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  • 7/29/2019 Avulsion Reimplantation Caroline Nx (1)


    Reimplantation of primary avulsed


    Why not discuss it?

    Libyan International Medical University

    Preventive and Community

    D. Caroline Piske de A. MohamedD. Caroline Mohamed 1

  • 7/29/2019 Avulsion Reimplantation Caroline Nx (1)


    A question:

    Is dental trauma common inprimary dentition?

    D. Caroline Mohamed 2

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    Yes it is...

    Indeed, it is more common than in permanentdentition because the motor coordination is

    still developing.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 3

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    Dental Trauma prevalence in primary


    Author Year Sample Age/ Prevalence

    Mestrinho et all. 1998 1853 1-5 years 30%

    Zembruski et al. 2002 1545 0-6 years 35.5%

    Zarzar et al. 2008 519 1-3 years


    D. Caroline Mohamed 4

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    Dental trauma

    Risk Factors

    Caries lesions

    Overjet > 3 mm Class II Type I

    Inexistence of labial protection Obesity

    Epileptic disorders

    Dentinogenesis imperfecta

    Etiologicy Factors


    Traffic accidents

    Sports accidents Violence ( Battled child)

    (Kramer, Feldens, 2005, Simes et al, 2004)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 5

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    Risk for Trauma

    Boys > girls ( almost 2 X more)

    Upper central incisive (57,58%)

    Commonest lesions:

    subluxation ( 21,45% - 50% )lateral luxation ( 16,66%)

    Intrusion ( 6% )

    avulsion ( 4% to 17,18%)

    Simes et al, 2004. (1310 patients with 2234 traumatized teeth)

    (ANDREASEN & ANDREASEN, 1994) Molina , J. Et al. Dental Trauma 24: 503-509, 2008

    D. Caroline Mohamed 6

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    Why does avulsion happen more in

    children than in adults?

    D. Caroline Mohamed 7

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    The chance of avulsion occurring in primarydentition is greater, a fact attributed to the

    greater resilience of bone at this age,whereas in permanent dentition there is agreater prevalence of fractures.

    Borum MK & Andreasen JO. 1998. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in theprimary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol,14(1): 3144D. Caroline Mohamed 8

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    Primary teeth trauma brings great injury risk

    for the permanent teeth germ.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 9

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    Determinants factors for the presence of

    lesions on pre erupted permanent teeth after

    deciduous trauma

    Age of patient at the time of trauma

    ( The younger the worse) The Nolla s Stage of development of the

    permanent tooth germ ( around stage 6)

    Type of trauma (degree and direction of themalposition of the primary teeth)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 10

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    Severity of injury

    Energy of impact.

    Resilience of impacting object.

    Shape of impacting object. Angle of direction of impacting force.

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    Link between Age of the patient /The Nolla s

    Stage of development of the permanent

    tooth germ

    D. Caroline Mohamed 12

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    13D. Caroline Mohamed

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    Classification of teeth injury

    Concussion ( no bleeding/ no displacement)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 14

    Subluxation Lateral luxation Extrusive luxation


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    Traumatic injuries to the primary dentition

    affects the tooth itself:

    Coronal discoloration

    Pulpal necrosis

    Pulpal canal obliteration Root resorption

    Abcess or cellulitis formation

    D. Caroline Mohamed 15

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    Possible alterations related to dental trauma on

    deciduous teeth ( trauma infection)

    D. Caroline Mohamed Trauma-FOUSP- Brazil

    Root fracture Cystic lesion

    Calcification Internal reabsortion

    External radicularreabsortion andperiapical lesion

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    D. Caroline Mohamed 17

    Speculative effects of trauma to the

    primary teeth on permanent teeth buds.a) Position of traumatic


    b) Buccal intrusio of the

    primary tooth damages

    the enamel and enamel

    organ during formation

    c) Malformation of the

    crown and hypoplasia of

    the enamel are due to

    vertical force on C early

    in development

    d) Ande) Bending and deformity

    of the crown tooth germ

    it is bent between B

    and E

    f) Bending and deformity

    of the root tooh germ

    bent on Fg) Lack of root


    to Hertwigs epithelial

    root sheath ( entire

    germ pushed apically)

