b stat news · 2017-02-14 · belgische vereniging voor statistiek société belge de statistique...

B - S t a t N e w s The Newsletter of the Belgian Statistical Society Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek Société Belge de Statistique Number 85 January 2017 Editeurs responsables/Verantwoordelijke uitgevers : Sophie Vanbelle, Department Methodology and Statistics, Maastricht University P. Debyeplein, 1 6229 Maastricht, The Netherlands Herbert Thijs, Biocartis NV, Generaal De Wittelaan 11, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

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B - Stat News

The Newsletter of the

Belgian Statistical Society Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek

Société Belge de Statistique

Number 85 – January 2017

Editeurs responsables/Verantwoordelijke uitgevers :

Sophie Vanbelle, Department Methodology and Statistics, Maastricht University P. Debyeplein, 1 6229 Maastricht, The Netherlands

Herbert Thijs, Biocartis NV,

Generaal De Wittelaan 11, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium


Prof. Thomas Bruss (Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB)


Prof. Tom Loeys (Universiteit Gent - UGent)

Secretary of the Society

Prof. Kurt Barbe (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB)


Prof. Anneleen Verhasselt (Universiteit Hasselt - UHasselt)


Prof. Ariel Alonso Abad (Katholiek Universiteit Leuven - KULeuven)

Prof. Céline Bugli (Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL)

Prof. Christophe Croux (Katholiek Universiteit Leuven - KULeuven)

Prof. Erik Fransen (Universiteit Antwerpen - UAntwerpen)

Prof. Niels Hens (Universiteit Hasselt - UHasselt)

Mr. Luc Lebrun (SPF Economie - SPF)

Mr. Dierk Op't eynde (SPF Finance - SPF)

Prof. Marcel Remon (Université de Namur - UNamur)

Prof. Yvik Swan (Université de Liège - ULg)

Dr. Herbert Thijs (BioCartis NV)

Prof. Rainer Von Sachs (Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL)

Website of the Society


B-Stat News editor

Sophie Vanbelle: [email protected]

Herbert Thijs: [email protected]


Laurence Seidel : [email protected]



Proces-verbaux des assemblées générales ..................................................... 3

Verslag van de algemen vergadering............................................................. 7

6th Channel Network conference .................................................................. 11

FLAMES annual meeting ............................................................................... 12

Bayes 2017 ........................................................................................................ 13

EVA 2017.......................................................................................................... 14

UseR!2017......................................................................................................... 15

IWSM2017 ........................................................................................................ 16

ISCB38 ............................................................................................................. 17

DSSV2017 ......................................................................................................... 18

International Workshop on Non- and Semiparametric Statistics ............ 19

IFC2017 ............................................................................................................. 20

CEN ISBS 2017 ................................................................................................ 21

Forthcoming statistical events ....................................................................... 22

List of members ............................................................................................... 24

Job market ........................................................................................................ 32



Assemblée générale du 13 octobre 2016 Palais des Congrès, Namur

Présent : J. Beirlant, T., Bruss, C. Bugli, P. Dagnelie, J. De Neve, M. Hallin, A. Hardy, G. Haesbroeck, C. Heuchenne, L. Lebrun, C. Legrand, C. Ley, T. Loeys, D. Pandaveine, M. Rémon, Y. Swan, S. Van Aelst, T. Verdebout, R. von Sachs La séance est ouverte à 18h30.

1. Approbation du procès verbal de l'Assemblée Générale du 15

octobre 2015 Le procès verbal, publié dans le B-Stat News n°80 de janvier 2016, est approuvé sans modification.

2. Rapport du Président et rapport d'activités Le Président S. Van Aelst dresse le bilan des activités de l'année 2016, troisième année de son mandat de Président. Le Conseil d'Administration de la Société s'est réuni deux fois, le 15 février 2016 et le 7 septembre 2016, à Bruxelles. Lors de ces réunions, le Conseil d'Administration a discuté notamment de l’organisation des élections des membres du Conseil, de l’adresse officielle de la société, de l’affiliation à l’International Statistical Institute, de l’organisation du congrès annuel et des demandes de sponsoring. En outre, quelques consultations des membres du Conseil se sont faites par email pour traiter les dossiers classiques (demandes de sponsoring et admission de nouveaux membres). Depuis la dernière Assemblée Générale, la SBS-BVS a apporté son soutien financier et moral à deux événements et son soutien moral à un événement qui a lieu hors de la Belgique. Le vote est fait sur le rapport du Président et l'Assemblée Générale donne décharge au Président et au Conseil sur ce point.

2bis. Rapport moral et rapport d'activités de la section Biostatistique C. Legrand indique qu’il n’y a pas eu d’activités et propose de supprimer la section Biostatistique. Elle ajoute qu’il y a une grande coincidence de contenu et des membres avec la Quetelet Society. En outre, la section Biostatistique n’a pas de revenus. Elle fonctionne seulement comme liaison


entre EFPSI et les biostatisticiens en Belgique. Les appels pour commentaires sur les documents EMEA draft guidance peuvent être faits par la liste de mailing de la Société. Elle propose de ne pas avoir seulement un représentant de l’industrie pharmaceutique, mais aussi un biostatisticien du monde académique dans le conseil. Ensuite une discussion a eu lieu sur les implications pour la Société en termes du nombre des membres et de la composition du conseil (par example dans des subclasses). Pour faire avancer le dossier, il faut formaliser ceci par un courrier officiel de la part de la section Biostatistique.

3. Rapport financier Les comptes de l'année 2016 sont présentés. Au 1er janvier 2016, les comptes s'élevaient à 93.624,27 EUR tandis que les comptes s'élevaient à 109.179,05 EUR au 11 octobre 2016. Les frais du congrès ne sont pas encore déduits. La SBS-BVS se trouve dans une situation financière confortable. Le vote est fait sur ce rapport de l’année 2016. Les comptes de l'année 2016 sont approuvés à l'unanimité et seront, conformément à la loi, soumis aux Greffes.

