barrons sat word list _1-50

1. abase lower; humiliate 2. abash embarrass 3. abate subside; decrease, lessen 4. abbreviate shorten 5. abdicate renounce; give up 6. abduction kidnapping 7. aberrant abnormal or deviant 8. abet aid 9. abhor detest; hate 10. abject wretched; lacking pride 11. abjure renounce upon oath 12. abnegation repudiation; self-sacrifice 13. abolish cancel; put an end to 14. abominable detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad 15. aboriginal being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native 16. abortive unsuccessful; fruitless 17. abrade wear away by friction; scrape; erode 18. abrasive rubbing away; tending to grind down 19. abridge condense or shorten 20. abscond depart secretly and hide 21. absolute complete; totally unlimited; certain 22. absolve pardon (an offense) 23. absorb assimilate or incorporate; such or drink up; wholly engage 24. abstain refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice 25. abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate 26. abstinence restraint from eating or drinking 27. abstract theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational 28. abstruse obscure; profound; difficult to understand 29. abundant plentiful; possessing riches or resources 30. abusive coarsely insulting; physically harmful 31. abut border upon; adjoin 32. abysmal bottomless 33. abyss enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit 34. academic related to a school; not practical or directly useful 35. accede agree 36. accelerate move faster 37. accentuate emphasize; stress 38. accessible easy to approach; obtainable 39. accessory additional object; useful but not essential thing 40. acclaim applaud; announce with great approval 41. acclimate adjust to climate 42. acclivity sharp upslope of a hill 43. accolade award of merit 44. accommodate oblige to help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt 45. accomplice partner in crime 46. accord agreement 47. accost approach and speak first to a person 48. accoutre equip 49. acerbity bitterness of speech and temper 50. acetic vinegary 51. acidulous slightly sour; sharp, caustic 52. acknowledge recognize; admit 53. acme top; pinnacle 54. acoustics science of sound; quality that makes a room easy to hear in 55. acquiesce assent; agree without protesting 56. acquire obtain; get 57. acquittal deliverance from a charge 58. acrid sharp; bitterly pungent 59. acrimonious bitter in words or manner 60. acrophobia fear of heights 61. actuarial calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics 62. acuity sharpness 63. acumen mental keenness 64. acute quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe 65. adage wise saying; proverb 66. adamant hard; inflexible 67. adapt alter; modify 68. addiction compulsive, habitual need 69. addle muddle; drive crazy; become rotten 70. address direct a speech to; deal with or discuss 71. adept expert at BARRONS SAT WORD LIST (1-50) Study online at

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Page 1: Barrons Sat Word List _1-50

1. abase lower; humiliate

2. abash embarrass

3. abate subside; decrease, lessen

4. abbreviate shorten

5. abdicate renounce; give up

6. abduction kidnapping

7. aberrant abnormal or deviant

8. abet aid

9. abhor detest; hate

10. abject wretched; lacking pride

11. abjure renounce upon oath

12. abnegation repudiation; self-sacrifice

13. abolish cancel; put an end to

14. abominable detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad

15. aboriginal being the first of its kind in a region; primitive;native

16. abortive unsuccessful; fruitless

17. abrade wear away by friction; scrape; erode

18. abrasive rubbing away; tending to grind down

19. abridge condense or shorten

20. abscond depart secretly and hide

21. absolute complete; totally unlimited; certain

22. absolve pardon (an offense)

23. absorb assimilate or incorporate; such or drink up;wholly engage

24. abstain refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from anaction or practice

25. abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate

26. abstinence restraint from eating or drinking

27. abstract theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational

28. abstruse obscure; profound; difficult to understand

29. abundant plentiful; possessing riches or resources

30. abusive coarsely insulting; physically harmful

31. abut border upon; adjoin

32. abysmal bottomless

33. abyss enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit

34. academic related to a school; not practical or directlyuseful

35. accede agree

36. accelerate move faster

37. accentuate emphasize; stress

38. accessible easy to approach; obtainable

39. accessory additional object; useful but not essentialthing

40. acclaim applaud; announce with great approval

41. acclimate adjust to climate

42. acclivity sharp upslope of a hill

43. accolade award of merit

44. accommodate oblige to help someone; adjust or bring intoharmony; adapt

45. accomplice partner in crime

46. accord agreement

47. accost approach and speak first to a person

48. accoutre equip

49. acerbity bitterness of speech and temper

50. acetic vinegary

51. acidulous slightly sour; sharp, caustic

52. acknowledge recognize; admit

53. acme top; pinnacle

54. acoustics science of sound; quality that makes a roomeasy to hear in

55. acquiesce assent; agree without protesting

56. acquire obtain; get

57. acquittal deliverance from a charge

58. acrid sharp; bitterly pungent

59. acrimonious bitter in words or manner

60. acrophobia fear of heights

61. actuarial calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics

62. acuity sharpness

63. acumen mental keenness

64. acute quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe

65. adage wise saying; proverb

66. adamant hard; inflexible

67. adapt alter; modify

68. addiction compulsive, habitual need

69. addle muddle; drive crazy; become rotten

70. address direct a speech to; deal with or discuss

71. adept expert at

BARRONS SAT WORD LIST (1-50)Study online at

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72. adhere stick fast

73. adherent supporter; follower

74. adjacent adjoining; neighboring; close by

75. adjunct something added on or attached (generallynonessential or inferior)

76. admonition warning

77. adorn decorate

78. adroit skillful

79. adulation flattery; admiration

80. adulterate make impure by adding inferior or taintedsubstances

81. advent arrival

82. adversary opponent

83. adverse unfavorable; hostile

84. adversity unfavorable fortune; hardship; a calamitousevent

85. advocacy support; active pleading on something's behalf

86. advocate urge; plead for

87. aerie nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk)

88. aesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable ofappreciation of the beautiful

89. affable easily approachable; warmly friendly

90. affected artificial; pretended; assumed in order toimpress

91. affidavit written statement made under oath

92. affinity kinship

93. affirmation positive assertion; confirmation; solemnpledge by one who refuses to take an oath

94. affix fasten; attach; add on

95. affliction state of distress; cause of suffering

96. affluence abundance; wealth

97. affront insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect

98. aftermath consequences; outcome; upshot

99. agenda items of business at a meeting

100. agent means or instrument; personal representative;person acting in a official capacity

101. aggrandize increase or intensify

102. aggregate gather; accumulate

103. aggressor attacker

104. aghast horrified

105. agility nimbleness

106. agitate stir up; disturb

107. agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence orknowability of a god or any ultimate reality

108. alacrity cheerful promptness

109. alchemy medieval chemistry

110. alcove nook; small, recessed section of a room

111. alias an assumed name

112. alienate make hostile; separate

113. alimentary supplying nourishment

114. alimony payments made to an ex-spouse after divorce

115. allay calm; pacify

116. allege state without proof

117. allegiance loyalty

118. allegory story in which characters are used assymbols; fable

119. alleviate relieve

120. alliteration repetition of beginning sound in poetry

121. allocate assign

122. alloy mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate

123. alloy a mixture as of metals

124. allude refer indirectly

125. allure entice; attract

126. allusion indirect reference

127. aloft upward

128. aloof apart; reserved

129. altercation noisy quarrel; heated dispute

130. altruistic unselfishly generous; concerned for others

131. amalgamate combine; unite in one body

132. amass collect

133. ambidextrous capable of using either hand with equal ease

134. ambience environment; atmosphere

135. ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning

136. ambivalence the state of having contradictory orconflicting emotional attitudes

137. amble moving at an easy pace

138. ambulatory able to walk; not bedridden

139. ameliorate improve

140. amenable readily managed; willing to be led

141. amend correct; change, generally for the better

142. amenities convenient features; courtesies

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143. amiable agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly

144. amicable politely friendly; not quarrelsome

145. amiss wrong; faulty

146. amity friendship

147. amnesia loss of memory

148. amnesty pardon

149. amoral nonmoral

150. amorous moved by sexual love; loving

151. amorphous formless; lacking shape or definition

152. amphibian able to live both on land and in water

153. amphitheater oval building with tiers of seats

154. ample abundant

155. amplify broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify;make stronger

156. amputate cut off part of body; prune

157. anachronistic having an error involving time in a story

158. analogous comparable

159. analogy similarity; parallelism

160. anarchist person who seeks to overturn theestablished government; advocate ofabolishing authority

161. anathema solemn curse; someone or somethingregarded as a curse

162. ancestry family descent

163. anchor secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place

164. anecdote short account of an amusing or interestingevent

165. anemia condition in which blood lacks redcorpuscles

166. anesthetic substance that removes sensation with orwithout loss of consciousness

167. anguish acute pain; extreme suffering

168. angular sharp-cornered; stiff in manner

169. animated lively; spirited

170. animosity active enmity

171. animus hostile feeling or intent

172. annals records; history

173. annex attach; take possession of

174. annihilate destroy

175. annotate comment; make explanatory notes

176. annul make void

177. anoint consecrate

178. anomalous abnormal; irregular

179. anomaly irregularity

180. anonymity state of being nameless; anonymousness

181. anonymous having no name

182. antagonism hostility; active resistance

183. antecede precede

184. antecedents preceding events or circumstances thatinfluence what comes later; ancestors orearly background

185. antediluvian antiquated; extremely ancient

186. anthem song of praise or patriotism

187. anthology book of literary selections by variousauthors

188. anthropocentric regarding human beings as the center ofthe universe

189. anthropoid manlike

190. anthropologist a student of the history and science ofmankind

191. anticlimax letdown in thought or emotion

192. antidote medicine to counteract a poison ordisease

193. antipathy aversion; dislike

194. antiquated old-fashioned; obsolete

195. antiseptic substance that prevents infection

196. antithesis contrast; direct opposite of or to

197. apathy lack of caring; indifference

198. ape imitate or mimic

199. apex tip; summit; climax

200. aphorism pithy maxim

201. aplomb poise; assurance

202. apocalyptic prophetic; pertaining to revelations

203. apocryphal untrue; made up

204. apolitical having an aversion or lack of concern forpolitical affairs

205. apologist one who writes in defense of a cause orinstitution

206. apostate one who abandons his religious faith orpolitical beliefs

207. apotheosis elevation to godhood; an ideal example ofsomething

208. appall dismay; shock

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209. apparatus equipment

210. apparition ghost; phantom

211. appease pacify or soothe; relieve

212. appellation name; title

213. append attach

214. application diligent attention

215. apposite appropriate; fitting

216. appraise estimate value of

217. appreciate be thankful for; increase in worth; bethoroughly conscious of

218. apprehend arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive

219. apprehension fear

220. apprenticeship time spent as a novice learning a tradefrom a skilled worker

221. apprise inform

222. approbation approval

223. appropriate acquire; take possession of for one's ownuse

224. apropos with reference to; regarding

225. aptitude fitness; talent

226. aquatic pertaining to water

227. aquiline curved, hooked

228. arable fit for growing crops

229. arbiter a person with power to decide a dispute;judge

230. arbitrary capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical

231. arbitrator judge

232. arcade a covered passageway, usually lined withshops

233. arcane secret; mysterious; known only to theinitiated

234. archaeology study of artifacts and relics of earlymankind

235. archaic antiquated

236. archetype prototype; primitive pattern

237. archives public records; place where public recordsare kept

238. ardent intense; passionate; zealous

239. arduous hard; strenuous

240. aria operatic solo

241. arid dry; barren

242. aristocracy hereditary nobility; privileged class

243. aromatic fragrant

244. arousal awakening; provocation (of a response)

245. arraign charge in court; indict

246. array marshal; draw up in order

247. array clothe; adorn

248. arrears being in debt

249. arrest stop or slow down; catch someone's attention

250. arrogance pride; haughtiness

251. arsenal storage place for military equipment

252. articulate effective, distinct

253. artifact object made by human beings, eitherhandmade or mass-produced

254. artifice deception; trickery

255. artisan manually skilled worker; craftsman, asopposed to artist

256. artless without guile; open and honest

257. ascendancy controlling influence; domination

258. ascertain find out for certain

259. ascetic practicing self-denial; austere

260. ascribe refer; attribute; assign

261. aseptic preventing infection; having a cleansing effect

262. ashen ash-colored

263. asinine stupid

264. askance with a sideways or indirect look

265. askew crookedly; slanted; at an angle

266. asperity sharpness (of temper)

267. aspersion slander; slur; derogatory remark

268. aspirant seeker after position or status

269. aspire seek to attain; long for

270. assail assault

271. assay analyze; evaluate

272. assent agree; accept

273. assert declare or state with confidence; put oneselfforward boldly

274. assessment evaluation; judgment

275. assiduous diligent

276. assimilate absorb; cause to become homogeneous

277. assuage ease or lessen (paint); satisfy (hunger); soothe(anger)

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278. assumption something taken for granted; taking over ortaking possession of

279. assurance promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence

280. astral relating to the stars

281. astringent binding; causing contraction

282. astronomical enormously large or extensive

283. astute wise; shrewd; keen

284. asunder into parts; apart

285. asylum place of refuge or shelter; protection

286. asymmetric not identical on both sides of a dividingcentral line

287. atavism reversion to an earlier type; throwback

288. atheistic denying the existence of god

289. atlas a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables

290. atone make amends for; pay for

291. atrocity brutal deed

292. atrophy waste away

293. attain achieve or accomplish; gain

294. attentive alert and watchful; considerate; thoughtful

295. attenuate make think; weaken

296. attest testify, bear witness

297. attribute essential quality

298. attribute ascribe; explain

299. attrition gradual decrease in numbers; reduction inthe work force without firing employees;wearing away of opposition by means ofharassment

300. atypical not normal

301. audacious daring; bold

302. audit examination of accounts

303. auditory pertaining to the sense of hearing

304. augment increase; add to

305. august impressive; majestic

306. auspicious favoring success

307. austere forbiddingly stern; severely simple andunornamented

308. authenticate confirm as genuine

309. authoritarian subordinating the individual to the state;completely dominating another's will

310. authoritative having the weight of authority; peremptoryand dictatorial

311. autocratic having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial

312. automaton robot; person performing a task mechanically

313. autonomous self-governing

314. autopsy examination of a dead body; post-mortem

315. auxiliary helper, additional or subsidiary

316. avalanche great mass of falling snow and ice

317. avarice greediness for wealth

318. avenge take vengeance for something (or on behalf ofsomeone)

319. aver assert confidently; affirm

320. averse reluctant; disinclined

321. aversion firm dislike

322. avert prevent; turn away

323. avid greedy; eager for

324. avocation secondary or minor occupation

325. avow declare openly

326. awe solemn wonder

327. awry crooked; wrong; amiss

328. axiom self-evident truth requiring no proof

329. azure sky blue

330. babble chatter idly

331. badger pester; annoy

332. badinage teasing conversation

333. baffle frustrate; perplex

334. bait harass; tease

335. baleful deadly; having a malign influence; ominous

336. balk foil or thwart; stop short; refuse to go on

337. ballast heavy substance used to add stability orweight

338. balm something that relieves pain

339. balmy mild; fragrant

340. banal hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lackingoriginality

341. bandy discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words)heatedly

342. bane cause of ruin; curse

343. bantering good-natured ridiculing

344. barb sharp projection from fishhook, etc.; openlycutting remark

345. bard poet

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346. baroque highly ornate

347. barrage barrier laid down by artillery fire

348. barren desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking

349. barricade hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle

350. barterer trader

351. bask luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth

352. bastion fortress; defense

353. bate let down; restrain

354. bauble trinket; trifle

355. bawdy indecent; obscene

356. beam ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; courseof a radio signal

357. beatific giving bliss; blissful

358. beatitude blessedness; state of bliss

359. bedraggle wet thoroughly; stain with mud

360. beeline direct, quick route

361. befuddle confuse thoroughly

362. beget father; produce; give rise to

363. begrudge resent

364. beguile mislead or delude; pass time

365. behemoth huge creature; monstrous animal

366. belabor explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculousdegree; attack verbally

367. belated delayed

368. beleaguer besiege or attack; harassed

369. belie contradict; give a false impression

370. belittle disparage or depreciate; put down

371. bellicose warlike

372. belligerent quarrelsome

373. bemoan lament; express disapproval of

374. bemused confused; lost in thought; preoccupied

375. benediction blessing

376. benefactor gift giver; patron

377. beneficial helpful; useful

378. beneficiary person entitled to benefits or proceeds of aninsurance policy or will

379. benevolent generous; charitable

380. benign kindly; favorable; not malignant

381. bent determined; natural talent or inclination

382. bequeath leave to someone by a will; hand down

383. berate scold strongly

384. bereavement state of being deprived of somethingvaluable or beloved

385. bereft deprived of; lacking; desolate because of aloss

386. berserk frenzied

387. beseech beg; plead with

388. beset harass or trouble; hem in

389. besiege surround with armed forces; harass (withrequests)

390. besmirch soil, defile

391. bestial beastlike; brutal

392. bestow give

393. betoken signify; indicate

394. betray be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously orunwillingly)

