aviva dhan vriddhi_main points

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  • 8/3/2019 Aviva Dhan Vriddhi_main Points


    Guaranteed Insurance plans in the race again!!!

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    Guarantee + Tax-Free Insurance plansare the need of the hour!

    Guarantee your customers Financial Planning with Avivas Dhan Vriddhi

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    Provide complete protection to your customers

    Provide Rs. 70 per 1000 SA to your customers TAX-FREE

    Provide high guaranteed returns to your customers

    Provide peace of mind to your customers

    Provide regular Money Back to your customers

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    Are we prepared?

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi Plan

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    Aviva Dhan VriddhiWhat needs does it meet



    Customers Goal(s)

    Guaranteed returnsGuaranteed Survival Benefits

    (at the end of every 5th policy year)

    Replacement of IncomeAviva Child Education Rider

    (beneficiary can be other than child)

    Death, Disease, Disability coverageDeath Sum Assured, Aviva Term Plus

    Rider, Aviva ADB Rider

    NeedsAviva Dhan Vriddhi - Features that


    Guaranteed Corpus at maturity(through guaranteed loyalty additions)

    Disease, Disability Aviva DreadDisease Rider / Aviva Health Guard Rider

    Savings &Wealth Building

    Gift forGrand child

    Create assetfor wife


  • 8/3/2019 Aviva Dhan Vriddhi_main Points


    All-in-One Financial Planning with Dhan VriddhiWhat can you offer to your customers?

    Comprehensive savings plan that gives the best in class guaranteed returns and

    regular Money Back with the power of protection To fulfill their short term and long

    term financial goals

    Use multiple Dhan Vriddhi policies for retirement planning. Buy one policy

    every year for 5 years and it will provide regular income every year along with

    replacement income for the spouse in the event of death (with Child Education

    Rider) in addition to the immediate tax-free lumpsum

    Wealth Building tool that provides high guaranteed returns and unlimited protection for

    complete financial planning

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    All-in-One Financial Planning with Dhan VriddhiWhat can you offer to your customers?

    Married Womens Property Act - You have the advantage of creating an

    encumbrance free asset for your wife and children which shall not be subject to

    control of creditors

    Gift from Grandparents For marriage / education of grand children with Parent as

    life assured and grand children as nominee;

    Premiums can be paid by Grandparents (tax rebate

    can be claimed by


    A guaranteed benefits plan that provides regular money back to give liquidity at

    important milestones for childs education and career planning, along with

    replacement income in case you are not around (through Child Education Rider)

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    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi for savings & investments !The positioning 1/2

    As we move through the journey of life, it is important to be ready to comfortably meet all futureinvestment needs, whether it be education, marriage, retirement etc. At such times we need aspecific corpus to help us ensure we fulfill our dreams and those of our loved ones.

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi is an ideal savings cum protection plan that offers guaranteed returns onyour investment, so you can meet your financial goals and protect your families lifestyle.Through a combination of guaranteed additions and Health and Protection riders, you willensure not only your future, but also protect your family in case of your unfortunate death orillness.

    Secure yourfuture investment


    - Guaranteed returns help build the corpus you desire: Guaranteed annual additions @ 7%of the Sum Assured till end of policy term

    -Limited commitment to pay premiums: Pay premiums for 5 yrs less than policy term

    -Guard against medical contingencies: Future premiums waived in case you contract aCI/Disability by opting for Health Guard rider. Alternately opt for Dread Disease Rider & a lump-sum is paid immediately on contracting a CI/Disability

    -Regular Liquidity: This product gives you a regular money back where 20% of Sum Assuredis paid out every 5 years, except at maturity.

    -Maturity Benefit: Guaranteed maturity benefit=Sum Assured + accrued guaranteed additions

    -Death Benefit: In the unfortunate event of your death the following payments would be madeto your nominee:

    > Sum Assured along with the accrued guaranteed additions

    > Aviva Term Plus rider Sum Assured is payable, if this rider has been opted for

    > Double your cover, s.t. a maximum of Rs. 50 lacs by opting for ADB Rider

    > Regular income to nominee for remaining policy term, if Child Education rider opted

    Power Pitches

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    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi for a comfortable retirement !The positioning 1/2

    As the cost of living increases, planning for future retirement needs in a safe and securemanner becomes more and more important. Planning without uncertainties and getting an

    assured corpus on retirement is essential to help you maintain your lifestyle and live yourretirement years comfortably.