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    Possible effects on permanent teeth after trauma/

    reimplantation of avulsed deciduous teeth

    D. Caroline Mohamed 18

    Enamel Hypoplasia

    Root bending-dilaceration


    Cystic lesion

    Teeth discoloration

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    Traumatic injuries to the primary dentition

    effecting succedaneous permanent dentition:

    White or yellow-brown discoloration of enamel White or yellow-brown discoloration of enamel with circular enamel


    Crown dilacerations

    Odontoma-like malformation

    Root duplication

    Vestibular root angulation

    Lateral root angulation or dilacerations

    Partial or complete arrest of root formation

    Sequestration of permanent tooth germs

    Disturbance in eruption

    The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, November-December 2011;12(6):511-5Rakesh K Agarwal et al15 1. Carvalho JC, Vinker F, Declerck D. Malocclusion, dental injuries and dental anomalies in the primarydentition of Belgian children. Int J Paediatr Dent 1998;8:137-41. Lenzi AR, Medeiros PJ. Severe sequelae of acute dental trauma in the primary dentition--a case report. Dent Traumatol 2006;22:334-6. Jcomo D, Campos V.Prevalence of sequelae in the permanent anterior teeth after trauma in their predecessors: a longitudinal study of 8 years. Dent Traumatol 2009;doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.2009.00764.x.. von Arx T. Developmentaldisturbances of permanent teeth following trauma to the primary dentition. Aust Dent J 1993;38:1-10.. Tzoglu S, Yolcu U, Tozoglu U. Developmental disturbance of maxillary lateral incisor after trauma. Dent Traumatol2007;23:85-6.. Andreasen J, Andreasen, FM. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. von Gool AV. Injury to the permanent tooth germ after trauma to the deciduouspredecessor. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1973;35:2-12. Jafarzadeh H, Abbott PV. Dilaceration: review of an endodontic challenge. J Endod 2007;33:1025-30.. Flores MT, Malmgren B, Andersson L. Guidelines for themanagement of traumatic dental injuries. III. Primary teeth. Dent TChristophersen P, Freund M, Harild L. Avulsion of primary teeth and sequelae on the permanent successors. Dent Traumatol 2005;21:320-3. Zilberman Y, Fuks CD, Bassat YB, Brin I, Lustmann JL. Effect of trauma to primaryincisors on root development of their permanent sucessors. Pediatr Dent 1986;8:289-93. Assuno L, Ferelle A, Iwakura M, Cunha R. Effects on permanent teeth after luxation injuries to the primary predecessors: a study inchildren assisted at an emergency service. Dent Traumatol 2009;25:165-70.. Tewari N, Pandey RK. Root hypoplasia: an unusual sequela to primary tooth trauma. Dent Traumatol 2010;26:115-7.. Sakai VT, Moretti AB,

    Oliveira TM. Replantation of an avulsed maxillary primary central incisor and management of df dilaceration as a sequel on the permanent successor. DentTraumatol 2008;24:569-73.D. Caroline Mohamed 19

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    The common treatment for lateral

    luxation in primary teeth is

    repositioning, splinting and maybeRCT

    D. Caroline Mohamed 20

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    The common treatment after deciduous intrusion is

    wait - follow up maybe RCT or extraction in cases

    of germ proximity or involvment

    D. Caroline Mohamed 21

    Fig. 2 Initial oral color photo (a) and radiograph (b)(1y2m, female) An oral color photo at 3 monthsafter the injury (c) A radiograph at 6 months

    after the injury (d)

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    And in cases of deciduous avulsion?

    Most of the parents dont look for treatment...

    Who looks for...will have ...

    D. Caroline Mohamed 22

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    Maybe sutures, antibiotic therapy,

    sometimes space mantainers...

