bangladesh version 2

Table of Contents • Geography of Bangladesh (By Mariya Roata) • Bangladesh Nonverbal use of Clothing (formal and informal) (By …) • Bangladesh Rituals (verbal and nonverbal traditions) (By Kasey Murrey) • Bangladesh Gender Roles (By Yelena Mikshanskaya) • Bangladesh Religion (By …) The purpose of this presentation is to tell the viewer as much information about Bangladesh as possible. After viewing this presentation you will know geographical facts, nonverbal use of clothing, rituals, gender roles and about religion of Bangladesh.

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Page 1: Bangladesh version 2

Table of Contents

• Geography of Bangladesh (By Mariya Roata)

• Bangladesh Nonverbal use of Clothing (formal and informal) (By …)

• Bangladesh Rituals (verbal and nonverbal traditions) (By Kasey Murrey)

• Bangladesh Gender Roles (By Yelena Mikshanskaya)

• Bangladesh Religion (By …)

• • The purpose of this presentation is to tell the viewer as much information about

Bangladesh as possible. After viewing this presentation you will know geographical facts, nonverbal use of clothing, rituals, gender roles and about religion of Bangladesh.

Page 2: Bangladesh version 2

Geography of Bangladesh(By: Mariya Roata)

Group # 5

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Somapura Mahavihara in Paharpur, Bangladesh: the greatest Buddhist

Vihara in the Indian Subcontinent, built by Dharmapala of Bengal

Page 3: Bangladesh version 2

Geographical FactsBangladesh:

Bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma (Myanmar)

Lies between latitudes 20° and 27°N, and longitudes 88° and 93°E.

Most parts are less than 12 m (39.4 ft) above the sea level

Water is contaminated with arsenic frequently because of the high arsenic contents in the soil

Total area is 56,977 sq mi (147,570 km2)

93.6% land and 6.4% water

Floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes, and tidal bores occur almost every year

Is one of world's largest producers of rice, tea, potato, mango, onion and mustard

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Page 4: Bangladesh version 2

BANGLADESH• Group project, created by:

• Yelena Mikshanskaya, Kasey Murrey, Molly Peterson, Jason Rexroad, Mariya Roata, and

Stephen Stabbert

• November 18, 2011

Page 5: Bangladesh version 2

More Geographical FactsBangladesh:Map references is AsiaComparative: Slightly smaller than

IowaCoast line is 580 kmClimate is tropical; mild winter

(October to March); hot, humid summer (March to June); humid, warm rainy monsoon (June to October)

Terrain is mostly flat alluvial plain; hilly in southeast

Natural resources are natural gas, arable land, timber and coal

50,500 sq km are irrigated landLand use:

Arable land: 55% Permanent crops 3% Other: 42%Source:

Bangladesh Land Use Distribution















Page 6: Bangladesh version 2

The rest of the parts go after…

• Hey class, it would be nice if the rest of the power point would look the same.

• Try to put a picture on each slide, so it wont be dull looking • Fill in the table of contents and conclusion slides on who is going to

do what and I filled in myself about the religion, so if you want to do something different you are free to change it.

• Since we have to have 3-5 open questions, and there is 5 of us so just come up with a question from your topic and that will be a lot easier.

• Please review and correct if you see errors and delete this page before turning in.

• Hope I did everything correct and I am off to pretty soon labor!! Good luck!!

Page 7: Bangladesh version 2

Verbal Rituals

• when the speak it is very implicit/indirect.• they have very long and “rich” contextualized

sentences that are only understood with the correct body language.

• When speaking they stand very close together, unless speaking with a woman.

• From an outsiders point of view the way they communicate may be taken as being rude.


Page 8: Bangladesh version 2

Nonverbal Rituals

• Being angry, lack of personal hygiene, eye contact, frustration, or bad eye contact mean your “unwelcoming” to others.

• In the business world negative gestures cause a great discomfort for customers.

• If smiles, eye contact, and assertive body language is displayed people feel like they are gaining a trusting relationship from you.


Page 9: Bangladesh version 2

Greeting Rituals

• Men shake hands with men.• If uncertain to shake hands with a woman,

wait for a woman to extend their hand.• When you walk in a room greet the oldest

person first• When saying goodbye you must say bye to

everyone individually.


Page 10: Bangladesh version 2

The correct way to address someone

• . Indians revere titles such as Professor, Doctor and Engineer. . Status is determined by age, university degree, caste and profession. . If someone does not have a professional title, use the honorific title "Sir" or "Madam". . Titles are used with the person's name or the surname, depending upon the person's name.

