baifflsmoimnimdgfr xix. no, 24...

VOL XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratkm or I Members Two Virgiaia Again Up. bol<l< TraditioiM, BetUebea Good Virginia is coming into her own sg«tn. The foUoying ia clipped from the pen of J. F. E. in The Sun, Baltimore,of November 3rd; ^TbB nfajgrration 15 often hraS; (»||IRG-li^ BERKELEY MARRIED ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Mn. McDonald EaterUins at End Came W^dnewiay Morning ^'OAwoodT-BM^.tS^I^After a Unseriog^ lUneu. The Bethlehem Good House- •kcopera' Ciufa mwl Iwt Saturday at the home of Mrs. L. B. Wil- m Wte&iagtoMuittigfutf aiftfiftfejAeamtftuuuKi.pfSg^htMBy aw of 4 generation or two Virginia is coming into her own again as a producer of leadersh^ln natiotial affairs. And a look at the pres- ent Congress and the present, ad- ministration bears out that hope. "^Saiae 7rom the fact" 'tfiaF a Virginian is again in the White House, Senator Thomas S. Mar-, tin is chairman of the appropria- Chai. R. McDonald was the Tuesday morning after a long itt- scene of a merry gathering of ne^ of. pulmonary affection. ^hams, the preydent. ilra>:W.£L jmung and old -^n Hallowccw. The fuiwjal was ' Qpy>ngtoa. being in the chair, whan-yitrWwa, gtw>atfi ami goKiiryt a ' e k ) ^ iTueacht: IHi'yiHmany niysteribas pranks, the Prinfitive^ptiBt Church.and The rtal ilurpose of the occa- interment was made in the ceme- sion was a sily^r spoon ''shower,'' tery near tow|t. Elder S. T. D«l- given by Mrs. McDonald and Miss ton, of Falls Church, conducted Eleai)pr Wiikins to Miss Elsther the servioea. Dogan. who is to be manried NQ- , The oalibfiarers were six young vember 26th, and a veritable men from Manassas—Meas^. shower It wias. ' ' Edward Lynch.Clevelarid Fisher, tione coeamittee of the> Senate; Senator Glaade A. Swatison is cnairmap ot the l}ubHc buildings ffnij grounds^* L the Westwood Hutchison some ideas for a delicious kind of candy. Other interesting houaehold 3 ^ _^^^ ^^ j matters were ^iiscussed; at the -— rkion, nf that state—ia-:pn"fey ^SffetaeleiiiSf'Wllteti'ft m S -foreign relatione egipoutlee; Wil- rand - seconded'- that the -'CeeA senate; Carter Glass is chairman of the banking and eurrehcy eeamittoe of the heuoo; ^ a l liMft'A. Jones is chairman of |he FhlJI WlmL'eommlttw, ana Jamea Hay io chairman of the<onr- orer Thomas Nelson Page is am- iwaHaOm' tu imiy Hiid Juwph E. Willhrd ia ambaoondor to Spain. Mn fttntj in «-.k» TTninn wapp Nflw York, perhaps, can boagt of aa array of party leaders in the affiurs of to-day as impoauble as "that put forwardf by Virginia. Certainly 00 state can .point te CoTington for the club's consid- eration, was read by Mrs. Wat- wood Hutchison. Each article was discussed and ^oted upon separately and the conatituUon was adopted as a whole. The president then stated she hoped to bring to the next meet- ing a club year bo(^. Minutes read and approved and <iu6e aniouBnfi^'to '^S'CSits cot' lected. Mrs. K. A. Hutchison told how ta make good hard soap and Mrs. Housekeeper" paper be subscrib- pd fcnrimd aentip the preridenr aJTwitdies exhibit next Fanners' Institule day>^d te invito tlio U>ovetei> and Hfcymarket^ elaba to CThiWf with them, eacl ^wn tahlfl anil :n cpit l b liave Its ownta i«dge* separately Caofl^eaa with more pride» ODTBAMKBD BY FSW —SS&ltSE=JfaLftiSL~tfae~ &^i^JA Virg^nma now in public life, is senate. No democrat in that ~ buUy^luurasravil'loiq^; U19B JWf _ex^|S^rt^5_B^onj_bf_GeOT- gia, and TiUman. of ^Soutb. Uaro- lioa. Qtofag tteee RepuMicana oatraidr him in i > ^ t « f leagtb of aervice. Not an orator, aot even an ef- tin.iMTathdesa, wins battle after tHtafrfaiiieU fi.B itaont fioond invited the elub and also the Groveton cl&b to meet wijth her on Saturday, Nov. 16. the meeting, which invita- waa prempthr aeooptcd The hospitable home ef Mr.and Johfi Calvin Akers died last MIST Granddaufhter ef Col. Berkeley Wed* Rev. J. C. W, HobsoB uTPhiladelphS: From a Richmond daily: Richmond society is deeply in- terested ittihe wedding of-Miss igr^;ti^ -^TOg;mTOr^u^EtiFWoS tiTcouS^^^Iwthr ihe Me Edmund Berkeley, who,for many years was an official of the South- em and Seaboard Air Line Rail- ways, to the Rev. Jennings Crop- per Wise Hobson, which took- A table was covered with many Frank May, Carroll Rice, Ralph beautiful spooos ^ v e n this popu- and Lawrence Gregory.' lar youBg lady bji her numerous i Mr. Akers ip th" third sen ef frimi^ - - ^ ijjfg, Mttefred Akers aiia the late The house deww'atiftna wpro nti. g A,f^y„, ^fag was a prominent contracter and builder fesKience" here. ^He usually pretty and unique.. Corii, fft^Hftr. j«i»lf-ft.l<in»^mB, x^\\\ and black cats gree'ted the guests was born in Brentsville twenty- from the cellar to the third floor, three years ago and came to Man- Qne almost expected to see awne aneao with his paieiita in' U8 or'9il; of the Church of the Holy Com- munion, Philadelphia. The alter «uit'<rf'this bad" U w l was banked with yeSk>w and -white chTTTsanthemums and "palms. Mrs. Paul Seydell, of New ¥uik. was daiiiB of hwiOf. Ihe.door—*- taMgnded'tfaeiWanaBaiBjShooIa and made many friondn who were JHMStwohostewMjwCTe^^aed yen,^oaaf_toleamofJua-deatfa. and artidMJioniJt-xeidlin^hel^ "*^;y:^^?^^ tS:^^^ ^ peHection. ; held poeitiona with The Hop^na -4wlded-terfaave aTti—Evoi-y ewe entered- iuU> the CompMyaiigiftr. L. E.^Beacljey, games-with troe Jioliday jsoirit of this citv. and with a lanra aoit MgagdteaBof tftgifyoata. ^ dern in Charioi " "" A delifiioHa hnffAt: lnni»}ioniT wtifl BCTved.-after whicb the guesta' ^f fyutpauiy m t S eom-j departed, feeling the warmth of naunity is eaaeadedto the awrrow je apliil "uThMpltolity that al iwQjBmny: 7adeffat'*(^AW0od." lefcOTaTgaiiT Their l«sa is his CARURMwrnmRATlMSm EEO10N USDLTS At tJM close of the meetipga dainty and nutritious lunch waa a^baei^fely aerved and the host- ^ eafc giyato »^riaingToie of jffinBap for her-eharndnirhospitidi^. BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr A w M g i r t i WnnHMii From Tlda 3<»ctie«.teOa^o| Flitiit Fran ToRvoo ID : Arrivinf in Waco, Texaa, Mra. f^tive ''atmiTper.y tSenatorMay^^T. j . Pttvio, who was before her u m and its devotion to theifL [the flight from Torreon to Mon- Netfrprofoundatatcaman «rf-tbe t e « r as* thelBrrjibre condifiona W^at^BentOn-Thurman typi^ 4»«dMit to the ttoaUe in Mexico. he ia yet kept in Washington by aTsti^ whose rtatesmeg found^ the republic Not a great law- yef, otill ho io followed year in and year out by the deseenda^s of men who folk>wed John Mar- shall, Rtpphpn Maann and ffppa^ Hdntoa. Mimyfgggjfijt^refore, have natarally wondered wherein-lies '"•f" "^-'T' ftTfir bis -constitaents. They hsvr wondered how it is that he roae TrooTccMnparative obscurify and deffeated thatVinrinia idol, F i t s - ^ ^ e f g U i j federals: -i>gghTify.;jEartheseroteH»ofche:r~D;>,i.Ba .tho i ^ M>. I un- defeated the aturdy doge Tyler, the Ittiniant Montague and the &iB;ftrte8ive JOneir^ fte^tb^MSB: office. They have wondered why it is that no succeaafiil epponent to tiua" man has ever ansen tn coe ataSBr - . ---- LOYALTY TO rEUKiDS FOBEMO6T. There aoay be many reakona, but perhaps the moet potent ia the loyalty of Thomas S. Martin to his friends, the absolute cgn- lldeoce ttgfy~iTavg~tn hia Mfw^ marriage Mia»JaB^>teBe Meade. of The iiaini, tola tte.*t»vy W Car moA Depot Thieve* Find BivlGpb i TiMiiaeia.Wakeof Rebbcriee "fm^XmamL Caaqar WeFigfcliajfirriaia^Hnn -r^ 'llioCaifin bai, recently pAaeed | The election reaulta ahow de- by Oeg(ftieaa makiiiK Uw lulibytj UileU JeugJiifWHe gUmt Jg'Ky o^crbck 1^ the-memor TEU YOUR CONGRESSMAN Some Thing* the Famwir Sk^H Have Through Legialatiea and How to Get Th««. BY W. M. BBOWN {Field Agent Southern Railway) When candidat. P f> t r n y f.) ^_ vuteia to be allowwl to go to thS^ legislature to help make laws for the state for the next two years, they make the fanner think that they are his friend r|"°° "^^"^"5^ evewttg at ^ ^^i t>,ing thpy H» n»t think but- """ W.TnTlnr Virginin acted as best man, ^nd the cere- mony waa performed \^ R^v. Alfred Rives Berkeley, a brother of the bride and yicar _ol the Chapel of the ilo4y Gommumion. The bride was gowned in white wnhmidfrfld rhffwJUiaafr, trimmed 4n-ohl^ point teeOi and her tttfte veil was arranged with oranga iossoms. , ingmaBeo and wM*known ISIra. lainilies. granddaughter Hobson is a of Colonel re- mand Berkeley, of Hi^vmarlfPt, and formerly lived in Kicbmoad, befiure moving to Atlanta. Hie \SKxim ia a giiuiiukte of the Vir- giiiia Military lusttUite aitd the Virsinia Thecdogiea^ Seminaiy. He ia 4 great-jTrtodson ot Qim- etpor Henrs- A^ Wiac^f Vitgtoi<i, of flfeiihtcara. baggage cara, and «>*1 »<fte8- In eJipieaB caia -^ - ;.,„ the Denyftrata Maaaachasetta elected J D . R . 8ta«e commerce and the robbety"?^i?' *j''!J!*J*' »!^ " ofinteratateahipmentairomphit-^**"*^' "*<* ^*^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Paig^ Re- fnrmsand stati^na a federaT'^f• P«>lj<»p. to the Houae from the K RYton Ifr. Lewia and Sntnra Sliq» Haie ny ft.twftina> q^Eaturt IOT-OO Iky fense. is a Uw with teeth in i t , * * ^ ^ ! S V i " ^ ^ ^*'??' aud ahaip uuea at that, aa w i a i * " " ^ * ^ * " the govcraorstop of New'Jeraey on the Premdent Wiiaon laaiifl. In New York the evidcaiced in the Pedcrkl pnnrt at IhiaLMBMumMtrfiHwiing fTiAiiTHi itaeif Experiences erf 300 Americans jfhe andn their'g°r ^-T*^ if fhf, besieged city of Torreim. Mexico, were told today byllra. T.J.Davis. gifeof a mining ejigi.fuwf, u p ^ ner amvai nere, ^Tt& tripirom Torreon to Mon- terey. ordTharilv a jrwrney of The men of the party were con- vinced that they vere beinff. de- tained as po88il>le hostages- by said several little children died whm -food gave oat, .and a nam- UirmiUMhamr Ahtrrwfaeo Jttorfa^ I'arker was given a sen' wL years fii tlie TJnited States majority prison for robbing a afaipment of S ? ^ I>emocrBtic John Ptooy afaoea-flnnHigned to Miaa. from a-car in the yards on May" 4th ^l|itehdl WOP tiie majFtMralty of New York;> faaic" ffanHi«<«»a» PariceTwaa^**" ^"^ Tammany. William also-implieatad in robbing a ship-^|*^' rj°?fL5'^*^ T" ment of notieiia etmsi^ Avondale, Ala., from a car in the Biruiiughaa yards oa thc^ night of July-30th, and Otis Wa- e ^ " ^ ^ « « umted States Sen- liama and Anther Goodeye w h o j ^ ^ ^ i ^ i " * * * ^ * * "^J*** *^ a88iat«dhimwer<rgiv^^«Pnto«r^ j" J''^'If ^ "^"'^^'g.*'^^^ uf fuur^BHre and six montha and * " P"^/«"y qaoppoeei. three yewa ana~afct-in<mth8-r«-^—^?5^_^_^^™^***" ^ '** ^pectively in the United ^ t a t e t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ t e s K K ^ ^ - prisoh. " '^""•^ j Albemarfe and Cbark>ctesville, Under'the Cartin law, the proit'*''*•**^ H',irlain ^i£^ Bt ber of women gave Iwrth to babies. From Monterey Ae party tried; found in vario^ ttureapluLar'^ T^^«. lint y,...jti>i.^»g,t. n,^.;.^ ^^-.|. ia greatly aimplified UHTthe cer- , _ , _, - tainty of convV^H^W 4. mnVh •*• " g q aumXi. Democrat and city. greater as the fedenl statutes 'do not provide the loopholes state laws Caroiine» David ?. PovMn, ^vy Demoerat. P»»vedj Fairfax. WtHer.TanaiU OHver, :^y dartroyed railwgid tradca. 'Ilie retom trip wasthave been enabled to escape 6ir made with an American official i teehucaHties. As a result of the ia.„„„v„ w xi t^m~—s^ of the railnwd walking in f root I opaUtion of thu law. it is be- ocn!t of ther'etigine. Once he found a^fieved that criminala will recog- charge of dynamite on the track, nize the danjrer of tampering C^ttditi^e mmnmsmm very Htfle oT the ftrmer after they get to their office. As a re- are often enacted which w<a1u barm to the. farmer and -hia i i ^ r e a ^ Laws that will pw>typ^(tiifl farmar from unjust tAxytinn, f>nm ages of -worthless d ^ s , frem^^e— ing trampled upon in other ways areTiever thought of The time has POttlP whon fmiwom flis^ \f^ wrmfng-'jHSmtiers 1&I-. on^! .^^tate- legislatures and they are taking part in Uie laws that they are to~ five urufer Tha ^^^ wefl ffflc7 our future lavrs, and we w i ^ to mention some Trf-tfae~few~&wa' that will help the fmrmer. Every man onoul^S^^^^SfSsgep^ roeontative ie the legiaiature ia is authorized to introduce such faillB ay hig-gensiiaaiis iTeiuirB/ Tjet evwry iiuui taku It upoh fcim- self personally to see his legisla- tor or .Ibite him ^ lett^ before the next searion aaldng for such laws aa wiK ndp the faimeta iii hiaterritory. nWUST TAXAWOtf. and is wi<Wy related t^troajgrliDot For many generation^ the far- ing: more than thdr share of ttie lain Uuir Tnrer ^S» 4Ir. Series Lewis and staters, the Misses Alma and Lola, of near: :^ the-eaat apent a few days with ^^oOTim at lUwement I'toa.- near town., their father being a fim cousin of Mr. C.F.M.Lewis. Their grandfather was die younger brothor of the late Fnu- cis Lewis, of Rosenxtont. " :Mmiy wilt-»inemhfT thfi five jJiuHipri, TiHiapn, WHIhtnggaeg Maryland Blair Loc-wafr-Tbomaa and Henry, whe-^rewfr to tJaiif(nrna" year of "49. in the gold fevor Henry waa tEe"ffiit man in the Wear fn raise the limi haaa '^"^•^X„>^«'Kzing a foftnhe in the_bwBMeaa;. father of the recectjdaiters,'haa ft"Pitt».Bemoi^ff^^tneh of-t^tng aere^ uavuig I and BliouRFlegt be aBowed, county, state and national govern- ment. Th«ry are jp^t now b e | ^ ing to awaht to a luaMMflOn tf what they have bem doing and' are dginanding TAX RBiroBi^ Let every farmer fiviag under a ',. Suuthefn ggy dei—»d ifaaT"^ his taxes be tevied j g s ^ , and %fr-p(^y-M» part wf^—- BO nore. ~ A tai^e pa cent of tiie farma of the Sooth have some in<UMad- whidi under the aystem of taxation levfea doaUe taxes uptm the man W1K> is ti7- ing to got-hia-£ttrm^i^ *~- * *; the pi'eaenttnneif John Doe buys a farm worth teu liiwiwnd ddlaig^ and paya <»i|y five tbooaanJ diT" lars duwA- on his property, he PMstata xm ten-feoHsaad dcj- laiiit awl the man hoidiBg (Se^ fiye thonsand mortyg^ >»*« t" p^ taxes^^ftr tiat amotat of iDoney. This is doable tax^ion, in a jgTattHtifeee^ UMl flYfrftOOin lima heana^Jori j n f l n u m j , famedonsomething heafflToMignuea tfierBJMtrY-oflthat he doea not have i»hep he his father « a t - h i r 1 i i e iHrgestj has to pay taxraon fiveTBaSaad bean crc^ of any indiyidual dollars that he owes. Again we - « * ^ l r m « » * - m Catifflria. aBdjfinj one gentleman ^wmnc a ian<A QTr aa we la thelgp^ g^ ffpm y^g^ t^ y^„ ^t\i}^ South would aay, farm, except yt^|TW>impwnfy»>m; enta, but tfeteiioiat'- 1^^ amount rtf tanrl whirti.jng inotcad. 'Kte-Ua ill with_freiKht cars andfl^^Cfeand Fauquier and Loudoun, J<rfjn Qar Qanial) Dmiuuai. '^—, aeona more than a few of usjsays that jwoperty is not w«th couW cultivate. much so he assesses it very tow. The folks thought Virginia and as a r^autirpf this, this fellow aluW, eriptiuiallv 111 ' t^ml has very little taxes to pav. -lust tJtt" Jil*'13*!2Ai} :• man in Vtn^nia or out of it f-ias a record for loyalty tafriend- ahin -Afwi' rpmaMutitv in nAnttn&i —The masquerade german held M^ fir. ; Friday evenmg by the ManasSF venience and loss to ^eflaato pauae^ yenoua_ineQB- sMaaarrarPUBWHa.- wris aa they found ia eur ^ piupntj. He la pmtiBg ttp-neiF- " thfi coHntrv-. Also ijLour not ^ buildings.^ be-is iapfoving hh 7^ T- . f. ITve aervice Senator Martin ' It is said that there are more than 10,000 ViiiginiaBB for whom ~ One uf . Field, Democrat. hia 20 years may be many more for wBom lie "Gemian Ciub, was one of the hunting parties ^most enjoyable and largely at* parted company at Greenwich tended affairs of the season The party Democrat CA .. »» _^- u _- «.,* ^f vcuucu BiLttira ui ure acoauii. itie' WedneJftay. dividing 68 rabH Senator Martin has gone out of i, ^ j ..u -,-,1 j^ j i " uLiLu Li U \iJiiiul duililM hlL "^"'"'' *'*^ excellent and the cos- 31 quaiUnd-2 ducks. . , ' . There **""*•* ware highly fjivrnifird 'inrliUll'fl Mi mil i C„ Raymnnij ' faocyfnl,-exQuisite~and mirth-: RatcUile,' i. ~E. "Cannon,"C «n F Prinee WiiHam, C rving electricity, aa theyTmve firfdg t» jg trmwmtr -mffl^ work done by the uA of this stock. Immediately the assessor ; lahnr savor-aiinh aa Uiin .,,1,^1,1 ^j, ..>>•.> ^^^j^ :„ ffrttinfT ririr wrirV and gntrinp mnohinen ^^h and His farm is worth more than ever before, so he increases and makMihts mah pay I as well as lighting, etc; these p 1 1 TV .'lareiust a few of the iuximes of Rappahannock, R u i i ^ ^ ^ ^ e Calj^Q^f^^g^ his lev Leedy. Democrat I which we have not Sttl! they ]|«etae, jen}^^ their visit in Virginia ' nr^ """•'"^ *^°"1T nnmariiHf c,".^ y'age provoking. A number of out-of- town guests were in attendance. 1- uTn7T^.w J c^iTj j».- ^ ,«hots of the old home place 0: Rorabaugh. J. W. Dunbar and Stafford and King G eorge, [their grandfather and great "Ackie" Washington. • • James 0. Heflin, Democrat. grandfather. ' X. more taxe?.' We are putting a premium on id!enp^i'^ Let ever>- man demjir.d 30"? system of tax reform, anc demand It qii\ckiy, .:'.ni K -ij on aei., .... i-

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Page 1: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or


After Lap** of a G«ncratkm or I Members Two Virgiaia Again Up.

bol<l< TraditioiM,

BetUebea Good

Virginia is coming into her own sg«tn. The foUoying ia clipped from the pen of J. F. E. in The Sun, Baltimore,of November 3rd;

TbB nfajgrration 15 often hraS;


Mn. McDonald EaterUins at End Came W^dnewiay Morning ^'OAwoodT-BM^.tS^I^— After a Unseriog^ lUneu.

The Bethlehem Good House-•kcopera' Ciufa mwl Iwt Saturday at the home of Mrs. L. B. Wil-

m Wte&iagtoMuittigfutf aiftfiftfejAeamtftuuuKi.pfSg^htMBy a w of 4 generation or two Virginia is coming into her own again as a producer of leadersh^ln natiotial affairs. And a look at the pres­ent Congress and the present, ad­ministration bears out that hope.

"^Saiae 7rom the fact" 'tfiaF a Virginian is again in the White House, Senator Thomas S. Mar-, tin is chairman of the appropria-

Chai. R. McDonald was the Tuesday morning after a long itt-scene of a merry gathering of n e ^ of. pulmonary affection.

^hams, the preydent. ilra>:W.£L jmung and old -^n Hallowccw. The fuiwjal was ' Qpy>ngtoa. being in the chair, whan-yitrWwa, gtw>atfi ami goKiiryt a ' e k ) ^ iTueacht:

IHi'yiHmany niysteribas pranks, the Prinfitive^ptiBt Church.and The rtal ilurpose of the occa- interment was made in the ceme-

sion was a sily^r spoon ''shower,'' tery near tow|t. Elder S. T. D«l-given by Mrs. McDonald and Miss ton, of Falls Church, conducted Eleai)pr Wiikins to Miss Elsther the servioea. Dogan. who is to be manried NQ- , The oalibfiarers were six young vember 26th, and a veritable men from Manassas—Meas^. shower It wias. ' ' Edward Lynch.Clevelarid Fisher,

tione coeamittee of the> Senate; Senator Glaade A. Swatison is cnairmap ot the l}ubHc buildings ffnij grounds^* L the

Westwood Hutchison some ideas for a delicious kind of candy.