    D. Caroline Mohamed 23

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    Avulsion in primary dentition is more

    frequent than in permanent dentition.(Andreassen, 1997, Marzola et al., 2006)

    If you work with children you will have a good

    chance to care of child with avulsed teeth.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 24

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    There are many articles about injuries to germsof permanent teeth after avulsion of deciduous

    teeth with and without treatment. These problems, may occur regardless of the

    treatment of the traumatized primary teeth.

    Torriani, Dione Dias; Baldisseira, Elaine de Fatima Zanchin and Goettems, Marilia Leo. Managment of root dilaceration in acentral incisor after avulsion of primary tooth: a case report witha 6 year follow up. Rev. Odonto cinc. (online). 2011,vol.26, n.4, pp. 355-358.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 25

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    If you don't reimplant after avulsion to avoid

    damage to the successor, you may not reposition

    any dislocated tooth, since damage can happen inany type ofdislocation. (Dr. Yango Pohl)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 26

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    WHAT ?

    27D. Caroline Mohamed

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    I will explain.....

    D. Caroline Mohamed 28

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    D. Caroline Mohamed 29

    Observe theproximity between

    the deciduous teethand the permanent



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    Imagem: Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries

    to the teeth. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard 2001pD. Caroline Mohamed 30

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    Trauma on


    D. Caroline Mohamed 31

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    Movement of

    the crown of the

    tooth to palatineand the tip of

    the root buccally

    D. Caroline Mohamed 32

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    Production of a

    coagulum that

    may stifens by

    the time...

    D. Caroline Mohamed 33

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    Repositioning thetooth.....may

    pressure the

    coagulum to thepermanent tooth


    D. Caroline Mohamed 34

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    If you don't reimplant after avulsion to avoid

    damage from the coagulum to the successor,you may not reposition any dislocated tooth,

    since this would add much more damage.

    But we still take our chances and repositionate

    lateral luxations and mild dislocations

    D. Caroline Mohamed 35

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    And about the avulsed tooth?

    D. Caroline Mohamed 36

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    What do the guides indicates about

    reimplantation of deciduous teeth?

    The American Academy of pediatric Dentistrycontra indicate the reimplant of avulsed

    primary teeth to prevent necrosis of thepulp, infection, inflamation and injury for the

    permanent germ.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 37

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    The British Society of Pediatric Dentistry indicates that The deciduous teeth should not be reimplantedbecause the high possibility of danger that can

    happen on the time of the implantation by the

    pressure that the coagulum can exert on the

    folicullum, can lead to alterations on the development

    of the germ of the permanent tooth.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 38

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    But, if I.....

    ....... could prevent the necrose of the pulp andthe possible injury to the permanent germ?

    ....... wash out ( irrigate) the coagulum?

    ...... and if I cut off the tip ( apicectomy) of thedeciduous root....?

    Could I be safe???(Filippi A, Pohl Y, Kirschner H., 2007)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 39

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    Before replantation you could (and should)

    remove the coagulum that has filled the

    alveolus, by irrigation.. and be free from thedamage related to the coagulum

    (Filippi A, Pohl Y, Kirschner H., 2007)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 40

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    We can reimplant deciduous - but we need special

    indications and a method that promises to not harm

    the permanent germ.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 41

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    Key factors for the recommendation of primaryavulsed traumatized tooth reimplantation.


    (a) the strategic value of the primary tooth, that is, the time the tooth will be present

    in the dental arch before the natural physiologic exfoliation;

    (b) the period of time the tooth was kept out of the alveolus (maximum 30 min);

    (c) the storage means of the avulsed tooth (wet);

    (d) the contamination level of the location where the tooth fell;

    (e) the presence of contiguous teeth to splint; and

    (f) the presence of nutritious or nonnutritious habits in the childs routine, which

    may affect the stability of the reimplanted tooth.

