bahasa inggris makalah

THE IMPORTANCE OF BREAKFAST By Group 22: Desak Made Trisna Ulandari (125070301111002) Dwiyanti Caessaria Hartiwi (125070301111010) Shabrina Dessy Aryanti (125070301111027) Tiara Dian Novitasari (125070301111011) Tita Ailul Mucharommah (125070300111024) Rachmi Faricha (125070301111005) Dietitian 1

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Post on 28-Apr-2015




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By Group 22:

Desak Made Trisna Ulandari (125070301111002)

Dwiyanti Caessaria Hartiwi (125070301111010)

Shabrina Dessy Aryanti (125070301111027)

Tiara Dian Novitasari (125070301111011)

Tita Ailul Mucharommah (125070300111024)

Rachmi Faricha (125070301111005)

DietitianMedical Faculty

Brawijaya UniversityMalang



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1.1 Background

Almost everyone of us must have heard the saying, breakfast is the most important

meal of the day. Still, not many have taken it seriously and made breakfast a part of their

daily diet.

Healthy eating doesn’t necessarily mean dieting, it refers instead to eating sensible,

balanced amounts of the right foods at the right times – and that includes a good breakfast.

There’s a reason why people have said for many years that “breakfast is the most important

meal of the day”. After six, seven or eight hours – if you’re lucky – of sleep, your body and

brain need some fuel to power and prepare them for the day ahead. Like a car, you can’t run

on an empty tank, you need some petrol. As its name implies, the purpose of breakfast is to

break the fast between dinner and lunch.

Based on that background, our group wants to make a paper about the importance of

breakfast. We hope our paper can useful for many people.

1.2 Problem

1.2.1 What does the breakfast mean?

1.2.2 What is the importance of breakfast?

1.2.3 How to make a good, easy and quick breakfast?

1.3 Purpose

1.3.1 To understand the meaning of breakfast.

1.3.2 To understand the importance of breakfast.

1.3.3 To know how to make a good, easy and quick breakfast.


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2.1 The Mean of Breakfast

Breakfast (literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night) is the

first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before

undertaking the day's work. Among English speakers, "breakfast" can be used to refer to this

meal, or, less commonly, to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (such as

eggs, oatmeal and sausage) served at any time of day. Breakfast foods vary widely from place

to place, but often include a carbohydrate such as grains or cereals, fruit and/or vegetables,

a protein food such aseggs, meat or fish, and a beverage such as tea, coffee or fruit juice.

Coffee, tea, juice, breakfast cereals, pancakes, sausages, bacon, sweet bread, fresh fruit,

vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, muffins, crumpets and toastwith butter or

margarine  and/or jam or marmalade are common examples of breakfast foods, though a large

range of preparations and ingredients are associated with breakfast globally.

Nutritional experts have referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day,

citing studies that find that people who skip breakfast are disproportionately likely to have

problems with concentration, metabolism, and weight.

2.2 The Importance of Breakfast

1) Eating breakfast prevents you from bottoming out and getting too hungry.

Nutritionally, when you have breakfast, there’s more of a guarantee that you’re

getting the nutrients you need every day.

2) Eating breakfast gives you a mental advantage. When you start off your day,

your body needs fuel. Glycogen stores start to deplete. If you haven’t had any

food, by lunch you’ll start to feel fatigued, you lose focus and concentration as

well as the ability to think and problem-solve.

3) Your mood. Did you know that hunger can cause mood swings and irritability.

So can running on empty. Your body is lacking something. This affects your

whole system. People who do eat breakfast tend to be much less irritable than

those who do not. 

4) Eating first thing in the morning may help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which

regulate appetite and energy. They suggest people who eat breakfast are less

likely to be hungry during the rest of the day and are, therefore, less likely to



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5) Breakfast is at the very beginning of the day. Families can sit down and enjoy

this meal together, grasping a little bit of quality time each morning.

It’s a well known fact that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than people who

don’t and this is due to several reasons:

1. Breakfast provides the energy your body requires in order to perform activities.

Therefore, you’re not so tired and can do more.

