hypoxia and reoxygenation also causes aberrantDNA synthesis, leading to over-replication andgene amplification, which are other frequentalterations observed in cancer cells. Cycling oxy-genation has particularly been linked to DNAdamage through the production of reactive oxy-gen species (ROS) upon reoxygenation. This isaccompanied by reduced expression of DNArepair genes under subsequent hypoxic conditionsand functional decreases in the nucleotide exci-sion repair (NER), mismatch repair (MMR) andhomologous recombination (HR) pathways.


Since hypoxia response pathways contribute toboth hypoxia tolerance and overall malignancy,there is great interest in understanding theseresponses at the molecular level. Ultimately, thisknowledge should lead to the development ofhypoxia-specific biomarkers and new moleculartargeting agents that can be tested in the clinic.Many of the biological changes that occur duringhypoxia result from changes in gene expression, aprocess that is affected at many different levels,including chromatin remodelling, transcription,mRNA modification, mRNA translation and pro-tein modifications. Although there are exampleswhere hypoxia can affect gene expression at all ofthese levels, two in particular have emerged asimportant regulators of the biological changes




Cell withmutationin p53


in hypoxicareas

Figure 16.9 Selection of apoptosis-resistant cells in a hypoxic microenvironment. Early in tumour genesis, apoptosis-susceptible cells die rapidly if they experience hypoxia. In the genetically unstable tumour, a clonal mutation in anapoptosis gene (e.g. p53) arises that makes a cell resistant to hypoxia-induced death. Owing to its extended lifespan,this clone expands relative to the wild-type cells and eventually its progeny dominate the tumour mass.

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Hypoxia-inducible factor 227

caused by hypoxia. These are changes in tran-scription and changes in mRNA translation.


Many of the known changes in biology that occurduring hypoxia in humans and other organismsare controlled by the activation of the HIF familyof transcription factors (Semenza, 2007b). This issummarized in Fig. 16.10. The most widelyexpressed family member is HIF-1, although HIF-2 also functions in various cell types. Both HIF-1and HIF-2 have similar functions and they regu-late the transcriptional induction of more than100 different known genes during hypoxia. TheseHIF targets regulate several important processesincluding erythropoiesis, metabolism, angiogene-sis, invasion, proliferation and cell survival.

The HIF transcription factors consist of a con-stitutively expressed HIF-1β subunit, and an oxygen-sensitive HIF-1α or HIF-2α subunit.When oxygen is present, HIF-1α and HIF-2α aresynthesized normally, but are unstable anddegraded with a half-life of only about 5 min.Their degradation occurs because during aerobicconditions two proline amino acids are hydroxy-lated by enzymes known as the HIF PHDs (prolyl

hydroxylases) that use molecular oxygen as acofactor. When they are hydroxylated, HIF-1α andHIF-2α are recognized by the von Hippel–Lindau(VHL) protein and targeted for ubiquitination anddegradation. Under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1αand HIF-2α cannot be hydroxylated and thus arenot recognized by VHL. This leads to their stabi-lization, allowing them to bind the HIF-1β subunitand activate gene transcription. Interestingly, thePHDs are themselves HIF transcriptional targets,thus establishing a negative feedback loop follow-ing the activation of HIF.

HIF activity as a hypoxia biomarker

The reduction in oxygen concentration required tostabilize and activate HIF is much less than thatnecessary to induce radioresistance. The depend-ency of HIF on oxygen concentration is deter-mined by the enzymes that hydroxylate HIF-1αand HIF-2α. The HIF PHDs have a comparativelyhigh Km for oxygen. Thus, HIF becomes activewhen oxygen concentrations drop to only 1 or 2 per cent oxygen – a level that would cause virtuallyno increase in radioresistance. Consequently, thefraction of cells expressing HIF or HIF-dependentgenes in a tumour can be significantly greater thanthe fraction of radiation-resistant cells. This is animportant consideration in clinical studies that






HIF-1 targets







Tumour growthand spread



Figure 16.10 The regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). Duringnormoxia, HIF-1α is hydroxylated by thePHD enzymes. This makes it a substratefor VHL–mediated proteasomaldegradation. In the absence of oxygen,HIF-1α is stabilized and can dimerizewith its partner HIF-1β to form thetranscription factor HIF-1. This factorbinds hypoxia–responsive elements (HRE)in the promoter of its target genes,resulting in increased transcription. Thesetarget genes regulate angiogenesis,metabolism and metastasis.

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228 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses







(g) (h)

SCCNij 51 SCCNij 58

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Hypoxia and protein synthesis 229

have investigated so-called ‘endogenous’ hypoxiamarkers. Several HIF target genes, including car-bonic anhydrase 9 (CA9), glucose transporter 1 or3 (GLUT-1, GLUT-3) and vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) have been used in studies toassess hypoxia. These markers are assessing HIFactivity and thus reflect the type of hypoxia neces-sary to activate it. One should not expect that thiswill necessarily also reflect the radiobiologicalhypoxic fraction or the hypoxic fraction measuredthrough other methods (Fig 16.11).

Although HIF is controlled primarily throughoxygen, several common genetic alterations incancer result in hypoxia-independent regulationof HIF-1α. VHL is a classic tumour suppressorgene, and its loss prevents degradation of HIF-1αand HIF-2α. Consequently, VHL-deficienttumours show constitutive HIF activity, andgreatly enhanced angiogenesis. Oncogenic activa-tion of the PI3-kinase and Ras pathways has alsobeen reported to influence HIF-1α protein levels.This regulation also needs to be taken into accountwhen using HIF targets as biomarkers of hypoxia.In some cases, HIF activation may occur in waysthat are largely independent of hypoxia.

HIF as a target for therapy?

The activation of HIF and its target genes may behighly clinically relevant despite not alwaysreflecting tumour hypoxia. The malignant cancerphenotype is highly linked to processes such asangiogenesis, metastasis and glycolysis which canall be stimulated by activation of HIF. Geneticalterations that cause constitutive activation of theHIF pathway can therefore be envisaged to bothpromote and reflect malignancy. On the basis ofthis, there is great interest in evaluating HIF andits transcriptional targets as prognostic factors,even in the absence of a direct correlation withhypoxia (Semenza, 2007a). Furthermore, the central role that HIF plays in regulating gene

expression has caused widespread interest in itspotential as a molecular target in cancer therapy.HIF-mediated gene expression presumably helpscells to survive better during low oxygen availabil-ity, so disrupting this signalling in tumours isexpected to promote hypoxia-induced death. Inthis way, targeting HIF in cancer therapy can beseen as an attractive approach to complementradiotherapy, which kills well-oxygenated cells.The current efforts to target HIF have beenspurred on by a detailed understanding of howHIF is regulated at the molecular level. Thisknowledge provides a basis for the targetingapproach and makes the rational design of specificsmall-molecule inhibitors feasible. Experiments invitro and in vivo have also provided some proof-of-principle supporting this approach. Thesestudies have shown that cells which have beengenetically engineered to lack functional HIF-1die more rapidly from hypoxic stress and formfewer and slower growing tumours in animalmodels. A somewhat improved response to radia-tion has also been achieved experimentally whenHIF has been targeted in established tumoursusing genetic approaches. It remains to be seenwhether these encouraging results can be repeatedand further improved with drugs that can beadministered in the clinic.


Although HIF-mediated changes in transcriptionare important, they do not explain all of the bio-logical changes that occur during hypoxia. On agenome-wide scale, a comparable number ofgenes are influenced through changes in their rateof protein synthesis. In light of the often acute andtransient nature of hypoxic stress, it is not surpris-ing that cells utilize fast-responding and reversiblemechanisms such as those regulating protein syn-thesis (Wouters et al., 2005). Protein synthesis

Figure 16.11 Different expression of hypoxia markers in two human squamous cell carcinoma xenograft models(SCCNij51 and SCCNij58). The images show the differences in localization of the exogenous marker pimonidazole(a and b) compared with three endogenous hypoxic markers: CAIX (c, d), GLUT-1 (e, f) and GLUT-3 (g, h) (all in green),relative to the vasculature (in red). From Rademakers et al. (2008), with permission from Elsevier. See colour platesection for full colour images.

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230 The tumour microenvironment and cellular hypoxia responses

rates drop significantly during hypoxia because ofa reduction in the rate at which mRNA transcriptsare translated into protein. Protein synthesis isone of the most energy-consuming processes inthe cell. Inhibition of protein synthesis in responseto hypoxia has therefore been regarded as a meansto conserve energy and maintain homeostasis.

The pathways that affect overall levels of pro-tein synthesis during hypoxia (discussed below)also differentially influence specific genes throughtwo different mechanisms. First, because proteinshave different half-lives, inhibition of protein syn-thesis causes a selective enrichment of stable overlabile proteins. This can alter cellular behaviourbecause several processes, including apoptosis, areregulated by the balance of proteins with differentstability. Second, although overall levels of proteinsynthesis are reduced during hypoxia, this is a stringently regulated process that affects the production of individual proteins to a highlyvarying degree. The rate of synthesis of a particu-lar gene product is determined by elements in theuntranslated regions (UTRs) of its mRNA. Theseregions do not affect the composition of the pro-tein, but instead function to regulate the stabilityand translation of the mRNA transcript. ThemRNAs of some proteins contain elements intheir UTRs that render them less affected by










Inhibition ofprotein synthesis



ribosomal subunit


Figure 16.12 Hypoxic regulation of mRNA translation. Hypoxia causes phosphorylation and inhibition of theeukaryotic initiation factor 2 subunit α (eIF2α), preventing it from recruiting aminoacylated tRNA to the ribosome.Hypoxia also inhibits the interaction between eIF4E and eIF4G at the mRNA 5’ cap structure, thereby preventingribosome recruitment to the mRNA. This occurs through both mTOR-dependent and -independent mechanisms.

hypoxia, and synthesis of some transcripts is evenstimulated under hypoxic conditions. It is nowrecognized that regulation of mRNA translationhas an important impact on the cellular proteomeduring hypoxia, especially at early times when itdominates the slower transcriptional responses.

mTOR and regulation of translationinitiation

One of the ways that hypoxia affects protein syn-thesis is through inhibition of the mammaliantarget of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase signallingpathway (Koumenis and Wouters, 2006) as sum-marized in Fig. 16.12. This occurs in response tolong-lasting moderate hypoxia (around 0.5 percent O2). Signalling through the mTOR pathwaystimulates translation by increasing the availabil-ity of a rate-limiting eukaryotic mRNA transla-tion initiation factors (eIF) called eIF4E. Duringhypoxic conditions, eIF4E becomes inactivatedleading to reduced rates of protein synthesis.Because of its ability to control protein synthesis,mTOR is recognized as an important regulator ofoverall cellular metabolism and many differentreceptor signalling pathways influence cell growthand proliferation by this process. Consequently,

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Bibliography 231

mTOR is sensitive not only to oxygen but also tochanges in energy levels and nutrient supply.Interestingly, many of the signalling pathways thatconverge on mTOR are frequently altered in can-cer and lead to activation of mTOR and high ratesof protein synthesis and proliferation as part ofthe oncogenic process. Possible tumour-specificregulation (or dysregulation) of the mTOR path-way has led to considerable interest in targetingthis protein, and inhibitors such as rapamycin arecurrently in clinical trials in combination withother modalities including radiotherapy.

Endoplasmic reticulum stress and theunfolded protein response

Under more severe hypoxic conditions (less thanabout 0.02 per cent oxygen) hypoxia causes arapid and more severe inhibition of protein syn-thesis (Wouters et al., 2005). This effect resultsfrom the phosphorylation and inactivation of asubunit (α) of another important translation ini-tiation factor, eIF2 (Fig. 16.2). The function ofeIF2 is to recruit the first amino acid (methion-ine) to the mRNA transcript during the initiationof protein synthesis. Phosphorylation of eIF2αduring hypoxia is carried out by activation of anendoplasmic reticulum (ER) transmembranekinase called PERK. This kinase senses ER stress aspart of a larger process called the unfolded proteinresponse (UPR). During the UPR, PERK and twoother proteins known as IRE-1 and ATF6 are acti-vated as a consequence of the accumulation ofunfolded or misfolded proteins within the ER.Together, these proteins function to prevent fur-ther ER stress both by inhibiting new protein syn-thesis and by increasing the folding capacity of theER. Both PERK and IRE-1 are activated duringhypoxia, suggesting that hypoxia may cause ERstress through protein misfolding and/or aggrega-tion. It is believed that activation of the UPR dur-ing hypoxia protects cells against ER stress.Indeed, similar to HIF-1, genetically modifiedcells that lack proper ER stress responses mediatedby either PERK or IRE-1 are sensitive to hypoxiaand form slower growing tumours. Therefore,PERK and IRE-1 might also be future targets foroxygen-directed molecular cancer therapy.


Bennewith KL, Durand RE (2004). Quantifying transienthypoxia in human tumor xenografts by flowcytometry. Cancer Res 64: 6183–9.

Bristow RG, Hill RP (2008). Hypoxia and metabolism.Hypoxia, DNA repair and genetic instability. Nat RevCancer 8: 180–92.

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Lanzen J, Braun RD, Klitzman B, Brizel D, Secomb TW,Dewhirst MW (2006). Direct demonstration ofinstabilities in oxygen concentrations within theextravascular compartment of an experimentaltumor. Cancer Res 66: 2219–23.

Key points

1. Tumour oxygenation is heterogeneous withrespect to severity, time and space.

2. Most tumours have some hypoxic cells.3. High levels of hypoxia are associated with

poor treatment outcome.4. Hypoxia can select for outgrowth of cells

with mutations.5. Cellular responses to hypoxia influence


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Ljungkvist AS, Bussink J, Kaanders JH, van der Kogel AJ(2007). Dynamics of tumour hypoxia measured withbioreductive hypoxic cell markers. Radiat Res 167:127–45.

Magagnin MG, Koritzinsky M, Wouters BG (2006). Patterns of tumor oxygenation and their influence on the cellular hypoxic response andhypoxia-directed therapies. Drug Resist Updat9: 185–97.

Nordsmark M, Bentzen SM, Rudat V et al. (2005).Prognostic value of tumor oxygenation in 397 head and neck tumors after primary radiationtherapy. An international multicenter study.Radiother Oncol 77: 18–24.

Nordsmark M, Loncaster J, Aquino-Parsons C et al.(2006). The prognostic value of pimonidazole andtumour pO2 in human cervix carcinomas afterradiation therapy: a prospective international multi-center study. Radiother Oncol 80: 123–31.

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Semenza GL (2007a). Evaluation of HIF-1 inhibitors asanticancer agents. Drug Discov Today 12: 853–9.

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Tatum JL, Kelloff GJ, Gillies RJ et al. (2006). Hypoxia:importance in tumor biology, noninvasivemeasurement by imaging, and value of itsmeasurement in the management of cancer therapy.Int J Radiat Biol 82: 699–757.

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Vaupel P, Schlenger K, Knoop C, Hoeckel M (1991).Oxygenation of human tumors: evaluation of tissueoxygen distribution in breast cancers bycomputerized O2 tension measurements. Cancer Res51: 3316–22.

Wouters BG, van den Beucken T, Magagnin MG,Koritzinsky M, Fels D, Koumenis C (2005). Control of the hypoxic response through regulation of mRNA translation. Semin Cell Dev Biol 16:487–501.


Fang JS, Gillies RD, Gatenby RA (2008). Adaptation tohypoxia and acidosis in carcinogenesis and tumorprogression. Semin Cancer Biol 18: 330–7.

Vaupel P (2008). Hypoxia and aggressive tumorphenotype: implications for therapy and prognosis.Oncologist 13(Suppl 3): 21–6.

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Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxiaMICHAEL R. HORSMAN AND ALBERT J. VAN DER KOGEL

17.1 Introduction 23317.2 Raising the oxygen content of inspired gas 23317.3 Hypoxic cell radiosensitizers 23417.4 Modification based on haemoglobin 23717.5 Overcoming acute hypoxia in tumours 23817.6 Hypoxic cell cytotoxins: bioreductive drugs 239

17.7 Meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials of modified tumour hypoxia 241

17.8 Vascular targeting therapies 242Key points 244Bibliography 244Further reading 245



The radiobiological problem presented by hypoxiain tumours has been set out in the previous chap-ters; the present chapter describes a number oftherapeutic approaches that have been designed toovercome this source of resistance. These primarilyinclude decreasing hypoxia by increasing oxygenavailability, chemically or physically radiosensitiz-ing the hypoxic cells or preferentially killing thisresistant cell population. Since inadequacy of theabnormal vascular supply to tumours is one reasonwhy hypoxia develops, more recent attempts toimprove tumour radiation response have involvedspecifically targeting the tumour blood supply.


One of the earliest clinical attempts to eliminatehypoxia involved patients breathing high oxygen-content gas under hyperbaric conditions(Churchill-Davidson, 1968). An increase in baro-metric pressure of the gas breathed by the patient

during radiotherapy is termed ‘hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) therapy’ with pressures up to around 3atmospheres having been used. Most trials weresmall in size and suffered from the use of uncon-ventional fractionation schedules but the resultsdemonstrated that HBO therapy was superior toradiotherapy given in air, especially when a fewlarge fractions were applied (Overgaard, 1989).This was clearly seen in the largest of the multi-centre clinical trials of HBO, by the BritishMedical Research Council, in which the resultsfrom both advanced head and neck cancer anduterine cervix cancer showed a significant benefitin local tumour control and subsequent survival(Fig. 17.1). Benefit was not observed in bladdercancer; neither were these results confirmed by anumber of smaller studies (Dische, 1985;Overgaard, 1989). In hindsight, the use of HBOtherapy was discontinued somewhat prematurely.This was partly because of the introduction ofchemical radiosensitizers and because of prob-lems with patient compliance. It has been claimedthat hyperbaric treatment caused significant suf-fering, but the discomfort associated with such atreatment must be considered minor compared

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234 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

with the sometimes life-threatening complica-tions associated with chemotherapy that is usedwith a less restrictive indication.

High-oxygen gas breathing, either as 100 percent oxygen or carbogen (95 per cent oxygen � 5per cent carbon dioxide) under normobaric condi-tions has also been used clinically to radiosensitizetumours, but failed to show significant therapeuticgain (Horsman et al., 2007). One reason for thismay have been the failure to achieve the optimumpre-irradiation gas breathing time (PIBT); a num-ber of experimental studies have shown this to becritical for the enhancement of radiation damageand that results can vary from tumour to tumour.The failure of this approach may also have beenrelated to the fact that normobaric oxygen wouldonly be expected to deal with diffusion-limitedchronic hypoxia and not with perfusion-limitedacute hypoxia. Both the PIBT and the acute hypoxiaphenomenon have been taken into account in thecurrent ARCON clinical trials (see Section 17.5).


The concept of chemical radiosensitization ofhypoxic cells was introduced by Adams andCooke (1969) when they showed that certain

compounds were able to mimic oxygen and thusenhance radiation damage. They also demon-strated that the efficiency of sensitization wasdirectly related to the electron affinity of the com-pounds. It was postulated that such agents woulddiffuse out of the tumour blood supply and,unlike oxygen, which is rapidly metabolized bytumour cells, they would be able to diffuse further,reach the more distant hypoxic cells, and thus sen-sitize them. Since these drugs mimic the sensitiz-ing effect of oxygen they would not be expected to increase the radiation response of well-oxygenated cells in surrounding normal tissues;radiation tolerance should therefore not be com-promised.

The first electron-affinic compounds to showradiosensitization were the nitrobenzenes. Thesewere followed by the nitrofurans and finallynitroimidazoles, the most potent of which wasfound to be the 2-nitroimidazole, misonidazole.Its in vitro activity is illustrated in Fig. 17.2. Notethat, in these experiments, misonidazole is radi-ation dose-modifying: the survival curves have thesame extrapolation number (i.e. 4 in this case).The radiation response of hypoxic cells can thusbe enhanced substantially by irradiating the cellsin the presence of misonidazole; in fact, at a drugconcentration of 10 mM the radiosensitivity ofhypoxic cells approaches that of aerated cells.







1 2 3 4 5Years after treatment(a) (b)

0 1 2 3 4 5Years after treatment




l con












l (%


Air breathing

Air breathingp 0.001 p � 0.01

Figure 17.1 Results from the Medical Research Council hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) trial showing (a) actuarial localtumour control and (b) survival in patients with stage III carcinoma of the cervix randomized to receive either HBO(open symbols, 119 patients) or air breathing (closed symbols, 124 patients) in conjunction with conventionalradiotherapy. Modified from Watson et al. (1978), with permission.

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Hypoxic cell radiosensitizers 235

The response of the aerated cells is unaffected, asexpected for an oxygen-mimetic agent.

Radiosensitizers such as misonidazole alsoenhance radiation damage in experimentaltumours in vivo, as shown in Fig. 17.3. The magni-tude of the sensitizing effect is usually expressedby the sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER):

for the same biological effect.Large enhancement ratios (�2.0) have been

found in a variety of animal tumours when thesensitizer was administered prior to single-doseirradiation. When misonidazole was combinedwith fractionated radiation, the SER values werelower. This probably results from reoxygenationbetween radiation fractions reducing the thera-peutic impact of hypoxia. Also shown in Fig. 17.3is the effect of giving misonidazole after irradi-ation, where a small but significant enhancementwas seen. This obviously cannot be caused byhypoxic cell radiosensitization, but probably

SERRadiation dose without sensitizer


iion dose with sensitizer

results from the well-demonstrated observationthat misonidazole is directly toxic to hypoxic cells –the level of cell killing increasing considerablywith the duration of exposure to the sensitizer.

The first clinical studies of radiosensitizerswere with metronidazole in brain tumours andtogether with encouraging laboratory studies ofmisonidazole they were followed by a boom in thelate 1970s of trials exploring the potential of thislatter agent as a radiosensitizer (Dische, 1985;Overgaard, 1989). However, most of the trialswith misonidazole were unable to demonstrate asignificant improvement in radiation response,although benefit was seen in some trials in certainsubgroups of treated patients. This was certainlytrue for the Danish head and neck cancer trial(DAHANCA 2), which found a highly significantimprovement in pharynx tumours but not in theprognostically better glottic carcinomas (Overgaardet al., 1989). The generally disappointing clinicalresults with misonidazole may partly be because itwas evaluated in unpromising tumour sites andwith too few patients. However, the most likelyexplanation is the fact that the misonidazole doses

0 5 10 15

Radiation dose (Gy)

20 25 30








ng fr




N2 � miso, low doseN2 � miso, high dose


Air � miso, low doseAir � miso, high dose

Figure 17.2 Survival curves for aerated and hypoxicChinese hamster cells irradiated in the presence orabsence of misonidazole. Low dose, 1 mM; high dose,10 mM. From Adams (1977), with permission.







20 30 40 50 60 70

Radiation alone

Miso 4 hours after(cytotoxicity)

Miso 30 min before(radiosensitization)




rol (


Radiation dose (Gy)

Figure 17.3 Local tumour control in C3H mousemammary carcinomas measured 120 days after tumour irradiation. Mice were given misonidazole(1 g/kg, i.p.) either 30 min before or 4 hours afterirradiation. The TCD50 (50 per cent tumour controlprobability) dose was reduced from 54 Gy in controlanimals to 26 Gy in the misonidazole-pretreated mice,equivalent to an enhancement ratio (SER) of 2.1.Misonidazole given 4 hours after irradiation gave aTCD50 of 49 Gy, an SER of 1.1.

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236 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

were too low, being limited by the risk of neuro-toxicity. Figure 17.4 summarizes data in mice forthe dependence of sensitization on misonidazoleconcentration, in comparison with in vitro results.Although the SER for misonidazole increases withdrug dose, the maximum tolerated misonidazoledose that can be given with standard clinical frac-tionated radiotherapy is around 0.5 g/m2, whichresults in a tumour concentration of about15 μg/g, and it is clear from the laboratory animaldata that such a dose could only be expected toyield a small sensitizer enhancement ratio.

The difficulty in achieving sufficiently largeclinical doses of misonidazole has led to a searchfor better radiosensitizing drugs (Coleman, 1988;Overgaard, 1994). Of the many compounds syn-thesized and tested, two of the most promisingwere etanidazole and pimonidazole (Overgaard,1994). Etanidazole was selected as being superiorto misonidazole for two reasons. First, although it has a sensitizing efficiency equivalent to that of misonidazole, it does have a shorter half-life in vivo, which should lead to reduced toxicity.

Second, it also has a reduced lipophilicity (a loweroctanol/water partition coefficient) and is there-fore less readily taken up in neural tissue, leadingto less neurotoxicity. Etanidazole was tested in twolarge head and neck cancer trials, one in the USAand the other in Europe. In neither case was therea significant therapeutic benefit although in alater subgroup analysis a positive benefit wasreported (Overgaard, 1998). Pimonidazole con-tains a side-chain with a weakly basic piperidinegroup. This compound is more electron-affinicthan misonidazole and thus is more effective as aradiosensitizer; it is also uncharged at acid pH,thus promoting its accumulation in ischaemicregions of tumours. A pimonidazole trial wasstarted in uterine cervix, but was stopped when itbecame evident that those patients who receivedpimonidazole showed a poorer response.

In Denmark, an alternative strategy was usedand this involved searching for a less toxic drugand thus nimorazole was chosen. Although itssensitizing ability was less than could theoreticallybe achieved by misonidazole, nimorazole was farless toxic and thus could be given in much higherdoses. At a clinically relevant dose the SER wasapproximately 1.3. Furthermore, the drug couldbe given in association with a conventional radi-ation therapy schedule and was therefore amenableto clinical use. When given to patients with supra-glottic and pharyngeal carcinomas (DAHANCA 5),a highly significant benefit in terms of improvedloco-regional tumour control and disease-freesurvival was obtained (Overgaard et al., 1998).These results are shown in Fig. 17.5 and are con-sistent with the earlier DAHANCA 2 study formisonidazole. As a consequence, nimorazole hasnow become part of the standard treatmentschedule for head and neck tumours in Denmark.

Additional studies are ongoing in an attempt to find other drugs that have low systemic toxicitybut superior radiosensitization. In that context,two drugs are now in clinical testing. These are the nitroimidazole doranidazole, in which promising preliminary results were obtained in aphase III study with intraoperative radiotherapyin advanced pancreatic cancer, and the nitrotria-zole derivative Sanazol, which in an InternationalAtomic Energy Agency multicentre randomizedtrial (Dobrowsky et al., 2007) in cervical cancer

0.01 0.1 1 10 1001.0





3.520 200 2000

Misonidazole concentration (mM)

Range of in vitro dataV79

Misonidazole dose (�g/g)



er e



ent r


Figure 17.4 Sensitizer enhancement ratios determinedin vivo using large, single radiation doses as a functionof misonidazole dose (upper scale). The symbols indicatedifferent tumour types. The solid line shows the best fitto the in vivo results. The dotted lines enclose the rangeof in vitro data (lower scale); data on V79 cellsindicated by the dashed line. From Brown (1989), withpermission.

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Modification based on haemoglobin 237

was found to significantly increase local controland survival following radical radiotherapy.


It is well established that haemoglobin concentra-tion is an important prognostic factor for theresponse to radiotherapy in certain tumour types,especially squamous cell carcinomas (Overgaard,1989; Grau and Overgaard, 1997; Horsman et al.,2007). Generally, patients with low haemoglobinlevels have a reduced local-regional tumour con-trol and survival probability (see Figure 15.8).While several mechanisms can be proposed toexplain this relationship, tumour hypoxia isclearly one of the major factors.

Although there is no clear relationship betweenthe ‘steady-state’ haemoglobin concentration andthe extent of tumour hypoxia, both experimentaland clinical studies have indicated that a rapid,albeit transient, increase of the haemoglobin con-centration by transfusion can result in an increasein tumour oxygenation (Hirst, 1986). Furthermore,studies have shown that the amount of oxygendelivered to tumours by the blood is especially

important for a curative result. This is clearlyillustrated in Fig. 17.6, in which patients with headand neck cancer who smoked were found to havea significantly lower loco-regional control thanthose who did not. Smoking can lead to a loss ofmore than 30 per cent of the oxygen-unloading







12 24

Months after treatment(a)


Placebo(195 patients)

Placebo(195 patients)


49% 52%


48 60 00






12 24

Months after treatment(b)

36 48 60

p � 0.002 p � 0.01

Nimorazole(219 patients)

Nimorazole(219 patients)




l con










l (%

)Figure 17.5 Results from the DAHANCA 5 study showing (a) actuarial estimated loco-regional tumour control and (b) disease-specific survival rate in patients randomized to receive nimorazole or placebo in conjunction withconventional radiotherapy for carcinoma of the pharynx and supraglottic larynx. From Overgaard et al. (1998), withpermission.

Smoking (60 patients)

Non-smoking (68 patients)

(p 0.01)







1 2 3 4Years after treatment




l con




Figure 17.6 Influence of smoking during treatment onthe outcome of radiotherapy in patients with advancedhead and neck carcinoma. The local control probabilitywas significantly poorer in patients who continued tosmoke during radiotherapy, probably owing to reducedoxygen delivery to the tumour. Results from a prospectivestudy in patients treated with curative radiotherapyalone; modified from Grau and Overgaard (1997).

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238 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

capacity of the blood and this would be expectedto significantly reduce tumour oxygenation andsubsequently decrease tumour control (Grau andOvergaard, 1997).

The importance of haemoglobin has led to tworandomized trials of the effect of transfusion inpatients with low haemoglobin values (Overgaard et al., 1998; Fyles et al., 2000). Despite an initial pos-itive report from the Canadian trial in uterine cervixcarcinoma, both studies concluded that the use ofsuch transfusions did not significantly improvetreatment outcome. In the DAHANCA 5 study,transfusion was given several days prior to radio-therapy and adaptation may have occurred. Usingpreclinical data, Hirst (1986) hypothesized that anyincrease in tumour hypoxic fraction induced byanaemia will be only transient, with tumours adapt-ing to the lowered oxygen delivery. Transfusinganaemic animals decreased tumour hypoxia, butthis effect also was only transient and the tumourswere able to adapt to the increased oxygen level.This suggests that when correcting for anaemia itmay not necessarily be the final haemoglobin con-centration itself which is important. Rather, anincreasing haemoglobin concentration occurring atthe time when the tumours are regressing duringradiotherapy may be more likely to result in anincreased oxygen supply to tumours and a subse-quent improvement in response to radiotherapy.

Although a well-documented causal relation-ship between haemoglobin concentration, tumouroxygenation and response to radiotherapy has notbeen shown, it is nevertheless likely that such arelationship does exist and there is thus a rationalefor investigating the possibility of improving theoutcome of radiotherapy in relevant tumour sitesin patients with low haemoglobin concentrationgiven curative radiotherapy. The use of erythro-poietin (EPO) is another approach for increasinghaemoglobin levels and, unlike transfusion, suchan increase would result in a gradual increase ofoxygen supply over time. Several studies demon-strated that EPO was capable of producing such agradual increase in haemoglobin concentration inpatients with head and neck cancer (Henke et al.,1999) and several multicentre phase III studieswere initiated to evaluate the importance of EPOin radiotherapy. However, a number of clinicalstudies, including two involving radiation therapy,

have shown that patients treated with EPO had apoorer outcome than the non-EPO treated con-trol arms (Henke et al., 2003; Machtay et al.,2007). This may be related to non-haemopoieticeffects of EPO and although this clearly raisesconcerns about the use of such agents to improveradiation therapy through a manipulation ofhaemoglobin levels, it does not make the conceptof having a high haemoglobin concentration dur-ing radiation therapy an irrelevant issue.


Although the potential benefits of hypoxic cellmodification in radiotherapy have been clearlydemonstrated in a meta-analysis (see Section 17.7),the overall results of this approach are generallydisappointing. One possible explanation for thismay be the fact that most of the procedures usedclinically operate against diffusion-limited chronichypoxia, and they have little or no influence on perfusion-limited acute hypoxia (see Chapter 16).Experimental studies have demonstrated thatnicotinamide, a vitamin B3 analogue, can enhanceradiation damage in a variety of murine tumoursusing both single-dose and fractionated schedules(Horsman, 1995). Typical results are illustrated inFig. 17.7. This enhancement of radiation damagedepends on tumour type, drug dose and the time ofirradiation after drug administration, although itdoes appear to be independent of the route ofadministration. Nicotinamide can enhance radi-ation damage in normal tissues but generally theseeffects are less than are seen in tumours.

The mechanism of action of nicotinamideseems primarily that it prevents the transient fluc-tuations in tumour blood flow that lead to thedevelopment of acute hypoxia (Horsman et al.,1990). This finding led to the suggestion that theoptimal approach would be to combine nico-tinamide with treatments that specifically targetchronic hypoxia. Benefit has been seen whennicotinamide was combined with hyperthermia,perfluorochemical emulsions, pentoxifylline andhigh oxygen-content gas breathing (Horsman,1995). The combination of two potentially suc-cessful strategies, Accelerated Radiotherapy to

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Hypoxic cell cytotoxins: Bioreductive drugs 239

overcome tumour cell proliferation withCarbOgen and Nicotinamide (ARCON) has beenstudied in various tumour sites, but most exten-sively in head and neck carcinoma (Kaanders et al.,2002). A phase II clinical trial in 215 patients hasshown very promising results in cancer of the larynxand oropharynx (Fig. 17.8). Two large multicentrephase III trials in bladder cancer (UK) and laryngealcancer (The Netherlands) have recently been com-pleted, and results should be available in 2010.


Radioresistant hypoxic cells can also be eliminatedby selectively killing them. This can be achieved withbioreductive drugs (McKeown et al., 2007). Theseare compounds that undergo intracellular reduc-

tion to form active cytotoxic species, primarilyunder low oxygen tensions. The development ofsuch agents arose following the discovery that elec-tron-affinic radiosensitizers not only sensitizehypoxic cells to radiation but also are preferentiallytoxic to them (see Section 17.3). These drugs can bedivided into three major groups, as illustrated in Fig.17.9: quinones (e.g. mitomycin-C), nitroimidazoles(e.g. RSU-1069) and N-oxides (e.g. tirapazamine).

Mitomycin-C (MMC) is probably the prototypebioreductive drug. It has been used clinically formany years as a chemo-radiosensitizer, long beforeit was realized that it had preferential effects againsthypoxic cells. It is activated by bioreduction to formproducts that crosslink DNA and therefore producecell killing. Several randomized clinical trials inpatients with squamous cell carcinoma of the headand neck have now been undertaken, specificallyusing MMC to counteract the effects of hypoxia.








(a) (b)

40 60 80




rol (








40 60 80 100

Radiation dose (Gy) Radiation dose (Gy)

Figure 17.7 Effect of an intraperitonealinjection of nicotinamide(500–1000 mg/kg) prior to local tumourirradiation on the level of tumour controlmeasured as a function of the totalradiation dose given either as (a) a singletreatment to C3H mammary carcinomasor (b) in a fractionated schedule to thecarcinoma NT. Results are for radiationalone (open symbols) or nicotinamideand radiation (closed symbols). Redrawnfrom Horsman et al. (2007), withpermission from Elsevier.












20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (months)




l con




Oral cavity

OropharynxFigure 17.8 Results from a phase II trialof ARCON (see text) in 215 patients withhead and neck cancer. Modified fromHoogsteen et al. (2006), with permission.

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240 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

Initial studies reported an improvement in localtumour control and/or survival, without anyenhancement of radiation reactions in normal tis-sues. However, this has not been confirmed by morerecent studies, perhaps not surprising when oneconsiders that MMC actually has a very small differ-ential killing effect between aerobic and hypoxiccells (Fig. 17.9). Also, in the clinical trials MMC wasadministered only once or twice during the entirecourse of radiotherapy, so its ability to preferentiallykill hypoxic cells and thus enhance radiation ther-apy must have been limited. Attempts to find moreefficient quinones have been undertaken and to thatend porfiromycin and EO9 have been developed.While EO9 has gone through only preliminaryphase I/II testing, porfiromycin was included in aprospective randomized trial in combination withradiation therapy in head and neck cancer, but wasfound to be no better than MMC.

The finding that misonidazole was preferentiallytoxic towards hypoxic cells led to numerous effortsto find other nitroimidazoles that were better.To that end RSU-1069 was developed. This com-pound has the classic 2-nitroimidazole radiosensi-tizing properties, but also an aziridine ring at theterminal end of the chain, which gave the molecule

substantial potency as a hypoxic cell cytotoxin, bothin vitro and in vivo. In large-animal studies it wasfound to cause gastrointestinal toxicity and a lesstoxic prodrug was therefore developed (RB-6145)which is reduced in vivo to RSU-1069.Although thisdrug was found to have potent anti-tumour activityin experimental systems, further animal studiesrevealed that this drug induced blindness; this isperhaps not surprising when one realizes that theretina is hypoxic. Further development of this drugwas then halted. However, other nitro-containingcompounds including NLCQ-1, CB1954, SN23862and PR-104 are currently under development.

Perhaps the most promising group of bioreduc-tive drugs are the organic nitroxides, of which thebenzotriazene di-N-oxide tirapazamine is the leadcompound. The parent moiety shows limited toxi-city towards aerobic cells, but after reduction underhypoxic conditions a product is formed that hasbeen shown to be highly toxic and can substantiallyenhance radiation damage to tumours in vivo.Most clinical studies have involved combining tira-pazamine with chemotherapy, although there havebeen a few trials with radiation � chemotherapy.The results from the phase II trials generallyshowed promise, but in the few randomized trials








10�3 10�2 10�1 10�3 10�2 10�3 10�2 10�1 1 1010�1 1 10



ng fr



Drug concentration (mmol/l)


Figure 17.9 Survival of mammalian cells exposed to (a) mitomycin-C, (b) RSU-1069 or (c) tirapazamine under aerobic(open symbols) or hypoxic (closed symbols) conditions. Redrawn from Horsman et al. (2007), with permission from Elsevier.

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Meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials 241

that have been completed the results have beensomewhat disappointing. However, it has now beensuggested that a benefit of tirapazamine might beachieved if one could select patients with hypoxictumours by PET-imaging prior to treatment. OtherN-oxides are currently under development, includ-ing chlorambucil N-oxide and AQ4N (banox-antrone), the latter being combined with radiationin a number of phase II trials.


The clinical role of hypoxia is one of the most thor-oughly addressed issues in radiotherapy and hasbeen under investigation for many years. Of thenumerous clinical trials that have been conductedduring the last three decades, most have been incon-clusive and this has raised serious concerns about

the real importance of hypoxia. This was addressedin a meta-analysis of all randomized clinical trials inwhich some form of hypoxic modification was per-formed in solid tumours undergoing radiotherapywith curative intent. The survey of published andunpublished data identified more than 11 000patients treated in 91 randomized clinical trials. Themedian number of patients per trial was 76 (range14–626) and the trials involved HBO (31 trials),hypoxic cell radiosensitizers (53 trials), HBO andradiosensitizer (one trial), oxygen or carbogenbreathing (five trials) and blood transfusion (one trial). Tumour sites were bladder (18 trials),uterine cervix (20 trials), central nervous system(CNS; 13 trials), head and neck (29 trials), lung (10trials), oesophagus (two trials) and mixed site (onetrial). These trials were analysed with regard to localtumour control (65 trials), survival (77 trials), dis-tant metastases (21 trials) and complications result-ing from radiotherapy (26 trials). The overall resultsare given in Table 17.1. The most relevant endpoint

Table 17.1 Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials of radiotherapy (RT) with a hypoxic-cell modifier

Number Number of RT � modifier RT alone Odds ratioof trials patients (%) (%) (95% CL)

A. Summary of randomized trialsEndpointLoco-regional control 65 8652 52 45 1.29 (1.19–1.41)Survival 77 10 037 35 31 1.19 (1.09–1.29)Distant metastases 21 4138 20 21 0.93 (0.80–1.07)RT complications 26 3918 18 17 1.09 (0.93–1.29)

B. Loco-regional tumour control as a function of type of hypoxic modificationHypoxic modifierHBO/oxygen* 24 2667 59 49 1.47 (1.26–1.71)Hypoxic sensitizer* 41 5974 48 42 1.24 (1.12–1.38)Transfusion 1 135 84 69 2.27 (1.00–5.20)

C. Loco-regional tumour control as a function of tumour type and locationTumour siteHead and neck 27 4250 46 39 1.35 (1.20–1.53)Bladder 12 707 50 45 1.24 (0.93–1.67)Uterine cervix 18 2877 65 58 1.31 (1.13–1.52)Lung (NSCLC) 8 624 37 33 1.19 (0.85–1.65)Oesophagus 2 192 30 26 1.25 (0.66–2.34)All (group C) trials 65 8652 52 45 1.29 (1.19–1.41)

*Including one trial with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) � misonidazole (124 patients).

CL, confidence limits; NSCLC, non-small cell lung carcinoma.

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242 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

was considered to be local tumour control in viewof the local nature of the radiation treatment, andthis showed a significant improvement. Thisimprovement persisted when the trials were evalu-ated separately for radiosensitizer or HBO treat-ment. When analysed according to site, significantimprovements were found only for uterine cervixand head and neck. Overall survival was also signif-icantly improved, again dominated by the head andneck patients, but no difference was found for dis-tant metastases or radiation complications. The trials did use different fractionation schedules,including some large doses per fraction, but even forhead and neck trials using conventional fractiona-tion, the effect of hypoxic modification was stillmaintained with an odds ratio of 1.25 (range1.08–1.45). Figure 17.10 shows the relationshipbetween improvement in local control and subse-quent improvement in survival. The trials shown inFig. 17.10 are all of epithelial carcinomas, butpatients with head and neck tumours generallyachieved the greatest improvement in both localcontrol and subsequent survival.

From this meta-analysis it appears that radio-biological hypoxic radioresistance may be marginal

in most adenocarcinomas. Future efforts shouldtherefore be focused on squamous cell carcinoma, especially of the head and neck, at least when radiotherapy is given in conventionaltreatment schedules. The variation in the resultsamong the trials certainly points towards a consid-erable heterogeneity among tumours with the samelocalization and histology. Thus, the need to predictthe presence of hypoxia and especially the capacityfor reoxygenation appears to be a key issue in orderto optimize future clinical applications. The obser-vations that polarographic oxygen electrode meas-urements were highly predictive for the outcome ofradiotherapy in head and neck and cervix (seeChapter 16) indicates that a better selection ofpatients may be possible. The significant improve-ment obtained by manipulation of the hypoxic sta-tus of squamous tumours of the head and neck, andto a lesser extent cervix, indicates that the underly-ing biological rationale is probably sound, at least inthese tumour sites. It would be logical, therefore, todirect future clinical studies of the hypoxic problemat these tumour types and sites.


The vascular supply to tumours is one of themajor factors responsible for the development ofhypoxia. The tumour vasculature develops fromnormal-tissue vessels by the process of ‘angiogen-esis’. This is an essential aspect of tumour growth,but this tumour neo-vasculature is primitive andchaotic in nature; it is often unable to meet theoxygen demands of rapidly expanding tumourregions, thus allowing hypoxia to develop (see Fig. 16.1). The importance of the tumour neo-vasculature in determining growth and the envi-ronmental conditions within a tumour makes it anattractive target for therapy and two approachesare currently in vogue (Horsman and Siemann,2006). The first and most popular is the use ofdrugs to prevent angiogenesis from occurring,while the second involves the use of therapies thatcan specifically damage the already establishedvasculature. Examples of both angiogenesisinhibiting agents (AIAs) and vascular disruptingagents (VDAs) are given in Table 17.2.








�15 0 15 30 45 60Improvement in local control (%)


3 33

Head and neckOther sites



ent i

n su


al (


Figure 17.10 Results from 52 randomized trials ofradiotherapy with/without hypoxic modification inwhich both local tumour control and survival data wereobtained. A positive improvement in either survival orlocal control indicates that the hypoxic-modified armswere better than those of the controls. A strongcorrelation between both endpoints is indicated(r � 0.69; slope � 0.81). The figure shows that patientswith head and neck carcinoma seem to have the mostimpressive benefit.

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Vascular targeting therapies 243

Although both types of vascular targeting agentshave anti-tumour activity when used alone, signifi-cant improvements in tumour response have beenobserved when they are combined with radiation.With AIAs, the consensus opinion is that thisimprovement is the consequence of normalizationof the tumour vasculature resulting in a decrease intumour hypoxia.While there are certainly preclinicalstudies showing an improved tumour oxygenation

status with AIA treatment, there are just as manystudies showing no change and even a decrease intumour oxygenation. These findings not only makeit unclear as to the role of hypoxia in influencing thecombination of AIAs with radiation, they also sug-gest that timing and sequencing of the two modali-ties may be critical for an optimal benefit.

The ability of VDAs to enhance radiationresponse is shown in Fig. 17.11. In these

Table 17.2 Strategies targeting the tumour vasculature

Approaches Agents

Angiogenesis inhibitorsAngiogenesis activator inhibitors Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibodies (Avastin/

Bevacizumab, DC101), VEGF-trapReceptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors SU5416, SU6668, SU11248, SU11657, ZD6474, PTK787/ZK22854,

IMC-1C11, c-Kit/Flt-3Proteolysis inhibitors Marimastat, Neovastat, AG-3340, Bay-12-9566, BMS-275291Endothelial cell function inhibitors Angiostatin, endostatin, TNP-470, thalidomide, ABT-510, thrombospondin,

anginex, arginine deiminaseIntegrin activity inhibitors Vitaxin, cilengitideVascular disrupting agentsTubulin binding agents Colchicine, combretastatin A-4 disodium phosphate (CA4DP), OXi4503,

ZD6126,AVE8062, NPI2358, MN-029

Non-tubulin effectors Tumour necrosis factor, flavone acetic acid (FAA), 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid(DMXAA), 2-methoxyestradiol, arsenic trioxide, interleukins




25 50 75

Radiation dose (Gy)(a)

Radiation aloneCA4DP � Radiation




rol (


�1 �1030



Time (hours)(b)

CA4DP before CA4DP after





e (G


Figure 17.11 (a) Local tumour control in C3H mammary carcinomas measured 90 days after local tumour irradiationwith single radiation doses either given alone (open symbols) or followed by a single intraperitoneal injection withCA4DP (250 mg/kg) 30 min later (closed symbols). (b) The TCD50 doses (radiation dose producing tumour control in 50per cent of mice) with 95 per cent confidence intervals obtained from full radiation dose response curves for radiationalone (shaded area) or radiation with CA4DP given at various times before or after irradiating (closed symbols).

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244 Therapeutic approaches to tumour hypoxia

experiments tumour-bearing mice were injectedwith CA4DP, the lead VDA currently in clinicaltesting, shortly before or after locally irradiatingthe tumours. Although the drug alone had noeffect on tumour control, it significantly enhancedthe response to radiation when given after irradiat-ing. Vascular disrupting agents damage tumourblood vessels leading to a reduced blood flow tothe affected tumour region. This gives rise to localhypoxia and ischaemia, and ultimately cell death.Since hypoxic cells are already under stress as aresult of oxygen and nutrient deprivation it islikely that these cells will be the first to die after thisadditional insult from vascular shut-down, and itis probably this effect that explains the enhance-ment of the radiation response. Additional studiessuggest that these effects are tumour-specific.Figure 17.11 also shows that when VDAs are givenprior to irradiating, no enhancement is seen, sug-gesting that although CA4DP kills some cells as aresult of the vascular occlusion, there are othercells that become hypoxic yet survive and are asource of radiation resistance. This again raises theissue of timing and sequence, which is especiallyimportant if VDAs are combined with radiation ina fractionated schedule. However, when appropri-ate schedules designed to minimize the hypoxia-inducing effect of VDAs are used, a significantenhanced response has been observed with a frac-tionated radiation schedule. As a result, the combi-nation of VDAs with radiation is currently underclinical evaluation.


Adams GE (1977). Hypoxic cell sensitizers forradiotherapy. In: Becker FF (ed.) Cancer: acomprehensive treatise, Vol. 6. New York: PlenumPress, 181–223.

Adams GE, Cooke MS (1969). Electron-affinicsensitization. I. A structural basis for chemicalradiosensitizers in bacteria. Int J Radiat Biol 15:457–71.

Brown JM (1989). Keynote address: hypoxic cellradiosensitizers: where next? Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 16: 987–93.

Churchill-Davidson I (1968). The oxygen effect inradiotherapy: historical review. Front Radiat TherOncol 1: 1–15.

Coleman CN (1988). Hypoxia in tumors: a paradigm forthe approach to biochemical and physiologicheterogeneity. J Natl Cancer Inst 80: 310–7.

Dische S (1985). Chemical sensitizers for hypoxic cells:a decade of experience in clinical radiotherapy.Radiother Oncol 3: 97–115.

Dobrowsky W, Huigol NG, Jayatilake RS et al. (2007).AK-2123 (sanazol) as a radiation sensitizer in thetreatment of stage III cervical cancer: results of anIAEA multicentre randomized trial. Radiother Oncol82: 24–9.

Fyles AW, Milosevic M, Pintilie M, Syed A, Hill RP(2000). Anemia, hypoxia and transfusion in patients

Key points

1. Hypoxic cell radioresistance is a significantcause of failure in the local control oftumours, especially squamous cell carcino-mas of the head and neck and cervix.

2. Clinical attempts to overcome hypoxic cellradioresistance using high oxygen-contentgas breathing, chemical radiosensitizers orblood transfusions have shown mixedresults. Meta-analysis of randomized trialsdoes, however, demonstrate a significantbenefit.

3. Since these treatments are designed tonegate the effects of chronic hypoxia, add-itional benefit may be obtained by includinga modifier of acute hypoxia such as nico-tinamide in the treatment protocol.

4. Hypoxic cell cytotoxins (e.g. bioreductivedrugs) also show promise as clinically rele-vant methods for eliminating radioresistance.

5. Since one of the major factors responsiblefor hypoxia is the inadequate vascular sup-ply of tumours, preclinical studies are nowsuggesting that drugs which specifically target tumour blood vessels may provide anew approach to overcoming the hypoxia problem.

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Further reading 245

with cervix cancer: a review. Radiother Oncol 57:13–9.

Grau C, Overgaard J (1997). Significance of hemoglobinconcentration for treatment outcome. In: Molls M,Vaupel P (eds) Medical radiology: blood perfusionand microenvironment of human tumours.Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 101–12.

Henke M, Guttenberger R, Barke A, Pajonk F, Potter R,Frommhold H (1999). Erythropoietin for patientsundergoing radiotherapy: a pilot study. RadiotherOncol 50: 185–90.

Henke M, Laszig R, Rube C et al. (2003). Erythropoietinto treat head and neck cancer patients withanaemia undergoing radiotherapy: randomized,double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 362:1255–60.

Hirst DG (1986). Anemia: a problem or an opportunityin radiotherapy? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 12:2009–17.

Hoogsteen IJ, Pop LA, Marres HA et al. (2006). Oxygen-modifying treatment with ARCON reducesthe prognostic significance of hemoglobin insquamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 64: 83–9.

Horsman MR (1995). Nicotinamide and otherbenzamide analogs as agents for overcominghypoxic cell radiation resistance in tumours. A review. Acta Oncol 34: 571–87.

Horsman MR, Siemann DW (2006). Pathophysiologiceffects of vascular-targeting agents and theimplications for combination with conventionaltherapies. Cancer Res 66: 11520–39.

Horsman MR, Chaplin DJ, Overgaard J (1990).Combination of nicotinamide and hyperthermia toeliminate radioresistant chronically and acutelyhypoxic tumor cells. Cancer Res 50: 7430–6.