• Wait to be invited before using someone's first name without the title. 10

Page 11: Bangladesh version 2

The Gender Roles


Adapting to others who are different from you can be both interesting and challenging.

Intercultural communication competence is described as, “ The ability to adapt one’s

behavior toward another person in ways that are appropriate to other persons culture”

(Beebe et al., 2010). Learning the main gender roles in Bangladesh , would you easily adapt to

this culture?

Page 12: Bangladesh version 2

Children In Bangladesh about 55 million people live in

poverty. Parents greatly influence children to participate in labor. Therefore, kids are found to be working an average of 48 hours a week in hazardous environments which include industries (Hossain ,2010).

Following orders is expected, commands must be obeyed as a sign of respect for both girls and boys (Nimbark, 2001).

Daughters are to help their mothers with the household. Therefore, females stop attending school earlier than males. As for Boys, they have more latitude for movement outside the household ( Nimbark, 2001).


Page 13: Bangladesh version 2



In Bangladesh women are dependent on men throughout their whole lives from fathers, to husbands, and even sons.

Women are expected to get married between ages fifteen and twenty. They are always expected to please their husbands desires (SIGI, 2011).

The Constitution affirms gender equality, but state legislation and institutions often ignore women's rights. Furthermore women and young girls are more disadvantaged than men in their access to education, health care, and financial assets (SIGI, 2011).

Women have no protection against violence which is quite common. Especially sexual harassment, assaults, and rapes. Acid attacks are common and are usually caused by revenge due to rejection. Also, after the husband returns tired from a long day at work (Hossain, 2010).

Women are allowed to speak only when spoken to and are never seen in public events. Their lives revolve around their husbands, children, cooking, cattle feeding, and processing rice (SIGI, 2011).

Page 14: Bangladesh version 2

Men• In Bangladesh men are the main wage

earners and decision makers. Therefore, fathers decide who their children marry (Maloney& Aziz, 2001).

• Men are expected to marry at around twenty-five or older. Some men who are comfortable economically have two or more wife's indicating he can support more than one wife (Maloney& Aziz, 2001).

• Men’s work is agriculture such as: office tending, business matters, and shopping. With exceptions such as weeding which is only done by poor, tribal, or old women(Maloney & Aziz, 2001).

• Men handle all the money (Hossain, 2010).

• Men beat their wife’s if she speaks to other males, or doesn’t respect her parents in law (Maloney& Aziz, 2001).


Page 15: Bangladesh version 2

In Conclusion, Bangladesh has a lot of interesting information that a lot of the

people do not know about.

• The main points were presented by:•

• Geography of Bangladesh (By Mariya Roata)

• Bangladesh Nonverbal use of Clothing (formal and informal) (By …)

• Bangladesh Rituals (verbal and nonverbal traditions) (By Kasey Murrey )

• Bangladesh Gender Roles (By Yelena Mikshanskaya)

• Bangladesh Religion (By …)

• The goal of the presentation was…

Page 16: Bangladesh version 2

Questions• 1. What are the 3 major (biggest) rivers in Bangladesh?•

• 2. What order do you say goodbye to people in Bangladesh?

• 3. What are some major differences between gender roles in Bangladesh and America?

• 4. •

• 5.

Page 17: Bangladesh version 2

References• South Asia: Bangladesh. (n.d.). The World Factbook. Retrieved October 21,

2011, from

• Walker, B. (n.d.). Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 21, 2011, from

• April. (2011, Apr 14). Culture of bangladesh - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family. Retrieved from

• Cultural information - bangladesh. (n.d.). Retrieved from

• Silence. (2005). Bangladesh - culture, customs, language and etiquette. Retrieved from

Page 18: Bangladesh version 2


Hossain , M. H. (2010). Child labour:trends and features . Retrieved from

Nimbark, A. (2001). Bangladesh. In R. Marlow-Ferguson (Ed.), World Education Encyclopedia (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 98-102). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from

SIGI (Social Institutions And Gender Index) (2011), Gender equality and social institutions in Bangladesh . Retrieved from

NLM (A service of the U.S National Institutes of health) (2011), Gender and sexuality among men and women in Bangladesh. Retrieved from

Ashraful Aziz, A. A., & Clarence Maloney, C. M. (2001). Life stages, gender and fertility in Bangladesh. (pp. 74-80). International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Retrieved from stages gender and fertility in Bangladesh, Monograph No 3.pdf

Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2010). The Blue Book of Communication Studies (TCC Custom Edition ed. , pp. 161). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.