2. It kickstarts the body into producing the enzymes needed to metabolise fat,

helping to shed the pounds.

3. Eating a good breakfast keeps you full for longer and may make you less likely

to reach for snacks.

They found that people who ate breakfast every day were a third less likely to be obese

compared to those who skipped the meal. In addition, they were half as likely to have blood-

sugar problems, which increase the risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol,

which is a known risk factor for heart disease. That's because someone who skips breakfast is

likely to get famished before lunchtime and snack on high-calorie foods or overeat at lunch.

The best breakfasts are low in carbs and fat, and high in protein and fiber. Ideally, you

should get between 7 and 10 grams of fiber at breakfast, which will fill you up.

Most people have the same gripe when it comes to breakfast: There’s no time in the

morning. Truth is, breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated. An egg white omelet loaded

with veggies may be a nice treat on the weekends, but there are also simple and fast

breakfasts that you can easily eat on the go. Try prepping oatmeal the night before. In the

morning, you can just add water or low-fat milk and heat. A tasty alternative to the same old

oatmeal is to top it with fruit and grated cheese. Add protein to your pancakes, then freeze the

pancakes in small plastic bags or plastic wrap. In the morning, toast the frozen pancakes and

top with sugar-free syrup, low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt and fruit, peanut or almond butter, or

unsweetened applesauce.  Each has a good mix of protein, carbs, and fiber. Those are all

good, easy, quick breakfasts.

2.3 Make A Good, Easy, and Quick Breakfast

Most people have the same gripe when it comes to breakfast: There’s no time in the

morning. Truth is, breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated. An egg white omelet loaded

with veggies may be a nice treat on the weekends, but there are also simple and fast

breakfasts that you can easily eat on the go. Try prepping oatmeal the night before. In the

morning, you can just add water or low-fat milk and heat. A tasty alternative to the same old

oatmeal is to top it with fruit and grated cheese. Add protein to your pancakes, then freeze the


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pancakes in small plastic bags or plastic wrap. In the morning, toast the frozen pancakes and

top with sugar-free syrup, low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt and fruit, peanut or almond butter, or

unsweetened applesauce.  Each has a good mix of protein, carbs, and fiber. Those are all

good, easy, quick breakfasts.

Thereis some tips to make a quick and healthy breakfast:

1) Pick 2-3 foods, including at least one from each of the following food groups:

Bread and grain (i.e.cereal, toast, muffin

Milk and milk product (i.e. low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk)

Fruit or vegetable group (i.e bananas, apples, carrots)

2) Pick up portable breakfast items when at the grocery store. You should buy

foods like fruit, low-fat yogurt, whole grain breakfast bars, or granola bars for

those mornings when you have to eat breakfast on the go.

3) Replace or accompany that morning cup of coffee with a glass of orange juice

or milk.

4) Make an omelette. You can shorten preparation time by chopping up your

vegetables ahead of time.

5) Get up 15 minutes earlier.  You can fix and consume a healthy breakfast in 15

minutes or less.

6) Plan ahead to eat breakfast.  This means you should decide what you are going

to eat for breakfast before the next morning.   You can save time by putting

out the box of cereal or cutting up some fruit the night before.


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3.1 Conclusion

Breakfast (literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night) is the

first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before

undertaking the day's work. 

The benefit of breakfast are:

1) Prevents you from bottoming out and getting too hungry

2) Gives you a mental advantage

3) Make your mood good

4) May help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite and energy

5) Make a little bit of quality time in the morning

Tips to make a good, easy, and quick breakfast are:

1) Pick up portable breakfast items when at the grocery store

2) Replace or accompany that morning cup of coffee with a glass of orange juice

or milk

3) Make an omelette.

4) Get up 15 minutes earlier. 

5) Plan ahead to eat breakfast. 

3.2 Suggestion

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. There are many more reasons

why. Start your day off right, as a family. So get the breakfast to make our body still health.