Horsman MR, Lindegaard JC, Grau C, Nordsmark M,Overgaard J (2007). Dose–response modifiers inradiation therapy. In: Gunderson LL, Tepper JE (eds)Clinical radiation oncology, 2nd edn. Philadelphia:Churchill Livingstone, 59–73.

Kaanders JH, Bussink J, van der Kogel AJ (2002).ARCON: a novel biology-based approach inradiotherapy. Lancet Oncol 3: 728–37.

Machtay M, Pajak TF, Suntharalingam M et al. (2007).Radiotherapy with or without erythropoietin for

anemic patients with head and neck cancer: arandomized trial of the Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup (RTOG 99–03). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys69: 1008–17.

McKeown SR, Cowen RL, Williams KJ (2007).Bioreductive drugs: from concept to clinic. ClinOncol 19: 427–42.

Overgaard J (1989). Sensitization of hypoxic tumourcells – clinical experience. Int J Radiat Biol 56:801–11.

Overgaard J (1994). Clinical evaluation ofnitroimidazoles as modifiers of hypoxia in solidtumors. Oncol Res 6: 509–18.

Overgaard J (1998). Letter to the editor: Reply to Ben-Josef. Radiother Oncol 48: 345–6.

Overgaard J, Hansen HS, Andersen AP et al. (1989).Misonidazole combined with split-courseradiotherapy in the treatment of invasive carcinomaof larynx and pharynx: report from the DAHANCA 2study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 16: 1065–8.

Overgaard J, Hansen HS, Overgaard M et al. (1998). A randomized double-blind phase III study ofnimorazole as a hypoxic radiosensitizer of primaryradiotherapy in supraglottic larynx and pharynxcarcinoma. Results of the Danish Head and NeckCancer Study (DAHANCA) Protocol 5–85. RadiotherOncol 46: 135–46.

Watson ER, Halnan KE, Dische S et al. (1978).Hyperbaric oxygen and radiotherapy: a MedicalResearch Council trial in carcinoma of the cervix. Br J Radiol 51: 879–87.


Brown JM, Giaccia AJ (1998). The unique physiology ofsolid tumors: opportunities (and problems) forcancer therapy. Cancer Res 58: 1408–16.

Moeller BJ, Richardson RA, Dewhirst MW (2007).Hypoxia and radiotherapy: opportunities forimproved outcomes in cancer treatment. CancerMetastasis Rev 26: 241–8.

Overgaard J (2007). Hypoxic radiosensitization: adoredand ignored. J Clin Oncol 25: 4066–74.

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Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapyVINCENT GRÉGOIRE AND MICHAEL BAUMANN

18.1 Introduction: clinical overview of combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy 246

18.2 Interaction between chemotherapy and radiotherapy 248

18.3 Molecular mechanisms of interaction between chemotherapy and radiotherapy 250

18.4 Toxicity resulting from concomitant use ofchemotherapy and radiotherapy 253

18.5 The therapeutic ratio 255Key points 256Bibliography 256Further reading 258



In solid adult tumours, owing to its limited bio-logical efficacy, chemotherapy is very seldom usedas a sole curative treatment modality. It is, how-ever, used more and more in combination withcurative treatments such as surgery and radio-therapy, at least for locally advanced diseases.Chemotherapy can be delivered before a localtreatment in an induction or neo-adjuvant set-ting, it can be delivered during a local treatment(i.e. during the course of radiotherapy) in a con-comitant setting, and it can be delivered after alocal treatment in an adjuvant setting. The ration-ale for these various schedules of administrationwill be discussed in Section 18.2. Table 18.1 sum-marizes the evidence-based data supporting thecombined use of chemotherapy and radiotherapyin the most common adult tumours.

In brain glioblastoma, a recent EORTC–NCIC(European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer–National Cancer Institute of

Canada) study demonstrated that the concomi-tant and adjuvant use of temozolomide to stan-dard brain radiotherapy (60 Gy in 6 weeks) wasassociated with a significant improvement inoverall survival increasing from 10.4 per cent(radiotherapy alone arm) to 26.5 per cent follow-ing radiotherapy plus temozolomide (Stupp et al.,2005). Only minimal additional toxicity wasobserved in the combined modality group. Thebenefit of temozolomide was particularly strikingin patients expressing a silencing of the MGMT(O-6-methyl-guanine DNA methyltransferase)DNA-repair gene by promoter methylation (Hegiet al., 2005).

In head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(SCC), meta-analyses have been conducted toascertain the benefit and optimal scheduling ofchemotherapy administration in relation to pri-mary radiotherapy (Pignon et al., 2000; Budach et al., 2006). A significant benefit in survival wasobserved only when chemotherapy was associatedconcomitantly with radiotherapy. The benefit washigher in patients receiving platinum-basedchemotherapy. The use of induction chemother-apy in patients with laryngeal or hypopharyngeal

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Introduction: clinical overview 247

SCC did not translate into a benefit, but wasinstead associated with a lower laryngectomy-freesurvival compared with concomitant chemoradio-therapy (Forastière et al., 2003). In patients with ahigh risk of loco-regional recurrence after primarysurgery (R1 or R2 resection, extracapsular tumourextension), postoperative concomitant chemo-radiotherapy with 3-weekly cisplatin (100 mg/m2)was also associated with a significant benefit insurvival (Bernier et al., 2004; Cooper et al., 2004).

A meta-analysis has been conducted to deter-mine the effectiveness and toxicity of concomitantchemoradiotherapy regimens compared withradiotherapy alone for non-small cell lung carci-noma (Rowell and O’Rourke, 2004). Fourteen ran-domized studies including 2393 patients werereviewed. At 2 years following treatment, there wasa significant reduction in the death rate (relativerisk of 0.93, p � 0.01) and a significant improve-ment in loco-regional progression-free survival(relative risk of 0.84, p � 0.03) and in progression-free survival at any site (relative risk of 0.90,p � 0.005) in favour of the combined treatment.In comparison with sequential chemotherapy and

radiotherapy, concomitant treatment was associ-ated with a 14 per cent reduction in the risk ofdeath. The incidence of oesophagitis, neutropeniaand anaemia were, however, significantly increasedwith concomitant chemoradiotherapy.

In limited stage small cell lung cancer, meta-analysis has also demonstrated the benefit of com-bining chemotherapy with thoracic radiotherapy,indicating an improved absolute overall survivalof 5.4 � 1.4 per cent at 3 years (Pignon et al.,1992). Data are, however, conflicting regardingthe optimal combination and timing betweenchemotherapy and radiotherapy and further clin-ical research is needed to resolve this issue (Pijls-Johannesma et al., 2005).

In cancer of the uterine cervix, several meta-analyses have been performed to evaluate the bene-fit of combining radiotherapy with chemotherapy.A recent review including 24 trials totalling 4921patients (from which data were available for 61–75per cent of patients) has shown that concomitantchemoradiotherapy improved absolute survival by10 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval 8–16per cent) over radiotherapy alone (Green et al.,

Table 18.1 Evidence-based data supporting combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Disease site Induction Concomitant Adjuvant References

Brain glioblastoma – � (level 2) � (level 2) Stupp et al. (2005)Head and neck SCC � (level 1) ��� (level 1) � (level 2) Budach et al. (2006),

Pignon et al. (2000),Forastière et al. (2003),Cooper et al. (2004), Bernier et al. (2004)

Non-small cell � (level 1) ��� (level 1) – Rowell and O’Rourke (2004)lung cancer

Small cell lung cancer ��� (level 1) ��� (level 1) ��� (level 1) Pignon et al. (1992)Cancer of uterine cervix � (level 1) ��� (level 1) – Green et al. (2001, 2005),

NACCCMA (2004)Oesophageal carcinoma – ��� (level 1) – Wong & Malthaner (2006)Rectal carcinoma – ��� (level 2) – Bosset et al. (2005a, b),

Wolmark et al. (2000)Anal carcinoma – ��� (level 2) – Bartelink et al. (1997)

Level of evidence: Level 1, multiple randomized studies/meta-analysis; Level 2, one or two randomized studies, requiring furtherconfirmation.

SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

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248 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

2005). Cisplatin was the most commonly usedchemotherapy. The benefit was observed for bothloco-regional control (odds ratio of 0.61,p 0.0001) and distant recurrence (odds ratio of0.57, p 0.0001) (Green et al., 2001). However,this improvement was associated with an increasedrisk of haematological and gastrointestinal earlytoxicities. A similar analysis was performed to evaluate the benefit of induction chemotherapy(NACCCMA Collaboration, 2004). The results aremuch more heterogeneous and no definite conclu-sion can be drawn. There was a trend towardsimproved survival for regimens with cisplatin doseintensities greater than 25mg/m2 per week or cyclelengths shorter than 14 days. Conversely, in allother settings, a detrimental effect of inductionchemotherapy on survival was found.

In localized oesophageal carcinoma, a meta-analysis of 19 randomized trials comparing radio-therapy and concomitant chemotherapy withradiotherapy alone has shown an absolute survivalbenefit of 9 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval5–12 per cent) and 4 per cent (95 per cent confi-dence interval 3–6 per cent) at 1 year and 2 years,respectively (Wong and Malthaner, 2006). However,this benefit was associated with a significantincrease in severe and life-threatening toxicities.

For patients with Dukes’ stages B and C carci-noma of the rectum, a randomized study conductedby the NSABP (National Surgical Adjuvant Breastand Bowel Project) demonstrated that postopera-tive concomitant chemoradiotherapy reduced theincidence of loco-regional relapse compared withpostoperative chemotherapy alone (13 per cent ver-sus 8 per cent at 5 years, p � 0.02) (Wolmark et al., 2000). However, postoperative chemoradio-therapy did not have any influence on disease-freesurvival or overall survival. A recent EORTC randomized study demonstrated that the concomi-tant use of preoperative concomitant chemotherapyand radiotherapy was biologically more active than radiotherapy alone (Bosset et al., 2005a).Concomitant chemoradiotherapy was associatedwith a significant reduction in loco-regional relapsecompared with radiotherapy alone, but did not haveany effect on overall survival (Bosset et al., 2005b).

In patients with locally advanced squamouscell carcinoma of the anal canal, concomitant 5-fluorouracil, mitomycin and radiotherapy (45 Gy

plus a boost of 15–20 Gy) resulted in an 18 percent increase in 5-year loco-regional control and a32 per cent increase in colostomy-free survival incomparison with radiotherapy alone (Bartelink et al., 1997). No significant difference in early andlate side-effects was observed between the two arms.

In summary, the combined use of chemother-apy with radiotherapy has typically translated intoa significant benefit in overall survival in siteswhere radiotherapy plays a substantial role. Thisbenefit is mainly a consequence of an improve-ment in loco-regional control rather than adecrease in the risk of distant metastasis. In all thereported studies, the therapeutic ratio (defined asthe advantage in efficacy over the disadvantage intoxicity) was, however, less clearly assessed and/orreported. In general, an increase in early toxicitywas observed in all the trials. For late toxicity, sys-tematic reporting of data is lacking, but the fewavailable reports also indicate an increase in lateradiation effects.

Even if the benefits of combined modalitychemoradiotherapy appear irrefutable, thereported clinical trials generally do not allow anyinformation to be derived on the actual underlyingmechanisms of interaction between chemothera-peutic drugs and ionizing radiation. Have thebenefits and side-effects resulted from a simpleadditivity of two effective therapeutic interven-tions, or from a more complex molecular inter-play between the two modalities? If the latter is thecase, was the combination of treatments appro-priately designed based on the known mecha-nisms of interaction and the biodistribution andpharmacokinetics of the drugs?


Spatial cooperation

Spatial cooperation is the term used to describethe use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy to tar-get disease in different anatomical sites. The com-monest situation is where radiation is used totreat the primary tumour and chemotherapy is

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Interaction between chemotherapy and radiotherapy 249

added to deal with systemic spread. There is an anal-ogous situation in leukaemia where chemotherapyis the main treatment and radiotherapy is used todeal with disease in a ‘seclusion site’ such as thebrain. Another example is the treatment of breastcancer where surgery and postoperative radio-therapy deal with the loco-regional disease andadjuvant chemotherapy deals with the micro-metastatic disease.

If spatial cooperation is effective, this shouldresult in a reduction of distant failures after thecombined therapy. The successful exploitation ofspatial cooperation depends critically on the effec-tiveness of the chemotherapy used. In the com-mon solid tumours, chemotherapy seldomachieves a surviving fraction lower than 10�6. Evensmall metastatic deposits of 0.1 g may contain107–108 tumour cells and, if the majority of theseare also clonogenic, standard chemotherapy mayfail to control even a small amount of dissemi-nated disease. For spatial cooperation to succeedmore widely, we need more effective drugs ormethods of specifically targeting existing drugs tothe tumour cells, thus allowing dose escalation.

If the rationale underlying spatial cooperationbetween radiotherapy and chemotherapy isindeed to target different anatomical sites, theoptimal way of combining these modalities issequentially in order to avoid the likely increase inside-effects if given concomitantly.

Independent cell kill and ‘shared’toxicity

This term describes the simple concept that if twoeffective therapeutic modalities can both be givenat full dose then, even in the absence of interactiveprocesses, the tumour response (total cell kill)should be greater than that achieved with eitheragent alone. To exploit this mechanism, the radio-therapy and chemotherapy should have non-overlapping toxicities and the chemotherapyshould not enhance normal-tissue damage withinthe radiation field. Such a situation may beobtained by temporal separation of the twomodalities but, even if this can be achieved with-out a negative influence on tumour control, thepatient will probably have to tolerate a wider range

of toxic reactions. This needs to be taken intoaccount when assessing the overall benefit. If inde-pendent cell killing can be successfully exploited, itcould potentially lead to both improved local con-trol and reduced distant failure, without any inter-actions between the modalities.

The treatment of early-stage Hodgkin’s diseaseis a good illustration of this concept. Both radia-tion (mantle field irradiation, 40 Gy) andchemotherapy (including alkylating agents) arehighly effective in providing long-term cure forthese patients (Table 18.2). However, the use ofboth modalities is associated with a relatively highincidence of late complications (e.g. mainly induc-tion of secondary solid tumours and cardiopathyfor radiotherapy, and induction of lymphoma andleukaemia for chemotherapy). Hence, moderntreatment of early-stage Hodgkin’s disease com-bines different chemotherapy regimens (fewercourses and different drugs) with radiotherapydelivered on the involved fields only and to a lowerdose. Long-term efficacy is similar. Data are not yetmature enough to inform conclusively about anyreduced incidence of late toxicity, but it is expectedto be ‘shared’ between the two modalities.

When independent cell kill is the mechanism ofinteraction between radiotherapy and chemother-apy, obviously the optimal way of combining thesemodalities is sequentially to avoid the likelyincrease in side-effects when given concomitantly.

Cellular and molecular interaction

This term describes the situation in which radia-tion and chemotherapy interact with each other atthe cellular or molecular level such that the neteffect is greater than the simple addition of theindividual effects of the two modalities. As illus-trated in Fig. 18.1, this interaction is likely to trans-late into a modification of the shape of the cellsurvival curves, i.e. a steeper slope of the tangent to the initial part of the curve (increase in the αparameter of the linear-quadratic model) for thecombined treatment. A classical way of expressingthe benefit of a combined treatment is through theuse of a dose-modifying factor (DMF), which isdefined as the ratio of isoeffective radiation dosesin the absence and presence of the radiosensitizer.

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250 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

The concept of DMFs can be used in describingtumour effect or normal tissue toxicity.

A good clinical illustration of this type of inter-action between chemotherapy and radiotherapy isin the treatment of locally advanced head andneck squamous cell carcinoma, in the meta-analysisof over 10 000 individual patients (Pignon et al., 2000). Patients were categorized accordingto whether chemotherapy had been given before(induction chemotherapy), during (concomitantchemotherapy) or after radiotherapy (adjuvantchemotherapy). A significant absolute 5-year benefitof 8 per cent was found only when concomitantchemotherapy was given. For induction or adjuvantchemotherapy, the 5-year survival was improved

by only 1 per cent and 2 per cent, respectively. Thisexample illustrates that the two modalities neededto be given within a narrow time-frame of opportu-nity to translate into a clinical benefit. This mecha-nism of interaction is likely to play a substantial rolein achieving a benefit of combined chemoradio-therapy in the majority of solid tumours in adults.


Enhanced DNA/chromosome damageand repair

Little is known about the capacity of chemothera-peutic agents to increase the efficiency with whichionizing radiation induces DNA damage. Com-pounds such as iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) andbromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) when incorporatedinto DNA have been shown to enhance radiation-induced DNA damage, likely through the produc-tion of reactive uracilyl radicals and halide ions,which in turn induce DNA single-strand-breaks (SSBs) in the neighbouring DNA (Iliakis et al., 1991). However, several commonly usedchemotherapy agents have been shown to inhibitthe repair of radiation damage (i.e. DNA and/orchromosome damage). Examples are nucleosideanalogues, cisplatin, bleomycin, doxorubicin andhydroxyurea. Some of these drugs inhibit therepair processes by interfering with the enzymaticmachinery involved in the restoration of the DNA/chromosome integrity. Fludarabine, for example,is a nucleoside analogue, which is incorporated

Table 18.2 Comparative efficacy and toxicity between several treatment options for early-stage Hodgkin’s disease

Radiotherapy: Chemotherapy Chemotherapy–radiotherapy:extended field, 40Gy (MOPP-ABVD) involved field, 40Gy

10-year overall survival 80–90% 80–90% � 90%Complications (RR):Leukaemia induction 11.0 70.0 Not known yetLymphoma induction 21.0 22.0 Not known yetSolid tumour induction 2.8 1.1 Not known yetCardiopathy 2.2–3.1 � 1.0 Not known yet

RR, relative risk.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14Absorbed dose (Gy)






Rx alone

dFdC (5 μM) for3 hours prior to Rx

RxRx � dFdC



ng fr





α β(Gy�1) (Gy�2)

Figure 18.1 Head and neck SQD-9 cell-survival curveswith or without preincubation with gemcitabine (dFdC)at a dose of 5 μM for 3 hours. In the presence of thedrug, the initial slope of the cell survival curve is steeper,reflecting an interaction with ionizing radiation.

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Molecular mechanisms of interaction 251

into DNA and blocks DNA primase, DNA poly-merase α and ε and DNA ligase, and which hasbeen shown to inhibit the repair of chromosomebreak repair (Fig. 18.2) (Gregoire et al., 1999).

Some of these drugs, like radiation, can directlyproduce DNA damage which manifests as DNAbreaks, adducts and intercalation. For cisplatin,there is also an increase in the number of radiation-induced strand breaks. This might occur by conver-sion of radiation-induced SSBs to double strandbreaks (DSBs) during the repair of DNA–platinumadducts. Inhibition of repair, or the conversion ofSSBs to DSBs, has the effect of increasing the slopeof the radiation survival curve and leads to anenhanced response (Fig. 18.1). Enhancement,which occurs as a result of repair inhibition, will bemore pronounced in fractionated schedules thanfor single doses. A major problem with DNA repairinhibition as an exploitable mechanism for obtain-ing a therapeutic gain is the lack of evidence for aselective anti-tumour effect. For this strategy to beeffective, some sort of tumour drug targeting maybe required.

Cell-cycle synchronization

The vast majority of chemotherapeutic agents areinhibitors of cell division and are thus mainly active

on proliferating cells. Agents such as gemcitabine,fludarabine, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil inhibitvarious enzymes involved in DNA synthesis andrepair in S-phase cells; agents such as etoposide,doxorubicin, alkylating agents and platinum com-pounds induce DNA strand breaks and DNA strandcrosslinks in any phase of the cell cycle, but will onlybecome potentially lethal in replicating cells; agentssuch as taxol, taxotere and Vinca alkaloids inhibitmitotic spindle formation and thus are mainlyactive during mitosis.

As a consequence of this cell-cycle phase selectivecytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents, theremaining surviving cells will be synchronized. Ifradiation could be delivered when these synchro-nized cells have reached a more radiosensitive phaseof the cell cycle (e.g. G2 mitosis), a tremendouspotentiation of the radiation effect could beobserved. Such a mechanism of interaction betweendrugs and ionizing radiation has often been reportedin preclinical experimental models (Gregoire et al.,1994). However, in clinics, because of the difficultyin assessing the appropriate timing between druginjection and radiotherapy delivery, it is unlikely thatcell synchronization can be successfully exploited.Furthermore, considering that radiotherapy is typi-cally delivered on a fractionated basis, it is also likelythat this effect would be lost after a few fractions.

Enhanced apoptosis

Apoptosis (or interphase cell death) is a commonmechanism of cell death induced by chemothera-peutic agents (Kaufmann and Earnshaw, 2000).These drugs can trigger one or more of the pathwaysleading to apoptosis. For the anti-metabolites, DNAincorporation is a necessary event to ensure a robustapoptotic response, hence the specific sensitivity ofS-phase cells to these agents. Within this framework,it has been hypothesized that combining these drugswith ionizing radiation, which is very effective ininducing DNA SSBs or DSBs in every phase of thecell cycle, could facilitate their DNA incorporationand thus trigger an enhanced apoptotic reaction.This hypothesis was investigated in tumour modelsin vivo, using single doses of X-rays combined withgemcitabine (Milas et al., 1999). An increased apop-totic response was indeed observed when the twomodalities were combined, but comprehensive







20 40 60 80 100Time after irradiation (min)



t of i


l dam


RT alone

F-ara-A (100 �M)0.5 hours prior to RT

Figure 18.2 Inhibition of repair of chromosome breaks by the nucleoside analogue F-ara-A. Humanlymphocytes were irradiated with a single X-ray dose of2 Gy and incubated at 37°C in the presence or absenceof F-ara-A. At 90 min post-irradiation, 70 per cent ofthe chromosome breaks have repaired in the controlsample; in the sample incubated with F-ara-A, only 5 per cent of breaks have repaired. RT, radiotherapy.

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252 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

analysis of the data did not demonstrate any syner-gistic enhancement, only an additive effect.


As discussed in Chapters 15 and 16, hypoxia, a com-mon feature of the majority of human solidtumours, is associated with a poorer response toradiotherapy. One reason for this is that the func-tionally insufficient tumour vascular network doesnot permit an adequate diffusion of oxygenthroughout the whole tumour mass. It has thereforebeen proposed that chemotherapy, by inducingsome degree of tumour shrinkage, might facilitate amore even diffusion of oxygen and increase overalltumour oxygenation, which in turn would increase

tumour radiosensitivity. In the murine mammarycarcinoma MCA-4, it was indeed shown that intra-tumoural PO2 increased progressively in the fewhours following taxol administration, from6.2 mmHg in untreated tumours to 10.0 mmHg intreated tumours (Milas et al., 1995). This progres-sive tumour reoxygenation was associated with asignificant parallel increase in the tumour radio-response compared with control animals that didnot receive taxol. This mechanism, which likelycould play a role with any chemotherapeutic drug,has, however, never been tested with other agents.

Inhibition of cell proliferation

Table 18.3 summarizes information from preclini-cal experiments on the mechanisms of interaction

Table 18.3 Summary of the preclinical data regarding the mechanisms of interaction between ionizing radiation andchemotherapeutic agents

DNA damage ChromosomeInduction Repair aberration Cell cycle Apoptosis Re-oxygenation

Antimetabolites5-Fluorouracil � � � � ? ?Methotrexate ? ? ? ? ? ?Hydroxyurea ? � � � ? ?Gemcitabine � � � � � ?Fludarabine � � � � � ?

Plant derivativesVinca alkaloids ? � ? � ? ?Etoposide ? �? � � � ?Camptothecin ? ? � � � ?Taxanes ? � � � � �

AntibioticsDoxorubicin � � � � ? ?Mitomycin-C ? ? � ? ? ?Bleomycin ? � � � ? ?Actinomycin-D ? �? ? ? � �

Alkylating agentsCisplatin �? � ? � ? ?BCNU ? � � ? ? ?Cyclophosphamide ? ? � ? ? ?

�, Not demonstrated; �, demonstrated; �, conflicting data; ?, unknown.

BCNU, β-chloro-nitrosourea.

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Toxicity resulting from concomitant use 253








5 10 15 20 25

Time after first fraction (days)

Fludarabine3 hours prior to RT

Control 4.5 Gy q.d. � 4

Fludarabine(400 mg/kg)

q.d. � 4Mea

n tu


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Figure 18.3 Regrowth delay experiment in a mousesarcoma (SA-NH). Tumours (8 mm diameter) weretreated with four daily i.p. administrations of fludarabine(arrows), irradiated with four daily fractions of 4.5 Gy, orgiven four daily doses of fludarabine 3 hours prior tofour daily fractions of 4.5 Gy. Control mice were injectedwith saline. Each datum point represents the mean ofnine or ten mice. When treated with radiation alone,tumours kept growing and only a 5.3 � 0.5 (SEM) dayregrowth delay was seen compared with controlanimals. During fludarabine treatment alone, tumourproliferation was inhibited, but tumours started growingagain as soon as drug administration stopped; overall, aregrowth delay of 5.5 � 0.7 (SEM) days was seen. Whenboth modalities were combined, a decrease in tumoursize was observed during treatment and the regrowthdelay of 14.3 � 0.9 (SEM) days was greater than theadditive effect of the two modalities alone.

between chemotherapeutic agents and ionizingradiation. For the majority of these agents, theexact cellular and molecular mechanisms of inter-action are not precisely known. Nevertheless,these agents are routinely used in the clinic andhave been shown to be effective in combinationwith radiotherapy. Furthermore, even for thoseagents for which mechanisms of interaction withradiation have been elucidated in experimentalmodels, it is unlikely that the clinical regimen hasbeen designed to benefit fully from these interac-tions. Indeed, in the clinical setting, logistical con-siderations may come into play to explain ways inwhich drugs and radiotherapy are combined, andsuch considerations may not be entirely compati-ble with a full exploitation of the molecular and

cellular interactions between drugs and ionizingradiation.

It is therefore reasonable to propose that aprominent mechanism of interaction betweendrugs and radiotherapy would be a simple inhibi-tion of the cellular proliferation that takes placeduring the radiation interfraction interval. Such amechanism is illustrated in Fig. 18.3 (Gregoire etal., 1999). This interaction would be much lesssensitive to the exact timing between drug andradiation dose delivery, provided that the drug isdelivered at some point during the radiotherapyschedule. This being the case, it would be best toadminister the drug towards the end of the radia-tion treatment course, when tumour cell repopu-lation had been triggered (see Chapter 10, Section10.4). This was the rationale of a phase II trialconducted on head and neck squamous cell carci-noma, where two courses of cisplatin/5FU weregiven over the last 2 weeks of radiotherapy as a so-called ‘chemoboost’ (Corry et al., 2000). Resultswere encouraging but have not yet been tested in arandomized phase III trial.


Early toxicity

As discussed in Chapter 13, early toxicity afterradiotherapy (e.g. oral mucositis, skin reaction,oesophagitis, proctitis and bone marrow deple-tion) typically results from an imbalance betweenphysiological loss of mature cells and renewalfrom the stem cells or the precursor cells. As men-tioned above, all chemotherapeutic agents areactive on proliferative cells, and thus on their ownalso produce an imbalance between precursorsand mature cells. It is thus anticipated that concomitant association between drugs and radi-ation will result in an increased early toxicity.Table 18.4 summarizes experimental data on earlytoxicity observed during concomitant associationbetween drug and radiation. It shows that, for allclasses of drugs, an increase in radiation-induced

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254 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

early toxicity has been reported. These findingsare in agreement with the clinical trials that com-pared radiotherapy alone with concomitantchemoradiation, which indicated a significantincrease in early toxicity in the combined modal-ity arm.

There is a considerable body of experimentaldata which demonstrates that normal-tissue dam-age after combined modality treatment is stronglyinfluenced by the sequence and timing of themodalities. Many commonly used drugs cause asubstantial increase in normal-tissue radiationinjury when the modalities are given in closesequence but not when they are separated in time(Fig. 18.4) (Gregoire et al., 1997). However, thisfinding conflicts with the requirement to use con-comitant chemoradiation (thus with a narrow win-dow of association) for improving loco-regionaltumour control. Thus, unless pharmacokinetic

studies show a different pattern of drug biodistrib-ution between tumour cells and normal cells, it islikely that the optimal sequence of drug adminis-tration for tumour radiosensitization is the onethat will also produce the greatest increase in earlyradiation toxicity.

Late toxicity

In contrast to early radiation effects, which typi-cally occur during treatment and in rapidlyrenewing tissues, late effects can affect all types oftissues after a latent period, which typically isexpressed in months to years. Late damage alsotends more to be irreversible and a radiation dose-dependency has been well documented in a largenumber of tissues. The pathophysiology of lateradiation effects is discussed at length in

Table 18.4 Summary of the preclinical data regarding the toxicity of concomitant chemoradiation

Early effects Late effects

Antimetabolites5-Fluorouracil � (GI, skin) ?Methotrexate � (GI) ?Hydroxyurea � (GI) ?Gemcitabine � (GI) � (lung)Fludarabine � (GI) � (CNS)

Plant derivativesVinca alkaloids � (GI, BM) ?Etoposide ? ?Taxanes � (GI) ?

AntibioticsDoxorubicin � (GI, skin) � (heart, lung)Mitomycin-C � (GI, BM) � (lung)Bleomycin � (GI, skin) � (skin, lung)Actinomycin-D � (GI, BM, skin) � (lung)

Alkylating agentsCisplatin � (GI) � (kidney)BCNU � (GI) � (lung)Cyclophosphamide � (GI, skin) � (lung, bladder, CNS)

BCNU, β-chloro-nitrosourea; BM, bone marrow; CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal.�, Not demonstrated; �, demonstrated; �, conflicting data; ?, unknown.

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The therapeutic ratio 255

Chapter 13. Although it may involve various celltypes, any therapeutic intervention that may affectthe repair of radiation (DNA) damage in thetumour is likely to also increase late normal-tissueradiation damage (Table 18.4). Furthermore, therisk of late effects after combined chemoradio-therapy can be further increased when the drugshave a specific toxicity for tissues within the irra-diated volume, such as bleomycin for lung toxic-ity, doxorubicin for cardiac toxicity and cisplatinfor renal toxicity. In the clinical setting, the designof protocols and the choice of the various drugs tocombine with radiotherapy needs to integrate thisknowledge. For example, bleomycin should beavoided together with radiotherapy for tumoursof the mediastinum. For postoperative irradiationof the left breast or chest wall in women receivingdoxorubicin, adequate planning should be madeto avoid irradiation of the myocardium.


The therapeutic ratio (TR), or therapeutic gain, isthe relative expected benefit of a combinedmodality treatment, integrating both the tumourand the normal-tissue effects. It is defined as theratio of DMFs for tumour over normal tissues.A therapeutic ratio above unity indicates that,overall, the combined modality treatment is rela-tively more effective for tumour control than fornormal tissue toxicity; conversely, a therapeuticratio below unity indicates that the combinedtreatment is relatively more toxic than beneficial.The therapeutic ratio needs to be determined forboth early and late normal-tissue toxicity. Table18.5 presents an example of a concomitant associ-ation of cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil with radio-therapy for the treatment of locally advanced SCCof the cervix (Morris et al., 1999). It shows that,when early toxicity is taken into account, the ther-apeutic ratio is far below unity. However, althoughvery distressful, early side-effects are usually man-ageable with extensive supportive care duringtreatment, and in this clinical example they fullyresolved within a few weeks after the end of treat-ment. When late effects are considered, the thera-peutic ratio is well above unity, illustrating thepotential net benefit of the combined treatmentstrategy in this particular clinical setting.

When designing a new clinical trial or a newclinical strategy with concomitant chemotherapyand radiotherapy, one may need to slightlydecrease the dose intensity of the standard treat-ment (i.e. radiotherapy) to obtain a therapeuticratio above unity, but still have a beneficial effectat the tumour level. This was done in a trial com-paring radiotherapy alone (70 Gy in 7 weeks) for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, with intercalated chemotherapy–radiotherapy (three cycles of 20 Gy in 2 weeks plus1 week of cisplatin/5FU) (Merlano et al., 1992). At3 years, the overall survival was increased from 23per cent to 41 per cent without any increase inearly toxicity.

The choice between an ‘equal toxicity’ designor an ‘equal dose’ design must therefore be consid-ered on a site-by-site basis depending on the objec-tive of the trial or clinical strategy.

Gemcitabine 48hours prior to RT

RT alone

Gemcitabine 3hours prior to RT









8 10 12

Absorbed dose (Gy)

14 16 18 20



of c


s pe

r ci




Figure 18.4 Radioenhancement of early jejunaldamage after single-dose irradiation in mice. Mice were total body irradiated with single doses of 250 kVX-rays with or without prior administration (at 3 or 48hours) of a single dose (150 mg/kg) of gemcitabine. Thecrypt cell regeneration assay was used. When injected 3hours prior to irradiation, gemcitabine induced amarked radiosensitization (dose-modifying factor,DMF � 1.3). When injected 24 hours prior to irradiation a small radioprotection was observed(DMF � 0.9).

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256 Combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Table 18.5 Comparison of efficacy and side-effects after concomitant chemoradiotherapy for locally advancedsquamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

Radiotherapy alone1 (%) Chemoradiotherapy2 (%) Therapeutic ratio

Recurrence rate at 5 years 35 19 –Early effects (grades 3–5) 5 45 0.2Early effects (excluding 2 10 0.4

haematological toxicity)(grades 3–5)

Late effects (grades 3–5) 11 12 1.7

1External pelvic radiotherapy up to 45 Gy in 4.5 weeks followed by a brachytherapy implant with a total dose equal to or greater than85 Gy; n � 193.2Cisplatin (75 mg/m2, day 1) � 5-fluorouracil (1g/m2 per day, days 1–4) � 3, every 3 weeks; n � 195.

Key points

1. Proper design combined drug and radio-therapy treatment depends on the objectivedesired. Sequential association (neo-adjuvantor adjuvant) is preferred when target cellpopulations are different and/or when theobjective is to optimize the dose intensity ofchemotherapy and radiotherapy in bothchemosensitive and radiosensitive disease.Concomitant association is preferred whencellular or molecular interactions are used toimprove loco-regional control of the disease.

2. Although several mechanisms of interactionbetween drugs and radiation have been iden-tified (modulation of DNA and chromosomedamage and repair, cell-cycle synchroniza-tion, enhanced induction of apoptosis,re-oxygenation), in a clinical setting it is mostlikely that a key benefit is the inhibition oftumour cell proliferation by drugs during theradiation interfraction interval.

3. Concomitant administration of chemother-apy and radiation gives increased early nor-mal tissue toxicity due to inhibition of stemcell or precursor cell proliferation. Late normal-tissue damage is likely to beenhanced through inhibition of DNArepair, and by a specific mechanism of drugtoxicity in sensitive tissues (e.g. doxorubicinin the heart, bleomycin in the lung).

4. The therapeutic ratio (TR) expresses therelative benefit of a combined modalitytreatment, integrating both the tumour andthe normal-tissue effects. For ‘equal dose’trials, TR is typically below unity for earlytoxicity and above unity for late radiationdamage.

5. Several randomized trials with concomitantchemoradiotherapy have been conducted inbrain, head and neck, lung, oesophagus,cervix and colorectal cancers. A significantincrease in loco-regional control has beenfound in some disease sites (e.g. brain, headand neck, cervix) with a consequentimprovement in patient survival.


Bartelink H, Roelofsen F, Eschwege F et al. (1997).Concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy issuperior to radiotherapy alone in the treatment oflocally advanced anal cancer: results of a phase IIIrandomized trial of the European Organization forResearch and Treatment of Cancer Radiotherapy andGastrointestinal Cooperative Groups. J Clin Oncol15: 2040–9.

Bernier J, Domenge C, Ozsahin M et al. (2004).Postoperative irradiation with or withoutconcomitant chemotherapy for locally advancedhead and neck cancer. N Engl J Med 350: 1945–52.

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Bibliography 257

Bosset JF, Calais G, Mineur L et al. (2005a). Enhancedtumoricidal effect of chemotherapy withpreoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer:preliminary results – EORTC 22921. J Clin Oncol 23:5620–7.

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Morris M, Eifel PJ, Lu J et al. (1999). Pelvic radiationwith concurrent chemotherapy compared withpelvic and para-aortic radiation for high-riskcervical cancer. N Engl J Med 340: 1137–43.

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19Retreatment tolerance of normal tissuesWOLFGANG DÖRR AND FIONA A. STEWART

19.1 Introduction 25919.2 Early tissue reactions 26019.3 Late effects 26319.4 Clinical studies 266

Key points 269Bibliography 269Further reading 270


Improvements in cancer therapy, particularlyadvances in medical radiation physics and radi-ation biology, have resulted in prolonged survivaltimes and increased survival rates for a variety ofmalignancies over the past two decades. Survivingcancer patients are, however, at an increased risk ofdeveloping secondary neoplasms (see Chapter 25).The most important reason for this is that patientscured of one cancer still retain more risk (e.g.molecular predisposition) to develop a (second)tumour than any other person of similar age, gen-der, lifestyle, etc., who had not previously experi-enced the disease. Second, the aetiological factorsassociated with the first tumour, such as smokingfor lung and head and neck tumours, or alcoholconsumption for tumours of the head and neck orthe oesophagus, or exposure to other carcinogens,can continue and hence promote the manifestationof a second malignancy. Of �30 000 irradiatedpatients with a primary head and neck tumour,more than 20 per cent developed a second neo-plasm (Hashibe et al., 2005), out of which �80 percent were found in the head and neck region, theoesophagus and the lung. Third, the therapy itself,radiation exposure as well as chemotherapy, is

associated with an increased risk for secondtumours. This is of particular importance for chil-dren and younger adults; childhood cancer sur-vivors are at an up to 19-fold increased risk fordeveloping another malignancy (Dickerman, 2007).

Such second primary tumours are observedwithin, or, more frequently, close to the initialhigh-dose treatment volume (Dörr and Herrmann,2002). Moreover, recurrent tumours can developwithin or close to the original gross tumour vol-ume. Both second primary tumours and recur-rences must be treated adequately, which frequentlyinvolves radiotherapy. Decisions regarding saferetreatment are very complex; for example, surgi-cal options are frequently compromised by localresponses (e.g. fibrosis) to the first treatment.Hence, for the development of curative or evenpalliative re-irradiation strategies, a number ofparameters must be considered:

● initial radiotherapy: dose (EQD2 – see below),volume, relationship to the required re-irradiation fields

● additional treatments for the first tumour (e.g.chemotherapy, ‘biologicals’)

● time interval between therapy courses● organs and tissues involved● alternative treatment options.

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260 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

Obviously, if the radiation tolerance within agiven volume of an organ has already been exceededduring the first treatment and function is lost (orloss is to be expected), then no further treatmentcan be administered to this volume regardless of thefirst dose. Therefore, this chapter focuses on scen-arios where the initial radiation treatment was inthe range of subtolerance doses, with the inductionof only subclinical or minimal damage, and withpossible long-term recovery or potential residualdamage after longer periods. Based on the risk fac-tors mentioned above, the potential tissue-specificmorbidity caused by the second treatment, and itsimpact on the patient’s quality of life, must beweighed against the expected benefits in terms oftumour response and survival.

This chapter summarizes the main findingsfrom experimental and clinical studies on the re-irradiation tolerance of various normal tissues.Only clinical studies that provide information onone specific side-effect are included in the organ-specific sections. More general descriptions forentire tumour entities are reviewed in the sectionon clinical studies.

In order to compare data from studies with dif-ferent fractionation regimes, we have recalculatedthe doses administered in these studies to obtainthe equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions (EQD2)using the linear-quadratic (LQ) approach withα/β values of 10 Gy for early reactions and 3 Gyfor late reactions (see Chapters 8 and 9). Tolerancedoses (i.e. threshold doses above which definedgrades of toxicity are observed) are referred to asthe EQD2tol. The intensity of both the initial treat-ment and the retreatment can be specified as apercentage of EQD2tol.


Early tissue reactions are usually found in prolif-erating, turnover tissues (see Chapter 13, Section13.2). Based on surviving stem cells within theirradiated volume or area, or on stem cells migrat-ing into the irradiated tissue from non-irradiatedsites, regeneration and restitution of tissue archi-tecture and cellularity occurs, which should resultin complete or partial restoration of the radiationtolerance.


Reports on the re-irradiation tolerance for early,epidermal skin reactions in rodents are consistentin demonstrating very good recovery from the ini-tial damage with restoration of the radiation toler-ance (Fig. 19.1). Recovery is faster after lower initialdoses and is inversely proportional to the extent of(stem) cell kill (see Chapter 13, Fig. 13.3). After sin-gle radiation doses that induce clinical desquama-tion of the epidermis, complete restitution of theinitial tolerance has been observed after 2 months(Terry et al., 1989). In another study with fraction-ated irradiation, high initial doses, causing severeacute damage, resulted in some residual damageeven after 6 months, with the consequence ofreduced tolerance (c. 80 per cent EQD2tol after10 � 5 Gy pretreatment), as demonstrated byincreased early responses, particularly to highretreatment doses (Brown and Probert, 1975).

Oral and oesophageal mucosa

No preclinical animal data are available on re-irradiation effects in oral and oesophageal






00 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time before retreatment (months)




t ED

50 (



15 Gy

30 Gy

37.5 Gy

Figure 19.1 Retreatment tolerance of mouse skin atdifferent times after initial treatments with 15–37.5 Gy.The vertical scale gives the retreatment dose requiredfor a specified level of skin damage (ED50 fordesquamation). The shaded area shows the range ofED50 doses for the same level of skin damage forpreviously untreated mice. Adapted from Terry et al.(1989), with permission.

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Early tissue reactions 261

mucosa. However, oral mucositis has been quanti-fied after repeated radiotherapy courses withtreatment breaks. If these breaks are in the rangeof 2 weeks, then mucositis developed with anidentical time-course and severity after each ofthree treatment cycles (van der Schueren et al.,1990). If the breaks are shorter, around 10 days,then the severity of oral mucositis can even belower after a second cycle (Maciejewski et al.,1991), as repopulation is still maximally activeand can effectively counteract the cell kill rightfrom the onset of re-irradiation.

However, early reactions after short treatmentbreaks do not necessarily reflect the responses tore-irradiation. Patients subject to re-irradiation inthe head and neck region after longer intervals of

2–3 years may present with mucosal erythema(mucositis grade 1 according to RTOG/EORTC),or even focal lesions, even before the start of thesecond radiotherapy. More severe reactions (con-fluent: grade 3) are frequently observed earlierafter re-irradiation than in the first radiationseries (Fig. 19.2). This indicates mucosal atrophy,resulting in increased vulnerability and a reduc-tion in the time required for cell depletion (seeChapter 13, Section 13.2).

Bone marrow

The potential and extent of long-term recovery inbone marrow is clearly dependent on the toxicity















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Patient 1 Patient 2

Patient 4Patient 3

RT1: 32 � 2.0 GyRT2: 50 � 1.2 Gy

RT1: 32 � 2.0 GyRT2: 50 � 1.2 Gy

RT1: 32 � 2.0 GyRT2: 20 � 2.0 Gy

RT1: 32 � 2.0 GyRT2: 39 � 1.8 Gy

Days after onset of radiotherapy



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Figure 19.2 Clinical scores of oral mucositis according to Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/EuropeanOrganisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) for four patients during their first course of radiotherapy(solid lines) and during re-irradiation (dashed lines). Dörr et al., unpublished data.

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262 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

of the initial treatment. At high doses, in the rangeused for total body irradiation as a conditioningregimen for bone marrow/stem cell/progenitorcell transplantation, the stem cell pool is irre-versibly damaged and no recovery is possiblewithout an external supply of stem cells. At moremoderate doses, the first response of the bonemarrow is the stimulation of transit divisions (seeChapter 13, Section 13.2), resulting in an increasedoutput of differentiated cells per stem cell division.This counteracts cell depletion in the peripheralblood at early time-points (Fig. 19.3), but regener-ation at the stem cell level may take much longer(Hendry and Yang, 1995). The toxicity of the initialtreatment must therefore be considered carefullyfor re-irradiation, independently of blood cellcounts that may be critically misleading.

Restitution of stromal elements, which closelyinteract with the stem–progenitor cell system inthe bone marrow, may take even longer than forthe haematopoietic system itself. At higher doses,no regeneration occurs and the marrow is irre-versibly converted into fatty tissue. Thus in mice,irradiation with 6.5 Gy resulted in persistent dam-age in the stromal and the progenitor compart-ment after 1 year; the effect was even morepronounced when the initial exposure was fraction-ated over 15 days. It has also been demonstrated in

mice and dogs that this residual injury is morepronounced in neonates and younger animalsthan in adults (Hendry and Yang, 1995).

Urinary bladder

The early response of the urinary bladder, pre-senting as a reduction in storage capacity, is inde-pendent of urothelial cell depletion, which wouldnot be expected during or shortly after radiother-apy, based on long turnover times of several monthsin this tissue (see Chapter 13). Re-irradiation tol-erance of the urinary bladder with regard to earlyreactions, assessed as a � 50 per cent reduction incompliance capacity during the first 4 weeks aftertreatment, has been studied in mice. After an ini-tial treatment with 5 � 5.3 Gy (inducing reducedcompliance in c. 30 per cent of the animals), theoriginal tolerance was restored between 25 daysand 50 days (Fig. 19.4). Longer intervals wererequired after higher initial doses. At late time-points, reduced tolerance was found because of anoverlap between the acute response to the re-irra-diation and the onset of late damage from the firsttreatment.

Haematopoietic systemPeripheral blood cells


Haematopoieticstem cells




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Figure 19.3 Changes in peripheral blood cell counts(dashed line) versus number of haematopoietic stemcell numbers in bone marrow (solid line). Earlierrecovery of the peripheral cell number is based onstimulated transitproliferation, and does not reflectrecovery of the stem cell population (i.e. restoration ofradiation tolerance).

Urinary bladder






00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Time after onset of first treatment (days)


50 fo

r re



n (G


Figure 19.4 Retreatment tolerance of mouse urinarybladder (early damage) at different times afterirradiation with 5 � 5.3 Gy over 1 week. The ordinateindicates the retreatment ED50 required for a 50 percent reduction in bladder storage capacity (at 1–3weeks after re-irradiation). The shaded area shows theED50 for the effect in previously untreated mice. FromSatthoff and Dörr, unpublished data.

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Late effects 263



Using hind-limb deformation as an endpoint forlate subcutaneous fibrosis (Brown and Probert,1975), there is a clear reduction in tolerance for re-irradiation after 6 months (Fig. 19.5). The effectof re-irradiation was much more pronounced aftermore aggressive initial radiation protocols(10 � 5 Gy vs 10 � 4 Gy). Also, this effect wasmarkedly more prominent than for early skin reac-tions in the same animals (cf. epidermis in Section19.2). Further studies similarly suggest a signifi-cantly poorer retreatment tolerance than for earlyreactions. In general, a reduction to 50–70 per centof the EQD2tol is found after re-irradiation.However, there are contradictory studies, wherevery good retreatment tolerance has been demon-strated for late deformity endpoints (e.g. in pigskin; Simmonds et al., 1989). In the mouse study,the reduced re-irradiation tolerance for late dam-age may have been influenced by the severity ofearly epidermal reactions in the first treatment,based on the development of consequentialchanges (see Chapter 13).


The response of the lung to irradiation occurs intwo waves: pneumonitis as a delayed early effect,followed by late fibrosis. These effects, however,are not independent (see Chapter 13), indicating astrong consequential component. Moreover, thepathogenic processes appear to be connected,with continuous (subclinical) changes from thetime of the initial radiation exposure.

In a mouse study using death from pneumonitisto evaluate lung re-irradiation tolerance (Terry et al., 1988), there was complete recovery from aninitial dose of 6–8 Gy (approximately 30–50 percent of a full tolerance dose). The time to restitu-tion was, depending on the initial dose, in the rangeof 1–2 months (Fig. 19.6). After higher initial doses(�70 per cent of the initial tolerance), re-irradiationtolerance increased from 1 day to 3 months, atwhich time tolerance was approximately 75 percent of tolerance in previously untreated mice. Yet,at 6 months a decline in retreatment tolerance wasthen observed. No later time-points were studied,and hence it is unclear whether this trend con-tinued or also occurred after lower initial doses.The basis for the later decreased tolerance may bethe development of (subclinical) fibrosis.


Retreatment dose (Gy)








03 4 5 6 7



b de


ity 10 � 5 Gy

10 � 4 Gy


Figure 19.5 Retreatment tolerance for late hind-limbdeformity in mice, as measured by fibrosis. Re-irradiation was with 10 fractions at the dose perfraction indicated on the abscissa, administered at 6months after an initial treatment with 10 � 4 Gy or10 � 5 Gy, or without previous irradiation. Redrawnfrom Brown and Probert (1975), with permission.



51 6542 31 day

Time before retreatment (months)

10 Gy

8 Gy6 Gy




t LD

50 (


Figure 19.6 Retreatment tolerance of the mouse lung.The ordinate indicates LD50 values caused bypneumonitis for retreatment at the indicated timesafter priming treatment with 6, 8 or 10 Gy. The shadedarea shows the LD50 value for previously untreatedanimals. Adapted from Terry et al. (1988), withpermission.

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264 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

The remarkably good re-irradiation toleranceof the lung demonstrated in experimental studiesonly applies for the pneumonitis phase. It is likelythat retreatment tolerance for late lung fibrosismay be poorer, although no conclusive evidence isavailable.


The kidneys are among the most radiosensitive oforgans, although the latent period before expres-sion of clinically manifest radiation effects may bevery long, particularly after low doses. Progressive,dose-dependent development of functional dam-age, without apparent recovery, has been clearlydemonstrated in rodents (Stewart et al., 1989,1994). This is consistent with clinical observationsof slowly progressive renal damage, which devel-ops many years after irradiation. Based on theknown dose-dependence of renal radiation injury,large initial doses (� 14 Gy) result in completeloss of function and hence re-irradiation cannotcause any further damage.

After subtolerance doses, the absence of anyclinically measurable renal dysfunction at the timeof retreatment certainly cannot be interpreted as asign that the tissue has regained full tolerance,because of progression of the subclinical effects.Experimental studies demonstrate that doses ofradiation too low to produce overt renal damagenevertheless significantly reduce the tolerance toretreatment (Stewart et al., 1989); none of thesestudies has demonstrated any long-term functionalrecovery of the kidney. After an initial dose of only6 Gy (25 per cent of the EQD2tol) the tolerance forretreatment actually decreases with time between 2 weeks and 26 weeks (Fig. 19.7). This is consistentwith continuous progression of occult damage inthe interval between treatments and implies thatre-irradiation of the kidneys after any previousirradiation should be approached with extremecaution, if preservation of function is required.

Urinary bladder

Studies on the re-irradiation tolerance of mousebladder have also not demonstrated any recovery

from late functional damage (as measured byincreased urination frequency or reduced bladdercompliance) for retreatment intervals of 12 or 40weeks compared with short (1 day) intervals (Fig. 19.8). The latent period before expression ofpermanent functional damage was also muchshorter in animals that were re-irradiated than inthose after a single course of treatment, even afterlow, subtolerance initial doses (Stewart et al.,1990; Dörr and Satthoff, unpublished data).

Spinal cord

Spinal cord has been studied most extensivelywith regard to retreatment, in various rodentspecies and in non-human primates. Moreover,clinical data are available. There is evidence forsubstantial long-term recovery, indicating thatretreatment is feasible.