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi is an ideal savings cum protection plan specially designed to meet yourretirement needs for a safe and secure retirement corpus. This plan not only ensures you getthe desired corpus on retirement through guaranteed additions on the sum assured but it alsocovers you in case of critical illnesses.

    Secure yourretirement years

    - Guaranteed returns to maintain the standard of living you desire: Your policy earnsguaranteed annual additions @ 7% of Sum Assured till end of policy term

    - Limited commitment to pay premiums: Premiums are not required to be paid during thelast five policy years of the policy

    - Guard against medical contingencies: All future premiums will be waived off in case youcontract a critical illness or disability by opting for Aviva Health Guard rider.

    - Regular Liquidity: Regular money back of 20% of Sum Assured every 5 years (except at

    maturity)- Maturity Benefit: Guaranteed maturity benefit of Sum Assured plus accrued guaranteedadditions

    -Death Benefit: In the unfortunate event of your death the following payments would bemade to your nominee:

    > Sum Assured along with the accrued guaranteed additions

    > Aviva Term Plus rider Sum Assured is payable, if this rider has been opted for

    > Double your cover, subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lacs by opting for ADB Rider

    Power Pitches

  • 8/3/2019 Aviva Dhan Vriddhi_main Points


    As a parent, the most important investment for your child is a good education, and to securethis you want to have a guaranteed corpus to help fulfill his dreams.

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi is an ideal savings cum protection plan that offers guaranteed returns onyour investment, to ensure that you plan for your childs future education without any risks.Also, with additional features such as the Child Education Rider, your childs education will goon uninterrupted even if you are not around.

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi for a childs education !The positioning 1/2

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    Secure yourchilds education

    - Education Fund Booster through Guaranteed Additions: Earn guaranteed annualadditions @ 7% of Sum Assured till end of policy term

    -Education fund creation through limited PPT: You are not required to pay premiumsduring the last five years of the policy

    -Money Back for your childs interim schooling needs: Every 5 years, 20% of SumAssured is given back to you, except at maturity, to help you manage expenses during yourchilds growing years

    -Uninterrupted education of your child By opting for Aviva Child Benefit Rider in case ofyour death a monthly amount decided at inception is paid to your child / spouse (asnominated) till end of policy term

    -Maturity Benefit: A guaranteed maturity benefit of Sum Assured + accrued guaranteedadditions

    -Death Benefit: In the unfortunate event of your death the following payments would bemade to your nominee:

    > Sum Assured along with the accrued guaranteed additions

    > An additional Sum Assured if the Term Plus rider has been opted for

    > Double your cover, subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lacs by opting for ADB Rider.

    > Regular income for remaining policy term, if Aviva Child Education rider is opted.

    Power Pitches

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    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi for your wifes future !The positioning 1/2

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    As we move through the journey of life, it is important to be ready to comfortably meet all futureinvestment needs of our family, whether it be education, marriage, retirement etc. At such times

    we need a specific corpus to help us ensure we fulfill the dreams of our loved ones.

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi is an ideal savings cum protection plan that offers guaranteed returns onyour investment, so you can create an encumbrance free asset for your wife and/or children.Through a combination of guaranteed additions and Health and Protection riders, you willensure not only their future, but also protect your family in case of your unfortunate death orillness.

    Secure yourfamilys future

    - Guaranteed returns help build a desired corpus for your wife & children: Guaranteedannual additions @ 7% of the Sum Assured till end of policy term

    -Limited commitment to pay premiums: Pay premiums for 5 yrs less than policy term

    -Guard against medical contingencies: Future premiums waived in case you contract aCI/Disability by opting for Health Guard rider. Alternately opt for Dread Disease Rider & a lump-sum is paid immediately on contracting an CI/Disability

    -Regular Liquidity: This product gives your wife & children a regular money back where 20%

    of Sum Assured is paid out every 5 years, except at maturity.-Maturity Benefit: Guaranteed maturity benefit of Sum Assured plus accrued guaranteedadditions

    -Death Benefit: In the unfortunate event of your death the following payments would be madeto your nominee:

