bada$$ finishers

7/27/2019 BADA$$ Finishers 1/24

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Page 2: BADA$$ Finishers

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Bad A$$ Finishers



DISCLAIMER !h" in#ormation pro$i%"% in thi& gui%" i& #or "%ucationa' purpo&"& on'y. I am

not a %octor an% thi& i& not m"ant to (" ta)"n a& m"%ica' a%$ic". !h" in#ormation pro$i%"%

in thi& gui%" i& (a&"% upon my o*n "+p"ri"nc"& a& *"'' a& my o*n int"rpr"tation& o# th"

curr"nt r"&"arch that i& a$ai'a('". !h" a%$ic" an% tip& gi$"n in thi& gui%" ar" m"ant #or

h"a'thy a%u't& on'y. ,ou &hou'% con&u't your phy&ician to in&ur" a%$ic" an% tip& gi$"n in

thi& gui%" ar" appropriat" #or your in%i$i%ua' circum&tanc"&. I# you ha$" any h"a'th i&&u"&

or pr"-"+i&ting con%ition& p'"a&" con&u't your phy&ician ("#or" imp'"m"nting any o# th"

in#ormation pro$i%"% ("'o*. !hi& pro%uct i& #or in#ormationa' purpo&"& on'y an% th" author%o"& not acc"pt any r"&pon&i(i'ity #or any 'ia(i'iti"& or %amag"& r"a' or p"rc"i$"%

r"&u'ting #rom th" u&" o# thi& in#ormation. A'' right& r"&"r$"%. No part o# thi& pu('ication

may (" r"pro%uc"% tran&mitt"% tran&cri("% &tor"% in a r"tri"$a' &y&t"m or tran&'at"%

into any 'anguag" in any #orm *ithout th" *ritt"n p"rmi&&ion an% &ignatur" o# th" author.

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Bad A$$ Finishers

/"'com" to th" Ba% A Fini&h"r &"ri"&. In&i%" i& *h"r" you *i'' #in% &traight up Ba%

 A #ini&h"r&. !h"&" *i'' 'a&t 3- minut"& 'ong an% ar" p"r#"ct to p'ac" at th" "n% o# any


!h"&" #ini&h"r& ar" not #or "$"ryon". Mo&t p"op'" *ant to og on th" tr"a%mi'' #or 4-minut"& a& th"ir #ini&h"r... ,ou *i'' N5! #in% that crap h"r"6

 A'' o# th"&" #ini&h"r& *i'' (" int"n&" cha''"ng" you to th" cor" an% ma)" you on" (a% a

in th" gym.

L"t7& g"t &tart"%.

8""p m" po&t"% on your progr"&&

D"nni& 9""nan C:!

Foun%"r FatBurningNation.comCr"ator Sup"rh"roSprint&.com

:.S. Don7t #org"t my oth"r &it"&...

 *** - B'og po&t& $i%"o& moti$ation #r"" gi#t& #r"" cont"nt an%


 ***.Sup"rh"roSprint&.com  ; R"$o'utionary &i+-*"") *or)out program& that com(in"&

th" t*o mo&t po*"r#u' #at (urning *or)out& on th" p'an"t6

 <oin u& on Fac"(oo) at  ***.Fac"(oo).com=Bo%yFitFormu'a

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Train Hard But Train SAFE!

1. I# you ar" un&ur" o# ho* to %o an "+"rci&" (" &ur" to g"t in&truction #rom a c"rti#i"%


2. I# &om"thing hurt& or #""'& o## %on>t %o that "+"rci&". !h"r" ar" p'"nty o# a't"rnat"&

that you can a%% in. :'"a&" #""' #r"" to "mai' dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com #or i%"a&.

3. A'*ay& (" &ur" to &tart &'o* to a$oi% inury. :u&hing too har% a#t"r not *or)ing out

#or a *hi'" *i'' on'y '"a% to inury or ("ing o$"r'y &or".

. I# you #in% you n""% mor" r"&t in ("t*""n "+"rci&"& ta)" it. It7& ("tt"r to ta)" mor"r"&t an% )""p gr"at #orm.

4. A'*ay& *arm up prop"r'y. B" &ur" you ar" #u''y *arm"% up ("#or" &tarting your *or)out&.

?. @&" a #oam ro'' an% &tr"tch con&i&t"nt'y. !hi& *i'' gr"at'y h"'p *ith "'iminating

&or"n"&& throughout th" program.

