ff iff - prince william county,...

VOL. XX. No. 50 4)ESCENDENTS OF flESaHBj**^ ""^^ ^^^^ Further Due A most interesting entertaio- To What ment was ^iven at the Mfll Park Became Of Tbe Soldicn. FrmmkUmy, V' "rtif ^^utiiW Cujjipanii«i The article fViTwrp.ming "The Fate of the Hessians," which The C9mpaDi<Hi printed in February, liOB called forth a number of let- tees ifom roadcro whe were m- VL/l XJOU^J TXt vuC TXSBCVvd, a l l U ,W*Wr had knowledge of it that did not always agree with tie account that our Yirgmia correspondent g&ve. It is clear from the letten, that by no means all tbe H^ at ^TII bo scbuoi on Saturday^veniog, lii^ \ 1. Tijt ^irograai. Ye Old Time I SiB>?iiitr Scbeai," was dehghtfuUy - reiiUc-.'ed by the pupils and en- , , ,gn_ Ik r d »v a large and appreciative Manassas a n i n has a band, at I About II o'clock laat Saturday i ^^ ;ajJience: Dame Plunkett aM^- ^~-— —"- "" " ' "--•"" ' - — " "^—^**** Sg uire B^ington acted well their {parts in guaiot old-timecostumes. Much credit i&due the teacher, , MisB Minnie Swartz, for the sue- CfiBB ^T XO^ ^VdRt^^y "1u80 TOT uR* mifJtHm:_frffnrtB ia famirfing up •T this sooool "to itjb piesent staod- ard. To show our anjireriariqn of her srood woric ana excellent qualities as afixst-eUuEkteacher, we^^adc the eoc^twatioa of the ^ sefaSd kard that site may be re- Ka^»^ fi-ee StatfTff. »ni« it •l«n|tnriiBi to as the estsnutg sesaon. aiq^tean liiat by no mflaas ifi 1 ^ Frae Staten are ti Baaaiaa de- oeott. Ch>e of tbe aaoat intesatiBg: com- raanicatieBa eaaaa to naiaaaB 4;ka great-grantiBOB of a«e «f fte atii^ inal Hesmaa wMmn, ia part it .is as fdlowB: '^-"My-gn^t.gritidfartiM^-^T^dl near Stauntoo. Yiisinia, mberc hewavmatnaC tat^ntteavy 'boaid aervaot' He £ed in 1842 xraadduld- One of MB wna Ibmht ia theWaraflBS. HaWpna- perosa e n o t ^ to 8 ^ £anaa to tf his cislldren, aail thoae JJarma are stai in the anta. Atf drcB attendad Ivi^ of JenakL-OBe. liaadoetar in Kew ' ;----T«i.i |i pofitieM of "A aeod many of tike Hwriawa iButluto the Sbenandoafa Valkgv aa my great-grandCa&a' did. Most^ them took mlandliwre I an the I of] it TlKyi "trio^^VBd^ Some of StanewaS aaiiSara«« •Thoi ao i^F- eonceTaei. , father aad ±aa brother aeiaed at n i i ^ aa t h ^ walked aktog a ooul, taken by force ^XHtzd diip, and eb^ged to fis^ •1 the ftrkit^ anay. U n aafe to aay that few, i t Hewtiang came in aay other way. The deseendaidB ^ tfaoae who sefc- tied ittShenasidflah Vail^ are to- day anxmg the moat wthalaiitial is yiiynia aad^-ia 4he farther w e ^ to which anay of theoihave gone. Tbiej did net BiaRy "bmad servaata,* either. It was ia the emeSier years of the eolooy that^yoizm: woaaen w&e seo^averSaaa £ a ^ land as bond aervaiita, few of them than tidewater Tuiginia. AjPfljher letter whoae great-pandmcMher ried oae.of the TTifaiiaii aridiers td!s OS that aaaay wtamed to, ^ C-frm»ytj aftecthc sear was overl******* and died tlwre. Probably aosne of his oomradea also TCtanwd. IW * * PATRONS. hisjiaat W. ting ham for theae poaitioi^ JIack aad, The Bieeting eveningB decided . Gate SfaElk Flaoa l^adk X^'W.JL3ebmoa,C>Mak -Item) xmK poJatate their eredft in the 1 liB^ TTuivcuilji i:kaek aad Field Meet held at LeziiwIaB iaat Safe- orday, IMavaaaaeaf the fart- tbB SOQtll MB W^OL tBHBS fiS^ Jsww vaaia. Maqriaad. Waat Vlia'iia of the haaae «C the ESTABLISHED M^Y. 1895 MANASSAS, VA., FRH>AY, ^ $1.00 A Year in Advance N«w T«wa JUadTWaa Orgaa-jOr. WaV^ FHWMII^ if y HHght-B. mm,'. Ewdl PATKMS' LEAGUE SOOAL The annual inaetiag of £««H^ ,^ Camp Confederate \eterans wiD Sight Reading Content in Con- be held on Monday, May 10, a l j aer's Of>era HooJe Next -H a. aa.. in the directors' .^,«^. I of tbe NatJabal^Bahk of Manaa- which time arrangement ,fm tha trip to thf —ijcfreshmcnt*. r wbga, ap- of the fwapntiala thoae derided on the nteeting eveninga. rauom in lOdunood Jane I. and 3. . leart it has an^endnyonic one. I monuBg ^ . J. T. WiiiSe, a fbr. Tuesday nis^t a group of inter-1 merdentiat of Manaa8as,^but who epted young men assembled atl^orthe paat-serorat-yeara, has A«V«»*,«K«-O* tv^r -,*«. Dixie Theatre after the evening's I resided in Waahington, came near ^ ^ J , T ! ^ ^ ° / I ^ ^^^ ''^ V^ftmes awrformed Ihe OM Do-jhehwr idfled it the doraer <a 7th — " J ^ * ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ (CONTKlitl they ezpaet to i The, mamTeatar? OT rrip-prv^' Igram to be given at the >:>ci)il of ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th, at Conner's Opera a good band il^arently fainting he feU between S ^ ^ S S T ^ S - t elected offioere and l^buCTywxlwwto, the foTtnerJ •"^**^ "* Rwhmond wiahca over him and bruising passu^ B. Frai^ May was anaauaondy M^hn about the body aad the back ehoaea aa manager aad cpndaetor; ^eapeaaM^ fit^ The horse atj-fpfttA nn tha riyht aide of his face, cutting his cheek hndilipB harity Hospital in aa aBeaaaaoaa oostdi- xor ute preaewtafe'Tyeoftff^-' •••ii AMV^HF day aad Friday of eaeh To theae meftjnga each mrmber toeanewitheBt&ia. Be itn^tera not how far he^^^irhe •ew*^ ^ay« advanced ia aoBs^ Icttfa aad Tha:01d Tron^anea: WetfotdBHeifa WiiriWil Athf^. Altaa: W i l a a a Fenaaylr Clyde maer. DL R. Lewia. ff Iff n trm»?^'n «t the at ihe liBMe. WidbaQehaaan SBt^ asBBafc It the laeal B^ thiid" "ainw sai arSh <Bdy ••il TliMiiiiilii ITliili •liiiw l i Haawta (keea. t e n winie<Speea tied wkh Goeeh/ ^ FiahfcMMig, aad Haaaaaad. af Srandftaee a ^ pole T H ^ Booad wan the 128 yard Ugh iBadea with eaae. hm imte^ » seeooda be- isg oae' « f tte feai^aca af J3be di^^aad withia l^aeeaadbef the xeeoKd far that event, la the 22n 3rarB law aaiQiea'ae waaraao" md Bum iMRe in btA has heat aad the aean-iaal. bnt waa liailiili IB the fiiHl by a saad AWe. y u S to go letter ad^that the'favaraUeae- wut as follows counts the letiuaed aotdiii'i gave Academy (Pa.) 32 1-3; Wood- to this coontry and of their treat- berry-Foreat Sehod (Va.) 221-S; ment hen led net a few «f 1helr|BfeaB[field Bi^ School (N. J.) neighbors to ffnagale to the 14- Haaaoke High Schooi <Va.) ^^infljwwte **^ VmtsiSmm.1T3l-»; Tome lBidtMeflt±TTSr^T^Tf^-^^~^ A third letter tells us that one ManaasB High Sch«d (Va.) 9; « at. L*m. i « n d at least of thr H f iaiiii faaadiDetJepitUifiveraity School ^Mich.) aona, aa^ urn h.niaeif so mxxh in sympathy 8; Greeabrier Preabyterial School with the American eaaae that be i (W. Va.) 8; A^MiriBeSeheo) (K enlisted oader WatJiiiigUia. a a d C . ) 5; EpiauutJal ffigh dchool fought to the^^daae of war, after (Va.) 8; Fishbome M i l i t a r y which be hvad aa Coaaty. P< WEATllCR KEOOKD in a. m left Mr.&<;aB- af ^ - adaeh i«f Uaj aanvem Saa ftaadaroiatinaeferthecdehra- tkai aa May IS. af Maryland Dli9^ | a t 4he-^ag fair Thr prjwrfaafa ' wm be heii at the Mtryland Boildiis, i^ieh ia a reprsdae- tka of the Cflloeial tTPe af w<£ exoBnififiad ia old Va _ in tiiaaa to PiaDe Wiffiaai eeroty, BrtS- Mr. of the bead, which araa badly cat. of the ac- cident taial his woeada had baea tretiiedand hiacata stitehed^ •XQE- al»ot the«&oe TBB JODSNAL y*. ;aUe taaftayaa Dr. WoUe iad af Maaaaiaa. iadiaa itaeif wei af the of the af the The main fedtare of the gnoa was the T«H^Bti6B i*B Weddlof Faaal hythechoraachHiB: With good eaooredbytlwi s. iaaev efhlBi thej^ari Aftar eaMar2l, iata w31 go of 'XTSQUO ifijp~^ hhaaalf aa the ia a laadMe f artiic The^ perfflnaauBce af Wedaea- . d i 7 cPBUiug, wkh the f iceptwa '^oi" nDTKigB a angnc.' waa T^^ ipeatod l a s t eveaaag f a r t h e •way colared people of the mm4 ^fynsmn the feetzval letaiuiug toBri't'^^^''*^ the SgataagfianJQ^ by way af V^nepeg aad- to know how many to provide for. Fleaae do not forget yoar aa- ttual ihieB. QBQM2: H. SMITH, A4j-, _ ^ HaaaiaSiTS."^ .if.\||3<PI ^fiewae. -wfll be ^ nsight remJung eonteat for tbe children of the li«TMnifp^ aad Maaasaas djrtrict aebooh. Tbe rules for the contest are as f^owa: -4^^h»- eontoflt ahall be for aight reading cmly. No selection bt wad ahaffi>e «vw three Bi iR^tB. zatcn cnxKx AMH be given aa opportunity to look over the adeetion befcH<e be- gianing to read. The Manaaaat Adalt Bible Claaa save their ^partariy daaa night lA Eaabeta Ooiegeaodito- OD aB ia2« I^AJEi JBE. MTPTI "W^ J"4at Lthe there ia no rBtwaij Talar^ aaaooeh is. Salhe aad Azdoaa aBih.aad the paatieatiBd toaaa laa< fly The reading sluUl be judged ' taihefoiiDwing^pcints: 1QI~ nOoaDice. pro- i and mfcetpretation. 1 CJyiircB fiaai the Manas- B8 graded achool aad Manaasas d he la toia third aad the Will faeaf :tte- the i^iaeiadea< -^sr af ja earefol iaepeetioa d d-papBa and toachetp. the ia^etsaa to t»«rfrt«t» armmrartmtinif -fnr * y > «M^ kie aad g e a a t f fanbh eoadSkes. Maehiatereatia be- iagaroaaed mthaa warkof .gefe- ting * S ^ Ti)P<%aJ inapectioB ia the teTilMnga^BBhaflly^gnnr t-«t.t^^ a&^ to lETlScirmi'W -wr CJ. the Lthepartof an aoBK that ana ia the fintto the thai ekiaei way that he waa goiag to apeak Univaraity aad-thc State Board aayway. He oraifiaed hia abort' of Haahh ai«--4£)rv leeknag to totheaobjertaf iwdrffwr-|Priaee Witfiam to take the lead tbs'peaidato chttdi andjin tta wiaV af iatiaducMg i Sunday seheoL S s renarka eal m^ectaoa aithenaali were tinady and to the point and af the atate. DC CBSfiO&I^BBQ XBIX H^^ft ^PoO ' "'"^•^^•*~*""^^^' aaOa get n> eariy six dayiTTt—TO GIVE Sa.VEK TEA Jhe tee deteitety week gladlr imirtjj., to be aMe to fixed the t<me fcH*: -tbe meBmnewti OB -Saaday achool Sunday afl .r. temperature 43 on May 1. Precipitation v^eek: 65 laeh on Monday, School (Va. 3: Staunton Mffi- , ^ ., ^ ^ „ .... ^_ „, Academy (Va.)l: WestVir- of P«ti««4«d Saat»ia,a» fari-ftaaaww .evaaag they wd I Pivtiaiautry School. ington High Sahool, all of Weat for w«ek e.n<3jag g.a^rt>^.c.^gI^ Virginia. I^xinptnn High SriiooL - ^•H*-nmrr-mrtam . .V .X maximi^ t*ropac^c;«e.LFnehhHi« Hurt Se booi aad^^™^ T^^LlS 43 on Sator-tboac which failed to place a'nan. than 8.200 milea m afightiy !«"'to the late Major John W. Darnel, ° " * * ~ ' ^ *""•* ^'^^ * ^fg^i ——i— thanamooth. _ *at L^ncMxzrg for Wednesday, ICK>°« ^*<»d. .An is-ns of ChK-iiiro .^ " ' — ' - May 26. Following the meeting' Rev. E. A. Roada. dfrifftrng to lyi^ t.,_^- -^-^ „: .egaiion »t^.^ nx. - sideTit .\ldermar announces i! tms announced that Dr. Wil- mako •" addntaa. r*^"**^ - few. '' r.-r .-.MW^, sf .\r.nt MaxMBTT r-»*-rr • - r^-t beads of lie beJng- tftf^ a^BBStroemirf ?>r KF.Leais, :+««^«- 'aewiaaa. erf the faeoky ] ^.^g^^^M—f t u i n n l a w f a Mnp'""•••'" ••"""i^ tr-r-i^-atere 97 or, 2E: mii^^-err»nt nations the reocrfuboa* of University of Wisconain, to the of the UniverBty «f Virginia, wiHT-tU". " ^ ^ ^^ ^p^^~rS and rnnte others. Aarr. . :^ :*:i-r*rature3C»or. 2d. Total pre-1 aoopt.^ pr tiie recent iaterna- chair of biok«y at Umvanity af idebvw the«tatka,aadthearatar; " » * ^ ^ *7*"^™™ .^ oeato inchtdiag ar - r L09 mcces. ' tional Women'a Peace Caogreaa i VirgiBia. Piuftaai Learn » a i w S be^ntoadanai by Q y i M i a [Bteeamga l-low. and UCT. SMV ipj|g^i,iai aai^ ii f ' . OBSE^V-EK. I at The^Sague. I aative af Bakigh, N. C I Hean: C ataart. [•aoapronomeedthebenedictioa. 1 COMKITTEE The jrinaHwtK't2iapter,U.D.'(.77;— wffi give a Slver"Tea in their £h>iiterawDL£ridas.iUy Ii. be- •gtanisg at 8p. m. Tbe proceeds will be for the benefit of an old Confederate vti^ran f '^^- p npit&tion: :>i,ii»j.