Other interesting houaehold 3 ^ _^^^ ^^ j matters were ^iiscussed; at the

-— rkion, nf that state—ia-:pn"fey ^SffetaeleiiiSf'Wllteti'ft mS -foreign relatione egipoutlee; Wil- rand - seconded'- that the -'CeeA

senate; Carter Glass is chairman of the banking and eurrehcy eeamittoe of the heuoo; ^ a l

liMft'A. Jones is chairman of |he FhlJI WlmL'eommlttw, ana Jamea Hay io chairman of the<onr-

orer Thomas Nelson Page is am-iwaHaOm' tu imiy Hiid Juwph E. Willhrd ia ambaoondor to Spain.

Mn fttntj in «-.k» TTninn wapp

Nflw York, perhaps, can boagt of aa array of party leaders in the affiurs of to-day as impoauble as "that put forwardf by Virginia. Certainly 00 state can .point te

CoTington for the club's consid­eration, was read by Mrs. Wat-wood Hutchison. Each article was discussed and ^oted upon separately and the conatituUon was adopted as a whole.

The president then stated she hoped to bring to the next meet­ing a club year bo(^.

Minutes read and approved and <iu6e aniouBnfi^'to '^S'CSits cot' lected.

Mrs. K. A. Hutchison told how ta make good hard soap and Mrs.

Housekeeper" paper be subscrib-pd fcnrimd aentip the preridenr aJTwitdies

exhibit next Fanners' Institule day>^d te invito tlio U>ovetei> and Hfcymarket^ elaba to CThiWf with them, eacl ^wn tahlfl anil

:n cpit l b liave Its ownta i«dge* separately

Caofl eaa with more pride» ODTBAMKBD BY FSW

—SS&ltSE=JfaLftiSL~tfae~ &^i^JA Virg^nma now in public life, is

senate. No democrat in that ~ buUy^luurasravil'loiq^; U19B JWf _ex^|S^rt^5_B^onj_bf_GeOT-gia, and TiUman. of Soutb. Uaro-lioa. Qtofag tteee RepuMicana oatraidr him in i > ^ t « f leagtb of aervice.

Not an orator, aot even an ef-

tin.iMTathdesa, wins battle after tHtafrfaiiieU fi.B itaont

fioond invited the elub and also the Groveton cl&b to meet wijth her on Saturday, Nov. 16. the

meeting, which invita-waa prempthr aeooptcd

The hospitable home ef Mr.and Johfi Calvin Akers died last MIST

Granddaufhter ef Col. Berkeley Wed* Rev. J. C. W, HobsoB


From a Richmond daily: Richmond society is deeply in­

terested ittihe wedding of-Miss

igr^;ti^ -^TOg;mTOr^u^EtiFWoS tiTcouS^^^Iwthr ihe M e

Edmund Berkeley, who,for many years was an official of the South-em and Seaboard Air Line Rail­ways, to the Rev. Jennings Crop­per Wise • Hobson, which took-

A table was covered with many Frank May, Carroll Rice, Ralph beautiful spooos v e n this popu- and Lawrence Gregory.' lar youBg lady bji her numerous i Mr. Akers ip th" third sen ef fr imi^ - - ^ ijjfg, Mttefred Akers aiia the late

The house deww'atiftna wpro nti. g A,f^y„, ^fag was a prominent contracter and builder

fesKience" here. ^He usually pretty and unique.. Corii, fft^Hftr. j«i»lf-ft.l<in»^mB, x^\\\

and black cats gree'ted the guests was born in Brentsville twenty-from the cellar to the third floor, three years ago and came to Man-Qne almost expected to see awne aneao with his paieiita in' U8 or'9il;

of the Church of the Holy Com­munion, Philadelphia. The alter «uit'<rf'this bad" Uwl was banked with yeSk>w and -white chTTTsanthemums and "palms. Mrs. Paul Seydell, of New ¥uik. was daiiiB of hwiOf.


and made many friondn who were JHMStwohostewMjwCTe^^aed yen,^oaaf_toleamofJua-deatfa.

and artidMJioniJt-xeidlin^hel^ "*^;y :^^?^^ t S : ^ ^ ^ ^ peHection. ; held poeitiona with The Hop^na -4wlded-terfaave aTti—Evoi-y ewe entered- iuU> the CompMyaiigiftr. L. E.^Beacljey,

games-with troe Jioliday jsoirit of this citv. and with a lanra aoit MgagdteaBof tftgifyoata. ^ dern in Charioi " ""

A delifiioHa hnffAt: lnni»}ioniT wtifl BCTved.-after whicb the guesta' ^ f fyutpauiy m t S eom-j departed, feeling the warmth of naunity is eaaeadedto the awrrow

je apliil "uThMpltolity that al iwQjBmny: 7adeffat'*(^AW0od." lefcOTaTgaiiT

Their l«sa is his

CARURMwrnmRATlMSm EEO10N USDLTS At tJM close of the meetipga

dainty and nutritious lunch waa a^baei^fely aerved and the host-


eafc giyato »^riaingToie of jffinBap for her-eharndnirhospitidi^.

BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr AwMgirti WnnHMii From Tlda

3<»ctie«.teOa^o| Flitiit Fran ToRvoo ID :

Arrivinf in Waco, Texaa, Mra. f^tive ''atmiTper.y tSenatorMay^^T. j . Pttvio, who was before her

um and its devotion to theifL [the flight from Torreon to Mon-Net frprofound atatcaman «rf-tbe t e « r a s * thelBrrjibre condifiona W^at^BentOn-Thurman typi^ 4»«dMit to the ttoaUe in Mexico. he ia yet kept in Washington by aTsti^ whose rtatesmeg found^ the republic Not a great law-yef, otill ho io followed year in and year out by the deseenda^s of men who folk>wed John Mar-shall, Rtpphpn Maann and ffppa^ Hdntoa.

Mimyfgggjfijt^refore, have natarally wondered wherein-lies

'" • f" " ^ - ' T ' ftTfir bis -constitaents. They hsvr wondered how it is that he roae TrooTccMnparative obscurify and

— deffeated thatVinrinia idol, F i t s - ^ ^ e f g U i j federals: -i>gghTify.;jEartheseroteH»ofche:r~D;>,i.Ba .tho i ^ M>. I u n ­

defeated the aturdy doge Tyler, the Ittiniant Montague and the &iB;ftrte8ive JOneir^ fte^tb^MSB: office. They have wondered why it is that no succeaafiil epponent to tiua" man has ever ansen tn coe ataSBr - . ----LOYALTY TO rEUKiDS FOBEMO6T.

There aoay be many reakona, but perhaps the moet potent ia the loyalty of Thomas S. Martin to his friends, the absolute cgn-lldeoce ttgfy~iTavg~tn hia Mfw

marriage Mia»JaB^>teBe Meade. of The iiaini, tola tte.*t»vy W

Car moA Depot Thieve* Find BivlGpb i TiMiiaeia.Wakeof Rebbcriee


Caaqar WeFigfcliajfirriaia^Hnn

- r ^ 'llioCaifin bai, recently pAaeed | The election reaulta ahow de-

by Oeg(ftieaa makiiiK Uw lulibytj UileU JeugJiifWHe gUmt Jg'Ky

o crbck 1^ the-memor

T E U YOUR CONGRESSMAN Some Thing* the Famwir S k ^ H

Have Through Legialatiea and How to Get Th««.

BY W. M. BBOWN {Field Agent Southern Railway)

When candidat. P f> t r n y f.) ^_

vuteia to be allowwl to go to thS^ legislature to help make laws for the state for the next two years, they make the fanner think that they are his friend

r|"°° " ^ ^ " ^ " 5 ^ evewttg at ^ ^^i t>,ing thpy H» n»t think but-

""" W.TnTlnr Virginin acted as best man, ^nd the cere­mony waa performed \^ R^v. Alfred Rives Berkeley, a brother of the bride and yicar _ol the Chapel of the ilo4y Gommumion. The bride was gowned in white wnhmidfrfld rhffwJUiaafr, trimmed 4n-ohl^ point teeOi and her tttfte veil was arranged with oranga

iossoms. ,

ingmaBeo and wM*known ISIra. lainilies.

granddaughter Hobson is a

of Colonel re­mand Berkeley, of Hi vmarlfPt, and formerly lived in Kicbmoad, befiure moving to Atlanta. Hie \SKxim ia a giiuiiukte of the Vir-giiiia Military lusttUite aitd the Virsinia Thecdogiea^ Seminaiy. He ia 4 great-jTrtodson ot Qim-etpor Henrs- A^ Wiac^f Vitgtoi<i,

of flfeiihtcara. baggage cara, and «>*1 »<fte8- In eJipieaB caia -^ - ; . , „ the Denyftrata

Maaaachasetta elected J D . R .

8ta«e commerce and the robbety"?^i?' *j''!J!*J*' »! " ofinteratateahipmentairomphit-^**"*^' "*<* ^*^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Paig^ Re-fnrmsand stati^na a federaT' f• P«>lj<»p. to the Houae from the

K RYton Ifr. Lewia and Sntnra Sliq» Haie ny ft.twftina> q^Eaturt I O T - O O I k y

fense. is a Uw with teeth in i t , * * ^ ^ ! S V i " ^ ^ ^*'??' aud ahaip uuea at that, aa w i a i * " " ^ * ^ * " the govcraorstop

of New'Jeraey on the Premdent Wiiaon laaiifl. In New York the

evidcaiced in the Pedcrkl pnnrt at

IhiaLMBMumMtrfiHwiing fTiAiiTHi itaeif

Experiences erf 300 Americans jfhe andn their'g°r -T* i f fhf, besieged city of Torreim. Mexico, were told today byllra. T.J.Davis. g i f e o f a mining ejigi.fuwf, u p ^ ner amvai nere,

^Tt& tripirom Torreon to Mon-terey. ordTharilv a jrwrney of

The men of the party were con­vinced that they vere beinff. de­tained as po88il>le hostages- by

said several little children died whm -food gave oat, .and a nam-

UirmiUMhamr Ahtrrwfaeo Jttorfa^ I'arker was given a sen' wL years fii tlie TJnited States


prison for robbing a afaipment of S ? ^ I>emocrBtic John Ptooy afaoea-flnnHigned to Miaa. from a-car in the yards on May" 4th

^l|itehdl WOP tiie majFtMralty of New York;> faaic" ffanHi«<«»a»

PariceTwaa^**" ^ " ^ Tammany. William also-implieatad in robbing a s h i p - ^ | * ^ ' r j ° ? f L 5 ' ^ * ^ T " ment of notieiia etmsi^ Avondale, Ala., from a car in the Biruiiughaa yards oa thc^ night of July-30th, and Otis Wa- e ^ " ^ ^ « « umted States Sen-liama and Anther Goodeye w h o j ^ ^ ^ i ^ i " * * * ^ * * " J*** * ^ a88iat«dhimwer<rgiv^^«Pnto«r^ j " J ' ' ^ ' I f ^ "^"'^^'g .* '^^^ uf fuur^BHre and six montha and * " P"^/«"y qaoppoeei. three yewa ana~afct-in<mth8-r«-^—^?5^_^_^^™^***" ^ '** ^pectively in the United ^ t a t e t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ t e s K K ^ ^ -prisoh. " '^""•^ j Albemarfe and Cbark>ctesville,

Under'the Cartin law, the proit'*''*•**^ H',irlain ^i£^


ber of women gave Iwrth to babies.

From Monterey Ae party tried; found in vario^ ttureapluLar'^ T^^«. lint y,...jti>i.^»g,t. n, .;. ^^-.|.

ia greatly aimplified UHTthe cer- , _ , _, -tainty of convV H W 4. mnVh •*• "gq aumXi. Democrat

and city.

greater as the fedenl statutes 'do not provide the loopholes

state laws

Caroiine» David ?. PovMn, ^vy Demoerat.

P»»vedj Fairfax. WtHer.TanaiU OHver, :^y dartroyed railwgid tradca. 'Ilie retom trip wasthave been enabled to escape 6ir made with an American official i teehucaHties. As a result of the ia.„„„v„ w xi t^m~—s^ of the railnwd walking in f root I opaUtion of thu law. it is be- ocn!t of ther'etigine. Once he found a^fieved that criminala will recog-charge of dynamite on the track, nize the danjrer of tampering



very Htfle oT the ftrmer after they get to their office. As a re-

are often enacted which w<a1u barm to the. farmer and -hia i i ^ r e a ^ Laws that will pw>typ (tiifl farmar from unjust tAxytinn, f>nm ages of -worthless d^s, frem^^e— ing trampled upon in other ways areTiever thought of The time has POttlP whon fmiwom flis^ \f^

wrmfng-'jHSmtiers 1&I-. on ! . tate-legislatures and they are taking part in Uie laws that they are to~ five urufer Tha ^ wefl ffflc7 our future lavrs, and we wi^ to mention some Trf-tfae~few~&wa' that will help the fmrmer. Every man onoul^S^^^^SfSsgep^ roeontative ie the legiaiature ia is authorized to introduce such faillB ay hig-gensiiaaiis iTeiuirB/ Tjet evwry iiuui taku It upoh fcim-self personally to see his legisla­tor or .Ibite him ^ lett^ before the next searion aaldng for such laws aa wiK ndp the faimeta iii hiaterritory.


and is wi<Wy related t troajgrliDot For many generation^ the far­

ing: more than thdr share of ttie l a i n Uuir Tnrer


4Ir. Series Lewis and staters, the Misses Alma and Lola, of near: : ^ the-eaat apent a few days with

^ oOTim at lUwement I'toa.-near town., their father being a fim cousin of Mr. C.F.M.Lewis.

Their grandfather was die younger brothor of the late Fnu-cis Lewis, of Rosenxtont. "

:Mmiy wilt-»inemhfT thfi five jJiuHipri, TiHiapn, WHIhtnggaeg

Maryland Blair Loc-wafr-Tbomaa and Henry, whe- rewfr to tJaiif (nrna" year of "49.

in the gold f evor

Henry waa tEe"ffiit man in the Wear fn raise the limi haaa '^"^•^X„>^«'Kzing a foftnhe in the_bwBMeaa;. father of the recectjdaiters,'haa

ft"Pitt».Bemoi^ff^^tneh of-t^tng aere^ uavuig I and BliouRFlegt be aBowed,

county, state and national govern­ment. Th«ry are jp^t now b e | ^ ing to awaht to a luaMMflOn tf what they have bem doing and' are dginanding TAX RBiroBi^ Let every farmer fiviag under a ',. Suuthefn ggy dei—»d ifaaT"^ his taxes be tevied j g s ^ , and

%fr-p(^y-M» part wf^—-

BO nore. ~ A tai^e pa cent of tiie farma

of the Sooth have some in<UMad-whidi under the

aystem of taxation levfea doaUe taxes uptm the man W1K> is ti7-ing to got-hia-£ttrm^i^ *~- * *; the pi'eaenttnneif John Doe buys a farm worth teu liiwiwnd ddlaig^ and paya <»i|y five tbooaanJ diT" lars duwA- on his property, he PMstata xm ten-feoHsaad dcj-laiiit awl the man hoidiBg (Se^ fiye thonsand mortyg^ >»*« t" p ^ taxes ftr tiat amotat of iDoney. This is doable tax^ion,

in a jgTattHtifeee^

UMl flYfr ftOO in lima heana^Jori j n f l n u m j , famedonsomething heafflToMignuea tfierBJMtrY-oflthat he doea not have i»hep he his father «at-hir1i ie iHrgestj has to pay taxraon fiveTBaSaad bean crc^ of any indiyidual dollars that he owes. Again we

-«*^lrm«»*-m Catifflria. aBdjfinj one gentleman ^wmnc a

ian<A QTr aa we la the lgp^ g^ ffpm y^g^ t^ y^„ ^t\i}^ South would aay, farm, except yt |TW>impwnfy»>m; enta, but tfeteiioiat'-

1^^ amount rtf tanrl whirti.jng inotcad. 'Kte-Ua

ill with_freiKht cars and fl^^Cfe and

Fauquier and Loudoun, J<rfjn Qar Qanial) Dmiuuai. ' —,

aeona more than a few of usjsays that jwoperty is not w«th couW cultivate. much so he assesses it very tow.

The folks thought Virginia and as a r^autirpf this, this fellow aluW, eriptiuiallv 111 ' t^ml has very little taxes to pav. -lust

t J t t " Jil*'13*!2Ai} :• man in Vtn^nia or out of it

f-ias a record for loyalty tafriend-ahin -Afwi' rpmaMutitv in nAnttn&i

—The masquerade german held

M^ fir. ; Friday evenmg by the ManasSF

venience and loss to ^eflaato

pauae^ yenoua_ineQB-sMaaarrarPUBWHa.-

wris aa they found ia eur ^ piupntj. He la pmtiBg ttp-neiF-" thfi coHntrv-. Also ijLour not buildings. be-is iapfoving hh

7^ T- . f. ITve

aervice Senator Martin

' It is said that there are more than 10,000 ViiiginiaBB for whom

~ One uf . Field, Democrat.

hia 20 years may be many more for wBom lie

"Gemian Ciub, was one of the hunting parties ^most enjoyable and largely at* parted company at Greenwich tended affairs of the season

The party


CA .. »» _ - u _ - «.,* ^f vcuucu BiLttira ui ure acoauii. i t i e ' WedneJftay. dividing 68 rabH Senator Martin has gone out of i, ^ j ..u - , - , 1 j ^ j i "

uLiLu Li U \iJiiiul duililM hlL "^"'"'' *'*^ excellent and the cos- 31 quaiUnd-2 ducks. . , ' . There **""*•* ware highly fjivrnifird 'inrliUll'fl Mi mil i C„ Raymnnij

' faocyfnl,-exQuisite~and mirth-: RatcUile,' i. ~E. "Cannon,"C

«n F Prinee WiiHam, C

rving electricity, aa theyTmve firfdg t » jg trmwmtr -mffl work done by the uA of this stock. Immediately the assessor

; lahnr savor-aiinh aa Uiin .,,1, 1,1 ^j, ..>>•.> ^^^j^ :„ ffrttinfT ririr wrirV and gntrinp mnohinen ^^h and His farm is worth more

than ever before, so he increases and makMihts mah pay

I as well as lighting, etc; these p 1 1 TV . ' lare iust a few of the iuximes of Rappahannock, R u i i ^ ^ ^ ^ e C a l j ^ Q ^ f ^ ^ g ^ his lev

Leedy. Democrat I which we have not Sttl! they ]|«etae, j e n } ^ ^ their visit in Virginia

' nr^ """•'"^ * °"1T nnmariiHf

c,". y'age provoking. A number of out-of-town guests were in attendance.

1- u T n 7 T ^ . w J c ^ i T j j » . - ^ ,«hots of the old home place 0: Rorabaugh. J. W. Dunbar and Stafford and King G e o r g e , [their grandfather and great "Ackie" Washington. • • James 0. Heflin, Democrat. grandfather. ' X.

more taxe?.' We are putting a premium on id!enp i'

Let ever>- man demjir.d 30"? system of tax reform, anc demand It qii\ckiy, .:'.ni K -ij on aei., ....i-

Page 2: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

ing It until it is given by the j ^ « - » M . < » » « » » » « » » » » » » » » < 4 » » » ^ •

sUte legislature. ^TftRRRNS SYSTKli OP-LANP


As we are to-day situated we

find that the taxBcm h»« » b " ^

land »* aocurity. In fact^very other buisiness man can get money easier than the farmer, and this is nnt njjHt? The fa«^

How the Revival Came

T^Sl-t ' JAl k'PlllAV NOVKMHKkV 1^157

mer who has soil, ha-i best form of S'-'.-mUv.


Br R£V. lAMa M. CRAY. D D.


.4HH4d-be rerngniTsed by capital-,,. ' The one thing that works agaiffSt tliis. is thegshaky titlt^s that >>•• much Southern property Jias._ Men having capital dp not wa»it

o u t UWifBB tilK.i

•4i»» > « » » * « • > > • » • * ' •rl-VT V.^» fnr . loox

b«»n wdhout th« iru« 0«a.

to piit

The Torrens sysiem of land registration' whlcfi^ makes the Mate giva thu tJH^J anr sfand

behind them." give* the man ot capital something defi n i t e. When we hava this system, it wrHbemuch easier for farmers to borrow money on real estate.

One Southern state.. North Carolina, has this system which is w-brkiflg 3pl<;ndiaiy. We wish

The condit ion of I«r»el <aailBg for a reTl»al _«t th« t i m e l i M t befor* u* in the words, •mm mi • >u—

to impTtiA- 6pon every"SoutbeFhtvithout uw." m-n.e>-were^without

raiuiu thu liiiBUM iH; irfg

TTrarnt^ ing that your legislaturf give you the Torrens system of land regis­tration.

: nnfi IJAW. _ Thp sheep wdftstry of the South

is all but paralyzed un ascounttrf ':h° ' hp'lS''"' '' "*• millions ot worthless xOTSowneibyn^iS^ and poor white" people for the

greater partr" ~: —• right in hJT H?^"!

and I do not want any "ne ^ nHpfcitanH that I w o u T d ^ a w a y

Jiree tuinw he ordinances


wi thout the true O o d * In the pre»-ent ca»e it meant

{ij They were wttbout of religion. "They

i teaclilng gileit. anii


(Co&dU'iM] by ih« Niitiomal Womaa's Chiiatlan Temtx-rane* Union.)