395. betroth become engaged to marry

396. bevy large group

397. biased slanted; prejudiced

398. bicameral two-chambered, as a legislative body

399. bicker quarrel

400. biennial every two years

401. bigotry stubborn intolerance

402. bilious suffering from indigestion; irritable

403. bilk swindle; cheat

404. billowing swelling out in waves; surging

405. bizarre fantastic; violently contrasting

406. blanch bleach; whiten

407. bland soothing or mild; agreeable

408. blandishment flatter

409. blare loud, harsh roar or screech; dazzling blazeof light

410. blasé bored with pleasure or dissipation

411. blasphemy irreverence; sacrilege; cursing

412. blatant flagrant; conspicuously obvious; loudlyoffensive

413. bleak cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable

414. blighted suffering from a disease; destroyed

415. blithe gay; joyous; carefree

416. bloated swollen or puffed as with water or air

417. bludgeon club; heavy-headed weapon

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418. bluff pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff

419. bluff rough but good-natured

420. blunder error

421. blurt utter impulsively

422. bluster blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully

423. bode foreshadow; portend

424. bogus counterfeit; not authentic

425. bohemian unconventional (in an artistic way)

426. boisterous violent; rough; noisy

427. bolster support; reinforce

428. bolt door bar; fastening pin or screw; length offabric

429. bolt dash or dart off; fasten (a door); gobbledown

430. bombardment attack with missiles

431. bombastic pompous; using inflated language

432. booming deep and resonant; flourishing, thriving

433. boon blessing; benefit

434. boorish rude; insensitive

435. boundless unlimited; vast

436. bountiful abundant; graciously generous

437. bourgeois middle class; selfishly materialistic; dullyconventional

438. bovine cowlike; placid and dull

439. bowdlerize expurgate

440. boycott refrain from buying or using

441. braggart boaster

442. brandish wave around; flourish

443. bravado swagger; assumed air of defiance

444. brawn muscular strength; sturdiness

445. brazen insolent

446. breach breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap

447. breadth width; extent

448. brevity conciseness

449. bristling rising like bristles; showing irritation

450. brittle easily broken; difficult

451. broach introduce; open up

452. brochure pamphlet

453. browbeat bully; intimidate

454. browse graze; skim or glance at casually

455. brunt main impact or shock

456. brusque blunt; abrupt

457. buccaneer pirate

458. bucolic rustic; pastoral

459. buffet table with food set out for people to servethemselves; meal at which people helpthemselves to food that's been set out

460. buffet slap; batter; knock about

461. buffoonery clowning

462. bulwark earthwork or other strong defense; personwho defends

463. bumptious self-assertive

464. bungle mismanage; blunder

465. buoyant able to float; cheerful and optimistic

466. bureaucracy over-regulated administrative system markedby red tape

467. burgeon grow forth; send out buds

468. burlesque give an imitation that ridicules

469. burly husky; muscular

470. burnish make shiny by rubbing; polish

471. bustle move about energetically; teem

472. buttress support; prop up

473. buxom plump; full-bosomed

474. cabal small group of persons secretly united topromote their own interests

475. cache hiding place

476. cacophonous discordant; inharmonious

477. cadaver corpse

478. cadence rhythmic rise and fall (of wards or sounds);beat

479. cajole coax; wheedle

480. calamity disaster; misery

481. calculated deliberately planned; likely

482. caldron large kettle

483. caliber ability; quality

484. calligraphy beautiful writing; excellent penmanship

485. callous hardened; unfeeling

486. callow youthful; immature; inexperienced

487. calorific heat-producing

488. calumny malicious misrepresentation; slander

489. camaraderie good-fellowship

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490. cameo shell or jewel carved in relief; star's specialappearance in a minor role in a film

491. camouflage disguise; conceal

492. candor frankness; open honesty

493. canine related to dogs; dog-like

494. canny shrewd; thrifty

495. cant insincere expressions of piety; jargon ofthieves

496. cantankerous ill humored; irritable

497. canter slow gallop

498. canto division of a long poem

499. canvass determine votes, etc.

500. capacious spacious

501. capacity mental or physical ability role; ability toaccommodate

502. capitulate surrender

503. capricious unpredictable; fickle; fanciful

504. caption title; chapter heading; text under illustration

505. captivate charm or enthrall

506. cardinal chief

507. careen lurch; sway from side to side

508. caricature exaggerated picture or description; distortion

509. carnage destruction of life

510. carnal fleshly

511. carnivorous meat-eating

512. carping finding fault

513. castigate criticize severely; punish

514. casualty serious or fatal accident

515. cataclysm violent upheaval; deluge

516. catalyst agent which brings about a chemical changewhile it remains unaffected and unchanged

517. catapult slingshot; a hurling machine

518. cataract great waterfall; eye abnormality

519. catastrophe calamity; disaster

520. catechism book for religious instruction; instruction byquestion and answer

521. categorical without exceptions; unqualified; absolute

522. cater to supply something desired (whether good orbad)

523. catharsis purging or cleansing of any passage of thebody

524. catholic broadly sympathetic; liberal

525. caucus private meeting of members of a party toselect officers or determine policy

526. caulk make watertight by filing in cracks

527. causal implying a cause-and-effect relationship

528. caustic burning; sarcastically biting

529. cavalcade procession; parade

530. cavalier offhand or casual; haughty

531. cavil make frivolous objections

532. cede yield (title, territory) to; surrender formally

533. celebrated famous; well-known

534. celerity speed; rapidity

535. celestial heavenly; relating to the sky

536. celibate unmarried; abstaining from sexualintercourse

537. censor overseer of morals; person who reads toeliminate inappropriate remarks

538. censorious critical

539. censure blame; criticize

540. centrifugal radiating; departing from the center

541. centripetal tending toward the center

542. cerebral pertaining to the brain or intellect

543. cerebration thought

544. ceremonious marked by formality

545. certitude certainty

546. cessation stoppage

547. cession yielding to another; ceding

548. chafe warm by rubbing; make sore 9by rubbing)

549. chaff worthless products of an endeavor

550. chaffing bantering; joking

551. chagrin vexation (caused by humiliation or injurepride); disappointment

552. chameleon lizard that changes color in differentsituations

553. champion support militantly

554. chaotic in utter disorder

555. charisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of apolitical leader

556. charlatan quack; pretender to knowledge

557. chary cautious; sparing or restrained about giving

558. chasm abyss

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559. chaste pure; virginal; modest

560. chasten discipline; punish in order to correct

561. chastise punish

562. chauvinist blindly devoted patriot

563. check stop motion; curb or restrain

564. checkered marked by changes in fortune

565. cherubic angelic; innocent-looking

566. chicanery trickery; deception

567. chide scold

568. chimerical fantastically improbable; highlyunrealistic; imaginative

569. chisel wedgelike tool for cutting

570. chisel swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel

571. chivalrous courteous; faithful; brave

572. choleric hot-tempered

573. choreography art of representing dances in writtensymbols; arrangement of dances

574. chronic long established as a disease

575. chronicle report; record (in chronological order)

576. churlish boorish; rude

577. cipher nonentity; worthless person or thing

578. cipher secret code

579. circuitous roundabout

580. circumlocution indirect or roundabout expression

581. circumscribe limit; confine

582. circumspect prudent; cautious

583. circumvent outwit; baffle

584. cite quote; command

585. civil having to do with citizens or the state;courteous and polite

586. clairvoyant having foresight; fortuneteller

587. clamber climb by crawling

588. clamor noise

589. clandestine secret

590. clangor loud, resounding noise

591. clasp fastening device; firm grip

592. cleave split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to

593. cleft split

594. clemency disposition to be lenient; mildness, as ofthe weather

595. clench close tightly; grasp

596. cliché phrase dulled in meaning by repetition

597. clientele body of customers

598. climactic relating to the highest point

599. clime region; climate

600. clip section of filmed material

601. clique small exclusive group

602. cloister monastery or convent

603. clout great influence (especially political or social)

604. cloying distasteful (because excessive); excessivelysweet or sentimental

605. clump cluster or close group (of bushes, trees); mass;sound of heavy treading

606. coagulate thicken; congeal; clot

607. coalesce combine; fuse

608. coalition partnership; league; union

609. coddle to treat gently

610. codify arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify

611. coercion use of force to get someone to obey

612. cogent convincing

613. cogitate think over

614. cognate related linguistically: allied by blood: similaror akin in nature

615. cognitive having to do with knowing or perceiving;related to the mental processes

616. cognizance knowledge

617. cohere stick together

618. cohesion tendency to keep together

619. coiffure hairstyle

620. coin make coins; invent or fabricate

621. coincidence two or more things occurring at the same timeby chance

622. collaborate work together

623. collage work of art put together from fragments

624. collate examine in order to verify authenticity; arrangein order

625. collatreal security given for loan

626. colloquial pertaining to conversational or commonspeech

627. collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme

628. colossal huge

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629. comatose in a coma; extremely sleepy

630. combustible easily burned

631. comely attractive; agreeable

632. comeuppance rebuke; deserts

633. commandeer to draft for military purposes; to take forpublic use

634. commemorate honor the memory of

635. commensurate equal in extent

636. commiserate feel or express pity or sympathy for

637. commodious spacious and comfortable

638. communal held in common; of a group of people

639. compact tightly packed; firm; brief

640. compact agreement; contract

641. comparable similar

642. compatible harmonious; in harmony with

643. compelling overpowering; irresistible in effect

644. compensatory making up for; repaying

645. compile assemble; gather; accumulate

646. complacency self-satisfaction; smugness

647. complaisant trying to please; obliging

648. complement complete; consummate; make perfect

649. complementary serving to complete something

650. compliance readiness to yield; conformity in fulfillingrequirements

651. compliant yielding

652. complicity participation; involvement

653. component element; ingredient

654. composure mental calmness

655. compound combine; constitute; pay interest; increase

656. comprehensive thorough; inclusive

657. compress close; squeeze; contract

658. comprise include; consist of

659. compromise adjust or settle by making mutualconcessions; endanger the interests orreputation of

660. compunction remorse

661. compute reckon; calculate

662. concave hollow

663. concede admit; yield

664. conceit vanity or self-love; whimsical idea;extravagant metaphor

665. concentric having a common center

666. conception beginning; forming of an idea

667. concerted mutually agreed on; done together

668. concession the act of yielding

669. conciliatory reconciling; soothing

670. concise brief and compact

671. conclusive decisive

672. concoct prepare by combining; make up in concert

673. concomitant that which accompanies

674. concord harmony; agreement between people orthings

675. concur agree

676. concurrent happening at the same time

677. condemn censure; sentence; force or limit to aparticular state

678. condense make more compact or dense; shorten orabridge; reduce into a denser form

679. condescend act conscious of descending to a lowerlevel; patronize

680. condiments seasonings; spices

681. condole express sympathetic sorrow

682. condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval;excuse

683. conducive contributive; tending to

684. confidant trusted friend

685. confine shut in; restrict

686. confirm corroborate; verify; support

687. confiscate seize; commandeer

688. conflagration great fire

689. confluence flowing together; crowd

690. conformity harmony; agreement

691. confound confuse; puzzle

692. confrontation act of facing someone or something;encounter, often hostile

693. congeal freeze; coagulate

694. congenial pleasant; friendly

695. congential existing at birth

696. conglomeration mass of material sticking together

697. congruent in agreement; corresponding

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698. conjecture surmise; guess

699. conjugal pertaining to marriage

700. conjure summon a devil; practice magic; imagine orinvent

701. connivance assistance; pretense of ignorance ofsomething wrong; permission to offend

702. connoisseur person competent to act as a judge or art,etc.; a lover of an art

703. connotation suggested or implied meaning of anexpression

704. connubial pertaining to marriage or the matrimonialstate

705. conscientious scrupulous; careful

706. consecrate dedicate; sanctify

707. consensus general agreement

708. consequential pompous; important; self-important

709. conservatory school of the fine arts (especially music ordrama)

710. consistency absence of contradictions; dependability;uniformity; degree of thickness

711. console lessen sadness or disappointment; givecomfort

712. consolidation unification; process of becoming firmer orstronger

713. consonance harmony; agreement

714. consort associate with

715. consort husband or wife

716. conspicuous easily seen; noticeable; striking

717. conspiracy treacherous plot

718. constituent supporter

719. constraint compulsion; repression of feelings

720. construe explain; interpret

721. consummate complete

722. contagion infection

723. contaminate pollute

724. contemporary person belonging to the same period

725. contempt scorn; disdain

726. contend struggle; compete; assert earnestly

727. contention claim; thesis

728. contentious quarrelsome

729. contest dispute

730. context writings preceding and following the passagequoted

731. contiguous adjacent to; touching upon

732. continence self-restraint; sexual chastity

733. contingent group that makes up part of a gathering

734. contingent dependent on; conditional

735. contortions twistings; distortions

736. contraband illegal trade; smuggling

737. contract compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch adisease

738. contravene contradict; oppose; infringe on or transgress

739. contrite penitent

740. contrived forced; artificial; not spontaneous

741. controvert oppose with arguments; attempt to refute;contradict

742. conundrum riddle

743. convene assemble

744. convention social or moral custom; established practice

745. conventional ordinary; typical

746. converge approach; tend to meet; come together

747. conversant familiar with

748. converse opposite

749. converse chat; talk informally

750. convert one who has adopted a different religion oropinion

751. convex curving outward

752. conveyance vehicle; transfer

753. conviction judgment that someone is guilty of a crime;strongly held belief

754. convival festive; gay; characterized by joviality

755. convoke call together

756. convoluted coiled around; involved; intricate

757. copious plentiful

758. coquette flirt

759. cordial gracious; heartfelt

760. cordon extended line of men or fortifications toprevent access or egress

761. cornucopia horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbolof abundance

762. corollary consequence; accompaniment

763. coronation ceremony of crowning a queen or king

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764. corporeal bodily; material

765. corpulent very fat

766. correlation mutual relationship

767. corroborate confirm; support

768. corrode destroy by chemical action

769. corrosive eating away by chemicals or disease

770. corrugated wrinkled; ridged

771. cosign deliver officially; entrust; set apart

772. cosmic pertaining to the universe; vast

773. cosmopolitan sophisticated

774. coterie group that meets socially; select circle

775. countenance face

776. countenance approve; tolerate

777. countermand cancel; revoke

778. counterpart a thing that completes another; things verymuch alike

779. coup highly successful action or sudden attack

780. couple join; unite

781. courier messenger

782. covenant agreement

783. covert secret; hidden; implied

784. covetous avaricious; eagerly desirous of

785. cow terrorize; intimidate

786. cower shrink quivering, as from fear

787. coy shy; modest; coquettish

788. cozen cheat; hoodwink; swindle

789. crabbed sour; peevish

790. craftiness slyness; trickiness

791. crass very unrefined; grossly insensible

792. craven cowardly

793. credence belief

794. credibility believability

795. credo creed

796. credulity belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté

797. creed system of religious or ethical belief

798. crescendo increase in the volume or intensity, as inmusical passage; climax

799. crest highest point of a hill; foamy top of a wave

800. crestfallen dejected; dispirited

801. cringe shrink back, as if in fear

802. criterion standard used in judging

803. crop cut off unwanted parts of a photograph; graze

804. crotchety eccentric; whimsical

805. crux crucial point

806. crypt secret recess or vault, usually used for burial

807. cryptic mysterious; hidden; secret

808. cubicle small compartment partitioned off; small bed-chamber

809. cuisine style of cooking

810. culinary relating to cooking

811. cull pick out; reject

812. culminate attain the highest point; climax

813. culpable deserving blame

814. cumbersome heavy; hard to manage

815. cumulative growing by addition

816. cupidity greed

817. curator superintendent; manager

818. curmudgeon churlish, miserly individual

819. cursive flowing, running

820. cursory casual; hastily done

821. curtail shorten; reduce

822. cynical skeptical or distrustful of human motives

823. cynosure the object of general attention

824. dabble work at in a non-serious fashion; splasharound

825. dais raised platform for guests of honor

826. dank damp

827. dapper neat and trim

828. dappled spotted

829. daub smear (as with paint)

830. daunt intimidate; frighten

831. dauntless bold

832. dawdle loiter; waste time

833. deadlock standstill; stalemate

834. deadpan wooden; impersonal

835. dearth scarcity

836. debacle sudden downfall; complete disaster

837. debase reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem;degrade

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838. debauch corrupt; seduce from virtue