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Page 1: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,

V O L . XX. No. 5 0

4)ESCENDENTS OF flESaHBj**^ ""^^ ^ ^

Further Due A most interesting entertaio-

A» To What ment was ^iven at the Mfll Park Became Of Tbe

Soldicn. FrmmkUmy,

V '

"rtif ^^utiiW Cujjipanii«i

The article fViTwrp.ming "The Fate of the Hessians," which The C9mpaDi<Hi printed in February, liOB called forth a number of let-tees ifom roadcro whe were m-VL/l XJOU^J TXt v u C TXSBCVvd, a l l U ,W*Wr

had knowledge of it that did not always agree with t i e account that our Yirgmia correspondent g&ve. It is clear from the letten, that by no means all tbe H

at ^TII bo

scbuoi on Saturday^veniog, l i i ^ \ 1. Tijt ^irograai. Ye Old Time I SiB>?iiitr Scbeai," was dehghtfuUy -reiiUc-.'ed by the pupils and en- , , ,gn_

Ik r d »v a large and appreciative Manassas a n i n has a band, at I About II o'clock laat Saturday i ^ ;ajJience: Dame Plunkett aM^- ^~-— —"- "" " ' "--•"" ' - — " " — **** Sg uire B^ington acted well their

{parts in guaiot old-timecostumes. Much credit i&due the teacher,

, MisB Minnie Swartz, for the sue-CfiBB T XO^ ^VdRt^^y "1u80 TOT uR* mifJtHm:_frffnrtB i a famirfing up

• T

this sooool "to itjb piesent staod-ard. To show our anjireriariqn of her srood woric ana excellent qualities as a fixst-eUuEk teacher, we^^adc the eoc^twatioa of the

^ sefaSd kard that site may be re-Ka^»^ fi-ee StatfTff. »ni« it •l«n|tnriiBi to as the estsnutg sesaon. aiq tean liiat by no mflaas ifi 1 ^ Frae Staten are ti Baaaiaa de-oeott.

Ch>e of tbe aaoat intesatiBg: com-raanicatieBa eaaaa to naiaaaB 4;ka great-grantiBOB of a«e «f fte atii^ inal Hesmaa wMmn, ia part it .is as fdlowB:

'^-"My-gn^t.gritidfartiM^-^T^dl near Stauntoo. Yiisinia, mberc hewavmatnaC tat^ntteavy 'boaid aervaot' He £ed in 1842

xraadduld-One of MB wna Ibmht ia

theWaraf lBS . H a W p n a -perosa e n o t ^ to 8 ^ £anaa to tf his cislldren, aail thoae JJarma are stai in the anta. Atf drcB attendad Ivi^ of JenakL-OBe.

liaadoetar in Kew ' • ; - - - - T « i . i

| i pofitieM of

"A aeod many of tike Hwriawa iButluto the Sbenandoafa Valkgv aa my great-grandCa&a' did. M o s t ^ them took mlandl iwre

I an the I of]

i t TlKyi "trio^^VBd^ Some of StanewaS aaiiSara««

•Thoi ao i^F-e o n c e T a e i . , father aad ±aa brother aeiaed at n i i ^ aa t h ^ walked aktog a ooul, taken by force ^XHtzd diip, and eb^ged to fis^ •1 the ftrkit^ anay. U n aafe to aay that few, i t Hewtiang came in aay other way. The deseendaidB tfaoae who sefc-tied ittShenasidflah Vail^ are to­day anxmg the moat wthalaiitial

is yiiynia aad^-ia 4he farther w e ^ to which

anay of theoihave gone. Tbiej did net BiaRy "bmad servaata,* either. It was ia the emeSier years of the eolooy that^yoizm: woaaen w&e seo^averSaaa £ a ^ land as bond aervaiita, few of them than tidewater Tuiginia.

AjPfljher letter whoae great-pandmcMher ried oae.of the TTifaiiaii aridiers td!s OS that aaaay wtamed to, ^

—C-frm»ytj aftecthc sear was overl******* and died tlwre. Probably aosne of his oomradea also TCtanwd. I W

• * *

PATRONS. hisjiaat W. ting ham for theae poaitioi^

JIack aad,

The Bieeting eveningB decided

. Gate SfaElk Flaoa

l^adk X^'W.JL3ebmoa,C>Mak -Item)

xmK poJatate their eredft in the 1 liB^ TTuivcuilji i:kaek aad Field

Meet held at LeziiwIaB iaat Safe-orday, I M a v a a a a e a f the fart-

tbB SOQtll MB W^OL tBHBS fiS^ Jsww

vaaia. Maqriaad. Waat Vlia'i ia


the h a a a e «C the




$1.00 A Year in Advance

N«w T«wa JUadTWaa Orgaa-jOr. WaV^ FHWMII^ i f y HHght-B. mm,'.

Ewdl PATKMS' LEAGUE SOOAL The annual inaetiag of £ « « H ^ , ^

Camp Confederate \eterans wiD Sight Reading Content in Con-be held on Monday, May 10, a l j aer's Of>era HooJe Next

- H a. aa.. in the directors' .^,«^. I of tbe NatJabal^Bahk of Manaa-

which time arrangement ,fm tha trip to thf


r wbga, ap-of the fwapntiala

thoae derided on the nteeting eveninga.

r a u o m in lOdunood Jane I. and 3. .

leart it has an^endnyonic one. I monuBg ^ . J. T. WiiiSe, a fbr. Tuesday nis^t a group of inter-1 merdentiat of Manaa8as,^but who epted young men assembled at l^orthe paat-serorat-yeara, has A « V « » * , « K « - O * t v ^ r -,*«. Dixie Theatre after the evening's I resided in Waahington, came near ^ ^ J , T ! ^ ^ ° / I ^ ^ ^ ^ ''^ V^ftmes awrformed Ihe OM Do-jhehwr idfled i t the doraer <a 7th — " J ^ * ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^

(CONTKli t l

they ezpaet to

i The, mamTeatar? OT rrip-prv^' Igram to be given at the >:>ci)il of ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai" ,

I May 12th, at Conner's Opera

a good band il arently fainting he feU between S ^ ^ S S T ^ S -t elected offioere and l^buCTywxlwwto, the foTtnerJ •"^**^ "* Rwhmond wiahca

over him and bruising passu^ B. Frai^ May was anaauaondy M hn about the body aad the back ehoaea aa manager aad cpndaetor;

^eapeaaM^ fit^ The horse atj-fpfttA nn tha riyht aide of his face, cutting his cheek

hndilipB harity

Hospital in aa aBeaaaaoaa oostdi-xor ute preaewtafe'Tyeoftff^-' •••ii AMV HF

day aad Friday of eaeh To theae meftjnga each mrmber

toeanewitheBt&ia. Be itn^tera not how far he^^^irhe •ew*^ ^ay« advanced ia aoBs^ Icttfa aad


Tron^anea: WetfotdBHeifa WiiriWil Athf^.

Altaa: W i l a a a Fenaaylr Clyde maer.

DL R. Lewia.

ff Iff n

t r m » ? ^ ' n

«t the

at ihe liBMe. WidbaQehaaan

SBt^ asBBafc It the laeal B thiid" "ainw sai arSh <Bdy ••il TliMiiiiilii ITliili •liiiw li

Haawta (keea.

t e n winie<Speea tied wkh Goeeh/ ^ FiahfcMMig, aad Haaaaaad. af

Srandftaee a ^ pole T H ^ Booad wan the 128 yard Ugh iBadea with eaae. hm imte^ » seeooda be-isg oae' « f tte feai^aca af J3be di^^aad withia l^aeeaadbef the xeeoKd far that event, l a the 22n 3rarB law aaiQiea'ae waaraao" m d Bum iMRe in btA has heat aad the aean-iaal. bnt waa liailiili IB the fiiHl by a saad


y u S to go

letter ad^that the'favaraUeae- wut as f o l l o w s counts the letiuaed aotdiii'i gave Academy (Pa.) 32 1-3; Wood-to this coontry and of their treat- berry-Foreat Sehod (Va.) 221-S; ment hen led net a few «f 1helr|BfeaB[field Bi^ School (N. J.) neighbors to ffnagale to the 14- Haaaoke High Schooi <Va.) ^^infljwwte **^ VmtsiSmm.— — — 1T3l-»; Tome lBidtMeflt±TTSr^T^Tf^-^^~^

A third letter tells us that one ManaasB High Sch«d (Va.) 9; « at. L*m. i « n d at least of thr H f iaiiii faaadiDetJepitUifiveraity School ^Mich.) aona, aa^ urn h.niaeif so mxxh in sympathy 8; Greeabrier Preabyterial School with the American eaaae that be i (W. Va.) 8; A^MiriBeSeheo) (K enlisted oader WatJiiiigUia. aadC.) 5; EpiauutJal ffigh dchool fought to the daae of war, after (Va.) 8; Fishbome M i l i t a r y which be hvad aa Coaaty. P<


in a. m



af ^ -

adaeh i«f Uaj

aanvem Saa ftaadaroiatinaeferthecdehra-tkai aa May IS. af Maryland Dli9

| a t 4he-^ag fair Thr prjwrfaafa ' wm be heii at the Mtryland

Boildiis, i^ieh ia a reprsdae-tka of the Cflloeial tTPe af w<£ exoBnififiad ia old

Va _ in

tiiaaa to PiaDe Wiffiaai eeroty,


of the bead, which araa badly cat.

of the ac­cident taial his woeada had baea tretiiedand hiacata s t i tehed^


al»ot the«&oe


y * . ;aUe taaftayaa

Dr. WoUe

i a d

af Maaaaiaa .


itaeif wei

af the

of the

af the

The main fedtare of the gnoa was the T«H Bti6B

i*B Weddlof Faaal hythechoraachHiB: With


eaooredbytlwi s. iaaev efhlBi

thej^ari Aftar e a M a r 2 l ,

iata w31 go of

'XTSQUO ifijp~^

hhaaalf aa the ia a laadMe f artiic

The^ perfflnaauBce af Wedaea-. d i 7 cPBUiug, wkh the f iceptwa '^oi" nDTKigB a a n g n c . ' waa T^^ ipeatod l a s t eveaaag f a r t h e

• w a y colared people of the

mm4 ^fynsmn the f eetzval letaiuiug toBri't'^^^''*^

the S g a t a a g f i a n J Q ^

by way af V ^ n e p e g aad-

to know how many to provide for.

