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'TIIE NEW YORK SUN. FtibUekad W Mm Maw work Rim AewwdatUa daily rarjadaye empted, m wttrk . bnlMM M Bl Olln Balldleea, Kuii werta. aad Mo til of Bmdnr. Park Ik ul Am l). usder the Aaaerloaa kfaaim . TkejDab Hum la delivered by eerrlore U tv Krw York City ud v'cinlty, tl OX AND A QCARTEB CENT FU WEEK. bif U GopUe Oh Can. IV When Ma by M ail, Four D4l-- a Y. .m CuciMoa Ibjvua'bout lb jeer ending iju conn PER DAY. THS WEEKLY UN l mailed to Subscriber l Bm4n Cent, per Yeu 1 It month. 11 1 laf .tCopiea, tr esni. Bpertmens east fret), to Intending Subscriber. Addreu "TUKSUK,' Owner Kw. Md Fulton HtmU, Kaw York. xrLonneaT suu. Aaxsrrs wrra from . upwards, . raoney rapidly, by arlllnc Wheeler ! rlwM Owerd 1 patent harrier, trees eaw tat imh ar epa-l-et Imij wtb r.lea keywt every. rmHkltteut) made dally. Brtail jn if. rente: by wiail, 10 nu, Address ARTSFli WANTr.O-- A PARTNER wtili time 00 rath eenttat. to take an 1ntrrr.t Ft k lew 1uenttt.eiwhtre 9 ,nui nan bamadalhu) r m rrr pirwun imuure J' a An. A. Ml atkrafock.r. M. mrsrno CUiaIMS -- "V.N1EO IMMEDIATELY a F.rrh U. 8. Amy, loo file Wled U an 4 13 yeerr, rod pay, aad vltii k.rd. a lochia. u mediae! itlnl. aac. Ane'y pa iba foaaiyel Beorsltla. xutla,e( IJuataeaeet. ny)Ul.MM AirABTXD FOB THS 0. B. ASJtT, 400 I WW yaimBvB.kraMllka4leyaanafkf et-- enuani pay, an, vim poara, .100004 a ad nrfnl aa. iandanea. Ayyly at th. trlnagaj narvlMu atetloak !UOa4at.ar(kiknaaCllialarU KHITL.OTBaaTXWaV'eMiaU. Aoxkts WAJSOTD-- nrn todmo aU a kk tndlavnaabj In iw; fan-U-r. aaa maka rma (taM a lay. aao.BAOKaB, 16 Ma at, faai 1. Bay t4aolM SEWING MACUINE-WAKTF- .D. LADIES r ta oparatr on Whalar As Wiltno'i Im trAVfa aaatnt rnaeklnaa, or on. of ta oM tal triiaf 4 ov r.tir. lathaeltj 1 tad.ht all 4d. of Utckiaa, hraiailnir, fciUna, Ae.. ao J Ikoror ataaa-wm- ot to. raachloo, aad roommn4o en ylaco. fof $1. 1 ho In want of fia'raton. k af4 A macUma fur Ml, and family at vlaji dana at vt Ca- nal at. arWiUt'm SkWINli UACIIISES-- H AND9 WANTED Mrt. on VVhMlrT A Wilaan atln rnachln. Nona but oooiDeUat hand. d aaalyat 6 NuMii at. Urooalm. myWi rVTIK MACIILtlKSWABTKD LADIES S U laarn to oaorata 00 Moavrt and Whoolar Wl. aani aavkw m.ohtiav All kraaehat of wark tanykt. and twiMnmaudiid ka work. Tai L AyatyJM Falton at. Brooklym, imIb, m II atora. yaiaaa-- u Scwau HAOHiinatWAJiTCD ladcib nyarata on Ibnn and Wkaak dl WTiaoa. and otkor wring manhlnai; toarnod pttTaat andpractioa UiTaattasad on ahoy wockall tba (aaao. lal Inry yart, tarn. fU alao aavtny tnaohlnaa tm 'SI an tout, at g Otikirl ak nrktkl Riwraa icachtjik wabtkd ladim O tolaarnto aporataon Bliurai-- a, Wkaalor Wn-- uaoinoa: alaaaU.klnd. t KaadIIOTa'.amrtnf at ID kind, of atltabtnt AnotoraatvMadaiiadaiIMaBja. Tarrna Bodat tta.m Unary at. kMrlliaJlaa cewtho atAonnnt wahtkd tvm- - Oasna wka vlak to loan to oyaralo on ItMaraj aawnf ayad anaOoa on aU kuaa at wano Ut rwantakarn tba pantaloon trada. iAU Annr. aaniiaao-ia- a ddBta daJH BCOAl AT I THOMPSON BT GOOD BOARD aa Su aua aa a waak; alas pfoaaant roaana far kdialFai .Iv6an4 a , ltb board, Us. laontw and lodcara takm at Iratat aalMIUdaa Bmnmsa-- A gentleman rnboaotinio-iIh- ! and wm, d i i kri Worn, win'orat alaoafro-- t room tiki I' Applr a tl'at fttai t.iu r. e irocr of Foc.ytk, N. x, myvi a'loa TiOARD-- A GENTLEMAN AND WIFB A- - I . or thn traUamra ran bo aaeonuaoaatad wltk rcntwl board, at IM Ludlow at. Call for odo wk. B" II" BOARDINO FOR 4 RESPECTABLE and alnala bod. for 3 a weok t aao ladkx, at '. at 170 TMrd ara. lntranoo noar tka dray otura, aoraor of lltk at, atttvm TJOAliDrNG t YOUNG MEN' THAT AUK J-- ' In iittuat of a room In a iTiratn famlla, ran ba ao romin'M.td witn boarl bv aflplylna T4 IUardt lAcation eOBTOnlnii it to Cliatbam inarc. mrfi i"lol BOARDING IV. THOMPSON STREET. lai.a airy room, fo al.w r.i.riaLla youny urn. IJouw ha all tna uodtrulmuniimuU. Taaiuadkom MU'wardc Ot-- I flit TJOARDIXG-- A FEW T0KNG MEN CN I J b anrMumodfttt-- a w.tli brd nlw ft man ind vtft,luft ijood loUoa. W . nwriuti rtff . lUFdi v JAKDINO- -A FtW YOUNG MEN CAS ha aooommotlatad with board, at tl Ninth rt. at ,1 vat wwaa, jcinlata Of nalA, wira noi ana raw. aiir. my 10 aaao law llOAnDrNO AT 108 BOWERY A FEW jyiHummaarau Laooimmod.trd wltbaaod board m..A mlammmi Vimmum mlmn aufltlamHU aad tll.lr WlVW. IO lUi Hoard and f iiruiabad raoma, on raiaoa.hla Urma. nil 4ac lid IIOARDIBO A FEW BESPECTABLB XI ywuoa aaaaaaa ka wiodatad wltk yod boai rd aad ranma br amlrlna at vn Ulumam ataara. nrit door U iJaranml elatklny rtora. Alao (mt aaa hart dinner aad taa, at tlfi par waak. tylt4a BOARDINO ON THIRD ATE A FEW raan on ba aaeommodatod wltk yood board, alalia beda, and Ana airr rooaia, at J prr i t Doarojora, limit aww a roo- -i yw rm i Boat 381k at, aor at kd ara. rU vtaa-l- k- BOABDINOA GENTLEMAN AND VTifa fantlwman aaa ba aoroinra-- dated wltk (toad board" and wall furalahad rooraat ptinaajii paxbra, at Ml Broono at, aor Lndlow myld t4aoUS . TJOARDWU-T- WO BDfGLB GENTLk- - I XJ loan, a aa aOowian and vltaaan abtalb board and plaaaaat aoom. at IM t3baJaa.tra-t.o- ui UnauwtohM. alQ.li.4 BOARDMa $ tW VIBCAT raoma and board, tW 00 to M a wirk aud apaarda I ladiaa aad faaUUa. aultaa i ulan rarlorwltk ptana. tJai watokmaa and lodilnf. all f.ickti aUcw varaona. Ka dd Uaponard aU nu brjadw.?: myTtaaal lri.MSIID BOOMS TO LET ROOM 1 ,. br.lmoni .nltaNo for b -l- aekoooloa to a rmall Un I r. I "' No, 1 Cat: Lue at, old No., U, m)li1oT ROOMS TO LET, AT 1 I7UBNIS1TKD at, aultaMa for rwonomlaal bonw-kj.rd- -. rodT,, L0DGING8, Wim 03 WITHOUT Brd ring la aud doubla baodad rooav. Board fraao II 60 to J pur wwak. rJlula roam, to 1 ODGINGS STRANGERS NOTICE 11 Ii' raralabad roama k wark, rromTD aamia apt am. n Ida, by altnt, 10 oast aln.U noma, IS ointa; arntmnaa and rib, 17 waouuua aii ninnh KrtrehabaiaBt. raually lowi parlor, for ladirj at "tL lOd Vranklln at urt.lflotiu iR 1500U3 TO LET PLEASANT WELL tm, f .IV pautUatad aim la raoma for leutlmnon, K.ambta. ,, j 'iv, (oath it, earaar CatliarUva. myJtm ir V.. 49HOCEBIES. tRfVTERrioi avt vrniTR ? ? . . FOU TUB MlLIJOV. .liuapa.i aiora in ion worm uoooa aoilTorea iron. n. aijniw. i'lUMB. at and 89 Hurray rt, U.. V.k TUANGE CO. BUTTER, K TO 18 Caot.j la tba Hty, M to 1 etaiwen lea. by tba pall. L 1 1 id. peril boat araoee 10 to II eta, boat hour l 86 eta a Iba, .Utfar. reralied at ratiner. prion, E !u boardint hotiwe and pnrata famu Jo JwtteTiV. partaof la city to SlfjlWOJIlW. 4 Third ere. war 8itJu .C UALFBiRRtia FkKJII 8AUIEU JDO farkrreL price dtsubalf barrel: Oil htlfa, 'raak witod herrlBM '" fapi.lyoaa, penea t hair nuokod rrlnira.lrt eeoti box. JiiiabyMLLbON V ELLd 4. Co. ,,, nn niND NKW KPICED SAvAION, 10 OUU pwod nana, prloa l M eta. JP'erd lottOora, Id cente puimd. (Wilt nurnii w eraLpnoa ti ln mL ,,a .had ad ball bwnl. For aa'a br NKLr KiM Waim fa. i lyrt. tarit M OOBXa. OOAL I AM NOW UduOADINd COAL Vy of the wary bed qnall' , til alaee, whirs I wid il ar. iMouanr oieaoai. ir 'r'.l" w... i J odaa.U$0tkni.ftiia7d.loTMmda j A, r.yunaa. " " - TOLR. APARTMENTS TOLW-TBO- Xr AND XX bark raw and I txdrooaM, a In kM. rant fit Tfi, to a amall aautaal family, U Kaaaiatal at: alaa rmm nn A4 Ar. aflfil. a Mmmt mm Alh Aimwl past kT Ni, 3 Finn ara, alao I raonu on U doar. ll. Ala-- p at, aiao I roam, on 14 nxr, haek kaamatnt ana 1 attto room, rant ail.aTt hlliulM . AdoIvIUM at. mrn IMt APARTMENTS TO LET FRONT AND XAbaok ytrlnr. ta-- baannant., vitk .Iwplnf rwtaii, ya, not aud ould at.r, No. Id IMhaaa at, naar la ti. aua ataaaa. Am, tin III dnmIm. m ..a Blrackrr at, of t. CI OH1BTH; rant ad6. tnti a'ixd nASEUESTS TO LET- -X NBAT BASE. A- - mmt. for bn Unoa. i fl rant ow nioorh, only kajf nut. 8rral boora. wtin raoiam improrm.nta. im n mana, baa In. ranloa tor Id par raaalk: wui karaatFdUa.m.ll lafallr for (., and naiU " "l.."1 MITjieirCiI. lit dart k at. COTTABtS TO LET IN BROOKLYN --a baanauhano-Milar- , w.. far, av, i7au: rrnt pMrtoo lmmadlat-i- . ApiayDfiarlha pmalaM, dka'nianat, ! .fda. I'm "" "a1?.0! . arm, of U. "MU,iJrd, bnJdar. niylrsi'ill COTTAGE TO LE- T- VIM UONTU hHaltar, UKClbly aad looalvd In Kmitlra, 111 nmuta. mm llamilwn and Uu mlnuia. iron Fiukm tarry. Ayp,y sa JHnnilMa at. boat rnltou lorrr. Brookl.a. taftk'laf UOUaUAJlDLOlBnjLKiOk-LEAS- Zj'f Us 1,,', r,,a "d- - ta, Aoa. da aid Oo la.ui0aaw. rt,litat,la lur aa aiuu w SMOiia aMlkoabaaaur wr., aiaolk. .a.aMt IJ do. a.a rtwuinwu at, MM.ion laiaiadiauiy, to A. yi.Lu,) nluun ,t ..rJai'iak UOUSE TO LET IN BlttJOBLTN-T- HE nt W aalialU. Loia...u..it t: i" ..? '" myai llaclui JJOU3E8 TOLE1-- IN BROOEXTN.TWO tlfiniWi u i. Ka a av. adjouuu. miuui , mua an iuTa Mara tA). t Wwiura, .ow, r.V kort. tTOUSE TO LKT WiiAf ajqi Uoa VK. " ..' T. '" iiw HinnaHi lo.aia,i ruHlua, at aetd aa aaay tarma, I.CtAnr.ax rraat nun Haa!. nENTS. RENTS -- GEWTEEL IlOUSK 1 t.ruwkb ara. aud 1 lu.a t'bri". act nick at. ; Rl-OM- TO Ktuaf with aaa, batk. aloau Am., In a hand. i. t oxhIotU. ifnuroiooa mturuS OOMS TO LBT-FI- KST LOOK, BAJ5K-x- v mail .nd twa rom. u attic id weniny.au Cannons ooaoftlii ir8afawa.aa, .ratal jdnrtJJuii; ""' mraaVlTd a iiySS1i L" 41 lT..HltAB .7 ZBjt4'1 room jojoraaataJIfkAtilyay. BHlJiayglw; CTOttK TO LE- T- ONE OF TUB BEST - aiand. buhe city It I. wail ad.ptad for a talr- - rvmlaea, Ki llloackar at. aaM k14d bamt jLcfK rocit . , HiW LUST. J KEWARD-SntlV- KD - ii TbuiMay H3o, from tko cor. of Intk atrort . r :ou ara a rod cow with braaa noba oa bar korrar iu. vran-aar- wbl ha paid to tha nnH.r.br laaa. I) LOl-M- AY IJUi A rVlltlr, AU lilarkytt d, aaaar. M tba nun of NKJ iy u. r lu.tl j ,J4 dof to MS O rand Sa III ba tb l4i rcwtiilid. kayWa'l) !)( t.03 1 j KKWAltD I.04.F IV f " !tk lia. or. f d arr, and ami, , . i,,n ".i h t . do. i anawar. by tba nam. of DKN. Th.?.,."..T"'.,.''l"r,llb,'i'1J f raturoinitb.doa toOUN WtCLLl, Hi ara, bat. TAa and Hk lOG LOST- -A BMALL TELIX)W FPwar.'a tha naua of FANNY, tl raward wlllbapald w an? oat on retoruiadhcr t UH-- , m lloor mrM ! MARE LOST STRAYED FROM aodMiare, Itrooklru, on oimday nUht, Vbtll luat, a aorrol niarr, load tail, whlto atrmk duufuxi,.liitlit,iaTln on rlaht bind la. Any par. aun rrtuiutnii Im ,nrrlviuy luronutoi. rono-rutu- y In r, ut lUi abn.a plaoa, wul ba llbarally rawardri. mnuj-ll- i WILUAMi, rKMHOIAjL. XwOTVVi:!. ("tLAlMarOB BOUNTY LAND, Faavnoat, V.' aitr. pay, proTnptly aollactod by OBO. VUtlDMAN.aa miUaaat 'Aak paid lor land waf fa.ita. lo.ldil.rtu CIFrV DOLLARS RRVTaRD-MIS-jI- N'G 17 .Inro To alar, tha J't of aft, IILkNAIlU IWiMN.LLY, aytd 01 vrara Tka cln'lmi ba wora alien laataarn, wara a blet aoat. bla- riwt, a nliiib nap. wlata 'U't and (iray ii.uta. Aay luformttloa oi ahrroaboua, will lwtl.aukll' rn.'lrrd lir bU anllrfd lan.il. at '. Uouaton , York. 11KNUV lxj.5EUA. . Vi'i GRADAN, FORMERI.T OF rOBSTTH Oocfn Wararoora dniBrraatk . rat auk and auik atawaztoa at fjkrkd . Ubnroa. WbrtandDtkara, paydMaa'ldl T WILL Al'PLT TO TUB 0OMMISSI0N-lar- a of tba Land (J (Bra. for a rrmnt of land nndor watra at V rat at, tuot niuulnt noitlatkiy from If a- - boit a t, aua M taa atinrior pujr hum ii'nrra tf. tlLLU. mytlMlli LOOIS BRE5LWW BErMQ NOTICE to rat. aud hlim It ft ror boata aflhont lur uiiianut, I will ait bo ab,nralir lor n, drbta ka may aontracl. Uuaeaat rrward K O. DtaBlLKEK. niySStntl O rREWARD-FO- R TiTE BODY OF A J-- rouw raannamrd JaCOH UYXN. wtja wtadlow.wallromaatilf all tlw battory.on dunday Oiomlny laat. llad ou a oaaalmcro aoat, brown, wKa atrlr. buck panU. and krr of a taa ul bla pock . a para v. uwi a, .tilii" dvx-- a m;ic3 fobi dVL.w. ANUMBAR OF BU31N 'JS WAGONS OF mnitantly n a id or mad. to ordar. tl.ra poucaa rrtoawl art .and a. raaooah!a mi ao tiiat en no found, b tVAKT S aica b.t fch in and Br awtr. Fir ry artj. do rot hra la warraulad Inlaw r'pramtl mm. tsntd FOR SALE A BOH TAIL, Black horaNSrean.ld.ltlianlabiiibiraitt'ila far a dirt rait, lea aafon or any hwry wark I "arrant, idiood rwrita.trlnghali In one le. -- nrlai J0 aun a Imurlfal y am mare, with foal, fr aala or 'ichatia for a low prload borae. Apnlv at d t'aajx t, h'M auia.oMi , m ll"M HORSE FOB SALE A GOOD WORKINO ran ba turd for tart o- - truok, lanle or donMoi warranted aonnd and kind, rlbt yeara old. hold far want o( uad. Apply at Oi llrearaa, earner of tnooo atreU. mya '1I4 TI0RSE3 FOR BALE OR EXCUAXU. AAitfoaniihonaM, Jurt from CtuaJt Wtil, fram HfloUbaadilikL, romt ti 1 ri'tr.oll, ail aouad and kind, lugilrainthe olaaknoJUi .kaf. ii "rar folk at' alao our uucb aoat. mnan" d TTORSES, CARRIAOIS, BUGGIES, 0RO-17- X on4., rtpraw ad bualuca. waana i new axd Sd ktndaatoaiofa'lkloila IV) horary baritvs Ao, ardl lnof7rhin,attkiiearrlaa fijtirr, IM t ill n are. YTORSE FOR SXLE-ASPLE- I) VRK 1:1 Canadian mtrj, Uih. .rrr fliaiearan'd. and kind In a I Wd hi rbUJ-- r. baler or IkhII".. old In n. upnoeoftha owmr 'rt,n "' ! at W Btrl.r until lild. nrtS W OEWINO MACIIlHaB, VOU 81LU. TO t rartor Mthanya-jrklo- ds "'"jj1 a.-- ebaaa fur eaah. or put Pym kuiwour! abultaa, t. maiJiiiU bOU-- at. rhaaV- -d an nm.lr.d-- Ad.anraa intdj br o. DIHOIN. tit Hnadwty, op .ulrt, room a raal4ael5 QTBAW BOARDS AND BINDERS la-t- lt, O eboap, by tl a buodla or too, at tba man Ji0tl.SQiBJWfU-adVt- 7l Poarl at. SALT! SALT! TO CONFECTIONER, end othere wbonaeeoaraa aalt. For eabt In ouant). Wa to aulf on aapllratloa, at ike on or of UMi" Kalrrnad Comptur, td are. boiaeea dh and Cotb itr. myMO' hi TIN AND SIIEET IRON FOR aala. To tlnnnre. roofrra aad ahott Iron ork -'.