839. debilitate weaken; enfeeble

840. debonair friendly; aiming to please

841. debris rubble

842. debunk expose as false, exaggerated, worthless,etc; ridicule

843. debutante young woman making formal entrance intosociety

844. decadence decay

845. decapitate behead

846. decelerate slow down

847. deciduous falling off as of leaves

848. decimate kill, usually one out of ten

849. decipher interpret secret code

850. declivity downward slope

851. decollete having a low-necked dress

852. decomposition decay

853. decorum propriety; orderliness and good taste inmanners

854. decoy lure or bait

855. decrepit worm out by age

856. decry express strong disapproval of; disparage

857. deducible drived by reasoning

858. deface mar; disfigure

859. defame harm someone's reputation; malign;slander

860. default failure to act

861. defeatist attitude of one who is ready to accept defeatas a natural outcome

862. defection desertion

863. defer give in respectfully; submit

864. defer delay till later; exempt temporarily

865. deference courteous regard for another's wish

866. defiance refusal to yield; resistance

867. defile pollute; profane

868. definitive final; complete

869. deflect turn aside

870. defray pay the costs of

871. deft neat; skillful

872. defunct dead; no longer in use or existence

873. defuse remove the fuse of a bomb; reduce or eliminatea threat

874. degenerate become worse; deteriorate

875. degradation humiliation; debasement; degeneration

876. dehydrate remove water from; dry out

877. deify turn into a god; idolize

878. deign condescend; stoop

879. delectable delightful; delicious

880. deleterious harmful

881. deliberate consider; ponder

882. delineate portray; depict; sketch

883. delirium mental disorder marked by confusion

884. delte erase; strike out

885. delude deceive

886. deluge flood; rush

887. delusion false belief; hallucination

888. delve dig; investigate

889. demagogue person who appeals to people's prejudice

890. demean degrade; humiliate

891. demeanor behavior; bearing

892. demented insane

893. demise death

894. demolition destruction

895. demoniac fiendish

896. demur object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate

897. demure grave; serious; coy

898. demystify clarify; free from mystery or obscurity

899. denigrate blacken

900. denizen inhabitant or resident; regular visitor

901. denotation meaning; distinguishing by name

902. denouement outcome; final development of the plot of aplay

903. denounce condemn; criticize

904. depict portray

905. deplete reduce; exhaust

906. deplore regret; disapprove of

907. deploy spread out [troops] in an extended thoughshallow battle line

908. depose dethrone; remove from office

909. deposition testimony under oath

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910. depravity extreme corruption; wickedness

911. deprecate express disapproval of; protest against;belittle

912. depreciate lessen in value

913. depredation plundering

914. derange make insane; disarrange

915. derelict abandoned; negligent

916. deride ridicule; make fun of

917. derivative unoriginal; derived from another source

918. derogatory expressing a low opinion

919. descant discuss fully

920. descry catch sight of

921. desecrate profane; violate the sanctity of

922. desiccate dry up

923. desolate unpopulated

924. desolate rob of joy; lay waste to; forsake

925. despise look on with scorn; regard as worthless ordistasteful

926. despoil strip of valuables; rob

927. despondent depressed; gloomy

928. despot tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler

929. destitute extremely poor

930. desultory aimless; haphazard; digressing at random

931. detached emotionally removed; calm and objective;physically unconnected

932. detergent cleansing agent

933. determination resolve; measurement or calculation;decision

934. deterrent something that discourages; hindrance

935. detraction slandering; aspersion

936. detrimental harmful; damaging

937. deviate turn away from (a principle, norm); depart;diverge

938. devious roundabout; erratic; not straightforward

939. devise think up; invent; plan

940. devoid lacking

941. devotee enthusiastic follower

942. devout pious

943. dexterous skillful

944. diabolical devilish

945. diagnosis art of identifying a disease; analysis of acondition

946. dialectical relating to the art of debate; mutual orreciprocal

947. diaphanous sheer; transparent

948. diatribe bitter scolding; invective

949. dichotomy split; branching into two parts (especiallycontradictory ones)

950. dictum authoritative and weighty statement;saying; maxim

951. didactic teaching; instructional

952. differentiate distinguish; perceive a difference between

953. diffidence shyness

954. diffuse wordy; rambling; spread out (like a gas)

955. digression wandering away from the subject

956. dilapidated ruined because of neglect

957. dilate expand

958. dilatory delaying

959. dilemma problem; choice of two unsatisfactoryalternatives

960. dilettante aimless follower of the arts; amateur;dabbler

961. diligence steadiness of effort; persistent hard work

962. dilute make less concentrated; reduce in strength

963. diminution lessening; reduction in size

964. din continued loud noise

965. dingy dull; not fresh; cheerless

966. dint means; effort

967. dire disastrous

968. dirge lament with music

969. disabuse correct a false impression; undeceive

970. disaffected disloyal

971. disapprobation disapproval; condemnation

972. disarray a disorderly or untidy state

973. disavowal denial; disclaiming

974. disband dissolve; disperse

975. disburse pay out

976. discernible distinguishable; perceivable

977. discerning mentally quick and observant; havinginsight

978. disclaim disown; renounce claim to

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979. disclose reveal

980. discombobulated confused; discomposed

981. discomfit put to rout; defeat; disconcert

982. discomposure agitation; loss of poise

983. disconcert confuse; upset; embarrass

984. disconsolate sad

985. discord conflict; lack of harmony

986. discordant not harmonious; conflicting

987. discount disregard; dismiss

988. discourse formal discussion; conversation

989. discredit defame; destroy confidence in;conversation

990. discrepancy lack of consistency; difference

991. discrete separate; unconnected

992. discretion prudence; ability to adjust actions tocircumstances

993. discriminating able to see differences; prejudiced

994. discursive digressing; rambling

995. disdain view with scorn or contempt

996. disembark go ashore; unload cargo from a ship

997. disenfranchise deprive of a civil right

998. disengage uncouple; separate; disconnect

999. disfigure mar in beauty; spoil

1000. disgorge surrender something; eject; vomit

1001. disgruntle make discontented

1002. dishearten discourage; cause to lose courage orhope

1003. disheveled untidy

1004. disinclination unwillingness

1005. disingenuous lacking genuine candor; insincere

1006. disinter dig up; unearth

1007. disinterested unprejudiced

1008. disjointed disconnected

1009. dislodge remove (forcibly)

1010. dismantle take apart

1011. dismay discourage; frighten

1012. dismember cut into small parts

1013. dismiss put away from consideration; reject

1014. disparage belittle

1015. disparate basically different; unrelated

1016. disparity difference; condition of inequality

1017. dispassionate calm; impartial

1018. dispatch speediness; prompt execution; messagesent with all due speed

1019. dispel scatter; drive away; cause to vanish

1020. disperse scatter

1021. dispirited lacking in spirit

1022. disputatious argumentative; fond of arguing

1023. disquite make uneasy or anxious

1024. dissection analysis; cutting apart in order to examine

1025. dissemble disguise; pretend

1026. disseminate distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)

1027. dissent disagree

1028. dissertation formal essay

1029. dissident dissenting; rebellious

1030. dissimulate pretend; conceal by feigning

1031. dissipate squander; waste; scatter

1032. dissolute loose in morals

1033. dissolution breaking of a union; decay; termination

1034. dissonance discord

1035. dissuade persuade not to do; discourage

1036. distant reserved or aloof; cold in manner

1037. distend expand; swell out

1038. distill extract the essence; purify; refine

1039. distinction honor; contrast; discrimination

1040. distort twist out of shape

1041. distraught upset; distracted by anxiety

1042. diurnal daily

1043. diva operatic singer; prima donna

1044. diverge vary; go in different directions from thesame point

1045. divergent differing; deviating

1046. diverse differing in some characteristics; various

1047. diversion act of turning aside; pastime

1048. diversity variety; dissimilitude

1049. divest strip; deprive

1050. divine perceive intuitively; foresee the future

1051. divulge reveal

1052. docile obedient; easily managed

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1053. doctrinaire unable to compromise about points ofdoctrine; dogmatic; unyielding

1054. doctrine teachings, in general; particular principle(religious, legal, etc.) taught

1055. document provide written evidence

1056. dogged determined; stubborn

1057. doggerel poor verse

1058. dogmatic opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal

1059. doldrums blues; listlessness; slack period

1060. doleful sorrowful

1061. dolt stupid person

1062. domicile home

1063. domineer rule over tyrannically

1064. don put on

1065. doodle scribble or draw aimlessly; waste time

1066. dormant sleeping; lethargic; latent

1067. dossier file of documents of a subject

1068. dote be excessively fond of; show signs of mentaldecline

1069. douse plunge into water; drench; extinguish

1070. dowdy slovenly; untidy

1071. downcast disheartened; sad

1072. drab dull; lacking color; cheerless

1073. draconian extremely severe

1074. dregs sediment; worthless residue

1075. drivel nonsense; foolishness

1076. droll queer and amusing

1077. drone talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee

1078. drone idle person; male bee

1079. dross waste matter; worthless impurities

1080. drudgery menial work

1081. dubious questionable; filled with doubt

1082. ductile malleable; flexible; pliable

1083. dulcet sweet sounding

1084. dumbfound astonish

1085. dupe someone easily fooled

1086. duplicity double-dealing; hypocrisy

1087. duration length of time something lasts

1088. duress forcible restraint, especially unlawfully

1089. dutiful respectful; obedient

1090. dwarf cause to seem small

1091. dwindle shrink; reduce

1092. dynamic energetic; vigorously active

1093. earthly unrefined; coarse

1094. ebb recede; lessen

1095. ebullient showing excitement; overflowing withenthusiasm

1096. eccentric irregular; odd; whimsical; bizzare

1097. eccentricity oddity; idiosyncrasy

1098. ecclesiastic pertaining to the church

1099. eclectic composed of elements drawn from disparatesources

1100. eclipse darken; extinguish; surpass

1101. ecologist a person concerned with theinterrelationship between living organismsand their environment

1102. economy efficiency of conciseness in using something

1103. ecstasy rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion

1104. edict decree (especially issued by a sovereign);official command

1105. edify instruct; correct morally

1106. eerie weird

1107. efface rub out

1108. effectual able to produce a desire effect; valid

1109. effervescence inner excitement or exuberance; bubblingfrom fermentation or carbonation

1110. effete lacking vigor; worn out; sterile

1111. efficacy power to produce desired effect

1112. effrontery shameless boldness

1113. effusive pouring forth; gushing

1114. egoism excessive interest in one's self; belief thatone should be interested in one's self ratherthan in others

1115. egotistical excessively self-centered; self-important;conceited

1116. egregious notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking

1117. egress exit

1118. ejaculation exclamation

1119. elaboration addition of details; intricacy

1120. elated overjoyed; in high spirits

1121. elegy poem or song expressing lamentation

1122. elicit draw out by discussion

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1123. elixir cure-all; something invigorating

1124. ellipsis omission of words from a text

1125. elliptical oval; ambiguous, either purposely orbecause key words have been left out

1126. eloquence expressiveness; persuasive speech

1127. elucidate explain; enlighten

1128. elusive evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

1129. emaciated thing and wasted

1130. emanate issue forth

1131. emancipate set free

1132. embargo ban on commerce or other activity

1133. embark commence; go on board a boat or airplane;begin a journey

1134. embed enclose; place in something

1135. embellish adorn; ornament

1136. embezzlement stealing

1137. embody personify; make concrete; incorporate

1138. embrace hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily;encircle; include

1139. embroider decorate with needlework; ornament withfancy or fictitious details

1140. embroil throw into confusion; involve in strife;entangle

1141. embryonic undeveloped; rudimentary

1142. emend correct; correct by a critic

1143. emendation correction or errors; improvement

1144. eminent high; lofty

1145. emissary agent; messenger

1146. empathy ability to identify with another's feelings,ideas, etc.

1147. empirical based on experience

1148. emulate imitate; rival

1149. enamored in love

1150. encipher encode; convert a message into code

1151. enclave territory enclosed within an alien land

1152. encomium high praise; eulogy

1153. encompass surround

1154. encroachment gradual intrusion

1155. encumber burden

1156. endearment fond statement

1157. endemic prevailing among a specific group of peopleor in a specific area or country

1158. endorse approve; support

1159. enduring lasting; surviving

1160. energize invigorate; make forceful and active

1161. enervate weaken

1162. enfranchise to admit to the rights of citizenship(especially the right to vote)

1163. engage attract; hire; pledge oneself; confront

1164. engaging charming; attractive

1165. engender cause; produce

1166. engross occupy fully

1167. enhance increase; improve

1168. enigma puzzle; mystery

1169. enmity ill will; hatred

1170. ennui boredom

1171. enormity hugeness (in a bad sense)

1172. enrapture please intensely

1173. ensconce settle comfortably

1174. ensemble group of (supporting) players; organic unity;costume

1175. entail require; necessitate; involve

1176. enterprising full of initiative

1177. enthrall capture; enslave

1178. entice lure; attract; tempt

1179. entitlement right to claim something; right to benefits

1180. entity real being

1181. entourage group of attendants; retinue

1182. entrance put under a spell; carry away with emotion

1183. entreat plead; ask earnestly

1184. entrepreneur businessman; contractor

1185. enumerate list; mention one by one

1186. enunciate speak distinctly

1187. eon long period of time; an age

1188. ephemeral short-lived; fleeting

1189. epic long heroic poem, or similar work of art

1190. epicure connoisseur of food and drink

1191. epigram witty thought or saying, usually short

1192. epilogue short speech at conclusion of dramatic work

1193. episodic loosely connected; divided into incidents

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1194. epistolary consisting of letters

1195. epitaph inscription in memory of a dead person

1196. epithet word of phrase characteristically used todescribe a person a thing

1197. epitome perfect example or embodiment

1198. epoch period of time

1199. equable tranquil; steady; uniform

1200. equanimity calmness of temperament; composure

1201. equilibrium balance

1202. equinox period of equal days and nights; thebeginning of Spring and Autumn

1203. equitable fair; impartial

1204. equity fairness; justice

1205. equivocal ambiguous; intentionally misleading

1206. equivocate lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth

1207. erode eat away

1208. erotic arousing sexual desire; pertaining to sexuallove

1209. erratic odd; unpredictable

1210. erudite learned; scholarly

1211. escapade prank; flighty conduct

1212. escapism avoiding reality by diverting oneself withamusements

1213. eschew avoid

1214. esoteric hard to understand; known only to the chosenfew

1215. espionage spying

1216. espouse adopt; support

1217. esteem respect; value

1218. estranged separated; alienated

1219. ethereal light; heavenly; unusually refined

1220. ethnic relating to races

1221. ethos underlying character of a culture, group, etc.

1222. etymology study of word parts

1223. eulogy expression of praise, often on the occasion ofsomeone's death

1224. euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one

1225. euphonious pleasing in sound

1226. euphoria feeling of great happiness and well-being(sometimes exaggerated)

1227. evanescent fleeting; vanishing

1228. evasive not frank; eluding

1229. evenhanded impartial; fair

1230. evince show clearly

1231. evocative tending to call up (emotions, memories)

1232. exacerbate worsen; embitter

1233. exacting extremely demanding

1234. exalt raise in rank or dignity; praise

1235. exasperate vex

1236. exceptionable objectionable

1237. excerpt selected passage (written or musical)

1238. excise cut away; cut out

1239. exclaim cry out suddenly

1240. excoriate scold with biting harshness; strip the skinoff

1241. exculpate clear from blame

1242. execrable very bad

1243. execute put into effect; carry out

1244. exegesis explanation; interpretation, especially of abiblical text

1245. exemplary serving as a model; outstanding

1246. exemplify serve as an example of; embody

1247. exempt not subject to a duty, obligation

1248. exertion effort; expenditure of much physical work

1249. exhaustive thorough; comprehensive

1250. exhilarating invigorating and refreshing; cheering

1251. exhort urge

1252. exhume dig out of the ground; remove from the grave

1253. exigency urgent situation

1254. exodus departure

1255. exonerate acquit; exculpate

1256. exorbitant excessive

1257. exorcise drive out evil spirits

1258. exotic not native; strange

1259. expansive outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive;able to increase in size

1260. expatriate exile; someone who has withdrawn fromhis native land

1261. expedient suitable; practical; politic

1262. expedite hasten

1263. expenditure payment or expense; output

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1264. expertise specialized knowledge; expert skill

1265. expiate make amends for (a sin)

1266. expletive interjection; profane oath

1267. explicate explain; interpret; clarify

1268. explicit totally clear; definite; outspoken

1269. exploit make use of, sometimes unjustly

1270. exploit deed or action, particularly a brave deed

1271. expository explanatory; serving to explain

1272. exposure risk, particularly of being exposed to diseaseor to the elements; unmasking; act of layingsomething open

1273. expropriate take possession of

1274. expunge cancel; remove

1275. expurgate clean; remove offensive parts of a book

1276. extant still in existence

1277. extent degree; magnitude; scope

1278. extenuate weaken; mitigate

1279. extol praise; glorify

1280. extort wring from; get money by threats, etc.