Analyses of data obtained on re-irradiation ofrodent spinal cord, using paralysis as an endpoint,are illustrated in Fig. 19.9. In juvenile animals,








00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Retreatment dose (Gy)


2 weeks

Retreatedat 26 weeks








Figure 19.7 Dose–response curves for renal damage inmice at 35 weeks after re-irradiation. Retreatment wasadministered either 2 weeks (open circles) or 26 weeks(closed circles) after the initial treatment with 6 Gy. Theresponse of age-matched control animals withoutprevious irradiation (open squares) is also shown. Renaldamage was worse for retreatment with the longer 26-week interval than for a shorter interval, indicatingprogression of subthreshold damage rather thanrecovery. From Stewart et al. (1989), with permission.

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Late effects 265

long-term recovery started early and maximumretreatment tolerance was observed after 1–2months; the maximum total dose (initial plus re-irradiation) was 120 per cent of the tolerancefor previously untreated animals (Ruifrok et al.,1992). The higher the initial dose was, the lower

was the tolerance to re-irradiation. In adult ani-mals, restitution started with a delay of severalmonths and reached a maximum of c. 140 percent of the original tolerance after 5–6 months(White and Hornsey, 1980; van der Kogel et al.,1982). These data were confirmed in an extensivestudy in rats for different levels of initial damage(Wong and Hao, 1997).

An extensive re-irradiation study was per-formed in non-human primates (Ang et al., 1993,2001). In these experiments, an 8-cm length ofthe cervical cord was initially irradiated with 20 frac-tions of 2.2 Gy, which is equivalent to about 60 percent of the ED50 for a 50 per cent incidenceof paralysis (76 Gy in 2.2-Gy fractions). After 1, 2 or3 years the non-symptomatic monkeys were re-irradiated with graded doses in fractions of2.2 Gy. Only a few animals developed paralysis withthe retreatment doses administered; therefore, thedata must be compared at a 10 per cent incidencelevel of paralysis rather than at 50 per cent. The re-irradiation ED10 increased from 55 Gy after 1 year,to 59 Gy after 2 years to 66 Gy after 3 years. Thetotal EQD2tol for initial and retreatment dosesamounted to 150 per cent, 156 per cent and 167 percent for retreatment after 1, 2, or 3 years, respectively(Fig. 19.10). Hence, despite a different time-coursein rodents and primates, the extent of long-term







0 0 10 20 30 40

9 months

3 months

1 day

Total radiation dose (Gy)



n fr



Figure 19.8 Dose–response curves for late urinarybladder damage in mice after irradiation with two dosesseparated by 1 day (closed circles), 3 months (opencircles) or 9 months (open triangles). The total dose fora given effect did not increase with increasing timefrom first treatment. From Stewart et al. (1990), withpermission.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8










Time after first treatment (months)


l ED

50 (

% o

f EQ


ol) Adult


Spinal cord(rodents)

Figure 19.9 Long-term recovery after irradiation ofrodent cervical cord. The total cumulative isoeffectivedose (for 50 per cent paresis) is expressed as apercentage of EQD2tol (equivalent tolerance dose at2 Gy) and as a function of the interval between initialand re-irradiation dose. Data are for 3-week-old (opencircles) and adult (closed circles) rats. Data from Ruifroket al. (1992), White and Hornsey (1980), van der Kogelet al. (1982), with permission.







Spinal cord (monkeys)


l ED

10 (

% o

f EQ



Time after first treatment (years)

Figure 19.10 Total tolerance (initial plus retreatment)of monkey spinal cord. Retreatment was performedafter 1–3 years after an initial dose of 44 Gy (i.e. 60 percent of tolerance dose at 2 Gy, EQD2tol). All treatmentswere given with 2.2 Gy per fraction. Data from Ang et al. (2001), with permission.

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266 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

recovery in spinal cord, using paralysis as an end-point, is similar, and may be adopted for re-irradia-tion of patients.

Some clinical analyses of radiation myelopathyafter re-irradiation of spinal cord are available.Nieder et al. (2006) summarized data from a totalof 78 patients re-irradiated to the spinal cord withvarious regimens. Their conclusion was that, if theinterval between the two radiotherapy courses waslonger than 6 months, and the EQD2 in each coursewas � 48 Gy, the risk for myelopathy was smallafter a total EQD2 of 68 Gy. In a smaller series, nomyelopathies were seen after a cumulative EQD2tol

of 125 per cent to 172 per cent, with intervalsbetween the series of 4 months to 13 years.

For calculation of the re-irradiation tolerancefor spinal cord, the initial tolerance must bedefined. Both human and primate data (Baumannet al., 1994) demonstrate that, at an EQD2 of55 Gy, the incidence of myelopathy is clearly 3per cent. At a dose of 60 Gy, the incidence ofmyelopathy is about 5 per cent for doses per frac-tion 2.5 Gy and for one fraction per day. Thislevel of risk may be acceptable in a re-irradiationsituation, which is frequently the last curativeoption for the patient. Assuming, for example,that a patient received an initial dose to the spinalcord of EQD2 � 40 Gy, this leaves a 20-Gy tolerancefrom the first irradiation. Restitution of 40 per centof the initial dose amounts to EQD2 � 16 Gy;hence re-irradiation with a dose of 36 Gy canprobably be administered to the spinal cord in 2-Gy fractions. However, the dose to the spinal cordis usually less than the dose to the PTV, whichmust be included in the calculation of the initialdose. Moreover, the pronounced fractionationeffect of the spinal cord can be exploited byadministering hyperfractionated re-irradiation.Based on these considerations, re-irradiation witha curative intent is often possible.

In an analysis of clinical cases of myelopathy(Wong et al., 1994), the mean latent time beforeclinical symptoms became manifest after a singlecourse of radiotherapy (EQD2 � 60.5 Gy) was 18.5months (n � 24). After re-irradiation to a totaldose of EQD2 � 74 Gy (n � 11), myelopathieswere observed after a significantly shorter meanlatent time of 11.4 months. These data are in linewith results from the preclinical studies.

Summary of experimental data

Figure 19.11 summarizes results from experimen-tal studies for re-irradiation tolerance in tissueswhere recovery following a range of initial treat-ments has been evaluated. Both the initial and theretreatment radiation exposures are shown as apercentage of the tolerance dose for a defined levelof damage, calculated in terms of EQD2tol usingthe appropriate α/β ratio for each tissue. Thedashed lines indicate the relationship that wouldbe expected if no long-term reconstitution of tol-erance would occur. Data points for retreatmentabove the dashed line (in skin, lung and cord)indicate some long-term recovery in the tissue.Where the data points fall below the dashed line(kidney), this indicates a progressive reduction oftissue tolerance with time after the initial irradi-ation rather than recovery. The general conclusionis that, on the basis of studies in experimental ani-mals, several normal tissues are able to tolerateconsiderable retreatment with radiation. The phe-nomenon is not, however, universal.


In some clinical studies, overall incidences of side-effects (without specification of the complications)after primary or re-irradiation are compared; thesestudies will be reviewed here. However, the vastmajority of the increasing number of clinical reportson re-irradiation do not include data from simultan-eous control groups with primary irradiation of thesame site, and hence do not provide quantitativeinformation. It must also be emphasized that mostof the clinical studies have enrolled patients overlong periods, and therefore provide only limitedinformation because of changes, for example, inirradiation techniques and side-effect scoring.Moreover, many studies include highly variableradiotherapy (and chemotherapy) protocols andcurative as well as palliative treatment intent.

Head and neck

Kasperts et al. (2005) reviewed 27 retreatmentstudies of head and neck cancer, where the second

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Clinical studies 267

irradiation was performed as teletherapy orbrachytherapy, in combination with chemother-apy or after surgery. Major late complicationswere fibrosis, mucosal ulceration/necrosis, andosteoradionecrosis. Despite the toxicity, they rec-ommended high-dose re-irradiation. Similar side-effects were reported by De Crevoisier et al. (1998)in a series of 169 patients re-irradiated to cumula-tive doses of 120 Gy (re-irradiation 60–65 Gy).After initial irradiation with 68 Gy, plus 67 Gy inthe second series, Salama et al. (2006) found grade4–5 late reactions (osteoradionecrosis, carotidhaemorrhage, myelopathy and neuropathy) in atotal of 18 per cent of the patients, with � 16 percent fatalities. Lee et al. (2007) re-irradiated 105patients with head and neck tumours with 59.4 Gyafter initial doses of 62 Gy. Severe early and latecomplications were found in 23 per cent and

15 per cent of the patients; the latter comprisedmainly temporal lobe necrosis, hearing loss, dys-phagia and trismus. Lee et al. (2000) comparedlate complications (excluding xerostomia) inmore than 3600 patients given a single course ofradiotherapy and 487 patients given a secondcourse of radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcin-oma. The observed incidence of normal tissueinjury was clearly lower than expected in theretreatment series, indicating partial long-termrecovery of the head and neck tissues, particularlywith intervals �2 years.

General conclusions from these and otherstudies in head and neck tumours are that goodlocal control rates of over 30 per cent can beachieved with total retreatment doses of at least50–60 Gy, but that lower doses are ineffective.Serious complications in up to 60 per cent of














Skin/oral mucosa

Spinal cord



0 20 20080 80100 100 12040 4060 60

Initial dose (% of EQD2tol)

Early effects

Late effects




n do

se (

% o

f EQ



Figure 19.11 Summary of retreatment tolerance from experimental studies reported in the literature. Both the initialand retreatment doses have been calculated as a percentage of equivalent tolerance dose at 2 Gy (EQD2tol). The dashedline indicates the residual tissue tolerance if no long-term restitution occurred. Data points above the dashed line (inskin, lung and cord) indicate some long-term recovery, while data below this line (kidney, bladder) point towards aprogressive reduction of tissue tolerance with time after the initial irradiation.

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268 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

long-term survivors are generally associated withhigher total cumulative doses and short intervalsbefore retreatment.


Re-irradiation for breast cancer, as partial breastirradiation, can be delivered either as conformalexternal-beam irradiation (e.g. with electrons) oras interstitial brachytherapy, with an acceptableincidence of side-effects, but less acceptable resultswith regard to cosmesis.After chest wall re-irradiation,severe grade 4 reactions are observed in �10 percent of the patients (Harms et al., 2004).


In recurrent lung cancer, re-irradiation with dosesof 10–70 Gy (median 50 Gy, 1.8–3.0 Gy per frac-tion) after initial treatment with 30–80 Gy(median 60 Gy, 1.5–2.0 Gy per fraction) was stud-ied in 34 patients (Okamoto et al., 2002). No radi-ation myelopathy was observed; major toxicitieswere symptomatic pneumonitis (56 per cent) andoesophagitis (18 per cent). Palliative retreatmentwas associated with lower levels of oesophagitisthan the initial treatment and no increase in pneu-monitis. The retreatment doses are, of course,much lower than the initial doses and most patientswill succumb to their disease before late damage(i.e. lung fibrosis) has time to be expressed.


Re-irradiation for rectal cancer was carried outwith doses of 15–49.2 Gy plus fluorouracil (5FU)-based chemotherapy after a median interval of 19months (Mohiuddin et al., 2002). Cumulativedoses were 70.6–108.0 Gy. Early toxicity com-prised � grade 3 diarrhoea, mucositis and skindesquamation, requiring treatment breaks or ces-sation (15 per cent); late sequelae were fistula (4 per cent) and colo-anal strictures (2 per cent).All toxicities were independent of radiation dose.Valentini et al. (2006) studied retreatment (hyper-fractionation, chemotherapy) after initial doses of

�55 Gy (median interval 27 months). Re-irradiationdoses were 30 Gy plus a boost of 10.8 Gy with2 � 1.2 Gy per day. Late toxicities were skin fibro-sis and urinary complications requiring nephros-tomy at an acceptable incidence.

Cervix uteri

Early experience of retreatment for recurrent cer-vical cancer was not encouraging. Local controland survival rates were generally poor (10–20 percent long-term survival) and complication rateswere high (30–50 per cent). Several more recentstudies, in which patients were carefully selectedon the basis of volume and location of the cancer,have demonstrated much better results, particu-larly for retreatment using brachytherapy. In thesestudies, long-term survivals of 60 per cent with asevere complication rate below 15 per cent couldbe achieved after full-dose retreatment. Favourableconditions were small tumour volume, secondprimary malignancies and retreatment withbrachytherapy; unfavourable conditions wererecurrent cancer, large tumour volume and retreat-ment with external-beam therapy. Re-irradiation,mainly by brachytherapy, of vaginal recurrencesof carcinomas of the cervix has been tried with20–40 Gy in three to five fractions in 3–4 weeks(Xiang et al., 1998). Side-effects were severe, withrectal changes (14 per cent), haematuria (12 per cent)and fistula (12 per cent).

Summary of clinical data

These clinical data clearly indicate that re-irradiation is an option for patients with recurrentor second tumours. However, the risk of normal-tissue damage and impact on the quality of life, aswell as possible alternative therapeutic approaches,must be taken into account. If a second course ofradiotherapy has to be administered, this shouldbe done with maximum care. Optimum conform-ation of the planning target volume is required. Forradiobiological reasons, in order to reduce the riskof late effects, hyperfractionation protocols shouldbe considered, at least for curative treatments.

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Bibliography 269


Ang KK, Price RE, Stephens LC et al. (1993). Thetolerance of primate spinal cord to re-irradiation. IntJ Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 25: 459–64.

Ang KK, Jiang GL, Feng Y, Stephens LC, Tucker SL, Price RE (2001). Extent and kinetics of recovery ofoccult spinal cord injury. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys50: 1013–20.

Baumann M, Budach V, Appold S (1994). Radiationtolerance of the human spinal cord. StrahlentherOnkol 170: 131–9.

Brown JM, Probert JC (1975). Early and late radiationchanges following a second course of irradiation.Radiology 115: 711–6.

De Crevoisier R, Bourhis J, Domenge C et al. (1998).Full-dose re-irradiation for unresectable head andneck carcinoma: experience at the Gustave-RoussyInstitute in a series of 169 patients. J Clin Oncol16: 3556–62.

Dickerman JD (2007). The late effects of childhoodcancer therapy. Pediatrics 119: 554–68.

Dörr W, Herrmann T (2002). Second primary tumorsafter radiotherapy for malignancies. Treatment-related parameters. Strahlenther Onkol 178:357–62.

Harms W, Krempien R, Grehn C et al. (2004). Re-irradiation of chest wall local recurrences from breast cancer. Zentralbl Gynakol 126:19–23.

Hashibe M, Ritz B, Le AD, Li G, Sankaranarayanan R,Zhang ZF (2005). Radiotherapy for oral cancer as arisk factor for second primary cancers. Cancer Lett220: 185–95.

Hendry JH, Yang F (1995). Response of bone marrow tolow LET irradiation. In: Hendry JH, Lord BI (eds)Radiation toxicology: bone marrow and leukaemia.London: Taylor & Francis, 91–116.

Kasperts N, Slotman B, Leemans CR, Langendijk JA(2005). A review on re-irradiation for recurrent andsecond primary head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol41: 225–43.

Lee AW, Foo W, Law SC et al. (2000). Total biologicaleffect on late reactive tissues following re-irradiation for recurrent nasopharyngealcarcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 46: 865–72.

Lee N, Chan K, Bekelman JE et al. (2007). Salvage re-irradiation for recurrent head and neck cancer.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 68: 731–40.

Maciejewski B, Zajusz A, Pilecki B et al. (1991). Acutemucositis in the stimulated oral mucosa of patientsduring radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.Radiother Oncol 22: 7–11.

Mohiuddin M, Marks G, Marks J (2002). Long-termresults of re-irradiation for patients with recurrentrectal carcinoma. Cancer 95: 1144–50.

Nieder C, Grosu AL, Andratschke NH, Molls M (2006).Update of human spinal cord re-irradiation

Key points

1. If the tolerance within a given tissue volumehas already been exceeded during the firsttreatment, and loss of function is present orexpected soon, then re-irradiation is notpossible without loss of function.

2. For early effects, restitution of the originaltolerance may be complete after low tomoderate doses, and after tissue-specificand dose-dependent time intervals. At highdoses, residual damage may remain forlonger intervals, particularly at the stem celllevel, which is not necessarily reflected bythe number of differentiated cells in thefunctional tissue compartments (e.g. bloodcell counts for bone marrow).

3. For some late-responding tissues, partial(central nervous system, lung) or complete(skin) restoration of tolerance is observedafter low and moderate initial doses ( 60per cent of the initial tolerance). For example,spinal cord can safely be re-irradiated to atotal of 140 per cent of the initial EQD2tol.

4. In some late responding tissues (kidney,urinary bladder), progression of damage ata subclinical level must be expected, thusprecluding re-irradiation without exceedingtolerance.

5. Alternative treatment options must be con-sidered before re-irradiation.

6. If (curative) re-irradiation is to be adminis-tered, optimum treatment planning (doseconformation) and a proper choice of frac-tionation protocol (hyperfractionation) arerequired.

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tolerance based on additional data from 38 patients.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66: 1446–9.

Okamoto Y, Murakami M, Yoden E et al. (2002). Re-irradiation for locally recurrent lung cancerpreviously treated with radiation therapy. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 52: 390–6.

Ruifrok AC, Kleiboer BJ, van der Kogel AJ (1992). Re-irradiation tolerance of the immature rat spinalcord. Radiother Oncol 23: 249–56.

Salama JK, Vokes EE, Chmura SJ et al. (2006). Long-termoutcome of concurrent chemotherapy and re-irradiation for recurrent and second primaryhead-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 64: 382–91.

Simmonds RH, Hopewell JW, Robbins ME (1989).Residual radiation-induced injury in dermal tissue:implications for retreatment. Br J Radiol 62: 915–20.

Stewart FA, Luts A, Lebesque JV (1989). The lack oflong-term recovery and re-irradiation tolerance inthe mouse kidney. Int J Radiat Biol 56: 449–62.

Stewart FA, Oussoren Y, Luts A (1990). Long-termrecovery and re-irradiation tolerance of mousebladder. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 18: 1399–406.

Stewart FA, Oussoren Y, van Tinteren H, Bentzen SM(1994). Loss of re-irradiation tolerance in the kidneywith increasing time after single or fractionatedpartial tolerance doses. Int J Radiat Biol 66: 169–79.

Terry NH, Tucker SL, Travis EL (1988). Residual radiationdamage in murine lung assessed by pneumonitis. IntJ Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 14: 929–38.

Terry NH, Tucker SL, Travis EL (1989). Time course of lossof residual radiation damage in murine skin assessedby retreatment. Int J Radiat Biol 55: 271–83.

Valentini V, Morganti AG, Gambacorta MA et al. (2006).Preoperative hyperfractionated chemoradiation forlocally recurrent rectal cancer in patients previouslyirradiated to the pelvis: a multicentric phase II study.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 64: 1129–39.

van der Kogel AJ, Sissingh HA, Zoetelief J (1982). Effectof X-rays and neutrons on repair and regeneration inthe rat spinal cord. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8:2095–7.

van der Schueren E, van den Bogaert W, Vanuytsel L,van Limbergen E (1990). Radiotherapy by multiplefractions per day (MFD) in head and neck cancer:acute reactions of skin and mucosa. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 19: 301–11.

White A, Hornsey S (1980). Time dependent repair ofradiation damage in the rat spinal cord after X-raysand neutrons. Eur J Cancer 16: 957–62.

Wong CS, Hao Y (1997). Long-term recovery kinetics ofradiation damage in rat spinal cord. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 37: 171–9.

Wong CS, van Dyk J, Milosevic M, Laperriere NJ (1994).Radiation myelopathy following single courses ofradiotherapy and retreatment. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 30: 575–81.

Xiang EW, Shu-mo C, Ya-qin D, Ke W (1998). Treatmentof late recurrent vaginal malignancy after initialradiotherapy for carcinoma of the cervix: an analysisof 73 cases. Gynecol Oncol 69: 125–9.


Morris DE (2000). Clinical experience with retreatmentfor palliation. Semin Radiat Oncol 10: 210–21.

Nieder C, Milas L, Ang KK (2000). Tissue tolerance to re-irradiation. Semin Radiat Oncol 10: 200–9.

Stewart FA (1999). Re-treatment after full-courseradiotherapy: is it a viable option? Acta Oncol 38:855–62.

Stewart FA, van der Kogel AJ (1994). Retreatmenttolerance of normal tissues. Semin Radiat Oncol 4:103–11.

270 Retreatment tolerance of normal tissues

Page 287: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Molecular image-guided radiotherapy withpositron emission tomographyVINCENT GRÉGOIRE, KARIN HAUSTERMANS AND JOHN LEE

20.1 Introduction: molecular imaging and its potential use in modern radiotherapy 271

20.2 Image acquisition and reconstruction with PET 273

20.3 PET image segmentation 27420.4 Using PET images for treatment planning 276

20.5 Theragnostic imaging for radiation oncology 282

Key points 283Bibliography 283Further reading 286



Molecular imaging, also referred to as biologicalimaging or functional imaging, is the use of non-invasive imaging techniques that enable the visu-alization of various biological pathways andphysiological characteristics of tumours and/ornormal tissues. In short, it mainly refers (but notonly) to positron emission tomography (PET)and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI). In clinical oncology, molecular imagingoffers a unique opportunity to allow an earlierdiagnosis and staging of the disease, to contributeto the selection and delineation of the optimal tar-get volumes for radiotherapy and, to a lesserextent, for surgery, to evaluate the response earlyin the treatment or after its completion, and tohelp in the early detection of recurrence (Fig.20.1). From the viewpoint of experimental oncol-ogy, molecular imaging may also facilitate andspeed up the process of drug development byallowing faster and cheaper pharmacokinetic andbiodistribution studies.

For target volume selection and delineation,anatomic imaging modalities such as computedtomography (CT), and to a lesser extent magneticresonance imaging (MRI), remain the most widelyused modalities. Over the last few years, however,the use of molecular imaging and in particular the use of positron-labelled fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) has become increasingly widespread.Provided that appropriate tracers are used, molec-ular imaging with PET enables the visualization ofthe various molecular pathways in tumours,including metabolism, proliferation, oxygen deliv-ery and consumption, and receptor or gene expres-sion, all of which may be important in the responseto ionizing radiation.

The goal of radiotherapy treatment planning isto select and delineate target volumes (and organsat risk) based on all the available diagnostic infor-mation and on the knowledge of the physiology ofthe disease (i.e. the probability of local and nodalinfiltration). This is done in part by using variousimaging modalities, which depict more or lessaccurately the true tumour extent. The difficultywith using imaging modalities is that none ofthem has a sensitivity (no false negatives) or a

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272 Molecular image-guided radiotherapy with positron emission tomography

specificity (no false positives) of 100 per cent.Thus, false negatives and false positives for depict-ing neoplastic processes occur.

How the sensitivity and specificity of a particu-lar imaging modality influences the radiotherapyplanning process depends on the underlying objec-tive of the treatment. If, for a particular disease, theobjective is to avoid missing tumour at any cost, ahighly sensitive approach needs to be selected. Thiswill give a lower specificity, resulting in inclusion ofnon-neoplastic tissue into the target volume.However, this approach reduces the likelihood thatneoplastic cells are missed. If, on the other hand,the aim is to avoid including non-neoplastic cellsinto the target volume to protect normal tissue, ahighly specific approach needs to be selected.However, this reduces the sensitivity of theapproach and increases the risk of missing tumourcells. Therefore, the additional use of PET in treat-ment planning, and of FDG-PET in particular, hasassumed increasing importance to the point wheremany radiation oncologists now believe that targetvolume selection and delineation cannot be ade-quately performed without the use of PET.

When incorporating PET into treatment plan-ning, its sensitivity and specificity should be com-pared with CT and with pathological verificationof tumour extent from surgical sampling, if avail-able. The potential impact of PET on treatmentplanning needs to be determined. For example, ifan additional lymph node is visualized with a newimaging modality known to be more specific than

the standard modality, it might be legitimate toincrease the target volume(s) beyond what wouldhave been given using a standard procedure; con-versely, if fewer nodes are visualized with a newimaging modality known to be more sensitive thanthe standard modality, it might be legitimate todecrease the target volume(s) below what wouldhave been given using a standard procedure.

Table 20.1 summarizes data on the specificityand sensitivity of FDG-PET and CT (or MRI) forlymph node staging in lung cancer, head and neckcancer, cervical cancer, oesophageal cancer andcolorectal cancer, comparing with surgical lymphnode sampling as the gold standard. In head andneck tumours, CT and FDG-PET performed witha comparable diagnostic accuracy. A potentiallyinteresting use of FDG-PET is in the staging ofnode-negative patients (as assessed by other imag-ing modalities) where the issue could be to avoidtreating the neck nodes if an FDG-PET examina-tion also turns out to be negative. However, in thenode-negative neck, the sensitivity of FDG-PET,compared with the examination of the pathologyspecimen after a neck node dissection, is onlyaround 70 per cent (Stuckensen et al., 2000). Thisis not surprising in light of the fact that in node-negative patients who underwent a prophylacticneck node dissection, microscopic nodal infiltra-tion could nevertheless be observed in up to 30per cent of cases (Shah, 1990). Thus the rather lowsignal-to-background ratio of FDG and the lim-ited spatial resolution of the cameras currently

Final responseevalution



and delineation


IMRTEarly response


Early detectionof recurrence


Figure 20.1 Relative timescale illustrating the various opportunities for the use of biological imaging in oncology.S/Rx Th/Ch, surgery and/or radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.

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Image acquisition and reconstruction with PET 273

preclude the detection of microscopic diseasewith PET and, therefore, compared with anatomicimaging modalities such as CT and MRI, it isunlikely that FDG-PET will be of any value inselecting nodal target volumes in the neck.

Conversely, when evaluating the added value ofFDG-PET in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC),the opposite is true. The sensitivity for staging oflymph nodes in lung cancer is significantly higherfor FDG-PET than for CT. This implies that a neg-ative PET scan could result in substantiallyreduced target volumes and permit focusing onthe primary tumour.

In esophageal cancer, the sensitivity of FDG-PET is similar to that of CT. Conversely, FDG-PETis very specific for the staging of lymph nodes out-side of the mediastinum (e.g. supra-clavicular orcoeliac lymph nodes). If such lymph nodes aredetected with FDG-PET, it is legitimate to enlargethe selection (thus the delineation) of the targetvolume (Vrieze et al., 2004).

In para-aortic lymph nodes of patients withcervix carcinoma, although based on a limitednumber of patients, FDG-PET is also reported tobe much more specific than CT or MRI, thus sup-porting the inclusion of these nodes in case ofpositive PET findings. It has also been shown thatFDG-PET positive findings in the para-aorticregion were a predictor of overall survival aftertreatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy(Grigsby et al., 2001).

In colorectal carcinoma, FGD-PET was slightlymore specific than CT for the detection of lymph

node infiltration (Table 20.1), but owing to the quasi-systematic use of preoperative chemo-radiotherapy on the whole pelvis, the value of thisfinding is unclear. However, it might be useful to sup-port a change in the therapeutic management in casesof a positive lymph node outside of the pelvic cavity.

The data in Table 20.1 were obtained with PETcameras, whereas centres are increasingly beingequipped with dual PET/CT systems. Few system-atic comparisons between the diagnostic accuracyof standalone PET and integrated PET/CT havebeen performed. Overall, diagnostic accuracymight be improved by the use of dual PET/CTcameras (Bar-Shalom et al., 2003; Antoch et al.,2004). It is, however, interesting to note that,although logistically more demanding, the per-formance of the side-by-side PET and CT compar-ison was almost as good as the dual cameras(Antoch et al., 2004). Whatever the improved diag-nostic accuracy of combined PET and CT exami-nations, the results of more extensive comparisonsbetween PET/CT and PET alone have to be awaitedbefore definitive conclusions can be drawn.


In oncology, PET has been used routinely as adiagnostic tool for detection of lesions. By con-trast, volume delineation on PET images appearsas a relatively recent trend in radiotherapy. In com-parison with simple diagnosis, volume delineation

Table 20.1 Comparison between computed tomography (CT) (or magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) andfluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) for nodal staging

Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Site CT FDG-PET CT FDG-PET Reference

Head and neck cancer 36–86 50–96 56–100 88–100 Menda and Graham (2005)Non-small cell lung cancer 45 80–90 85 85–100 Birim et al. (2005)Cervix carcinoma 57–731 75–91 83–1001 92–100 Rose et al. (1999), Sugawara

et al. (1999), Reinhardt et al. (2001)

Oesophageal cancer 11–87 30–78 28–99 86–98 van Westreenen et al. (2004)Colorectal carcinoma 29 29 96 85 Abdel-Nabi et al. (1998)

1CT or MRI.

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requires greater care in acquisition, reconstructionand processing of PET images, in order to mini-mize the uncertainty on tumour boundaries andachieve reasonable volume accuracy.

First, it is useful to recall some inherent limita-tions of PET (Tarantola et al., 2003). For manyphysical reasons (e.g. optimal size of detector cho-sen for efficiency reasons, positron energy, etc.)whose discussion is beyond the scope of this chap-ter, the resolution of PET images is lower thanimages from CT or MR: typical PET cameras haveabout four times lower resolution than modernCT scans, which explains the blurry aspect of PETimages. Also, because PET is an emission modal-ity, its images suffer from a high noise level. Theinjected dose of the tracer must be limited forobvious radioprotective reasons. Moreover, manypositron disintegrations occur outside the field ofview of the PET camera where they do not con-tribute to the image but can add additional noise(scattered events). Both the low resolution and thehigh noise level must be taken into account whenselecting suitable acquisition protocols and recon-struction procedures. In summary, the best sensi-tivity is achieved with three-dimensional (3D)acquisition; this also allows a good trade-offbetween tracer-injected dose, acquisition dura-tion and patient comfort. Regarding reconstruc-tion protocols, iterative algorithms such asOrdered Subsets Expectation Maximization(OSEM) is preferred, especially for accurate volu-metric assessment. This reconstruction method is,however, quite slow and may not be suitable forroutine diagnostic PET acquisition.

After the images have been reconstructed, fur-ther enhancements can be achieved by filteringand deblurring. Filtering aims at further reducingthe noise to enhance the gradient between thebackground activity and the signal of interest.When image quality is essential, as it is for auto-matic segmentation, an anisotropic diffusion filteror bilateral filter is preferred to the typicalGaussian filter (Nagayoshi et al., 2005). A typicalexample of what image filtering does is shown inFig. 20.2. Image deblurring aims at restoringsharp edges between voxels of low activity andthose of high activity. Such methods require anaccurate knowledge of the resolution characteris-tics of the PET camera. In addition, because of the

longer computation time required by those tech-niques, small objects (with a size approximatingthe resolution of the camera) cannot be correctlysegmented.


The accurate determination of the volume andshape of the tumour from PET images remains achallenge and an incompletely resolved issue.Although most of the reports on the segmentationof PET images have dealt with non-small cell lungcancer, various methods have been already testedto determine the outline of FDG-positive tissue inpatients with head and neck squamous carcinoma(HNSSC) (Erdi et al., 1997).

The easiest and simplest method consists ofvisual interpretation of the PET images and defi-nition of the tumour contours by an experiencednuclear medicine physician or a radiation oncolo-gist (Ciernik et al., 2003). However, this methodappears highly debatable. First, the threshold levelof the PET image, which depends on the displaywindowing, strongly influences the visual assess-ment of the tumour boundaries. Moreover, thevisual delineation of objects is a subjectiveapproach that will necessarily lead to substantialintra- and interobserver variability.

Within this framework, the development ofobjective and reproducible methods for segment-ing PET images has become crucial. The simplestmethod relies on the choice of a fixed threshold ofactivity (i.e. a given percentage of the maximalactivity within the tumour, for distinguishingbetween malignant and surrounding normal tis-sues). Using a fixed threshold of 50 per cent of themaximal activity to automatically segment a pri-mary tumour of the head and neck region,tumour volumes delineated from PET imageswith FDG were larger than those delineated withCT in 25 per cent of the cases (Paulino et al.,2005). However, results from this study have to beviewed with caution since the relevance of anarbitrary fixed threshold appears questionable.Indeed, it has been shown that the thresholdrequired to match macroscopic laryngectomyspecimens used as a ‘gold standard’ varied fromone specimen to another between 36 per cent and

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PET image segmentation 275

73 per cent of the maximal activity (Gregoire et al.,2005). Reinforced by the absence of validationstudies, these data clearly illustrate that methodsbased on fixed thresholds are not adequate foraccurately segmenting tumours from PET images.

The use of an adaptive threshold is an elegantoption that could eliminate the drawbacks ofmethods described above. Adaptive thresholdingrelies on a model that determines the appropriatethreshold of activity according to the signal-to-background ratio. This method has been shown tobe accurate for segmenting PET images in a series ofpharyngo-laryngeal tumours (Daisne et al., 2004).Although validated as a reliable segmentationmethod, it nevertheless presents some drawbacks.For example, it is unclear whether the method isvalid across different centres as it depends on somany centre-dependent parameters such as the

camera and its point spread function (PSF), and thereconstruction and filtering method. Also, thismethod is not ideal for images with low signal tobackground ratios, such as encountered in peritu-moural inflammation induced by radiotherapy orin undifferentiated tumours.

Gradient-based segmentation methods, whichare used for CT, cannot be directly employed forPET because of its poor resolution. However,image restoration tools, such as edge-preservingfilters and deblurring algorithms (see Section20.2), partly overcome the problems of blur andnoise and may enable gradient-based segmenta-tion techniques to be adopted. Preliminary exper-iments have shown encouraging results withsegmentation of phantom objects and head andneck tumours based on the combination of water-shed transform and hierarchical cluster analyses






324 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 4







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

57 8 9 10




9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






Noise-freedata Noisy data


Filtered data

Usual filter

Filtered data

Figure 20.2 The principle of edge-preserving filtering. An ‘ideal’ positron emission tomography (PET) image consists oftwo regions, one with a low activity and another with a higher activity (on left). The activity is depicted with bars ofvarying height. ‘Real’ PET scanners do not yield noise-free images, and a simulation of a noisy ‘real’ image is depictedin the centre. From there, two different filters have been used. The top right image is obtained with a usual Gaussianfilter, whereas the bottom right image results from the application of an edge-preserving filter. This ‘real’ image ismuch closer to the ‘ideal’ image.

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(Geets et al., 2007a). The main advantage of thisapproach is that it is purely data-driven; nounderlying model or calibration curve is neces-sary, except the knowledge of the scanner PSF.Consequently, both the applicability of themethod and its spread could be increased since itcould still yield a reasonable segmentation in dif-ficult cases (e.g. an image with low signal-to-background ratio), where threshold-based methodsusually fail. A typical example is the use of FDG-PET during radiotherapy (Fig. 20.3). The combina-tion of radio-induced mucositis, which increasesthe background signal, together with the reductionin tumour uptake secondary to the treatmentresponse, leads to a drastic decrease in signal-to-background ratio. In this context, resolving theresidual tumour from the surrounding inflamma-tory area requires powerful segmentation methods

that are able to detect gradient-intensity crests oflow magnitude and/or delayed imaging acquisition.


Brain tumours

Unlike other tissues, the brain almost exclusivelymetabolizes glucose to meet its energy demands.Consequently, the accumulation of FDG in normalbrain tissue is very high and this limits the use ofFDG-PET for brain tumour imaging. Thus, com-pared with MRI, FDG-PET provides additionalinformation for radiotherapy planning only in aminority of cases. This is because of the small dif-ference in contrast between viable tumour and


Raw image


Image segmentation

Figure 20.3 Comparison between a threshold-based and a gradient-based method for the automatic segmentation ofa head and neck tumour during radiotherapy. The image is intrinsically noisier because of peritumoural radiation-induced mucositis. The gradient-based method led to a more specific tumour segmentation. See colour plate sectionfor full colour image.

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Using PET images for treatment planning 277

normal white matter even for many high-gradetumours. Because uptake of 11C-labelled methion-ine ([11C]-MET) in normal brain parenchyma islow, MET-PET is superior to FDG-PET in theassessment of tumour dimensions. The mostimportant radiolabelled amino acid tracers used forbrain imaging are 11C-labelled MET, 132I-labelledα-methyl-tyrosine (IMT) and 18F-labelled O-(2)fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine (FET). The short half-life of[11C]-MET limits its clinical usefulness to centreswith on-site cyclotrons. However, FET is an attrac-tive alternative, as it was shown that MET-PET andFET-PET were equal in their ability to diagnosevital glioma tumour tissue (Weber et al., 2000).

The uptake of MET is correlated to prognosisand higher MET uptake has been seen in grade IIIor IV gliomas, compared with low-grade gliomas.Moreover, oligodendrogliomas tend to show ahigher uptake of MET than astrocytomas, which isprobably linked to oligodendroglial cellular differ-entiation (Herholz et al., 1998). However, a numberof studies have provided controversial findings onthe accuracy of tracer uptake in determiningtumour grade (e.g. Schmidt et al., 2001).

There are only limited data available on the use-fulness of MET-PET in radiotherapy treatmentplanning. Several studies have shown that the mar-gins of tumours, as assessed by PET with amino acidtracers, are frequently wider than those assessed byMRI or CT (Jacobs et al., 2002). MET-PET detectssolid parts of brain tumours as well as the infiltra-tion area with high sensitivity (87 per cent) andspecificity (87 per cent) and this phenomenon canbe even more pronounced in low-grade tumoursand diffuse gliomatosis because of their lack of con-trast enhancement on MRI (Kracht et al., 2004).Sensitivity and specificity of MET-PET in differenti-ating between non-tumour tissue and low-gradegliomas was 76 per cent and 87 per cent, respectively(Herholz et al., 1998). In 14 patients of whom 13 hadlow-grade astrocytomas, MET-PET was helpful indelineating the gross tumour volume (GTV) in 27per cent, whereas PET findings either correlated withMRI (46 per cent) or were less distinctive in 27 percent (Nuutinen et al., 2000). In meningiomas, diffi-culties in tumour delineation may occur as thesetumours frequently infiltrate and because contrastenhancement in the normal tissues may be compa-rable to that of the tumour. Meningioma borders

can be more accurately defined on the basis of MET-PET/CT (Grosu et al., 2003; Sweeney et al., 2003). Inconclusion, MET-PET can be helpful in delineatingbrain tumours for radiotherapy planning but morestudies, especially with the alternative FET, tracer areneeded to recommend its use in daily radiationtreatment planning (Grosu et al., 2005).

Head and neck squamous cellcarcinoma

As discussed above, the value of FDG-PET for theselection of target volumes in the head and neckarea has yet to be demonstrated. Indeed, its sensi-tivity and specificity for the assessment of headand neck node infiltration does not differ signifi-cantly from that of CT or MRI (Table 20.1).However a study in 20 patients with mostly locallyadvanced disease demonstrated an increase insensitivity with the use of a hybrid PET/CT com-pared with CT alone and showed that PET/CT-based radiation treatment would have significantlychanged the dose distribution (Schwartz et al.,2005). These findings need to be confirmedprospectively in larger study populations before itcan be implemented into routine use.

In contrast, FDG-PET has been shown to be ofvalue for the delineation of the primary tumourGTV by comparing 3D registration of CT, MRIand FDG-PET images of oropharyngeal, hypopha-ryngeal and laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas(Daisne et al., 2004). In a subset of laryngealtumours, the imaging modalities were also regis-tered with the actual surgical specimen taken as a‘gold standard’. It was found that MRI did not pro-vide any added value to CT, either in terms of vol-umetric GTV assessment or in terms of reducedinterobserver variability (Geets et al., 2005). Incontrast, FDG-PET demonstrated higher accuracyin delineating GTV with a statistically significantreduction in the target volumes. All three imagingmodalities, however, failed to visualize the extentof superficial tumour, illustrating their limitationsin spatial resolution. Interestingly, the differencesobserved between CT and FDG-PET for the GTVdelineation translated into significant differencesin clinical target volume (CTV) and planning tar-get volume (PTV) delineation. When comparative

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3D-conformal radiotherapy (CRT) plans weremade, FDG-PET-based plans were more confor-mal than the CT-based plans and reductions in theisodose volumes with subsequent reductions inthe dose to the surrounding normal tissues wereobserved in the PET-based plans (Geets et al.,2006). This could have important consequences asit paves the way for possible dose escalation to thetarget volumes; in a proof-of-concept study on 15patients with head and neck tumours, it wasshown that an increase in dose per fraction (to2.5 Gy and 3 Gy per fraction) could be safely deliv-ered to the FDG-PET-based PTV during part ofthe treatment (Vanderstraeten et al., 2006).

During a course of fractionated radiotherapy, itis anticipated that both anatomical and functionaltumour changes will occur. Re-assessment of thetumour during radiotherapy with subsequentadaptation of the plan might thus allow a muchtighter dose distribution to the target volumes

with consequent decrease of the total irradiatedvolume. In the hypopharynx, it has been shown(Geets et al., 2007b) that the GTV progressivelydecreases during radiotherapy and that adaptivetreatment could lead to a significant reduction inthe high-dose volume in some cases (Fig. 20.4).

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET has a higher sensitivity/specificity for nodal staging than CT and might thus alter the GTV either by detectingunnoticed metastatic lymph nodes or by down-staging a CT false-positive mediastinal nodal sta-tion. Because of the particularly high sensitivity,the second situation is more frequent (Table 20.1).In a series of 44 patients, it was shown that FDG-PET altered the stage of the disease in 11 patients(25 per cent) by down-staging 10 of these patients







P P152152

Figure 20.4 Patient with a T4-N0-M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx. The patient was treated using asimultaneous integrated boost approach delivering a dose of 55.5 Gy (30 fractions of 1.85 Gy) to the prophylacticplanning target volume (PTV; delineated in dark blue) and a dose of 69 Gy (30 fractions of 2.3 Gy) to the therapeuticPTV (delineated in dark green). Comparison between a pretreatment computed tomography (CT)-based plan (left) andadaptive fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)-based plan (right). On both plans, only the CT-based PTVs are depicted. A FDG-PET examination was performed before treatment and at 16 Gy, 24 Gy, 34 Gy and 44 Gy.The dose distribution was adapted to the progressive reduction of the FDG-PET gross tumour volume (GTV). See colourplate section for full colour image.

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Using PET images for treatment planning 279

(De Ruysscher et al., 2005b). As a consequence, theGTV based on FDG-PET was, on average, smallerthan the GTV defined on CT. In a simulationstudy, it has been shown that for the sameexpected toxicity to lungs, spinal cord andoesophagus, the dose to the tumour could beincreased by 25 per cent, resulting in a potentially

higher tumour control probability of 24 per centfor PET-CT planning compared with 6.3 per centfor CT alone (De Ruysscher et al., 2005a). In addi-tion to better detection of true positive lymphnodes, FDG-PET further alters the definition ofGTV by discriminating tumour tissue fromatelectasis or necrosis (Fig. 20.5). Other studies

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 20.5 This example illustrates the role of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) fordelineating the volume of a lung cancer. The images represent saggital (a) and axial (c) slices of a patient with a lungcancer located in the left hilar region, with retro-obstructive atelectasis of the entire left lung, associated with a majorpleural effusion. The metabolic information provided by FDG-PET (b, d) shows that the tumour tissue is strictly located tothe hilum. The delineation of the tumour margins is easier and more accurate with the help of FDG-PET, allowing for asignificant modification of the target volume. See colour plate section for full colour image.

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have reported that FDG-PET alters the GTV in22–62 per cent of the patients (Bachaud et al.,2005) and PET, especially PET-CT, imaging hasbeen shown to significantly reduce the inter-observer variability, as well as the intraobservervariability (Ashamalla et al., 2005; Fox et al.,2005). In a modelling study, it was reported in 21patients with N2–N3 NSCLC that the use of PET-CT for radiotherapy planning resulted in a lowerradiation exposure of the oesophagus and thelungs, allowing a significant dose escalation to thetumour (van der Wel et al., 2005).

To date, only a few studies have prospectivelyincluded PET with FDG in radiotherapy planningand actually addressed its impact on local tumourcontrol and survival. Selective mediastinal nodeirradiation based on PET with FDG has yielded alow rate of isolated nodal failure, suggesting thatreducing the target volume does not result inworse local control (De Ruysscher et al., 2005b).

Some issues related to the use of PET in lungcancer radiotherapy remain unresolved. First,tumour delineation/contouring by PET is stillunsatisfactory, as discussed in Section 20.3. Theappropriate activity threshold to be used to auto-matically delineate the tumour contours varieswith the size of the tumour and the tumour-to-background ratio (Yaremko et al., 2005). It hasbeen suggested that the area of lower uptake(which has been named the ‘anatomic biologichalo’) immediately surrounding the most meta-bolic part of the tumour be included in the GTVdefined from PET (Ashamalla et al., 2005).Including this ‘halo’ resulted in a better dose cov-erage of the PTVs. Standardization is needed,since the use of different delineation techniquesfor FDG leads to different GTVs (Nestle et al.,2005).

The second methodological issue, of particularimportance in lung cancer radiation therapy, istumour motion during PET imaging and radio-therapy. The PET images are usually acquired dur-ing free breathing. Usual emission scan durationfor PET is 5–10 min per bed position for conven-tional PET. For PET/CT, the short CT scan is usedfor attenuation correction. To increase the accu-racy of tumour volume delineation, respiratorygating techniques should be implemented(Boucher et al., 2004).

Esophageal tumour

As already discussed, FDG-PET is particularly spe-cific for lymph node detection outside of themediastinum, which might help to optimize theradiation target volume (Table 20.1). In an analysisof the additional value of FDG-PET for optimiza-tion of the CTV in 30 patients with advancedoesophageal cancer (Vrieze et al., 2004), discor-dances between conventional staging modalities,including CT and oesophageal endoscopic ultra-sound (EUS), for the detection of lymph nodeinvolvement were found in 14 out of 30 patients(47 per cent). In eight patients, the involved lymphnodes were detected only on CT/EUS, whichwould have led to a decrease in the CTV in three ofthem if PET alone had been used. In contrast, PETwith FDG was the only detector of lymph nodeinvolvement in six patients, resulting in a possiblelarger CTV in three of these patients (10 per cent).The authors concluded that the high specificity ofFDG-PET for lymph node detection justifies itsuse for treatment volume adaptation in case ofpositive findings, while the low sensitivity of FDG-PET (i.e. false-negative lymph nodes) would givean erroneous reduction of the CTV. Whether therole of FDG-PET in esophageal treatment plan-ning will lead to a therapeutic gain withoutincreasing the toxicity remains unanswered.

Another study evaluated the impact of CT andFDG-PET in conformal radiotherapy in 34 patientswith oesophageal carcinoma referred for radicalchemo-radiation (Moureau-Zabotto et al., 2005).After manual delineation of the GTV on bothmodalities, CT and PET were co-registered. Imagefusion (GTV-PET was used as overlay to GTV-CT)resulted in a reduction of the GTV in 12 patients(25 per cent) and an increase in seven patients (21per cent). Modification of the GTV affected thePTV in 18 patients and affected the percentage oflung volume receiving more than 20 Gy in 25patients (74 per cent), with a dose reduction in 12patients and a dose increase in 13 patients. A similarstudy was performed with an integrated PET/CTscanner (Leong et al., 2004). Here, the GTV wasenlarged in 9 out of 10 (90 per cent) patients by a median volume of 22 per cent (range 3–100 per cent) when PET with FDG information was added to the CT-based GTV. In three patients, the

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PET-avid disease was also excluded from the PTVdefined on CT, which would have resulted in a geographical miss. In 16 patients confirming thepossible role of FDG-PET/CT in radiotherapytreatment planning for oesophageal cancer(Howard et al., 2004), CT-derived GTVs were com-pared with GTVs contoured on PET/CT images bymeans of a conformality index (CI). The mean CIwas 0.46, suggesting a significant lack of overlapbetween the GTVs in a large proportion of patients.The use of PET/CT in treatment planning forpatients with oesophageal cancer is now being evaluated in a prospective trial. Another prelimi-nary finding on incorporating EUS and PET scan-ning in the treatment planning process of 25patients with oesophageal carcinoma showed thatthe measured tumour length was significantlylonger on CT than on PET with FDG (Konski et al.,2005). The authors concluded that PET could be of additional help in the treatment planning.Although EUS measurements of the tumour lengthwere as accurate as PET measurements, the resultsof EUS are difficult to translate into the planningprocess. A major drawback of this study was thelack of comparison with pathology findings aftersurgery.

Rectal cancer

The usefulness of FDG-PET for the initial stagingof colorectal cancer has been investigated.Preoperative PET may be useful for the diagnosisof the primary tumour, but it is of limited value fordetecting metastasis to the regional lymph nodes(Table 20.1). The potential use of PET/CT inradiotherapy planning for rectal cancer has beenaddressed in only one study (Ciernik et al., 2005)which evaluated the accuracy of target volume def-inition with FDG-PET in 11 patients using an inte-grated PET/CT system. They found that thePET-defined GTV did not correlate well with thepathologic tumour volume. However, this studyshould be interpreted with caution, as there areseveral methodological weaknesses. First, pre-treatment PET/CT was compared with pathologicalspecimens obtained after preoperative chemo-radiotherapy. Second, a fixed threshold was usedand a so-called ‘standardized region-growing

algorithm’ to segment the target volumes. Thisprocedure omits the selection and delineation ofthe CTV, which contains all pelvic regions that areat risk for subclinical disease in rectal cancer,including the internal iliac lymph node regions(Roels et al., 2006).

Although FDG-PET has a high sensitivity forcolorectal cancer, there are some limitations inspecificity, mainly owing to FDG uptake bymacrophages. This limitation becomes importantwhen assessing tumour volume during treatmentor when assessing response to chemoradiation, asradiation induces mucositis of the rectal wall sur-rounding the tumour. In this regard, efforts arebeing made to develop new 18F-labelled tracersthat might be more tumour specific.

Even if PET can provide additional functionalinformation, its usefulness in the treatment of rec-tal cancer patients is still questionable and needs tobe evaluated in prospective trials using a strictmethodology. Its benefit might be of little interestin preoperative 3D-CRT, as the total mesorectumincluded in the CTV will be surgically removedanyway. However, it may become more importantwhen ‘dose painting’ to relevant biological regionsis achieved with simultaneous integrated boosttechniques. Whether this in turn can improvepatient outcome in terms of local control and/orsphincter preservation has to be tested in future tri-als. Moreover, there remain problems that requirespecific attention, such as image co-registrationand variations in patient setup, in organ motion(e.g. bowel movements) and in organ shape (e.g.bladder filling). The use of an integrated PET/CT isthe modality of choice when it comes to more accu-rate registration in this site. However, there are stillsmall variations possible because of the elasticproperties of the rectal wall resulting in distortionsof the rectum (and tumour) during the time ofacquisition. Displacements of the rectalwall/tumour could also induce geographical misseswhen dose escalation to small volumes is planned.

Cervix cancer

As already mentioned in Section 20.1 (Table 20.1),FDG-PET appears to be of particular value indetecting para-aortic lymph node involvement.

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Based on these findings, a proof-of-concept studyhas been reported on four patients in whom FDG-PET was used to guide intensity-modulated radia-tion therapy (IMRT) treatments by altering theGTV selection with inclusion of para-aortic lymphnodes (Mutic et al., 2003). Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET has also been used to delineate the GTV (fixedthreshold of 40 per cent of the maximum activity)in 24 patients treated by brachytherapy and exter-nal 3D-CRT (Lin et al., 2005). This preliminarystudy has indicated the benefit of FDG-PET inimproving the coverage of large tumours.However, confirmatory studies on larger series ofpatients are needed before it is possible to ascertainthe exact role of FDG-PET for volume delineationof cervix tumours.