GKTTlNd 'A" OftINK IN KANSAt«; A D«wap«pef B»i» who-w»»W a e t

iMllere that It WM ao rerr dtlBcult to ( • t a driBk in Kanaas determined to i , . . . . n j . t . «„ , l . lm.»l f H> took w i t h him • rrlBBd wBlt. It II itatwd. "could (ted liquor In back aJler*. hay mawa. and under kitchen doors." Ha r*-HIM (Mir UPArtffi UBHU In ISe KansAt Ctty Starr tathr how. after followlnx the trail tor tan hours and fortr minutes In tka city Ot Topeka tligy Bnally raa 4ewn *• aller eocklail. ^ad sura« op l£a aKaa-tlon thus:

T h s B Js J japafa^ ye« »"'' 't i* Aiy goi

TFS= sibu to roD i r t a r t th«BB.^ it is a crime to cell liquor and It Is alao a crime to steal, and both Crimea are oomralttfd In Top^a and probablr will continue to be. Bat nalthar Is committed easll}' or with Impanlty and neither Is respectabA. As io the degree of ease. I should say that rob-

mlthout the trae God is certaJnlr a call for a revival. But what is It for a nation, or a church, or an in- . _ _ _ _ ._ _ dividual, to be | bioK a bank would be a' mu<i atanpler

matter than buTing an allar aoektafl. and 'would hiTOlTe less risk. A bank robber can get Into Topeka without having to register hli name and oc-c.apatloD with the anthorltiaa. Whisky

III iwu;*^ maw to h luTTW*--^j t^^e

rere without „ T t i ,

liuac ilmgg tlieiB "UM lim that went out, nor ame in." 1?) Ther were he outward blessings of religion. And nation was destroyed of nation,

lad city of city: far God did vex them ith all adversity _

the picture ot a ohurch individual profeasing Christlsii r an

•y who Is flodT ttW gogP*!. Ijj'lM' iHfauUed' lu that thureh, the rdlnances jarnlnlstered; and the

.-n^pr mffgring regularlT announced, luf the who}«L_nBM»jl ^of •M^rl*g*' vhile possessihg the form ot S«> 1*' inrni ln irltliniit tlin rt""" T*"!! i!

vitb the dog entirely, for I would not T nr^"»°"?* ttn^T it. WHulA-bfc much better to have a law that w o u l d p r o t e c t our s h e e p industry. We have here in the South about aghty-five nulli<» acres of waste land. _w e have.a great-ireed of more im^rfrom over the whole country. We co'jld utilize niuch ot^Xhtslanliiir "itrnre: -nrTiit'i««--»»^orKea Jip. or

.reached up. but it may be prayed up. BlT'Ta "shall recclT*. the sheep in^5te_MJL_gEgat;

profit, and we would be mjaking the farmer richer^ the South bet-teroff, and be ttelpiHg ihe onintr>-as a whole. But farmers art afraid lu gu iuLu any liui»iimi>s thst has so many hazivdB as the ?heep industry, .^naan in the »heep businegs nev^r feels flasy, for ho doc9 not know wh^t mia-ute dogs are going to kill half of his flock. £n a single night a few

-.0 real power In the-H»ea of uuns-l»»e «ii«iag iB thia ww. »o raallxa-ionaf thalr standing In flirlBt, .antf IO Joy or gladness tn their teeUmony •nd ierrioB. Thay cowe. into church 4i<J gu uul 01 11 HLJIU. to It ti M" >P tSese IsraeOleS, wtlheat • peace." ""heirs is a state of moral and s^rlt-'al ""adversity." , /•

Now how did th« ravlyai oeme? There are UD steps of prograas ladi-atM to tae H B U B : — — • — • ' * — — —

(1} "Tha spirit ot God aaaae .ttpoai \raTiah, the. aoB of Oded." vfeiwe L rhe source of every trtfe rarlral la

7c»^T Tnaef t5«~5raBIh law tk* rafT roads are required to certify to the •ataaiy »norfH!» every shlpacat

Mium l l ' g f w

A n d Manaaaas People A p -

jw^ciat* This.

Nothing can be (to«l for wverything. DoiixK oiw ttrinF weH'brinys sncccas. Ooan s Kidney Pills are for one tbin^

only. For weak or disordered kidneys. Bere »llanas6as evidence to '.

ilwlr worm. prove

Mrs. Annetie Bettis. naasas,

Maple St.. Ma-«aa Rnnnywl Iqt

a 4uWr -heavy f)at«-4ft the small -of tny back. Nothing seemed to give me any permanent relief. 1 beard Doan's Kid­ney PlUs hi|(hly reeommended atvd final-U got A MX. TbAj aa];y<l rB» f rom tins nrst. They are the best kidney medi­cine I know of."

TrE tmDofigEsiilNfr

by one of our represefltatives on April 1, 1912rBtie said: "I am jilat as strong a frtand to Doan's Kidney Pillfi as I was when I previously recommended them. I still take this reme<}y an^it keeps m.y kidneys in perfect working order."

For aala by all daalars. Price 60 aaftfc- FWtor MiUHWi Co., Bnffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unitad Stfttea

Remember the. name—Doan's—and take no other. U-7-2t

every shlpBeat of mm uuwB 111 consignee and his addreaa. It

makes a trail a blind man coald'fol­low, and the result Is there Is no Ilqiior shlpped'lnto Topeka any more. What small quantity rsachea there la carried In by its alley agents and hld^

-to r«p-liBar Ui LhB luaaiiBr I have jdBWiilliwl la the shape of alley oaoktalla,

T * | - ^J*^i»» t* v?^

.1 ^11 i j yi

r«ff Aof^ to ttStUu^ the Hiah Coat of LUring in •—

"^ Dico frfrfiffl—fflf^ —Tft ^nar t-' y^if agoing to ear about- that delactat>Ie 4FiBk.-- .As—alley—eocktall Is a half-pim j t tag ciKagisBf watttty T»«a-able In "the barrel honaee of Kansas •iiiiif aimte^ wrth Itaw ri^ee water | ' and iutl&clally colored with burnt sugar. It I s thes liurted under the BBJenBn BaBE* tna ptfiiiiKtta xsstr over night. When you meet a .man jm—lto-*rahi~who boasts leudly that-the lid is ofl^ta Xansas and that ke can go to Topeka or Leavenworth or Wichita and buy a drink. It Means faa has had an atley' coektaiL "Vi3ia» he has had two he wlU boKSt tbat "ka h M t a M M mnt l i»r" -. '

Tl-"BS" -an tn this InstAnCfe ifa amaglc llldi-

AN .UNPARAU.ELED RECORb. ' The toilowtag dtopatcik' was si^t

oat from Washlngtna. T> C . one y««a-day seen—after the new eaclaa tew w<rit Into effect:

" n i # n u t l o M l Mipl»«t «w«Wn«rf-*.»^-g«fc«M« OiStUt: Spm

idiial. a prophet. like an ordinary ''*' '° ^^^ "^ ' during the thlrtjr-oae - ,,^, j hours from midnight; Saturday to T

°"fae spirit of GcMl fell on him, aaotet-ns him for aerrloe.

lU weat eut and satd, "hcaj ye ' t iH -

o'cioeK tnis moming it bad bera a .'jagless'''town. Not one arrAf for drunkennofti h«it'lw>»ii MaH» h» tlm

(/misa o f RaprmtmntaHo—, Sanafors. fsilgressaaeii, C o w w e r s , /mifs is oiN? tunrfrsrfs pf €4har imiportunt awo

-n&. the Lord is with you. while jra '>e wfth him; and if ye seek him, he

-ill be found of you," verse 2. What 1 Elmpie thiag to 3ay. ihow almost •hildish. and yet what l-esuTts it pro-Juced! Ah, it makes a great deal ;f difference ip a message whether it •omes from anointed lips or not. Now what sTO we told bcroT Oaiyi this

poHce In that time, and the poHee couri docket was a loBea4^^t. The new and rigid excise, law pawaod by congress was responalble for-tko wave of Babhath purity. — - —^ —'• 'Where are the—prlaonway ' deF raanded Police Judge Pagh wheii lie asceaded the beadi and cast his eye »rmmri far H»» n«M«l M«».<.»^ T

^ The^ Ecanothy

rrWMmMMWiUWMmKBw wmmmmmmMMr..

EfgylhiDgjieeded a die sdiookflfliiLwill b^ I m l l a! oar store r~PeDciR PensTPaST

fiimnftqtinn fioi^S. RplffS Ink

FeiHyM^ Renal TaUete^llete Boob of E?ery Kind Eu, :: DoiTt forgft ftai we i ia¥r~

DowelFs Pharmacy^ "THE REXALL STORE'


WlLSOW'Sti Tu rUHt Fan Mas AdministratkHi


: . ' • - • -




t o BitlGHTElt YOUR itOMR

\—All wintOTi at Chriatms* time, ai Easter time, ataoen yewr-»nH iw, y « i r f h w e r l i e A a t ftte

}—BrsCopaJngof Spl«Wtla»- i/juu I plant new.

Vnste# Statta, -Viem'^rmaUmmii tHr

»9^mti ptihm'jiay^kmpuaa eentrftetml TMEI» CHOICEST CUUHARY RECIPES H» muim Ma wuik • Sftiimd. s i m a n . fMtMaaAke K ever puMished The aahy [imaue features such as the cross iDdex to recipes, and especUIly the Wosrapide* it the celebcated contrCbators. m a ^ tM work of both BattOBal and local teUraet

Therm'g a Cold Mine in fr

^re fnlt naed and tme to name. Oar9B yean expcfienee in BaR> Setoetion haapkeed 98 in a poei

eftouaiiig the aiast —Ba ble aonree of aeenring the cboae-«tt Freneb w4 Holland Gra«n


jMNjA i l lM lTrM. kte ikyae can fm f e w F< •nuisL


Bs>>yHy. BeiMtaaHyadBlta.. Znd Size HyacMht.. I it. Size HncMM : FrculaBuIte....:-.. EarfaL-TuHntMlMd.. Max or Cottaflc Tska*

TBTOTMBSTT OooMe Tallpa. Nareifiiiii "ii^lp IdnquHs . ,

Washington's—" Leading Store

— F o r China, GhiM«

lines hai- b lea hai- beea recogpirea fof yeari. Pepewiiulilf analitlce. •titelMiBBlJl

TbweS prices for TirE'BtST

Sterl ing S i i rerwaro ^VU^., PUt^ Wm,»

Hiah-Orade Cut i eey C U n a l a U w W a ^ ^

IGtassware tit filaaa

Teilel Seti B f s e aad. CUB—I WawiT

ChaBmm D U Aoeatsoriea StadotLaaq^ Pariorlssaiii KitdbeaOt—sils

DDUN&IAimNCO. i21b F SL-aiidi214pl&t^St^

W A f t H t W C T f t W , P - C -

ctTUfimi 'Weir KDQwit mtilin^

insUlutiuii, reoenlly iv-bullt

year's profit.—Art we going to «it still, and let tba c ^ exist? I do not believe ^ t the intelligent people of tihe'South

V r^vW^ ilnieiB IB« UftTd U with

ilso. vli.. that the. Lord is 'with ua while we are with -him And what Is r for us to be'witb.him? . Ooly to be

_the bailiff, almost tadjy. 'We.aln't got so much aa a plain drank.'

-na reeord. so far aa the poUeo baTc beea able ta-Aaeaz£|te, la n -

3end 25 ceitts for outBt and fuH Uistrae-Qon»..>ct sovr while- yoor a m favertte •erritory U stm opea. ,

are going to stand for Ais very much longer.

T want to in.siat that pverv far-

ilving la.obedlence to him, tSfT* aJT (3) "vi-bw Asa Ithe King) h»ar*

bete icorns . he took courage." •i-erae fr. The first thing the arinlster

jaiallelud te U» partmeat.'*

ahi .of tHa -9"


Our PlanVSeaBHin Now in FUrPrqpvm ialAdjeiaBla.£flaiJQlbauBiiiML-

E»ijy«tm •cKng . t'» oner withw il» rcKK ol a Watdi Ikr B d M n . - A«<H

m aad SOB lar ^naal n i n . H

ner demand that hia«epa«senta^ tive give his enqntv an iron-clad dog law. Tax dogs^so high that there willJierbBt few of UHHU kept, and lel

or pastor wants-la. the work of a re-rival Is courage. He moat belieT* ;h.t Gori 1« with hjay aad that soaaa-rijing is-poesible, nay. lifceily. to The nt\ia of the reeieal

TUB Mm BHinenw UI uid mm let of Cotambia, which weat lato effoct ^uly 1. wdl In 1( moatha from.that time ha*e abellabed eaabalf of the drinking places ot »»»» «^»ttal eltr.


.upea now fdtlow In regnlaK order • <«» ile "put away -tfca aboasteaWe

the premisei. where they belong, These are only t f 6 » 6 f Ifc^iift

TfpTjT onrsritrthe land' - e » liil HP

Amuug Its piuilsieus are:—A Jiy iu«a ^of 400 feet around CTery paMle acjaool.

eoHege agd^trnfTeisltyT and rooad


"rene mlr«j- nf rhe t every church: a dry sime ot l.OM feat

portant things that the farmers »hojld demand through legidb

and make your re|H^Btative know »h°t y/^imi-a Inftlrlwg tr» lliw. to represent you and ^ v e yuu th<> laws that yvn hayeari i^tta demands

It will be unSeadwonkgg oi the peraoes taldnf wbeeU barrowa from thd tie yard to return the same in order to awoid the

.Lord." same verea.— — — 18) He gathered aU^the peo^e to-

getherTnor« they fen Co^Uai Bat of )?rael In abundance whea tfc«* aaw

i ppuaa IB* manna BirrMka, aa»y yaig. lygte-w ih«i Diji^igBk

that the Lord his 'dcd was-wlth him." The revival is now on. The crowds

* TCTg- ^ a n n <nn LUiu flai i » nouDced her worldllness: eatertaia-Bwt* aM Hjkciiw p*m«« aafg gifgu

I war college, aad eagteear absplatejy dry Suhdays; not thaii three sateeas, otter tkaa or tlubs. OB oae side or a . h l o ^ BM-more than, four On botk sldea: Bqoor

iM aaly- f iried-

ptaee to the prayer •nnr

meetiag. .'Tbe been sofcsti

ot aaloeaa. laeludfag teM and clubs, must be rodaewf to aM>r November 1. TIM

* * * f w > S f « V € L Y HAWWFUfc la a a r ~ t t r i » q i

areaad the fire of the Lord • ii'> '"llie.t tiWu^U Uul«j the Lw-s a m e t ime, of t h e spAl which they had brought." v e r s e 11. H w e is a

( turtiwr e v i d f n c e o f the revival W h e n s h M t ^ { f iy ' s tHm Uf Hud W h s e p - e - y e o p t e

. 7 7 _ ' the coffers of t h e treasary beals to n o t o r i e t y , show n The p e o p l e off«r "willjnKly

• i i d e a p e u a e of piu*et ,uUon «<'"'• H"* "piiii uf (KWI pmiuiA? iii ni

tbat the coatlnned nae of alcohol In -quantity is aot only

positively hanafaT. aad oa the faaaia of experieBce 1 appeal ta my col-leagae* everywhere to abjare Its aae.

The Attest use a doctor can asako of ak^oho! are to preserve dead tfs-soes. cancers and the Itk^, ftaj tg ^*- I

na*iiw***>*^ My <w^ I win •#• ,•> »• ale . at mxriMrm. twsmUas.aBothnattif tUkfrn-

MONDAY, NOV. 17,^913

a" B.lii' ' D»Bii asil Pliai

made at this mill, Fancy and Stru£^t grade, is giving sat-isfactipn jrherever used, and is rapidly ^^aet ing new c ^ ;

1om«rs. It i s made of tli% best whtat and^guaran-mrpBidheitthy BPBWI


itiriiMgfc yaor-iscdldrain.. Scad its a p m : tol aad <u win Ictt ^foi jaitar jtov .yt^. 1^ d m .

Btili*il*ll»»V Srpi i ,S<nrr

tgs and other feed for aale. Water ground Meal. made of N a 1 corn, oonstant-ly on mie, and-is second to

aa V. v — f c u . f c . ^ - r . - j -B . A L T I M O R K . MD.

n6fle. All orders jiromptty Ulcdlind delivered to nemy merchants^ deaif ed.

Pair sond Kulaa. 7 joars aM: 2 foal, by Bompipc; Z two-ytmr-clU ooHa. on« hon^ [ w i dHvcr aod wiorkcr; f« l» i . t-ycar-oid (tMia,

• i n j i i »Bs i^« LaliBa,II|i;

PAaiONG IirPI>BlfENT8-t bdnien. nMwer, 'BswptenarrZ-tenwws a-korSK plow. 2 tws-plswa.'cnRiTaMr*. daadik ahsvd plow*, drffl.

and haiwaaa. plow s«ar. t'

locoomaad fodJer. • rpenat fat beck Ifacir brfor> trie: t «gw» aad jnm. one hm>d»«d f M

iiiHiMitoi II -wmmniMg-UaigBrf bonatia. ridtlmaid. Brtcatfaa,

M> iMaawKh a»pi i«d Mnrttr. pajsM*at IIM PiialiiMart.—laaakafManawa. MaprcparW


J. P. «; A. MA«STELlSSt.

KKRLIN. Aucti4Mieer. 10-24-4t


T^egraph and T«fe> • '*rhione Poiea ABdPiBag::

Beat market prices paid for

<X.YDE MILLING e g H B U M A ^ ^ M r -



We OMke a specialty of saA woriE and guarantee —tisfac-tion.' AppMotmenta made e s MMrt notice. Yoe pnoes eii] on or write

jgs V v ^ # "'"""fr,^'"T;'""f' ' ^fYf i'ftiir^ .Knd he , the Lord, wa,. found ^ !".' ° ^ " > ^ "'"P " " ^ _ " ^ - f^"Te time to tKi^Rgal Estatc and.

rouad a b o t , ' ' s a m d v e f e e Thus >>• revival rame T b e preachhiR of the word wa» with power TTie c o m m a n d

GEO.D.BAKEBi Badotakcrud Liceise E^tker {

l a a Ava.1 aa^a Cmsiatiwas. " irmntn Va Frompl attactiDc givee aU onlara Piieas

•m Icnr M good aerrvw aB<i iimei ial will ra» a(r- M««alic Caakeu «aaiMl ia Stock

BuraLce 'STTSSaoMT^salvaUpD^Jwas_a^ nrlM iWCPrtl Pfra with r.nri waa, aeooa»panled by tke peace of Ood. !

looked upos daaipnesa - K F i n S r « ^ > « u a W e ^ c * « « tir' gg^ thoee h a ^ g property toi dlaeaae Why not ponslder drtek fa '— -• - - ^ •" f •','~

jhe i^ms. HgM" -Mr. Ena Xaw-- Tor* atatar W-^>, -».-&! i-"-

P J solicit all property for sale andj *^* request those havftg property to

list the same with as prorotitly.

.QUANTITYJand QUALITY . . Let OS do your baldng.

The palrtic Is ncrer so happy whea it U belag seoUa Blcbaaa

uental—R. s

jWROFITS t^ ABCTAINEK. j To'jr reaaona why tt profit* a man ! to bf s r ahstalnpr Plr^rt. his h««ad It I el>ej»ir <4«eMi47-^MB=heaitt:^a=^attaB:

^h---" •; t e a r 1« .Ighter Foarth,

Of 10,000 rolls and beau­tiful des ips of Wall Pa

to clKmstJ fp(TTr (>ose

c . J. C>ffit. I

WEETZE & CO. -ftrm -ftfi! vrn,r .lob Work de-

It will pay you to e.xam-ine stock and prices be-f>">r<< Oni"'*^** V«_tt|g Aiart^ay_^

h- H :::' ^^^^""^Foote'sWaiiFdDtrKous^

Page 3: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

:J^ TH'-' ASSA& '^i^jil^AL. FBITv*^^B tOVEMBy«*Jfti| "' •>


"CUsiMaTT Matter

S U B S C R I P T I O N , S I -OO A YEAR IN ADVANCE alsi>-nui8 receiving: hooorabfie mention, -oc ituMiea-tion at least, was brief and to the point It was

txt reach the eye of es^ rcartrr and to hold the close attention of the masculine element In the j?pitiw.t>. of. .'JAnti-suffragette,''

ADVEXnSINC RATES Fifti O n t " wn uich for th«fir»t in»*rtion and Twenty-five CcnUfor each

c o n t i r u i r . w UbM»l I>i«-<ninW to Yearty Advertisers. ^ {1 caid« of iha' kiL. fortn^i reaohjtiona, obita«r>- notices other titan the

jml dcKth notices, and aTl i^aMcr of an~ advertimiiac enaraeter. either • Teuilup Ave Q ^ i l j ^



wnH liit. vuitit Judging rrom the light vote polled in Manassaa

and the general pSacefuI air of the town, slight interest was manifSted in Tuesday's election. * .

Of the eight states is which elections were held, Vimiui* liaJ the least fig it ta aiause the iiitei-est

~ which uow'seenis entirely centered on the nun ting seasoii. There was no statewide straggle and no party tight worthy the name, although slight local contests were ad);jirent in Norfolk^ Briabol, and in Uockingham county.

State dfficiato urged the domocratS to vote the

ROv "

to the few things raen cap d0 without a woman heipthenr- For heavens^ sake, \et them have monopoly.'' Naturally this comes from the pen of a femipine'cff^iitant. but there are many men who are willing to admit the tnith of the atatg-

tuli party strengtn despite the lack of local con-te&ts and so avoid the appearance of proportionate strength of the socialist and socialist-lcpmes from a m*Ie_reader, who is closely followed laBor parties, which in reality they have not tained.

"Hre^pp^ ftuled to meet witli dir rititgi

^ 4rind tE

of the voter.., WhS&j2firsQiially we are distinotiy oppjpsed to woman suffrage in any and every way, sliapM or form, if wwnau votera wUl bring, tiieggg

<Hir iitde city in a mad rush to see ^ e women vote • •• •- . "f.

—and incidentally to poll the fall voting jtrength of the tM'ecinct. \ |

Jist su^iiese-

ihent. Another interesting also-ran compare? two vision­

ary [»x)£essi(Mas: On the one hand they come— vutea fui women, uiriiappji wi<>ee. eld maids» silly Sattys, politics, crazy Janes, bombs and dynamite, and Votes for women again: On tSTother hand, I see sweethearts, noble wives, christian mothers, womanhood, the Holy Bible, the religion of Christ, and the laws fefLpod and nature.

rStill anotl?4 r rpads; "The hlfirfaest type of wom^ doeSs not want thert>dllot, and we should not intrust •hp affairs nf thp nation to the o thers ." This last

t>y a wni»an vohti twiKavM i^ heing "the nower be-

irone: so many,"

e l i e apt to wonder t.hat. any »Hga rfwtdd-beTrBopporterortla "cawae. '

After all. it Is only "arijaestioir of the superior -menta of being a nominal head, or a power tteinng^

citizens forgot like the g -eat majority, luid did not ! fee-eteriaon^Bft tfae iatr. it wooid be


As a graceful tribute. Representative Mann, leader of the reiHibliean minority in the House,

nearly aft <rf^«ir snggasteji fi6me i^aigo ttf his eoH^Sui^'"^^

in thejiati^re of a atwek toAad-the minority vote

'other" fellow.


As only ten yearis have elapsed since WilW Wright madeiiis &^fiitM a K i ^ Bawk, N.XX,

^ A . ' * - - •*- - 11 • • • • n mi

caT Utilization of his marvelous i^venticm. Yet the fact that the airahio has nnt heitm imt tn gii«»h uoditf the chiof qanse for the world's skepcM»te»-aB-to its value beyond that of a mechanical t<9v Now j^d then, however, we see glimmerings-of what, may prove to be itar«J future, and one of t^gse is the deciflion of the French Government to estab^ lidi its seeond aerial Sue of the postal aerftee.

The new line will be much kmger than the first (me, 'which was merely a didpatch of maU froin Pffrig tA Miteh »• fit^nth Kvnerieain s»^tm»r. I t wil l

exbi6A from th& capftai U> Nicfer b2b nulea, and the journ^^fiS be made i p ^ boora. inehiding-^ree aUHB to drop heavy packagea and take on oiliwa.

, trip JUL will be marked.