    > Sum Assured along with the accrued guaranteed additions

    > Aviva Term Plus rider Sum Assured is payable, if this rider has been opted for

    > Double your cover, s.t. a maximum of Rs. 50 lacs by opting for ADB Rider

    > Regular income for remaining policy term, if Aviva Child Education rider is opted

    Power Pitches

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    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi for your wifes future !The positioning 2/2

    Key Drivers Primary Target Audience Features to appeal

    Creating an encumbrance freeasset

    Self-employed professionals andbusiness-men looking to secure anasset for their family

    Guaranteed Additions Maturity Benefit Survival Benefit Rebate for high Sum Assured Aviva Dread Disease Rider

    All Benefits will be

    payable to your wife

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    A 30 year old male wants to save ~Rs. 30,000 p.a. for his wife for 15 years. This gives a policy term of 20 years

    For Rs. 30,010 per year premium the customer can get a Sum Assured of Rs. 2.84 lacsHe also takes Aviva Dread Disease Rider for an additional cover of Rs. 2.84 lacs with the premium being Rs. 871 p.a.


    You are 30 yrs andsave ~Rs.30,010

    p.a. for 15 yrs

    + pay ~Rs. 871 p.a & getadditional Dread Disease cover

    of Rs..2,84,000

    PayoutRs. 56,800

    In case ofcritical illness

    PayoutRs. 2,84,000



    ~Rs. 5,11,200

    So your wife can get~Rs. 5,11,200 after

    20 years

    30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

    PayoutRs. 56,800

    PayoutRs. 56,800

    Guaranteed Additions @ ~Rs. 19,880 p.a.

    Note: Your life cover is Rs. 2,84,000

    Total Payout : Rs. 9.66 lacs on a premium payment of Rs. 4.63 lacs

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    Entry Age13 to 55 years (base product)

    18 to 55 years (with rider(s))

    Policy Term (PT) 10 to 20 years

    Premium Payment Term (PPT) Policy Term minus5 years

    Annual PremiumMinimum: Rs. 5,000 (base product)

    Maximum No limit

    Premium Payment Modes

    Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly

    Note: If premium is payable more frequently than annually, then the installment premium

    shall be determined as follows:

    Half Yearly frequency = 0.5108 * Annual Premium

    Quarterly frequency = 0.2591 * Annual Premium

    Monthly frequency = 0.0871 * Annual Premium

    Sum Assured (SA)

    Minimum Rs. 50,000

    Maximum No limit, subject to underwriting


    - SA should be in multiples of Rs. 1,000

    Riders Offered

    Aviva ADB Rider

    Aviva Term Plus Rider

    Aviva Child Education Rider

    Aviva Dread Disease (DD) Rider

    Aviva Health Guard Rider


    Aviva Dread Disease rider & Aviva Health Guard rider cannot be opted together

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    Aviva Dhan VriddhiThe Product Specifications



    A i Dh V iddhi

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    Simple guaranteed additions of Rs.70 per Rs.1000 sum assured of Base product for eachcompleted year, provided all the due premiums have been paid.


    A guaranteed Survival Benefit of 20% of Sum Assured at the end of every 5 policy yearsexcept at maturity, if all the due premiums are paid upto such date.


    Guaranteed maturity benefit = Sum Assured + Accrued Guaranteed Additions Survivalbenefits paid already


    In the unfortunate event of the policyholders death, while the policy is in-force, the followingpayments would be made to the nominee: Sum Assured +Accrued guaranteed additions Aviva Term Plus rider SA, if this rider has been opted for Additional ADB rider SA, if ADB rider has been opted, and death is due to an accident Regular income for the remaining policy term, if Aviva Child Education rider is opted

    Note: Unpaid premium (due or otherwise) for the policy year in which death occurs will be deducted from the

    Death Benefit

    Tax Benefits Tax benefits will be as per the prevailing tax laws. Tax laws are subject to change

    DreadDisease /


    If insured contracts a specified Dread Disease or suffers Permanent Total Disability due toillness or accident then under: Aviva Health Guard Rider All future premiums of Base Plan as well as of any other rider will bewaivedAviva Dread Disease (DD) Rider Aviva Dread Disease Rider Sum Assured will be payable

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    Aviva Dread Disease rider and Aviva Health Guard rider cannot be opted together under Aviva Dhan Vriddhi Plan

    Aviva Dhan Vriddhi

    Benefits for the customer