hybrid finishers booklet 2

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  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    Created By: Chandler Marchman -http://www.MarchmanStrength.com

    Published By: Elliott Hulsehttp://www.LeanHybridMuscle.com

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    burning programs have you do in their actual program. Youll getmore ripped just by BEING ripped!!!

    The way we did this was simple. We knew that doing multi-jointmovements was the key to building rock hard muscle, and thattraining with the focus and intensity of a cracked out ninja was thekey to burning unwanted and female repelling fat. So we decided todo the sensible thing and replace the outdated and estrogen ladencardio with a more Lean Hybrid Muscle approach

    By pairing up a circuit of di!erent bodyweight, dumbbell, andbarbell movements with a bounty of di!erent ways to intensifythem, we created a potent system that allows you to burn more fatand maintain ALL of the muscle that you worked so hard for.

    Dont be fooled though. This isnt an easy or gimmicky trick. Thereis no magic pill that will give you all the results with none of thework. The magic pill is hard work and intensity. The same principlesthat navigated you to so much success with Lean Hybrid Muscle willbe the same ones that you will use with these finishers! So MAN-Upand get to work!!!

    How To Use FinishersThe finishers that we have laid out for you in the following videoswill do just that. They will finish you o!!!! If done correctly, with theintensity that is required for them to be as e!ective for you as theywere for us, you will have NOTHING left in the tank. For that reasonand the fact that they are essentially used as resistance cardio, wewill simply put them at the very end of your training day.

    You will find a series of 15 finishers (5 upper body, 5 lower body,

    and 5 total body) with instructions and a demonstration for each.What you will do is match the type of training day you are doing(upper or lower) with the Finisher that is outlined for you. Continueto rotate the 3 types until you have completed all 5 of eachFinisherand repeat.

    Sample Rotation:

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    Day 1=Squat/Deadlift !Lower Finisher #1 Day 2=Bench/OH Press!Upper or Finisher #1 Day 3=(Rest/Recovery) Day 4=Squat/Deadlift!TOTAL Body Finisher #1 Day 5=Bench/OH Press!Upper Finisher #2 Day 6=(Rest/Recovery) Day 7=Squat/Deadlift!Lower Finisher #2 Day 8=Bench/OH Press!TOTAL Body Finisher #2

    ***Continue to progress through these Finishers until you havecompleted all 5 of each.

    ***The Challenger Finishers are the most di"cult ones in each oftheir respective categories. If you cannot complete these without

    taking more rest, dont beat yourself up! Just remember, make sureyou go all out.

    ***To challenge yourself and monitor your progress with theperformance of these Finishers, record your times and number ofsets for the given timed sets and try to beat your previous attempts.

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    Workout Instructions

    Hardcore Finisher #1 : Tabata Set

    Tabata set is an 8 set interval system that revolves arounddoing 20 seconds of a prescribed exercise followed by 10seconds of rest

    For this set you will rotate from exercise A-D two times eachwith only 10 seconds between each round

    It is important to get as many reps of the exercise as possiblein each set to maximize intensity

    a) Log Clean & Jerkb) Tire Flip c) Towel Pull Ups d) KB High Pulls

    Hardcore Finisher #2 : Keg Carry Medley For this Finisher you will need to have 3 kegs with varying

    weights Measure out a 75 strip of runway for you to carry the kegs You will carry the lightest keg down and back (150) then

    IMMEDIATELY grab the second heaviest keg and do the samewith it, lastly you will then carry the heaviest keg down andback

    Once you have finished carrying the heaviest keg, you havefinished set 1

    You have to complete 3 sets

    Complete all 3 sets as fast as possible

    a) Light Keg b) Medium Keg c) Heavy Keg

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    Lower Body Finishers

    Lower Finisher #1 : The Challenger This is a three exercise bodyweight Finisher Each set is to be done as fast as possible You must complete each prescribed number of reps in each

    three of the exercises before moving to the next prescribednumber of reps

    a) Bodyweight Squat b) Alternating Lunge c) Jump SquatLower Finisher #2 : Tabata Set

