bangalore beat

RSS didnʼt back BSY: national gen secy Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: “The RSS never supported former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa. In fact, we told him to mend his ways when scandals broke out against him,” said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh national general secretary Dattatreya Hos- abale here this morning. “Now, Yeddyurappa has been reaping what he sowed. Many a time, the RSS warned him against going the wrong way. He did not mend his ways. And it is not our fault if he did not lis- ten to us,” he said. “RSS is a disciplined wing. We don’t in- dulge in such activities, nor do we support them,” he said. On the terrorism front, he said the RSS work- ing committee at a national-level meeting ex- pressed concern over the increasing incidents of terror acts and support from the other side of the border. There has been threat perception about attacks from the air and sea. There have also been increasing incidents of breach of border from the Chinese side. The country has to seriously reconsider agreements with China and its ambitions of surrounding the country from all sides. The country is being threatened by China’s support to terrorists in the North-East. During the war of 1962, China oc- cupied 38,000 sq km of land that belonged to India. But the central government has com- pletely forgotten a resolution taken in Parliament that the stretch of land has to be taken back. Nor is it bothered about further claims on the land being made by the Chinese government, he added. Pakistan has been inciting terrorist activities in the countries through the ISI. It is also known that China has been supporting Maoist activities in Pakistan and other places, he said. Ward boy crushed to death Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: A man was crushed to death after a drunken brawl in the city, probably early morn- ing. Ananth (45) was found with a hollow brick on his face at Harinagar near Konanakunte Cross. His head was smashed so badly that the police had to seek the help of area residents to establish the identity of the dead man. The police said Ananth, a Rajiv Gandhi Hos- pital ward boy, was in the habit of drinking hard. Last night too, he might have got a few drinks too many and got into a brawl with someone. The fight might have led to the murder, they added. The identity of the murderer/s and the reason behind the crime is not known yet. The police said Ananth was from Koppal. Evening daily MK meets Sonia P 4 Bangalore Beat Vol. 1, Issue 363 n Saturday n October 22, 2011 No. of pages: 4 n Price: ` 2 I’m a lazy actor: Maddy P4 Pasha: Life threat for me from Nirani Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: I have a life threat from industries min- ister Murugesh Nirani, alleged industrialist Alam Pasha, who has filed a case of illegal land denoti- fication against the minister, here this morning. Pasha, who has filed the cases against Nirani with the Lokayukta special court, said the media revealed threat to his life. He alleged that some goons have been following him for the last two days and that he has been re- ceiving threat calls asking him to withdraw the cas- es against Nirani. “I will not bend to these threats and my fight against corruption will continue. Whatever I have submitted to the court is true. But Nirani is calling me a cheat and making baseless allegations. The minister is frustrated and angry and that is the rea- son he has been resorting to these methods,” he said. On Nirani’s allegations of land grabbing against him, Pasha said, “I have not acquired any lands il- legally. I have bought it from the Karnataka Indus- trial Area Development Board. There is no illegal- ity involved. Nirani has filed a complaint only to di- vert people’s attention from the real issue.” BDA takes up demolition drive Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: After a lull, the Bangalore Development Authority today took up a massive demolition drive at Hennur Cross today and reclaimed land worth Rs 50 crore. The BDA, led by its commissioner Bharat Lal Meena, came in full force and demolished an apartment complex, a hotel and few houses and laid claim to 2 acres of land which it said had been ac- quired illegally. A heavy police bandobast was provided to the demolition team. Owners of the demolished hotel, Royal Suites, complained that the demolition has been taken up even before the Karnataka High Court, which has been approached by the claimants, passed an or- der. “We built the hotel over 30 years ago. The final notification for the land came in 1985 and the land was still under the city municipal councils. The plan has been approved by the CMC and the bank too has released Rs 4-crore loan,” they said. The BDA issued a notification two weeks ago and started the demolition today. “We feel it is wrong on the part of the BDA to take up the demolition before the court came out with its verdict,” they said. All 2G accused to be tried for criminal breach of trust New Delhi: Former telecom minister A Raja, DMK MP Kanimozhi along with 12 other people and three companies, who have been accused in the 2G spectrum al- location scam case, will be charged under Indian Penal Code Section 409 (criminal breach of trust by public servant, or by banker, merchant or agent). Special Judge OP Saini decided that all the 17 accused will be charged under crim- inal breach of trust during the hearing to- day at the Patiala House Court. All other charges levied by the Central Bureau of In- vestigation (CBI) have also been upheld, including abetment to illegal gratification against Kanimozhi. While Raja, his personal secretary RK Chandolia and former telecom secretary Siddharth Behura have been charged with criminal breach of trust under Sec- tion 409; 14 others including Kanimozhi have been charged with abetment to criminal breach of trust. The order is a huge setback for all the accused as the court ordered that that Sec- tion 409 has been upheld against all public servants including Raja, Behura and Chandolia. All the other 14 accused have charged under Indian Penal Code Section 120(b) (punishment of criminal conspiracy) and Section 409. Raja and Be- hura have been charged under Sec 409, 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property), 120(B), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating), Sec 7 and 11 of Prevention of Corruption Act. All the accused have been charged with cheating, criminal conspiracy, for- gery, accepting illegal gratification and criminal breach of public trust. The cor- porate executives and bunisess tycoons have been slapped with IPC Section 192 (falsification of charges) as well. Telecom companies Reliance Telecom- munication, Unitech Wireless Pvt Ltd (Tamil Nadu) and Swan Telecom, which is now called DB Etisalat, have been charged with criminal conspiracy and abetment in the case. Continued on page 3 Central leaders will decide on Ashok issue: CM Bangalore Beat Bureau New Delhi: Seeking the resignation of home and transport minister R Ashok, who has been accused of land-grabbing and illegal land denotification, is left to BJP senior leaders, said chief minister D V Sadananda Gowda here this morning. Gowda, who is here to attend the Na- tional Development Council meeting, said, “I cannot take the decision solely on Ashok’s resignation. It has to be decided by the top leaders of the party.” Ashok has been accused of grabbing two pieces of land at Lottegollahalli that had been notified by the Bangalore De- velopment Authority on the outskirts of the city. Former chief minister B S Yed- dyurappa has been named the second ac- cused. The Lokayukta police have already filed the first information report in the case and have been told by the Lokayukta spe- cial court to submit a report by Nov 5. Gowda said, “Even when Yeddyurap- pa resigned as chief minister, the BJP high command took the decision. In the case of Ashok too, the same procedure would be followed. I will meet party central lead- ers this evening and discuss about the state. Let them take a decision.” The FIR registered against Ashok does not prove that he is the culprit in the case, but only an accused. The case will be dealt within the legal framework, he added. Complainant Jayakumar Hiremath has alleged that Ashok grabbed the lands af- ter he became a minister. He approached the Lokayukta special court. Justice N K Sudheendra Rao, who took up the case, directed the Lokayukta police to conduct the investigation and submit a report. The Lokayukta police have registered the FIR under Section 156 (3) of the Crim- inal Procedure Code against R Ashok. HDK TRIES TO MEET BSY IN JAIL Two leaders trying to come back together for another shot at coalition government? D L Harish Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: JD(S) state president H D Ku- maraswamy today to meet former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa at the Parap- pana Agrahara Central Jail early this morn- ing. Kumaraswamy, who arrived at the prison around 7.30 am, had to be content with meet- ing former information commissioner Dr H N Krishna, who is in custody for alleged ap- pointment scandal during his tenure as KPSC chairman. Sources in the JD(S) and BJP told Banga- lore Beat that Kumaraswamy has been hatching a plan to join hands with Yeddyu- rappa to form a coalition government. They said Kumaraswamy met Yeddyu- rappa last week when the latter was admit- ted to the Jayadeav Institute of Cardiology and Research last week. At the meeting, Ku- maraswamy discussed with Yeddyurappa about the possibility of two coming togeth- er again. The JD(S) and BJP had formed a coalition government in 2006 and the arrangement ended in a disaster after Ku- maraswamy failed to pass on the baton to Yeddyurappa. As they say there are no permanent ene- mies in politics, the JD(S) leader has tried to revive ties now with Yeddyurappa, who has been languishing in jail for the last one week for his alleged involvement in illegal land denotification cases. Yeddyurappa said that he was suffering from a severe headache and would not be able to meet Kuamraswamy. He also skipped the proceedings at the Lokayukta special court, which extended his judicial custody till November 5, pleading health complica- tions. During their last meeting, Kumaraswamy told the BJP strongman to get 80-85 MLAs from the party to avoid disqualification un- der Anti-Defection law to form a government. The BJP now has a strength of 121 in the state assembly and the JD(S) 26. With the support of six MLAs, they can easily cross the halfway mark of 113. There has been a campaign going on within the ruling party to dethrone the chief minister D V Sadananda Gowda, who has been enjoying the position thanks to Yed- dyurappa. A section within the government feels that Gowda has continued to follow or- ders from Yeddyurappa, and unless he is re- moved the stranglehold of the Shimoga politician would not go, the sources said. Yeddyurappa too is of the belief that his position would further weaken if Gowda is removed as chief minister. It is said that senior party leader L K Ad- vani, who has taken out Jan Chetana Yatra to highlight corruption, is not satisfied with the mere resignation of Yeddyurappa as chief minister, but wants him expelled from the party. Continued on page 4 R Ashok Sadananda Gowda BSYʼs custody now till Nov 3 Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: The Lokayukta special court today extended the judicial custody of for- mer chief minister B S Yeddyurappa till November 3 in alleged illegal land de- noitifcation case. The court, which took up the case as Yeddyurappa’s custody ended today, also decided to take up the hearing in the case on that day. Yeddyurappa was arrested on October 15 after a special Lokayukta court charged him with alleged irregularities in deno- tifying government land. The judicial custody of former minis- ter Ess Enn Krishnaiah Shetty too was ex- tended till November 3. All the 15 accused in the case, except Yeddyurappa, attended court. Yeddyu- rappa exempted himself from proceed- ings as he is suffering from back pain and diabetes-related complications. All the other accused surrendered their passports to the court. Yeddyurap- pa’s sons, B Y Raghavendra and B Y Vijayendra, his son-in-law Sohan Kumar, his sister Akka Mahadevi, Manjunath and others appeared before the court. The former Kar- nataka chief min- ister was remand- ed to judicial cus- tody on October 15 after he surrendered before the Lokayuk- ta court. The Karnataka High Court will take up Yeddyurappa’s bail petition on Monday. His counsel Uday B Lalith has finished his arguments, while C H Hanumantharaya, appearing for complainant Sirajin Basha, is presenting his arguments that day. It looks like, Yeddyurappa and Shetty have to miss the Deepavali celebrations as they are unlikely to get bail by then. RSS national general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale addresses the media in the city this morning. Parameshwara meets Sonia Bangalore Beat Bureau New Delhi: Congress state president G Parameshwara today met AICC presi- dent Sonia Gandhi here and discussed the latest political developments in Kar- nataka. Parameshwara, who has been here for the last three days, today got an ap- pointment to meet Gandhi. He explained the reasons for the defeat of the Congress in Koppal by-election. He explained to her the political fall- out of former chief minister B S Yeddyu- rappa’s arrest and the steps that need to be taken to take advantage of the present situation. Parameshwara told reporters that he has given a report on the Koppal by-elec- tion result to Gandhi and how the BJP government misused the official ma- chinery to tip the polls in their favour. “I have also sought to know the steps the state Congress needs to take against the BJP and its government. The meeting was crucial as the state is likely to face mid-term elections soon. The state Con- gress is ready to face the elections any time,” he said. Reacting to the first information report filed against home minister R Ashok in an alleged land grabbing case, he said, “The development is in keeping with the BJP tradition. The BJP claims that it is a disciplined party. Then Ashok should fol- low the principles of the party and resign from his position immediately.” G Parmeshwara

