avatar na’vi adobe photoshop tutorial

Avatar-Na’vi Photoshop Tutorial By Deanna Inkson

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Post on 06-Dec-2014




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Simple and easy tutorial on how to make yourself look like and Avatar/Na'vi from James Cameron's 2009 hit film Avatar.


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Avatar-Na’vi Photoshop TutorialBy Deanna Inkson

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This tutorial will take about 6 hours to complete with an basic amount of Photoshop knowledge. I know it seems a long time but this tutorial is an easy step-by-step one and there is little complicated things to do. There is many tutorials on the internet I have many of them are very hard to follow. I decided that people needed a simpler tutorial to create their very own Avatar-Na’vi photos. For simplicity we are starting with a picture of Ashley Greene (Twilight’s Alice Cullen). The best picture is one with the subjects whole face turned facing the camera. When you have experience doing this type of picture you can move on to doing side views (also with side views it includes another step, which in turn uses many other little steps). I have now got my ‘Avataring’ time down to 4 hours but it is not something that can be rushed.

Disclaimer: This tutorial was made for school purposes and to help other people not to cause any disrespect or upset to the person being used.

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Tips on how to use this tutorial – MUST READ:

The tutorial is read from left to right, going downwards. Pages marked with a star are not necessary for the picture you are using

(unless you are using the same picture as the tutorial). Please read each page fully first before attempting anything on the page. I have tried to make this tutorial as easy as possible to follow so bear with

me. A basic knowledge of Photoshop is advised but if you are new to

Photoshop please be welcome to also use this tutorial as I have tried to make it basic and easy to follow.

This tutorial aims to show you how to Avatar Na’vi yourself but please be aware if you have already tried different tutorials don’t expect mine to be exactly the same, mine will be similar but I have aimed to make it simpler.

I did not use a tutorial for my first Avatar Na’vi picture because I found them hard to follow, so for beginners of doing this type of picture, this tutorial is for you.

Enjoy! = D

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Some of my very early Avatar Na’vi pictures…

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Final Picture

Starting Picture.

Without Jewellery.

With Jewellery.

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Step 1 Hide Ashley’s ears.

You need the hide her ears so you can add the Na’vi ones later.

So using the Lasso tool select a small size piece of hair from the right side her head (like in the picture) and the press Ctrl + C to copy the selected area and then Ctrl + V to paste the selected area as a new layer to work on.

Now pull the piece of hair you have just copied away from the rest of the head and use the free transform tool to use it to hide her left ear.

Now use the eraser tool to neaten up the piece on her face and on the edge.

Next you need to use the burn tool to darken the piece of hair to match the rest.

For quickness you can copy the layer using the new layer button, and do the same on the other side adjusting accordingly.

Then select all the layers and right click and click ‘Merge Layers’. Step ! Is done, so you need to save it with a name you will remember. This step is not needed if there is hair covering the ears.

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Step 2 Making the eyes and nose bigger...

Using the lasso tool go around the left eye. Then use Ctrl + C to copy it and Ctrl + V to paste it as a new layer.

Then using the Free transform tool make her eye bigger so it covers the eye and eyebrow underneath.

Then using the eraser go around her eye and neaten it up, also making sure that you cannot see the other eye underneath.

Next you do the same with the other eye that you did with the first eye.


Then you need to click on the background layer and use the clone tool (Alt + Click) to hide the eyebrow and part of the fringe that wasn't covered by making the eye bigger.

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Step 2 Making the eyes and nose bigger continued ...

Then after you cover the piece of hair and eyebrow you need to use the burn tool (23% exposure) to darken and hide the cloned piece.

Still using the burn tool (on 23% exposure), darken the rest of her hair to blend the pieces you added. This will also help when you add extra hair later (optional). After you have darkened the hair you will need the merge the layers.

After you have merged the layers you need to use the lasso tool and go around her nose, then copy it and paste it as a new layer ( Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste as new layer) ).

After copy and pasting you need to use the free transform tool to make the nose wider.

Next you need to use the Transform – Warp tool to make the Na’vi nose shape.

You then need to use the eraser tool to neaten it up.

Step 2 is now done, remember to save it. Next is still working on the nose but it is making it look more like a Na’vi nose.

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Step 3 Making the nose look like a nose...

So now you have a nose but it doesn’t look like a Na’vi nose just yet. So next you need merge the layers then get the burn ready.