1281. extradition surrender of prisoner by one state to another

1282. extraneous not essential; superfluous

1283. extrapolation projection; conjecture

1284. extricate free; disentangle

1285. extrinsic external; not essential; extraneous

1286. extrovert person interested mostly in external objectsand actions

1287. extrude force or push out

1288. exuberance overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm;flamboyance; lavishness

1289. exude discharge; give forth

1290. exult rejoice

1291. fabricate build; lie

1292. facade front (of building); superficial or falseappearance

1293. facet small plane surface (of a gem); a side

1294. facetious joking (often inappropriately); humorous

1295. facile easily accomplished; ready or fluent;superficial

1296. facilitate help bring about; make less difficult

1297. facsimile copy

1298. faction party; clique; dissension

1299. faculty mental or bodily powers; teaching staff

1300. fallacious false; misleading

1301. fallible liable to err

1302. fallow plowed but not sowed; uncultivated

1303. falter hesitate

1304. fanaticism excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief orcause

1305. fancy notion; whim; inclination

1306. fanfare call by bugles or trumpets

1307. farce broad comedy; mockery

1308. fastidious difficult to please; squeamish

1309. fatalism belief that events are determined by forces

1310. fathom comprehend; investigate

1311. fatuous foolish; inane

1312. fauna animals of a period or region

1313. fawning courting favor by cringing and flattering

1314. faze disconcert; dismay

1315. feasible practical

1316. fecundity fertility; fruitfulness

1317. feign pretend

1318. feint trick; shift; sham blow

1319. felicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen

1320. felicity happiness; appropriateness (of a remark,choice, etc.)

1321. fell cut or knock down; bring down (with a missile)

1322. fell cruel; deadly

1323. felon person convicted of a grave crime

1324. feral not domestic; wild

1325. ferment agitation; commotion

1326. ferret drive or hunt out of hiding

1327. fervent ardent; hot

1328. fervid ardent

1329. fervor glowing ardor; intensity of feeling

1330. fester rankle; produce irritation or resentment

1331. festive joyous; celebratory

1332. fetid malodorous

1333. fetter shackle

1334. fiasco total failure

1335. fickle changeable; faithless

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1336. fictitious imaginary

1337. fidelity loyalty

1338. figment invention; imaginary thing

1339. figurative not literal, but metaphorical; using a figureof speech

1340. filament fine thread or fiber; threadlike structurewithin a lightbulb

1341. filch steal

1342. filial pertaining to a son or daughter

1343. filibuster to block legislation by making longspeeches

1344. finale conclusion

1345. finesse delicate skill

1346. finicky too particular; fussy

1347. firebrand hothead; troublemaker

1348. fissure crevice

1349. fitful spasmodic; intermittent

1350. flabbergasted astounded; astonished; overcome withsurprise

1351. flaccid flabby

1352. flag droop; grow feeble

1353. flagrant conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous

1354. flair talent

1355. flamboyant ornate

1356. flaunt display ostentatiously

1357. fleck spot

1358. fledgling inexperienced

1359. fleece wool coat of a sheep

1360. fleece rob; plunder

1361. flick light stroke as with a whip

1362. flinch hesitate, shrink

1363. flippant lacking proper seriousness

1364. flit fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by

1365. flora plants of a region or era

1366. florid ruddy; reddish; flowery

1367. flounder struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsilyor falter

1368. flourish grow well; prosper; decorate withornaments

1369. flout reject; mock

1370. fluctuate waver; shift

1371. fluency smoothness of speech

1372. fluke unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune

1373. fluster confuse

1374. flux flowing; series of changes

1375. fodder coarse of food for cattle, horses, etc.

1376. foible weakness; slight fault

1377. foil defeat; frustrate

1378. foil contrast

1379. foment stir up; instigate

1380. foolhardy rash

1381. fop dandy; man excessively concerned with hisclothes

1382. forbearance patience

1383. forebears ancestors

1384. foreboding premonition of evil

1385. forensic suitable to debate or courts of law

1386. foreshadow give an indication beforehand; portend;prefigure

1387. foresight ability to foresee future happenings; prudence

1388. forestall prevent by taking action in advance

1389. forgo give up; do without

1390. forlorn sad and lonely; wretched

1391. formality ceremonious quality; something done just forform's sake

1392. formidable inspiring fear or apprehension; difficult; awe-inspiring

1393. forsake desert; abandon; renounce

1394. forswear renounce; abandon

1395. forte strong point or special talent

1396. forthright outspoken; straightforward; frank

1397. fortitude bravery; courage

1398. fortuitous accidental; by chance

1399. forum place of assembly to discuss public concerns;meeting for discussion

1400. foster rear; encourage

1401. founder person who establishes (an oraganization,business)

1402. founder fail completely; sink

1403. fracas brawl, melee

1404. fractious unruly; disobedient; irritable

1405. frail weak

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1406. franchise right granted by authority; right to vote;business licensed to sell a product in aparticular territory

1407. frantic wild

1408. fraternize associate in a friendly way

1409. fraudulent cheating; deceitful

1410. fraught filled

1411. fray brawl

1412. frenetic frenzied; frantic

1413. frenzied madly excited

1414. fret to be annoyed or vexed

1415. friction clash in opinion; rubbing against

1416. frigid intensely cold

1417. frivolous lacking in seriousness; self-indulgentlycarefree; relatively unimportant

1418. frolicsome prankish; gay

1419. frugality thrift; economy

1420. fruition bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization

1421. frustrate thwart; defeat

1422. fugitive fleeting or transitory; roving

1423. fulcrum support on which a lever rests

1424. fulsome disgustingly excessive

1425. fundamental basic; primary; essential

1426. furlough leave of absence; vacation granted a soldieror civil servant

1427. furor frenzy; great excitement

1428. furtive stealthy; sneaky

1429. fusion union; blending; synthesis

1430. futile useless; hopeless; ineffectual

1431. gadfly animal-biting fly; an irritating person

1432. gaffe social blunder

1433. gainsay deny

1434. gait manner of walking or running; speed

1435. galaxy large, isolated system of stars, such as theMilky Way; any collection of brilliantpersonalities

1436. gale windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst(laughter, tears)

1437. gall bitterness; nerve

1438. gall annoy; chafe

1439. galvanize stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize

1440. gambit opening in chess in which a piece issacrificed

1441. gambol skip; leap playfully

1442. gamely bravely; with spirit

1443. gamut entire range

1444. gape open widely; stare open-mouthed

1445. garbled mixed up; jumbled; distorted

1446. gargantuan huge; enormous

1447. garish over-brighted in color; gaudy

1448. garner gather; store up

1449. garnish decorate

1450. garrulous loquacious; wordy; talkative

1451. gauche clumsy; coarse and uncouth

1452. gaudy flashy; showy

1453. gaunt lean and angular; barren

1454. gavel hammerlike tool; mallet

1455. gawk stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe

1456. genealogy record of descent; lineage

1457. generality vague statement

1458. generate cause; produce; create

1459. generic characteristic of an entire class or species

1460. genesis beginning; origin

1461. geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy

1462. genre particular variety of art or literature

1463. genteel well-bred; elegant

1464. gentility those of gentle birth; refinement

1465. gentry people of standing; class of people just belownobility

1466. germane pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand

1467. germinal pertaining to a germ; creative

1468. germinate cause to sprout; sprout

1469. gesticulation motion; gesture

1470. ghastly horrible

1471. gibberish nonsense; babbling

1472. gibe mock; taunt; scoff at

1473. gingerly very carefully

1474. girth distance around something; circumference

1475. gist essence

1476. glacial like a glacier; extremely cold

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1477. glaring highly conspicuous; harshly bright

1478. glaze cover with a think and shiny surface

1479. glib fluent; facile; slick

1480. glimmer shine erratically; twinkle

1481. gloat express evil satisfaction; view malevolently

1482. gloss over explain away

1483. glossary brief explanation of words used in the text

1484. glossy smooth and shining

1485. glower scowl

1486. glut overstock; fill to excess

1487. glutton someone who eats too much

1488. gnarled twisted

1489. gnome dwarf; underground spirit

1490. goad urge on; spur; incite

1491. gorge stuff oneself

1492. gorge small, steep-walled canyon

1493. gory bloody

1494. gouge tear out

1495. gourmet connoisseur of food and drink

1496. graduated arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty,etc.)

1497. graft piece of transplanted tissue; portion ofplant inserted in another plant

1498. grandeur impressiveness; stateliness; majesty

1499. grandiloquent pompous; bombastic; using high-soundinglanguage

1500. grandiose pretentious; high-flown; ridiculouslyexaggerated; impressive

1501. granulate form into grains

1502. graphic pertaining to the art of delineating; vividlydescribed

1503. grapple wrestle; come to grips with

1504. grate make a harsh noise; have an unpleasanteffect; shred

1505. gratify please

1506. gratis free

1507. gratuitous given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for

1508. gravity seriousness

1509. gregarious sociable

1510. grievance cause of complaint

1511. grill question severely

1512. grimace a facial distortion to show feeling asuch aspain, disgust, etc.

1513. grisly ghastly

1514. grotesque fantastic; comically hideous

1515. grouse complain; fuss

1516. grovel crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate

1517. grudging unwilling; reluctant; stingy

1518. gruel liquid food made by boiling oatmeal, etc., inmilk or water

1519. grueling exhausting

1520. gruesome grisly; horrible

1521. gruff rough-mannered

1522. gruile deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning

1523. guileless without deceit

1524. guise appearance; costume

1525. gullible easily deceived

1526. gustatory affecting the sense of taste

1527. gusto enjoyment; enthusiasm

1528. gusty windy

1529. hackneyed commonplace; trite

1530. haggard wasted away; gaunt

1531. haggle argue about prices

1532. hallowed blessed; consecrated

1533. hallucination delusion

1534. halting hesitant; faltering

1535. hamper obstruct

1536. haphazard random; unsystematic; aimless

1537. harangue noisy speech

1538. harass to annoy by repeated attacks

1539. harbinger forerunner

1540. harbor provide a refuge for; hide

1541. hardy sturdy; robust; able to stand inclementweather

1542. harrowing agonizing; distressing; traumatic

1543. haughtiness pride; arrogance

1544. hazardous dangerous

1545. hazy slightly obscure

1546. headlong hasty; rash

1547. headstrong stubborn; willful; unyielding

1548. heckler person who harasses others

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1549. hedonist one who believes that pleasure is the soleaim in life

1550. heed pay attention to consider

1551. heedless not noticing; disregarding

1552. heinous atrocious; hatefully bad

1553. herbivorous grain-eating

1554. heresy opinion contrary to popular belief; opinioncontrary to accepted religion

1555. hermetic sealed by fusion so as to be airtight

1556. hermitage home of a hermit

1557. heterodox unorthodox; unconventional

1558. heterogeneous dissimilar; mixed

1559. heyday time of greatest success; prime

1560. hiatus gap; interruption in duration or continuity;pause

1561. hibernal wintry

1562. hibernate sleep throughout the winter

1563. hidrance block; obstacle

1564. hierarchy arrangement by rank or standing;authoritarian body divided into ranks

1565. hilarity biosterous mirth

1566. histrionic theatrical

1567. hoard stockpile; accumulate for future use

1568. hoary white with age

1569. hoax trick; deception; fraud

1570. hodgepodge jumble; mixture of ill-suited elements

1571. homage honor; tribute

1572. homogeneous of the same kind

1573. hone sharpen

1574. hoodwink deceive; delude

1575. horde crowd

1576. horticultural pertaining to cultivation of gardens

1577. host great number; person entertaining guests;animal or plant from which a parasite getsits nourishment

1578. hostility unfriendliness; hatred

1579. hovel shack; small, wretched house

1580. hover hang about; wait nearby

1581. hue color; aspect

1582. hulking massive; bulky; great in size

1583. humane marked by kindness or consideration

1584. humdrum dull; monotonous

1585. humid damp

1586. humility humbleness of spirit

1587. hurtle crash; rush

1588. husband use sparingly; conserve; save

1589. hybrid mongrel; mixed breed

1590. hydrophobia rabies; fear of water

1591. hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement

1592. hypercritical excessively exacting

1593. hypochondriac person unduly worried about his health;worrier without cause about illness

1594. hypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving

1595. hypothetical based on assumptions or hypotheses;supposed

1596. icon religious image; idol

1597. iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions

1598. ideology system of ideas of a group

1599. idiom expression whose meaning as a wholediffers from the meanings of its individualwords; distinctive style

1600. idiosyncrasy individual trait, usually odd in nature;eccentricity

1601. idolatry worship of idols; excessive admiration

1602. ignite kindle; light

1603. ignoble unworthy; base in nature; not noble

1604. ignominy deep disgrace; shame or dishonor

1605. illicit illegal

1606. illimitable infinite

1607. illuminate brighten; clear up or makeunderstandable; enlighten

1608. illusion misleading vision

1609. illusory deceptive; not real

1610. imbalance lack of balance or symmetry;disproportion

1611. imbibe drink in

1612. immaculate spotless; flawless; absolutely clean

1613. imminent near at hand; impending

1614. immobility state of being unable to move

1615. immune resistant to; free or exempt from

1616. immutable unchangeable

1617. impair injure; hurt

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1618. impale pierce

1619. impalpable imperceptible; intangible

1620. impart reveal or tell; grant

1621. impartial not biased; fair

1622. impassable not able to be traveled or crossed

1623. impasse predicament from which there is noescape; deadlock

1624. impassive without feeling; imperturbable; stoical

1625. impeach charge with crime in office; indict

1626. impeccable faultless

1627. impecunious without money

1628. impede hinder; block; delay

1629. impediment hindrance; stumbling-block

1630. impel drive or force onward

1631. impending nearing; approaching

1632. impenetrable not able to be pierced or entered; beyondunderstanding

1633. impenitent not repentant

1634. imperative absolutely necessary; critically important

1635. imperceptible unnoticeable; undetectable

1636. imperial like an emperor; related to an empire

1637. imperious domineering; haughty

1638. impermeable impervious; not permitting passagethrough its substance

1639. impertinent insolent; rude

1640. imperturbable calm; placid; composed

1641. impervious impenetrable; incapable of being damagedor distressed

1642. impetuous violent; hasty; rash

1643. impetus incentive; stimulus; moving force

1644. impiety irreverence; lack of respect for God

1645. impinge infringe; touch; collide with

1646. implacable incapable of being pacified

1647. implausible unlikely; unbelievable

1648. implement put into effect; supply with tools

1649. implicate incriminate; show to be involved

1650. implication something hinted at or suggested

1651. implicit understood but not stated

1652. implore beg

1653. imply suggest a meaning not expressed; signify

1654. imponderable not able to be determined precisely

1655. import importance; meaning

1656. importunate urging; demanding

1657. importune beg persistently

1658. impostor someone who assumes a false identity

1659. impotent weak; ineffective

1660. impoverished poor

1661. impregnable invulnerable

1662. impromptu without previous preparation; off the cuff;on the spur of the moment

1663. impropriety improperness; unsuitableness

1664. improvident thriftless

1665. improvise compose on the spur of the moment

1666. imprudent lacking caution; injudicious

1667. impudence impertinence; insolence

1668. impugn dispute or contradict (often in an insultingway); challenge; gainsay

1669. impunity freedom from punishment or harm

1670. imputation accusation; charge; rep

1671. inadvertently unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly

1672. inalienable not to be taken away; nontransferable

1673. inane silly; senseless

1674. inanimate lifeless

1675. inarticulate speechless; producing indistinct speech

1676. inaugurate start; initiate; install in office

1677. incandescent strikingly bright; shining with intense heat

1678. incantation singing or chanting of magic spells;magical formula

1679. incapacitate disable

1680. incarcerate imprison

1681. incarnation act of assuming a human body and humannature

1682. incense enrage; infuriate

1683. incentive spur; motive

1684. inception start; beginning

1685. incessant uninterrupted; unceasing

1686. inchoate recently begun; rudimentary; elementary

1687. incidence rate of occurrence; particular occurrence

1688. incidental not essential; minor

1689. incipient beginning; in an early stage

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1690. incisive cutting; sharp

1691. incite arouse to action; goad; motivate; induceto exist

1692. inclement stormy; unkind

1693. incline slope; slant

1694. inclined tending or leaning toward; bent

1695. inclusive tending to include all

1696. incoherence unintelligibility; lack of logic orrelevance

1697. incompatible inharmonious

1698. incongruous not fitting; absurd

1699. inconsequential insignificant; unimportant

1700. inconsistency state of being self-contradictory; lack ofuniformity or steadiness

1701. incontinent lacking self-restraint; licentious

1702. incontrovertible indisputable; not open to question

1703. incorporate introduce something into a larger whole;combine; unite

1704. incorporeal lacking a material body; insubstantial

1705. incorrigible not correctable

1706. incredulous withholding belief; skeptical

1707. increment increase

1708. incriminate accuse

1709. incubate hatch; scheme

1710. inculcate teach; instill

1711. incumbent obligatory; currently holding an office

1712. incur bring upon oneself

1713. incursion temporary invasion

1714. indefatigable tireless

1715. indelible not able to be erased

1716. indentation notch; deep recess

1717. indenture bind as servant or apprentice to master

1718. indeterminate uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite

1719. indicative suggestive; implying

1720. indices signs; indications

1721. indict charge

1722. indifferent unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre

1723. indigenous native

1724. indigent poor; destitute

1725. indignation anger at an injustice

1726. indignity offensive or insulting treatment

1727. indiscretion lack of tactfulness or sound judgment

1728. indiscriminate choosing at random; confused

1729. indisputable too certain to be disputed

1730. indissoluble permanent

1731. indoctrinate instruct in a doctrine or ideology

1732. indolent lazy

1733. indomitable unconquerable; unyielding

1734. indubitable unable to be doubted; unquestionable

1735. induce persuade; bring about

1736. indulgent humoring; yielding; lenient

1737. industrious diligent; hard-working

1738. inebriated habitually intoxicated; drunk

1739. ineffable unutterable; cannot be expressed

1740. ineffectual not effective; weak

1741. inefficacious not effective; unable to produce a desiredresult

1742. inept lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent

1743. inequity unfairness

1744. inert inactive; lacking power to move

1745. inevitable unavoidable

1746. inexorable relentless; unyielding; implacable

1747. infallible unerring

1748. infamous notoriously bad

1749. infantile childish

1750. infer deduce; conclude

1751. infernal pertaining to hell; devilish

1752. infidel unbeliever

1753. infiltrate pass into or through; penetrate (anorganization) sneakily

1754. infinitesimal exceedingly small; so small as to bealmost nonexistent

1755. infirmity weakness

1756. inflated exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with airor gas)