4. Rapport du Secrétaire En 2016, 201 membres ont payé leur cotisation annuelle. En tenant compte des 9 membres honoraires, cela donne 210 membres en ordre de cotisation. Au total, 132 membres n’ont pas payé pour 2016, et 83 membres n’ont pas payé pour 2015 et 2016. Des rappels seront envoyés la semaine prochaine aux membres qui n’ont pas payé pour 2016. Les membres en ordre de paiement seront repris sur la liste officielle des membres de la Société, qui sera envoyée, conformément à la loi, aux Greffes.

5. Admission de nouveaux membres ordinaires et inactivation

d’anciens membres En l'an 2016, 20 nouveaux membres ont été admis par le Conseil. Il s'agit de: Assele Samson Yaekob, Barbé Kurt, Clette Emilie, Dierickx Gauthier, Emweonye Igwebuike, Inghelbrecht Gilles, Kauntz Carsten, Maginelli Angela Agnes, Musoro Zebedee Jammbe, Solmi Francesca, Van Belle Jente, Wilms Ines, Rezaul Karim, Sebastiaan Hoppner, Wilfried Cools, Wilbert


Van Duijnhoven, Cristina Sotto, Dickson Anumendem, Elli Makariadou et Stéphane Munier. Il faut par ailleurs ajouter 6 nouveaux membres admis lors de la présente Assemblée Générale, à savoir Freya Acar, Han Bossier, Jasper De Gryse, Heidelinde Dehaene, Fien Ghistelinck et Marc Vos. L'Assemblée générale ratifie ces nouvelles admissions. Enfin, 83 membres n'ont pas payé leur cotisation en 2015 et 2016. Ils seront contactés personnellement. L'Assemblée Générale décide que les membres qui ne sont pas en ordre de cotisation seront radiés de la Société.

6. Admission de nouveaux membres institutionnels Il n’y a pas eu d’admission de nouveaux membres institutionnels en 2016. On a suggéré de contacter la BNN.

7. Préparation de la réunion annuelle de 2017 C'est au tour des statisticiens de l'Université de Louvain (KUL) de prendre en charge l'organisation du prochain congrès annuel de la SBS-BVS. Geert Verbeke, le chef de L-Stat, a été contacté mais n’a pas encore répondu.

8. Etat sur le sponsoring SBS-BVS Depuis la dernière Assemblée Générale, la SBS-BVS a apporté son soutien à plusieurs événements scientifiques: un séminaire sur ‘flexible statistical modeling’ et un symposium sur ‘big and high-dimensional data’.

9. Cotisation annuelle pour l'an 2017. Vote Pour l'année 2017, l'Assemblée Générale propose de ne pas modifier le montant des cotisations annuelles, à savoir :

- Membre ordinaire: 40 EUR - Etudiant et membre retraité: 20 EUR

De plus, les membres qui s’inscrivent conjointement à la SBS-BVS et à la Société Quetelet bénéficient d’une réduction de 15 EUR. Pour les membres institutionnels, la cotisation annuelle minimale est fixée à 625 EUR.


10. Remplacement et élection des membres du conseil d’administration Pour rappel: les mandats suivants dans le conseil d’administration de la BVS-SBS se terminent le 31 décembre 2016: Stefan Van Aelst (KU Leuven), Thomas Bruss (ULB), Tom Loeys (UGent), Erik Fransen (UA), Niel Hens (UHasselt), Luc Lebrun (Statistics Belgium), Dierk op ’t Eynde (SPF Finances), André Hardy (UNamur) et Kristel Van Steen (ULg). Dix candidats ont soumis leur candidature. Au total, 53 formulaires de vote valides ont été reçus au sécretariat de la Société. Le résultat suivant est obtenu à l’Assemblée Générale: - Comme président pour la période 2017-2019 Thomas Bruss (ULB) 51 votes - Comme vice-président pour la période 2017-2019 Tom Loeys (UGent) 50 votes - Comme membre du conseil pour la période 2017-2019 Ariel Alonso Abad (KULeuven) 40 votes Kurt Barbe (VUB) 35 votes Erik Fransen (UA) 34 votes Niel Hens (UHasselt) 41 votes Luc Lebrun (Statistics Belgium) 43 votes Dierk op ’t Eynde (SPF Finances) 38 votes Marcel Remon (UNamur) 41 votes Yvik Swan (ULg) 41 votes Les dix membres qui ont remis leur candidature sont donc élus comme administrateurs du conseil d’administration pour la période 2017-2019. Thomas Bruss sera président et Tom Loeys vice-président dès le 1er janvier 2017. Le Président remercie l'Assemblée Générale et clôture la séance à 19h30.



Algemene Vergadering van 13 oktober 2016

om 18u in het Palais des Congrès, Namur

Aanwezig: J. Beirlant, T., Bruss, C. Bugli, P. Dagnelie, J. De Neve, M. Hallin, A. Hardy, G. Haesbroeck, C. Heuchenne, L. Lebrun, C. Legrand, C. Ley, T. Loeys, D. Pandaveine, M. Rémon, Y. Swan, S. Van Aelst, T. Verdebout, R. von Sachs De vergadering wordt geopend om 18u30.

1. Goedkeuring van het verslag van de Algemene Vergadering van 15

oktober 2015

Het verslag dat gepubliceerd werd in B-Stat News n°80 van januari 2016 wordt goedgekeurd.

2. Verslag van de Voorzitter en activiteitenverslag

De voorzitter S. Van Aelst, maakt de balans op van de activiteiten van het jaar 2016, het derde jaar van zijn mandaat als voorzitter. De Raad van Bestuur van de Vereniging kwam tweemaal bijeen, op 15 februari 2016 en op 7 september 2016, in Brussel. Tijdens deze vergaderingen heeft de Raad van Bestuur overlegd over o.a. de organisatie van de verkiezing van bestuursleden, het officiële adres van de vereniging, lidmaatschap van het International Statistical Institute, de organisatie van de jaarlijkse conferentie en aanvragen voor sponsoring. Daarnaast hebben enkele vergaderingen plaatsgevonden via e-mail voor het afhandelen van de klassieke dossiers (subsidieaanvragen en aanvragen nieuwe leden). Sinds de vorige algemene vergadering heeft de BVS-SBS zijn financiële en morele steun verleend aan 2 events en enkel morele steun aan 1 event dat niet in België plaats vindt.

