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Awareness Presentation


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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors

Minimum Health Management


#4 - Human Factors

Engineering in NewProjects

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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors

Outline• Minimum Health

Management Standards


• ntroduction to HumanFactors Engineering (HFE)

• !h" HFE $ene%ts• &e%nition o' Standard

• chieement *riteria

• +ools +echni,ues• *ometences .e,uired

• re "ou comliant/

•!hat "ou need to do

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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors


• Seen Minimum Health Management Standards

(MHMS) hae 0een deeloed to set down theminimum re,uirements 'or the management o'health and Human Factors Engineering in comanieswhere Shell has oerational control

• roed 0" the 1rou HSE disers Panel and HSE*ouncil

• &iscussed and agreed with the E2ecutie*ommittees o' the major $usinesses

• *M& has endorsed and issued them in 3ul" 556• Shell $usinesses are e2ected to imlement them

'ull" 0" the end of 2003

• Progress will 0e monitored ia the HSE nnual 7etter

• MHMS will 0e audited

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• Formalise e2isting guidance - nothing reall" new

• Set down the minimum re,uirements 'or themanagement o' Health in comanies where Shellhas oerational control

• *omliance with national statutor" re,uirements is

mandator" 'or all asects o' health management8• *urrentl" acceted scienti%c 9nowledge should 0e

alied in interreting MHMSs

• 1uidance documents listed in the attachment

roide adice on good ractice8 !here a guidancedocument is re'erred to seci%call": then it 'orms aart o' that standard8 ;ther documents roidemore general guidance on good ractice which: in

some cases (such as those u0lished 0" the ;1P):ma 0e more s eci%c to certain 1rou $usinesses8

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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors


 +here are seen MHMS

68 Health .is9 ssessment

8 Monitoring o' Health Per'ormance and ncident

.eorting and nestigation

<8 mact ssessment

48 Human Factors Engineering in New Projects

=8 Product Stewardshi

>8 Fitness to !or9

?8 7ocal Health Facilities and Medical Emergenc"



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Human Factors Engineering

Human Factors Engineering (HFE) is amultidiscilinar" %eld that considersthe integrated 9nowledge o' human

caa0ilities: limitations and needs inthe interaction 0etween humans:technolog" and the wor9ingenironment8

@ HFE Aellow 1uide 55

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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors

Objectives of HFE

• +o increase sa'et": com'ort and er'ormance

within wor9ing enironment• +o reent human errorsBlimit the

conse,uences (relia0ilit")

• +o enhance roductiit" 0" otimisinghuman eCorts (eDcienc")

• +o imroe usa0ilit" o' a s"stem(roductiit")

• +o incororate user 9nowledge in the designo' the s"stemBroduct to satis'" the needs o'the oerating oulation (acceta0ilit":mar9eta0ilit") 

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Human MachineHuman Machine


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MHMS - 4MHMS - 4Human Factors

Individual Contraint(age: sie: training: s9ills: cometence)


!i"la# Control

Senor# In$ormation




(r)aniational Structure jo0 design: communication:


*h#ical +nvironment(lighting: noise: thermal)

,e"one +ecution

Human Machine InteractionHuman Machine Interaction

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*onclusion re start-u sa'et" reiew H"con


t has to 0e concluded that during engineering

stage the oortunit" could hae 0een 'urthere2loited to otimise the design withoutincreasing *PEI in man" cases8 +his re'ersarticularl" to the %elds o' oera0ilit": accessi0ilit"and maintaina0ilit"8J

Why Practice HFE?

uine Cae

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7essons learned .A;N1 roject (6>)

$asic concet not an oerationall" 'riendl"


&*S s"stem • &*S grahics were designed 0" main contractor with

minor  inut o' ;erations at an earl" stage

• too much in'ormation on screens

• to go through = screens to get to an alarm• 'ar too comle2 which comlicates start u

• alarms oorl" seci%ed

• ris9 o' anel men loosing con%dence in s"stemK

Why Practice HFE?