Recent developments in molecular imaging havecreated opportunities to probe the heterogeneityof the tumour biology. In addition to FDG, whichis likely to be a surrogate of tumour burden andhence of clonogen density, tracers of hypoxia, suchas fluoromisonidazole (F-Miso), 3,3,3-trifluoro-propylamine (EF3), fluoro-erythronitroimidazole(FETNIM) or copper-diacetyl-bisN4-methylth-iosemicarbazone (Cu-ATSM), of proliferationsuch as 5-bromo-2�-fluoro-2�-deoxyuridine (BFU)or 3�-deoxy-3�-fluorothymidine (FLT), and ofreceptor expression such as epithelial growth fac-tor receptor (EGFR), have been developed.

Among the PET tracers for hypoxia, F-Miso isthe most widely reported but no studies have yetused the tracer to actually define a sub-GTV,which would benefit from a higher radiation dose.There are still several questions that remain openregarding the use of these hypoxia tracers fortreatment planning purpose. For example, it isstill unclear whether all the tracers are imagingsimilar biological characteristics, and thus couldbe interchangeable. In a recent study comparingF-Miso and EF3 in mouse tumour models, it hasbeen shown that these two tracers might not havethe same specificity for cellular hypoxia, and thusmay not identify identical hypoxic fractionswithin a GTV (Mahy et al., 2008).

Fluorothymidine (FLT) is a tracer whichimages DNA synthesis and cellular proliferationby entering the salvage pathway of DNA synthesis.It is thus not incorporated into DNA as the nativenucleotides. Amino acids, like FLT, are of interestbecause they do not seem to accumulate ininflammatory processes and could therefore pro-vide a more specific tumour label (Been et al.,2004). Comparison between FLT and FDG-PETimaging in colorectal cancer has demonstratedlower standardized uptake value (SUV) values forFLT compared with FDG. No correlation wasfound between the uptake of both tracers, con-firming that FLT and FDG detect distinctprocesses. It has been found that FLT is a valuabletracer for improvement of the specificity for thedetection of colorectal tumours. The lack of FLTuptake in inflammatory cells, which are presentduring and after radiotherapy and/or chemother-apy, makes FLT a promising agent to measure theresponse to anti-cancer therapy. Preclinical andclinical studies in colorectal cancer show a goodcorrelation between FLT uptake and proliferation(Francis et al., 2004). However, as FLT is not incor-porated into DNA, results of clinical PET studieswith FLT should be interpreted carefully, takinginto account previous treatment and bearing inmind that FLT uptake observed in vivo mightresult from various mechanisms with possiblydivergent influences.

Although limitations certainly exist regardingthe use of these various tracers, their integrationinto the treatment planning process could give aclearer view of the biological pathways involved inradiation response, and hence could be used to‘paint’ or ‘sculpt’ the dose in various subvolumesusing IMRT. Along this line of investigation,‘dummy run’ studies have been reported with FDGand Cu-ATSM (Chao et al., 2001; De Ruysscher et al., 2005a). Although these studies demonstratethe feasibility of the concept of dose-painting, noclinical validation has been undertaken.

In all the studies on target volume definition todate, it has been assumed that, even when definedwith regard to specific biological pathways, GTVswere homogeneous and did not vary during thecourse of a radiation treatment. Hence, a radia-tion dose homogeneously distributed in space andtime is delivered (i.e. a so-called four-dimensional

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Bibliography 283

homogeneous dose distribution. This is likely tobe an oversimplification of the biological reality,as tumours are known to be heterogeneous withrespect to pathways of importance for radiationresponse, and are also known to progressivelyshrink, at least some of them, during treatment.

Bentzen (2005) has proposed the term ‘therag-nostic’ to describe the use of molecular imaging toassist in prescribing the distribution of radiationdose in four dimensions (i.e. the three spatialdimensions plus time). This is undoubtedly a chal-lenging research topic, which could potentially rev-olutionize the process of radiotherapy planningand delivery. However, several issues need to beresolved. From a planning point of view, the chal-lenge will be to establish the correspondencebetween a PET signal intensity (or a PET imagesegmentation) and a prescribed dose, thus evolvingthe concept of dose-painting into dose-painting bynumber (Alber et al., 2003). We will also need todevelop the tools to register in space and time thevarious images and the dose distributions acquiredthroughout the therapy. To this end, non-rigid reg-istration techniques will be required as tumourand/or normal-tissue shrinkage is expected duringthe course of a radiotherapy treatment. From a bio-logical viewpoint, the challenge will be to relate achange in tracer uptake to a change in the underly-ing biology, thus requiring a comprehensive bio-logical validation of the concept of dose-paintingor dose-painting by number in experimental mod-els. However, although much research still needs tobe done, it is likely that during the next 10 yearsthese concepts and procedures will be increasinglyincorporated into clinical radiotherapy.


Abdel-Nabi H, Doerr RJ, Lamonica DM et al. (1998).Staging of primary colorectal carcinomas withfluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose whole-body PET:correlation with histopathologic and CT findings.Radiology 206: 755–60.

Alber M, Paulsen F, Eschmann SM, Machulla HJ (2003).On biologically conformal boost dose optimization.Phys Med Biol 48: N31–5.

types. Given the considerable range of PETaccuracies across different tumour types, itsrole will not be identical in the differenttumour locations.

3. In using PET for volume segmentation,image acquisition, reconstruction and analy-sis need new standards favouring imagequality over reconstruction speed.

4. Observer-independent segmentation of PETimages is required for automatic delineationof the GTV. Gradient-based methods appearmore robust than threshold-based methods,especially in difficult cases (low uptakeand/or peritumoural inflammation)encountered during radiotherapy treatment.

5. The use of molecular imaging for treatmentplanning is under validation in various dis-ease sites. It has shown encouraging resultsin head and neck and lung tumours.

6. ‘Theragnostic’ has been proposed todescribe the use of molecular imaging toassist in prescribing the distribution of radi-ation dose in four dimensions – the threespatial dimensions plus time. It is a challeng-ing concept at the frontier between radiationoncology, radiation biology and radiationphysics that still requires thorough testing.

7. Before proper validation of the use of vari-ous PET tracers has been performed, and allmethodological aspects have been fullyoptimized, it is reasonable to say that the useof PET for treatment planning purposesshould not be used on a routine basis, butshould remain in the clinical research arena.

Key points

1. Molecular imaging is the use of non-inva-sive imaging techniques (e.g. PET, fMRI)that enable the visualization of various bio-logical pathways and physiological charac-teristics of tumours and normal tissues.

2. FDG-PET may be of benefit for the selec-tion of target volumes depending on its sen-sitivity and specificity for various tumour

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Antoch G, Saoudi N, Kuehl H et al. (2004). Accuracy ofwhole-body dual-modality fluorine-18–2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomographyand computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) for tumorstaging in solid tumors: comparison with CT and PET.J Clin Oncol 22: 4357–68.

Ashamalla H, Rafla S, Parikh K et al. (2005). Thecontribution of integrated PET/CT to the evolvingdefinition of treatment volumes in radiationtreatment planning in lung cancer. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 63: 1016–23.

Bachaud JM, Marre D, Dygai I et al. (2005). [The impactof 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emissiontomography on the 3D conformal radiotherapyplanning in patients with non-small cell lungcancer]. Cancer Radiother 9: 602–9.

Bar-Shalom R, Yefremov N, Guralnik L et al. (2003).Clinical performance of PET/CT in evaluation ofcancer: additional value for diagnostic imaging andpatient management. J Nucl Med 44: 1200–9.

Been LB, Suurmeijer AJ, Cobben DC, Jager PL, HoekstraHJ, Elsinga PH (2004). [18F]FLT-PET in oncology:current status and opportunities. Eur J Nucl Med MolImaging 31: 1659–72.

Bentzen SM (2005). Theragnostic imaging for radiationoncology: dose-painting by numbers. Lancet Oncol6: 112–7.

Birim O, Kappetein AP, Stijnen T, Bogers AJ (2005).Meta-analysis of positron emission tomographic andcomputed tomographic imaging in detectingmediastinal lymph node metastases in nonsmall celllung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 79: 375–82.

Boucher L, Rodrigue S, Lecomte R, Benard F (2004).Respiratory gating for 3-dimensional PET of thethorax: feasibility and initial results. J Nucl Med 45:214–9.

Chao KS, Bosch WR, Mutic S et al. (2001). A novelapproach to overcome hypoxic tumor resistance:Cu-ATSM-guided intensity-modulated radiationtherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 49: 1171–82.

Ciernik IF, Dizendorf E, Baumert BG et al. (2003).Radiation treatment planning with an integratedpositron emission and computer tomography(PET/CT): a feasibility study. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 57: 853–63.

Ciernik IF, Huser M, Burger C, Davis JB, Szekely G(2005). Automated functional image-guidedradiation treatment planning for rectal cancer. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 62: 893–900.

Daisne JF, Duprez T, Weynand B et al. (2004). Tumorvolume in pharyngolaryngeal squamous cellcarcinoma: comparison at CT, MR imaging, and FDGPET and validation with surgical specimen.Radiology 233: 93–100.

De Ruysscher D, Wanders S, Minken A et al. (2005a).Effects of radiotherapy planning with a dedicatedcombined PET-CT-simulator of patients with non-small cell lung cancer on dose limiting normaltissues and radiation dose-escalation: a planningstudy. Radiother Oncol 77: 5–10.

De Ruysscher D, Wanders S, van Haren E et al. (2005b).Selective mediastinal node irradiation based onFDG-PET scan data in patients with non-small-celllung cancer: a prospective clinical study. Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 62: 988–94.

Erdi YE, Mawlawi O, Larson SM et al. (1997).Segmentation of lung lesion volume by adaptivepositron emission tomography image thresholding.Cancer 80: 2505–9.

Fox JL, Rengan R, O’Meara W et al. (2005). Doesregistration of PET and planning CT images decreaseinterobserver and intraobserver variation indelineating tumor volumes for non-small-cell lungcancer? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 62: 70–5.

Francis DL, Visvikis D, Costa DC et al. (2004).Assessment of recurrent colorectal cancer following 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy using both18FDG and 18FLT PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging31: 928.

Geets X, Daisne JF, Arcangeli S et al. (2005). Inter-observer variability in the delineation of pharyngo-laryngeal tumor, parotid glands and cervical spinalcord: comparison between CT-scan and MRI.Radiother Oncol 77: 25–31.

Geets X, Daisne JF, Tomsej M, Duprez T, Lonneux M,Gregoire V (2006). Impact of the type of imagingmodality on target volumes delineation and dosedistribution in pharyngo-laryngeal squamous cellcarcinoma: comparison between pre- and per-treatment studies. Radiother Oncol 78: 291–7.

Geets X, Lee JA, Bol A, Lonneux M, Gregoire V (2007a).A gradient-based method for segmenting FDG-PETimages: methodology and validation. Eur J Nucl MedMol Imaging 34: 1427–38.

Geets X, Tomsej M, Lee JA (2007b). Adaptive biologicalimage-guided IMRT with anatomic and functionalimaging in pharyngo-laryngeal tumors: impact ontarget volume delineation and dose distribution

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Molecular-targeted agents for enhancingtumour responseMICHAEL BAUMANN AND VINCENT GRÉGOIRE

21.1 Introduction 28721.2 EGFR inhibitors 29121.3 Anti-angiogenic drugs 29421.4 Inhibitors of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase

(PI3K)/protein kinase B (AKT) pathway 29521.5 Inhibitors of the Ras pathway 29621.6 Histone deacetylase inhibitors 296

21.7 Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors 29621.8 Other targeted drugs 29621.9 Conclusions 296Key points 297Bibliography 297Further reading 300



Combined radiochemotherapy is now firmlyestablished in clinical practice for a wide spectrumof tumours. Randomized trials have shown that, inmany cases, this strategy may lead to better localcontrol and survival than radiotherapy alone. Theradiobiological basis for radiochemotherapy and its current results are reviewed in Chapter 18.In this present chapter we emphasize that,despite their proven benefit, currently availablechemotherapeutic drugs are far from being perfectfor combining with radiotherapy (Krause et al., 2006). Tumour cell kill by chemotherapy atclinically achievable doses is minor compared withthat caused by radiation. Only in a relatively smallproportion of patients is chemotherapy suffi-ciently effective to destroy subclinical metastaticdeposits. Normal tissue toxicity is frequentlyincreased after combined radiochemotherapy,which may limit doses of drugs or radiation. Forthese reasons it is obvious that more effective andless toxic substances are needed to further improvethe results of systemic therapies combined withradiation.

Substantial research is ongoing in the design ofso-called targeted anti-cancer drugs. These drugs,also called molecular-targeted drugs, more or lessspecifically interfere with those molecular path-ways which keep cells alive, and which allow cellsto communicate with their environment and withother cells, or which govern the response of cellsagainst stressors, including radiation. Importantexamples of such molecular processes are outlinedin Chapter 23. Recent advances in the field ofbiotechnology and cell biology have made it pos-sible to unravel the details of this molecular sig-nalling, and new pathways of molecular crosstalkare being detected at a rapid pace. As many ofthese pathways may be specifically inhibited ormodified, the number of novel biology-drivendrugs whose potential for radiotherapy warrantsevaluation is increasing rapidly.

Rationale for combining molecular-targeted drugs with radiotherapy

Several reasons make the combination of molecular-targeted agents with irradiation a promising

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288 Molecular-targeted agents for enhancing tumour response

avenue for preclinical and clinical cancer research(Krause et al., 2006):

● The radiobiological basis of the response oftumours and normal tissues has been exten-sively studied and can in many cases bedescribed not only qualitatively but also quan-titatively (see Chapter 5).

● The molecular mechanisms underlying theradiobiology are being increasingly well under-stood and may be specifically targeted (seeChapters 2, 3 and 23).

● Molecular targets are often differentiallyexpressed in tumours and normal tissues, offer-ing a possible therapeutic gain (see Chapter 22).

● Molecular-targeted agents are in themselves notcurative in solid tumours, whereas radiotherapy

is highly efficient in eradicating cancer stemcells. As discussed in Chapter 5, it can be esti-mated from Poisson statistics that on averageonly 0.1–2.3 cancer stem cells per tumour sur-vive at local tumour control probabilitiesbetween 10 per cent and 90 per cent (i.e. in the‘curative’ dose range). This means that recur-rences after high-dose radiotherapy may becaused by only one or few cancer stem cells.This is illustrated in Fig. 21.1, where histologi-cal sections of irradiated AT17 mouse mam-mary carcinomas are compared with thedose–response curve for local control in the sametumour model. A unique feature of the AT17tumour is that regrowth of surviving cancerstem cells after irradiation can be directly visu-alized and measured as colony formation













50 60 70Dose (Gy)


P (







33 Gy 42 Gy

54 Gy

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 21.1 Pattern of clonal regeneration of stem cells in the AT17 mouse mammary carcinoma after irradiation withsingle doses of (a) 33 Gy, (b) 42 Gy and (c) 54 Gy under clamp hypoxic conditions. With increasing irradiation dose, thenumber of colonies per section decreases, after 54 Gy only one surviving colony was found (arrow, close-up shown in d).(e, upper) The number of surviving stem cells for individual AT17 tumours measured at day 19 after single doseirradiation under clamp hypoxia; (e, lower) local tumour control (symbols) at 18-month follow-up and the calculatedtumour control probabilities (TCP, line) for AT17 tumours irradiated with the same single doses under clamp hypoxia.The increase in local tumour control corresponds closely to the proportion of tumours without surviving stem cells.From Krause et al. (2006), with permission.

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Introduction 289

in vivo (Kummermehr and Trott, 1997; Krause et al., 2006). Figure 21.1a–c shows that, withincreasing dose, the number of colonies persection decreases, and that after 54 Gy a singlesurviving colony was found (close up shown inFig. 21.1d). Figure 21.1e shows the number ofsurviving clonogenic cells per tumour forgroups of tumours treated with increasingdoses. The number of colonies per tumourdecreases and the proportion of tumours with-out any surviving cancer stem cell increaseswith increasing radiation dose. The histologicaldata correspond well with the observed rate ofpermanent local tumour control after irradia-tion in the same tumour model. Those tumoursthat are not completely sterilized after irradia-tion with doses in the curative range (in thisexperiment �50 Gy) typically contain only oneto a maximum of 100 surviving cancer stemcells. Thus, even if a novel molecular-targetedagent has the potential to kill only a few cancerstem cells, or if it interferes in mechanisms ofradioresistance of tumours, its combinationwith radiotherapy may still lead to an improve-ment in local tumour control.

Research strategies to evaluatetargeted drugs for radiotherapy

The large number of potential cellular target mol-ecules and the rapid emergence of new drugs tointeract with these targets requires a rational,radiobiology-driven approach for target selection.Attractive targets for drugs to be used specificallywithin the context of radiotherapy would be(over)expressed in a high proportion of tumoursfrequently treated by radiation, would not beexpressed by normal tissues surrounding thetumour, would be linked to poor loco-regionaltumour control after radiotherapy alone andwould ideally be associated with known radiobio-logical mechanisms of tumour radioresistance(Krause et al., 2006). Identification of such targetsrequires specific research on preclinical modeltumours and on tumour material of patientstreated by radiotherapy. The biological dataobtained from the tumours should be comparedwith high-quality clinical outcome data which

incorporate comprehensive information on dose,fractionation and known prognostic factors.Appropriate multivariate methods should beapplied, not only in determining prognostic fac-tors but also in assessing the results of biomarkerstudies. A good example of rational target identi-fication in the context of radiotherapy is the epi-dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which willbe discussed below.

In developing new molecular-targeted agentsfor use with radiation, the initial evaluation is typi-cally performed on cells in culture. Endpointsinclude inhibition of cell proliferation, and colonyformation after irradiation with and without drug.However, it should be kept in mind that effects invitro do not necessarily translate into the sameeffect in vivo. Typical problems are that higher drugconcentrations can be achieved in vitro than invivo, that the expression of target molecules may bedifferent in vitro and in vivo, that cell culture condi-tions may significantly influence cell survival, andthat many microenvironmental factors that arepresent in tumours (e.g. hypoxia, low pH, cell–cellinteractions) are usually not reflected in cell culture(reviewed in Krause et al., 2006). However, becauseof the high number of potential targets, there iscurrently no practical alternative to initially screen-ing molecular-targeted drugs combined with radi-ation using in vitro models. Experiments on cells in culture are also very important for unravellingthe mechanisms of action of effects observed inanimals or in clinical studies.

The final step in the preclinical investigation ofnew targeted drugs for radiotherapy shouldinclude experiments on tumour models in vivo.The design and experimental endpoints of suchstudies are discussed in Chapter 7. For the discus-sion here, it is important to discriminate volume-dependent endpoints such as tumour regressionor tumour growth delay from local tumour con-trol. Those cells which may form a recurrenceafter therapy (i.e. cancer stem cells) constituteonly a small proportion of all cancer cells, whereasthe bulk of tumour cells are non-tumourigenic(Hill and Milas, 1989; Clarke et al., 2006). Thus,changes in tumour volume after therapy are gov-erned by the changes in the mass of tumour cells,that is, primarily by the non-stem cells. In con-trast, local tumour control is dependent on the

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complete inactivation of the subpopulation ofcancer stem cells (Baumann et al., 2008). Themajority of current preclinical studies in cancerresearch use volume-dependent endpoints. Thiscarries a substantial risk that new treatments maybe optimized for their effect on the bulk of non-stem cancer cells, with no improvement in thecurative potential. That there exist such differenteffects of molecular-targeted agents when com-bined with radiation on non-stem cells and cancerstem cells is supported by several recent studiesthat have shown a dissociation of tumour vol-ume-dependent endpoints and tumour control(reviewed in Krause et al., 2006; Baumann et al.,2008). An example is shown in Fig. 21.2, in whichinhibition of the epithelial growth factor receptor(EGFR) led to pronounced regression and growthdelay of the tumour without improving localtumour control. Overall, these experiments sup-port the principle that radiotherapy-specific pre-clinical research strategies need to be applied totest the efficacy of molecular-targeted drugs com-bined with radiation, and that cancer stem cell-specific endpoints such as local tumour controlshould be used whenever possible (see Chapter 7).

Some specific aspects need also to be men-tioned with regard to testing molecular-targeteddrugs for radiotherapy in clinical trials (Baumann,2006). First, preclinical data should be availablefrom combining the drug with radiation, and thereshould be a valid radiobiological rationale to com-bine exactly the selected drug in the selectedtumour entity. As outlined above, preclinical data

on tumour volume-dependent endpoints mightnot be sufficient, as these do not always reflect sur-vival of cancer stem cells which determine the out-come of curative radiotherapy. Furthermore,biomarkers which are established for use of thedrug alone or combined with chemotherapy donot necessarily also work for the combination withradiation. Therefore, extensive biological co-investigations should be part of all clinical trials oncombined modality treatments to establish radio-therapy-specific prognostic and predictive tests(see below). Lastly, the effects of molecular-targeted drugs on cancer stem cells are weak com-pared with the effects of radiation where clear andoften very steep dose–response relationships existfor tumours as well as for normal tissues. If the(biologically effective) radiation dose and the dosedistribution is not standardized and of high qual-ity, an effect of a new drug may be easily missed ornormal tissue reactions might be increased.

Unfortunately this preclinical and clinicalresearch strategy has so far not been fully estab-lished in research laboratories and industry, lead-ing to inadequate access to new drugs with specificactivity when combined with radiotherapy(Baumann, 2006). Today’s laboratory mass screen-ing of candidate anti-cancer drugs is usually donein the absence of radiotherapy. Thus, candidatecompounds that are not effective alone, but couldbe promising for radiosensitizing tumour cells,will not be selected. Furthermore, preclinical stud-ies usually apply new compounds as monotherapyor in combination with chemotherapeutic agents,

0 20 40 60 0 20(a) (b) (c)

Simultaneous Simultaneous

40 60 00






20 40 60 80 100 1200.01




Days after start of BIBX treatment

Unirradiated tumoursBIB � 1382BS

40 Gy/6wBIB � 1382BS

30 f/6wBIB � 1382BS



e tu


r vo



Dose (Gy)




rol (


Figure 21.2 Effect of epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) on the tumour volume ofunirradiated (a) and irradiated (b) FaDu HNSCC xenografts (40 Gy, 30 fractions, 6 weeks) and on local tumour control after 30 fractions within 6 weeks (c). Open symbols, control tumours; closed symbols, tumours treated with the TKIsimultaneously with irradiation. Error bars show 95% CI. Adapted from Baumann and Krause (2004), with permission.

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but not combined with radiotherapy. New drugsthat are eventually included in clinical trials are usu-ally tested in combination with radiotherapy onlyafter they have shown promise alone or in combina-tion with chemotherapy. Again, this selection couldmiss important opportunities (Baumann, 2006).

Targeted drugs and distant metastases

A ‘perfect’ targeted drug for radiotherapy may haveno impact on the survival of cancer cells when givenwithout irradiation, but effectively decreases mech-anisms of radiation resistance, thereby improvinglocal tumour control. However, subclinical distantmetastases might be already present outside theirradiated volume. The drug, because of its ineffec-tiveness without irradiation, will not eradicate thesesubclinical metastases, and the patient may suc-cumb from distant metastases despite the fact thatthe primary tumour is controlled. This is a funda-mental difference between a (pure) targeted radia-tion modifier and chemotherapeutic drugs thatmay kill tumour cells by themselves and, thus, whencombined with radiotherapy, may help to eradicateboth the primary tumour and distant metastases.Therefore, most researchers aim to develop targeteddrugs that also have efficacy against cancer cells bythemselves and which can eradicate subclinicalmetastases. Alternatively, pure radiation modifiersmay be combined with radiation plus chemother-apy. In such trimodality treatments, systemicchemotherapy (potentially enhanced by the tar-geted drug) would be directed against the metasta-tic deposits, whereas radiotherapy, enhanced in itseffect by the targeted drug and possibly by thechemotherapeutic agent, would eradicate the pri-mary tumour. It should be noted that such novelstrategies would not necessarily have to utilize con-current radiochemotherapy which for most cancersis today’s standard of care.


Preclinical data in model tumours

In murine tumour models, a significant correla-tion between EGFR expression and radiation dose

needed to achieve 50 per cent local tumour con-trol (TCD50) after single-dose exposure wasdemonstrated (Akimoto et al., 1999). These resultsmay be explained by a higher number, an increasedcellular radioresistance or greater hypoxia of can-cer stem cells in EGFR-overexpressing tumours. Acorrelation has also been observed between accel-erated repopulation of cancer stem cells and theexpression kinetics of EGFR in one of severalhuman squamous cell carcinoma models, suggest-ing that the EGFR might also be involved in spe-cific radiobiological mechanisms of resistance infractionated radiotherapy (Petersen et al., 2003;Eicheler et al., 2005; Baumann et al., 2007). It isimportant to note that not only EGFR expressionbut also the ligand-independent activation of thereceptor by radiation may be involved in radio-resistance (Schmidt-Ullrich et al., 1999).

A promising approach therefore is to combineradiotherapy with drugs that target the EGFR.Such drugs can be either monoclonal antibodiesagainst the EGFR or small molecules that specifi-cally inhibit phosphorylation of the EGFR (tyro-sine kinase inhibitors, TKIs). Figure 21.3 showsthe downstream molecular pathways that may bealtered by these two approaches. For a large num-ber of tumour cell lines in vitro it has beendemonstrated that EGFR inhibition with or with-out irradiation results in reduced cell prolifera-tion. For some but not all of these cell lines, aradiosensitizing effect could also be shown,which, at least in part, seems to be related to inhi-bition of repair of DNA damage (reviewed inBaumann et al., 2007). Also, for many tumourmodels in vivo, prolonged growth delay wasdemonstrated for different EGFR inhibitors com-bined with radiotherapy (reviewed in Baumannand Krause, 2004). Experiments demonstratedimproved local tumour control when the mono-clonal anti-EGFR antibody C225 was given withsingle dose or fractionated irradiation (Nasu et al.,2001; Krause et al., 2005b; Milas et al., 2007).

Several radiobiological mechanisms mayexplain the observed effects: direct inactivation ofcancer stem cells by the drug, cellular radiosensiti-zation, reduced repopulation and improvedreoxygenation are all possible (Krause et al.,2005a; Baumann et al., 2007). It is interesting tonote that, to date, improved local tumour control

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in preclinical studies has been shown only foranti-EGFR antibodies but not for EGFR TKIs,even when tested in exactly the same tumourmodels. This suggests that immune-responsereactions might be important. It also should benoted that there is considerable heterogeneity inthe efficacy of EGFR inhibitors between differenttumour models and between different drugs, thuscalling for better understanding of the mechanisms

of action and for predictive tests within the con-text of radiotherapy.

Clinical data


The greatest clinical experience so far has beenreported for head and neck cancer. The EGFR is






Ras PI3K



Gene expressionproliferation

Increased Ca2�


















Figure 21.3 Schematic illustration of epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mediated signal transduction.Activation of the EGFR by its ligands or by irradiation results in a homodimerization of two EGFRs or a heterodimerizationwith another member of the EGFR family, followed by internalization and autophosphorylation of the intracellulartyrosine kinase (TK) domain. Different cascades can be activated, leading to proliferation, enhanced cell survival andcell-cycle progression. The EGFR can be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which block extracellulardimerization and lead to internalization of the EGFR–mAb complex, degradation and down-modulation of the EGFR.The TK inhibitors pass the cellular membrane and block phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase. From Baumann andKrause (2004), with permission.

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highly expressed in head and neck squamous cellcarcinoma and, in a retrospective RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) study onpatients with locally advanced tumours treated byradiotherapy alone, EGFR expression has beenshown to be an independent prognostic factor forboth overall survival and disease-free survival(Ang et al., 2002); patients whose tumours over-expressed the EGFR did significantly worse thanpatients who did not. These clinical observationson the negative impact of EGFR expression on theoutcome of radiotherapy support the concept thatEGFR inhibition might counteract mechanisms ofintrinsic radioresistance. It was also shown in ret-rospective analyses from the DAHANCA (DanishHead and Neck Cancer) and the CHART (contin-uous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy)trials that only patients with high EGFR expres-sion benefited from accelerated radiotherapy(Bentzen et al., 2005; Eriksen et al., 2005). In linewith preclinical results discussed above, these datasuggest that the EGFR may be involved in acceler-ated repopulation of cancer stem cells.

Cetuximab (C225 or Erbitux) is, at the time ofwriting, the leading monoclonal antibody againstEGFR that has been tested clinically. A phase I studyin patients with advanced head and neck squamouscell carcinoma has evaluated the safety profile ofthis antibody in association with radiotherapyalone, and has recommended the use of a loading

dose of 400–500 mg/m2 followed by weekly injec-tion at a dose of 250 mg/m2 (Robert et al., 2001).Based on these data, a randomized phase III trialcomparing radiotherapy alone with the sameradiotherapy with a loading dose (400 mg/m2) fol-lowed by weekly doses (250 mg/m2) of C225 wasundertaken in patients with stage III or IV squa-mous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oropharynx,hypopharynx and larynx (Bonner et al., 2006).Patients were stratified according to the radiother-apy regimen (70 Gy in 35 fractions in 7 weeks or72.0–76.8 Gy in 60–64 fractions in 7 weeks, or72.0 Gy in 42 fractions over 6 weeks), the perform-ance status, the nodal involvement (N0 versus N�)and the T-stage (T1–T3 versus T4). A total of 424patients were randomized. With a median follow-up of 54 months, patients treated with the com-bined treatment did significantly better thanpatients treated by radiotherapy alone in term ofloco-regional control, progression-free survivaland overall survival (Table 21.1). The rate of distantmetastasis was not different between the two armsand, although some differences were observedwhen subgroup analysis was performed, the studywas not powered to detect any significant differencebetween them. An interesting observation of thistrial was that, with the exception of acneiform rash,no difference was observed between the two groupsregarding toxicity and, in particular, radiation-induced acute side-effects (Table 21.1). Also, for

Table 21.1 Comparison between radiotherapy alone and radiotherapy plus cetuximab in patientswith locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Radiotherapy alone Radiotherapy � cetuximab(%) (n � 213) (%) (n � 211) p

Anti-tumour efficacy3-year loco-regional control 34 47 0.013-year progression-free survival 31 42 0.043-year overall survival 45 55 0.05Adverse effects (grades 3–5)Mucositis 52 56 0.44Dysphagia 30 26 0.45Radiation dermatitis 18 23 0.27Acneiform rash 1 17 0.001

Data from Bonner et al. (2006).

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palliative treatment of head and neck squamouscell carcinoma (HNSCC), addition of cetuximab tocisplatin has been shown, in a phase III trial, to be superior to cisplatin alone (Burtness et al.,2005).

Other monoclonal antibodies directed againstthe EGFR have been developed and are being testedin various clinical phases. H-R3 is a humanized anti-body that has been tested in a phase I trial in combi-nation with radiotherapy in patients with locallyadvanced disease (Crombet et al., 2004). A phase IItrial is ongoing in HNSCC. The safety profile ofZalutumumab (HuMax-EGFr), a fully humanizedmonoclonal antibody, has been evaluated inpatients with metastatic or recurrent HNSCC(Bastholt et al., 2005). This antibody is undergoingtesting in concomitant association with radiother-apy for locally advanced HNSCC. Panitumumab(ABX-EGF) and matuzumab (EMD 72000) are alsofully humanized antibodies against EGFR (Foon et al., 2004; Kim, 2004) and have been tested in var-ious human tumours, but no study so far has beenreported on combination with radiation.

For EGFR TKIs, so far, no phase III trial has beenreported in HNSCC. A phase II trial on ZD1839(gefitinib, Iressa) in patients with metastatic orrecurrent HNSCC reported a response rate of 11per cent and a disease control rate of 53 per cent fordaily doses of 500 mg (Cohen et al., 2003). For dailydoses of 250 mg, the response rate was much lower(Cohen et al., 2005). Interestingly, in both studies, acorrelation was reported between the incidence ofskin rash and the tumour response. No study has yetbeen reported on Iressa combined with radiother-apy or radiochemotherapy. A randomized phase IItrial is currently ongoing in previously untreatedpatients with locally advanced HNSCC treated withconcomitant radiochemotherapy. In a phase II trial,a modest response rate of 4 per cent was alsoreported with erlotinib (Tarceva) used inmonotherapy in heavily pretreated patients withrecurrent or metastatic disease (Soulieres et al.,2004). No data on concomitant use of Tarceva withradiotherapy has been reported.


At the time of writing, no phase III trials have beenreported on the combination of radiotherapy with

anti-EGFR antibodies in sites other than HNSCC.Cetuximab and panitumumab have been shownin phase III trials to be effective in palliative treat-ment of chemotherapy-refractory colorectal cancer. It is interesting to note that cetuximab,when given simultaneously with neoadjuvantradiochemotherapy in patients with rectal carci-noma, showed inferior complete pathologicalresponse rates compared with historical data onradiochemotherapy alone in two different phaseII studies (Machiels et al., 2007; Rodel et al., 2008).

With EGFR TKIs, one phase III trial has beenreported on the combination with radiotherapy inpatients with non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). Administration of gefitinib after theend of radiochemotherapy was compared withradiochemotherapy alone; the trial was stoppedearly because survival was significantly better afterradiochemotherapy alone (Kelly et al., 2007).Without radiotherapy, EGFR TKIs have beentested in several phase III trials in NSCLC and inone trial on pancreatic cancer (reviewed in Krauseand Baumann, 2008). In NSCLC the results wereonly positive when the TKIs were given alone,whereas no improvement in tumour response orsurvival were observed when the TKIs were com-bined with chemotherapy. This contrasts withpancreatic cancer, in which addition of erlotinibto gemcitabine improved survival.

Overall, the data reported so far indicate thataddition of targeted drugs to established anti-cancer treatments will not always improve theresults, even if the drug when given alone is effec-tive. This calls for careful preclinical and clinicalresearch into exactly the setting intended for usebefore introduction of novel drugs into multi-modality treatments.


Very early tumour foci can be fed by diffusionalone; however, at a diameter larger than 1–2 mm,tumours need perfused blood vessels for furthergrowth. For this neo-angiogenesis, the vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays an impor-tant role. A potential advantage of targeting VEGFsignalling is that there is almost no physiologicalneo-angiogenesis in adults, thus making this target

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Inhibitors of the PI3K/AKT pathway 295

tumour-specific. The VEGF receptor (VEGFR) isexpressed preferentially on endothelial cells andits activation is known to induce endothelial cellproliferation, migration and survival. High levelsof VEGF are associated with poor prognoses inpatients. In preclinical experiments, VEGFRinhibitors have been shown to radiosensitizeendothelial cells and to inhibit the proliferationand survival of endothelial cells and, secondarily, oftumour cells. Application of an anti-VEGFR anti-body in combination with short-term fractionatedirradiation led to improved local control in two dif-ferent tumour models in vivo (Kozin et al., 2001).With a VEGFR thymidine kinase inhibitor, pro-longed tumour growth delay could be shown aftercombination with fractionated irradiation in dif-ferent tumour models; however, this effect did nottranslate into improved local tumour control (Zipset al., 2003, 2005). Interpreting these data, potentialradiobiological effects on tumour hypoxia need tobe considered. In theory, anti-angiogenic drugscould increase hypoxia by reduction of the vesseldensity. However, improvement of tumour celloxygenation by reduction of the interstitial fluidpressure and oxygen consumption and by normal-ization of the chaotic tumour vasculature is alsopossible (Jain, 2005). Preclinical data on theimpact of transient normalization of the tumourvasculature for tumour response after irradiationare contradictory.

Anti-angiogenic substances are also beingtested clinically in combination with radiotherapy.A randomized trial has been performed in stage IIINSCLC in which induction chemotherapy was fol-lowed by concomitant radiochemotherapy. Thepatients were randomized to receive AE-941(Neovastat), a shark cartilage extract with anti-angiogenic properties, or placebo at the start ofinduction chemotherapy and continuing afterradiochemotherapy as maintenance therapy. Thistrial was closed early because of insufficientaccrual after 384 patients and showed no effect onoverall survival (Lu et al., 2007). Early clinicalexperience is also available for the monoclonalanti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab (Avastin) inrectal cancer. A proof of concept study was per-formed with bevacizumab and radiotherapy in sixpatients with locally advanced adenocarcinoma ofthe rectum (Willett et al., 2004). Patients received

bevacizumab 2 weeks before neoadjuvant fluo-rouracil (5FU)-based radiochemotherapy. Twelvedays after the first infusion of bevacizumab, over-all improvement in the efficiency of blood vesselswas observed, as measured by various endpointssuch as blood flow, blood volume, microvasculardensity and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake, andthis supports the concept of transient normaliza-tion of tumour perfusion with anti-angiogenicdrugs, allowing a more effective delivery of oxygenand chemotherapeutic agents (Jain, 2005). Earlytumour response rates after bevacizumab com-bined with radiochemotherapy are encouragingin phase I clinical trials. However, some in-fieldintestinal toxicity has occurred, underlining theneed for further investigations to clarify the thera-peutic potential of bevacizumab to improve theresults of radiochemotherapy in gastrointestinalcancer (Willett et al., 2005; Crane et al., 2006).


Signal transduction of PI3K/AKT is an importantdownstream pathway of the receptor tyrosinekinases. Its activation results in increased cell sur-vival and contributes to radioresistance. The mam-malian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key signaltransduction molecule of the PI3K/AKT pathwayand constitutive mTOR activation contributes toradioresistance. However, using clonogenic end-points in vitro, mTOR inhibition by rapamycincould not be shown to radiosensitize U87 gliomacells. When given combined with irradiation(4 � 4 Gy over 18 days) in the same tumour model,tumour growth delay was significantly prolongedcompared with irradiation alone (Eshleman et al.,2002) and a significant effect on growth delay ofU87 tumours could be shown in another in vivoexperiment in the same tumour model. However,using a fractionated irradiation schedule with dailyirradiation over 5 days and daily application ofrapamycin, neither tumour growth delay nor localtumour control (TCD50) were influenced by addi-tion of the drug (Weppler et al., 2007). At the timeof writing, rapamycin derivatives are in clinical

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phase I–III trials in combination with radiotherapyin different tumour entities.


Ras is a downstream molecule of several growthfactor receptors, among others the EGFR. Its signaltransduction leads to proliferation of tumour cells.Many human tumours overexpress activated H- orK-Ras isoforms, which may increase tumourradioresistance by promoting aberrant survival sig-nals. Inhibition of the enzyme farnesyl transferaseprevents Ras activation (reviewed in Chinnaiyan et al., 2006). Farnesyl transferase inhibitors (FTIs)have been shown to radiosensitize tumour cells invitro and to reduce tumour growth when com-bined with single-dose irradiation in vivo. Using anex-vivo clonogenic assay, reduced survival of clono-genic tumour cells has been demonstrated aftersingle-dose irradiation combined with a FTI in twodifferent tumour models. This effect was consider-ably higher in H-RAS mutated than H-RAS wild-type tumour cells (Cohen-Jonathan et al., 2000;Delmas et al., 2002). Studies with tumour-controlendpoints have not yet been performed. In clinicalphase I trials, FTI combined with radiotherapy inNSCLC, HNSCC and pancreatic cancer has shownacceptable toxicity (Hahn et al., 2002; Martin et al., 2004).


The main mechanisms underlying the effects ofhistone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are physi-cal modifications of the chromatin structure andhyper-acetylation of histone proteins, which leadsto relaxation of the chromatin and possibly toradiosensitization of tumour cells. Indeed, HDACinhibitors such as valproic acid have been shownin preclinical experiments to radiosensitize tumourcells in vitro and to inhibit tumour growth whencombined with single-dose irradiation in vivo(reviewed in Chinnaiyan et al., 2006). At the timeof writing there are no data from studies usinglocal tumour control endpoints. Valproic acid is

currently being tested in combination withradiochemotherapy in phase II clinical trials inglioblastoma.


Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), an enzyme involvedin prostaglandin synthesis, is overexpressed in avariety of human cancers and has been associatedwith poor prognosis after radiotherapy. SelectiveCOX-2 inhibitors have been shown to increase theradiosensitivity of human glioma and lung cancercells in vitro. In human tumour xenografts, COX-2inhibitors have prolonged tumour growth delayand improved local tumour control after irradia-tion (Liao et al., 2007). Early clinical trials com-bining COX-2 inhibitors with radiotherapy havenot shown unexpected toxicity (Ganswindt et al.,2006). However, because of cardiovascular prob-lems observed in patients receiving long-termtreatment with COX-2 inhibitors for inflamma-tion and pain, several clinical trials were termi-nated and not reported. However, in light of thepromising preclinical data, short-term use ofCOX-2 inhibitors combined with radiotherapystill appears to be a highly attractive avenue forfurther research.


The combination of radiation with a variety ofother targeted drugs, including tumour necrosisfactor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL),DNA repair inhibitors, broad-spectrum tyrosinekinase inhibitors and inhibitors of cell adhesionmolecules, have shown promising effects whencombined with radiation in vitro or in vivo.Clinical data are not yet available.


Tumour response and duration of patient survivalafter treatment with molecular-targeted agents incombination with radiotherapy varies consider-ably between different classes of drugs, different

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Bibliography 297

substances within one class of drugs and differentcombination schedules, but also between individ-ual patients. To date, this heterogeneity has beenbest studied for the combination of radiotherapywith EGFR inhibitors. To rationally prescribe themany emerging molecular-targeted drugs withinthe context of radiotherapy, development andintroduction of biomarkers is of high importance.Owing to specific interactions of molecular-targeteddrugs with the biological effects of irradiation, bio-markers are expected to differ for radiation oncol-ogy compared with application of the drugs aloneor within chemotherapy treatment schedules andtherefore need to be established and tested sepa-rately. An example of this principle are the activat-ing K-RAS mutations that have been shown to benegatively correlated with the effect of EGFR TKIsgiven alone or combined with chemotherapy inNSCLC, whereas preclinical data show radiosensi-tizing effects for EGFR TKIs. There are still moreopen than answered questions in the field of bio-markers for combined radiotherapy and molecu-lar-targeted agents (Krause and Baumann, 2008).Further research into the mechanisms of action ofthese novel combined approaches will eventuallycontribute to the development of valid biomark-ers, enabling clinicians to take full advantage of thepotential of molecular-targeted drugs for improv-ing radiotherapy.


Akimoto T, Hunter NR, Buchmiller L, Mason K, Ang KK,Milas L (1999). Inverse relationship betweenepidermal growth factor receptor expression andradiocurability of murine carcinomas. Clin CancerRes 5: 2884–90.

Ang K, Berkey BA, Tu X et al. (2002). Impact ofepidermal growth factor receptor expression onsurvival and pattern of relapse in patients withadvanced head and neck carcinoma. Cancer Res 62:7350–6.

Bastholt L, Specht L, Jensen K et al. (2005). A novel fullyhuman monoclonal antibody against epidermalgrowth factor receptor (EGFR). First clinical and FDG-PET imaging results from a phase I/II trial conductedby the Danish Head and Neck Cancer Study Group(DAHANCA) in patients with squamous cellcarcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). J ClinOncol 23: 507S.

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Key points

1. Molecular-targeted drugs specifically mod-ify intracellular or intercellular signal trans-duction and may thereby radiosensitizetumours.

2. Molecular targets are often differentiallyexpressed in tumours and normal tissues,offering the possibility of a therapeutic gain.

3. Radiotherapy offers a particularly promisingscenario for utilizing targeted anti-canceragents. These drugs by themselves kill only afew cancer stem cells and are not curative insolid tumours, whereas radiotherapy ishighly efficient in eradicating cancer stemcells. When combined with radiation, the

additional cell kill by the drug may enhancethe curative potential of radiotherapy.

4. Identification and testing of molecular-targeted drugs for radiotherapy requires aradiotherapy-specific research strategy. Theaddition of targeted drugs to radiation maypromote tumour regression and prolongtumour growth delay without improvinglocal tumour control. As tumour controlreflects the survival of cancer stem cells, thisendpoint should be used whenever possible.

5. Considerable inter-tumoural and inter-sub-stance heterogeneity exists for the efficacy oftargeting the same pathway. This calls forbetter understanding of the mechanisms ofaction of molecular-targeted drugs in com-bination with radiation, and for the devel-opment of predictive assays.

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Baumann M, Krause M, Dikomey E et al. (2007). EGFR-targeted anti-cancer drugs in radiotherapy:preclinical evaluation of mechanisms. RadiotherOncol 83: 238–48.

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Bentzen SM, Atasoy BM, Daley FM et al. (2005).Epidermal growth factor receptor expression inpretreatment biopsies from head and neck squamouscell carcinoma as a predictive factor for a benefitfrom accelerated radiation therapy in a randomizedcontrolled trial. J Clin Oncol 23: 5560–7.

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Burtness B, Goldwasser MA, Flood W, Mattar B,Forastiere AA (2005). Phase III randomized trial ofcisplatin plus placebo compared with cisplatin pluscetuximab in metastatic/recurrent head and neckcancer: an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Groupstudy. J Clin Oncol 23: 8646–54.

Chinnaiyan P, Allen GW, Harari PM (2006). Radiationand new molecular agents, part II: targeting HDAC,HSP90, IGF-1R, PI3K, and Ras. Semin Radiat Oncol16: 59–64.

Clarke MF, Dick JE, Dirks PB et al. (2006). Cancer stemcells – perspectives on current status and futuredirections: AACR Workshop on Cancer Stem Cells.Cancer Res 66: 9339–44.

Cohen EE, Rosen F, Stadler WM et al. (2003). Phase IItrial of ZD1839 in recurrent or metastatic squamouscell carcinoma of the head and neck. J Clin Oncol21: 1980–7.

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Crane CH, Ellis LM, Abbruzzese JL et al. (2006). Phase Itrial evaluating the safety of bevacizumab withconcurrent radiotherapy and capecitabine in locallyadvanced pancreatic cancer. J Clin Oncol 24:1145–51.

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Delmas C, Heliez C, Cohen-Jonathan E et al. (2002).Farnesyltransferase inhibitor, R115777, reverses theresistance of human glioma cell lines to ionizingradiation. Int J Cancer 100: 43–8.

Eicheler W, Krause M, Hessel F, Zips D, Baumann M(2005). Kinetics of EGFR expression duringfractionated irradiation varies between differenthuman squamous cell carcinoma lines in nude mice.Radiother Oncol 76: 151–6.

Eriksen JG, Steiniche T, Overgaard J (2005). Theinfluence of epidermal growth factor receptor andtumor differentiation on the response to acceleratedradiotherapy of squamous cell carcinomas of thehead and neck in the randomized DAHANCA 6 and 7study. Radiother Oncol 74: 93–100.

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Tofilon PJ, Saxman S, Coleman CN (2003). Moleculartargets for radiation therapy: bringing preclinicaldata into clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res 9: 3518–20.

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Biological response modifiers: normal tissuesWOLFGANG DÖRR

22.1 Introduction 30122.2 Modification of normal-tissue

oxygen levels 30322.3 Radical scavenging and cellular detoxification 30422.4 Growth factors 30522.5 Anti-inflammatory treatments 30822.6 Modulation of macrophage activity 30822.7 Stimulation of proliferation in early-

responding tissues 309

22.8 Strategies to reduce chronic oxidative stress 309

22.9 Intervention in the angiotensin pathway 30922.10 Stem cell therapy 31022.11 Conclusions 312Key points 312Bibliography 313Further reading 314



Modulation of radiation effects in normal tissuesis closely related to the pathogenetic cascade ofchanges which eventually results in the loss of tis-sue function (see Chapter 13). The sequences ofearly changes at the subcellular, cellular and tissuelevel, and their consequences, are illustrated inFig. 22.1. Options for interventions are given atany of the pathogenetic steps, from the very earlyinduction of free radicals to the delayed prolifera-tive changes in early-reacting tissues or even thelate fibrotic remodelling in late-respondingorgans. This chapter will summarize the princi-ples that can be applied to modulate radiationeffects in normal tissues in general, and presentselected investigations as examples to illustrate theefficacy of the different strategies. It must beemphasized, however, that at the time of writingthe vast majority of approaches to modifying nor-mal tissue side-effects are still experimental andremain to be validated in clinical studies.

This chapter does not focus on modification ofnormal-tissue effects by radiotherapy treatmentplanning (i.e. dose fractionation or modificationof overall treatment time; see Chapters 8, 9 and11), or by a reduction in the exposed volume (seeChapter 14). Moreover, only those strategies forbiological response modification are reviewedwhich have already been tested in preclinicalinvestigations in experimental animals or in firstclinical trials; in vitro studies in cell or tissue cul-ture systems, without confirmation of applicabil-ity to the in vivo situation, are not included here.Also, the symptomatic management of alreadyclinically manifest normal-tissue reactions isexcluded as this is dealt with in guidelines andtextbooks for supportive care in radiation oncology.

One major prerequisite for the reasonable clin-ical application of normal-tissue response modi-fiers is the association with a therapeutic gain.This can be achieved either by selectivity for nor-mal tissues and hence exclusion of similar effects

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302 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues

in tumours, or by a relatively greater effect on nor-mal tissues compared with tumours.


According to the conclusions of a National CancerInstitute (NCI) workshop on normal tissue pro-tection (Stone et al., 2004), interventions in thedevelopment of radiation effects should betermed as:

■ prophylaxis, protection – if applied pre-exposure

■ mitigation – if applied during or shortly afterexposure, before clinically manifest symptomsoccur (i.e. during the latent time)

■ treatment, management or therapy – in thesymptomatic phase.

This obviously applies to short-term exposure(e.g. during radiation accidents) but must bemodified for radiotherapy, which is given over acourse of several weeks (Fig. 22.2). In radiother-apy, prophylactic approaches must comprise notonly interventions before exposure, but also untilthe threshold dose is reached for a specific side-effect (see Chapter 13). However, it must beemphasized that some signalling cascades are acti-vated by the first radiation dose(s) of radiother-apy (Fig. 22.1). These become clinically relevantonly if the tissue-specific tolerance doses areexceeded, or in a case of retreatment (see Chapter19). Hence there is an overlap between prophy-laxis, defined clinically, and mitigation, in terms ofinteraction with early processes at a molecularlevel. Prevention is a term frequently used todescribe interventions that are applied before the

RadicalsReactive oxygen/nitrogen species

Transcription factors,e.g. NFκB, AP-1,…

Signalling chains,e.g. interleukins,growth factors,

sphingomyelinases, caspases,adhesion molecules, …

Macrophageactivation • Parenchymal changes

• Vascular changes• Fibrotic remodelling• Chronic hypoxia• ….

• Proliferation (epithelium)• Differentiation (epithelium, parenchyma)• Differentiation (fibroblasts)• Apoptosis (endothelium, parenchyma).• ….

Parenchymal cellsVascular endothelium


Figure 22.1 The ‘molecular’ pathogenetic cascade of normal-tissue effects. Radiation primarily induces free radicals,which then generate reactive oxygen and other reactive molecular species. Indirectly, this results in the activation ofnuclear transcription factors, which consequently leads to modulation of various signalling chains. The orchestratedresponse of all tissue components, plus the contribution of macrophages, results in various changes at the cellular andtissue level.

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Modification of normal-tissue oxygen levels 303

onset of clinical symptoms, and hence refers toprophylaxis as well as mitigation.

Study protocols and endpoints

Most of the (in vivo) studies on biological responsemodification in normal tissues have been per-formed with single-dose irradiation. Aside fromradiological accidents or attacks, there are only afew situations where this is relevant for radiationoncology. These include stereotactic radiotherapy,intraoperative irradiation, brachytherapy with fewhigh-dose fractions, and perhaps treatments givenover short periods, such as total-body irradiationas a conditioning treatment for stem/progenitorcell transplantation.