Het rapport wordt goedgekeurd door de Algemene Vergadering en decharge wordt verleend aan de voorzitter en aan de Raad van Bestuur.

2bis. Verslag van de voorzitter en activiteitenverslag van de Sectie

Biostatistiek C. Legrand meldt dat er geen activiteiten plaats vonden en stelt het opdoeken van de Sectie Biostatistiek voor. Ze haalt aan dat zowel naar


inhoud als leden er een grote overlap is met de Quetelet Society. Bovendien heeft de Sectie Biostatistiek geen inkomsten. Ze fungeert enkel nog als verbinding tussen EFPSI en biostatistici in België. Oproepen tot commentaar op de EMEA draft guidance documenten kan via de mailing list van de vereniging. Ze stelt voor om in de Board naast een vertegenwoordiger van de farmaceutische industrie ook telkens een biostatisticus uit de academische wereld in de Board op te nemen. Hierop volgt een discussie over de implicaties voor de vereniging voor het leden-aantal en de samenstelling van de Board (bvb. in subcategorieen). Een formeel schrijven van de sectie Biostatistiek is noodzakelijk om de volgende stappen te ondernemen.

3. Financieel verslag

De rekeningen van het jaar 2016 worden gepresenteerd. Op 1 januari 2016 was de stand van de rekeningen 93.624,27 EUR terwijl de stand op 11 october 2016 109.179,05 EUR bedraagt. De kosten van het congres moeten wel nog in rekening gebracht worden. De Vereniging bevindt zich in een gezonde financiële situatie. Het verslag van het jaar 2016 wordt bij stemming unaniem goedgekeurd door de Algemene Vergadering. De rekeningen van het boekjaar 2016 zullen, conform de wet, neergelegd worden bij de Griffie.

4. Verslag van de secretaris

In 2016, betaalden 201 leden hun lidgeld. Rekening houdend met de 9 ereleden, geeft dat 210 leden. In totaal betaalden 132 leden niet voor 2016, 83 leden betaalden niet voor 2015 en 2016. Volgende week worden herinneringen verstuurd naar de leden die hun lidmaatschap voor 2016 nog niet betaald hebben. De leden die in orde zijn met hun lidgeld worden vermeld op de officiële ledenlijst van de Vereniging, die conform de wet zal neergelegd worden bij de Griffie.

5. Toelating van nieuwe leden In het afgelopen jaar zijn 20 nieuwe leden toegelaten door de Raad van Bestuur, met name: Assele Samson Yaekob, Barbé Kurt, Clette Emilie, Dierickx Gauthier, Emweonye Igwebuike, Inghelbrecht Gilles, Kauntz Carsten, Maginelli Angela Agnes, Musoro Zebedee Jammbe, Solmi


Francesca, Van Belle Jente, Wilms Ines, Rezaul Karim, Sebastiaan Hoppner, Wilfried Cools, Wilbert Van Duijnhoven, Cristina Sotto, Dickson Anumendem, Elli Makariadou en Stéphane Munier. Bovendien zijn er nog 6 aanvragen van nieuwe leden die toegelaten worden tijdens de huidige Algemene Vergadering, met name: Freya Acar, Han Bossier, Jasper De Gryse, Heidelinde Dehaene, Fien Ghistelinck en Marc Vos De Algemene Vergadering keurt de lijst van nieuwe leden goed. Verder hebben 83 leden hun lidgeld van 2015 en 2016 niet betaald. Zij worden persoonlijk gecontacteerd. De Algemene Vergadering besluit om de leden die hun lidmaatschap niet alsnog in orde brengen, niet meer op te lijsten als leden van de Vereniging.

6. Nieuwe institutionele leden

Er zijn geen nieuwe institutionele leden in 2016. Er wordt gesuggereerd om ook de NBB te contacteren.

7. Voorbereiding van de jaarlijkse conferentie 2017

Voor de organisatie van het volgend congres van de SBS-BVS zijn de statistici van de universiteit Leuven (KUL) aan de beurt. Geert Verbeke, hoofd van L-Stat werd gecontacteerd maar nog geen antwoord ontvangen.

8. Sponsoring van de SBS-BVS. Stand van zaken

Sinds de laatste Algemene Vergadering heeft de BVS-SBS zijn financiele steun verleend aan verschillende wetenschappelijke evenementen: een workshop over flexible statistical modeling, en een symposium over big and high-dimensional data.

9. Lidmaatschapsbijdrage voor 2017 – Stemming

Voor het jaar 2017 stelt de Algemene Vergadering voor het lidgeld niet te veranderen en vast te leggen op

Gewoon lid: 40 EUR

Studenten en gepensioneerden: 20 EUR Bovendien genieten de leden die tegelijk lid worden van BVS/SBS en de Quetelet Society een korting van 15 EUR.


Voor de institutionele leden is de jaarlijkse minimale bijdrage 625 EUR.

10. Vervanging en verkiezing van leden van de Raad van Bestuur

Ter herinnering: volgende mandaten in de Raad van Bestuur van de BVS-SBS lopen af op 31 december 2016: Stefan Van Aelst (KU Leuven), Thomas Bruss (ULG), Tom Loeys (UGent), Erik Fransen (UA), Niel Hens (UHasselt), Luc Lebrun (Statistics Belgium), Dierk op ’t Eynde (FPS Finances), André Hardy (UNamur) en Kristel Van Steen (ULg).