Fleaae do not forget yoar aa-ttual ihieB.

QBQM2: H. SMITH, A4j-, _ ^ HaaaiaSiTS."^

. i f . \ | |3<PI

fiewae. -wfll be ^ nsight remJung eonteat for tbe children of the li«TMnifp aad Maaasaas djrtrict aebooh.

Tbe rules for the contest are as f^owa: -4^^h»- eontoflt ahall be for

aight reading cmly. No selection bt wad ahaffi>e «vw three

Bi iR^tB. zatcn cnxKx AMH be given aa opportunity to look over the adeetion bef cH<e be-gianing to read.

The Manaaaat Adalt B i b l e Claaa save their ^partariy daaa night lA Eaabeta Ooiegeaodito-



i a 2 «



" W ^ J"4at

L t h e

there ia no

rBtwaij Talar aaaooeh

is. Salhe aad Azdoaa aBih.aad the

paatieatiBd toaaa



The reading sluUl be judged ' taihefoiiDwing^pcints:

1QI~ nOoaDice. pro-i and mfcetpretation.

1 CJyiircB fiaai the Manas-B8 graded achool aad Manaasas

d he la toia t h i r d aad

the Will




i^iaeiadea< -^sr af

j a earefol iaepeetioa d d - p a p B a and toachetp. the i a ^ e t s a a to t»«rfrt«t» armmrartmtinif -fnr * y > «M^

kie aad g e a a t f fanbh eoadSkes. Maehiatereatia be-iagaroaaed mthaa warkof .gefe-ting

* S ^

Ti)P<%aJ inapectioB ia the teTilMnga^BBhaflly^gnnr

t - « t . t ^ ^ a&

to lETlScirmi'W


CJ. the

Lthepartof an aoBK that ana

ia the fintto the


ekiaei way that he waa goiag to apeak Univaraity aad-thc State Board aayway. He oraifiaed hia abort' of Haahh ai«--4£)rv leeknag to

totheaobjertaf iwdrffwr-|Priaee Witfiam to take the lead tbs'peaidato chttdi andjin tta wiaV af iatiaducMg i

Sunday seheoL S s renarka eal m^ectaoa aithenaali were tinady and to the point and af the atate. DC CBSfiO&I^BBQ XBIX H^^ft ^ P o O ' "'" • •*~*""^^ '

aaOa get n> eariy six dayiTTt—TO GIVE Sa.VEK TEA

J h e tee deteitety

week gladlr imirtjj., to be aMe to

fixed the t<me fcH*: -tbe meBmnewti OB

-Saaday achool Sunday afl

.r. temperature 43 on May 1. Precipitation

v eek: 65 laeh on Monday,

School (Va. 3: Staunton Mffi- , ^ ., ^ ^ „ .... ^_ „, Academy (Va . ) l : WestVir- of P « t i « « 4 « d Saat»ia,a» far i - f taaaww . evaaag they w d I Pivtiaiautry School.

ington High Sahool, all of Weat for w«ek e.n<3jag g.a rt> .c. gI Virginia. I^xinptnn High SriiooL - ^•H*-nmrr-mrtam

. .V .X maximi^ t*ropac^c;«e.LFnehhHi« Hurt Se booi a a d ^ ^ ™ ^ T ^ ^ L l S 43 on Sator-tboac which failed to place a'nan. than 8.200 milea m afightiy !«"'to the late Major John W. Darnel, ° " * * ~ ' ^ *""•* ^'^^ *

^fg^i — — i — thanamooth. _ *at L^ncMxzrg for Wednesday, ICK>°« *<»d. .An is-ns of ChK-iiiro . " '— ' - May 26. Following the meeting' Rev. E . A. Roada. dfrifftrng to

lyi t.,_^- -^-^ „: .egaiion »t^.^ nx. - sideTit .\ldermar announces i! tms announced that Dr. Wil- mako •" addntaa. r* "** - f e w . '' r.-r .-.MW^, sf .\r.nt MaxMBTT r-»*-rr • - r^-t beads of l i e beJng- tftf a^BBStroemirf ?>r KF.Leais, :+««^«- 'aewiaaa. erf the faeoky ] . g^^^M—f tu i n n law f a Mnp'""• • • '" ••"""i^ tr-r-i^-atere 97 or, 2E: m i i ^ ^ - e r r » n t n a t i o n s the reocrfuboa* of University of Wisconain, to the of the UniverBty «f Virginia, wiHT-tU". " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ~ r S and rnnte others. Aarr. . : :*:i-r*rature3C»or. 2d. Total pre-1 aoopt.^ pr tiie recent iaterna- chair of biok«y at Umvanity af idebvw the«tatka,aadthearatar; " » * ^ ^ * 7 * " ^ ™ ™ . ^ oeato inchtdiag ar - r

L09 mcces. ' tional Women'a Peace Caogreaa i VirgiBia. Piuftaai Learn » a i w S be^ntoadanai by Q y i M i a [Bteeamga l-low. and UCT. SMV ipj|g^i,iai aai ii f ' . OBSE^V-EK. I at The^Sague. I aative af Bakigh, N. C I Hean: C ataart. [•aoapronomeedthebenedictioa. 1 COMKITTEE

The jrinaHwtK't2iapter,U.D.'(.77;— wffi give a Slver"Tea in their £h>iiterawDL£ridas. iUy I i . be-•gtanisg at 8p. m. Tbe proceeds will be for the benefit of an old Confederate vti^ran • f ' - p

npit&tion: : > i , i i » j .

Page 2: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,


1\i liw ^ utort- of I'nuoe WiUjcit Ca/attJ' I tH'rHtiy rtwpectiuiiy auuuuuuf m7«etf ft

csBdKUtU' fur tbr office n! •tnrifi at laid oouuv . HubiHcim i tb« dtunocTKtK' primary to W i<>' tiii! ytair 1 re<i£0Ctiull^'^aUciX your — I • iMMi pi arty mjF»»lT\tul-<ii«jh>t|gI--tbr iiuLio. oi «iu<i ofiijs U^ tfae iMB-Af a v . ktnliit if raelBRted. iaurlaaalTi iaitMnUy ux i uupwi ia i^ a i s the p^it.

U i ^ u i Jl. Huae will •«.—ti».-i • • jm * A s m « t e ftun. and M I . W^. 1 . Arfil9


• ^ » y^iggMif f lkf iSAS J O ^ d ^ FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1915


ill fiction but if iit us to be pro­tected from hookworm diseiises bf must «)joy his Hpurts atid

.in decencj, and-it is teacber.

So BJUCM for vrrinn tb^-«otuc Care o f ^ t Water Buppl.v and the school ck>Bet8 are ii anything' nMB« important matten still

Theweiloi the aprioK mut<: t>t aequirf his sioue bruiset on a «afdj groardfld tf k ii poMibie to i f w ^ wbere ije watft diwpoiial i.-get tbem fixad. A well with ] v d rt^uiated. accurdin^r to uiii-

It bf» been p m n d by raoent l^^iiey bnekete is miways danger- j cers of the bitate ik»ard of UeaJtti in^eetionB of Vk^^iiiia sdiook j Qg even if it has a t i ^ t tioor, ' "It »«* well known fact," say^

" tiatt the etSdxmi^ om' OMiotiTlliecauBe the wet ranefi of suci i a the board in its weekbr bulletin.

11> Uic Voian of Prinoe WilUam Coan^ Ai the rsqiMst of mmy friamk tlon^ioat

rriii nnnnty, j-t—xaawlattwi imiwtirtTy iar tha <Aae oi aiMnS of L'liuu , aabiaet to » dmmoarw&c primary to t<B deunaiaad ufaa- Vr * ^ CbsB^ (.oannii-

:mid>^ m the if Utt prasBot jaitar «dU ut Duw huida, it ia niy poryaaa to lata in kiiii >u ittmt poailiiHi

T tato •aST djfiiikiiatj, HTg AhooM fail » a a i all &a vatan, to '— -" ' 'n m • hrthfi' r- i. r T«iJ l>T law.

Itecause the wet ropes of sucti a districts are « a n e aS jityveaSy [yrtU always ^aanae the hands of- " t h ^ macfa of the hookworm in-than tboae «f tiw dttte, and it is {t je ib«w«r af water, whether he i fectioo in the state is due to the time t t a t Miiiiitliinu be done toi^^^^ Tinenfurf^ •' »T1^wir,aTni rhif; jattnnat nnigwr—l/'iutf/anxif aUaw-AaBijeaBaDDomatoaseoDdition.'dirtalw^Bda^pend^ Apatopisjing children to go barn-footed. Wbea §B per c e n t ^ 0 ^ diiidren ^^ gg^ Mf«. appliazBx and it is The harfcworm liuTrae. which

in t ^ kmg mn. "Hiel-bikc^ u> ^^ groui^, &Mi lodg^ ^•oolo be carefnity freed jThfftt tn toe akin o^ the xee^

•rtial £ a

€tlthm faeafwCmties in the knw-dseayad taadt, 44 per

per eent teve poor eyea, ^ per ocBt defective beazinc while 12

'i V the Volan of Biqntaville Oiatrietr 1 heraby j<i»ilTiiny aimmmnr my

BrenlBvSla Ikatriat. aabjaet to tfaa ;jrimBry tUa year. I camaatly aoiioit voor support aidi AaOS 1 "faa daotid, I myw^ to d i a d ^ t y Th«t ifatMpi uiipartially, giviag to eaob part of dm • I ict itB propoAiiBata akan of lbs faaMa.

iht VotCTBof Miaiwaii Diatriet: I hereby maaa^m T^mR''maS!i^*tm'iar

'^'ioctiou fUT ttib uflEu Uf aapoTTUor ior'Xa adxab LTi»rict, mbjant to l£e«aaiiag itmo-'uiu ph^uy. I iiii|paniTii% aoUoit jtmr

te uid ffitteysB tfaavHanaae ef a imft-

• jRict.^roeleoted. Ba^acttnlly.

' ursoant to the XBqaMt i/t^iaSmtomA^ refmaentatiwt votara- a d t a g p l y a al

1 iiim!ww District. I kaml^'aaMaaae avjaaB "andidate {or tbe offiw tf BBperriaor tor

lanasfiAB Disttiot, l*uiioe »*iK*w GBOto, : >< : [o the damoaaatic faamij,t» im*™^

: uavmg beaa mnaaad Ifact I a n a l ii. ] desire to BtatB Aitt 1 aaia dm . :;ave beec affiliata^^tarJ democratic J»Ttg.

~~ ~atfr

the urgent iTfe i hereby 1 • "unervisor in J . •: subject to the < _ •asf & fiii^fui perfanapaaeflf A a i • <i dutiee of the-dfioaf-HdaBlBA. -

. • Ukm

aorohr anao ircaac for tke -^ District, flubjaet to the I

.-- 10 be held tiiia jam(. . I < .• support .aid, iti ttttnttv -I

rreov aiuioiin^-af^aaB a sMaUrta lor

:.ut for Diatriet S e . l .a^Pri iBe Wj r.'v gabject tO-4v=4BH :J'-.U inie sumxQeT. 1 • < noor..

ocers of Biatriot S o . 2 , i .:iri. County: :;'r>>»r reapectfiilfy a a M n a :ate for the offioe ol

.,: suliJBCt tD tUPt rifiid thJB year. J ; av-^istrioe asd

i i ed tmeet f • B d - a B e e t o t : ::>v a reaWataJ.^

^ s. x:. - ^ -^—


\ oters ai -(•hT anpwmee iiijauIT a nandirtate im-.01 for tSe iilTiu td anjainiaia far

' Distrid^aafaiaetta Aa \is^y«aT. I

nrr it rniaiire of ail omaea i

Aw a sfeazt.