( brir. rh.reoal tal ooka Un, la, ltlo.lt, ', allriitly damtindl .Ul tX bdU. aaan.tl , ploa. alicbtlr damaaril aiuM Iron, r.r aa'a r&rr J ,,,,. b, a A.TIWJOQS a W, 1 Wat at, BVtC incuhui, Hfnrui i . vaii TirAJ airr ft V ' t r ,rw .xw(fl B 0 4 ' ' iii I aa j. ai y ma,i.'"- - - -'- H ! al wwr test NrSrata- - e r" ( ll In f' , I a l yd r o a ra I m m la '. ,, .ir t vaK B' , r m "l . ti;.ai a x , . n k-a i J t " Hi').. 'itlWatWIi Mi ! v " j f idV THE UN. NUMDER 9014 NEW YORK. THURSDAY, MAY 30 1861 PRICE ONE CENT THE NEW YORK SUN THL'llSDAT MORNTNO, MAT SO 1ML, Cadrael Blawank. Tha paper, taroagboat th roaatiy, art full of ragrairul ronukt, conwriitn' th aarlr marttrioai of tba gallant Col. of tb Firtmea Zotutm. Tba Tipw Bxilqtt ttrti Tb Inflntnct of tblt awaju.li atlon wtin ba far rttchlag. It trill Cioaa a tanibkt utribaUot. 1 he Pbniif!r,hta Sorlh An'rican notat! If tbamaMerofCol. Kiuwoarn rret'aa tka aais atcltemect la Ckicapro and New York a bar ba wa. betur known than It hat thai far doc in bujcH, It will not long b oa" ATtnprd. To fall bjr d ttb.l tbvt At lb tarly tR ut 23, at 111 btail of a rrlment to b yor road only br a mto of aolii aUlltiaa, Ii a toelajiboljr fatr, Th Sjrtcnf Journal tbloki that tt ictth of ao other offior in tb oitltaal carrlc, car that of tba trjorlooi Trtartn cunmandnr. could caau rai h a aanutloa through' out th North, u did that of Kuawobtk. TbtChtctgo Vmorrnu-- tt Let ao tear be phcl oyer tha yallant, faarleat, notlt wown aoldiar tad tatrtjr. Btt let tu all twoar, with band i oaon oar heart aad eje uptJ4 to baareo, ttarntl Tangaaac on hid murdarert. and an andlaM war apam lb wicked re boll wtoe ambillont and unholy actuar har tbuiikiwd lum. It I. propovd lo rtiaa t rrgtntcnt at A'Un-- , whose jirctAl taiaaloa tbtll b to cvmmaurau th dtedt of th gallant detd. At a moating of th Irlib Brlgtda, at Chlct-g- o, thi following raaolutlont wer.ptM.dl iraolrrif. That thl. Brlf ada plaJfaa Ittad la. dlaiduaily and oolifctlrilj, now and for.rar, la artt fie Iba tru al end deederdly murwar of a ruaa whom wicbrrahad at acltlnnanJ tiuulaladata can. It'tctud, Tl at w raaHi tfully demand of tha RrcTiUiy if War, rlalmlna aa our daa a. tha Im anedtete brother aoldiara of th boonial dead, tte tlflttoUke tha aJrauca imat la rlaalo.un oar loat atui nob'a lirrter, at a rektorlng lo the hcmai ul the R publid their bapmaau aad aacurlly. Wbra tb Mil of B'UwoRTaa death reached tb Zoaru at tb ho.pital, a Bimbey ofth.m not oat of their tick bad., and though acarcal-a- tl t aland, raarttad to totter to tha ploa wbrre tl corpw wad laid, id th Map--r Yard. Tbey ncuant saraarou. initancr of but treatment and ooaalderatlon for thalr comfort, lach ai einat; log bit ward-ro- b of clothlBK for tb teody among thtm, atd aexdiag bl on bedding that thoae on tb aick Jut truriht Ue atr. Oi.KIUvorik rrfpurnttom liiA. AChta-lain- . Id oaa of tb rrflaiau'a, amid that la the meat-Ic- yretrrdaj, aom alluatoo waa made la CoL j tiawrann, and a let er wat rtad, which h wrott on a dram head, addraurd to hit ptrtnta. It w.t lhe)aatthy weie to racetr. him. And you all know la regard to tb preeentlmnnta with whlok It waa written, aud Ik wUllnfaae. which 11 x. preaare that God might d with him w k pleaawd. Hope lie. bean eipraaaed that young Ella oara aaa pnnd lodle. Tb.pak.rialdhe knew eomtthlngnf the pri tat rel'g'.cnt wellrf. of OU Ki.iarnrra. fid th laat haldaik be km k pait la the futeral ailamnlUat aud alaiwaid had an npt'trtually to conera with b'a In tar, Lo eipraaaed tha atrorjgaat la the irel..a of bl am far drain. The ajiraker anld b knew tliat till young tflloer had beau nirate1ya be llrer ni Janut. Tba whole tenor of hie Ufa wu In aom rdaoue with tula belief. Wlwe Cob 1'uawiwib want Is Waal ratal, with Mi Cb'cago ocmiaay, b wu taT'tad, In company wrlui a bundled ofikara, to drink wine, la bl q'lltt, cuol way, be Wild them that b bad prooalaed bit men, and tbey bad promlaad blin, on loafing borne, 1'iat md one of thtm thould outer a quae I lor able hour or touch a drop of liquor ef any kind, and, gentlemen, und r euch a plidge, jou would lad bar m drink win with yoiu Vor yaare Ihl. yoiing man bad baeo In the babll of at nding mora tUau on half of all bU earulnga to bla fathat'a family, Ktarytlilng tauda to .atlafy ua, tliat ha dttd la tbo cotiai loua iiaiforniauca of duty, and that ha waa prrjerrd for 1.1. end by faith luCIaiat. Hit life will not be lot t, but hit example will ba followed aud I la luSuanr will lire A Snap ra SetrwMi Hag." I thoui;" i aid aepoekrr, "when that flag waa l.roiylil lu, thai I would Ilk to hare a piece of it a, a memoir lo fi r my reglmrut. I hate It In tola eaveluie, Tula," be continued, drawing It out, ird. wh ta- il 1 art wblib you now ate to b biuwu la etalued wilk Col. I i.iautTii'4 blood. 7 Ad SnUitrt in tin Wailungton rmyer ifrrl. fa '. Tl.e rtmt qieaktr ealJ, ht wlabad to aay a woid alt. ut Ilia plo'ia men In the army aid la tbt !; er mnutlne. Thar tr two prayer ineetlfcg he'd dally In Waahlngton me In tba murDlng, al 1 A. M ., aad iba other In tha craning, at I P. M. Tl ry ar aamewt ineetlnft end ar well attended; 'jula'uoelbeeoldlera arrlrtd they tart bean dry much tocienaod In lutermt ty tha attendance of th pioue aoidiein, Th eoldtert gat a furlmicb to lair .amp for a .hot! Itigth of Unit, aul the ploiu raeo trt rery tt to mtka the time to enter Uuit of the praytr mxdlcg, wlikb thry will attend often flfiy a a tine. Th ieiipl of Waahlaftoo hare beta dallflitad and tu. prb el that than men who com In uniform, wltk tlulr hair cut clou lo their keada could pray with inch unctlOB, raraeatneaa, and propriety. It would nrdbtioirprlalng lft rtrlral ihojid follow Ibeat men la the camp and In the prayer maetingt 8o that In other wayt tka in ware deteuae the ruilra will proa a bleating to Iba city, CnetUrg more. If any cltu of men thould jaa your ayiu,aby atd enconragwment, thote le uld la tl.e men. P. ay fur tut pmylag man it! ll. Anoy. Tka fIadare af frraaen. The New Orliona Drill of tba 'iZ, tbut rttit over tha tobmlatton of MtrjUnl to tb NtticaAl Government, tnd the prudont policy of Governor Hirm i Tb rem. if U otbert. who hit earned th atuiit tbar of Inftrnw in thin revolu'lon, it fJlCat, tb (iovrrnor of Maryland. To UiU eowAidly traitor the propla of Maryland in tb graataiit bumlllttlon and degradatloa that any Aniorkan people bar ever talTared. Tb prtoence of a wretched, tbitr-ejo- filthy YD-k- u dtmagoi'.t and pettlfogttr at Govtiroor and Dictator in tb one proud city of Balti- more, dictating Itwt and lutuion decreet to tb poopie, It lb mnt pltltbl oecltcl la Amorl-cu- n history. Vr belter would It hate loon if tb original thmt of tb Almlltionitu had twos tzreoted, and Biltlmor bad boon livcltd and her ait plowed over aud town with itlt, tbtn tuib a dltgrat. 1h only thing that ctnivcr tuiUIn a Mary. ItnJrr under tutu a burden of infamy will be tb hop of rwvtnge tnd redrmptlon when th people .kail cacao from the toilt in wUcb th treachery of Uiavr Aiuioli. bat involved than), and ahull rixe against tba lonoleat invader and drench thrir ttrrett wih bit blood. II thill, not done, the title of Btltbuoreta tol Miry-Itml- will Le hcniefortn one of lofdmy tad diitc. Tb bUryUodcra can easily Iwur lb "In famy and dugrakc" of beat; loyal till pwceiul citlztns. mm , RrstiLI., lb tpeclil em retpon lent cf th London Tlmu tho do,ribea (itnertl I1udb-OA- R i) : Any one accuttruncd ti. jolJieri cm retdtly dtct the "teal triicla" Iront th countetfelt, and wbtn General IlLADuaeAsu tiood op to web cm u It wat taUnt he wat a mto ctftblt of ptatur tktntrt then taking Sumtar. II ti tuutrtly. built, lean man, of tbjut 10 yeira of at, .itb I n d thouMcn and tet 'made tj Cfabor.e. t.f uudul bclcbt, and bit bead it C05rrd with tbtik ba'r, cnpiiel clue, aud tboalng tl humt which trt refl.ii'.llv od combative, wilh a true Gilbc 'r at tba back of Uieikulji the fi'n'hoad, .. bnal and ... well dtveU open, prr Jocit eomewnit ever tna xoun, eaiir (iMktYtti tUfdedlaYorrtMfli witavryalgU cheek bonra, a wll-ihp- J ao, tllgbtly a.jnj. line, and a'lupa, tigtd, .htrnly-c-at raoath eet tbov a full fighting ohln. la tb vat of any Important oixralloo liking plaeri, tb name of thl officer will, I fral ajurured, be beard ofte noagh to b my itcue for tbli ItttU tkatcb of hii catward mtn. A lleraaaa View. Aa article la the Cookm Catttl of May 5th, M of tb tblett Geratn Joarnal", Ukei th following Intelligent vl of American Affilrt It it Lot to b denied, thtt. from a mlllury Elnt of rtiw, tb reb.il la tb Unlwd Stt'ei Jut I new .averal great adrtatagatoverthi governmiot. Thi j have an ably vrganlaed ar. my, which ht bean trained for teveral moath, and which mutt need, fiaht and plaader ta it-d- er to be kept together while the governaiiat can oppiee to th.irattnckt fn y raw and nrdli-cipll- tioop kortoter, u th war it to be ranted on in the lerdrr el.ve atttae and In the tout he in rortt, the govatnmant tro pa will euf-f- at ficmth totnsir bea't, which do not to math alTtct the Msnui.nla'a. lilt tharafire o,olte p Mil. I a that lb Artt roaultt will be la ftToT id Iht raluK Wehave, boaroter, no doubt thtt I aUlllgaoce and eoduriig ttrangtb ar un thtaidaoi th government and that victory cannot bat re main with the loyal aide. W believe that tha Nitth It now determined otter to lay don It arm till lb anthotity of the law la one mors lettored in all the eoceled itetu Tartntt-tbn- e mlllioi.1 of people, tlrangthencd by all the artt of peace, tnd poaatetidof luaxbuutUble raaonr-ce- a, le uatxaed '" thre hundred and fifty tluuaand alavihiiUtrii, four million of lit via, and tare mill i.nt of pnor whltea, alio, with the eicepli.in if a fewililre, are tblnjy ical-ter- over a broad epar of country, and Are ac-- cuatomaa to i ne raoti priroitlvo ana uatoiui comltlona of l'Ta. 1 ba wbola cit ilirad world h it ta Intereat in thl wtr. It ia a war whcb tbt pa. pie of the nrrtl em atafex crnielvalite bv the ntlare of tbtlr ladaatrial and pMitlcal bit' tm, could not loogr put t.ffi aid It it a wtr which, aodtr, pih-r.- , vthar ntmtd.many a nation rif V'lrope will hereto take up ia I a turn. It it with tbm(ttie Ui.ittd H:tt..)tl with ait tbetead-Alk- m ni the mlcille agre it arrayed In armt agalktt the ci.ixennhtpof the nineteenth can-tnt- ti an exploded theory of lonely It lifting pita readagalnat th trlamiibaof our think ing, Induatiial tul pmgreaa.r ceauryj tk pormriji'ttryrk Don lluinttrt of Iht mAem plantations girt bat tit lo Ike ruartng utnJmmllt irttd Mvwtiny ctimfwyt of tkn tretiMy Xtrtk. It tl the luanriUiou. noble in Arm" Ageinit tb epiiitoftbe cntury, la which tb It aprame. In aucb an iatna w ctn with tuo-ce- at oaly to tbt conttitational Iter fraaa Arfaeaa. The MeeiUa 7iW. of April lo, hrniabet the following lntolUgenc t Ttere ar now three comptnlea of troop Ita. tloced at Fort Fillmore, Tin Company A, moont.il riflri. from Albuqverqta, com- manded by Lieut. W. Labs company K., Seventh lnfantr), commanded by Lieut. A. lir-iM- R company I), Seventh Infantry, com- manded Lieut. K. J. Ilaookt, Tb laat two oumpanlc at lit from ta Navajo expedi- tion. Tiattr Another compiny of troop arrived at Fcrt Fillniore, making a total of lour coiepitilod bow ItMioaed at that p.U Weleatn from Mr. ArriiovT Kikes, con- ductor on the Overland line bet woen her tnd Tuceoo, tbtt tbe Ivt roach from the Waet wtt atttcktd by a party of forty to flit Tontu Apache, aucnt forty-fi- r milo tb other tide id that iJace. ill driver wa abut and proltbly killed At be foil from tbe b-- andlbe kattwu riddled with fliatarrowhee.il Thtcon-dnctorw- atloop lntld the coach at th tlmt.but on awakening got outapontlMboxand rocooed-e- d In getting away without further difficulty On arriving at Taction. ball holts were found la tbe coeih, and a larg namber of ar- row bead.. Tbut b4d attack wti made in broad daylight and In an open country. It It puppoaeil the water wagon returning from the Gilt, bat alto been atttcked by th fame party, na it had not Arrived at Puacho, where It wu due, when tbe overland caine tlu-i.u- Mnce a ritlng tb alrfn c, w have tan a let. ttr from thi- - luniluctor, Mr, Wm. Willi. TL nameif tbeOritar waa I'akra. Hi waa t'mt through tbe lomt with a rid bill, aad lull olt tb 1 lu tit r tight aecouda thcrc-tlie- r, Mr. WiMMttyi boauw twonty-flvo- r thlrv yclliiit; aataet turruund bim aa ba fall. TU Indiana followed Iho toniti atvarul iniltj and bnd riotl be tem been the fad'rt on th In and tho atallni only A abort .ItManre in tl in m, it it probalda tficv would htve auc rrootd in ovcrhtul'nd it. Twelve or fifteen rf tho Indinu it m on boiacbajt, aj.diitimd wltli gun.