Tien kandidaten hebben zich aangemeld:

In het totaal zijn 53 geldige stemformulieren ontvangen op het secretariaat van de Vereniging. De telling tijdens de Algemene Vergadering leverde volgend resultaat op:

- Als president voor de periode 2017-2019

Thomas Bruss (ULB) 51 stemmen

- Als vice-president voor de periode 2017-2019 Tom Loeys (UGent) 50 stemmen

- Als Board-member voor de periode 2017-2019 Ariel Alonso Abad (KULeuven) 40 stemmen Kurt Barbe (VUB) 35 stemmen Erik Fransen (UA) 34 stemmen Niel Hens (UHasselt) 41 stemmen Luc Lebrun (Statistics Belgium) 43 stemmen Dierk op ’t Eynde (FPS Finances) 38 stemmen Marcel Remon (UNamur) 41 stemmen Yvik Swan (ULg) 41 stemmen

De tien leden die zich kandidaat hebben gesteld, zijn verkozen als lid van de Raad van Bestuur van de BVS-SBS voor de periode 2017-2019. Thomas Bruss wordt president op 1 januari 2017, en Tom Loeys vice-president.

De Voorzitter dankt de Algemene Vergadering en sluit de zitting om 19u30.



Hasselt (Belgium), 24-26 April 2017 We are happy to announce that the 2017 Channel Network Conference of the International Biometric Society (IBS) will take place at Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Belgium. This biennual conference is organized by the IBS regions Belgium, France, Great-Britain/Ireland and the Netherlands. This conference aims at gathering biostatisticians to discuss the newest statistical methodology for the analysis of biological and medical data. It is a 3-day conference with 2 courses, invited and contributed sessions. Usually, around 150 researchers from both academia and industry participate in the conference. The previous edition was in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. We are proud to announce that Peter Diggle will be the keynote speaker. In addition, we will have three sessions with invited speakers: High-dimensional Bayesian variable selection by Alex Lewin (Chair) Analysis of human growth by Sophie Swinkels (Chair) Neuroimaging by John Aston (Chair) Carel Peeters and Wessel van Wieringen will be teaching a course on network modelling for high-dimensional data, and a course on targeted minimum loss based estimation by Sherri Rose. Finally, the last afternoon a plenary session will be given by Rebecca DerSimonian. Registration includes conference material, lunches, coffee/tea, and the social event.

Important dates: Abstracts for posters and contributed talks: 14 February 2017 Early bird registration: 7 March 2017 Final registration: 14 April 2017

Website: http://www.uhasselt.be/channel-network-conference-2017



Leuven (Belgium), 28 April 2017

The 5th edition of the FLAMES Annual Meeting focusses on the various ramifications of social media in today's world. Each contribution highlights a different way of how social media influence our daily lives.

Venue: Arenbergkasteel, Aula (Room number: KAST 01.07) Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 3001 Heverlee-Leuven Google Map

For whom: This event is interesting for anyone who wants to find out about the consequences which social media have on our daily lives (e.g. in science, education, society and economy).

Registration: Participation is free, but please register before April 16, 2017.

Website: http://www.flames-statistics.eu/events/flames-annual-meeting-2017



Albacete (Spain), 22-25 May 2017

The practical implementation of Bayesian thinking into pharmaceutical research has been slow due to either important computational challenge, lack of Bayesian education in the bio-statistical community or reluctance of regulatory authorities on the usefulness of the Bayesian approach. However, recent developments in Clinical trials such as adaptive designs, in Non-Clinical, in Model Based Drug Development and in Health economics paradigms indicate the rising interest, added value and business impact of Bayesian applications. The objective of the workshop is multifold: – Present of some applied case studies in the clinical, non-clinical and CMC settings – Highlight the participants about some success stories and impact of the Bayesian thinking – Promote the Bayesian thinking and practices within the pharmaceutical industry. – Underline the advantages of Bayesian modeling for science and business – Offer opportunities for statisticians for reorientation within the changing environment of the (bio)pharmaceutical world. – Show and update participants on the new numerical solutions making Bayesian statistics an easy journey.

Important dates: Abstracts for posters and contributed talks: 31 March 2017

Website: http://www.bayes-pharma.org/


EVA 2017

Delft (The Netherlands), 26-30 June 2017

The 10th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis will take place at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, from June 26-30, 2017. It will schedule presentations on all probabilistic and statistical aspects of Extreme Value Analysis, and applications in Climate and Atmospheric Science Industrial Risks Geosciences Hydrology Finance, Economics and Insurance Biosciences Physics Telecommunications and Stochastic Networks This conference will bring together a diverse range of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students whose work is related to the analysis of extreme values in a broad sense. Topics of interest include: Univariate, multivariate, infinite dimensional extreme value theory Heavy tails/light tails Order statistics and records Rare events and risk analysis, and Spatial/spatio-temporal extremes

Important dates (2017) Abstract submission: March 1 Decision on abstracts: March 20 Early bird registration: April 15 Registration for presenters of contributed talks: April 15 Registration for non presenters: June 12

Website: http://www.eva2017.nl/



Brussels (Belgium), 26-30 June 2017

The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community. Its program consists of both invited and user-contributed presentations. The invited keynote lectures cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from technical and R-related computing issues to general statistical topics of current interest. The user-contributed presentations and posters are submitted as abstracts prior to the conference and may be related to (virtually) any R-related topic. The presentations are typically organized in sessions of either broad or special interest, which also comprise a "free" discussion format. Such a discussion format not only provides a forum for software demonstrations and detailed discussions but also supports the self-organization of the respective communities. The duration is between 15 or 20 minutes for the focus and kaleidoscope sessions, and 5 minutes for lightning talks. This year the conference will be held at the Wild Gallery in Brussels, Belgium. The conference is being organized with support from Open Analytics and the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics of the Universities of Leuven and Hasselt.

Important dates Open Submission of Abstracts: January 5, 2017 Open Registration: January 5, 2017 Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1, 2017 Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2017

Website: http://www.user2017.brussels/



Groningen (The Netherlands), 2-7 July 2017

IWSM is one of the major activities of the Statistical Modelling Society, founded with the purpose of promoting and encouraging statistical modelling in its widest sense, involving both academic and professional statisticians and data analysts. Since its first edition, the spirit of the workshop has always been to focus on problems motivated by real life data and on solutions that make novel contributions to the subject. The atmosphere of the workshop is friendly and supportive, with no parallel sessions, with the aim of stimulating the exchange of ideas and experiences related to statistical modelling. As a sign of positive feedback the IWSMs report many returning participants. Papers focusing on applications with important substantive implications as well as methodological issues are welcome. Submissions by students and young researchers are particularly encouraged.