;«f SdB-

ySB witii eye towUiing canbi and instmctaQna for findiiiK mA tbe nearaiebted d^fewn M^^BJMy teat foe deaS-neas tso Ityeteiniraoe ear at a tame ^^ikpataig ta Hoe ^taHMLlS^.

ina^netxM latliiatcBataBDehe

I f h e i s h a r f r f

'ulB 1

i M t i



\ tj rr; nf Qlj lMlini l Tt^^.;**' • snlicitBtiaw at aaanniaB i n

[. F my candidacy for

at!f primary.- J \

' » - » i O a T: ?r««i4«Bl. r

.-EC £.W&KnSLS,{


t h a t l ^


Buiiaoe pollu- -Mtk. their w mto the body. tiaa by a irood trench to be due: above i t Tim water proteetion

fUTWtiiimmrt, snd tof teachei*' wiBbavvtte full sopport of tiie ntatrffrard-frf H f Miinwrnrinj^^frn'''"^ i t Tfaare ii chnTi di ii tai ar

far pcAtfna af tfae veil or aprim: and

tiw a^ooi, -care ia fliensfere neo-here. Hwnwinliei tbi^ at B>*

dean backet and a «ieaD water

TBg watBE. S B P l3att always in nnjoDctiBSL



AprQ far 1914 and

•Id 1 9 9 2 , 1 ^

f^ kOKi, a i S i r


IBJiiBlSU f7.74ml3aB. baef catde s i

Flor the protoetiaB of cbildwMi and fcr tiie foil enjoyxoeat of the

afaouM be stopped

tarpksid a n time wbiek mn and a p m their iavaov* tbaa iQMB anything dae -depeads

bettataMint o£ Iteaanitanr

H ^ a b o E ^ of anriakad lime; alack witii m m a water: eever ^ a n a s the praoeaa to keep in Hoe the titiiBiii. s t r a l a tiie ligind J.lmatg'h Jl aan ar stnxaer; add * peek 'Ol aait, wgvMMty ^wil duufand m warm watoc. ttane panada «f xisBad nee'lxHled to a tinaj^mff •hd afe a fasffigg bat,

r .WlMi | l ,a fa

| E L 9 6

ytev'ioua^ a a d a M f i n n l ^

i af hot iradar to^ lite a m d n e :

af fit a n t e ; | f7J$^aalaeaeaaaaf « aDldieoaB,^.78«adMii c f $ L a ^ Innei^ | U L ^

^ « ^ * t . i t

ave iagBdy.7



at naa H«wy itla want to Tie c a u aoBn die tartraaaof aaa •lirfj i "yji^j ""^ *•

)Sattia,Vq>leSt., ••r.anBiMnd hy a doll, l eat maB of my faaek. S<^iijt;


t ^

. • tald





Electric LijffAh and Starjfc^ (<JX8> & Davit); Boach Magneic instaut Out- Man Top; Kiil! Stream Line Bodv; Heavy Tufloff TTpholsLtay; TJe^ UuBRTons: Rain TiSoa Wind Shield; Butit-in Wire Wheeia; GooaricL Tires, iiiixSi; Fibre Gearlesa Tr&namiasion; Block Motor, Wal^r-cc^iod, S-borae Powo-; GMcdine Under Ck>wl; Gtu^e BuOt in Ma­hogany Instrument Board; Stewart Speedcmieter; Signai Barui CaatarXS—UwU Fmi XUMM, Babe HMIB; Wlieel Base,





-i£ I ilU^lVlBQ 'to ifae MlHll' ilf tilji maa J. XaUey Jr., aao keraby » ->«D e^B iarmmi «ad aettfe aaoa

and I I B M l a n a g 1 wiD i i iw I I —^i" li^^f

I for

O n B a a . 2 1 lStkBL,ILV^S«

Adm'x., / o

wiBbe TCSaivadbrlhe&^adBoanl .TtMammiaki Djaiiu) i i i i l a iaai^ Mwrrni,;

H ^ 12, ISIS, ior lim eraetioa and cooqafe-tiaan I7 October 1, IBIS, di« two nam ad-M a i to«be mhail htiiim^M Nabemlb, y%^ ia aoolriiaaoe with A e ajwiirii aUiaiii ^ad jsaae jBvpanG ny Ibe SoHra, *"«•'" aie a t b e i u ^ e r a r . J . T.nory.JiobaariUe, Va. Eaaapeutiae biddane wfil tb woB to

aat lfaa» at gubtaailhi ! & be a e ^ d aad \M\ mil to 3, Si..

« 2 S ^ J. K-Cocaa. CSait.

r f

V M B t ^ lia-af •.«ay

^: KATKD DaroatToaT or rsm

. ~:TI.^ aiaa^aae K.P..UE i m

-. L BOOTHK. m. B. KAal,OW

sATKSKonotTK B aaxa,n.

- f r ytHB* I a jaefated ap I t e in-

^ I • ai I : w. I

canfiesT "H iMt yoa " t o f i j i t h i i ^<vei70Bewfa» baa tried t h e n

faat^ te aure. We tafieiw yoa wH «b the aaate. : eaady m &e eoaiUo. bat

naea far

t t a « j

take far air. cr if ^os have goad •eaS fanardB to yoor windaws and keep t^taSwiadowB tichtly doeed g

. 'yoor PIQJOE are faaond to s o f ^ ^^tftenaiawBBeaeea: -Hdt t i ldreB

fBerii I JVpeal toymaa ^ftlanry.^'biAa'

p a a l t o y w ? WecaD

^'•I —T*r'*n^T ' •mtmii tr^p F 1 tlHSi - ^ T,& SoQtbflmri RaOwvr fmcc ^Matiinf^ \ ITHJl tM' Fl IB I l U t f t l T

Or if n]aif-

r . aac »; riT) ntf- iiont: rm nair dailt , „ _ ; » _ _ „ _ » 1 . . _ v . ., , ^t « . - . i c - ^ i U.. Jv.Qvea.h^ ,S tL near.r.^ W i ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ * " " " • ' * * h ^ ?

:r- . r..i: n-' t t r w mnntk- Troir. ^Or af I t h e ( S t l U d i e i r

. . . ^ « ^ . , ^ T-.L-,. « ^ i.^ «.«,^^bucket? or cooler, wi iac goes the :.- aO' rr-tarr. :ic -lazne rr>i:ic nr l?ni7>g n « i Bcfaool hy.S3f iD£?

-If -:>DW iii(! TXinminp '•i« anT nuier an-1 n .r ,^ — 1 ; _ ~ ~ _/• « r.

hir«. s j.wioiwi. To«t« . in imiM iiaui •»-1 OBfiks . & » B o t m » t t w < « m p t y - r f .-Oi>K " irs;. vm.r iHHTaai affen: or mnle C i . , ,, i i ___

^^ l^acraboing or Fweepinp (>erwdi-


d yvar peeketbeok? Q i ^ d y aatriliBaB food:




vsi t te that leaves DO rocm fcriB


l - s - V l I I

in a wnde-nngp- of exfdusm^ nbodeU and pure-wool tildes. &r y a w s j ^ aad okkr mcB who

CATHER & FLAHERTY _HAWWACH«mG » J , , . 5 = «II * .<» •.

war HtiiZ^^tOB. 1 ) . 2 l»-t] >o«M »«6 IcaQy, bnt of day by day discipline •<

'ooataoneio X^ 08 ahoar yam the ^eciai fBatares

Hibbs & Giddings OcaU' Outfitters

anaiaai . Virginia

Page 3: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,


r r

fL'BLiSiiED E\£EY F K L D A T A T T I Hil l ,— BT \ I


ViHpiiiit. a|t SwuunH

» U B S C R i r ^ l O N , S l U X > A VCAAMl A»tfAMC£




omtti wHseaa, and mil maner of mn advartwlac cliKl«rvn. «itkv 4UVCU} ur imitkfm»l^ wUl he imhti«hil al Ute >ur of TVottv-itvt-

quent intenak to diacuae maitLoB penndiuog to protection and fire fightir^ Third, the

S oinip&ny should hav« /V/M» W.|H1 g g drilk, iii | which aU laembeBB t^ce aetsve part under tbe diret'tion of'one BUUL Thkts the great neees-wty: that -eiae nae h m the fire •^[hting' in

rlarge, tibe odttere to. follow his catierB without modi£cBtaon or hesitation. In thie-way the fire : chief can devote his tine to cool obeervation and iht giving of ord^s, aad the effeetiveDeK of aH


'" *!ffui"lK*will be gresatlj inrmaard

SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY Sondajj Msff %, ^ Mother ii JDa ' iaJihftTTnitotiJ

Fbundedalnr years ago by Mks Anna " TB Jy WHSTaiichXrejHitaboii in tbe fitare if Jsrm, of nufauielphia, Mother's Diyfais "'' WTW

nstaonal in its ohwttsaucer- 7%e eovenuax of. nearly all the states v e for aeverai yeus been

homes, etc, to observe the day, hot not until 19l4 WB£ a Joint resohitiaD («(4iich was j^reed to) is-tindooedisl^ Ho—e<rfB<|atMu«tativeBid>ege-, fay the Pnsideot fihooH designate, by anBtoal prffrtoTnatxT^j '• '^ anwopd gn»M^«^ ^^ M i ^ flf *»y<^

yiear as Mother's fiqr. To riaMidMt lH^na Ml the hanw «l iiwiiint ^km fiest pradaaulaKi of this s o r t « M ^ S, 1914

iSh^mmtmUkt'B &^fkiHittm-

lAodb jifin MBfc feuBd. Tbe

Ckw) pxpgrafccui temadeakmg this Hne if, liie flien af VnrnwHan will intenat tfaenaotvcei Boffidently to act A reputation for bad fires k, \ oibe wiatAi BO town wishoi te haw. We can

wie «>iq>le our aaaple mtiu la^p^ with efficiec'. &x-fi|^tiqg iiirtJKtds, Let 12s see wiatt can he done in the way c& kamiqg how to ^g^t fires iwirii rmi^iHitj *nA Mf^A^mn^gg y , Vhll M •

wili not he hHghted in the ftrtare » A e has hem ^iieveial inBtanoes in the past

XX SE IS rv rc

W E A^ T H The ncrumwlation of weaklr is waertkj a questioD of

siKving' moB snd pottiiiff it U M b u A w a



« S t » f M ^ imf,gaa& a one he is, are^u^gjoraettiiqg

fcepVBBtei tow^pride, i^fatftimt K a aaowd i>!lvihiaL%faieh jOn

3 Fier CeaL Interest on Savings Adooo^ f Coupoiiiided Semi-AnniMiOy 3


-TMC^AMK OF FEftSQfUU. S E S y i C E — —

in siDod jKt ufttaB^

We win hefliwiKalto but hKirdBr to hejaiiaiiiJ i t v o ^ heane tojnewj^andiBJrietoditwBebetfaiithad

B^ the latter. - lafgaaaiaed:' If ytm w i ^ aad most oertai&fy yva First. R shouW he known that ther^ B a vohm-'^'*^»* ^ * ™ * * ^ ^

t»er &« «»5)aiji: TiKMMairfjji4>ffiee«M—d.^""*^ * ^

ganizafjop pacognoed «»« 4}«e aad iue. Second, tbe oos^aiiT ahocid

coun^rement. FiitlifuliiMB in the 11 iiiimii aad' apprecidtfvmesB and piifTiinw «i ti>e|ait~i8^Se]|| iKfa ujipt-opk wiU *mmm^%^m^^mai4ar lfaBaa-4^

St fia-flae in the near fntore. I<M ttmimaftfttt a a &uti-xi s^ antnn untmtm

Page 4: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,

f^m, I B E IttKASS&S JOFEKAL, FRIDAY, M A Y 7 J 9 1 5



^¥*aL C. iL VfcraaraBgi^ 4»-ABOUT FEOPUE WE. KMOW of tbe MwiKfWfe Agncui-


- M r - AlkB G m s . iff I*<«ka^Jri^ l l Z " Fori

r v h — A e •M-miiui -ti MaBHiek-f No. 1K2, JL F. * A. M.,

[y r}K}iieafld to i l t f i l taxal fiigit ScfaoJ. uMkrwent an Sfiae Suc: Brmwzte^ F^ri^y f v e u ^ ^ Ifaqr 7^ openCHa is RirianftTiri tiie earl; dn.v ia W»tihi,nct«n\ < iB cunfcrraag the H. M. piM of t iw ««ek far at^eoda- jj^^j^ Evuut. oi aVlumunc^as A n i K H i n C e i i m i t o f

. . . . l l n L B»wwBareia£ic4ima«d J* C H. Wiae was JB Ham-i * * " * * ? ' t o Taitft«£.Yariom««*L sonburg « « ^ « i ^ t t e week, On l l*r L tbe >vea PriB«

_ ^ ^ - - 4 —Mr. W M L T . H 4 "^Ae fiarij- I *i iu»m Bocel came under ^ ^ ^ j^L^fn~fffi h i i i w i t . " wfcaao «wi«i> MiasMyraPajtjcreturotjdSpa-, l i ^ IIIMIIM.IIII>I 111 of MeaKS.

« ^ - I t e Smmr mad Pnnny ^ * « « « * « • "VHi TMliii I ITiii""^ *C»^:^Sid»affUie*' tetliivMmber. wi i B c n u n Ptataec. off Waahuv

_ iMaaanr -al un , tmi. * ^ icadkr date to cn« « • f t i i f a i ^ ^ ^ y i tkm


v e t k ^ & A i d ; of

CoL C. D. BijQk««i^ askd

—Tlie 12-y«iar-<M daariitif d Mr, J. & MawMl. «ff > 111 1 iiiiBi. ii I mill in iirimiMil riiiii

—A party aff spent a 'very Bland'E fad i n


Tield tiriB ( di i r i l be

at tVdack: .