    Tabata set is an 8 set interval system that revolves arounddoing 20 seconds of a prescribed exercise followed by 10seconds of rest

    For this set you will rotate from exercise A-D two times eachwith only 10 seconds between each round

    It is important to get as many reps of the exercise as possiblein each set to maximize intensity

    a) Jump Squatb) Alternating Lunge c) Bodyweight Squat d) Wall Sit

    Lower Finisher #3 : Bodyweight Set This is a three exercise bodyweight sequence Each round needs to be completed as fast as possible You will need to complete 3 rounds of this Finisher

    a) Walking Lunge b) Jump Squat c) Sprint

    Lower Finisher #4 : Timed Set This is a three exercise bodyweight sequence

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    You must complete the prescribed number of reps in eachexercise before moving on to the next

    You must complete as many rounds of this sequence in 5minutes as possible

    a) Bodyweight Squat b) Frog Jumps c) Walking LungeLower Finisher #5 : Tabata Set

    Tabata set is an 8 set interval system that revolves arounddoing 20 seconds of a prescribed exercise followed by 10seconds of rest

    For this set you will rotate from exercise A-B four times eachwith only 10 seconds between each round

    It is important to get as many reps of the exercise as possiblein each set to maximize intensity

    a) Jump Squat b) Wall Sit

    Total Body Finishers

    Total Body Finisher #1 : Timed Set This is a four exercise sequence You must complete the prescribed number of reps for each

    exercise before moving to the next You must complete as many rounds as possible in five


    a) Single Arm Jerk b) DB RDL c) Lateral Push Up d) Jump Squat

    Total Body Finisher #2 : BB/DB Complex This is a four exercise sequence

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    You will rest 15 seconds between each exercise (with theexception of the transition from chin ups to chin up holds)

    After each round you will rest one minute You must complete 3 rounds

    a) Lateral Push Up b) DB Snatch c) Chin Up d) Chin Up Hold e) Bodyweight SquatUpper Body Finishers

    Upper Body Finisher #1 : Countdown Set (Challenger) This is a four exercise bodyweight sequence You must complete the prescribed number of reps for each

    exercise before moving to the next You must complete all exercises at the prescribed time before

    moving on to the next descending prescribed timed set The time for each exercise descends from 30 seconds to 10 in

    increments of 5 seconds You will rest 15 seconds after each exercise and 1 minute

    after each round

    You will complete as many reps as possible for each exercise

    a) Push Up b) Chin Up c) Push Up Hold d) Chin Up Hold

    Upper Body Finisher #2 : Tabata Set Tabata set is an 8 set interval system that revolves around

    doing 20 seconds of a prescribed exercise followed by 10seconds of rest For this set you will rotate from exercise A-D two times each

    with only 10 seconds between each round It is important to get as many reps of the exercise as possible

    in each set to maximize intensity

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Finishers Booklet 2


    a) Lateral Push Up b) Scarecrows c) Alternating DB OH Press d) DB Deadlift Row

    Upper Body Finisher #3 : Countdown Set This is a two exercise bodyweight sequence You must complete the prescribed number of reps for each

    exercise before moving to the next You must complete all exercises at the prescribed number

    before moving on to the next descending number The number of reps for each exercise descend from 10 to 1 in

    increments of 1 You must complete this Finisher as fast as possible

    a) Clapping Push Up b) Chin UpUpper Body Finisher #4 : Timed Set

    This is a four exercise sequence You must complete the prescribed number of reps for each

    exercise before moving to the next You must complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes

    a) Hang Clean b) Strict Press c) Chin Up d) Push UpUpper Body Finisher #5 : Timed Set

    This is a four exercise sequence You must complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds

    for each exercise

    You will rest 15 seconds between each 30 second exercise set You will rest 1 minute between each round You will complete 3 rounds

    a) DB Curl Press b) Inverted Row c) Push Up d) Scarecrow