' It is wwtK Botihg that tt>e Ameriem

to-the French monoplane, which is more MCtaco-lar in tl|e' performance of fan^ acts in tiie air, The Fr«)cfa Ministry went a ^ep furtho- and in

device, evidently wiriiing te-take-as few cbuwes as poisiUe jirf hASirduig.t^.iife of tb«.aemi mail-man. The pootal venrioe would aeea'te be to good a field as eouM be found for getting utility oat of the airship, and the Freneb are to be commended for their eaterpriae in thus seeking to convert it

peetive, of cmirse, of partv,,that the menlbers of CiMigrigaa might nnitift in a -wwMing =^t President's danghfyrc. TTifL inforniaT snggpgtion wasappatently-weIeQmed,JaL all, -tiie faefr ibat-^fr had been^roposed l»y the ininority leadfii' i&dkal:. _ ing the social neighboriiness of the idea and pnK faibillng .aiiy unworthy Intmaloh, 6f |>&rtlaftnfehl]&f Unhappily it remained'for a democratic r^>resenta-tive to introduce a jarrj|ng note, not in mere p e t ^ aonal aid privabe oE e twn,- bnt pu^idty on the

ioia6~dcdmiinj Uwgpiw'i'"''"! '" " "'

tu «f wuiHfM ypjuirjmt tn imy nfi» witfiN;ht» altfftlfa

est sense of 1 ^ prcqirieties that the "bad taste" rests fthme-^tfa the monbear who ae tarjorgot hiimfif M to make such pobKc-criticiam.—Pitta-biagb DispMteh.


-KaiffiyiMW* dramatie and few thinga ao extmr^ ordinary are reeorded in pi^ticai histo Ey as th^

to ^blie tifp by popular vpte e£. a man Kkr- whn t>n«i fnat. hppm Hrivon in Hi?fa

ftomaii^Bcialpodtionof g iwt powarrod rJj KJTOiffifliSy: Bnt Solaer'a eleetion is in no SCTae a vindication of his flagrant offoises against good monits and Ruud ciliAensliipi - It-ia -a uuniioniLkar

To visit and inspect the new safe deposit box equip-ment just installed in our vault by the Invincible Metal Furniture Co.. of> Monroe/ Wisconsin. We jtfant you to make this place your bankiny h^mie. Keep your most private papers and valuables in 3irour own compartment of our vaults and feel as every patrqn should—that you are a paurt of this institution .' ^ r - ^ - -j ^ -'

l\itMm^ Bank of Manassas r 3 PEftrENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS |

W h i t e Qafc, P^ f^nr Ufainpit^^rfc^ A;

Ash aiid Maple

tasteand an unwarranted a s s u m ^ n as m o a t > i | W E P A Y 4 i l G t f f i S T P R I C E S P O T C A S H A N D cmbcip wonfj ntrongern ttT Mim WililBn


tf aa wwwgilMng, BOI an approval of I t -a [WBttwr

"WILL of her own baa Princev Maiy.' lieadHwei—A i—s >f Imtdjtyi


be w31 refuse/thejBgtti=^ dency of Mexic»«boald Hoerta quit," readb a news

the pobtic desire . .strike at the gtwatgr and mar» g tf

i dasfenaa qiuiiuala brtind Solier—Murphy and Tammauy. , Sulin may be-iAle to redetm lumsetf and do good puMifcaendeeJn. the Jilew Yorir T egia-lature, bat he shookl remember the real- tains on

"Boaa Wants to know whar be comes in.

f We baadk PablMirT Ffcwr «acl Feed by tfa« car aad wJl

f A fofl jine of Fancy aad SUple Groceriea, FiydkJI!Bd,Si!LMe»t^,fty^ VeaTrtiiiiB, Ffr •• fha b—Ttta aiarfrrTraii afjnrdr

'AJwah p u d nHrtisdc

of friendship, the progrea of happy acquaintance, i | | and tagau«<aa <f y<Hif life and busin^te. as the'S"

"A'TOCNg wnptg.^meman^^Sumvan'&lAamd. limp, laaavfe gtfp of the hana witnoct Tgessnre^ fr --became fatigu^V Wlijrnot sit orftfie overturned ] and the hand with no response. What ra a hand- 2 boat over there? They did. But the boat moved. 1 shake if not lUi expression of good wiltT" A privl-fSr ^ She ijhrietvpH a-nrf t ^ 'hrmi' m^4Atsata.—Itwaajif^p oft«a ahBSwIi it, mM bfi. bttt flhskff witfa tfaejn -I'v' ;• ; v. :...:.L a;;/, :-.. ^nt-Leach." In futureiman withaworldof f riemia"a0dtt wont feeMtfcrr||


a C"1 '"•"J* tta»<>««o^a»t«>«t«e»ft«»oo«<jcottoi»««<»»ft««^a«'w»tt

Page 4: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

•['HE MAAAibii^Jl/bKMAL. l-'KIUJ'^-^jj^^y^EMBEK-


t&mm . zrThe football organization. : . The town youngsters spent a Rer. M. S. Eagle Addr^ue* Men Marrassas AtWetfeC{ub,-feasgone|iiuLet HaUoween, but tlie major- ' of Haymarket

-back uader thfwtnyof th«w;ho<?>;ity of thgm Tiad '»"KIKHJ tiing: [and IS now Fl}raricli of tRe~Wa- The" merry parties inadar the" ^ W : M,"!?. Eagle -Mrs Ormond Stone is very 1 """'"'"""""'"""•'""'•""'*"''• *"^ "'""' t~'••"=» «»»«« <•"«= KCV. ai, o. xuagle gave his sec-

iil at her home, near C»ntrevil}e: . i ' '**^ "^"^ ^^"*' Athletic As-1 u-«iaJ round of visits and experi-: ond lecture to men only at th^

three wild .turkey o Ift'.t Saturday. —Announcement h a s

- Mrs. B. ELHerrelt i»improv^^made of the approai-iilMg mar-ing a l tera slight operation at riageof Miss Mary Esther Do^an.

8ociatio». coming again- under jencod the sftme dtacumfc»t of parish hall,Haymarket.on Thac*« iwad of high aahaot athtetieti. i haviogr the maaka snatchod ifom day. at 7i80 p. m—The

b e e n ! their faces, and thoutfh thare was iof "Eugenics" was disgOs'se^ in

Sibley hospital, Washington.

—Miss Lulu D. Metz expects to leave io-day f«p a Wa»m«i£tofe nospitst to tiave a siiglil giuwlli removed from her eye. -

—There will BB sei'Vlces Irr

Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and

daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Dogan.^' to Mr. Frank Terrell, of Orange cojoty.. The rprpmnny wjlj taka. place on Wedneaday. Novembw 26th. "

Sunday evgniin; at 7.30.

Mr. and Mrs. L. f. Darga--4H-the Hixaon

property on East street, recently acatad by Mr. and Mra. Honfy

no damage done, tliis gobiin,a forceful and convincing man-night of 1913 will not sutfe^ by per, a nd the attention of the men comparison with-fonner years. ; was called to the havoc that is

—Rev. J. F. Burks; rector of }*^'"^*'"0"«ht in the-human race, J^imity gpig/'»pqi fhurch horo. i'''i ^*' ""'"'""'' ''i'ft' hy rnmmiini oflSeiatad on Wednesday at the '^^^^^ diaeasea which arc the re-

^Thcwil l , insurance

marriage of Miss Emma Broadus *"'' °^ immorality, and to I n e ^ Jnr»»s, thp lianghf^r of Mr and : ^'^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ g'">^ ""»' *' hy the. Mrs- nharlpg R •!»««:, ^..4 Mr |Cb"rch With-.thfi^CQ-nperatinp af; Philip Henshaw, a prosperous I'^^ doctors and law-makers to young business man, both of Rac- Pr* vg"t- the marriage of -perso.RS [ coon Ford, Culpeper county. The wTioTiave BeSfeh rendered unfit as

^ntory, Bond oFstoclT xertificate, when lost or destroyed caused endless trouble, misery and legal expense

Gr4eiiwiLli Cuuncil, 0 . F, A., will hold an oyster suppor in the lodge room Thanksgiving Day, beginning at 4 o'cloi k, p. th.

—There will be a football game to-morrow between the Manaai sas. Indaptrial School and M SBeelHigh School. Washington,

—Mr. Samuel W. Muddiman fails to improve aTtCT the par*^ Ivtir at-rnlip g"fft"-pH.'irirnft Xia^

Camper. Thev expect to remain irf Manassas until the-completion of their new home, near Brents-ville. :

^go. He is still at his home iu Roonoko. .

—There will be a called meet­ing of —the "Manassas Pastors *

n o o n ^ ^ ± g y a f r S « 6 e 4 i . E . W o o d b e r r ^ f H ^ l ^ l „ K » ^ ; , ^ Ohwehr-gtouth. " ^ • - "

and piled on-the-depot Monday,awaiting akipment to Washington. The animal was shot by Mr. Paul V. Portner in the deer park' on the Portner taUt*^ - --

ceremony took place m St. Paul's Episcopal church. Raccoon Ford!

—Mr. W. B: Doak informs us tiiat the November Farmers' In­stitute committee, under Mr. Ste^re. is working nut « compre-

—A number of persons were interested in the (teer wrapped ^ ,.^.^

mick at the ^«eiv«-Nand-practicat piari ^TJT

—In a private note to Mr. Wwi w<HMt HuiuUitiori. Mrz^^rifc

a result of tht; social^evtt: After Mr. Eagle's lecture. Dr.

W. R. Tulloss in a Hnging and eloquent speech endorsed the po­sition taken by the church as a stop in the right drrectiotT,

Put your vaiuabte papefH. kefcpsakca, etc., in one ui out Safe Deposit Boxes and you will never have to worry about-them,- -

Massive steel vaults and Yale Locks will keep them "afe irum "M h a n

said that much more far-reach-1 I ing and thorough methods would | I have to be applied before the rav- j I ages of this evilai-e substaatiaHy-f j checked:

reform, favoring equalization of taxes rather than segregation; voted unanimously for the Tor-rens system land title registra­tion and soine time ago for a &Uiii«tiUt dUl? law. The whole! nr P=.„no ^f r^: ^ n . of the afternoon session of theJ ' - Jf "* ' °^ Gainesville, also November meetihg will be de-l*^^® "'^ endorsement to the untnH tn Hinminning , hBtnnpi. iif movomont in cmphatic and wdl reporC. " I chosen words

The meeting was well attended. fie petition of seven-

• ^ M T . J:

WiHjanM!ettnty.^m¥ed4frWasb-- Hr. Boston SteeteirasBold-a-ingtoa Monday with one of the first wild turkeys killed in that skiiuii tills ywif. -Fre<i Lftftd .


Rev. Dr.. IIei"»iii ill prwuch nn¥tfiiindiiy nioinijuj

at 11 o'clocfc church.' "The Christiin's" Life." • . -•

C o m p l e t e d

be rendeijbd i y t h e l ^ ^ s Cnas^ Roads Sunday School next. Sim day ^ftomM)ft,gati2;3Q_i>^lock^ Hon. C, X_f i&M^ TO the meeiing. ,,

-Mfs. B . 'y . Merchant is ex-

his checks last spnng. wa« ocml vtcteet.

farm of 63 acres, located near Lucaavllle, to Mr fcn*fa^^F:g^»j of Covington, ITy tftka,

leen citizens oi-iiamesvtlle-Rla^ *md- judging ^rom the enthusi-

^orntpn has appointed Mf. -^ A. Hehieken, jr. , jgame warden for that district The petitionars were Mifl*srB.'"W.''"BrSK LNHeuser, Jno. C ^ h i t e . Meade, Grayson Tvler. 'W.

:hisor , .„ Jordan, u. O. Hutchison, F. M.

PicketJTj. S" ^Rust, R. A. RUsirC.

Rust. X C.

3ron of •astic oonnngntl of those present

Mt- HagTa^ viowo arc a'cnerall approvied



A wedding of thl^rest to many

—A charter was issused by the> State Corporation Commission

A tompoiiiUMiC4>roggam-will-M-Q '' ''r tft Tlw Viwmn Library .- . . , auutuiKiuud trains,'inciudin'g ia Asaogiation(ImI.), Vienna.^Tfaerg^. & 0-. two through'trains and JOojapitaLst)ck. The officea ^.-^-^^^^^^^fsrersmeS at „ - . I*— » i J . ^ . _—-. Clifton, and 4:he two Bdrthbound

- ^tmwB^ Jf®* " ^*^^ in the yards here. • SfinthhniinH traina were

a m ytesiden!^ apdlgr.^^ W. Pierce, «eeret»ry, b<;»th of Viq^na^

tr^mely ill'th a Wfl^est^^^hos-pital foJloTTiftg an operatiotu Ilei 1 T|<uthwan CQindition is very grzve burxte physicians-.hiave given her a '^fighting chance^"/

—Mr. J. M. Ciinje'has recently moved to the fami on the Soiit.h-. ern, between herp and.ftriatog. Jn which ht^htta jMMrfhaib^a halS. interest fiom Mi. J iOTstdwatioB, yiiUUpF


—ThpJ^iind^r g^f i^fj^l liglj H-faome mTj jon service in. the

ttwih next Sunday afternoon qt 3 o'clock. A apcciolft'? gfitl^^fflg program, including an address hy the pastor. Rev. O. W. Ad^-iioldt, has been arran^red. The

.^Wic IS cordially invited to at-

—A freight" train acnjss the tracks last evening held up rail-road traffic for seme time The

tuuk place fn Colp»p6f.l&at Wed--uesdi^r when. Mrs." Oltiet Yates and Mr T, ,T Fair, bothoLCut pemr^gre»& unitedin jmamaKe by the Kev.H. P. L u m p k i n . " ^

The bride is the eldest daugh-ter of Mr. J. M. Isenburg and is very popular with the yQiinonpr Set in Culpeper. Mr. F air holds a r^(|»na|bIe4Klsition with Walter ^ Garhett&Son, lumber dealers in Culpeper. H" ia ^ell-known and

given ryht- offyay on th bound track and matters were - . . . aoau aftiif 8 o'clc<jk, thoughjt seemed i^i^Ty mjdutaht to iiass«m;«jw waiting

—The ladies of the Baptist church will give the annual Thanksgiving dinnia- in the va­cant storerooins of the.M; L C

—Mrs, ^ohn W Yn.„^^ ^f p„ | peRgF. is the guest thin w«^if «f

—The Manassas High Schocri football team will play ^ tealb representing UahdoTph-lTacTB h Academy. Aof Frjbnt Rtiyal,- oa[fe^g Round Athjetie Fjeld oextMon day afternoon at:S:15.

—The Manai»as Getmah C|ub will bold the ammal T h a n k s ^ .

Lipscomb, a t her apartment in the Hanover. Mrs. Yowell's mother. MHTflenry Qjurles,who

hfts many frieiids in Manassas frnd thfiCQimty, having bggn bom

• jCieat-tojiunT After a short bridal trin^ the

youog cuiiple iritt-retui'u^ urate their home in Culpeper.


The following is the roil of honor of Minnieviile sebool for month of Octo­ber. Number enroUed. ^ ; average for motath, 37.6Q. Nuneg of puiiDa attend- ' ing 17 day* or more:

buildingy—The- mean indud^-j- GHAJIIIAK TIRADES t«r^ey, oysters, iwiapkin pie and •av' Ifidi £11

ihing good


mg good to cat. The wish to extend their thanks ' r r 'Ti i in 1 • 11 in the past and a hea

has been at the Memorial hospital <*ishes as the^ are ^ney l i«^ToFla^tS ienf , is rapidlyP^™*^*^^^^*"*^^*°«

ing German m Conner's Opera House on .Wednesday evening. Nov. 26. Invit^ons will prob-aliiy bt! UUC HBXt WB^k.

bury Methodist Episcopal Skln-TJaZjSftionl will htttj a SIKBF Uitt

Mr. E. P. Davis baa been ap-- /^U"*. fti vary body 10 woloomo.- interment in the ffro^t/'ry thep?

pointed oycHiCCTof poef iHjOeie» quan Magisterial^jDij^nct in the room of Mr.,U^€. Duvall who^

this state far Mai jlaiid.

—Mr. and Mrs. S<Hna^lle F Benson,6f BaltiEaore;have moved to "Cedar Grove." their new

daugfi^? son. . ^ • ' -

—Twenty-tiiree quail was the record of a party from Manassks last Saturday,'the first day of

improving.-Timi^ Tiiapafph

- The Daisv

cordedi in tbe. past and a hearty iBVitatbn , to* come again tins year. Fersonk wishing dinner 8ent_ta them wiU.kiuUy dishes as the^ are^oeyo;: too

-—Dannie Alexander,—Ilenr^i Carlgr, WilHq Diawiiei, PimiliJiH—Strtrtxirt, Lawrence Strobert, PaoUne Carter Clara eapr.I^leyi^Tl^^T^irhJ^nr:

—Miss Mollie Molair, tiie 16-year-dd fl&UjgliUtr of Mr. Rubwt

next Friday evemng, Nov. 14,*at the hdme of Mri G. D. Hiner. The Proceeds will ^ fr.i. . jj^

Come anil eajdjr youf

—A decision wAs reeentfy ren-dorad bv a inrtrr^nf rjir>-Uiwto4 States Sniffeme^ Coart of Ap^

TaS&Ifaar -jrittch it^ became « i^ parent that a Warrenton maQ would get no damages from the corporatten of Warrenton after

—Mrs. JuHakAnn Yankey died Wednesday .morning at her home near Greenwkh at the riyw. ug» of 80 years. She suffered, a

MoUuTy ^ i a d Thuraday morning at her home near Brentsville, after an tiHuwui yf BIX W6fefaE Tlie fkine):al services will be con­ducted this a f t e r n o o n at 2o*cI<>ck by Rev. T. W. T. No-, landj of the-BaptlBt cliurohTwIth-

Pauline Florence, Pauline Brawner, Hefcn PanlbTich, Lena aO'^Sere and Annie Sttriarik:

S—fKntMHr-GkitBKa-illie Windsor, Charlie Windsor,

Clarence B a i i ^ Jtutb Ba i l^ , - fUt^ Brawner, PJillip Cart«r, Frances Grif­fith, Roweny Wtndaoc, Thocnas Dane, Etta-Cwngtock, lijrdia Bosley, AicUe-

Halfwn -Cnrtia, "—^ """


• Of course yoH Vnow tfiat thc^ - ^ ^ -g^a rep re t t j rEng lKh . First nmc yoo try on one ofT our

terente, Oaiuuel iuitmt


brings to mind the vn^rds

was U H ^ one Kke this y^ung friend of oars, so gentie and ao hj^ntifni iriKinkt n<*riah with the IJUWCIV. —— _ —. -

J=Tj>e Sunday School of i (kaa^ treville M. E. Church, South, is the proud owner of a fine library, uue-half uf "(rhich is the gift of Prof. Ormond Stone and- the

• i ^ t o - laaf-deMveid ffi»m the

enort of King's Cnsu) Romlii fl<h<W>l —fte _ for ftrst month" ending November 8,' 1913. ' Nomber of days in attendance indicated by the nombera. BedaCo(^>er, (in, Prth— Mn..-, on, n^^ Tandoo, Mj LilHan HiUer, 20; FJorence Smth.' 20-Willie Cooper,. 20; Ansoo Hooo, 20; Lee ggaa. at: Cara nanipl, 18 " ~ - -

XirsQ^baum Eng:lish- tailored models, you^JJ be glad itLs so.

oftl.r oDcs Mt their !im( guantiftetsd all wo<J,

hand-tailoKd and thHtad. ^ ^ ^

iT?&~wtitclr are indon-shruok*

with silk

1»; Robert Richey, 1$; Newton -niwiK, M>; RaymoBd Smith, 19; Dma Land^V ti; Ofyjlal l.andes, IS; Franl Swank, Ig; Willwa- Wr»ht, 18; Mittatd Richey. 17; Margaret FJory, 20; Bemiec. Miller. 20; Maude HiUer, 20; Gladvs HtrrlHg, ao; Clande F'tory, 76; Ttsmni Kerito, 20; Sarah Wine, ^20; Grace

KerUn, 20; Rosaell ^ n i e l , 19; .^firtie

•lay.- If; d a ^ l Daniel, li; Gi«i Swwdc. 1»; Lojr Moyer, 17; L«iia B«i^ ring, 17, and iiVancM Wood, 17.

~- ui av years. Sne qiltfAroH a K"~^*~ •" ""^ ^'-^ ^AOV^HK. vuiuvn.. run c3K>..Ke,-rAKr or •

the hnntmg seasorn - M ^ r s . O: ^- . . t . - r - J i : . . - . ^ . ^ : ^fwhtehwasnsed as a hospital dur-'WEALTH T S L . Ford, 39; kaymond katcHffe. J. A. liorg^T^^^^lI'^/.^\'.}^' l.'.'I^.n. '"f irn: r - ^ ^ ^ ' l ^ ^ ^ J ' ^ J ^ ^ ' ^ J ^ F o a G o v . ' ^ ; ^ ^

^ .iSnels a wide assdrtraent^ rang­ing from Gripun'f Fairy. Tal^, bo(As-of history and science, to the populv novels of the pres­ent day.-all of which have b ^ n , phu;ed in the old historic church." FOR SECRETARY or THE COMMON-whteti was used as a hospital dur-' WEALTH - s . L. Ford, 39; B. o.-jamea.



MAYHUGH Funeral I>ii;ector-.- Ucensed Emhalt»^


-Mr. . . „ „ . . _. l ^ d tiiis afternoon from Oakl Lewis B. Flulir. uf H f t . ; n ^ chdrcfa

nUUT I ""PSaa

FOR Goveiu»d»--

lor Enyson i R. A. Ty«

276; Frederick Hamilton. 9; I

-^i-The next uxtetlB j; of the' ^ ^ Hocssrof IteaoArKs-C. J.I bron Seminary, whoh»aJ)eeninl will i M i k M u ^ , ^ ^ > . . : ^ ^ . : 7 | T a Z ^ ^ ."V ""i' M^^tj.'j^?.

some yard there. ! f aa<r Industrial SHTaS^e of North- ^''^.STATE T«A8ua«-A. w femploy lor some [yard there! time. Is ft6W Mltiitflk ateislant,"'"

-- . «ar-' Harris, 18; Bd-' ! tV- '~— '-n'T"! % •'"""•*• man. Jr . 250; B. W

ittm Virmnia imll takp y la^o on waiM .g;rhad<-. .S. wiutc «i •uva.eui, v i i n e a ptates » , « • • - « , - rThanksgrrin?!—Day. Thursday. Koa ATTORNET iiENERAi.-John Gar-DLuuxtiiiLLiL uT jUriLuUmT . . I f f " ^^^..^^qrofaty^ gSffie from'November 27th. The main fea- 1?^.^?^'^ ^^- N«"«« Paria. ,^ cffiee cf TB«fkRsrt?glted States'


-,— was. victory hf th> ^^^ ,nd pi taken to the Umvers.ty Hospital Uway from home. Rice

^ TilpepCT ttigb-Scheol by a ^cp^ < tures wit) tie a llianfegiving a^F-^Fc?r^f^;^^..V:.-.^ .. o ,„u , j , . ' .

-Mr. r-hni/t ^Lsp w ^ nf 18 xi 0. This ji I. ' nwn bv seme mLuismi of ji^trih- a-rgt

*""''-ern Virgmir addresses by other""Kinder 'o>.- H. Ig Dutton

lyed, at'

;pmmin»nt «snfwkprB a round tjhlp ^ • .» rK..L^<^^ .;ii ki" ' . 7 " ' ' '""" ••""««• iwce at'in which afl are asked to take u A '' at Charbtt^villewh.^onavisitiquarter, a new position, played ^part. and athletics. All the ' ** hw p*r8nte» returaed tfr^Man 'a stettar gamg. WiDianra alsoi W^nds are especial!v urjred to be asftas last week, and has Wince.sUrred for-the home team al t"'*'**^^ ' th»*-nrjeefiTij!: to h«ar resumed his position at Norris- thouRh the general teamwork. T ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ,^'".^"7J^'". the

<- 8 '" 'Bi LtauuwoTK'rT>»-irincr n-pc;ii!p'^' > Tid William J.