—Tbe dreakeBBct «ff -la opened its Mar i m a Maa-ix matrrrmg-mnAJmi/m J : « . T

—ServJccB Manassss, Sand i-nd S jt m. i T-}r?ete proanptiy 1

n aL ML

-Eosier Woo^yanl' -.Jr.. and Hfittae g.v


EDS •srffl :.iX,h-Tip in the LCLi •_r>rt rooiQ

W. S. A t h ^ t •gmmji

t E ; r f a x -;«per,

-..tension :>r;7)er SBBI

^ Z preaciiihai

coae. Hewa to thepoat iaabr*

a EinK.^

wm be

]he I^xef

Mias M a n Vtoa. Witt t h e / c n * af [atde Weir SsaJias.

»• l U laal **•• *^tF—" ^ > ~ — TTi! 1 aStasxat emxrt b y l a d g e "P™* ***

E. C J, R T. TtafBtoa, xaet for the - JH»«% «

—The '1

— l i e tzal H4Kk Sefaoa^ af Wasfai^Ktaa. I a i l e n — • — - * * m — — ' -

ithe< wix)d dectad

MEiBu Brofi., expeneziced ho­tel aun. wfao aka ooadact

(two kotek at lihrar. ' T t e Mew Prinoe WiUiaa l o i Veea nefui iiliihwf afOT a e v aih^Qr. iiae&,c



ia e ery depurtsofiBL Xhe lates remade li^eaaa •MxtF. I2J56 aed <S.W day, wilhoft bath.

"IF eapeoaljy

:3«rekMk. tobeasHdi

( i R X . to the



M n . C ' G .

Lu A .


Mr H Iff

»*• W,

will fiiiHiii ^ I f i ion. the littla End Mrm. Baaai


TheNew Pkince William Hotel

A Valuable Aid to Beauty

-Goad btmiiSh aad guttd utok^ te- -

rmmnat kiotpytmr beai^' d y JOT

- aad 5WU-irieep restless

TM i s i s tmded to aid ia wfitoring aH ^Ae ««MiMfl€ the k o ^ to

tedthr Btaxe. to r the eooqdexiaa, to give abetteraapilHii aai hefc-

^^^IwilfQi Write a OMA

clMrk,aBdtfaedkeck4 yaainmBr&eimBk after haa^^md.


came a remistF. ham

T>rri7TnrrK i lull aa (tifitnct

of v iTj i iu wit^ the Bacheks* of LEV. ntaad-

TT" t^ TTTF : .lis*!*-' Tlit"

• ' 5 ^ wa« m vHator mt the hone ef ftry J.Mefttw tiuf «-eek. I>r-(^aBt

v s jm • « I oHx arrjTTiiiT wa ««.« the

ffHTmlUH Mew

I '- _ T * 5J"«» ^ tt » « i * ^ '^^.^ * ^


IV THE i-xxslu. a x * to a s a a a t

t,!»f correct new* aE the t iae. V- *>«—:r>f - 'T it End y«i v 9 be *^f •* njrn*T •f : izjfarmfC oc topics. -,ail } . ii-ic • r

St eieazKi Shoema^. 1C bfC 1 tf I K if Ton C«tta flpC, Pat£it

Page 5: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,


AS Vetenas WiM Be W d l ^ n


J. a. C m Of A t jaCber

- - - ^ J J — . IDtBia&iea. Aefc-immona rinw f w be pn>-' „ , , . » ^ ^- , , Mr and Mix. J

for ail t AmfBdegtCTBlwaiifc 'viv'^ .^ :• po tc iijc pwninwi neat mm^ ^^^ xr,^r\r

Mu2 V of lihe haveacrefl'to


I l^mtm aad »*-—mnm te

^ I L £ iMitia^ I^TiMiaflMI t » f -cuJicUiiT ' i r i r r T f a .

_ A i B iaaDsi "•'" m < r ^ —

Pranmui ut i: h. i u n ^ s . 4£ W flj j i f Ml ^•eurnMs vitl>e' Uaui T E koKte Mat

AutaacruJXiuL b ' «feitt ^'^ fmyau hwnrv«- <Wia^,^^.^ a U A ' a L

nl unpaid Z.BC M ' U M M

I FlrDtun*- anc lix:tura» l U K M


Mr- F. C. •,§S-

hear tke expewe of dhe t i ^ j ^ ? ^ ^ Whfle tbem &bey « i l be givaa, , ^ , " *



tbc 111 iiii t i l l abaum of the d l y |\ n d all of libe kotete, v M be dE^eA inealoBS. l a t b e G w i M


ES. WiSmm fMK, was tbe

A-Uar A l



- -—-



: A p r i l « .



• •-•

CaiBr « « ^ - v m o F rf • 4Md flf 1

irf <kMhK. 1K£, W a n r i a Bail I


F. C

M B . J . Gar. rf

I k W- H. K Q S S M I O b AWi p e a t S o d a v vitl i Ifa >bri. af Banratba^g. Va M s Vkia Kefs m a i d K j


•F. a '

Ouoasu . aad BL L<aiA ..' I 'Bi X

X>>r :

' JIfwiiti htmmrmr^m :

u s «

^ BocpiuB tuati _

liwiii 111 1 V V A a t U H B S ! « • » c i m - m i i i i i j i i i i i — . JBk-

'OBculKxmfr m n t .. . „ JE riBf "W



i i ^ i

* - * t -


A i l - M B * 43M»i


V ^

Style—Yes. the Jbikfter l&indf

Whie style is cxxtskkred oostiy, yoo <fanY have to pay itheie. We put in

because they had style phe depeodatble ^ service at a low pnce.' \

One of the oldest and best bbownmakets solveid the ^prebleai by^pcri«limig~-oo one suit. 5Si-ieulifir . eoosioiiiy eK£>iHiiiw the

-geod^aaiify anrf thr irfylr of a great desJKiier at a l o v fMlRPti—- ^ : :—

^Sty l^fara l ?ipwialsfar]




/ ^ L

« • »

j B i t .

? l l i « * J

hca.1 JMg- H^TIA^W.

• • • • « ^ « w * » « * * - . . ^ ^ ^ i ^ « t i » « ^ * 4 «

\ ^

TXielar iauS

0lKkit]le^s$L9» OM-ktMea^fLW

l aL«

.««!9UfJ •wLw^w^w^Mw^Bar^BMM

! • • ! • ! • # I

I P -


i l 2 * < , rfthpOMA i tB tbe


13 One lot La&i'Skirts, | S L «

ooniitT » c aoaK. • • A ~ •KtatF daei be


TOO niMi r u n

icsKDae aad Chnscan f< jtbF f — H I II T S

t«ac%. ^3^. .!>> i\ QfUM

T k e Place Wlief« Yoa Wffl EventnaDy Bu/

Page 6: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,

6 J . A A A A A * A A A A > A ^ A i

It Cttot to Him on St

T "'ftm milASSAS JOURNAL. FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1915 . -

• o m t i t i m i w e n t bunciT* to d o ao. B « l i w h e s b* b e c a m e »o proftcleut in ^ ' | ' * * * ' » » » I M « > I » f t « l I > H » > P H Q T Q G R A - P W S

• » r . A. NITCBEt

E m m e t Doolan , a. 70UDS man ilTlag l a 0 > ' " y T l p g e d i ^ ^ lrelaD4. w i i « n e d k j v a l k i n c on tikS bank of the riyer 8« lr d d i i c a bard job of thlnklnc. EUa tyaa were ou t h e g-uuml bcforg

ao iQieut w a a be on tbe aubject tftat ttrdld not eToe bear a U r d chidv-' InC In a tree abova ttia baad. S o d d e a -l7 be w a a stopped b D t i n n tm procreat and bla reverie by a girl w h o atood di-rectlf before litin a n d waa l o o U i ^ a t

"^h.t ^ ^ y^n Hilnlrinir •'hnwti Wn

t z v U n v i B e«ffiiuabd tbe ivffutar o a i o a ^ ' ' w a « e bla Onani<6a~^Ban to iaific«T«(! ' , raptdlr. . / J • ;•>

All ttala took time. It waa a a r ^ ^ 70Uit befure be Has ab le to bia M a d « f , a « j r v e n t h e a waa nut alwuyii wurk to do. I t waa B ^ UU ikiuiuel tmd teea In AJnerlca four yeara tUai be b««at i - lo pa t Agi.i^ a raod to briox IfHrcJl to blm. TUls fund he s i a r i e d a t tbe b e ^ n o i u s o f a ' | ' a a w y e a r and calciltated tbat be w o a l ^ < I h a r e enouHb by eke fo l lowinc a u t u m n l ',', to buy BUeen'a t icket aqroaa t b e water . OafortunatetT t t w a s tald vp by 01-nesa auou a t tar be beoao to put aalda t ide f o o d ^ ^ w « a Idle for t w o taontfaa.

Kll«C9i raoeived a letter eariy ta i a s o a i ^ tal i lBr licr o f ber lorer'a ht-taattaaa a a d aan>*ar afcertir a f t e r w a r t that b * waa laid up wi th an lUneM.

y a i d befora met, that you can' t a«e you?"

A change c a m e over ti^a y o o n g man'a face at sisfat of t h e d i e e r y maiden be­fore hiiB. - f i ia o w n t l g k u d np witk a momentary pleaaaia ,

"I'm coin' to A a u r l c a , SUteSi ' ' ka aaid.—aad. cmia lder t i ' t h a t I k l T a i t I penny to m e n a m a . f waa womlarta ' bow I waa go ia ' t o g e t tbera^"

rt waa BOW t b e glrTa tnra t a laofc ao-ber. T k e t w t s U b M t k ^ r « l k i j i a t t a smUe lef t Iter lipa.

"And w h a t ara y g n gofii' (^ for, E m m K T " abe aaked In i lous roiea.

"To m a k e m e ftxtBaa." "Aad l a a r e y d o r fpor <M tatSamT -Tea .""" " • ^ "And y o u r m o t b e a - w b a t wlU aba d o

w i t b o a t i a a k o y aUaloTta iaa m U T * "^eaii I mnat ^ T ^ . k r t k

motber. I 'm d o i a ' V g i a a and ODce tn >>M««»4fm_ wkai _ ^

K M « 10 M M 'eka c M i ^ i k ' ^ j f ^ M comfortablac"

They w a f t e d to t k a kkpk at O a x t r a and sa t d o w n <M OH tuit natter a ttaa^ EUeen h a d a p t t e a O M word toe Em­met's parenta a n d t w o taa two tiad g r o w n a p t ^ though t b e y kad.DOt faa«B « w « » o f this IntenOo^ g< K M I M T t n pBt-J;O0i mliea o f oeaan ^ t a t J M t h a n ted i veaied tt t » M e a n a a d b a d ^ i r c a « r i t n i m n - o f It ui Kiiiinai. T h a a d a l a f auLn

not ao raadQjr aaMlk • n l ^ nxeatMi ttmtmnr' '~^' whoae Inaettva opportnat^ . Jected.


sa id EiHkML. t i r a i To this tUecv w a a n o a a a w c c 'You're >»•'-'•«-* i ^ » ^ t t a t V a ta»\


.IMT WIJ l« Amfrlra a n d m a d a u ^ tmt to g o t o E m m e t o f l ier o w n aa-

ainca ta« w a a not a b l e to a e a d ftg kar. S h a c a a a t o thia reaalnt iaa tn February, but It w a a March be fo ta aba eoold m a k e ber arT»ngpn\^»if^ *» fig '

_ _ _ _ Z ? * ^ ^ * U S y l ™ o i r t j ^ j k o m e - t a aay goodby to ber "parenta a n d M -ceiTa a bieaalng b o m B m a t e f a ta tkar a n d nK^ber t o t a k e to h im. H o w a r a c . aba g o t a w i i y a t l a a t a a x l o o a t o rea<A bar loTer. w h o w a a atiU a n Invalid.

EUeen'a Intent ion w a a to aorprlae B m m e C a n d in n o n e o f ber letteca d U

eomlng . She w r o t e t i i a t h a t aha kwg^ ad t o be a U a t o a a r a e b l a back t a •^^••"•' ' • • •» .410 B^piiav g n n a n m y caac t f t h i II iiB i i t lh hliii IM» waaW m j i i m


Keiiiciijfirr t h a i the slxe of tbe uert Keiieratlon Is Lutiuenc-ed larwel.v by the femnle aud color

I.lm«-. jrrit aud rtiarfoal should ' be iJiovkled for turkeys during i h e wlu ier inontbA. By such pro-VIHIUU blackhead Is less likely to. occur later on In the spring and summer.

iS j rkcys lay from fifteen to thirty e i ^ at a lltter_ I-nt tbe early e g g s under bens and let tbe turkey s e t on the une eggs .

O B brlgbt . m^^aj 4 « y a . w b a a there is no a n o w on the ground. It i s «ea t t o a l l o w tibe fowla oct -

-doors. ' S o m e t h i n g to aell tbe year

asaaard la tha aaaml af mtntim

:; Harman's Studio

w i t b ^ w u U c y . H e a r y birds and high roosta

a r e a bed combtnaQ^D' Large ', 1" I breeds e a p e d a l t y ' n e e d low rooata. <


We iaak« a iH>«cuiit,y of suefa wock and guarantee satisfac­tion, y^npointments made on short notice:-- For price call on or write

• t

V a

m o r e r a i M l y . b a t kla gxaataat dlaap-poif i tment waa t h a t be # a a o a i n g n p t t e f n o d ha b « d « t u t a d w K k w k M h ta b d n g her ta h b a ta naoeaaarr aspciMaa. fcakallag daakara kMa.