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• L >5 o' 0ottlenec9s identi%ed during & EModel reiew sessions are related to oor

;era0ilit" and Maintaina0ilit"• .edesign eCort %rst "ears a'ter start u o'ten

related to sole oerational and maintenancemis%ts as a result o' insuDcient inut during

*oncetual design

Project management issues 

Why Practice HFE? !ot just in


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*onclusions o' !orld *lassO Projects stud" 

0h#0h# *ractice*ractice H+H+

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7iterature &eeloment HSE imroements

in hardware designJ


Num0ero' accidentsBincidents

 +echnical measureswere dominant

Process sa'et" measureswere dominant

Human 'actors inter'acemeasures will 0ecome


Past Present

0h#0h# *ractice*ractice H+H+

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• No 0alanced inut o' Process criteria ersus ;erations

(;s8) and Maintenance (M) criteria during concetualdesign

• 7imited inut in concetual design o' 'uture ;s8BM8 tas9s

• nsuDcient ineCectie inut o' wor9 oorJ e2erience

• nsuDcient 9nowledge o' E* re8 ;PS re,uirements

• HM seci%cations are insuDcient Q no ris9 drienO• 7ac9 o' change mgt8O aroach in critical : i8e new designs

ncrease o' roject li'e c"cle costs

Su0 otimal design o' oerational maintenance ta

#raditional $esign Process

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$ene%t areas Rsa0ilit" HF Engineering 








7a0our turnoer

.elation to sta9eholders





uanti'" andBor ran9

%enefits of HFE


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Economic 0ene%ts $ased on historical data (reiewsBauditsBP. reorts) and client

'eed0ac9 reorts

•  .eduction *PEI 58= - =

•  .eduction engineering hrs8 6 - 65 •  .eduction re wor9T 6 - =

  less rewor9: less late changes

•  .eduction roject duration time u to 45


•reduced aroal c"cles

•  .eduction ;s8BMaintenance +*o; < - > er "ear

 * 40 % reduction only achieved once in a non-complex 2 story office building project * 40 % reduction only achieved once in a non-complex 2 story office building project  

%enefits of HFE

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Factors driing reeat isits to we0 sites ( rea

Source: Forrester research 1999

?= High ,ualit" content66 Ease of use 

=G &own load seed=4 Fre,uentl" u dated64 *ouons and incenties6< Faourite 0rands

6 *utting edge technologies66 Purchasing caa0ilities65 *ustomised content65 *hat and 0ulletin 0oards

> ;ther 

&ationale for HFE in I#


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!oneconomical benefits

• mroement HSEBwor9ing conditions (H)• mroement commitment end users (H)• mroement o' client 0u" inJ (H)• mroement 'unctional designQ (H)

• ersus gold lated design• mroement cometence o' roject team (VH)  re8 ;erational and maintenance re,uirements• mroement communication ;wner B Project

team EP* contractor (H)

() imact ran9ing on issue 'rom client 'eed0ac9T 7ow (7):Medium (M):High (H):Ver" High (VH)

%enefits of HFE

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*ritical Success Factors

•  wareness o' cost 0ene%ts • *PEI reduction +*o; commitment 

•  Management commitment front end loading• Earl" aaila0ilit" o' oerational hilosoh"

• aila0ilit" o' resources• Front end user articiation 'or realisation o' roductcommitment

•  *ometence roject articiants 

•  ntegration in Project s"stem (;wner


•  Multi-discilinar" dilemma handling

•  cature wor9 oorO 9nowledge ia FEEEM W anal"sis


%enefits of HFE

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•  .eduction in Modi%cation *osts

•  .eduction in +raining costs and eCorts•  mroed cceta0ilit"O o' the S"stem•  mroed screen la"out: reada0ilit" andusa0ilit"•  &ecreased in'ormation retrieal time•  .E&R*+;N MS ;PE.+;N: MS .E&N1•  .educed reliance on suort o' Hel &es9O andother colleagues•  ECectie use o' + resources

•  mroed wor9ing eDcienc" X reduction inwor9ing stress•  mroed motiation•  wareness o' 0ene%ts o' Rser-*entred &esign

%enefits of HFE

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• t is a0out 45-655 times more e2ensie to %2 ro0lems inthe maintenance hase o' a rogramme than in the designhase ($oehm: $8!8: 6G6 So'tware engineering economicsNew 3erse": Prentice Hall nc8) 

• S"stems designed with usa0ilit" engineering haet"icall" reduced the time needed 'or training around = (7andauer 6=)• Rsa0ilit" engineering has demonstrated reductions in theroduct deeloment c"cle 0" oer <<-=5 ($osert 66)

•Eight" ercent o' so'tware li'e c"cle costs occur a'ter theroduct is released: in the maintenance haseQ o' that wor9G5 is due to unmet or unseen user re,uirementsQ onl"5 o' this is due to 0ugs or relia0ilit" ro0lems ( Yarat: *86<: Rsa0ilit" engineering in dollars and cents: EEE


%enefits of 'sability


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• round >< o' *+ rojects e2ceed their cost estimates(7aderer:878: 6: Nine management guidelines 'or 0etter cost


 +he to 'our reasons areT• 're,uent re,uests 'or changes 'rom users• oerloo9ed tas9s• userOs lac9 o' understanding o' their ownre,uirements