1757. influx flowing into

1758. informal absence of ceremony; casual

1759. infraction violation (of a rule or regulation); breach

1760. infuriate enrage; anger

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1761. infusion act of introducing or instilling a quality;liquid solution

1762. ingenious clever; resourceful

1763. ingenue an artless girl; an actress who playssuch parts

1764. ingenuous naive and trusting; young;unsophisticated

1765. ingrained deeply established; firmly rooted

1766. ingrate ungrateful person

1767. ingratiate make an effort to become popular with

1768. inherent firmly established by nature or habit

1769. inhibit restrain; retard or prevent

1770. inimical unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental

1771. inimitable matchless; not able to be imitated

1772. iniquitous wicked; immoral; unrighteous

1773. initiate begin; originate; receive into a group

1774. injuriuos harmful

1775. inkling hint

1776. innate inborn

1777. innocuous harmless

1778. innovation change; introduction of something new

1779. innovative novel; introducing a change

1780. innuendo hint; insinuation

1781. inopportune untimely; poorly chosen

1782. inordinate unrestrained; excessive

1783. inquisitor questioner (especially harsh);investigator

1784. insalubrious unwholesome; not healthful

1785. insatiable not easily satisfied; unquenchable;greedy

1786. inscrutable impenetrable; not readily understood;mysterious

1787. insensible unconscious; unresponsive

1788. insidious treacherous; stealthy; sly

1789. insightful discerning; perceptive

1790. insinuate hint; imply; creep in

1791. insipid lacking in flavor; dull

1792. insolence impudent disrespect; haughtiness

1793. insolvent bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts

1794. instigate urge; start; provoke

1795. insubordination disobedience; rebelliousness

1796. insubstantial lacking substance; insignificant; frail

1797. insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation

1798. insulated set apart; isolated

1799. insuperable insurmountable; unbeatable

1800. insurgent rebellious

1801. insurmountable overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable

1802. insurrection rebellion; uprising

1803. intangible not able to be perceived by touch; vague

1804. integral complete; necessary for completeness

1805. integrate make whole; combine; make into oneunit

1806. integrity uprightness; wholeness

1807. intellect higher mental powers

1808. intelligentsia the intelligent and educated classes[often used derogatorily]

1809. intemperate immoderate; excessive; extreme

1810. interim meantime

1811. interloper intruder; unwanted meddler

1812. interminable endless

1813. intermittent periodic; on and off

1814. interrogate question closely; cross-examine

1815. intervene come between

1816. intimacy closeness, often affectionate; privacy;familiarity

1817. intimate hint; suggest

1818. intimidate frighten

1819. intractable unruly; stubborn; unyielding

1820. intransigence refusal of any compromise; stubbornness

1821. intrepid fearless

1822. intricate complex; knotty; built-in

1823. introspective looking within oneself

1824. introvert one who is introspective; inclined tothink more about oneself

1825. intrude trespass; enter as an uninvited person

1826. intuition immediate insight; power of knowingwithout reasoning

1827. inundate overwhelm; flood; submerge

1828. inured accustomed; hardened

1829. invalidate weaken; destroy

1830. invasive tending to spread aggressively; intrusive

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1831. invective abuse

1832. inveigle entice; persuade; wheedle

1833. inverse opposite

1834. invert turn upside down or inside out

1835. inveterate deep-rooted; habitual

1836. invidious designed to create ill will or envy

1837. invigorate energize; stimulate

1838. invincible unconquerable

1839. inviolable secure from corruption, attack, orviolation; unassailable

1840. invocation prayer for help; calling upon as areference or support

1841. invoke call upon; ask for

1842. invulnerable incapable of injury

1843. iota very small quantity

1844. irascible irritable; easily angered

1845. irate angry

1846. irational illogical; lacking reason; insane

1847. ire anger

1848. iridescent exhibiting rainbowlike colors

1849. irksome annoying; tedious

1850. ironic resulting in a n unexpected and contraryoutcome

1851. irony hidden sarcasm or satire; use of w thatseem to mean the opposite of what theyactually mean

1852. irreconcilable incompatible; not able to be resolved

1853. irrefutable indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable

1854. irrelevant not applicable; unrelated

1855. irremediable incurable; uncorrectable

1856. irreparable not able to be corrected or repaired

1857. irrepressible unable to be restrained or held back

1858. irreproachable blameless; impeccable

1859. irresolute uncertain how to act; weak

1860. irretrievable impossible to recover or regain;irreparable

1861. irreverence lack of proper respect

1862. irrevocable unalterable; irreversible

1863. itinerant wandering; traveling

1864. itinerary plan of a trip

1865. jabber chatter rapidly or unintelligibly

1866. jaded fatigued; surfeited

1867. jargon language used by a special group;technical terminology; gibberish

1868. jaundiced prejudiced (envious, hostile or resentful);yellowed

1869. jaunt trip; short journey

1870. jaunty lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree

1871. jeopardize endanger; imperil; put at risk

1872. jettison throw overboard

1873. jingoist extremely aggressive and militant patriot;warlike chauvinist

1874. jocose given to joking

1875. jocular said ro done in jest

1876. jollity gaiety; cheerfulness

1877. jostle shove; bump

1878. jovial good-natured; merry

1879. jubilation rejoicing

1880. judicious sound in judgment; wise

1881. juncture crisis; joining point

1882. junta group of men joined in political intrigue;cabal

1883. jurisprudence science of law

1884. justification good or just reason; defense; excuse

1885. kernel central or vital part; whole seed (as ofcorn)

1886. killjoy grouch; spoilsport

1887. kindle start a fire; inspire

1888. kindred related; belonging to the same family

1889. kinetic producing motion

1890. kleptomaniac person who has a compulsive desire tosteal

1891. knave untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel

1892. knit contract into wrinkles; grow together

1893. knotty intricate; difficult; tangled

1894. kudos honor; glory; praise

1895. laborious demanding much work or care; tedious

1896. labyrinth maze

1897. laceration torn, ragged wound

1898. lachrymose producing tears

1899. lackadaisical lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted;languid

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1900. lackluster dull

1901. laconic brief and to the point

1902. laggard slow; sluggish

1903. lament grieve; express sorrow

1904. lampoon ridicule

1905. languid weary; sluggish; listless

1906. languish lose animation; lose strength

1907. languor lassitude; depression

1908. lap take in food or drink with one's tongue;splash gently

1909. larceny theft

1910. largess generous gift

1911. lassitude languor; weariness

1912. latent potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden

1913. lateral coming from the side

1914. latitude freedom from narrow limitations

1915. laud praise

1916. lavish generous; openhanded; extravagant;wasteful

1917. lax careless

1918. leaven cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven

1919. lecherous lustful; impure in thought and deed

1920. leery suspicious; cautious

1921. legacy a gift made by a will

1922. legend explanatory list of symbols on a map

1923. legerdemain sleight of hand

1924. leniency mildness; permissiveness

1925. lethal deadly

1926. lethargic drowsy; dull

1927. levity lack of seriousness; lightness

1928. levy impose (a fine); collect (a payment)

1929. lewd lustful

1930. lexicographer compiler of a dictionary

1931. lexicon dictionary

1932. liability drawback; debts

1933. liaison contact keeping parts of an organization incommunication; go-between; secret loveaffair

1934. libel defamatory statement; act of writingsomething that smears a person's character

1935. liberator one who sets free

1936. licentious amoral; lewd and alscivious; unrestrained

1937. lilliputian extremely small

1938. limber flexible

1939. limerick humorous short verse

1940. limpid clear; transparent; lucid

1941. linchpin something that holds or links various partstogether

1942. lineage descent; ancestry

1943. linger loiter or dawdle; continue or persist

1944. linguistic pertaining to language

1945. liniment ointment; lotion; salve

1946. lionize treat as a celebrity

1947. liquidate settle accounts; clear up

1948. list tilt; lean over

1949. listless lacking in spirit or energy

1950. lithe flexible; supple

1951. litigation lawsuite

1952. livid lead-colored; black and blue; enraged

1953. loath reluctant; disinclined

1954. loathe detest

1955. lofty very high

1956. log record of a voyage or flight; record of day to dayactivities

1957. loiter hang around; linger

1958. loll lounge about

1959. longevity long life

1960. loom appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged ordistorted form)

1961. lope gallop slowly

1962. loquacious talkative

1963. lout clumsy person

1964. lucid easily understood; clear; intelligilbe

1965. lucrative profitable

1966. ludicrous ridiculous; laughable; absurd

1967. lugubrious mournful

1968. lull soothe; cause one to relax one's guard; subside

1969. lull moment of calm

1970. lumber move heavily or clumsily

1971. luminary celebrity; dignitary

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1972. luminous shining; issuing light

1973. lummox big, clumsy, often stupid person

1974. lunge quickly dive forward; thrust

1975. lurid wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome

1976. lurk stealthily lie in waiting; slink; existunperceived

1977. luscious pleasing to taste or smell

1978. luster shine; gloss

1979. lustrous shining

1980. luxuriant abundant; rich and splendid; fertile

1981. machinations evil schemes or plots

1982. madrigal pastoral song

1983. maelstrom whirlpool

1984. magnanimous generous; great-hearted

1985. magnate person of prominence or influence

1986. magnitude greatness; extent

1987. maim mutilate; injure

1988. maladroit clumsy; bungling

1989. malady illness

1990. malaise uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health

1991. malapropism comic misuse of a word

1992. malcontent person dissatisfied with existing state ofaffairs

1993. malediction curse

1994. malefactor evildoer; criminal

1995. malevolent wishing evil

1996. malfeasance wrongdoing

1997. malicious hateful; spiteful

1998. malign speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame

1999. malignant injurious; tending to cause death;aggressively malevolent

2000. malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty

2001. malleable capable of being shaped by pounding;impressionable

2002. malodorous foul-smelling

2003. mammal a vertebrate animal whose female sucklesits young

2004. mammoth gigantic; enormous

2005. mandate order; charge

2006. mandatory obligatory; compulsory

2007. maniacal raging mad; insane

2008. manifest evident; visible; obvious

2009. manifesto declaration; statement of policy

2010. manipulate operate with one's hands; control or playupon (people, forces, etc.) artfully

2011. mannered affected; not natural

2012. marital pertaining to marriage

2013. marked noticeable or pronounced; targeted forvengeance

2014. marred damaged; disfigured

2015. marshal put in order

2016. marsupial one of a family of mammals that nurse theiroffspring in a pouch

2017. martial warlike

2018. martinet strict disciplinarian

2019. martyr one who voluntarily suffers death for his orher religion or cause; great sufferer

2020. masochist person who enjoys his own pain

2021. material made of physical matter; unspiritual;important

2022. materialism preoccupation with physical comforts andthings

2023. maternal motherly

2024. matriarch woman who rules a family or larger socialgroup

2025. matriculate enroll (in college or graduate school)

2026. matrix point of origin; array of numbers or algebraicsymbols; mold or die

2027. maudlin effusively sentimental

2028. maul handle roughly

2029. maverick rebel; nonconformist

2030. mawkish mushy and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental;maudlin

2031. maxim proverb; a truth pithily stated

2032. meager scanty; inadequate

2033. meander wind or turn in its course

2034. meddlesome interfering

2035. mediate settle a dispute through the services of anoutsider

2036. mediocre ordinary; commonplace

2037. meditation reflection; thought

2038. medley mixture

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2039. meek quiet and obedient; spiritless

2040. melancholy gloomy; morose; blue

2041. mellifluous sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious

2042. membrane thin soft sheet of animal or vegetabletissue

2043. memento token; reminder

2044. menagerie collection of wild animals

2045. mendacious lying; habitually dishonest

2046. mendicant beggar

2047. menial suitable for servant; lowly; mean

2048. mentor teacher

2049. mercenary interested in money or gain

2050. mercurial capricious; changing; fickle

2051. merger combination (of two businesscorporations)

2052. mesmerize hypnotize

2053. metallurgical pertaining to the art of removing metalsfrom ores

2054. metamorphosis change of form; major transformation

2055. metaphor implied comparison

2056. metaphysical pertaining to speculative philosophy

2057. methodical systematic

2058. meticulous excessively careful; painstaking;scrupulous

2059. metropolis large city

2060. mettle courage; spirit

2061. miasma swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere,often emanating from decaying matter;pervasive corrupting influence

2062. microcosm small world; the world in miniature

2063. migrant changing its habitat; wandering

2064. migratory wandering

2065. milieu environment; means of expression

2066. militant combative; bellicose

2067. mimicry imitation

2068. mincing affectedly dainty

2069. minuscule extremely small

2070. minute extremely small

2071. minutiae petty details

2072. mirage unreal reflection;optical illusion

2073. mire entangle; stick in swampy ground

2074. mirth merriment; laughter

2075. misanthrope one who hates mankind

2076. misapprehension error; misunderstanding

2077. miscellany mixture of writings on various subjects

2078. mischance ill luck

2079. misconception mistaken idea

2080. misconstrue interpret incorrectly; misjudge

2081. misdemeanor minor crime

2082. miserly stingy; mean

2083. misgivings doubts

2084. mishap accident

2085. misnomer wrong name; incorrect designation

2086. misrepresent give a false or incorrect impression,often deliberately; serveunsatisfactorily as a representative

2087. missile object to be thrown or projected

2088. missive letter

2089. mite very small object or creature; smallcoin

2090. mitigate appease; moderate

2091. mnemonic pertaining to memory

2092. mobile movable; not fixed

2093. mock ridicule; imitate, often in derision

2094. mode prevailing style; manner; way of doingsomething

2095. modicum limited quantity

2096. modulate tone down in intensity; regulate;change from one key to another

2097. molecule the smallest particle (one or moreatoms) of a substance, having all theproperties of that substance

2098. mollify soothe

2099. molten melted

2100. momentous very important

2101. momentum quantity of motion of a moving body;impetus

2102. monarchy government under a single ruler

2103. monastic related to monks or monasteries;removed from wordly concerns

2104. monetary pertaining to money

2105. monochromatic having only one color

2106. monolithic solidly uniform; unyielding

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2107. monosyllabic having only one syllable

2108. monotony sameness leading to boredom

2109. montage photographic composition combiningelements from different sources

2110. monumental massive

2111. moodiness fits of depression or gloom

2112. moratorium legal delay of payment

2113. morbid given to unwholesome thought; moody;characteristic of disease

2114. mores conventions; moral standards; customs

2115. moribund dying

2116. morose ill-humored; sullen; melancholy

2117. mortician undertaker

2118. mortify humiliate; punish the flesh

2119. mosaic picture made of colorful small inlaid tiles

2120. mote small speck

2121. motif theme

2122. motley multi-colored; mixed

2123. mottled blotched in coloring; spotted

2124. muddle confuse; mix up

2125. muggy warm and damp

2126. multifaceted having many aspects

2127. multifarious varied; greatly diversified

2128. multiform having many languages

2129. multilingual having many languages

2130. multiplicity state of being numerous

2131. mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday

2132. munificent very generous

2133. mural wall painting

2134. murky dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague

2135. muse ponder

2136. mushroom expand or grow rapidly

2137. musky having the odor of musk

2138. muster gather; assemble

2139. musty stale; spoiled by age

2140. mutability ability to change in form; fickleness

2141. muted silent; muffled; toned down

2142. mutinous unruly; rebellious

2143. myopic nearsighted; lacking foresight

2144. myriad very large number

2145. mystify bewilder purposely

2146. nadir lowest point

2147. naivete quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity;artlessness; gullibility

2148. narcissist conceited person; someone in love with hisown image

2149. narrative related to telling a story

2150. nascent incipient; coming into being

2151. natty neatly or smartly dressed

2152. nauseate cause to become sick; fill with disgust

2153. nautical pertaining to ships or navigation

2154. navigable wide and deep enough to allow ships topass through; able to be steered

2155. nebulous vague; hazy; cloudy

2156. necromancy black magic; dealings with the dead

2157. nefarious very wicked

2158. negate cancel out; nullify; deny

2159. negligence neglect; failure to take reasonable care

2160. negligible so small, trifling, or unimportant that itmay be easily disregarded

2161. nemesis someone seeking revenge

2162. neologism new or newly coined word or phrase

2163. neophyte recent convert; beginner

2164. nepotism favoritism (to a relative)