    When these factors are associated, the reimplantation isrecommended. Similar to that proposed for permanent teeth,

    the sooner the better the outcome.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 42

    P i

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    The prognosis of a reimplanted tooth depends on theindications for reimplantation :

    Childs good general health condition/ dentist skills leading with child /Parents permission

    Childs age/ The stage of deciduous root formation ( < 4 years)/ no rootsurface manipulation

    Alveolus integrity/ management of the socket

    Extra oral time ( < 30 min)

    Extra oral environment - Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) solution (70%of PDL cells can remain viable for as long as 4 days - proper osmolality, ph and nutritionalmetabolites and glucose) / cold milk / physiologic saline

    Treatment and stabilization - RCT / splint/

    Consider tetanus prophylaxis and antibiotic coverage.

    Fried I, Erickson P. Anterior tooth trauma in the primary dentition: incidence, classification, treatment methods, and sequelae: a review of the literature. J Dent Child 1995;62:25661. 2. Matsson L, Andreasen JO, Cvek M, et al. Ankylosis of experimentally reimplanted teeth related to extra-alveolar periodand storage environment. Pediatr Dent. 1982;4:327-9. 6. Andreasen J.O, Reinholdt I, Dybdahl R, et al. Periodontal and pulpal healing o f monkey incisors preserved in tissue culture before replantation. Int J Oral Surg. 1978;7:104-112. Trope M, Friedman S. Periodontal healing of replanted dog teeth stored inViaSpan, milk and Hanks Balanced Salt Solution. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1992;8:183-8. 4. Cvek M, Cleaton-Jones P, Austin J, et al. Effect of topical ap plication of doxycycline on pulp revascularization and periodontal healing in reimplanted monkey incisors. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1990;6:170-6.


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    1) You should avoid possible causes fordamage at the successor such as:

    mechanical trauma during the replantation -by root tip or coagulum, and

    infection - deriving from an infection of thenecrotic pulp tissues.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 44

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    A) Remove the root tip before replantation

    If the root tip is resected before replantation for

    about 3 mm, then there is a safe distance of atleast 3mm to the permanent germ...

    No chance at all for damaging it.

    (Filippi A, Pohl Y, Kirschner H., 2007)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 45

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    B) Immediate (before replantation) endodontictreatment from a retrograde direction andobturation of the canal with a resorbable sealer.

    ( Calcium hydroxide + zinc oxide + propylene glycol).

    C) Splint of the teeth

    The immediate RCT prevents any microorganisms fromentering the canal, thus there is minor risk of aninfection coming from the root canal.(Filippi A, Pohl Y, Kirschner H., 2007)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 46

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    And what about ankylosis?

    Deciduous teeth avulsed /kept dry for more than30 min should not be reimplanted!

    ( incidence 1.3 9.9% all etiologies, Miller et al., 1983)No data about prevalence of ankylosis after reimplant of avulseddeciduous teeth few cases literature )

    Trope M. Clinical maagment of the avulsed tooth: Present strategie and future directions. Dental Traumatology 2002;18(1) : 1-11)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 47

    P ibl i di i

  • 7/29/2019 Avulsion Reimplantation Caroline Nx (1)


    Possible contraindications to


    Near time for normal eruption


    Compromising integrity of the avulsed tooth

    or supporting tissues. Lack of alveolar integrity.

    Compromised medical condition

    :Immunocompromised health, severe congenital cardiacanomalies, severe uncontrolled seizure disorder, severemental disability, severe uncontrolled diabetes, and

    D. Caroline Mohamed 48

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    And about the literature on

    deciduous reimplantation?

    D. Caroline Mohamed 49

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    Yes, many researchers and faculties aroundthe world are indicating reimplantation of

    avulsed deciduous as part of their protocol ofpedodontic trauma treatment in specialcases.

    (Fried I, Erickson P. Anterior tooth trauma in the primary dentition: incidence, classification, treatmentmethods, and sequelae: a review of the literature. J Dent Child 1995;62:25661.)

    D. Caroline Mohamed 50

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    The literature demonstrated that an avulsedprimary tooth incisor can be preservedwithout causing damage to the developingpermanent successor.