Important dates Deadline for grant applications (students only): February 10, 2017 Deadline for abstract submission: February 12, 2017 Deadline final manuscript submission: April 30, 2017 Registration opens: October 2016 Early registration until: April 30, 2017. Late registration until: June 1, 2017 Short course: July 2, 2017.

Website: https://iwsm2017.webhosting.rug.nl/




Vigo (Spain), 9-13 July 2017 The International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) is devoted to stimulate research into the principles and methodology used in the design and analysis of clinical research and to increase the relevance of statistical theory to the real world of clinical medicine. Like previous annual conferences of ISCB, the 2017 conference will provide an international scientific forum for exchange of theory, methods and applications of biostatistics in medical research. The conference is addressed to statisticians, clinicians and members of other disciplines related to clinical practice, such as epidemiologists, clinical chemists and clinical pharmacologists. This year, two exciting plenary talks given by Anastasios Tsiatis and Francesca Dominici and eight invited sessions on a number of key topics are organized. This will be completed with contributed parallel sessions about scientific topics of special interest. Besides, several courses and mini-symposia are scheduled, including the Students' Day on Thursday, which follows the successful first experience at ISCB37. We don’t forget the traditional excursions on Tuesday and the social events to enjoy Vigo and its surroundings.

Important dates:

Deadline abstracts submission: February 20, 2017 Notification abstract acceptance: April 1, 2017 Early bird registration deadline: April 30, 2017

Website: http://iscb2017.info/?fwp=1&fwl=2



Lisbon (Portugal), 12-14 July 2017

The conference Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation (DSSV 2017) is the first event of a new conference series. The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the interplay of computer science, statistics and visualisation, and to build bridges between these fields.

This meeting shall create a forum to discuss recent progress and emerging ideas in these different disciplines and encourage informal contacts and discussions among all the participants. The conference welcomes contributions to practical aspects of data science, statistics and visualisation, and in particular those which are linking and integrating these subject areas. Presentations should thus be oriented towards a very wide scientific audience, and can cover topics such as machine learning and statistical learning, the visualisation and verbalization of data, big data infrastructures and analytics, interactive learning, advanced computing, and other important themes.

Important dates

Early bird registration: March 27, 2017 Abstract submission: April 10, 2017 Notification of acceptance: May 2, 2017 Standard registration: May 15, 2017 Preliminary programme announcement: June 15, 2017

Website: http://iasc-isi.org/dssv2017/




Düsseldorf (Germany), 21-22 July 2017

This is a satellite workshop to the European Meeting of Statisticians in Helsinki from 24-28 July 2017.

More information on the EMS 2017 can be found here http://ems2017.helsinki.fi

Note, that there are direct 2h-flights from Düsseldorf to Helsinki (e.g. by Finnair or airberlin) and that the time schedule would fit well for participants of both conferences.

Website: http://www.math.hhu.de/ems2017/duesseldorf.html



Tokyo (Japan), 8-10 August 2017

The 2017 conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) will be held at Takanawa Campus of Tokai University, Tokyo from August 8 to 10, 2017. The conference theme will be ‘The Challenge of Data Science in the Era of Big Data’.

On August 7, pre-conference workshops will be held. The conference itself will start on August 8 in the morning, and will close on August 10 with a full day conference program and a conference dinner. The conference will include a President’s invited session and a Presidential address, invited presentations, invited and contributed sessions, and poster sessions.

The following awards and medals ceremony will be scheduled at the conference:

IFCS Research Medal for outstanding research achievements

Chikio Hayashi Award for Young Researchers

Student/Postdoctoral Fellow Paper Competition and Travel Award

Student Poster Session Competition Award on innovative research including applications

the BRCA Data Analysis Award

Important dates Deadline for Abstract submission April 18, 2017 Deadline for early bird registration April 18, 2017 Notification of acceptance for abstract submission May 15, 2017 Deadline for Standard registration May 31, 2017 Deadline for Late registration June 30, 2017 Pre-conference workshops August 7, 2017 IFCS-2017 conference August 8-10, 2017

Website: http://ifcs.boku.ac.at/_conference/index.php/ifcs2017/ifcs2017



Vienna (Austria), 28 August – 1 September 2017 The CEN-ISBS Vienna 2017 Joint Conference on Biometrics & Biopharmaceutical Statistics is a unique event integrating multiple perspectives on current biostatistical research and an excellent opportunity for organisations and companies to meet colleagues from academia, regulatory agencies and other organisations. The Central European Network (CEN) was established in 2008, joining three long-standing regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS), the German, Austro-Swiss and Polish regions to support biometric communities within the regions and scientific discussions and collaborations across the regions. The International Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics’ (ISBS) primary mission is to improve and promote international unification and standardization of statistical practice in the biopharmaceutical industry. Thus, the joint CEN-ISBS conference in Vienna will provide a unique forum to share and exchange information between biostatisticians working in the academic field, in the pharmaceutical industry and at regulatory bodies. The conference will focus both on methods and practical applications of biostatistics in life sciences and drug development. Its aim is also to stimulate the use and development of new methods to further increase the value of research for clinical and biopharmaceutical practice.