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Evening Daily


Page 1: Bangalore Beat

RSS didnʼtback BSY:national gen secy

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: “The RSS never supported formerchief minister B S Yeddyurappa. In fact, we toldhim to mend his ways when scandals broke outagainst him,” said Rashtriya SwayamsevakSangh national general secretary Dattatreya Hos-abale here this morning.

“Now, Yeddyurappa has been reaping whathe sowed. Many a time, the RSS warned himagainst going the wrong way. He did not mendhis ways. And it is not our fault if he did not lis-ten to us,” he said.

“RSS is a disciplined wing. We don’t in-dulge in such activities, nor do we supportthem,” he said.

On the terrorism front, he said the RSS work-ing committee at a national-level meeting ex-pressed concern over the increasing incidentsof terror acts and support from the other side ofthe border. There has been threat perceptionabout attacks from the air and sea.

There have also been increasing incidents ofbreach of border from the Chinese side. Thecountry has to seriously reconsider agreementswith China and its ambitions of surrounding thecountry from all sides. The country is beingthreatened by China’s support to terrorists in theNorth-East. During the war of 1962, China oc-cupied 38,000 sq km of land that belonged toIndia. But the central government has com-pletely forgotten a resolution taken in Parliamentthat the stretch of land has to be taken back. Noris it bothered about further claims on the landbeing made by the Chinese government, headded.

Pakistan has been inciting terrorist activitiesin the countries through the ISI. It is alsoknown that China has been supporting Maoistactivities in Pakistan and other places, he said.

Ward boy crushed to death

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: A man was crushed to death aftera drunken brawl in the city, probably early morn-ing.

Ananth (45) was found with a hollow brickon his face at Harinagar near KonanakunteCross. His head was smashed so badly that thepolice had to seek the help of area residents toestablish the identity of the dead man.

The police said Ananth, a Rajiv Gandhi Hos-pital ward boy, was in the habit of drinking hard.Last night too, he might have got a few drinkstoo many and got into a brawl with someone.The fight might have led to the murder, theyadded.

The identity of the murderer/s and the reasonbehind the crime is not known yet.

The police said Ananth was from Koppal.

Evening dailyMK meets Sonia P 4

BangaloreBeatVol. 1, Issue 363 n Saturday n October 22, 2011 No. of pages: 4 n Price: ` 2

I’m a lazy actor: Maddy P4

Pasha: Lifethreat for mefrom Nirani

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: I have a life threat from industries min-ister Murugesh Nirani, alleged industrialist AlamPasha, who has filed a case of illegal land denoti-fication against the minister, here this morning.

Pasha, who has filed the cases against Nirani withthe Lokayukta special court, said the media revealedthreat to his life.

He alleged that some goons have been followinghim for the last two days and that he has been re-ceiving threat calls asking him to withdraw the cas-es against Nirani.

“I will not bend to these threats and my fightagainst corruption will continue. Whatever I havesubmitted to the court is true. But Nirani is callingme a cheat and making baseless allegations. Theminister is frustrated and angry and that is the rea-son he has been resorting to these methods,” hesaid.

On Nirani’s allegations of land grabbing againsthim, Pasha said, “I have not acquired any lands il-legally. I have bought it from the Karnataka Indus-trial Area Development Board. There is no illegal-ity involved. Nirani has filed a complaint only to di-vert people’s attention from the real issue.”

BDA takes updemolition

driveBangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: After a lull, the Bangalore DevelopmentAuthority today took up a massive demolitiondrive at Hennur Cross today and reclaimed landworth Rs 50 crore.

The BDA, led by its commissioner Bharat LalMeena, came in full force and demolished anapartment complex, a hotel and few houses and laidclaim to 2 acres of land which it said had been ac-quired illegally.

A heavy police bandobast was provided to thedemolition team.

Owners of the demolished hotel, Royal Suites,complained that the demolition has been taken upeven before the Karnataka High Court, which hasbeen approached by the claimants, passed an or-der.

“We built the hotel over 30 years ago. The finalnotification for the land came in 1985 and the landwas still under the city municipal councils. The planhas been approved by the CMC and the bank too hasreleased Rs 4-crore loan,” they said.

The BDA issued a notification two weeks ago andstarted the demolition today. “We feel it is wrong onthe part of the BDA to take up the demolition beforethe court came out with its verdict,” they said.

All 2G accused to betried for criminalbreach of trust

New Delhi: Former telecom minister ARaja, DMK MP Kanimozhi along with 12other people and three companies, whohave been accused in the 2G spectrum al-location scam case, will be charged underIndian Penal Code Section 409 (criminalbreach of trust by public servant, or bybanker, merchant or agent).

Special Judge OP Saini decided that allthe 17 accused will be charged under crim-inal breach of trust during the hearing to-day at the Patiala House Court. All othercharges levied by the Central Bureau of In-vestigation (CBI) have also been upheld,including abetment to illegal gratificationagainst Kanimozhi.

While Raja, his personal secretary RKChandolia and former telecom secretarySiddharth Behura have been chargedwith criminal breach of trust under Sec-tion 409; 14 others including Kanimozhihave been charged with abetment tocriminal breach of trust.

The order is a huge setback for all theaccused as the court ordered that that Sec-

tion 409 has been upheld against allpublic servants including Raja, Behuraand Chandolia. All the other 14 accusedhave charged under Indian Penal CodeSection 120(b) (punishment of criminalconspiracy) and Section 409. Raja and Be-hura have been charged under Sec 409,420 (cheating and dishonestly inducingdelivery of property), 120(B), 468 (forgeryfor purpose of cheating), Sec 7 and 11 ofPrevention of Corruption Act.

All the accused have been chargedwith cheating, criminal conspiracy, for-gery, accepting illegal gratification andcriminal breach of public trust. The cor-porate executives and bunisess tycoonshave been slapped with IPC Section 192(falsification of charges) as well.

Telecom companies Reliance Telecom-munication, Unitech Wireless Pvt Ltd(Tamil Nadu) and Swan Telecom, whichis now called DB Etisalat, have beencharged with criminal conspiracy andabetment in the case.

Continued on page 3

Central leaderswill decide on

Ashok issue: CMBangalore Beat Bureau

New Delhi: Seeking the resignation ofhome and transport minister R Ashok,who has been accused of land-grabbingand illegal land denotification, is left toBJP senior leaders, said chief minister DV Sadananda Gowda here this morning.

Gowda, who is here to attend the Na-tional Development Council meeting,said, “I cannot take the decision solely onAshok’s resignation. It has to be decidedby the top leaders of the party.”

Ashok has been accused of grabbingtwo pieces of land at Lottegollahalli thathad been notified by the Bangalore De-velopment Authority on the outskirts ofthe city. Former chief minister B S Yed-dyurappa has been named the second ac-cused.

The Lokayukta police have alreadyfiled the first information report in the caseand have been told by the Lokayukta spe-cial court to submit a report by Nov 5.

Gowda said, “Even when Yeddyurap-pa resigned as chief minister, the BJP highcommand took the decision. In the caseof Ashok too, the same procedure wouldbe followed. I will meet party central lead-ers this evening and discuss about the

state. Let them take a decision.”The FIR registered against Ashok does

not prove that he is the culprit in the case,but only an accused. The case will be dealtwithin the legal framework, he added.

Complainant Jayakumar Hiremath hasalleged that Ashok grabbed the lands af-ter he became a minister. He approachedthe Lokayukta special court. Justice N KSudheendra Rao, who took up the case,directed the Lokayukta police to conductthe investigation and submit a report.