For application to standard external-beamradiotherapy, protection and mitigation strategiesmust be tested using experimental fractionationprotocols as close to the clinical situation as possi-ble (i.e. comprising daily fractionation with dosesin the clinical range, administered over severalweeks). The latter is required, for example, in orderto test for potential interactions, beneficial orcounterproductive, with repopulation processes inboth tumours and normal tissues (see Chapters 10and 11).

Modification approaches must be investigatedfor endpoints that are clinically relevant. Forexample, studies into modulation of skin ormucosal erythema are appropriate only if the asso-ciated pain reaction is concomitantly assessed, andmay be entirely irrelevant for the epithelial, ulcera-tive response. The same applies for the relevance ofendpoints used in studies of late effects.


The oxygen partial pressure in normal tissues,with few exceptions (e.g. cartilage), is normallyabove the range where the oxygen effect is impor-tant (see Chapter 15). Therefore, any reduction inoxygen levels (i.e. by induction of hypoxia) couldbe expected to reduce radiosensitivity. This hasbeen demonstrated experimentally for total bodyhypoxia as well as for local hypoxia.

Systemic hypoxia

A systemic reduction of oxygen partial pressure canbe achieved by breathing air with a reduced oxygenconcentration. The protection factor is defined asthe dose required for a specific effect with reducedoxygen compared with the dose giving the sameeffect with normal oxygen breathing. In single-dosestudies, protection factors in the range of 1.2–1.4have been observed. An increase in the binding ofoxygen to haemoglobin, for example by the drugBW12C, developed as an agent for the treatment ofsickle cell anaemia, results in reduced availability ofoxygen in normal tissues, with protection factorsbetween 1.0 and 1.3.

Yet, in radiotherapy the induction of systemichypoxia must also be expected to be associated withan increase in the fraction of hypoxic cells withinthe tumour, and hence an increase in tumourradioresistance (see Chapter 15). Therefore, thisstrategy is inherently precluded for the ameliora-tion of radiotherapy complications.

Clinical latency‘damage processing’

Clinically manifestsymptoms

Mitigation Treatment /management

Prophylaxis /protection

Figure 22.2 A terminology for intervention strategies in normal-tissue radiation effects. Based on the terminologydeveloped for accidental radiation exposure (Stone et al., 2004), in radiotherapy prophylaxis or protection is defined asany measure applied before the threshold dose for the specific side-effect is reached. Subsequently, but before themanifestation of clinical symptoms, mitigation strategies are used. Afterwards, in the symptomatic phase, treatment ormanagement of side-effects is required.

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304 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues

Local hypoxia

Local hypoxia in skin, by a pressure-induced reduc-tion of blood flow, was one of the first instanceswhere the radiobiological oxygen effect wasdescribed (see Chapter 15). Alternatively, in radio-therapy for head and neck tumours, ‘cryotherapy’(i.e. oral cooling) may be applied (Stokman et al.,2006) and patients are asked to chew ice chipsbefore irradiation, in order to reduce the bloodflow in the oral mucosa via vasoconstriction.Experimental studies have also demonstratedmucoprotective effects of local administration ofvasoconstricting drugs in rectum and skin. If suchapproaches are considered, however, care must betaken to ensure that the target response, particu-larly of superficial tumours, is not affected.


The induction of free radicals is one of the earliestintracellular events after radiation exposure (Fig.22.1). Administration of radical scavenging agentsor, alternatively, the stimulation of endogenousdetoxification mechanisms, has therefore been pro-posed to reduce the subsequent damage of biomol-ecules and consequently cellular and tissue radiationeffects. The administration of antioxidants in com-bination with radiotherapy remains controversial.However, recent reviews conclude that antioxidantsdo not counteract the effectiveness of cytotoxic ther-apies. Clinical studies are available for the use ofα-tocopherol (vitamin E), other vitamins,β-carotene, melatonin, retinol palmitate and others,and, with few exceptions, a beneficial effect of thesedrugs has been concluded (Moss, 2007; Simone et al., 2007a,b). The most prominent example of allthe drugs proposed for radical scavenging is WR2271(amifostine). Intracellular detoxification strategiesalso include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glu-tathione peroxidase stimulation via selenium.

Amifostine (WR2721, Ethyol)

Amifostine is an organic thiophosphate com-pound that has been suggested for amelioration of

radiation effects in a variety of normal tissues(Kouvaris et al., 2007). The most promising appli-cation appears to be in reducing radiation-induced xerostomia. A meta-analysis (Sasse et al.,2006) suggested positive effects also for other tis-sues, but non-blinded studies were included inthis review. With regard to radiation-inducedearly oral mucositis, the results for the efficacy ofamifostine are conflicting (reviewed in Fleischerand Dörr, 2006), which may be partly attributedto differences in dosing and timing of the drug indifferent studies. A recent phase III study evenreported a marginally significant increase insevere mucositis in the amifostine arm (Buentzelet al., 2006).

Intravenous administration of amifostine isassociated with significant side-effects, such asnausea and hypotension, as well as skin reactions.Therefore, subcutaneous or topical applicationshave been suggested as alternative routes, andhave been shown to be effective in experimentalstudies. In combination with clinically relevant,daily fractionation protocols (Fleischer and Dörr,2006), amifostine was effective in reducing oralmucositis in a mouse model in the first treatmentweek only, but not in the second week of fraction-ation (Fig. 22.3). If radical scavenging were theonly mechanism of action, similar effects in bothtreatment weeks would be expected, and thereforeadditional mechanisms must be postulated, suchas a shortening of the latent time to the onset ofrepopulation processes (see Chapter 11).

The selectivity of amifostine for normal tissuesis controversial, and tumour effects cannot beexcluded (Andreassen et al., 2003). Hence, furtherclinical trials are still required to determine thebest application of this drug.

Superoxide dismutase

Radioprotective gene therapy with the transgenefor manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD) hasbeen administered to various organs, includinglung, oesophagus, oral cavity, oropharynx, and uri-nary bladder. Application prior to (single-dose)irradiation has resulted in a significant reductionof tissue injury in several organ systems in rodentmodels (Greenberger and Epperly, 2007).

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Growth factors 305


Selenium stimulates glutathione peroxidase,which is supposed to reduce the level of toxic oxy-gen compounds in irradiated cells. Only a fewdata are available on potential tumour effects ofselenium which, however, do not suggest anydetrimental effect (Dörr, 2006). After total-bodyirradiation of rats, a clear increase in animal sur-vival was found after administration of sodiumselenite. Protection of salivary glands by sodiumselenite has also been found in preclinical studiesin rats (Sagowski et al., 2005).

In a study on the effects of selenium on oralmucositis (Gehrisch and Dörr, 2007), a significanteffect was found for both systemic and localadministration in combination with single-doseirradiation, with protection factors of 1.3–1.4.With 1 week of fractionation, a significant

increase in isoeffective doses for oral mucositis(mouse) was observed for both routes of adminis-tration, equivalent to compensation of two orthree dose fractions. With administration of sele-nium in the first week of a 2-week fractionationprotocol, an effect similar to that seen for only 1week of fractionation was observed. However, sele-nium given in week 2 alone, or in weeks 1 and 2together, did not result in any significant change inisoeffective doses compared with irradiation alone,similar to the results with amifostine. If the effectsof selenium were based only on increased radicalscavenging by activation of glutathione peroxidase,then a similar effect of administration in eitherweek would be expected. Therefore, as with amifos-tine, mechanisms independent of the antioxidativeeffects have been suggested, such as a shortening ofthe lag phase to effective repopulation. Currently,clinical data do not provide a basis for any recom-mendation either in favour of or against seleniumsupplementation in cancer patients.


For modulation of radiotherapy complications bygrowth factors or cytokines, two aspects must beconsidered. First, exogenous growth factors maybe applied in order to activate or stimulate tissue-specific endogenous signalling cascades. Second,growth factor signalling has been shown to changeafter radiation exposure or during fractionatedradiotherapy; hence inhibition of upregulated sig-nalling cascades may be applied either by antibod-ies against the growth factor or the respectivereceptors or by downstream interaction (e.g. byreceptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors).

Exogenous growth factors

A variety of growth factors have been studied for their potential to modulate normal-tissueeffects of radiotherapy. Most prominent examplesare haematopoietic growth factors – granulocytecolony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granu-locyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) – to ameliorate radiation effects in thebone marrow, but also in other tissues, such as









0Control Control0–4 0–4 0–4,


Amifostine treatment days

5 � 3 Gy in 1 week 10 � 3 Gy in 2 weeks





50 fo

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st ir



n (G


Figure 22.3 Modulation of oral mucositis in mice byamifostine, using radiation fractionation studies. Mousetongue mucosa was irradiated with 5 � 3 Gy per weekover 1 or 2 weeks, and each protocol was terminated bygraded test doses to generate complete dose—effectcurves. The ED50 for test irradiation (the dose at whichan ulceration is expected in 50 per cent of the animals)therefore represents a read-out of the residual radiationtolerance of the tissue at the time of test irradiation.Amifostine administered in the first week offractionation consistently resulted in a significantincrease in mucosal tolerance (*, p 0.05). In contrast,administration of amifostine in the second week of the2-week fractionation protocol had no significant effect.Data from Fleischer and Dörr (2006).

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306 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues

oral mucosa. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF)has been demonstrated to effectively amelioratethe radiation response of oral and other mucosalmembranes (Dörr, 2003).

With regard to late complications in the lung,conflicting data have emerged from various stud-ies using fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). Inthe central nervous system and the kidney,insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) as an anti-apoptotic factor for oligodendrocytes and theirprogenitor cells, and platelet-derived growth fac-tor (PDGF) as a survival factor of progenitor cells,have been suggested as strategies to prevent thedevelopment of radiation-induced necrosis.

Several interleukins, as well as angiogenicgrowth factors, such as FGF-1 and FGF-2 and vas-cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and oth-ers, have been proposed for the modification ofgastrointestinal reactions to irradiation.


Growth factors and their involvement in radiationpathogenesis and their potential to modulate radi-ation effects have been most extensively studied inthe haematopoietic system. At all levels of the cellu-lar differentiation sequence, the respective growthfactors that trigger cells into the next step areknown (Nieder et al., 2003). Stimulation of progen-itor cells by G-CSF or GM-CSF has been demon-strated in numerous preclinical and clinical studies.The administration was initially established for themanagement of leukopenia in cancer patients(Ganser and Karthaus, 1996). Erythropoietin(EPO) was introduced for the treatment of cancer-or therapy-related anaemia (Bokemeyer et al.,2007). Other factors including c-mpl ligand(megakaryocyte growth and development factor,thrombopoietin) are under investigation.

Both GM-CSF and G-CSF have repeatedlybeen tested for their potential to ameliorate oralmucositis. Recent guidelines recommend not toapply GM-CSF mouthwashes for the preventionof oral mucositis in the transplant setting. In headand neck cancer patients undergoing radiother-apy, a placebo-controlled, randomized study hasdemonstrated no significant effect of systemicadministration of GM-CSF on the severity orduration of oral mucositis (Ryu et al., 2007).

It should be noted that tumour-protectiveeffects of haematopoietic growth factors have alsobeen demonstrated experimentally for varioustumour types and, as this cannot yet be excludedin clinical application, great caution is required inthe use of these agents (Nieder et al., 2003).


Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF-1, palifermin) issynthesized predominantly by mesenchymal cells(fibroblasts). The target cells are the epithelial cellsin a variety of tissues. The factor has been tested inpreclinical models for its potential to ameliorateradiation effects in oral mucosa, skin, intestine,lung and urinary bladder. Positive effects havebeen found in all studies.

The most extensive studies have been carriedout in mouse oral mucosa (Dörr, 2003). In single-dose studies, the dose-modification factors werebetween 1.7 and 2.3, depending on the KGF treat-ment protocol. In combination with single-doseirradiation, repeated KGF administration isrequired to achieve a significant effect. However,the treatment with KGF is effective even if givenafter irradiation, which offers some options foraccidental radiation exposure. In contrast, KGFtreatment during fractionated radiotherapy, givenas only a single injection at the beginning of theweekend break, was as effective as repeated applica-tions over the entire weekend. An increase in theeffect was observed with up to four repeated treat-ments at consecutive weekends (Fig. 22.4), startingbefore the onset of radiotherapy (Dörr et al., 2005).

In a large, randomized, placebo-controlled,double-blinded phase III study in patients receiv-ing total body irradiation and high-dosechemotherapy in preparation for peripheralblood progenitor cell transplantation, treatmentwith palifermin resulted in a highly significantreduction in the incidence and duration of oralmucositis (Spielberger et al., 2004). A phase IIIstudy in patients with radio(chemo)therapy forhead and neck tumours has been undertaken.

The mechanisms through which KGF actsremain currently unclear. One component may bethe stimulation of proliferation and the modifica-tion of differentiation (reduction of cell loss) inthe epithelial tissues (Dörr, 2003). However, KGF

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Growth factors 307

has been demonstrated to also modulate theresponse of vascular endothelial cells andmacrophages to irradiation, which appears tocontribute to a complex mechanism of action.

Inhibition of growth factor signalling

Among the most prominent growth factor sig-nalling cascades for which upregulation in earlyresponding normal tissues after irradiation hasbeen observed are the epidermal growth factor(EGF) pathway (upregulation of the receptor,EGFR) and the tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)pathway (upregulation of the growth factor).

For late-responding tissues, a significant stimula-tion of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) hasbeen reported. These processes might therefore betargeted in order to modify normal-tissue radia-tion effects.


The epidermal growth factor receptor is over-expressed in a variety of tumours and hence mayrepresent one specific target for improving thetumour effects of radiotherapy (see Chapter 21).However in animal models, upregulation of EGFRexpression in early-responding tissues by irradia-tion has also been shown. Therefore, targeting ofEGFR may also modify normal-tissue effects ofradiotherapy, in addition to the radiation-independent side-effects of some of the drugs used,such as skin changes. In mouse oral mucosa, EGFRinhibition by a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor(BIBX1382BS) during fractionated irradiation didnot have a significant effect (Fehrmann and Dörr,2005). However, preliminary results (Dörr et al.,unpublished) using another tyrosine kinaseinhibitor as well as an anti-EGFR antibody suggestthat the normal-tissue effects may be drug-specific.


Tumour necrosis factor-α is a growth factor witha profound role in inflammatory processes, andupregulation in normal tissues by irradiation hasbeen demonstrated and is usually considered topromote the radiation response of these normaltissues. Therefore, inhibition of TNF-α signallingmight be beneficial. Drugs directed against TNF-α signalling (e.g. infliximab) are already used clin-ically for treating Crohn’s disease, rheumatoidarthritis and psoriasis. However, in mouse kidney,treatment with infliximab significantly exacer-bated radiation nephropathy (Nieder et al., 2007).This example clearly illustrates that the hypothe-ses underlying any strategy for intervention intothe biological processes associated with theresponse of normal tissues to irradiation must becarefully tested in relevant preclinical modelsbefore clinical testing is undertaken.
















Palifermin treatment protocol


50 fo

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n (G


10 � 3 Gy

Figure 22.4 The effect of repeated applications ofpalifermin over subsequent weekends on the incidenceof oral mucosal ulcerations in the mouse. Mouse tonguemucosa was irradiated with 10 � 3 Gy over 2 weeks.Palifermin was given before the onset of radiotherapy(day �1), or over 2, 3, or 4 subsequent weekends. Eachprotocol was terminated by graded test doses togenerate complete dose—effect curves. The ED50 for testirradiation (the dose at which an ulceration is expectedin 50 per cent of the animals) can be regarded as ameasure of the mucosal tolerance at the time of testirradiation. Palifermin resulted in a highly significantincrease in mucosal tolerance in all protocols tested.However, addition of a third palifermin injection on day�11 yielded only a minor increase in ED50 values, and a further injection on day �18 had no further effect.Data from Dörr et al. (2005).

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308 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues


Although the essential role of TGF-β for thedevelopment of radiation-induced fibrosis is welldocumented (see Chapter 13), approaches toinhibit TGF-β signalling have emerged onlyrecently. One strategy is to inhibit the activation ofTGF-β from its latent form, which, at least in thelung, is regulated by the integrin alpha(v)beta6.Treatment of irradiated mice with a monoclonalantibody against this integrin has prevented fibro-sis (Puthawala et al., 2008).



Standard anti-inflammatory approaches with glu-cocorticoids are frequently applied as sympto-matic, supportive treatment in order to manageoedema and pain associated with the inflamma-tory component of radiation-induced side-effects(e.g. in central nervous system, lung or skin).However, no conclusive results are available forthis class of drugs for specific targeting of inflam-matory processes in order to prevent radiotherapyside effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

As with corticoids, NSAIDs, particularly acetylicsalicylic acid (ASA), are frequently used for thesymptomatic management of inflammatory signsof (early) radiation side-effects. However, somepreclinical studies have addressed the potential ofASA to specifically target the biological mecha-nisms of normal-tissue complications. In a firststudy in mouse kidney, ASA was administered asan antithrombotic agent (Verheij et al., 1995).This treatment resulted in a significant prolonga-tion of the latent time to development of renalfailure. In a further study in mouse urinary blad-der (Dörr et al., 1998), where ASA was applied inorder to reduce the increase in detrusor muscle

tone during the early-response phase, which ismediated through arachidonic acid metabolites,the treatment yielded a significant restoration ofthe bladder storage capacity.



Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are known to interactwith the arachidonic acid metabolism by shiftingthe endproducts into an anti-inflammatory direc-tion. In pig skin, oral administration of EFAsresulted in a clear reduction in the severity of bothearly and late skin reactions (Hopewell et al.,1994). Similarly, in mouse urinary bladder, EFAtreatment has yielded a reduction in the incidenceof late effects (Dörr et al., unpublished).


Similar to EGFR-inhibitors (see Section 22.4),COX-2-inhibitors have been proposed as drugsthat specifically target the metabolism of tumours,where COX-2 is frequently upregulated. However,upregulation of COX-2 is also seen in normal tis-sues, particularly during the early response; the rel-evance of these changes is unknown. In studies onmouse tongue mucosa, a clear decrease in radiationeffects has been seen when the COX-2 inhibitorcelecoxib is administered during daily fractionatedradiotherapy (Dörr et al., unpublished).


The relevance of macrophage responses to normal-tissue side-effects is controversial. For lateeffects, such as radiation pneumopathy, a contri-bution of alveolar macrophages to the orches-trated reaction of the tissue has been clearlydemonstrated (see Chapter 13). Changes inmacrophage activation have also been observed asearly radiation side-effects. However, their rele-vance to the clinical manifestation of the actualside-effects remains obscure.

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Intervention in the angiotensin pathway 309

Selective modulation of macrophage activityhas been tested in a rat model of radiation procti-tis (Sassy et al., 1991). Tetrachlorodecaoxide(TCDO, WF10) is a drug that activatesmacrophages, but then regulates their activity atan intermediate level. Treatment of rats at earlytime-points after irradiation resulted in a clearprolongation of the time to onset of late proctitis.Administration at later time-points also signifi-cantly reduced the severity of the response. Forearly radiation-induced oral mucositis in themouse, local administration of TCDO appears toreduce the response to daily fractionated irradia-tion, while no effect is observed with single-doseirradiation (Schmidt and Dörr, unpublished).Similarly, the immunomodulator JBT3200, a bac-terial wall component, seems to reduce the oralmucosal response during fractionated irradiationbut is largely ineffective in combination with single-dose irradiation (Dörr et al., unpublished).


The severity of early radiation effects during frac-tionated irradiation is clearly related to the regen-eration response of the tissue, shown byrepopulation (see Chapter 11). Therefore, stimula-tion of cell production in epithelial tissues hasbeen tested for its potential to reduce early compli-cations of radiotherapy. In addition to the admin-istration of growth factors (Section 22.4), removalof the superficial epithelia layers may increase thenormal trigger for proliferation in the germinalcompartment. In skin, this can be achieved by ‘tapestripping’ or hair plucking, which, however, hasbeen tested only in combination with single-doseirradiation. In accordance with the more rapidturnover of the epidermis, epidermal reactionsstarted earlier than in unstimulated skin.

Similar observations, with single-dose irradia-tion, have been made in mouse oral mucosa afterablation of the superficial keratin layers by apply-ing mild silver nitrate solution as an astringent(Dörr and Kummermehr, 1992). However, whenfractionated irradiation was applied, stimulatedproliferation translated into an increased radiation

tolerance, which was attributed to an earlier onsetof repopulation processes. These data have beenvalidated in a clinical study with accelerated radio-therapy for head and neck tumours, but, althoughthe proliferative effect was demonstrated inmucosal biopsies, it could not be confirmed withconventional fractionation (Dörr et al., 1995). Itwas concluded that, for effective stimulation ofrepopulation, an early switch from asymmetricalto symmetrical divisions (see Chapter 11) isrequired in addition to stimulated proliferation,which is achieved only during accelerated but notduring conventional fractionation. Alternatively,low-level laser treatment can be successfullyadministered to oral mucosa in head and neckcancer patients to remove superficial material andthe effectiveness of this approach has been demon-strated in two prospective clinical studies (Genot-Klastersky et al., 2008).


For late effects in normal tissues, a long-lastingperpetuation of the production of reactive oxygenand nitrogen species appears to play an essentialrole. Therefore, strategies have been developed tointerrupt this chronic oxidative stress cascade andhave been tested for fibrotic changes in skin, usinga combination of pentoxifylline (PTX) and toco-pherol (vitamin E) as anti-oxidative agents.

In breast cancer patients (n � 24) with mani-fest radiation skin fibrosis, a clear regression of thefibrotic lesions was observed at 6 months aftertreatment with PTX and tocopherol in a random-ized, placebo-controlled trial (Delanian et al.,2003). These results, however, could not be con-firmed in a larger, double-blind placebo-controlled trial in breast cancer patients (Gothardet al., 2004), or in a further trial in patients afterpelvic radiotherapy (Gothard et al., 2005).


The angiotensin system appears to be involved in the development of fibrosis, at least in the

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310 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues

lung, presumably through interactions with TGF-β signalling. In the kidney, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-induced hypertensionalso contributes to the development of the radia-tion response. Therefore, ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, and antagonists of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) receptor, havebeen tested for their potential to mitigate or treatlate radiation effects, particularly in kidney andlung.

In a rat model of total-body irradiation andbone marrow transplantation, resulting innephropathy, the drugs have been shown to effec-tively prevent kidney sequelae of irradiation(Moulder et al., 2007). All drugs also were effectivein the treatment of kidney damage. Obviously,different modes of action are relevant at differentperiods (i.e. for mitigation and treatment). As ahypothesis, mitigation may be based on the sup-pression of the renin–angiotensin system, buttreatment of established nephropathy is based on(additional) blood pressure control.

In two models of radiation injury of the lung(total-body irradiation, hemithorax irradiation),inhibition of ACE or AT1 receptors was found tobe effective in the prevention of radiation pneu-monitis and fibrosis (Molteni et al., 2000).

It should be noted that these studies were donewith high single doses of radiation, given locally(lung) or as total-body irradiation in combinationwith chemotherapy, which may alter the pathobi-ology of the radiation effects. Therefore, valida-tion of the results in studies with conventionalfractionation protocols is desirable.


A novel, potentially selective approach for theamelioration of normal-tissue radiation effects istreatment with (adult) stem cells. This includesthe administration of bone marrow (i.e.haematopoietic plus mesenchymal stem cells) ormesenchymal stem cells, or the mobilization ofautologous stem cells by growth factors (e.g. G-CSF). These strategies have been tested in preclin-ical models of radiation injury in skin, salivaryglands, intestine and oral mucosa.

Transplantation of bone marrow

Transplantation of (syngeneic) bone marrow hasbeen studied for its potential to ameliorate oralmucositis in the mouse (Dörr et al., unpublished).Following single-dose irradiation, transplantationbetween days 0 and 10 did not result in any changein the mucosal response. In contrast, transplanta-tion during daily fractionated irradiation resultedin a reduction in mucosal reactions, particularly ifthe stem cell treatment was administered at time-points later in the irradiation regimen.

Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells

Systemically administered mesenchymal stemcells (MSCs) appear to home in specifically on(radiation) injured tissues. Systemic administra-tion of human MSCs reduced the severity of theresponse and improved healing in human skintransplanted onto nude mice (Francois et al.,2007). Similarly, in the intestine, intravenousMSC transplantation accelerated crypt regenera-tion in a mouse model (Semont et al., 2006). Inmouse oral mucosa, intravenous administrationof MSCs at various time-points during daily frac-tionated irradiation has significantly reduced theincidence of confluent oral mucositis (Haagenand Dörr, unpublished data).

Mesenchymal stem cell therapy has also beenapplied successfully as part of the therapy of skinlesions in patients after radiation accidents (e.g.Lataillade et al., 2007).

Mobilization of bone marrow stem cells

Release of stem cells from the bone marrow can bestimulated by growth factors, such as G-CSF, andother drugs, such as inhibitors of the receptor forthe stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1,CXCL12), which regulates the retention of thestem cells in the bone marrow. It must be notedthat mobilization of stem cells by G-CSF (at leastin the mouse) affects both haematopoietic andmesenchymal stem cells.

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Stem cell therapy 311

Treatment of mice with G-CSF induced thehoming of bone marrow cells to irradiated sub-mandibular glands (Lombaert et al., 2006), andwas associated with increased gland weight, num-ber of acinar cells, and salivary flow rates. Inmouse oral mucosa (Dörr et al., unpublisheddata), administration of G-CSF resulted in a clearreduction of radiation-induced mucositis aftersingle-dose irradiation, particularly when themaximum number of stem cells in the circulationwas induced at a time when the mucosal regener-ation phase was about to start. Similarly, duringdaily fractionated irradiation, a maximum num-ber of circulating stem cells was most effective atthe time when radiation-induced repopulationprocesses (see Chapter 12) were effective (Fig.22.5). In histological studies, only individualhaematopoietic cells were found in the submu-cosal and mucosal tissues, without any indicationof clonal expansion or transdifferentiation.

Administration of tissue-specific stem cells

Transplantation of bone marrow stem or progeni-tor cells is known to restore the bone marrow aftermyeloablative treatments. However, reliable meth-ods to identify stem cells specific for other tissuesand, more importantly, to stimulate these cells toproliferate in vitro are in only the early stages ofdevelopment. These are prerequisites in order toachieve cell numbers sufficient for transplantation.

In a rat model, intraglandular transplantationof salivary gland-specific stem cells resulted inlong-term restoration of salivary gland morphol-ogy and function (Lombaert et al., 2008).

Mechanisms of action

In rat salivary glands, improved morphology andfunction are not associated with any transdiffer-entiation of bone marrow cells into salivary glandcells. Similarly, the reduction in oral mucosal reac-tions to single-dose or fractionated irradiation inmouse oral mucosa is not linked to any clonalexpansion of either mesenchymal or haematopoi-etic cells or to transdifferentiation into an epithelial

cell type. For irradiated skin, the data are less con-sistent, with some indication of transdifferentia-tion processes. Two alternative mechanisms ofaction must hence be considered: (1) homing ofstem cells into radiation-damaged sites and pro-duction of paracrine factors that locally stimulatetissue regeneration; or (2) release of such factorsby stem cells, which are still in the circulation.Further research is required in order to identifythe relevant modes of action and to design opti-mum stem cell treatment strategies.

In contrast to bone marrow stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells (including haematopoietic stem



day �


day �


day �


day �


day �


day �


Day of maximum mobilization












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p � 0.0105p � 0.0001

p � 0.0002

p � 0.0046

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Figure 22.5 The effect of the mobilization of bonemarrow stem cells on oral mucosal tolerance in mice.Daily fractionated irradiation was given with 5 � 3 Gyper week over 3 weeks, and the protocols wereterminated by graded test doses in order to generatedose—effect curves, using the ED50 values as a measureof the residual tissue tolerance. Bone marrow stem cellswere mobilized by two daily injections of granulocytecolony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) over 4 days. Thisprotocol has been shown to result in a maximumnumber of circulating stem cells at day 10 after the firstinjection. This maximum mobilization effect wasadjusted to various time-points during the fractionationprotocol, shown on the abscissa. With the exception ofday �2, all mobilization protocols yielded a significantreduction in the incidence of oral mucosal ulcerations.The effect was most pronounced at later time-points,when mucosal repopulation processes (see Chapter 11)were maximally stimulated. Data from Dörr et al.(unpublished).

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312 Biological response modifiers: normal tissues

cells in the bone marrow) do appear to differenti-ate into functional cells (e.g. in salivary glands;Lombaert et al., 2008).


A variety of approaches for the prophylaxis, miti-gation or treatment of radiation side-effects havebeen suggested, based on the biology of theresponse of the tissues to irradiation. It must beemphasized that, at the time of writing, theseinterventions are predominantly experimental.A few cases of strategies that have already been translated into clinical studies have beendescribed above.

Moreover, it must be noted that many experi-mental studies have been carried out only in com-bination with single-dose irradiation. This couldreflect clinical scenarios of stereotactic irradia-tion, brachytherapy or myeloablative condition-ing for stem cell transplantation. However, thisclearly lacks relevance for fractionated radiother-apy given over several weeks where, for example,repopulation processes in early-responding tis-sues are a factor dominating the radiation toler-ance of these tissues (see Chapter 11). Parallelstudies with single and fractionated doses of radi-ation have clearly demonstrated that the resultscan be contradictory, such as for bone marrowtransplantation in oral mucosa (see Section22.10). During fractionated irradiation, interven-tion at intervals before the onset of repopulationcan result in effects that are different from inter-vention at later times, as has been demonstratedfor administration of amifostine or selenium toameliorate oral mucositis (see Section 22.3).

Some approaches, such as stimulation of pro-liferation for a reduction of early epithelial radia-tion effects, or a reduction of the chronicoxidative stress response in irradiated tissues forthe prophylaxis or treatment of late radiationsequelae in skin or lung, have been tested in clini-cal trials, but with conflicting results. A number of‘targeted’ interventions (e.g. administration ofgrowth factors or stem cell therapy) appear to actthrough several different mechanisms, whichdeserve further investigation.

In general, modification of normal-tissueresponses to radiation exposure requires a thor-ough preclinical testing with appropriate in vivo(animal) models, analysing clinically relevantendpoints after irradiation with adequate (frac-tionation) protocols. The mechanisms of actionof effective interventions must then be clarified inorder to develop optimal clinical strategies.

In order to guarantee a clinical benefit, possibletumour effects of the normal tissue modificationstrategies must also be assessed. This must bedone under the same premises with regard to suit-ability of the in vivo models, relevance of treat-ment protocols and endpoints. A therapeutic gainis achieved only if the target normal tissuedemonstrates significantly greater radioprotec-tion than any reduction in the radiation effect inthe tumour being treated.

Key points

1. Strategies for modification of normal tissueresponses to irradiation must be based onthe underlying pathobiology.

2. Interventions in the processing of radiationdamage can be directed against any step ofthe pathogenetic cascade from early produc-tion of free radicals to late tissue changes.The mechanisms of action underlying theprotective effects must be clarified in orderto design optimum clinical protocols.

3. Before clinical application, modificationapproaches must be thoroughly tested in ani-mal models, with relevant irradiation proto-cols and endpoints. Results from single-doseand fractionation studies can be divergent.

4. Comparison with potential tumour effectsis essential in order to achieve a therapeuticgain.

5. Most promising, with first clinical studies,are the interaction with growth factor sig-nalling, the interruption of chronic oxida-tive stress cascades in late tissue reactions,and the treatment (mobilization and trans-plantation) with stem cells, both haematopoi-etic and mesenchymal.

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Bibliography 313


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Lombaert IM, Wierenga PK, Kok T, Kampinga HH,deHaan G, Coppes RP (2006). Mobilization of bonemarrow stem cells by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ameliorates radiation-induceddamage to salivary glands. Clin Cancer Res 12:1804–12.

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Sassy T, Breiter N, Trott KR (1991). Effects oftetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO) in chronic radiationlesions of the rat colon. Strahlenther Onkol 167:191–6.

Semont A, Francois S, Mouiseddine M et al. (2006).Mesenchymal stem cells increase self-renewal ofsmall intestinal epithelium and accelerate structuralrecovery after radiation injury. Adv Exp Med Biol585: 19–30.

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Further Reading 315

Brizel DM (2007). Pharmacologic approaches toradiation protection. J Clin Oncol 25: 4084–9.

Coleman CN, Stone HB, Moulder JE, Pellmar TC (2004).Medicine. Modulation of radiation injury. Science304: 693–4.

Delanian S, Lefaix JL (2007). Current management for late normal tissue injury: radiation-inducedfibrosis and necrosis. Semin Radiat Oncol 17:99–107.

Greenberger JS (2008). Gene therapy approaches forstem cell protection. Gene Ther 15: 100–8.

Moulder JE, Cohen EP (2007). Future strategies formitigation and treatment of chronic radiation-induced normal tissue injury. Semin Radiat Oncol17: 141–8.

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Molecular targeting and patientindividualizationADRIAN C. BEGG

23.1 Introduction 31623.2 Molecular targeting 31723.3 The question of tumour specificity 32023.4 Patient individualization 32123.5 What determines tumour response

after radiotherapy? 32223.6 Measuring single parameters 32223.7 Measuring multiple parameters

(genome wide) 324

23.8 Prediction of normal-tissue tolerance 32623.9 How should clinicians respond to

prediction results? 32823.10 Summary 328Key points 328Bibliography 329Further reading 331



Radiotherapy is effective as a single modality. It isprescribed either alone or as an adjuvant therapyin more than half of all cancer patients. Improve-ments in radiotherapy have been considerableover the last two decades, in large measure owingto improvements in instrumentation, machinesoftware and diagnostic techniques, enablingmore accurate dose delivery to the tumour whileminimizing the dose to surrounding healthy tis-sue. Despite these technical improvements, somepatients still fail after radiotherapy and some stilldevelop severe side-effects. Improvements arethus still needed. These improvements can, inprinciple, be achieved from the biological ratherthan the technical side.

One approach is to try and make tumour cellsmore sensitive to radiation. This can be doneusing drugs, usually small molecules, since theseoften have some pharmacological advantages, butalso with antibodies to surface receptors linked to

radioresistance pathways (e.g. epidermal growthfactor receptor, EGFR). In addition, the expres-sion of specific genes can be altered using shortantisense RNA, short interference RNA (siRNA)or aptamers, all aimed at genes involved inradioresistance.

Some commonly used anti-cancer drugs arealready known to radiosensitize cells, in additionto being cytotoxic. Cisplatin is a good example.However, future improvements must come fromapplying more tumour-specific drugs, and cis-platin and most other cytotoxic agents are nottumour specific, often causing serious side-effectsin normal tissues. What is therefore needed is suf-ficient knowledge of the molecular biology ofindividual tumours, elucidating which pathwaysare deregulated. These pathways can then beattacked, providing a measure of tumour speci-ficity. In the future, the combination of moreaccurate and complete molecular diagnosticmethods, together with development of a widerrange of radiosensitizing treatment options

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Molecular targeting 317

(drugs, antibodies or genetic manipulation, tar-geted to a range of pathways affecting the radia-tion response), will allow treatments tailored tothe individual, maximizing tumour cell kill andminimizing normal-tissue damage.

This chapter describes which pathways can betargeted to increase cell killing by radiation. Inaddition, it will review current molecular diag-nostic methods for finding the deregulated path-ways in individual tumours, ultimately aiding thechoice of tumour-specific treatments. It is impor-tant to keep in mind at the outset that making allcells more radiosensitive is relatively easy, whilemaking tumour cells more radiosensitive thannormal-tissue cells is considerably more difficult,but is the goal that must be achieved to improvecancer therapy.


DNA repair

The ability to repair DNA damage is probably themost important determinant of resistance to ion-izing radiation. The most important pathways arethose for repairing base damages, single-strandbreaks (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs);for details, see Chapter 2. They include base exci-sion repair (BER), the related single-strand breakrepair pathway (SSBR), and two pathways forrepairing double-strand breaks, namely homolo-gous recombination (HR) and non-homologousend-joining (NHEJ). To a lesser extent, radiationalso produces DNA–DNA and DNA–proteincrosslinks, particularly under hypoxic irradiationconditions. Crosslink repair involves yet othergenes. There are experimental data on cell linesshowing that interfering in any of these pathwayscan make cells more sensitive to radiation,although interference with DSB repair usuallyproduces the greatest increases in sensitivity.

DNA polymerase beta (polβ) is a centralenzyme in both BER and SSBR. Cells deficient inpolβ, or expressing a dominant negative constructto polβ, thereby inhibiting its function, have beenshown to be more sensitive to ionizing radiationin vitro under certain conditions (Vermeulen et al.,2007). In addition, cells deficient in XRCC1, a

central helper protein in BER and SSBR, have alsobeen shown to be more radiosensitive than wild-type cells (Thompson et al., 1990). A number ofdrugs have also been developed that are capable ofinhibiting polβ. Some of these have been shown tomodify the response of cells in vitro to alkylatingagents and radiosensitizing thymidine analogues,which produce a type of damage repaired prima-rily by BER. At least one of these (methoxyamine)has also been tested in animal tumour models andshown to potentiate the action of alkylating agents,although it has not been tested with radiation (Liuand Gerson, 2004). Inhibitors also exist for APEX1,another central protein in BER, and can potentiatethe response to some drugs (Luo and Kelley, 2004),although they have not been tested with radiation.Finally, small-molecule drugs have also beendeveloped which inhibit poly-ADP-ribose poly-merase 1 (PARP1), a critical break detector proteinin SSBR. The PARP inhibitors and methoxyamineare the only drugs designed to target BER andSSBR which are now entering clinical trials.

Targeting double-strand break repair (DSBR)has received considerable attention, since this cansubstantially increase radiosensitivity, as shownfrom studies with knockout cells deficient in oneof these essential genes. DNA-PKcs (DNA-dependent protein kinase) is a key enzyme in themajor pathway of NHEJ. Several drugs have beendeveloped against this enzyme and been shown toinhibit DNA repair and radiosensitize cells. Theseagents can also sensitize cells to DSB-inducingdrugs such as etoposide (direct) and cisplatin(indirect). Tumour specificity is an issue here,since DNA-PKcs is also central to DNA repair innormal tissues. This is exemplified by severe com-bined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, which aredeficient in DNA-PKcs and which show hypersen-sitivity to radiation in all normal tissues examined.


Sensing DNA breaks and signalling their presencein order to halt the cell cycle and recruit repairproteins is an important aspect of the damageresponse after radiation. Inhibition of sensing andsignalling can thus also lead to radiosensitization.The MRN complex of three proteins acting

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318 Molecular targeting and patient individualization

together, MRE11, RAD50 and NBS1, is central todamage detection and signalling (see Chapter 2),and knocking out one or more of these genes leadsto a marked increase in radiosensitivity. One oftheir functions is to activate ATM (gene ismutated in ataxia telangiectasia), which is a cru-cial damage signalling molecule. Several naturalcompounds such as caffeine and newly developedmore-specific drugs (Hickson et al., 2004) caninhibit this enzyme. These drugs can abrogate thecheckpoint response after irradiation, can reduceDNA repair and can lead to radiosensitization.Some of these drugs are undergoing clinical devel-opment. Tumour specificity is an issue here, sincenormal tissues also rely on MRN and ATM for anefficient damage response.

The PI3K/AKT pathway

One of the most important signal transductionpathways affecting the response to radiation is thatinvolving phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) andprotein kinase B (AKT) (see Chapter 21). Activationby phosphorylation of AKT, a key molecule in thepathway, is associated with resistance to radiation inboth preclinical and clinical studies. Activation canbe caused by overexpression of EGFR, deletion ormutation of the tumour suppressor PTEN, muta-tional activation of the RAS oncogene, and others(Valerie et al., 2007). Many drugs have been devel-oped that are targeted to different members of thispathway, and several of these drugs have beenshown to radiosensitize cells. Some of these havealready shown promise in clinical trials (see Chapter21). Tumours often overexpress EGFR, or expressoncogenic RAS or contain inactivating PTEN muta-tions, leading to a degree of tumour specificity forfurther attacks on this pathway.

Nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)

NFκB is a transcription factor associated with aprotective survival response after DNA damage.Radiation activates the NFκB pathway in a num-ber of cell types, and inhibiting this activation by both genetic and chemical methods has beenshown to lead to an increase in apoptosis. This

pathway has therefore also been proposed as a targetfor radiosensitizing tumour cells (Magne et al.,2006). Some proteasome inhibitors (see below) alsoaffect the NFκB pathway, and part of their effectmay result from inhibition of NFκB. Inhibitors havealso been developed to the upstream activator IKK,which increase the apoptotic response.


Protein turnover, and its precise control, is essentialfor many cellular processes and for cell survival.The most common way the cell degrades proteins isto tag them with ubiquitin (requiring specialenzymes) which then results in the protein beingfed to a degradation organelle, the proteasome.This is a proteinase complex responsible fordegrading most intracellular proteins, includingthose important for cell-cycle regulation and apop-tosis. Several proteasome inhibitors have beenfound, including peptidyl aldehydes, lactacystinand a dipeptide boronic acid analogue (borte-zomib). Proteasome inhibitors have been shown toinduce apoptosis and to sensitize malignant cells inculture, and tumours in vivo, to radiation (Weber etal., 2007) and to some chemotherapy agents. Theexact mechanisms are unknown, although effectson the cell cycle, on the NFκB signalling pathwayand on apoptosis probably play a role, since allthese can under some circumstances affectradiosensitivity. It has also been reported thattransformed (malignant) cells are more sensitive tosuch inhibitors than normal cells, implying adegree of tumour specificity. Why this should be sois not clear, although, if confirmed, it would makeproteasome inhibitors promising agents forimproving radiotherapy. At least one of theseagents, bortezomib, is approved for clinical use.

Chromatin structure

Histone acetylation is another potential target forradiosensitization. Efficient DNA repair is usuallyassociated with modifications of the chromatinstructure in order to recruit repair proteins andfacilitate their access to damage; these changesthen have to be reversed on completion of repair. One important type of chromatin

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modification is the acetylation of histones, theproteins that form nucleosomes. Acetylation of his-tones removes a positive charge, reducing the affin-ity between histones and DNA and allowing easieraccess of transcription and other factors. The degreeof histone acetylation is determined by competitionbetween histone acetylases (HATs; putting on acetylgroups) and histone deacetylases (HDACs; takingthem off). A number of HDAC inhibitors have beendeveloped and found to have anti-tumour activityin preclinical cancer models. In addition, they canalso significantly enhance tumour cell radiosensitiv-ity (Cerna et al., 2006). The mechanisms are notentirely understood, but presumably relate to therecruitment of repair factors and/or resetting thechromatin after repair. The HDAC inhibitors areundergoing clinical trials as single agents, and incombination with radiotherapy.


Blocks at various stages of the cell cycle are a uni-versal feature of the response of mammalian cellsto irradiation (see Chapter 2). However, the linkbetween the presence or length of these blocksand cell kill after irradiation is often weak. Thusfor the G1/S and intra-S checkpoints, abrogationof the blocks can be achieved by genetic manipu-lation of one or more checkpoint genes withoutaltering radiosensitivity. However, two distinct G2checkpoints exist, one rapid and dose independ-ent and the other slow and dose dependent (seeChapter 2), and the dose-dependent blockappears to be associated with radiosensitivity (Xuet al., 2002). Abrogation of this block increasesradiosensitivity and it therefore represents a targetfor improving radiotherapy. In addition, abroga-tion of two or more blocks can be more effectivethan removing one block. Inhibition of the G2checkpoint thus appears to more effectively sensi-tize cells to DNA damage if the cells also lack theG1 checkpoint, as in cells with mutant p53. This,in principle, provides some tumour specificity,since a large proportion of human cancers havep53 pathway mutations while the surroundingnormal tissues will not. Drugs such as caffeine andpentoxyfylline can abrogate the G2 block andincrease radiosensitivity. These drugs also inhibit

ATM, and so whether the effects seen are solelybecause of reducing damage-induced cell-cycledelays or effects on repair is not clear. At the timeof writing, one drug, 7-hydroxystaurosporine(UCN-01), which also abrogates the G2 block andradiosensitizes cells, is undergoing clinical testing.


Cells often die from apoptosis after irradiation orchemotherapy (although other forms of death canalso dominate in solid tumours, see Chapter 3). Ithas therefore been proposed that increasing apop-tosis would increase the effects of radiotherapy(Belka et al., 2004). Several apoptosis inducershave shown synergy in combination with radia-tion in preclinical models, such as perifosine (analkylphospholipid compound with structuralsimilarity to phospholipids that are the main con-stituents of cellular membranes), TRAIL [tumournecrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis inducingligand], gossypol (a natural compound from cot-ton seeds), and others. It has not been proven thatthe synergy seen between radiation and thesecompounds is caused by the increases observed inapoptosis, since apoptosis does not always corre-late with clonogenic cell kill (cells not dying ofapoptosis can die in other ways, see Chapter 3).There is also no obvious reason why this approachshould be tumour specific other than the observa-tion that tumours often arise by evading apoptosis(Hanahan and Weinberg, 2000), leading to theconjecture that restoring apoptosis sensitivitymight restore treatment sensitivity.


Targeting hypoxia to increase tumour radiosensi-tivity is an attractive approach since the occur-rence of hypoxia is almost exclusively restricted totumours. The aim here is to make only thehypoxic cells more radiosensitive, or to selectivelykill hypoxic cells. Many preclinical and clinicalstudies have shown the feasibility and effective-ness of this approach. Chapters 16 and 17 discussthe biology of hypoxia and ways to combat it.

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Most DNA repair pathways operate universally andequally well in normal tissues and tumours (Table23.1a). There is no known consistent tumour speci-ficity concerning expression or function of DNArepair genes, or ATM and other damage detectors,or for chromatin modifications associated withrepair or for the NFκB pathway. A partial exceptionis the HR pathway for repairing DSBs. This oper-ates only in proliferating cells (S/G2 phase), and istherefore proliferation specific. Tumours tend toexhibit higher proliferation rates than normal tis-sues, especially compared with late-reacting nor-mal tissues after radiotherapy. This provides partialtumour specificity. Targeting homologous recom-bination may also reduce hypoxic radioresistance,thereby contributing to tumour specificity (Spronget al., 2006). However, no drugs have yet beendescribed that specifically inhibit HR proteins.

Proteasome inhibitors have been reported to workbetter on transformed cells, but it is not yet knownhow general this observation is.

The attraction of targeting DNA repair, includ-ing damage sensing and signalling, is that it is anexcellent way of making cells more radiation sen-sitive (Choudhury et al., 2006). However, as statedabove, in most cases it suffers from a lack oftumour specificity. There are two possible ways inwhich to increase tumour specificity. The first is todeliver the sensitizing drug or other sensitizingagent (e.g. siRNA, antibody) specifically to thetumour. This remains an elusive goal, and has yetto succeed sufficiently well to improve clinicalcancer treatment using either cytotoxic agentsalone or as radiosensitizers. Progress in this areawould certainly help the application of theapproaches discussed here.

The second approach is to attack tumourswhere they are already weakened (Table 23.1b).Since almost all malignant tumours are genetically

Table 23.1 DNA repair as a target for improving radiotherapy

TumourPathway Role specificity Reason

(a) BER/SSBR Base damage/ No Important for repairing damage in normal tissue and tumourSSBR

HR DSB repair Partial Lower hypoxic radioresistance if mutated; proliferationdependent

NHEJ DSB repair No Important for repairing damage in normal tissue and tumourATM Sensing DSB No Important for repairing damage in normal tissue and tumourMRN Sensing DSB No Important for repairing damage in normal tissue and tumourPathway Role Mutations Possible ways to exploit

in cancer(b) BER/SSBR Base damage/ Yes Anti-HR drug (reduce backup repair pathway)

SSBRHR DSB repair Yes PARP inhibitor (anti-SSBR; reduce backup repair pathway)NHEJ DSB repair Yes Anti-NHEJ drug (greater effect on tumour weakened by

pathway mutation)ATM Sensing DSB Yes Anti-ATM drug (greater effect on tumour weakened by

pathway mutation)MRN Sensing DSB Yes Anti-MRN drug (greater effect on tumour weakened by

pathway mutation)

BER, base excision repair; SSBR, single-strand break repair; HR, homologous recombination; NHEJ, non-homologous end-joining; ATM,gene mutated in ataxia telangiectasia; MRN, MRN complex (MRE11, RAD50, NBS1); DSB, double-strand break; PARP: poly-ADP-ribosepolymerase.

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Patient individualization 321

unstable, mutations or deletions of many genesare often found in a tumour, which result in lossesof gene or pathway function. This includes DNArepair genes. Therefore agents that reduce expres-sion or inhibit function of a gene or pathwaywhich is already compromised by genetic muta-tion in the tumour are likely to have more effecton such a tumour than on surrounding normaltissues with fully functional repair pathways. Thisidea remains speculative, and requires a detailedknowledge of deregulated pathways in individualtumours. An example from the chemotherapyworld is the dramatically increased effect of PARPinhibitors in tumours with reduced homologousrecombination, such as are found in BRCA1/2heterozygous individuals because BRCA genes areimportant for homologous recombination(Helleday et al., 2007). Similar combinations withradiation are therefore being sought, but, withoutsuch tumour specificity, the therapeutic gain fromusing general radiosensitizers will remain limited.

Of the three main factors affecting the responseto fractionated irradiation, hypoxia remains themost obvious tumour-specific target (Table 23.2),since tumours almost always contain hypoxic

areas whereas normal tissues rarely do. Tumourproliferation, or repopulation, can be attackedwith anti-proliferative drugs. These drugs will alsoadversely affect proliferating normal tissues lead-ing to enhanced early reactions, but should havemuch less effect on the dose-limiting late-reactingnormal tissues.


The goal of much current research is to developrapid and robust methods enabling us to under-stand enough about each patient and theirtumour to be able to choose the best treatment forthat individual. At present, treatment choice isusually based on parameters such as tumour site,histological type, tumour stage and performancestatus. Within these broad categories, sometumours show less response to radiotherapy thanothers. If these tumours could be identified beforetreatment, alternative therapies might be selectedthat may give a better chance of cure than thestandard therapy. This may involve one of the tar-geted therapies discussed above.

Table 23.2 Drugs for improving radiotherapy: tumour specificity of targets

Tumour specificity Remarks

Intrinsic radiosensitivityDNA repair Partial Only some pathways (e.g. HR); or if mutations in pathway

(see Table 23.1)Cell-cycle checkpoints Partial Only some checkpoints affect radiosensitivity (see Chapter

2); will also affect proliferating normal tissuesCell death Partial? Tumours are less apoptosis prone?(e.g. pro-apoptotic)

Signal transduction Partial If overexpression of target, and/or activation of pathway(e.g. PI3K)

Hypoxia Yes Tumours are usually hypoxic, normal tissues rarely; acuteand chronic hypoxia may require different approaches

RepopulationAnti-cell-cycle drugs Partial Tumours proliferate more rapidly than late-reacting normal

tissuesSignal transduction Partial Tumours proliferate more rapidly than late-reacting normal(e.g. EGFR) tissues; if overexpression of target, and/or activation of pathway

EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; HR, homologous recombination.

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Individual patients also differ in their toleranceof radiation therapy. Among a group of patientsgiven the same treatment protocol, some suffermore severe normal-tissue reactions than others. Itis these severe reactors that limit the dose of radi-ation that can be prescribed to a group of patients.If severe reactors could be identified prior to ther-apy it might be possible to improve their manage-ment (e.g. by reducing their treatment dose,applying anti-fibrosis or anti-thrombotic thera-pies, etc.) as well as that of the rest of the patientgroup (e.g. by increasing their dose).