-- . Irlali olrr. "Lrt Iba Administration twev'.llcil with tbe Biitiahrepre-wntatitei- fnililddinir all undue lntrrli.iri.io iu lur domcalii relatioia Tlioy may betur tbttlliey will bt fully tualainwl by the !i.llu, an long a. ItJty uplrtbt tlio dignity. It Ii not too mull to ty that thai arett Itim '0,000 Irmh Americana bow in arn.i tn dofend the In'rgrity nf tho Repub- lic. Let Ilntam I rt'tthn but a menace ngui-u- t Ibl.laiul, ai.dtan tinun that numutr wtllepring up to buil In Lor toatli, and carry tbe wat. If uoveaat, to bur vary diioii." Iruh Anurkan, ".Should "John Boll'' tot bit face agAimt tt blocked tnd iccoguiio tba Moutborn urirtteem, there will be a ttrougdni fur lioland. But it would be a wond. rful conglomeration lurely, that tliruld prownt tho Iritb tnd the YAiikort tide by tide. Agalnat tbe bleiwed Brit- - lab In Irataintl union with the southern tlavt-lioldc- Wall, tbey niay All bo oorulo. tbtt Irnland U 'Agroeabtt' tnd quit rdy lo - com any one In tbo khe of a r gnortor," I ink itv$. I Hrrra-le- a Tartlt-e- . Mr, Cif irlfji nrum.kT, forineily of IV.t'on, litetly of Wotumli, Alabama, a graduate of the Law echooi at Cliullottavula, a., latt wiu. tor, make the following itatement. II wtt owner r.f 2,100 icrc of land And Ih.'i ci;rii, the whole of vihkh ba bn roblnd by tb let uMiontatd. Tb land lun coai him ,."7.000 two yetrt Ao. Mr. B. wat compelled to Ion liCAuse be re- fund to Join tb .reunion foruea, and for a fn ueclarulion or bid datotlon to the flag of the country under which bo wu born. No other alternative wat left bim but tn light tblt Uig or join itt tnemiet, and Mr. II. ihoote to loone ail bit proporty and relarn bom rather tbtn prove hirnielf a tiaitor. Mr. II. glvtt at a tad account of tb tarrlM lyrtnny piactutd upon northern born aad Union reople in Alabama. He left Curluton on TLandav laL whert he anw three otctmDi ni.ctt of troop, la.ny of whom war leaving fir Lynthburgb. Tba graatatt contempt and btMed wtr txprtMsd in Charletnn toward Um northern eoplo, and tbo Pritiiluit Tboi e waa, bo tayt, rtett wont of on aod of flour p--a UlTy, which wat com- manding , ry high prktt, on account of awl iiaicily. Ila tbLai there ar mjrs tna-'p- In R'Ct mcul "1 at th tviutli than It (.cnnially tupped, lit taw thcuvndi of them in Kicbuioud, and their uumburi aiaaitj to hi in lu be uiual tu u),H0 or more. A ClergjwiAO Maapeclrtl A rapori attcuinnt in Chelrea Ittl ovtnlnr, tlutl'.rt.Mr, l'Ai.Maa, an Kp'acopal ilorjy. man, bl uttered dn'oyal atntimenta, and couritrnaticvd tb killing of CM. Ellsworth. (Sum v liinteeiiaudttiilr friend, numtairia; about fifty or tlxty, acuoraiugiy viactd Ul bona ut aunut ten o'clock but evening, and rang tbe bell viol ntly. Mr. I'auieu can, to lb window, urd t'tcr a parky, tb reverend gntltman liltnv.ll' appeared tt tbo window. II wtt ikka If lie baa utiorca in traitorous leu 1 menu charged upon Um. II said be did m..k a rtmaik on hearing tbt new. from but it war more In pluaumtiy thin from ay iuiitlv of ii laid nt bad Uen a I'niuii mau, and had alwayt proacbtd in favor of the 1,'nlon. lie wat aakad to thow bit Hag. when hi etld lit nal only a a amall on, which na cxoibiiea. Nora. An mf I tiiaciowd advlmdbim neter toiboar anr dlt. I reapact to ibe Hag. however ioaaII It might bs, for I' be did bo wouldu t b toleratai. Mr, 3 Pal Mn lolrrd In cUlncf three chear. fur tha ar. .. ...-- . ,. n . I nag, ar.i in crowa insu ampirtsi, (.rfo Journal, May .i. Facts aad Itataee. A rprdtl dlpUh froBi Wttblngtoa, dttl thtsih,iyit I learn frrm gwntlaraio who bad been all along th pointd and root deaerlbed, that tb Viralnlana have planted batUrU at durareat poitu on the Ulttoetb River, xtenitlnir from abor Norfolk to UamptoB BofUod the Sou th-- rn tidt of th river, Tbey ar front oneU two miletipart. Gaaerally tbar are bat two goat In a eicgl battery, aicetly tJkirty.tworwunaert, but torn ality.fbur pound gun, all of which aete ukei. fiom the Uwprrt Ntvs.yard. They babailt additional batleriu at th Navy said, and irectad btttarie all along tb wat.rir. nt. Mom of tbe gana are loaded with U.iler puTaUiea, rivata, ttc. They h.vebeen very active In thalr pript-- r. ra tt Rkhmocd, Nctfolk aid Got tort-Ge- n. ButLtB wat fall of antra, and confl-di- nt of lucent. Ue wtt tttlvtly preparing for eotn imroriant mov.mant, whtcn my could not b pcrmltttd to know any- thing aboat. It it dor. mod a great miatake on tbe part rf the retail tbtt they hit that tctt-ter- ed their artillery fore along th El t aneth liiyrr, ai etch battery can be taken, on after Ue other, and with great aa, even by a mall lore, in land And water attack com- bined. Wa abe mucictTBD to leant from aboat a buidrod tud hlty Confederate ntwtpapert meat of thent, dingy, tllagibU aad funnily ungrtnuaatical etneerria that tb po pi of thea Fim and United Bute are groan- ing bajer thmoittrainical and bloody tbtt ever exieted. It atemi that a oeeet'y drunkard ibd human baloa to ua the gen'eelret epithet, with which tba chlral'y ch.ractrrli tie P eaidtnt bit fairly got hit 6rtl on the bctkt t f tbt taenty-lw- o luilllout of white t. en in lb twentt.tbr loyal Mute, liani g tulJugAtarl them with aa which, lo aa lb leaat, lara'ea ill for the twotr tbree millioi . of rrniuraacioait'oaftileratei who Ha- tter then Mvoi that Ikelr paper I rdtruMN and ont-boi- e Uovmnaient can tup btia In hit match to Uidlviued m(lfs. A Larita ii aa narx Bauut ed la thli city fn m i no ef ta moat dlatlngul Jied politioiani lu Kauiuiky, himmlf a itieng Ualen Bias, ia which heexpitaa! tb moll decided convic- tion! or lb loval'r of that Itate to tba Conati-tuai- tad the Union, and ttatet thtt Mr. Bru. ti' Tenaeeaea. bad written a letter to hit IneiKia in Kentucky, expltltlng the reaaoa of kit late extraordinary ipercn. which wit ctnaeil rot by hi contictluni or .iraptthlat with tt Mtaealooi'itd, but by bit hiving been accldontailf thrown off bU cmrd from a too grnerout Udutpemin thtrap which, uofor-tonatc- ly, doe inebri.le, while tt Innplret wilh vtciuu.'ldeaj. A iiraTLi-dA- who cam from bit firm le-vo- Manaiaaa Gap Janttlea, la Madlaon bounty, in lb baggage waaooh of the Flrtt Ragtmrnt Death Caitlina fcliliila, commaadad by Col Matav Okiwio.aaye thtt the rrclmant la en thoutand ttroog,aod Accompanied br two buncred teyroe, wo carrird their mitten' armt knnptarlt, tmJ i mdwy frurt an nrtra hat Th guns tern ttrapntd on thi baclt of thin, crvo. A jmnlutr jt atari vat a fit mjro A LIST OF HtTEPETJ ponTMAtTmu bad been made oat at tb Port offlc Dapartrnrnt, ta which It appended th amount for which they at proven delinquent. Duplicate Hat will be given tb com mane: ing officer of th various divlaion aaoving eoathward. with accompany- ing Inttrnct Ion concerning tbe treatment of tna babw. It U Utd on good tatborlty, that no cleat of nun will meet with mortHvertpnnlth-mtn- t, or mora inmmAry, than that whlclt will b vltiUd tpon th. men. IBBon recehtlt raoN Kentucky tsy that th alx Wutera countlaa are ai hot with tb arrertlon fiver u South Carolin vr waa, and tbtt mob-la- and tcrroritm tweept everylking lielote tlim. Tb rrat of th tut I ithr quitaooiit or actively loyal. Wl LKABwfrilAT Mr. JtMIS tow, w ho bid man for lovtral yetra tbe How- ard and purveyor of tbe New York Hotel, hat been duaiiaaeii from hit place on account of hut Union trnlimanta, and that he intends doing for our own army what Hon a did for th Britlah troop In the Crimea teach tlcm how to preatrve their live, by cocking their food prowtly. Mr. it Iwtb a aclanUllo and piactlcul ccak. TiiKGt.tiaiiHicirr baa already made con- tract. ith the Novelty Iron Works and other ehtablUtmonti for a amall numticr of gua-bua- ti, and Its rrglncoritre rapidly completing dre'cni fcr tbt t'x laitror war ictMila ordered by the but Congrow, lb koel tf at lomt one of them bring laid. A CuRRii'OBnEST from wrilett I bue hern gaining tho aentlment of Alexan- dria. A large numtHtr ol dm wNliad to vote for iLe I uion but wore in InUa'od. A large pottioti tro for Ibe I'r.ton. if the Uniuii wina; lor cl.unlonif the latter win. Col. Warra, Ma ion Siutini r. and the ull r illliwrt who reru captured in Tests, list leu bid .trd repottnl tn tho War I)earlmriit. It it nribal.'e tbey will bo tlinrplrit ibty dieplainl, a". I todutioi that will not tcquire Uwui lo vlclrl tbt ir parvlot, 1 lilt U. 8. BxVESCrt Cottek Wasiiiectoti, wtuli wis teUad by tn rebali in NewOrlkans bat brturacontUuiled at a co.t of ten thoutand iWiUara, aikI It now ittdy fur a pirutlctl vcytge. hbe u armtd with an eight-inc- pivot coluuv Mail and lour t welve-poen- rt. 1 no following arn llit nsmis of tbe crew of the privatour Fiv iiruliuii, wiiitiinaut irora Eti'aunan t vm. Hi'qu.djn (1'iotitb), innuudrr ; llwijamin lluiila. I5uv. Tliomai Ga dntr, Wm (juartar-nan- , lr. Jamu llljr.e, Bamuel Brnckinton, John Uararport, llatrowt Wlnton, Dr. Wittly Taylor and Jtntu llanton. 'Hit to men, according to the understanding of the adnilnlttratlon, are all pirates. The Feclibo arpear to be gaining pjound In Weetarn VixgUia, that tbe true predion for Ul ion mtn tn itkt Is that tha Htuts Govern-intr- .t bai ilidiciteil, and that thov mutt form a l'ri.vfeiouit Uovircmtnt of tbtlr own. Toev bopo to sett their Govonmr at Rbhingnd by id it n, or aiiurmos, in .'viu ti .'uiy, Wiiksj my. VanMOTrRkom.tJT entered tnl toikporieaiionof lltinpton. Va., tlootherday, niriy of th cltlrent cauUonaly csms out and lojllvely waived their handkerchief, la tckea of wclccms, though tbey wtro hardly lure trt ugh of lb petition of aifaut to xpreet tbiir tentlii.enl boldly, A WASiiiat.ir.ir Lktiik tTArr.s that tbt excitrnirnt pruvalcnt tbers fur ininy weekt pimt hat quite d'roytd the butlnasa of gas . lllsg talooiu. Tho epirlt of patriotism and warprompta to a nobler application of time ai'd gold than Ibat demanded by tb roulette table er tha faro bank. It were well If the rrreent dearth of builnoe were to lead tb gam. I.liig gentry to remove altogether from tha federal city, where tbey have ao long re i lined in nnldashing deiUnce of tha lawt, botli of tbt land tnd of uorUity. Iibu-evrr- or a Utnta tllltu The rrmalna of an ancient Roman villa were ruintly acclden'ally di .cover el wbUe plough-lo- g in fngUnd, It ttands within half a mile of the groat Itomin road from Camulodunum to tDeiett'tmoriti In Yorkthlte From ns in ths nelkhboriui liuldt It is not un. likely tblt I Lit may have beta a totilcment of onuMttcn', Coins lav been found of tb renod of ul cl tb (ioiditni, of Constaatina, of t'onitoLticu II,, and tf Coaitins; alto of rono fragment of nan.lmUH, a Hone cDltel, lagtf.ik, apindie-wbirlt- , aid numberlea pircet of lunrrul urny, do'iVi rfio'm, and trt of ininy Horti tnd aire, tome of very cboic Si- mian tnd llurobnvrr wur. Tb hyiincauattl features ai very clearly mtikod, is tS fu nacrt, ilutt aahpl't, andutdtrpltra, wh'clitr llllrd with city, ami much burnt, Thrt ar four datlota ff tbe walls of tbie rooms, and a toil p'ungin balb, with a long drain hy which tho wat,ir.'pl down tb alope of the hill. B net id' rod titer, ox-n- , an.l anoep htv I en dug up, with tho uauil num'jjr uf oynur tbtll.. Tha I a ly ef arcMia.. A soutbetn piper isytt It will be a ralrai le If tbo cotton planters dro not ftilutd by ileir robellion. Every event aorms to con-pir- e lor iuhit v,tuub.ivu, auna ll Imminent d.u::er it tho Imruodlat and vlo- - t... ....... 1. lr. ... .. . I. ..'A,,, tnd Miuk utoiuirvr VI "'i alsnyra'.e, !.. I. . .... mmoIim1ii1 1' that th lM tfll tlon will La materially mvlllled before tb ttnnlnsticDof ibe war. Tbeie are tbe direct I tonieiiunncta likely to How from tha rtbclllon, I and tn lliani will I adit I. In ill humsn Drabs ar... .. .... .. , r,.-.- i i ininy, ne neairuciu,noi lue vaiueui aiavna uy i ht d.aUactloa gflhe monopoly new tnjoysl . Iaihirodoctlcnferdtoo. Tba epCnlau gttni roaf d dttH, that wbatorK Jt Btay hipen, thmrr wit be aaslrrrnd or rauDy wwaaded In tbe conflict nf arrna; And from piwawnt aprirar. ancei It tduvontart the greautl ruxt at ta binjtof lufrltndt. Tk -- Vadt TW17 T W ttatwt en Saturlty tb arrival of hit whalaehip, lnaconvertatloawithMf.CirrttHO. w gathered aom partlcalati of ta eanture and tianiportAtion of the motuttr, which wt thlrk WIU b of lttrat toour reader. lb whale I called the wblu wbtla, and It an fatabitant of tbe northern teat. ltd oia-tll- c nam it tb " Beluga " When fkUy rro n It k frcnt forty to fifty ftt la lantrth, and weight from four to all tool. Froaa thea (Umes It ttiay b Inferrad that th flah hi of oa It I.nlln tiiej whll in commercial polatof viawit I of no saean account. The present whale, now aa ictlva, twtmmlng Itai. drnt cf cur clly, was caught In the SlLawrtnoa river, between tb OrelU and Du Loap river. 