The Lokayukta police have registeredthe FIR under Section 156 (3) of the Crim-inal Procedure Code against R Ashok.

HDK TRIES TOMEET BSY IN JAILTwo leaders trying to come back together for another shot at coalition government?

D L HarishBangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: JD(S) state president H D Ku-maraswamy today to meet former chiefminister B S Yeddyurappa at the Parap-pana Agrahara Central Jail early this morn-ing.

Kumaraswamy, who arrived at the prisonaround 7.30 am, had to be content with meet-ing former information commissioner Dr HN Krishna, who is in custody for alleged ap-pointment scandal during his tenure asKPSC chairman.

Sources in the JD(S) and BJP told Banga-lore Beat that Kumaraswamy has beenhatching a plan to join hands with Yeddyu-rappa to form a coalition government.

They said Kumaraswamy met Yeddyu-rappa last week when the latter was admit-ted to the Jayadeav Institute of Cardiologyand Research last week. At the meeting, Ku-maraswamy discussed with Yeddyurappa

about the possibility of two coming togeth-er again. The JD(S) and BJP had formed acoalition government in 2006 and thearrangement ended in a disaster after Ku-maraswamy failed to pass on the baton toYeddyurappa.

As they say there are no permanent ene-mies in politics, the JD(S) leader has tried torevive ties now with Yeddyurappa, whohas been languishing in jail for the last oneweek for his alleged involvement in illegalland denotification cases.

Yeddyurappa said that he was sufferingfrom a severe headache and would not beable to meet Kuamraswamy. He also skippedthe proceedings at the Lokayukta specialcourt, which extended his judicial custodytill November 5, pleading health complica-tions.

During their last meeting, Kumaraswamytold the BJP strongman to get 80-85 MLAsfrom the party to avoid disqualification un-der Anti-Defection law to form a government.

The BJP now has a strength of 121 in the stateassembly and the JD(S) 26. With the supportof six MLAs, they can easily cross the halfwaymark of 113.

There has been a campaign going onwithin the ruling party to dethrone the chiefminister D V Sadananda Gowda, who hasbeen enjoying the position thanks to Yed-dyurappa. A section within the governmentfeels that Gowda has continued to follow or-ders from Yeddyurappa, and unless he is re-moved the stranglehold of the Shimogapolitician would not go, the sources said.

Yeddyurappa too is of the belief that hisposition would further weaken if Gowda isremoved as chief minister.

It is said that senior party leader L K Ad-vani, who has taken out Jan Chetana Yatrato highlight corruption, is not satisfied withthe mere resignation of Yeddyurappa aschief minister, but wants him expelled fromthe party.

Continued on page 4

R Ashok Sadananda Gowda

BSYʼs custody now till Nov 3

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The Lokayukta special courttoday extended the judicial custody of for-mer chief minister B S Yeddyurappa tillNovember 3 in alleged illegal land de-noitifcation case.

The court, which took up the case asYeddyurappa’s custody ended today,also decided to take up the hearing in thecase on that day.

Yeddyurappa was arrested on October15 after a special Lokayukta court chargedhim with alleged irregularities in deno-tifying government land.

The judicial custody of former minis-ter Ess Enn Krishnaiah Shetty too was ex-tended till November 3.

All the 15 accused in the case, exceptYeddyurappa, attended court. Yeddyu-rappa exempted himself from proceed-ings as he is suffering from back pain anddiabetes-related complications.

All the other accused surrenderedtheir passports to the court. Yeddyurap-

pa’s sons, B YRaghavendra andB Y Vijayendra, hisson-in-law SohanKumar, his sisterAkka Mahadevi,Manjunath andothers appearedbefore the court.

The former Kar-nataka chief min-ister was remand-ed to judicial cus-tody on October 15

after he surrendered before the Lokayuk-ta court.

The Karnataka High Court will take upYeddyurappa’s bail petition on Monday.His counsel Uday B Lalith has finished hisarguments, while C H Hanumantharaya,appearing for complainant Sirajin Basha,is presenting his arguments that day.

It looks like, Yeddyurappa and Shettyhave to miss the Deepavali celebrationsas they are unlikely to get bail by then.

RSS national general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale addresses the media

in the city this morning.

Parameshwarameets Sonia

Bangalore Beat Bureau

New Delhi: Congress state president GParameshwara today met AICC presi-dent Sonia Gandhi here and discussed thelatest political developments in Kar-nataka.

Parameshwara, who has been here forthe last three days, today got an ap-pointment to meet Gandhi. He explainedthe reasons for the defeat of the Congressin Koppal by-election.

He explained to her the political fall-out of former chief minister B S Yeddyu-rappa’s arrest and the steps that need tobe taken to take advantage of the presentsituation.

Parameshwara told reporters that hehas given a report on the Koppal by-elec-tion result to Gandhi and how the BJPgovernment misused the official ma-chinery to tip the polls in their favour.

“I have also sought to know the stepsthe state Congress needs to take againstthe BJP and its government. The meetingwas crucial as the state is likely to face

mid-term elections soon. The state Con-gress is ready to face the elections anytime,” he said.

Reacting to the first information reportfiled against home minister R Ashok in analleged land grabbing case, he said,“The development is in keeping with theBJP tradition. The BJP claims that it is adisciplined party. Then Ashok should fol-low the principles of the party and resignfrom his position immediately.”

G Parmeshwara

Page 2: Bangalore Beat

CITY 2Saturday, October 22, 2011

Contact: M : 9900948514


Bangalore Beat



Candidates withtwo-wheelers


638 ERS SBC SPL Ernakulam Jn 0430 000637 SBC ERS SPL Bangalore City 000 17156228 BANGALORE EXP Shimoga Town 0430 0006227 SHIMOGA EXP Bangalore City 000 23306222 MYSORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 0500 05306221 CHENNAI EXPRESS Mysore Jn 2300 23456517 BANGALORE MAIL Chennai Central 0525 0002657 BANGALORE MAIL Chennai Central 0535 0002658 CHENNAI MAIL Bangalore City 000 22452607 LALBAGH EXPRESS Chennai Central 2125 0002608 LALBAGH EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 06306021 BANGALORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 0735 (Sunday) 0006022 CHENNAI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2130 (Sunday)101S RMAS SBC PASSENGER Chennai Central 1900 000102SR SBC MAS PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 09152008 SHATABDI EXPRESS Chennai Central 1050 and2230 0002008 SHATABDI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1615 and 06002639 BRINDAVAN EXPRESS Chennai Central 1320 0002640 BRINDAVAN EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14306523 BANGALORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 2005 0006524 CHENNAI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 08005626 GUWAHATI-BANGALORE Chennai Central 1840 (Tue, Thu) 0005625 BANGALORE - GUWAHATI Bangalore City 000 2330 (Wed, Fri)2429 RAJDHANI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1835 (Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu)2430 RAJDHANI EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 0725(Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat) 0002627 KARNATAKA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 18302628 KARNATAKA EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 1340 0006217 SWARNA JAYANTHI EXP Bangalore City 000 1925 (Fri)6218 SWARNA JAYANTHI EXP Hazrat Nizamuddin 0830(Wed) 0002647 KONGU EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2315 (Sun)2648 KONGU EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 0200 (Fri) 0001013 COIMBATORE EXPRESS Mumbai 2215 23001014 LOKMANYA TILAK EXP Coimbatore 1225 12456529 UDYAN EXPRESS Mumbai Central 0905 0006530 UDYAN EXPRESS Bangalore City 00000 20006507 JU BANGALORE EXPRESS Jodhpur Jn 0400(Sat, Mon) 0006508 JODHPUR EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2125 (Mon, Wed)1017 CHALUKYA EXPRESS Dadar Mumbai 2225(Except Wed) 0001018 CHALUKYA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 0620 (Except Thu)6509 AII SBC EXPRESS Ajmer Jn 0400 (Sun, Tue) 0006510 AJMER EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2125 (Tue, Thu)6501 AHMEDABAD EXPRESS Ahmedabad 0800 (Thu) 000

6502 AHMEDABAD EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1330 (Sun)6831 MYSORE EXPRESS Thanjavur 0555 06306832 THANJAVUR EXPRESS Mysore 1845 19007086 SECUNDERABAD EXP Bangalore City 000 17007085 BANGALORE EXPRESS Secunderabad 0715 000790 KACHEGUDA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1800 (Sat)789SC MYS Secunderabad 1030 (Sun) 1020 (Sun)9775 JAIPUR EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1100 (Thu, Sat)9776 JP BANGALORE EXPRESS Jaipur 1630 (Wed, Fri) 0007209 SESHADRI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 13157210 SESHADRI EXPRESS Kakinada Town 1235 0006525 KANYAKUMARI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2145 6526 BANGALORE EXPRESS Kanyakumari 0655 0008563 PRASHANTHI EXPRESS Vishakapatnam 1000 0008564 PRASHANTHI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14006732 TUTICORIN EXPRESS Mysore City 2100 21156731 BANGALORE EXPRESS Tuticorin City 0635 06500621 SBC TVC EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2215 (Sun)6321 TRIVANDRUM EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1845 (Thu)6322 BANGALORE EXPRESS Trivandrum 0940 (Thu) 0002079 JAN SHATABDI EXP Bangalore City 000 0600 (Except Tue)2080 JAN SHATABDI EXP Hubli City 2030 (Except Tue) 0006591 HAMPI EXPRESS Hubli City 0630 0006592 HAMPI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 22056593 HAMPI LINK EXPRESS Nanded 0630 0006589 RANI CHENAMMA EXP Bangalore City 000 21006590 RANI CHENAMMA EXP Kolhapur 740 0002725 HUBLI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14302726 INTERCITY EXPRESS Hubli City 1350 000213 TIPUPATI PASSENGER Mysore Jn 2015 2030214 SCMYSORE PASSENGER Tipupathi 0725 08106205 TIPPU EXPRESS Mysore Jn 1325 0006205 TIPPU EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14156215 CHAMUNDI EXPRESS Mysore Jn 0950 0006216 CHAMUNDI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 18156519 JTJ SBC EXPRESS Jolarpettai 0815 0006520 SBC JOLARPET EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 17300235 BANGALORE PASSENGER Mysore Jn 0400 0000236 MYSORE PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 2355571SR SA SBC PASSENGER Salem Jn 1850 000572SR SBC SA PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 0730584SW SBC FAST PASSENGER Hospet Jn 0610 000

Train No. Train Name Station Arrival B’lore Departure B’lore Train No. Train Name Station Arrival B’lore Departure B’lore


NSS Unit of BMS Institute of Technology and Lions Club of Akshayaorganised a voluntaryblood donation camp on the Institute premises in Yelahanka recently. 297 units of bloodwere collected and mobilised for Lions andSanjay Gandhi Blood Banks. The camp was

inaugurated by Lion Chamundeshwari district chairperson for blood donation Dr SVenkateshwaran. Lion Aishwarya, President of Lions Club of Akshaya, presided over the

function. The camp was coordinated by Lion Deepak Suman,camp coordinator.