Stpames. aM ' ' Nf-R OF \ w R I . L l . r U K E ' — H — W Kpirif I. AM,

iumiwr, Shmgles, Utfas, Doors,

vitt<>, N. e. waf a inarked ''TT'tinniZ' presijer.t




C U a ^ X . _ .

Page 5: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

*1 . - A , - - ^ - ^ i


: : a p m i 5 i r i ^ ^ . m ^ ^gnd : 4^^folfewiTTrXRoughts were ,ng a day or two ,n Washi,^gton.! suggested to the mind of onelho

__W. H. M. House, of Noke's-1 ^ < '' come strongly attached to vtH», w««« town viortarWedheg*!^!'' J- Jankyn Dayica on rather

-^09. brief aequamtancg, aa he stood - Mpj. J. O. Judik has returnd '• \l^'^ ^'^''^ ^'^^ »" September, from a visit to frien<jB in Balti-i m o r e . I ' ' " ' ^ > ^'^ K"ve of my friend, .

I OfPre-'ed with thesenaeof myloss^ M r s . H a r r i s o n S impaon, o f Clif- \ faadhhoughts in my bosom contend.

T o n , v i s l t e j r e l a t i v e s in t o w n dur - j " ^ « ^ e y would the boundary crowT^ i n g ^ t h e - w e e k i \9^ ^'"' ^ " " i o whcnee none laii return * i To unveil the mygfries of death

M r . a n d Mr«. Wil l iam H q u l i c k . I "' "^ '• '' t' ""g>' " '- huartn

Who. fondly they hoped, rraild notr ^H

"^Manassas Public Schcx)l In d«stb o f Oraihopi, tnak«B an endT Entombed that dear b o ^ must tie- .

My « « ! in Its sympathy here, . / J . , _ R „ l l p h n UnUei With their souls so oppressed. * - » U l l C H H

A« yleWlnjf «ltmaelves"To'aeSpair;—" '" '— • » j t B. H.

**"*^ from -y^n the mbminjf Tunttf S • In Ihft aTfernoon. - ' [ We have also a little hospital iat hand with a medicine box ;nHed Wk.h ^'Vf^rytKing « > f w v ^ i < ^


And burUwiwl with thAiighfg »,^t ^;.. • ' ' " *** P "* *' tressed | ' ^ * * * * * "^'*'''^'^'^"'J'">i*>S'^--'««-J t h e Small fo lks ,

to atop the aches and pains of

iTJ ttls respectlhe Piince Wil-"

laMrtiaa. thraa caau «lMt Adwwtii —»»|i far tkia - - ' i m .

fc«<T»4 i t i l » Q'CWII FrHkr

B« ycam

Their hearts, as mine own. were per- AT MANASSAS HIGH SCHOOL ' -

T , -^' '"l" . / . • Th«-recefHkm Of F r i d a y n i r t t i ^ ' f ? . ^ ] ' ! ' ™ * ' ' ^ ' ' ^ * ' ^ ' " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' W a n t e d . = H a n d s for h ^ w m g Their m.nd8 in confusion were t.>s.ed ^^ . ^ . * ^ ~ " T i v » " ! ! " „ "^ '""^ fa i ry . Dr. Cure Al l . . rai lroad c r o s s t i e s . J F. B y r n e

Like waves of the sea when 'tis vexed I ^ " t ^ " ' ' ^^'^^"^^"'^'''ly' S O V O I I K O P R^nn^ff P , ; V ^ „ .., Areo la Va 11 7 o V " -«y-tarmB.-AtI Ihey hoped forTsKsT'"* h0"ftl of t h e neW StUa^nt^ o f ' . > ^ ^ ' "^""^^^. P r >^a'-y , J ^ » ' ^ - - ^ - ll-1-2i:

TsLthem in thr Might snd the g i o a i \ the school , promJocB to be a luus l '^""^''^" 1" ' ' ^Q"'*^ " ^ >" a" s e a - , — F o r Sa le - 5 0 0 bundict; of corn "* e n j o y a b l e affair s o n s and be s u r e of k e e p i n g wel l , i fodder at 5 c e n t s a bundle". I f Of death.

see-Beyond that who could e n j o y a b l e affair.

Mro. Hodge i& ajidin lrit? varied program which will call out the best talent of the school, AWn RFAUTiFY UfilY HAFR m music and e^pressiap. I^t^r ' " - " W^«V"ri w«»'i «i»*a

a l i o IMPROVE PRETTY HAIR you want any come right ^wav H. P. yodger-of Washington, visited relatives i ° **P'°" 'he secrets of both.

h e r e t h i s w e e k . | The flowers bedecking his grav^e,

Mr. a n d Mrs . A. R n i » . - ; ^ _ ^ ! _-^"'^'^^.^^^^"^ faded .their bloom, Fll emblems oi Knowledge we have,

wtHgi appr<]»ehtnglffi»

What power compelling the tomb, Its victim to yield can there be?

But loVe is not dead. At the dawn, -'^^'•"*""—* •^" jsjr hs rtiri namii


Waot«<i,---B©y to heti» i>«fore and after school for board. Ap-li\u to Mrs r, B RatffliffM. i«-

Clarendon, were town. visitors . daring the week

Mr. Irving H. Moran, of Con* neHsyiBe, Pa., visited relatives here last Sunday.

Mi -4 B.- atuuHuii. vtr wwa

tomb. Yet mortalB_HlioaaJii ^

Will reason of life and of death, And ask whence and why life began.

Which seems'togo out with a breath

Love prompted drawn.


K=-^ ! '=-=- '

ISridge, jnade a business' trip to town Wedn^day.

W. and Mrs. R. Weir Waters The hope of'thi morah l 'fw"r" And little aonrOf^ulpepiqvv^Htgd relatives here this week.

•Mrs. Otto Gathmann, of Wash-_ iogton^ vwtted Iwr mother. Mre

Catherine, Williams, 4uring the

' -Mm Mary Garrison returned last Saturday from a visit to her cousir^ Miss Louise Weiedon, in Baltimore.

uur loved one to-day in the blopra o r life we embrace without fear;

To-morrow our heart breaking doom, Leads us to the grave with his bier;

G<>e8 out in a night of despair, In death has Tt^*ded awav

O, Whence was that life *vhic^jtjlajt,,-a- moment o t tldBi«-«lT' tee wing,

Did quicken this motildering clav. .-.^.Bsit leavfng no tstce.that may bring

The Ifnciwledga my t\eart in ha need,

The grave to approach. Do I dreamt Or what is the meaning of this,

Which comes to my sense. And oh wh«re

Is laid that dear body of his,"* vonsignea t o j h e ^nree «KI_rw cSreT

One word. On the wings of the wind I s . borne the strange new?; "He's

a l i v e " -Approaching the tomb these men find,

aJei» which we^n^^"^"^rbe general merfytnak-ing, iiKlulged in by noble seniors ==^%a^3^=iSFB; ;^u i^^ sffTireH -as by-theiesBT ihiportant; delightful liquid hair dressing, is members of the school gFoiip,x-!i«*t wbat^4t is named-a hair

BlaQL-.creamery and ice cream factory cSrabifted; ^ mile* fronr Philadelphia; doing a good busi­ness. Owner wants to trade for

-Those sad ones whocbukT not believe, The woni4»hieh.he aaalcp nnr ^><a| he.

The power puBStafced to d e s ^ ^ Both death and the grayiapX ihejt "TRepowers of darknoan to foil

They find the tomb, empty, on guard

On Tuesday afternoon, there ^^^^utifier. No matter how pretty "^^- Owner wants to trade for was a spirited session of first yo"r hair now is it can be madel^^ fi ^^y^r™:/'"^f*;!"^ » mill

I 1 . . . L_ ana tarmcomomea. WJio wants this property?

C. J. Meatze & ll-7-2t

juui JtuGwia, hfeld in Uie iibratT^^g'fe»' gv*h beller-BFusIng Hgf; The class was organized with the following officers:.

President-Miss Sallie Norvell Lark in

mony Hair Beautifier. to those who mourn because the hairJa

to trade &r Answer quick. Co. ^

Secretary 4faddffiHRR=

Miss Meta Gray

ifringy, duiriiistreless and home­ly. Harmony Hair Beautifier will prove'a reir blessingland pleaa-. arc. It M-tilii lu puliah and 6ur-

6x4.. ..?l%"i?v- re.T P€rf.efil^.iQr al^yshjt^e _lair;,glos*y,. tongfeliow evwang the latter j^^y-soft and more easy to put

Were angels from out of that world. We sec. To thoac hoarto it wae hard.

part of the month, in which reci- !"P i" graceful, wavy folds that f . " i ' >• ^ • • * < , • • . • . . ' ,. I - • • • - I . ^.M— r _ tations, songs and dramatization ' Stay put." it overcomes the

Turkeys Wanted.—Having ar-rangyd to ship a eartoad «f-dressed poultry, we have a sp^ial prbpogitian fa» ihiptwriiJ Com¥ in and talk it over. Highest prices—'Cash — guarantee?- ac­cording to quality. Aetna Sut-terCo.,W.H. Cather. Manager.It

from the wtTrtCS-oT the poet will afford recognitfohof his versatile

oily smell uf tha hair with a dainty.-true-ruae fragrance, very nlfia.sinir tn -tTT^ ii«pr nrui \}^^^

Wanted. — Housekeeper and eomi>aninnior mid5 Family of "fotir, all ad. dreas^giving reterence, L

Prtn« §w«;t.

Would seek, 'twixt his birth and his

Mi's. J, W. Bernhard and little J ^ S S D o r n t h v RprnharH nfWnnt i -

ingtoi), visited Iriendis he^e dur-n>g tho^wcckr

Miss OtbattirWiiUams left Wed TiftsHay irtra ynsut tfl r e l a t i v e s in

WinBtnn.Stt lpnn an<t.4ajw>y. p^^^ta

^ in' North GaroHna. Mi^T:ArIfe|st«JletaniHanul^

-rfWileUA, N(ib:7 are visiting MrS; Mary A. Marsterier and other rdatives in this vicinity.

::.Norvell JLarkin, who has -been-in Cincinnati fot' Bome iafte <,wtth thie Arm of Brown &01ai'k-

Hia grav& in i ts silence no heed^ _ Po h give to my soirowing quest.

From fear and tiespair to be hurled, To chaos Jwf words whieh t h w apak^f

The wisdom bestowed upon n»eri, Would tell me the m v s f rv is aolvt^

My questionings satisfied, when rtCTtiirttK thought taT"''evoTvBa~

He's risen, see where he was lai?; '^Befgrpyon his way h e y j l l take,

AS you wiu rememner, he s ^ d . "

How great the confusion must bei ill LeA/m IIIIWI Will mVB iUI'

«eBtt lS:


• Qur foothair entjiusiasts ,are


From thggea la t ^ j R " in ita soiufe. - ^^-^-^^P^ ^ ^ grave they can see

proud of the score made by our Doys m tn? game agaiaat ^ul

rWtf •mm

around. 'H^ery easy to apply=-s^ply sprinkle 8 little on youi" hair each t i m e Ipefnre hn iRhing it . #Tt nnn

ttr Va.


Aiexanana, -4t-

And there its b a n n i n g w« scan. Ascending from thence in its eonrte^

\t ffeftcfaes my frt«md aa a tnan.

^Mti^ns oilr and wHl not change

For Rent.—Store room and ware room on Fair View avenue, tlOiOO pc» mewthi C. J. Meiitos

thecolor of the hair, nor darken _L.. . L - i - ^^—^-


I'reaa m t h t rocks 'ueAlh my feet. That from, the beginning till now,

-The record of life \» CQmideibSj

Afldfawn it the mesMge they hearj, I "**•> " " " ™ w > n . n awwq IB t O U ' - L - L j Of "life from the dead "-but do H6t, in favor of Managajfe ' ""~ ^ , ^ . . , T " ,

Korean udt the tueaiiiiij{C:oiimvg= MhJARBQRQU^H'qFArrArcuirK^roL i ^ ^ ^ ^ "^"^ ^'^^P ^^^' Atf^r^*^to^rm^feE^1itrr^^

Seems mucn Uke my oWil as 1 gneV6

-Beside the dear

10-m-tf. For Sale.; Two thoroughbred

Berkshire boars, eligible for reg-i^tration. and exceptinnally good

M r Y a r h n r o i i g h prrtmiofiB t» h o

^ •son, is visitihii: retailvtfs her^

Succeeded-by death. The rocks diow That llf6 first app'oaraBUpon earth

Far h«ck in the ages untoldA The-dust made alive by its breath,

Th« myst'ry wouM seem to-uaf61d.

Goneoming w y friend—By hia gravje T stand, aitd opprdi»»ed by my loas^

' ^y fr\mA

: _Hj^led.back on Biy heai't du I have

C a n l froin this chaos now trkcel A s t ^ of the W»y they miiit webd,

From otit of the gloom to embrace The light of the knowledge they crave?

• • With hearts overbaniened m t h w j y j Hope mingling -with fear, from ijhis

aggresBivein his.extension work gfiamix»l?tv<isri[g Ths in 8grtculture,Jbus engagements " foi- the month running as follows:


The knowledge tha* l eahnot cross The bounds whence i t -cam^ tho' re-

-—, I Yffglari

The way he lias gone, un a sea , Of darimess and myst'ry tossed,

nvpTwhatmad by its

Woodstock, Friday, the 7th instant Occoquan, Friday, the 14th instant Maiiaiisaii,Ffid|iy. the 2l3t instant

jnQnjLShamgop>_Thi84Jureiiquid individuals. M.&rLynch. R. F. D. No, 3, Manassas. Va. lQ-3l-4t

On lapt Friday, he spdEe to a' j g i e y t u r a w U h g ^ j o a B ^ J a . k n Q w , largp nn>ti«m/.oit, a^^„^i^\^ ^nd

rich lather that inimediately pen- etrat» to every parlvf hair and seaJp. insuring a quick, thoro^h cleansing: Washed off just *s qdckly, thfe.eiiUre operation takes

JEor Ront. New eigUt-ruOm-house on Fair View avenue, $12 per month. C. J. Meet»e & Co. 10-3r

in Thanksgiving week, wiil take active part in, the sessions of his

only a tew moments. 'Contains nQt;hjngJ-.hat can harm the hair:

BaYing completed a Oressmak-

|itetiafactnry work. _ Fit gtuuim-Mrs.

vUle, Va. Carrie Stoltz,T?oke8-


leaves ho liarelinBBB or sticking -just a sweet cleanlinesf. Mrs. H. C. Linn and Miss Annie

LihO) of Alojuuidriut wuw[hwB*g -©f^Jrs. Linn's -pturents, Mr. and Mrs; WilHam JFoots, yerfsprday.

_. JfffS;/_Catherine Francis re-/turaed Wedhesdgyrfiuum-^^aatt to relatives in Kensington, Riock-

jyiUeandGermantown, Maryland.

Its power to quicken^thisJijst, Yet stiK its own. source is concealed— , And fruitless my search as at first.

I read in "The Book" Uiai -one stood At the brjnk of the grayo o i his fncad;

His e y g ^ e r e guff^jed with the flood

wavas m»mkA they - b e -

All hope in its surges W6f*k>9t, -If reasoDHOWiMily were goide;

Bs t he whom they loved, on the storm. To save from its fnfy HM W^..

-d«i)NHxmeBt, i t the meeting of : the teachers in I»ynchbur5gf.

: AMONG THE TEACHERS llie SotiierniJJariewe "Shakea-

Tfio' to ^ m i i e tangibte form

Mr». ii'viiig A-."Duc}e and Mtfc-

With which my own. tears • sedc - to -. blendt -———:— - -

Appears to their sight. — yearn .-

Their hearts


Williaui R. Buck, uf Fiuut RovaL ««t=^

power liB gpeakti and the clay, _ l^e jnpuld^jing duat, once again

T.» lif> Jii iU {iriwui Oar A H«y '=°°

With love, elBiiial life's power— • Trnmnrtal the flar"? ^hat now bums

wi tmnthem. ThOTtirmmth«t t«m»:

Doth pi epa^tiuus w»ne la odd-very jornam^tal-Jbottlesr

perean engagement in: Washing--' ton), last—week, drew several

sprinkler tups. Harmony Hair.Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shag!Poig» 5fte. IBoth guaranteed

teaJehera of Ruffner and Bennett for thp wppk.end, in.that ctty* "cpcomunity only at Our storo-

Mi.S.S T.lll« }K^T f pt'nt g g f .»H;JflY

wttlf bw aistert Miae Mood Mete Btore^of the United StaUa. Cana-da and Grrat Britain, which own -the big Harmony lahoratoriCT in

to^satisfy you in every way," or your money back. : Sold in this

"Ki* Rexall Store-one ot the mora than - g , ^ leading drag

TkeAfanassas Ja'urnal wants a bright, active, indm^ BlMis boy-one with sticET ing quaKdes-to learn tho prmtin« trade. Tllb w a •pkndid opportunity for the

We have moved TOUT coal and* wood yard tu the lot adjoJnlT - ---- —- — .wnlng" Brown s flxx>it'S nnnner yarcL Qaii offiao is pqw4a fhr old nhop. next duor to Hlhbft' blaekamilh sh^, ^ d we are, prepared to fwrnigh our patrons with eual and" wood in any T«"titT, Pfum-tt &S(m. 8-22-tf


Hiss L411ian^Lightner, of Hay-/ maiket, siieiiV Wedmaday with .friendd in ManaseiS'ind is fiSS^ visiting Miss ^ Leafie Bean, at


-* Hill, and Mti Tl i Sa Green,r of Aden, were guests last wee l tv§ tp^ myst'ry of life in its fount,

Appears from his grave " t n c g """»

Jkre questioniiigs over? At rest Myhe*rt fMtt t u burden « ^ j | ^ ^ i ;

Tbe power its victim to wrest Fiuia daikneaa uf JgiOi Mlla Wlih

glaiiwgw—-~— • ; The heart ao (^>pressed with ita c«re;_

Bat veiled i s ' t h e aowce'whence it - came,- -^ - ^ . ^

Still, with awer I yet muat,declare

Mr8.\E:. H. Hibtsinherhomeon Grant avenue.

W. -K. Upaeoab h a f^ twwfdi-tiim •-• httir|tv)g 4rip to

' My knnwtodge is mHj a ^ggpS

To seek those companions who ahare With them all the wonders ' t l i e /^e


And know all their burdens iuHfcarej To piander on all it ram m»*n

Eludes my pursuit, buMto end Prwnpts me in mv search tn unrmmiMi-

I ponder on words w h ^ be spake While he was j e t with them, and feel

That I in. aome meaanxe partalce Of joys'which those words m i ^ r«-

ypai. "i 'n i puwci mj ntuu n y MWa,'' :

"~He 8 i a i , ^ ' j » i again that life to r«-


Each room in the Iniilding, ftom luudeigaji^ to eigltth

Halloween de young folks

The siloice of death, Doeamyfiyeod Lie h o e in t l » OuitT }tul He WIWM

guest of his brotl^, lb. Charie»

/Mr. Mars Lewis, of Norfolk, i& exoected Sunday fn^ » 'WMfc *^

I k>ved i s not here. - W^ere s h e ? HiacMdy^oasispcH to Hif^i^M,


his sisfter, Miss JuKa Leww, and his brother. Dr. i. M. Lewis, in

Ut. and Mrs. c Greenwich. were gueata last Week ^^TlfT" ^ 'fTJL^!^-

.« w ^j tr^ T\ « i n t M . i . Where man by his.wiadomMQ* of Mr. and M ^ D. IL Fitl^ in their home on Main street, and attended, the masquerade ger-

-call 0<_tfce right, the powew »Ki>». J>^«^ ^

In dsaJi —t-thegwwe-hoWa tlir^rf Of him that I tovedKBaTlM's goD»

Unanswered my questkms renuiin.

Aye, this i»-nia glot y oUTtheir

ftDu cu)wn» • /

Bdievci* in h£n eanabt <li«. In spirit iijaaortal tkey rise-

Aiod, leMtied witii -4tMir : . - oa l

'booac fnm

Viiey tmUT iheir hetne in t b e - s k i e ^ a * UUIC U » » iru^ -i , » k . = ^

The hc^w that thy spirit, a t re»t_^-

. # « > IMP is mtmmnf fcl«« ,

grade, e^ebrai lightfuHy, am had a royal

Mra. Larl^n ^ h e s t& record

Bosto^, where the_ many cele-, brated I^irmony Perfumes and Toito PreparatifHSareniade:— Dowell's Pharmacy, Managsas, .Va.' • ' • •, • • .


i r tWih i

Just recdved another car of "Parina" Dairy aiid Horse feed. • Try a sack and watch yoor stock improve. Maddox£ Byrd.lO-17-tf

autuAn ^wers,:8ent by the Da< tPOfa to^^eautify the claa* rooms.,

The i ogkiin Uilu jchiwH U ^v-,

For Saie-^SijhiiiH greamr ; tp the satisfactiiWj! both teaehors and patrMis,

, Miss Graoe ^Monm recovered frug"^rrecent indis-IKajlkHi, uud Uie primary putrito baok ta the aanahine of bei smfte

FractMMd *—CBUfF ClHinliil.

lificent three-story frame mill, ..J, . cnp—i«» "witj^ spteudid tonr

and feed burrs. Has capacity and ele-YStore far fivi. t fa iMurf h-rfw.lo ^f

Blliiti uilw. «san

Jliaa Chari<>tte Sn»itSia m^ST Tool: . r -

A nuEMUr

—^few^ by Thaa^rrn^."

Mr. Samuel Miliar, of FP6W!

To him wh^nfenseoted to ahare My burdens of heart, and 1 teii

In hio) the one only who can. The issues of bfe and of de*th.

Make known to my hf^r^, ag ) tni\ in vain the wisdom of man and of

.&«?j^r-ca« of the founders, .ol i , - , eatthr

in Manavaslast Saturday payins, a Visit w Dr. Rcwip and tu ihg


tM nojr dMaged «fldj htspirsd fay faith and by hope.

i Of rest which mv faith and hnp^ tntijifj

fmm the kinaorgarten and rpm-B_; ,_ ,_ ^ the oartBal daas at Ruifoer. be- tiBdMM v^ii: ing in... attemfaace

the Southern

mother who is recgypnAf^ tiTPWl ' '* -'' "* "'•

'"jiiViaiiWi ^ ^^^'^'y tmn?ItliIts.fron]W«rr>yt""i ii*i».. . . . . . . . . . . .. tnjmmfOie conBty-»ai^f^Faoquier eomihr • ^ ' ' - - " liiVmLLjLJ K: '•"** i ran^tonths of the way being over a •awaa4toMs..., 3,sa).M ! splendid Macadam road. It is in a rood 3.H0.K ! splendid Macadam road

communis and has trade, and eve

I.I erything

It is in a good a fine exchange cohsideredTs the

Association announcad, in answer to queries from numy imrts of the state, that the red crosrf Christmas seals will be distrib-' ated to k)cal agents-during the

WTTH THE u r n s POLK "BY G. B . M .