2165. nettle annoy; vex

2166. neutral impartial; not supporting one side overanother

2167. nicety subtlety; precision; minute distinction; finepoint

2168. nihilist one who believes traditional beliefs to begroundless and existence meaningless;absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist

2169. nip stop something's growth or development;snip off; bite; make numb with cold

2170. nirvana in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state inwhich the individual loses himself in theattainment of an impersonal beatitude

2171. nocturnal done at night

2172. noisome foul-smelling; unwholesome

2173. nomadic wandering

2174. nomenclature terminology; system of names

2175. nominal in name only; trifling

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2176. nonchalance indifference; lack of concern; composure

2177. noncommittal neutral; unpledged; undecided

2178. nondescript undistinctive; ordinary

2179. nonentity person of no importance; nonexistence

2180. nonplus bring to halt by confusion; perplex

2181. nostalgia homesickness; longing for the past

2182. notable conspicuous; important; distinguished

2183. notoriety disrepute; ill fame

2184. novelty something new; newness

2185. novice beginner

2186. noxious harmful

2187. nuance shade of difference in meaning or color;subtle distinction

2188. nullify to make invalid

2189. nuptial related to marriage

2190. nurture nourish; educate; foster

2191. nutrient nourishing substance

2192. oaf stupid, awkward person

2193. obdurate stubborn

2194. obese fat

2195. obfuscate confuse; muddle; cause confusion; makeneedlessly complex

2196. obituary death notice

2197. objective not influenced by emotions; fiar

2198. objective goal; aim

2199. obligatory binding; required

2200. oblique indirect; slanting (deviating from theperpendicular or from a straight line)

2201. obliterate destroy completely

2202. oblivion obscurity; forgetfulness

2203. oblivious inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed

2204. obnoxious offensive; objectionable

2205. obscure darken; make unclear

2206. obscure dark; vague; unclear

2207. obsequious slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic

2208. obsessive related to thinking about somethingconstantly; preoccupying

2209. obsolete no longer useful;; outmoded; antiquated

2210. obstinate stubborn; hard to control or treat

2211. obstreperous boisterous; noisy

2212. obtrude push (oneself or one's ideas) forward orintrude; butt in; stick out or extrude

2213. obtuse blunt; stupid

2214. obviate prevent; make unnecessary

2215. odious hateful; vile

2216. odium strong dislike or contempt; hatefulness;disrepute

2217. odorous having an odor

2218. odyssey long, eventful journey

2219. offensive attacking; insulting; distasteful

2220. offhand casual; done with prior thought

2221. officious meddlesome; excessively pushy in offeringone's services

2222. ogle look at amorously; make eyes at

2223. olfactory concerning the sense of smell

2224. oligarchy government by a privileged few

2225. ominous threatening

2226. ominscient all-knowing

2227. omniovrous eating both plant and animal food;devouring everything

2228. omnipotent all-powerful

2229. omnipresent universally present; ubiquitous

2230. onerous burdensome

2231. onset beginning; attack

2232. onus burden; responsibility

2233. opalescent iridescent; lustrous

2234. opaque dark; not transparent

2235. opiate medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain;something that relieves emotions or causesinaction

2236. opportune timely; well-chosen

2237. opportunist individual who sacrifices principles forexpediency by taking advantage ofcircumstances

2238. optimist person who looks on the good side

2239. optimum most favorable

2240. optional not obligatory; left to one's choice

2241. opulence extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance

2242. opus work

2243. oracular prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority;mysterious or ambiguous

2244. orator public speaker

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2245. ordain decree or command; grant holy orders;predestine

2246. ordeal severe trail or affliction

2247. ordinance decree

2248. ordination ceremony making someone a minister

2249. orgy wild, drunken revelry; unrestrainedindulgence in a tendency

2250. orient get one's bearings; adjust

2251. orientation act of finding oneself in society

2252. ornate excessively or elaborately decorated

2253. ornithology study of birds

2254. orthodox traditional; conservative in belief

2255. oscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver

2256. ossify change or harden into bone

2257. ostensible apparent; professed; pretended

2258. ostentatious showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention

2259. ostracize exclude from public favor; ban

2260. oust expel; drive out

2261. outlandish bizarre; peculiar; unconventional

2262. outmoded no longer stylish; old-fashioned

2263. outskirts fringes; outer borders

2264. outspoken candid; blunt

2265. outstrip surpass; outdo

2266. outwit outsmart; trick

2267. ovation enthusiastic applause

2268. overbearing bossy and arrogant; decisively important

2269. overt open to view

2270. overwrought extremely agitated; hysterical

2271. pacifist one opposed to force; antimilitarist

2272. pacify soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue

2273. pact agreement; treaty

2274. paean song of praise or joy

2275. painstaking showing hard work; taking great care

2276. palatable agreeable; pleasing to the taste

2277. palette flat surface on which painter mixed pigments

2278. pall grow tiresome

2279. palliate lessen the violence of (a disease); alleviate;moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses

2280. pallid pale; wan

2281. palpable tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable

2282. palpitate throb; flutter

2283. paltry insignificant; petty; trifling

2284. pan criticize harshly

2285. panacea cure all; remedy for all diseases

2286. panache flair; flamboyance

2287. pandemic widespread; affecting the majority of thepeople

2288. pandemonium wild tumult

2289. pander cater to the low desires of others

2290. panegyric formal praise

2291. panoramic related to an unobstructed andcomprehensive view

2292. pantomime acting without dialogue

2293. papyrus ancient paper made from stems of papyrusplant

2294. paradigm model; example; pattern

2295. paradox something apparently contradictory innature; statement that looks false but isactually correct

2296. paragon model of perfection

2297. parallelism state of being parallel; similarity

2298. parameter boundary; limiting factor; distinguishingcharacteristic

2299. paramount foremost in importance; supreme

2300. paranoia psychosis marked by delusions ofgrandeur or persecution

2301. paraphernalia equipment; odds and ends

2302. paraphrase restate a passage in one's own words,while retaining thought of the author

2303. parasite animal or plant living on another; toady;sycophant

2304. parched extremely dry; very thirsty

2305. pariah social outcast

2306. parity equality; close resemblance

2307. parochial narrow in outlook; provincial; related toparishes

2308. parody humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff;travesty

2309. paroxysm fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage

2310. parry ward off a blow; deflect

2311. parsimony stinginess; excessive frugality

2312. partial incomplete; having a liking for something

2313. partiality inclination; bias

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2314. partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party

2315. partition divide into parts

2316. passive not active; acted upon

2317. passport legal document identifying the bearer as acitizen of a country and allowing him or herto travel abroad

2318. pastiche piece of writing or music made of borrowedbits and pieces; hodgepodge

2319. pastoral rural

2320. patent obvious; open to the public to read

2321. pathetic causing sadness, compassion, pity;touching

2322. pathological related to the study of disease; diseased ormarkedly abnormal

2323. pathos tender sorrow; pity; quality in art orliterature that produces these feelings

2324. patina green crust on old bronze works; toneslowly taken by vanished paintings

2325. patriarch father and ruler of a family or tribe

2326. patrician noble; aristocratic

2327. patronize support; act superior toward; be a customerof

2328. paucity scarcity

2329. pauper very poor person

2330. peccadillo slight offense

2331. pecuniary pertaining to money

2332. pedagogy teaching; art of education

2333. pedantic showing off learning; bookish

2334. pedestrian ordinary; unimaginative

2335. peerless having no equal; incomparable

2336. pejorative negative in connotation; having a belittlingeffect

2337. pellucid transparent; limpid; easy to understand

2338. penitent repentant

2339. pensive dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hintof sadness; contemplative

2340. penury severe poverty; stinginess

2341. perceptive insightful; aware; wise

2342. percussion striking one object against another sharply

2343. perdition damnation; complete ruin

2344. peregrination journey

2345. peremptory demanding and leaving no choice

2346. perennial something that is continuing or recurrent

2347. perfidious treacherous; disloyal

2348. perforate pierce; put a hole through

2349. perfunctory superficial; not thorough; lacking interest,care, or enthusiasm

2350. perimeter outer boundary

2351. peripheral marginal; outer

2352. perjury false testimony while under oath

2353. permeable penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gasto pass through

2354. permeate pass through; spread

2355. pernicious very destructive

2356. perpetrate commit an offense

2357. perpetual everlasting

2358. perpetuate make something last; preserve fromextinction

2359. perquisite any gain above stipulated salary

2360. persevere persist; endure; strive

2361. persona public personality or facade

2362. personable attractive

2363. perspicacious having insight; penetrating; astute

2364. pert impertinent; forward

2365. pertinacious stubborn; persistent

2366. pertinent to the point; relevant

2367. perturb disturb greatly

2368. peruse read with care

2369. pervasive pervading; spread throughout every part

2370. perverse stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked andperverted

2371. pessimism belief that life is basically bad or evil;gloominess

2372. petrify turn to stone

2373. petty trivial; unimportant; very small

2374. petulant touchy; peevish

2375. phenomena observable facts; subjects of scientificinvestigation

2376. philanderer faithless lover; flirt.

2377. philanthropist lover of mankind; doer of good

2378. philistine narrow-minded person, uncultured andexclusively interested in material gain

2379. phlegmatic calm; not easily disturbed

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2380. phobia morbid fear

2381. phoenix symbol of immortality or rebirth

2382. phylum major classification, second to kingdom, ofplants and animals; division

2383. physiological pertaining to the science of the function ofliving organisms

2384. picaresque pertaining to rogues in literature

2385. piecemeal one part at a time; gradually

2386. pied variegated; multicolored

2387. piety devoutness; reverence for God

2388. pigment coloring matter

2389. pillage plunder

2390. pine languish, decline; long for; yearn

2391. pinnacle peak

2392. pious devout; religious

2393. piquant pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating

2394. pique provoke or arouse; annoy

2395. pique irritation; resentment

2396. pitfall hidden danger; concealed trap

2397. pithy concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty

2398. pittance a small allowance or wage

2399. pivotal crucial; key; vital

2400. placate pacify; conciliate

2401. placebo harmless substance prescribed as a dummypill

2402. placid peaceful; calm

2403. plagiarize steal another's ideas and pass them off asone's own

2404. plaintive mournful

2405. plasticity ability to be molded

2406. platitude trite remark; commonplace statement

2407. plaudit enthusiastic approval; round of applause

2408. plausible having a show of truth but open to doubt;specious

2409. plenitude abundance; completeness

2410. plethora excess; overabundance

2411. pliable flexible; yielding; adaptable

2412. pliant flexible; easily influenced

2413. plight condition, state (especially a bad state orcondition); predicament

2414. plumage feathers of a bird

2415. plumb examine critically in order to understand;measure depth (by sounding)

2416. plumb checking perpendicularity; vertical

2417. plummet fall sharply

2418. plutocracy society ruled by the wealthy

2419. podium pedestal; raised platform

2420. poignancy quality of being deeply moving; keenness ofemotion

2421. polarize split into opposite extremes or camps

2422. polemical aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious

2423. politic expedient; prudent; well devised

2424. polygamist one who has more than one spouse at a time

2425. polyglot speaking several languages

2426. pomposity self-important behavior; acting like a stuffedshirt

2427. ponderous weighty; unwieldy

2428. pontifical pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous orpretentious

2429. pore study industriously; ponder; scrutinize

2430. porous full of pores; like a sieve

2431. portend foretell; presage

2432. portent sign; omen; forewarning

2433. portly stout; corpulent

2434. poseur person who pretends to be sophisticated,elegant, etc., to impress others

2435. posterity descendants; future generations

2436. posthumous after death (as of child born after father'sdeath or book published after author's death)

2437. postulate self-evident truth

2438. potable suitable for drinking

2439. potent powerful; persuasive; greatly influential

2440. potentate monarch; sovereign

2441. potential expressing possibility; latent

2442. potion dose (of a liquid)

2443. practicable feasible

2444. practical based on experience; useful

2445. practitioner someone engaged in a profession (law,medicine)

2446. pragmatic practical (as opposed to idealistic);concerned with the practical worth or impactof something

2447. pragmatist practical person

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2448. prank mischievous trick

2449. prate speak foolishly; boast idly

2450. prattle babble

2451. preamble introductory statement

2452. precarious uncertain; risky

2453. precedent something preceding in time that may beused as an authority or guide for futureaction

2454. precept practical rule guiding conduct

2455. precinct district or division of a city

2456. precipice cliff; dangerous position

2457. precipitate throw headlong; hasten

2458. precipitate rash; premature; hasty; sudden

2459. precipitous steep; overhasty

2460. precis concise summing up of main points

2461. precise exact

2462. preclude make impossible; eliminate

2463. precocious advanced in development

2464. precursor forerunner

2465. predator creature that seizes and devours anotheranimal; person who robs or exploits others

2466. predecessor former occupant of a post

2467. predetermine predestine; settle or decide beforehandinfluence markedly

2468. predicament tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma

2469. predilection partiality; preference

2470. predispose give an inclination toward; makesusceptible to

2471. preeminent outstanding; superior

2472. preempt head off; forestall by acting first;appropriate for oneself; supplant

2473. preen make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction

2474. prehensile capable of gasping or holding

2475. prelate church dignitary

2476. prelude introduction; forerunner

2477. premeditate plan in advance

2478. premise assumption; postulate

2479. premonition forewarning

2480. preposterous absurd; ridiculous

2481. prerogative privilege; unquestionable right

2482. presage foretell

2483. prescience ability to foretell the future

2484. presentiment feeling something will happen;anticipatory fear; premonition

2485. prestige impression produced by achievements orreputation

2486. presumptuous overconfident; impertinently bold; takingliberties

2487. pretentious ostentatious; pompous; making unjustifiedclaims; overly ambitious

2488. preternatural beyond what is normal in nature

2489. pretext excuse

2490. prevail induce; triumph over

2491. prevalent widespread; generally accepted

2492. prevaricate lie

2493. prey target of a hunt; victim

2494. prim very precise and formal; exceedinglyproper

2495. primp groom oneself with care; adorn oneself

2496. primpordial existing at the beginning (of time);rudimentary

2497. pristine characteristic of earlier times; primitive;unspoiled

2498. privation hardship; want

2499. probe explore with tools

2500. problematic doubtful; unsettled; questionable;perplexing

2501. proclivity inclination; natural tendency

2502. procrastinate postpone; delay or put off

2503. prod poke; stir up; urge

2504. prodigal wasteful; reckless with money

2505. prodigious marvelous; enormous

2506. prodigy marvel; highly gifted child

2507. profane violate; desecrate; treat unworthily

2508. profligate dissipated; wasteful; wildly immoral

2509. profound deep; not superficial; complete

2510. profusion overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess

2511. progenitor ancestor

2512. progeny children; offspring

2513. prognosis forecasted course of a disease; prediction

2514. projectile missile

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2515. proletarian member of a working class; blue collarperson

2516. proliferation rapid growth; spread; multiplication

2517. prolific abundantly fruitful

2518. prolixity tedious wordiness; verbosity

2519. prologue introduction (to a poem or play)

2520. prolong make longer; draw out; lengthen

2521. prominent conspicuous; notable; sticking out

2522. promiscuous mixed indiscriminately; haphazard;irregular, particularly sexually

2523. promote help to flourish; advance in rank; publicize

2524. prompt cause; provoke; provide a cue for an actor

2525. promulgate proclaim a doctrine or law; make known byofficial publication

2526. prone inclined to; prostrate

2527. propagate multiply; spread

2528. propellants substances that propel or drive forward

2529. propensity natural inclination

2530. prophetic foretelling the future

2531. propinquity nearness; kinship

2532. propitiate appease

2533. propitious favorable; fortunate; advantageous

2534. proponent supporter; backer; opposite of opponent

2535. propound put forth for analysis

2536. propriety fitness; correct conduct

2537. propulsive driving forward

2538. prosaic dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact;factual

2539. proscribe ostracize; banish; outlaw

2540. proselytize convert to a religion or belief

2541. prosperity good fortune; financial success; physicalwell-being

2542. prostrate stretch out full on ground

2543. protean versatile; able to take on many shapes

2544. protege person receiving protection and supportfrom a patron

2545. protocol diplomatic etiquette

2546. prototype original work used as a model by others

2547. protract prolong

2548. protrude stick out

2549. protuberance protrusion; bulge

2550. provident displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing foremergencies

2551. provincial pertaining to a province; limited inoutlook; unsophisticated

2552. provisional tentative

2553. provocative arousing anger or interest; annoying

2554. prowess extraordinary ability; military bravery

2555. proximity nearness

2556. proxy authorized agent

2557. prude excessively modest person

2558. prudent cautious; careful

2559. prune cut away; trim

2560. prurient having or causing lustful thoughts anddesires

2561. pseudonym pen name

2562. psyche soul; mind

2563. puerile childish; immature

2564. pugilist boxer

2565. pugnacity combativeness; disposition to fight

2566. pulchritude beauty; comeliness

2567. pulverize crush or grind into dust

2568. pummel beat or pound with fists

2569. punctilious laying stress on niceties of conduct orform; minutely attentive to fine points(perhaps too much so)