297 units of blood collected

NAANALLA (U/A)Tarun, Shubha Poonja, AnanthNag, Rangayana Raghu, RameshBhatBhumika (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm) Gopalan Cinemas (MysoreRoad) (11.45 am, 9.30 pm) GopalanCinemas (Rajarajeshwari Nagar) (10am, 12.30, 6.30 pm) Savitha (10.30am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm)

PUTHRA (U)Diganth, Supreeta, Rupa SriAnupama (10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.10pm) Balaji (Chikkalasandra) (11 am,2.30, 5.30, 8.30 pm) Inox (JP Nagar)(1.10 pm) Inox (Malleswaram) (3.25pm) Vishal (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30,7.30 pm)

PARAMATHMA (U) Puneeth Rajkumar, Aindrita Ray,Deepa Sannidhi, Ramya BarnaCauvery (11.30 am, 2.30, 6, 9.30pm) Cinemax (12.30 pm, 6.15 pm)Cinepolis (10.15 am, 12.55, 3.35,9.20 pm) Fame (Lido) (12.15 pm,4.40 pm) Fame (Whitefield) (10 am,12.50, 3.40, 6.30 pm) Ganesh (10.30am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm) Ganesh(10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm)Goverdhan (11.30 am, 2.30, 6, 9pm) Gopalan Cinemas (MysoreRoad) (10.45 am, 2, 5.30, 9 pm);

Gopalan (Rajarajeshwari Nagar)(10.15 am, 4, 7, 9.45 pm) HMT Cine-mas (10.45 am, 1.30, 4.15, 7.15 pm)Inox (Jayanagar) (10 am, 12.50, 3.40,6.30, 9.20 pm) Inox (JP Nagar) (10.05am, 12.50, 3.40, 6.30 pm) Inox(Malleswaram) (10 am, 12.50, 3.40,6.30, 9.20 pm) Lakshmi (Tha-varekere) (10 am, 1, 5, 8 pm) Manasa(11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30, 9.30 pm)Santhosh (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30,7.30 pm) Srinivasa (Gowdanapalya)(11 am, 2.30, 6.30, 9.30 pm) Sid-dheshwara (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30,9.30 pm) Uma (10.15 am, 1 , 4, 7pm) Vajreshwari (10.30 am, 1.30,4.30, 7.30pm) Vijayalakshmi (Garu-dacharpalya) (11 am, 2.30 pm)

SAARATHEE (U/A)Darshan, Deepa, Rangayana RaghuAdarsha (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm) Balaji (Tavarekere) (10 am, 1,5, 8 pm) Gopalan Cinemas (MysoreRoad) (3 pm, 6.15 pm); Gopalan(Rajarajeshwari Nagar) (1.45 pm, 9pm) Inox (Malleswaram) (2.15 pm)Mohan (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.15, 9.15pm) Mahadeshwara (11.15 am, 2.15,6.15, 9.15 pm) Nalanda (10.30 am,1.30, 4.30, 7.40 pm) Nartaki (10.30am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm) Prasanna(10.15 am, 1.15, 4.15, 7.15 pm) SriLakshmi (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30, 9.30pm).

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 Cinemax (10.45 am, 1, 5.30, 10 pm)Cinepolis (10 am, 11.45, 1.30, 3.15,5, 6.45, 8.30, 9.15, 10.15 pm) Fame(Shankarnag) (12.55 pm, 9.55 pm)Fame (Lido) (11.05 am, 12.40, 3.20,7.35, 10 pm) Gopalan Cinemas (Ban-nerghatta Road) (10 am, 5.40 pm)Inox (Malleswaram) (11.50)Insignia (8.10 pm) Parimala (11 am,2.30, 5.30, 8.30 pm) Rex(1.45,7.30pm) Tribhuvan (10.15 am,1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm) Vaibhav (11am, 2 pm) Veeresh (10.20 am, 1.20,

4.20, 7.20, 10 pm )

THREE MUSKETEERS (U/A)Logan Lerman, Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson ‘3D’ Cinemax (11.30 am, 4.45, 9.45pm) Cinepolis (10.10 am, 12.10,2.20, 4.30, 6.40, 8.50 pm) Fame(Lido) (1, 5.15, 9.30 pm) Fame(Shankarnag) (10.30 am, 2.45, 7.40pm) Fame (Whitefield) (10.10 am,2.45, 7.35, 9.50 pm) Gopalan Cine-mas (Bannerghatta Road) (12 pm,10 pm) Inox (Jayanagar) (10.30 am,3, 5.15, 9.45 pm); Inox (JP Nagar)(3.50 pm); Inox (Magrath Road) (10am, 2.40, 5, 9.45 pm); Inox(Malleswaram) (10.05 am, 5.20,7.35 pm); Inox (Jayanagar) (1.40 pm,6.50 pm) Parimala (11 am, 2.30,5.30, 8.30 pm) Rex (1.15 pm, 5.30,9.45 pm) Tribhuvan (10.15 am, 1.30,4.30, 7.30 pm) Vaibhav (11 am, 2pm)

THE WHISTLE BLOWER (A)Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucciand Vanessa RedgraveInox (Malleswaram) (9.50 pm) In-signia (12 pm, 6 pm)

Movie ListingsKANNADA


AZAAN (A) Sachiin Joshi, Dalip TahilInox (Magrath Road) (9.45 pm) Inox(JP Nagar) (12.35 pm)

MY FRIEND PINTO (U/A)Prateik, Kalki Koechlin, ManishaKoirala, Naseeruddin Shah, DivyaDutta Bhumika (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm) Cinepolis (2.05 pm) Everest(6.30 pm, 9.30 pm) Fame (Lido)(2.30 pm) Fame (Whitefield) (10.15am, 1.40, 5.20, 10 pm) Inox (MagrathRoad) (1.30 pm) Inox (Malleswaram)(10.05 am, 4, 8 pm) Inox (Jayanagar)(9.30 pm) Inox (JP Nagar) (2.15 pm,7.35 pm) Rex (11.15 am, 3.50 , 7.45pm)

MOD (U) Rannvijay Singh, Ayesha TakiaAzmi, Raghuveer Yadav.

Inox (Magrath Road) (4.50 pm)

MUJHSE FRAAANDSHIP KAROGESaqib Saleem, Saba Azad, NishantDahiya, Tara D'SouzaCinemax (3.15 pm, 7.45, 9.15 pm)Cinepolis (10 am, 2.05 pm) Fame(Lido) (10.05 am, 6.20 pm) Fame(Whitefield) (11.10 am, 4.35, 10 pm) Gopalan Cinemas (Ban-nerghatta Road) (10.45 am, 9.45pm) Inox (Jayanagar) (10 am) Inox(JP Nagar) (1.10 pm, 7.35 pm) Inox(Magrath Road) (10 am, 2.40, 7.10,9.30 pm) Inox (Malleswaram) (10am, 6, 9.30 pm) Insignia (4 pm,9.50 pm)

JO DOOBA SO PAAR (U) Vinay Pathak, Anand Tiwari, Rajat KapoorInox (JP Nagar) (12.20 pm); Inox(Magrath Road) (12.35 pm)


MURAN (U)Cheran, Prasanna, NikithaVinayaka (Mysore Road) (10.30am,1.30 pm)

VEDI (U) Vishal, Sameera ReddyAjantha (10.30 am, 1.30 pm) La-vanya (4.30 pm, 7.30 pm) Natraj

(10.30 am, 1.30, 4.45, 7.45 pm)Poornima (4.30 pm, 7.30 pm) Push-panjali (BN Pura) (11 am, 2.30 pm)Sri Balaji (Vannarpet) (5.15 pm, 8.15pm) Vaibhavi (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30,9.30 pm)

ENGEYUM EPPOTHUM (U) Jai, Anjali, Shravanand, AnanyaCinepolis (1.30 pm, 6.45 pm)

THE RETURN OF BIG ELEPHANT JUMBO 2 (U)Akshay Kumar, Lara Dutta, Rajpal Yadav

Gopalan Cinemas (BannerghattaRoad) (2.10 pm, 3.50 pm);Gopalan Cinemas (RajarajeshwariNagar) (11.45 am, 5 pm) Fame(Lido) (10 am, 7.30 pm) Fame(Whitefield) (10.05 am, 4.35 pm)

Inox (JP Nagar) (10 am, 2.35 pm);Inox (Magrath Road) (10 .05 am,2.50, 7.25 pm); Inox(Malleswaram) (10 am); Inox(Jayanagar) (3.15 pm) Insignia(2.10 pm)

Akka meetfrom

Aug 31,Sept 2

Bangalore: The Association ofKannada Kootas of America(AKKA)will hold the seventhWorld Kannada Conference inAtlanta of Georgia state be-tweenAugust 31 and September2 next year.