. "t goo% r"&t. ,ou mu&t a''o* your (o%y to r"co$"r #rom your *or)out& &o (" &ur"

you ar" g"tting goo% &'""p.

. Drin) 'ot& o# *at"r. !hi& *i'' )""p you hy%rat"% an% allow you to lose fat more easily .

. 9a$" a coo' %o*n p"rio% at th" "n% o# "ach *or)out that inc'u%"& &tr"tching an%

#oam ro''ing.

 And again... Always, always, ALWAYS remember to make sure you are warmed up

 before starting any of these finishers! Don't sit for minutes after your workout then try

to do one of these. eep warm as you re"o#er then $ump into them.

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Finisher #1: Pyramid Finisher

%o#e from one e&er"ise to the ne&t only resting when needed. omplete as

(ui"kly as possible.

50 double unders• 0 ushus

• "0 ettlebell sin%s

• &0 Burees

• 10' 10 se(ond on 5 se(ond o)) s*uat +ums,,

◦ -omlete as *ui(ly as ossible' restin% only hen needed.

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total time.

,,2ote,, For the 10' 10 se(ond on 5 se(ond o)) s*uat +ums' here is hat you ill do:

• S*uat +um: 10 se(onds

◦ 3est: 5 se(onds

• S*uat +um: 10 se(onds

◦ 3est 5 se(onds

• 4 3eeat until you do 10 rounds o) s*uat +ums.

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Finisher #&: Sin%les

%o#e from one e&er"ise to the ne&t only resting when needed. omplete )

rounds as (ui"kly as possible.

Bul%arian Slit S*uat: res ea(h le%• 6(e Saters: 7 res ea(h le%

• 8B S*uat to Sin%le Arm Press: 9 res ea(h side

•  um ;un%es: 5 res ea(h side

◦ 3eeat )or " total rounds

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total time.

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Finisher #": Be a BA8 A$$

%o#e from one e&er"ise to the ne&t only resting when needed. *e sure to

 gi#e yourself enough rest in order to perform the barbell s(uats safely. +f

you need to de"rease weight during the workout, do so. *eginners should

do goblet, dumbbell, or bodyweight s(uats.

• Barbell S*uat: 15 res

◦ 8e(line Pushus: 10 res

◦ S*uat ums: 10 res

◦ <ountain -limbers: 10 res ea(h le%

• Barbell S*uats: 1& res

◦ 8e(line Pushus: 10 res

◦ S*uat ums: 10 res

◦ <ountain -limbers: 10 res ea(h le%

Barbell S*uat: 10 res◦ 8e(line Pushus: 10 res

◦ S*uat ums: 10 res

◦ <ountain -limbers: 10 res ea(h le%

• Barbell S*uat: res

◦ 8e(line Pushus: 10 res

◦ S*uat ums: 10 res

◦ <ountain -limbers: 10 res ea(h le%

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total time.

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Finisher #: et Athleti(

omplete as many rounds as possible of the e&er"ises below in -minutes.

• 7 burees

• 7 ettlebell sin%s

• 7 bo= +ums

◦ -omlete as many rounds as ossible in 7>minutes

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to %et more rounds

than you did the time be)ore. For e=amle' i) you do " rounds the )irst time' your %oal

is to beat that the ne=t time.

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Finisher #5: 10 By 10

omplete as (ui"kly as possible resting only when needed.

• Pushus: 10 res

• Pull>?s: 10 res

• S*uat ums: 10 res

•  um ;un%es: 10 res ea(h side

• Barbell or 8B @erhead Press: 10 res

• 8e(line Pushus: 10 res

• 6(e Saters: 10 res ea(h le%

• ;ea ?s: 10 res ea(h le%

• Burees: 10 res

• Srints in Pla(e: 10... 9 se(onds 90 se(onds!C

◦ -omlete as *ui(ly as ossible.

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total time.

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Finisher #9: Bad A$$ Pyramid

Start by doing ) reps on ea"h e&er"ise. After ea"h full round, add ) reps to

ea"h e&er"ise. omplete as many rounds as possible in minutes.