The thirty-six little beginners la .the Primary (i>!|»»in»»iii ^^

next lew flays ana will be placed. Bennett are very proud of the^

LW. R. Hooua. OHfein. do solMBabr alBni that the abaf* U a trae MMmmt «r the AMMMW eoMlitieB •( The Buk of Notnrvi U*. laetrpHBtid. iamtmt M IMMniHe. ta the Ctiaity of Pi^ii Wnfcsi. astterf VhsWa. «t the i.hii rf I f I MM • • the Oat dajF of October. ISIS, ts the hiat if iiu aWlrtl aii< biHiJ

. ^ . . ^ ^ g l ^ t ^ i ^ h o o t ^ h e j t a t e by;^>aUES^thair nni ni^m^^-in


ffewKBR., ejtHiiM.

A H. W.


aeaT, wtn<^ fa of a mgat b^wtifir th>y apwt the fiwit fOUF weeks' A U tt# Via>.i.<ii*. Oaflan nr Ttinr* W».M*II

a im a to and rotocribed bef i

prettily sitaated. biacxsaiftfa allop and aP necessary ootbuiMings- This mill WML U ItUlWraAJI JjpiH^ ^jjiiif f f ^ -fgff sgo. (13.000, and is now otf^mi at the redicukNisly k m price of $6,000 aad « • teiBia to suit any one.

For further particulars, apply to

'* ^^culLCarier ft to..

facerics. ftrtTBWB design, wUl be soki at the same j a leamingioreco<mi«Lhv aighf

1 ^

Dr. W. efficient' ^'^L'^T'^ «> mortal c«n gin: - - — - - - - O f hfe most I sing, as.*t last prescription clerk at Or. John R- „ , ..^... ,. ^ , „ .

' Pharmacy, in Orange^>'y f»«ii bnis m« hope he .hall hve, Bon a iiawiiBt visit trt ttlg


price as last yeai. one eeul, and! aboul ter^ words ao d»»t tKS^

fftre m« tv W. K. -. CaahtCT. this Alat dar of O tober. ISU.

W. T. ALL£N. Notary Pabhe. m g s i w jsauaim. i i n — '

9n ltd A ^a li VM in th* twyny y | ^ Kti^t^

lUHiif. ill . i tanamraf l^-Ti g^ to the tomb of our C S H Orange Obaerrer

Mrs. Thomas J. Smith who The myst'ry begins to nnfoM— Not here," say the angels on guard,

barb^en^nui^mg her "sister. MrsT , '^^^ tr^r.e'lIZ!'!^ ' ^ G. W. Nutt. at the home of Mrs.^' f" ^ifi^frTMrnir^^S^ ^ ---t^rHen^fiockLreek Church • . ^ ^ ^ ' : ! ! r r . f f ^ ? f . f t 5 . . . Road VVa.-.hingt<>T. W -b<^Tr-^^ ^ ^ spendmi? .s. me d a v s w i t h bro iher , • - f • _ ,, . . 1 : breath.

eanbebad i«i luusl uf liiu elll«'reading leMoHs wOoM not~Ee' wwa-bw. a.—.Xec—.,,-of t h e C o m m o n w e a l t h . T h e DTO- m^mnriyjKA •*«* •'"^ ''•"• """^ AHOTI Pfw-Kan^ the

J -11 u J .. J . K " - , m e i i i u r i i e a . AatiaeptK-powder to be rtaken iii» the aho«.Ja^

comsumpuon^nififty per cent blackboard ,work, in which real ^ _ _ * . F J r ! ^ . " " " * ! ! ' ^ ' ' ^ ' ^ ^^J^'^" »o<J pictures w^^ ^ VlnnBia

>=L Purity Tlour which nude the de-Tj-licidus «offee. biscuits and wak­

ing cake. !«erv'ed st .v • an-noTi'.'s durinpr the^demonsUc^-i 'n o: t ^ Majet iic. wer? bo.,j .r.t

for relief work in the locality foundation for sentence struct-1.^ w h e r e s e a l s are sold. . a r e . pf'tifj»pH<Tn f»ri\<f g^fj^ig Mr~Kfl»"i°^P«i'<itBciiaii. 3Tiuaaf7ir«<a4« - - , , -v.-j^..-^

=Twirars?:i;:' r5°r' ' foieiuiuieis of m^ actual text-!''*"*"' "'""' "''*' '*'""'' "g' '''''r ^''^"' ^'^^ rtOcei/anJ piovTsion' c,...^»~. P...^1rcH..^-^:book. LOANTrvns..vMi..<BLK store of \ H*ve Ff-v^iritt

• ["huor.-.rtr* P a r - . - - - r L i HER,

Page 6: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

11 -K- V< S ^ : - j / i . i : :vAi -.yiiiJAY, NtrrF I^ffi LMIJET

• « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • < -.

WiSMftflEfiSOfr' .HURSPN. >

i & ^ r i g tfue JutToy W I W life, tad tbst waa itie thought of Jim Barnes. She waa tlif daugtrer of a aet-Uar in the tortiat region of Oregon. uud barnea and Ji)bn Anderson ii»<i notn wantcQ cwr. AiiuorBuu Tt<«tf »*»**. He w j u a aucceaalul.8tie«p farmer, and he and Ne»ta loved each other de-¥ otedly. 'rtfey t t d been : months.' ^ "

Jim Barnee «aa In the gOTernment service. He was a foreat ranger. Ho \\aB a luuulji—luau, Buiuewliw older than An'derson: All bla life bad been spent in the foresla and on the plains. He l o v ^ BT8 WO'fgTatntr ntbca West* rajsriwl hirf fttii - - r ' IT'""" >"t|p -to it. lSo"o»e Inrt'^Kiatt.'Tmew_B*w f "' hard be toak. bis failure-to Imike 'EeF hiB wife.

i^AVK ^la^fluck' all hla att< winter he kept thorn in the pena, bu In summer he pajilured tlism in thi Bweel grasses of the uplands. Theso long, aloptng rangea rise «bOT« -the surrounding Corasta, into which- - the sheep will not stray. Thus a herd can be secured, so tong ai the pasturage holds out, within fifty acres, ringed around with trees; and every alter-nate day they'canTie"m'QV?if tJ$"Jui6thei-of tha asuataia iir»r*i

Nesta and John had a aeries of I:t-Ue eabtfti HI Ulung tUw wlgu uJ tU" range. Each contained only a bed, blankets, and coofciag utenslla: In these they were spending the summer uioutliH hapiitly.—Whlig. Ncata—prv pared the meal in the flay time, John would.He on the hlJl slopes, watching his Sock, and amohiagr and dreaater; of" hu returu'

It was^ daring one of these days that

CKbin,. wherw slya waa alone. ^__ "Can you spare m e « drink •{ water,

ma'am?" he began.' "1 saw jloar fire smoking and thought it might be—"

fused him. were eonfuacd. Neata th» awie Jeeyiy.

"I beg your tmrdon, Mrs.'Anderson.' said Barnea. "I didn't ka«w R you. You'8ee^_Lrh<njgtit thei amaae^. from your chimney mlgitt >e the be-gincing of a forest fire. We rangers are on the alert powaiiMSu, owtnc to tte dry sjlell." . , .

Xrrsra ga^ft him ths cup itt water. Hfl (tnmtrr li ^ l a ^ ->?«>-•fc-v--.» -.umed to go. Suddenly he wheeied round. His voice^wss' hoarse wttb-emotToc.

Nesta!" he cried^ and £aught. her IJV lUe Mlldy. .LS«H11A!

Thert^ was an intense passiMi-la his voice. He said no more, u id , sudden­ly dropping her hands, hetnrasd a w y . .Xes'.a watched hiB depart She laivw •' tif Baa 6»»B httlde himsett. that -'::•:• old lore, always jpoldering within niB heart, had sodileniy o^r^astered Mm ai lli^ lUgBt <M Btff. hlM Ittit BKly

She could

. ^«en aem.lht thi. over^helmifif e.on in th*. depths o( the,^an«ts: h« -bought th&t he bad conQoered it, tm-lil 'he sight of Nesu had proved too • tro[.g for bia-resolBtien. To wownd her* drsirna; he fMt Tfiar he mastTST

I^ays passed. Xeeta hhd said notl^ :r.g ;o Jo^n. Barnes did not go near be cab:n. As a matter «f (net. NesRn

nud John now occupied a Uttle hot • a m.l-s away, at the very edge ef th<>

.. ^PArinc—and nnly a mils fwaa his

of th« ,h)ll. "Ton got them out. tBUfuet" hs.contteoed,

Barnea stared atlrtni oflSTHfflWnt

"TaR-e charge. Smith." he said I'm going to see ai>oul them." He

apurt'ed his horse and rode oH at fai: gallop. " — ^ - .

i ie darod not thiaii. it might ,hg ^'ea-1n. H «h<»y had- n»t baen warned ' TEtt situation was extremely perilous, for the flames had ringed the. hiU, and ihu only chance of aafety was in hewing i-ftUb tbroush thai part where the for esis dwindled into patches of under­brush, and &o reaching the k-iver. Afl he galloped the stench of burning wood waa in his nostriU, and now~hB3" again the grass atarted into ripples ol fire under his horae's hoofs.

In their cabin Nesta aad John were sleeping. They hafl knoWi nOlDlne Of that remorseless enejny creeping Lear-er and nearer, i bd already sendinf; out 'I'o'h'l BtreaiUWa of amohe thfengh tha llHjILJlail!.. j " T * ' '^ ~ ° ^

John stirred la bis aleep and mut' tered. He caught at bis throat, turned over, and slept aciiiin. NeBta_ beard TJim," but'she did not know that death waTupon tSem, nor that this uhcon-Bclousneaa whieh. erept_u£on her was anyttung but sleep.

A hand pulled at her ahoulder. She muttered drowsily. She opened her

bat In her benumbed, state it occa-aioned~no surpriae.

She felt herself lifted In hia arnaa. A moment later.-and.Baraea.,waa dash-.


N e w Yortc Man i n v e n t . D . w l r . Which


Laating Materials for Construction AvstaMe in Many f>tacea In Fvfftr'

of Sand'' and Gravel.

No STB glB'TBCTor^ plays such a n - l w portaat pert In~lEe 1»oclal add bu;,f-nesB nfe of a commuuity as the gual-Ity of Its roads. Aalde from the pleas-

Forms Tight Cloaure aqd Cut Be Securely Locfced.


id by A 0r-Thon " ~ iiompsen of C o r n y rente" bell Hal). .N. T., the Scientific Amer­ican'says:

The object here is to provide a u:over which will form a perfectly tight'closure for a vessel and be cap­able of being securely locked In clos­ing position, so as to prevent access to the can by unauthorized persons. For this purpose the inventor con-

ure aiia UUUVHUIBUCB of travel. aible at all—tiawa OV«F roads, there Is the ffnancial phaM which dlrecUy concerns the cost not satj' el OaJi^swiwBw?*


inspect our stock.

Ing away to safety, and, when Nesta

safe over the river baiik. and on the OlHRiiiHB edtu was aa'liifoiae »f flnmsi

"Jobnl John!" she cried, at last un­derstanding. . But Barnes was already gone. She

waited In an agony of suspense, watch­ing the flames leap higher, and the crackle of buring wood sounded in her

Tireet.A horse came plungIng','~aSd on < its back Vere two tigurea.

produc ts - as—weit erybody wants good roads, writes t>. H. Wilson in.the iowa Homestead in the matter of paying for permanent

lltZl'n, . ' « T " t ! " ' w ' " ! ! " / \ I t w i l l be w o r t h y o u r w h i l e t o agreement seems to have been reach- • ' ed In the proposed distribution of the cost between the nation, the sUte, the county and the users of the road In question. As a result, within s few-years this country will talce Ita right­ful leading position among the na­tions of the world in the number of

H< 'a may -it Is furfmnito' that thc-tJQKed States has' been rather slow in the matter of road making. The

Twa Cadoaitl* irggiejp

Prices Fr«B (45.00 to (IflO.M

We have jusl r^ceiviTone car- load of Blue Ribbon Buggries, and one carioad of the famous Haytitjcks -eatrh made of the very best material available, bought in the white wood and ^ n t e d afi pei" our instructions.

Also all kindB of


f. A. CockreO & Co. ManasMug, V a .

terlals, 6uch as will withstand tb« wear of motor traffic which is fast mining—Euro pa's—oeatiury.eld read'

' wasts. Lasting road materials are eoerywheie pieBKiit lu the—form—of s*^d_ %nd.,£r^vel fj om pits and stream hndw and-rnished rook -trom—

"quarries. Combined with Portland

Onuices \i

Just make stire at the

upon tl}fi_i»d^e, swathed in a smolder , **'"' *'"" Co***"-

intrhlanhet and s y ported b y B a i ^ , t i u c U neck uf the c r a w n l th« u,uAte-destructl»»„actlo» of *»tomo-a r * waa John. The temfte* b o a e Tgosttfe, Which Is Kted toTBe-shme i d ' ^ , i ^ ' n™rru«iw^^ac«oa m *iKomo-lilnngfid iMto the cooling gtrwtm apd, - ,^ to have snugly ong&ging surtoeds> ' iTarl' BirnMifliing hi^i.^^y ^T^^ ^^^^ • n f i l h l i l t y nfkielrstw

saddle I aad, tesring the hisnkpt gad he provldeB< >g attgirhnrtl* f^. -Juidiifwu. muulud hlui lu the u,e top bl the daSl^iTcy c 6 * p a * t i S

The flrst consideratioB In the build- ' g ing oi concrete rpatls la a carernf^v

k Neither man win linlly hurt W<*K H . . ^ y . trf the rioaare to — The blanket, had protected John, . ^^ ^ locking device to sfeoire a thwiKh he- was still stupeged by the Q^cm^ j n jxMlttoi on the cam nntn

tJHiagAiL4ocaI deposits ot Maid.Hgra3rHJ

ailding is going to^ it^ftoitt^^e fouuda-'

tion up.

Smoot tjimber and X materiala-giyg yon ttiat ; [

and rock ( c k l l ^ t h e aggregate) to see »

saoke.-but B*mfe8'-hatr itnd eyeDrows|^^^^|^g^ er& a e o i ^ M , and nie ct6theB'"wwpe

ived -.

4 s Nesta ran lorward Asder-opened his eyes. '

"Nesta!" he mtirmnred^teoblir, .and j clasped her in his-arms. '

BBg iumed uHlchlf wwiy;—B» knew that he had atoned..and jthat the hell' «r hift heart wajp (itienched in the waters of self-conQnest. Stni,.1iB: did


Prebtem Is -Ldng Way From Being S a ^

of Help Is' Neceosairy.'

Crete. Sand must be d e a n aiM hard and must grade nnifurjuly 1

guaraptec .

W P (»iifr probably aave \ [

in'alB fTOhi oaO'fonrth inch down. The i f aame appliea tu .gravel and urushya ^ rock ez<;«pt that tl>e hu^est particles » oenuBonly allocable ate uue and" one-fdnrOi Inches Jh dl^iiaeter: If local . ntaterials are . usable, a considerable [ { saving wili be tHtuiilM. M ftWy *»^T*" ment wilt heed to be freighted ' '* •

.it is much faster

y o n ntoney—^we KSj

fact ion.

T o o * bui lders V T U be bet ter satisfied w i t h S m o o t ^qoality b e h i n d

: them.

"Wan•«•»," VirgiiiiB

J Lumber f^hd -

-Planing MiUs

Wi"-tci>*p nn tisnd IjimSer. IJmV, t>ni>«' , '

Lath, BHck. IJoors. .'JMh, Biiads. Shiogtes,

MoakliaK*. Doop aad Window Frames, I'siats,

Oils, VaraiJi, Hin«H«. .Srewa aad all kiuds

of Boild'TK* Harilw»r», und »re pr«par«d M

til all ordera for tuw on shiirt nitioe.

. W e g u a r a n t e e p r i c e c t o b e a«

l o w a s a n y in a l l c a s e s .

C a r l o a d ' L u m b e r in Lots

The problem of mliking hy~means of'1 w a a t t o let.Jolia aad Nesta thank machines i s stUI a long why from be-j mix th^ concrete with iunachine than •,

ttg "aolved, ;bht we. are much n ^ g e r j fay -hand:

^W^ iOOT&CO^ fCopy iiapman.$~

Depeudlji^.Hjn Che gradlhis

TWED HAftD TO SAVE FRIENO •»*! „ ^ . . , I The New York experlnent

the fepal. t i ias Sv«s years ago. or even i w iw aggregate, the concrete is year ag307 says me^^FBggrjaw" - ^"*—J-"^****** propornwnca one •«£ or t*oj t

and cement to two cnbio feet of sknd ; 8tati<m [ and four cubic of screened grate! or

Tminhfir Mill Wnrir AIXXANDRIA, VA.

Iriahmao's Evidence However I>i • " • «hoBncied the resalt of a mliulbs j cruahed rock, or one of cement to two ].*'|<I I ^ • • • • • ^ * * 4 ' » » * • * » » • » * » ' ' , machine experiment which -coveged a^af aand and three of gravel or rook. I • ' • ' ' ' ' • '

, period of four years. The experiments | During the g r ^ i n g and draining of ', show that, Inclttdlng the Ume re<iaired j the roail, th« n^mtf^t^ f. h.,.t»< . j . ^ | P r f V U T I l C p M D 4 1 1 W A V

ThO IdUowtnk is * story t.^d by Wfa- *" ''^ Ui«i l H * y u » ~ r « d y ana to waanj p . ^ at conTenlent^polnU. The co°- M W l I f l t l l l l l u U L i r A I

Not Seem Altogether Convino-inH to the-Judy.

ready and to wasnj piled at convenient points. ' The con-1 Jktnjs. oo*rs oan t>e niUk- j crete is mixed moshy wet. is decMdt-liam JiWBBings Rrrsn- • them after

' *Pive l r i s h i i e a _ ^ e P*erleis O i e • * ""y laachine to J . « minutes to the | ed to the thickness of sU inches^^Km «ea><L had S e e i T c h a i ^ r w g g 7 a » a u l t y ^ . ** .""°.gV** *^.*^. f* ' .^*"?^"?! ! ^ ^ _ " ° " f ^ hed_and i s hiuuglit

with inieat-to klU. The state tried thr hand saHlcinc. A. higgler class at

to piOte the JiBCutl<ftiiue iwgau a t um fc*^B-*ft nHfr-^iBi-ht:

o'dlock at night. Dennis, one of the machinery. '}"" I f * " - " <•«»«

was ranstdwnwrt

to grade and. shape fay meaas of a ! templet In ordei tu sliwi ih* watftf


on the si^e drains the sarfaee of the concrete is given a rise or crown in I *IU nAKtW

Both - hJM anthdid^^jiot get w uHft l e w aft-^ tmprofttabW and'Bot to he reoomaend-j one seventy-flfth the wWth

The hundreds of applications filed If . »• How do you know that Deimla i n e auaareosoi appucaiioiw me« t^ . - - " « . « i UU.V u i o wire oroom. OT ! T, in bed by Bight o'chK*** thadtB- ^ Waited States patent office-sboH^jrUeh meana there is aSorded pe»^ *

trioi attorney imnirod.

ID effect May , 1913.

aai are not guaranteed: £ roadway. Tlie atutkce is finished with 1

wooden float and wire hrooih. by;

'Hadn't we a clock in therhoaMf* the witness retorted.

the interest in machine mUkin«. Pr*a-j^ fect footing for horses. At Intervals thi* i^brSTJSet the road is divided into

'^Uohs by narrow contrartioa. Joints «x-


— - - sesaHBoeHD. No. U^Dsily loeal, 8:45 a. m. DeUvM-

eoBDcctkn' at Ursnge daily except 9Ba<ta<

eat day deTel(q>n>«US indicate

e wKn«H Teiortec. v " * ^ « « " » * • « « « * ' * ^ ^J } ^ *1^ t ^ ^ ; , ^ . . , ' ".K"^ Z " T " eonnectKB. at u « i g e oan, except 9 . » & . "Oh, and did/the d w A atilke after ^**^ suction principl*, but we took tending crosswise the rqad and o»-! 4 o, J^Q. XO. Al/jfar- Oonloii^iOe aad

Dennis came in** '<•"• *** "™" ^^*° milking machines -tlrety throngft the concrete. These 1 Richiaond. • Well, no the ddck w a « i 1 jgilk- ' ^ " ?*_ cheaper and simpler. The jolnta ape fbrmed by means of a thin j _ No. Ill—Kxeepf •<yp/i.^ ii-9<: .

Ing then ' "Wiiat was the matter wllb AT '•It h«rf h«ni. n,^1• nf trrA^ tor M^

r t r * *^ f^f-—"^"**-^-^ *' * • • ' • • • I • K i . i lu luiiMiii.,. ^ ~ w . >,>—> ~j. |^),j i ^ - ^ 1 . — w . . ^ . 1:->—rr-^iitrrTintr fourth as large a s i n e ' o f eqintl capaci- ] ed to which is tied -a' single or douUe j ^o- 4&—Duly through train. 1 1 : ^ a. B . ty twenty ji^ars ago. A siinOer slss- { thickness of tar paper with the paper | wiH atop at Mansaaao 00 flae.

lew oaySt.' " 'Then, If tfae-dock was aofe coins;

t larw aid yon.know that Deaale w—

| . l i « , . . . l . . - J 1 I A. -rt«> - n v t o y ! f«.s. « i ^ ' ~ i t H.,. 1 - * * l.tM — f ^ ^


In before eight o'dockT Wen, the. wltnei^-TepUed, after j


roadway. After the sarfaoe of this section Is flulshed &nd~whHe the coo ere<e fui' the adjuluiug set'tiou Is -hg:-

yOj_ll3—PgpggT'JwiW * ai">» m ; for Wiu nuum—and


a B O S O M ' S stadyiacr'I kaew h* waa o n e >srt A<e>*sd fer P r e v s H f C e » in htfore the tJasa whia th# xiotit

Things to ee«isider.


ntersaediale—peatar PoUman Parlor Car.

No. 17—Except Sunday, looa inm W ^ , ' ' ^WarrenU)n.6Lliji:K

c^rd i ^ i n g the l>a--|rg«:Ts-D»iiv 1«»1 k U p r. per to the cross lorai H e n aad ,tiie crtJsa. form is removed. 1f>nr tar pa

He. 41—Daily throogii liaia, .U::94 p. SL mtym Is la< ai pasaangeia t i a t Wi '

strikes eight whia it do , k a . attik-i ing.-

"lint Deaais was ooaTieted." HNiii luganne—

In selecting a dairy breed it is -not nailer ot wuieh is the

hnt th^ « .> h « t muted for prevailing

fper adheres-to the eootirete and staysi MO J^i0nadiim and to teko OB I In the Joint, which Is redoeed to the] tar reiato at which achadeled to aMp.

thickness of the paper by forciac} NORTHBOUND St ttvlhe froehlT pla«<d oftni..w. i Vo. 18—Except 9nnd<y. 1 .^.