X k k l a ^ l k t t a r S w a a t c a e a l v a d t r a m * « " « ^ - * « f t « » JEUHB-aaOwl w a a tofm U a aMttiter. S k a w n a a vary pkNia wa-

ba m a ^ A t o nai^act bla A i « « h d » -< M : ^ t t i * t k ] a M a a c aka « > U b k n t k a t a l ^ w a a a a v d l a B ^ W v a g t f t t b a t ka waaiM ta^etra - A « r a b a o t S L Fkt-

a>Bk« Wak # e i | . easaiba a e a t witfc tt.mt [


Bring or send your Kodak Work

LANSBURGH & BRO. 420-26 Seventh St . Wakhington, D. C.

EkUbKkhed in I860 Leaders Then—Leader* Now.

NOUCE , The way to make two blades of graaa grown where one does now: Buy the celebrated Magnesium Ume from Leesburg Lime Ca, the hme that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past iwenty-Bve ycai's, ami out pro-

la better to batch tbelr eggs under heaa duced them all, a&d the reason or^ inoabatots. The first few eggs a; for it is because it Contains Mag-dock l a y s each aeaaon are se ldom far-' »"»«""•»• " ~ ' ' z^—'J- -•« » ? - ' • tUa^ Bteren are a f idl ' i iS&g . 'and i t MK qnlrea t w e n t y - e l g b t daya - for t b ^ hatching E z a a a l a a tbe neat e v e r y t w o or three daya a f t er ae t t l ag t l ia b e n far t « d « g s .

For | W B t y - f o B r b o a r s f eed nt^^kiac ta tmS. F l i a t w e a k , kaif a p i n t ^ roiied^oats, ao iaa cracker or s ta le b r e a d

t w a hard baOad a a T e h e p p a d i a a . k a l f a capCU o f caarsa s a n • i t i t t B t d wjtfc milk, r a e d ftmr

day Joat i ^ T l k e j w t t aa t te

_ _ t o k n o w w b a t t b b ^ w a s hto ji«)tbiBr w a g a e n d l n g b b a kad w o n d e r e d W w It • a i d d c o B w H e ; a a w n o ^ w a y ticcapt

a n d . altbaaKk kla

"^•^-^ — . *w«-. — ^ ^ 1 ^ . j , , , f ^ pnaai l

nesium and Oxide of Ires in ri^ proBorSon toQdcium Carbonate and the United. States Agricid-Jural Department in Year Book 1901, page lei. states that Hair. nesiuin IB alMOtatdjneeeantyto

K W. T> Theaia^Mi, 4g*im y«., <ydiMettoiM aad (MOM wfi



ALL MAIL ORDERS A n * •«* that they are careftJl, fJUed by

" I » « t Shopport.

Wtstiderful Showing of everytliing new for spring ia

M -6OO0S m SftKS ^ • S u f c ^ t e ^ ' ^ ^ « „ ? * - ^^ iiKJtKUng .and. putty/


I have Ae contract for tbe Eiikon Mazda Ebetric Light BUBM. The


aacB eipreaa eooipaay'a k>cal ttkt tt mWa nM ka datarad fbr

liih for a m a n h> i^ff|- t t f^af foreign tomjt i ' j to jpiy bis way.'

Stni t h e w looking d o w n ok river beoeatfc rmiph

a n p t y . t k a g c a d y ih>wl i«


h e f r e d . « a d _ s t o e a b a w a S ' t a o t a l e a r e b k Bad b e a A a d b i i t a ta lephoaa t k a ^ If a a y p a c k a g e

of g n o a d « a b ^ t b a name o f w b a « t b r i a . ona-foartk o f a p in t oC c o m m e a l , tba aame af e s a n e aaad . t w « tab^r-aponnfnla o f bee f mea l , a p l a t efHaHf

ctorar . f y e o r c a b b a c e nooii-wt tb acalABd aiBK^ T b « r a a a t fonr tJtaMLkjftO. , -

fVwnafa-tB-al.«h WBirtC «i«n a ifft-^ nonaa oata for a n konr. add a'pi i t f at t w a m a a l , w b e a t b c a « bal f a ^ n t at U n a y * . t h e a a m a o f b a e f a c c a p a a a d a -q n a r t «f c lorer o r a a y U n d of f o o t r a e d f oar t inwa a day.

ta Hantb w e e k , o n e qnart at a pint of w b e a t bran, a p la t

« f befled oa t s , a pint o f beef scrape;

'.iiiA been ia tbeaigtat w b e n t b e y m e t ' "If H"g lenTfci ' fathy « ^ ^

. ou re tblnkta'' o f I beUeva I c a n d o em mone serrlck I ^ g o l n ' w i a r a

get plenty o f WOTk'i i i f g i a ^tayta' here, wkera tkartf% H a l e w e t ^

He p W a l y - ^ k T I >t o a l ^ s e n d kla

TiDsLwaztag. Evon fhfai

any w o r d k f t o m BTlrifn looking d o w a apaia IMT a n d ' a a w IMt ber eyes w e r e w e t T W I b« said sef t tr , ffoln' to

S h e looked o p a t kfaa. a a d a t laat k a received U a a a a a t i . "I d o a t JOU tO-gn " : ,

The f e w wdeOa. a p o k a a alsMiat l a <vhlsper. — - r V n tka awia lait t i l l that tbe g U r i S S e S i ^ b a t taeaaJcd to blm tbat a k e . w a a *a aaaek f a I I I K as be wax to bec: _ J t . w a a tbe o a i y :>ropositioo e v e r a t a d a b e t w e e a t b e a •hat tbeir IlTes a b o o l d b e Unked. and , • -ngniariy eaongk . It •Tin Btrt it s n O c a d Cor tb«ae two i e w -- creatures, a a d i t a a a U c d J l w i a i l t a

•'•^sfc moi ^ . i id not ' b e r e w l t i i a i to ••*• but

' a::!] be^rond w b a t ka IMMIMI Cor r.i to se-jd for ber. a a d t k e y w e a l d

I'd a borne te t b e n e w e o s a t z y - ' ; T ? - S O tkey U e t t e v e d - a B grew H O L

' i w EmaieC O o o i a a i m n a g a d t a -' to Amer ica

' •:tiai to p a r -Mi " only ao Car aa t o abow tbat a

^ho co«M aecompUsk socta a fkat - " hound t e i w e a e d . * H I S m a a t A l

e<>,i ia dnse . a e o g * b e f o a a d K np--Tork. H a d H i

. ' 'leflnit* •••' nM

-'•^ and p l a i ^ i b M b e ' ' ft ft&tf atSafis kda g O i ^

:- eon was aoC tka g M ta l e t bar •CT do aU that

it.-.inwj a ftaut ^

><> home of a w a a i t k y IkakQy ta D a b -"•here abe

^nT'a tiUd-atkiak ' f a r e Emiaet WM abia ta

. .^tber aad a a t k a e a ^ w ^ ^ "^^ - •StdlQg ^Mcb she penalt tad _ ^ ^ „ , „ .r^f„^»^ - - i i l i i i T k e y


waa tangepen. kad aad.

ftiew her anaa aboat Mm. ' 'm the gm ytavlietber seat jaa.

abeaatd. -TMti ^matymtg oped I wadd aitlTa aa St

Patzlekli dar-

"And now 'tiiat !>« come y«a cat wed rigbt aan^." -

metJvHL rat

t * a n u o g dndc is l a s ^ tag " — " " ' rnni l ea t a y to a i ^

Car BMl<^ and fcnales a laaa. t l la white tn eolar

naa oniaaa raDow faec n i B n i w a i a a d t ta a

**9» a r n r tlian.i Mth aa t w a h * a o a ^ s . Ua

a t K." ' A r e y e a s t r o n g e w k i g b r * "Btsoag MwoghT I

- . 9 ^ t 7 a . m . PhHiaaa F a d a r ^ . » - a a y i e . a l , f c » » . «

> witkCaO. l if lw^Wa aa.»~jha^fm' ^


k a l t a f t o t o f g i « r « aad a fiac af ehmc

lea a d k & Xbey ahoaid ka aaadr ta UB Ba aM let tka dncka. yooag or eld, rt ftlgktened if yna caa paafbly kaip

«t. Tbv aieaetfuaaUiiHjgt. K«

to na dang Oey If yoa ga about thesi t

^ ^mr are eaaHy drlrea any' far wken a i e l

«e . tl—i

| t H . * D a U l U M . T. P . a a d J — i ^ 5 - | L tkTLCHC. Fhaa. T a « a 1 ^ . * K L O * * y . < a « » . P a i » . A a t . ^ C W : W M l f l U a T . Q a a u A ^ a t . , •


ftk km n * le*e^ tte a%bt «f tka t y . tka a o a a d o f . d r u m , w e r e ae faiiplrfaig O a t h a

_ Jtxrraac t w o lowen BUees adTaoced

rapidly an fiar aa a a r l ^ H K m m e t had U a trade

•d it w a s bard t n a t c M ^ af ^^ramaam to a i a k e a / B f h g fist u » . -elf. H e waa not on ly h Cuthfal -r, bat had a aeetaanftal bent w U c k * u i ed falia w i t l S v a H v a krii

to aara a


SOUTHERN Winch offor^ ».-, T .



YMT iMmewlI beMfdy nirai h r v a t a k w 1.1.1 Monem utUi/UBm topleaae j w r agw aggl j^m. Unihi I.


n e e d e d - t o _kok| ktm ta keep kla

aaaaaged to k e e p k t a q o i e t b y ta «

wkOe w i t h t h e bera n a d e r the c o a l d not b e a a e a .

a t t e r a l i s _ - b e k e p t in b^A • • .

tat gtfod. t h e banna n u e e a a b k a a r t BOeea w « « pabUalied tn tbe cbmcta

w e t k a n d tbay h a d b b a d


ICaep a>a LUtsr Dry. ^ c k M l y W h p a ^ l k « £ e .

t«* wS l of tea befo tae daatp f t v e i ]

I bo f a t a l to t h e cfckLfceua. an r e d _

Makes more good bread to the sack than

doc^ed-jiOTd UuuhbL Amed ftjr its {oodaees. Tiyasack.

c. oiBTRiauTens

Sckwcfai, bon^ SKMI a i Omr M Fte&

• n t b i i occwrrad yeara a ^ . b u _ _ . a n o w a contractor a a d hae kafK iMuiy I

• a d which tttgetbar kav« m a d e tbo p<iuitrT k«er>.»-» ••«> ninjf to a r t v v t ! ^ ' f s t t e g r.r\<i vn:: t h e pradartioo of tbe (adtvldaa! day tbar taii oa tiiat It coats no to k » ^ a h»r that lays IfiO y « r t t o n ODc that kiya SO. and ^ , a greater profit lo tbe former caiM.

ftckand Buflding Maiefial o r ALL KINDS.


Facton-: .Vo 111 N Lee Str«<>t ALE:XAN-,R

Page 7: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,


R f f i A L P A S T O H S Y A U D ^ L I l ^ " community does not neces-.u»>^ , sitate a narrow life. He was the

V ' burden bearer and burden sharer The Country Minkter U A Vital ^ of his people. He waa a soldier

Force in Hi* CooMBunity— |of the cross, risking his health PeortTPwL

Billy Sunday's pay envdope us famous. There aren't many min­isters of the gospel whose income for services rendered dwarfs that

and eiliaus(ing^ his strength in ceaseiesa UH! aad self-forgetful perf jrmance of duty day and night in i ^ woucat of weather. He came to his white hairs and bent figure prematorely.and there were those who spoke of hifl| tbeo as "a broken-down minister', of

of the Preaident of the United | no furtiier use. But the an«elfl States or of a railway president, had kept the acraU and the record and gives a pugilist's prize money of bis d e ^ and character had a hard run for stuuendosity. At | been whttea in human hearts a recent dhurch f.tnfpropcp fj n forever. From the modest little preaidiac bishop invoked the time whenjJL miniiters should ret^ve Jl.OOO a year. Excluding the large cities, the highest average of salaries in any denpmination is under $750. The sahur of oae-third of the ministers in tba United States is $400 a year or lesa. Tte day of dooadon has gone by. The donation of jew

parsonage In the nllage, with lilacs in the d o p r j t r d» Jifi was eaMed, not to a larger salary or a oty pulpit, but to the city and a mansion prepared of old fw hlB condnir- "To tiKrwidow^ and children over hand pads' oT miles of telegraph wire, froaBone of the many wha had koova him but to love hioi, came tha wardfl:

Sundagr and family is. of eown, quite out of the ordinary.