The seventh edition of theconference is being organisedin association with the Nrupatun-ga Kannada Koota and will cel-ebrate the language, art and cul-ture of Kannadigas.

The earlier six versions of theconference have been held inHouston, Detroit, Orlando, Bal-timore, Chicago and New Jersey.

Akka, a not-for-profit organi-sation, has been successful inbringing all Kannada units inthe United States under one um-brella and has been instrumentalin promoting Kannada language,art and culture among the com-munity. It brings out Chiguru lit-erary magazine and helps chil-dren with scholarships.

The three-day conference willbe showcase talents of KannadaKoota members in the US andinvited artistes and personalitiesfrom India. Business forum, cul-tural and literary programmes,women’s forum, beauty contests,marriage bureau and commercialactivities would be the highlightof the conference. Along withthose setting up businesses atthe venue, nearly 3,000 to 3,500people are expected to take partin the conference.

Atlanta is home to iconic com-panies like Coca-Cola, CNN,Home Depot, Rubber Maid, Geor-gia Specific and Delta Airlines.This beautiful commercial hubhosted the Olympics in 1996.

More information will be putout on

Auditionsfor play to

be heldBangalore: Auditions for thenew comedy English play "Allof a Sudden" are being held fromOctober 28 by Sankula TheatreInstitute.

The selected candidates haveto attend a production-orientedtwo-month acting workshop.Those in the age group of eightto 40 can take part. The candi-dates are required to have fluencyin English, but previous experi-ence or training is not a neces-sity.

Workshops will be held from7 pm to 8.30pm every day. Forchildren, these workshops willbe held during weekends.

Interested have to register be-fore October 28. Interested can

visit or call 9243422349.

Vijaya Bankopens 40branches

Vijaya Bankcommemoratedits 81st foundation day by open-ing 40 branches and 80 ATMsthroughout the country, takingthe total number of branches to1,240 and ATMs to 643.

Union finance ministerPranabMukherjee inaugurated the newbranches and ATMs.

The Bank also opened fourspecialised urban micro financebranches, adopted eight villagesfor providing basic amenities,eight rural health care centres,8 rural bus shelters, eight girlchildren and computer trainingcentres for the rural underprivi-leged.

Mukherjee said, “Vijaya Bankis one of the most progressive,technologically advanced andcustomer responsive banks thathas set new standards in virtuallyevery facet of banking. I am-surethe bank will achieve manymilestone in the times to come.” H S UpendraKamath, chairman& managing director of the banksaid, “Vijaya Bank’s prime focusis on taking active part in theinclusive growth regime and ac-cordingly, our endeavour con-tinues to be to enhance our out-reach to new and upcoming cen-tres. We are planning to furtherinvigorate this expansionaryphase, with the aid of the tradi-tional brick and mortar modelas also the IT-enabled alternativedelivery channels. ”

Mentally challengedshowcase their talent

Bangalore: Anvesha 2011, a com-petition showcasing the uniquetalent of the mentally challengedconcluded in the city recently.

The event was organised byCadabam’s Group of Psycho So-cial Rehabilitation Centres. ‘Man-asadhara’ from Shimoga, a homefor rehabilitation of persons withmental illness, bagged the rollingtrophy for this year.

Anvesha 2011 provided aunique platform to motivate peo-ple with mental illness and show-case their talent.

It attracted over 140 enthusi-astic and spirited participantsfrom various rehabilitation cen-tres from all over the state toparticipate in the competitions,such as debate, chess, pick ‘n’speak, carrom, skit and oneminute to fame.

A unique initiative by Cad-abam’s, “Team BPO”, was a proj-ect studying the productivity ofpersons with mental illness in aBPO environment. Begun in mid-2010, the participants were givenone-month professional training.

The first commercial contractwas successful from a singularbusiness perspective and qual-ity of work was termed “ex-cellent” by the client.

M K Saraswathi, vice-chair-man, Cadabam’s, said, “TeamBPO is a very special projectand we are very happy withthe results. Investing in mentalhealth care is not just aboutallocating money, it is aboutrising public awareness andbridging the wide gap betweenthe available human resourcesand the need to manage theburden of the illness.

Experts increasingly ac-knowledge that work is a keyfactor in supporting mentalwellness and warding off its re-verse – mental illness.

Employment promotes mentalwell-being through time struc-ture, social contact and collectiveeffort. Recent advances in treat-ment now make it possible forthose with persistent mental ill-ness to make a valuable contri-bution to the workplace.”

The highlight of the event isthe release of Cadabam’s sou-venir titled “Addiction: ReckonRelinquish Recover” a compila-tion of articles contributed byrenowned psychiatrists, psychol-ogists, de-addictionologists, fam-ily members, recovered and re-covering individuals which willbe released by Dr P Satish Chan-

dra, director and vice-chan-cellor, Nimhans.

Well-known personalitiesand dignitaries have alsoauthored articles in thebook.

Cadabam’s has beenworking in the psychiatricrehabilitation space for over19 years now, housing morethan 350 residents currentlyand having discharged overthousands of individualsand facilitated their reinte-gration into society.

Sandesh R Cadabam, di-rector, Cadabam’S Group ofPsycho Rehabilitation Cen-tres, said, “There are moremyths about addiction than

truths, more misconceptionsdominate facts.

Belief takes over science aboutmental illness. Mental healthday is less known but silentlyobserved world over on October10th and this year the themewas The Great Push: Investingin mental health care. It’s wor-rying to note that less than 2%

of the health budget is allocatedfor mental health.

Awareness on mental healthreform and care needs to be cre-ated and we have envisioned toeducate and empower by bring-ing out ‘Addiction: Reckon Re-linquish Recover’.”

Mr. Rajashekar – Director Op-erations, Cadabam’S Group high-lighted the process of de addic-tion and psychiatric related issuesin Alcohol and Drug users. Dr.Sunil – Director Facilitator furtheradded, “One third of people suf-fering from major psychiatricproblems develop disability orimpairment of one form or theother over a period of time andhospitals have limited or no roleto play in this situations. Ourcountry still needs to wake upand evolve a suitable publichealth psycho social model tohelp the persons with mentalillness for psychiatric rehabili-tation.”

The valedictory function willbe today at 6 pm at Hotel LalitAshok

GroBerStoBon on Mental Health Day held

Iodine essentialfor healthy life

Bangalore: As part of the annualawareness program to bring at-tention to mental Illness and itsmajor effects on people’s lives,the psychiatric nursing depart-ment of TJohn College organiseda psychiatric exhibition, "GroBer-StoB", on World Mental HealthDay recently.

The theme was, “The greatpush: Investing in mentalhealth”, and the day was ob-served to promote open discus-sion on mental disorders, andinvestments in prevention, pro-motion and treatment services.Various psychiatric exhibitionhalls were arranged to displaycharts and documentary ses-sions. There were also mime,skits and mock therapy roomsas part of the programme. Manyaspects of mental health and ill-nesses were illustrated throughthese activities. DrRadha

SMurthy, founder and managingtrustee of Nightingales MedicalTrust, Bangalore, George Esaw,principal, T John College, andDrNeelanjanaBhasu, vice-prin-cipal, TJohn College, gave talkson various aspects of mentalhealth during the inauguration.

DrMurthy said, “Through suchinitiative, we hope to enhance

discussions on mental disorders,and to encourage investmentsin prevention, treatment andpromoting awareness of mentalillnesses.People with mental dis-orders are mostly neglected andtraumatised. In several places,mental diseases are not cate-gorised as an illness. Preventionof mental health may be univer-sal, selective or indicative. Weare happy that T John Collegehas taken great effort to raisepublic awareness about mentalhealth issues.”

George Esaw said, “The great-est wealth is health. Health is astate of complete physical, men-tal and social well-being and notmerely the absence of diseaseor infirmity.”

The faculty and students fromall streams within the campusand even from outside gatheredin for the event.

Bangalore: Iodine is a naturalelement which is essential tohuman life as many of the mostvital functions of human bodyneed a steady supply of iodine.

Iodine is vitally needed duringearly childhood, puberty andpregnancy. Deficiency of iodineis known to cause many disor-ders, ranging from goitre, mentalretardation, deaf mutism, squint,difficulties in standing or walkingnormally and stunting of growth,especially limbs. Iodine deficien-cy in women causes frequentabortions and even still-births

and the children of such preg-nant women might be born de-formed. Lack of iodine can makea person dull, listless and easilytired, less active than normal in-dividuals.

According to the central min-istry of health & family welfare,one out of every five persons inIndia live in identified iodine-deficient areas and is at the riskof being affected by iodine defi-ciency disorders. As majority ofthe disorders are permanent andincurable, the Indian governmenthas launched a nationwide cam-paign to tackle the problem asalmost all disorders are com-pletely preventable. A nation-wide campaign to tackle iodinedeficiency disorders was ob-served yesterday as part of theWorld Iodine Disorders ControlDay. There will be week-longprogrammes till October 27 tocreate awareness on the needand use of iodine in the diet ofall persons.

Though areas in the sub-Hi-malayan belt extending from

Jammu and Kashmir and partsof North India and North-Eastare known to be suffering fromsevere iodine deficiency, evenDelhi, West Bengal, Rajasthan,Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Mad-hya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,Orissa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu andKarnataka have been found tobe facing iodine-deficiency dis-orders.