Of the s^cUon uhder coBStmetion. : «•«*'>• «> Waahingtoo. 6 5+ a:m:

knew ti»e-hett to-- —tjciiiiih tH.-Prlf* a»>*f'^-»'"*** " rnndiHtnn ff T f "^J' J T - * '" ' ^| rftinn nf Hir rettr:

. _. , . . . ^ ^ , .^^^ . « . • . - — , -J** liardened enotigh to prcvgnt alt-A drameite^erttww f r r o tha.-liow- adaptabHTtv and for the purpoee for ^ « w . n r t - w ^ ^ v l i l . C '

ard Courant: y^<F4f&s.eeB K B up at • u g T l h e Mimal Ts kept S o m e ^ h r ^ , f, '^ ' t ^ ' " * * " ^ * * * " '*'*'" Kaasas Cil). i saw a Tety good^ pre are aotod for the qeaatlty of atflk tliey " "

lift liM?ittTth-~--:*^,7-'-*-•!*¥;^IliiiJ^'' " " Alauuidji«>.l5a

seiat hw

S o U4^£zoept Sooday^ i"W <fi a nr,'from Vi


dnctioB of Thyt Printer at Udens' at the Grand. One or, tw<l of the acts

te r e e r e s e e t a

produce^ ethers their milk: ethe

jcraaB or.

•«'»«i«l « a j * • e d W point. PallmaB P«rtor Oar for the richness of " * « * ' • « • « » • « " • • Possible, rb* ! No. 10-Daily local. 1:1« p . « . Ooonee» . »«r^K. ^^taT at P*"*"*"* '« covered temporarUy wHa at Orange with C. 4 O. Bailway faxa. Rich

! ? i . . ! _ r ^ i - _ - '*^° Inches of sand or dirt from the , B-O»1 aad Oordoaavill*. X . ^ - A U f _ t h e s f c 4 » i i » f S j ; ^ j 4 ^ : ^ ^ ^ 4 , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ - .

.. _ , . _ . ^ —. ,».. . ^ .. . _ 'ng * « concrete TraiBc is ooaflncsi • * "' P "•• '">" WairMtoe aad uMer Oe, even to the jttoting oflee tewel. fore selecting a breed. Ot « * a l r y : ^ ^^^ earthen side roads uatfl the "«»*•»« P""" Bat t h o e wsse t . m »ttot«.r ta the breeds the Helrtela taai a f — h e r s t 1 ,^^,^i, ^^ ^^^ : _ ! L ^ "™ ^^^j So. 4*—^ily thmngK t , . i . t ^

*'-*«H* but of that Baraw —nt iantrrtia' I It «a« toward eTeninit abeut three '


re^-btg^^radugieg eeimale They -iwlBt type-alinger would 90 to the case and wtth pride to.woefa dnlmata aa Colaa-Uke up the stick, hia typeeetting BO- the IV, Johanna with a record of over lions were not like a real one. He i . lM pooads of butter la the never reached for the cap case, nevw vear. and the alte Vliseu • pattd em a Hue. and luulUu't get the dali'j "url>L_DiastUie OeDe onta tha eld jour am ing at .iM.—Th<>n—Kol, with -a rennrd nf nver 1.300

the meantime afaoelders of broken stone or grave] a r e " B m aJeug edges of the pavement

ai)d'Wa^ia4itoB,6:3J^p. m. . .. >Io. 3 6 - Daily throaf^ tnia, ooMhM aad *«*" 'drepiafi cmn tor Waahiaeton aad Sew York

These are i-.iS p. » , alooa 0-1 AM Romi gf nig4y three f^el w|d»i and teanlLuliy ' twa daily except Saiidaj. at O

thick to be .grm and to jnake It yn ; C. A 0 froa Richcaond »nd Oordoaar lW HSKT matter at all time* for waaee- - _ ~ ' -»•

at,;toller Mth a»-iak ea^tt. t d d a «toee

beneath h ia . .it indicated a aadden ai»d eiteualve tsmllMntlBg:

itsaitng da

• henXle l l went to Take a stone procf penndt of butter 765 days. . The Mtfi ihe ^ayeoaeiM . — JgAKASAS-MAKIBWtyK a i K ^

Thiat" ef l«»rwi»«ii.«iU'

hv a higli'srlad, snd-tha B-j-uction.

He rode toward it at tuU gallop, iut-l-i before be re<M:hed it be perceived that } u wai h e y t a a t tbaui uiauuK-tui'nr waa Bothiag te OT b«t ride tci iht

planer on

uaorr »..l might

lunm be well to tiilnk bow a No. 217—Dallv local, 5:25 p. •


llbrU^, Graiute and aU Kffids 4)f Cemetery

lO-the Ibb 4 ii. P. Ctrter. ^ ^

Jfgjpare hereby notified thaf-a tract rtrlmii ivmt^'P'"^ SS.acres, on 6uant»co . Kim, m (Joies UiBtrict, l^hcewTl l iam coantyi Vs . , charged on Commissioner's books to H. P. Carter's heirs, was sold on th«» fith Hay o f l«nnnmr, imo , U,, i lu.

m t taxes, levies and costs, to the trsigned, and that four montfas from

date hereof. £ shaft, apply to the Qerk ' of the Circuit Court of said county for a deed to sMd land:— • '• —

Ton are therefore notified to i^>pear in~^<)ar months from date of this notice and do what may ite neaesaary xs~pfs^ tect yoBT inter^t .

Oe*. to «t

CHARLES B. ALLEN _Gii £qpecr ad C N I ^ ^•"T*'*'^

UainesKOle, Va. * AtteatioB givea to IvRn iiaea and all mat-

ten per ainiair to hoacdanes. Ealimatea oa road,'drainage.and"-(iSkfcral conatruaioa work. 5-23 6mo8

«AU>1£S L. BOOTHS. ( PrMid«*t. I , . ,

QEO. S; • i K r i E L D , Uartlar.

JM.J.migLOW. ). TiciPratiiMt.

FKST NATIONAL B A f t ^ Ax^acdLimttuL. V-.&;.

liKsinnnTitu Dfti-uMimtv o^ f&v. U g l T S P S T A - W W .

i l l ) "iufciViwa"


T 4 f*!. jifJ iijj^ n* *>


MOTOR CAR EFFICIENCY ' is largely a qseetien of the skill of the repair maa. A eootplieeted HMI nieeiy' edjasted 1 1 shoei—t liht e a aetosheuM M w be repeired or OTerhaHed by


Hu H Cjuwif

proof can't be i i t-'^^ffl-i f^y S tar .

twc H i f h Crede Lasara.

High grade milcft 60W* are . -grade io*ef» Oarevrs are cheap at

aav i>Brcli|M«>^price. ] ifium g— "»'"»

stermlag about the


\^^ ^^^^ , Oar ! « » WaaiiingtoB to Haniaeabus. ir4K

X, ?l«-r>x-lT local =i4-

- t e caaip. Ave ni:le» a«ay . kcd aummon aid.- He returned about nine or loo i i with a company of ten fi.-e-flghtera: hut b^ this t ime 'h*- heaven waa ali(?t.t with the iuilff'nanips'.

— ' T t i e r i i ' i t e i m p doT^J! ' ^ w . ' ,a.J. Smith one of h1« mer, • T tfcink ' « : »fc>-f>praan'ii 1 ii«» n Ti?n f.-.y.

««. «3 to

t*r noukj probaMy be ocoSed at by taoat observers of animal life but auch an ocrurrence is vouched for by an attio-hp of hf Mamp 8!.ate a^nrul-

- T h e — a i l > man—wKb—ttw "average cows' ought to be gratefiU to the pirates who wsnld steal theA

Hi'glaatTS te -tbe tu la-^lLU their inofg

.15>a. ID eptSBsaniTBB

* " •>«- 1 — I t — i l n r r i i r a V i n i i i T r a a l i \^"*

. .1. — . . . _; o delaye—DO t i n k e r i n g . W ^ i ^ t o a , Khee a i l ? " / * * • * g n a r a n t e r f . C o n s a l U t i o o a


-« lM incident took p'.ai-bouppbold » a a arv?ut

K m?mbe- of the :o ifathar cncum-•^it.ip »Den : he

D«borned Ccw l» Safe. mm i 1 i » la 'i l iuiuwd <s J i .uay i

more l o u i f n i e n t i y bondle<l and aafer to >ia^p ab "n the plure out 1! .s not

Ing tbe Ume they are not yieijlinit re- "'^ '''^ ^ . ^ . .-,,- ^ , , . ™ . . - .< ^ ^ . _ ^.11 . ^_L I Train* Vns. 21 2 ! , aad 13 in ooouectjoa turns and o f t « i fall to Baure the fa- .v u i v . j , / T ^ ^

" " • " ™ «itk Main Unetminn \ . - » . 9 and in .Vtwe iB iure c o n a e g o e n c e s Such b^e-rr .>i-s j . . . _ ^ 1 • j "->"«>»» -anpot be s«rce^8fn! la the nwtlf-r .^^ t^^ ^.M n...^ ,k...f.i: :i-A\rVmr^^ husinees. Constant oeea. ro<Ml fo^ji . .mji C, A a Rj.ii»»r ' " ! :nt and Treah water are



r.f-<PFfar«- »t all t ime*

good feed •MlC. A 0 R a i i . a absoM-. i\ E H. C X M ; A« ,

Ttf« h< .&^ S H E.KR:'*.

Anaesthetic!" Adminif:tprpd for le«a Extractinr nf Teeth



Page 7: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or



M««Mr UMfut Hauteil to All

and A» i» of Old 0«vic« May B« Part* of Farm.

r f foNs THE°Svo«r10B§feRs

Many L I t tU Practical H int * That WlM

(By L. M. BKNNINOTOM.) Tbe Rant is tke Urc«K of t&a

eon faaiilr, bat they «r« it ^ era.

^_ite>«r ^—' "-— triitB cauae bowel trouble.

Rye la a grmin QMt ahould neirer be fed aa It la rery taxaUre and llabla to cauae Mrera Intestloal IrrltatloB and death.

HempMad sbo«kf never be fed lib­erally, aa It to very beating and fa^ leolng.

— A n OTererowded luft 1» butU uuymf' liable and a dauger. •

When the young >lrda are about two


K tuyrcfc ..—PnraiiaiHJ

PerBapg eyWT- t"'^^^^ ^ " ooiB$-Eloa to load aome ^ m a ] Into a wagon and many ol them presare (or

qnently ~^tneae wuaiew*~• 'Crv permaaent flztorea In oonaeetlon with the feed lota, b«t they,are often made so that tt«y « • • be tranaportod fr6ia one part of the farm to another. Whes a ehute of thla kind la bollt heary and atronc enough to support the welsht of a laature bog or a larga «aK tt beaoBiei a clumsy f thing to mSre. Mr. R. J. Unaeott,. Holton, Kas.; haa B O I T ^ tfali problem of In-eooTenience to a very easy way. _

The wheek-wnd STIW need <I1 maV.^it iBg his stock <Aat8 mf paata .«r

weefti <dd the wlag «aA tall teat^ani generally start growing. The amaU feathers (oHow thea*.

The old birds quit feeding tb^lr

»• [.new iHlrisrsquhba It la a mistallf to build the ho

directly on the ground. Sach lofts ai<s



S A L E ^°* I Valualife Real EsUle "

ICJCCID(QUAN; VTrr • led a t lhe_!

•trf-a l i s u j i i i r t - t l . . . . . ^ .^ - - , . the Circuit Court of the County of ''" *"^ ^"' ° ' Davis vs. Pjttterson ft al, Prince'"%'illiam."Virjruiia, "entered on J "«C^^'l*'"ip»«l Special Commissioner i the 13th day of October, 1913, in a cer- \ of Sale therein appoiated, wiUgfter for j tain ehanciry suit therein depending [' ' •. to the higTirst bidder, Ht public ! wherein Geoige W. Allen and wife are | auction, on conipl»inanti,an<t Kirhsrd H. Alien and i ^ _ - J U l A A « A « n \ wife and others are defendants, the OSUUr(UIV. nnVMnlUMr / / I M J X undersigntd, who was by the s a ^ de-! ™ ' » - " " ' " " ^ *^y W U j cree, appointed a Special Coinmiasinner of Saw for that parposs, will offer for

at 12 oVIocIc m., m front of the Peoples •• Nat iona l Bank, in the lown nf M'nsa-

sale, at public auctioo, for cash, in i»»". Prince Uillmm (.ounty. front of the premises, in the town of; «'' that certain tract or parcel of Und Qacn^yani Virginia, op—• — j ™ ihf hmhtil Rnari, ii«aCjN»aj»bttai

Virginia, o f f


Wc «re the »c lnioeJed({ed headqnartera in WaahinKteo sod n c i a i ^ for tbe best T»lu*<> obi nine ble IB Table Ijneox. Sfaealo asd I'illow Csaea. Qaaiity is aercr sarh-ioed to quote a Ion price—but pricen are si war* lowest. Read ttuM* items:

TABLE LINENS Minfh Bl.K.ArHKl) IKISH rJASlASK, choice ol

deaigas. 9<'c <]aalily special, yard _ii;.^- • • • T2iBch BLE.^CiiEf) l l t is l l TABLE UNKK.jn ,Ki of iLn

pieniesi dwiHiis.—f 1 29 yard qntlifT.—Wiolc*, t yard

oiaST allractiT*

_ , . , 1 rt , * , rt ! °'''=™1'**" UuitrVf. aforesaid" county

Satiirday,November o, ISlJ--*""*^*^^"""*?''*'^"*'" >' ^ ir pj, e, Up

at U o'clock "Ibi'of t iha

TBF^ iiituatea. lylnie and being in 1 ^ ' )i ixcoqujm, Tn tne coifciy j

adjottjing the lands of Lovelace, Upton, I Andrew Patterson and others, coiilain-

'Ul'4B8S. —-».•-•"•— ilWH

generally iiamp and bea^e, arl dlB-eaU to kieep ral-proot. '

There should be no cross pieces In the middle of the fly, as birds are of­ten Initired by flying against them In a sudden fright. ~"

The imalL round louse on the body, and head to the most troubleaoMe.

Before placing new stock In the loft should

gin­ning on Mill street at a point eighty (80) feet from Union street, thence ronning on tht line of Mill street twen­ty-four (X4) feet, thence at right angles to Mill su ect one hundred (IW)) feet to Poplar alley, thence on the line of Pop­lar alley towards Union street twenty-four (24) feet, thence one hundred iVXOIesrio the point of beginning on Mill street, together with all appurten­ances whatsoever to the same in any

'?.iwis<^ hflnnging—Cjinvfyannng at Bost

Be snre to sift tke cracked copi b» fore feeding.

• ffgeoM m pen w«6f anttKafi. especially while earing tor the young.

It "enata atwatt "ahr «M»»it« t~n , ^ the above oientjoned ComnussitMier of

^ i > . . 1 Sale M Fpqnlrw by ln*^\ylt.h «pprftg<>rt squab to

.^-JDa not BlrBS:

live weeks of age.

In Miyii umMmmaia


t-old mow^ wheels beang' -«P.="'TSS^1«ip»" ttol. of the chute ia provided wfth two strong Irion'hookg, whieta ace shaspsDad so as to ehr

_g igeJj te b o t t y the wa»>n_bed and

govern^ by qniJity. ^ ^ Large liqiiah ^r« proSoeed by"Srt* sized breeders.

DUiciw-ss fellows e«pfcTlent<. ^ mMOfoo B e r e r •atistlwtary >wask 4a being

p ie t t

rasisens^Bt pwai<. S(rHh sach aa af'

diMeiinv^S' there to chats of


no ample strength.

w e l ^ t beeawse the ffiestlon M weight has l a h i l i m / Bttte' Illipbrtnnte. Yhedwito ta« hn hnrAtiJ an.brtiinrt thft •w%im

tu. aay pail uf Ute fsrssr


IncllnMi Beard Should Be Plaoe« fbr of Oie " Ms»vY Fv^tU to Walk U^ and — the law is na;

Down Oi»7-Eaqr to Cl^an.

A gooAarranaaifnt tor haayy towl*


ni . Met H — i & f t o


Mil a« JSra^dwoflfera I T h s y Ga' Oe^wa »4NL

-^---f^ BswaHr V ' t t o ttma that a »fw~

eactaed the aca of aeven years

~ikaa'iioiiMr.~13<iod. IhepherSr hepWrt* to Ciril « i * t ^ M » « M

W' tk|Br~'V> du** hfll. They aacalir pick up In fieafc jfcortiy atter Weanlrt; " - " i ^~t

• a r k a t e * jBst as they «dtae Iraaii pftstwe—wtthoitt fattening

OM ewes "brwk in the soonth," s» to s»eak. and'cannot «a t NatanBy

-ttaif Ae«» gBJMAatm ta fleaji. ¥ ^ f e awch of (heir food, and treoaently

^thdr jBOtttbs gisi so aorethay wtB not kg—anlftUaat. teed to fatten t h w

The wool becomea shorter and titartr

in troat, a« ahova in the tOigiftxaft t-snys the htdepeident

Preaa, T* ffl rn'*

Bereral yooads of the «e lshta . t tar sh<n« in their iriate.

oM ewes are nover aa TlM aOk a«pvly Cans

MMt; BBd-tlw lamlr-ir *w«rtad-««*

thfftf^ feeder. ThiA- preaeaoe In Jhe flodc detraete

IresB Its appearance and valne. One

breedeta wSI ehan hart the sale valae as arach aa a doilw a h«ad. VVT theae reaaoas, tkea, cull b a s e l y and

only the best prime breediag ewea. With the price of nattoa woot-ao l e w a a J t U. Jut JAWMH MOST*

the b-at refansa caa be expected.

85 ?«r Cent, ef Estimated TNat

la a BW Bf iwal.UBiHa with niuaU uu top and aa Ineliaed iioard for the heda to walk « 9 aad dowa ML T t e naata are made large. abof i ' IC^ehea aqaara and" trem 16 to 20 iaciiea U ^ Tlia

.aad^ tbera la a n s » « ^ _ a t tihe:

the 4>«a* v a y eater any meat. There also an iaUraani t w f a i t e a t a i r w a r

whole thing to-made to A a <r¥T" flffft eaallr tor cteanlag.


^=^- T i uJM^aj Are Cosaaiew ai

Rooet miasa ^re w r traubleeoiaer—When

nraosh-ttaar they

•mmmtirvtm the Beats, bat other parts of tke build-ing, eapeciaSr cracks and cnarieea, aa wen aa the rpeata. - They are maeh Uke t iaj spiders aad are oftea called

3icf by aaiata baBetla.

-gaaaijawia. saym a « A -

'ij^,,B 4nm^wMd^ Mftsa are easily exienaiaatfa hy a|i-• " lafsstbd '-plyiiig ittniBtae-

«f Iha hulMlBg. «e aM lafesiad pans Thev heoome amaaer

^ ^ ^ ^ wsna weather namet. FEW C A O S B J - W f l t H l f ^ C l l j W S . A t WSW-tJoa ia » ^ « r ihaa aare; *

pays to p l ^ t . y o e r >Beaia enee etrerr foar «r six weeks la wUrter t t e e aad aiiis asai^ ta'*

w:^i|ni l . y i i " a m Bfrjliahla XBBE:

"6as eaass of lalenfhwr ta hnga taJaa d- «iiet aes a uiiu. ia a laiaau sa lii

flEO IMIftifRr«Nn.Ttfl6 TMIE lacljidBa ynhai-—aaced latkua. u;et«eediag. aadeffeed-

inc. trrlUtlag food (sodi aa garhage. | practice of Starvihfl the Hene ta MtalM Bovred slops. ^ ese.). iasaaitary fea< Them L^ee-FeatiMra la t r o a ^ n and i n * w « driftkiag water. J demasd t p iapait .

-OL iy dnrtag ttw nrid df

InaaaHaay uaadUiMa «t i or booaes. overwowdtagf

<BT J. a HALPIN, WMOMn4a Caile«s of

Hena abeald be fed Bharalty dartak iMwa or Boeaes O T T » , = ™ — , , - . the motttog seaaoa. aad the ppctice s ^ n g quarters. Wc \ • \ oC partJally starriag the hsM to

It I M beep estimateJ TSaTSa'per! fhe«rlOK-i«-f«T aa pueaWe aU thew -tumt of aO hissea from hog dlaeaaea i feathers at one time, thas

rbotera Tbe need of all ^ v«aUty of the fowls to grevide ...^^•i^., . » a ' entire ntw growths of feathfri

is - qniehly sheald be oopdaianaa

ar+se from pTeeaatlons

t o w n ^x vyv\.u^u»iij Hi v«ic ui/uiivjr i and state aforesaid, whiah tot U bounded I and described as ' follows, viz: Begin- j This place has some

dwelling thereon. timber and

H. NOEL GAKKER;-i fW: Comariaaiooer of^Sade.-

I certify that bond in the penalty of >1,000, required by ~the above men-uoneo aecree, oat D«eh duly given

TERMS:—One-half cash; baianci- up­on a credit of twelve months, interest bearing bonds for which f» to be given oil day of sale. Purchaser mity antici­pate said deferred payment. '

H. THORMTON DAVIES, CommlMlongr 6t sak.—

L.'B. PAtTip, Auctioneer. 1, J. E. Herrell

saiti Coui't, do


br SH'tacfa H i c i Totrek, »(««<«) a 4oxr'u. .



aau "by 38 iiu-b Extra Fine HvcL Tp<rnl», a doceta

SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES I'.iira l-on^ Siieelaol aturdi w -iiriiu.' cuitoa, fiuisiiBtl with 3-iDcb

•T5S=ISf?T»S aid prices: '"''"" ^ " -, "' ""- ' , j wnf'm 1MB.?.. . . . Alt 12 by »» iach ., j 81 by V9 inch. .

y M ^ kA LI m Kre>s, fol

vi.vy iri \»m S 2 c 90 by W iach iSft 9y by KWriadi

. Pillow C«i>««, niatlr tbe straishi aay ol the ootloa. hemmed: 4S by 36-iiicli : . . 12 l . A 46 by » i w h . . . . . .

=ffr .6»c .7Sc


SEND YOUR ORDER BY M A I L - ^ e di liver, traatporUtieB prepaid, aad by parcel post when practical, to all poiats wKbin 100 ai lcs ef Waah-ingtoa, pufcbaaea aaioimtiBg to $5.00 aad over.

Clerk of the afore-UfT that iionci hair^

been duly executed as provided cree of sate in above suit^


by ly d«-

} . E . H K R K E L L , Clerk

iPUBUC^ALt security.

10-31^2t J. E. IteKBBU., deA. -OF-

Pay your 1913 taxes now and save &e five per cent, p^ialty required by law to be .charged you if you fail to pay by December I s t This fivo par^^nt i . . line upon you for iio t wnen aue atxi does

t p y i B g Y9vr BW^obtjun fc or

eoarteay coHectors. upon whom

to proceed toenfca^ecthe payment after DeCflUbetiat , • • J - l i l " - - -

I arin be at the fotta^mg jtlmt^^-nn ^itttjaieiiliaDed_fa£laK-£ of receiving taxes and levies for the yaarl»I3:

-—CatharpiSTKooaSy, TIo7"Sfai ' Hickory Grove, Tuesday, Nor. 4Ch.

Haymarirrf, .Wnrtneaday, Maa, Bth, (keenwieh, thnraday, Nov. fltb. * K«*e»rfile, Friday. Nov. 7th.