Billy ^Qndiy > a_o(«Biunity disturber, an awaker. The pas­tor has a different work to do. It is not fnntfol of good, AiMi some of it brings cruei&dcm.

In the eeontry eommanities there are too few ^Siaries KhigSK leys and John Eij itlea, but in tliis day of tiie roral renaisaatKie there are many aten Uk« timn. These workers in ^ e <^urehea<tf the coontryside are eommonity builders.

- H f tne canBf.oi twcim BwrTi^p««m-ereasing nniBtar <ii the coontr^

-iniMstarrof Amnrif arfi dniBg: the W(H4: (tf Singalor s w d Oberiin aoc(H#i% to the iiesds of rural Amoica.

eountiyl i^ " Tiiey tcrrtacbiog jtmeg

old to ^ay—and hov to play. Hiey are promoting acii

.themsetrar "j^iCTl&re. They are eomine/to re«Bdagrientaral.

7aBa Mart eJAmrneO' Jmo:

Thiry wf' *~^* Tngineets. So^ cial engineoing i t ^ scsBBOsMid

"art of heii| ng~o(wiiiiEDufitt to help themsdves.

They are helinng eopomumties to rednsoTer themsdves as monlfies.

- ~ WBak-Teligisa is taking hoM en life. Andth^ethednirehesare

—[—iia kager omMtoy-> w«*J'> affaliy ^ Thdr activities oabrace ail com­

munity interesto. Their atliance' is with the BoT Scoots, the sehod* Bbrary, grange, the village iin-jirovema)t°.8qeiet7,*tbe coui^ agrieulturat agatt; the extenadn


babies. Every apple'and pear department M _aie agiCTltai»l|t,^^ every-ahadc-tpee. i8_A bird cdlege. Their Istcrertsare eoot-^B^fltyiiy»restaigoodrQads>good amnsement, aanitartoo. Their weapons are com clubs for the bofa, eookii^ efaifas for the girls, play f estrrals. pageants, ooving pictures, anytldng «Meh ***' **|iti(y tilfJ liiWiiT Ttmi country-life wfadesome and in-terestiag and ivosperous and friendly. "Thy Ejngdom OB aarth."

Tlure most be leadca-ship for the ehiavh ai the «onntr>Bide. The feadffB ars wnttiiy of thdr

4 -J

lure. "Die eountry ministry has not in all places measured up to its tasks, is it true, jet eflkigncvj| and service-were discovered long before the tital of "social atwv neer" was invented

^ Many a oamiry perauuif first rate abilities and of the finest scholarship and cultivation has run his gtxily race remote frun towns without ever wishing to change his place. His content­ment withiiis k>t and devotion to

"Ttit;t)eopteuf hispaiiriiaiealuwat-inccirnprehensible to men more ambitious for position ahd power.

M There was such a man perhaps \ \ •wno came into your Irffe. latere

was sQcfi a man perta{S~ nioided the commuaity where yon

hvMtiee To RaftwidK.

UnfMrT Hie gtanng injustice of the government's treatment fd the xailznadA in. the mattn of carrying the mails is brought out in a oompwison et what Uncle

he pays others. Th« gownment-owned Panama Raiiroad received last yeu-, according to a atenient by the committee on railway mail pay, $2.77 for each ton of mailfand four childrNu earned a mile, while the private

-ULJtbe_Unitod. Sy^teSt cording tn «»«tim*fea of the Poet Office Dqiartmont,reedved-»l>ont 10 cents per ton for each mile. If this is the kind el eztravaganee the go vaiunentownership oi rail-roadsataads for, it wSl be along while beiore the yetcrs et ttis eoontiT KTill give it

Had the p n v a t ^ owrned raiF-»kads of the United SttAea been pod-^ Panama Railroad, instead df re-esiving $65^660.086 or sfcont one-fifth-of th> Ph8tr<JTThri»"Hi iS

(MAL|1EWSN0TES There are seventy-seveh men j

who have worked for the Peun-! aylvaoia raiU'oad fifty years or more and are y^ung enough to be still working.

The census bureau has estab­lished a new precedent by enu­merating, at a local request and expense, the p^yaJation of a city between census years.

President Wtlaon will open the Pan-American financial confer­ence ifl Washington on ICay 24

iiddrHI Of wvkwue Ixr' ~ w i t b ^ thejlelegateaJEan Central and South America.

Mat^hali Hall on the Potomac twdve Mies below Alexandria,

y-eara. luui l>een


which ior y^ara. hiBS l>een the scene of festiva summer outiags and elabof^aahadiiakea. became dry Saturday.

Oaeof Culpeper's beat known citizens, Ifojor Charles White, a aiembsr of tisa staff of KSeoeral Vimiiam H F. Lee, firing the Civil War, died in Us home In Culpeper Sunday, age^ about •eight F years.

Pdlagra claimed its first victim in Page county Thursday. Mrs.

rmkm^9 o u

David Jenkins diedfr«n Qie <&-ease at her bom^ 10 miles Sbuth ofLorajr. She was abootW yens old and is survived by * fausfaand

I jflfiBg the months of February^ Mai^.tiMKe were 37.254. a9<

plications-for ~aapk>ynient epA ihqniriee for hdp reedved'st the

led; eral onploamtent bcueaD fawqiJh-out the country. aeeoniiag.tp tihe Departme^ at tabor. -— : , s

Through-die cow Grand Army of the Republic oany nt^aw Ywli. * *w"i> IwMtoa of, Oukmel M m & MoefagF.^eCoa-

T gwr, wnwoonded by

man^aMgiMnaa^thfly^faiiMhaw& reeeived $l,ie7,000;00(K or saore thaafere of thd Departmoit. The rail-

to ^ftfitber

Jiave adted for is to be paid for all the mail t h ^ cany, and far aH vicea eb<^ furnish tiie Post Office



All about us at this season of the ysar.are-thousands.oL hud|^]«toain>rkf<)CBiafytttra8ted4o

umaeij; the yjaa w i h e poeeS. the bwn eaves, ifae grass in the meadow, each has its hidden. hapi9 nestfuL Their imssioa is <me not mly of joy and music but of ecMMaaic vatoc BUiwiiiiin on

their fittie is away hunting thsrr fo«L_ The boy who protects the little honieeismaehmero^* the one #fae tries to make a big egg oollectaoB.--Oar Dnnd» Am-

New £r&. Brabham, Ivoa. I Gfoit. %¥hi]»poanrflhc~~


^pintual vision, able to translate ...A v,j..ui; into earthly realitiwt. 11' As a man of latitude, for a


Cow Peas of die

:cropa. We have aU the

B l a c k i . £ t c All choice redeaaed stock

and of superior qnality _ Write us for prices and

^iiVeod^ Crop Speoaf giy-' ing information about Cow Peai. Soja Beaai, Sor^rams.

Sodas Gran Seasonable SeAk.

T.W. WOOD d SONS. ,1a.

aineof hisoSecn. a ^ be paintad jaithaattMnsxtfewmoBtlis.' 'pteuiig win prehaMy be B o a g ^

^ X A » • % Ir* ^


Choice Meats

When you want a choice cut .o£.^ meal give, me a call. | handle only th^ best and cleanest, and I am confident you will be pleased with my seiy viee and prioea.

Freeh and Salt Meats. Fiah.--and Prffuwq ll"^ty^y PouSryonhaadataU II g @

l^ mmm v«.



Telegraph and Tclch phone

f or whidi w e i»pi c a j ^


y a. L. MtfNaOH;


witib a good ponq^

Vhoae or wxita f r p«i<tiqdHJ|.

.m\U •* Batiifcs Ahhuf r HichHwwwi = = -1-

OHver Harper, a widdy known atoos-

day at the home «< her son. She w i s the books and


Jl shows HMuar.,of Bieh!^ ^ashicms IM' mai, and ehadxan uid ysatta pay TrHBi if wiui ftYwry afe.

tza^sMed from the French SBaay warks. bkdnd



T tf» " Ta jrfmtr lifn riff -wfn Mrs. Heleai Bcordl I)'Apery.

The new secretary «i toe cioofi CTstiye Edncation Association of Virginia, J. H. Mcmtgomecy. has entered np(» ins dhties, and will be heneeftMrth in charge of the

Professor J. H. Binfrnd. who re-B g p ^ tSt Ij ii' siy BHWjjjjIjrri w'tf' A e Slate Bep^^ne^S^ltenr: tioB. \ ^ • . . - ^ •

"Peach Growing in Virginia" is the subject of the first bolMln gotten out by the Vxiginia P<rfy-

y »>i<» InatltT!^ 'KVrt-gtMonai Rwv-iee^iocofveratiixi wiUtthe Ui^ted Statea Department of AgrieuK twer~TS& has fu*"eane from

press, and is thfe woric of G. a Sta«^Mr, ansii^ant hortiiator TiM ia the

P | . ^ 4 , » W . l a n n t w w ^ m * t h y

godfather of his only grandson |-Sonday.and added to his duties by proBusing to safeguard ious wdfare of the child, the of Mr. andHra Frands B. Sairre. The dtild was aaeM Ftands

bdngadded in boaorof fatiier.

J. P. M<»gan, who ia reported as sailing firam Europe forlEe

is made from best materials, baked in an up-to-dato,oven^ u»~it».i hr Tirat ckaL ear^ n V K ^ V ^ ^ n n "^Z ^^m^m/^ff ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^-^v^

fill wodcmen. Ask Um it— -aeeept- ae- «th«.- We also brraa nice QUK3C LUNCH COlRfTER wha« yoa caa —***^ t r y annetile. ftffl line of coafectionoyl '•

"Greater Bi dtiinore" Tomato

Just doubles The YieU

Better Than BotaUBO't "Gfutor BaJUmorr' 1 .lujto )j

ytaU at luwiy of the bcsl Cuuiin^ To

Lipetu •vcnly I frda ff4SBr~trMjL'

le datten at n c r Viav

THE NEW BTANOAne ITY with which M*jptaUi iSra

6Mn Am SJutrf*f4

""^OF. [TJik&smsi^

Tiiih -eii known milling^ institution, recently re-built and set in first elasa eondi-

^tion. is now being operated -Jl; hy a miiier of years' of ex-

perience. The Flour "being made at this mill, Fancy and Straight Krade, is"tnving 8»t-iafaction whereveV used, and is rapidly attracting new cus­tomers. It is made of the -very best whi at and guarari-teedpure and healthy. Bran, MiddlingH and other feed fer sale. Water ground Meal, made of No. 1 com, constan*-lr"OTr~BaJar-and w ttccond 4» -.none. All orders promptly filled and delivered to nt'arb> marchantaif desired.

Phone messages to the mill receive vf^xapt attention. - Beat amikwt ifiitswpnidfor





—1013— T. A. StfYDOt PKKSBkvmC CO.,

"Suttf out- JxdtT iof ThoMttnA UL 'Cn^tm Salomon- TamSTSmt

a^?JSLS?&?i/ti?S5 1iadJmavhimmtFatimounX.Hm*m<mA netev

ii -r. A. SfTYBER PRBSBRVINC CO,dlc mUtt: ^WeJuwtitmmHamwmcmr Blt^

M TImsund Po^nd r " " — ^Sein>rm& 191S

'Watmtl mWntwf jjOM < SonUn a ^ n tokaBtaht oi

' ' " of

O i Jhnacar SOA. Mt. Wmt. B. Plmmmti, n KattCo^ML. mnituas hUomt: "Ihmmptmtta tarn ttftiff TtumtiMu tat hove met tomi4 aim cHur to do m* wU tar tm as At 'Gnatn

' TTti •iiiif •iiiiiiii • arniiif mil fiiii IIU

Tltt^att. tam»paraammam than arm odttr rmtrtHW.

Tkmamim '


rU^ii\kat.aae.m.tScXamL.me.Tiini:taK LAUGE 1915 CATALOGU

I i y w have not TCoclvcd your copy m t r B>ntnM IWCatata* ,

aad M urtfl.maiLjraa a fom at -taeb Wr

FRCl • « _»


buuli A MaRTfiiilS^


Matie. inekwi JJ


isoTei -CAW tPficigitcv

DULH&MARinCO ins F9t aad 1214-mG St.




^ ^ n a _fn>m the SupremeliT^ JT H O C K M A N Court <rf the If be rMcbes this eoantry. calllQffJELEV^ YEARS EXPERIENCE upon faim to ta>tee answer to the

which asserts that be has come into the possession <rf the will of

1 Martha Washington iu an unlaw-

, 4-the state to debver up the will to the state of Virgiaia and to the custodian of the rsefcds of Faii^ fax county, Va.

Ihbgsity SM4*rp«ku«a*bMi •«

muH ami liiii^ ag ilMftwji f 10.1

C^ailtaaiBli V«


wholatimatotba Real Estatoand Insurance business, we her^y sotidt all pnipeKy for saleand request those havutg property to list the same «rith ua promutiy.