11U captnr wat tcartd by wtlrt, a tort of trap mad of wooden tttkaa, lncloing an arta ef ervtrtl Billed of wattr, but to tbaped aa to tr to a point, where big flah ar nabbed. There weirs art tat yearly for tbe whatei, it a time when tbey mat th-- lr annual vlait to th locality tn quaalloa. Fcartn have betn caaght wltblii two moatb which peiiod is commonly cronntl a aoa. All but tbat caught bur Mr. Omsn were killed for th parnoM of procuring oli, which Id their only ItoJuctof any Valu. Hating loea eecnieJ, hi a bug box fur trtrxputu-tlo- n. lu.foreth'a was accompllaheiL however, tb wbal gay h ciptrrt murh troubl by hit powertal dapping., Jumpintrt, oVc, having Hi und.red tome r'rvn (men Mveril timed, mack to treir peril and Inomvenienre. The box we lited with lea wd and wt psrtUlly covered At the top with lltl. The predout frwight wu then can led acran tnl.atotnc one of tb rouabtet road in Canada) and from thence by ml fiv hundred rsilet to Boston, by apteltl trait a, at au xpet,if aom art en husdred dnllaie, Tba wto'e entarpiUadid not cott lee than front 91 000 to ai.ZOO. Tha whale ta twelve fret long, and weigki two ton. Hn tiAnriottatlon was attainled by many in- ter eet In z event. At tacb italltn lb mon-- eler wu as wall wa'erau at If he bad been a lo- comotive. Tbe aqueous attention were anrte rtcHiry during the journey of aixty heart, AU along tho foute tb ( iatinguiabed tnvtter waa tb object of crat cuilcelty end thtmott aniBaien coavaraiK c. On being fjaced lutha bate task at th Aqaaii.l Garden, tb proceed of wbioli wed witiiMMd tybundre.il with tb mett tntenu Interf at. tb wbal it one twtra ia th moat lively tad graceful manarr; and before b had occupltd h'a raw ra.idtnc ba'f an hour wat apparently quite at bone. He had tinea bun tbe wonder ar.d admiration of thousands of oar fellow cltlrent, t among which Are tbe naturalists, leacbertaad others. Frrf. Aoaw-i- iz pronounces tbe wht'e a Brand affair, and tb enterpria of getting it har altogether tvi grnrrit. Tb wbal I fed oa flah. It eits a pack of birring at a mal, though not oa the wool a grut eater, bit sit considered. Its diet wba It its native waters ta chiefly a nth raited th capelln. foafnrt Allot. MawCaaaaa, Tb Phcrnlx Iron Compear In Philadelphia are atwut to commence the manufacture of wi ought Iron cannon of large calibre, tbe of Mr. Gairrai, superintendent of these Important work. Th guns ar very neatly like the Armstrong gun, except that they load at the mntrle. Two batlerie of six guns each, will be prodsred Instantly. When finished ths gun presents the apnearance ofastuu-aad-twiatii- n. The "pi lea" ar o nruitructed that tb fibre of tbs iron run rowaot tbs bsrrel, rendnilng the gun abnott lmnoMibl to burst. Th guns will b wilh tbe celebrated iIotebklM thot anil hell. The twelve-pounde- rt will throw a 16 pound ball a dlttanc of two and a half mile, and for either artillery or ilegt purpnaea, ar a moat furmidabl wwpvn. Twelv of tbnu gust, will b made forthwith for tbe dofauu and pro- -I eel ion id tbe city alone; wbllit, in all proba- bility, theissonrcet of the establishment will I much further taxed fur the production of this valuable arm. latdlsa raakletaa. Pat it I'aiblona tell us that Crinolin having ttAauanew luaa uf cxletuiice, flouucri have romo bark Into favor. On deep tlounce, edged with two or three tiny taies, tbe latter edged with a pl,.ing of the color moat ennsplc-uo- as in the embroidered pattern, It much In vniu: nr the drt mty Im ll juncel half way sp with lluwert about tore Incline In wMlh, or to tb aiat if prefilMd. Tho l.lU.lil uf tbe skirt is getrrally good Ceal trlinm.d. Fur the alio it. abort paliwM of tilk or light cloth, re still the rage, crwitllr for young people. nlM.tles, tiry large nnd ample, are much in faeliiO", trimmed with broad tl mncei of aud a of tb aame on i be aliouldata. Ilonnata ara worn docidedly larger, aa to ronin well over the top of tbe head. Whlto bertelinir, with black ptptnt but ween the brul I, knipaillt dt rh, ith a maa ta Mowers a:ruts the fori head, art among tb 1st irlto at In. ItlaAroellaiieoiii. Tnr. valvbof tub Pobtbait tf Wash-iscito- b, In the bsoa's I'bambir, is not inr. ally known. It la an original portrait by Sivabt, and It en of th three abith he tainted ol tbe rattmr of bis Country. Un or ibe others Is at Boston, and one at Newport. The nlctur In Whluzton bu An Euroutaa reputation, aud weald readily tell fur 910,000 In Londoa to. lay, ListBiA is av A cocdltlos. r!oKar.makIng kt on tb lacrea., also tb col tor if itfl'ee, cotton, and otbur tropical Th maitlpllcatUn of Intel lor Is now under t'Onsideratlon. 1 oi b KkLt.ows srst an Invitation to Wm. Kt 1 , a rtaprctubla eltlzen of ht. Louis, to a b.l u lew idjthts tinte; thinking It was tome I riva- - aflair, he went, but loon bad retina to llilnk ttniilliing wit wrong) In bulily taking lit departure, be waa sU.d tnd robbed of s iiil.litih and nurm; of money, ikr rascals Late Uniarr.ittd, ABiLtTiiK or Mks. PARTraoioa In Jar-K- ej C'l'V, who ll greatly alaruud At tb ids of be. husband's gting to lb war, and who ha til lrrepreiki drsidof guns which shoot, tl iiult tilling that b iball enll.t In tbe Iloro liuard. and ni a mulkat without elotk. lae- - iny thtt In tliat case nalther he nor hi wupoa could go ojj, Bebatob Douqlai Tbe country will t glad to knew, tayt tbe Albany Journal, thtt the be 1th of ctnttor Dooolas U alowly im- proving and bis recovery no longer doubtful. Ilil coinel aud Kivlcct Alt Dot lltl ia this p,r tlcmbour, v A MRtrrAL tasb or Caim.Ty bu astf com to light at Xiwtonfille, Mass.i Wm. A. bAt U'en anstted, tbarged with aUrvlng in t'etth 8 cowl and a horae; th appearanc of tl.aanimaU wia moat Billable, they hiving cogsumtd tvtiy particle ottoaUmd tb bora laving cntwsd th wood-wo- Vbls Hall; on cow was alive, bu wu hardly xp:ted to lurvlve. After Harbii was bailed out. on t.tr,i.i iiiuht. the illlzeus drsged bim frem lisbtiuae, ro.Iol.lm on a tail, while a crosd pultid bio i with rottsti eggs. War Itoms. Tnr. BosroB Atiik-vvi- h tx.M'Aim tb lsn;rrt ntlittiy librtiy la tbe United State. ThbTiirobto scouts th story thit tbe B'iiiab (iovernment Intend to tend out t llect of un biult lot tb Canadian Lakea, I'RIIIIPM ABE PAllllOTIC It I uetimttcd that rot lest than Ua thuuaand bay lotuntctrwl lo cfti d th blars and airit, TurritM.iiviiit (Ct 1 St. el l'lowConv paoy tie lU'kt to iiianufaeiu.e rltlcs instead of plows, Tiir PoBlli.tl.aE fIT . cf Jacktonvill, III., lavs foioint tlea,lvn Into a lulUUry ccmpify, end at waiting Ii r thtlr teevlcat to be tciiplcil. The Ohio under whlih tbe po le uf thtt St. to now rally, has twotlanki ntnielyi Firtt, whip the rebel qllekly, till I pscoBd, Mtsi t. B 'V ? RATES OF 'ADVERTISmd. TOttB CAtf W IBTArTCe,' Z AdfiHiianuk. Fareryyy)CTtjrtf.BBraW twe wot da, late, tm day, M ewaets let rant.tk'M days. It III dyl, LTa, dV4 Hon haaide, MnM mlo eaak day. ; Marrtaea aad ftaeihj.in testa M SmhnPaWBSkaB, M Willy advtrtlaamanle of lour llara, lAwartedt) tne coaveaiawee or wq omca.ya ror eray wa AdrarUtanawU renelred natJI 1 eeaWBia P. at. Tai etabUabaasn U SBttrety Bsassy. OBBAT COATI FOB BdlAVTBaa, fjaAaaa fa Wtahlngtaa, ara rtrcngly dlirlitdsa, aa kyjahr enmbroua latUiU a noi, BaTilssaWa blaaktt Mitead, U warmly idvautsa.. ,,. Oos ajtoR flrRAoos has AaanEDla JDn Nland with 82 horse, parxksasd la this cftf, tot the) Prpos af orgsaltlag a sscvadl aattsVTr which wUlUrsady la ttndaya. - -- , CrrasB or Taor av parckml a ct Btdal for Fbabcu E BaownU. tha Zaasv who shot Col. Ei.lswobth ' Bsarddiaf. Tawaa; Baowbill 1 a Troj aa, and Id Bwa aSawaa. OovBBaoa Btwti hab ia fattri rasr dyHk th Prtstneat md StUrT f War a Mmtm. II la In favor of putting 60000 bmh bbsw aajs flslil ImBtdlaitly, la order toinsur a i tarmlaatioa of tb war. A ViaLtraTBRB wai HPtawHirTw3 la fbO-- adalphia, on .Uy laat weak, By hid wtfs, Us avidenUr wanted to CO whers ha can ttilk back wi then t dUht nor. lama AitvAam l Paint. Ta latest B- - ccaau from Englarid iwaort, thst oa scrednM at tbe daman. I front the Halted Brat, tba nrlsa. is Et field lifte has beta tdvincsd br Mb rmufteiureis from fifty its to slgnty a4uv Iingt. A IlimwowD fVA,1 coBREiroaDBarfi Tba fonndrtu In trill eltr ar j turning oat I : . , - bum tars or ciason aaa muiEsts asuy. uw rased volunteari are being rapoUsd a fast sat tCSsibr. BuuorSiMrse Mid In a recent taraastt r We wlU Uke oar uloriooi dig th Bag at oar countr- y- tnd mil It Jart below tbt ero t Thst it high ancsigh t Th-- I let It Wtr u tt wa- xed oft Id. Arourdit let ai gitberi "Fart Cbflit ', than oar Couuuy '." AraicAs Slave Taadb ScMnTTra-T- B Itlchacood Kmgnirrr thinks that if th ntgrea of ths North nr sent down a part of the arar-o- f sabjugatioo, lb rtouth will acqalra a larp smoLnt U e.av labor tn vwry advantagatsa harms. ,, WAaratcts aretiibbclbSootb i a young, lady, Just arrived (nrnt huhoAprid. Vs., BattT 14 taat for a .pool of cotloa. 8h itate the tbe taldier art math dissatisfied with these tatloaa. which consist of salt Junk, tors awsad. and caff, wtth. ut milk of sugar. , SsLDtiat c Pateb. Tb county etia-col- a, l.nr., hi rsiaec' a fall rsgittant f HM nn to Bght Pitsideni LtBcnur. TwdhaaaTt of th.. ate over six fact blah, and 60 oosdrsr iw.nty-oneyears- age, Yet tbs canaut -- mips ibow thsttb county doe not scat aaa LOO mala, tetw.tn thee- ,- of Is aodtl ysars. Thb "M.000 Arms ttonr Ii brwu aa taa face of it i no luch arrival la Hew Otlsasa lOuUba.e t.k.n plaoa. Fust,2o0,000raridC arms wonl.l waljb 1.700 tons, too much for one) blp to carry) aacend, that is no place la lop wr tbat namber eould b asinhad third, tbs rabelt htv not ths nictstiry rnasavt. The BfaKKAia or nra Mrurtarrrt Bxtmat I. pioduclng aomt tlogular resulta. New 0 leans I tblpplng Lecoa tn Mampbl. and Mtta phi I shirking rlcs to Nw (hleana. Ric hi lower In Msophli thaa la New Orleans, aadt biccBhiahsr. Tub Uaro Mxw of Eat TVnnisua havw called a Convention, to Best at KsoxvlleS otk ths flOih. FarsoB Bbowblow dascribsa ahav condition of things there u liltU lata horribl than In tb frsmy of lb French aUvolatlsa. Tbs trsttoio ar rullag tb unarmed patrioaa with a rod of Iron. A K3bayb,,TabexbJobb. CoicaI Tt-'-lJt- of tb MassachuMtts Sixth tvaartDAta when usMrlbtsg hi experlenc ia Baluaui.. tay he taw a man with thru itcosa uadsr baa ana aod on In hi band, pelting away at hs trcopa, whan h fired at him, and, to at Mr.' TTLBR'sownlsnguag, 'Tu aum dropped aba 0rir and laid lioaw." Taa RxnaLs Coobt Stbobolt oatkwaaV fact of their climate oa oar northern troraa, but ar likely to be mistaken. Tbs British troops in I ndut do not suffer much frees beat; nd In lis wir of tbs revolution New Kniland troop fwiaht many lorioui battle la the) hottest WMtbtr. A SsrrJsioB Fruo was CAFtuBsro recently, under amusing circumstsncea, at Potest, Mo, ( knowlag the Hag to be in tbe bouse, tbe offloor, felling to find It eluwbere, had bis attenUon attracted to a lady, seated in as uneuypo- l- tn.ni politely in.iaitng on tue laoy ruing, am ifflurdlKovarMt tbe bA'uful rag, IlOftet by, tcnortled under b"r lus. A IIi'ub Poniuwo A soldier at Fort War-rs- n rote last weak to hie mo' her is Batow, r.iiortlrg hrr toiend bim a plum podding. Oba btd a larg dish made to order at a ih't, and rot up a pudding weighing; tixty-fo- ur pounds, luludiog iniong lit iugredltntt a whole Iwx of retains which tb emt. Tn voarg man wrol back that It furnlattd a Baal fir biuarlf and emblem mstematts, with av good lum boon lift ovir. A Got.n Uxampib to Fin low. Nabct lit hi in. whom eiy rtald.nt o Dotroik trow, iltaiitdcn loetday wiihMr. OwEBt -- i two hundred dolltrs, which dulred too Uiadfur the gtivefnmanL Tina torn wutk bard rarnetl raving rf ber nurkot ataU. "She) eould not keep uor.ejr by ber wken ber country reeded It; tiki It," lbs tald to Mr. Qwm A vpkieablb riLn FAMtB lately apptArett In tbe legtitttlvt hall of Kentockr, uncovered bla tcowy locks, and ktvlng outlined per. Difssivn to peek, thai delivered bimtelfi Mitntltmtni i tm delegated by asy couatw , lo birorm ycu that tf you bold a secret wstsbpa here, it vou thruten to do, aot ns It on of ihi csd'tolwill teat upon snother twenty-lba- r bnirstfttr Gooddiy." "lh ld rjentUnua llitu certrtto. Moke Wild CAT.-C- pt. for Stobb, a well to dn lumber mtn ol th Wild Cat region, went to Pittsburgh, r., rtcently with a larg lot cf lumbar, and wa Infatuated with th war fever so much, by tbe eight cf our regiment, tbat, Uavlng bla lumber in charge ot on at bis men, hs rsturisd boms, raised a ccaaparxr of a hnntlftd plcted rnn, whom hs armed ana Mutpptsl at h's ox cost, atd Joined Ooiocal Kjink' Wild Cat B.lnat'rori;fd. Tub srissoiTlkS orwAa are dUeovcrabU In lb Iclluwing turns, (dvtrtisad (or in taa. Werbtngloa tsptrs t Cotton gtods, various dsacriptloaa, yards, lllfi.UOt UADDa), viulous colon, virda, L- -, 100.0CO iloth, vatluut kinds, 414.000 stoob i'lga, wovlen, pAirs, SOu.O&O j blankets, 4uC 00 tluml pouixla, 14,000 ; bunting, red, vbit und blur, yards. iS.OOOl battrtia, rcat 27,100 1 cuuteeiie, U),000j tun past, J0OO imp keltles, 10,000. Togetber wilh all l.rt. an.l tant ouJnirra. txat, baW aLcvK pdet pikAot Iclasts, has nxEX said thst th battles tl'fha An-rl- can lvoluUon wsr gained oy tue ruiw. The British soldiers wr not thn lnsUacl4 losboot at mart; nut tno uaye aiw i i a . forever. At the battle uf Vlttoru in Spain, MX) ballt were fired for every man that.waa klllitl. Attb bitilt of Cberubfisco la Mx, lis, 124 American ball wr fired for wry mtn that wu kUlo.1 1 thli wu bttr than lhc if tb cpemy, who flrnl bOO buUi for vry rasa do, I lllwl rn our side. This however, will tot now. In England a party of thirty iklraleb- - i can destroy a battery of lUht srlllliry, att rtaQt liunurcti 3 arus uibtauce iu one ui.uu.. AINoeib WoMAir. Mrs. Xuaa Gbay Iisiihb, alady over LO yM old, who lost a. rsndfatbsr iu tb rnvolulion, and a Isther h b war of 1812, bu, with tb cooper atioa of dfvw Isdv I'rleuds, jirovLVd a eomploU oatajt orsaantireComcioy. Tharllslaarsu fo ove, and are ot its bent mataiUlt and tmstt. hortnah wutkmaa-hlp- , 1 10 shirts, ;W) taajtw fdtawerr, IJO toaet liO cket handktT- - biafo. l.iO ptln tf lock., 1. hospital .towns, Shape containing neIWa. pU.a, thread, JLo., A llavelvck iip, WO ytrd banJAgea. Such .emeu tie ol LB true tevolutlvOAry slock al our to thtm. Hem t tU'.uLK Exriiuvxcpi wu gained by tbi Scott Igton dtrlrpj tre Mexican war. f.i tn certain oaa provtaeii a tiring iro- - batt. Id tbi chut tb rain pressrv th kee- p- skis it their frUtds, Ihair ob ,; , dabltpircia. lach man simwpewv J w'.lhbUntme, the tutr-cu- r of the eooJ t.k..lt Ldtnt tal Itt dawalBa fCli. - a 1. faLa. Tb. chest Is kef ) "' H r, lisoMB quailara. and in lb roercB It accost- - . run atbecsptaiae w.r-"'- r-' '" "Ti ,b, VeMcao ''""""..": .iV- -Z r.'ll.'rrepletr.s. and In aolcatinoebunich a I dd: bpeu lksn by tb eosaiy. J