2570. pundit authority on a subject; learned person;expert

2571. pungent stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic

2572. punitive punishing

2573. puny insignificant; tiny; weak

2574. purchase firm grasp or footing

2575. purge remove or get rid of something unwanted;free from blame or guilt; cleanse or purify

2576. purported alleged; claimed; reputed or rumored

2577. purse pucker; contract into wrinkles

2578. purveyor furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer

2579. pusillanimous cowardly; fainthearted

2580. putrid foul; rotten; decayed

2581. quack charlatan; impostor

2582. quadruped four-footed animal

2583. quaff drink with relish

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2584. quagmire soft, wet, boggy land; complex or dangeroussituation from which it is difficult to freeoneself

2585. quail cower; lose heart

2586. quaint odd; old-fashioned; picturesque

2587. qualified limited; restricted

2588. qualms misgivings; uneasy fears, especially aboutmatters of conscience

2589. quandary dilemma

2590. quarantine isolation of person or ship to prevent spreadof infection

2591. quarry victim; object of a hunt

2592. quarry dig into

2593. queasy easily nauseated; squeamish

2594. quell extinguish; put down; quiet

2595. quench douse or extinguish; assuage or satisfy

2596. querulous fretful; whining

2597. query inquiry; question

2598. quibble minor objection or complaint

2599. quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive

2600. quietude tranquility

2601. quintessence purest and highest embodiment

2602. quip taunt

2603. quirk startling twist; caprice

2604. quiver tremble; shake

2605. quiver case for arrows

2606. quixotic idealistic but impractical

2607. quizzical teasing; bantering; mocking; curious

2608. quorum number of members necessary to conduct ameeting

2609. rabid like a fanatic; furious

2610. raconteur storyteller

2611. rail scold; rant

2612. raiment clothing

2613. rally call up or summon (forces, vital powers,etc.); revive or recuperate

2614. ramble wander aimlessly (physically or mentally)

2615. ramification branching out; subdivision

2616. ramify divide into branches or subdivisions

2617. ramp slope; inclined plane

2618. rampant growing in profusion; unrestrained

2619. ramshackle rickety; falling apart

2620. rancid having the odor of stale fat

2621. rancor bitterness; hatred

2622. random without definite purpose, plan, or aim;haphazard

2623. rankle irritate; fester

2624. rant rave; talk excitedly; scold; make agrandiloquent speech

2625. rapacious excessively greedy; predatory

2626. rapport emotional closeness; harmony

2627. rapt absorbed; enchanted

2628. rarefied made less dense [of a gas]

2629. raspy grating; harsh

2630. ratify approve formally; confirm; verify

2631. ratiocination reasoning; act of drawing conclusions frompremises

2632. rationale fundamental reason or justification;grounds for an action

2633. rationalize give a plausible reason for an action in placeof a true, less admirable one; offer an excuse

2634. raucous harsh and shrill

2635. rave overwhelmingly favorable review

2636. ravel fall apart into tangles; unravel or untwist;entangle

2637. ravenous extremely hungry

2638. raze destroy completely

2639. reactionary recoiling from progress; politicallyultraconservative

2640. realm kingdom; field or sphere

2641. reaper one who harvests grain

2642. rebuff snub; beat back

2643. rebuke scold harshly; criticize severely

2644. rebuttal refutation; response with contrary evidence

2645. recalcitrant obstinately stubborn; determined to resistauthority; unruly

2646. recant disclaim or disavow; retract a previousstatement; openly confess error

2647. recapitulate summarize

2648. recast reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc.); fashionagain

2649. receptive quick or willing to receive ideas,suggestions, etc.

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2650. recession withdrawal; retreat; time of low economicactivity

2651. recidivism habitual return to crime

2652. recipient receiver

2653. reciprocal mutual; exchangeable; interacting

2654. reciprocate repay in kind

2655. recluse hermit; longer

2656. reconcile correct inconsistencies; become friendlyafter a quarrel

2657. reconnaissance survey of enemy by soldiers;reconnoitering

2658. recount narrate or tell; count over again

2659. recourse resorting to help when in trouble

2660. recrimination countercharges

2661. rectify set right; correct

2662. rectitude uprightness; moral virtue; correctness ofjudgment

2663. recumbent reclining; lying down completely or inpart

2664. recuperate recover

2665. recurrent occurring again and again

2666. redolent fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor

2667. redoubtable formidable; causing fear

2668. redress remedy; compensation

2669. redundant superfluous; repetitious; excessivelywordy

2670. reek emit (odor)

2671. refraction bending of a ray of light

2672. refractory stubborn; unmanageable

2673. refrain abstain from; resist

2674. refurbish renovate; make bright by polishing

2675. refute disprove

2676. regal royal

2677. regale entertain

2678. regeneration renewal or restoration (of a bodily part);spiritual rebirth

2679. regime method or system of government

2680. regimen prescribed diet and habits

2681. rehabilitate restore to proper condition

2682. reimburse repay

2683. reiterate repeat

2684. rejoinder retort; comeback; reply

2685. rejuvenate make young again

2686. relegate banish to an inferior position; delegate;assign

2687. relent give in

2688. relevant pertinent; referring to the case in hand

2689. relic surviving remnant; memento

2690. relinquish give up something with reluctance; yield

2691. relish savor; enjoy

2692. remediable reparable

2693. remedial curative; corrective

2694. reminiscence recollection

2695. remiss negligent

2696. remission temporary moderation of diseasesymptoms; cancellation of a debt;forgiveness or pardon

2697. remnant remainder

2698. remonstrance protest; objection

2699. remorse guilt; self-reproach

2700. remunerative compensating; rewarding

2701. rend split; tear apart

2702. render deliver; provide; represent

2703. rendition translation; artistic interpretation of asong, etc.

2704. renegade deserter; traitor

2705. renege deny; go back on

2706. renounce abandon; disown; repudiate

2707. renovate restore to good condition; renew

2708. renown fame

2709. rent rip; split

2710. reparable capable of being repaired

2711. reparation amends; compensation

2712. repast meal; feast; banquet

2713. repeal revoke; annul

2714. repel drive away; disgust

2715. repellent driving away; unattractive

2716. repercussion result or impact (of an event, etc.); rebound;reverberation

2717. repertoire list of works of music, drama, etc., aperformer is prepared to present

2718. replenish fill up again

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2719. replete filled to the brim or to the point of beingstuffed; abundantly supplied

2720. replica copy

2721. replicate reproduce; duplicate

2722. repository storehouse

2723. reprehensible deserving blame

2724. repress restrain; crush; oppress

2725. reprieve temporary stay

2726. reprimand reprove severely; rebuke

2727. reprisal retaliation

2728. reprise musical repetition; repeat performance;recurrent action

2729. reproach express disapproval or disappointment

2730. reprobate person hardened in sin

2731. reprove censure; rebuke

2732. repudiate disown; disavow

2733. repugnant loathsome; hateful

2734. repulsion distaste; act of driving back

2735. reputable respectable

2736. reputed supposed

2737. requisite necessary requirement

2738. requite repay; revenge

2739. rescind cancel

2740. resentment indignation; bitterness; displeasure

2741. reserve self-control; formal but distant manner

2742. residue remainder; balance

2743. resigned accepting one's fate; unresisting;patiently submissive

2744. resilient elastic; having the power of springingback

2745. resolution determination; resolve

2746. resolve determination; firmness of purpose

2747. resolve decide; settle; solve

2748. resonant echoing; resounding; deep and full insound

2749. respiration breathing; exhalation

2750. respite interval of relief; time for rest; delay inpunishment

2751. resplendent dazzling; glorious; brilliant

2752. responsiveness state of reacting readily to appeals orders,etc

2753. restitution reparation; indemnification

2754. restive restlessly impatient; obstinately resistingcontrol

2755. restraint moderation or self-control; controllingforce; restriction

2756. resumption taking up again; recommencement

2757. resurge rise again; flow to and fro

2758. retain keep; employ

2759. retaliation repayment in kind (usually for badtreatment)

2760. retentive able to retain or keep; able to remember

2761. reticence reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclinationto silence

2762. retinue following; attendants

2763. retiring modest; shy

2764. retort quick sharp reply

2765. retract withdraw; take back

2766. retrench cut down; economize

2767. retribution vengeance; compensation; punishment foroffenses

2768. retrieve recover; find and bring in

2769. retroactive taking effect before its enactment (as a law)or imposition (as a tax)

2770. retrograde go backwards; degenerate

2771. retrospective looking back on the past

2772. revelry boisterous merrymaking

2773. reverent respectful; worshipful

2774. reverie daydream; musing

2775. revert relapse; backslide; turn back to

2776. revile attack with abusive language; vilify

2777. revoke cancel; retract

2778. revulsion sudden violent change of feeling; reaction

2779. rhapsodize to speak or write in an exaggeratedlyenthusiastic manner

2780. rhetoric art of effective communication; insincerelanguage

2781. rhetorical pertaining to effective communication;insincere in language

2782. ribald wanton; profane

2783. riddle pierce with holes; permeate or spreadthroughout

2784. rife abundant; current

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2785. rift opening; break

2786. rig fix or manipulate

2787. rigid stiff and unyielding; strict; hard andunbending

2788. rigor severity

2789. rigorous severe; harsh; demanding; exact

2790. rile vex; irritate; muddy

2791. riveting absorbing; engrossing

2792. robust vigorous; strong

2793. roil to make liquids murky by stirring upsediment

2794. roster list

2795. rote repetition

2796. rotundity roundness; sonorousness of speech

2797. rousing lively; stirring

2798. rout stampede; drive out

2799. rubble broken fragments

2800. ruddy reddish; healthy-looking

2801. rudimentary not developed; elementary; crud

2802. rue regret; lament; mourn

2803. ruffian bully; scoundrel

2804. ruminate chew over and over (mentally, or, like cows,physically); mull over; ponder

2805. rummage ransack; thoroughly search

2806. ruse trick; stratagem

2807. rustic pertaining to country people; uncouth

2808. ruthless pitiless; cruel

2809. saboteur one who commits sabotage; destroyer ofproperty

2810. saccharine cloyingly sweet

2811. sacrilegious desecrating; profane

2812. sacrosanct most sacred; inviolable

2813. sadistic inclined to cruelty

2814. saga Scandinavian myth; any legend

2815. sagacious perceptive; shrewd; having insight

2816. sage person celebrated for wisdom

2817. salacious lascivious; lustful

2818. salient protruding; strikingly conspicuous; jumping

2819. salubrious promoting good health; healthful

2820. salutary tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome

2821. salvage rescue from loss

2822. salvo discharge of firearms; military salute

2823. sanctimonious falsely holy; feigning piety

2824. sanction approve; ratify

2825. sanctuary refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place

2826. sanguine cheerful; hopeful

2827. sap diminish; undermine

2828. sarcasm scornful remarks; stinging rebuke

2829. sardonic cynically mocking; sarcastic

2830. sartorial pertaining to tailors

2831. sate satisfy to the full; cloy

2832. satellite small body revolving around a larger one

2833. satiate satisfy fully

2834. satire form of literature in which irony, sarcasm,and ridicule are employed to attack viceand folly

2835. satirical mocking

2836. saturate soak thoroughly

2837. saturnine gloomy

2838. saunter stroll slowly

2839. savant learned scholar

2840. savor enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, orquality

2841. savory tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable

2842. scad a great quantity

2843. scale climb up; ascend

2844. scamp rascal

2845. scanty meager; insufficient

2846. scapegoat someone who bears the blame for others

2847. scavenge hunt through discarded materials forusable items; search, especially for food

2848. scenario plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto

2849. schematic relating to an outline or diagram; using asystem of symbols

2850. schism division; split

2851. scintillate sparkle; flash

2852. scoff mock; ridicule

2853. scourge cause of widespread devastation; severepunishment; whip

2854. scruple fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons

2855. scrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough

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2856. scrutinize examine closely and critically

2857. scuffle struggle confusedly; move off in a confusedhurry

2858. scurrilous vulgar; coarse; foul-mouthed; obscene

2859. scurry move briskly

2860. scurvy despicable; contemptible

2861. scuttle sink

2862. scuttle scurry; run with short, rapid steps

2863. seamy sordid; unwholesome

2864. sear char or burn; brand

2865. seasoned experienced

2866. secession withdrawal

2867. seclusion isolation; solitude

2868. secrete hide away; produce and release a substanceinto an organism

2869. sect separate religious body; faction

2870. sectarian relating to a religious faction or subgroup;narrow-minded; limited

2871. secular worldly; not pertaining to church matters;temporal

2872. sedate calm and composed; dignified

2873. sedentary requiring sitting

2874. sedition resistance to authority; insubordination

2875. sedulous diligent; hardworking

2876. seedy run-down; decrepit; disreputable

2877. seemly proper; appropriate

2878. seep ooze; trickle

2879. seethe be disturbed; boil

2880. seismic pertaining to earthquakes

2881. seminary school for training future minsters; academyfor young women

2882. sensual devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal;voluptuous

2883. sententious terse; concise; aphoristic

2884. sentinel sentry; lookout

2885. sequester isolate; retire from public life; segregate;seclude

2886. serendipity gift for finding valuable or desirable things byaccident; accidental good fortune or luck

2887. serenity calmness; placidity

2888. serpentine winding; twisting

2889. servile slavish; cringing

2890. servitude slavery; compulsory labor

2891. sever cut; separate

2892. severity harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity

2893. shackle chain; fetter

2894. sham pretend

2895. shambles wreck; mess

2896. shard fragment, generally of potter

2897. shear cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something

2898. sheathe place into a case

2899. sheer very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute

2900. shimmer glimmer intermittently

2901. shirk avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger

2902. shoddy inferior; trashy; cheap

2903. shrewd clever; astute

2904. shroud hide from view; wrap for burial

2905. shun keep away from

2906. shyster lawyer using questionable methods

2907. sibling brother or sister

2908. simile comparison of one thing with another, usingthe word like or as

2909. simper smirk; smile affectedly

2910. simplistic oversimplified

2911. simulate feign

2912. sinecure well-paid position with little responsibility

2913. sinewy tough; strong and firm

2914. singular unique; extraordinary; odd

2915. sinister evil; conveying a sense of ill omen

2916. sinuous winding; bending in and out; not morallyhonest

2917. skeptic doubter; person who suspends judgment untilthe evidence supporting a point of view has beenexamined

2918. skimp provide scantily; live very economically

2919. skinflint stingy person; miser

2920. skirmish minor fight

2921. skulk move furtively and secretly

2922. slacken slow up; loosen

2923. slake quench; sate

2924. slander defamation; utterance of false and maliciousstatements

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2925. slapdash haphazard; careless; sloppy

2926. sleeper something originally of little value orimportance that in time becomes veryvaluable

2927. sleight dexterity

2928. slight insult to one's dignity; snub

2929. slipshod untidy or slovenly; shabby

2930. slither slip or slide

2931. slothful lazy

2932. slough cast off

2933. slovenly untidy; careless in work habits

2934. sluggard lazy person

2935. sluggish slow; lazy; lethargic

2936. slur speak indistinctly; mumble

2937. slur insult to one's character or reputation;slander

2938. smirk conceited smile

2939. smolder burn without flame; be liable to break out atany moment

2940. snicker half-stifled laugh

2941. snivel run at the nose; snuffle; whine

2942. sobriety moderation (especially regardingindulgence in alcohol); seriousness

2943. sodden soaked; dull, as if from drink

2944. sojourn temporary stay

2945. solace comfort in trouble

2946. solecism construction that is flagrantly incorrectgrammatically

2947. solemnity seriousness; gravity

2948. solicit request earnestly; seek

2949. solicitous worried; concerned

2950. soliloquy talking to oneself

2951. solitude state of being along; seclusion

2952. soluble able to be dissolved; able to be explained

2953. solvent substance that dissolves another

2954. solvent able to pay all debts

2955. somber gloomy; depressing; dark; drab

2956. somnolent half asleep

2957. sonorous resonant

2958. sophisticated worldly-wise and urbane; complex

2959. sophistry seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning

2960. sophomoric immature; half-baked, like a sophomore

2961. soporific sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness

2962. sordid vile; filthy; wretched; mean

2963. sovereign efficacious; supreme or paramount; self-governing

2964. sparse not thick; thinly scattered; scanty

2965. spartan avoiding luxury and comfort; sternlydisciplined

2966. spasmodic fitful; periodic

2967. spat squabble; minor dispute

2968. spate sudden flood or strong outburst; a largenumber or amount

2969. spatial relating to space

2970. spawn lay eggs

2971. specious seemingly reaosnable but incorrect;misleading (often intentionally)

2972. spectrum colored band produced when beam of lightpasses through a prism

2973. spendthrift someone who wastes money

2974. sphinx-like enigmatic; mysterious

2975. splice fasten together; unite

2976. spontaneity lack of premeditation; nautralness; freedomfrom constraint

2977. sporadic occurring irregularly

2978. sportive playful

2979. spry vigorously active; nimble

2980. spurious false; counterfeit; forged; illogical

2981. spurn reject; scorn

2982. squabble minor quarrel; bickering

2983. squalor filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state

2984. squander waste

2985. squat stocky; short and thick

2986. staccato played in an abrupt manner; marked byabrupt sharp sound

2987. stagnant motionless; stale; dull

2988. staid sober; sedate

2989. stalemate deadlock

2990. stalwart strong and vigorous; unwaveringlydependable

2991. stamina strength; staying power

2992. stanch check flow of blood

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2993. stanza division of a poem

2994. static unchanging; lacking development

2995. statute law enacted by the legislature

2996. steadfast loyal; unswerving

2997. stealth slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness

2998. steep soak; saturate

2999. stellar pertaining to the stars

3000. stem check the flow

3001. stem from arise from

3002. stereotype fixed and unvarying representation;standardized mental picture often reflectingprejudice

3003. stifle suppress; extinguish; inhibit

3004. stigma token of disgrace; brand

3005. stigmatize brand; mark as wicked

3006. stilted bombastic; inflated

3007. stint supply; allotted amount; assigned portion ofwork

3008. stint be thrifty; set limits

3009. stipend pay for services

3010. stipulate make express conditions; specify

3011. stodgy stuffy; boringly conservative

3012. stoic impassive; unmoved by joy or grief

3013. stoke stir up a fire; feed plentifully

3014. stolid unruffled; impassive; dull

3015. stratagem deceptive scheme

3016. stratify divide into classes; be arranged into strata

3017. stratum layer of earth's surface; layer of society

3018. strew spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter

3019. stricture restriction; adverse criticism

3020. strident loud and harsh; insistent

3021. stringent severe; rigid; constricted

3022. strut pompous walk; swagger

3023. strut supporting bar

3024. studied not spontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful

3025. stultify cause to appear or become stupid orinconsistent; frustrate or hinder

3026. stupefy make numb; stun; amaze

3027. stupor state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness

3028. stymie present an obstacle; stump

3029. suavity urbanity; polish

3030. subdued less intense; quieter

3031. subjective occurring or taking place within the subject;unreal

3032. subjugate conquer; bring under control

3033. sublime exalted or noble and uplifting; utter

3034. subliminal below conscious awareness

3035. submissive yielding; timid

3036. subordinate occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive

3037. suborn persuade to act unlawfully (especially tocommit perjury)

3038. subpoena writ summoning a witness to appear

3039. subsequent following; later

3040. subservient behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious

3041. subside settle down; descend; grow quiet

3042. subsidiary something secondary in importance orsubordinate; auxiliary

3043. subsidy direct financial aid by government, etc.