7e are fceaMiig up opr stock ef waO J«|)ia* and ran ggipply yon witii any-thiag .7011 11^ want ffi MM^y TMMXC ^A*" • • - •« • •


loadef Bhw Ribbon Buggies, andone carioaduf tiie fauuius" ^ ^ Haydooks sarh mado of tho



THE JOURNAL trys to give ail the correct news all the time Subscribe for It sM you vSt be well inf<amed on tppics.

Two Carloads o^ e

fam hem UU^^^mm

very best material available, boq^t in the white woodaod painted aa per our instructiMa.

AlsealLkinds of




I t will be WQfth your while to. inspect our ^

T . l . CockreB & Co. Manassaa, Va.

Page 8: ff Iff - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · ^ihe"MahafflasPatrons' Lcatoc-ai 3 p. m. next Wednetdai", I May 12th,

mamjAL, FRIDAY. MAY t wis

B S J W J L GAPS REMADIIMST IffiT lARIiSGS l O m ' POSTAL SERVldl ] " i ; Z « „ ^ ^ ^ , , ,

$12 ,000 Needed foi iTii JnmmA Wmaiaagtxm H i g h w a y m

Piince WOiiM CoMtr.

The W«iilu^[taii Stai.n ,

• In Prince William eouuty, Va^ bet ween Neabscocreek and Chap-pawamsic crsek, there is a four-mik ttreteh of imimi»ro¥ed high­way which, together with a short stretch of two and one-half nuks-betwem Qiapfiawamac and Oc-' coquan, is anmiafly d^uiviAs: Washington merchants of many thousands of dcdlara in trade. It is eonaerratiTely estimated that lliia ^x poor road loet to Washington botels ftlfiBe^^aQOO dadagtbe, past year. And diis k m of bau-

> will grow l^irga- each

State Forester iends Out W a n -iiW No6ce«~C«U ForOne

At JMUTUJ omm.

The State Furestor is inaugu-ratioK^a f^mpwiitti agaoost fires in the woods, in which ail citi­zens are asked to join. TlieenQr-nouB aaffiia} daa<iiiftion by for­est fires m Virgiaia should - no longer be tofciated, attd a move­ment is new on foot to bring aboat a zstkmal sohition of the fire ppoblwn. Hie first step is to get w u s i o g Dotkea into tiie hands' of- the peo|de who have

Turnfarf nr who

of liie n«ed of tfaeeooapantiTriy^ snail sqm of 912,000 with which to improve these two s h o r t atretdiea, therein -giving motor

northersr. and aoBtfaen-cstiea a^ good, -^diMet «!eods«Qafai see

wish to pat them up for the good ai thftcauae. Iliese a o t k e n r e j onntipiwd. of three different kinds, «nd are printed in large letters on heavy


Readiiuktmenta PropoMcl Will Provide Mai FadUtias for |

IfUDipp ikbre. j

[Tbe Wtabuigtan 8tv ]

Plans for a gen««) readjuBt-ment of tiie mral postal service throoghoa't the coantry by July 1. so as to provide m«H fadhties for a millicHi persona not iilduded i»- the^ present roatwg system, were annonnred this week by Postmastsr General Burleson.

n V E CENTS A U N t F l R i T INSER­


J It A fajruoaal Bg«t^

- _ MtfU t s AaAora O a i

If J our csitljfc iwe rundown mra in an uuritfakhy cundilian, tr>- -a pac^ge of Saivet. Maddux &; Byrd. 5 7

Sabscribe for THK JOUKNAJ. Sl.(il) the year in advante.

ForSale. —ii reg-.yicrt-d Ljii.- 2-month8'-<^ HolsU-in and 2-.\ t ar-oW jCTsey. Will »ei! cheap. 3. B. T. T. Davies, MaDa.:.sa8. 5-7-tf

LOST: On Sunuay, May 2, a J tail lamp fron, m.\ auio on the Aden, Brentsville and iir^tow

Eurieaonssid.has.Qniered all r ^ \ ^ , M S " ' ^ ' ^ , " ? ^ ^ - , H ' ^ S . ^ " , . . „ , , ^btuitz,NokesvilJe Central. It* tracings of travel by ^ m e r s

The Postaffice Deputment. Mr.

duwinsfad and iinnfw«{ainr HPfr]. Want;f»r| —A rt iiahi ;.r,,j in-tivf vice, where found to exist, dis-jman or woman in Munassas to

MotQC^v^ucles jrili

sbQipa^^titL, and on dalh for post­ing outdoors, almictjhe roads and p a t h s j n the yoods, e t c . j r h a e aastone travefllog through the

CHAIWMB MASS IN APSfi. Daring last April changes in

the numl aerviee wet« aothonzed

atimiB by $177,644 TTus mcmey v._. t. ^, ^ . .. • .1 , . .. , , - -• . . .- has been osed to establish 2B3 taghw^ fonmi»«thtosteB^«riW^^i^^ a r e ^ „ , r t « . «Tving »on> than

—•*- "' " ^ -" ' stnct. and call < pan all citizens^ to,becArpfal,no4! to stsit afire, and | o pot oat jf pnasiHle. a^y


v x e versa, widi tfa« Nattona! Capital as the «aitral a|td moat interesting point"

the American Aatomriiile Aaw-ciatioB.a fi f erring to ifie iogtan^Ugbmy.


"With two shost stzdches m Priaee Wilfiam; tiw BkhtaMd-WaiUng^ tcHL J x i g k n a L j L j a ^ e i i E idete. At Iffovided tog <he tiOBvletaan«f evPTV MHrGtm hntthim «:— FWiwti |

A recent; rapart iaaned by ,thetgNit*iire.\riadi « k a n tem i board of dhcutots of the b i g ^ way iHojeet s h o ^ tiuttf20i.eS6.

i t ^ es&natedjihat &Rrt-fin8 brn^ op ^00,004>o(tirQriKiiiiK flrty «aeh sear, jttt the j '

the emaptaiM rf tW[ia ;v«rgmiy ff^ the timber being raiiiifly oA O^ and wnrih seyeni t^Mi what it

beiHxnrided under the new pian for so^vice where tbe highways will p«anit.

organize neitrhborhood ma^fazine clubs. Memberfi receiv« tbeir favorite mag;azines at one-third less than the rt-Kular price and pay monthly.' New plan. Work iff Ol gazii tng pleasant and highly ^ifofitable moA can be done in spare time. Regular monthly income. In rallying give gtt^-

and isferenoe. llag&v rine C(»npany, Bojt 155, Times Square Station, New Yor^ Gty.


Late of New York Oty and V«tenMi7 Advkor to U.


taOr. VickM*


THE^Ria^NS. -ViRGIWiA - «

Ev€a*ylhing Gobd^ to Eat

My line embraces Staple and Faiicy Gnx^eries

Queeriisware, Tin iind Kruanelware



or vniQNu, ;

31,006 famiKea. Extenskms of existing seiinoe also were pat in effect daiin^AiHil. involving i tot«l ot 104 addioonal taiks of travel I v rndb^^arriera. These extanaiaasawe K,f^, tjKtfTffm^ Caaiffiea ind aeprmdnateiy 6,010 adAfOttat pifeaaaa. I n expiaaa-t k s of U s pianiii, Ifr. Bmiesm

TThe patjfio&it is to enabfe the Poatoffiee DepartOMBt to meet

F * Sal^ - N e w $75.00 buggy, WBed only three or. four day*. Price. feO.OO^-^Er;!:. RotMnspn, Manassas, ytL -4-d0-2t-*

- T ^ For S a l e . - l S h. p.

engine, 17x22 l i ^ press. No. 2 Keystone wdl drffl. AH in fine eoodition. Low prices. "C H. Seejy, Baynarint , Va. 4-23-St-*

FVa* Sa]e.~^Eaily.eaU»ge and tomato JsbabB. J. H; B m t e A C a 4-2STtf

A well bred Kentucky Jack of •flflgtione and good frame.' Now

standing him at Lawn Vale Stock Farm, 2 miles from Catharpin.

For the Tired



"ROiG FL0WIN6 If you tfeed a plow, re­member that the Xjkvear QiiUed is sapai<H- to *ay

GARDEN MAKING . All neeessary g a r d e n

tools. CoBM here . f e r - ' -spadeai, rakes, hoes, cot-

• - tivatiica,ete. f ^ t t o e k



"The bigfawv thns far faas been constradtid with V i z g i ^ money. The nmsompletod por­tion is near the J""!*^! an^-as this city woidd reap the gm^iuBL benefits frotn the eonqidetion odt the road, it seenas pbniBSile thtt some effbrt ^ i o a l d _ ^ n i a d e a t this point to procare^rf phee at the disposal q^ the bnadetetfe necessary $12,000.

SUGGESra $1 OOaiTHIBCTiMJS. As a meaaa af i ^ M y the

money it aatjbt be painted out that there are tu taan H.rit 12,000 o w t a r i i t B i n ^ D i i i b l e t ^ t o Cdumbia, and 8q|ggci«ed that.if

for Washington about and no «a

ways some who in prise s t a n i i ^ by t the « of 0 txumyi who woQld( $20. thos •"•'-•ig i^t ency of the fcBsw wl in 'letting Geotie do it.' '*

« y ° * ' j g . ^ g ™ g f a . «ie^ jt ^ ^ step thedrfhrgy s m ^ t r o n qnred to carty spfficjeat apuk arreaCeo. And forest waidens mas be flaaanosioafed fay the GoipwDV to apforee the fire kwa^ jBttder tiie Erection ai the-atste forester, and to ^ght &ea. e t c (A eepT^^ the fire jan^vffl be « i i t ^ « » « , « 8 t ^ ^ t h a ^ S « ^ Pa^estsa-, i j y > i B j a j qf ^rgii^it, Catti!iottesvifle.YaL) B a t s tanatety there has not y«t any inoney appropriated with'

hag the laws and shting fires. TbB next IfftadaliiiL is espected

soase to the raaeos la thia ad oMihe i tpoadiW

to hate


' office <tf this

The Natkud Capital Show, of which Melvin a Is manager. of)eBB to-morrow m Washington, i t will ^^^trnac through the Ifthi

to the State ChariottesviDe. Va.

—itK O i W i i i m f c . toHL, AptS 27-30, '' -•> Acrtjout above OCTASMO. SoQth-

KAiiway wiU have or, «*Je»t Wuii-- 1 ' P C . and prinaym] point* in , i.. ji i.p«cia.t rocTxi tnp fare tieketr

BB, or fw ipptal-latMB alone.


Reeder & Wine

important postd. eenten wffl be doobled. Thus families in & ^ area imiwfdiatply tribntary to these ^enters will be enabled to tafce foB advaaUge of tibe pared post as a means of the t a t M B a f & n n prodoets. — Kiuai to every titled to k as rapii&y aa th4

can be m a d e "

E l tet mi iiatiwi o€,tha foot at MBth dJaease n n n g cattle

at^ to(

«f-799.32. Thil lepioaenta, how-

oatj ona-half ci the actual the Federal govern-

fim The hat has been w v e d

BMa Dispatph,

T1>r pais* t}aat C&KAP per fnliam-m

^-^ - -^ W A S H I N G T O N . P: C.

Ue Im SixSm <f Sm Wat Fikis bwk fa dni

nffiMRH^ Tim^ mm yna m UttW motr pm JT'^"- ^ t

j^>d«, an H wDl do tran dkaKanA tet oac^


tfm^ 'am'9)

* g f ^Th thn • l i t

One of the Season's Moat Desirable Fhbries forl9ew1 tft mrfc Ptm*ed V^aa. S p w U , Ynid <%aioe of broad or narrsw sttmea, nolha dsti

inm 2 Z7.mc^PiskMlV«

Ipiiihl. Y i i i Prettr tinted or white grounds with atn»li i»—11

Unm, Llmiue uf piuk, bine, favender, biaek and Z An Ideal Material for Weasca's Waists and H B K ^ a i d B D V ^ a u t a .

3 2 4 K h S S E Warp ShMaCS. Special. Yacri CSMHC of padt, faloe or lavcfide^ sbiped eflteto OB white groimda, an^



A new material tfa^ looks and wears as w«fi as ami or even better; a aoft, ptkhle material -with a silky sheen. ChatcB o fyMte ; ahik, % h t b i t , lawemia^jiirm^rm^^^^SL

Bossian green, br»wn. BM^ky Monntdb bteev Copeshacen. J^n-aJKr- mM AriaoH a O v ^ and. potty, gray, de i f l . ' ^ ^^^ • ^^' Honteri

Materials for P iaao t and MoontaiB Dress.

59t^ pink. blae. brown, n ivy. nme.

Momtttit xflyc, fUTiT'

Yaa^drsa. YanT *20c

Every piece of material goaranteed fast coka-; spedally nice for children's sorts. Choice rf Btnpe and check dK^smsr a ^ phdn eokirs to

eolorings in ;riaiD or aobd shades. WASH GOODS STORE—5TK£Xrr FIXWR


j - . » . . . . .

« I

R.F. D.