◦ Dettlebell Sin%s

◦ Burees

◦ -lain% Pushus or ushus

◦ <ountain -limbers ea(h sideC

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total rounds.

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Finisher #7: Diller Boots... 6 mean Abs man...

Sorry for the Dumb and Dumber mo#ie referen"e... Alright, to the finisher/

omplete all reps of one e&er"ise before mo#ing to the ne&t. omplete two

full rounds only resting when needed.

• <ountain -limbers: "0 se(onds

• Han%in% ;e% 3aise: 10 res

• -ross Body <ountain -limbers: "0 se(onds

• Siderman Pushus: 10 res

• 3o(in% Plans: "0 se(onds

◦ 3eeat )or & )ull rounds

 /orout oal: Ea(h time you er)orm this orout' your %oal is to beat your

reious total time.

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E=er(ise 8es(ritions

 um 3oe: 8ouble ?nders

See ideo>>>>>>>> -;6-D HE3E T@ 6E/


1. Starting :o&ition "t in a pu&h-up po&ition *ith your han%& a(out &hou'%"r *i%th apart

or a 'itt'" *i%"r than &hou'%"r *i%th. 8""p your cor" tight an% your (ac) &traight.

2. Mo$"m"nt S'o*'y 'o*"r your&"'# %o*n to th" #'oor )""ping your cor" tight an% (ac)&traight. 5nc" you ha$" r"ach"% 2- inch"& o## th" #'oor pau&" #or a &"con% th"n pu&h

your&"'# (ac) up into th" &tarting po&ition.

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Dettlebell Sin%s

1. Starting Mo$"m"nt Start *ith your &tanc" a 'itt'" *i%"r than &hou'%"r *i%th apart *ith

your to"& point"% &'ight'y out*ar%&.

2. Mo$"m"nt Suat %o*n *ith your (ac) comp'"t"'y &traight %ropping th" %um(("''

("t*""n your '"g&. /h"n you ha$" r"ach"% th" (ottom on your &uat you *i'' &'ight'ypu&h your #or"arm& again&t your groin ar"a to g"t mom"ntum to &*ing th" %um(("'' (ac)

up. ,ou *i'' th"n &uat (ac) up *hi'" th" %um(("'' &*ing& up in a #'ui% motion *ith th"

&uat. !hi& i& a continua' mo$"m"nt &o onc" you ha$" &too% (ac) up an% th" %um(("'' ha&

r"ach"% a(out ch"&t h"ight you *i'' r"p"at th" mo$"m"nt again.

!rain"r>& !ip Start out u&ing a com#orta('" *"ight "&p"cia''y i# you ha$" n"$"r %on" thi&

mo$"m"nt ("#or". 8"tt'"("''& *or) ("&t #or thi& mo$"m"nt.

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!rain"r>& !ip !h"r" ar" many %i##"r"nt (urp"" $ariation "+"rci&"&. For ("ginn"r& you canomit th" pu&h-up %on" in pictur"& an% 4 an% in&t"a% u&t p"r#orm th" &uat to ump

(ac) to ump #or*ar% to &uat up. For mor" a%$anc"% $ariation& you can a%% in pu&h-up&

a& *" %i% in th" pictur"& an% can a'&o a%% in a &uat ump at th" "n% o# th" mo$"m"nt.

S*uat ums

1. Starting :o&ition Start (y &tan%ing *ith your #""t u&t *i%"r than &hou'%"r *i%th apart in

th" po&ition you *ou'% (" in i# you *"r" g"tting r"a%y to ump. Suat %o*n a& though you

 *"r" p"r#orming a (o%y*"ight &uat.

2. Mo$"m"nt /h"n you r"ach th" (ottom o# your &uat %ri$" your #""t into th" groun%

"+p'o%ing into a $"rtica' ump. /h"n coming %o*n (" &ur" an% 'an% &o#t'y th" r"p"at.

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Bul%arian Slit S*uat

1. :'ac" on" '"g on a ("nch or chair ma)ing &ur" that it i& &"cur". /ith your oth"r '"g ta)"

a &t"p #or*ar% that i& a 'itt'" #urth"r than your norma' &t"p.

2. 8""ping your cor" tight 'o*"r your (o%y unti' your #ront '"g ha& r"ach"% a 0 %"gr""

ang'". ,ou *i'' th"n r"turn to th" &tarting po&ition an% comp'"t" #or th" a''ott"% amount o#tim"=r"p&. 5nc" #ini&h"% &*itch '"g&.