3044. subsistence means needed to support life; existence

3045. substantial ample; solid; in essentials

3046. substantiate establish by evidence; verify; support

3047. substantive real, as opposed to imaginary; essential;solidly based; substantial

3048. subterfuge deceitful stratagem; trick; pretense

3049. subtlety perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy

3050. subversive tending to overthrow; destructive

3051. succinct brief; terse; compact

3052. succor aid; assist; comfort

3053. succulent juicy; full of richness

3054. succumb yield; give in; die

3055. suffragist advocate of voting rights (for women)

3056. sully tarnish; soil

3057. sultry sweltering

3058. summation act of finding the total; summary

3059. summit utmost height or pinnacle; highest point (of amountain, etc.)

3060. sumptuous lavish; rich

3061. sunder separate; part

3062. supercilious arrogant; condescending; patronizing

3063. superficial trivial; shallow

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3064. superfluous unnecessary; excessive; overabundant

3065. superimpose place over something else

3066. supersede cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete

3067. supplant replace; usurp

3068. supple flexible; pliant

3069. supplicate petition humbly; pray to grant a favor

3070. supposition hypothesis; the act of supposing

3071. suppress stifle; overwhelm; subdue; inhibit

3072. surfeit satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything

3073. surly rude; cross

3074. surmise suspect; guess; imagine

3075. surmount overcome

3076. surpass exceed

3077. surreptitious secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden

3078. surrogate substitute

3079. surveillance watching; guarding

3080. susceptible impressionable; easily influenced; havinglittle resistance, as to a disease; receptive to

3081. sustain experience; support; nourish

3082. sustenance means of support, food, nourishment

3083. swagger behave arrogantly or pompously; strut orwalk proudly

3084. swarm dense moving crowd; large group ofhoneybees

3085. swarthy dark; dusky

3086. swathe wrap around; bandage

3087. swelter be oppressed by heat

3088. swerve deviate; turn aside sharply

3089. swindler cheat

3090. sybarite lover of luxury

3091. sycophant servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man

3092. symbiosis interdependent relationship (betweengroups, species), often mutually beneficial

3093. symmetry arrangement of parts so that balance isobtained; congruity

3094. synoptic providing a general overview; summary

3095. synthesis combining parts into a whole

3096. table set aside a resolution or proposal for futureconsideration

3097. tacit understood; not put into words

3098. taciturn habitually silent; taking little

3099. tactile pertaining to the organs or sense of touch

3100. taint contaminate; cause to lose purity; modifywith a tract of something bad

3101. talisman charm to bring good luck and avertmisfortune

3102. tangential peripheral; only slightly connected;digressing

3103. tangible able to be touched; real; palpable

3104. tantalize tease; torture with disappointment

3105. tantamount equivalent in effect or value

3106. tantrum fit of petulance; caprice

3107. tarry delay; dawdle

3108. taut tight; ready

3109. tautological needlessly repetitious

3110. tautology unnecessary repetition

3111. tawdry cheap and gaudy

3112. tedious boring; tiring

3113. temerity boldness; rashness

3114. temper moderate; tone down or restrain; toughen(steel)

3115. temperament characteristic frame of mind; disposition;emotional excess

3116. temperate restrained; self-controlled; moderate inrespect to temperature

3117. tempestuous stormy; impassioned; violent

3118. tempo speed of music

3119. temporal not lasting forever; limited by time; secular

3120. temporize act of evasively to gain time; avoidcommitting oneself

3121. tenacious holding fast

3122. tenacity firmness; persistence

3123. tendentious having an aim; biased; designed to further acause

3124. tender offer; extend

3125. tenet doctrine; dogma

3126. tensile capable of being stretched

3127. tentative hesitant; not fully worked out or developed;experimental; not definite or positive

3128. tenuous thin; rare; slim

3129. tenure holding of an office; time during which suchan office is held

3130. tepid lukewarm

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3131. termination end

3132. terminology terms used in a science or art

3133. terrestrial earthly (as opposed to celestial); pertaining tothe land

3134. terse concise; abrupt; pithy

3135. testy irritable; short-tempered

3136. tether tie with a rope

3137. thematic relating to a unifying motif or idea

3138. theocracy government run by religious leaders

3139. theoretical not practical or applied; hypothetical

3140. therapeutic curative

3141. thermal pertaining to heat

3142. thespian pertaining to drama

3143. threadbare worn through till the threads show; shabbyand poor

3144. thrifty careful about money; economical

3145. thrive prosper; flourish

3146. throes violent anguish

3147. throng crowd

3148. thwart prevent; frustrate; oppose and defeat

3149. tightwad excessively frugal person; miser

3150. timidity lack of self-confidence or courage

3151. timorous fearful; demonstrating fear

3152. tirade extended scolding; denunciation; harangue

3153. titanic gigantic

3154. title right or claim to possession; mark or rank;name (of a book, film, etc.)

3155. titter nervous laugh

3156. titular nominal holding of title without obligations

3157. toady servile flatterer; yes man

3158. tome large volume

3159. tonic invigorating; refreshing

3160. topography physical features of a region

3161. torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy

3162. torrent rushing stream; flood

3163. torrid passionate; hot or scorching

3164. tortuous winding; full of curves

3165. totter move unsteadily; sway, as if about to fall

3166. touchstone stone used to test the fineness of gold

3167. touchy sensitive; irascible

3168. tout publicize; praise excessively

3169. toxic poisonous

3170. tract region of land (often impreciselydescribed); pamphlet

3171. tractable docile; easily managed

3172. traduce expose to slander

3173. trajectory path taken by a

3174. tranquility calmness; peace

3175. transcendent surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits;superior

3176. transcribe copy

3177. transgression violation of a law; sin

3178. transient momentary; temporary; staying for a shorttime

3179. transition going from one state of action to another

3180. transitory impermanent; fleeting

3181. translucent partly transparent

3182. transmute change; convert to something different

3183. transparent easily detected; permitting light to passthrough freely

3184. transport strong emotion

3185. trappings outward decorations; ornaments

3186. traumatic pertaining to an injury caused by violence

3187. travail painful physical or mental labor; drudgery;torment

3188. traverse go through or across

3189. travesty harshly distorted imitation; parody;debased likeness

3190. treacly sticky sweet; cloyingly sentimental

3191. treatise article treating a subject systematically andthoroughly

3192. trek travel; journey

3193. tremor trembling; wavering

3194. tremulous trembling; wavering

3195. trenchant forceful and vigorous; cutting

3196. trepidation fear; nervous apprehension

3197. trespass unlawfully enter the boundaries of someoneelse's property

3198. tribute tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect

3199. trifling trivial; unimportant

3200. trigger set off

3201. trite hackneyed; commonplace

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3202. trivial unimportant; trifling

3203. trough container for feeding farm animals;lowest point (of a wave, business cycle,etc.)

3204. truculence aggressiveness; ferocity

3205. truism self-evident truth

3206. truncate cut the top off

3207. tumult commotion; riot; noise

3208. turbid muddy; having the sediment disturbed

3209. turbulence state of violent agitation

3210. turgid swollen; dis

3211. turmoil great commotion and confusion

3212. turncoat traitor

3213. turpitude depravity

3214. tutelage guardianship; training

3215. tycoon wealthy leader

3216. typhoon tropical hurricane or cyclone

3217. tyranny oppression; cruel government

3218. tyro beginner; novice

3219. ubiquitous being everywhere; omnipresent

3220. ulterior unstated; hidden; more remote

3221. ultimate final; not susceptible to further analysis

3222. unaccountable inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious

3223. unanimity complete agreement

3224. unassailable not subject to question; not open to attack

3225. unassuming modest

3226. unbridled violent

3227. uncanny strange; mysterious

3228. unconscionable unscrupulous; excessive

3229. uncouth outlandish; clumsy; boorish

3230. unctuous oily; bland; insincerely suave

3231. underlying fundamental; lying below

3232. undermine weaken; sap

3233. underscore emphasize

3234. undulating moving with a wavelike motion

3235. unearth dig up

3236. unequivocal plain; obvious; unmistakable

3237. unerringly infallibly

3238. unfathomable incomprehensible; impenetrable

3239. unfetter liberate; free from chains

3240. ungainly awkward; clumsy; unwieldy

3241. uniformity sameness; monotony

3242. unimpeachable blameless and exemplary

3243. uninhibited unrepressed

3244. unintimidating unfrightening

3245. unique without an equal; single in kind

3246. universal characterizing or affecting all; presenteverywhere

3247. unkempt disheveled; uncared for in appearance

3248. unmitigated unrelieved or immoderate; absolute

3249. unobtrusive inconspicuous; not blatant

3250. unpalatable distasteful; disagreeable

3251. unprecedented novel; unparalleled

3252. unprepossessing unattractive

3253. unravel disentangle; solve

3254. unrequited not reciprocated

3255. unruly disobedient; lawless

3256. unscathed unharmed

3257. unseemly unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste

3258. unsightly ugly

3259. unstinting giving generously; not holding back

3260. untenable indefensible; not able to be maintained

3261. unwarranted unjustified; groundless; undeserved

3262. unwieldy awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable

3263. unwitting unintentional; not knowing

3264. upbraid severely scold; reprimand

3265. uproarious marked by commotion; extremely funny;very noisy

3266. upshot outcome

3267. urbane suave; refined; elegant

3268. usurp seize another's power or rank

3269. utopia ideal place, state, or society

3270. vacillate waver; fluctuate

3271. vacuous empty; inane

3272. vagabond wanderer; tramp

3273. vagrant a homeless wanderer

3274. valedictory pertaining to farewell

3275. valid logically convincing; sound; legallyacceptable

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3276. validate confirm; ratify

3277. valor bravery

3278. vanguard advance guard of a military force; forefrontof a movement

3279. vantage position giving an advantage

3280. vapid dull and unimaginative; insipid andflavorless

3281. vaporize turn into vapor (steam, gas, for, etc.)

3282. variegated many-colored

3283. veer change in direction

3284. vehement forceful; intensely emotional; with markedvigor

3285. velocity speed

3286. venal capable of being bribed

3287. vendetta blood feud

3288. veneer thin layer; cover

3289. venerable deserving high respect

3290. venerate revere

3291. venial forgivable; trivial

3292. venom poison; hatred

3293. vent express; utter

3294. vent a small opening; outlet

3295. ventriloquist someone who can make his or her voiceseem to come from another person or thing

3296. venturesome bold

3297. veracity truthfulness

3298. verbalize put into words

3299. verbatim word for word

3300. verbiage pompous array of words

3301. verbose wordy

3302. verge border; edge

3303. verisimilitude appearance of truth; likelihood

3304. verity quality of being truth; lasting truth orprinciple

3305. vernacular living language; natural style

3306. versatile having many talents; capable of working inmany fields

3307. vertex summit

3308. vertigo severe dizziness

3309. verve energy in expressing ideas, especiallyartistically; liveliness

3310. vestige trace

3311. vex annoy; distress

3312. viable practical or workable; capable of maintaininglife

3313. vicarious acting as a substitute; done by a deputy

3314. vicissitude change of fortune

3315. vie contend; compete

3316. vigilance watchfulness

3317. vignette picture; short literary sketch

3318. vigor active strength

3319. vilify slander

3320. vindicate clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support

3321. vindictive out for revenge; malicious

3322. viper poisonous snake

3323. virile manly

3324. virtual in essence; for practical purposes

3325. virtue goodness, moral excellence; good quality

3326. virtuoso highly skilled artist

3327. virulent extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter

3328. virus disease communicator

3329. visceral felt in one's inner organs

3330. viscous sticky; gluey

3331. visionary produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical

3332. vital vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing

3333. vitriolic corrosive; sarcastic

3334. vituperative abusive; scolding

3335. vivacious animated; lively

3336. vociferous clamorous; noisy

3337. vogue popular fashion

3338. volatile changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly

3339. volition act of making a conscious choice

3340. voluble fluent; glib; talkative

3341. voluminous bulky; large

3342. voluptuous suggesting sensual delights; sensuouslypleasing

3343. voracious ravenous

3344. vortex whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence;predicament into which one is inexorablyplunged

3345. vouchsafe grant; choose to give in reply; permit

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3346. voyeur peeping tom; person who derives sexualgratification from observing the naked bodiesor sexual acts of others, especially from a secretvantage point.

3347. vulnerable susceptible to wounds

3348. waffle speak equivocally about an issue

3349. waft moved gently by wind or waves

3350. waggish mischievous; humorous; tricky

3351. waif homeless child or animal

3352. waive give up a claim or right voluntarily; refrain fromenforcing; postpone considering

3353. wake trail of ship or other object through water; pathof something that has gone before

3354. wallow roll in; indulge in; become helpless

3355. wan having a pale or sickly color; pallid

3356. wane decrease in size or strength; draw gradually toan end

3357. wanton unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste

3358. warble sing; babble

3359. warrant justify; authorize

3360. warrnaty guarantee; assurance by seller

3361. wary very cautious

3362. wastrel profligate

3363. watershed crucial dividing point

3364. wax increase; grow

3365. waylay ambush; lie in wait

3366. wean accustom a baby to not nurse; give up acherished activity

3367. weather endure the effects of weather or other forces

3368. welter turmoil; bewildering jumble

3369. wheedle cajole; coax; deceive by flatter

3370. whet sharpen; stimulate

3371. whiff puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); hint

3372. whimsical capricious; fanciful

3373. willful intentional; headstrong

3374. wily cunning; artful

3375. wince shrink back; flinch

3376. windfall unexpected lucky event

3377. winnow sift; separate good parts from bad

3378. winsome agreeable; gracious; engaging

3379. wispy thin; slight; barely discernible

3380. wistful vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful

3381. withdrawn introverted; remote

3382. wither shrivel; decay

3383. withhold refuse to give; hold back

3384. withstand stand up against; successfully resist

3385. witless foolish; idiotic

3386. witticism witty saying; wisecrack

3387. wizardry sorcery; magic

3388. woe deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering

3389. worldly engrossed in matters of this earth; notspiritual

3390. wrath anger; fury

3391. wrench pull; strain; twist

3392. writhe twist in coils; contort in pain

3393. wry twisted; with a humorous twist

3394. xenophobia fear or hatred of foreigners

3395. yen longing; urge

3396. yield give in; surrender

3397. yield amount produced; crop; income on investment

3398. yoke join together, unite

3399. yore time past

3400. zany crazy; comic

3401. zeal eager enthusiasm

3402. zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal

3403. zenith point directly overhead in the sky; summit

3404. zephyr gentle breeze; west wind