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'TIIE NEW YORK SUN.FtibUekad W Mm Maw work Rim AewwdatUa

daily rarjadaye empted, m wttrk . bnlMMM Bl Olln Balldleea,Kuii werta. aad Mo til

of Bmdnr. Park Ik ul Aml). usder the Aaaerloaa kfaaim .

TkejDab Hum la delivered by eerrlore U tv

Krw York City ud v'cinlty, tlOX AND A QCARTEB CENT FU WEEK.

bif U GopUe Oh Can.IV When Ma by M ail, Four D4l-- a Y..m CuciMoa Ibjvua'bout lb jeer ending

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THS WEEKLY UNl mailed to Subscriber l Bm4n Cent, perYeu 1 It month. 11 1 laf .tCopiea, tr esni.Bpertmens east fret), to Intending Subscriber.

Addreu "TUKSUK,'Owner Kw. Md Fulton HtmU, Kaw York.

xrLonneaT suu.Aaxsrrs wrra from . upwards,

. raoney rapidly, by arlllnc Wheeler! rlwM Owerd 1 patent harrier, trees eawtat imh ar epa-l-et Imij wtb r.lea keywt every.rmHkltteut) made dally.Brtailjn if. rente: by wiail, 10 nu, Address

ARTSFli WANTr.O-- A PARTNERwtili time 00 rath eenttat. to take an 1ntrrr.t

Ft k lew 1uenttt.eiwhtre 9 ,nui nan bamadalhu)r m rrr pirwun imuure J' a An. A. Mlatkrafock.r. M. mrsrno

CUiaIMS --"V.N1EO IMMEDIATELYa F.rrh U. 8. Amy, loo file Wled

U an 4 13 yeerr, rodpay, aad vltii k.rd. a lochia. u mediae! itlnl.aac. Ane'y pa iba foaaiyel Beorsltla. xutla,e(IJuataeaeet. ny)Ul.MM

AirABTXD FOB THS 0. B. ASJtT, 400I WW yaimBvB.kraMllka4leyaanafkf et--

enuani pay, an, vim poara, .100004 a ad nrfnl aa.iandanea. Ayyly at th. trlnagaj narvlMu atetloak!UOa4at.ar(kiknaaCllialarU


Aoxkts WAJSOTD-- nrn todmoaU a kk tndlavnaabj In iw; fan-U-r.

aaa maka rma (taM a lay. aao.BAOKaB,16 Ma at, faai 1. Bay t4aolM

SEWING MACUINE-WAKTF- .D. LADIESr ta oparatr on Whalar As Wiltno'i Im

trAVfa aaatnt rnaeklnaa, or on. of ta oM taltriiaf 4 ov r.tir. lathaeltj 1 tad.ht all 4d. ofUtckiaa, hraiailnir, fciUna, Ae.. ao J Ikoror ataaa-wm-

ot to. raachloo, aad roommn4o en ylaco.fof $1. 1 ho In want of fia'raton. k af4 AmacUma fur Ml, and family at vlaji dana at vt Ca-nal at. arWiUt'm

SkWINli UACIIISES-- H AND9 WANTEDMrt. on VVhMlrT A Wilaan atlnrnachln. Nona but oooiDeUat hand. d aaalyat

6 NuMii at. Urooalm. myWi

rVTIK MACIILtlKSWABTKD LADIESSU laarn to oaorata 00 Moavrt and Whoolar Wl.aani aavkw m.ohtiav All kraaehat of wark tanykt.and twiMnmaudiid ka work. Tai L AyatyJMFalton at. Brooklym, imIb, m II

atora. yaiaaa--u

Scwau HAOHiinatWAJiTCD ladcibnyarata on Ibnn and Wkaak dl

WTiaoa. and otkor wring manhlnai; toarnod pttTaatandpractioa UiTaattasad on ahoy wockall tba (aaao.lal Inry yart, tarn. fU alao aavtny tnaohlnaa tm'SI an tout, at g Otikirl ak nrktkl

Riwraa icachtjik wabtkd ladimO tolaarnto aporataon Bliurai--a, Wkaalor Wn--uaoinoa: alaaaU.klnd. tKaadIIOTa'.amrtnf at ID kind, of atltabtnt

AnotoraatvMadaiiadaiIMaBja. Tarrna Bodattta.m Unary at. kMrlliaJlaa

cewtho atAonnnt wahtkd tvm--Oasna wka vlak to loan to oyaralo on ItMaraj aawnf

ayad anaOoa on aU kuaa at wanoUt rwantakarn tba pantaloon trada.

iAU Annr. aaniiaao-ia- a

ddBta daJH BCOAl

AT I THOMPSON BT GOOD BOARDaa Su aua aa a waak; alas pfoaaant roaana far

kdialFai .Iv6an4 a , ltb board,Us. laontw and lodcara takm at IratataalMIUdaa

Bmnmsa-- A gentlemanrnboaotinio-iIh- !

and wm,d i i kri Worn, win'orat alaoafro-- t room

tiki I' Applr a tl'atfttai t.iu r. e irocr of Foc.ytk, N. x, myvi a'loa

TiOARD-- A GENTLEMAN AND WIFBA- - I . or thn traUamra ran bo aaeonuaoaatadwltk rcntwl board, at IM Ludlow at. Call for odo


and alnala bod. for 3 a weok t aaoladkx, at '. at 170 TMrd ara. lntranoo noar tka

dray otura, aoraor of lltk at, atttvmTJOAliDrNG t YOUNG MEN' THAT AUKJ-- ' In iittuat of a room In a iTiratn famlla, ran ba aoromin'M.td witn boarl bv aflplylna T4 IUardtlAcation eOBTOnlnii it to Cliatbam inarc. mrfi i"lol

BOARDING IV. THOMPSON STREET.lai.a airy room, fo

al.w r.i.riaLla youny urn. IJouw ha all tnauodtrulmuniimuU. Taaiuadkom MU'wardc

Ot-- IflitTJOARDIXG-- A FEW T0KNG MEN CNI J b anrMumodfttt-- a w.tli brd nlw ft man ind

vtft,luft ijood loUoa. W . nwriutirtff . lUFdi v

JAKDINO- -A FtW YOUNG MEN CASha aooommotlatad with board, at tl Ninth rt.

at ,1 vat wwaa, jcinlata Of nalA, wira noi ana raw.aiir. my 10 aaao law

llOAnDrNO AT 108 BOWERY A FEWjyiHummaarau Laooimmod.trd wltbaaod boardm..A mlammmi Vimmum mlmn aufltlamHU aad tll.lr WlVW.

IO lUi Hoard and f iiruiabad raoma, on raiaoa.hla Urma.nil 4ac lid

IIOARDIBO A FEW BESPECTABLBXI ywuoa aaaaaaa ka wiodatad wltk yodboai rd aad ranma br amlrlna at vn Ulumam ataara.nrit door U iJaranml elatklny rtora. Alao (mt aaahart dinner aad taa, at tlfi par waak. tylt4aBOARDINO ON THIRD ATE A FEW

raan on ba aaeommodatod wltkyood board, alalia beda, and Ana airr rooaia, at J prr

i t Doarojora, limit aww a roo--i yw rm iBoat 381k at, aor at kd ara. rU vtaa-l- k-

BOABDINOA GENTLEMAN AND VTifafantlwman aaa ba aoroinra--

dated wltk (toad board" and wall furalahad rooraatptinaajii paxbra, at Ml Broono at, aor Lndlow

myld t4aoUS

. TJOARDWU-T- WO BDfGLB GENTLk- -I XJ loan, a a a aOowian and vltaaan abtalb board

and plaaaaat aoom. at IM t3baJaa.tra-t.o- ui

UnauwtohM. alQ.li.4

BOARDMa $ tW VIBCATraoma and board, tW 00 to M

a wirk aud apaarda I ladiaa aad faaUUa. aultaa i ulanrarlorwltk ptana. tJai watokmaa and lodilnf. allf.ickti aUcw varaona. Ka dd Uaponard aU nubrjadw.?: myTtaaal

lri.MSIID BOOMS TO LET ROOM1 ,. br.lmoni .nltaNo for b -l- aekoooloa to a rmallUn I r. I "' No, 1 Cat: Lue at, old No., U,


I7UBNIS1TKD at, aultaMa for rwonomlaal bonw-kj.rd- -.

rodT,,L0DGING8, Wim 03 WITHOUT Brd

ring la aud doubla baodad rooav.Board fraao II 60 to J pur wwak. rJlula roam, to

1ODGINGS STRANGERS NOTICE11 Ii' raralabad roama k wark, rromTD aamia apt am.n Ida, by altnt, 10 oast aln.U noma, IS ointa;

arntmnaa and rib, 17 waouuua aii ninnhKrtrehabaiaBt. raually lowi parlor, for ladirj at

"tL lOd Vranklln at urt.lflotiu

iR 1500U3 TO LET PLEASANT WELLtm, f .IV pautUatad aim la raoma for leutlmnon, K .ambta.,, j 'iv, (oath it, earaar CatliarUva. myJtm

ir V.. 49HOCEBIES.

tRfVTERrioi avt vrniTR?? . . FOU TUB MlLIJOV..liuapa.i aiora in ion worm uoooa aoilTorea iron.

n. aijniw.i'lUMB. at and 89 Hurray rt,U.. V.k

TUANGE CO. BUTTER, K TO 18 Caot.jla tba Hty, M to 1 etaiwen lea. by tba pall.

L 1 1 id. peril boat araoee 10 to II eta, boat hourl 86 eta a Iba, .Utfar. reralied at ratiner. prion,E !u boardint hotiwe and pnrata famuJo JwtteTiV. partaof la city to SlfjlWOJIlW.4 Third ere. war 8itJu .C

UALFBiRRtia FkKJII 8AUIEUJDO farkrreL price dtsubalf barrel: Oil htlfa,'raak witod herrlBM '" fapi.lyoaa, penea t hair

nuokod rrlnira.lrt eeoti box.JiiiabyMLLbON V ELLd 4. Co. ,,,nn niND NKW KPICED SAvAION, 10

OUU pwod nana, prloa l M eta. JP'erd lottOora,Id cente puimd. (Wilt nurnii w eraLpnoa tiln mL ,,a .had ad ball bwnl. For aa'a br NKLrKiM Waim fa. i lyrt. tarit M


OOAL I AM NOW UduOADINd COALVy of the wary bed qnall' , til alaee, whirs I wid

il ar. iMouanr oieaoai. ir 'r'.l" w...i J odaa.U$0tkni.ftiia7d.loTMmdaj A, r.yunaa. " " -


XX bark raw and I txdrooaM, a In kM. rant fitTfi, to a amall aautaal family, U Kaaaiatal at: alaarmm nn A4 Ar. aflfil. a Mmmt mm Alh Aimwl past kTNi, 3 Finn ara, alao I raonu on U doar. ll. Ala--p at, aiao I roam, on 14 nxr, haek kaamatnt ana 1attto room, rant ail.aTt hlliulM . AdoIvIUM


XAbaok ytrlnr. ta-- baannant., vitk .Iwplnf rwtaii,ya, not aud ould at.r, No. Id IMhaaa at, naar lati. aua ataaaa. Am, tin III dnmIm. m ..aBlrackrr at, of t. CI OH1BTH; rant ad6. tnti a'ixd

nASEUESTS TO LET- -X NBAT BASE.A- - mmt. for bn Unoa. i fl rant o w nioorh, only kajfnut. 8rral boora. wtin raoiam improrm.nta.

im n mana, baa In. ranloa tor Id par raaalk: wuikaraatFdUa.m.ll lafallr for (., and naiU" "l.."1 MITjieirCiI. lit dart k at.

COTTABtS TO LET IN BROOKLYN --abaanauhano-Milar- , w..far, av, i7au: rrnt pMrtoo lmmadlat-i- .

ApiayDfiarlha pmalaM, dka'nianat, ! .fda. I'm"" "a1?.0! . arm, of U. "MU,iJrd, bnJdar.niylrsi'ill


looalvd In Kmitlra, 111 nmuta. mm llamilwn andUu mlnuia. iron Fiukm tarry. Ayp,y sa JHnnilMaat. boat rnltou lorrr. Brookl.a. taftk'lafUOUaUAJlDLOlBnjLKiOk-LEAS-Zj'f Us 1,,', r,,a "d- - ta, Aoa. daaid Oo la.ui0aaw. rt,litat,la lur aa aiuu w SMOiiaaMlkoabaaaur wr., aiaolk. .a.aMt IJ do. a.artwuinwu at, MM.ion laiaiadiauiy, to A.yi.Lu,) nluun ,t ..rJai'iak


nt W aalialU. Loia...u..it t: i" ..?'" myai llaclui

JJOU3E8 TOLE1-- IN BROOEXTN.TWOtlfiniWi u i.Ka a av. adjouuu. miuui , mua an iuTa MaratA). t Wwiura, .ow, r.V kort.

tTOUSE TO LKT WiiAf ajqi Uoa VK.

" ..' T. '" iiw HinnaHi lo.aia,iruHlua, at aetd aa aaay tarma, I.CtAnr.ax rraatnun Haa!.nENTS. RENTS -- GEWTEEL IlOUSK 1

t.ruwkb ara. aud 1 lu.a t'bri".act nick at. ;

Rl-OM- TO Ktuafwith aaa, batk. aloau Am., In a hand.i. t oxhIotU. ifnuroiooa mturuS

OOMS TO LBT-FI- KST LOOK, BAJ5K-x- vmail .nd twa rom. u attic idweniny.au Cannons ooaoftliiir8afawa.aa, .ratal jdnrtJJuii;""' mraaVlTd aiiySS1i L" 41 lT..HltAB.7 ZBjt4'1 room

jojoraaataJIfkAtilyay. BHlJiayglw;CTOttK TO LE- T- ONE OF TUB BEST- aiand. buhe city It I. wail ad.ptad for a talr- -

rvmlaea, Ki llloackar at. aaM k14d

bamt jLcfK rocit ., HiW LUST. J KEWARD-SntlV- KD

- ii TbuiMay H3o, from tko cor. of Intk atrort. r :ou ara a rod cow with braaa noba oa bar korrar

iu. vran-aar- wbl ha paid to tha nnH.r.br laaa.

I) LOl-M- AY IJUi A rVlltlr, AUlilarkytt d, aaaar. M tba nun of NKJiy u. r lu.tl j ,J4 dof to MS O rand S a III batb l4i rcwtiilid. kayWa'l)

!)( t.03 1 j KKWAltD I.04.F IVf " !tk lia. or. fd arr, and ami, , . i,,n".i h t . do. i anawar. by tba nam. of DKN.

Th.?.,."..T"'.,.''l"r,llb,'i'1J f raturoinitb.doatoOUN WtCLLl, Hi ara, bat. TAa and Hk

lOG LOST- -A BMALL TELIX)WFPwar.'a tha naua of FANNY, tl rawardwlllbapald w an? oat on retoruiadhcr t UH--

, m lloor mrM !

MARE LOST STRAYED FROMaodMiare, Itrooklru, on oimday

nUht, Vbtll luat, a aorrol niarr, load tail, whlto atrmkduufuxi,.liitlit,iaTln on rlaht bind la. Any par.aun rrtuiutnii Im ,nrrlviuy luronutoi. rono-rutu- y

In r, ut lUi abn.a plaoa, wul ba llbarally rawardri.mnuj-ll- i WILUAMi,


("tLAlMarOB BOUNTY LAND, Faavnoat,V.' aitr. pay, proTnptly aollactod by OBO.VUtlDMAN.aa miUaaat 'Aak paid lor land waffa.ita. lo.ldil.rtuCIFrV DOLLARS RRVTaRD-MIS-jI- N'G

17 .Inro To alar, tha J't of aft, IILkNAIlUIWiMN.LLY, aytd 01 vrara Tka cln'lmi ba woraalien laataarn, wara a blet aoat. bla- riwt, a nliiibnap. wlata 'U't and (iray ii.uta. Aay luformttloa oi

ahrroaboua, will lwtl.aukll' rn.'lrrd lir bUanllrfd lan.il. at '. Uouaton , York.11KNUV lxj.5EUA. . Vi'i

GRADAN, FORMERI.T OF rOBSTTHOocfn Wararoora dniBrraatk. rat auk and auik atawaztoa at fjkrkd . Ubnroa.

WbrtandDtkara, paydMaa'ldl


of tba Land (J (Bra. for a rrmnt of land nndor watraat V rat at, tuot niuulnt noitlatkiy from If a--boit a t, aua M taa atinrior pujr hum ii'nrratf. tlLLU. mytlMlli

LOOIS BRE5LWW BErMQNOTICE to rat. aud hlim It ft ror boataaflhont lur uiiianut, I will ait bo ab,nralir lorn, drbta ka may aontracl. Uuaeaat rrward K O.

DtaBlLKEK. niySStntl

O rREWARD-FO- R TiTE BODY OF AJ-- rouw raannamrd JaCOH UYXN. wtjawtadlow.wallromaatilf all tlw battory.on dundayOiomlny laat. llad ou a oaaalmcro aoat, brown, wKa

atrlr. buck panU. and krr of a taa ul bla pock .a para v. uwi a, .tilii"

dvx-- a m;ic3 fobi dVL.w.