Now use the burn tool (exposure 76%) go down either side of the nose in a straightish line.

Now get the blur tool (strength 23%) and go over where you used the burn tool.

Now you need to blur (strength 11%) under the eyes to neaten it up for when you do the blue skin.

Step 4 Helping the eyelashes and removing the eyebrows...

First get the paintbrush (2px, Black) and go over the top eyelashes on both eyes.

Then use the clone tool with ‘skin’ taken from the chest area and cloned over the eyebrows. Then you need to use the blur tool to blend them in.

Now these Steps have been done, next is making the skin blue.

Remember to save!!!

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Step 5 Making the skin


Now you need to go around all her skin with the polygon lasso tool. Do not worry about the eyes and mouth that’s next.

Then hold down the Alt key go around her eyes and teeth (not lips).

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Making the skin blue continued ...

Then you need to press Ctrl+B on the keyboard to get the colour balance up. This is what you use to change the skin colour.

To make her skin blue you need to do the following on the colour balance:


Shadows Highlights Final after colour balance changed.

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Making the skin blue continued ...

Now to get rid of the selecting lines, go into Select on the top toolbar, then go down to deselect – this gets rid of the lines.

Now you need to use the blur tool and go along the top of her dress to blur in the skin you can see. You need the strength at 16%.

If you have missed a part on the arm (or any other part) then you need to get the healing brush tool and Alt + click on the part of the arm in the picture.

Go down the part of the arm where there is none blue skin showing, when done it should look like this:-

Next take a sample colour using the eyedropper tool from the bright coloured line on the top of her arm.

Then you need to use the paintbrush tool (2px) and draw a line following on from the line further down.

After using the paintbrush tool you need to use the burn tool (2px and exposure 41%) and go over the part you have just done with the brush tool to darken it.

Then go all the way down the arm making it the same shade, after you have done that you need to go over with the blur tool (23%) to blend it in, then you need to go over it with the dodge tool, next you will need the paintbrush, then the blur tool (2px) again and finally go over the whole part with the eraser tool (opacity 7%).

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Changing the colour of the lips…

Double click here to bring up the colour box (seen on the left).

First you need to set your paint brush colour to this pink to go onto the lips.

Then take the paintbrush tool (opacity 25%) and go over the lips twice.

Next you use the blur tool (strength 23%) to go over the lips blending the colour in and making them not look so bright.

The next step is the eyes so it will include quite a lot of zooming in and out to check to see if it works.

Step 6

Remember to save!!!

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Step 7 Making the eyes look Na’vi…

First you need to zoom in so the picture is pixelised and you need the paintbrush tool at 1px and a very pale yellow/slightly off white colour.

Then you need to colour in both white parts on each eye, the off white/pale yellow will ‘whiten’ the eye without it looking fake.

Next you need to take a yellow and paint over the existing eye part but make it slightly bigger as Na’vi have bigger eye bits than humans. Do this on both eyes.

After you done the eyes yellow you need to use the polygon lasso tool and go around one of the eyes. Then when one of the eyes is selected you need to go onto layers, new adjustment layer and click on Curves.

Continued on next slide…

Remember to save!!!

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Step 7 Making the eyes look Na’vi continued…

When you click on ‘Curves’ this box will pop up. In the name part call it ‘Eyes 1’ and in the mode part select ‘Darken’ from the drop down menu.

Then you need to click ‘ok’ after the last step and this box will ‘pop up’. In the white box where it says ‘Output’ type in 91 and in the white box where it says ‘Input’ type 158; then click ok.

Next do the same to the other eye except you call this new layer ‘eyes 2’ and the Output is 84 and the Input is 152. Finally merge the layers.

Now for the next part, making the eye an eye…

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Step 7 Making the eyes look Na’vi continued again…

Next use the ellipse tool and draw an oval in the middle of the eye where the pupil should be.

Then go onto Layer, new fill layer, then click solid colour.

Then name the new layer ‘Eye centre 1’.

When the colour box ‘pops up’ make sure the colour is black and click ‘ok’.

Then go to Select on the top bar and go down to Deselect layers, this make the circle disappear.

Next use the paintbrush tool (make sure you are on the background layer) and make the pupil bigger. Then do the same on the other eye but this time calling the layer ‘Eye centre 2’. Finally merge the layers.

Next you need to do the right shading of colours on the eye.