Forest and hilly regions in thestate as well as coastal districtslike Dakshina Kannada, Udupiand Uttara Kannada as well asKodagu, Chikmagalur, Shimoga,

Mysore and Chamarajanagarhave reported cases of goitre.801 cases were detected in thestate during 2008-09 with 656cases in 2009-10 and 473 casestill the end of March 2011.

Each adult requires 150 mg ofiodine a day, while pregnantwomen and expecting mothersneed 200 mg of iodine per day.Newbornsupto 11 months require50 mg per day, children in theage group of 1-5 years need 90mg a day, while school-goingchildren need 120 mg of iodineper day.

In view of the importance ofiodine in the diet, sale of non-iodised salt has been banned inthe state under the food andadulteration control act. Thestate government has embarkedon a campaign to popularise theuse of iodisedsalt to prevent io-dine-deficiency disorders, whichaffect social and economic de-velopment.

Use of iodated salt can preventalmost all iodine-deficiency dis-orders.

Students of the psychiatricnursing department of TJohn

College present a skit.

Page 3: Bangalore Beat

CITYSaturday, October 22, 2011 3CITY EVENTSGeneralIndian Institute of ScienceAlumni Association: ‘War andPeace: Conflict and Coopera-tion in an Insect Society’, byRaghavendra Gadagkar, SNBose Research professor, IISc,4 pm.

Divine Dimensions: Paintingexhibition by P Bala BhaktaRaju, Hyderabad, ORR, 6 pm.

Jade Garden Plot Owners:Tree plantation drive, S SureshKumar, Minister for Law andJustice to participate, Jade Gar-den, Sade Halli Village, NearBIAL, 4 pm.

Daffodils Toastmasters:‘Achieving your Dreams’, Ro-tary Club, 4th Main, 12th Cross,Malleswaram, 6 pm.

Dr Agarwal Hospital: Mockdrill for Diwali burns, LangfordTown, 6.30 pm.

Kannada Sahitya Parishat:Best publishers award to Anki-ta Pustaka, minister JagadishShettar to participate, Bhavanpremises, Pampa MahakaviRoad, 5:30 pm

CulturalAlliance Francaise: DanceDiscourse by Ashish MohanKhokar on Odissi, ThimmaiahRoad, Vasanth Nagar, 6.30 pm.

BTM Cultural Academy:Grand Music Concert, RamanaMaharshi Academy for theBlind, J P Nagar, 5.30 pm.

Indian Institute of World Cul-ture: Carnatic classical vocalduet, Wadia Hall, Wadia Road,6 pm.

Samvada Trust: DeepavaliSangeetha, recital by MangalaKarthik, Sri Jayaram Seva Man-dali, 8th Block, Jayanagar, 6pm.

Suchitra Kala Kendra: Karan-thara geetanatakagalu, Suchi-tra premises, Suchitra Thala-mane, BSK 2nd Stage, 5:30pm

Ninasam Thirugata: Nammo-lagina Bashira, K H Kalasoud-ha, Ramanjaneya TempleCampus, Hanumanthanagar,7:15 pm

Frames of Mind: Painting ex-hibition, gallery Rasa, #93,Muninagappa Arcade, Chama-rajpet, 5:30 pm

ReligiousBharatiya Vidya Bhavan:Homage to Mathoor Krishna-murthi, Khincha Auditorium,Race Course Road, 4 pm.

TheatreAugust: Osage County Satur-day, October 22nd, 2011. 7:30p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ChowdiahMemorial Hall, Gayathri DeviPark Extension, 2nd MainRoad, 16th Cross, Mallesh-waram Set in Goa, 'August:Osage County' portrays a fam-ily in a state of near meltdown.The play features Lillete Dubey,Sandhya Mridul, Kitu Gidwani,Meeta Vashist, Amar Talwar,Suchitra Pillai, and Ira Dubey.

Tango @ Ranga Shankara:Saturday, October 22nd, 2011.3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Addi-tional Timings: 3:30 pm and7:30 pm Ranga Shankara, No36/1 2nd Phase, 8th Cross, JPNagar Tango is set in the homeof a Bohemian couple, whofought for complete freedomin the arts and underminedprevailing social standardsand values. In this world ofanarchy, where nothing is sa-cred and everything is possi-ble, Arthur, their son, whohas nothing to rebel against,plots to restore old-world man-ners and conventions but dis-covers that the outward trap-pings of respectability willbring back order but not mean-ing.

MusicA Backward Glance on a Trav-el Road: Saturday, October22nd, 2011. 8:30 p.m. to 11:30p.m. Counter Culture, No 2D2Dyavasandra Industrial Area,4th Cross, Whitefield Coun-terCulture in association withAlliance Française presentsBackward Glance On a TravelRoad, an evening of musicfeaturing French metal exper-imentalists Hypno5e.

De'SaT Live @ Kyra: Saturday,October 22nd, 2011. 8 p.m. to11:30 p.m. Kyra Theatre, No2001 Kattima Center, 100 FeetRoad, Indiranagar Metal bandDe'SaT performs live at Kyratonight.

Eating OutBreakfast at Midnight @ Cub-bon Pavilion: Saturday, Oc-tober 22nd, 2011. to 2:30 a.m.Cubbon Pavilion, ITC Garde-nia, No 1, Residency Road In-dian signatures, breakfast clas-

sics, and desserts come to-gether to create a buffet thatstarts when the clock strikesmidnight.

Mexican Fiesta: Saturday, Oc-tober 22nd, 2011. noon to 11:30p.m. Sports Bar and Lounge,Le Meridien, No 28, SankeyRoad, High Grounds A specialmenu, which pairs Mexicancuisine with beverages. Com-bos include Tequila with Tacosand Beer with Burittos.

New Vegetarian Menu at Nan-do’s: Saturday, October 22nd,2011. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Nando's, No 1/A, Church Street, Nan-do’s gives vegetarians a reasonto smile with a meat free menu.On it are grilled burgers andwraps, and specialities likethe Veg Espetada, Veg Platter,and Roasted Veg Meal.

Chocofest: Saturday, October22nd, 2011. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.Baskin Robbins, No 218, NewBEL Road, Chocolate loversare treated to a host of indul-gent flavours like choco chipsmousse, chocolate ice cream,three cheers chocolate, maltedchoco fudge, world classchocolate, mint milk chocolatechips and more. There's alsoan offer where patrons cantake home a family pack onthe purchase of a party packof any of the chocolate flavors

Festive Sweets @ Caramel:Saturday, October 22nd, 2011.9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Caramel,Vivanta by Taj - Whitefield,ITPB, Near Big Bazaar, White-field Caramel welcomes thisfestive season with a choiceof hampers of chocolates andIndian sweets. Prices start fromRs 1250.

Dine by the Street: Saturday,October 22nd, 2011. 8 p.m. to11:30 p.m. Terracotta, Vivantaby Taj - Whitefield, ITPB, NearBig Bazaar, Whitefield Kebabsfrom the streets of Amritsar,Lucknow and Lahore underthe star-studded sky, pairedwith an expansive collectionof whiskeys.

Festive Hampers: Saturday,October 22nd, 2011. 10 a.m. to11:30 p.m. Mynt, The Taj WestEnd, No 25, Race Course Road,High Grounds Gift hampersfor the festive season, com-posed of gourmet treats. Theycan be personalised as well.

NightlifeSaturday Sundowners @Highland Nectar: Saturday,October 22nd, 2011. 7:30 11:30 p.m. Highland Nectar,ITC Gardenia, No 1, ResidencyRoad Saturday Sundownersfeatures 'Twist', a trio with aneclectic music style that in-cludes reggae, classic rock andpop. A special offer of 'morefor less' where every drink getspatrons the second on thehouse (on select brands)through the evening.

BLive! with DJ Vachan: Sat-urday, October 22nd, 2011. 8p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Bacchus,F&B Excellency, No 8, PapannaStreet, St Marks Road DJVachan spins techno and elec-tro this Saturday at Bacchus.

Backyard BBQ with DJ Van-shi: Saturday, October 22nd,2011. 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Ice,Vivanta by Taj - MG Road, No41/3, MG Road, DJ Vanshi spinsthe best commercial tunes, asIce becomes the setting for aperfect barbecue party.

DJ Pearl Live at Sutra: Satur-day, October 22nd, 2011. 7 11:30 p.m. Sutra, The LalitAshok, Kumara Krupa Road,High Grounds DJ Pearl spinsprogressive house this Satur-day at Sutra. Opening sets byDJs Shash & Chaz.

Black Jack Night with DJVicky: Saturday, October 22nd,2011. 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. i-Bar, The Park, No 14/7, MGRoad, DJ Vicky spins the bestof commercial, house & bol-lywood this Saturday. Guestswho draw a jack of spade wina bottle of Black Label.

ShoppingThe Great Forum ShoppingFestival: Saturday, October22nd, 2011. 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.The Forum Mall, No 21, HosurRoad, Koramangala A month-long shopping festival thathas great discounts and prizesworth 50 crores for shoppers.

Wrangler’s Autumn/WinterCollection: Saturday, October22nd, 2011. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.Wrangler, No 777, 100 FeetRoad, Indiranagar The collec-tion depicts the character thatdenim acquires after enduringan adrenaline fueled road tripand shows the relationship itshares with its wearer.

Swarovski Charm Collection:Saturday, October 22nd, 2011.10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Swarovs-ki, 1st Floor, Monarch Plaza,Brigade Road, Symbolic,quirky, feminine or offbeat,the charm collection allowswearers to express.

Members of the SUCI show solidarity with “Occupy Wall Street Movement” in Bangalore today. They said that theworld should unite to end the “dictatorship” of the US over the world.