ANUMBAR OF BU31N 'JS WAGONS OFmnitantly n a id or mad. to ordar.

tl.ra poucaa rrtoawl art .and a. raaooah!ami ao tiiat en no found, b tVAKT S aica

b.t fch in and Br awtr. Fir ry artj.do rot hra la warraulad Inlaw r'pramtlmm. tsntd

FOR SALE A BOH TAIL, BlackhoraNSrean.ld.ltlianlabiiibiraitt'ila far a

dirt rait, lea aafon or any hwry wark I "arrant,idiood rwrita.trlnghali In one le. -- nrlai J0aun a Imurlfal y am mare, with foal, f r aala or'ichatia for a low prload borae. Apnlv at d t'aajxt, h'M auia.oMi , m ll"M

HORSE FOB SALE A GOOD WORKINOran ba turd for tart o- - truok, lanle or

donMoi warranted aonnd and kind, rlbt yeara old.hold far want o( uad. Apply at Oi llrearaa, earner oftnooo atreU. mya '1I4

TI0RSE3 FOR BALE OR EXCUAXU.AAitfoaniihonaM, Jurt from CtuaJt Wtil, framHfloUbaadilikL, romt ti 1 ri'tr.oll, ail aouadand kind, lugilrainthe olaaknoJUi .kaf. ii "rarfolk at' alao our uucb aoat. mnan" d


on4., rtpraw ad bualuca. waana i new axd Sdktndaatoaiofa'lkloila IV) horary baritvs Ao, ardllnof7rhin,attkiiearrlaa fijtirr, IM t ill n are.

YTORSE FOR SXLE-ASPLE- I) VRK1:1 Canadian mtrj, Uih..rrrfliaiearan'd. and kind In a I

Wd hi rbUJ-- r. baler or IkhII".. old In n.upnoeoftha owmr 'rt,n "' !at W Btrl.r until lild. nrtS W

OEWINO MACIIlHaB, VOU 81LU. TOt rartor Mthanya-jrklo- ds "'"jj1a.-- ebaaa fur eaah. or put Pymkuiwour! abultaa, t. maiJiiiU bOU-- at.

rhaaV- -d an nm.lr.d-- Ad.anraa intdj br o.DIHOIN. tit Hnadwty, op .ulrt, room a

raal4ael5QTBAW BOARDS AND BINDERS la-t- lt,

O eboap, by tl a buodla or too, at tba manJi0tl.SQiBJWfU-adVt- 7l Poarl at.

SALT! SALT! TO CONFECTIONER,end othere wbonaeeoaraa aalt. For

eabt In ouant). Wa to aulf on aapllratloa,at ike on or of UMi" Kalrrnad Comptur, td are.boiaeea dh and Cotb itr. myMO' hi

TIN AND SIIEET IRON FORaala. To tlnnnre. roofrra aad ahott Iron ork

-'.( brir. rh.reoal tal ooka Un, la, ltlo.lt,', allriitly damtindl .Ul tX bdU. aaan.tl, ploa. alicbtlr damaaril aiuM Iron, r.r aa'a r&rrJ ,,,,. b, a A.TIWJOQS a W, 1 Wat at,

BVtC incuhui, Hfnrui i

. vaii TirAJ airrft V' t r,rw.xw(fl B 0 4 ' ' iii I aa j. ai y ma,i.'"- - - -'- H !

al wwr test NrSrata- - e r" ( ll In f' , Ia l yd r o a raIm m

la '. ,, .ir t vaK B', r m "l . ti;.ai a x ,. n k-a i J t

" Hi').. 'itlWatWIi Mi ! v " j f idV



Cadrael Blawank.Tha paper, taroagboat th roaatiy, art full

of ragrairul ronukt, conwriitn' th aarlrmarttrioai of tba gallant Col. of tb FirtmeaZotutm.

Tba Tipw Bxilqtt ttrti Tb Inflntnct oftblt awaju.li atlon wtin ba far rttchlag. It trillCioaa a tanibkt utribaUot.

1 he Pbniif!r,hta Sorlh An'rican notat!If tbamaMerofCol. Kiuwoarn rret'aa tkaaais atcltemect la Ckicapro and New Yorka bar ba wa. betur known than It hat thaifar doc in bujcH, It will not long b oa"ATtnprd. To fall bjr d ttb.l tbvt At lb tarlytR ut 23, at 111 btail of a rrlment to b yorroad only br a mto of aolii aUlltiaa, Ii a

toelajiboljr fatr,Th Sjrtcnf Journal tbloki that tt ictth

of ao other offior in tb oitltaal carrlc,car that of tba trjorlooi Trtartn cunmandnr.

could caau rai h a aanutloa through'out th North, u did that of Kuawobtk.

TbtChtctgo Vmorrnu-- tt Let ao tearbe phcl oyer tha yallant, faarleat, notlt wownaoldiar tad tatrtjr. Btt let tu all twoar, withband i oaon oar heart aad eje uptJ4 tobaareo, ttarntl Tangaaac on hid murdarert.and an andlaM war apam lb wicked re bollwtoe ambillont and unholy actuar hartbuiikiwd lum.

It I. propovd lo rtiaa t rrgtntcnt at A'Un-- ,

whose jirctAl taiaaloa tbtll b to cvmmaurauth dtedt of th gallant detd.

At a moating of th Irlib Brlgtda, at Chlct-g- o,

thi following raaolutlont wer.ptM.dliraolrrif. That thl. Brlf ada plaJfaa Ittad la.

dlaiduaily and oolifctlrilj, now and for.rar, laartt fie Iba tru al end deederdly murwar of a ruaawhom wicbrrahad at acltlnnanJ tiuulaladatacan.

It'tctud, Tl at w raaHi tfully demand of thaRrcTiUiy if War, rlalmlna aa our daa a. tha Imanedtete brother aoldiara of th boonial dead, ttetlflttoUke tha aJrauca imat la rlaalo.un oarloat atui nob'a lirrter, at a rektorlng lo the hcmaiul the R publid their bapmaau aad aacurlly.

Wbra tb Mil of B'UwoRTaa deathreached tb Zoaru at tb ho.pital, a Bimbeyofth.m not oat of their tick bad., and thoughacarcal-a- tl t aland, raarttad to totter totha ploa wbrre tl corpw wad laid, id thMap--r Yard. Tbey ncuant saraarou. initancrof but treatment and ooaalderatlonfor thalr comfort, lach ai einat; log bit ward-ro- b

of clothlBK for tb teody among thtm,atd aexdiag bl on bedding that thoae on tbaick Jut truriht Ue atr.

Oi.KIUvorik rrfpurnttom liiA. AChta-lain- .

Id oaa of tb rrflaiau'a, amid that la the meat-Ic-

yretrrdaj, aom alluatoo waa made la CoL

j tiawrann, and a let er wat rtad, which h wrotton a dram head, addraurd to hit ptrtnta. It w.tlhe)aatthy weie to racetr. him. And youall know la regard to tb preeentlmnnta with whlokIt waa written, aud Ik wUllnfaae. which 11 x.preaare that God might d with him w k pleaawd.Hope lie. bean eipraaaed that young Ella oaraaaa pnnd lodle.

Tb.pak.rialdhe knew eomtthlngnf the pritat rel'g'.cnt wellrf. of OU Ki.iarnrra. fid thlaat haldaik be km k pait la the futeral ailamnlUataud alaiwaid had an npt'trtually to conera withb'a In tar, Lo eipraaaed tha atrorjgaat

la the irel..a of bl am fardrain. The ajiraker anld b knew tliat till

young tflloer had beau nirate1ya bellrer ni Janut. Tba whole tenor of hie Ufa wu Inaom rdaoue with tula belief.

Wlwe Cob 1'uawiwib want Is Waal ratal, withMi Cb'cago ocmiaay, b wu taT'tad, In companywrlui a bundled ofikara, to drink wine, la blq'lltt, cuol way, be Wild them that b bad prooalaedbit men, and tbey bad promlaad blin, on loafingborne, 1'iat md one of thtm thould outer a quaeI lorable hour or touch a drop of liquor ef anykind, and, gentlemen, und r euch a plidge, jouwould lad bar m drink win with yoiu

Vor yaare Ihl. yoiing man bad baeo In the babllof at nding mora tUau on half of all bU earulnga tobla fathat'a family,

Ktarytlilng tauda to .atlafy ua, tliat ha dttd latbo cotiai loua iiaiforniauca of duty, and that ha waaprrjerrd for 1.1. end by faith luCIaiat. Hit lifewill not be lot t, but hit example will ba followedaud I la luSuanr will lire

A Snap ra SetrwMi Hag." I thoui;"i aid aepoekrr, "when that flag waa l.roiylil lu,thai I would Ilk to hare a piece of it a, a memoirlo fi r my reglmrut. I hate It In tola eaveluie,Tula," be continued, drawing It out, ird. wh ta-

il 1 art wblib you now ate to b biuwu la etaluedwilk Col. I i.iautTii'4 blood.

7 Ad SnUitrt in tin Wailungton rmyer ifrrl.fa '. Tl.e rtmt qieaktr ealJ, ht wlabad to aay awoid alt. ut Ilia plo'ia men In the army aid la tbt!; er mnutlne. Thar tr two prayer ineetlfcghe'd dally In Waahlngton me In tba murDlng, al1 A. M ., aad iba other In tha craning, at I P. M.Tl ry ar aamewt ineetlnft end ar well attended;'jula'uoelbeeoldlera arrlrtd they tart bean drymuch tocienaod In lutermt ty tha attendance of thpioue aoidiein, Th eoldtert gat a furlmicb to lair.amp for a .hot! Itigth of Unit, aul the ploiu raeotrt rery tt to mtka the time to enter Uuit of thepraytr mxdlcg, wlikb thry will attend often flfiy aa tine.

Th ieiipl of Waahlaftoo hare beta dallflitadand tu. prb el that than men who com In uniform,wltk tlulr hair cut clou lo their keada could praywith inch unctlOB, raraeatneaa, and propriety. Itwould nrdbtioirprlalng lft rtrlral ihojid followIbeat men la the camp and In the prayer maetingt8o that In other wayt tka in ware deteuae theruilra will proa a bleating to Iba city,CnetUrg more. If any cltu of men thould

jaa your ayiu,aby atd enconragwment, thotele uld la tl.e men. P. ay fur tut pmylag man it!

ll. Anoy.

Tka fIadare af frraaen.The New Orliona Drill of tba 'iZ, tbut

rttit over tha tobmlatton of MtrjUnl to tbNtticaAl Government, tnd the prudont policyof Governor Hirm i

Tb rem. if U otbert. who hit earned thatuiit tbar of Inftrnw in thin revolu'lon, itfJlCat, tb (iovrrnor of Maryland. To UiUeowAidly traitor the propla of Maryland intb graataiit bumlllttlon and degradatloa thatany Aniorkan people bar ever talTared. Tbprtoence of a wretched, tbitr-ejo- filthy YD-k- u

dtmagoi'.t and pettlfogttr at Govtiroorand Dictator in tb one proud city of Balti-more, dictating Itwt and lutuion decreet to tbpoopie, It lb mnt pltltbl oecltcl la Amorl-cu- n

history. Vr belter would It hate loon iftb original thmt of tb Almlltionitu had twostzreoted, and Biltlmor bad boon livcltd andher ait plowed over aud town with itlt,tbtn tuib a dltgrat.

1 h only thing that ctnivcr tuiUIn a Mary.ItnJrr under tutu a burden of infamy will betb hop of rwvtnge tnd redrmptlon when thpeople .kail cacao from the toilt in wUcb thtreachery of Uiavr Aiuioli. bat involved than),and ahull rixe against tba lonoleat invader anddrench thrir ttrrett wih bit blood. II thill,not done, the title of Btltbuoreta tol Miry-Itml-

will Le hcniefortn one of lofdmy taddiitc.

Tb bUryUodcra can easily Iwur lb "Infamy and dugrakc" of beat; loyal till pwceiulcitlztns.

mm ,RrstiLI., lb tpeclil em retpon lent cf th

London Tlmu tho do,ribea (itnertl I1udb-OA- R

i) :Any one accuttruncd ti. jolJieri cm retdtly

dtct the "teal triicla" Iront th countetfelt,and wbtn General IlLADuaeAsu tiood op toweb cm u It wat taUnt he wat a mto ctftbltof ptatur tktntrt then taking Sumtar. II ti

tuutrtly. built, lean man, of tbjut 10 yeiraof at, .itb I n d thouMcn and tet 'made tjCfabor.e. t.f uudul bclcbt, and bit bead itC05rrd with tbtik ba'r, cnpiiel clue, audtboalng tl humt which trt refl.ii'.llv odcombative, wilh a true Gilbc 'r at tba back ofUieikulji the fi'n'hoad,..bnal and...well dtveUopen, prr Jocit eomewnit ever tna xoun, eaiir(iMktYtti tUfdedlaYorrtMfli witavryalgU

cheek bonra, a wll-ihp- J ao, tllgbtly a.jnj.line, and a'lupa, tigtd, .htrnly-c-at raoath eettbov a full fighting ohln. la tb vat of anyImportant oixralloo liking plaeri, tb name ofthl officer will, I fral ajurured, be beard oftenoagh to b my itcue for tbli ItttU tkatcb

of hii catward mtn.

A lleraaaa View.Aa article la the Cookm Catttl of May 5th,

M of tb tblett Geratn Joarnal", Ukei thfollowing Intelligent vl of American Affilrt

It it Lot to b denied, thtt. from a mlllury

Elnt of rtiw, tb reb.il la tb Unlwd Stt'eiJut I new .averal great adrtatagatoverthi

governmiot. Thi j have an ably vrganlaed ar.my, which ht bean trained for teveral moath,and which mutt need, fiaht and plaader ta it-d- er

to be kept together while the governaiiatcan oppiee to th.irattnckt fn y raw and nrdli-cipll-

tioop kortoter, u th war it to beranted on in the lerdrr el.ve atttae and In thetout he in rortt, the govatnmant tro pa will euf-f-at

ficmth totnsir bea't, which do not tomath alTtct the Msnui.nla'a. lilt tharafireo,olte p Mil. I a that lb Artt roaultt will be laftToT id Iht raluK

Wehave, boaroter, no doubt thtt I aUlllgaoceand eoduriig ttrangtb ar un thtaidaoi thgovernment and that victory cannot bat remain with the loyal aide. W believe that thaNitth It now determined otter to lay don Itarm till lb anthotity of the law la one morslettored in all the eoceled itetu Tartntt-tbn- e

mlllioi.1 of people, tlrangthencd by all the arttof peace, tnd poaatetidof luaxbuutUble raaonr-ce- a,

le uatxaed '" thre hundred and fiftytluuaand alavihiiUtrii, four million of lit via,and tare mill i.nt of pnor whltea, alio, withthe eicepli.in if a fewililre, are tblnjy ical-ter-

over a broad epar of country, and Are ac--cuatomaa to i ne raoti priroitlvo ana uatoiuicomltlona of l'Ta.

1 ba wbola cit ilirad world h it ta Intereat inthl wtr. It ia a war whcb tbt pa. pie of thenrrtl em atafex crnielvalite bv the ntlare oftbtlr ladaatrial and pMitlcal bit' tm, could notloogr put t.ffi aid It it a wtr which, aodtr,pih-r.- , vthar ntmtd.many a nation rif V'lropewill hereto take up ia I a turn. It it withtbm(ttie Ui.ittd H:tt..)tl with ait tbetead-Alk- m

ni the mlcille agre it arrayed In armtagalktt the ci.ixennhtpof the nineteenth can-tnt- ti

an exploded theory of lonely It liftingpita readagalnat th trlamiibaof our think

ing, Induatiial tul pmgreaa.r ceauryj tkpormriji'ttryrk Don lluinttrt of Iht mAemplantations girt battit lo Ike ruartng utnJmmlltirttd Mvwtiny ctimfwyt of tkn tretiMy Xtrtk.It tl the luanriUiou. noble in Arm" Ageinit tbepiiitoftbe cntury, la which tb Itaprame. In aucb an iatna w ctn with tuo-ce- at

oaly to tbt conttitational

Iter fraaa Arfaeaa.The MeeiUa 7iW. of April lo, hrniabet the

following lntolUgenc t

Ttere ar now three comptnlea of troop Ita.tloced at Fort Fillmore, Tin Company A,

moont.il riflri. from Albuqverqta, com-manded by Lieut. W. Labs company K.,Seventh lnfantr), commanded by Lieut. A.lir-iM- R company I), Seventh Infantry, com-

manded Lieut. K. J. Ilaookt, Tb laat twooumpanlc at lit from ta Navajo expedi-tion.

Tiattr Another compiny of troop arrived atFcrt Fillniore, making a total of lour coiepitilodbow ItMioaed at that p.U

Weleatn from Mr. ArriiovT Kikes, con-

ductor on the Overland line bet woen her tndTuceoo, tbtt tbe Ivt roach from the Waet wttatttcktd by a party of forty to flit TontuApache, aucnt forty-fi- r milo tb othertide id that iJace. ill driver wa abut andproltbly killed At be foil from tbe b-- andlbekattwu riddled with fliatarrowhee.il Thtcon-dnctorw-

atloop lntld the coach at th tlmt.buton awakening got outapontlMboxand rocooed-e- d

In getting away without further difficultyOn arriving at Taction. ball holts werefound la tbe coeih, and a larg namber of ar-

row bead.. Tbut b4d attack wti made inbroad daylight and In an open country.