    Filippi A, Pohl Y, Kirschner H. Replantation of avulsed primary anterior teeth: treatment and limitations. J Dent Child 1997;64:2725. Gatewood JC, Thornton JB. Successful replantation and splinting of a maxillary segment fracture in the primary dentition.Pediatr Dent 1995;17:1246. Hill CJ. Oral trauma to the pre-school child. Dent Clin North Am 1984;28:17786. Joho JO,Marechaux SC. Trauma in the primary dentition: a clinical presentation. ASDC J Dent Child 1980;47:16774..Kawashima Z, PinedaLF. Replanting avulsed primary teeth. JADA 1992;123:902. Mueller BH, Whitsett BD. Management of na avulsed deciduousincisor. Oral Med Oral Pathol 1978;46:4426.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 51

    f l d i i i

  • 7/29/2019 Avulsion Reimplantation Caroline Nx (1)


    Case reports of replanted primary incisorsReplantation of Avulsed Primary Incisors: A RiskBenefit Assessment .

    Erica L. Zamon, B.Sc. David J. Kenny, B.Sc., DDS, PhD.

    Author(s)Tooth replanted in

    each patient



    Root canal


    Extra-alveolar time


    Kinoshitaand others4 71 27 Yes No 30 Primary tooth still present81


    60 Yes No 60 Exfoliated. Permanent incisor had enamel


    52 36 Yes Yes 120 Exfoliated, normal

    81 2 Yes No N/A Extraction due to abscess

    72 42 Yes No 30 Extraction due to root resorption



    17 Yes No 60 Extractions due to gingival abscesses

    Tsukiboshi8 71


    46 Yes No 15 Exfoliated.Permanent incisor had enamel


    Weiger and Heuchert16 61 24 Yes Yes 30 Extraction due to abscess. Permanent

    incisor had discolouration

    Filippi and others18 51


    3 Yes Yes N/A N/A

    Zerman and others9 51


    N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    Kawashima and Pineda10 71


    N/A No No 60 Exfoliated

    Pefaur17 62 60 No Yes 60 Exfoliated

    Mueller and Whitsett11 61 N/A Yes No 1 Exfoliated. Permanent incisor had Turners


    Crabb and Crabb20 51 60 No No < 1 Exfoliated

    Ravn21 N/A 8 Yes No N/A Mobility and advanced resorption

    N/A 10 Yes No N/A Mobility and advanced resorption

    N/A 12 Yes No N/A Premature exfoliation

    N/A 27 Yes No N/A Extraction due to ankylosis

    Eisenberg19 62 36 No Yes N/A Exfoliated

    Sakellariou22 51 48 No No < 1 Exfoliated

    D. Caroline Mohamed 52

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    Why mantain a tooth that will beany way in the future exfoliated?

    D. Caroline Mohamed 53

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    Benefits from reimplantation of avulsed

    deciduous teeth

    Mantainence of a complete dentition

    Decrease the parents fear and guilt from their childtooth loss.

    Better social acceptance and auto estim.

    Prevention of functional problems in the masticationand phonetics.( in cases of multiple teeth loss)

    Space mantainence for child of less than 3 years that myhave difficult to use removable space mantainers

    Zamon EL, Kenny DJ. Replantation of avulsed primary incisors: a risk benefit assessment. J Can Dent Assoc.2001;67(7):386.Prevention . Gable TO, Kummer AW, Lee L, Creaghead NA, Moore LJ. Premature loss of the maxillary primaryincisors: effect on speech production. ASDC J Dent Child 1995; 62(3):173-9.The etiology of orthodontic problems. In:Proffit WR, Fields HR, editors. Contemporary orthodontics. 2nd ed. Toronto: Mosby-Year Book Inc; 1993. p. 128-9.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 54

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    If the primary incisors are lost before the child hasmastered speech, his speech development may beaffected temporarily until the permanent incisors come

    in affecting their social life. Oral diseases present not only biological sequelae, but

    also emotional and psychosocial consequences.