ʻOccuply Wall Streetʼ here


Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The festival oflights,Deepawali, is just roundthe corner and the citizens ofthe Silicon City are ready to cel-ebrate it in agrand manner. Butbefore you prepare for the cele-bration, read this, here are somerules prescribed by the BruhatBangalore MahanagaraPalike.

1. Citizens should not throwaway the waste of crakers intosewerage. They should gather itin a heap and hand it over toBBMP pourakarmikaswho comein mobile vehicles on your streets.

2. BBMP health committee em-ployees will come to clean upyour streets. As and when they

come, the citizens must ensurethat the drains in front of theirhomes are not clogged with wastepapers, covers and other debris.

3. When BBMP officials cometo clean the streets, citizens mustcooperate and ensure that theirvehicles are in no way obstructingthe cleaning activity.

4. In case of any fire accidents,BBMP Hospitals are all equippedto treat the injured immediate-ly.

5. BBMP engineers and otherofficials will conduct frequentinspections in their wards.

Citizens can contact the BBMPcontrol room on22660000/22221188/22975595 toget their queries answered and

in case of any emergency.“The city produces about 3,500

tonnes of garbage every day andthe figure shot up to 14,000tonnes during AyudhaPooja.When compared to last year, weare expecting that the waste andgarbage derived out of this year’sDeepawali will be more.

The waste blocks free flow indrains and sewerage.

They could also cause otherenvironmental hazards.

We have prescribed some rulesfor citizens and expect them tofollow them.

These measures have beentaken to retain the beauty of thecity,” said BBMP commissionerSiddaiah in a press release.

Music exammarks cards

Dept secy: Others watchingpostal system in country

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The postal system in India hasbecome a pioneer in the world and countrieslike the US, Japan and China are watchingus closely, said secretary to the central postaldepartment Radhika Doreswamy here thismorning. After distributing postal awardsto best postal employees at the General Postoffice, she said, “The department is usinghandheld devices on a trial basis.

This is a new technology and has beenimported from the US, which was beingused by the army there. The device willconnect several post offices and branchesthrough the internal network. The pilot isbeing now run in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthanand Maharashtra.”

The country has 26,000 post offices and1.5 lakh branch offices. The entire systemwill soon be computerised, bring in a massivechange in the system.

This will also enable and facilitate financialinclusion of the underprivileged sections,she said.

Annual Meghdhoot award for 2010-11were given to N Anuradha, assistant headof records section, Bangalore Circle.

Vani memorial award was presented to

postal assistants, Bangalore circle office –CV VijayaBai, and P S Prasannalakshmi.

DakSeva awards for 2009-10 and 2010-11were presented to 16 post department officials

with eight awards per year. Chief post master general Hilda Abraham and chiefpost master, Bangalore circle, Vasumitawere present.

Upendra raises the flag for Sahara Force India F1 team

Bangalore: The Sahara ForceIndia Formula One Team todayflagged off the “Raise The Flag”campaign in Bangalore with su-perstar Upendra. The Bangaloreleg of the campaign is the fourthof a nine city signature campaignto garner support for the FormulaOne Team as they prepare fortheir first ever home Grand Prixto be held on 30th October 2011.

A signature campaign, TheRaise The Flag will span ninecities to promote Formula 1 inthe country and drive supportbehind India’s only Formula 1team. With the inaugural IndianGrand Prix just round the corner,the Sahara Force India Formula1 Team will give fans an oppor-tunity to experience the excite-ment of Formula 1 with the cam-paign.

Fans will get a chance to playthe role of the Sahara Force IndiaFormula 1 Team’s pit stop crew.They will get an opportunity tochange the tyres of the SaharaForce India’s ‘pit-stop’ show car.It is the only car in the countrythat allows users to enact actualpit stop like conditions on a For-mula 1 car.

The campaign allows fans achance to see what it feels liketo drive a Formula One car witha specially created simulatorwhere one could virtually drivefor the Sahara Force India For-mula One Team, while standinga chance to win fabulous ForceIndia merchandise.

Award winners at the ceremony held at the General Post Office in Bangaloretoday.

S Radhakrishna

S Radhakrishna

Bangalore: The Karnataka Sec-ondary Education ExaminationBoard has despatched May 2011music exam marks cards to allthe examination centres in thestate.

Heads of all music/dance/ta-lavadya institutions are requestedto collect them from examinationcentres.


TRUST BREACH Continued from page 1

The companies can be slappedwith a steep fine if the chargesof criminal conspiracy, forgeryand cheating are proved.

The CBI filed its firstchargesheet seven months ago,in which it called Raja the mas-termind. He has been in jail sincehis arrest on February 2. The CBIhas also named some of thebiggest corporate executives andcompanies in the country in the2G spectrum allocation scam.

There are a total of 17 accusedin the 2G spectrum allocationscam case. They are former tele-com minister A Raja, former tele-com secretary Siddharth Behura,Raja's private secretary RK Chan-dolia, Managing Director, Re-liance Anil Dhirubhai AmbaniGroup Gautam Doshi, SeniorVice President of Anil DhirubhaiAmbani Group and Senior VicePresident of Anil Dhirubhai Am-bani Group and Reliance Tele-com Surendra Pipara, SeniorVice President of Anil DhirubhaiAmbani Group Hari Nair,Unitech's Managing Director San-jay Chandra, DB Realty promo-toer Shahid Balwa, Swan Tele-com Director Vinod Goenka,Kalaignar TV MD Sharat Kumar,DMK MP Kanimozhi, KusegaonFruits and Vegetables Chief Ex-ecutives Rajiv Agarwal and AsifBalwa, Cineyug Films' founderKarim Morani, Reliance Telecom-munication, Unitech WirelessPvt Ltd (Tamil Nadu) and SwanTelecom.

Raja has been charged withcheating, criminal conspiracy,forgery, accepting illegal grati-fication and criminal breach ofpublic trust. Kanimozhi has beencharged with accepting bribe,abetting a public servant for re-ceiving illegal gratification andabetting a public servant in crim-inal breach of public trust.

The CBI has also chargedShahid Balwa, Vinod Goenka,Sanjay Chandra, Gautam Doshiamong others of them abetmentto cheating, forgery, criminal

conspiracy and abetting a publicservant in criminal breach ofpublic trust.

Kanimozhi's father and DMKchief M Karunanidhi arrived inDelhi on Friday and met UPAChairperson and Congress Pres-ident Sonia Gandhi on Satur-day.

Kanimozhi has been lodgedin jail for almost six months andhas been denied bail. The courtwill resume hearing on the bailapplications of various accused,including that of Kanimozhi,from October 24.

Kannada super star Upendra flags off the Raise the Flag campaign for the Sahara India ForceIndia Formula One team in Bangalore.

Page 4: Bangalore Beat

Printed and published by B M Arun Kumar vide RNI Registration No. KARENG/2010/33126. Published by SAM Global Media, # 37, 1 Floor, 2nd Main, N. R. Colony, Bangalore - 560 019. Editor: B M Arun Kumar Printed at Lavanya Mudrana, #19, 15th Cross, Thyaarajanagar, Bangalore – 560 028. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation in any language in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material or for material lost or damaged in transit. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Bangalore only.

NEWSSaturday, October 22, 2011 4

Prem becomes action hero,flaunts six‑pack

Bangalore: Tamil star Prem is coming back in a new avatar.

The Lovely Star did not seemuch success with the kindof romantic movies he hadbeen doing. He is now plan-ning to switch to much morelucrative genre of movies, ac-tion.

He has been working hardto get the image of an actionhero. He has shed a lot of flaband is now looking trim, slimand muscular.

He has developed now whatis a must for action stars –six packs. And he is all eagerto make a huge difference tohis image and fortunes in hisnext, Shatru.

According to him, the au-dience would love to see himas an action hero, as they arebored with his Lovely Star im-age.

Darshan drives a VolvoChallenging Star Dar-

shan kicked off theroad show to promotehis latest movieSarathy, by taking up

various activities across thestate.

Yesterday, he drove a Volvobus near Tumkur. The fansthronged to see their herodriving all over the town fornearly 45 minutes. BrotherDinakar, who is accompany-ing the star, is happy withthe superb response andDarshan too is overwhelmedby the love and affection ofhis fans. The star is thank-ing all for the film’s successas he feels the people stoodby him during his worsetimes when he had to spendtime in the ParappanaAgra-hara Central Jail for allegedlybattering his wife and threat-ening to kill their son.

The film has already col-lected Rs7 croreand still do-ing brisk business in B andC centres across the state.The actor felt that the hugeresponse was possible onlybecause of the support ofhis fans. Recently he alsorode an autorickshaw, tryingto emulate his icon the lateShankar Nag, who too fea-tures in the film.

Prem, Lovely Star, hasnow turned an action

hero for his next movie.He wants to move awayfrom his chocolate hero

image it seems

MK meets Sonia,law minister

New Delhi: On a crucial day incourt for his daughter, in jail forthe telecom scam, M Karunanidhitoday met with Sonia Gandhi,the President of the UPA. MrKarunanidhi’s party, the DMK,described the 15-minute-longmeeting as “a courtesy call” -the southern leader wanted toenquire about Mrs Gandhi’shealth. She returned a few weeksago to Delhi after an operationin the United States. But thiswas the first time that the DMKchief met Mrs Gandhi since hisdaughter was arrested in May.

This morning, a Delhi courtwill decide if the CBI has madea strong enough case against MrKarunanidhi’s daughter, Kani-mozhi, to merit her trial on cor-ruption charges.

Along with 16 others, Kani-mozhi has been accused of play-ing a key role in the telecomscam that was allegedly master-minded by DMK leader A Raja,who is also in jail.