It It puppoaeil the water wagon returningfrom the Gilt, bat alto been atttcked by thfame party, na it had not Arrived at Puacho,where It wu due, when tbe overland cainetlu-i.u-

Mnce a ritlng tb alrfn c, w have tan a let.ttr from thi- - luniluctor, Mr, Wm. Willi.TL nameif tbeOritar waa I'akra. Hi waat'mt through tbe lomt with a rid bill, aadlull olt tb 1 lu tit r tight aecouda thcrc-tlie- r,

Mr. WiMMttyi boauw twonty-flvo- rthlrv yclliiit; aataet turruund bim aa ba fall.TU Indiana followed Iho toniti atvarul iniltjand bnd riotl be tem been the fad'rt on thIn and tho atallni only A abort .ItManre intl in m, it it probalda tficv would htve aucrrootd in ovcrhtul'nd it. Twelve or fifteen rftho Indinu it m on boiacbajt, aj.diitimd wltligun.--.

Irlali olrr."Lrt Iba Administration twev'.llcil with tbe

Biitiahrepre-wntatitei- fnililddinir all unduelntrrli.iri.io iu lur domcalii relatioia Tlioymay betur tbttlliey will bt fully tualainwlby the !i.llu, an long a. ItJty uplrtbt tlio

dignity. It Ii not too mull to ty thatthai arett Itim '0,000 Irmh Americana bowin arn.i tn dofend the In'rgrity nf tho Repub-lic. Let Ilntam I rt'tthn but a menace ngui-u- t

Ibl.laiul, ai.dtan tinun that numutr wtllepringup to buil In Lor toatli, and carry tbewat. If uoveaat, to bur vary diioii." IruhAnurkan,

".Should "John Boll'' tot bit face agAimt ttblocked tnd iccoguiio tba Moutborn urirtteem,there will be a ttrougdni fur lioland. But itwould be a wond. rful conglomeration lurely,that tliruld prownt tho Iritb tnd the YAiikort

tide by tide. Agalnat tbe bleiwed Brit- -lab In Irataintl union with the southern tlavt-lioldc-

Wall, tbey niay All bo oorulo. tbttIrnland U 'Agroeabtt' tnd quit rdy lo -com any one In tbo khe of a r gnortor,"I ink itv$.

IHrrra-le- a Tartlt-e- .

Mr, Cif irlfji nrum.kT, forineily of IV.t'on,litetly of Wotumli, Alabama, a graduate ofthe Law echooi at Cliullottavula, a., latt wiu.tor, make the following itatement.

II wtt owner r.f 2,100 icrc of land And Ih.'i

ci;rii, the whole of vihkh ba bn roblnd bytb let uMiontatd. Tb land lun coai him,."7.000 two yetrt Ao.

Mr. B. wat compelled to Ion liCAuse be re-

fund to Join tb .reunion foruea, and for a fnueclarulion or bid datotlon to the flag of thecountry under which bo wu born. No otheralternative wat left bim but tn light tblt Uigor join itt tnemiet, and Mr. II. ihoote to looneail bit proporty and relarn bom rather tbtnprove hirnielf a tiaitor.

Mr. II. glvtt at a tad account of tb tarrlMlyrtnny piactutd upon northern born aad Unionreople in Alabama. He left Curluton onTLandav laL whert he anw three otctmDini.ctt of troop, la.ny of whom war leavingfir Lynthburgb. Tba graatatt contempt andbtMed wtr txprtMsd in Charletnn towardUm northern eoplo, and tbo Pritiiluit

Tboi e waa, bo tayt, rtett wont of on

aod of flour p--a UlTy, which wat com-

manding , ry high prktt, on account ofawl iiaicily. Ila tbLai there ar mjrs

tna-'p- In R'Ct mcul "1 at th tviutli than It(.cnnially tupped, lit taw thcuvndi of themin Kicbuioud, and their uumburi aiaaitj to hi inlu be uiual tu u),H0 or more.

A ClergjwiAO MaapeclrtlA rapori attcuinnt in Chelrea Ittl ovtnlnr,

tlutl'.rt.Mr, l'Ai.Maa, an Kp'acopal ilorjy.man, bl uttered dn'oyal atntimenta, andcouritrnaticvd tb killing of CM. Ellsworth.(Sum v liinteeiiaudttiilr friend, numtairia;about fifty or tlxty, acuoraiugiy viactd Ul

bona ut aunut ten o'clock but evening, andrang tbe bell viol ntly. Mr. I'auieu can,to lb window, urd t'tcr a parky, tb reverendgntltman liltnv.ll' appeared tt tbo window.II wtt ikka If lie baa utiorca in traitorousleu 1 menu charged upon Um. II said be didm..k a rtmaik on hearing tbt new. from

but it war more In pluaumtiy thin fromay iuiitlv of ii laid nt bad

Uen a I'niuii mau, and had alwaytproacbtd in favor of the 1,'nlon. lie wat aakadto thow bit Hag. when hi etld lit nal only a a

amall on, which na cxoibiiea. Nora. An mf Itiiaciowd advlmdbim neter toiboar anr dlt. Ireapact to ibe Hag. however ioaaII It might bs,for I' be did bo wouldu t b toleratai. Mr,

3 Pal Mn lolrrd In cUlncf three chear. fur thaar. .. ...-- . ,. n .I nag, ar.i in crowa insu ampirtsi, (.rfo

Journal, May .i.

Facts aad Itataee.A rprdtl dlpUh froBi Wttblngtoa, dttl

thtsih,iyitI learn frrm gwntlaraio who bad been all

along th pointd and root deaerlbed, that tbViralnlana have planted batUrU at durareatpoitu on the Ulttoetb River, xtenitlnir fromabor Norfolk to UamptoB BofUod the Sou th-- rn

tidt of th river, Tbey ar front oneU twomiletipart. Gaaerally tbar are bat two goatIn a eicgl battery, aicetly tJkirty.tworwunaert,but torn ality.fbur pound gun, all of whichaete ukei. fiom the Uwprrt Ntvs.yard.

They babailt additional batleriu at thNavy said, and irectad btttarie all along tbwat.rir. nt. Mom of tbe gana are loadedwith U.iler puTaUiea, rivata, ttc.

They h.vebeen very active In thalr pript-- r.

ra tt Rkhmocd, Nctfolk aid Got tort-Ge- n.

ButLtB wat fall of antra, and confl-di- nt

of lucent. Ue wtt tttlvtly preparingfor eotn imroriant mov.mant, whtcn my

could not b pcrmltttd to know any-thing aboat. It it dor. mod a great miatake ontbe part rf the retail tbtt they hit that tctt-ter- ed

their artillery fore along th El tanethliiyrr, ai etch battery can be taken, on afterUe other, and with great aa, even by amall lore, in land And water attack com-

bined.Wa abe mucictTBD to leant from aboat a

buidrod tud hlty Confederate ntwtpapertmeat of thent, dingy, tllagibU aadfunnily ungrtnuaatical etneerria that tb popi of thea Fim and United Bute are groan-ing bajer thmoittrainical and bloody

tbtt ever exieted. It atemi that aoeeet'y drunkard ibd human baloa to uathe gen'eelret epithet, with which tba chlral'ych.ractrrli tie P eaidtnt bit fairly got hit6rtl on the bctkt t f tbt taenty-lw- o luilllout ofwhite t. en in lb twentt.tbr loyal Mute,liani g tulJugAtarl them with aa which,lo aa lb leaat, lara'ea ill for the twotr tbreemillioi . of rrniuraacioait'oaftileratei who Ha-tter then Mvoi that Ikelr paper I rdtruMN andont-boi- e Uovmnaient can tup btia In hitmatch to Uidlviued m(lfs.

A Larita ii aa narx Bauut ed la thli cityfn m i no ef ta moat dlatlngul Jied politioianilu Kauiuiky, himmlf a itieng Ualen Bias, iawhich heexpitaa! tb moll decided convic-tion! or lb loval'r of that Itate to tba Conati-tuai-

tad the Union, and ttatet thtt Mr.Bru. ti' Tenaeeaea. bad written a letter to hitIneiKia in Kentucky, expltltlng the reaaoa ofkit late extraordinary ipercn. which witctnaeil rot by hi contictluni or .iraptthlatwith tt Mtaealooi'itd, but by bit hiving beenaccldontailf thrown off bU cmrd from a toogrnerout Udutpemin thtrap which, uofor-tonatc- ly,

doe inebri.le, while tt Innplret wilhvtciuu.'ldeaj.

A iiraTLi-dA- who cam from bit firm le-vo-

Manaiaaa Gap Janttlea, la Madlaonbounty, in lb baggage waaooh of the FlrttRagtmrnt Death Caitlina fcliliila, commaadadby Col Matav Okiwio.aaye thtt the rrclmantla en thoutand ttroog,aod Accompanied br twobuncred teyroe, wo carrird their mitten'armt knnptarlt, tmJ i mdwy frurt an nrtra hatTh guns tern ttrapntd on thi baclt of thin,crvo. A jmnlutr jtatari vat a fit mjro

A LIST OF HtTEPETJ ponTMAtTmu bad beenmade oat at tb Port offlc Dapartrnrnt, tawhich It appended th amount for which theyat proven delinquent. Duplicate Hat will begiven tb com mane: ing officer of th variousdivlaion aaoving eoathward. with accompany-ing Inttrnct Ion concerning tbe treatment of tnababw. It U Utd on good tatborlty, that nocleat of nun will meet with mortHvertpnnlth-mtn- t,

or mora inmmAry, than that whlclt willb vltiUd tpon th. men.

IBBon recehtlt raoN Kentucky tsy thatth alx Wutera countlaa are ai hot with tbarrertlon fiver u South Carolin vr waa, andtbtt mob-la- and tcrroritm tweept everylkinglielote tlim. Tb rrat of th tut I ithrquitaooiit or actively loyal.

Wl LKABwfrilAT Mr. JtMIStow, w ho bid man for lovtral yetra tbe How-ard and purveyor of tbe New York Hotel, hatbeen duaiiaaeii from hit place on account of hutUnion trnlimanta, and that he intends doingfor our own army what Hon a did for thBritlah troop In the Crimea teach tlcm howto preatrve their live, by cocking their foodprowtly. Mr. it Iwtb a aclanUlloand piactlcul ccak.

TiiKGt.tiaiiHicirr baa already made con-tract. ith the Novelty Iron Works and otherehtablUtmonti for a amall numticr of gua-bua- ti,

and Its rrglncoritre rapidly completingdre'cni fcr tbt t'x laitror war ictMila orderedby the but Congrow, lb koel tf at lomt oneof them bring laid.

A CuRRii'OBnEST from wrilettI bue hern gaining tho aentlment of Alexan-dria. A large numtHtr ol dm wNliad to votefor iLe I uion but wore in InUa'od. A largepottioti tro for Ibe I'r.ton. if the Uniuii wina;lor cl.unlonif the latter win.

Col. Warra, Ma ion Siutini r. and theull r illliwrt who reru captured in Tests, listleu bid .trd repottnl tn tho WarI)earlmriit. It it nribal.'e tbey will bo

tlinrplrit ibty dieplainl, a". I

todutioi that will not tcquire Uwui lovlclrl tbt ir parvlot,

1 lilt U. 8. BxVESCrt Cottek Wasiiiectoti,wtuli wis teUad by tn rebali in NewOrlkansbat brturacontUuiled at a co.t of ten thoutandiWiUara, aikI It now ittdy fur a pirutlctl vcytge.hbe u armtd with an eight-inc- pivot coluuvMail and lour t welve-poen- rt. 1 no followingarn llit nsmis of tbe crew of the privatour Fiviiruliuii, wiiitiinaut irora Eti'aunan t vm.Hi'qu.djn (1'iotitb), innuudrr ; llwijaminlluiila. I5uv. Tliomai Ga dntr, Wm (juartar-nan- ,

lr. Jamu llljr.e, Bamuel Brnckinton,John Uararport, llatrowt Wlnton, Dr.

Wittly Taylor and Jtntu llanton.'Hit to men, according to the understanding ofthe adnilnlttratlon, are all pirates.

The Feclibo arpear to be gaining pjoundIn Weetarn VixgUia, that tbe true predion forUl ion mtn tn itkt Is that tha Htuts Govern-intr- .t

bai ilidiciteil, and that thov mutt form al'ri.vfeiouit Uovircmtnt of tbtlr own. Toevbopo to sett their Govonmr at Rbhingnd byid it n, or aiiurmos, in .'viu ti .'uiy,

Wiiksj my. VanMOTrRkom.tJT entered tnltoikporieaiionof lltinpton. Va., tlootherday,niriy of th cltlrent cauUonaly csms out andlojllvely waived their handkerchief, la tckeaof wclccms, though tbey wtro hardly luretrt ugh of lb petition of aifaut to xpreettbiir tentlii.enl boldly,

A WASiiiat.ir.ir Lktiik tTArr.s that tbtexcitrnirnt pruvalcnt tbers fur ininy weektpimt hat quite d'roytd the butlnasa of gas .lllsg talooiu. Tho epirlt of patriotism andwarprompta to a nobler application of timeai'd gold than Ibat demanded by tb roulettetable er tha faro bank. It were well If therrreent dearth of builnoe were to lead tb gam.I.liig gentry to remove altogether from thafederal city, where tbey have ao long re i linedin nnldashing deiUnce of tha lawt, botli of tbtland tnd of uorUity.

Iibu-evrr- or a Utnta tllltuThe rrmalna of an ancient Roman villa were

ruintly acclden'ally di .cover el wbUe plough-lo- g

in fngUnd, It ttands within half a mileof the groat Itomin road from Camulodunumto tDeiett'tmoriti In Yorkthlte From ns

in ths nelkhboriui liuldt It is not un.likely tblt I Lit may have beta a totilcment ofonuMttcn', Coins lav been found of tb

renod of ul cl tb (ioiditni, of Constaatina,of t'onitoLticu II,, and tf Coaitins; alto ofrono fragment of nan.lmUH, a Hone cDltel,lagtf.ik, apindie-wbirlt- , aid numberleapircet of lunrrul urny, do'iVi rfio'm, and trt ofininy Horti tnd aire, tome of very cboic Si-mian tnd llurobnvrr wur. Tb hyiincauattlfeatures ai very clearly mtikod, is tS funacrt, ilutt aahpl't, andutdtrpltra, wh'clitrllllrd with city, ami much burnt, Thrt arfour datlota ff tbe walls of tbie rooms, and atoil p'ungin balb, with a long drain hywhich tho wat,ir.'pl down tb alope of thehill. B net id' rod titer, ox-n- , an.l anoep htvI en dug up, with tho uauil num'jjr uf oynurtbtll..

Tha I a ly ef arcMia..A soutbetn piper isyttIt will be a ralrai le If tbo cotton planters

dro not ftilutd by ileir robellion. Every eventaorms to con-pir- e lor iuhit v,tuub.ivu, aunall Imminent d.u::er it tho Imruodlat and vlo- -t... ....... 1. lr. ... .. . I. ..'A,,, tndMiuk utoiuirvr VI "'i alsnyra'.e,!.. I. . .... mmoIim1ii1 1' that th lM tfll

tlon will La materially mvlllled before tbttnnlnsticDof ibe war. Tbeie are tbe direct

I tonieiiunncta likely to How from tha rtbclllon,I and tn lliani will I adit I. In ill humsn Drabsar... .. .... .. , r,.-.- ii ininy, ne neairuciu,noi lue vaiueui aiavna uyi ht d.aUactloa gflhe monopoly new tnjoysl.

Iaihirodoctlcnferdtoo. Tba epCnlau gttniroaf d dttH, that wbatorK Jt Btay hipen,

thmrr wit be aaslrrrnd or rauDy wwaaded Intbe conflict nf arrna; And from piwawnt aprirar.ancei It tduvontart the greautl ruxt at tabinjtof lufrltndt.

Tk-- Vadt TW17 T

W ttatwt en Saturlty tb arrival of hitwhalaehip, lnaconvertatloawithMf.CirrttHO.w gathered aom partlcalati of ta eantureand tianiportAtion of the motuttr, which wtthlrk WIU b of lttrat toour reader.

lb whale I called the wblu wbtla, and Itan fatabitant of tbe northern teat. ltd oia-tll- c

nam it tb " Beluga " When fkUy rro nIt k frcnt forty to fifty ftt la lantrth, andweight from four to all tool. Froaa thea(Umes It ttiay b Inferrad that th flah hi of oa

It I.nlln tiiej whll in commercialpolatof viawit I of no saean account. Thepresent whale, now aa ictlva, twtmmlng Itai.drnt cf cur clly, was caught In the SlLawrtnoariver, between tb OrelU and Du Loap river.11U captnr wat tcartd by wtlrt, a tort of trapmad of wooden tttkaa, lncloing an arta efervtrtl Billed of wattr, but to tbaped aa to tr

to a point, where big flah ar nabbed.There weirs art tat yearly for tbe whatei, it atime when tbey mat th-- lr annual vlait to thlocality tn quaalloa. Fcartn have betncaaght wltblii two moatb which peiiod iscommonly cronntl a aoa. All but tbatcaught bur Mr. Omsn were killed for thparnoM of procuring oli, which Id their only

ItoJuctof any Valu. Hating loea eecnieJ,hi a bug box fur trtrxputu-tlo- n.

lu.foreth'a was accompllaheiL however, tbwbal gay h ciptrrt murh troubl by hitpowertal dapping., Jumpintrt, oVc, havingHi und.red tome r'rvn (men Mveril timed, mackto treir peril and Inomvenienre. The box welited with lea wd and wt psrtUlly coveredAt the top with lltl. The predout frwightwu then can led acran tnl.atotnc one of tbrouabtet road in Canada) and from thence byml fiv hundred rsilet to Boston, by apteltltrait a, at au xpet,if aom art en husdreddnllaie, Tba wto'e entarpiUadid not cott leethan front 91 000 to ai.ZOO. Tha whale tatwelve fret long, and weigki two ton. HntiAnriottatlon was attainled by many in-

ter eet In z event. At tacb italltn lb mon--eler wu as wall wa'erau at If he bad been a lo-

comotive. Tbe aqueous attention were anrtertcHiry during the journey of aixty heart,AU along tho foute tb ( iatinguiabed tnvtterwaa tb object of crat cuilcelty end thtmottaniBaien coavaraiK c.