    Cortes MI, Marcenes W & Sheiham A. 2002. Impact of traumatic injuries to the permanent teeth on the oral health-relatedquality of life in 12-14-year-old children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 30(3): 1938. Fakhruddin KS, Lawrence HP, KennyDJ & Locker D. 2008. Impact of treated and untreated dental injuries on the quality of life of Ontario school children. DentTraumatol, 24(3): 30913. Ramos-Jorge ML, Bosco VL, Peres MA & Nunes AC. 2007. The impact of treatment of dentaltrauma on the quality of life of adolescents a case-control study in southern Brazil. Dent Traumatol, 23(2): 1149.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 55

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    Some cases:

    D. Caroline Mohamed 56

  • 7/29/2019 Avulsion Reimplantation Caroline Nx (1)


    D. Caroline Mohamed 57Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi, Treatment Planning forTraumatized Teeth, Quintessence books.

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    D. Caroline Mohamed 58

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    Case report

    A patient, 2 years and 6months of age, sufferedthe avulsion of tooth 61.

    The girl was assisted in lessthan 30 min and, duringthis time, the tooth was

    stored in milk.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 59

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    Fig. 8. Physiological root resorption of the

    right and left upperincisor.


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    D. Caroline Mohamed 61

    Fig. 9. Right and left permanent upper incisor without alteration.

    Maria Jose de Carvalho Rocha,Mariane Cardoso. Dental Traumatology 2008; Reimplantation of primary tooth case report24: e4e10; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.2008.00557.x

    Prevention of trauma gives the best

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    Prevention of trauma gives the best

    success rate

    The prevention of dental trauma is ourresponsability as health professionals

    D. Caroline Mohamed 62

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    Tooth avulsion must be managed properly and the

    dentist must be prepared to decide the bestapproach to minimize the biological and psychosocialconsequences in the patient.

    In primary dentition, clinical and radiographiccontrol of patients with a history of avulsion shouldbe performed until the eruption of a permanentsuccessor.

    D. Caroline Mohamed 63

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    Thank you!!

    D. Caroline Mohamed 64

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    Borum MK & Andreasen JO. 1998. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I.Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol,14(1): 3144BrazillianCongress of Dental Traumatollogy 2 nd CBTD- So Paulo, May 2009.

    Tsukiboshi Mitsuhiro. Treatment Planning for Traumatized Teeth. Atlases. WU 17 tBB25g20DOa RK490. t7513 2000. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Japan.

    SIMES, F.G.; LEONARDI, D. P.; BARATTO FILHO, F. et al. Fatores etiolgicos relacionadosao traumatismo alvolo-dentrio de pacientes atendidos no pronto socorroodontolgico do Hospital Universitrio Cajuru. Revista Sul-Brasileira de Odontologia. v.1, n. 1, p. 50-55, 2004.

    ANDREASEN, J.O., ANDREASEN, F.M. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries tothe teeth. 3.ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1994. Cap.3: Classification, Etiology andEpidemiology, p.151-180.

    Nolla CM. The development of the permanent teeth. J Dent Child. 1960;27:254-66.[ Links ]

    D. Caroline Mohamed 65

    Carlos EstrelaI; Jos Valladares NetoII; Mike Reis BuenoIII; Orlando Aguirre GuedesIV; Olavo Cesar LyraPortoIV; Jesus Djalma PcoraV Linear measurements of human permanent dental development stages

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    PortoIV; Jesus Djalma PcoraV.Linear measurements of human permanent dental development stagesusing Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: a preliminary study. Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics On-line version ISSN 2176-9451. Dental Press J. Orthod. vol.15 no.5 Maring Sept./Oct. 2010

    The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, November-December 2011;12(6):511-5Rakesh K Agarwal etal15 1. Carvalho JC, Vinker F, Declerck D. Malocclusion, dental injuries and dental anomalies in the primarydentition of Belgian children. Int J Paediatr Dent 1998;8:137-41. Lenzi AR, Medeiros PJ. Severe sequelae of

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