6(e Saters

1. Starting in an ath'"tic po&ition *ith your )n""& ("nt an% cor" tight you *i'' ump

'at"ra''y to on" &i%" 'an%ing on on'y your out&i%" #oot.

2. 5nc" you ha$" 'an%"% &a#"'y you *i'' ump (ac) 'an%ing on your oth"r #oot. ,ou *i''

continu" in thi& #a&hion #or th" %uration o# th" gi$"n tim" #ram". B" &ur" to &tart *ith

 umping at a com#orta('" %i&tanc". A& you g"t &trong"r you can *or) on umping #urth"r

an% #urth"r.

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1 Arm 8B S*uat to Press

1. 9o'% a )"tt'"("'' or %um(("'' at &hou'%"r h"ight *ith your pa'm #acing a*ay #rom your

(o%y. L"t th" oth"r arm hang #r"" at your &i%".

2. Suat to at '"a&t para''"' maintaining an upright tor&o. R"turn to th" &tan%ing po&ition

 *hi'" &imu'tan"ou&'y pr"&&ing th" *"ight o$"rh"a%. Do a'' r"p& on on" &i%" th"n &*itch.

 um ;un%es

Startin% Position:Stan% *ith your #""t &hou'%"r-*i%th apart. St"p #or*ar% *ith your '"#t

'"g ta)ing a &'ight'y 'arg"r than norma' &t"p. 8""p your right to" on th" groun% an% u&" it

to h"'p )""p your (a'anc". !h" right )n"" &hou'% a'&o (" ("nt. Lo*"r your (o%y unti' your

'"#t thigh i& para''"' to th" groun%.

<oement: 8""p your upp"r (o%y upright an% your 'o*"r (ac) #'at "+p'o%" up*ar%&

ump (y %ri$ing through (oth '"g& &imu'tan"ou&'y *hi'" &*itching your '"g& in th" air

your #""t *i'' &*itch p'ac"& on "ach r"p. Continu" in thi& a't"rnating #a&hion.

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Barbell S*uats


!arg"t Entir" 'o*"r (o%y cor"


1. Starting :o&ition Stan% ho'%ing th" (ar acro&& your upp"r (ac) &u""Ging your

&hou'%"r ('a%"& tog"th"r. ,ou %o not *ant th" (ar r"&ting on your &pin". S"t your #""t

a(out &hou'%"r *i%th apart *ith your #""t in a com#orta('" po&ition #acing a'mo&t &traight#or*ar%. ,our 'o* (ac) &hou'% (" in it& natura''y arch"% po&ition an% your "y"& &hou'% ("

&traight #or*ar% or a &'ight ti't up.

2. Mo$"m"nt :u&h your hip& (ac)*ar%& a& i# you *"r" going to &it %o*n in a chair *ith

th" pr"&&ur" an% *"ight on your h""'&. Lo*"r your (o%y a& 'o* or a& com#orta('y a& you

can. 5nc" you r"ach th" (ottom o# your &uat %ri$" your h""'& into th" groun% an% &tan%

(ac) up into your &tarting po&ition.

TrainerGs Ti: Mo&t p"op'" thin) &uat inuri"& happ"n ("cau&" o# &uatting too 'o*.

9o*"$"r inuri"& occur *h"n you train your (o%y to on'y go para''"' an% th"n th" on"

in&tanc" you go 'o*"r than para''"' th" inury happ"n&. !raining your (o%y #rom th" &tart

to go 'o*"r an% 'o*"r "ach tim" *i'' h"'p you a$oi% inuri"&. Start &'o* an% gra%ua''y a&

you g"t &trong"r an% mor" #'"+i('" you *i'' (" a('" to go 'o*"r an% 'o*"r.

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8e(line Pushu

1. 8""p th" a(& (rac"% an% (o%y in a &traight 'in" #rom to"& )n""& to &hou'%"r&. :'ac" th"

han%& on th" #'oor &'ight'y *i%"r than &hou'%"r-*i%th apart. E'"$at" your #""t onto &tair& or

a ("nch.