Sources say that MrKarunanidhi, who flew into Delhifrom Chennai yesterday, met withLaw Minister Salman Khursheedat a five-star hotel last night.

The DMK chief is expected tomeet his daughter at 4 pm today,most likely at Tihar Jail, whereshe has been staying since herarrest in May.

Mr Karunanidhi has visitedher here earlier, and is knownto have broken down while talk-ing to his child.

Kanimozhi, a RajyaSabha MP,recently applied a third time forbail. Considerable controversywas generated after the mediareported that the CBI had indi-cated that this time around, itwould not oppose her bail. Kan-imozhi’s lawyers say because

she is a woman and has to lookafter her young son, she shouldbe allowed to return home.

The Supreme Court, which ismonitoring the CBI’s investiga-tion, reacted sharply to these re-ports, suggesting that if the CBIwants to release those jailed forthe telecom scam, it should clear-ly say so.

The swindle was conductedin 2008, when A Raja was Tele-com Minister and bestowedsweetheart deals upon compa-nies he allegedly conspired withto gyp the country of millions.Mr Raja gave mobile network li-

censes with spectrum at throw-away prices to firms that wereineligible, according to the CBI.Like Mr Raja, the executives ofthose companies have been ar-rested.

Kanimozhi stands accused ofallowing a TV channel partlyowned by her in Chennai to serveas the resting place for a massivekickback to Mr Raja from SwanTelecom. She has denied thecharges.

Her arrest has tested the po-litical collaboration between theDMK and the Congress. The par-ties contested the Tamil Naduelections together earlier thisyear, with disastrous conse-quences.

The DMK delivered one of itsworst performances ever. MrKarunanidhi has repeatedlystressed that his party is notabout to pull out of the UPAcoalition at the Centre - where itbrings the considerable mightof 16 LokSabha MPs. But pri-vately, sources close to him say,he is upset with the CBI’s investigation and feels the agency has singled out his daughter unfairly.

Clinton confirmsISI set up meet forUS with Haqqanis

Islamabad: US secretary of state Hillary Rod-ham Clinton has confirmed that Americanofficials have reached out to the Haqqanimilitant network to test its interest in peacetalks. Her comments come even as the U.S. isdemanding that Pakistan do more to crackdown on the network.

Clinton is the first American official to pub-licly acknowledge the Haqqani outreach,which was reported in August by The Associ-ated Press. Clinton said on Friday the meetingwas organised by Pakistan’s intelligenceservice and was considered preliminary - tosee if the Haqqanis would show up. She saidthe US wanted to work with Afghanistan andPakistan to develop a sequence for actualnegotiations.

Donʼt meddle withstatutory bodies:

Modi to UPANew Delhi: Gujarat chief minister today hitout at the UPA and tweeted that the Centralgovernment is tinkering with the nation’sfederal structure.

Modi tweeted, “Don’t interfere with Con-stitutional bodies.” Modi said the federaldharma should be followed and all constitu-tional authorities should be allowed to carryon their mandated functions. This accusationfrom Modi follows the controversy over theappointment of the Lokayukta by the the Gu-jarat Governor Dr Kamala Beniwal.

Modi had earlier alleged that the Governorhas been acting on the behest of the Centre.

Saudi crownprince dies

Washington: Saudi Crown Prince Sultan binAbdul Aziz has died, a palace announcementon state television said on Saturday, throwinghis brother Prince Nayef into line to succeedKing Abdullah as leader of the key oil producer.The crown prince, aged around 86, also theminister of defence and aviation, had beenin the United States since mid-June for medicaltreatment. He was operated on in July but noinformation was released on his health con-ditions since then.

Mamataʼs deadlinefor Naxals ends today

Kolkata: West Bengal is under height-ened security as the seven-day deadlinelaid down by chief minister MamataBanerjee for Maoists to lay down armsends today. As a retaliatory response,the Maoists have called for a day-longbandh in the Junglemahal area - con-sidered to be one of their strongholdsin the state.

The bandh– announced on Wednes-day after the Maoists rejected Ms Baner-jee’s ultimatum - is expected to affectnormal life in the West Midnaporeand Jhargram districts in the state.

“Make the bandh in Junglemahalon Saturday a success against the in-justice meted out to the people of thearea,” Maoist state committee secretaryAkash, who escaped a raid by thejoint forces on Tuesday in West Mid-napore district, had said in a pamphletthat was found in the Junglemahalarea.

The Maoists had also slammed theChief Minister for her “supari killers”remark, likening her aggressive pos-turing to that of ‘Maa Kali’. Ms Banerjeehad made the remark at a rally inJhargram on October 15. Slammingthe Maoists for continuing on theirkilling spree despite a halt in operationsagainst them by the joint forces, MsBanerjee – while also calling them“jungle mafia” – gave them a week’s

time to shun violence and come backto the negotiating table.

The Maoists had said Banerjee hadinsulted them by making such remarksagainst them.

Earlier, the Maoists had launcheda similar attack on the Chief Minister,albeit by their front body – the People’sCommittee against Police Atrocities

(PCPA) - just a day after she gave theRed rebels a seven-day ultimatum.

In posters that were found near Sal-boni in West Midnapore district onthe day the Maoists were served thedeadline, the PCPA accused the ChiefMinister of going back on her promiseof stopping operations against themby Central forces and release of politicalprisoners.

So far, the Maoists seem to be in nomood to come forward for talks. In-stead, on Tuesday, they engaged se-curity forces in a gun battle. Tribalrights activist and writer MahaswetaDevi has joined the Maoist chorus forthe withdrawal of the armed forcesfrom several areas in the state.

With the situation already tense inthe state, it was no surprise that in-terlocutors appointed by the state totalk to the Maoists came away withlittle result. Though SujatoBhadra,one of the interlocutors, has stressedthat the dialogue is on and will con-tinue, talks seem to be making littleheadway.

The state government has askedthe Centre for two additional battalionsof paramilitary forces, clearly signallingthat it is reaching the end of its pa-tience, and a showdown could be onthe cards sooner rather than later.

BEO caughttaking bribe

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bellary: Lokayukta officialscaught an education depart-ment official red-handed whileaccepting a bribe here today.

Block education officer ofKurugoduKempaRangaswamywas the arrested official.

He was demanding a bribefrom Rajshekar to clear some

files related to the latter’s privateschool.

Rajashekar complained tothe Bellary Lokayukta officials,who laid a trap and caught theBEO while accepting a bribe ofRs 5,000.

The BEO has been taken intocustody and would be presentedbefore the court, the police said.

Mysore liquor store gutted

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Mysore: Goods worth Rs 1lakhwere gutted after a winestore caught fire at Hinkal lastnight.

The incident occurred atSunil Wines at Hinkal, 10 kmfrom the heart of the city.

The fire has broken out inthe middle of the night after itwas closed for business. Fire

brigade offi-cials said thefire was dueto a shortcir-cuit.

L i q u o rstocks, fur-niture andfixtures were

burnt in the fire. The Mysore Rural police have

taken up the case.

Illegal stone‑crushing units raided;25 stone crushers seized

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Haveri: With the government officialstaking the illegal mining seriously, il-legal stone crushing units were raidedat Ranebennur and Nelogal. Teams,led by the deputy commissioner, su-perintendent of police and tahsildar

of Haveri, raided the units whereillegal stone crushing was being carriedout. The officials seized 25 stone crush-ers. Deputy commissionerJayavardanecarried out the raids around 6am. Of-ficials had earlier conducted raidsthrice, but those were not effective asillegal stone crushing mafia resumed

their activities. The nearby villagerswere badly affected and villagers saidthe mafia used political power to con-tinue with the illegal trade. The offi-cials verified permits issued to them.Rocks are broken and fed into crushersto turn them into gravel for construc-tional activities, the villagers said.

Students of Visvesvaraya Technical University hold a rally near the Freedom Park,spreading awareness about celebrating Deepawali without crackers, in Bangalore today.

Donʼt smoke out DeepawaliS Radhakrishna

Actors Madhavan and Radhika Pandit pose next to Madhavan’s wax statue at a jewellerystaore on MG Road this morning.

Iʼm lazy actor, want to doone film per year: Maddy

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: “I am a lazy actor. Istarted my career with a Kannadafilm, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Afterthat I went down South. It willbe a pleasure to work on anotherKannada film,” said actor Mad-havan here this morning.

“But this time, I will learn thelanguage and then do a film inSandalwood. I would like to fol-low Kamal Hassan, who firstlearns the language and doesmovies in other languages. Rightnow, I am learning Malayalam,”he said.

“I am a lazy actor who would

like to do one film per year. Idon’t do action-oriented filmsas family dramas fit my bill,” hesaid.

The actor was in town to unveila wax statue of his at a jewellerystore on MG Road. Kannada ac-tress Radhika Pandit too waspresent.


downBangalore: A pedestrian diedwas run over by a van at Gar-avebavi Palya in the city thismorning.

Vinay Kumar, who was onfoot, was knocked down by thevan near RNS Motors showroomthis morning.

Vinay Kumar died on the spot,the police said.

HDK tries tomeet BSYContinued from page 1

Other central leaders too feelthat the BJP is in a strong positionto grab power at the Centre andseveral other states if the issuesare handled properly now. Yed-dyurappa and party politiciansfrom Karnataka, who have beenfacing a series of corruptioncharges, could be the hurdle tothat path. They have realisedthat the effects of Yeddyurappa’sarrest is not limited to the statealone, but has cast a shadow onthe party prospects across thecountry, the sources said.

Yeddyurapa might want tomove before the axe falls on him.He would not enjoy the samesupport from his party colleaguesif he is removed from the party.The meeting with Kumaraswamyis in that direction, the sourcesadded.