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Step 7 Making the eyes look Na’vi continued again…

Here is the Avatar Na’vi eye and the picture below it is from a picture I did before.

Next take the dodge tool (100% and at Midtones) and go over the yellow, this lightens the yellow but doesn’t make look to light or to orangey.

Then make a new layer and then go over the eyes with the paintbrush with a light green colour the make the layer opacity 46%. Afterwards merge the layers.

New layer tool

Layer opacity

You need a similar colour to this.

Now do the same again but with a darker green and the layer opacity at 41%. Then merge the layers.

Afterwards get the paintbrush tool and do white dots in each eye.

Then I got this picture of eyelashes off the internet to go under Ashley’s eyes.

Next using the Magic Wand tool I selected the eyelashes, I then went to Select, Inverse which made the Magic Wand tool only select the eyelashes and not the background.

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Step 7 Making the eyes look Na’vi continued again still going…

Next using the move tool click and drag the eyelashes onto the picture of Ashley.

Then using the eraser tool get rid of the top set of lashes; still using the eraser tool get rid also of the white at the end of the lashes.

Now use the Free transform tool to make the eyelashes smaller, this will make the colour fade and look faint.

To make the eyelash darker to the layer settings and change it too Difference.

When you have done that then use the free transform and Transform – Warp tool to make the eyelashes fit underneath her eye.

Then copy the layer so you have the same eyelash twice. The eye should look like this afterwards.

Drag and pull the layer to the new layer button to copy it.

The eyes should end up looking like this when done. The eyelash step is optional so you do not have to do it.

The next step is and Strips and patterns, this step is the most time consuming but have patience…

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Step 8 Adding Strips and patterns…

First make a new layer and using the paintbrush draw the makings on her skin, you do not have to directly copy mine as the are your own individual markings.

Now set the layer opacity to 19%. This makes the markings fade without having to use loads of other tools.

Next get the eraser tool (strength 33%) and go over the centre of each marking. Then merge the layers.

Then create a new layer and draw markings over the rest of her body.

After change the layer opacity to 19% and go over each of the markings/patterns with the eraser tool at 32% Strength.

Now after you have done the erasing part you need to merge the layers. Even though it is not ‘night time’ the picture you need to add the glowing spots that the Na’vi have all over their bodies.

Remember to save!!!

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Step 8 Adding Strips and patterns…

On a new layer, using the paintbrush tool at 1px or 3px (to vary the size) do a pattern of dots on her face. Then merge the layers.

Next on a new layer, use the paintbrush (3px) do a pattern of white dots down the arms, do not do it very elaborate as the pattern on the Na’vi’s arms is simple and pretty. Then do the same on the other arm.

Once you have done the other arm you need to do the chest area. After you have done than change the layer opacity to 40%. Then merge the layers.

Now this part of the picture is finished, next two parts are adding the ears and finishing the nose.

Remember to save!!!

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Step 9 Doing the ears …

Now make new layer and take a sample colour from the skin near the top of her nose using the Eyedropper tool. Then make the sample colour a slight bit darker.

Then take the paintbrush tool and paint an ear shape on the side of her head.

Then take a lighter blue but not to light and go around the edge of the ear shape like in the picture.

Next take a lighter blue/purple and go paint on the top and bottom of the ear like shown in the picture. Then use the blur tool to blend the colour in. Next make new layer.

On the new layer take a pink/peach colour and paint over the middle of the ear.

After take a pink/purple and draw two lines in the middle of the ear like shown in the picture. Then blur the lines (strength 36%).

Then still using the same colour go over the end and bottom of the ear. And the blur them (strength 55%). Also go over the previous lines again.

Then again using a pale pink put highlights ‘in the ear’. Then blur it. After make a new layer.

On the new layer use a pale light blue and go around the pink area but not covering the light blue/purple you did early, then you need to blur it; then go over it again.

Then on a new layer take the light blue and copy what I have done in the picture.

Next go over the light blue with a slightly darker blue/purple.

Then go the blue that you have just done with a slightly darker blue creating a shadow/tonal affect with the paintbrush opacity at 50%.

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Step 9 Doing the ears continued…

Your ear should look like this when nearly done. You next need to merge all of the EAR layers but DO NOT merge them with the background layer!

Then use the eraser and make the ear look like it is coming through the hair.