-BoadkT, HoBday, Nov. 17tb. Tueeday, Nwv. 18th.L^

National Bank, in the town of Manas-iM, aforesavl county, all that certain tract df lahd, nehr Welli^^ton, In SLA-nassas District, said county, known as the Charles and Bet s iU iBasU land^aad

^OBoded'% lEe WeiUo^on Boad. tbe GainesviUe - Manaaaas Kohd anit the lands rfO Wolbt atwl nthm, enaitam-

Weedbridge, Wgdaeaday, Nov. liitlt:-Nov. 20th.

at.. Devny Store, Ti Jnnlin, T>«1ay, Nov, Independent HtU, Saturday. Nor. Faymaa, Monday, Nov. IWb.

- j a w * . Jg*dnaaday, Naa, Uth. . Botanak, Thuiwdaj. Vor. tancr Domfriee, Fri^v- Nov l^fh juamevi


. Btnrday. Nov. Ifith. Briatow, MoDday, Nov. 24th. . •WeOiagton^ Tuesday, Nov. 2Sth. B m t a v U l e , Wedneaday, Nov. 26th.

On othar days from Doar until Deeem-BJV'

Upon reqiiest, I will, mail to any ' office in M a a v -W a t

eqUest tax-piayec a card gniog tbe aaoooat cSF -taxear ICHMAN,


Yoi Are Thaking

We are _ S b socii as a stove, ^ plow, or a hammer, pay usavjisit

It tohetoyon.

Watdi niir ¥^mlow«

Vahmblc Rcia -Estal Under and by virtue of a decree of

the Cirettit Coartui Princi! WHIiam County, Virginia, in the suit of Sylvta Tyler. et al vs. Rimdall et al, therein

the undersigned Conrrtnis-Sale thusm. appointed, will

It putiliL auLtiuii, biddcri a n — •—

tu thB l)m»l«it

.Sarf«rrfay,NnY«Bher ^?;1911 «tJ12o'e ^Xtije^ftiopWl-

mit, iDflae Of'leas, ^ . , ;

This tod wiB-be wirveyBd before "day o l sale.

one and. two years, the purchaser to. exeeate, i^Mn day of sale, intcnat


I , *


GommiriiioBarB of Safe. I$:£U4N, Atietipaccf. E. Hcrreil, CTerk ^ afeiesaid

Court, ds certify, that bond haa been executed in above suit aa leqthed'by deewic of sale.

10-2*-5t J. BL HBRRELL. Clerk.

P U B L I C S A L E ; - 0 F ^ - •" • - -•"•

l l U h n L R l _ S A S h l — A S I A B I M S S P B C ^ A%^<ajlT WUmtSK

MiB Property

€rM: LARKIN & Ca, " • .- . •; M A N A S S A S , VA. ""•=*

Grain, Flour, Meal, Feed, Hay/Salt SOLE AGENTS FOR

M A R V E L F L O U R ScSyBachcr airf^teriiiig T e e ^ UmcoriL pany Feed, Sttopaic FecfeC S. LHerse Feed UsfaMi IHI Fed! Cottrtft S—d Mi»*l,B««t P J p . Bran and MidtHJHg*

= \


Bttgyq^ StuddbN|kCT «md f i y y Oi<c IiUfyoW*, fi(em IUe» ^wiWHleii.

H a r Baikra, TkraaUaK M a c M a i i . ganii iui a w l F a t a M n ' Favaa

Ahrays oa H e a d • a i . R s p a n far an « M 4 S said t r aa.


W . C W o g

Uader and by virtue of a decree en-' tared at the October term. 1913, of the Circoit Court of Prince WiHiuaGooa^, in the dapeeryicanse tberem depend­ing under the style of consolidated tyle

Lisa >«n.^M. ntW tl f ipt/v^mh mr,A r . m

IT .A2ZJkJZJiE.Ti?V! H A N A S S A ^ ' V A .

. L. JOHiaON. . DANB

l » i P f ? J ) 1 I B f 1

paay et al "rs. LaWs Spencer et at, the itriezMgned Sp*aali?MPa>aaiomga-af

bidder, on »|«r>

I ^ TjroinaBJHBr

at 18 o'elocfc m,, in frontef th> Ptoplsa ' <J ^^^iKnal.iJrarik oi Manaaaas, m thCfa

uf. Jtaaaaaaa;—afore aaid euuiitj aild a ta t» all that ssrtain twwt er parcel of

- ^ AT ;


witfa • jpMd pmnp.

By AdnrtiMnMnt Oi^a iy Chmp Good*. Yon G^ N* Mmrn




JL ETWFlSiRirH. Jewefer t^L Ofi6c»m

famd. together with all mauhinef j .thetg-'' dp and aH water rights h^kanpng tn aaid plaee. kaoam as the - 'Sodl^ S i i l " raop^rty, adjoining the lands o f - S H . Caiiung. Pattie. lUtthewa and otbeirs,

on - - — -

^iTS^^'iiii nn ' PktaBt.LaaSciF llfiat'i fjiii MataJ-Bvttsa^ tip VidRjduidGnaMebJ.i>l«aSMr 'a Gnn4bictel Button, aize 5 to 8 $1.25

(oods ftt wry low~pnRV^

^ ! f f i L « : ' v g j ^ r t L W B i « i i u :

This place has a dwelling, mdl, e t c iqMo i(. - I s well watered and 4s divided . i n t o t w o t r a f t a o f 1fl»«»-r>«««H AK|. . .r^ i


•astnaf -appareatr-

_.„ witfaia the-aower^ ot .a^. . T t e method may be good w h o

c a w ' elft l iWIil^LAIJ'l^

pahita th* way far prevoatlaa.

£ > : " " « » . y i

which t lmaJb«Ltert i ,Jt f*:^«l -prodacea t h e - ^

Ute Vo«r Own Cog». tarnMS- can reed Ml

meal any

to .gapa »°»' 8a ceata for It, hi i

a a a d v a n c e < •w prem la th« soU. as w«« In hauUng*

Will 9U doeafte aM I U »

Ufl I I UW 111

m the priee.of his cc Uia Mtm*» aatataad. ta- _Axua

aa saviac tka i

Ooa'4^ boe» ahonp ta a daffiC bua-~ meat They want a dry floor to staad en. M you have not a good sbed baDd 0.. wnh a aucr two tuM tram the

Banish Parasites. we sa) there's oothiag Uke a

s B v U a g oat with afii.pBi lice and mites rrea the J* f,^ f„rt<»~ r w hoase ^T kflltag

germs.^ : . . - . > •

Thte tCTS

8fde>Ti ts the «lack

^ . We aeU S««ada»d Sewiat Hachi**a M» WMI WWWT casB^ "«n* **t- I Ffiaca' TTilBaM 'Cmi*j » oadcntaad thara^Uy !

a aoce upon a credit of one. two ' ( I I I ^ B M MSI h i ^ Tall >nrf will be pleaacd te shew them. ' ttiree years, for which deferred I mfnfi inffrfflt fafi"'^"p Kr.rvi« a^ executed, ana wtiicn


-and childwn aad yoa _ buy from it with cTery tm-'


I, J

h'« Som

herrell. Clerk of aforesaM ; li'nnati da ssatily that bnad has bssaj j

E S a

Tn4h( FSi,C«.4ii^ i i i ^ w , D (

aeeaied as provided t r d»eet^ of a ^ ^ X W e * T e Mww p i c p a ^ e d t o t n n»»i> c o » t a a J w u u d i n a U n t J a H . H * J M T qiMUrt l tT. G d WU p W M

Uk2«^t . 'i. E. HuraKLL. Ckrit., ' *

KaEissas Transfer^ ^-r^^rr---V S. ATEZT.Ps4ai«tot 1. . Wsshirigtnn

- Bagga^. Pnrmtore aad ail kind* nf ni>- atreet, K. W. I ohaaoiaeornlfa^rootaaitiditiep la^ian^lTtraB- (-' OT>+'

larrwloTdaimMKi. ^ 2* to.

[ ) R . J. W . \ L T E R BERNHARO.

' S U R G E O N DEWTIST - f y f t l TiieadaV ai

ZU) Uth4i


^ 1 Baok Hn-ldinp,


Page 8: BAifflsmoiMnimDGfr XIX. No, 24 MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7» 1913. After Lap** of a G«ncratk I Memberm or

•i:iDA\. NONLMBKR i'Ji3.

/ ^ ! My. Sluart TuUoss spent thei ( ^ n f of H M l t k - H i x e a n;»—» >i. 1>. » - ^ ~>^ \.:~ ^SK'^fff" J l^ontinuwl From First Page ,-Jb"r^"g ***«>«*»« for Urye | Mr, K R TT RBIS tjnd.Air.Jhfty done some trifling thing.


NtmBcr of Mnrdcn.

With the consent of Governor ManB, to grtssBTMgbe^ aeii vere the report of the State Board of Health, officers of the Board have' issued a suttsment regarding the high homicide rate in the Com­monwealth as shown by the vital Btatiattcs new law _• 'Our jeport.'' says the bulletin

of the Beard, "waa forwarded

Whitney Bass v e speodinjra few • With this body 88« iweleus, thej days j» Marylitfld. | Virginian has'built^p a personal!

Mrs. Pemberton Price, of.Phi;N[o'",8anization that has never been \

relatives at "Sonoroa." i dividual interests of the senatori The Misses Lee are guests of lh^ra ,lL ,ere concerned,

their siater, Mrs. HwipySeiley. [ Cimpie this personal element] Miss Edmonia Tyler has re-) with the fact that Senator Mar-1 i A n

turned to Richmond after a stay ih is an expert orKanizer, thatiIJii:^>o S u 6 S ExCBdflfllfi Jt, that he is able and I ' ' vii«ui5

^ ^ ^ B A Y NO^y^E I

Straywl to my place October 28th, oiie dark mule, face mixed withgrej Owner will please eome"<pr fvr carg yf aang BXULCiWt Of '

^ e n t . , -W. W. Siia»6N, n-7-3t Dumfries, Va.

Se«J^^j^ropo»alj W a n ^ ^ ^ ,

of several hereiT

months at her home

0. C. Hutchison and4ittle aon, Samrwere -Washington vis-

he is honest, that heltn^wg juat exactly how to get what his people want in Washington and the rnyitery of

.JSteblcs. Boarding by tfa« P»y

Strictly FresK Goods--

Bids will b,' ri-ceived by the .School ij.rd ol Occoquari District until noon

\emb.'- '_'(', 1913, for iht- erection -^and comfJ*ti.,ii i,f tljg fiHir-ruofli. iwo> : i.

8torv school building at Bethel church, ' ^ in Occoquiiji District, Virginia, in ac- fl cordaii,c«; with specificatioiib and pinna - ? _ of Furni S. V,. No. 12, Commonwealth •ot-VH-gittWr Bapartineirt -af- i etruction. Bidders wil)*state the time in which th«y will agree to complete the building. The School Board re­serves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be sealed and marlced "Proposabi," and addressed to L. LED-MAX, Clerk of Board, Oceoquan, Va., where plans can be seen. 10-24-4t

T Allfftff P#n»giklo

Fag, Honest Dealing and f^PUBtieSM^ _&i£A£-

direct to the Governor and we do not feel at liberty to discuss Its confreitta without hi!) pcfmigaion.

iters last week. the Martin success ceases to be

But as thenumSer oT homicide? reported from our vital statlstrcs has aroused comment, the Gov­ernor has consented to a state­ment of fhe reasons for this high rate.

"A study of the distribution of the 245 homicides o r the" StaCe s h o w s thsf in ."y) of ^ha inn i^nnn-tiea-curred' dasiftg the yrar-'These cotinties: were scattered ^mnat uniformly over the State from I'aMweil, iJtand, UUoo, Wytho, Carroll and Gcayaon in the South-west to Princess Anne, sJjrtS of Wight, James City, Mathews, NuiIhuiubex'laiiJ; - Rich IHU U j ,

. The-Five-iiundred Club-wa8t°^*^^^*J**y*t«rj^ pleasantly entertained

«Wtt^ or MoBtk Conrteotts Treatment WELUNGTON.VA.


aopn. Mrs, M. M. Magaw has re­

turned from a stay of several months in Washington.

The Misses Payne, of Calver-ton, are house guests of Miss Brownie Bass.

Mrs. Price Williamson is the OT Mrs. Carval Hall and


tv,..^!^^ ^ I guest OT Mrs. Carval Hall '""™*'*'°*'4Mi8sNana»^Will»niwnT-^

In the senate the Virginian has <k strong fqliqwing. He was for two years leader of the minority on the floor. Before that he was a memberof powerful committees and has formed ties with his^ol-leagues.tfiaJ^give hTrn an eminent plaice in the councils of his party.

Sincg the tion came into pqwer it has hadL, _^ ^^ . . ^, .

MiJB Etta Rector has retunuesL "o stronger supporter in the sen- 1* ^^^.^^^^^ " * ° *''** ^ " ^ —.- ^^alelBan H^rt^ He W^ looked^"^ NoTemt>er Mttfr. -

upun as "reactionan^" by many from a visit to Washington.

Miss Pannie hJdwards has re-

ongsin preparation for their an-the East, and from Loudoufi, Clarke. Wanren, Shenandoah, Rappahannock and CuTpepS* in the North to BruhBwi<^ and Mecklenburg in the South. '

"In sixty-one other couBties of the State therelfSi-e <wly one br

leaving but twen^-two counties in the State in whicti iSe' nnm-

turned to Richmond after a week'e visit to Mrs. Morris Elagle.

The ladies of St Paul's Guild ate holding Weekly sewing meet-

Sale," .Which a at the parish hall

iSsturday, 10:30 a. m. and coa eut t ie day.

Mf. Dayid Ilepbufu, • uf the

jaeginninir St ed though'

|€eulral Dlviaion of the Anti-Sa"

ber of h^icides during Ihe year was three or OTer. •;

"This makes it plain thatmaily of our homicides occtir in the

wlime are mowda]. lli»

loon Lea«rue, will make an ad gwiiM Bt'tlic pailali hall, lUidayX ^ext, -9k im^. n t The pabHe is eoi'diaili iniJlMil ui xYtvn^

cities wlinre are worst elemenL.of the colored population. Two cities reported an aggtegate-t>f 48 hemictdea. or almost 20 p«»r r«>i>t nf -rtii»r t n ^ ;

number reported for the State.

ested persons will not draw hasty conclusions from the crude bomi-

riven in the extracts printed from the. annual report. but will await the full figures as shown in uur detailed tables. The latter win diemondtrate thilt our high homicide rateis not due to- PTPPSsivp lawlmsnesn amw^


PatroM' Day ObMrred at Hick­ory Grore.

faia yaungoi- ooseeiates when

AttabMl* i l Odcrs ciples of my busimas religion. Give D e a call and try Uion out


RinS WANTFD For white o ^ lu[nt>er, 12 feet lone

•on'B Fqrdbridge; sauat be sound. WtHf

H^M Priee SyTSJociun Excfcangelw

ll-7-2f J. D. MAJiigBL,


Nokesville, Va.

they camb to town, bat 4i urfed by loyalty to the Wilson policies no man could be more progressive than the. Virginian.

ijTFw-a\^,vy\:,EiJj.'Kp- :ij IT atiiuagvBm u iese a a y s tnat •

the Wilson administration hai had ne trouble wiih'theJiaifcins. the-John Walter Snyths and the BenTillmans. Ita-treu^ea-have come ffom the insui ^ency of the Reed*, the O'Gormans and the UIltliLUCllH.

iar THK JoxntKAL,. H.OO a year i,n a'dvanre


I will offer for sale, at pQblic auction, at Green Hill farm,, two miles South at Wellington, on the above named date, beginning at 10 o'clocji a. m., the fol­lowing personal property:

Two good-work horses, colL of young cattlti_caa£r*-Bowrlnd pig_,

lockfl of mm f nd firdjar in the field, buggy, wagon, carriage, mowing machine, drill, double and sin­gle harness, cultivator, plows and plow namesB, and a lot of household and Wtehen fam (rare: " ' —

TERMS OF SALE:-Stim8 of $10.00 aad upd*r cashy s u w o v ^ t f e a t Mnotmt a credit oi six monuw will be given, the purchaser to- execute a negr»»i»Klit IniureVl-Uifll-in^ note with approved security, payjJbJS at tile NatianaLBank-of Manassas.

ll-7-2t J. E. LARKIN.

The ' patrons and ^ frieiiids at Hipkbij Grove were very pleias ahtlyemtbradinod pnlVidaygi mg. Qct *tir hy the, paidl the school who rendercMi a very iiilereaUi>8 pnggnun.

Some 0? the ieaturea of the day were concert reading, story telling, folk.dan'eing aad aJBging

. for el^ainination or will be IgrHP^per s e t - c M h to

by the oebe^r-A very' enthusiastic ti lk wg

made by the teacher, liiaa Geor-jpa Aroold. on civic league work and improvement in school equip-

congesTiuii ui tu.apcrlfie rptml cipn ditions that will be readily ander-stood upon analysis."


Look CO any quarter, and you " ill mil find gnitaTh' 'g^mfTnilll Jty and gunnrity nf rrsding mjit t«r as in-the unique cembinatiuu prnvidpd hy The Youth's Com- Teast enjoyed, wa»thegB«pt«HW» panion. ;K>seit::

In provision and pm*-

Liveandwholeaomefictioi). ArS Ua-.r»f i't°Tiirati?n by vaea who

science, and e# C¥eiita to keep one

b Pages." Bova' f>«yp«, ftirt.*^ Vzges. The editorial page i . jrpassed by that of aoypobiica'

'•"'* 'nfnrmirinn of fun. ;_

A year of The Youth's Ck>m-panion as it is to-day %ill make the

The schoolrown wasvefy a r S ^ icaity oecerated tvith chrysanthe^ mums and autumo leayeis in bon-^ ol the occasion.

"iThe schbprbadthe uliexpe^ted pleasure of having Mr. G. G, Tyler, ouperintendent ol grijietf

<>»Btil reaervea ttoTi^^t to laiiutt any »aa aif^ida.

lile priata are. on file in

i^ue fnjKs are rcbuned l i t .



C. R. C Jqa>(s6N, Chairman, M M * V K -

-Nv WiLSOM DAVIS, ^ngiaeer, 11-7-41 , QuTiMobors, V a . . ,

Ouy N€wly,EiiIarge4 Art Store is better ready than ever to seive vouintii^ .way of thPTTFry \nT/fm ift ag for omDroiaery or crecjiel wwk of alF

ManassM Dirtiiet.'''^ '

Waiiam sehooia, with tbeaa on tiusday.

Tjtat,—but by—ne means the

spread iff^)ared by patrons and friends.

IttMi AiiH^ eaBtiw wttlfliCT ^ ^ ^ ^ thegood wahea^of the neigb >P»'-

have nrhinrrd fnfniiiialien M ^""^ -~w. A- p ^^ fntniT haad that busy peq le ^ront I °^**^^*"' • A VisnpE. nnougn ot editcHUJ oomment.'of


-^bUewiflg is thTnA of ImMr for the

besidas articles of trsTi^ EWc teMOe^er, aehuu a»mH^

Krom state funda. 7. . Piuiii uuu&iy filnda . . . , . . . . , . Fnxn district fonda From boildiDg utd eqaipment

fund ._ ptey-groand ft«Siir.V„:^

From sale pf fodder, hay, ete FrOni state library rand. F ^ m ^)portioBm«>t of jmig- nerreB



Ketired teadiera'^ tmS^'pas: nyTiiiMiiiii ' " ~ " ~ "

Or rdnrft on fr-mMwarer (eouBt't fnnda>.


trnm doc taxes. 7M.0< •4S.88

Totalfeeeipte aad batapeea. •Hfl^Wi.TB-DISBOKSEMBNTS

Paid f o r'K»i-«' M i y r i a . (^y

Paid for new Paid for repairs,

P»id for fiid. Paid foroommiiwiooaof l%f>.

Uher: Paid school t n u t c e a . . . f*«id m bonds aad mWrtmt. EaidlaEJbua^aeka



1,180. Off

SlUklLBBHibflt; aaso for schools.

Paid for f l ight . - express, aad ina^paace...-..



mm aad hall rent f-tSilmt agricaltoral.

Among the latest novelties, brought out are thet new PILLOW TOPS, of -brQwa, green, m lutuial culuml^ifash, with designs or Italian relief, Venetian' crochet, Tepedo Braid, Cubist and Cross stitch designs, all capable of beimr developed ia the most artistic colorings. These pillow tope all have backsTjmd wHfc comparativelyiittte worj , veiy haiidaoine idfts can be^aaKoned with little expense. * ~ :> ;

PACKAGE GOODS, containing varioos piecea, aomp maWo ^ leiyrt-mAkes s u y l i ^ ^ ^ ^ P O P ^ T ^

and WUllZDURG. The aswrlment contains piJIny t^^f^j^^y^^y-^ ^ing ajHtms. tindarweary book holdere, spoon holders, pin


<rrAMPFn I « G H T GOWWS, Jewga* <« e^ccUent quality fcmg / / v doth, at ...;......;....... >...^..'.^ 4SlC

STAMPED GUESTS TOWLS, afl liwai wlthiifamfe French emlawderr and CTP—•ati»«4ij ^f 25c^

STAIWEP PILLOW CASUBSTtAmf , qnaKfy twhingi a fmw

• m ^ p r t b a good ^©c :~5T*m>Fn Tg* Knmm,iMvntui 1 ^



skems or emoroKtCTV cottofc amtanlc for w»rkii>y ^ a meceoidM n

panion asitlfftn-day, let us send]"** •**"' Bryant you the AnuouBcgmeBi fw 1914, f

cctam aw the opening chapters of A. S. Pier's fae itory, "His Father's

Jamie Weir. Christine BesTers.

New subscnoers SPITS' $2.00 for the fifty-two issues of

Su<.aii Harrison rii.ndi«> H—<tt j ^ . 3en(^| UiMii. Mia<;lin<. Mclioy. iiara PriagS^

Thoiwasnew. Gladys

Cartu»ii Wine, Aihey,

jnh worE^for nothmg, but it is ~^ " W* so low that it fir

Ererette 'OKssr 1914 will r e c e i v e - f r e e t h e re - fRa i . ; H.r^v R ~ ^ -^ ... ,

x..,n,ng issues of 1913. a ^ a copy | ^::-^rT^:^'^^'c':i^^' o f j ; h e C o m p a n ) o n Practical t Brown, a u r y a m Com well FKT^WK [ R E C T O R & BTTTT.Tg-R Hontt; I iilt!nuar m additiow. ii-mmwai. u 1 tt-tt—T^.—:—-ri—"^ """ '

144 Berkeley St . Boston. Mass.

'ColemUi, harjfaret Hibbs. Elisabeth : L«wts. iteienyJtirCuen, Betsy Payne, Ruth Kiocheioeand NelHe Whitaier.

OuDKRTAKEitf, BA TMARKET, VA. Prompt ksd •«>i«fsetory Mrriea Mcare

i l c v M f a n i u i i e d foi' tXj rsaannihlf diMaoe*

potato be w>adered th J .rt. «lw»r. Hra gnhicd 46-credegjBe. -Jliy inand^ad-otit-r-g- a^^^°^^^^:-^^

' -x* ^-^r^^r'