The following sections will deal with these twoaspects of the individualization of radiation ther-apy: predicting tumour response and predictingnormal-tissue response.


Determinants of tumour response to radiother-apy can be put into three broad categories: intrin-sic radiosensitivity, proliferation rate and theextent of hypoxia. These are largely independent,such that a group of intrinsically radiosensitivetumours could have a range of proliferation ratesand degrees of hypoxia; a group of tumours withhigh proliferation rates could have a range ofradiosensitivities and degrees of hypoxia, etc.These three factors should thus be considered sep-arately, and the goal is to measure them all tomaximize the chance of accurately predictingresponse. In addition to these radiobiologicalparameters, other factors that can determine suc-cess or failure are tumour size at the time of treat-ment and the metastatic potential of the tumour.Large tumours are harder to control than smalltumours simply because there are more cells tokill, which will require higher doses. This will betrue even if intrinsic radiosensitivity, hypoxia andrepopulation rates are equal at small and largetumour sizes. Tumour size should therefore betaken into account when assessing the perform-ance of a predictive assay. Metastatic potential isclearly important for survival but should be con-sidered separately from factors affecting localtumour control.


Intrinsic radiosensitivity

Malignant tumours are intrinsically geneticallyunstable, and there is ample evidence from celllines, animal tumour models and in the clinic thatthis leads to a wide variation in intrinsic radiosen-sitivity, even between tumours of similar originand histological type. Attempts have been made toassess the radiosensitivity of human tumours byexplanting cells directly from biopsies, irradiatingthem in culture and measuring colony-formingability, usually specifying surviving cell fractionafter 2 Gy (SF2). Such studies have shown thattumour cell radiosensitivity is a significant andindependent prognostic factor for radiotherapyoutcome in carcinoma of both the cervix (West et al., 1997) and head and neck (Bjork-Eriksson et al., 2000). The disadvantages of the colony assayare its poor success rate for human tumours (70 per cent) and the time needed to producedata (often up to 4 weeks). Subsequent studieshave evaluated alternative assays that generateresults in less than a week. Examples include chromosome damage, DNA damage, glutathionelevels and apoptosis. However, comparing theseassays with the ‘gold standard’ of clonogenic celldeath in cell lines has shown variable results.Similarly, some clinical studies with such assayshave shown correlations with radiotherapy out-come while others have not. It can be concludedthat these functional, usually cell-based, assayshave limited clinical utility as predictive assays but have been useful in confirming one mechanismunderlying differences in response of tumours toradiotherapy.


Tumour hypoxia is a key factor involved in deter-mining not only resistance to treatment but alsomalignant progression. Evidence for an associa-tion between measurements of hypoxia in indi-vidual human tumours and response to radiationtherapy has been summarized in Chapters 15–17.

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Measuring single parameters 323

Hypoxia has also been shown to be a negativeprognostic factor after treatment with chemother-apy or surgery. The latter is consistent with datashowing that hypoxia plays a key role in tumourprogression by promoting both angiogenesis andmetastasis (see Chapter 16).

One method to measure tumour hypoxiaincludes using thin polarographic glass electrodes(Eppendorf) which are inserted into tumours, pro-ducing several measurements along each track,thus providing multiple oxygen tension measure-ments per tumour. This direct method of measur-ing hypoxia has limitations in that it is only suitablefor accessible tumours. Hypoxia-specific chemicalprobes such as pimonidazole (Raleigh et al., 2000)and EF5 (Evans et al., 2000) have been developedand are in clinical use. These and similar com-pounds are usually nitroimidazoles, which undergobioreduction only under hypoxic conditions, fol-lowed by binding of reduced products onto macro-molecules. Bound adducts can be detected withspecific antibodies, allowing measurement byimmunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence orflow cytometry. Some studies have shown a goodcorrelation of pimonidazole binding with outcomeafter radiotherapy, as in head and neck cancer(Kaanders et al., 2002), while others have not, as incervix cancer (Nordsmark et al., 2006).

The use of fluorinated derivatives of such biore-ductive drugs also allows their detection by non-invasive positron emission tomography (PET)(Krause et al., 2006). This approach has the addi-tional advantage of sampling the whole tumourand not just a small part of it. These drugs dependupon hypoxia for their reduction, although thereare other factors that can influence their quantifica-tion and make them a less direct measure ofhypoxia than is the case with electrodes. However,such agents are useful for quantifying hypoxia inhuman tumours, although they require adminis-tration of a drug. Other methods that are beingevaluated to measure tumour hypoxia in the clinicinclude cross-sectional imaging using computedtomography (CT), magnetic resonance spectro-scopic (MRS) imaging and magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) (Padhani et al., 2007).

Another possible surrogate marker of hypoxiais tumour vascularity, because of the known asso-ciation between hypoxia and angiogenesis, and

the fact that oxygen is delivered via a tumourblood supply that varies from ordered to chaotic.A variety of methods have been used to score vas-cularity, including intercapillary distance, vasculardensity, vascular ‘hot-spots’ and the proportion oftumour areas greater than a fixed distance from avessel. Some of these methods have shown a posi-tive correlation with outcome, while others havebeen negative (West et al., 2001a).


The importance of tumour proliferation is mostclearly shown by the higher doses required to con-trol a tumour when overall treatment time isincreased (see Chapters 8 and 10). Further evi-dence comes from studies showing loss of localtumour control as a result of gaps in treatment,whether planned or unplanned. There is alsoincreasing evidence from randomized trials thataccelerated regimes can improve outcome(Chapter 10).

Methods for measuring tumour proliferationinclude counting the mitotic index (proportion ofmitoses in tissue sections), determining the pro-portion of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle byDNA flow cytometry, measuring the tumourpotential doubling time (Tpot) with thymidineanalogues such as iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) andbromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd), and using anti-bodies to detect proliferation-associated proteins.A multicentre analysis of over 470 head and neckcancer patients treated with radiotherapy aloneshowed a lack of significance of Tpot as a predictor(Begg et al., 1999). A number of other studies haveshown a significant although usually weak corre-lation between labelling index and radiotherapyoutcome. Therefore pretreatment labelling index(LI) or Tpot measurements are apparently not suf-ficiently robust for determining tumour cell pro-liferation during radiotherapy. Proliferation, orrepopulation, during fractionated radiotherapy isclearly an important factor determining outcome,but reliable ways to measure it are not yet avail-able. A greater understanding at the cell and molec-ular levels is needed of why, in some tumours,radiation damage leads to an accelerated repopu-lation response, but in others it does not. This may

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be related to differences in the cytokine andgrowth-factor pathways.


The response of a tumour to radiotherapy is com-plex, determined broadly by the three factorsmentioned above (intrinsic radiosensitivity,hypoxia and repopulation), each in turn con-trolled by many genes and pathways, some ofwhich may be dysfunctional or overactive in aparticular tumour. It is therefore unlikely thatmeasuring a single factor, or expression of singlegenes, will provide a reliable predictor of how thetumour will respond to treatment. To maximizethe chance of reliably predicting the success of atreatment in an individual, multiple factors, ormultiple genes, need to be measured, both in thetumour and in the patient.

Methods for measuring genetic alterations on agenome-wide scale have made enormous progressin the last few years, including those for studyingDNA changes, mRNA expression and proteinexpression. Application of these methods hasalready shown great promise for tumour diagno-sis and prognosis, in addition to providing power-ful new methods for fundamental studies oftumour (and other) biology. These genome-wideassays are now being applied to improve predic-tion in cancer treatments (see Fig. 23.1 for sum-mary scheme).

The DNA level (comparative genomichybridization, methylation)

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)allows tumour and normal-tissue DNA to be com-pared, producing a map of the loci in the chromo-somes which are either deleted or amplified in thetumour (Pinkel and Albertson, 2005). This wasoriginally achieved by hybridizing fluorescentlylabelled DNAs (e.g. tumour DNA green, normalDNA red) to metaphase spreads of normal cells.This technique has been superseded by hybridizingthe labelled DNAs to a glass slide on which thou-sands of DNA probes, each representing a part ofthe genomic DNA, are spotted in an array (calledarray CGH, or aCGH). The advantage is repro-ducibility of the arrays, greater resolution becauseof the use of small DNA probes spaced closely onthe array, and greater flexibility (widely spacedprobes covering the whole genome, or closelyspaced probes for part of a chromosome). Each ofthe observed genetic alterations covers megabasesof DNA,but this is often sufficient to indicate genesof interest. Patterns of genomic changes have beencorrelated with outcome in several studies,although few after radiation (van den Broek et al.,2007). Matching such genomic DNA changes withgene expression data (microarrays, see below) canhelp pinpoint relevant genomic regions and rele-vant genes (Adler et al., 2006).

Methylation is a further factor at the DNA levelwhich affects gene expression. Methylation ofcytosines in promoter regions of genes can switch






















Figure 23.1 Genetic screening methods.The genome can be screened at three levels(left) using different assays (right). Thescheme (middle) shows the relationshipbetween the biological processes.Combining results from more than oneassay will give a better indication of thederegulation of important pathways, whichcould then be targets of therapy. CGH,comparative genomic hybridization; SNP,single nucleotide polymorphism.

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Measuring multiple parameters (Genome wide) 325

them off by altering the binding of specific pro-teins (transcription factors) necessary to initiatetranscription. A number of methods have beendesigned to measure methylation status, andalthough these are not quite yet genome wide,they are likely to become so in the near future.Methods are based on affinity purification ofmethylated DNA, or fractionation of (un)methy-lated DNA using methyl-sensitive restrictionenzymes, or chemical modification of unmethy-lated cytosines; in each case, microarray detectioncan be used for monitoring many loci. Such meas-urements, representing the epigenetic status of thegenome, are also likely to help monitor whichpathways are deregulated in tumours.

The RNA level (microarrays)

Expression microarrays are small chips (oftenglass slides) containing many thousands of DNAsequences in spots, one DNA sequence per spot.The DNA can be cDNA (messenger RNA back-translated into more stable complementary DNA)but more usually oligomers (short DNA chains)representing the partial sequence of a gene.Messenger RNA, representing all expressed genes,is extracted from the tumour or other sample ofinterest, then fluorescently labelled and added tothe chip, where each labelled RNA hybridizes onlyto the spot for that gene having the complemen-tary DNA sequence. Genes which are highlyexpressed in the tumour then result in brightspots on the array, while lowly expressed genesshow low signals. After hybridization, the array isscanned automatically and rapidly to measure theexpression of all genes. Current arrays can holdalmost all the genes in the human genome, esti-mated to be around 30 000.

Several studies have reported finding gene sets,or signatures, which predict the response to drugsor to radiation. In these studies, expression pro-files of each sample are correlated with treatmentsensitivity using specific statistical (bioinformat-ics) methods, such as supervised hierarchical clus-tering. Some of these studies have employed arange of cell lines with different treatment sensi-tivities, while others have studied a series of clini-cal tumours in which mRNA has been extracted

from pretreatment biopsies and the results corre-lated with subsequent treatment outcome. Thetechnique thus shows promise as a predictor of out-come. However, at the present time, there are almostno examples of predictive signatures specific for aparticular treatment such as radiation, although sig-natures have been found for combined radiationand drug treatments (Pramana et al., 2007).

Before such expression signatures can be usedin the clinic to select treatment options, theyrequire rigorous testing and validation. Usuallythis first involves a single institute trial in which asignature is found on a group of patient samplesand tested on a second independent group. This isusually done on frozen samples from patients forwhom treatment outcome is already known. Ifsensitivity and specificity are high for distinguish-ing good and poor outcomes, the signature shouldthen be tested prospectively on a larger group ofpatients, preferably in a multicentre trial. At thetime of writing, only a few signatures, mainly forbreast cancer, and mainly for predicting the prob-ability of metastasis, are in the prospective stage(Bogaerts et al., 2006). Most studies have beenunderpowered (low sample numbers) and/or havenot included appropriate independent validation.

The statistical methods that are employed toextract a set of genes distinguishing good and badresponse consider each gene independently, and arealso independent of any biological knowledge. Thehope is that the genes appearing in the signature arecausal for the response, and that they, or theirmolecular pathways, also represent drug targets forintervention. In this way, not only can response bepredicted, but appropriate treatments could beindicated. A second approach starts from the biol-ogy. A set of genes on known pathways relevant tothe treatment can be tested, such as DNA repairgenes, or hypoxia-inducible genes or proliferationgenes. The rationale is that, while individual genesmay not provide a strong enough predictor, severalgenes on the same pathway might do so. Such genesets can be tested on clinical microarray data to seeif they can split tumours into good and bad respon-ders. This approach has shown good success withhypoxia (Chi et al., 2006), a serum response signa-ture (Chang et al., 2005) and others. Signatureshave also been derived from cell lines with differentradiosensitivities, although such radiosensitivity

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signatures have not yet been adequately tested inclinical series.

The RNA level (microRNA)

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-codingRNAs of 19–24 nucleotides that generally down-regulate gene expression by inhibiting proteintranslation. It is estimated that miRNAs affectexpression of up to 30 per cent of the genes in themammalian genome. They have been shown toplay a role in development, differentiation andapoptosis, and to be involved in initiation andprogression of human cancers. More recently,miRNA profiling has shown the potential to pre-dict treatment outcome (Garzon et al., 2006). Theuse of miRNA profiling rather than, or togetherwith, mRNA profiling and other genome-widetechniques holds promise for more accurate pre-diction in the future.

The protein level (proteomics)

Since proteins (rather than mRNA) carry out theactual cellular functions, expression profiling atthe protein level should, in principle, be betterthan at the mRNA level. However, proteins are anorder of magnitude more diverse in structure,making such profiling more difficult. Despite this,rapid progress is being made, including antibodychips and mass spectrometry in various forms(Domon and Aebersold, 2006). Proteomics usingpowerful mass spectrometry methods as clinicalpredictors has so far been restricted mainly to thestudy of serum proteins, and usually for earlydetection and treatment monitoring.

In addition, simple immunohistochemistryhas been made more ‘high throughput’ by the useof tissue microarrays, in which hundreds of smallparaffin-embedded tumour samples from differ-ent patients are placed on one microscope slide(Simon and Sauter, 2002). Staining with a partic-ular antibody can then be done simultaneouslyfor all tumours in a clinical series. Scoring andregistration of the data can also be automated.This is far from genome wide, since candidateprotein targets (and the antibodies which detect

them) must be chosen based on prior knowledge,and are usually restricted to up to 30 markers.However, this method is ideal for testing potentialpredictive markers in retrospective series.


The existence of individuals with extreme sensitiv-ity to ionizing radiation was first realized with thepublication of a study showing the hypersensitiv-ity of fibroblasts cultured from a patient withataxia telangiectasia (Taylor et al., 1975). Then, inthe 1980s, increasing evidence was found for arange of radiosensitivities within the populationeven without known genetic syndromes. Furtherevidence for differences in cellular radiosensitivityas a determinant of normal-tissue response toradiotherapy came from studies showing thatinherent differences between individuals domi-nated normal-tissue reactions more than othercontributing factors (Turesson et al., 1996). It wasrealized that the 5 per cent most sensitive individ-uals within a patient population limit the dose thatcan be safely applied in radiotherapy, but as it isnot known beforehand who these sensitivepatients are, radiation doses to most patients maybe too low, jeopardizing the overall chance of cure.

In the 1990s, studies were carried out to testwhether the in vitro radiosensitivity of normalcells could predict the severity of normal-tissuedamage. In general, no correlations were seen withacute radiation effects. Several small studiesshowed correlations between fibroblast radiosen-sitivity and the severity of late effects (e.g.Johansen et al., 1994) but were not confirmed insubsequent larger studies (Russell et al., 1998;Peacock et al., 2000). There have been two largestudies using peripheral blood lymphocytes andboth showed that their radiosensitivity correlatedwith the severity of late effects (West et al., 2001b).

More rapid assays have also been evaluated,including the measurement of chromosome dam-age (Russell et al., 1995) and DNA damage (Kiltie et al., 1999). Although some significant correlationswith late effects have been reported, other studieshave shown no relationship. A general problem hasbeen that experimental (assay) variability has been

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Prediction of normal-tissue tolerance 327

relatively large compared with inter-individual dif-ferences in radiosensitivity.

Although clonogenic cell survival is a crucialconcept for local tumour control, it may be lesssignificant for late normal-tissue damage. Forexample, the radiosensitivity of fibroblasts from afibrosis-prone mouse strain was found to be iden-tical to that from a fibrosis-resistant strain (Diletoand Travis, 1996). Therefore, other factors clearlyinfluence the response of normal tissues to radia-tion. Cytokines are known to play an importantrole (Rodemann and Bamberg, 1995; Bentzen,2006). For example, transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) is a key cytokine in fibrosis development(see Chapter 13.3), influencing fibroblast prolifera-tion and differentiation. This is a growing andimportant area of research, and increased under-standing of the molecular pathogenesis of radiation

injury may lead to better predictions of the radia-tion response of normal tissues.

Genome-wide screens are beginning to be usedfor predicting adverse reactions to radiotherapy.Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in candi-date genes thought to influence normal-tissue radi-ation injury have shown some promising results(Chang-Claude et al., 2005; Andreassen et al.,2006). Expression profiling of patient lymphocytesirradiated ex vivo has also produced signatures cor-relating with the severity of normal-tissue injury(Svensson et al., 2006). The results of all these stud-ies need validating in larger independent patientseries. The advantage of the SNP approach is thateasily accessible lymphocytes are ideal for themeasurements. In contrast, expression profiles inlymphocytes may not be a relevant surrogate forthe target tissue (usually non-lymphoid) or




Genetic screening







Deregulated pathwaysRepair weaknessRadiosensitivityHypoxiaRepopulation capacity......



Normal tissue

Choose appropriateradiomodifying drug–attacking hypoxia–attacking weakness–attacking


Adjust radiation doseAvoid ineffective drugResponse modulators(anti-inflammatory,anti-fibrosis, stemcells, etc.)......

Analysis Therapy choice

Figure 23.2 A schematic representation of how genetic screening can be combined with new molecular-targetedagents for individualizing therapy in the future. Samples are taken from both tumour and normal tissue and subjectedto genome-wide screening methods. Analyses related to sensitivity, resistance and pathway deregulation will indicatewhere to attack each tumour, while protecting or sparing normal tissues. Examples: phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)pathway activation in the tumour together with high hypoxia would indicate attacking both these problems (e.g. anti-AKT/EGFR/RAS drug, plus hypoxic cytotoxin or hypoxic radiosensitizer). If normal-tissue screening indicated the patientis fibrosis-prone, anti-fibrosis therapies [related to the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) pathway] could beapplied during follow-up. CNV, copy number variation; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.

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328 Molecular targeting and patient individualization

response type, for example fibrosis or telangiecta-sia. In addition to SNPs, variations in DNA copynumber and in DNA methylation patterns are nowalso being investigated and may further increasepredictive power in the future.


If and when reliable predictive assays are devel-oped, their use will depend on the availability ofalternative treatments. For example, patients withvery hypoxic tumours could be assigned to treat-ments that include hypoxia-modifying or hypoxia-exploiting agents (e.g. ARCON, tirapazamine, etc;see Chapter 17). The type of hypoxia (chronic oracute) may also determine which modifying strat-egy to use. Tumours with fast repopulation potentialwould be candidates for accelerated fractionation,or radiotherapy combined with drugs designed tocombat proliferation (e.g. EGFR inhibitors). In theshort term, patients with radioresistant tumoursmay benefit from switching to an alternative ther-apeutic modality such as surgery or chemotherapy,combined chemoradiotherapy or the radiationdose to the tumour could be increased using someform of conformal radiotherapy where possible. Inthe long term, the goal is to be able to obtain acomplete genetic picture of each tumour, therebyunderstanding why a tumour is radioresistant,allowing a rational choice of tumour-specificradiosensitizing drugs of the types described in thefirst section of this chapter. Rapid progress is beingmade in developing techniques for monitoringtumour genetics and this, coupled with theincreasing pace of development of molecular-tar-geted drugs, should mean that more tumour-spe-cific therapies with lower toxicity should emerge inthe not too distant future. Finally, if reliable infor-mation were available for predicting the risk ofsevere normal-tissue effects, possible strategieswould be to reduce the radiation dose forradiosensitive individuals, to offer a radioprotec-tive agent (assuming the agent does not also pro-tect tumours), or to use a post-radiotherapystrategy designed to reduce vascular and parenchy-mal consequences of irradiation, such as anti-TGF-β and anti-inflammatory approaches.


Designing treatments which are tailored to theindividual patient requires, first, extensive knowl-edge of the genetics of that individual and of theirtumour. Second, the availability of a considerablearray of agents that attack specific genes or path-ways is essential. An agent (drug, antibody, pep-tide, siRNA, etc.) can then be chosen for thatindividual with the greatest chance of a therapeu-tic effect when combined with radiation (Fig.23.2). With the rapid development of genome-wide screening approaches, providing massivenew information on tumour genetics, there hasbeen considerable progress in the area of outcomeprediction. It is hoped and anticipated that thiswill soon lead to more rational therapies.

Key points

1. Impeding DNA repair pathways can signifi-cantly increase cellular radiosensitivity.However, there is no known consistenttumour specificity concerning expressionor function of DNA repair genes, or ATMand other damage detectors, or for chro-matin modifications associated with repairor for the NFκB pathway. Hypoxia is themost tumour-specific therapeutic target.

2. Intrinsic tumour cell radiosensitivity is asignificant and independent prognostic fac-tor for radiotherapy outcome in carcinomasboth of the cervix and of the head and neck,but functional, usually cell-based, measure-ments have limited clinical utility as predic-tive assays.

3. Tumour hypoxia has been shown to be anegative prognostic factor after treatmentwith radiotherapy, chemotherapy or sur-gery and the predictive capability of severalpathology-based and PET/CT/MRI mark-ers is being evaluated clinically.

4. Tumour proliferation, or repopulation, dur-ing fractionated radiotherapy, is an impor-tant factor determining outcome, but noreliable ways to measure it are yet available.

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Bibliography 329


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5. Methods for studying DNA changes, mRNAexpression and protein expression havealready shown great promise in tumourdiagnosis and prognosis. These genome-wide assays are now being applied toimprove prediction in cancer treatments.

6. Reliable and rapid tests are not yet availablefor predicting the risk of severe normal-tissueeffects.

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for treatment outcome in head and neck cancer.Cancer Res 62: 7066–74.

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Further reading 331

Weber CN, Cerniglia GJ, Maity A, Gupta AK (2007).Bortezomib sensitizes human head and neckcarcinoma cells SQ20B to radiation. Cancer Biol Ther6: 156–9.

West CM, Cooper RA, Loncaster JA, Wilks DP, BromleyM (2001a). Tumor vascularity: a histological measureof angiogenesis and hypoxia. Cancer Res 61:2907–10.

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West CM, Davidson SE, Roberts SA, Hunter RD (1997).The independence of intrinsic radiosensitivity as aprognostic factor for patient response to

radiotherapy of carcinoma of the cervix. Br J Cancer76: 1184–90.

Xu B, Kim ST, Lim DS, Kastan MB (2002). Twomolecularly distinct G(2)/M checkpoints are induced by ionizing irradiation. Mol Cell Biol 22:1049–59.


West CM, McKay MJ, Holscher T et al. (2005). Molecularmarkers predicting radiotherapy response: reportand recommendations from an International AtomicEnergy Agency technical meeting. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 62: 1264–73.

Page 348: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Protons and other ions in radiotherapyWOLFGANG DÖRR AND MICHAEL C. JOINER

24.1 Introduction 33224.2 Biological characteristics of high-linear

energy transfer (LET) beams 33224.3 Dose specification and ion

radiotherapy planning 33424.4 Radiotherapy with protons 33524.5 Radiotherapy with heavy ions 336

24.6 Second cancers 33624.7 Ion radiotherapy in paediatric oncology 33624.8 Conclusions and future directions 336Key points 337Bibliography 337Further reading 338



The physical characteristics of light and heavy ionradiation beams, as well as of neutrons, wereintroduced in Chapter 6. In this chapter, we willreview the biological properties of ions (and neu-trons) with relevance to radiotherapy, and sum-marize the recent experience and status of protonand heavy ion radiotherapy.

The major difference between radiotherapywith photons and ions is in the spatial distributionof physical dose. For photons, independent ofenergy, the maximum dose is deposited close to theentrance surface of the matter that is penetrated. Incontrast, ions enter tissue with a low dose and themaximum dose deposition occurs within the so-called Bragg peak, at a depth depending on thebeam energy. Behind this Bragg peak region, forprotons no significant further dose is deposited,and in the case of heavy ions only a minor dose,owing to some nuclear fragments, is deposited.

A second advantage of ions over megavoltageX-rays is the steep dose gradient at the beam mar-gins, with a reduction from 90 per cent to 10 percent within few millimetres. This sharpness in thebeam definition is even more pronounced forheavy ions than for protons, by a factor of approx-imately three. Moreover, in the case of heavy ions,

a small amount of positron emission (11C, 15O) isgenerated via nuclear reactions, and this can beexploited to visualize the dose distribution bypositron emission tomography (PET).


Figure 24.1 illustrates that only minor changesoccur in the total dose required for various biolog-ical effects (acutely responding tissues indicatedwith dashed lines and late-responding tissues withsolid lines) with changes in dose per fraction forhigh-LET radiation (neutrons). Compared withlow-LET radiation, particularly for late tissue end-points, these changes are significantly less pro-nounced (Withers et al., 1982). Figure 24.1 shouldbe compared with Fig. 8.1, which shows these rela-tionships for a similar range of tissues exposed tofractionated low-LET radiation. This comparisonis illustrated schematically in Fig. 24.2 and the fol-lowing conclusions can be drawn:

1 There is much less effect of dose fractionation(i.e. of dose per fraction) for high-LET radia-tion, either in acutely responding or in

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Biological characteristics of high-linear energy transfer 333

late-responding tissues (Fig. 24.1). Tissueresponses to high-LET radiations (heavy ions,neutrons) therefore demonstrate substantiallyhigher α/β ratios than low-LET (photon)beam responses, as is also the case for cell linesin vitro (see Fig. 6.2).

2. For photons, the total dose increases moresteeply with decreasing dose per fraction forlate-responding than for early-responding tis-sues, reflecting the smaller α/β ratios for late-responding tissues (see Chapters 8 and 9). Therelative biological effectiveness (RBE) thereforerises rapidly with decreasing dose per fractionfor late-responding tissues and more graduallyfor early-responding tissues.

3. The RBE values for late tissue responses are notintrinsically higher than for acute responses.However, because of their faster increase asdose is reduced, the RBE values for late tissueresponses tend to be higher than for early tis-sue response at lower doses per fraction, espe-cially at or below 2 Gy per (X-ray) fraction.

To further illustrate this last point, Fig. 24.3demonstrates the rise in neutron RBE (comparedwith photons) with decreasing dose per fraction inepidermis, as an example of an early-respondingtissue, and kidney (a late-responding tissue). In thisexample, the RBE for d(16)-Be neutrons in kidneywas greater than in epidermis at an X-ray dose perfraction of 2 Gy, but lower for a more highly pene-trating p(62)-Be neutron therapy beam. Therefore,compared with conventional photon therapy, laterenal damage would be increased more substantiallyrelative to early reactions (and perhaps relative totumour response) by treating with a low-energyneutron beam, but late renal injury would actuallybe spared with the high-energy neutron radiation.

It must be emphasized that these relationshipsare clearly specific for the tissues and the high-LETbeams studied. Similar relationships between otherearly- and late-responding tissues may not follow

10 5 2 1 0.51







Dose per fraction (Gy)


l dos

e fo

r va




s (G


15 10











Figure 24.1 Summary of published data on isoeffectcurves for neutrons as a function of dose per fraction invarious tissues of mice and rats. Broken lines indicatedata on acute-responding tissues; solid lines are forlate-responding tissues. Compare with Fig. 8.1. Key: 1,thyroid function; 2, haemopoietic colonies; 3, vertebralgrowth; 4, spermatogenic colonies; 5, fibrosarcomas; 6,jejunum colonies; 7, lung LD50; 8, lumbar nerve rootfunction; 9 and 12, skin desquamation; 10, skincontraction; 11, skin late changes; 13, spinal cord; 14,oral mucosa necrosis; 15, skin necrosis. From Withers et al. (1982), with permission.

Dose per fraction (Gy)


l dos

e (G





Low-LET,early-respondingtissues, tumours

High-LET, all tissues

Figure 24.2 Illustration of the changes in isoeffectivetotal doses with decreasing dose per fraction for acute- and late-responding tissues and tumours, forirradiation with high-linear energy transfer (LET) orlow-LET radiation, respectively. The correspondingdefinition of relative biological effectiveness (RBE)values is indicated.

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334 Protons and other ions in radiotherapy

the same pattern and so must be evaluated individ-ually in each case and for each treatment conditionto determine whether high-LET radiation wouldresult in a biological therapeutic gain. It is not truethat late reactions are always worse after high-LETtherapy for the same level of acute injury, but theymay be in some cases unless the physical character-istics of a charged particle high-LET beam can beused to reduce the radiation dose to critical normaltissues. It should be noted that a d(16)-Be neutronbeam has similar depth–dose characteristics toortho-voltage X-rays, whereas a p(62)-Be neutrontherapy beam can produce treatment plans compa-rable to a 4 MV X-ray beam.

Less comprehensive data are available on frac-tionation effects with heavy ion or proton beams.However, the loss of the fractionation dose-sparingeffect, which has been described above for neu-trons, is consistently less pronounced for heavyions. However, protons must be considered – biologically, with regard to dose fractionation – assimilar to photons. For both radiation qualities,heavy ions as well as protons, slight changes inRBE with dose per fraction cannot be excluded(Gerweck and Kozin, 1999). For these reasons, thenumber of fractions in ion radiotherapy protocolsis currently close to that applied in photon ther-apy. For the biological reasons described above,higher doses per fraction and fewer fractions may

be possible, but supporting preclinical (in vivo)and clinical data are currently not available, andhence changes in fractionation protocols must beconsidered carefully.


For protons used in radiotherapy (in contrast tothe extraterrestrial cosmic proton flux), a RBEfactor of 1.1 is generally accepted and used rou-tinely in clinical treatment planning programmes(Paganetti et al., 2002). Most experimental studieson the biological effectiveness for various end-points have yielded RBE values between 1.05 and1.25 (Tepper et al., 1977; Urano et al., 1984; ICRP,2003). However, there might be a higher RBEvalue for effects within the terminal few millime-tres of the beam (Gerweck and Kozin, 1999).

For heavy ions, in the last c. 2 cm of the track,an increase in RBE is seen up to values of 2–4(Kramer et al., 2003). In the entrance channel,the biological effectiveness of heavy ions is con-sidered only slightly higher than for protons.Complex mathematical/biophysical models areusually applied for heavy-ion treatment planning(Kramer and Scholz, 2000; Scholz et al., 2006).






(a) (b)








2 4 6 10 20 30 11







2 4 6 10 20 30



e bi







X-ray dose per fraction (Gy) X-ray dose per fraction (Gy)

Figure 24.3 Comparison of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for mouse skin and kidney exposed to twodifferent neutron beams: (a) d(16)-Be; (b) p(64)-Be. From Joiner (1988), with permission.

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Radiotherapy with protons 335

The dose in ion beam radiotherapy isdescribed in gray equivalents (GyE) or cobalt grayequivalents (CGE). The GyE or CGE is equal tothe measured physical dose in grays multiplied bythe RBE factor. Note that the term ‘equivalentdose’ in sievert (Sv) is commonly used for radia-tion protection purposes, with a totally differentmeaning from that in the present context of ther-apy; these should not be confused (Wambersie et al., 2006).

For radiotherapy applications, an ion beammust be extended in the lateral and longitudinaldirections in order to adequately cover the clinicaltarget volume. Depth variations can be achieved bypassive absorbers (see Chapter 6, Section 6.6) or, inmodern configurations, by active variation of theaccelerator energy. Similarly, variations in widthcan be accomplished with passive devices such asscattering foils or with magnetic deflectors (pencilscanning beam). Use of beam scanning techniqueswill clearly result in a reduction of the normal tis-sue included in the high-dose volume. However,passive absorbers can increase the dose depositionoutside the target volume (e.g. by neutrons that aregenerated at end energies �10 MeV). Furthermore,proton and heavy ion beams are much more sensi-tive to tissue inhomogeneities than photons.Therefore, optimum conformation of the high-dose volume for minimization of normal-tissueexposure on one hand and best coverage of theplanning target volume to avoid marginal recur-rences on the other are highly demanding withregard to planning and technical execution ofion beam radiotherapy. Immobilization and imageguidance are extremely important to limit set-upuncertainties to < 2 mm. In order to determine thenecessary proton range, the density of tissueaccording to Hounsfield units obtained from plan-ning computed tomography (CT) images is con-verted into stopping power of tissue.

The complexity of proton or heavy ion radio-therapy renders these treatments more expensivethan photon radiation therapy. In a financialanalysis (Goitein and Jermann, 2003), a ratio of2.4 for cost per fraction of proton versus photontreatment was found. However, projected reduc-tions in both construction and operational costsmay reduce this ratio to 2 or even 1.5 (MacDonaldet al., 2006).


More than 45 000 patients have so far been treatedwith proton therapy worldwide. The results of clin-ical studies with protons have recently been subjectto comprehensive reviews (MacDonald et al., 2006;Brada et al., 2007; Lodge et al., 2007; Olsen et al.,2007), and will be briefly summarized here.

Most of the early treatments were performed atphysics research facilities. Because of the limitedtime-slots for therapy, the vast majority of patients(�20 000) have so far been treated for uvealmelanoma, where the dose is delivered within afew days. Tumour control can be achieved in morethan 95 per cent of the patients, with low rates ofenucleation. Analysis of the available clinical data,however, has not provided unequivocal evidencethat proton therapy is superior to photon irradia-tion in patients with ocular melanomas (Brada et al., 2007).

Treatment of chordomas and chondrosarcomasat the base of the skull is clearly compromised byadjacent critical structures (brainstem, spinal cord,optic nerve and chiasm). The requirement of highdoses in a precise location renders proton therapyattractive. In chondrosarcomas, 5-year local con-trol rates can be as high as over 90 per cent, and aresomewhat lower for chordomas, as well as for spinaland paraspinal tumours. The incidence of severetoxicities is clearly below 10 per cent. However,there are still insufficient clinical data available toformally compare toxicity after proton therapy andconventional treatment, for both chordoma andchondrosarcoma (Brada et al., 2007).

Proton treatment of glioblastoma multiformewith 90 CGE in a combined proton–photon proto-col resulted in a median survival time of 20 months,but the incidence of radionecrosis was high. Protonsmay also be used for single fraction radiosurgery,such as for vestibular schwannoma (Weber et al.,2003) and other intracranial neoplasms.

At least 2000–3000 patients have received pro-ton therapy for prostate cancer. The results withregard to tumour control have not been consis-tently better than with photons. However, fewerside-effects have been observed: standard photontechniques used over the last 30 years have resultedin severe side-effects in about 15 per cent of thepatients; modern photon techniques are expected

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336 Protons and other ions in radiotherapy

to reduce the incidence to 1–3 per cent, and pro-ton treatment to �1 per cent (Cox, 2007). However,a comprehensive analysis (Lodge et al., 2007) hasshown an incidence of side-effects (�grade 2) of10–30 per cent for protons and 10–40 per cent forphotons.

Other malignancies being tested with protontherapy are head and neck, breast, gastrointestinaland lung tumours (MacDonald et al., 2006).


Heavy ion radiotherapy is more experimentalthan proton therapy, although some clinical dataare available and have been reviewed (Schulz-Ertner et al., 2003; Greco and Wolden, 2007;Lodge et al., 2007). In a series of 67 patientstreated with carbon ions for tumours of the baseof skull (Schulz-Ertner et al., 2003) with a mediantumour dose of 60 GyE, actuarial 3-year local con-trol rates were 100 per cent for chondrosarcomasand 81 per cent for chordomas, comparable to theresults with protons. For squamous cell carcino-mas, the results with carbon ion therapy seem alsoto be similar to protons or photons. For adenoidcystic carcinomas, higher local tumour controlrates (�75 per cent) are found with carbon ionsthan with photons (50 per cent) (Lodge et al., 2007). For prostate tumours, 5-year localcontrol rates of 95–100 per cent are reported, with�grade 2 genitourinary or gastrointestinal toxic-ity in 1–6 per cent of the patients.

Based on the biological properties of heavy ionbeams (Section 24.2), with experimental evidencethat higher doses per fraction are associated with arelatively more pronounced reduction in RBE (Fig.24.2) for (late-responding) normal tissues com-pared with tumours (Denekamp et al., 1997; Andoet al., 2005), introduction of hypofractionated pro-tocols has been suggested for clinical testing (Tsujiiet al., 2004; Schulz-Ertner and Tsujii, 2007).


Theoretically, radiotherapy with protons or otherions should, by a reduction of the integral dose

outside the planning target volume, decline therisk of secondary tumours without compromisingtumour control rates. Miralbell et al. (2002) com-pared the potential influence of proton dose distribution with that of conformal photon treat-ments or intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)for the risk of second malignancies. Protons (withor without intensity modulation) clearly decreasedthe estimated risk compared with photon planning(with or without intensity modulation). However,these expectations have not yet been validated inexperimental or clinical studies. Moreover, theadvantages of protons over photons may onlyapply if beam scanning is available, and not forpassive modulation (Schneider et al., 2002; Brennerand Hall, 2008), because of neutron generation(Section 24.3).


Radiotherapy in children must be considered morecritical than in adult patients. Long-term growthdeficiencies and developmental deficits must beexpected. Moreover, children are at a higher risk forsecondary tumours. In an analysis of childrentreated with radiation (Gold et al., 2004), 8.3 per centof patients developed a second cancer, mostlywithin the treatment field, with a median latency of15.5 years. The cumulative risk of second cancerwas 13 per cent at 30 years. Therefore, proton orheavy ion radiotherapy may be preferred for thetreatment of childhood malignancies because ofthe reduction in normal-tissue exposure.

Clinical reports of paediatric ion beam radio-therapy so far include various central nervous system (CNS) tumours, retinoblastoma andmedulloblastoma. For medulloblastoma, localcontrol has been in the range of that anticipatedwith photons but morbidity was found to be lowcompared with historical results.


The current evidence for the clinical efficacy ofproton radiotherapy is predominantly based on

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Bibliography 337

non-randomized trials (Brada et al., 2007; Lodge et al., 2007; Olsen et al., 2007). In the most commoncancers, it seems unlikely that protons performsubstantially better than optimized photon treat-ment; only a subgroup of patients with particulartumour localizations and configurations, or partic-ular tumour biology (e.g. hypoxia) may benefit,which still must be proven in clinical trials. For eth-ical reasons some tumour sites (e.g. at the base ofthe skull), currently treated by ions at many centres,and where the dose distribution advantages areobvious, cannot be subject to randomized clinicaltrials. Furthermore, a reduction of rare and reallylate adverse effects (e.g. secondary malignanciesand cardiac morbidity) is unlikely to be detected insufficiently powered clinical investigations.

Based on prospective and retrospective studies,proton irradiation emerges as the treatment ofchoice for some ocular and skull base tumours.For prostate cancer, the results have been compa-rable to those from the best photon therapy series.However, heavy ion therapy is still in an experi-mental phase (Lodge et al., 2007).

For the future, one interest is in combining pro-tons with chemotherapy (Cox, 2007), as exposureof normal tissues that may develop combined side-effects can be reduced in proton radiotherapy.Also, the introduction of intensity-modulated pro-ton therapy may be attractive because of its supe-rior dose distributions compared with standardproton therapy (Miralbell et al., 2002; MacDonaldet al., 2006).


Ando K, Koike S, Uzawa A et al. (2005). Biological gain of carbon-ion radiotherapy for the earlyresponse of tumor growth delay and against earlyresponse of skin reaction in mice. J Radiat Res(Tokyo) 46: 51–7.

Brada M, Pijls-Johannesma M, De Ruysscher D (2007).Proton therapy in clinical practice: current clinicalevidence. J Clin Oncol 25: 965–70.

Brenner DJ, Hall EJ (2008). Secondary neutrons inclinical proton radiotherapy: a charged issue.Radiother Oncol 86: 165–70.

Cox J (2007). Current and future status of proton-beamradiation therapy in radiation oncology. Clin AdvHematol Oncol 5: 303–5.

Denekamp J, Waites T, Fowler JF (1997). Predictingrealistic RBE values for clinically relevantradiotherapy schedules. Int J Radiat Biol 71: 681–94.

Gerweck LE, Kozin SV (1999). Relative biologicaleffectiveness of proton beams in clinical therapy.Radiother Oncol 50: 135–42.

Key points

1. Protons and other ions allow for dose depo-sition with steep dose gradients.

2. A minor fractionation effect is found forhigh-LET radiation (heavy ions, neutrons),while protons are comparable to photons.

3. The RBE of protons is 1.1. The RBE forheavy ions varies within the track, with lowvalues within the entrance channel and highvalues of 2–4 at the Bragg peak.

4. The RBE for heavy ions and neutronsincreases with decreasing dose per fraction,

and is more pronounced for late radiationresponses than for acute normal-tissue andtumour effects.

5. Doses for ion irradiation are specified inCGE or GyE, which is the absorbed dosemultiplied by the RBE value.

6. Proton radiotherapy has been administeredfor various tumour entities/localizationswhich require precise, highly conformal dosedeposition. The clinical application is mainlybased on non-controlled trials. Heavy iontherapy is even more experimental.

7. The risk for second cancers is conceptuallyreduced with ion treatment compared withphotons, as the integral normal-tissue doseis reduced, given that active beam shaping(pencil beam scanning) is used rather thanpassive devices. This concept, however, hasnot yet been validated in clinical studies.

8. Ion therapy may be preferred for some indi-cations in paediatric oncology, because ofthe reduced risk for the induction of secondneoplasms.

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338 Protons and other ions in radiotherapy

Goitein M, Jermann M (2003). The relative costs ofproton and X-ray radiation therapy. Clin Oncol 15:S37–50.

Gold DG, Neglia JP, Potish RA, Dusenbery KE (2004).Second neoplasms following megavoltage radiationfor pediatric tumors. Cancer 100: 212–3.

Greco C, Wolden S (2007). Current status ofradiotherapy with proton and light ion beams.Cancer 109: 1227–38.

ICRP (2003). Relative biological effectiveness (RBE),quality factor (Q), and radiation weighting factor(wR). ICRP Publication 92. Ann ICRP 33: 1–117.

Joiner MC (1988). A comparison of the effects of p(62)-Be and d(16)-Be neutrons in the mouse kidney.Radiother Oncol 13: 211–24.

Kramer M, Scholz M (2000). Treatment planning forheavy-ion radiotherapy: calculation andoptimization of biologically effective dose. Phys MedBiol 45: 3319–30.

Kramer M, Weyrather WK, Scholz M (2003). Theincreased biological effectiveness of heavy chargedparticles: from radiobiology to treatment planning.Technol Cancer Res Treat 2: 427–36.

Lodge M, Pijls-Johannesma M, Stirk L, Munro AJ, DeRuysscher D, Jefferson T (2007). A systematic literaturereview of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of hadrontherapy in cancer. Radiother Oncol 83: 110–22.

MacDonald SM, DeLaney TF, Loeffler JS (2006). Protonbeam radiation therapy. Cancer Invest 24: 199–208.

Miralbell R, Lomax A, Cella L, Schneider U (2002).Potential reduction of the incidence of radiation-induced second cancers by using proton beams inthe treatment of pediatric tumors. Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 54: 824–9.

Olsen DR, Bruland OS, Frykholm G, Norderhaug IN(2007). Proton therapy – a systematic review ofclinical effectiveness. Radiother Oncol 83: 123–32.

Paganetti H, Niemierko A, Ancukiewicz M et al. (2002).Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values forproton beam therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys53: 407–21.

Schneider U, Agosteo S, Pedroni E, Besserer J (2002).Secondary neutron dose during proton therapy using spot scanning. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 53:244–51.

Scholz M, Matsufuji N, Kanai T (2006). Test of the localeffect model using clinical data: tumour controlprobability for lung tumours after treatment withcarbon ion beams. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 122: 478–9.

Schulz-Ertner D, Tsujii H (2007). Particle radiationtherapy using proton and heavier ion beams. J ClinOncol 25: 953–64.

Schulz-Ertner D, Nikoghosyan A, Thilmann C et al. (2003).Carbon ion radiotherapy for chordomas and low-grade chondrosarcomas of the skull base. Results in67 patients. Strahlenther Onkol 179: 598–605.

Tepper J, Verhey L, Goitein M, Suit HD (1977). In vivodeterminations of RBE in a high energy modulatedproton beam using normal tissue reactions andfractionated dose schedules. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2: 1115–22.

Tsujii H, Mizoe JE, Kamada T et al. (2004). Overview ofclinical experiences on carbon ion radiotherapy atNIRS. Radiother Oncol 73(Suppl 2): S41–9.

Urano M, Verhey L J, Goitein M et al. (1984). Relativebiological effectiveness of modulated proton beamsin various murine tissues. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 10: 509–14.

Wambersie A, Hendry JH, Andreo P et al. (2006). TheRBE issues in ion-beam therapy: conclusions of ajoint IAEA/ICRU working group regarding quantitiesand units. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 122: 463–70.

Weber DC, Chan AW, Bussiere MR et al. (2003). Protonbeam radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma:tumor control and cranial nerve toxicity.Neurosurgery 53: 577–86.

Withers HR, Thames HD, Peters L J (1982). Biologicalbases for high RBE values for late effects of neutronirradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8: 2071–6.


Brada M, Pijls-Johannesma M, De Ruysscher D (2007).Proton therapy in clinical practice: current clinicalevidence. J Clin Oncol 25: 965–70.

Brenner DJ, Hall EJ (2008). Secondary neutrons inclinical proton radiotherapy: a charged issue.Radiother Oncol 86: 165–70.

Lodge M, Pijls-Johannesma M, Stirk L, Munro AJ, DeRuysscher D, Jefferson T (2007). A systematic literaturereview of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of hadrontherapy in cancer. Radiother Oncol 83: 110–22.

MacDonald SM, DeLaney TF, Loeffler JS (2006). Protonbeam radiation therapy. Cancer Invest 24: 199–208.

Olsen DR, Bruland OS, Frykholm G, Norderhaug IN(2007). Proton therapy – a systematic review ofclinical effectiveness. Radiother Oncol 83: 123–32.

Page 355: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Second cancers after radiotherapyKLAUS RÜDIGER TROTT

25.1 Introduction 33925.2 Estimating the risk of radiation-induced

second cancers after curative radiotherapy of cancers in adult patients 341

25.3 Radiation-induced second cancers after combined radiochemotherapy treatment of malignancies in young adults 346

25.4 Radiation-induced second cancers after treatment of paediatric malignancies 347

25.5 Conclusions 348Key points 350Bibliography 351Further reading 352



Age is the most important risk factor for develop-ing cancer and for dying from cancer. The risk ofdeveloping cancer within the following yearchanges little between the end of childhood andthe age of 40 years. In women the risk increasesearlier than in men, yet in both sexes the mostdramatic increase is after the age of 60 years, asdemonstrated in Fig. 25.1. Table 25.1 shows therisk of developing cancer within 5 years aftertreatment (i.e. the commonly practised follow-uptime after radiotherapy for patients treated at theage of 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 or 75 years), assuming thatcancer rates follow those found in the generalpopulation, as shown in Fig. 25.1. Since there is noconvincing evidence that the development of onecancer protects against the development ofanother, we may conclude that, during the typicalfollow-up period of a patient treated for cancerwith curative intent, a relatively large proportionof patients will present with a second cancer. Thisfrequency will vary between 1 per cent and morethan 10 per cent, depending on age and sex. Theresults of epidemiological studies described belowindicate that in cancer patients, after curativeradiotherapy, the increased lifespan of cured

patients is by far the most important risk factorleading to second cancers. This risk, determinedfrom cancer registry data which cover entire pop-ulations, may be further increased by individual









10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Age group (years)



e pe

r 10

0 00

0 pe


Figure 25.1 Average annual cancer incidence in the UK bygender and age attained. Diamonds, male; squares, female.

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340 Second cancers after radiotherapy

factors such as specific carcinogen exposure or bygenetic predisposition.

It has been generally accepted that the majorityof cancers are causally related to exposure of theindividual to common carcinogens, the mostimportant being dietary factors and smokingwhich, together, cause more than 50 per cent of allcancers (Doll and Peto, 1981). Most carcinogensare known to be related to more than one type ofcancer. Smoking, for example, is causally related tocancer of the lung, the bladder and the head andneck. This means that a patient who has been curedof bladder cancer, for example, independent of thetreatment modality, will have a greater risk thanother members of the general population todevelop, for example, lung cancer. The size of thisincreased individual risk is difficult to determine.However, in the quantification of treatment-relatedsecond cancer risks in epidemiological studies,methods have to be used which eliminate or reducethe potential bias related to specific carcinogenexposure. The best approaches are the determina-tion of radiation dose dependence of risk or thecomparison of different curative treatment modal-ities for the same type and stage of cancer.

The risk for the development of specific cancersis also influenced by genetic predisposition. Thestrength of this predisposition varies between genemutations. Well-known examples of strong geneticpredisposition are mutations of the Rb gene (pre-disposing for retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma)and of the BRCA1 gene (predisposing for early

breast cancer and ovarian cancer). The fact thatthese, and probably most, predisposing cancergene mutations are associated with more than onetype of cancer also means that people cured of oneof those cancers have a higher than average proba-bility of developing the other cancers associatedwith the respective mutation. However, the impactof genetic predisposition on the risk of developinga second cancer after cure from the first cancer isdifficult to assess at the present state of knowledge.The most obvious example is the high risk of chil-dren treated with radiotherapy for retinoblastomato develop osteosarcomas in the irradiated volume.

Finally, some of the modalities used to treatcancer have proven to have carcinogenic poten-tial. A large number of studies have been published exploring the impact of variouschemotherapy and radiotherapy schedules as wellas their combination on the incidence of secondcancers. The most detailed and comprehensiveanalysis of studies carried out up to 2003 has beenpublished by van Leeuwen and Travis (2005).

It is particularly in those cancer patients who were treated as children or young adults forcancers such as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’slymphoma, testicular cancer and paediatric malig-nancies that it is becoming increasingly apparentthat the most important cause of death in long-term survivors is second cancers causally related tothe methods of treatment of the first cancer.Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are both impli-cated in the induction of those second malignan-cies. In general, chemotherapy is mostly related to the induction of leukaemia, in particular acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), most of whichoccur within 10 years after primary treatment.Radiotherapy is more related to the induction ofsolid cancers, the vast majority having longerlatency with risk persisting for several decades ormaybe even life-long. There are strong indicationsthat radiotherapy also co-increases the risk of sec-ond leukaemia and that chemotherapeutic drugsalso co-increase the risk of solid cancers afterradiotherapy.

The risk of treatment-related second cancers iscommonly determined by the comparison of thefrequency of second cancers after different treat-ments such as surgery versus radiotherapy or with the general population. From this, a ratio of

Table 25.1 The spontaneous cancer incidence riskwithin a follow-up period of 5 years, in patients treatedat different ages

Cancer risk within the nextAge at treatment 5 years (%)(years) Males Females

50 1.5 2.055 2.5 2.760 5.0 3.665 7.0 4.670 10.0 5.475 12.5 6.3

Data from UK, England and Wales 1983–1987.