On being fjaced lutha bate task at thAqaaii.l Garden, tb proceed of wbioli wedwitiiMMd tybundre.il with tb mett tntenuInterf at. tb wbal it one twtra ia th moatlively tad graceful manarr; and before b hadoccupltd h'a raw ra.idtnc ba'f an hour watapparently quite at bone. He had tinea buntbe wonder ar.d admiration of thousands of oarfellow cltlrent, t among which Are tbenaturalists, leacbertaad others. Frrf. Aoaw-i- iz

pronounces tbe wht'e a Brand affair, andtb enterpria of getting it har altogether tvigrnrrit.

Tb wbal I fed oa flah. It eits a pack ofbirring at a mal, though not oa the wool agrut eater, bit sit considered. Its diet wbaIt its native waters ta chiefly a nth raited thcapelln. foafnrt Allot.

MawCaaaaa,Tb Phcrnlx Iron Compear In Philadelphia

are atwut to commence the manufacture ofwi ought Iron cannon of large calibre, tbe

of Mr. Gairrai, superintendent ofthese Important work. Th guns ar veryneatly like the Armstrong gun, except thatthey load at the mntrle. Two batlerie ofsix guns each, will be prodsred Instantly.When finished ths gun presents the apnearanceofastuu-aad-twiatii- n. The "pi lea" ar o

nruitructed that tb fibre of tbs iron runrowaot tbs bsrrel, rendnilng the gun abnottlmnoMibl to burst. Th guns will b

wilh tbe celebrated iIotebklM thot anilhell. The twelve-pounde- rt will throw a 16

pound ball a dlttanc of two and a half mile,and for either artillery or ilegt purpnaea, ar amoat furmidabl wwpvn. Twelv of tbnu gust,will b made forthwith for tbe dofauu and pro- -I

eel ion id tbe city alone; wbllit, in all proba-bility, theissonrcet of the establishment willI much further taxed fur the production ofthis valuable arm.

latdlsa raakletaa.Pat it I'aiblona tell us that Crinolin having

ttAauanew luaa uf cxletuiice, flouucri haveromo bark Into favor. On deep tlounce,edged with two or three tiny taies, tbe latteredged with a pl,.ing of the color moat ennsplc-uo- as

in the embroidered pattern, It much In

vniu: nr the drt mty Im ll juncel half waysp with lluwert about tore Incline In wMlh, orto tb aiat if prefilMd. Tho l.lU.lil uf tbeskirt is getrrally good Ceal trlinm.d. Furthe alio it. abort paliwM of tilk or light cloth,

re still the rage, crwitllr for young people.nlM.tles, tiry large nnd ample, are much infaeliiO", trimmed with broad tl mncei of

aud a of tb aame oni be aliouldata. Ilonnata ara worn docidedlylarger, aa to ronin well over the top of tbehead. Whlto bertelinir, with black ptptntbut ween the brul I, knipaillt dt rh, ith a maata Mowers a:ruts the fori head, art among tb1st irlto at In.


Tnr. valvbof tub Pobtbait tf Wash-iscito- b,

In the bsoa's I'bambir, is not inr.ally known. It la an original portrait bySivabt, and It en of th three abith hetainted ol tbe rattmr of bis Country. Un oribe others Is at Boston, and one at Newport.The nlctur In Whluzton bu An Euroutaareputation, aud weald readily tell fur 910,000In Londoa to. lay,

ListBiA is av A cocdltlos.r!oKar.makIng kt on tb lacrea., also tb coltor if itfl'ee, cotton, and otbur tropical

Th maitlpllcatUn of Intel lorIs now under t'Onsideratlon.

1 oi b KkLt.ows srst an Invitation to Wm.Kt 1 , a rtaprctubla eltlzen of ht. Louis, to ab.l u lew idjthts tinte; thinking It was tomeI riva- - aflair, he went, but loon bad retina tollilnk ttniilliing wit wrong) In bulily takinglit departure, be waa sU.d tnd robbed of siiil.litih and nurm; of money, ikr rascalsLate Uniarr.ittd,

ABiLtTiiK or Mks. PARTraoioa In Jar-K- ej

C'l'V, who ll greatly alaruud At tb ids ofbe. husband's gting to lb war, and who hatil lrrepreiki drsidof guns which shoot, tliiult tilling that b iball enll.t In tbe Iloroliuard. and ni a mulkat without elotk. lae--iny thtt In tliat case nalther he nor hi wupoacould go ojj,

Bebatob Douqlai Tbe country will tglad to knew, tayt tbe Albany Journal, thttthe be 1th of ctnttor Dooolas U alowly im-

proving and bis recovery no longer doubtful.Ilil coinel aud Kivlcct Alt Dot lltl ia this p,rtlcmbour, v

A MRtrrAL tasb or Caim.Ty bu astf com

to light at Xiwtonfille, Mass.i Wm. A.bAt U'en anstted, tbarged with aUrvlng

in t'etth 8 cowl and a horae; th appearanc oftl.aanimaU wia moat Billable, they hivingcogsumtd tvtiy particle ottoaUmd tb boralaving cntwsd th wood-wo- Vbls Hall; on

cow was alive, bu wu hardly xp:ted tolurvlve. After Harbii was bailed out. ont.tr,i.i iiiuht. the illlzeus drsged bim fremlisbtiuae, ro.Iol.lm on a tail, while a crosdpultid bio i with rottsti eggs.

War Itoms.

Tnr. BosroB Atiik-vvi- h tx.M'Aim tblsn;rrt ntlittiy librtiy la tbe United State.

ThbTiirobto scouts th story thittbe B'iiiab (iovernment Intend to tend out tllect of un biult lot tb Canadian Lakea,

I'RIIIIPM ABE PAllllOTIC It Iuetimttcd that rot lest than Ua thuuaand baylotuntctrwl lo cfti d th blars and airit,

TurritM.iiviiit (Ct 1 St. el l'lowConvpaoy tie lU'kt to iiianufaeiu.e rltlcs instead ofplows,

Tiir PoBlli.tl.aE fIT . cf Jacktonvill,III., lavs foioint tlea,lvn Into a lulUUryccmpify, end at waiting Ii r thtlr teevlcat tobe tciiplcil.

The Ohio under whlih tbe pole uf thtt St. to now rally, has twotlanki

ntnielyi Firtt, whip the rebel qllekly, tillI pscoBd, Mtsi t.




AdfiHiianuk. Fareryyy)CTtjrtf.BBraWtwe wot da, late, tm day, M ewaets letrant.tk'M days. It III dyl, LTa, dV4Hon haaide, MnM mlo eaak day. ;

Marrtaea aad ftaeihj.in testa M SmhnPaWBSkaB,

M Willy advtrtlaamanle of lour llara, lAwartedt)tne coaveaiawee or wq omca.ya ror eray wa

AdrarUtanawU renelred natJI 1 eeaWBiaP. at. Tai etabUabaasn U SBttretyBsassy.

OBBAT COATI FOB BdlAVTBaa, fjaAaaa faWtahlngtaa, ara rtrcngly dlirlitdsa, aa kyjahrenmbroua latUiU a noi, BaTilssaWablaaktt Mitead, U warmly idvautsa.. ,,.

Oos ajtoR flrRAoos has AaanEDla JDnNland with 82 horse, parxksasd la this cftf,tot the) Prpos af orgsaltlag a sscvadl aattsVTrwhich wUlUrsady la ttndaya. - -- ,

CrrasB or Taor av parckml a ctBtdal for Fbabcu E BaownU. tha Zaasvwho shot Col. Ei.lswobth ' Bsarddiaf. Tawaa;Baowbill 1 a Troj aa, and Id Bwa aSawaa.

OovBBaoa Btwti hab ia fattri rasr dyHkth Prtstneat md StUrT f War a Mmtm.II la In favor of putting 60000 bmh bbsw aajsflslil ImBtdlaitly, la order toinsur a i

tarmlaatioa of tb war.A ViaLtraTBRB wai HPtawHirTw3 la fbO--

adalphia, on .Uy laat weak, By hid wtfs,Us

avidenUr wanted to CO whers ha can ttilkback wi then t dUht nor.

lama AitvAam l Paint. Ta latest B- -ccaau from Englarid iwaort, thst oa scrednM attbe daman. I front the Halted Brat, tba nrlsa.is Et field lifte has beta tdvincsd br Mbrmufteiureis from fifty its to slgnty a4uvIingt.

A IlimwowD fVA,1 coBREiroaDBarfiTba fonndrtu In trill eltr ar j turning oat I

: . , -bum tars or ciason aaa muiEsts asuy. uw

rased volunteari are being rapoUsd a fast sattCSsibr.

BuuorSiMrse Mid In a recent taraastt rWe wlU Uke oar uloriooi dig th Bag at oarcountr- y- tnd mil It Jart below tbt ero t Thstit high ancsigh t Th-- I let It Wtr u tt wa-xed oft Id. Arourdit let ai gitberi "FartCbflit ', than oar Couuuy '."

AraicAs Slave Taadb ScMnTTra-T- BItlchacood Kmgnirrr thinks that if th ntgreaof ths North nr sent down a part of the arar-o- f

sabjugatioo, lb rtouth will acqalra a larpsmoLnt U e.av labor tn vwry advantagatsaharms. ,,

WAaratcts aretiibbclbSootb i a young,lady, Just arrived (nrnt huhoAprid. Vs., BattT

14 taat for a .pool of cotloa. 8h itate thetbe taldier art math dissatisfied with thesetatloaa. which consist of salt Junk, tors awsad.and caff, wtth. ut milk of sugar. ,

SsLDtiat c Pateb. Tb county etia-col- a,

l.nr., hi rsiaec' a fall rsgittant f HMnn to Bght Pitsideni LtBcnur. TwdhaaaTtof th.. ate over six fact blah, and 60 oosdrsriw.nty-oneyears- age, Yet tbs canaut --

mips ibow thsttb county doe not scat aaaLOO mala, tetw.tn thee-,- of Is aodtl ysars.

Thb "M.000 Arms ttonr Ii brwu aa taaface of it i no luch arrival la Hew OtlsasalOuUba.e t.k.n plaoa. Fust,2o0,000raridCarms wonl.l waljb 1.700 tons, too much for one)blp to carry) aacend, that is no place la

lop wr tbat namber eould b asinhadthird, tbs rabelt htv not ths nictstiry rnasavt.

The BfaKKAia or nra Mrurtarrrt BxtmatI. pioduclng aomt tlogular resulta. New 0leans I tblpplng Lecoa tn Mampbl. and Mttaphi I shirking rlcs to Nw (hleana. Ric hilower In Msophli thaa la New Orleans, aadtbiccBhiahsr.

Tub Uaro Mxw of Eat TVnnisua havwcalled a Convention, to Best at KsoxvlleS otkths flOih. FarsoB Bbowblow dascribsa ahavcondition of things there u liltU lata horriblthan In tb frsmy of lb French aUvolatlsa.Tbs trsttoio ar rullag tb unarmed patrioaawith a rod of Iron.

A K3bayb,,TabexbJobb. CoicaI Tt-'-lJt-

of tb MassachuMtts Sixth tvaartDAta

when usMrlbtsg hi experlenc ia Baluaui..tay he taw a man with thru itcosa uadsr baaana aod on In hi band, pelting away at hstrcopa, whan h fired at him, and, to at Mr.'TTLBR'sownlsnguag, 'Tu aum dropped aba0rir and laid lioaw."

Taa RxnaLs Coobt Stbobolt oatkwaaVfact of their climate oa oar northern troraa,but ar likely to be mistaken. Tbs Britishtroops in I ndut do not suffer much frees beat;

nd In lis wir of tbs revolution New Knilandtroop fwiaht many lorioui battle la the)

hottest WMtbtr.

A SsrrJsioB Fruo was CAFtuBsro recently,under amusing circumstsncea, at Potest, Mo, (knowlag the Hag to be in tbe bouse, tbe offloor,felling to find It eluwbere, had bis attenUonattracted to a lady, seated in as uneuypo- l-tn.ni politely in.iaitng on tue laoy ruing, amifflurdlKovarMt tbe bA'uful rag, IlOftet by,tcnortled under b"r lus.

A IIi'ub Poniuwo A soldier at Fort War-rs- nrote last weak to hie mo' her is Batow,

r.iiortlrg hrr toiend bim a plum podding.Oba btd a larg dish made to order at a ih't,

and rot up a pudding weighing; tixty-fo- ur

pounds, luludiog iniong lit iugredltntt awhole Iwx of retains which tb emt. Tnvoarg man wrol back that It furnlattd a Baalfir biuarlf and emblem mstematts, with av

good lum boon lift ovir.A Got.n Uxampib to Fin low. Nabct

lit hi in. whom eiy rtald.nt o Dotroiktrow, iltaiitdcn loetday wiihMr. OwEBt --

itwo hundred dolltrs, which dulred tooUiadfur the gtivefnmanL Tina torn wutkbard rarnetl raving rf ber nurkot ataU. "She)eould not keep uor.ejr by ber wken ber countryreeded It; tiki It," lbs tald to Mr. Qwm

A vpkieablb riLn FAMtB lately apptArettIn tbe legtitttlvt hall of Kentockr, uncoveredbla tcowy locks, and ktvlng outlined per.Difssivn to peek, thai delivered bimtelfiMitntltmtni i tm delegated by asy couatw ,

lo birorm ycu that tf you bold a secret wstsbpa

here, it vou thruten to do, aot ns It on ofihi csd'tolwill teat upon snother twenty-lba- r

bnirstfttr Gooddiy." "lh ld rjentUnuallitu certrtto.

Moke Wild CAT.-C- pt. for Stobb, awell to dn lumber mtn ol th Wild Cat region,went to Pittsburgh, r., rtcently with a larglot cf lumbar, and wa Infatuated with th warfever so much, by tbe eight cf our regiment,tbat, Uavlng bla lumber in charge ot on atbis men, hs rsturisd boms, raised a ccaaparxrof a hnntlftd plcted rnn, whom hs armed anaMutpptsl at h's ox cost, atd Joined OoiocalKjink' Wild Cat B.lnat'rori;fd.

Tub srissoiTlkS orwAa are dUeovcrabUIn lb Iclluwing turns, (dvtrtisad (or in taa.Werbtngloa tsptrs t

Cotton gtods, various dsacriptloaa, yards,lllfi.UOt UADDa), viulous colon, virda, L- -,

100.0CO iloth, vatluut kinds, 414.000 stoobi'lga, wovlen, pAirs, SOu.O&O j blankets, 4uC

00 tluml pouixla, 14,000 ; bunting, red,vbit und blur, yards. iS.OOOl battrtia, rcat27,100 1 cuuteeiie, U),000j tun past, J0OOimp keltles, 10,000. Togetber wilh all

l.rt. an.l tant ouJnirra. txat, baWaLcvK pdet pikAotIclasts,

has nxEX said thst th battles tl'fhaAn-rl- can lvoluUon wsr gained oy tue ruiw.The British soldiers wr not thn lnsUacl4losboot at mart; nut tno uaye aiw i i a .

forever. At the battle uf Vlttoru in Spain,MX) ballt were fired for every man that.waaklllitl. Attb bitilt of Cberubfisco la Mx,lis, 124 American ball wr fired for wrymtn that wu kUlo.1 1 thli wu bttr than lhcif tb cpemy, who flrnl bOO buUi for vry rasa

do,I lllwl rn our side. This however, will totnow. In England a party of thirty iklraleb- -

i can destroy a battery of lUht srlllliry, attrtaQt liunurcti 3 arus uibtauce iu one ui.uu..

AINoeib WoMAir. Mrs. Xuaa GbayIisiihb, alady over LO yM old, who lost a.rsndfatbsr iu tb rnvolulion, and a Isther hb war of 1812, bu, with tb cooper atioa of

dfvw Isdv I'rleuds, jirovLVd a eomploU oatajtorsaantireComcioy. Tharllslaarsu foove, and are ot its bent mataiUlt and tmstt.hortnah wutkmaa-hlp- , 1 10 shirts, ;W) taajtw

fdtawerr, IJO toaet liO cket handktT- -biafo. l.iO ptln t f lock., 1. hospital .towns,Shape containing neIWa. pU.a, thread, JLo.,A llavelvck iip, WO ytrd banJAgea. Such.emeu tie ol LB true tevolutlvOAry slock alour to thtm.Hem t tU'.uLK Exriiuvxcpi wu gained

by tbi Scott Igton dtrlrpj tre Mexican war.f.i tn certain oaa provtaeii a tiring iro- -batt. Id tbi chut tb rain pressrv th

kee- p- skis it their frUtds, Ihair ob ,; ,

dabltpircia. lach man simwpewvJ w'.lhbUntme, the tutr-cu- r of the eooJ

t.k..lt Ldtnt tal Itt dawalBa

fCli. - a

1. faLa. Tb. chest Is kef ) "' H r,lisoMB quailara. and in lb roercB It accost- -

.run atbecsptaiae w.r-"'-r-' '" "Ti

,b, VeMcao ''""""..": .iV--Z

r.'ll.'rrepletr.s. and In aolcatinoebunich aI dd: bpeu lksn by tb eosaiy.