• insuDcient user-anal"st communication andunderstanding

•  user centred design methodolog" will increaseroductiit" 0"= and increase ,ualit" 0" <5 : incl8 user satis'action

0" 45

%enefits of 'sability


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$efinition of Standard

‘Human factors engineering principles are tobe considered and applied during the earlydesign stage of new facilities proects wheredesign can ha!e a critical impact on

e"uipment usability and user safety or health#$ 

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(chievement )riteria

68 ll new 'acilities rojects are screened 'or

minimum human 'actors engineeringre,uirements as de%ned in the HFE A18

8 !here the screening indicates that HFEinut is necessar": the location or 0usiness

alies the correct rocesses: tools andcometencies at the correct stages o' theroject as de%ned in the HFE A18

<8 +he recommendations hae 0eendiscussed with management and actionarties and target dates agreed8

# t & d hi# t & d hi

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#arget &eadershi"#arget &eadershi"

• Project teams

@ Project Managers

@ Process (and other &isciline)Engineers

@ ;erationsBMaintenance

• HSE ro'essionals

• + &esigners

• .etail Station &esigners

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Process and #ools

• ntroduction o' < &ecision Ma9ing +ools@ HFE Focusing +ool

@ !or9 S"stems nal"sis +ool

@ nestment 3usti%cation +ool• Suorts Project +eams

@ Project Managers

@ ;erationsBMaintenance

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@ !or9 s"stems

@ Per'ormance Factors

@ Mode o' oerations

• NZNormalQEZEmergenc"


HFE Wor* System (nalysis #ool

 +o determineT

@ 7eel o' HFEinolement

@ $ased on rojectteam e2erience

@ HFE Standardsaaila0le


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Wor* System (nalysis #ool


68 7ist the roject

wor9 s"stems

8 llocate anaroriate HFE

leel 'or each 0o2<8 &e%ne HFE scoe

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Investment +ustification #ool

• +ool 'or roject managers• &ecision ma9ing suort tool on HFE


• *onsiders economic and non economic(e8g8 HSE asects) 0ene%ts

• E2amle demonstrated on ne2t 'ew


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#he #ools

68 !or9 S"stems nal"sis

 +ool- &e%ne HFE scoe 'or Project

- endi2 6 in the Aellow 1uide8 nestment 3usti%cation

 +ool@ &ecision ma9ing tool 'or

Project Managers

@ endi2 in the Aellow


<8 HFE *ometence

Screening +ool- Ensures correcteole are on the jo0


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.esonsi0le Part"

6 l"

secs8 standards

wareness Project


Secs8 standards

X reiew


HFE FocalPoint

< HFEnal"sis




) t F *

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)om"etence Frame,or*

wareness (can discuss)• Familiar with HFE A1

@ Rnderstand HFE concets: rinciles:

language@ !here and how HFE A1 alies torojects

@ Ynow the HFE Process (hases and


@ Ynow how to use the HFE +ools

• E2erience in Projects

• *omliant with disciline

) t F *

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)om"etence Frame,or*

!or9ing Ynowledge (can do)• *arr" out HFE .eiews

@ Ensure standards were roerl" alied

@ Ma9e recommendations 0ased on HFE

rinciles@ .ecognise where HFE can 0ene%t roject

@ Suort Project +eam 'rom HFE standoint

• ;R leel staC (t"icall" inoled in rojects)

• E2erienced in own engineering disciline

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)om"etence Frame,or*

S9illed B Master" (can teach)

• *ometence HFE ro'essional@ *onsulted 0" ;R 'or all 7eel < actiities

@ Rse HFE !S +ool to initiate scoe discussions

•S"stematicall" catures userre,uirements

• &eliers HFE .ecommendations

• denti%es 'uture HFE scoe with resect to

organisational issues and other 0arriers tosuccess'ul HFE imlementation


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!or9 S"stemsnal"sis





HFE nal"sis and


Rser *entred &esign

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(re you )om"liant?

• .ead" to use Aellow 1uide• *hec9 "ou rocedures against section


• .eiew the chieement *riteria• !here do "ou stand/

Wh t d I d ?

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What do I do?

' *omliant• Ensure that all

rojects areadhering to the

rocess and not justthe 0igO ones

• ssess current HFE

actiities: loo9 'orimroements

• 7oo9 'oroortunities to

imroe "our

' (% *omliant• +rain roject


• ncororate the +ools into rojectrocedure

• *onsult HFE

ro'essionals 'orsuort

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-ood .uc* / / /

8 8 8 and donOt 'orget the HFE

Princiles when arta9ing inchallenging rojects