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Estimating the risk of radiation-induced second cancers 341

frequencies is calculated that indicates relative risk(RR) of cancers caused by a specific treatment.These RR values tend to vary greatly between different second cancers for the same primarycancer and, in many cases such as leukaemia aftertreatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, may assumevery high values. Although RR values form thebasis of epidemiological and statistical analyses,they may be misleading in the evaluation of theclinical problem. Since many treatment-relatedcancers (particularly those with high RR values)are rare in the general population, a high RR maystill translate into a low absolute risk. Therefore,absolute excess risk, which estimates the excessnumber of second malignancies per 10 000patients per year, better reflects the second malig-nancy burden of treated patients than RR values(van Leeuwen and Travis, 2005).


Radiation is a well-established carcinogen.Therefore, it has to be assumed that successfulcurative radiotherapy of cancer may, in somecases, also cause a new, second cancer in additionto age-related cancer risks. In radiation protec-tion, estimation of radiation-induced cancer fol-lows a method which has been developed by the International Commission on RadiologicalProtection (ICRP) for preventive purposes inradiation worker populations. It is largely basedon data derived from epidemiological studies inpopulations exposed to whole-body low-doseirradiation, in particular the lifespan study of theJapanese atomic bomb survivors. The method ofrisk estimation involves three steps of calculation:

1. Calculate the mean organ dose for the differentorgans at risk such as lung, stomach, colon,bone marrow and others.

2. Multiply the mean organ dose by the relevantorgan weighting factor which ranges from 0.01 for skin to 0.12 for the four organs listedabove.

3. Add up the weighted mean organ doses for allorgans at risk. This weighted total body dose iscalled ‘effective dose’. This effective dose is thenmultiplied by the appropriate risk factor thatvaries between 4 and 10 per cent per Gy,depending on age and exposure rate, to calcu-late the lifetime cancer risk from the respectiveradiation exposure.

Several studies have been published recentlyusing this approach to determine the risks fromradical radiotherapy and to compare differenttreatment plans in radiotherapy. The risk esti-mates derived using this method yield very highvalues which may be up to two orders of magni-tude higher than the risk derived directly from theepidemiological studies described below. The rea-sons for this discrepancy are the extraordinarydose inhomogeneities within individual organsand between organs. Epidemiological and experi-mental evidence actually shows that the probabil-ity of cancer induction decreases dramatically asthe dose inhomogeneity in an irradiated organincreases. It is mainly for this reason that the ICRPstrongly advises not to use the effective dosemethod to estimate the risks of radiation-inducedcancer in situations of very large dose inhomo-geneities with peak doses well above doses thatwould cause acute or chronic radiation effects (i.e. doses �5 Gy); see ICRP 60 (1991) and ICRP103 (2007). The ICRP also recommends that dataderived directly from epidemiological investiga-tions on radiotherapy patients are better suited toestimate the risk of induction of second cancersby the radiation treatment of the first cancer.

Such data can best be collected by the compar-ison of the rate of second cancers in large patientcohorts who have been cured from the first cancereither by radiotherapy or by surgery. Conditionsof suitability are:

● the first cancer has to be common● the first cancer must have a good chance of cure

(�50 per cent)● the chance of cure has to be similar from surgery

and radical radiotherapy and the decision of treat-ing by radiotherapy or surgery should be largelyindependent of factors affecting cancer risks

● the life expectancy of a large proportion of thecured patients must be �10 years.

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342 Second cancers after radiotherapy

Two types of cancer fulfil these conditions par-ticularly well: they are cancer of the cervix and can-cer of the prostate. For both these cancers, largeepidemiological studies have been conducted whichprovide the main source of data on second cancerrisks after radiotherapy in patients of advanced age.

In addition, important information can also bederived from studies on the topographical rela-tionship of primary cancer and second cancer insymmetrical organs, in particular in patients witha primary breast cancer and a secondary lung can-cer. Moreover, studies on second cancers afterradiotherapy of young people and their compari-son with age-matched healthy populations alsoprovide important information since they permitvery long follow-up, yet their interpretation is dif-ficult and may be misleading because of stronggenetic susceptibility factors influencing risks andbecause other carcinogenic treatment modalitiessuch as chemotherapy may also be given, whichmakes any identification of radiation risks diffi-cult. However, in some cancers, in particularHodgkin’s lymphoma, testicular cancer and pae-diatric malignancies, it has been possible to sepa-rate out the contributions of radiotherapy andchemotherapy and their interaction.

Suit et al. (2007) have made the most compre-hensive analysis of the problem, putting the ques-tion of second cancers after radical radiotherapyinto the context of radiobiological studies on cell transformation in vitro, radiation-inducedcancers in experimental animals from mice tomonkeys, the Japanese atomic bomb survivors,radiation workers, patients treated for benign dis-eases and those treated with radiotherapy for can-cer. Estimating RR values in comparison with thegeneral population and with patients treated withnon-radiation modalities, they demonstrated thatsome (but not all) cured cancer patients have ahigher risk of developing cancer than the generalpopulation. They concluded that ‘radiation caninduce malignant transformation of mammaliantissue. . . . The relationship between radiationdose and risk of cancer is clearly complex and isnot amenable to a simple definition applicable toall mammalian species, all members of a species,or even all organs in one inbred strain of aspecies. . . . Due to quite large and undefined het-erogeneity in the patient populations studied, no

precise quantification of the risk of radiation-induced secondary cancer is available at present.However, the clear implication of this review . . . isthat the basic concept for planning radiationtreatment should be that the risk of radiation-induced secondary cancer would be reduced byany dose decrement to uninvolved normal tissues,at least down to around 0.05 Gy. The factorialdecrease in risk would be greatest for reduction indose levels below 2 Gy.’

By pooling data from 14 published radiother-apy series and by concentrating on RR, inevitablysome details of the presented information whichmight be important for the assessment of the clin-ical relevance of the data was lost in the Suit et This is particularly so if one considers thedose response of individual organs at risk for sec-ond cancer induction since the spectrum of criti-cal organs differed between the various studies.In the following, we have adopted a differentapproach in which the largest and most detailedstudies of second cancers after radical radiother-apy have been selected to derive information thatcould be used not so much for risk estimation, butin the critical evaluation of treatment decisionsand of dose–volume histograms in radiotherapytreatment planning.

Carcinoma of the cervix

The first analysis on the risk of second cancersafter radical radiotherapy of primary cancers wasa multi-institutional study on long-term survivorsof cancer of the cervix. The study of Kleinermanet al. (1995) was a cohort study of the incidence ofsecond cancers in 66 541 patients with cervicalcancer reported to 13 population-based cancerregistries in five countries. Out of this patientgroup, 49 828 (75 per cent) were treated withradiotherapy and 16 713 (25 per cent) weretreated surgically. The average follow-up was 10.4years. More than 2000 second cancers wererecorded and analysed. The results are tabulatedin Table 25.2 and are consistent with the results ofa case–control study on the same patient popula-tion by the same investigators (Boice et al., 1988).

The results of this study are remarkable in sev-eral aspects. In contrast to all studies which form

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Estimating the risk of radiation-induced second cancers 343

the basis of radiation protection regulations suchas the atomic bomb survivor studies or the anky-losing spondylitis studies (United NationsScientific Committee on the Effects of AtomicRadiation: UNSCEAR, 2000, 2006), the greatestrisk occurs in the bladder (which, although signif-icantly related to radiation exposure in the atomicbomb survivors, has a small organ weighting fac-tor) and in the rectum (which has not been shownto be sensitive to the induction of cancer by radia-tion). The colon, which also receives considerabledoses in radiotherapy of cervical cancer, did notshow increased second cancer rates. In addition tothe bladder and rectum located in the high-dosevolume, only two organs found in the low-dosevolumes show significantly increased cancer rates.These are the stomach, receiving a mean dose of2 Gy, and the bone marrow, receiving a mean dose of 4.5 Gy. The leukaemia risk per Gy derivedfrom these data is less than 10 per cent of the riskper Gy estimated from the atomic bomb survivorstudy, demonstrating the overriding importanceof dose inhomogeneity on second malignancyrisks.

Carcinoma of the prostate

Several small studies on the risks of second can-cers after radical radiotherapy of prostate cancerhave yielded inconclusive results. Yet the results ofthe very large cohort study on more than 120 000prostate cancer patients (Brenner et al., 2000)

clearly demonstrate the extent of the problem forclinical radiotherapy. The study was a cohortstudy on 122 123 patients with prostate cancerregistered in the SEER (the National CancerInstitute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and EndResults) programme who had either surgery orradiotherapy. The results of this study are summa-rized in Table 25.3.

Table 25.2 Results of the cohort study on second cancers after radiotherapy of cervical cancer

Number of secondRadiation cancers after

Site of second cancer dose (Gy) radiotherapy/surgery Relative risk after 10 years

Rectum 30–60 274/33 2 after 10 years; 4 after 30 yearsColon 24 296/56 No increaseBladder 30–60 265/23 �2 after 10 years; 6 after 30 yearsStomach 2 143/19 1.2Lung 0.3 276/91 No increaseBreast 0.3 366/114 Decrease 20–40% after 10 years

and 30 yearsLeukaemia 4.5 82/15 2

Data from Kleinerman et al. (1995).

Table 25.3 Results of the study of second cancers afterradiotherapy of prostate cancer

Surgery only Radiotherapy

Number of patients 70 539 51 584Person-years at risk 312 499 218 341Mean survival time 4.4 4.2(years)

Mean age at therapy 71.4 70.3(years)

Mean age at second 77 75.3cancer (years)

Percentage of persons at risk after:5–10 years 35.8 33.5�10 years 10.8 9.8

Number of second malignancies:At all times after 5055 3549treatment

After �5 years 1646 1185After �10 years 393 305

Data from Brenner et al. (2000).

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344 Second cancers after radiotherapy

Comparing second cancer rates of patientstreated with either radiotherapy or surgery at differ-ent follow-up times, the risk of radiation-inducedsecond cancer and its dependence on follow-up canbe calculated. Results are shown in Table 25.4. Outof the approximately 17 000 prostate cancer patientswho survived more than 5 years after radical radio-therapy, 1185 (7 per cent) developed a second can-cer. More than 1000 of those second cancers (�85per cent) result from the increased lifespan aftercure from the first cancer. Just about 120–150 ofthose second cancers among 51 584 prostate cancerpatients (0.3 per cent) are related to radiotherapy:

● approximately 50 cases of bladder cancer● approximately 15 cases of cancer of the rectum● approximately 50 cases of lung cancer● approximately 12 cases of leukaemia.

As was observed in the cervix studies, bladderand rectum cancers found in the high-dose vol-ume are most frequent. The unexpected largenumber of radiotherapy-associated lung cancersis probably related to the older treatment tech-niques using large fields delivered mostly with60Co and a mean lung dose of 0.5 Gy has been esti-mated that is related to scattered radiation. This isin agreement with the risk of radiation-inducedlung cancer from the atomic bomb survivor stud-ies. Modern conformal treatment protocols leadto much lower lung exposure of about 10 per centof the doses estimated in the Brenner et al. (2000)study. However, lung doses from some techniquessuch as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)of prostate cancer may be close to those doses andmay possibly be associated with similar risks of

second lung cancer. This is due to the use of moretreatment fields and higher monitor units greatlyincreasing both collimator and phantom scatter,as well as leakage from the linear accelerator head.

The most important result of the prostate cancerstudy is that half of all radiation-induced secondcancers occur in the high-dose volumes and theother half in the volumes exposed to those radiationdoses commonly associated with radiation carcino-genesis. It is very likely that two entirely differentmechanisms are involved in the high- and low-dosevolumes. In the low-dose volumes, we may assumethe same molecular and cellular mechanisms as inother situations of low-dose radiation carcinogene-sis which have been extensively explored in radiationprotection research (UNSCEAR, 2006). However,radiation doses given to the bladder and the rectumvery often lead to chronic radiation injury, which ischaracterized by progressive microvascular damage,parenchymal atrophy and chronic inflammation.This condition has been recognized for more than100 years as a precancerous lesion. Therefore, onemay classify the radiation-induced second cancers inthe high-dose organs as secondary to chronic radia-tion injury. This attribution would have pronouncedimpact on the dose–risk relationship and on theoptimization of treatment plans, as discussed in theconcluding paragraph.

Breast cancer

Patients treated with postoperative radiotherapyfor breast cancer receive significant radiationdoses of more than 5 per cent of the target dose to

Table 25.4 Risk of radiation-induced second cancer after radiotherapy of prostate cancer

Relative risk After �5 years After �10 years

All second cancers 1.11 (p 0.007) 1.27 (p 0.002)Bladder 1.55 (p 0.0001) 1.77 (p 0.01)Rectum 1.35 (p 0.06) 2.05 (p 0.03)Lung 1.22 (p 0.01) 1.42 (p 0.02)

Leukaemia in first 10 years:Surgery patients Irradiated patients Relative risk in 10 years39 in 343 690 person-years 25 in 112 422 person-years 2 (p 0.05)

Data from Brenner et al. (2000).

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Estimating the risk of radiation-induced second cancers 345

the contralateral breast. New trial protocols areaddressing this problem and studies such as theIMPORT High trial, using partial breast irradia-tion for high-risk patients, are suggesting a meandose of 1 Gy as a dose constraint to the contralat-eral breast. Since second cancers in the contralat-eral breast occur more frequently than expectedand constitute nearly half of all second cancers inwomen with breast cancer, a causal relationshipwith the radiation exposure from the treatment ofthe first cancer has been suggested. However, anested case–control study by Storm et al. (1992) on529 patients who developed contralateral breastcancer 8 or more years after diagnosis of the firstcancer (being part of a cohort of more than 50 000breast cancer patients in Denmark) provided evi-dence that there is little, if any, risk of radiation-induced breast cancer associated with exposure ofthe contralateral breast in postoperative radio-therapy. However, most patients in this study wereover 45 years old and therefore at an age when theradiosensitivity of the breast with regard to cancerinduction has been shown to be very low. In con-trast, in a study on women under the age of 45years, Boice et al. (1992) estimated that one in 10of second breast cancers could be attributed toprior radiotherapy. Modern treatment planningpermits a much lower dose to the contralateralbreast than was the case in both these studies andtheir findings indicate that it is particularly inyoung breast cancer patients that the dose to the contralateral breast should be carefully controlled.

Patients treated with postoperative radiother-apy for breast cancer receive very different dosesto the ipsilateral compared with the contralaterallungs. Darby et al. (2005) have reported a cohort

study on 308 861 women, included in the SEERprogramme, who were treated for breast cancerbetween 1973 and 2001 and of whom 115 165 (37 per cent) received radiotherapy as part of theirprimary treatment. Of these treated women, 482(0.4 per cent) later died from lung cancer forwhich the affected side was clearly defined in therecords. The main endpoint was which side of thelung developed a second cancer in relation towhich breast was originally treated. More than1000 cases of lung cancer (0.5 per cent) occurredin women who did not receive radiotherapy, andthere was no difference between the rates of ipsi-lateral and contralateral lung cancers. Conversely,of the 482 cases of lung cancer that occurred inwomen who received radiotherapy, 283 cases (59 per cent) were ipsilateral and 199 (41 per cent)were contralateral. From these findings the risk ofradiation-induced lung cancer can be estimated.The proportion of ipsilateral second lung cancersin women who had received radiotherapy increasedwith increasing follow-up time from a ratio of 1.2less than 10 years after treatment to 2.7 more than15 years after treatment (Table 25.5). Amongwomen diagnosed with breast cancer during1973–1982 and receiving postoperative radiother-apy, there were 112 deaths from ipsilateral lungcancer and 51 from contralateral lung cancer, indi-cating a mortality ratio of about 2. Taking intoaccount also that the contralateral lung receivedconsiderable radiation doses from scatter, the RR ofsecond cancer in the lung from postoperativeradiotherapy of breast cancer would increase evenfurther. The estimated RR is about 3, which wouldtranslate into an absolute risk of lung cancer frompostoperative radiotherapy of 0.6 per cent. Thereis a non-significant suggestion that, in recent years,

Table 25.5 Ipsilateral and contralateral second lung cancers in patients treatedwith postoperative radiotherapy of breast cancer

Duration of Number of second cancers Lung cancerfollow-up (years) Ipsilateral Contralateral mortality ratio

10 161 134 1.210–15 65 44 1.5�15 57 21 2.7

Data from Darby et al. (2005).

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346 Second cancers after radiotherapy

using more advanced radiotherapy techniques, therisk of second lung cancer after postoperativeradiotherapy of breast cancer after �10 years isreduced compared with the older cohort.


Hodgkin’s lymphoma

The treatment results of Hodgkin’s lymphomahave improved significantly since the introduc-tion of intensive radiotherapy, which was mainlybased on the work of Kaplan at Stanford and ofMusshoff in Freiburg in the 1950s. As a result,there are now thousands of long-term survivors ofHodgkin’s lymphoma who are at risk for lateeffects of therapy including second cancers.Wolden et al. (1998) described the incidence ofsecond cancers in 697 patients who were less than21 years old at the time of treatment in Stanford –some were followed up for more than 35 years.Eighty patients (11 per cent) developed 85 newmalignant tumours. Twenty-five (31 per cent)were non-melanoma skin cancers. The secondmost frequent second cancer was breast cancer(16 patients), followed by sarcomas (13 patients).Eight second leukaemias occurred, all but onewithin 10 years and all eight patients had receivedchemotherapy with alkylating agents. The actuar-ial risk of second cancer at 20 years after treatmentfor Hodgkin’s lymphoma, at a mean attained ageof 36 years, was 9.7 per cent for males and 16.8 percent for females with more than half of their riskbeing breast cancer (9.2 per cent). The incidenceof breast cancer was similar for patients whoreceived both radiotherapy and chemotherapyversus radiation only as initial therapy. The mostremarkable finding of this important single-institution study was that, among the 48 solid sec-ond cancers, 43 (90 per cent) occurred within theradiotherapy treatment field or in the penumbraregion, and 40 (83 per cent) developed in volumesthat had received at least 35 Gy. The authors stress

that treatment policies for Hodgkin’s lymphomahave changed dramatically over the past 30 years,putting more emphasis on multiagent chemother-apy and reduced radiation doses and treatmentvolumes to involved sites. Thus, the second malig-nancy rates seen after long follow-up in this studymay not represent the risk for patients treated inthe modern era. It should be noted that patientswere more than twice as likely to die from theirprimary Hodgkin’s lymphoma than from a sec-ond cancer (11 per cent versus 4 per cent).

Dores et al. (2002) reported results of a largeinternational study on 32 591 Hodgkin’s lym-phoma patients with 2861 patients followed upfor more than 20 years and 1111 patients for morethan 25 years; mean age at treatment was 37 years.Second malignancies developed in 2153 patients(7 per cent) which, compared with the age- andsex-adjusted general population, was an increaseof more than a factor of 2. The risk of late-developing solid cancers was particularly increasedafter radiotherapy while second leukaemias weremostly related to chemotherapy. After more than 25years’ follow-up, there was evidence of a decrease inRR for all second cancers from a RR of 4.4 in the 20- to 24-year period to a RR of 2.4. The highestabsolute excess second cancer risk was for cancers ofthe lung and breast. Whereas the RR of all secondcancers decreased with increasing age at diagnosisof Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the absolute excess riskof second cancers increased with increasing agefrom 30 cases per 100 000 person-years for under21-year-old patients to 107 cases per 100 000 person-years in the 51- to 60-year-old patients.This was not seen for second breast cancer, wherethe risk was highest in patients treated when theywere under 30 years old. The authors calculated a 25-year cumulative risk of treatment-inducedsecond cancers of 11.7 per cent, most of whichwas related to radiotherapy.

In a case–control study of British patients,Swerdlow et al. (2000) demonstrated that MOPPchemotherapy also leads to a dose-dependent elevated risk of lung cancer and that this risk wasnot further increased if radiotherapy was giventogether with MOPP.

In their review of late effects after treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Swerdlow and vanLeeuwen (2005) concluded that the substantial

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Radiation-induced cancers after treatment of paediatric maligancies 347

increase in solid tumour risk with time since diag-nosis necessitated careful, lifelong medical sur-veillance of all patients. Since the absolute excessrisk of lung cancer was much greater amongsmokers than non-smokers, physicians shouldmake a special effort to dissuade Hodgkin’s dis-ease patients from smoking. Women treated withmantle field irradiation before the age of 30 yearsare at greatly increased risk of breast cancer. Inmany centres, from 8 years after irradiationonwards, the follow-up programme of thesewomen includes yearly breast palpation andmammography; however, the efficacy of thesemeasures in this specific population has not yetbeen demonstrated.

Testicular cancer

In a large international study on nearly 29 000patients with testicular cancer who survived morethan 1 year, Travis et al. (1997) analysed thedependence of 1406 observed second cancers(which was an overall excess of 43 per cent) on timesince treatment and on treatment modality withspecial emphasis on the histology of first and ofsecond tumour. The 25-year cumulative risk aftertreatment of seminoma was 18 per cent comparedwith that of an age-matched normal populationand greater than that of non-seminomatous testic-ular cancer which was 11 per cent compared with 6per cent in an age-matched normal population.Compared with the general population, the excesscancer risk increased steadily for at least 30 years.The most pronounced significantly increased sec-ond cancer rates among the 3306 patients survivingmore than 20 years were related to cancer of thebladder, which receives the highest radiation doseof all organs at risk. Seventy bladder cancers werediagnosed among the total of 276 cancer cases inthis group, mostly related to radiotherapy with aRR of �3. In a later study, Travis et al. (2000)related the risk of treatment-induced leukaemia tothe type of treatment. Both radiotherapy andchemotherapy with cisplatin increased leukaemiarisk in a dose-dependent way. After cisplatinchemotherapy, leukaemia risk was nearly twice thatof radiotherapy; however, the absolute risk wassmall after both treatment modalities (15 years

cumulative risk about 0.1 per cent) compared withthe risk of treatment-induced solid second cancers,most of which resulted from radiotherapy.


The chances of children with cancer being curedand having a near-normal life expectancy havereached a level unimaginable 30 years ago. But theprice for this progress is high. Several large studieshave demonstrated that both radiotherapy andchemotherapy, and in particular the combinationof both, cause a significant risk of developing a sec-ond malignancy. Leukaemia predominates in thefirst 10 years whereas various solid cancers developlater in life. The latter risk increases steadily withincreasing survival; therefore, a major effort isneeded to identify those factors that determine thesize of this risk. For chemotherapy it is mainly thetype of drug; for radiotherapy it is, in the firstinstance, the dose and the dose distribution as wellas the volume irradiated.

Neglia et al. (2001) investigated a cohort of13 581 children from the Childhood CancerSurvivor Study register in the USA who survived atleast 5 years with a median follow-up of 15 years.A total of 298 second malignancies were observedafter a mean latency of 12 years. Whereas the riskof secondary leukaemia (24 cases) increased to apeak after 5–9 years, the risk of solid second can-cers, in particular breast (60 cases), thyroid (43cases) and central nervous system (CNS; 36 cases),was significantly elevated during the entire follow-up period of up to 30 years. The authors concludedthat second malignant neoplasms are infrequentbut extremely serious events following therapy forprimary cancers. In particular, female survivors ofchildhood cancer are at a significantly increasedhigh risk of developing secondary breast cancer.Yet the authors also warned not to compromise theeffectiveness of treatment of the first cancer as 2excess malignancies were recorded per 1000 yearsof patient follow-up (0.2 per cent).

The study of de Vathaire et al. (1999) is the onlyone which has looked at the impact of radiother-apy for childhood solid malignancies on the risk

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348 Second cancers after radiotherapy

of second cancers. They analysed the second can-cer risk in 4400 3-year survivors treated in eightcentres in France and the UK, 3109 (71 per cent)of whom received radiotherapy. For 2831 (91 percent) of these children, individual radiation dosesat 151 points of the body were determined, basedon the individual treatment plans using a com-puter phantom. A total of 113 patients (4 per cent)developed a solid second malignant tumour(non-melanoma skin cancers excluded). Thecumulative incidence of treatment-associated sec-ond solid tumours increased dramatically as thepatients progressed into their thirties. Twenty-fiveyears after treatment of the primary malignancy,the cumulative risk was about 5 per cent, 5 yearslater it approached 8 per cent. In 543 patients whohad already attained an age �30 years, 16 secondcancers were diagnosed while only 3.3 wereexpected – a five-fold increase. The most criticalorgans for radiation-induced second cancers inpaediatric radiotherapy are breast, brain, bone,soft tissues and thyroid. More than 80 per cent ofall second solid tumours occurred in those organsand tissues, yet there were great differences in sen-sitivity with age and in dose dependence: whilesarcomas and brain tumours tended to develop inthe high-dose volumes, carcinomas tended tooccur in the intermediate to low-dose volumes.

Neglia et al. (2006) reported a case–controlstudy in 40 children from the Childhood CancerSurvivor Study who developed a secondaryglioma after a mean interval of 9 years from pri-mary radiotherapy and in 66 meningiomas diag-nosed after a mean interval of 17 years. Localradiation dose at the site of the second braintumour was the most important risk factor. Nocases were observed at 10 Gy, and the maximalrisk (RR �10) was related to a mean brain dose of�30 Gy. The risk of secondary glioma was partic-ularly high in children given radiotherapy at age5 years, which may be attributed to greater sus-ceptibility of the developing brain to radiation. Ina cohort study on 14 372 participants in theChildhood Cancer Survivor Study, 108 childrenwere diagnosed with second sarcoma at a medianof 11 years after the diagnosis of childhood cancer.In a multivariate model, increased risk of second-ary sarcoma was significantly associated withradiotherapy (RR � 3.1) but also with treatment

with higher doses of anthracyclines (RR � 2.3) oralkylating agents (RR � 2.2).

The evolving progress of treatment in paedi-atric oncology is associated with rapidly changingtreatment schedules, regarding both chemother-apy (drugs, their combination and dosage) andradiotherapy (with a tendency to decrease targetvolumes and doses). The epidemiological data onthe risk of second cancers are therefore, inevitably,those resulting from outdated treatment tech-niques. Whether the methods used today are asso-ciated with a lower or possibly even higher riskcannot be directly answered and any conclusionsappear premature and speculative. The shortlatency of leukaemias may permit the investiga-tion of this problem for relatively recent chemother-apy schedules since chemotherapy is mainlyassociated with secondary leukaemia arising within10 years. Identifying the criteria determining riskin radiotherapy may be more difficult because ofthe long latency periods of solid cancers. Locationof these solid cancers, matched to the patient’splanned dose–volume distributions, may be usedin the future.

As a caveat it should be mentioned that all stud-ies on treatment-induced second cancers afterradiotherapy of paediatric malignancies, so far,show only the tip of the iceberg. The vast majorityof study members are still under the age of 50 years;yet from the atomic bomb survivor studies we mayconclude that, even though RR may decrease withtime, most radiation-induced cancers will occuronly when the cured patients reach an age �60years. For this reason, it is of utmost importance forpaediatric radiation oncology that these studies becontinued for at least another 20 years.


Considering the evidence presented in this chap-ter, there can be no doubt that radical radiother-apy of malignant diseases may cause secondcancers many years later. The risk of radiother-apy-induced second cancers varies considerablywith the type of primary cancers (paediatricmalignancies posing the highest risk), andbetween different treatment techniques. However,by necessity, all data on second cancer risks after

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Conclusions 349

radiotherapy of first cancers relate to techniqueswhich are more than 20 years old, and most areoutdated. This poses two important questions:

1. Is the risk of radiotherapy-induced second cancers too high a price to be acceptable in thedecision-making process for treating the firstcancer?

2. Can the risk of radiotherapy-induced secondcancer be reduced by optimizing the treatmenttechniques and the dose–volume distributions?

In answer to the first question, the risk of radio-therapy-induced second cancers is well below 1 percent after radical radiotherapy of most adult can-cers, such as cancers of the cervix and prostate. Therisk of dying from uncontrolled local recurrenceswithin a few years after radiotherapy is muchhigher than the risk of developing a second cancer10 or 20 years later. This conclusion also applies topostoperative radiotherapy of breast cancer. Forcases of juvenile and childhood malignancies, theanswer has to be more guarded. Certainly, radio-therapy has made a great impact on long-term sur-vival in these patients. After a 20-year follow-up,the risk of recurrence of the primary cancer ishigher than the risk of developing a radiotherapy-induced second cancer. However, if this RR per-sisted throughout the remaining lifespan thatthose patients have been granted by the success ofthe radiation treatment in the first place, the risk ofradiotherapy-induced second cancers would riseto levels that would cause serious concern. Theseconsiderations are based entirely on speculationson what the results of ongoing epidemiologicalstudies may show 10 or 20 years from now and thetrue picture remains to be uncovered.

In answer to the second question, it is verylikely, and it can be deduced from the evidencepresented, that different treatment techniques areassociated with different risks of radiation-induced second cancers. These variations in riskwould be primarily caused by differences indose–volume relationships. Many studies havebeen published in recent years which have deter-mined the radiation doses within and outside thetarget volume as part of the treatment planningoptimization process. The findings of the epi-demiological studies in patients treated for cervixand prostate cancers suggest that two different

mechanisms, leading to radiation-induced secondcancers, may exist which show very different rela-tionships with radiation dose. One mechanism isrelated to chronic radiation damage in organs,such as rectum, bladder and skin, that developacute, chronic and consequential radiation dam-age after high and very high radiation doses.Atrophy as a hyperproliferative disorder is knownto be a precancerous lesion, in particular if associ-ated with chronic inflammation. In the epidemio-logical studies on second cancers after radiotherapyfor cervix and prostate cancer, about half of allradiation-induced second cancers are probablycaused by this mechanism. Therefore, treatmentoptimization which aims at reducing the risk ofsevere chronic radiation damage might alsoreduce or minimize the risk of radiation-inducedsecond cancer effected by this mechanism.

The epidemiological studies on second malig-nancies after radiotherapy of children and adoles-cents demonstrate that the vast majority of second,radiotherapy-induced cancers occur in tissues andorgans not commonly associated in radiation pro-tection with a great risk of radiation carcinogenesissuch as brain and connective tissue. Moreover,nearly all radiotherapy-induced second cancersdeveloped after high doses of just over 30 Gy andthese doses are not sufficiently high to cause atro-phy and chronic inflammation, which appears tobe the mechanism of second cancer after high radi-ation doses in adults. In contrast, radiation expo-sure of organs outside the target volume is usuallymore homogeneous, giving mean organ doses ofonly a few Gy. It is in these organs that the charac-teristic mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis atlow radiation doses may become critical.

We conclude that there are at least three differ-ent mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis afterradiotherapy, each of which is critical at differentdose levels, in different organs and in different age groups. It seems inconceivable that a singledose–volume risk relationship would be suitableto describe the treatment-related cancer risk in allclinical situations.

Owing to the relatively short latency and itsdistribution across the whole body, the mean radi-ation dose to the bone marrow appears to be themost critical factor in the majority of radiother-apy treatment plans; however, the results of the

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350 Second cancers after radiotherapy

clinical studies suggest that the data from theatomic bomb survivors should not be usedunchecked. The inhomogeneous dose distribu-tion of bone marrow doses in most radiotherapytreatment plans leads to a reduction of risk byapproximately a factor of 10 compared withatomic bomb survivor data.

The most critical organs in the low-dose vol-ume with regard to radiation-induced second can-cers are the lung and the stomach. In contrast tothe organ-weighting factors proposed in the ICRPmodel, the organs shown in the post-radiotherapystudies to be at highest risk are very different: innone of the studies has the colon been found to becritical, and in many studies the breast was by farthe most critical organ. The results of the variousepidemiological studies of second cancers aftercurative radiotherapy demonstrate clearly that anyoptimization process has to be based on theseresults rather than on the mathematical modelsdesigned for radiation protection purposes for thegeneral population or radiation workers.

Mean organ doses, or, even worse, effectivedoses, are not a valid predictor of second cancerrisk. Individual dose–volume distributions in thedifferent organs, both in the target volume and inthe low-dose volumes, have to be critically assessed,taking into account age, sex, the specific anatomyand biology of the organ and any other factor suchas chronic inflammation, all of which will poten-tially influence second cancer risk. So far, no crite-ria for optimization of dose–volume distributionshave been published which would permit an evi-dence-based application in modern treatmentplanning of cancer. It is obvious that the most crit-ical step in this process is the evaluation of the het-erogeneity of doses in the various critical organssuch as bone marrow, lung, bowel, breast and, par-ticularly in children, brain and soft tissues.The assumptions made in many published evalua-tions of second cancer risks from different treat-ment plans, such as the comparison of conformalversus intensity-modulated radiotherapy, have tobe regarded with caution as they are not consistentwith the results of the clinical data presented above.

The development of evidence-based criteriafor the optimization of treatment plans thatinclude the risk of induction of second cancers inlong-term survivors must await the results of

comprehensive case–control studies on the rela-tionship between second cancer risks in specificorgans and treatment parameters, in particulardose–volume distributions in the respective criti-cal organs. Few such studies have been performedto date, yet such studies are most likely to yieldclinically useful information, particularly if theyare embedded in large, single-institution cohortstudies or in suitable randomized clinical studieswith life-long follow-up of those cancer patientswho have been cured by radiotherapy.

Key points

1. In radical radiotherapy, the radiation expo-sure to non-involved organs and tissuesmay cause second cancers several decadeslater.

2. In adult cancer patients, the risk of radiation-induced second cancers is much smallerthan the risk of recurrent primary cancer.

3. In adult cancer patients, more than 90 percent of second cancers occurring afterradiotherapy are the consequence ofincreased life expectancy because of curefrom the first cancer.

4. The risk of radiation-induced second can-cers is much greater in young and veryyoung cancer patients. Increased cancerrates may persist life-long.

5. Most radiation-induced second cancersoccur in organs and tissues in the high-dosevolume but some may also appear in thelow dose (2 Gy) volume. There are pro-nounced differences in the types of radia-tion-induced second cancers betweenchildren, young adults and elderly patientstreated with radiotherapy. Moreover, thetypes of second cancers after radiotherapyare different from those induced by low-dose total body irradiation (e.g. in Japaneseatomic bomb survivors).

6. There are at least three different biologicalmechanisms leading to second cancers afterradiotherapy, depending on dose distribu-tion and age of the irradiated patient. The

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Bibliography 351


Boice JD, Engholm G, Kleinerman RA et al. (1988).Radiation dose and second cancer risk in patientstreated for cancer of the cervix. Radiat Res 116:3–55.

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Swerdlow AJ, Barber JA, Hudson GV et al. (2000). Riskof second malignancy after Hodgkin’s disease in acollaborative British cohort: the relation to age attreatment. J Clin Oncol 18: 498–509.

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Travis LB, Curtis RE, Storm H et al. (1997). Risk ofsecond malignant neoplasms among long-termsurvivors of testicular cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 89:1429–39.

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dose–risk relationship, therefore, is unlikelyto follow a simple mathematical function.

7. The risk of radiation-induced second can-cers from radiotherapy should not be esti-mated using the effective dose methodproposed by the ICRP for radiation protec-tion purposes.

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α/β ratio The ratio of the parameters α and β in the

linear-quadratic model; often used to quantify the frac-

tionation sensitivity of tissues.

Abortive cell division The limited number of divisions

of cells that are radiation damaged (so-called doomed

cells). The residual proliferative capacity of these cells

contributes significantly to overall cell production dur-

ing radiation-induced repopulation in normal tissues.

Accelerated fractionation Intensification of radia-

tion therapy by increasing the average rate of dose

delivery, typically by increasing the dose per fraction, by

delivering multiple fractions per day, or by increasing

the number of treatment days per week; a schedule in

which the average rate of dose delivery exceeds the

equivalent of 10 Gy per week in 2-Gy fractions.

Accelerated proliferation Increase in the stem cell

(clonogen) proliferation rate after radiation or cyto-

toxic chemotherapy relative to its pretreatment value.

Acute hypoxia Low oxygen concentrations associated

with changes in blood flow through vessels (e.g. by

transient closing of blood vessels). Also called transient

or perfusion limited hypoxia.

Analogue A chemical compound structurally similar

to another but differing by a single functional group.

Angiogenesis The process of formation of new blood


Anoxia The absence of oxygen.

Apoptosis A mode of rapid cell death after irradia-

tion characterized by chromatin condensation, frag-

mentation and compartmentalization, often visualized

by densely-staining nuclear globules. Sometimes postu-

lated to be ‘programmed’ and therefore a potentially

controllable process.

ARCON therapy The use of Accelerated Radio-

therapy with CarbOgen and Nicotinamide.

Asymmetrical divisions Divisions of stem cells into,

on average, one new stem cell and one transit or differ-

entiating cell. These divisions are called asymmetrical,

as two ‘different’ cells are generated.

Asymmetry loss Switch of stem cell divisions from an

asymmetrical to a symmetrical pattern during radia-

tion-induced repopulation in normal tissues.

Autophagy A process in which cellular components

are self-digested through the lysosome pathway. This

process can extend cell survival during starvation con-

ditions and remove damaged organelles, but can also

lead to cell death.

Autoradiography Use of a photographic emulsion to

detect the distribution of a radioactive label in a tissue


BER Base excision repair – DNA repair pathway for

repairing damage to DNA bases.

Biologically effective dose (BED) In fractionated

radiotherapy, the total dose that would be required in

very small dose fractions to produce a particular effect,

as indicated by the linear-quadratic equation.

Otherwise known as extrapolated total dose (ETD). BED

values calculated for different α/β ratios are not directly

comparable. For time–dose calculations, EQD2 is pre-


BNCT Boron neutron capture therapy.

Brachytherapy Radiotherapy using sealed radioac-

tive sources placed next to the skin, or inserted into a

body cavity or through needles into tissues.

Bragg peak Region of maximum dose deposition

near the end of the tracks of protons, α-particles and

Glossary of terms in radiation biology

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354 Glossary of terms in radiation biology

heavier ions. This phenomenon enables very precise

spatial definition of dose in radiotherapy using ion


Cancer stem cell A cell within a tumour that possesses

the capacity to self-renew and to generate the heteroge-

neous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumour.

In the context of cancer therapy, this definition trans-

lates into a cell which can cause a tumour recurrence.

CDK Cyclin-dependent kinase. These proteins are

responsible for movement through the cell cycle and are

inactivated by various mechanisms during the DNA

damage response, to cause cell-cycle checkpoints.

Cell-cycle checkpoint Cellular control mechanism to

verify whether each phase of the cell cycle has been accu-

rately completed before progression to the next phase.

An important function is to continually assess DNA

damage detected by sensors.

Cell-cycle time The time between one mitosis and the


Cell death In the context of radiobiology, cell death is

generally equated with any process that leads to the per-

manent loss of clonogenic capacity.

Cell loss factor The rate of cell loss from a tumour, as

a proportion of the rate at which cells are being added

to the tumour by mitosis. Sometimes designated by the

symbol φ. Cell loss factor � 1 � Tpot/Td, where Tpot is

potential doubling time and Td is the cell population

doubling time.

CGH Comparative genomic hybridization – a large-

scale method to detect amplifications and deletions in

different regions of the genome by comparison with a

reference cell or tissue using microarray technology


CHART Continuous hyperfractionated accelerated

radiation therapy; a schedule delivering 54 Gy in 36

fractions, with three fractions per day on 12 consecutive

days (i.e. including a weekend).

Chromatin The complex of DNA and proteins com-

prising the chromosomes.

Chromosomal instability An effect of irradiation

in which new stable and unstable chromosomal

aberrations continue to appear through many cell


Chronic hypoxia Persistent low oxygen concentra-

tions such as those existing in viable tumour cells close

to regions of necrosis. Also called diffusion limited

hypoxia since it arises at distances greater than

approximately 150 μm from blood vessels.

Clonogenic cells Cells that have the capacity to pro-

duce an expanding family of descendents (usually at least

50). Also called ‘colony-forming cells’ or ‘clonogens’.

Clonogenic survival Defined as the fraction of cells

that survive following exposure to, or treatment with

an agent that causes cell death. Only cells that are able to

form colonies (clonogenic cells) are considered to have

survived the treatment (see Cell death).

Colony The family of cells derived from a single

clonogenic cell.

Complementation Identification of whether a

(radiosensitive) phenotype in different mutants is

caused by the same gene. Studied by means of cell


Consequential late effects Late normal-tissue com-

plications which are influenced by the extent (i.e. sever-

ity and/or duration) of the early response in the same

tissue or organ.

DDR The DNA damage response. A network of bio-

logical responses to DNA damage.

Direct action Ionization or excitation of atoms

within DNA leading to free radicals, as distinct from the

reaction with DNA of free radicals formed in nearby

water molecules.

D0 A parameter in the multitarget equation: the radi-

ation dose that reduces survival to e�1 (i.e. 0.37) of its

previous value on the exponential portion of the sur-

vival curve.

Dose-modifying factor (DMF) When a chemical or

other agent acts as if to change the dose of radiation, the

DMF indicates the ratio of dose without to dose with

the agent for the same level of effect.

Dose-rate effect Increase in isoeffective radiation

dose with decreasing radiation dose rate.

Dose-reduction factor (DRF) Term which has been

used with different meanings, depending on context.

For example, in low dose-rate exposures, has been used

to indicate the percentage or fraction reduction in dose

to achieve the same effect, if the dose rate is raised (gives

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Glossary of terms in radiation biology 355

DRF values 1). Alternatively, has been used in studies

of radioprotection as the ratio of dose with to dose

without the protecting agent for the same level of effect

(gives DRF values �1).

Double trouble A hot-spot within a treated volume

receives not only a higher dose but also a higher dose

per fraction, which means that the biological effective-

ness of the dose is also greater.

Doubling time Time for a cell population or tumour

volume to double its size.

Early endpoint Clinical manifestation of an early

normal-tissue response to radiation therapy.

Early normal-tissue responses Radiation-induced

normal-tissue damage that is expressed in weeks to a

few months after exposure (per definition within 90

days after onset of radiotherapy). α/β ratio tends to be

large (�6 Gy).

ED50 Radiation dose that is estimated to produce a

specified (normal tissue) effect in 50 per cent of subjects

irradiated (‘effect-dose–50 per cent’).

Effectors Proteins with the specific task of effecting

(carrying out) the response to damage, e.g. apoptosis,

cell-cycle arrest, or DNA repair.

Elkind repair Recovery of the ‘shoulder’ on a radia-

tion dose cell-survival curve when irradiation follows

several hours after a priming dose.

EQD2 Equivalent total dose in 2-Gy fractions. Note

that the EQD2 depends on the endpoint considered.

EQD2,T Equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions but

adjusted for a possible difference in overall treatment

time by using a reference overall time, T.

EUD Equivalent uniform dose. Conversion of a non-

uniform dose distribution within a organ to a uniform

dose, which would result in the same biological effect.

This is a model-dependent quantity.

Exponential growth Growth according to an expo-

nential equation: V � V0 exp(kt). The volume or popu-

lation doubling time is constant and equal to (loge2)/k.

Extrapolated total dose (ETD) Calculated isoeffec-

tive dose, at an infinitely low dose rate or fraction size

(see Biologically effective dose).

Extrapolation number A parameter in the multitar-

get equation for cell survival versus dose: the point on

the surviving fraction axis to which the straight part of

the curve back-extrapolates.

Field-size effect The dependence of normal-

tissue damage on the size of the irradiated area (partic-

ularly in skin); in modern literature typically referred to

as the ‘volume effect’.

FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization. Fluorescent

dyes are attached to specific regions of the genome, thus

aiding the identification of chromosomal damage.

Flow cytometry Analysis of cell suspensions in which

a dilute stream of cells is passed through a laser beam.

DNA content and other properties are measured by

light scattering and fluorescence following staining

with dyes or labelled antibodies.

Fractionation sensitivity The dependence of the iso-

effective radiation dose on the dose per fraction. Usually

quantified by the α/β ratio – a high fractionation sensi-

tivity is characterized by a low α/β ratio (see α/β ratio).

Free radical A fragment of a molecule containing an

unpaired electron, therefore very reactive.

Functional imaging Imaging methods aimed at

detecting physiological changes, for example metabo-

lism or blood flow, in a tissue (in contrast to structural

or anatomical imaging). Examples are glucose metabo-

lism (detected by 18F-labelled FDG-PET) or oxygen con-

sumption [blood oxygen level dependency (BOLD)

MRI], or vascular function detected by dynamic con-

trast enhanced (DCE) CT (see Molecular imaging).

Functional subunits (FSUs) A concept of a (mini-

mal) functional tissue structure (such as the alveolus in

the lung). Their radiation-induced inactivation results

in the reduced tissue function responses that can be

seen after radiotherapy. Alternatively called tissue res-

cuing units (TRUs).

Genomic or genetic instability The failure to pass an

accurate copy of the whole genome from a cell to its

daughter cells, for example seen after irradiation.

Genomics Study of selected genes or the entire

genome of the cell (DNA level).

Gray (Gy) 1 Gy is the SI unit equivalent to 1 J of

energy per 1 kg of mass. The gray is most commonly

used to refer to absorbed radiation dose and has

replaced the previous unit, the rad (1 Gy � 100 rad).

Gray equivalents (GyE) or cobalt gray equivalents

(CGE): GyE or CGE for densely ionizing radiation is

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356 Glossary of terms in radiation biology

equal to the measured physical dose in gray multiplied

by the RBE factor.

Growth delay Extra time required for an irradiated

versus an unirradiated tumour to reach a given size.

Growth fraction The proportion of cells in a popula-

tion that are cycling.

Hierarchical tissues Tissues comprising a lineage of

stem cells, transit cells, and postmitotic (differentiating

or mature) cells.

HR Homologous recombination – DNA repair path-

way for double-strand DNA breaks by using an undam-

aged homologous (identical) DNA sequence, usually

from the sister chromatid.

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) The use of high oxygen

pressures (2–3 atm) to enhance oxygen availability in


Hyperfractionation Reduction in dose per fraction

below a conventional level of 1.8–2.0 Gy.

Hyperthermia The heating of tumours above normal

physiological temperatures, to treat cancer.

Hypofractionation The use of dose fractions larger

than the conventional 2 Gy per fraction.

Hypoplasia Reduction in cell numbers in a tissue

(e.g. owing to radiation-induced impairment of prolif-

eration in early-responding tissues).

Hypoxia Low oxygen tension; usually refers to the

very low levels that are required to make cells maximally


Hypoxic cell cytotoxins Any agents, typically biore-

ductive drugs, that preferentially kill hypoxic cells.

Hypoxic fraction The fraction of hypoxic cells within

a tumour. This term is used in different contexts.

Historically, it refers to the fraction of viable radioresis-

tant hypoxic cells in a tumour. More recently it has been

used to represent the frequency of oxygen measure-

ments below some arbitrary threshold of oxygen tension

(e.g. 5 mmHg).

Image segmentation The process of separating out

mutually exclusive (i.e. non-overlapping) regions of

interest in an image, for example outlining the lungs on

a computed tomography (CT) scan.

IMRT Intensity-modulated radiation therapy – irra-

diation technique using non-uniform radiation beam

intensities for delivering radiation therapy. This allows

high conformality treatment plans often with consider-

able sparing of critical organs at risk. Sometimes a dis-

tinction is made between IMXT (intensity-modulated

X-ray therapy) and IMPT (intensity-modulated proton


Incomplete repair Increased damage from fraction-

ated radiotherapy when the time interval between doses

is too short to allow complete recovery.

Indirect action Damage to DNA by free radicals

formed through the ionization of nearby water mole-


Initial slope The steepness of the initial part of the

cell survival curve, usually indicated by the value of α in

the linear-quadratic model.

Interphase death The death of irradiated cells before

they reach mitosis. Sometimes used as a synonym for


Ionization The process of removing electrons from

(or adding electrons to) atoms or molecules, thereby

creating ions.

IRIF Ionizing radiation-induced foci. Used to

describe the accumulation of DNA damage-response

proteins that localize to sites of DNA damage after irra-


Isoeffect plots Graphs of the total dose for a given

effect (e.g. ED50) plotted, for example, against dose per

fraction or dose rate.

Labelling index Proportion or percentage of cells

positive for a certain signal (e.g. fraction of cells within

the S phase, labelled by 3H-thymidine or other precur-

sors such as bromodeoxyuridine).

Late endpoints Clinical expression of late

normal-tissue responses.

Late normal-tissue responses Radiation-induced

normal-tissue damage that in humans is expressed

months to years after exposure (per definition later

than 90 days after the onset of radiotherapy). The α/βratio tends to be small (5 Gy).

Latent time/period or latency interval Time between

(onset of) irradiation and clinical manifestation of

radiation effects.

LD50/30 Radiation dose to produce lethality in 50 per

cent of a population of individuals within 30 days; sim-

ilarly LD50/7, etc.

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Glossary of terms in radiation biology 357

Linear energy transfer (LET) The rate of energy loss

along the track of an ionizing particle. Usually

expressed in keV/μm.

Linear-quadratic (LQ) model Model in which the

effect (E) is a linear-quadratic function of dose (d):

E � αd � βd2. For cell survival: S � exp(�αd � βd2).

Local tumour control The complete regression of a

tumour without later regrowth during follow-up; this

requires that all cancer stem cells have been perma-

nently inactivated.

Log-phase culture A cell culture growing exponentially.

Mean inactivation dose (Dbar or–D) An estimate of

the average radiation dose to inactivate a cell. It is calcu-

lated as the area under the survival curve, plotted on

linear coordinates.

Microarray An array of DNA spots of known

sequence, usually on a glass slide, used to quantify

amounts of genomic DNA or cDNA (made from

mRNA) in cells or tissue. Can hold up to 50 000 spots,

capable of monitoring expression of all known genes

and their variants. Also, referred to as gene expression

microarrays or ‘chips’.

MiRNA MicroRNAs – small 19–22 nucleotide single-

stranded non-coding RNAs expressed in cells which can

regulate expression of genes by interacting with mRNAs.

Mitigation Interventions to reduce the severity or

risk of radiation side-effects, applied during or shortly

after exposure and before clinically manifest symptoms

occur (i.e. during the latent time).

Mitotic catastrophe Improper completion of cell divi-

sion because of unrepaired or misrepaired DNA damage.

Mitotic catastrophe occurs frequently after irradiation

and is a major cause of cell death.

Mitotic delay Delay of entry into mitosis, resulting in

an accumulation of cells in G2, as a result of treatment.

Mitotic index Proportion or percentage of cells in

mitosis at any given time.

MMR Mismatch repair – DNA repair pathway for

repairing mismatched bases in DNA, usually occurring

through misincorporation by DNA polymerases.

Molecular imaging (Medical) imaging visualizing the

spatial distribution of molecular targets, signalling

pathways or cellular phenotypes. This is in contrast to

traditional structural or anatomical imaging. Examples

could be PET or SPECT with an appropriately labelled

tracer, MR spectroscopy or optical imaging (see

Functional imaging).

Molecular-targeted drugs See Targeted agents.

Multitarget equation Model that assumes the pres-

ence of a number of critical targets in a cell, all of which

require inactivation to kill the cell. Surviving fraction of

a cell population is given by the formula

1 � [1 � exp(D/D0]n.

Necrosis Cell death associated with loss of cellular

membrane integrity. Occurs in anoxic areas of tumours

and is also a cause of cell death after irradiation.

NER Nucleotide excision repair – DNA repair path-

way for repairing bulky DNA lesions such as thymine

dimers or cisplatin adducts.

NHEJ Non-homologous end-joining DNA repair

pathway for repairing double-strand DNA breaks with-

out using any homologous sequence as template.

Non-stochastic effect An effect where the severity

increases with increasing dose, perhaps after a threshold

region; also called a deterministic effect.