2. Lo*"r your&"'# %o*n unti' you ar" 2 inch"& o## th" groun%. :u&h through your ch"&t

&hou'%"r& an% tric"p& to r"turn to th" &tart po&ition. 8""p your (o%y in a &traight 'in" at a''tim"&.

<ountain -limbers

1. Starting :o&ition Start in a pu&h-up po&ition *ith your cor" tight an% (ac) &traight.

2. Mo$"m"nt Fir" on" '"g #or*ar% to*ar%& your ch"&t )""ping th" )n"" 'o* to th" groun%

an% your (ac) &traight. 5nc" you ha$" r"ach"% th" ch"&t ar"a *ith th" #ir&t '"g r"turn to

th" &tarting po&ition an% p"r#orm th" &am" routin" *ith th" n"+t '"g. ,ou *i'' continu" thi&

a't"rnating #a&hion #or th" a''ott"% amount o# tim".

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Bo= ums

1. Stan% in #ront o# a (o+ that i& 12-2 inch"& high. Engaging your cor" ump an% 'an% on

top o# th" (o+ *ith your )n""& ("nt a''o*ing your mu&c'"& to a(&or( th" #orc".

2. St"p %o*n o## th" (o+ an% r"p"at. ra%ua''y incr"a&" th" (o+ h"ight accor%ing to *hat i&

com#orta('" #or you.


!arg"t Cor" 'at& (ic"p& r"ar &hou'%"r& Fu'' Bo%y

1. Starting :o&ition rip th" (ar *ith your pa'm& #acing #or*ar% *ith your han%& &'ight'y

 *i%"r than &hou'%"r *i%th apart. 9ang *ith your arm& #u''y "+t"n%"% an% your cor" tight.

2. Mo$"m"nt :u'' your&"'# up unti' your chin ha& gon" pa&t th" (ar th"n &'o*'y 'o*"ryour&"'# (ac) %o*n to th" &tarting po&ition.

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@erhead Press

!arg"t D"'toi%& !ric"p& Lo*"r !rap"Goi%&


1. Starting :o&ition :'ac" you #""t in a &tagg"r"% po&ition *ith on" #oot in #ront o# th"

oth"r to r"%uc" t"n&ion on th" 'o* (ac). :'ac" your han%& on th" (ar a(out &hou'%"r *i%th

apart an% p'ac" th" (ar("'' in #ront o# your &hou'%"r& to &tart.

2. Mo$"m"nt :r"&& th" (ar("'' &traight up unti' your arm& ha$" r"ach"% #u'' "+t"n&ion

th"n &'o*'y 'o*"r th" (ar (ac) to th" &tarting po&ition.

TrainerGs Ti: 9a$ing your #""t &tagg"r"% ta)"& pr"&&ur" o## o# your 'o* (ac). E&p"cia''y *h"n g"tting to h"a$i"r *"ight& (" &ur" your #orm r"main& p"r#"ct throughout6

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;ea ?s

Start *ith your right '"g on a chair or ("nch *ith your '"#t '"g #irm'y p'ac"% on th" groun%.

Dri$ing through your right '"g on th" chair umping up a& high a& you can an% &*itching

'"g& in th" air. /h"n you 'an% 'an% &o#t'y *ith your right '"g on th" groun% an% '"#t '"g on

th" chair.

8""p &*itching in thi& a't"rnating #a&hion going at a uic) y"t com#orta('" &p""%.

-lain% Pushus

1. Starting :o&ition "t in a pu&h-up po&ition *ith your han%& a(out &hou'%"r *i%th apart

or a 'itt'" *i%"r than &hou'%"r *i%th. 8""p your cor" tight an% your (ac) &traight.

2. Mo$"m"nt S'o*'y 'o*"r your&"'# %o*n to th" #'oor )""ping your cor" tight an% (ac)

&traight. 5nc" you ha$" r"ach"% 2- inch"& o## th" #'oor "+p'o%" up*ar%& c'apping yourhan%& tog"th"r at th" top. Lan% &o#t'y an% r"p"at.

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Han%in% ;e% 3aises


1. Starting :o&ition Start (y p'acing your han%& *ith an un%"rhan% grip on th" pu'' up

(ar an% your #""t o## th" groun%. B"#or" th" mo$"m"nt pha&" (" &ur" your cor" i& tight &o

you ar" not &*inging.