Important dates: Deadline for topic-contributed session proposals: 21 February 2017 Notification of acceptance of topic-contributed session proposals: 28 February 2017 Deadline for abstract submission: 31 March 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 May 2017 Deadline for early bird registration: 31 May 2017

Website: http://www.cenisbs2017.org/



February 20-22, 2017 - UGent - Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis with R

March 8-9, 2017 - UCL - Monte Carlo Methods with applications to finance

March 14-16, 2017 - Brussels - New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS2017)

March 14-15, 2017 - Heathrow (UK) - Toxicology SIG - workshop 2017

March 20-23, 2017 - Brescia (Italy) - 7th edition of STATISTICALPS

April 24-26, 2017 - UHasselt - 6th Channel Network Conference

April 28, 2017 - KULeuven - FLAMES annual meeting 2017

May 22-24, 2017 - University of Castilla - La Mancha (Spain) - BAYES2017

June 26-30, 2017 - Delft University (The Netherlands) - Extreme value analysis conference (EVA2017)

July 3-7, 2017 - Groeningen – International workshop on statistical modelling, IWSM 2017

July 4-7, 2017 - Brussels - UseR! conference 2017

July 9-13, 2017 – Vigo (Spain) – 38th annual conference of the interational

society for clinical biostatistics

July 12-14, 2017 - Lisbon (Portugal) - Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation 2017 (DSSV2017)

July 21-22, 2017 - Dusseldorf (Germany) - International Workshop on "Non- and Semiparametric Statistics" in honour of Arnold Janssen

August 8-10, 2017 - Tokyo (Japan) - Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)


August 28 - September 1, 2017 - Vienna (Austria) - Joint conference on Biometrics and Biopharmaceutical statistics (CEN ISBS 2017)

September 11-15, 2017 - KULeuven - Summer school on advanced Bayesian methods

October 18, 19 and 20, 2017 - Irish College in Leuven - 25th SBS-BVS Annual Meeting (BSS 2017)


List of members

Pr Marc AERTS - [email protected] Mrs Stéphanie AERTS - [email protected] Mr Mohamed AHKIM - [email protected] Pr Adelin ALBERT - [email protected] Mr El Maâti ALLAOUI - [email protected] Prof.dr. Ariel ALONSO ABAD - [email protected] Mr Jérôme AMBROISE - [email protected] Mrs Maïlis AMICO - [email protected] Mr Bart AMPE - [email protected] Mrs Ellen ANDRIES - [email protected] Mr Yudhie ANDRIYANA - Mr Mehreteab Fantahun AREGAY - Mr. Nicolas ASIN - [email protected] Mr Amin AZMON - [email protected] Mrs Angélique BACLIN - [email protected] Mr. Tim BAL - [email protected] Mrs Perrine BAMPS - [email protected] Mr. Kurt BARBE - [email protected] Mrs Carine BARTHOLME - [email protected] Dr Claire BEGUIN - Pr Jan BEIRLANT - [email protected] Dr Dirk BELMANS - [email protected] Dr. Anne BENOIT - [email protected] Dr Dries BENOIT - [email protected] Mrs Aurélie BERTRAND - [email protected] Dr Luc BIJNENS - [email protected] Mr Jaak BILLIET - [email protected] Mr Michel BODDAERT - [email protected] Dr Kris BOGAERTS - [email protected] Mr. Wilfried BONOU - [email protected] Dr Bruno BOULANGER - [email protected] Mrs Muriel BOULTON - [email protected] Pr Roel BRAEKERS - [email protected] Mr Vincent BREMHORST - [email protected] Dr Yves BROSTAUX - Mrs Liesbeth BRUCKERS - [email protected] Pr Thomas BRUSS - [email protected] Mr Robin BRUYNDONCKX - [email protected] Ir Céline BUGLI - [email protected] Dr Tomasz BURZYKOWSKI - [email protected] Dr Ronald BUYL - [email protected]


Mr Jan BUYSE - Mrs Jozefien BUYZE - [email protected] Pr Herman CALLAERT - Mrs. Andrea CALLEGARO - [email protected] Dr Marc CALLENS - [email protected] Mrs Samantha CAMBIER - Dr An CARBONEZ - [email protected] Dr Tom CATTAERT - [email protected] Mr Christian CHARLES - [email protected] Pr Gerda CLAESKENS - [email protected] Mr Lieven CLEMENT - [email protected] Dr Elisabeth Coart - [email protected] Mrs Sandra COLLETTE - [email protected] Dr Laurence COLLETTE - [email protected] Mr Benjamin COLLING - [email protected] Dr Hans COPPENOLLE - [email protected] Dr Wim COUCKE - [email protected] Dr Marjolein CRABBE - [email protected] Mrs An CREEMERS - [email protected] Pr Christophe CROUX - [email protected] Mrs. Christine CUTTING - [email protected] Pr Pierre DAGNELIE - [email protected] Mrs Linda DANIELSON - [email protected] Mrs Anne DANNIAU - [email protected] Mrs Nadia DARDENNE - [email protected] Mrs Marie-Pierre DAVID - [email protected] Mr Jean-Marie DAWAGNE - [email protected] Pr Dirk DE BACQUER - [email protected] Dr Rembert DE BLANDER - [email protected] Mrs Anne DE FRENNE - [email protected] Ir Gérard DE KERCHOVE d' EXAERDE - Pr Viviane DE MAERTELAER - [email protected] Dr Anna Maria DE MEYER - [email protected] Mr Jan DE NEVE - [email protected] Mrs Veerle DE PRIL - [email protected] Dr Filip DE RIDDER - [email protected] Pr Ann DE SCHEPPER - [email protected] Dr Heidi DE SMEDT - Dr Lieven DECLERCK - [email protected] Mrs Katrien DECLERCQ - Mr Johan DECUYPER - [email protected] Dr Catherine DEHON - [email protected] Dr Joachim DEJONCKHEERE - [email protected] Mrs Sophie DEKEYSER - [email protected]