NTCP Normal-tissue complication probability –

generally a term used in modelling normal-tissue radi-

ation response.

Oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) The ratio of dose

given under anoxic conditions to the dose resulting in the

same effect when given under some defined level of oxy-

gen tension. If oxygen tensions �21 per cent are used, the

OER measured is usually termed the ‘full OER’. An OER

of about half the full OER is usually obtained when the

oxygen tension is between 0.5 and 1 per cent.

PET Positron emission tomography.

Plateau-phase cultures Cell cultures grown to con-

fluence so that proliferation is markedly reduced (also

known as ‘stationary phase’).

Plating efficiency (PE) The proportion or percentage

of in vitro plated cells that form colonies.

Potential doubling time (Tpot) The (theoretical) cell

population doubling time in the assumed absence of

cell loss.

Potentially lethal damage (PLD) repair Operational

term to describe an increase in cell survival that may occur

during an interval between treatment and assay, caused by

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358 Glossary of terms in radiation biology

post-irradiation modification of cellular physiology or

environment (e.g. suboptimal growth conditions).

Prodromal phase Signs and symptoms in the first 48

hours following irradiation as a part of

the response to partial or total-body irradiation (‘radia-

tion sickness’).

Programmed cell death Cell death that occurs as the

result of an active process carried out by molecules in

the cell. Examples include apoptosis, autophagy, senes-

cence, and in some cases even necrosis.

Proteomics Study of the proteins expressed in cells,

including structure and function.

Quasi-threshold dose (Dq) Dose point of extrapola-

tion of the exponential portion of a multitarget survival

curve back to the level of unity. Surviving fraction:

Dq � D0 ln(n).

Radiation modifier A substance (e.g. drug or gas)

which in itself does not evoke an effect on cells or tissues,

but which changes the effect of radiation.

Radioresponsiveness The clinical responsiveness to a

course of radiation therapy. This depends on multiple

factors, one of them hypothesized to be cellular


Radiosensitizer In general, any agent that increases

the sensitivity of cells to radiation. Commonly applied

to electron-affinic chemicals that mimic oxygen in fix-

ing free-radical damage, although these should more

correctly be referred to as hypoxic cell sensitizers .

Radiosensitivity, cellular The sensitivity of cells to

ionizing radiation in vitro. Usually indicated by the sur-

viving fraction at 2 Gy (i.e. SF2) or by the parameters of

the linear-quadratic or multitarget equations.

Reassortment or Redistribution Return towards a

more even cell-age distribution, following the selective

killing of cells in certain phases of the cell cycle.

Recovery At the cellular level – an increase in cell sur-

vival as a function of time between dose fractions or

during irradiation with low dose rates (see Repair). At

the tissue level – an increase in tissue isoeffective total

dose with a decrease in dose per fraction or for irradia-

tion at low dose rates.

Regression rate The rate at which the tumour volume

shrinks during or after treatment.

Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) Ratio of dose

of a reference radiation quality (usually 60Co γ-rays or

250 keV X-rays) and dose of a test radiation that pro-

duce equal effect.

Reoxygenation The processes by which surviving

hypoxic clonogenic cells become better oxygenated

during the period after irradiation of a tumour.

Repair Restoration of the integrity of damaged

macromolecules (see Recovery).

Repair saturation A proposed explanation of the

shoulder on cell survival curves on the basis of the

reduced effectiveness of repair after high radiation doses.

Repopulation Describes the proliferation of surviv-

ing clonogenic tumour cells during fractionated radio-

therapy. Rapid repopulation of clonogenic tumour cells

during therapy is an important factor in treatment

resistance. Also describes the regeneration response of

early-reacting tissues to fractionated irradiation, which

results in an increase in radiation tolerance with

increasing overall treatment time.

Reproductive integrity Ability of cells to divide many

times and thus be ‘clonogenic’.

Senescence A permanent arrest of cell division asso-

ciated with differentiation, aging, or cellular damage.

Sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) The same as

dose-modifying factor (DMF), but typically used to

describe radiosensitizing agents so that SER �1.

Sensors Proteins with the specific task of sensing

damage to DNA.

sievert (Sv) Dose-equivalent in radiation protection.

Dose in grays multiplied by a radiation quality factor.

SF2 Surviving fraction of cells following a dose of 2 Gy.

SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism –

variations in DNA sequence between individuals at a

single nucleotide that is the major source of genetic

variation. Can affect protein function and expression,

and thus response to damage.

Spatial cooperation The use of radiotherapy and

chemotherapy to hit disease in different anatomical sites.

Spheroid Clump of cells grown together in tissue-

culture suspension.

Split-dose recovery Decrease in radiation effect when

a single radiation dose is split into two fractions sepa-

rated by times up to a few hours (also termed Elkind

recovery, or recovery from sublethal damage).

Page 375: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Glossary of terms in radiation biology 359

SSBR Single-strand break repair – DNA repair path-

way for repairing a break occurring in only one of the

two DNA strands.

Stathmokinetic method Study of cell proliferation

using agents that block cells in mitosis.

Stem cells Cells with an unlimited proliferative

capacity, capable of self-renewal and of differentiation

to produce all the various types of cells in a lineage.

Stochastic (non-deterministic) effect An effect

where the incidence, but not the severity, increases with

increasing dose (e.g. mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, ter-


Sublethal damage (SLD) Non-lethal cellular injury

that can be repaired. Interaction between SLD in a cell

can result in cytolethality. This process is described in

the linear-quadratic model by the quadratic β term.

Supra-additivity or synergism A biological effect

caused by a combination that is greater than would be

expected from the addition of the effects of the compo-

nent agents.

Symmetrical division Division of each stem cell into

two stem cell daughters, occurring during radiation-

induced repopulation in normal tissues.

Target cell A cell whose response to radiation is

responsible for the clinical manifestation of a radiation

response (e.g. in a normal tissue or tumour).

Targeted agents Small molecules or antibodies that

inhibit cellular pathways that are specific to cancer cells

or substantially overexpressed in malignant cells com-

pared with normal cells.

Targeted radiotherapy Treatment of cancer by means

of drugs that localize in tumours and carry therapeutic

amounts of radioactivity.

Target theory The idea that the shoulder on cell-sur-

vival curves results from the number of unrepaired

lesions per cell.

TBI Total-body irradiation.

TCD50 The radiation dose that gives a 50 per cent

tumour control probability.

TCP Tumour control probability – generally a term

used in modelling tumour radiation response.

Telangiectasia Pathologically dilated capillaries,

observed in all irradiated tissues and organs in associa-

tion with late radiation effects.

Theragnostics Use of molecular imaging to assist in

prescribing the distribution of radiation dose in four

dimensions (i.e. the three spatial dimensions plus


Therapeutic index or ratio Denotes the relationship

between the probability for tumour cure and the likeli-

hood for normal-tissue damage. An improved thera-

peutic ratio represents a more favourable ratio of

efficacy to toxicity.

Time–dose relationships The dependence of

isoeffective radiation dose on the overall treatment

time and number of fractions (or fraction size) in


Time factor Describes the change in isoeffective total

dose for local tumour control or normal-tissue compli-

cations that follows a change in the overall treatment


Tolerance dose The maximum radiation dose or

intensity of fractionated radiotherapy that is associated

with an acceptable complication probability (usually of

1–5 per cent). Actual values depend on treatment pro-

tocol, irradiated volume, concomitant therapies, etc.,

but also on the status of the organ/patient.

Transcriptomics Study of genes which are expressed

in cells at the RNA level.

Transient hypoxia Low oxygen concentrations asso-

ciated with the transient closing of blood vessels. Also

called acute or perfusion limited hypoxia.

Tumour bed effect (TBE) Slower rate of tumour

growth after irradiation owing to stromal injury in the

irradiated ‘vascular bed’.

Tumour cord Sleeve of viable tumour growing

around a blood capillary.

Vascular targeted therapies Treatments designed to

specifically target tumour vasculature; includes angio-

genesis inhibitors and vascular disrupting agents.

Volume doubling time Time for a tumour to double

in volume.

Volume effect Dependence of radiation damage on

the volume of tissue irradiated and the anatomical dis-

tribution of radiation dose to an organ.

Xenografts Transplants between species; usually

applied to the transplantation of human tumours into

immune-deficient mice and rats.

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abortive cell division 153–4,

155, 353ABX-EGF (panitumumab) 294

accelerated RT 140–4, 353clinical evaluation 140–4

hyperfractionation compared

with 144

normal-tissue damage

early 174

late 145

see also ARCON; continuous


accelerated radiotherapy

acetylsalicylic acid 308

adaptation to hypoxia 225

adrenal glands 181

adverse events see side-effects

AE-941 295

age and second cancer risk 339

AKT (protein kinase B) inhibitors

295–6, 318

alkylating agent with RT

therapeutic interactions 252

toxicity 254

�/� ratio 9, 50, 63, 106–8, 108,

353organ/tissue-specific 107,


tumours with low values


�-particles 60

amifostine 304

anal carcinoma,

chemoradiotherapy 247,


angiogenesis 209

inhibitors 242, 243, 294–5

angiotensin pathway interventions


anti-angiogenic drugs 242, 243,


antibiotic (anticancer) with RT

therapeutic interactions 252

toxicity 254

anti-inflammatory agents 308

antimetabolite with RT

therapeutic interactions 252

toxicity 254

antioxidants 304–5, 309

APEX1 inhibition 317

apoptosis 17, 28–30, 319, 353drug-induced 319, 321

cytotoxic 251–2, 252

mitotic catastrophe and 37

AQ4N 241

ARCON (Accelerated

Radiotherapy to overcome

tumour cell proliferation

with CarbOgen and

Nicotinamide) 238–9,

353Artemis protein 23

aspirin (acetylsalicylic

acid) 308

astrocytoma, PET-aided treatment

planning 277

asymmetrical stem cell division

353loss 152–3, 154, 173–4,

353AT-related kinase see ATR

ataxia telangiectasia mutated

protein see ATM

ATF6 231

ATM (ataxia telangiectasia

mutated protein) 14–16

cell cycle checkpoint activation

and 18, 19

drugs targeting 317–18, 320

programmed cell death and 17

ATR (AT-related kinase) 16

cell cycle checkpoint activation

and 18, 19

ATR-interacting protein

(ATRIP) 16


autophagy 29, 30–1, 353autophosphorylation of

DNA-dependent protein

kinase catalytic

subunit 23

Avastin 295

banoxantrone 241

BARD1 22

base excision repair (BER) 12,

24–5, 353inhibition 317, 320

BAX 30

Beclin 1 31

bevacizumab 295

BIBX1382BS 307

biliary tract 180

biologic effect estimates

adjusting for dose-time

fractionation 120–1

uncertainty 131–2

biological phase of radiation

effects 4, 5

biological response modifiers


Abbreviations: RT, radiotherapy. Page numbers in bold refer to the glossary.

Page 378: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

362 Index

biologically effective dose

(extrapolated total dose)

114–16, 120, 353, 355biomarker, hypoxia-inducible

factor as 227–9

bioreductive drugs 239–41, 323

bladder 180, 185

�/� ratio 107, 180

re-irradiation responses

early 262

late 264

bladder cancer

post-treatment risk of

in cervical cancer 343

in prostate cancer 344

role of RT 3

BLM 21

blood transfusion 238, 241

blood vessels see vasculature

bone 179, 188

bone marrow 181

dose-rate effect 162

re-irradiation tolerance 261–2

repopulation by

haematopoietic stem cells


stem/progenitor cells

mobilization 310–11

transplantation 311,


transplantation 310

bowel/intestine 107, 115,

179–80, 183–4

brachial plexopathy 187

brachytherapy (incl. intracavitary

therapy) 123, 125,

164–7, 353cervical cancer, re-treatment

using, tolerance 268

endobronchial cancer 125

pulsed 166–7

Bragg peak 75, 76, 332, 353–4brain (incl. cerebrum) 181, 186


chemoradiotherapy 246,


PET-aided treatment

planning 276–7

see also skull base tumours

BRCA genes 22, 321

breast, side-effects 180–1

in re-irradiated patients 268

breast cancer 344–6

�/� ratio for subclinical disease


chemoradiotherapy 249

re-irradiation tolerance 268

role of RT 1–2

second cancer risk after

treatment of 344–6

bronchial cancer, brachytherapy


BW12C 303

bystander-induced cell death 39,


C225 see cetuximab

CA4DP 243, 244

caffeine 318, 319

cancer see tumours

capillaries 179

captopril 310

carbogen 234, 241

see also ARCON

carbon ion therapy 75–6, 336

carcinogens and second cancers



chemoradiotherapy 247

differentiation status 41

see also specific tissues/organs

cardiomyopathy 188

caries 183

cartilage 179, 188

caspases 28, 29, 30

cataracts 181, 188

CB1954 240

CDKs (cyclin-dependent kinases)

18–19, 354celecoxib 308



interactions on 249–50

counting, precise 46

cultured, molecular-targeted

drug evaluation in


detoxification 304–5

function, early changes in 171

growth assays 46


in normal tissues 171–4,


in tumours, calculation 83,

354survival see survival

cell cycle

cell killing variations through


checkpoint activation 17–20,

354accelerated senescence and


drugs interfering with 319,


mitotic catastrophe and 32


synchronization 251, 252

resensitization 72

time 80–2, 354cell death and killing (radiation-

induced) 5, 27–40, 354brachytherapy, variations

around implanted

radioactive source 165

definitions 27

independent, in

chemoradiotherapy 249

mechanisms 28–33

programmed see programmed

cell death

target theory of killing 47–9,

359variation through cell cycle/

cell-cycle delay/

redistribution 94–5

when and why of 33–9

cell division (normal tissue stem

cells post-irradiation)

152–5, 172

abortive 153–4, 155, 353acceleration of 153, 154–5

asymmetrical see asymmetrical

stem cell division

symmetrical see symmetrical

cell division

see also proliferation

Page 379: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Index 363

central nervous system see brain;

spinal cord

cerebrum see brain

cervical cancer/carcinoma

chemoradiotherapy 246,


therapeutic ratio 255

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 273

PET-aided treatment planning


re-irradiation tolerance 268

role of RT 2

second cancers after treatment

of 342, 342–3

cetuximab (C225; Erbitux)

colorectal cancer 294

head and neck cancer 293–4

charged particles (ions) 68, 69,

74–6, 332–8

dose specification and planning


physical/biological basis for

therapy using 74–5,


CHART see continuous


accelerated radiotherapy

checkpoint activation, cell cycle

see cell cycle

chemical phase of radiation effects

4, 5

chemical radiosensitizers 234–7

chemoradiotherapy (combined

chemotherapy and RT)

8, 246–58, 287, 346–7

clinical overview 246–8

interactions in 248–53

spatial cooperation 248–9,

358LQ model and 133

molecular-targeted drugs in


proton beam therapy 337

second cancers risk 346–7

therapeutic ratio 255

toxicity 253–5

chemotherapy (cytotoxic drugs)

hypoxia and resistance to 215

paediatric, second cancer risk


see also drugs


ion beam RT 336

second cancers after treatment

of 340, 347–8

chlorambucil N-oxide 241

chondrosarcoma, skull base

heavy ion RT 336

proton therapy 335

chordoma, skull base

heavy ion RT 336

proton therapy 335

chromatin 354drugs affecting structure 296,


chromosome aberrations and

instability 354chemotherapy-related 250–1,


pre-mitotic cell death and



in head and neck squamous

cell carcinoma, with RT


radiosensitizing effects 316

clinical tumour volume (CTV)

191, 192

PET-aided treatment planning

of oesophageal cancer


clonogenic cells (colony-forming

cells) 41, 354assays 6, 42–3

survival 84–5, 354calculation and assays

44–6, 85, 90

colon (large intestine) 180

�/� ratio 107, 180

recovery from damage 115

colony-forming cells see

clonogenic cells

colony stimulating factors (CSFs)

305–6, 306, 310–11

colorectal cancer/carcinoma

anti-EGFR monoclonal

antibodies 294

anti-VEGF monoclonal

antibodies 295

chemoradiotherapy 247

dose per fraction 128

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 273

PET-aided treatment planning


post-treatment risk of

in cervical cancer 343

in prostate cancer 344

re-irradiation tolerance 268

combined chemotherapy and

radiotherapy see


Common Terminology Criteria

for Adverse Events v3


comparative genomic

hybridization 324–5,

354complications see side-effects

computed tomography

dual PET and see positron

emission tomography/CT

for lymph node staging, PET

compared with 272–3

conjunctiva 181

connective tissue 179

continuous hyperfractionated

accelerated radiotherapy

(CHART) 141–2, 145,

146, 354molecular-targeted drugs 293

side-effects 145, 149–50

continuous low-dose-rate

(CLDR) irradiation 158,


pulsed dose rate brachytherapy

vs 166, 167

continuous radiation 123–5

incomplete repair in 112

copper-ATSM PET 282

corticosteroids (glucocorticoids)


counting, cell, precise 46

Courtenay–Mills assay 44

cranial base tumours see skull base


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364 Index

CSFs (colony stimulating factors)

305–6, 306, 310–11

CTCAE v3 177

cure see local tumour control

cyclin-dependent kinases 18–19,

354cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors

see non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs

cytokines 171, 327

cytotoxic drug therapy see



cytotoxins, hypoxic cell 239–41

D0 concept 44, 47–8, 49, 50, 354DAHANCA see Danish Head and

Neck Cancer Group

damage, DNA see DNA

Danish Head and Neck Cancer


126, 130, 142–3

blood transfusion 238

molecular-targeted drugs 293

radiosensitizing drugs 235,


death see cell death

deblurring, PET images 274

delayed-plating experiments 94

dentition 183

3’-deoxy-3’-fluorothymidine see


detoxification, cellular 304–5

diffuse gliomatosis, PET-aided

treatment planning 277

diffusion-limited (chronic) hypoxia

210, 218, 222, 354clinical procedures operating

against 238

division see cell division


methylation, measurement


structure 13

synthesis, hypoxia and

reoxygenation affecting


transcription, hypoxia affecting


DNA damage 11–26, 47

assays 46, 211

checkpoints in cell cycle see cell


chemotherapy enhancing

250–1, 252

double-strand see double-

strand breaks

hypoxia and reoxygenation

affecting 226

lethal–potentially lethal (LPL)

model of 50–1, 160, 163

repair see DNA repair

responses to (DDRs) 14–20,

354cell death 17, 27, 32, 33,

34, 35

sensors 14–16, 358signalling to effectors 16–17

single-strand see single-strand


sublethal see sublethal damage

DNA-dependent protein kinase

catalytic subunit

(DNA-PKcs) 16, 23

inhibitors 317

DNA polymerase beta inhibition


DNA repair 12, 20–5

base excision see base excision



see double-strand breaks

drugs inhibiting 317, 320

cytotoxic 250–1, 252

EGFR and 9

hypoxia and reoxygenation

affecting 116

incomplete see incomplete


saturation model 51–2, 358single-strand see single-strand


systems of 12

doranidazole 236


converting to response rates

from change in 130

delivery, errors 127–9

dependency of relative

biological effectiveness on


dose recovered per day due to

proliferation (Dprolif)


equivalent, in 2-Gy fractions see

equivalent dose in 2-Gy


equivalent uniform (EUD)

194, 355extrapolated total/biologically

effective 114–16, 120,

353, 355in ion beam therapy,

specification 334–6

isoeffective, in 2-Gy fractions,

converting dose into 123

per fraction 127, 127–9

changing/modifying 121–3,


in colorectal cancer patient


errors and their correction


see also hyperfractionation;


in spinal cord irradiation

lateral dose distribution


surrounding the high-dose

volume 199–200

tolerance see tolerance

tumour control (TCD50), assay

86–90, 359see also nominal standard dose;


dose fractionation see


dose-modifying factor (DMF)

354calculation 89, 92, 249–50

dose-rate effect 94, 158–68, 354cell survival and 159–60

inverse 164

mechanisms 158–9

in normal tissues 160–2

dose-recovery factor 160

dose-reduction factor 354–5

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Index 365

dose–response curves 6–7

position 59–60

shapes 57–9


clinical estimates 61–3

modifying 64–5

quantifying 60–1

dose–response relationships


methodological problems in

estimation from clinical

data 64

dose–survival relationships 47, 59

dose–volume models and

distribution 194–5

dose–volume histogram (DVH)

66, 193, 194, 203

second cancer risk reduction

and 349, 350

dosimetric aspects of

methodological problems

in estimation of

dose–response relationships

from clinical data 64

see also microdosimetry

dosimetric hot spots 130

double-strand breaks (DSBs) 13,


repair 12, 20–3

EGFR and 9

targeting 317

sensors 15–16

single and, link between 24

double trouble phenomenon

130, 131, 355doubling time 355

potential 82–3, 323, 357volume 78–9, 359


bioreductive 239–41, 323

cytotoxic see



modulation of radiation effects

on normal tissues 301–15

radiosensitizing see


targeted see molecular targeted


ear 181, 188

edge-preserving filtering (PET)


EF3 (3,3,3-trifluoropropylamine)


effective dose (ED50) 43

biologically 114–16, 120, 353effectors in DNA damage 355

signalling to 16–17

EGFR see epidermal growth factor


eIFs (translation initiation

factors) 230, 231

Elkind recovery see recovery from

sublethal damage

endobronchial cancer,

brachytherapy 125

endoplasmic reticulum, hypoxic

stress 231

endothelial cells 175

function inhibitors 243

endpoint dilution assay 90

enhancement ratio (ER) 92

oxygen see oxygen

sensitizer (SER) 235, 236, 358EO9 240

EORTC see European

Organisation for Cancer

Research; Radiation

Therapy Oncology

Group/EORTC joint

classification of


epidermal (epithelial) growth

factor receptor (EGFR)

9, 96, 171, 289, 307

inhibitors 290, 291–4, 297,


clinical data 292–4

epidermis, re-irradiation tolerance


epithelial growth factor receptor

see epidermal growth

factor receptor

Eppendorf histograph 212, 213,


equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions

(EQD2) 109, 121, 122,

126, 355

for continuous irradiation


equivalent uniform dose (EUD)

194, 355Erbitux see cetuximab

ERCC1 25

erlotinib 294

errors in dose delivery 127–9

erythropoietin (EPO) 238

essential fatty acids 308

etanidazole 236

Ethyol 304

European Organisation for

Cancer Research

(EORTC), head and neck


accelerated RT 143, 174

early effects of radiation 174

hyperfractionation 137

see also Radiation Therapy

Oncology Group/EORTC

joint classification of


European Organisation for

Cancer Research/NCIC

joint study of glioblastoma

chemoradiotherapy 246

excision assay 87, 90

excision repair

base (BER) 12, 24–5

nucleotide (NER) 12, 25

experimental assays

molecular-targeted drugs


radiation effects on tumours


exponential growth 79–80, 355expression microarrays 325–6,

357extrapolated total dose

(biologically effective dose)

114–16, 120, 353, 355extrapolation number 234, 355eye 181, 188

F-Miso 282

FANC (Fanconi genes) 22

farnesyltransferase inhibitors


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FAS ligand 28

fatty acids, essential 308

FGF (fibroblast growth factor)


fibroblast(s) 175–6

fibroblast growth factor (FGF)


fibrosis, subcutaneous see

subcutaneous fibrosis

field-size effect 355filtering, PET images 274, 275

flow cytometry 81–2, 355FLT see fluorothymidine

fluorescence-activated cell sorter


fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) see

positron emission


fluoromisonidazole 282

fluorothymidine (FLT) in PET


tumour proliferation estimates

using 82

foci, ionizing radiation-induced

(IRIF) 14, 356four-dimensional distribution of

radiation dose 282–3


dose per see dose

multiple, per day, incomplete

repair in 124

fractionation 5, 9, 102–19,

135–48, 162–4

biological effect estimates and

adjustment for dose–time

fractionation 120–1

conventional 135–6

modified 135–48

late increased normal-tissue

damage after 145

scheduling considerations


see also hyperfractionation;


reoxygenation and 214–15

sensitivity of normal tissues

and tumours 122, 355sparing effect 94

time factors 138–40

changing time-interval

between dose fractions


free radicals 5, 208–9, 355scavenging 304–5


cell, early changes in 171

tissue, assays 6

functional (molecular) imaging

8, 166, 271–86, 355, 357functional subunits (FSUs)

193–4, 355repopulation and arrangement

of 195

tolerance dose and 192–3

G1/S checkpoint (and its

activation) 18, 20

inhibition 319

transient, leading to accelerated

senescence 32

G2 checkpoints

early 19, 20

inhibition 319

late 19, 20

mitotic catastrophe and 32

�-rays 68, 69

�-value 60

clinical importance 61–3, 64

gaps in treatment

planned/intentional 144

unplanned/unintentional 127

gastrointestinal tract, volume

effects 201–3

see also specific regions

G-CSF (granulocyte colony

stimulating factor) 305,

306, 310–11

gefitinib 294


in cell death control 28–32

and their expression, methods

of looking at 9, 324–6

genetic instability 355hypoxia and 226

genetic predisposition to cancer


genome-wide studies/assays 9,


glioblastoma, chemoradiotherapy

246, 247

glioblastoma multiforme, proton

therapy 335

glioma, PET-aided treatment

planning 277

glucocorticoids 308

glutathione peroxidase

stimulation 305

GM-CSF (granulocyte

macrophage colony

stimulating factor) 305,


Gompertz equation 79

gossypol 319

gradient-based PET image

segmentation 275–6

grading of normal tissue effects


granulocyte colony stimulating

factor (G-CSF) 305, 306,


granulocyte macrophage colony

stimulating factor

(GM-CSF) 305, 306

Gray (Gy) 335, 355Gray equivalents 355–6gross target volume 191, 192

PET-aided treatment


head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma 277, 278

lung cancer (non-small cell)


oesophageal cancer 280–1

gross tissue effects, scoring 6

gross tumour volume 191, 192


delay 356assay of delayed regrowth

87, 91–2

net 91

specific 91

tumour 78–83

exponential 79–80, 355measuring 78

time (TGT) 91

see also regrowth

tumour cell, assays 46

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Index 367

growth factors 305–8

endogenous, targeting

signalling 307–8

exogenous, therapeutic use


growth fraction 80–2, 356

H2AX phosphorylation see histone

H2AX phosphorylation

haematopoietic growth factors

305–6, 306

haematopoietic stem cells, bone

marrow repopulation by




pretreatment 212

therapeutic raising 237–8

oxygen saturation,

measurement 211

hair follicles 178, 179

Hayflick limit 31

head and neck cancer

accelerated RT 141–2, 142–3,


chemoradiotherapy 246–7,

247, 250

converting from change in dose

to response rate 130

correcting for overall treatment

time 126

dose recovered per day due to

proliferation 126

fractionation sensitivity 122

hyperfractionation 137, 144

CHART 141–2

hypoxia-related therapeutic

approaches 242

radiosensitizing drugs 235,


raising haemoglobin levels

during radiotherapy 238

incomplete repair in 145

with multiple fractions per

day 124

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 272–3

molecular-targeted drugs


normal-tissue damage after

modified fractionation

150, 174

late 145

PET-aided treatment planning


re-irradiation tolerance 266–8

role of RT 2–3

heart 179, 187–8

recovery from damage 115

heavy particles/ion therapy 68,

75–6, 332, 334, 335, 336

helicases 21

helium ion beams 75–6

hepatic irradiation see liver

high-linear energy transfer

(high-LET) 39, 69,


biological basis and

characteristics 72–3,


relative biological effectiveness

70, 333

high-oxygen gas breathing 234

histone deacetylase inhibitors

296, 318–19

histone H2AX phosphorylation


assays 46

Hodgkin’s disease,

chemoradiotherapy 249

second cancer risk 346–7

homologous recombination (HR)

12, 20–2, 356choice between


end-joining and 23–4

as drug target 320

hot spots, dosimetric 130

H-R3 (monoclonal antibody),

head and neck cancer


HuMax-EGFr (zalutumumab)


hybridization, comparative

genomic 324–5, 3547-hydroxystaurosporine 319

hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)

233–4, 241, 356

hyperfractionation 108–9,

136–7, 356accelerated RT vs 144

late normal-tissue damage 145

see also continuous


accelerated radiotherapy

hyperradiosensitivity (HRS),

low-dose 53–4, 164

hyperthermia 356hypofractionation 108–9, 137–8,

356late normal-tissue damage 145

hypoxia 9, 209–15, 217–45,

322–3, 356acute/perfusion-limited see

perfusion-limited hypoxia

adaptation to 225

chronic/diffusion-limited see

diffusion-limited hypoxia

experimental animals 210–11

heterogeneity 218–24

interpatient 223–4

in severity 218–21

in space 221–2

in time 222–3

high-LET and 72

human tumours 211–12

malignancy influenced by


malignant phenotype and


in normal tissues, systemic and

local induction of 303–4

PET tracers 282

response pathways 226–31

therapeutic approaches to

212, 233–45

assessment of tumour

hypoxia 322–3

drugs increasing

radiosensitivity of hypoxic

cells 234–7, 241, 319, 321

transient 222–3, 359hypoxia-inducible factor 227–9

ice chips, chewing 304

IGF-1 (insulin-like growth

factor-1) 306

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imaging, functional/molecular

8, 166, 271–86, 355, 357IMPORT High trial 345

in vitro assays

in vitro colony assays 44, 90

short-term 45–6

incomplete repair 109–12, 119,

356clinical impact 145

in multiple fractions per day


increased radioresistance region

(IRR) 53–4

individual patients 321–8

individualized treatment


variability, oxygenation of

tumour 223–4

variations, dose–response 65

induced repair (IndRep) model


infliximab 307

initiation factors (IFs), translation

230, 231

inspired gas, raising oxygen

content of 233–4

insulin-like growth factor-1

(IGF-1) 306

integrin activity inhibitors 243,


intensity-modulated radiotherapy

(IMRT) 121, 138, 158,

167, 356dose rate and 167

PET tracers 282

interpatient variability

see individual patients

interphase death 33–4, 42, 356intestine/bowel 107, 115,

179–80, 183–4

intracavitary therapy

see brachytherapy

inverse dose-rate effect 164

ion beams see charged particles

ionization tracks,


calculations 68–9

ionizing radiation

DNA damage by 11–12

foci induced by (IRIF) 14, 356IRE-1 231

irradiated volume (IR) 191, 192

isoeffect curve/isoeffect

relationships 6–7, 94,

102, 104, 162–4, 356alternative formulae 114–16

LQ model and 106

isoeffective dose in 2-Gy fractions

converting dose into 123

for subcutaneous fibrosis 124,


JBT3200 309


�/� ratio 107

recovery from damage 115

keratinocyte growth factor (KGF)

306, 306–7

KGF (keratinocyte growth factor)

306, 306–7

Ki67 labelling 81

kidney 180, 184–5, 200–1

�/� ratio 107, 180

recovery from damage 115

re-irradiation tolerance 264

volume effects 200–1

killing see cell death and killing

kinases see specific kinases

kinetics, cell cycle, determination


Ku70-Ku-80 complex 16, 22, 23

lag phase of repopulation 152,

153, 154

large intestine see colon; colorectal


larynx 180

lens cataracts 181, 188

LENT/SOMA system 177, 178

lethal damage, potentially (PLD),

recovery from 94, 357–8lethal–potentially lethal (LPL)

damage model 50–1,

160, 163


chemoradiotherapy 249

as second cancer 346, 347

after childhood treatment

340, 347, 348

life-threatening (grade 4) effects


ligase 1 21

ligase 3 25

light particles in RT 68

limiting-dilution assay 45

linear energy transfer (LET) 39,

47, 68–77, 357biological basis and

characteristics 72–3, 104,


biological effects dependent

upon 69–71

linear–quadratic–cubic model

(LQC) 52–3

linear–quadratic model (LQ)

49–50, 51, 59, 103–8,

120–34, 357in clinical practice 120–34

current issues 132–4

detailed aspects 105–8

incomplete repair and 110

limited applicability 116


models 54, 116

power-law models vs 103–4

time factor 112–14

lip mucosa, recovery from damage


live cell recognition system,

microscopic 46

liver 180, 183, 201

volume effects 201

local induction of hypoxia in

normal tissues 304

local tumour control

(�cure) 5, 83–4, 85–90,

92–7, 357factors influencing 92–7

probability (�cure probability;

TCP) 5, 85–90, 359tumour volume and 96–7

loco-regional recurrence,

re-irradiation see


logistic dose–response model

57, 59

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Index 369

low-dose hyperradiosensitivity

53–4, 164

low-dose-rate irradiation 158

effects of proliferation 163–4

possible radiobiological

advantages 165–6

low-linear energy transfer

(Low-LET) 47, 69, 72

relative biological effectiveness


lung 180, 184, 195–8

�/� ratio 107, 180

recovery from damage 115

re-irradiation tolerance

clinical studies 268

experimental studies 263–4

volume effects 195–8

lung cancer

accelerated RT 142, 143

angiogenesis inhibitors 295

chemoradiotherapy 247

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 273

re-irradiation tolerance 268

role of RT 2

tyrosine kinase inhibitors 294

see also endobronchial cancer

lung colony assay 45, 90

Lyman–Kutcher–Burman (LKB)

model 193, 203

Lyman model 65–6, 193

lymph nodes

adverse effects on 181

imaging methods compared in

staging of 272–3

lymphatic system, adverse effects

on 181


Hodgkin’s see Hodgkin’s disease

role of RT 3

macrophage activity modulation


magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) for lymph node

staging, PET compared

with 272–3

malignant tumours see tumours

MDM2 17

mean inactivation dose 357Medical Research Council (MRC),

hyperbaric oxygen therapy

trial 233

melanoma, proton therapy 335

meningioma, PET-aided

treatment planning 277

mesenchymal stem cell

transplantation 310

messenger RNA see RNA

metabolic activity, tumour,

measurement 211


distant, targeted drugs and 291

lymph nodes, imaging methods

(in staging) 272–3

methionine (11C-labelled) in

PET-aided treatment

planning 277

methoxyamine 317

methylation, DNA 324–5

microarrays, expression 325–6,

357microdosimetry 68–9

microenvironment, tumour

209–10, 217–32

micronucleus test 45–6

microRNA 326, 357microscopic live cell recognition

system 46

mismatch repair (MMR) 12, 25,

357misonidazole 234–6

mitomycin-C 239–40

mitosis (post-irradiation) 42

cell death after 34–9, 42

cell death before (interphase

death) 33–4, 42, 356delayed entry 357

mitotic catastrophe 29, 357MMT (tetrazolium)-based cell

growth assays 46

modified fractionation see


molecular (functional) imaging

8, 166, 271–86, 355, 357molecular interactions in



molecular targeted agents

287–300, 305–8, 316–31,

359trials 290–1

tumour specificity 320–1

monoclonal antibodies

anti-EGFR 291, 292

head and neck cancer 293–4

other cancers 294

anti-VEGF 295

MRC, hyperbaric oxygen therapy

trial 233

MRE11 15, 21, 318

MRN 15, 21

as drug target 317–18, 320

mTOR 230–1, 295

multiple fractions per day,

incomplete repair in 124

multi-target single-hit

inactivations 48, 49,

357myelopathy 186–7

volume effect and 198, 199,


myocardial damage 188

N-oxides 240–1

National Cancer Institute

(Canada)/EORTC joint

study of glioblastoma

chemoradiotherapy 246

National Cancer Institute (US)

CTCAE v3 177

terminology on normal tissue

protection 302

NBS1 15, 16, 318

NCI see National Cancer


NCIC/EORTC joint study of


chemoradiotherapy 246

necrosis 29, 31, 357tumour 209

neovasculature see angiogenesis

Neovastat 295

nephropathy, radiation 184–5

see also kidney

nerves, peripheral 181, 187

fractionation sensitivity 122

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nervous system 186–7

net growth delay 91

neutrons (in high-LET) 69, 74–5

new primaries see second cancers

NF�B inhibitors 318

Nijmegen breakage syndrome 15

nimorazole 236

nitroimidazoles 234–7, 240

nitroxides, organic 240–1

NLCQ-1 240

nominal standard dose (NSD)

model 103

non-exponential growth 79–80

non-homologous end-joining

(NHEJ) 12, 22–3, 357choice between homologous

recombination and 23–4

non-small cell lung cancer


accelerated RT 142

angiogenesis inhibitors 295

chemoradiotherapy 247

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 273

tyrosine kinase inhibitors 294

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

drugs (NSAIDs) 308

COX-2-selective 296, 308

normal tissue architecture

repopulation by stem cells and


tolerance dose and 192–3

normal tissue responses 5–6,

149–57, 169–90

�/� ratio 107

adverse see side-effects

documentation and assessment


dose-rate effect 160–2

drugs modulating 301–15

fractionation sensitivity 122

recovery from damage 115

repopulation see repopulation

retreated patients see


time factors 149–57

clinical observations


early responses 170–4, 355

experimental observations


late/chronic responses

174–8, 356repair halftime 124

tolerance see tolerance

see also organs

nuclear factor kappa B inhibitors


nucleotide excision repair (NER)

12, 25, 357

ocular (eye) effects 181, 188

oesophagus 178–83


chemoradiotherapy 247, 248

lymph node staging,

PET/CT/MRI in 273

re-irradiation tolerance 260–1

volume effects 202

ophthalmological (eye) effects

181, 188

optic nerve 181

oral cavity

cooling with ice chips 304

mucosal reactions (inc.

mucositis) 122, 150,


re-irradiated patients 260–1

volume effect and 202


architecture affecting tolerance

dose 192–3


side-effects see side-effects

volume effects, clinical and

experimental studies


see also functional subunits;

normal tissue

organic nitroxides 240–1

ovary 180

oxidative stress reduction (with

antioxidants) 304–5, 309

oxygen 207–32

assessment of oxygenation

status in human tumours


enhancement of radiation

damage by (incl. oxygen

enhancement ratio) 108,

207–8, 357linear energy transfer and

108, 207–8

therapeutic use of effect

212, 233–4

importance 207–9

in normal tissues, modification

of normal levels 303–4

see also hyperbaric oxygen;

hypoxia; reoxygenation

oxygen-fixation hypothesis 208

p53 17, 30

hypoxia and 225–6

paclitaxel (taxol) and

reoxygenation 252

paediatric cancer see children

palifermin 306

palliative therapy, single-dose

irradiation of

hypofractionation 138

pancreas 180, 184

cancer, EGFR inhibitors 294


colorectal cancer 294

head and neck cancer 294

parotid gland 183

volume effects 203–4

PARP (poly-(ADP-ribose)

polymerase) 25

inhibitors 24, 317, 321

partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)

estimation 211, 212

patient, individual see individual


patient-to-patient variability see

individual patients

PDGF (platelet-derived growth

factor) 306

pentoxifylline 309, 319

perfusion-limited (acute) hypoxia

210, 218, 222, 353, 345

clinical procedures and 238

pericarditis 188

perifosine 319

peripheral nerves see nerves

PERK 231

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Index 371

perspiratory glands 178, 179

PET see positron emission


phenotype, malignant, hypoxia

and 224–5


protein kinase B pathway

inhibitors 295–6, 318


of DNA-dependent protein

kinase catalytic

subunit 23

histone H2AX see histone


see also specific kinases

photon treatment 332, 333, 334,

335, 336

physical phase of radiation effects


pimonidazole 236, 323

pituitary glands (child) 181

planning (of treatment)

of gaps 144

ion beam therapy 334–6

PET images for 276–82

planning target volume (PTV)

191, 192

plant derivatives with RT

therapeutic interactions 252

toxicity 254

platelet-derived growth factor

(PDGF) 306

platinum-based chemotherapy +

RT in head and neck

squamous cell carcinoma


Poisson dose–response model

57–9, 85

interpatient variability 65

polarigraphic oxygen electrodes

212, 323

Pol� inhibition 317

poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase see


porfiromycin 240

positron emission tomography

(PET - predominantly

with FDG) 271–86,


image acquisition and

reconstruction 273–4

image segmentation 274–6

theragnostic 282–3

treatment planning 276–82

positron emission

tomography/CT, dual


oesophageal cancer 280–1

postmitotic cell death 34–9, 42

potential doubling time 82–3,

323, 357potentially lethal damage (PLD),

recovery from 94, 357–8power-law models 103–4, 193

LQ vs 103–4

PR-104 240

pre-irradiation gas breathing time

(PIBT) 234

premature senescence 31, 32

premitotic (interphase) cell death

33–4, 42, 356probit dose–response model 57

programmed cell death 358type I see apoptosis

type II 31

proliferation (cell)

accelerated 353chemoradiotherapy inhibiting


dose recovered per day due to

(Dprolif) 125–6

early effects of radiation on

172, 173

stimulation of proliferation


at low dose-rate 163–4

measurement 323–4

see also repopulation

proliferation marker (Ki67)

labelling 81

propyl hydroxylases (PHDs), HIF


prostaglandin synthase inhibitors

see non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs

prostate cancer

�/� ratio 132–3

heavy ion RT 336

proton therapy 335–6

role of RT 2

second cancers after treatment

of 342, 343–4

proteasome inhibitors 318


synthesis in hypoxia 229–31

unfolded protein response


protein kinase B inhibitors

295–6, 318

proteolysis inhibitors 243

proteomics 326, 358protons (in high-LET) 69, 334,


pulsed brachytherapy 166–7

quinones 239

RAD50 15, 16, 318

RAD51 21

Radiation Therapy Oncology

Group (RTOG), head and

neck cancer

hyperfractionation 137

molecular-targeted drugs 293

Radiation Therapy Oncology


joint classification of side-

effects 177

radiosensitivity 13, 358cell cycle checkpoints and


drugs increasing 316–31, 321,

358of hypoxic cells 234–7, 241,

319, 321

intrinsic radiosensitivity


of normal tissues see normal

tissue responses

see also hyperradiosensitivity


future development of,

importance of

radiobiology in 8–10

role in cancer management


ways of improving 3

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372 Index

rapamycin and its derivatives


Ras pathway inhibitors 296

Rb (retinoblastoma protein) 18

receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors

see tyrosine kinase


recovery from sublethal damage


recovery) 93–4, 355, 358normal tissues 115

over extended intervals 125–6

see also dose-recovery factor

rectum 180, 202–3

cancer see colorectal cancer

recovery from damage 115

volume effects 202–3

recurrence, loco-regional,


see re-irradiation

redistribution phenomenon 95

regression (tumour) 5, 84, 358,


assay 87

regrowth (tumour) 5

delay assay 87, 91–2

re-irradiation (for recurrence and

second primaries)

tolerance of normal tissues


clinical studies 266–8

experimental studies 260–6

early effects 260–2

late effects 263–6

relative biological effectiveness

(RBE) 70, 71–2, 358Bragg peak and 76

dose dependency 71–2

high-LET 70, 333

renal effects see kidney

reoxygenation 159, 212–15, 358chemotherapy effects 252

influencing local control 95

mechanisms and time scales



cellular/tissue 93

DNA see DNA repair

incomplete see incomplete repair

replication protein A 21

repopulation 358in normal tissues (by stem

cells) 149, 151–5, 159,

195, 358mechanisms 151–3

regulation 154–5

in tumours/by clonogenic

tumours cells 95–6, 159,

323–4, 358drugs targeting 321

measurement 323–4

see also proliferation


to chemotherapy, hypoxia and


to radiotherapy, hypoxia and

208, 210, 211, 215, 218–19

see also increased

radioresistance region

respiratory tract

lower see lung

upper 184


to DNA damage see DNA


malignant tissue 5–6, 83–92

�/� ratio 107

determinants and their



normal tissue see normal


see also dose–response

response curves 6–7

see also dose–response curves

response rates, converting from

change in dose to 130

retinoblastoma protein (Rb) 18

mRNA (messenger RNA)

in expression microarrays


in hypoxia

synthesis (� transcription)


translation 230–1

miRNA (microRNA) 326, 357RPA (replication protein A) 21

RSU-1069 240

RTOG see Radiation Therapy

Oncology Group


checkpoint at 18–19, 20

fraction of cells in 81–2

salivary glands 179, 183

volume effects 203–4

sanazol 236–7

saturation model of DNA repair

51–2, 358scoring of gross tissue effects 6

sebaceous glands 178, 179

second cancers (new primary

tumours after treatment)

129–30, 259, 339–52

estimating risk 241–6

ion beam therapy and risk of


re-irradiation with see


reducing risk 349–50

risk factors/epidemiology

339–41, 349

selection of malignant cells,

hypoxia-driven 225–6

selenium 305

senescence 29, 31–2, 358sense organ effects 181, 188

sensitizer enhancement ratio

(SER) 235, 236, 358sensors of DNA damage 14–16,

358‘shared’ toxicity,

chemoradiotherapy 249

short-term in vitro assays



events/toxic effects of



early 253–4

late 254–5


events/toxic effects of RT,

normal tissue 149–57,


documentation and assessment


Page 389: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Index 373

in modified fractionation, late


pathogenesis 169–90

probability (NTCP) 193, 357models 65–6

in retreated patient

see re-irradiation

in specific tissues and organs

107, 178–88

volume effect and 195–204

time factors 149–57

early/acute effects 169,

169–70, 170, 170–4

late/chronic effects 155,

169, 170, 174–6

signal transduction pathway

inhibitors 295–6, 318,


signalling to effectors in DNA

damage 16–17

single-dose irradiation in

palliative radiotherapy


single-nucleotide polymorphisms

(SNPs) 327–8, 358single-photon emission CT

(SPECT), volume effect in

lung 195–6

single-strand breaks

link between double-strand

breaks and 24

repair (SSBR) 24–5, 359drugs targeting 317, 320

single-target single-hit

inactivations 47–8

size, tumour, measuring 78–9

skin 178, 204

�/� ratio 107, 180

‘area’ effect 204

fractionation sensitivity 122

recovery from damage 115

re-irradiation responses

early 260

late 263

skull base tumours

heavy ion RT 336

proton therapy 335

small cell lung cancer,

chemoradiotherapy 247

small intestine/bowel 179

volume effects 202

smoking 340

during radiotherapy course


SN23862 240

spatial cooperation in


248–9, 358spatial oxygen heterogeneity


specific growth delay (SGD) 91

SPECT, volume effect in lung


spinal cord 181, 186–7, 198–200,


�/� ratio 107, 181

isoeffective dose in 2-Gy

fractions 123

recovery from damage 115

re-irradiation tolerance 264–6

volume effects 198–200

spleen colony assay 44–5

split-course RT 144

split-dose recovery see recovery

from sublethal damage

squamous cell carcinoma

cervical, chemoradiotherapy,

therapeutic ratio 255

haemoglobin concentration

as prognostic factor 237

head and neck

chemoradiotherapy 246–7,

247, 250

molecular-targeted drugs


PET-aided treatment

planning 277–8

statistical aspects of

methodological problems

in estimation of


relationships from clinical

data 64

stem cells 41

neoplastic 41, 354normal tissue 171–4, 195–6

outside treatment

zone 195

repopulation by see


therapeutic use 310–12

steroids (glucocorticoids) 308

stomach 179, 183

subcutaneous fibrosis 178

isoeffective dose in 2-Gy

fractions 124, 131

sublethal damage 359incomplete repair see

incomplete repair

recovery from see recovery

superoxide dismutase 304–5

supra-additivity see synergism

survival (cell)

clonogenic cell see clonogenic


curves 43–4

dose and, relationships between

47, 59

dose-rate effect on 159–60

linear–quadratic model and

104, 105

sweat (perspiratory) glands 178,


symmetrical cell division 152,

153, 154, 359switch from asymmetrical to

152–3, 154, 173–4, 353synergism/supra-additivity 359

apoptosis induction 319

chemoradiotherapy 248

systemic induction of hypoxia in

normal tissues 303

target cells 116–17, 359surviving fraction, LQ model

and 105

target theory of cell killing 47–9,

359target volume 191, 192

in PET-aided treatment

planning 271, 272, 273,


targeted agents, molecular see

molecular targeted agents

taste impairment 181, 188

taxol and reoxygenation 252

teeth 183

Page 390: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

374 Index

telangiectasia 175, 359temozolomide, glioblastoma 246

testis 180

�/� ratio 107, 180

cancer, second cancer risk after

treatment of 347

tetrachlorodecaoxide 309

tetrazolium-based cell growth

assays 46

TGF-� see transforming growth


theragnostic imaging 282–3, 359therapeutic index or ratio 7–8,

359chemoradiotherapy 255

therapeutic window 63

threshold-based PET image

segmentation 274–5

thymidine kinase (TK) 82

time 359cell cycle 80–2, 354doubling see doubling time

fractionated RT and see


of hypoxia exposure 222–3

in linear–quadratic model


normal tissue responses and see

normal tissue responses

overall treatment, changing


reoxygenation and 214

tumour growth (TGT) 91

see also theragnostic imaging

time–dose–fractionation (TDF)


time interval between dose

fractions, changing 123

time-scale effects 4–5

tirapazamine 240–1


normal see normal tissue

response see response

TNF see tumour necrosis factor

tocopherol 304, 309

tolerance (to radiation) 179–81,


prediction 326–8

re-treatment see re-irradiation

specific organs and tissues


time course of changes in

clinical observations 150

experimental observations


tissue architecture and 192–3

tolerance dose 359TopIIIa 21

total dose, extrapolated

(biologically effective

dose) 114–16, 120, 353,

355total effect (TE) 114, 116

toxic effects of treatment see


TRAIL 28, 319

transcription factor,

hypoxia-inducible 227–9

transforming growth factor-�


inhibitors of signalling 308

transfusion, blood 238, 241

transit cells, early effects of

radiation on 172, 173

translation and hypoxia 230–1


bone marrow 310

bone marrow stem/progenitor

cell 311, 311–12

mesenchymal stem cell 310

treated volume (TV) 191, 192

3,3,3-trifluoropropylamine (EF3)


tubulin-binding agents 243

tumour(s) (malignant tumours;


cell cycle checkpoints and


cure see local tumour control

growth see growth; regrowth

hypoxia see hypoxia

metastases see metastases

microenvironment 209–10,


new primary see second cancer

phenotype, hypoxia and


regression see regression

responses see responses

role of RT 1–4

size, measuring 78

volume see volume

tumour bed effect 89, 91, 359tumour control dose (TCD50)

assay 86–90, 359tumour necrosis factor-�

signalling, inhibition 307

tumour necrosis factor-related

apoptosis-inducing ligand

(TRAIL) 28, 319

2-Gy fractions

equivalent dose in see

equivalent dose in 2-Gy


isoeffective dose in see

isoeffective dose in 2-Gy


tyrosine kinase inhibitors

(TKIs) 243, 291, 297,


head and neck cancer 294

other cancers 294

UCN-01 319

unfolded protein response 231

ureter 180

urethra 180

urinary bladder see bladder


cancer of neck of see cervical


radiation effects 180

vagina 180

vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF) 10

drugs targeting signalling


vasculature/blood vessels 9–10,


assessment of tumour

vascularization 211,


late effects on 175

new see angiogenesis

therapeutic targeting 242–4,


Page 391: Basic Clinical Radiobiology - Clinical Radiobiology FOURTH EDITION Edited by Michael Joiner Professor of Radiobiology Wayne State University USA Albert van der Kogel

Index 375

VEGF see vascular endothelial

growth factor

VHL protein and gene 227,


vitamin E 304, 309


definitions 191, 192

tumour 96–7

doubling time 78–9, 359gross 191, 192

volume effects 191–206, 359organ-specific, experimental

and clinical studies


von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) protein

and gene 227, 229

WF10 309

WR2721 304

X-rays 68

xerostomia 179, 183, 203

XPF 25

zalutumumab 294