2. Mo$"m"nt 5nc" you ar" &ta('" you *i'' )""p your '"g& &traight a& you rai&" th"m upunti' th"y ar" &traight out in #ront o# you. !hi& &hou'% (" $"ry contro''"% *ith no &*inging.

5nc" you ha$" r"ach"% a 0 %"gr"" ang'" at th" top &'o*'y 'o*"r your '"g& (ac) %o*n to

th" &tarting po&ition an% r"p"at.

-ross Body <ountain -limbers

1. Starting :o&ition Start in a pu&h-up po&ition *ith your cor" tight an% (ac) &traight.

2. Mo$"m"nt Fir" on" '"g #or*ar% to*ar%& your oppo&it" "'(o* )""ping your )n"" 'o* to

th" groun% an% your (ac) &traight. 5nc" you ha$" r"ach"% th" oppo&it" "'(o* *ith th"

#ir&t '"g r"turn to th" &tarting po&ition an% p"r#orm th" &am" routin" *ith th" n"+t '"g. ,ou

 *i'' continu" thi& a't"rnating #a&hion #or th" a''ott"% amount o# tim".

Page 23: BADA$$ Finishers

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Siderman Push>?s

1. Starting :o&ition Start in a pu&h-up po&ition *ith your cor" tight an% (ac) &traight.

2. A& you 'o*"r your&"'# %o*n to p"r#orm a pu&h-up you *i'' (ring on" '"g up )""ping it

c'o&" to th" groun% to th" "'(o* on that &am" &i%". 5n" th" *ay (ac) up your '"g *i''

r"turn to th" &tarting po&ition. 5n th" n"+t r"p"tition you *i'' u&" th" oppo&it" '"g th" '"gyou %i%n7t u&" on th" #ir&t r"p. ,ou *i'' continu" in thi& a't"rnating #a&hion #or th" %uration

o# th" tim".

3o(in% Plans

"t in th" p'an) po&ition *ith your #or"arm& on th" #'oor #acing #or*ar% cor" tight an%

(ac) &traight.

@&ing your cor" pu&h your&"'# #or*ar% ("n%ing at th" "'(o*& *hi'" )""ping your (o%y in

a &traight 'in". 5nc" you r"ach out a& #ar a& you can go r"turn to th" &tarting po&ition an%


Page 24: BADA$$ Finishers

7/27/2019 BADA$$ Finishers 24/24

No* that you ha$" gon" through th"&" amaGing Ba%A Fini&h"r

 *or)out& I )no* you ar" r"a%y #or mor"6

9"r"7& th" thing I am )no*n a& th" 7/or)out /iGar%7 an% ha$" "$"n

(""n ca''"% th" -lar Dent o) the Fitness 6ndustry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(I know you like those black-rimmed glasses :) )

I )no* ho* to cr"at" a*"&om" %on"-#or-you #at (urning *or)out&...

@nes that brin% in(redibly )ast results' are suer )un to do' and

many times (an be done ith Iero e*uiment!

I# you ar" tir"% o# not &""ing r"&u't& an% want a system that you cannot

 find anywhere else on the Internet...

!h"n h"a% o$"r to Sup"rh"roSprint&.com  an% ta)" my ?-*"")

Sup"rh"ro cha''"ng".

I am &o con#i%"nt that thi& &y&t"m *i'' *or) #or you that I ri&) "$"rything (y o##"ring it to you 100H

ri&) #r"".

;isten to my %uaranteed:

 +f you do not see more results in the ne&t -weeks than you ha#e seen in the pre#ious months, +

will return e#ery penny spent!

!hat i& ho* con#i%"nt I am. !hi& i& th" "+act &y&t"m I u&"% to g"t *"%%ing %ay r"a%y in un%"r ?-


I# it can *or) #or m" an% th" 400 oth"r& that ha$" gon" through th" &y&t"m it mo&t c"rtain'y *i''

 *or) #or you too.

!han) you #or trying out th" Ba% A Fini&h"r&6 No* ta)" th" n"+t &t"p an% go gra( th" r"&t o# th"

 *or)out& that ar" *aiting #or you

-li( HE3E et the -omlete Suerhero Srints System!

D"%icat"% to your #itn"&&

D"nni& 9""nan C:!


Cr"ator Sup"rh"roSprint&.com

Bad A$$ Finishers

By 8ennis Heenan