Now use Free transform and Transform – Perspective to make the ear look more natural. And also blur around the bottom of the ear to blend it into the hair. Then copy the layer and make it fit for the other side.

Now changing the paintbrush opacity back to 100% use the same pinkish colour and copy what I have done in the picture.

Then use the dark purple/pink and make a line in the middle and at the bottom and top of the ear. Then blur it.

Now use a pale pink and put highlights in the ears and then blur them.

Now mess around with the Free Transform tool and the Transform tools so you can get your ideal ears. Once you are happy merge the layers.

Remember to save!!!

Now to finish the nose…

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Step 10 Finishing the nose…

Make a new layer and use the paintbrush tool in pale pink to go over the bottom of the nose, then change the layer opacity to 62%.

Then go over the nose in a darker pink and then merge the layers, the nose is now done.

Step 11Adding a tail…

Get the picture of Neytiri off the internet and then use the Quick Selection tool (10 px) and go around the tail, like shown.

Then using the Move tool crag the selected tail from the other picture onto the picture from Ashley. Then using the Free Transform tool change the size and shape to git as a tail.

Then use the eraser tool (4px) and erase parts of the tail where shown in the picture.

Then use the Dodge Tool (12 px) and go over the whole of the tail.

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Step 11Adding a tail continued…

Then using the Colour Replacement tool go over the tail with a shade of blue taken from the chest using the Eyedropper tool.

Then use the Burn tool ( range Midtones – strength 100%) and go over the pattern on the tail.

Then go over the end of the tail with the paintbrush tool (opacity 76%). Then make a new layer.

Then on the new layer use the paintbrush tool and paint white dots on the tail. Then make the layer opacity 49 %. Next merge layers 1 and 2.

After use the Dodge tool (exposure 26%) and go over the tail twice. Then merge all the layers.

Your Ashley (or your own picture) Avatar –Na’vi should be looking along the lines of the picture on the right.

Remember to save!!!

Now in the next two steps we are going to add extra hair and accessories.

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Step 12 Adding extra hair…

Now get a picture of some braids of the internet (I typed in African braids in Google; the picture above is ideal). Then use the Quick selection tool and go around the bottom half of the braids.

Next drag the piece of braids you have selected onto the Ashley picture, then use the free transform and Transform-Warp tool to make it look more hair like. Now copy the layer and then use the Free transform tool to make it fit the other side of her head.

Then use the eraser tool and neaten up the braids. Next use the Burn tool and darken the braids to match Ashley’s hair.

Then if you want tweak the hair parts to how you want them, then merge all the layers.

Remember to save!!!

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Step 13 Adding Na’vi accessories…

Now get a picture of an Avatar-Na’vi style necklace and use the Quick select tool (+ and -) to go around it.

Next drag the necklace onto the picture and then use the Free transform tool to adjust it to fit around Ashley’s neck.

Then use the eraser tool to erase the side of the necklace so it looks like it is underneath her hair.

Next using the Eyedropper tool take the green from the middle bead and then use the paintbrush tool to go over the right hand side bead to make it look better. Then merge the layers.

Then get a feather hair accessory off the internet( I typed father hair accessories into Google) and use the Quick Selection Tool to around it; then drag it onto the Ashley picture.

Now use the Free Transform and Transform-Warp tool to make the feathers fit the side of her head in anyway you want. Then copy the layer.

Next use the Free Transform and Transform-Warp tool to make the copied layer fit with the other layer, then using the Colour Replacement tool change the feathers to yellow. Then merge the layers.

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Step 13 Adding Na’vi accessories continued…

Then get a picture of the Internet of a Na-vi style necklace ( I Googled Avatar inspired Jewellery), next use the Quick Selection tool and go around the necklace then drag it onto the Ashley picture.

Then using the free Transform and Transform-Warp tool make the necklace fit Ashley’s neck.

Then use the eraser and make the necklace look like it is under the hair. Now merge the layers.

Then get another picture of an Avatar style bracelet off the Internet ( I Googled Avatar inspired bracelets), then go around this one with the Quick Selection tool and drag it onto the Ashley picture.

Then use the Free Transform tool and the Transform-Warp tool to make the bracelet fit around her arm (or wrist).

Then use the eraser tool and neaten up the edges around her arm.

Your Avatar-Na’vi picture is now complete. I hope you found this tutorial enjoyable and easy to follow.

Remember to save!!!