Dr Emanuele DEL FAVA - [email protected] Mr Alain DELTENRE - Pr Michel DENUIT - [email protected] Mrs Marie-Paule DERDE - Mrs Ellen DESCHEPPER - [email protected] Mr Lieven DESMET - [email protected] Pr Marc DESPONTIN - [email protected] Pr Luc DEVROYE - [email protected] Mr Walthère DEWE - [email protected] Pr Geert DHAENE - [email protected] Mr. Koenraad D'HOLLANDER - [email protected] Mr. Gauthier DIERICKX - [email protected] Mrs. Lore DIRICK - [email protected] Mr. Yves DOMINICY - [email protected] Pr Anne-Françoise DONNEAU - [email protected] Mrs Martine DOUHA - [email protected] Pr Michèle DRAMAIX - WILMET - [email protected] Pr Jean-Jacques DROESBEKE - [email protected] Mrs Cécile DUBOIS - [email protected] Dr Luc DUCHATEAU - [email protected] Pr Uwe EINMAHL - [email protected] Mrs Sabrina EL BACHIRI - [email protected] Mr Mohsine EL GHAZI - [email protected] Mr Anouar EL GHOUCH - [email protected] Mrs Marie ERNST - [email protected] Mrs Christel FAES - [email protected] Mr. Baptiste FERAUD - [email protected] Dr Alessandro FIORINI - [email protected] Mrs Catherine FORTPIED - [email protected] Mr Marc FOURNEAU - [email protected] Mrs Nancy FRANCOIS - [email protected] Mr Bernard FRANK - [email protected] Mrs Ann FRANQUET - [email protected] Dr Erik FRANSEN - [email protected] Mr Auguste GADDAH - [email protected] Mr Gery GEENENS - [email protected] Dr Bruno GENICOT - [email protected] Dr Helena GEYS - [email protected] Mrs Hilde GIEZEK - [email protected] Pr Irène GIJBELS - [email protected] Mrs Leen GILLES - [email protected] Mr Marc GILLET - [email protected] Mr Yuri GOEGEBEUR - [email protected] Pr Els GOETGHEBEUR - [email protected]


Mrs Nele GOEYVAERTS - [email protected] Mr Peter Philiep GOOS - [email protected] Pr Bernadette GOVAERTS - [email protected] Mr. Thomas GUEUNING - [email protected] Pr Gentiane HAESBROECK - [email protected] Mr François HAGUINET - [email protected] Pr Marc HALLIN - [email protected] Pr André HARDY - [email protected] Mrs. Kim HENDRICKX - [email protected] Mr Frédéric HENDRIKX - [email protected] Pr Niel HENS - [email protected] Mrs Lisa HERMANS - [email protected] Mr Klaus HERRMANN - [email protected] Pr Cédric HEUCHENNE - [email protected] Ms. Josefine HINKELMANN - [email protected] Mr. Sebastiaan HÖPPNER - [email protected] Pr Siegfried HORMANN - [email protected] Pr Mia HUBERT - [email protected] Mr. Mohammed IBRAHIM - [email protected] Mr. Gilles INGHELBRECHT - [email protected] Ms. Gaëlle ISAAC - [email protected] Mr Tom JACOBS - [email protected] Dr Maarten JANSEN - [email protected] Pr Paul JANSSEN - [email protected] Mr Luc JANSSENS - [email protected] Mr. Romain JEGOU - Pr. Jan JOHANNES - [email protected] Mrs Hélène JOHANNES - Mrs Haeike JOSEPHY - [email protected] Mrs Astrid JULLION - [email protected] Pr. Tetyana KADANKOVA - [email protected] Mr Jarl KAMPEN - [email protected] Dr Adetayo KASIM - [email protected] Dr Roselinde KESSELS - [email protected] Mr Bruno KESTEMONT - [email protected] Mrs Maria KEY PRATO - [email protected] Mrs Anna KIRILIOUK - [email protected] Mr Koen KNAPEN - [email protected] Mrs Anastasia KOKOREVA - [email protected] Dr Paulus KRISTANTO - [email protected] Dr Tite KUBUSHISHI - [email protected] Mrs Annouschka LAENEN - [email protected] Pr Philippe LAMBERT - [email protected] Mrs Anne-Catherine LANGE - [email protected]


Mrs Géraldine LAURENT - Mrs Céline LE BAILLY DE TILLEGHEM - [email protected] Mr Mikael LE BOUTER - [email protected] Mrs Marie LEBACQ - Mr Luc LEBRUN - [email protected] Dr Pierre LEBRUN - [email protected] Mr Edouard LEDENT - Dr Didier LEDOUX - [email protected] Pr Catherine LEGRAND - [email protected] Pr Emmanuel LESAFFRE - [email protected] Mr Christophe LEY - [email protected] Mrs Dan LIN - Mrs Saskia LITIERE - [email protected] Pr Tom LOEYS - [email protected] Mrs Mireille LUCAS - [email protected] Mrs Kristel LUIJTENS - Dr Denis LUMINET - [email protected] Mrs Nathalie MAES - [email protected] Dr David MAGIS - [email protected] Mr. Jestinah MAHACHIE JOHN - [email protected] Dr William MALBECQ - [email protected] Mrs Angela Agnes MANGINELLI - [email protected] Dr Jean-Louis MARCHAL - Ms. Manon MARTIN - [email protected] Mr Rachid MASSAAD - [email protected] Mrs Céline MAUQUOI - [email protected] Pr Guy MELARD - [email protected] Mr Paul MEYVISCH - Mr Bart MICHIELS - [email protected] Dr Jean-François MICHIELS - [email protected] Mrs Elasma MILANZI - Mrs Beatrijs MOERKERKE - [email protected] Pr Geert MOLENBERGHS - [email protected] Pr Michel MOUCHART - [email protected] Mr Léonce MPUNIKIYE - Mr Marco MUNDA - [email protected] Mr. Zebedee Jammbe MUSORO - [email protected] Mr. Julius NANGOSYAH - [email protected] Mr. Laurent NATALIS - [email protected] Pr Marcel NEUTS - [email protected] Pr Jacques NEVEU - Dr Mioara Alina NICOLAIE - Mr Edmund Njeru NJAGI - [email protected]


Pr Monique NOIRHOMME-FRAITURE - [email protected] Mr Fabrice NOLLEVAUX - [email protected] Mrs Florence NOZAY - [email protected] Mrs Ruth NYSEN - [email protected] Dr Edward OMEY - [email protected] Pr Patrick ONGHENA - [email protected] Mrs Dierk OP 'T EYNDE - [email protected] Ir Christian OTOUL - [email protected] Pr Davy PAINDAVEINE - [email protected] Pr Rudy PALM - [email protected] Pr José PARIS - [email protected] Dr Monika PEETERS - Mr. Kris PEREMANS - [email protected] Mrs Nancy PHILIPPE - [email protected] Mrs Fanny PIETTE - [email protected] Mr Eugen PIRCALABELU - Mr Jean-Yves PIRCON - Dr Viviane PLANCHON - [email protected] Mrs Ilaria PROSDOCIMI - [email protected] Ir Paul QUATAERT - [email protected] Mr Emmanuel QUINAUX - [email protected] Pr Marcel REMON - [email protected] Mr. Peter REUSENS - [email protected] Dr William REY - [email protected] Mr. Karim REZAUL - [email protected] Dr Christian RITTER - [email protected] Pr Annie ROBERT - [email protected] Mrs Ella ROELANT - [email protected] Mr Sanne ROELS - [email protected] Dr Dominique ROSILLON - Dr Réjane ROUSSEAU - Pr Peter ROUSSEEUW - [email protected] Dr. Eric ROZET - [email protected] Mrs Sarah RUSCH - [email protected] Mr. Quindpanga Sekou SAMADOULOUGOU - Mrs Eva SANTERMANS - [email protected] Mr Kiswendsida SAWADOGO - [email protected] Mr Eric SCHMITT - Mrs. Sylvie SCOLAS - [email protected] Mr Pieter SEGAERT - [email protected] Pr Johan SEGERS - [email protected] Mrs Laurence SEIDEL - [email protected] Dr Christelle SENTERRE - [email protected]


Dr Jan SERROYEN - [email protected] Mrs. Ruth SEURINCK - [email protected] Mr Ziv SHKEDY - [email protected] Pr Léopold SIMAR - [email protected] Mr. Koen SIMONS - [email protected] Mrs Leen SLAETS - [email protected] Mrs. Francesca SOLMI - [email protected] Mr. Perceval SONDAG - [email protected] Dr Bart SPIESSENS - [email protected] Mr Pierre SQUIFFLET - [email protected] Mrs Milena STAPOREK - [email protected] Mrs Lara STAS - [email protected] Mr Johan STEEN - [email protected] Mrs Véronique STORME - [email protected] Mrs Geneviève STURBOIS - [email protected] Mrs Anne SUMBUL - Pr Yvik SWAN - [email protected] Mr Dominik SZNAJDER - [email protected] Mrs Majda TALAMAKROUNI - [email protected] Mr Willem TALLOEN - [email protected] Mr Wouter TALLOEN - [email protected] Mr Cédric TAVERNE - [email protected] Mrs Bianca TEODORESCU - [email protected] Pr Jozef TEUGELS - [email protected] Pr Olivier THAS - [email protected] Dr Herbert THIJS - [email protected] Dr Fabian TIBALDI - [email protected] Pr Yves TILLE - [email protected] Mrs Catherine TIMMERMANS - Dr Anne TORBEYNS - [email protected] Mr Eric TOUSSET - [email protected] Mr. Nathan UYTTENDAELE - [email protected] Pr Stefan VAN AELST - [email protected] Mr Germain VAN BEVER - [email protected] Dr Tom VAN DE CASTEELE - Mrs Anne VAN DE VOORDE - [email protected] Mr. Jens VAN DE WEYGAERT - [email protected] Mr. Wannes VAN DEN BOSSCHE - [email protected] Mrs Ilse VAN HOVE - - Pr Ingrid VAN KEILEGOM - [email protected] Mrs Kim VAN KERCKHOVE - [email protected] Pr Iven VAN MECHELEN - [email protected] Prof Arnout VAN MESSEM - [email protected] Pr Herman VAN OYEN - [email protected]


Pr Kristel VAN STEEN - [email protected] Mr Philippe VAN WILDER - Pr Sophie VANBELLE - [email protected] Mrs An VANDEBOSCH - [email protected] Pr Martina VANDEBROEK - [email protected] Mr François VANDENHENDE - [email protected] Mrs Annick VANDENHOOFT - [email protected] Dr Camille VANDERHOEFT - [email protected] Prof Ellen VANDERVIEREN - [email protected] Mrs Kristel VANDORMAEL - [email protected] Mr Tony VANGENEUGDEN - Pr Stijn VANSTEELANDT - [email protected] Dr Guy VEKEMAN - [email protected] Pr Noël VERAVERBEKE - [email protected] Pr Geert VERBEKE - [email protected] Mr. Roel VERBELEN - [email protected] Mrs Sabine VERBOVEN - [email protected] Mrs Nadia VERBRUGGEN - [email protected] Mr. Thomas VERDEBOUT - [email protected] Dr Tim VERDONCK - [email protected] Mrs Anneleen VERHASSELT - [email protected] Mr Robert VERLAAK - [email protected] Pr Catherine VERMANDELE - [email protected] Pr Lea VERMEIRE - [email protected] Mr Karel VERMEULEN - [email protected] Mrs Katrien VERSCHUEREN - Pr Rainer VON SACHS - [email protected] Dr Bernard VRIJENS - [email protected] Mrs Inge VRINSSEN - [email protected] Mr Chang WANG - Mr Kun WANG - [email protected] Mr Michal WARCHOL - [email protected] Mr Dany WEVERBERGH - [email protected] Mrs Ines WILMS - [email protected] Mr Luc WOUTERS - [email protected] Mrs Kristien WOUTERS - [email protected] Dr Seong Jun YANG - Mr Toufik ZAHAF - [email protected]



There is an extensive list with new job offers which would be time and space consuming to publish here. Please note thet the complete list with further details is shown at our website: http://www.sbs-bvs.be/



We would like to publish in this Newsletter any statistical matter such as :

– information about universities, institutes (1 to 3 pages);

– lists of recent publications and technical reports;

– abstracts of recent PhD theses;

– news of members;

– forthcoming statistical events and announcements;

– short papers about teaching methods in statistics, statistics in

the industry, official statistics, etc.

Suggestions are welcome: please, contact us.

[email protected] or [email protected]

Any change of job, address, phone number, ... ?

Please notify the Secretary of the Society:

Pr. Kurt Barbe

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Pleinlaan 2

B- 1050 Brussel

[email protected]